Newsletter · “Money, Money, Money: Stories from a Lottery Winner,” features a filmed interview...


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A Sizzling Summer Sermon Series:

Things That Go Bump in the Night! Join us this summer as we deal with real life issues that keep people awake at night (i.e. worry, stress, hopelessness, crisis of faith, fear of failure, death, uncertainty of the future, etc.) and rediscover the hope and peace we find in God’s Word. June Sermons: 3 Snakes! 10 The Future/the Unknown 17 Change 24 Death

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10

Living in His Peace! Pastor Ray

Join Pastor Ray Tuesdays at 10:00 AM in the Library for Bible study called “The Gospels – The Extraordinary Life of Jesus of Nazareth” – Drive Thru History with Dave Stotts. Bring your Bible.

HAVE YOU SEEN THE SANCTUARY? Hopefully everyone has seen it and is happy with how nice the newly cleaned Sanctuary carpet looks! To help keep its appearance the best, please avoid bringing beverages and liquids into the Sanctuary unless medically required. Thanks!

The Good Shepherd Newsletter

June, 2018 We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Psalm 100

“Is it a stairway to heaven or a subway going down to the pit?” - Meat Loaf, “It Just Won’t Quit”

The purpose of Scripture is to point us to Christ Jesus. The numerous promises made by God, the prophets, the Sabbath day, and the Old Testament festivals; all point us to Christ. Christ is our salvation.

A tool of in casting suspicion to the assurance of our salvation is to undermine the credibility, accuracy, and the completeness of the Bible. These proponents point to various books and stories of biblical characters claiming that they were “suspiciously” left out. They pretend that hoaxes and fiction have creditability.

“Let me be blunt: If one of us—even if an angel from heaven!—were to preach something other than what we preached originally, let him be cursed.” - Galatians 1:8 (The Message)

In 2006 the National Geographic Society published a translation of the Gospel of Judas claiming that this “gospel” would change Christianity forever. From an historical perspective the manuscript wasn’t old enough for the church to even bother to consider it, and from theological standpoint the “gospel” was a mess because it contradicted the teachings in the already accepted books about Christ as the Truth, the Way, and the Life.

How we got the Bible as a collection of 66 books with chapter & verse divisions, is an interesting, if not messy, story. Nowhere in Scripture is there a list of writings that directs us what to include in the Bible. The early church (together with the Holy Spirit) had to work it out over time. A remarkable accomplishment in that they did not set out with an intentional goal of “adding to books of the Old Testament” or “creating a New Testament” but at the start of it all, the eye witness to the resurrection were dying off. And as time progressed, significant challenges to discerning the hoaxes, the fiction, and actual written revelation mounted.

The bottom line is this; Scriptures are authoritative because of the Holy Spirit. The church does not confer status on the books; the church consents to their statue. And the Gospel is true not because the bible says it is true. The Bible is true because of the Gospel.

Grace & Peace,


High School Youth Group

Elementary Youth Group Meets Sunday evenings 6:00–8:00 PM

1st & 3rd Sundays 12 – 1:30 PM

Good Shepherd will have its’ Constitutionally-required Voters’ Assembly in the Fellowship Hall immediately following the late service on June 24, 2018 to discuss the Financial Review Report and Board Reports. Please join us for this very important meeting.


But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8

The Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival Parade: Monday, June 4th Fort Walton Beach, Florida.

National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference: July 8 - 11 Minneapolis, Minnesota. The cost is $375. Registration forms are online at the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod website.

Outreach Board Meeting: Thursday, June 28th 6:00 PM

Like Succotash? Let’s say there is a big bowl of succotash in front of me. I hate succotash, but that does not make it an unwanted dish. It just isn’t wanted by me. While we are imagining this scenario, someone walks by and says, “Wow! Succotash! My grandmother used to make that! May I have it?” I reply, “Please take it. I don’t want it.” Regardless of who likes or doesn’t like succotash, it is a bowl of perfectly good succotash. Is the bowl of succotash unwanted? No, I may not want it, but someone else does.

Wanting is a person’s subjective and changeable feeling. An unwanted child is really a person made in the image of God. Nearly 1.3 million American families want to adopt a child, some so badly that the scarcity of adoptable babies is a major source of depression. Those desperate enough are willing to purchase babies on the black market for as much as $50,000. Others travel to Eastern European or Asian countries to adopt a baby.

