Newsletter Jan 2021...Virtual Online Moped Safety Class. (Students must be 13 1/2 or older to take...


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  • Bulldog Highlights

    In case you missed the news, the Le Mars Community School Board of Educationreceived their 20th consecutive Iowa Association of School Boards BetterBoardsmanship Award. Our Board of Education has received this award morethan any other district in the state of Iowa, and has the longest running streak in thestate of Iowa with 20 consecutive years. As of last year, the next longest streak forthe recognition was 12 years. Congratulations to the Le Mars Community SchoolBoard of Education for leading by example!

    The high school ball diamond renovation project is going very well. The projectentails a new restroom and concession stand building, a paved gathering area infront of the concession stand, new softball diamond backstop and netting, nettingover the spectator area, and dugout renovations. These exciting upgrades are beingfunded by the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy. In the future, the goal will beto add new press boxes, upgrade the lighting for the baseball field, and potentiallysome new bleachers. The project is on schedule to be finished in time for the startof our 2021 summer softball and baseball season.

    Winter weather season is upon us and many of you may wonder how it is decidedwhether or not to cancel school, have a late start, or early dismissal. When makinga decision, our primary concern is safety. We take several factors intoconsideration when making a determination: road conditions, precipitation, andtiming of the weather. During times of questionable road conditions, we drive thedistrict roads to monitor the conditions. We also look at weather radar, listen toweather reports, and consult with our county road crew officials. If current roadconditions are too treacherous for slow and cautious driving, and it is believed roadconditions will improve within an hour or two, we will call for a 2-hour delay;otherwise, school may be cancelled. Remember, your best source for accurate andtimely school related weather announcements is to sign up for Plymouth Alert Complete and click “Le Mars CommunitySchools.” In addition, we contact the KLEM radio, KTIV Channel 4, and KCAUChannel 9. Safe travels!

    For those who are experiencing emotional difficulties during this pandemic, ourcounseling department has provided online resources that offer crisis hotlines andcounseling at no charge to Iowans through either video, chat, or phone. This is atime we need to be extra vigilant with our children’s mental health. Please checkout the following websites if you have concern for your child. You are alsoencouraged to contact one of our school guidance counselors for help. Thesewebsites are for adults, as well.

    The LCSD Alumni Association,along with the LCSD FoundationBoard, is seeking nominations forthe

    (non-monetary) Every gen-eration needs heroes and role mod-els. Our community and schooldistrict have produced many indi-viduals over the decades who couldbe considered both. This award hasbeen established to recognize grad-uates for outstanding achievementsand contributions to society follow-ing graduation.

    Candidates must have graduatedfrom the Le Mars CommunitySchool District, which includes LeMars High School or Merrill HighSchool, at least 15 years prior tonomination. The non-monetaryaward may be given for achieve-ment in various fields of service.The deadline for nominations isFebruary 15, 2021.

    The nomination form is availableon the alumni website(, the alumni of-fice at the Plymouth County Muse-um or the Superintendent’s office.For more information regarding thenomination process and award, visitthe alumni website or contact theAlumni Association office at (712)501-1899.

  • Bulldogs United Projects Spread Holiday Cheer

    The LCMS Bulldogs United November and Decemberprojects involved spreading holiday cheer to those in need inthe Le Mars community!

    In November, each HomeBase was challenged to collect asmany hot food items as possible to donate to the Le MarsBackpack Program. The Le Mars Backpack Program providesmeals and snacks to elementary students each weekend andover holiday break. This year, the program expressed that theyhave only been receiving about half of the food that they order,due to supply shortages from the pandemic. They reached outto LCMS to see if we could help fill the gap. Our studentscollected 2,500 items of mac and cheese cups, ramen noodles,and soup cups! The items will help with several weeks worth ofmeals for our local elementary students in need! Ms. Kroeger’sHomeBase was the winning group and they collected nearly300 items! Their reward is a trip to the Le Mars BackpackProgram to help pack the food sacks later this year. They alsoenjoyed a pizza party at lunch for their generous donations.

    In December, LCMS contacted the Christian Needs Centerand were told that they were in need of breakfast supplies forholiday breakfasts for the families they serve. Things likesyrup, pancake mix, jelly, and jugs of juice were needed. Thestudents of LCMS stepped up in a big way by taking ornamentsthat were labeled with the breakfast items off of a Christmastree in the middle school office and then bringing that itemback to place under the tree. Shown below are just a few of theitems that were brought in.

    We are so proud of our LCMS students this year for showingthat they are Bulldogs United and helping out those in need inour community! It warmed our hearts to see so many studentsgive back to others!

    Happy New Year!

    January 2021! Do you wonder what this year has instore? Surely it will be smoother than 2020. Keepthose fingers crossed.

