News from The Church The Bell Tower at Litchfield Park October … · 2016. 12. 23. · Life may...


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News from The Church

at Litchfield Park

October 2016

The Church at Litchfield Park • 300 N. Old Litchfield Rd • Litchfield Park AZ 85340

Phone (623) 935-3411 • Fax (623) 935-0560

Email: • Web:

Chris Martin, Editor (623) 979-8503

Life may not always be fair, but it's still

good. When in doubt, just take the

next small step. Life is too short to

waste time hating anyone. Don't take yourself so seriously - no one else

does. You don't have to win every

argument - agree to disagree. Cry with someone - it's more healing than

crying alone. When it comes to

chocolate, resistance is futile. Make peace with your past so it won't screw

up the present. It's okay to let your

children see you cry. Don't compare your life to others' lives - you have no

idea what their journey is all about. Everything can change in the blink of an eye, but don't worry - God never

blinks. You can get through anything if your staying power lasts through

today. It's never too late to have a happy childhood - but the second one

is up to you and no one else. When it comes to going after what you love

in life, don't take no for an answer. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets,

eat the cake, buy the shoes. Over-

prepare, then go with the flow. Be eccentric now - don't wait for old age

to wear purple. No one is in charge

of your happiness except you. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this

even matter?" Forgive everyone

everything. What other people think

of you is none of your business. Time heals almost everything, so give

it time. However good or bad a situa-

tion is, it will always change. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick, your family and friends will -

stay in touch. Believe in miracles. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or

didn't do. Whatever doesn't kill you

really can make you stronger. Your children get only one childhood -

make it memorable. Read the Psalms - they cover every human

emotion. Get outside every day -

miracles are waiting everywhere. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours

back. Don't audit life - show up and

make the most of it now. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful, or

joyful. All that truly matters in the

end is that you loved. Envy is a waste of time - you already have all

you need. No matter how you feel,

get up, dress up, and show up. Take

a deep breath - it calms the mind. If

you don't ask, you don't get. Yield. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a

gift. The best is yet to come!

As we prepare to welcome the New Year, here are some wise thoughts to consider:

The Bell Tower January 2017


2-4 Pastors’ Columns

5 New Members,

Caregivers Support

6-7 Advent and Christmas

Photo Highlights


Fundraiser for 4C Children’s Choirs

plus Youth News

9-10 Bible Study, Men’s and

Women’s Fellowship

12 Wednesday Night



Senior Pastor

Rev. Dale L. Hopely, Jr.

The Luke Connection Recently I was named an Honorary Commander at

Luke Airforce Base, assigned to the 56th Fighter

Wing and specifically - and fittingly - to the base

chapel. The Church at Litchfield Park has a long-

standing relationship with Luke. The church and the

base have grown up together in the West Valley, and

over the years many Airmen from Luke have attend-

ed the church.

From the


of the Air

Force and

the base,

the Honor-

ary Com-



was insti-

tuted to

build rela-


with the


ty. Com-


leaders are given the opportunity to connect with the

Fighter Wing, Squadrons, and various departments

on base, giving them a chance to understand the vital

mission Luke fulfills. In our case, it is an opportuni-

ty to reestablish our long-standing history together

and most importantly, gives us an opportunity to

serve America’s finest and bravest.

Our service to the base began in December by sup-

plying turkeys as part of the Turkeys for Troops pro-

gram that provides meals to Airmen at Christmas

time. We delivered 139 turkeys which were handed

out along with all the rest of the ingredients for a

family Christmas dinner.

The money used came from our mission budget;

however, when Women’s Christian Service Fellow-

ship found out about the project, they immediately

came forward with a generous gift that covered

about two-thirds of the cost. This not only beautiful-

ly demon-

strated the


level of our

church to


those who

serve, but

enabled us to

help more

families in

need during

the holidays.

Over the

next couple

of years we

will be en-

gaging in various service projects at Luke. Next up

on the docket we will be providing a meal for the

monthly dinner for families of a deployed service

member that is hosted by the base chapel. We’ll let

you know when we schedule a date so that you can

get involved if you like.

I hope you are proud of this connection. It is one

more way we serve our surrounding community in

the love of Jesus Christ.

In Christian love,

Pastor Dale

Chaplain Maj. David Barnes standing next to bags of groceries containing all the fix-

ings for a Christmas dinner, and the palate of turkeys handed out to troops at Luke

AFB, provided by The Church at Litchfield Park.


