NEW8 NEW-JERSEY. l!:T^N.v'nn, Sylvester-Bell · 2017-12-26 · paay, but pava no reaaoa for...


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JI.HSIY KTT ELWmOa CABB8.The Court .,f Errora and Appeals ronflrniert at

Skaataa paatartoi de 1*1 m ot tha BBfraaaB OaarlUi the eaaes <.f lhe Jereej « .tv baBal-aai ataBara arhawere BOaihlaBd Ifl Mu la 'U «'.untv BeBBl BBB, the

(x>urt snsiai,. n lh de Im. lhe aleetlOB BBYenlu ievetit.-«:, preclneU w-re Indlrted l-r lallet-hoaatufflnc at ti,.- ra.ll .-:-'.. Ib IBBh. laa laaTBrlBjeaUwere not nind- aattl BlB folluwitm apring. lu laa

pwinets thr oflkwia wera romrlele*. Praai other

jirreincta Iheee i.-n gteaded gaBtg and ar«- aaaa serv-mg

aaaaa .i iron aix io ai.bomIBb la lha aaahe mu

paallanflaij the raaea taetdddJ raataraaj had haaa

appe-ulnd |o lhe . m t ol Brrara a« a test. Thej wara

Ihaaa ol Mt* HoaehaB, Thaaaaa Wtea, Jaha lun

and J. Thoniu- Daiaacey, oaaxan la lha llrM i'r-

rlrtct of thr |d liMriH. Every eff'.rt has bcn mado

to dri»y .he daeialona m theae aaaaa arBB the bogc "f

erejtitoaUy grtl'-g the r.i--.. off. Maat ol the ronvi.tednnvi uro now ou' ..n -mll, und KMBC of aheai arr

l.olding nm.:;,! l.l.-s in thr cltv povernnicnt. to

whirli thef w ,f :,].]. Iited by tl.e Deinon-Ht. as a

rewiird for th.-ir wu... ln tl.e elorUon "I I"-'*. **."*¦

Govemor AhbOM Waa l.-.t.-d.When It vva> maored over a month nfio thal tlio

Court of Brrora had BBAraMd tlie der-i^lor. of th.- I<awi*r

court, a aaaher <>f lhe eeawleiai bwb wer- civen up

by thelr beeaaattn. ln rvery lnatanee the

bonderoen i.ii'de somc su< h ex.nse IB "traaattl of

property hrld hv tiie boaka." Mune of these mon

were retmUed aad U.e otbBBS weal to Jall.When the do.-i-.ioti ol the Court of Errora

bexamr knowri v,-icrd:iv tliere was u (CieMtai-ul ol Ulk among the De.nocn.tlc politsniint,"..eelcrs'' and tru-ndo of the convirted "BBBg.1The BiaaBare al pn.tevtion agninrt convictioi. eoaMuot be and thla last has aetUud it

that lha whola bateh al these ertariaale aill hnve

to aarta their time la ihr ptadtaaBaiy< rl"' ,'"i'1

aaaabar of oflb iais ladfeted wus alaty-acrraa, m eareatoeaprre-inctv. ii.:.A tbaae were acoaaated. Thoaewho wlU hr iniinedtutely altected ta rhis la-t ile

cMI-mi ore, beattea those alreadj iwnied, Hen.ryBycan*. O. L. l-'r.burg. Joaeph H. BaehHdfe Bad

Ihllllini Trotter. of the Third Frerh.i-t. Is: Oist.ul,

hjtahaal BeBaf, Charlea Baajeac, Jaanea Bauaaaoas aea*wiiiiam F. n..*Ae, of lhe -n ii to Praetaot, lai DMrlet;ftaacai Whalen, J. ti. Mllle-r, Joha ereea nnd

