Newsletter - Turnditch CE Primary School


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Volume 8 Turnditch CE Pr imary Schoo l Issue 2

Welcome Back To The Second Term At Turnditch CE Primary School

Welcome back to this our second term at Turnditch School. With the nights drawing in and the clocks going back,

this is the term that sees Christmas as the end. This is one of our favourite terms in the school year as excite-

ment permeates the corridors of the school in the run up to Christmas.

Classrooms during the term will be converted into colourful and vibrant environments as children explore the col-

ours of autumn, the patterns of fireworks and the simple things such as leaves falling from the trees. Children

will be found in the playground running and laughing, some with conkers on strings in serious competition with each

other. All will be dressed up in warm clothes sporting a whole multitude of colours especially in the form of

scarves and gloves (this really is a vibrant time of year in stark contrast to the weather). The children will recite

in church, poems, songs and readings in respect of Remembrance Day and complete many new projects devised by

their teachers over the school holidays.

As we move towards the end of November children will turn their attention to thoughts of winter. Some will inevi-

tably wonder if it will snow, which if you believe in the signs of nature could be a serious prospect this year. The

trees in the school garden have been laden with fruit and the holly bush on the school field is laden with berries.

The thought of snow causes great excitement amongst our children. The Infants will be practicing hard for their

end of year Christmas production and as we get closer to the big day there will be much excitement to be wit-

nessed by all.

If you are one of our new parents to the school you may notice that your children sometimes get a little tired

towards the end of the Christmas term. This is normal and you will soon see them rally with excitement as they

realise what time of the year they are racing towards.

I hope over the half term that you have managed to get some time to relax and rest with your children and it goes without saying that we are glad to have you all back safe and sound.

Christmas Fayre

The Christmas Fayre at Shottle Hall will be held this Thursday 8th November from

7.30-10.00pm. Please come along and help support our school in its fund raising ef-


Mrs Edmunds, Mrs Burton, Mrs Galloghly-Cook and many more parents have worked

tirelessly over the last 6 weeks to organise and promote the event, attract stall hold-

ers and collect prizes for the tombola and raffle.

The event offers a range of high quality stalls selling a range of Christmas gifts and Christmas decorations.

The fayre raises a lot of money for school funds which helps ensure that we can pro-

vide those little extra high quality teaching resources in classrooms for our children.

I would like to give a big thank you to everyone involved and all those who helped to

organise this wonderful event. There are still tickets left which can be obtained from

the school office in advance for £3.00 or two for £5.00 or on the door at Shottle

Hall on the night £3.50. Thankyou!


Tag Rugby

Our Year 5 and 6 children attended the Anthony

Gell School Tag Rugby festival on Wednesday 24th


The three teams performed admirably. Two teams

won the group competitions and one team came


One of the teams will now go through to the finals

to be held at Lady Manners on Wednesday 14th

November. More information will follow shortly.

A big well done to all children for their efforts

and to Mr Naylor for his excellent coaching skills.

Infant and Reception School Production

The Infant and Reception children’s

school production (A Christmas Recipe)

will take place on Wednesday 5th and

Thursday 6th December. There will be

three performances.

Matinee Performance Wednesday 5th

December at 2.00 pm

(children and older parishioners).

Evening Performance Wednesday 5th December

at 6.30 pm

(open to all parents and family members)

Evening Performance Thursday 6th December

at 6.30 pm

(open to all parents and family members)

Tickets will be on sale shortly.

Please bring children to school for the evening perfor-

mances at 6.00pm so that their costumes can be checked

and prepared for the show. Please go straight to the

church after dropping your child off.

If you are aware of any parishioners over the age of 65

who we need to add to our invite list please could you let

Mrs Worrall know in the office.

Remembrance Service

Our Remembrance Service this year will take

place on Friday 9th November.

This service will be led by Father Page for the

children during the school day. This will be a

school and children’s event only. This service

is used to remind our children about the trag-

edies of war and also to remind them how

much our service men and women give during

times of conflict both for their own country

and the protection of others.

Poppies are currently on sale in school.

Girls Football Finals

Our first girls football team for

five years took part on Monday 15th

October. They performed with

great skill and won every match.

