NEWSLETTER In this December-January 2016-7 … ! In this December-January 2016-7 Edition: ! ABOUT...


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!In this December-January 2016-7 Edition:

!ABOUT US! 2! NEWS ! 3!

The Listening Service ! 3! Edinburgh Churches Offering Support for City’s Emergency Planning ! 4!


Children and Young People! 6! Concerts and Performances ! 7! Scottish Parliament Annual Christmas Carol Service! 8! Spirituality and Special Services ! 9! Adventures in Faith ! 10!


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ABOUT US !Edinburgh Churches Together is an ecumenical group of churches working in partnership across Edinburgh City. Its member churches are the Church of Scotland, Methodist Church, Roman Catholic Church, Salvation Army, Scottish Episcopal Church, United Free Church and United Reformed Church.

The purpose of Edinburgh Churches Together is to help member churches work together so as to:

*jointly address issues of concern and interest within our city and beyond

*support each other in times of challenge and celebration

*provide a meeting point between the Christian Church and the City

*encourage local congregations to work together

*share resources, ideas, insights and best practice

*create city scale projects and events as a witness to the presence of Christ in Edinburgh


Edinburgh Churches Together


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NEWS !The Listening Service !New Multi-Faith Chaplaincy for Edinburgh Sheriff Court !A new chaplaincy initiative called ‘The Listening Service’ has been launched in Edinburgh, with a team of 19 trained chaplains from the city’s faith communities beginning work on Tuesday 6 December at Edinburgh Sheriff Court. These new court’s chaplains will provide an independent, confidential support service to all court users and staff - of all faiths and none. Court staff and staff from other agencies at the court (e.g. Social Work, Victim Support) will be able to refer court users to the Listening Service. The service is free, private and confidential; a listening ear for all who request it, when it is most needed !The court chaplaincy service will be the first of its kind in Scotland but is based on a successful model that has been running in Bradford since 2009. !Local faith leaders and the Edinburgh Inter-Faith Association have been involved in the Listening Service project since it was proposed in January 2016. Operational procedures and lines of accountability have to the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service have been developed in conjunction with the Sheriff principal and the Sheriff Clerk. !The Project Leaders for the Listening Service are Andrew Letby and Hilda Warwick of the Methodist Church. !Rev Andrew Letby, Superintendent Minister of the Edinburgh & Forth Circuit of the Methodist Church and Listening Service Project Leader, says: "After two years of planning and development is exciting to launch 'The Listening Service', a multi-faith chaplaincy at Edinburgh Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court. Courts can be very difficult and confusing places for anyone who uses them. The new service developed with Edinburgh Inter-Faith Association will offer a non-judgemental listening ear for people of all faiths and none." !Iain Stewart, General Secretary of the Edinburgh Inter-Faith Association (EIFA), says: "The Edinburgh Interfaith Association is really proud to support the Multi-Faith Court Chaplaincy initiative. At the heart of the great world faiths is a belief in ‘treating others as we would like to be treated'. The experience of being at court can be stressful - a time when individuals and families need support. As an association, and from our faith communities, we would like to lend support. We are reassured to know that if we, or others, should need it, the courts' 'Listening Service' will be there." !Contact Information: !Rev Andrew Letby Email: / Tel: 0131 662 8635 !!

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Edinburgh Churches Offering Support for City’s Emergency Planning !In case of a major incident within our city, such as flooding or serious fire, The City of Edinburgh Council along with other agencies (including the Emergency Services) have a system of Emergency Response in place. The City Council are keen for Churches to get involved and to offer their buildings and resources to help local Edinburgh people if affected by an incident.

They are interested to see if local churches could be used as Rest Centres (places for people to go for safety and information in the midst of the crisis - where there would be always a manager and 3 other representatives from the Council) and whether there are groups and resources which could be offered to support post-incident.

On your behalf, Edinburgh Churches Together (ECT) have been in consultation with the City Council and are compiling a list of local church resources across the city. These resources include buildings, kitchens - including size and standard, toilets, hall space etc and whether keyholders and/or caretakers are available in a reasonable time frame, and which we can offer as part of the response to an emergency situation.

Does your local congregation have resources which they would be willing to make available as part of this response in order to support those affected by an emergency in Edinburgh?

Contact Information: !If your congregation would be willing to get involved with this response please contact, Nicola Robinson (ECT’s Communications and Administration Officer) at, who is compiling an Edinburgh Church Response Database on behalf of ECT partners.


