Newslett · 2020. 6. 1. · The MJS CREST Awards begin! Keep your eyes open for weekly MJS science...


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Dear Families,

Welcome to our rainbow themed June Newsletter.

Our new ERIC values are helping our whole community to understand the new ways in which we need to work, socialise and interact. The rainbow symbol is displayed around the school and on the home learning packs to support us in this period of transition.

In this month’s edition we are sharing with you the many changes that we need to get used to so that we can prepare for a slow and staggered re-opening of MJS. Nobody particularly likes change, but we can encourage each other to engage with the changes that will keep us safer.

There may be a temptation to jump straight back into the curriculum and start catching up for missed time, but children who aren’t emotionally settled will not learn well. MJS is providing an emotional support booklet in the Home learning packs which will kick-start conversations about emotions and the raising of alert levels that have happened in our society due to COVID-19.

During this time of preparing for change it is important to embed routines that help us to prepare. A consistent routine helps, as does insisting on increasing hygiene routines. Small actions will help to keep us safe both at home and at school.

We hold in our hearts all of you who may have lost friends of family. It is during these times of fear, when we have had to keep apart that we most need to show compassion, and to share what we have with those in need. We thank you for sharing your acts of kindness with us via email and social media. It really does help keep our community together.

And finally, even in the darkest of times, we have signs of light. Please share in our delightful news in the Year 3 Update section. Please do keep safe,

Best wishes to you all, Clare D’Netto

Contact Details:

Manor Junior School

Sandringham Road



IG11 9AG

Tel: 020 8270 4641/ 4642






Office hours are:-

8:00am - 4:30pm

ERIC helping us through changing times.

Dates for this month

Parents In Partnership Sessions are:


School Re-Opens on Dependent on

government directive



How many rainbows can you find in the June newsletter? Send your answer to the school at

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We have put together an ERIC booklet for your child which contains a range of activities to help their emotional health and wellbeing during this unprecedented time. Our ERIC school values have been re-written for this period of transition to help us think about what we need to do if MJS is to reopen safely for more pupils. In the booklet there are opportunities for your child to reflect on how they are feeling at this time. Each journal page has an inspirational quote to help them be positive and strong and a space to practise gratitude. At the bottom of each journal page, they will find checklists to encourage them to develop a growth mindset, questions that will help them think about their week or challenges to inspire them to try new things and help others. At the end of the booklet, we have encouraged them to think about the future in terms of the people, places, books, skills and sports they can look forward to seeing and doing. We hope you and your child will find the booklet helpful.

The MJS CREST Awards begin!

Keep your eyes open for weekly MJS

science challenges.

They will be posted on our website along

with more information.

As we prepare for our new ways of working safely, our 3Ts rules will help us to walk through our

school corridors safely when we pass one another. Help practice these rules at home.

Year 3 by Ms Wright (Year 3 leader)

A huge hello to all our pupils and their families. It continues to be such a pleasure hearing from them during our phone calls home and emails via the main office. There is no doubt these times have been challenging for all of our pupils and so when we hear all about the wonderful home learning they have been doing, it is clear their level of resilience, patience and perseverance is somewhat amazing!

I remember telling you all that through every storm, there will be a rainbow. I was right! It is a time to celebrate as we welcome a new member to the MJS family. Mrs and Mr Bhangal’s baby was born safely and they have named him Asees Singh Bhangal.

These challenging times have taught us to fully see the amazing things we have in our life. If you have great news to share with us, remember you can email the main office at Your teachers would love to see any photos or messages of joy!

The world will be celebrating Helen Keller day on the 27th June. We celebrate

because we recognise how much of an inspiration she was in the face of many difficulties. Why not read about who she was and remind yourself why we think you are also an inspiration just like her. As we continue to work from home, it is important you all keep to a routine, keep working hard with your home learning, have your brain breaks, meditate to help clear your minds and most importantly continue to love and care for each other. Your teachers will continue to stay in touch and remember we are always here for you.

You are braver than you think, stronger than you seem, smarter than

you think and loved more than you know - Miss Wright.

Year 4 by Mrs. Beveridge (Year 4 Leader)

Our school has been closed for 7 weeks and I know how much you are all missing your friends and school life. On the 1

st of June, we hope to see the return of the Year 6 students and

afterwards possibly the return of other year groups. We hope we get to see Year 4 before the summer. However, this will depend on the scientists and the government who are keeping an eye on the infection rates. Any decisions regarding reopening will be sent by Mrs D’Netto via parentmail. School life will be a little different for us all. We will need to be extra hygienic and wash our hands regularly, cover our mouths when coughing, and noses when sneezing. Each class is well equipped with soap dispensers, hand gels and tissues. We will learn the importance of social distancing and get used to this new approach. Here is a reminder of how to keep our hands hygienic.