P. J. Kmu-dv, ol tht Bbat -ftaataet, Ud DBaBM;Jc.lin A. Wlmleti. J. O. Mi.lraln, David ..ordon nnd

M. J, White, ,.( Uie Beeond Preclnct, Ild DtetrM:Jamer. Baraa, Thaaaaa Mlahafl und l*cter J Oaeaidy. of

|Ba Third PlBBlaca, Ud. Distiict; Johti P. Mnrray. 6., O. E. mmjbam aJi.i M. J. Elynn. ol the PtfthptBdaet, Ud niMiict, Paartct HaOaath, J. ¦.>tiimpf Hi.djohn l>. Baaa, if laa aaveath Prectoci. Ud Distri. t:

W p Menioii>. II. C. Wiiichler. Charlea A. HoWereraud lu.rtiK boalfar, of the -scjond Prneltict. l\thDistmt; Ihoawf uordon, M. PaOaa, \uiliam laylprai,<i .lohn 'i. vvauii. oi tii" i'ir*t Pradact, vth t. , .

Vonr ol the ciif-.s f.x.m the other .s<-ren pi*e<lnct>hnv.. been irleal. lt la beBered ihat ull od Um mealrom Ihe t-n preUn.ts atenttoaed wlfl now plead ?unty,wan thr hope ol IBttlns -n a-s Jlt-'htly as poaalhie.

NKWAKK.Adolph Mn-ll'T. rreniUy mniiagor of tlie N'rwiirlt

Dlst.l.i MaaaeafaV Oxnpiinv, ha* dlaopp'-arrd nnd feai tlnt lie baa e .mmifted suicide. On Thora-day iu>t Maallaa aawaorcd iiis raalcaattaa. to tl.e <-<>m-

paay, but pava no reaaoa for iiis acHaa, A haatjoxotnlliat.ion waa niiidt- >I 1,1s wceounts and thev arejjglo^nrt t" bc eotrect uud his boolts Iti good BhaBO. .. riinnnr<i thut he imd .-loped with MI-s TOBel.-ig. au astBaahta iraaag Qejnaaa girl. but her aarentebHllgnuiitly deny tlie rumoi. They say Ihat BBaa 1*1.;u visitinK trieoda la Btthwajr. Maatler wa- oontrUamtl wltt lha llrl, he harlng tuiirp Ub meais m

iin pareut.s" iifunr f,>r aeraral yeara. Mueller »a- aht,«u\ voi.iig uiiin BbOUt tlilrtv yrars ,.M. e#re.i-.ilraara ajr l.t- t< ahool BUaaoB aaina to a

dlsupiii'iiitiiicni Ii. ii love utlaJi, und it is oa bccoubI ofMilt. that li. iiienUs now hor that he haBJ haVB fOBaoll and tahaa his itft-.

Philtp Delano. Bl giihifl¦BThrwa at,,, BrooUrn, whoahoi iBin-.-li .nr-v jreaterda; mornlnc, wa« s.iil nitvelast night aud i h.e .nrgeoaa at the ntv Hoapital aowhave rtroaig hop<-a oi 'ns raeot'ery. Delaaj lefl a

letter natli.g thal lie was siek u, tuiud und b atl .nm

liad uo lartoer d itit t-. lea. He B a eooaaaipOro.nanii Damlaaa, lhe ItaBaa arha waa taat weeh eoa.

vletod ...' -oli'l: ug m'rl'ii Mulliii ln UHI hl-, (Dnml-ano's) wlfe, wa.-. v-t-niav aentcoeed to two raara atbard lnbor ln Mala pit-on, the full pennltv of tlie law.


MOKIOaUIB.One of the larjre^t BBatBaP ever held ln Montoluir.

K. J.. was that rt JataiBBf niBlit, in the Oaara lloiiso,called to <otis|d.-r the advlsabllltv of giaatlBg a

fniii.hlse for a street lallwaf between Mont. and

East Ornnfrr. Thls aatatban had b*en diBcaaeed ln

Montolali- f.n- BaoathB, aod wh.n the BBBBBag wns

callr.d to order on »:itiirdav nleht it wiis eattawtBdthat there wrre fully 1.OU0 meu prwnt. At llni.-s

tlw rx.. ltemeiit was so fieat that the uieetinc thr.-at-en«l to brenk up la dh-order. A peUUoY. had been

privrnted la Uie Town-hip lomTniltr.. bv Praaeti M

Eppley, on b.'hnlf of the Mv.nMatr nnd Enst (irini-.'e

Hallway Otaapaaqr, askln.: paiBllaalOB to eooetracl audopcrate a niilwuv fr»im Enst CtaBfle t'> Moat.-lalr.The Townshlp .'ommitti-e, nl a BMOtlng on Ap'11 '..

