News Letter Volume 2, Issue No.1, January-June 2013


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From the Vice Chancellor’s desk...A University should be a place of light, of liberty, and of

learning. -Benjamin Disraeli

As our youth in the current century are in constant interfacewith various spheres of life, Krishna University reservesno opportunity in helping them to make informed and rightchoices. As members of this University, we are in fullcognizance of our responsibility to meet the finishing linesin our arenas, which are not pre-fixed and hence the race isnever-ending. The University extends encouragement andsupport to the young in their pursuit of human dignity andsuccess in life, which illuminates their families with elation.Committed to the cause of benefiting society as we are, webelieve that sustaining Krishna University’s excellencematters not just to Krishna University, but to humankindand society. All of this requires a continuous over-haulingof our abilities, a shared vision and, above all, unstinted efforts to achieve the set goals. TheUniversity is making all its efforts to etch these values on the minds and hearts of its functionariesto ensure growth and change for betterment.Drawing inspiration from the greatest architects of our nation, in my modest capacity, I am inconstant efforts to mould the systems and evolve process as of Krishna University to becomeacceptable model. We, as educators are bound to provide role models to our youth by presentingourselves as their role models. In order to fulfill expectations and serve society in broadest sense,we are on our mission to inspire young minds to thirst for non-negotiable human dignity, freedomfrom want, illustrative respect for women, fearless speech, equal justice, equal opportunities andtolerance.The gender gap in education is a great concern and a constraint to achieve value-added ideals andobjectives for posterity. Krishna University has made its mark in encouraging girl students, whohave opted the University to pursue academic programmes and they are equal in number to that ofthe men’s enrollment. I find no words to express their brimming joy in receiving the gold medalsin the very first Convocation of Krishna University. This delight will kindle the desire in thegenerations to come and we spare no time and effort to fuel it.Inducing a commitment towards community service is never diluted and the University hasestablished its NSS Cell. Along with education and life skills, knowledge is imparted on how tobe empathetic towards the needy people. Awareness programmes, special camps, pills distribution,are some of the programmes being conducted in addition to the regular activities. We conducted amotivation programme for the 10th class girl students of the local government welfare hostel.They are innocent and ignorant of what is in store for them in their future, just as I was onceduring my school days.As I have penned here on previous occasions, the nature of research and its funding is changingand the University is already responding with strategic research initiatives that are now wellentrenched in our programme offerings. Some of the research projects sanctioned to the faculty ofthe University are evident in this endeavour.Creating headroom for sustainable development and competitive edge is unquestionablychallenging, especially in the current educational environment, but failure to do so will significantlyweaken our future competitiveness. Hence, all the functional sub-systems of the university suchas College Development Council, Academic Audit Cell, Examination Section, Building Committeeetc…are pressed into action to be as one unifying force in fulfilling our academic, administrativeand social ambitions. I fondly wish that every stakeholder of the University must find new horizonsof opportunities and knowledge to share on the international platform and dot Krishna Universityin the world’s academic map.


Volume No. 2 l Issue No. 1 l January -June 2013

In this issue...

• University campus vibes. 2

• New syllabus designed

for UG courses 4

• National Seminar on -

“Globalization in English

Studies” 5

• New Appointments 6

• Examination Section 6

• Departments Activities 7

• Faculty activities 9

• UGC Nominees 12

• VC’s Diary 13

• PG Centre activities 16

• Sports News 22

Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

University campus vibes...Spirit of freedom celebrated.....

As the spirit of the day deserves, Republic Day wascelebrated with great solemnity and dignity at KrishnaUniversity. Vice-Chancellor, Prof. V. Venkaiah unfurled theNational Flag and paid tributes to the freedom fighters throughthe tri-colour. Speaking on the occasion, the VC exhorted thatthe numerous sacrifices made by the great freedom fightersshould not go waste. He urged the students to understand thevalue of freedom which did not come to us free, and theiractions and thoughts should not hinder the spirit of freedom.He further stated that it is now in the hands of the youth tonurture and develop our nation; and for this, they shouldbecome extremely skillful, knowledgeable and wise.

Be competitive.....

In the backdrop of globalization, managementstudents should inculcate the quality of competitivespirit, said Prof. AV Subba Rao, Professor, TeplarSchool of Management, Ottava, Canada, at a guestlecture to the students of management, KrishnaUniversity. As there will be unpredictable changesin the global business scenario, today’s students ofmanagement should look at competition from a clearerperspective, he added. President of the programme, Prof. V.Venkaiah told the students to get success out of failures andthose who do not get disappointed or discouraged because offailures are those who will succeed in life ultimately. Prof.AV Subba Rao was felicitated by the Vice-Chancellor.Registrar and Head of the Department, Prof. D. Surya ChandraRao, Assistant Professors Ms. Sravani Dr. Ch. JayasankaraPrasad, Dr. Padmaja, and students took part in the programme.

Women….half of the sky?

As a part of the Women Empowerment Cell activities ofKrishna University, International Women’s day was celebratedin Krishna University Campus with lot of fervor. Severalevents were conducted to inspire women and celebrate theirachievements. Vice-Chancellor, Prof. V. Venkaiah felicitatedthe Chief Guest Prof. R. Saraswathi, retired Professor ofAcharya Nagarjuna University on this occasion. Speaking on

this occasion he opined that, though women occupy half ofthe sky, as far as the opportunities are concerned they arevery much restricted. He also reiterated the fact that womenlack empowerment and deprived of their rights all over theworld. Chief Guest of International Women’s day, Prof. R.Saraswathi, retired Professor of Acharya Nagarjuna Universityrecommended that empowering women should start fromone’s own house. Registrar, Krishna University, Prof. D. SuryaChandra Rao suggestedthe women empower-ment cell that it has toconduct activities andprogrammes regularlyto empower women.Principal Prof. Y.K.Sundara Krishnastressed the importanceof women’s rights overparental property.Academic Coordinatorof Campus-II, Krishna


Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

University, Dr. N. Usha, Coordinator for WomenEmpowerment Cell, Dr. R. Padmaja, Dr. J. Naveena LavanyaLatha, Dr. J.V.N.L. Mythili, Dr. B. Vijayalakshmi, Ms. M.Sravani, other staff and students of Krishna Universityparticipated in this programme.

Women Empowerment Cell inaugurated

Since the call for empowering women is gaining groundall across the globe, Krishna University took initiation andthe Vice-Chancellor, KRU, Prof.V.Venkaiah established theWomen Empowerment Cell, Krishna University and appointedDr.R.Padmaja as the Coordinator. The Cell functions with thefollowing objectives:

• To maintain healthy and peacefulatmosphere in KrishnaUniversity.

• To motivate, encourage andguide women students ofKrishna University so that theycan solve the internal and socialissues effectively.

• To eradicate gender bias atworkplace and set clear policies.

• To investigate thoroughly allallegations of discrimination at work place.

• To teach moral and ethical values to students and monitorthem in a friendly manner.

• To work for the welfare of women employees and studentsin Krishna University.

• To encourage women participation in decision-making andpolicy -making at Krishna University.

• To foster an environment of fairness and equality at workplace.

• To conduct research on issues related to women at nationaland international level and provide possible solutions forthe problems.

Inspection Committees… for quality assurance!

As per the recommendations of the High PowerCommittee on reinvigoration of Affiliating System, with theapproval of Monitoring and Development Committee ofKrishna University, the University will constitute and sendInspection Committees (ICs) for the grant of extension ofaffiliation once in two years. The affiliation orders shall beissued to the colleges for a period of two years. This willavoid delay, unnecessary expenditure and dislocation of workat the University and at affiliated colleges.

The University has constituted and sent InspectionCommittees during the year 2011-12 for grant of affiliationfor the affiliated colleges for the years 2011-12 and 2012-13.The College Development Council, after receiving theInspection Committee Reports, with the approval of the Vice-

Chancellor, has issued affiliation orders for all the affiliatedcolleges until 2012-13.

For grant of affiliation for the years 2013-14 and 2014-15, the University has constituted Inspection Committees andthe ICs will visit the respective affiliated colleges and submittheir reports to the University. The College DevelopmentCouncil has designed and developed a comprehensiveInspection Committee Proforma to collect detailed informationon every aspect of the affiliated college.

Prof. D. Suryachandra Rao, Dean, College DevelopmentCouncil has informed that as per the recommendations of theHigh Power Committee, the University has decided to grantpermanent affiliation to the eligible affiliated colleges whichare having temporary affiliation at least for a period of fiveyears, subject to the fulfilment of conditions laid down by theUniversity. This measure will enable the colleges to seekrecognition under Sec. 2(f) and12-B of the UGC Act. 1956and thereby secure development grants from the UGC andother funding agencies.

Further, the College Development Council will takenecessary measures to include all eligible affiliated collegesunder Sec.2 (f) and 12-B of the UGC Act, 1956 to enablethem to secure necessary development grants from the UGC.Further, the affiliated colleges having permanent affiliationand accredited by NAAC, will be encouraged to go forAutonomy. The College Development Council will identifysuch colleges and arrange a meeting to create awareness onthe benefits of the autonomous colleges. Moreover, it isinformed that the autonomous colleges shall be permitted ifthey so desire to have their own convocation after UniversityConvocation. Further, it is decided that the colleges shall bepermitted to print the names of the colleges on the OriginalDegree Certificates of the students issued by the University.