Associate Pastor

Rev. Kerri Sandusky

The Wisdom of Akiva

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation

has come; The old has gone, the new is here.

~ 2 Corinthians 5:17

The word “new” comes with differing connota-

tions. It can signify something fresh and ready to be

inaugurated. It also can bring anxiety and fear of the

unknown. Aptly named, “New Year’s Day” exem-

plifies these emotions. With the flip of a calendar on

January 1, 2017, we have an opportunity to begin

anew. It is a blank slate full of possibilities. How

do we make sure that our “new” is really focused?

A few weeks ago, I heard a podcast that relayed

a story that has been passed down within the Jewish

faith for generations. It is about a first century rabbi

named Akiva.

Akiva was walking home when he took a

wrong path. In the darkness he heard a voice call-

ing to him, “Who are you? What are you doing


At once, Akiva realized that he had wandered

into a Roman garrison, and the voice was from a

young guard. Again, he heard the guard ask him,

“Who are you? What are you doing here?”

Instead of answering the question, Akiva

asked the guard, “How much are they paying you to

stand here and ask these two questions?”

The guard answered, “Five denarii a week.”

Akiva offered right then, “I will double your

pay if you agree to come with me, and each morning

as I begin my day, ask me those two questions:

“Who are you? What are you doing here?”

This story moved me to tears as I thought about

these two questions. There have been many mo-

ments when I have known exactly why God put me

in a situation. It was when I was able to pray, listen,

and laugh with people as I witnessed God’s love in

them. These are renewing moments.

However, there have also been many moments

where I have missed meaning and purpose. Tasks

and order have consumed me. The self-help book

industry and podcast popularity affirm that I am not

alone in this lifestyle. You see, so often I race

through life and miss what could be meaningful mo-


As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to

continue to be transformed by the renewing of our

mind. In doing this, we must remember (perhaps

hourly) who we are and what we are doing here. We

are created for purpose and meaning. It is a love and

grace that has been modeled by Jesus Christ and

lives in each one of us.

This “new” year is a time to bring focus and re-

newal to our lives. Perhaps we need to spend some

time praying about these two questions: “Who are

you? What are you doing here?”

May the New Year bring you renewed faith,

strength and hope in all that is to come.


Pastor Kerri


Associate Pastor

Rev. Dr. Lynne Kammeraad

Happy New Year!

It’s hard to believe that it’s almost 2017 and that

we’ve lived, worshiped, and worked here in Arizona

for a year. Therefore, I wanted to take a minute to

say thank you. Thank you for welcoming us and

helping us to adjust to living, working, and worship-

ing in a new community.

I’m looking forward to working toward what is

ahead. When writing to the Church at Philippi, Paul

wrote, “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself

yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: For-

getting what is behind and straining toward what is

ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for

which God has called me heavenward in Christ Je-

sus.” (Philippians 3:13-14).

This is an incredible goal and is perhaps the greatest

goal we could have as we begin a new year. Nothing

can compare to knowing Christ in a greater way than

we have previously. This is precisely what Paul de-

sired as he stated in verse 10: “I want to know


Over the course of the past year, many of us have

experienced challenges, difficulties, and tests that we

probably didn’t, nor would we, choose. However,

there isn’t a single one of us who has the benefit of

choosing what we go through. No doubt, there are

problems we all face. Some do come as a result of

poor judgment, which hopefully we learn from so we

don’t repeat them and experience more difficulties.

Many of us also shared several positive and encour-

aging experiences in 2016. As we prepare to begin

2017, I want to encourage all of us to look to the

year with determination and in faith that will bring

us through in even greater strength and success than

this past year.

In case you’re wondering how this might be possi-

ble, Paul gives us a clue a little later in this same let-

ter to the Church at Philippi. From prison for

Christ’s cause no less, he wrote, “I can do all things

through Christ who gives me strength.” We need to

remember these words were written by a man who

knew what it was like in times of plenty and in want,

when things were good and when they weren’t so


Christ gave him strength to give more. Christ gave

him strength to serve more. Christ gave him strength

to love more. The same Christ who gave him

strength to do these things will give us the strength

to do the same: to give more, to serve more, and to

love more. Giving, serving, and loving will make us

happier and more content not just in 2017 but for

years to come.

Can you just imagine the possibilities if we lived this

next year in a way that it made us sad at the end of

next December when the ball drops in Times Square

on the 31st? Thank you for giving of yourselves. I

cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate see-

ing the many ways you give, serve, and love. Thank

you, and I hope you have the happiest of New Years!