appolntrd a eOBUntttee to lnvesilKaU- the tnatt'.i wllhln sixty dav.-. Tbe majortty ivr«>rt of thl-- c.m-

mitte.- un-. road ou ^ntunlnv'ht bv Mr. JohOBOB.Thls re]"«rt rwoauaeoded that Uie Baaehlas \>o notplv.-n. Mr.,le. oi tlie rOfoarittOB, r»-ad a mlnoiitvre]K»rt ln ftiv.n- of prantinr th.' fnuit-hlte. Imt at nrea'onnl.le roaipenamoa io th" town. ,-peorlir.v wereinadr on hoah wdea, nud when B vi,fr w-a- tnken iIk-nialority rrport, rehudDg Ihe fiamhlse, wa,^ adopted.

SKWABEN.The first repiita al the Ooaaraa I^ind and Water

Chib w*a- held oa Hatardaji af.rrtioon, aear a ten-tnilefouvse. Nine l.onts entered, and des|rft»- the .i.-av-y

aarthaaalartl atona, «u hai the BBaBH aearted. TheBaMi waa clo-f. und ahowad ereat sklll In urrnnplneUi»- tlBM nilovvn:,,->.>. Thi- lli-vt prir* vv,. bf UieFfcv owiicd bv W. II. II. s,nilth, ar)_ the aeCOOd bythe (lvtle, whlrh i.-. lhe i«.s.pfrtv of I). n. Wh.Ui.-k.The Dorotbr, owned bj lt. U, CTaiBaon, ntade theta_a umr, hut »«> h.avilv handlcnpi>rd and so didnot «lii » ptln. Tin- lub wljl follow ih.s HMow-aflui oprn i,_- ol the aeaaoa bv a peeefHoa nnd daneeoo Thiiiadaj eTeotbg.

Th« criirril ni. nf gt. lohn'^ Protestant EplseopnlOhiirrli wn-. Bld wlU. iii»;>nopri.-.te rereBKuileK onbatiu-dav afternoon. hlahop ..ohn Bearboroagh, >.fHir dloces*- Ol N.-w .Ic:-. v., a~!«lst«^l L..V th.'rector of the paitsh, lhe i:.-v. Unmlron srhiirlrr; ihepeeior ol Woodbrtdge parlph, th. K.-v. Mt. I.nrlit.vp.'.uid thr iirv. Urtamtotie rtchujrler, under wboae cliar*..the hn- attained Its growth.


WESTCHESTEB OOCHTY.XEW I.fH'llEl.I.K. The twenty tiftli annlv ¦; urv of

the .Nt.w-Koc!i..l!e MiifinerelHir and the aeeoad aaaaalreunion of the WBBteheatet O-aaalf Daeaajerhawg. ro.n-

prisinc nli the Oaiaaan tfagtag s,«i>-ties in Wr^t-

ehe^ter (''uintv, WBB c< lebrnt.-d herr yr-indnv. At1 p. in. Baera waa atreal garadr. whleh vvn.- j«.rtielpatod ln hy the Kiro I)<pa.tmrut, the Wliltt- I'lnlns

Oaaeordya, Ihe rnraee UedarlaM, |ha Moaal VaraeaQuart.'*. Ctah, th- Willliuiishrldg* l.nlderkraiiz, Un-Waateheater Maennerrhar, ihe i*ortelir>tei Qaiaiaula,the Hariea MarnaiiThor. thr MaMaaaaeh LcMarBnna, the Mosait MaailllllfhfB ol New-York. tlK-w.-si N.« Rocuellc Ihu.dartiaflabaad and ihe BewKoehclle Mnennerehor. in the aveataig a ateole waihrld in Hr-wiv I'urk. The ofhrcn. of ilio Hanjrrrhnrnlair L'harloH Matthlaa, pr.-id-.n, Haaaaal liaum. i.t

bi<*-iii.nt: tari weiistnihoefi-i-, aaerelBty, and uWanhenbaeh, luaaawi.

