Newsletter - ,,Adem Jashari”, have signed off cooperation agreement between...


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  • MKSF NEWSLETTER October, 2017

    MKSF Newsletter

    October, 2017

    Dear all,

    I am addressing with pleasure to you to inform about events and activities of the month of October in Ministry for Kosovo

    Security Force and the Kosovo Security Force.

    During this month, in my office I hosted diplomats and ambassadors from partner countries such as Albania, Norway,

    Hungary, Slovenia, Germany as well senior Attaches and Militaries from Germany, Montenegro, Albania etc.

    Prime Minister’s visit of Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Ramush Haradinaj in Ministry for Kosovo Security Force, was a very

    important one, with whom we conducted a very constructive meeting, in which case Ministry and the KSF were assessed as the

    Government’s priorities.

    It shall be mentioned, my participation at Internal Affairs Parliamentary Commission on Security and Supervision of the KSF

    of Assembly of Republic of Kosovo.

    I feel extremely well that in each edition of the newsletter, we are informing you on individual and team successes of the KSF

    members such as success of the Second Lieutenant, Behar Fazliu, who at Air Force Royal College in Cranwell of United

    Kingdom was honored with award “The best overseas cadet”.

    It is important to be mentioned the KSF’s engagement respectively of medical mobile teams in providing assistance to citizens

    with special attention to the old people of the Serbian community in rural areas.

    Also, Commander of the KSF was received at U. S Defense Department and Congress, then Association of U. S Army

    where on behalf of Kosovo`s President has decorated Chief of Air Forces Headquarter , General David Goldfein. General Rama

    attended Conference of American Army for Europe as well received ex- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada.

    A special event was successfully conduct of the Seventh Conference proceedings “KSF and Partners “, where did participate

    Attaches of the Kosovo`s partner countries.

    I consider a successful planning, selection of squadrons of all Units and conducting of the challenging competition “Patrolling

    Eagle 2017”, which was successfully conducted during this month.

    Another important visit was the visit paid by cadets of Defense Academy of Republic of Macedonia to the Kosovo Security

    Force which was followed with several joint activities.


    Rrustem Berisha

    Minister of KSF






    Pristina2nd October 2017

    The "German Language Course at the barracks "Adem Jashari" in Pristina started with a completely different

    atmosphere from other days, marking the “Day of Union

    of Germany".

    In order to mark this day in a sign of honor and respect

    to German state expect members of the course and teacher of German language, also, attended superiors of

    Ministry for Kosovo Security Force and Land Force

    Command (LFC) and the Dep/Commander of Land Force

    Command BG. Gëzim Hazrolli.

    Among others, BG. Hazrolli has thanked officials who did

    open Laboratory of Foreign Language affording realization

    of this very important course to the KSF members and in generally to the KSF itself. He asked from the KSF course

    attendees maximal engagement not only to learn German

    language but the entire history of the German state.

    The opening of the lab for learning of German language

    to the KSF members was provided at the beginning of the

    September month and this is the first generation attending this course.

    The KSF challenges its members with competition "Patrolling Eagle 17"

    Pristine, 3rd October 2017. Upon Directive and Order of the KSF Commander General Lieutenant, Rrahman Rama, was conducted one-week field exercise "Patrolling Eagle 17" which aimed challenging and hardening of the members for the KSF mission. The Dep/Commander of Land Force Command, BG. Gëzim Hazrolli paid a visit in a terrain of exercise and competition activity who

    closely seeing readiness of the members to get hardening in coping with challenges congratulated the planning staff officers as well members of competition squadron who with commitment and success demonstrated activities as projected. General Hazrolli, further on, said that the good planning, team working and high motivation have made this activity so great. On this occasion, BG. Hazrolli has thanked British and Canadian militaries for their support in realization of this exercise.

    In order to have a complete picture of ,,Patrolling Eagle 17" briefing was provided by Capt. Vegim Kelani. “Exercise has started on 29th Sept and ended 6th Oct 2017.Preperation for exercises are conducted within a six-months period to each large the KSF Unit whereas the final competition are qualified eight (8) squadrons with 72 members who will continue their day and night activity until the entire exercise scenario completed and the winners of the competition are announced.

    This organized competition of this year by KSF officers and NCOs, according to the UK Army model, is projected to be a traditional annual contest, where military personnel from other armies of the region will be invited.



    The Kosovo Security Force conducted medical visits to communities

    Pristine, 4th Oct 2017. Crisis Respond Liaison Unit (CRLU) of the Kosovo Security Force together with Medical Company , representatives of U.S Embassy , Office for CIMIC Support as well representatives of Directorates for Social Welfare of Municipalities of Ferizaj and Lipjan have conducted Humanitarian Project in help to communities by providing medical visits to the old people to the Serbian community. Visit were made in Lipjan and in villages Bablak

    and Pleshine from medics of the Kosovo Security Force in cooperation with doctors of Medical Family Center in Ferizaj and Lipjan and CIMIC Supporting Office. It is worth mentioning that this project was exceptionally well received by the old people of the Serbian community to whom the assistance was provided, which is also proven by Mrs. Gospogjinka Milovanovic from the village of Bablak, who expressed his satisfaction and gratitude for the care and assistance given to him. Humanitarian project in help to communities who live in Kosovo will be continued in the future.