The Vice-Chancellor has directed the CollegeDevelopment Council to take measures to ensure that everyaffiliated college establishes an Internal Quality AssuranceCell (IQAC) in the college and the IQACs of affiliated collegesshould be linked to the University’s IQAC to promote qualityand ensure standards in education.


Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu


New syllabus designed for UG courses

Krishna University Initiative

Krishna University nominated Dr.N.Usha, AssociateProfessor & Head, Dept. of English, & Dr. T. Vijaya Lakshmi,Assistant Professor, Dept. of Journalism to undergo thetraining at IIIT, Hyderabad in June, 2013 and in turn train thelecturers in its affiliated colleges. In a letter to all the Principals,Prof.D.Surya Chandra Rao, Registrar, KRU stated that everycollege will establish a Value Education Cell nominatingfaculty members endowed with passion for inculcating valuesin students and are willing to take necessary measures toimplement the course in all sincerity from August 1, 2013.Dr.V.Ravi, Principal, SRR & CVR Government DegreeCollege, Vijayawada informed that around 100 collegelecturers have been trained so far in Krishna District byconducting 3-day Training programmes from 8-24 July 31,2013 by Master trainers, Dr.N.Usha of Krishna Universityand Mr.M.Madhava Rao, Lecturer from Govt. Degree College,Tiruvuru. Each training programme was followed by aninteractive Video Conference with Mrs. K.Sunitha,Commissioner, Collegiate Education, and a Question-Answersession with Prof. Pradeep Kumar of IIIT, Hyderabad throughMANA TV LIVE from each district headquarters.Dr.N.Usha, Coordinator, Academic audit Cell, informed theseinitiatives of Krishna University to the Principals andrequested them to strictly follow the guidelines regarding thecourse structure, syllabus, workload and prescribed booksgiven by C.C.E. ( and Krishna Universitywebsite ( This Course will beintroduced for the 1st year (2013-14) 2nd Year (2014-15)students as part of their curriculum and end examinations willbe held along with University Examinations.

The Academic Audit Cell, KRU organized meetings foreleven Boards of Studies to design syllabus for all the UGCourses and successfully implemented the syllabi from theacademic year 2013-14.

KRU introduced new PG courses 2013-14

Krishna University introduced four new courses fromthe academic year 2013-14.

Krishna University Main Campus:

i) M.Sc Botany

ii) M.Sc Oragnic Chemistry

Dr. MRAR Krishna University PG Centre, Nuzvid:

i) M.Sc Mathematics

ii) M.Sc Organic Chemistry

KRU starts Human Values as Foundation Course inUG Courses

Krishna University implemented ‘Human Values andprofessional Ethics’ as a foundation Course to the students ofits 143 affiliated Degree Colleges in Krishna District from1st August, 2013, as a base towards creating thinking andbalanced individuals with character, and consequently a bettersociety. Prof.V.Venkaiah, Vice Chancellor, Krishna universityconvened a meeting for all the Principals of its affiliatedColleges in Krishna District and reiterated the necessity ofHuman Values Course in education at UG level in all theDegree Colleges from the academic year 2013-14, asrecommended by the Commissioner, Commissionerate ofCollegiate of Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

Government Initiative

The Commisionerate of collegiate Education,Government of Andhra Pradesh conducted several meetingswith the Vice Chancellors of all Universities in AP and cameup with an objective to implement a Foundation Course inHuman Values and Professional Ethics at UG Level in allcolleges of the State from 2013-14. The National Assessmentand Accreditation Council (NAAC) also insisted on makingthis course as part of the curriculum of UG courses.

In this context a one day workshop was conducted forthe Principals and Academic Coordinators of selectAutonomous Degree Colleges in both Government and privatesector to discuss this course on lines of what is being done inIIIT, Hyderabad. The course content adopted by the IIIT,Hyderabad was approved and proposed guidelines forimplementation of the course were prepared in the workshop.To develop a pool of Master Trainers, a five day Masters’Training was conducted for 75 select lecturers, three fromeach district. An 8-day training for Master Trainers fromColleges and all Universities of AP was conducted by Prof.Pradeep Kumar of Human Values Cell, IIIT, Hyderabad.

Andhra Bank donates

Van to Examination Section, KRU

Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

A two day National Seminar on“Globalization in EnglishStudies” was organized by theDepartment of English, KrishnaUniversity, Machilipatnam inassociation with Andhra PradeshState Council of HigherEducation (APSCHE) during 6th& 7th February 2013 at Kalamandiram, Krishna UniversityCampus, Machilipatnam. ProfK.C. Reddy, Chairman, REEMAP

&Vice-Chairman, REECAPinaugurated the national seminaras the Chief Guest and reiteratedthe fact that Globalization andEnglish language and literature aresaid to work as important factorsfor one another. He said that whileon one hand the English languageplays a major role in the progressof globalization by facilitatingpolitical understanding, economicactivities and cultural exchange, on


the other hand globalizationfunctions as a driving force tostrengthen the position ofEnglish as a global language.He felt that teaching medialiteracy is more important thanever in our universities asstudents grow up in a worldwhere they encounter mediamessages hundreds of timesdaily, from advertisements onwebsites to billboards, TV,

radio, newspapers and popular music. Prof.MohanG.Ramanan, Dean, School of Humanities, University ofHyderabad, delivered the keynote address where he stressedthat Globalization has been a positive and negative force inEnglish language and literature where ‘think globally, actlocally’ can also be termed as ‘think locally, act globally’.According to him, Globalization has had a huge impact onthinking across the humanities, redefining the understandingof literature of the Indian diaspora, Indian writing in Englishand Indian Literature in translation.

Prof K.C. Reddy,Chairman, REEMAP &Vice-Chairman,REECAP, the chief guest , released a souvenir with 95 abstractson the occasion, where professorsand research scholars from Gujarat,Rajasthan, Punjab, Jharkhand, keralaand Karnataka presented papers.Prof.V.Venkaiah, Vice Chancellor ofKrishna University, presided over theinaugural and Valedictoryprogrammes of the seminar andstressed that in an increasinglyglobalized society, empoweredindividuals communicate acrosscultural and national boundaries as citizens of the world. Theyhave access to new technologies that afford themunprecedented ways to read, reinterpret, and negotiate literarytexts in multiple forms so that the students can grab theseopportunities for their development. The plenary speakers,Prof. T.Asoka Rani of Sri Padmavati University, Tirupati,spoke on “Impact of Globalization on Indian Writing in

English” and Dr.LakshmiHaribandi of English andForeign Languages University,Hyderabad, spoke onGlobalization and its impact onTranslation Studies”.

The Chief Guest of theValedictory Session, Prof B.Mallikarjun, Professor andDirector, Centre for ClassicalKannada, Central University ofKarnataka, Gulbarga, viewedthat as English teachers, our goal is to equip students with acritical awareness of how globalization defines and positionstheir languages, symbols, identities, communities, and futures.Consequently, English educators need to envision and teachthe subject of English within the context of global massmediation. Prof.D.Suryachandra Rao, Registrar of KrishnaUniversity conveyed his greetings to the organizers and saidthat Krishna University has organized 15 National seminars,Dr. MRAR PG Centre, Krishna University, Nuzvid hasorganised 7 National seminar since its inception in 2008 andthey provide an opportunity for the students and faculty tointeract with the extended academic fraternity.

Prof.Y.K. Sundara Krishna,Principal I/C, introduced the ChiefGuest and spoke on the importanceof empowering the students withcontemporary themes likeGlobalization for their future.Dr.N.Usha, Conference Convenor,proposed vote of thanks.Dr.Koteswara rao, Co-Convenorand Dr.J.Mythili, Treasurer,

organized the parallel sessions for the Seminar.

Around 125 professors, lecturers and research scholarsfrom various universities and colleges across India participatedin the Seminar. Many teachers and research scholars showedenthusiasm and registered on the spot and 122 papers werepresented by the delegates on the various sub-topics ofGlobalization in English Studies.

National Seminar On - “Globalization In English Studies”

Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

Prof. Y. K. Sundara Krishna, appointed as Controller ofExaminations on 15.04.2013

Dr. M. Babu Reddy, appointed as Officer Incharge,Examinations on 21.05.2013


Examination Section

Dr. M. Babu Reddy, joined as Asst. Professor on 21.03.2013.

Dr. R .Vijayakumari, joined as Asst. Professor on 21.05.2013.

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

Dr. K. Jyothirmayee, joined as Asst. Professor on 28.02.2013.

New AppointmentsDepartment of Computer Science Department of English

Mrs.E.Bhavani joined as Asst. Professor, on 8.02.2013.

Department of Chemistry

Dr. D. Rama Sekhara Reddy joined as Asst. Professor, on 28.02.2013.

Non Teaching staff

Mr. D.Chaitanya Manohar, joined as Senior Asst on 27.04.2013

Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

Examination Section, KRU, conducted UG 1st, 2nd and3rd year examinations successfully and announced results ina record time of four weeks.

