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Newsletter - Group Project (Digital Document Design). - AAC&PR Year 2

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Lai Cheuk Tung,Clara

She is a photographer,writer, researcher, editor and also she is a cheerful and helpful person.

Kan Wai Sheung,Stacy

She is a writer, photographer.She also is a kind and always with passion.

Fung Wing Lam,Fish

She is our team leader. Besides, she is a layout maker., reporter, writer and editor. She also is a self-motivated and hard-working person.

Wong Yan Ting,Yan

She is a our photographer, writer, reporter, also she is a hard working, and self-motived person.

Chan Yi Tung,Zoey

She is a writer ,layout maker research,also she is a kind and helpful person.

Pang Wing Shan,Candice

She is a photographer,writer, layout maker and also she is a socialable, and hopeful person. K

02 Editor team

03 Social Calendar &10tips

04 Highlight about AAC&PR

05 Interview

06 Advertisment of course

07 Culture Kat HingWai

08 Latest Trend

10 Dining out

11 Survey of Travel

12 Behind the scene

Text by: Candice PANG

Editor Team


1.We started our programe in Sep 2011

2.Oday in Aug 20123.Final year project of year 2.

4.Causal wear day in Oct 2012 5.Information day in Oct 2012

Social Calendar Sep11-April13

10 Tips

Text by: Candice PANG

1.Check the email everyday.

2.Remember to print lecture notes before you get into the lesson.

3.Remember to bring your student ID card to use the fast printing

4.Remember to sign your name on the attendant sheet on each lesson

5.Remember 80% is the basic attendance on each course, otherwise you will lose marks

6.Bring your student ID card everyday.

7.Remember to take photos on each project or school event

8.Remember to jot down all the contact numbers of teachers

9.Remember to go to the exhibition of year 2 final year project

10.If you borrow the computer, remember to return brfore 5:00pm.K



Our leader assigned the job duties to each group mate. Then, we spent 80 minutes time to brainstorm the ideas of this newsletter, such as the whole theme of our newsletter. And we drafted our layouts in the sketch books and throughout the process, we had made efforts to ensure consistency of our works.


We visited Kuler’s Website to select the appropriate colors to match with our whole theme. However, we had the concern that the colors chosen may have deviation between print and computer screen. Also, the most important thing is that we had decided not to use the general fonts, rather, we downloaded some special fonts for our newsletter.


We started to have photo shooting and interview, and then we executed our works in InDesign and PhotoShop. We also previewed our newsletter from the PDF format. Nevertheless, it was a difficulty for us to add geometries in framework, so we tried a lot of methods to overcome this predicament. ortunately, our persistence was correct as we did our expected newsletter.


Finally, we proofread our newsletter several times in order to ensure that there is no grammatical mistake. The final work was so great. It was a precious and great experience which allowed us to make good use of our innovation to create our own newsletter. K

Design my life,

No regret.

Behind The SceneText by: Zoey CHAN


Final year

project (FYP)

is also a highlight

of the programme.

Every year 2 student is

required to prepare for the

FYP which is to take part in the

publicity for a local organization as

the real PR. Besides,You will be able

to implement the different multitudes of

abilities, including internal skills of planning

events and marketing as well as external skills of

communicating with local organization and find-

ing sponsors.


Tel: 34429729K

Text by: Fish FUNG

Communication & Public Relation,

Go Beyond Your expectation;

WE are PR!

Come to the world of inspiration,

You will find your destination.


Communication & Public Relations(C&PR)

is a programme is a two-year full time programme which major in Public Relations and the languages of English, Chinese and Putonghua.

About the programme, apart from the language courses, you will also take many other kinds of courses, such as Marketing, Media Relation, Digital Document Design and Mass Media. All of these courses help develop students’ talent and teach the student how to be a professional PR.

AAC&PR programme is not only teaching the students theory in the text books, practical opportunities will provided students in lessons. All of these are definitely a rare experience for students to apply all the PR skills.


Can you share the successful PR acticity

held in Nin Jiom?

E: Sure, we always hold PR events every time we had new products. In the past, we held the press conference for our new product named “COOLMATE”. We invited many media to participate press conference. The conference went smoothly and had received positive social response.

According to your past experience, what is

the most important thing when doing PR


E: It is important for PR to write a good press release to promote our new products, as all of the PR materials go public and on behalf of our company. Having a PR event is one of the promotion tools in Marketing and these are vital for promoting our brand. K

Graduated student of C&PR in 2011-2012, now studying in

BA (Hons) Integrated Strategic Communication year 2 student.

The 3-year Marketing Manager of Nin Jiom

Medicine Manufactory Limited.(HK)

What did you gain in these two years?

C: We had a chance to practice to be the PR which was our final year project. We were doing the project as if the real PR. We gained

more than simply reading a book. I have started to build my own network and I felt like I have grown after these two years.

Can you say something to encourage

year1 students?

C: Just enjoy your two study period in C&PR! I promise you will be

aspired and it will never let you down. Pay attention to the course called “Media Relations”, Personally, I think it is the most useful course, because

it covers all the skills of writing PR materials. It teaches us how to hold a press conference which would definitely beneficial to your future career path.

Interview With Text by: Fish FUNG Photograph by: Fish FUNG

Esther YuCh




Kat Hing Wai

Kat Hing Wai is one of the walled villages in Hong Kong. It is the only one village which keeps the walls and the temple intact. It was built for over 500 years.

Clara’s grandparents are iving here. ‘It is a very quiet place for me to relax,’ said Clara’s grandma. ‘I am willing to live here forever.’ She considers a walled village is the only place can make her feel enjoyable. She can’t leave this old village.