    Minister Rrustem Berisha hosted the Ambassador of the Republic of Albania,

    Qemal Minxhozi

    Pristina, 5th October 2017. Minister for Kosovo

    Security Force, Rrustem Berisha hosted for a working

    meeting Ambassador of the Republic of Albania,

    Qemal Minxhozi. Minister Berisha initially thanked Ambassador

    Minxhozi and through him the Minister of Defense for

    the warm welcome paid to him during the visit in

    Albania. By expressing readiness for cooperation,

    Minister Berisha emphasized that the good

    cooperation so far between the two ministries will be

    further deepen especially in the fields of education,

    training and joint exercises between the Albanian

    army and the KSF.

    Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry for

    Security Force and Pristina International Airport

    Pristina, 5th Oct 2017. General Secretary of

    Ministry for Kosovo Securitry Force (MKSF) Mr.

    Shkelzen Sylaj on behalf of the Ministry and Mr.Adem

    Gashi, Director of Department of Operations and Maintenance on behalf of Pristina International

    Airport ,,Adem Jashari”, have signed off cooperation

    agreement between both Ministries , today.

    The cooperation agreement between Ministry for

    Kosovo Security Force and Pristina International

    Airport ,,Adem Jashari’’, aims provision of support to

    the emergency plan of LIMAK-ANP from MKSF/KSF. In the text of Cooperation Agreement between

    MKSF/KSF and Limak-ANP are made concrete

    aspects of this cooperation and specialized Units are

    assigned for respond in emergency cases ; Civil

    Protection Regiment and medical Company which the KSF will engage in cases when Limak-ANP requires

    from the KSF. This is the first cooperation agreement

    between MKSF and Pristina International Airport and

    both parties are in charge to make execution of it.



    Minister Rrustem Berisha hosted

    Ambassador of Norway, Strand Sjastad

    Pristina, 5th Oct.2017 Minister of the Kosovo Security Force, Rrustem

    Berisha, hosted the Ambassador of the Kingdom of

    Norway to the Republic of Kosovo, Per Strand


    Initially, Minister Berisha thanked Ambassador

    Sjaast for the contribution of the Kingdom of

    Norway, the government and the Norwegian people

    to the Republic of Kosovo and its people over the years in many areas, especially in the field of


    Also, Minister of the KSF said that he enjoys the

    fact that the MKSF has good relations with Norway

    Embassy and Ministry of Defense of Norway. Also, he expressed his satisfaction for already initiating

    official cooperation agreement and it`s working on

    their concretization.

    Minister of KSF, Berisha during the meeting

    informed the Norwegian ambassador about the

    steps being taken by the local institutions to reach a consensus on transforming the KSF into the KAF.

    Mr. Berisha said that the transformation process

    will be transparent, well-coordinated with the

    internal factor and also with NATO and strategic

    partners. Also, the Norwegian ambassador said that his

    country continues to be committed to the Balkans

    and on this occasion for Kosovo as well, since it is a

    member of NATO for the development of the

    security sector has the same attitude as the

    Alliance. It is important that Norway supports the development and advancement of the KSF through internal consensus and in accordance with the Constitution of the country, he said.



    Pristina, 6th Oct 2017

    At Communication Company of the KSF,

    yesterday was held certification ceremony who

    completed training on “Harris” tactical radio-


    Attended: Chief of Staff of Land Force Command

    (LFC) Col. Naim Haziri, Director of Department

    of Communication at Ministry for Kosovo

    Security Force ,(MKSF) Beqir Bytyqi, chief of

    Communication Office at LFC , LTC. Gyrner

    Murati, as well KSF officers.

    Training started on 4th Sept and ended on 5th

    Oct , 2017 which was conducted by “Harris”,

    company`s instructors in order to appropriately

    use HARRIS equipment which are given as

    donation by the U.S Embassy to the Kosovo

    Security Force.



    The winners of the field exercise “Patrolling Eagle -17"

    Pristina, 6th Oct 2017

    At “Adem Jashari” barrack of Land Force Command

    (LFC) of the KSF is organized ceremony of the winners

    of the KSF race in exercise “Patrolling Eagle- 17”, held with the order of the Commander of the KSF

    Lieutenant General ,Rrahman Rama, “in order to

    challenge and physical hardening for accomplishing

    of the KSF mission.

    The winners of the exercise race “Patrolling Eagle -17”

    are: Land Force Command with squadron leader, Second Lieutenant, Arsim Dreshaj, who took the first

    place. In the second place was listed , the second

    battalion of the RRB with squadron leader , Second

    Lieutenant Gentrit Idrizi, whereas the third place goes

    to the thrid Battalion with squadron leader , Second Lieutenant, Drilon Hasani. On this occasion, Minister

    of KSF, Mr. Rrustem Berisha said: “It`s important

    that the KSF continues to have a competitive spirit in

    order to make incensement of our successes towards

    realization of the mission that we have”. Minister

    Berisha, at the end congratulated all the KSF members therefore I congratulate you for the

    successes achieved. I wish that in this kind of events

    to have participation, also of the regional countries. I

    am informed on the previous successes that you have

    had in the similar events in the year in England. “It`s

    very important that when we take part in the engagements out of the country to bring with you the

    successes of model that gained knowledge to pass it

    on to our colleagues and staff’’. Also, Minister Berisha

    highly appreciated work of instructors from England

    and Canada in view of projecting and arrangement of this competition. Preparation for competition exercise

    “Patrolling Eagle 17” are conducted in each major

    Units of the KSF for six consecutive months. There

    are qualified eight squadrons with 72 members who

    have going on with their activities day and night until

    completion the exercise scenario when the winners of the competition are announced.