It was a very close competition be-

tween Turnditch and Parkside Pri-

mary (as they too had won all of their matches)

with Turnditch eventually coming out 2 goals in


A big thank you to Mr Bates for his excellent

coaching of the team during dinnertimes and to

Mrs Mauro for managing the team on the day.

The girls will play in the large school finals this

Thursday. We wish them the very best of luck.

Swimming Dates for Infants:

Friday 9th November - Friday 14th December

Payment of £24 can be made at

Dates for Juniors:

Tuesday 6th November - Tuesday 4th December

After School Clubs

We have a range of school clubs this term week commencing Monday 5th November. Clubs will run up until the end of


The clubs for this term are:

Monday Infant Soccerstars Rec Y1, 2 & 3

Church run craft club Rec - Y6




Friday Drama

All Saints Church Services

A big thank you to all who attended the last Sunday

family service at ‘All Saints Church’ during October.

There was a good number of families in attendance and

the children performed the song ‘Thank You Lord’.

The next family service will held be on the 2nd of De-

cember at 9.30 am. This is the Christingle Service which

really is the best attended family ser-

vice of the year. Please come and sup-

port the school and church by bringing

your family to this service. We will pro-

vide Christingle oranges (with candle)

for children, decorated and covered in

fruit and sweets.

Since September 2014 children in the Foundation Stage

(Reception), Year 1 and Year 2 have been provided with

free school meals. This came into force under a govern-

ment initiative ensuring free school meals are given to

children in the infant phase of their educational journey.

For other children school meals cost £2.10 each day. You

will find payment details for your child by logging onto

your account at .

Any queries regarding dinner money can quickly be solved

by talking to Mrs Worrall.





If you think you may be eligible to claim free school

meals, it is vital that you act on this, you can speak to

Mrs Worrall, alternatively you could telephone ‘Call Der-

byshire’ 08451202985.

You are still eligible to claim free school meals even if

your child is in Reception, Year 1 or 2 class. Extra funding

and financial support is provided for schools with children

who receive free school meals. Many schools including

ours miss out on additional funding as a result of eligible

claims not being made.

Village Carol Service

The village carol service will take place on Tues-

day 11th December at 7.00 pm in the church.

Please come and support us in singing as this is a

wonderful service for children and parents to

take part in.

Christmas Dinner

The school Christmas dinner will this year take

place on Thursday 6th December. We encourage

all children to join in with this. The cost of this

dinner will be £2.10. If your child normally has

sandwiches and you wish them to have a Christ-

mas dinner please pay £2.10 either in cash to

Mrs Worrall or on

Christmas Party Day

Our Christmas party day this year will take place on the last day of term Friday 21st December.

The morning will consist of party games and entertainment. At 12.00 pm

the children will have a party lunch altogether in the Y5 and Y6 classroom.

If your child normally has sandwiches please pay £2.10 either in cash to

Mrs Worrall or on In the afternoon Father Christmas

will visit with gifts for the children.

Parking Outside School

When dropping children off at school please can you use the car park at the village hall or other

site. Tempting though it is to stop directly outside school, in doing so it presents a danger to other

children and parents waiting to cross the road and enter the school gate. By parking on the road di-

rectly outside school often forces other road users to overtake the parked vehicle. Sometimes oth-

er road users are not aware of the school crossing patrol. There have been a number of occasions

when Mrs Jeffery has quickly had to usher children back on to the pavement as vehicles overtaking

a parked vehicle have fail to notice her. Please do not be the cause of an accident which is easily


Parking on the yellow zig-zag lines is an offence and can incur a fixed penalty

notice. These lines are placed outside the majority of schools to prevent ob-

structions for other road users by affecting their line of sight in being able to

see children crossing the road. Police can and will issue tickets on the grounds

of causing an obstruction to either other motorists or pedestrians. Parking on

yellow zig-zag lines outside schools has recently been highlighted on the local

news and police are being vigilant to the problem within the area.

Christmas Pantomime at Buxton Opera House

We have booked for all the children to go to Buxton Opera House to watch

Dick Whittington on Thursday 20th December at 2.30 pm.

This will be a blockbuster of a show, sure to get both children and staff

laughing, singing along and joining in with all the seasonal fun expected from a

Buxton Opera House pantomime. More information will follow shortly.