


Term 3, Issue 1

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Jan 21-Feb 5 KISC EQUIP in Dadeldhura for TrainingJan 28 MSA Survey Available to CompleteJan 31-Feb 1 Primary Parent Teacher Interviews Feb 1 Half Day for Primary StudentsFeb 4-8 KISC EQUIP in Lamjung for TrainingFeb 6 Year 10-13 Reports and Grades Sent HomeFeb 13 Emergency Evacuation Drill


Dear KISC Community

As I look back on the last two terms, I am so thankful for all that God has been doing in my life and in our school community. We have so much that God has freely given to us. At the KISC Leadership Team (KLT) away days last week we were reminded of His grace upon grace to us, that every breath we take is a gift of grace to us.

This term we will be focusing on His gifts of grace upon grace to us starting with the Old Testament and moving towards Jesus’ ultimate gift of himself. He was given to us by God, the Father to cover our sin; that was his greatest gift of grace to us. Two years ago, we looked at grace as the action of abundant kindness, regardless of the circumstances, and extended even to the most undeserving of offenders. It is allowing people to be themselves, giving them the

benefit of the doubt and not being concerned about fairness or revenge. The aspect of grace we will be focusing on this term is that each time a gift or covering is given in the Bible, it costs something to the giver. It was not actually free, for something had to be sacrificed or surrendered by the one giving grace. KLT did a sketch for the staff during the last staff meeting showing that when Adam and Eve sinned and they realized that they were naked, God sacrificed/surrendered an animal of His creation to make clothes for them to cover their nakedness. This is just one example of God’s abundant grace to us. At KISC, we will be looking at other examples where God’s grace covered our sin or hurt or need by giving us a gift that involved a sacrifice or surrender of something. We would love families to join us in considering what grace looks like in your home every day or in the many ways God has given us grace throughout history and what had to be surrendered or sacrificed in order for that gift to be given. - Judith Ellis, KISC CEO

KISC staff spell out GRACE during the whole school staff meeting.

EphEsians 2:8-9For it is by free grace (God’s unmerited favor) that you are saved (delivered from judgement and made partakers of Christ’s salvation) through [your] faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [of your own doing, it came not through your own striving], but it is the gift of God; Not because of works [not the fulfillment of the Law’s demands], lest any man should boast. [It is not the result of what anyone can possibly do, so no one can pride himself in it or take glory to himself.] Amplified Bible

GRACE cg'u|x

KISC is the only international K-13 school in Nepal with both the Middle States Association: Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA, American) and Cambridge International Examinations (British) accreditations. Our MSA accreditation is up for renewal in 2014. A team of inspectors will visit the school in November 2013 to ensure we continue to meet the 12 standards for accreditation. We at KISC renamed the process Many Sources of Affirmation (MSA) and are looking forward to seeing God’s provision and goodness as we review the school and make plans for the future. To be prepared for the MSA visit, we must carry out a self-evaluation of the school over the next few months. To lead this process we formed a team of staff, students and parents. However, we need all parents to be involved in the process. Firstly, all parents are requested to complete an online survey that asks your thoughts on how well KISC meets the standards. The survey will be available online at (or by following the links on from Monday 28 January and needs to be completed by Thursday 7 February. The survey takes about an hour to complete and we are asking that at least one parent per family complete it. Unfortunately, the survey is only available in English; however we will be offering support sessions after school next week for parents to come and use a school computer and get help completing the survey. Each session will begin at 3:15 p.m. and last for as long as is needed to complete the survey.

Secondly, we are requesting parents to volunteer to analyse the results of the survey. This will be carried out during our regular staff meetings on Monday 11 February and Monday 25 February (between 3 - 5 p.m.). We will be looking at how well we meet each MSA standard. It will involve:• Looking at the results of the survey

for your chosen standard.• Discussing and analysing the

successes and areas for improvement.• Making recommendations to the

main team for where and how we can improve the school.

If you are interested in helping us out on February 11 and 25, please email with the MSA standard you would like to analyse.

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• Philosophy/Mission• Governance & Leadership• School Improvement Planning• Finances• Facilities• School Climate & Organization• Health & Safety• Educational Program• Assessment & Evidence of

Student Learning• Student Services• Student Life & Student Activities• Information Resources &


Tuesday 29th – Nepali ParentsWednesday 30th – Korean ParentsThursday 31st – Any Parents


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Thank you to everyone who attended our annual Christmas Service. It was particularly encouraging to see past students visiting us again. The dance that followed was a joyous celebration. We were reminded of how our God has always been faithful to His covenants with His people. The great feasts were to be occasions of covenant renewal. Christmas was another demonstration of our Lord's faithfulness in sending us Jesus, the fulfilment of His ultimate rescue plan. His promise of a Saviour to all nations hundreds of years earlier, was fulfilled. As a new year unfolds, let's confess our sins, grasp anew the Lord's faithfulness and forgiveness and pledge loyalty to Him.


Scholarship Forms are due in by March 2013. New applications for scholarships must be received by 15 March 2013. Those on scholarships are reminded to email Judith Ellis at if your financial circumstances have not changed and you would like to apply to continue your scholarship. If your financial circumstances have changed then please complete a new form. Forms are available from reception and under admissions on the KISC website.


3:15-5pm Thursday 31 January

12:45-4:30pm Friday 1 February

This is an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and to share in partnership of your child’s education. Whenever possible, we would like to have both parents attend this required interview.


Michele Phoenix, a missionaries’ kids advocate and an international author, will be coming to KISC from 5-16 March. There will be sessions during school for students and evening meetings for parents. Specific times will be published later. Meanwhile, check out her resources at

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The PTA would like to thank all of you for the abundance of snacks you provided after the KISC Christmas Service in December. The event was a great way to celebrate Christ’s birth and our community. Thanks for participating in such a special celebration.