    Dep/Commander of LFC, BG. Gëzim Hazrolli awarded

    a Gratitude on Professional Support given to the KSF

    in the competition “Patrolling Eagle 17” for training

    teams from Great Britain and Canada. The exercise “Patrolling Eagle 17” for the first time was projected

    and implemented from the KSF members and it is the

    most advanced model of this kind.

    This competition, for the first time is organized from

    Officer and NCOs of the KSF as of model of United

    Kingdom Army and will be traditional competition where invitation will go, also to the other countries of




    Pristina, 6th Oct 2017.

    Officer of the Kosovo Security Force, LTC Behar Fazliu,

    after a sixth-months training at the Royal Air Force

    College in Cranwell of the United Kingdom was honored

    with price “The best International Cadet”.

    At the organized ceremony on the occasion of the KSF

    Officer Graduation attended Ambassador of Kosovo in the

    United Kingdom, Mr.Lirim Greiçevci.

    The "Best International Cadet" award for Second

    Lieutenant, Behar Fazliu, as well as other previous awards,

    are evidence that the Kosovo Security Force is on the right

    path with regard to the professional upgrading of its

    members, and that this professional quality is also proven

    abroad as in: education, prestigious academies, and various

    trainings and operations. The Second Lieutenant, Behar

    Fazliu, after returning from the United Kingdom, will

    continue serving in the Second Battalion of the Rapid

    Reaction Brigade, where he is systematized to give his

    contribution to the development and professionalization of

    the battalion and the KSF in general.



    The KSF Commander was hosted to Department of Defense and U.S


    Pristina, 9th Oct 2017 Commander of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) LTG

    Rrahman Rama, accompanied by Iowa`s National

    Guard Commander Major General Timothy Orr is

    staying for an official visit to United States of

    America. During visit, LTG Rrahman Rama accompanied by a

    KSF delegation has made meetings at high level of

    Department of Defense, Department of State and

    American Congress.

    General Rama, firstly met with congressmen Paul

    Cook and Steve King as well with Dep/Commander of U. S National Guard Bureau, LTG Dan Hokanson.

    After that General Rama met with Defense Secretary

    Assistant for Russia, Ukraine and Euro Asia, Laura


    Commander of the KSF, General Rama, accompanied

    by the Kosovo Ambassador to USA, also held a

    meeting with Mr. Matt Palmer, director of the South East Europe Affairs Office at the State Department.

    The commander of the KSF at all of his meetings has

    reiterated the partnership and support that the US is

    giving to the KSF for its development and

    professionalization in all areas. He also informed the

    high level of US Defense Security related to the transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into the

    Armed Forces (AF).

    On the occasion of the visit of General Rama, the

    Ambassador of Kosovo to USA, Mrs. Vlora Citaku, in

    the premises of the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo, organized a welcome cocktail for the

    delegation, where the attaches of neighboring

    countries of Kosovo accredited in the USA were


    On this occasion, KSF Commander General Rama

    and the KSF Attaché to US, Colonel Ilir Qeriqi thanked guests for their support and good relations

    in the framework of co-operation and coordination of


    In frame of this visit, COMKSF has also met members

    of the KSF and Iowa National Guard, who participated in the annual "10 Miler" American

    Army's traditional running.During the visit in the U.

    S , Commander of the KSF was accompanied by the

    KSF Attaché in the U.S Col. Ilir Qeriqi, the U. S

    Attaché in Kosovo, Col. Jeffry Fischer, Chief of

    Cabinet of the COMKSF , Col. Jeton Dreshaj, as well Military Assistant to Commander, Capt. Jaser

    Mulla.In the coming days, Gen. Rama will be having

    activities within AUSA a great opportunity to see and

    concept the future challenges of technology and

    military sophisticated equipment. Also, there is a chance to meet many chiefs of Staff of the regional

    and worldwide countries. Purpose of the visit is

    deepening and extension of cooperation among the U.

    S Army and the KSF.



    Minister Berisha hosted for a farewell visit General Mosmman

    Pristina, 10th Oct 2017 Minister of Kosovo Security Force, Mr.Rrustem Berisha hosted for a farewell meeting Director of NATO Advisory Liasion Team to the KSF, BG Dietmar Mosmman.

    Minister Berisha, on this occasion thanked General Mosmman for his engagement during his service in NALT, shown readiness and commitment while cooperating and coordination of activities with Ministry, Land Force Command and its Units. Minister of KSF, also expressed to be ready for cooperation with its successor, German Officer, BG. Hoffman who is appointed to the duty of Director of NATO Advisory Liaison Team to the MKSF/KSF. On his part, General Dietmar Mosmman said that during his service in the role of the Director of NALT there was excellent engagement and coordination with the KSF. He also highly appreciated the professional preparation of military personnel of the KSF, ranging from soldiers, officers and non-commissioned officers, as well as to the civilian staff of MKSF.