Programme Pass Percentage

Girls Boys Overall

B. A 43.15 23.89 33.58

B. Com. 37.88 54.29 44.81

B.Sc. 57.07 35.01 47.07

The university has also conducted First time InstantExamination for UG III year students who passed all thesubjects except one subject in 3rd year and 84.33% studentsqualified for Degree in this examination

University conducted Even Semester examinations forPG & Professional courses successfully and results werereleased well in time.

The meeting of FacultyResearch Council (FRC) washeld on 20th March 2013 andapproved the list of recognizedsupervisors to guidecandidates of M. Phil/Ph.D.Programme in the Departmentof Computer Science for theyear 2012-13.

The interviews for thecandidates of M. Phil/Ph.D.programme in theDepartment of Computer Science for the year 2012-13 washeld during April 5-6, 2013. 23 scholars joined in Ph.D.programme with six in Full -Time and seventeen in Part-Time.

Seven scholars joined in M. Phil programme with one

in Full-Time and Six in Part time. The Lakkireddy BalireddyCollege of Engineering, Mylavaram is recognized as KrishnaUniversity research Center for M.Phil/Ph.D. programme inComputer Science.


Dept. of Computer Science

Department of Commerce and Business

The meeting of Faculty Research Council (FRC) washeld on 20th March 2013 and approved the list of recognizedsupervisors to guide candidates of M. Phil/Ph.D.Programmein the Department of Commerce and Business Managementfor the year 2012-13. The FRC has approved 25 Researchsupervisors in Business Management and 15 ResearchSupervisors in Commerce.

The interviews for the candidates of M.Phil/Ph.D programme in the Department of Commerce and

Business Management for the year 2012-13 was held duringApril 5-6, 2013. Fifteen (15) scholars joined in Ph.D.programme for Management; fourteen (14) scholars joinedin Ph.Dprogramme for Commerce.

Ten scholars joined in M. Phil programme with one inFull-Time and Nine in Part-Time. The University hasrecognized Montessori MahilaKalasala, Vijayawadaand ANRCollege, Gudivadas Krishna University Research Centers forM.Phil/Ph.D. programme in Commerce and BusinessManagement.

Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

Dept. of Journalism and Mass Communication

The meeting of Faculty Research Council (FRC) washeld to approve the supervisors to guide candidates of Ph.D.Programme in the Department of Journalism and Mass

Krishna University M.Phil/Ph.D Admissions 2013-14


Communication for the year 2012-13. The interviews for theprospective candidates were held in April, 2013 and twoscholars joined part-time Ph. D. programme, while one optedfor full-time course.

Dept. of BiotechnologyStudent Activities:

Ms. G. Praveena, a studentof Final Year M.Sc. IntegratedBiotechnology (5-yearsProgramme) , qualified in CSIR-UGC, NET/LS examination inthe year December, 2012.

Mr. J. Venkatesh, a studentof VIII semester M.Sc.Integrated Biotechnology (5-years Programme) got selected for Indian National ScienceAcademy Summer Fellowship Programme during the year2013.

Mr. P. Yalamanda, a student of VIII semester M.Sc.Integrated Biotechnology (5-years Programme) got selected

for summer training programme at All India Institute ofMedical Sciences, New Delhi.

Lab Installation:

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with graphitefurnace that was sanctioned by DBT-BAFNS taskforce hasbeen installed in the biotechnology laboratory, during May,2013.

Faculty ActivitiesProf. D. Suryachandra Rao

International Publications:

D, Suryachandra Rao., & M,Sravani., (2013). Impact ofMicrofinance on Rural Poor in West Godavari District.International Journal of Multidisciplinary EducationalResearch, Vol. 2 (5(2)), pp.103-113.

Seminars attended:

Participated in the National Seminar on ‘Accreditation– Promotion of Quality in Higher Education’ organized byAndhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education,Hyderabad on 27.04.2013 at Dr. MCR HRD Institute, JubileeHills, Hyderabad.

Attended Seminars as a Resource Person:

• Chief Guest for the Inaugural function of thetwo dayNational Seminar on “Inclusive Banking System in India :Problems and Prospects” organized by Noble College,Machilipatnam in collaboration with the Krishna DistrictCentral Co-operative Bank,which is sponsored byUniversity Grants Commission held on 8th March,2013.Resource Person for the Technical Session-II titledRole of Technology in promoting inclusive Banking heldon 9th March, 2013.

• Resource person for the Technical Session – II for the UGCSponsored National Seminar on Emerging Trends inCommercial Banking in India, organized by Departmentof Commerce and Business Administration, AcharyaNagarjuna University, Nagarjuna University held on 12thand 13th October, 2012.

• Distinguished Guest for the Inauguration of TrainingProgramme for NSS Programme Officers organized byUniversity Training and Orientation Centre (UTOC),Andhra University, Visakhapatnam at Krishna University,Machlipatnam during the period 10-15, August, 2013.

• Prof. D. Suryachandra Rao attended meeting of the StateLevel Committeeconstituted by the Commissionerate ofCollegiate Education, Hyderabad for the preparation andapproval of B.Com (Honours) syllabus, as a member, on12th July, 2013. Along with other members of theCommittee, he has approved B.Com (Honours) syllabus,which will be introduced in newly established SocialWelfare Residential Government Degree Colleges forWomen.

• Chief Guest for the Fresher’s Day Celebrations beingorganized by the Pavitra Degree College, Machilipatnamon 14.09.2013.

Prof. Y.K. Sundara Krishna

International Publications:• S.Siva Nageswara Rao, Y. K. Sundara Krishna,

K.Nageswara Rao, “Performance Evaluation of RoutingProtocols in Wireless Mesh Networks” International Journalof Computer Applications ,ISSN: 0975–8887,Volume 68–No.7, April 2013

• K.LakshmiNadh, Y. K. Sundara Krishna, K.NageswaraRao, “The Solutions for Packet Reordering in TCP overWireless Networks” International Journal of ComputerNetworks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), ISSN:2250-3501 Vol.3, No2, April 2013

National Publications:• P. Ravi Kiran, Y.K. Sundara Krishna,“Load Efficient

Handover Schemes for Terminal Mobility in NextGeneration Networks (NGN)”, Proceedings of NationalSeminar on Algebra and Analysis - Gateway to modernTechnology-AAGMT-2013, January 29-30, 2013 ISBN:978-8-18-424835-7 , Department of Mathematics,Meenakashi College for Women, Kidambakkam,Chennai

International Presentations:

• K.Lakshmi Nadh, M.Prasanna, Y. K. Sundara Krishna,“Adversary Dealings in Failure Tolerant AnonymizingNetworks”, International Conference on Computing @NECICC2K13 on July 12-13, 2013, Narasaraopeta, A.P.,India

• G. Parimala, Y.K. Sundara Krishna, G. Gowthami,“Multicast Routing Protocols for Wireless Mesh Networks:A Survey”, International Conference on Computing @NECICC2K13 on July 12-13, 2013, Narasaraopeta, A.P.,India.

• B.V. Praveen Kumar, Y.K. Sundara Krishna, “AchievingNode Mobility in MANETs with a Hybrid RoutingAlgorithm”, International Conference on Computing @NECICC2K13 on July 12-13, 2013, Narasaraopeta, A.P.,India.

• P. Ravi Kiran, Y.K. Sundara Krishna, “ Token Based ServiceManagement Strategies in Next Generation Networks” ,International Conference on Computing @ NECICC2K13on July 12-13, 2013, Narasaraopeta, A.P., India

• Ch.K.Prathusha, Y.K. Sundara Krishna, S.Siva NageswaraRao “A Virtual Zone based Multicasting for Mobile AdhocNetworks”, International Conference on Computer Sscienceand Information Technology, March 10, 2013, IRNet(India), Hyderabad.

• P. Sudheer Kumar, Y.K. Sundara Krishna, “Secure KeyDistribution Scheme for Multicast Applications”,International Conference on Information, Computing andTelecommunications, January 20, 2013, IR Net (India),Chennai.


Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

National Presentations

• P. Ravi Kiran, Y.K. Sundara Krishna,“Load EfficientHandover Schemes for Terminal Mobility in NextGeneration Networks (NGN)”, Proceedings of NationalSeminar on Algebra and Analysis - Gateway to modernTechnology-AAGMT-2013, January 29-30, 2013 ,Department of Mathematics, Meenakashi College forWomen, Kidambakkam, Chennai

Prof. M.V. Basaveswara Rao

International Publications:

• Crystal structure analysis of Ethyl 7-phenyl-5-p-tolylpyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine-3-carboxylate; Mol. Cryst.Liq. Cryst., Vol. 571: pp. 109–115, 2013.

• Synthesis of Chalcone Derivatives of Furo[3,2-c]pyridineas Potential Antibacterial Agents; Chemistry Journal, 2013,Vol.,03, Issue 1, 23-29.

• Synthesis of Novel Amide Derivatives of Furo[3,2-c]pyridin-4-amine as Potential Antibacterial Agents ;Derchemic Sinica, 2013, 4(1),17-23.