At KISC we encourage parent support in all aspects of the school. We are looking for parents to supervise primary students in the school play ground every morning from 8 - 8:10. If you are you willing to help KISC this way, please speak to Mr. Binod Gaire or Mrs. Leslie Smith soon.

The PTA would also like to thank you for your prayers during the Parent Staff Prayer Meeting on January 14. Please continue to pray and lift up KISC in all its aspects. We need continuous protection and wisdom in our lives and within the school. Please feel free to join the PTA in prayer each Monday from 8:10 - 9 in the prayer room. While the parents and staff were praying on the 14th, our children were working hard to create a decoration for the main building entrance. The decorations based on Isaiah 61: 10-11 should be up shortly. Please feel free to step in and admire the work done by our talented students.


PRAyER CORNER • Let us thank God for this new year that we are now in.

May this be a year of us being stretched in our walk with God and a time to get to know Him more intimately.

• Pray that God would be with our students who are taking exams. May they be disciplined in their study but also that they would find ways to work around the frustrations of load shedding.

• We thank God so much for the tireless and servant nature of all our support staff. Pray that they would know and sense God’s presence and may he be found faithful to them particularly in their times of need.

• Pray for good, clear and effective communication between all areas of the KISC community from departments, staff, students and parents. That there would be sensitivity and understanding in how to communicate. Through good communication may there be awareness as well as a strengthening unity in all that KISC is and seeks to be.

• In persistence, we still seek God for land and a permanent home through which his name and glory shall be declared (and through which lives WILL be changed and transformed!)

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support for EQuIpKISC EQUIP received donations for 5 Tin Trunk Libraries from KISC staff (2); Dr. Trevor Ruth Grattage; through World Mission Prayer League, USA and Grade 7 students of Mountain View Middle School in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA. The tin trunk libraries provide colorful and exciting books to students at our partner schools and are a true blessing for these students.

EQUIP has also received donations for three scholarships for EQUIP partner school students from KISC staff members (2) and Dr. Grattage. EQUIP team would like to extend heartfelt gratitude for everyone’s generosity.

NEW EQuIp MEMBEr AND pArtNErWe welcome Astrid Smith to the EQUIP team as the new Education Advisor. EQUIP team sincerely appreciates all her support over the years.

EQUIP signed a partnership agreement with Din Mitra Nepal (The Friends of Poor) on 15 December 2012. Din Mitra is an NGO established by one of the local Churches in Kathmandu. They run a pre-primary school for the children of migrant workers from various remote parts of Nepal. EQUIP is looking forward to working with them. BMS World Mission Action Team from United Kingdom will also be serving one day a week in the school.

trAININGs CoMpLEtEDDolpa-based KISC EQUIP teacher trainer Amanda Christie successfully completed four trainings in Kathmandu:• Multi Lingual Education (MLE) • Read for Life • Communicate in English• Math is Fun 40 teachers participated in the MLE training conducted at Bouddha. Other training sessions were held at KISC and were participated by 9 teachers from Dolpa as well as EQUIP teacher trainers. Thank you so much for all your prayers for Amanda and the successful completion of the trainings.

BMs WorLD MIssIoN ACtIoN tEAMThe Action Team continues to bless EQUIP partner school students with their unique gifts and talents. They successfully completed their first phase of service at two EQUIP partner schools - Good Shepherd School in Koteshor and KISTland School in BhaniMandal. They did a lot of creative and educational activities as well as holiday clubs on Biblical heroes with the students. The Action Team also helped the junior classes prepare for their Christmas program. A teacher at Good Shepherd School and former KISC staff, Santona Neupane said, “Our children immensely enjoyed the songs, creative activities and games. The Action Team truly blessed us.” Please continue to pray for the Action Team for their good health and God’s wisdom and guidance as they serve EQUIP partner schools.

Teachers from Dolpa participate in the training conducted at KISC.



Kathmandu International Study Centre

PO Box 2714 Dhobighat Kathmandu Nepal



Human Development & Community Services (HDCS, Nepali Christian NGO that owns KISC) is looking for volunteers willing to help out with organization promotional work and day to day office operations. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Dibyashree Khadka at 501 5062 or

Parents are requested to kindly notify the KISC Reception at 553 8720 if your child is going to miss school. Please call before 9 a.m.

KISC students and staff are encouraged to order lunch in advance if possible. Advance lunch orders can be made for a month or the whole term. Please stop by KISC Reception to order your lunches.

All lost and found property will be displayed in the KISC Courtyard every other Friday beginning next Friday (February 1). Please make sure to check the space if you are missing anything. Any uncollected items will be donated to Anandaban Charity after a month.



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EQUIP UPDATE CONTD. trAINING vIsIt IN DADELDhurAEQUIP Teacher Trainers Dil Chhetri, Amrit Poudel and two Teacher Trainers from ECEC (Sony Poudel and Rabina Maharjan) are in Dadeldhura for two weeks. They are conducting training for ECD facilitators and pre-primary school teachers, principal seminars, parent workshops and follow up of the phase 2 trainings. This is the last training visit of the first year of EQUIP’s work in Dadeldhura. Khim Kandel, Director of EQUIP and Angus Douglas, Project Development Coordinator are also visiting Dadeldhura to conduct a feasibility study for the KISC Transformational Education College (TEC). They will be meeting with the District Education Officer, teachers, students and other concerned stakeholders. Please pray for our team in Dadeldhura as they spread God’s goodness in the farwest region.

COLLEGE CORNERParents and students are encouraged to make use of college related resources in the KISC library. It is never too early to start planning for college. Questions? Please contact Ted Mecklenburg at or 9808699169.