    Minister Berisha hosted Hungarian Ambassador Laszlo Markusz

    Pristina, 10th Oct 2017

    Minister for Kosovo Security Force, Mr. Rrustem

    Berisha hosted , today , for the first time , to Ministry

    premises Ambassador of Rep. Of Hungary in Rep. Of Kosovo , Mr. Laszlo Markusz.

    In the joint meeting, Minister Berisha and Ambassador Markusz talked on excellent relations

    among Kosovo and Hungary especially relation of

    Minister of the KSF and Minister of Defense of

    Hungary are made officially and have Memorandum

    of Understanding. Firstly, Minister Berisha has thanked Hungarian

    diplomat for the whole contribution that Hungary

    provided to Kosovo by underlining its commitment

    within KFOR troops for peace and security

    maintenance of our country as well creation of lot of

    cooperation opportunities among MKSF and Ministry of Defense of Hungary.

    Despite this, Minister Berisha informed Hungarian

    Ambassador concerning transformation process of

    the KSF which process, as he said will be

    implemented in accordance with country`s Constitution with fully transparency and in

    coordination with local factors, strategic partners and

    NATO, which means transformation into a Force in

    service of all Kosovo`s citizens which will contribute

    to peace in the country, region and wider.

    On his side , Ambassador of Republic of Hungary , Mr.Laszlo Markusz expressed to enjoy the fact that

    relation among Ministry of Defense of Hungary and

    MKSF are very good ones and in the future will be

    concretized further on. “Hungary contribution with KFOR will be going on as long as it needs, at the same support to develop security sector in Republic of Kosovo”, ended Hungarian diplomat.





    Pristina, 12the Oct 2017 Commander of Kosovo Security Force (KSF), Lt. General Rrahman Rama accompanied by the KSF delegation and Ambassador of Kosovo in United States of America (USA), Ms. Vlora Çitaku, were part of opening ceremony of annual meeting of Association of the United States Army (AUSA).

    General Rama together with its delegation is expected to move on with his arranged meetings in Pentagon. At the annual opening ceremony meeting of Association of the United States Army attended Secretary of Defense of U.S Jim Mattis as well with many militaries delegations of over 70 countries. The U. S Secretary of Defense, Mattis, during his speech mainly mentioned global security challenges.On this occasion, COMKSF has conducted a range of important meetings such as: Chief of Staff of U. S Army, Mark A. Miley and many other Chief of Army Staff which attended AUSA. In Washington, General Rama met with Commander of U. S Army for Europe, Lt. Gen.Ben Hodges, in which case they discussed

    on deepening of cooperation among Kosovo Security Force and U. S Army for Europe. COMKSF, General Rama, also, has met Director of Strategy, Policy and Plans Department of Operation (G3/5), Major General William Hix with whom he discussed concerning processes in which the KSF is going through and chances of development and perspectives of it in the future. In all events, the COMKSF has informed partners with the KSF achievements, trustfulness, professionalization and planning rocess of transformation from KSF into the KAF



    Pristina, 10th Oct 2017 Minister for Kosovo Security Force, Mr. Rrustem Berisha hosted for a meeting Ambassador of Republic of Slovenia in Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Bojan Bertoncelj. In the joint meeting, Minister Berisha and Slovenian diplomat Bertoncelj, among others for interstate good relations among Kosovo and Sllovenia with special mentioning to bilateral cooperation among MKSF and Ministry of Defense of Slovenia.

    Minister Berisha firstly thanked Slovenian Ambassador for the support given to Kosovo in the policy and security area. He affirmed to Ambassador Bertoncelj readiness to make deeper this cooperation in the future. During meeting , Minister Berisha focused into the matter of the KSF transformation into Armed Forces as well expressed readiness to make the process happen with constitutional changes and

    full transparency with NATO and strategically partners by reaffirming that Kosovo Armed Forces will be contributor to peace and useful in service of all country`s citizens. Whereas, Slovenian Ambassador, Bojan Bertoncelj expressed readiness of Slovenia not only to deepen cooperation but to further be engaged in Kosovo and support in its European agenda.




    Pristina, 12th Oct 2017

    Prime Minister of Republic of Kosovo, Mr.Ramush Haradinaj was hosted with military ceremony by Minister for Kosovo Security Force, Mr. Rrustem Berisha. After intonation of Kosovo`s anthem, Prime Minister Haradinaj and Minister Berisha paraded in front of the KSF Ceremonial Unit.