These posters are in all classrooms to remind us. Be prepared for the new approach.

Stay alert.

Mrs Beveridge Head of Year 4

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Year 6 by Mr. Islam (Year 6 Leader)

It has been lovely to see some of the amazing home learning taking place particularly with the flipped curriculum. New flipped homework has been assigned for you to complete during the half term. Please continue to email photos of your amazing flipped homework. We done to everyone in Year 6 for completing work that has been set for them. It has been very pleasing to see you all using the daily routine planner to ensure you are doing a range of activities and completing tasks set on Bug Club and MyMaths.

Pupils’ have enjoyed the online resources provided and the online tutorial activities we have set from the Oak National Academy. “I have enjoyed writing my newspaper report – the tutorial

videos were very helpful.” Quote from pupil in Year 6.

Year 5 by Miss Reddy (Year 5 Leader)

A warm hello to you and all your families, I hope you all had a restful half term.

It has been a pleasure to speak to you and the children in recent weeks. The teachers have enjoyed hearing all about the children’s new hobbies and the wonderful memories they are creating at home with their families.

Although times are challenging and life seems very different at the moment, it is important for us to remember

‘Every cloud has a silver lining.’

During these challenging times, we have seen many inspirational people from across the nation do wonderful things to support one another but it is essential that we recognise these people within our own community. Our children too have been inspirational during these times. Their positive attitudes to learning, their strength and resilience has been noted by teachers and we are incredibly proud of them. I would like to congratulate the children for the outstanding learning they have completed in recent weeks. It has been wonderful to see the children continuing to inspire one another from their own homes. These examples of learning can be viewed on our social media accounts. The teachers would love to see ways in which the children have been inspiring others during these times. Please email any photos/ learning to for children to continue inspiring others. Stay safe everyone, we miss you all. Miss Reddy

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As we prepare for our new ways of working safely, we know change can be stressful and changing old habits can be challenging. We need to show compassion and patience with one another. Below is a list of Don’ts (What we were used to) and Do’s (new ways of working) to safely drop and collect your child from school.

Remember, if we see someone not complying we must ensure we let them know politely.

What we were used to: DON’T

New ways of working: DO

Don’t walk too close to other families and

children when escorting your child to school.

Don’t talk to friends at close proximity.

Do keep to the social distancing when

dropping off and collecting your child from school.

Do encourage your child to do the same if he/she is walking alone.

Don’t congregate around the gates

Do keep to a two metre distance as the

markings on the pavement indicate outside the school.

Don’t all use the main gates to enter and

exit the school. There will be a staggered start time to support social distancing.

Don’t speak to the member of staff at the

exit and entry points if you have an enquiry.

Do respect the two metre rule when you

see senior leaders at the entry and exit points.

Do call the office 0208 278 4641 or email the school at - if you wish to speak to a member of staff.

Don’t send in any extra equipment with your child.

Do send your child in wearing a PE kit or

sports clothes, have a full water bottle and if needed asthma pump.

Do know your entry and exit points and times. There will be three – the normal large gate on Stratton Drive, the main entrance and the side entrance by the staff car park.

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Now more than ever, it is really important that we are looking after our mental Health. Hopefully now, following the end of Mental Health awareness Month, people realise that while some of us may experience 'mental illness' Mental health is relevant to us all. It is how we are feeling at every point of every day. Below are some useful links for supporting children with their Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health: COVID-19 guidance: Supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and Well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak

Hans and the Gruffalo: Free digital COVID-19 educational resources for children aged 2-9 years. Through illustrated books, and new and existing cartoon characters, this campaign and its innovative educational materials aim to engage children in public health at this vital time, as well as provide reassurance and support for their wellbeing. Free MindUp Resources: In light of school closures, MindUP have created some free resources for children and parents/carers that can be accessed from any device and/or printed. You can also find the Free MindUP Resources page on their website ( from the MindUP drop-down menu. Now More Than Ever, Every Mind Matters: Public Health England have launched a new campaign to support people to manage their mental wellbeing during this difficult time, using Every Mind Matters self-care resources Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice and support for parents and carers (NSPCC): An online hub providing advice and support for parents and carers during the coronavirus outbreak. Content includes: information on keeping children safe from abuse; tips and advice to help parents working from home; and ways to talk to a child who is anxious or worried about coronavirus. Coronavirus: tips to coping during lockdown (Childline): Advice for Children and Young People. I have also posted recently, on our social media, a useful book for parents to use when talking to children about the virus and helping prepare them for their return. As some of us are preparing to return to a new world of work, remember to see the Free Courses from the national careers service. There is also a beautifully illustrated book for sharing information about the corona virus with children.

Stay Safe and look after each other!

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