    It is with sadness to announce the 2021 MENuMAS-TERS will not be held. Due to concerns about co-chairs, planning, meetings needing to be held, and re-strictions due to COVID regulations it will make itdifficult to proceed. Traditionally the MENuMAS-TERS event had around 500 people in attendance sothat was also a concern on how to proceed. PresidentGayle Vonk will check available dates to rent CenturyHall at the Plymouth County Fairgrounds in Septem-ber 2022. More information will be forthcoming.

    Elections for the upcoming year were held during theDecember meeting. Officers include: Gayle Vonk,president; Helena McDougall, vice president; Jill Rut-ledge and Lorraine DeJong will share the position ofsecretary.

    Teachers’ requests honored:Denise Spieler: Elementary Math Coach, $570.32 forone set of Building Fact Fluency Toolkit.

    Kathi Oetken: Challenge MS/HS, $170.00 for Nation-al History Day resources.

    Tracy Wingert: MS/HS Technology Coach, $367.64to purchase two USB cameras and four motors for theRobotics Club robot.

    Stay safe and wear a mask!LEEP Board Members

  • Can you believe Christmas break is over and the newyear is already here? The time we have had togetherthis past year has been wonderful, and we as teachersand staff look forward to the joy that will continue tocome. The staff and teachers wanted to extend a thankyou for your continued support, and we are so gratefulfor the students and parents in our district.

    As we embark on the new year, we encourage you tocheck in with your children and see how school is go-ing. One way to help set your student(s) up for successis setting goals for the upcoming quarter. Goals can beset for school and home. Encouraging them to reflecton how far they have come in the past year, and work-ing to understand how much more growth they canmake is a step in the right direction.

    As the days of warm weather dwindle, are you andyour children prepared? We ask that you send yourstudent(s) to school with all their winter gear to ensurethey stay as warm as possible outside. If you are need-ing some help gathering items for your student(s)please don’t hesitate to reach out to the counselors.We have been blessed with several community leadersoffering donations and willing to help out where theycan.

    DeAndra Mahrt & Kari KopperudElementary School Counselors

    Happy New Year to everyone!

    January 4 marks the beginning of the second semester.You will be receiving report cards sometime this week. Aswe start the second semester, I encourage you to checkout your student’s schedule to see what new classes he/shemight be taking. Just a reminder about second semesterexams, if your child misses fewer than 4 days, 5 or fewertardies, and has no grade lower than a C-, he/she will beexempt from second semester exams. However, some ofour concurrent classes require the semester exams betaken. This requirement comes from Western Iowa Techand the exam is needed to receive college credit.

    Winter is also a time we see a rise in illnesses. If yourchild is sick, please do not send them to school. We askthat they are fever free, without medicine, for 24 hours. Ifhe/she has 1 major Covid symptom or a combination ofminor symptoms, the student will need to be tested forCovid and will need to follow those guidelines. Pleaserefer to the student handbook for the attendance policy inregards to missing multiple days due to illness. It can befound on page 10. If you have questions regarding theattendance policy, please contact Mr. Formanek. Studentsmissing due to isolation or quarantine will not have thosedays count against their attendance for semester tests.

    We will be starting the registration process for the2021-22 school year. We will be unable to host liveregistration meetings with our incoming students. Eighthgrade parents please be on the lookout for a letterdescribing the registration process. All other grades will beregistered in school during one of their study halls.

    Again, if you have any concerns about your child andtheir progress in school, please contact the teacher toarrange a meeting to discuss your concerns. We want tosee all our students succeed.

    Have a great January!

  • There will be 2 different choices to take theVirtual Online Moped Safety Class.

    (Students must be 13 1/2 or older to take the moped class)

    Parent/Guardian please register your son/daughter email with the following information:

    First ___________ Middle Intitial____ Last Name_________Address: ____________________________________________Date of Birth:_____________Parent/Guardian Phone Number _____________________Email: _____________________________________________

    When you sign up your son/daughter a Moped Waiver Form willbe emailed to you. Sign, scan and email it back or just mail to Bill Dalton (see addressbelow). Instructor will provide a Google Meet Invite once you havesigned up for the Moped safety class.

    Please mail $40 checks payable to Bill Dalton 315 18th St SE,LeMars IA, 51031. When the check arrives and your son/daughterpasses the course the certificates will be handed out (if your son ordaughter goes to LeMars Community Schools they will be handedout in Mr. Dalton’s C15 room in the middle school on the followingMonday). All students that are outside of LeMars Community mid-dle school will be mailed out to the student’s home address on thefollowing Monday. Your son/daughter needs to have a laptop withcamera to access Google Meet on the date they choose.