• Pd/C-mediated depropargylation of propargyl ethers/aminesin water Tetrahedron Letters 54 (2013) 1169–1173.

• A Novel aliphatic polyols isolated from the leaves of Perseagratissimma

• Journal of Natural Products and Plant Resource, 2013, 3(1), 88-90.

• Novel Method for the Synthesis of SubstitutedTetrahydrocarbazoles using Aqueous Sulphuric Acid. DerPharma Chemica 2013, 5, 343-349.

• A Novel Efficient Synthetic Strategy for Carvedilol anAntihypertensive Drug

• Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry, Vol: 6 , No:2,February 2013, 195-199.

• Pd/C-Cu mediated direct and one-pot synthesis of ?-ylidenebutenolides. Tetrahedron Lett., 2013, 54, 2151-2155.

• Pd/C-mediated depropargylation of propargyl ethers/aminesin water. Tetrahedron Letters 54 (2013) 1169–1173.

• Pd/C-mediated synthesis of (Z)-3-alkylidene phthalides ofpotential pharmacological interest. ;Tetrahedron Letters,2013, 54, 1174-1179.

• New protein glycation inhibitory free radical scavengingcompound from Duranta repens L.; Journal of PharmacyResearch 7(2013) 162-166.

• Spiro heterocycles as potential inhibitors of SIRT1:Pd/C-mediated synthesis of novel N-indolylmethylspiroindoline-3,2'-quinazolines; Bioorganic & Medicinal ChemistryLetters,2013,23(5):1351-7.

• Crystal structure analysis of 5-tert-Butyl-8-methyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolo[3,2,1-ij] quinolin-1-one

• Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Vol. 577,143-152, 2013.

• Synthesis and structural Characterization of 2-Benzylidenebenzofuran-3-(2H)-Ones. ; Mol. Cryst. Liq.Cryst., 577,83-94, 2013.

• Amberlite IR-120H catalyzed MCR: Design, synthesis andcrystal structure analysis of 1,8-dioxodecahydroacridinesas potential inhibitors of sirtuins Bioorganic &Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2013.

• Free radicals scavenging and advanced glycation end-products inhibitory constituents from Duranta repens; .Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2013.

• Insecticidal and feeding deterrent properties of Derrisscandens Benth derived constituents on Triboliumcastaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Corcyracephalonica (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvae ; Biopesticides,2013.

• New Method for the synthesis of substitutedtetrahydrocarbazoles using aqueous sulphuric acid; DerPharma Chemica, 2013, 5(1), 343-349.

• Ultrasound-based approach to spiro-2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-ones: Their in vitro evaluation against chorismatemutase, ;Tetrahedron Letters, 2013.

• Isolation, Synthesis and biological evaluation ofPhenylpropanoids from the rhizomes of Alpania galangalSumit S Chourasiya, Eppakayala Sreedhar, Natural ProductCommunications, 2013, Vol.8, 1-3.

• Amberlyst-15 Catalyzed Synthesis of 2-Substituted 1,3-Benzazoles in Water Under Ultrasound; Syntheticcommunications, 2013

• Iodine Mediated neutral and selective N-Boc DeprotectionG.Pavan Kumar, Journal of chemistry, hyndwai, 2013.

• Catalyst / Surfactant free chemoselective acylation ofamines in water, Current Green Chemistry, 2013.

National Publications:

• Zn-H2O promoted homo coupling reactions of ?,?-unsaturated ketones

• Journal of Applicable Chemistry, 2013, 2 (3):691-694

• A validated and stability indicating ultrahigh pressure liquidchromatographic method for folic acid in pharmaceuticalpreparation, International Journal of Chemical Sciences,2013, vol. 1, No. 1, 17-27.

• Development and validation of New RPHPLC Method forthe determination of Dexrazoxane; Indian journal ofPharmaceutical Sciences, 2012, 588-591.

• A Novel Efficient synthetic strategy for (+) carvedilol, anhydpertensive drug; Asian Journal of Research Chemistry,6(5), 2013,195-199.

• A Novel Aliphatic poly oles isolated from the leaves ofPersea gratissimma J. Nat. Prod. Plant Research,2013,(3),88-90.


Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

Dr. N.Usha

• Dr.N.Usha “Myth and Magic Realism in Chitra Banerjee’sNarratives,” Search Journal, Vol II, 2012, 142-146.

• Dr.N.Usha “Integration Vs. Distingretion: Colonial Dissentin Raja Rao and Ngugi Wa Thiang’o”, Comparative WorldLiterature: Perspectives, Jan 2013, 129-137.

• Presented a paper titled “Impact of Globalization in ManjulaPadmanaban ‘s Harvest” in National Seminar on IndianWriting English after 1975 organized by PG Departmentof English, P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts & Science,during 13-14 February, 2013.

• Organized, National Seminar on Globalization in EnglishStudies as convener, in Krishna University during 6-7February, 2013.


• Dr. R. Padmaja, ‘A study of Consumer Behaviour towardsmutual funds with special reference to ICICI prudentialmutual funds’, International Journal of ManagementResearch and Business Strategy (IJMRBS), Pp: 361-369,Vol.2, No 2, April 2013, (ISSN 2319-345X).

• Dr. R. Padmaja, ‘Agri-Business in India: Challenges andOpportunities’, Kisan World, Vol 40, N0.4, April 2013, Pp:61-62.(ISSN: 0971-9229)

Seminars attended• Attended National Conference on ‘Research issues in

Business Management’ on 8th March, 2013 at St. Ann’sCollege of Engineering and Technology, Chirala andpresented a paper on ‘Factors influencing buying behaviorof the rural consumer’.

• Attended International Conference on ‘Strategic QualityManagement’ on 5th-6th, April 2013 at GITAM school ofInternational Business, GITAM University, Visakhapatnamand presented paper on Service Quality Maintenance inHigher Educational Institutions.

• Attended National Seminar on ‘Stress Management at workPlace’ on 20th April 2013, at V.R. Siddhratha EngineeringCollege, Vijayawada and presented paper on StressManagement in Indian Scenario.


• Participated in the 72nd Orientation Programme conductedby UGC Academic Staff College, SV University, Tirupathifrom 27.5.2013 to 22.6.2013 and obtained ‘A’ Grade.

• Participated in the workshop on “Intellectual property andInnovation Management in Knowledge era“conducted byNational Research Development Corporation (NRDC),New Delhi and Krishna University on 5th February, 2013.

Dr. D. Rama Sekhara Reddy

• Presented a paper entitled “Triethanolamine: A resourceful,reusable, eco-friendly, reaction medium for phase transfercatalyst – free synthesis of 1-(arylsulfonyl) aryl/heterylmethanes” in National seminar on Recent Advances and

Challenges in Chemistry (RACC-12) by Adikavi NannayaUniversity on 7th and 8th March- 2013.

Project works• Submitted a project proposal entitled “Synthesis and

Biological Activity Evaluation of Novel Thiazolidinedionesas Potential Anti-Diabetic Agents” in the area of chemicalsciences to Department of Science and Technology underthe scheme of Fast track proposal for young scientists inMay 2013.

Dr.R.Kiran Kumar

• Dr. R.Kiran Kumar, G.V.Bhanu Sai Prasad, WhatChallenges are to be prioritized by the Project manager togain Stake holders or Customer’s Confidence?,International Journal of Science, Engineering andTechnology Research, Vol. 2,No.1,2013,96-102.

• Dr. Kiran Kumar Reddi, Vallabhajosula Bala Naga VenkataSai, A Project manager being a tenth planet managing theother nine planets of Project management for a successfulproject delivery, ?, International Journal of Science,Engineering and Technology Research, Vol.2,No.1,2013,206-214.

Conferences• Dr.R.Kiran Kumar,M.L.Phaneendra,J.Lalita Smriti,

Clustering Based Segmentation of Microarray Image,Proceedings of the National Conference on EmergingTrends in Information Technology(NCETIT-2013),Elsevier,March,2013.

• S.V.Achuta Rao,Dr.Kiran Kumar,Shaik Amjan, MiningTechniques & Object Oriented Design Software, ,Proceedings of the National Conference onModern Trendsin Computer Science and Technology(NCMTCST-2013),ECET,Hyderabad,May,2013.

Refresher Course

• Attended Refresher Course on “Free and Open SourceSoftware” organized by Academic Staff College, JawaharlalNehru Technological University, Hyderabad during25.02.2013 to 16.03.2013 Sponsored by UGC.

Dr. JVNL Mythili

• Presented a paper titled, “Research in ELT- Opportunitiesand Challenges” in the National Seminar on ‘ContinuingProfessional Development in English Language Teaching:Opportunities and Challenges’ organized by the Departmentof English, Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering andTechnology, Vijayawada on 5th January, 2013.

• Chaired a session and presented a paper titled “LiberalFeminism in the context of Indian Women Writing” in theNational Seminar on ‘Indian Writings in English after 1975’organized by the PG department of English, PB Siddharthacollege of Arts and Sciences, Vijayawada on 13th and 14thFebruary, 2013.



Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

• Worked as Treasurer for the National Seminar on“Globalization and its impact on English Studies” organizedby the Department of English, Krishna University on 6thand 7th February, 2013.

Dr.C.M.Vinaya Kumar

• ‘Globalization, Media and Cultural Identity Initiatives inDeveloping Countries’, International journal ofMultidisciplinary Educational Research (Special Issue),Vol-II, Issue-5(1), Pp55-65, (ISSN: 2277 – 7881)

• Dr.G.Snjeevayya, Dr.C.M.Vinaya Kumar, ‘Impact ofSuperstitions on Women in Gender Biased Society’,International Journal of Multidisciplinary EducationalResearch, Vol-II, Issue-6(1), Pp55-65, (ISSN: 2277 – 7881)

‘Social Implications of Media Technologies: An IndianPerspective’, New Media Technology & Society, Pp75-83,(ISBN: 978-93-82163-64-0)

• Presented a paper titled ‘Globalization and Glocalizing theIndian Cultural Heritage: Use of English as VehicularLanguage in the National seminar on “Globalization inEnglish Studies” organized by the Department of English,Krishna University on February 6-7, 2013.

• Participated in the Summer Special Course on “RecentAdvances in Social Sciences (Multidisciplinary subjects)”sponsored by the University Grants Commission held atthe Academic Staff College, University of Madras, Chennaifrom 09-05-2013 to 21-05-13.


• Participated in the Refresher Course in Media Studies &Governance sponsored by the University GrantsCommission held at the Academic Staff College, JamiaMillia Islamia, New Delhi from15-02-2013 to 07-02-2013.

• Attended in the International Conference on “Contours ofMedia Governance: Teaching, Disciplinarity,Methodology’’ conducted by the Centre for Culture andMedia Governance, at Jamia Millia Islamia University, NewDelhi, 25-27th February 2013.

• Participated in the 8 Day Master Trainers TrainingProgramme on “ A Foundation Course in Human Valuesand Professional Ethics” for Faculty Members held from22nd to 29th June 2013 by the Commissionerate ofCollegiate Education and Indian Institute of InformationTechnology, Hyderabad at Hyderabad.

• Paper presented in the National seminar on “Globalizationin English Studies” organized by the Department of English,Krishna University on February 6-7, 2013.


• Presented a paper on 'Combating Gender Based Violence(GBV) in Emergencies: Role of Media' in National Seminaron ‘Gender Based Violence against Women: Challengesand Strategies’ held on 25th - 26th, March 2013 organisedby Women’s Studies Center and Department, Sri PadmavatiWomen’s University, Tirupati.

As per Andhra Pradesh Universities Act. 1991, everyUniversity shall constitute Planning and Monitoring Board.The Board shall be the principal planning and reviewing body.It shall undertake long range perspective planning as also shortrange planning for the development of the University includingits affiliated colleges. It shall render advice on all mattersrelating to the development and improvement to the ExecutiveCouncil and the Academic Senate. It shall function as aneffective machinery for reviewing the progress in teaching,extension, research and extra-curricular activities. It shall alsomonitor all developmental programmes of the Universityincluding its teaching, extension, research and extra-curricularactivities. Meetings of the Board shall be held as often asnecessary but there shall be at least onemeeting in an academic year.

As per the Universities Act, theBoard shall comprise the Vice-Chancellor as its Chairman, Four fromamong the Principals of the Universityand Professional Colleges, Deans/Chairmen of Faculties nominated by theVice-Chancellor; two educationistsnominated by the Government and two

nominees of the University Grants Commission (UGC). TheVice-Chancellor has nominated Prof. M. V. Basaveswara Rao,Dean, Faculty of Sciences; Prof. D. Suryachandra Rao, Dean,Faculty of Arts, Commerce and Management and Prof. Y. K.Sundara Krishna, Dean, Faculty of Engineering andTechnology as members of the Planning and Monitoring Boardof Krishna University. Further, the Vice-Chancellor hasaddressed letters to the Chairman, University GrantsCommission (UGC), New Delhi and Principal Secretary tothe Government, Higher Education (UE-II) Department, witharequest to nominate two members each as nominees of theUGC and Government of AP respectively in the Planning andDevelopment Board of KRU.

Accordingly, the UniversityGrants Commission (UGC) hasnominated Prof. K.RamamurthyNaidu, former member, UGC, andChancellor, Vignan University, Guntur,A.P., and Prof. Shivajirao Kadam,Former Member UGC, ViceChancellor, Bharati VidyapeethUniversity, Pune, as UGC nominees onthe Planning and Monitoring Board ofKrishna University.

UGC Nominees

Dr. Rama Murthy Naidu Prof. Shivajirao Kadam

Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

Leadership is not solely an individual talent!

Leadership takes place in situations where leader andthe followers trust each other for the accomplishment oforganizational goals… Leadership is not solely a function ofindividual talent felt the Vice Chancellor, KRU Prof. V.Venkaiah. He delivered the prestigious Peter F DruckerMemorial Lecture organized by the Department ofManagement Sciences, RVR & JC College of Engineering,Guntur on 16th March 2013. While speaking on ‘Leadershipin a Globalised Economic Era: Some Perspectives and

Challenges’, he told that roleof leadership has drawn theattention of both theorists andpractitioners in a highlycompetitive and challengingglobal economy.

Leadership is redefined;it is not operated in a comfortzone any more, leaders haveto unlearn the lessons they

have learned in the past and train themselves to match therequirements of future. Leadership is the important elementof management work today and managers are a special kindof knowledge workers as conceptualized by Drucker. Prof.Venkaiah traced out the history and transformation of

traditional old economy to new ‘internet’ economy ‘and thechallenges that leadership is facing today. Knowledge andtalent management, strategic issues, managing resources,critical leadership skills, ethical leadership are some of thesechallenges. To address these challenges he identified eightleadership skills for success in the 21st century. Identifyingthe key business idea to meet customer demand and earn profit,working with a diverse population, manage change,implementing mergers and acquisitions successfully, value

leadership, and participative leadership are some of theseskills. He concludes by saying that leaders must rememberthat they are operating in a knowledge economy with multipleforces influencing both micro as well as macro environment.

Committee on regulations for Dual Degree

Prof. V. Venkaiah, was one of the members of the AndhraPradesh Government Committee who framed guidelines tostart credit based Dual Degree Courses in Management andIntegrated Courses in Engineering, Pharmacy, Architectureand Management. The aim of these Dual Degrees is to create‘industry ready’ technologists, and administrators.

As the Member Prof. Venkaiah, with his wide academic,research and administrative perspicacity, laid down the normsand standards of the courses curricula, duration etc. The

Committee stressed on the quality assurance of the newlydesigned programmes. Under the Dual Degree programme,Bachelors will be awarded after the successful completion ofthe required number of courses. The student can discontinuewith Bachelors or continue to get Masters after 5 years inManagement and 6 years in other areas.

The Committee also schemed out the process of gettingAICTE approval to start these Dual Degree Courses ineducational institutions.

Vice-Chancellor’s diary

Establish Graduate Research Institute: VC Venkaiah

Prof. Vunnam Venkaiah asked for long term sustainable progress in higher education. He laid emphasis on qualityeducation in the institutions of higher education. He made a scintillating presentation on the topic “Research in HigherEducation for Sustainable Development” at Deen Dayal Gorakpur University on the occasion of the 87th Annual Meeting ofthe Association of Indian Universities. Prof. Venkaiah pointed out that every production strategy begins with research anddevelopment only and not with manufacturing, so there is a need for sustainable development in research. Innovation is bornout of quality research; therefore, sustainability policy also means innovation policy. It is the responsibility of the universitiesto share research outcomes with the society and stand challenged by its need. They have to build strong network with thecommunities, governments, industries and cultural institutes. He suggested Elite University Strategy, SMUG; Selective,Meritocratic, Uncompromising on rigour and standards, Globally competitive, which will help universities to be pioneers inquality and sustainable research.

He also touched on the five modes of knowledge generation: acquisition, dedicated resources, fusion, adaptation andknowledge networking with examples.

He stressed that the main problem for graduates in Indian job market is low level skills. He suggested that the studentsshould be provided with job seeking education, technical skills, etc. He called for establishing a Graduate Research Instituteto train the students.

Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu


Make use of technology for better learning

On the occasion of 22nd Annual day celebrations atGandhi Mahila Kalasala, Vijayawada, the Vice Chancellor,KRU, Prof.V.Venkaiah said that the students should adapt tolatest technology and upgrade themselves to meet the

corporate requirements in the job market. Speaking on thisoccasion he further said that teachers and students have toutilize the updated information and make use of the learningresourses available on the internet so as to enable them tolearn better. Along with the academics, sports andextracurricular activities are also equally important. He alsoadded that every student should learn to think, question andanalise on his own; otherwise one may be left behind the race.Besides the Vice- Chancellor, Railway Divisional S.P. ShriCh. Shyam Prasad, Shri Sriram Rajagopal, MLA, JaggayyapetAssembly Constituency, College Secretary C. L.Kantha Rao,MLC Shri Ilapuram Venkaiah, MLA Shri VellampalliSrinivasa Rao, AP Grandhalaya Parsihad Chairman, ShriT.Kutumba Rao and few others were present at the programme.