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CONSULTATIONS !Have your say about Community Justice !Overview !The Scottish Government and partners are working towards a new model for community justice. The new model aims to: !Reduce crime Keep communities safe; and Promote social inclusion and citizenship. !The basis for the new model is that everyone can contribute to our communities. Some people need more support to do this than others. We want to give people support to stay out of trouble. We need to support those who have committed offences so they can add value to – rather than detract from – our society. At the same time, we must make sure that the needs of victims and witnesses of crime are met. !We have learned that alternative sentencing programmes (such as enrolling in job training, anger management or psychological counselling) are more likely than a prison sentence to help people to healthier, more productive and crime-free lives. Communities benefit more from people convicted of less serious crimes going through these alternative programmes so that they are less likely to offend again. !We need your feedback to find out how we can improve community justice in your area. !Why We Are Consulting !Community justice involves everyone. Not only justice services but also people with offending backgrounds, their families and services working with them, local communities, private businesses, voluntary sector bodies and victims and witnesses of crime, their families and organisations supporting them. !You, your organisation, your family and your community know your area best and we want to hear from you what we should do to improve community justice. !!How to Respond ! !!!!!!!

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!EVENTS !Children and Young People !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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An ecumenical youth group for those who want to bake, engage with social justice, make art, and talk about God.

Who: Youth aged 11-18 Cost: FREE!

Where: Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL

When: 2:00-4:00pm on September 17th, October 1st, October 15th, November 5th, November 19th, December 3rd, and December 17th! (Doors are open 1:30-4:30.) To find our more or to register for Augustine Assignments, please contact: Elizabeth and Nicola at

Or find us on facebook and tumblr:

Concerts and Performances !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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!Scottish Parliament Annual Christmas Carol Service

On Wednesday 21 December, the Scottish Parliament will hold its annual Christmas Carol Service. The evening will consist of traditional Christmas carols and readings, and include contributions from MSPs and community groups. It will take place in the Parliament from 6.15pm - 7.45pm. There will also be traditional Christmas fare, including mulled wine/fruit juice and mince pies served in the Main Hall following the service. Tickets will be offered on a first come first served basis. Please email Fiona Brown at if you would like tickets. !

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!Spirituality and Special Services

!!Week of Prayer for Christian Unity !The Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh will be holding a service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on Wednesday 25 January at 7.30 p.m. in St Margaret's Chapel, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh. !!!

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Adventures in Faith

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!RESOURCES !Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18-25 January 2017

!!Order or download resources ( for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2017. The Crossing Barriers pamphlet includes daily reflections plus an order of service. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Job Description !The Communications Coordinator will work with Presbytery Staff and Committee Conveners to develop and implement communications strategies and materials for staff, committees, congregations and other Presbytery related organisations. The Coordinator’s primary responsibilities are to: • plan, develop and implement the Presbytery Communications Strategy in consultation

with the Mission Resourcing Committee and the Business Committee; • develop marketing and communications in an effort to promote awareness and a positive

public image for the Presbytery and its congregations; • collaborate with others in the organisation to ensure consistency of communication,

coordination and streamlining of how that information is sent out, and the highest standards for external communications, especially the website, Facebook and Twitter or equivalent media;

• !coordinate design, content and the generation of both electronic and print communications;

• manage and update information and engage with users on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook;

• maintain and update information on website; • prepare and operate PowerPoint for Presbytery meetings • investigate and advise on the economical procurement of bulk printing by Presbytery • help publicise and communicate events; • plan and develop multi-media communications materials; • offer training to congregational webmasters in content creation and website

implementation; • advise and implement the design and maintenance of media archives; • share good practice between congregations; • coordinate with the Communications Department of the Church of Scotland !Terms and Conditions The salary is £13k per annum plus agreed travel expenses. !The contract is for two years. !This is a part-time post (18 hours per week) worked flexibly, with some evening and weekend work required. !!This post is based in the Presbytery Office, 10 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. Any questions relating to this post should be directed to the Clerk, Rev Dr George J Whyte on 0131 225 9137 or Email An up to-date CV including contact details of two referees and covering letter detailing how you meet the criteria in the person specification and why you are interested in the post should be emailed to by 16 December.

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!MEMBERSHIP !Edinburgh Inter Faith Association !

!Edinburgh Inter-Faith Association (EIFA) is the longest running Inter-Faith organisation in Scotland working to promoting peace, respect and understanding between the different faith communities of Edinburgh and the surrounding areas. As the world faces so many difficult challenges people of faith have the collective responsibility where appropriate to join together for the good of their communities and for the good of the planet. EIFA creates the opportunity for this to happen through its many dialogue and out-reach programmes. EIFA believes strongly in the commandment of ‘love thy neighbour’ and works to put this in to practice by helping to build friendships across faith traditions. If your Church shares the ethos of EIFA then when why not become a member of the organisation and together we can help make a difference. For further information on our programmes go to: or email !!!!!!!!

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NEXT EDITION !Please note that the deadline for material on ecumenical events, courses, training and volunteering in February and March is Friday 28 January.

You can send your material to Nicola Robinson at:

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