Pastor Lynne


Lance and Cathy Dosch live in

Goodyear. They are retired, spend

summers in Illinois and have two

adult sons living out of state.

Cathy retired from teaching; she

enjoys cycling, playing golf and

pickleball in Pebble Creek. She is

interested in the Missions Com-

mittee and serving as an usher.

Lance worked for GE and Sie-

mens, and enjoys traveling, play-

ing golf, and softball. He is inter-

ested in Men’s Fellowship, Bible

study and serving as an usher.

Curt and Susie Nelson also live

in Goodyear. They have four chil-

dren and ten grandchildren. Susie

is retired; she enjoys playing

mahjong and golf. Curt is a real-

tor who has retired from farm

ownership. He also retired as a

Captain the U. S. Air Force. He

enjoys playing golf and the guitar.

They are active in community

service organizations, and inter-

ested in serving as ushers while

learning about church service op-


Laura Taylor lives in Goodyear.

She is a retired social worker who

enjoys the theater, reading, cy-

cling, and spending time with her

seven grandchildren. She says

they, her three children, and liv-

ing in Australia are the highlights

of her life. She is interested in

serving with children’s programs,

the nursery, Worship Committee

and attending Bible study.

Caring for a loved one, though

rewarding, can also be very chal-

lenging. In many cases, the fami-

ly is the primary source of sup-

port for an individual who is no

longer able to care for themselves

alone. The responsibility is often

very demanding of time, energy,

health, and resources. A new sup-

port group welcomes caregivers

on the fourth Sunday of each

month from 11:45 a.m.-12:30

p.m. in the north Fireside Room

resuming on Sunday, January 22.

Kathy Bilak (Physician Assistant

specializing in Radiation Oncolo-

gy) and Pastor Lynne Kammeraad

will be facilitating this group. The

goal of the Caregiver Support

Group is to teach and encourage

self-care, as well as provide a fo-

rum of support and understanding

from others facing similar situa-

tions. For more information,

please contact the church at in- or

(623) 935-3411.

Interested in joining our church?

If you or someone you know would like more information about be-

coming a church member, the next orientation will be at 10:20 a.m.

Sunday, January 15, in the Fireside Room south. New members will be

received during 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. services on January 22. If you

have questions about membership, contact chair Peter Dale at, or call the church office at (623) 935-3411.

Five people welcomed into CLP

church family on November 27


ADVENT IS... decorating our church, celebrating with cookies and wassail, the WCSF Christ-

mas NativiTEA, preparing gifts for Pastor Kerri to hand out to the children...


Christmas! ...hay rides and caroling, cookies and Santa, children’s pageant and the nativity,

Chancel Choir Cantata and Messiah, soloists and accompanists, all leading us to...


Help the 4C choirs without spending a dime! Get

started on that New Year's resolution to clean out

your closet! Big Brothers Big Sisters will pay us by

the pound for your used clothing, linens, towels,

blankets, stuffed animals, purses, shoes, belts, dra-

peries, pillows, toys, books, magazines, and small

kitchen and household items. The items are then re-

used, resold, or recycled. Everyone wins: 4C earns

money while supporting a good cause, you get rid of

stuff you don't need, and your old things get a new

life instead of adding to the landfill. No item is too

small, old, or worn.

We will be collecting at the church from January

21-28. (For anyone who is nearby but physically una-

ble to bring your donations, we may be able to ar-

range a pickup at your house.) If you have questions,

please contact Dr. Sue Kujawski at or Suzanne

Waltman at, or call the

church office at (623) 935-3411.

Youth News Pulse and Ignite youth groups celebrated with an

amazing Christmas party on December 18. Steve and

Beth Charney and John and Pattie Bumann prepared

carne asada, chicken, and rice with the all the fixings

for a great feast! For teambuilding they created a

snowman with toilet paper, garland, tape, and con-

struction paper. A white elephant gift exchange fol-

lowed. The evening ended with birthday cake, and

s'mores made over a fire in Palm Court. Caitlyn

Bumann played the ukulele, and it was super fun!

The past few months, the youth have been study-

ing the theme of acceptance and how Jesus reminds

us to accept all. We have broken down acceptance

into pieces with an acronym: awareness, care, com-

munication, expression, perception, teamwork, adop-

tion, nourishment, confession, and empathy.

On January 29, we will welcome Uzma Jafri to

speak to our youth. Uzma Jafri is a certified speaker

with the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Arizona (ISBA).