    Primarily, Minister Berisha and Prime Minister Haradinaj held a teta-tete meeting afterwards conducted a joint meeting in which attended Dep/Ministers of the KSF, Brahim Mehmetaj and Agim Çeku, General Secretary Shkelzen Sylaj, The KSF Generals, Defense Attaché of the U. S, Director of Advisory and Liaison team of NATO to the KSF as well senior staff of MKSF/KSF. On his part, Minister of MKSF, Rrustem Berisha after thanking the Prime Minister for visit, informed him with the overall achievements of the KSF. Whereas LTC.Haki Hoti,Acting Chief of Department for Transformation, Modernization and Standardization in front of Prime Minister, senior staff of mKSF presented the overall achievements of the KSF. On this occasion, Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr. Haradinaj, thanked Minister Berisha for hosting, at the same time congratulated for achievements of Ministry and the Kosovo Security Force. After joint meetings, they made statements in front of media, the prime Minister said: “I came to the institution where the greatest success is the confidence of the citizens of the country in the KSF and this trust should be coveted by all the institutions of the country. But this high degree of faith has a secret why this belief exists, it is a loyalty to all members of the Force, faithful to the mission that they have serving to the homeland and the citizens, and is also a loyalty to the allies of Kosovo on the topic of security, the allies I can say and confirm that they are more than ever in Kosovo and the KSF, with the perspective of Kosovo to give the Constitutional mandate to the Kosovo Army. Our determination towards NATO is a legitimate determination and is devoted to all citizens, and is in full compliance with all communities and citizens of Kosovo, and Kosovo Serbs as well. I am convinced that KSF will continue this prospect of increasing confidence of Kosovo Serbs.



    Commander of KSF, on behalf of Kosovo`s

    President decorates Chief of Air Forces

    Staff of the U. S

    Pristina, 13th Oct 2017 Commander of Kosovo Security Force (KSF),Lt. General Rrahman Rama on behalf of Kosovo`s Republic President Mr. Hashim Thaçi has decorated Chief of Air Forces Staff of the U.S, General David Goldfein with decoration ,,Order of Freedom’’.

    On this occasion, General Rama on behalf of Kosovo`s people and the KSF members thanked General Goldfein for his sacrifice made in defense of democratic and human values during the last war in Kosovo, adding that Kosovo`s people will be forever grateful to American people and its Army. The KSF Commander and General Goldfein talked about the need for future cooperation, the creation of opportunities for KSF cadets to participate in the American Air Force Academy, cyber training and other areas of importance for the KSF. General David Goldfein, Chief of the Air Force Headquarters, participated in the NATO bombing during the Kosovo war and survived the crash of a combat plane hit by the former Yugoslav Army (Federation of Serbia-Montenegro) during NATO campaign in 1999.



    Pristina, 13th Oct 2017

    At Rapid Reaction Brigade, barrack, NATO Soldiers"

    in Istog , today was held certification ceremony of

    27 members who completed the training “Peace Supporting Operation".

    Attended: Col. Xhevahir Geci, Acting Commander of

    Rapid Reaction Brigade, Battalion’s Commanders,

    Officers and NCOs of the RRB Staff.Dep/Commander

    of Land Force Command (LFC), BG. Gëzim Hazrolli

    while conducting “VIP Day” of the field exercise “Peace Support Operation”, congratulated the RRB

    and the KSF instructors for successful conduction of

    this training: “BMAT has provided a considerable

    support making possible to our members to be

    trained to in their training center in Czech”. While, British adviser to Kosovo Security Force

    Commander, Colonel Lindsay said: "In this activity,

    we are seeing the investments we have made and we

    are very pleased that the knowledge gained in

    training abroad is applying professionally in the KSF


    "Peace Support Operations" training was conducted at the RRB from September 18 to October 13, 2017,

    with 27 members being provided with theoretical and

    practical knowledge in various fields, while the main

    focus of the training was the upgrading and

    professionalization of the members of the RRB to

    carry out certain tasks for the best accomplishment of our mission and our intention to be part of the

    Peace Support Operations in the future.





    Pristine, 14 October 2017

    In the “Adem Jashari” barracks of Land Force

    command Pristina, was for a visit a delegation of cadets from military academy of Macedonia armed

    forces, hosted by cadets from university study center

    of Kosovo Security Force. MAF led by academy

    professor colonel Alexander Glavinov, along with his

    team prof colonel Nikolov Elinjor, commander of

    military academy of Macedonia armed forces Lt colonel Dejan Jovanovski as well as officers and NCO

    from Macedonia, hosted by deputy commander of

    TRADOK colonel Irfete Spahiu as well as the acting

    commander of USC captain Vegim Krelani.

    After the mutual introduction, cadets were shown all

    sites of the barrack and also conducted some sport

    competitions such as: football, volleyball, Ping-Pong

    and chess. First place in Ping-Pong went to USC

    cadet Edolind Vishaj. In chess first place was taken by USC cadets Adin Musiq. In Football was draw

    while USC cadets won in volleyball. Both KSF cadets

    and MAF were pleased with this visit and with

    competition in general, regardless of results. In front

    of all spoke colonel Irfete Spahiu, thanking cadets of

    both university centers for the great event, adding: “in such sports events between friendly nations there are

    no losers. By organizing such activities we are all

    winners and seek from, as a witness of this

    cooperating spirit, continue this cooperation spirit in

    the future. From the side of Macedonian delegation spoke colonel

    Aleksander Glavinov, expressing his pleasure with

    the today’s hospitality and visit in general adding: “

    this sort of cooperation like today’s one will not end

    today, since we are planning other organizations and

    cooperation which will enhance the mutual understanding and are welcomed for both ,militaries”

    this visit was enabled through bilateral cooperation

    that Kosovo security force has with Macedonian

    armed forces, and intends to deepen future



    Pristine, 16 October 2017

    Between 09 - 13 October 2017 took place main

    planning conference planned in line with Directive of Kosovo Security Force commander. Over the course of

    this week took place all activities planned for “Eagle

    6” exercise, this exercise will take place at the

    beginning of May 2018.