Universities transform a person

A good university will not only disseminate education to a person but also helps in the integrated development statedProf. V. Venkaiah, while speaking on ‘University as a Vehicle for Social Change’ at Karunya University, Coimbatore on theoccasion of the South Zone Vice-Chancellors meeting. He said that a true university education nourishes the soul by wideningthe perspectives so as to consider the issues in a sincere manner. He emphasized the role of university in moulding thecharacter of person. He pointed out that especially developing countries like India needs to encourage such system of educationat the university level.

Prof. Venkaiah highlighted that education is vital in making knowledgeable societies. Education leads to better health,nutrition and welfare; education gives access to modern technology and education contributes to the overall development ofthe society with its resources.

Vice Chancellor analyzes that education makes a person to be creative, nurtures competitive edge, and fosters creativity.He also points out to improve excellence at the universities; they require sound leadership, holistic and integrated approach,government support, etc.

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Engineers... backbone of the country!

On the occasion of 15th Annual Day Celebrations atLakkireddi Balireddy Engg.College, Mylavaram, KRU ViceChancellor Prof.V.Venkaiah said the engineers are backboneof the country and their professional growth is very muchneeded to get at par with international standards. Speakingon this occasion he said that the engineering students withexceptional talent, strong determination and willpower canachieve better heights in their lives. He also appreciated the

college for playing an effective role with high quality teachingand state-of-the-art facilities. Besides the Vice-Chancellor,Mylavaram MLA, Devineni Umamaheswara Rao, LBRCEchairman, L.Balireddy, Hanimi Reddy, Prajapathi Reddy,G.Satyanarayana Reddy and few others were present at theprogramme.


Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

ICTs…. a global link to research.

‘Higher Education Institutes are yet to mainstreampolicies and programmes on their generative anddevelopmental roles as the integration of ICTs in highereducation is inevitable’ said the Vice-Chancellor, KRU, Prof.V. Venkaiah. He made a presentation on ‘ICTs and EducationalResources New Dynamics & Key Trends’ in the NationalSeminar on ‘ICT and Future of Distance Education:Opportunities and Challenges’ organized by Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad during 27-28 June,2013.

Speaking on this occasion he said that Information andCommunication Technologies (ICT) is moving beyondpersonal computers to use of mobile technology. He addedthat digital libraries, access to online databases, networking,etc., can be enhanced through inter-institutional collaborationto ensure optimal usage of ICT expertise and resources.

Prof.Venkaiah said that the ICT is an integral part ofeducation system and it helps in facilitating more efficientand cost effective education, which have the potential to makehuman resources more creative and productive. Whilespeaking on the digital era, which would raise the curtains fore-books, e-zines, e-bookstores and iLibraries, he said thatTexas had already announced the opening of the world’s first“bookless library”

Prof.Venkaiah stressed that care must be taken whilelaunching ICT programmes because installing learningtechnology without reviewing student needs and contentavailability would defeat the very purpose of the programme.Using inappropriate content from other regions of the worldwithout customizing it appropriately to suit the local needsand producing low quality content that has poor instructionaldesign are some of the important operational flaws, whichwould land the system and the beneficiaries in deep trouble.

Prof.Venkaiah laid stress on communication links, whichwould make it possible for research teams to be spread acrossthe world instead of concentrated in a single institution.

OER in Local LanguagesGlobal dissemination of research and scholarship of

individuals and institutions is possible through Open Accesssystem, said the Vice Chancellor, KRU, Prof. V. Venkaiah.He was speaking on ‘Creating Environment for SharingEducational and Research Resources’ in the workshop on‘‘ICT Leadership in Higher Education’’ organised by CEMCA,Commonwealth of Learning on 24-26 February 2013 atHyderabad.

Prof. Venkaiah speaking on this occasion said that it isthe responsibility of universities to teach, to create newknowledge and to serve the society. He focused on havingspecific policies for Open Educational Resources (OER) andOpen Access (OA) to scientific information which willimprove the quality of teaching and research.

He traced out the history of OER, MIT being the pioneerand later joined by UNESCO to popularize it. Connexion,Open Learn, FlexiLearn, WikiEducator are some of successfulOER initiatives. As recommended by UNESCO andCommonwealth of Learning Paris Declaration 2012, it is the

responsibility of the governments, institutions and teachersto promote awareness and use of OER. It suggested on havinga national policy on OER. The Declaration also mentions thatdeveloping OER in local languages is necessary to have moreimpact. Prof. Venkaiah presented a well-designed draft policyfor consideration. It takes into account the applicability,liability, quality assurance and review system, role of thefaculty and content developers apart from other technicalities.

On the whole, Prof. Venkaiah, strongly feels that OERand OA enable increased access to current scientific researchfor researchers and scientists and institutions to be cited more.

‘Students key stakeholders of educational institutions’

Students of the Gudlavalleru Engineering Collegeenjoyed entire experience of participating in the 12thGraduation Day organized on their college premises. Studentsreceived their degree certificates from Krishna UniversityVice-Chancellor Prof. V. Venkaiah in the presence of membersof the college management, director, principal, deans andheads of the departments. The Vice-Chancellor in his messageemphasized on achieving the goals of education, the qualitiesand skills required by the students for excelling in theprofessional life. He also elicited the importance of the socialresponsibility that every student carries. Others whoparticipated in the Graduation Day included college directorS.R.K. Reddy, president V. Subbarao, and secretary andcorrespondent Satyanarayanarao Vallurupalli, PrincipalP.Nageswara Reddy, Chairman Nageswararao Vallurupalli

Housing Knowledge... KRU expands Central Library

The Krishna University has a Central Library located atCampus II, with a collection of around 10,000 Textbooks andreference books. The Krishna University Library has also beensubscribing for 21 magazines and Journals per annum everyyear. For the Academic year 2012-13, the vice chancellor hasallocated an annual budget of Rs. 12,00,000/- for Librarybooks and Journals for various Departments at KRU campuscollege and as well as MRAR PG cnetre, Nuzividu. out ofwhich Rs. 9,00,000/- has been allocated for 9 Departments atKRU campus college to spend @ 75,000/- for Text books andRs. 25,000/- for magazines and journals each Department.The remaining 3,00,000/- were allocated to 6 Departments atMRAR PG centre Nuzividu, @ Rs.50,000/- each Department.A team of 20 members including The Registrar, Librarian,and All the HODs participated in the purchasing process atVijawada Book fair in the month of January-2013 andpurchased all the required books for their Departments.


Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

in realizing this goal such as poverty, illiteracy and ignorancewere also examined. On this occasion a rally was alsoconducted to promote awareness among people and to explainthem that they should exercise one of their basic rights, ‘rightto vote’ in a responsible manner.

National Science Day…

Krishna University Dr.MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid,celebrated National Science Day on 25th January 2013.Special Officer, Prof.M.V.Basaveswara Rao, presided over

the programme and spoke about the achievements of Sir CVRaman who received Nobel Prize for his Raman Effect. VicePrincipal, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Prof.C.Ramababu;Senior Scientist, Milon Labs Hyderabad, Dr.JujjuvarapuSatyanarayan, Former Commissioner of Collegiate Education,Sri K.Lakshminaryanaya (IAS) were the speakers of the day.Sri K.Lakshminarayana interacted with students and motivatedthem to become successful in getting into the civil services.He gave several examples from his long service and he stressedthe importance of practically useful education. Faculty andstudents of the PG Centre participated in the programme. longer a commodity

National Girls’ Day was observed at Krishna UniversityDr. MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid, on 25th January 2013.Different problems that a girl in India has to encounter fromher birth to death were discussed. Attitudinal problem wasthought to be the reason for considering the girl child a burdenin our society. It was also pointed out that as long as women

PG Centre activities


Special Officer, Krishna University Dr. MRAR PGCentre, Nuzvid, Prof. M.V.Basaveswara Rao, inauguratedthe NSS Special Camp at Pothireddypalli and conducted afree medical camp, awareness program on solar energyutilization, child marriages, Child Labour Act, Right to

Information Act; awareness program on vote, registration ofbirths and deaths etc. on 24th January 2013. Also, anotherspecial camp was organized by the NSS Unit, KrishnaUniversity Dr.MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid at Tukkulur, nearNuzvid, Krishna District, on 29th January, 2013.

Right to vote...

National Voters’ Day was celebrated at KrishnaUniversity Dr. MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid, on 24th January,2013. The responsibility of voters in electing a responsiveand committed government was discussed. Various hindrances


Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

were looked at as commodities, there would not be any safetyand security for girls. There should be change in every sectorand at every strata of society for a better future for our girlchildren.

Protect your teeth.....Protect your health

Krishna University Dr. MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid,organised a lecture on “Teeth protection- the need and careto be taken individually” by Dr. Sudhakar on 30th January,2013. He told the audience about the care to be taken in thecontext of changed life style. He told that people generallythink that smoking is not good for teeth and hence non-smokersface no problems about their teeth. But, he explained that junkfood and cold drinks are as harmful as smoking to our teeth.In fact, he elaborated on, what is not good for the stomach isalso not good for the teeth. On this occasion, a free dentalcamp was organized for the villagers of Tukkuluru, NuzvidMandal.