This is a local organization that is invited by schools,

churches, and other organizations that want to learn

more about Islam, and sends trained speakers out to

present and answer questions. Uzma is from Houston

and has lived in Arizona since 2007. She is a soccer

mom of four who volunteers with several organiza-

tions, including ISBA. She is also SW Regional and

AZ Coordinator for Carry the Future, which provides

humanitarian aid to refugees in Greece. In her spare

time, she runs her private medical practice, and co-

vers nights at Banner Boswell Medical Center.

A Quick Look at the Budget

November, 2016

Revenue and expense summaries were prepared by Lori Orth, church treasurer, as part of the monthly financial reports to the Board of Directors. If you have questions, please contact the church office at (623) 935-3411 or


Date 8:00 9:15 10:45 Total

10-02-16 175 255 90 520

10-09-16 161 249 94 504

10-16-16 180 252 99 531

10-23-16 160 286 107 553

10-30-16 207 311 84 602

PREACHING SCHEDULE Worship: 8:00, 9:15 and 10:45 a.m.

January 1: Rev. Lynne Kammeraad

January 8: Rev. Dale L. Hopely, Jr.

January 15: Rev. Dale L. Hopely, Jr.

January 22: Rev. Dale L. Hopely, Jr.

January 29: Rev. Dale L. Hopely, Jr.


YTD Revenues $ 704,869.72

YTD Expenses 695,958.75

Net YTD Revenues over Expenses $ 8,910.97


Men’s Fellowship:

What is Islam all about?Men’s Fellowship is continuing their educational se-

ries on the world’s major religions. The hope is that

through understanding other religions we will deepen

our faith in Christianity, and also enhance our ability

to love our neighbor as ourselves. Men’s Fellowship

has arranged for John Wenzlau, a World Religions

college professor, to lead a discussion on the begin-

nings and beliefs of Islam. The meeting will be on

Saturday, January 7, at 7:00 a.m. in Souers Hall and

will include breakfast. For this special topic, anyone

interested is welcome to attend (including women

and youth). Please sign up in the breezeway or by

calling the church office so we can plan food accord-

ingly. If you have questions, call the church office at


Weekly Adult Bible Study Adult Bible study resumes in Souers Hall on

Tuesday, January 10, at 10:00 a.m., and Wednesday.

January 11, at 6:45 p.m. following the Christmas hol-

idays. Pastor Lynne Kammeraad will be leading the

study as we travel with Jesus from the Jordan to Jeru-

salem. The study begins at the Jordan River, before

we head to the wilderness and continue to Caperna-

um, the mountains, Sea of Galilee, Samaria, and Je-

rusalem. Everyone is welcome; bring a Bible, a pen-

cil/pen, and paper/notebook. If you have questions,

contact the church office at (623) 935-3411 or email

Thanks for all of your prayers, visits and support. I

still get lots of use out of my prayer shawl. Looking

forward to attending church soon. Your kindness and

support have been a true blessing for me, and were

very much appreciated.

With sincere thanks,

Cynthia Bush

I want to thank everyone who has supported me with

their friendship for the last 7½ years. It meant so

much to me and your endearing friendship is my

fondest memory. You’ve made my life much richer,

and I thank the Lord each day for my kind and

thoughtful friends who helped carve the way at The

Church at Litchfield Park.

Love and blessings

Rob Gimbl

I wish to thank you one and all for your part in Jer-

ry’s memorial service. Rev. Dale and Rev. Jud, your

kind words really touched my heart and Jud, you

know how Jerry loved to hear you sing. The choir

was beautiful, as always, and the Deacons and staff

are such dedicated workers. The flag ceremony was

so moving it’s a wonder I didn’t melt. Our family

deeply appreciated your tribute to Jerry.

Bless you,

Betty Lou Roth and family

I would like to thank all three of our pastors for their

prayers and support through all of my treatments. It

was very comforting. Thank you to those of the con-

gregation, the deacons and the WCSF for the cards

and prayers. Thank you in the kitchen for all of the

meals you’ve provided for Bill and I. They are so

good and really appreciated. Thanks to Patty and

Brenda for the calls.

With lots of love,

Patti Murphy

Commitment cards for 2017

are available in the Sanctu-

ary pew racks or in the

church office during the

week. Please take a moment

to complete a commitment

card to assist the church

board in planning budget

needs for the coming year.


Women’s Christian Service

Fellowship welcomes all women

who are members, visitors or

friends of The Church at Litch-

field Park. Feel free to contact me

for information about any of our

women’s fellowship activities.