Elderly want to stay in an old walled village instead of city. Living in it is their habits. They can find their friends easily and cook their food on their own style. Nobody challenges them.

Time chang-es. Everything changes too. Al-though the culture of Kat Hing Wai’s is still here, the house and people change a lot. In previous time, there are more than 100 people live in there.

However, more young

people are not willing to stay in an old village since they think they don’t have good development for their future.The concepts are getting different

between elderly and youth in Hong Kong.

One important thing does not change-- the culture of Kat Hing Wai. The kindness, generous and amicability of the people in the walled village are still here.Living in the walled village is your own decision. K

Time changes.

Everything changes.

Text by: Clara LAI

Photograph by: Clara LAI

Kat Hing Wai

The oldest walled village in Hong Kong.

Culture and Living


After the lesson, what will you do? Expert said : Eating can make peo-

ple relax. So why not give your heart and body a break?

Let’s find something to eat after your lesson.

Just follow us! We are going to introduce

the most delicious snacks along the

street to all of you.


Must Eat Items!

Bowl shark/ Bowl Young wingz:Place: Mong Kong Place: Sai Yeung Choi Street SouthPrice: $13 / small bowl , $15 / big bowl Delicious: +++++ (5+ is the most) Reporter comments: A lot of ingredients inside. Remember add some pepper,vinegar and sesame oil before eating.

PineaPPle with crushed ice:Place: Mong Kong Sai Yeung Choi Street SouthPrice: $10 / small, $15/ bigDelicious: ++++ (5+ is the most)Reporter comments: Can’t imagine that a traditional drink can be found on the streets in Mong Kong. Full of pineapple inside. Really Nice!

Where is Sai Yeung Choi Street South?

Sai Yeung Choi Street South is starting from Dundas Street in Yau Ma Tei, it runs north and meets major roads, Argyle Street and Mong Kok Road, and ends at the junction with Prince Edward Road West. The section south of Argyle Street concentrates shops of electronic products at street level and upstairs’ bookstores above. K

Braised squid:Place: Mong Kong Sai Yeung Choi Street SouthPrice: $18 / strandDelicious: ++++ (5+ is the most)Reporter comments:A little bit spicy. But it is delicious.

Beef Ball with Black PePPer:Place: Mong Kong Place: Sai Yeung Choi Street SouthPrice: $13 / strandDelicious: +++ (5+ is the most)Reporter comments:A little bit hard to nip. If you love eating spicy food, it is very suitable for you.

Street-side Snacks Text by:Yan WONG

Photograph by: Yan WONG

Travel Hotspot Survey

Seoul/We have asked 50 CCCU students which countries they want to travel the most. And the result is “Ko-rea - Seoul”. Why they like Seoul? Let’s find it out!

+ Reason 1:

Over 95% of them think that Seoul is a ‘Shopping Paradise’, especially buying the cosmetic products. Also, different styles of clothing can be found on the streets of Seoul.

+ Reason 2:

Around 85% of them point out that they like the culture in Seoul. The height of buildings are low, people are nice and the environment is very comfortable.

Ewha Womens University - Seoul

+ Reason 3:

About 90% of them like Seoul because of the food. For example, KimChi, shish kebab, simmer fried beef, ginseng chicken ,etc.If you also love to eat spicy food, you must go to Korea to try these! K

+ About Seoul:

Language:Korean, English,Putonghua

H.K- Seoul:around 3 hours


Text by: Yan WONG

Photograph by: Yan WONG

Street Shish kebab


Barbecue Pork

Barbecue Pork

Seoul, 63%Japan, 10%Singapore, 2%

Tai Wan, 5%

England, 20%

Figure 1: The percentages of the countries that CCCU students want to travel the most.



The Eslite Bookstore

Text by: Stacy KAN

Photograph by: Stacy KAN

Introduction of

Eslite Bookstore

It founded in 1989 by a well-known Taiwan-ese entrepreneurs Wu Qing You. It has branches

all over Taiwan. Welcome by Taiwanese and tourists. In 2012’s summer, Eslite Bookstore launched its branch

store at Causeway Bay in Hong KongEslite’s core values.

Eslite’s core values

The Values are including humanities, arts, creative, life. Besides, They are also care about the good, love, beauty and life-long learning.

Eslite’s bookstore mission

The mission of Eslite’s bookstore is surpassingly substantial contribution of the Chinese community, innovation inspired with a new model of value.

Eslite’s bookstore vision

The vision is to become a unique cultural and creative industries in Hong Kong.Leading brands and positive contributions to enhance human temperament.K


Book Recommendation

Book title: The Big Picture


Douglas Kennedy

Brief introduction:

Under the coercion of strict father, Ben gave up the dream of being a photographer and then became an outstanding lawyer, living seemingly happy life. His wife having an affair, the object was actually an obscure rogue photographer. Then, Ben in discouraged rage when to kill his wife’s affair, and was forced to flee other parties as affair, also continue the photographer’s dream, but alive someone else’s identity and tragedy recurring?

Book title:

What Money Can’t Buy


Micheal J. Sandel

Brief introduction:

Lively examples, indicating the market and the market value and that can not expand to all areas of life. The authors will discussion the issue of money to hire surrogate mother seriously, and also to “cut-in line” this familiar life experience, analysis buy concert ticket scalper ethical conflict. After the financial tsunami, the entire Western ethical perspectives are in the humanistic philosophy to reflect on the society’s inexcusable.

Book title:

World Press Photo 2012


World Press Photo

Brief introduction:

The annual World Press Photo Contest (World Press Photo, WPP), from 124 countries around the world , a total of more than 5,000 photographers sent 100,000 photos and finally pick out the outstanding works into ten categories

in this book. K