Jai Hind...

On 30th January, 2013, Martyrs’ Day was observed atKrishna University Dr. MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid with greatsolemnity. People who sacrificed their lives for ourindependence were remembered. Students were told that theyshould be committed and dedicated to the cause at hand andthey should look at the big picture and strive to reach theirgoal, unmindful of the obstructions and hindrances that woulddisturb one’s chosen path.

Take proper care...Avoid cancer

World Cancer Day was organized at Krishna UniversityDr. MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid, on 4th February 2013.Speakers talked about the various factors that may result inthis disease, particularly focusing on stress, sedentary life style,lack of proper and timely food and rest etc. Audience weretold that healthy life style including taking balanced diet,avoiding junk food, taking proper rest and sleep are necessaryto enjoy a strong, healthy and complete life. It was also pointedout that through recent innovations in medicine, doctors areable to save the lives of patients, if the disease is detected inits initial stages. The programme came to an end with a hopethat a day would come when cancer is no longer considered adeadly disease.

Workshop on “Intellectual Property & InnovationManagement in Knowledge Era…

A Workshop on“Intellectual Property& InnovationManagement inKnowledge Era” wasorganized by NationalResearch DevelopmentCorporation, NewDelhi and KrishnaUniversity on 5thFebruary, 2013 at Krishna University Dr.MRAR PG Centre,Nuzvid. The inaugural programme was presided over by theSpecial Officer, Krishna University Dr.MRAR PG Centre,Nuzvid, Prof.M.V.Basaveswara Rao. The programme wasinaugurated by the Vice Chancellor, Krishna University,Prof.V. Venkaiah. The Vice Chancellor spoke on the need toprotect intellectual property and advised to motivate eachand every Indian to protect their rights and inherent properties.Prof. Venkaiah said in his inaugural address that promotionof ideas and inventions is the need of the hour. He also sharedhis views on Copyright and his experiences on Open EducationResources. On this occasion, District Revenue Officer, Sri.M. Subbarao was also present as the Special Guest.

The programme’s aim was to help the researchers of theregion in protecting their research output. Dr. S. Rama Murthy,Professor & Head, Knowledge Management, Jain University,


Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

Ramanagara, Karnataka, delivered a talk on ‘Overview of IPRSpectrum in India’. Shri TV Madhusudan, Asst. Controller ofPatents & Designs, Patent Office, Chennai, detailed aboutIndian Patenting System in his thought provoking lecture. Dr.Sanjeeva K. Majumdar, Scientific Officer &I/C NRDC-IPFC,Bengaluru urged the participants to conduct patent searchbefore initiating any research project. He also shared hisexperiences on methodologies for effective patent searching.In the post lunch session Ms. S. Nithya, Patent Attorney, M/sR.K. Dewan & Co., Chennai, delivered a talk on DeterminingNovelty, Inventiveness & Utility of Invention. Dr. SanjeevaK. Majumdar, Scientific Officer &I/C NRDC-IPFC,Bengaluru, shared his NRDC experience on Strategies forTechnology Transfer.

The Valedictory Function was presided over by theSpecial Officer, Krishna University Dr.MRAR PG Centre,Nuzvid, Prof.M.V.Basaveswara Rao. Sri. M.V.Lakshmanaswamy, renowned social worker and industrialistfrom Nuzvid was present as the Chief Guest and Prof.Ramamurthy from Jain University was the Guest of Honour.The programme came to end with the distribution ofcertificates. This programme was attended by approximately350 participants from all over Andhra Pradesh and also fromother states.

Give blood...Gift life

A blood donation camp was conducted by KrishnaUniversity Dr. MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid, on 8th March 2013.A number of students, teaching and non-teaching staff of thePG centre came forward to donate their blood to save the

needy. As awareness among the public increased about thenecessity of donating their blood, this camp received a hugeresponse.

Women’s Day celebrated...

International Women’s Day was organized at KrishnaUniversity Dr. MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid, on 8th March 2013.Mrs. A.Lakshmi, Senior Civil Judge, Nuzvid, told that anation’s development is measured by the development of itswomen folk which is possible only through higher education.

Sri. D. Seshaiah, Principal Junior Civil Judge, advised thatwomen should make use of laws that are especially made forthe security of women. Dr. Jansi opined that man and womanare mutually complementary. Prof. M. V. Basaveswara Raotold the audience that women have a special place in our richculture and a man’s life is completed only through the presenceof women as mother, sister, wife and child.

Campus placements…

Campus placements were conducted for the students ofKrishna University Dr. MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid on 18thMarch 2013 for Chaithanya Group of Institutions and on 21stMarch for Bhashyam Instituions. In this activity 68 studentswere selected by the organisations.

Advice to students...

Bonthu Nagireddy, a software professional, visitedKrishna University DR. MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid and talkedto the students about the employment opportunities availableand employability skills required in the sector of software.He told the students that knowledge upgradation andknowledge application are the twin pillars of any profession,more so in the field of software development and testing. TheSpecial Officer, Krishna University DR. MRAR PG Centre,Nuzvid, Prof. M.V.Basaveswara Rao felicitated the guest.

Sri. GVD Prasad , Associate Director, IT, ParexelInternational, visited Krishna University Dr.MRAR PGCentre, Nuzvid and interacted with the faculty and students.He created awareness about various aspects of clinicalresearch and its applications. The Special Officer, KrishnaUniversity Dr. MRAR PG Centre, Prof. M.V. BasaveswaraRao received the guest and presented a memento to the guest.

Activities of the Special Officer.

• Addressed as Guest at the CYGNUS-13 held on 7th January2013 at IIIT campus, Nuzvid

• Addressed as Guest at the Krishna University NSS ProgramOfficers Meet held at AJ Kalasala campus, Machilipatnamon 9th January 2013.

• Guest at the 37th Basket Ball tournament inauguration heldat DAR College, Nuzvid Held on 10th January 2013.

• Guest at the South Zone Interuniversity Tennis MenTournament held at Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada,organized by the Krishna University during 17-21st January2013.

• Organized Seminar on the Heterocyclic molecule for thepresent and future needs on 23rd January 2013.

• Guest at the National Voters’ Day on 25th January 2013 atthe IIIT, Nuzvid

• Hoisted the National Flag on the occasion of 26th January2013 at Krishna University Dr.MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid

• Guest at DAR College Nuzvid on 28th January 2013.


Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

National Science Day celebrated

National Science Day was celebrated on Feb 28, 2012at Krishna University campus to mark the discovery of Raman

Effect by Sir C.V. Raman for which he received Nobel Prizein 1930. The event was inaugurated by lighting ceremoniallamp by Prof. Srihari Rao, former DRDO Officer and presentlythe Vice Chancellor, KL University. Prof. Srihari Raoencouraged the students to pursue career in scientific research.He exclaimed that it is the pride of our country to haveachieved novel technologies in space research, radar detectionand defense research under theleadership of Dr.Abdul Kalam andHomi Bhaba. Speaking on thisoccasion Prof.Venkaiah opined thatscience and technology studentsmay achieve their goals only if theyopt their career in research.Addressing the gathering Prof. D.Surya Chandra Rao said thatresearch should be made availableto the common man. TheProgramme Coordinator, NSS Cell,KRU, Dr. C.M.Vinaya Kumar, NSSProgramme officers, Dr. P.V.Bramhachari and Dr. KoteswaraRao participated in this meeting.

National Voters Day observed

National Voters’ Day (NVD) was observed on 25thJanuary, a practice that was initiated in 2011 to commemoratethe foundation day of the Election Commission of India andalso to enhance the participation of the voters, especially the

youth, in the democratic process. The Election Commission’sobjective behind National Voters Day is to increase enrolmentof voters, especially of the newly eligible ones, by using thisoccasion to make universal adult suffrage a complete reality,and thereby enhance the quality of Indian democracy. Theday is also utilized to spread awareness among votersregarding effective participation in the electoral process. 25thJanuary has already become a historic moment in India’selectoral democracy. A human chain was formed by the KRUstudents and NSS Volunteers from Koneru Center to HinduCollege. The District Collector and Magistrate, Krishna,Dr. Budhaprakash M. Jyothi, and RDO, Mr.I.VenkateswaraReddy addressed the colossal gathering. NSS ProgrammeCoordinator, KRU, Dr.CM.Vinayakumar, NSS Programmeofficer, Dr.P.V.Bramhachari and other government officialsfrom various departments participated in the programme.

National Cancer Day observedThe awareness programme on prevention of cancer was

inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor, KRU, Prof.V.Venkaiah. Speaking on this occasion he said that every year 5.5 lakhpeople die of cancer and 42 percent of men die of cancer dueto usage of tobacco and alcohol, whereas 18 percentage ofwomen die due to cervical and breast cancer. In thisprogramme around 150 NSS Volunteers involved themselvesin awareness activities. The Principal Prof.Y.K.SundaraKrishna delivered message on cancer day awareness to theteaching fraternity and students. The Programme CoordinatorDr. C.M.Vinaya Kumar, NSS Program officersDr. P.V. Bramhachari and Dr. M.Koteswara Rao were presentin the meeting.