Officers elected at the Christ-

mas tea for 2017 are Marcy Clem-

ent, president; Suzanne Boyer,

vice president; Lisa Warne, re-

cording secretary; Chris Martin,

corresponding secretary; Jacque

Hough, treasurer; Lori Corgan and

Jane Cook, members-at-large.

The WCSF board meets

monthly (except in the summer)

on the second Tuesday at 6:00

p.m. We would love to serve in

ministry with YOU!

For more details, contact:

Marcy Clement, President

(602) 471-1395

Circle 1 meets at 9:30 a.m. on the

second Wednesday of each month.

Circle 2 has varied meeting dates

and times.

Circle 3 meets at 11:30 a.m. for

lunch on the fourth Wednesday of

each month.

Circle 4 meets at 10:0 a.m. on the

second Thursday of each month.

Circle 5 meets the four th Thurs-

day of each month at 6:30 p.m.

Circle 6 meets the third Wednes-

day of each month at 6:45 p.m. in

the Watt House at the church.

All women are invited to

"Ladies Who Lunch" on Tuesday,

January 10, at 12:30 p.m. for a

Dutch-treat meal at Olive Garden

Italian Kitchen, 15411 W.

McDowell Road, Goodyear. Your

reservation is required by noon on

Monday, January 9, to assure ade-

quate seating. Look for the signup

sheet in the breezeway on Sun-

days; for more information or to

RSVP, please contact either Kathy

Christensen at speedbmp68@hot- or (623) 536-1207;

Chris Martin at chrismartinaz or (623) 979-8503. Join

us and bring a friend; all women

are welcome! Circle 4 focuses on projects that help West Valley families Circle 4 has a long-standing

history of helping families in the

West Valley. In keeping with that

tradition, Circle 4 bought and de-

livered twenty-five turkeys and

most of the trimmings to the Agua

Fria Food Bank on the Thursday

before Thanksgiving. Thank you,

Iris Stevens, for all your help. The

following week, long-time mem-

ber Wanda Jacobs assisted in de-

livering twenty-four children’s

blankets to the New Life Center in

Goodyear. The blankets had been

made by Ms. Jacobs and other cir-

cle members.

Thrift Shop is open 8:30-12:30

Saturday, 1/7 and Thursday, 1/19. Drop off your donations on

1/6 or 1/18, 8:30-10:30 a.m.

Contacts: Monica Sproull (623) 935-2656

Millie Ezell (623) 935-3953

Women's Retreat


February 4

The “Other”

Proverbs 31 Woman Study by

Rev. Lynne Kammeraad


Rev. Kerri Sandusky

Women’s Christian Service Fel-

lowship welcomes all women to

a one-day retreat, including

lunch. It will be held on Satur-

day, February 4, from 9:00 a.m.

to 3:00 p.m. in Souers Hall.

Child care will be provided; plan

to bring a sack lunch for your

child. Come join us as we dis-

cover “the other” Proverbs 31

Woman. Please sign up in the

breezeway on Sundays or by

contacting Marcy Clement at


Children bring crafts, games, and smiles to seniors Sunday school kids in kindergarten through fifth grade took a mission trip to visit residents of The Groves, a

senior living community in Goodyear, on Saturday afternoon, November 19. They made new friends, played games

together, shared stories, and made crafts provided by CLP.


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Wednesday Nights at CLP:

4:30-6:00 p.m. 4C, CLP Café, Rec Room 4:30-7:45 p.m. Childcare available

~ 6:00 p.m. Dinner ~

6:45 p.m. Bible Study, Chancel Choir, Rec Room

January 4 Winter Break—No Wednesday night activities

January 11 Oven-fried Chicken, Fries, Baked Beans, Salad, Brownies

January 18 Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Salad, Rolls, Jell-O, Cookies

January 25

Beef Tips, Rice, Peas, Salad, Cake

Activities and Rehearsals

4:30 p.m. 4C “Chimin’ In” - Fireside North (2nd-5th) 4:30 p.m. Rec Room - Classroom 3 (K-5th) 4:30 p.m. Heavenly Handbells - Sanctuary 4:30 p.m. CLP Café - Souers Hall 5:00 p.m. 4C “VIP” - Fireside North (2nd-5th) 5:30 p.m. 4C “Joyful Noise” - Classroom 6 (K-1st) 6:45 p.m. Adult Bible Study - Souers Hall 6:45 p.m. Chancel Choir - Choir Room 6:45 p.m. Rec Room - Classroom 3