    Part of this conference were Kosovo’s regional and strategic partners: Albania, Croatia, Macedonia,

    Montenegro, Slovenia, Germany, England, turkey

    Iowa, USAER, KFOR, NALT as well as domestic

    agencies like: emergency management agency, Kosovo

    police, central level situation center etc.

    During this a week-long joint work were arranged all coordination with partners for activities to be

    executed within the timetable up till the final

    conference, which will take place on march 2018. All

    scenarios to be executed during this exercise are

    prepared along with other communication and logistic coordination. Presentation presented by all

    participants to generals was highly regarded by

    director of operations brigade general Zymer Halimi,

    who thanked all participants, especially domestic

    partners and agencies and said: “I’m proud about the

    professional work done by planning teams. He also appreciated the commitment of partners and KSF

    benefits from their experiences. General Halimi also

    sought outmost commitment in all fields like training,

    logistics, and legal agreements with partners and

    untiring commitment by partners who will be part of the exercise when executed. He also sought from all

    participants to undertake all necessary measures so exercise be conducted in line with the directive of Kosovo Security Force commander.





    Pristina, 16 October 2017. Kosovo Security Force Commander Lt general Rrahman Rama hosted here in the Ministry for Kosovo Security Force former Canadian foreign minister Dr.Lloyd Axworthy and Canadian ambassador in Kosovo Daniel Maksymiuk.

    KSF commander Lt.General Rrahman Rama, briefed guests from Canada about Kosovo Security Force achievements and on abroad exercise and trainings. He also spoke about the progress and challenges of KSF transformation into Kosovo armed forces as well as the representation of minorities in KSF, especially the integration of Serb minority and gender parity.

    Former Canadian foreign minister dr Loyd Axworthy expressed his pleasure on hospitality by KSF commander and highly rated the KSF cooperation and Canadian military, and also wishing to upgrade this cooperation to other security related fields.





    Pristina, 20 October 2017

    Minister for Kosovo security force Rrustem Berisha

    met today ambassador of Federal Republic of

    Germany in the Republic of Kosovo Christian Heldt.

    In this meeting, minister Berisha and ambassador Heldt discussed on great relation between two

    countries and also pledged their commitment for

    expanding this cooperation between two countries

    and ministries.


    Pristina, 23 October 2017. Here in Ministry for

    Kosovo Security Force commenced the 7 conference

    FSK and partners where military attaches

    representatives from embassies in Kosovo with which

    KSF has bilateral and multilateral cooperation took part. The opening remarks were done KSF minister

    Mr. Rrustem Berisha saying that KSF and partners 8

    conference coincided with his new mandate as

    minister, and his prime intention is to intensify

    mutual cooperation between KSF and partner countries as well as to attune activities aiming to

    retain and develop KSF capacities.

    Moreover minister of KSF spoke on conference’s aim

    such as the harmonization of activities and

    coordination of mutual efforts in line with euro

    Atlantic concepts as well as demands and needs for interoperability increase. While KSF general

    Rrahman Rama said that the role of partner is great

    in advancing KSF capacities. “We are the most

    trusted institution for five years in a row. This is a

    privilege but also a burden in order to keep running these highest standards. A speech was also given by KFOR commander General Giovani Fungo and NATO advising team for KSF brigade

    General Ralf Hoffman. General Fungo, expressed his consideration for KSF professionalization. “During my mandate we had training and exercises to expand interoperability and enhance capacities. Are surprised by the KSF professionalism in “silver sabre “exercise. Aloes KSF members took part in this exercise with many capacities, as to haw react in emerged situations. We have a communication network with all KSF members’ fast and effective ones”

    While General Ralf Hoffman said that his team is as land mark for all coordination activities, the current ones and future ones between NATO and Kosovo. He also mentioned that since April’s conference there is a upswing in terms of visits and activities from NATO senior officials and participation of KSF in abroad activities. “KSF and partners” 7 conference was organized by department of international cooperation and security in KSF. Presiding person was acting director L colonel Ali Krasniqi, who presented a topic “ bilateral cooperation in security field” Also Ilir Dugolli, director of department for NATO and security policies in the Kosovo foreign affairs ministry presented National Strategy for integration on regional initiatives. During the first part of conference were presented plans of cooperation by: defense attaché of republic of Albania colonel Ahmet Leka, Igor Gabriq from ministry of defense of republic of Croatia, defense attaché of Germany at German embassy in Sarajevo Lt colonel Martin

    Herman, from Netherlands kingdom defense attached Lt colonel Theo Plijner, defense attaché from republic of turkey Lt colonel Rusen Abidinoglu, defense attaché of united kingdom Richard Perry. On behalf of ODC US embassy were Arina Beka and Zana Tropoja and from Macedonia Avni Aaliji. this conference, for the first time saw officers from Montenegro akin part log with military diplomats from partner countries such as united states, united kingdom, Albania, Macedonia, Turkey, Japan, Holland, Germany, Italy, Croatia, Belgium etc. conference will continue till tomorrow. On the second day they will visit first battalion in Gjilane.