Considering a child as unwanted is a matter of perspective. ~ Karen Parker, GSLC Life Team

Louise Gilman 6/2 Dianna Riggenbach 6/2 Sandra Connor 6/3 Dolores Hudson 6/3 Patricia Crum 6/4 Ed Thomas 6/4 Joshua Gilman 6/8 Dean Namniek 6/8 Georgette Lare 6/9 Lydia Day 6/12 Stephen Lynn 6/12 Cyrus Pytlik 6/13 Katie Boole 6/14 Bob Johnson 6/15 Melodi Gabbard 6/16

Brenda Hemmer 6/17 Jim Baughman 6/18 Diana Fallon 6/20 Amber Russell 6/20 Rudy Curtis 6/22 Anna Haase 6/22 Joela Parker 6/22 Rick Kinsey 6/24 Ruth Crain 6/29

Mark & Dianna Riggenbach 6/1 Natalie & Joshua Gray 6/2 Betty & Edward Tucholski 6/4 Darrell & Charlene Bittle 6/6 Jim & Debra Lazar 6/8 Dick & Hulda Mahlum 6/8 Ray & Debbie Angerman 6/12 Dean & Sara Brown 6/14 Jacob & Jessica Pytlik 6/16 Darryl & Minda Haag 6/21 Don & Sandy Hagel 6/21 Ross & Kelly Binkley 6/22 Bill & Audrey Anderson 6/23 Rich & Debbie Kerstein 6/30

Lifetree Café is a place where people gather for conversations about life and faith in a casual coffeehouse-type setting here at Good Shepherd on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM.

June 5th —“Living with Autism: A Peek Into a Hidden World,” features a screening of the award-winning short film Guang. The film offers a glimpse into the life of two brothers, one with autism, and the struggles they face together. June 12th — “In the News” – This episode will be a recent topic that has been in the news. At the time of the printing of this Newsletter, the information is not available. As soon as it is available we will put it on our website –

June 19th —“FatherLess: Getting past the pain of an absent or abusive dad”, features filmed interview with Donald Miller, the best-selling author of Blue Like Jazz and Father Fiction. “Money, Money, Money: Stories from a Lottery Winner,” features a filmed interview with Harry Werkema, a man who won $26 million in the Michigan lottery with his police partner. June 26th —“Money, Money, Money: Stories from a Lottery Winner,” features a filmed interview with Harry Werkema, a man who won $26 million in the Michigan lottery with his police partner.

Now Showing – June 2018

No meetings will be held over the summer. Next meeting will be

September 18. The May, Sunday mites were $74.55. Thanks to

all who contribute to our Mite ingathering. Remember to bring

your mites on the first Sunday of the month over the summer to

be placed in the large mite box during the time the offering is

taken (in the front of the front pew) We don’t take a vacation

from mite giving!

A Fall Retreat is being planned for the ladies of the Gulf States District at Camp

Dixie, Elberta, AL on October 5-7, 2018. The title of the Bible Study is “Sip,

Savor, and Drink Deeply” written by Deb Burma. The cost is only $50 for

Friday evening and all-day Saturday; $20 for Saturday only. Join us for Christian

growth and fellowship. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain new skills to serve

the Lord with gladness!!! More details or see Bea

Daily for the registration form, deadline September 8th.

News from the LWML Gulf States District convention: The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League held its 37th

biennial convention April 27-29 in Birmingham, AL under the theme “Reign in My Heart” with 150 in attendance.

Representing Good Shepherd LWML were Bea Daily, Pat Eichler, and Louise Gilman. Pat served as our

delegate. A budget of $60,000 was adopted for the next biennium, with $30,000 going toward district

projects: $15,000 towards LWML (national) projects, $15,000 towards district operations. One of the

convention offers was designated for Rev. Joe and Deaconess Ginny Asher in the amount of $901.81

The convention opened with a Celebration Service with Communion on Friday evening with six pastors from the

Birmingham area participating. Saturday was a full day session beginning with a procession of beautiful banners from

each of the six zones. The Bible Study was led by Rev. Joe Fairchild, Scottsboro, AL, Keynote speakers were Michelle

Diercks of Iowa, and Bea Daily, who spoke on “How the Lord Used Me for 56 of the 76 Years of LWML” via a Power-

Point. Patti Ross, the LWML President, was the representative for the national organization of the LWML. Our mission

speaker was Rev. Cliff Hellmers, who told about his work with our last mission project for 2016-18 biennium, Project

HOPE, building and supporting schools in Uganda. Lydia Landes, of Grace Lutheran, Destin, told of her experience as the

Young Woman Rep at the Albuquerque convention. She also served as the music director for our convention and wrote

a special song for our event. The 2020 district convention will be held in our zone.

Bea at podium---Delegates from Emerald Coast Zone with banner--- L/R Gwen Marshall, President elect is the 1st Black

Woman to hold this position in history of Gulf States District established in 1949, LWML President Patti Ross, out-going

President Judy Lessmann.