KRU NSS Cell in community service

Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

National Martyrs Day observed

The Martyrs Day is observed in honor of the Father ofthe Nation and soldiers, who sacrificed their lives for thenation. On this day, the NSS volunteers stood up to salute allthe martyrs and this great son of our Nation and rememberthe sacrifices that made each of us a free and proud citizen ofthis great Nation. Dr. Jayasankara Prasad, Dept ofManagement studies, spoke on this occasion.Dr. P.V.Bramhachari and Dr. Koteswara Rao (NSS ProgramOfficers) also participated on this occasion.

KRU NSS units conducted Special Camps

The Vice Chancellor, KRU, Prof. V. Venkaiahinaugurated the NSS Special Camp conducted by NSS Unit-IV, KRU at Navin Mittal Colony, a slum, 8 kms away fromthe town. The NSS volunteers, after finding a shelter to stayfor a one week programme, visited the households and greetedwomen folk and children. The Village Development

C o m m i t t e eHead and them e m b e r sinteracted withthe ProgrammeOfficer and thevolunteers andexplained thep r o b l e m saffecting theirnormal day-today-life.

As the spirit of NSS is to serve the community, a 300Mtr. road was laid connecting the four lanes of the slum withthe main approach road. As part of the Camp, awarenessprogrammes were taken up to especially do-up the deplorablecondition of health and sanitation. Communication skills playa vital role in bringing awareness and hence a session wasconducted by the Faculty, SVH Engineering College, Dr. JaganMohan Rao, who delivered a lecture to the slum youth on theimportance of communication skills. Also, the NSS volunteersidentified the school drop-outs and encouraged their parentsto send their children to school.

The volunteers, filled the pits and cleaned the premisesof the primary school. The Programme Coordinator, NSS Cell,KRU, Dr.C. M. Vinaya Kumar explained the objectives of

the National Service Scheme. Since many diseases are waterborne, this area is not an exception. On the request of thepeople for treatment of skin problems, we inviteddermatologist Dr. Kosuru Phani Kumar, who gave treatmentand pleaded on the importance of sanitation. Similarly, a dentalcamp was arranged and Dr. Raavi Srinivasa Rao conductedcheck-up and addressed the patients and volunteers on toothproblems and its cure.

Cultural activities carrying a message of cleanliness andimportance of literacy were conducted. Tree plantationprogramme was conducted in the Colony and five hundredfruit yielding saplings were planted and each house was givenresponsibility to nourish the plants. The Registrar, KRU, Prof.D. Suryachandra Rao addressed the residents of the Colonyduring the Valedictory Function and donated slates to theschool children.

Seven-day NSS Special Camp was organized by theKrishna University UNIT-III from 20th January to 26thJanuary 2013. Forty five NSS volunteers from this unitparticipated in the camp under the supervision of NSSprogramme officer Dr.P.V. Bramhachari. During the camp,various activities viz. talks related to social issues, interactionwith the local community and awareness programmes wereorganized in the adopted village, Cultural programmes inUPHMS school, pulse polio program, free medical camp,awareness camp on 108 and its services, cleanliness drives,competitions among the UPHMS school children, etc. wereconducted. The volunteers also conducted a survey on thesocio-economic conditions of the people of S.N. GollapalemVillage. The NSS volunteers were divided into groups andeach group consisted ten volunteers headed by a senior NSSvolunteer as a leader after orienting them about seven dayspecial camping programme.


Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu

Krishna University, which is five years old, hadsuccessfully conducted the South Zone Inter- UniversityTennis Men Tournament in the month of January this year inwhich thirty nine university teams from South India took part.Being one of the recent achievements of the University SportsBoard, this tournament was allotted to Krishna University bythe Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi for theacademic year 2012-2013.

Madras University team lifted the Trophy by beatingAnna University team in the finals. Two singles and onedoubles events were played between these two teams in whichMadras stood winner by winning all the three events (3-0).In the first singles event of the final, R. Ram Kumar beat S.Visvesh by 6-0, 6-1, in the second singles H. MohammedYunus beat Avinash C. Ramanathan by 6-1, 6-0 and thedoubles was won by R. Ram Kumar & Harish team, beatingR. Harinish & Vishwajit Trimurthi by 6-0, 6-2.

SRM University, Kattankulathur (Tamilnadu) andAndhra University took 3rd and 4th places respectively.Prof.V.Venkiah, Vice Chancellor and the Chief Guest forValedictory ceremony presented the trophies to the winners,runners, 3rd and 4th place winning teams.

All the four Universities are qualified for the All IndiaInter-Zonal Competition which is held at NIT, Jalandhar. K.Radha Krishna a national qualified referee acted as ChiefReferee for the tournament.

This tournament was organized at the Tennis Courts ofAndhra Loyola College, Vijayawada for five days fromJanuary 17th to 21st, 2013. The tournament was inaugurated

by the Vice-Chancellor, Krishna University, Prof.V.Venkaiahon January 17th, 2013 in a colorful ceremony at Andhra LoyolaCollege grounds. Prof.D.Suryachandra Rao, Registrar, KRU,Sri P. Rama Krishna, DSDO, Krishna District Fr. Dr.A. FranisXavier, Correspondent and Fr. Dr. G.A.P. Kishore, ,Principal,Andhra Loyola College were present on this occasion.

University Tennis players S.Prithvi, P.Venkata Ramana,Manav Kumar Chakma & Rithvik Anand played for SRMUniversity and P.Sai Nihar,D.Vasu,D.Vasu & P.Sai Nihar forAndhra University.

The Tournament was organized on a knock-out systemas per the AIU guidelines. Prof. Pratap Singh Tiwary, Directorof Physical Education, Karnataka University, Dharwad wasAIU observer for this tournament. Hundreds of peoplewitnessed the tournament every day. No gate fee was collected.Several VIPs attended the tournament including Universityauthorities, District Officials and Sports Federations People.

The Valedictory was held on January 21st, 2013, inwhich Prof.M.V.Basaveswara Rao, Special Officer of KRUDr.MRAR PG Centre, Nuzvid; Prof.Y.Sundara Krishna,Principal I/c, University College, KRU; Sri G. Ganga Raju,Hon. Secretary, Andhra Cricket Association, Prof.P. Chinnappa Reddy, Former Advisor of sports, Govt.of A.P.,attended as guests of honor. Dr.N. Srinivasa Rao, OrganizingSecretary of KRU Sports Board, presented the tournamentreport and proposed a vote of thanks.


KRU kindles sporting spirit !

South Zone Inter-varsity Tennis Men’s winnerMadras University

KRU SPORTS BOARD: a talent avenue for sports persons

The Sports Board of Krishna University functions underthe Chairmanship of Prof.V.Venkaiah, Vice-Chancellor. Heis the spring of encouragement to the sports persons. He isthe pivotal force behind all the sports activities organized byKrishna University.

Vice-Chancellor strongly believes that sports and gamesgive unique opportunity in infusing the best qualities in humanbeings. Sports fields are human laboratories; training andcompetitions are good learning tools to elicit the best character,behavior and actions of an individual to gain confidence tomeet the challenges of an ever changing world.

Apart from academics, the University givescommendable priority to sports & games. A huge annualbudget is set apart for conducting Inter-Collegiate tournamentsand training the University teams to participate in the Inter-University Competitions.

The Sports Board co-ordinates and regulates the sportsand games activities of the affiliated colleges spread overKrishna University, numbering 145 colleges as on date. It alsoorganizes the annual events including the following.

Inter-Collegiate tournaments for Men &WomenInter-Collegiate Athletic Meet for Men &Women Another important activity of the Sports Board is making

the affiliated colleges participate in the Inter-Universitytournaments organized by the Association of IndianUniversities.

South zone IU Tennis Winners - Madras University

South zone IU Tennis Runner-Up - Anna Unversity

South zone IU Tennis Third Place- SRM University

South zone IU Tennis Fourth Place- Andhra University

Krishna University News Letter - Krishna Tarangalu


Chief Patron: Prof. V.Venkaiah, Vice-Chancellor

Patrons: Prof. M.V.Basaveswara Rao, SO, KRU DRMRAR PG Centre

Prof. Y.K.Sundara Krishna, Principal, Campus College

Chief Editor: Prof. D.Suryachandra Rao, Registrar

Co-ordinator: Dr. C.M.Vinaya Kumar, Asst. Prof, HoD Dept. of JMC

Associate Editors: Dr. N.Usha, Asso. Prof., HoD Dept. of English

Dr. C.M.Vinaya Kumar, Asst. Prof, HoD Dept. of JMC

Dr. T.Vijaya Lakshmi, Asst. Prof., Dept. of JMC

Editorial Board Members: Dr. M.Koteswara Rao, Asst. Prof., Dept. of English

Dr. J.V.N.L.Mythili, Asst. Prof., Dept. of English

Dr. P.Veerabramhachari, Asst. Prof., Dept. of biotechnology

Editorial Board