    Pristina, 24 October 2017

    Minister for Kosovo Security Force Rrustem Berisha

    met in separate meeting, with defense attaché of republic of Albania colonel Ahmet Leka, as well as

    senior officers from defense ministry of Montenegro,

    colonel Zorna Boshkoviq, adviser to minister of

    defense of Montenegro sand Lt colonel Zivko

    Rakoceviq. Meeting between the minister and senior officers form

    Montenegro and Albania were conducted in the spirit

    of cooperation and mutual cooperation between

    Kosovo and Albania and Kosovo and Montenegro.

    Reception of senior officer from Albania and

    Montenegro was as a part of their participation in the KSF and partner’s conference, which saw military

    attaches accredited in Kosovo and region.




    Pristina, 24 October 2017

    For the first time in his tenure Mr. Rrustem Berisha took part in the meeting of assembly commission on

    internal affairs, security and supervision of KSF.

    Meeting of this commission was presided by the

    member of this committee PM Haxhi Shala. Part of

    this meeting were members of Kosovo assembly,

    members of this committed from all political parties. Minister Rrustem Berisha informed PM about the

    previous and current state of MKSF and KSF,

    strategic objectives force development, cooperation

    with strategic partners and regional countries,

    cooperation with NATO and KFOR, integration of communities in KSF as well as planning process of

    KSF into Kosovo Armed Forces. Furthermore,

    minister Berisha informed PM of transformation

    plans in KAF, steps to be undertaken, full

    transparency of this process, overall all institutional

    coordination and coordination with strategic allies. KSF minister answered some questions by PM

    members of parliament commission on internal

    affairs, security and supervision of KSF, mostly

    related to informing about the number of members,

    weapons, medical sector, and transformation compiling plan, inclusion of communities and

    promotion of members.






    Pristina, 24 October 2017

    Rapid Reaction Brigade first battalion of Kosovo Security Force hosted military dignitaries, military

    diplomats of KSF partner countries, who were

    participants of tow-day visit in the KSF and partner

    conference. initially military diplomats were hosted in

    the new born barracks by the Kosovo security force commander LTG Rahman Rama, KSF land force

    deputy commander brigade general Gezim Hazrolli,

    director of directorate for operations in MKSF brigade

    general Zymer Halimi acting commander of rapid

    reaction brigade colonel Xhevahir Geci as well as

    commander of first rapid reaction battalion major Berat Shala.

    In the meeting organized honoring the military

    attachés of Kosovo friendly nations, with which KSF

    has bilateral agreements spoke colonel Xhevahir Geci

    who informed the senior international military figures about mission, duties and activities of the brigade he

    commands. after that major Berat Shala informed

    guest in details about the mission, duties and

    activities of first rapid reaction battalion, its

    professionalism, education, trainings, exercises

    operations and results achieved by the members, home and abroad, whether individual ones and

    collective ones of this battalion. At the end of this

    conference military attachés of friendly nations

    accredited in Kosovo and regional countries had the

    chance to take a closer look on some main RRB activates as a KSF elite unit.



    Pristina, 25 October 2017 Minister of Kosovo Security Force Mr. Rrustem Berisha hosted today the formed NATO spokesman during the Kosovo’s war currently the deputy assistant of NATO secretary general of emerging security challenges Mr. Jamie Shea.

    During this meeting minister Berisha welcomed Mr. Shea in his visit and expressed his gratitude for his service while NATO spokesman, calling him as one of military dignitaries that gave hope to people of Kosovo during very difficult times, and adding that Mr. Jame Shea is a well-known person for every Kosovo’s citizen. KSF minister focused mostly at the ways as how to advance KSF mission, deriving as a need from the SSSR review, as well as stating the preparation and operational readiness of KSF, he said that now is the right time, through commitment of local political institutions wrap

    up this with a political decision, all together, domestically coordinated in full transparency with our strategic partner and NATO. While from the other side NATO former spokesman Mr. Jamie Shea said he is impressed with the KSF progress, stating that all previous commitment, contribution, sacrifice for peace and security in Kosovo have enabled Kosovo to prosper in its independent manner.





    Pristina, 26 October 2017 Director of Directorate for plans and policies in the Ministry for Kosovo security force Mr. Faruk Geci took part in the meeting of the directors of directorates for plans and policies of member states of USS-ADRIATIC CHARTER (A5) that took place in the Skopje Macedonia. In this meeting of the senior officials for defense policies was discussed about current plans within the

    Adriatic charter A-5, for future projects, for the contribution of regional countries in NATO, and for refugee crises. In this occasion, director Geci laid down and reasons why the application for membership of the Republic of Kosovo must be supported, as a full member in the ADRIATIC CHARTER A-5. He also spoke about the possibility of joint projects in the future in the search and rescue realm, thus offering the center of search and rescue of civil protection regiment for regional countries, while for cadets of regional countries the chance to pursue their studies at the Kosovo security force university study center.