    If you have questions please email

    Please sign up early by email so further instructions can be sent outone week in advance of the class. Please invite/forward informationto other students you know that might be interested in taking theclass. (Minimum of 10 students are required to have class.)

    Bill DaltonLeMars Community SchoolMoped Instructor

    COVID- There continues to be much we do not know aboutCovid-19 and how it affects people. We are trying to make thebest decisions we can with the information we have (and it maychange) for the health of your child and our community. Weknow some things will look different than how we have done it inthe past. If your child is sick, please notify the school and explainsymptoms your child is experiencing. You may be contacted forfurther information or clarification. If your child has been in con-tact with someone who has tested positive or tests positive person-ally, please contact the school secretaries or the school nursesdirectly.

    If a student comes to the office with Covid-19 like symptoms, forexample, a fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing,body or muscle aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sorethroat, congestion, runny nose, vomiting or diarrhea, the studentwill be assessed and evaluated further in a personal care area. Ifyour child needs to be sent home you will be contacted. Returningto school after a Covid-19 illness or quarantine will be reviewedon an individual basis with input from the Public Health depart-ment.

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is protective clothing de-signed to protect the wearer from infection. During the Covid-19pandemic, staff, students, and families at Le Mars CommunitySchools are required to wear face masks during school hours andat extracurricular activities.

    DENTAL CERTIFICATES- All students entering kindergartenand 9th grade must have a dental screening or an exemption formsubmitted to the school per Iowa Law. Please submit completedforms to the office.

    SPORTS PHYSICALS (7th-12th grade)- Any student planningto participate in extra-curricular activities must turn in a completedphysical report from a medical doctor, nurse practitioner, or chi-ropractor, with the parent’s signature on it, before they are al-lowed to participate in practice. These forms can be picked upfrom the high school guidance office for high school students orthe middle school office for 7-8 grade students. You will alsoneed to complete the athletic insurance waiver/parent or legalguardian permission form and the “Heads up” concussion form.

    IMMUNIZATIONS- Now is a good time to get a head start onvaccinations required for the 2021/2022 school year. Studentsentering 7th grade must provide proof of a T-dap and meningo-coccal vaccine. Students entering 12th grade must provide proofof a meningococcal vaccine (Two vaccines are required if the stu-dent had first vaccination before the age of 16). All vaccinationsOR a Notarized exemption vaccination form must be provided tothe school per Iowa law.


    Twitter account: @lemarsguidance

    If a student is interested in visiting a college they need torequest a college visit form & pick up an advance make-up sheet from the front office.

    Letters will be mailed to eligible juniors and seniors withcumulative GPA of 3.20 or above in January. If you re-ceive a letter come to the Guidance office to pick up anapplication.

    To be considered for federal student aid, complete theFAFSA at www.FAFSA.ED.Gov. If you need additionalhelp, contact the guidance office or check out these re-sources:

    Twitter – federalstudentaid@FAFSA ICAN – ICAN@icansucceed

    Saturday, January 9th 9:00 AM – 12:00 PMSaturday, January 30th 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

    March 12 March 13 - March 26May 7 May 8 - May 21

    Log onto for free ACT, SAT,and Toefl practice and test taking tips

    Bulldog Video Media would like to give a bigTHANKS to LEEP for purchasing shotgun micro-phones as well as a boom for them. With this pur-chase, the video class has been able to interviewstudents and staff in various locations while socialdistancing. The microphones were also used to cap-ture the audio of the band and choir so we couldstream the holiday concerts. Thanks again!

    Le Mars Community Schools offers healthy mealsevery school day. Although all students are cur-rently receiving free meals through the SummerFood Service Program, we encourage all familieswho may be eligible to complete an application forfree and reduced price meals.

    Families who may qualify for free and reducedprice meals may qualify for additional benefit pro-grams like P-EBT that cannot be made availablewithout being directly certified or having an ap-proved application on file. Free and reduced pricebenefits status will also carry-over into the first 30operational days of the next school year or until anew application is received. An application andinstructions on how to apply are available on thedistrict website..... under the“District tab”, then “Food Services”.

  • The pictures below are from an Art Fundamentals class. The students are working on barn drawings as part of theElements of Space and Value units. This focuses on linear perspective and shading.

    Hang (Moon) Nguyen Kylie Dreckman Julian Munguia Shelby Mauch Sean Metchal Joe Ryan

    Hang (Moon) is leaving us to head back home to Vietnam after the semester ends. We wish her the best of luck.We were blessed to have her here at LCHS.

    Malfeena Kitilach

    Eajon Marshall

  • The Le Mars Community School District will not engage in any illegal discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, age, sex-ual orientation, gender identity, disability, socioeconomic status, and marital status in its educational programs, activities or employment policies and practices.