    Pristine, 26 October 2017

    Invited by the US command in Europe, Kosovo

    security FORCE Commander LTG Rrahman Rama is taking part in the US military for people conference

    with all European militaries. This is the 25 fifth us

    military for Europe conference with European

    militaries which started on October 25 and is

    expected to end by October 27 2017, in Wiesbaden of

    the federal republic of Germany. American military for Europe with European

    militaries conference is an open forum for discussion

    between CHOD and land forces of more than

    countries from Europe and Asia.

    General Rama will partake in all meeting sessions along with military chiefs of more than 40 countries

    from Europe and also will have other bilateral

    meetings. American military for Europe conference is

    the main European conference for cooperation in

    security fields of big contributors of joint objectives to

    increase the understandings, increase the cooperation level and peace and stability in Europe.





    Pristina, 26 October 2017 Minister for Kosovo Security Force, Rrustem Berisha, met with military attaché of federal Republic of Germany accredited in the Republic of Kosovo Lt colonel Martin Herrmann. In this joint meeting between minister Berisha

    and German attaché Lt colonel Herman was discussed about great relationship between two countries and also splendid relations between ministry for Kosovo Security Force and Ministry of Defense of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    Both parties focused on the real cooperation activities, especially about the support German armed forces have provided for Kosovo security force, mostly in education, trainings advising, and also about donations German government has given to KSF.

    Minister Berisha and attaché Herrmann expressed their stances for continuing this cooperation between two ministries and both forces through many activities to contribute for the sake of general good and peace and stability.



    Pristina, 26 October 2017

    Kosovo Center for Security Studies presented today the third monitoring and evaluating report with topic

    on: monitoring and evaluating of security institutions

    focusing on two most trustful institutions in Kosovo:

    Kosovo Police and Kosovo Security Force. Part of this

    presentation were: secretary general of Ministry for Kosovo Security Force Mr. Shkelzen Sylaj, brigade

    general Nazmi Brahimaj, director of department for

    operations and trainings, representatives from Kosovo

    police, as well as monitors and press representatives.

    It was said that the aim of the Kosovo Center for

    Security Studies is to evaluate and monitor the activities related to the development on the field of

    integrity in the KSF MKSF and Kosovo police

    institutions. This report covers the reporting period

    October 2016-october 2017 and is also the follow up

    of other activities of this center in terms of increasing security level at security sector. .

    KSF part was presented by Mrs. Arife Muji, saying

    that Kosovo Security force currently is the only

    regional force in possession of this plan. It is a

    domestic trailblazer in terms of compiling Integrity

    Plan, because up till September 2017 ministry for Kosovo Security Force remains the only force that

    compiled such a plan. MKSF continues unfolding this

    plan whose aim is to apply measures and activities

    aimed to strengthen the integrity. MKSF secretary

    general Mr. Shkelzen Sylaj, on behalf of KSF minister greeted d all and also hailed Kosovo Center for such a

    professional survey. MKSF and KSF have begun

    implementing the integrity Plan since July 2016

    thanks to the support by Norwegian Government





    Pristina, 27 October 2017

    The “Adem Jashari” barracks of Land Force

    Command in Pristina saw the end of a week-long workshop called” unit and squad management level”

    which took place at the engineering battalion.

    35 KSF members took place officers and NCO took

    part in this workshop. I started on 23 and lasted till

    27.10. 2017 was conducted by the American connoisseur from Iowa national guard aiming to

    establish the “ leadership book”

    in this wrapping up ceremony deputy commander

    Land Force Commander brigade general Gezim

    Hazrolli, KSF sergeant major Genc Metaj and officers

    from KSF and Iowa national guard.

    Addressing all attendees about the importance of the workshop, role of NCO in the military and cooperation with Iowa National Guard spoke brigade general Gezim Hazroli. He thanked general Orr and American instruction team. “Thanked General Orr and the American instruction team for their time continuous support pouring in in the in order to achieve adequate level. Aloes expect that such a book be a model for our officers and NCO, which are the backbone of the military, and so gradually set a standard. Pleased with this seminar was also the Iowa National Guard

    sergeant major Rachel fails who hailed KSF members for

    their zest and success during the workshop. “Thanks to a great cooperation, within such a short time, we have managed to establish such document which includes most important parts. And won’t end with this, but will continue be supplemented with additional materials during all the time”. This workshop, which expected to kick off again in December of this year is conducted within the bilateral cooperation between United States of America and Kosovo, and divided in three groups: personnel group, training group and training group.



    Pristina, 27 October 2017 Based on the bilateral cooperation between Republic

    of Kosovo and republic of Croatia, especially ministry

    for Kosovo security force and ministry of defense and

    armed forces of Croatia, a team of eleven members

    from civil protection regiment Kosovo security force

    have been on the search and rescue training in the Croatian mountains.

    Repelling training search and rescue and chopper

    evacuation enfolded between 16-27.10 2017 in

    cooperation with armed forces of republic of Croatia,

    especially with Croatian units for mountain search and rescue. This sort of level training for KSF

    members is of special importance not only as

    cooperation between tow militaries but also in gaining

    experience in all fields of search and rescue Weather

    in mountains, sea, urban etc. KSF members part of

    this training expressed that knowledge gained from this training may be well concreted in the real life

    situations in all Kosovo.