Wirt jHTS _____1A_T0X PAXTBB1 TEL-TBBATBB1The lleaiti. OaaBBaaaBBaarB hav begaa an in\e«tiratiun

©I a publlahrd .omplnlnt Tij Jarnea E. Brown. all taBBIBaeaaaeut livi!,-! at Ba. BBI Warhunt<>ii-at.. wlio vt»» mjiI

%a North Hroth.r I«l:md ,.n Maj- IB. >u0erins frum rmail-ma. iuad »ar dls-haizrd nine day* later. Slnce Rrowu

laft Uie baaBBBBl ha l».s .akrn aai orran vovafr fm thr

beneBt of hls hralth. Hr ccmplalaa that whlla he waa In

lha amallia.v ward on Nnrtli Ilrothei laland he war .am-

pelled t" <*at f«*..d al l««>' Quallty, weaj- lll-flttlnp and

-¦iuy eMhaa »iw-p la aaaaa proximitT u. aahat i*tirutaiand hreaU.r ;K>llut«Hl alr. W.rat of all. he drolar.s, he

war obliaed to perform menlal "ork In the ward. BBBh »^

waltlnp on other patlentr. *vrubbln|t lhe floor aud rmptyincalopa. althouith h- had r\pr.*«'-d a w11!ln»ne__» io puy fot

»D*.kil attrr.danc. Br,,vTn h*« made no dlrrrt complalnt|l thr Uialth Boaid, bul has told hl» »Mrv to newapapTreportor*. ..' _,

l'rraidrnt Wltfon and Dr. Brraot said yrsf-rday thrre

vera onlv tvvrntv-ave *tnallp..x patlrnts In the two warda

at the tlna. of Brovvn'a drtrnllon on Uie laland. and aa

eaeh wart had mn ali egaea of 25.000 rul.ic Bat, and wa.

well ventllated. there vould be no reaeon for complatntabout bad alr ln th.* hoapital. Thry alao aaid thnt

abuudant fond of tbr bert qualltv waa provldrd for Ui-

pat.mlA ln thr hospltoi. lt waa .ontrary to tlir rulra to

lirnnil favorltlam at Wir ho.|HUl. aod no patlrnt waa per-linttrd to Bsve or jibv for aprrlai atMuidanee therr, th.-v

aald, the lntentlon belni to plve frerlr to the piwrratpetlert ev.-TT proj^r altrntion that thr rlrhrat ceuld ir-

qulrr. lf Browu »t< r-qulrrd to pnfortn mrnlal dutlra

|n tbr ward. ther NUd. thr rule* had bern \1olatrd Thrydlraeted Dr. Xlchola-s. who l» ln charge of thr ho*.ilt-*i. to

niake an tnvaatlitatlon »nd rei>ert to them. He denled that

Brown hM baeo eoaipeJlad lo perform aejr work ln tAa

ward. aod he «Ud that Brawn bad made na i-oinpiali.trwaiie ha waa an Ue lalaad.

IN EVERY Re-ceipt that calls forbaking powder,use the "Royal."Bettet results will

bc obtained because it isthe purest. It will makethe food lighter, sweeter,of fincr flavor, more di-gestible and wholesome.It is always reliable anduniform in its work.

.-I regard the Roval Baking Pow¬der a* the best manufactured. Sinceits introduction into my kitchen Ibave used no other.

.'Mabion Harland."



COXD-TION-NO ARRI STS MADE*Peter (irossmnn. a farmer iwenty-ttiree years oM,

lies dving nt B*. 108 Ewc, -t.. 0- the re-ult nf ;.

bn.tal n-nult laBlrtafl by a *pedal 0-_4**r nnmed

Wkk, enipl'.vcd al I'hllUP-'** QBBBfl Ifl Me.-erule.-t.

Tbo aa-BoR. Graoomaa flocl.a, aaa eattn*. witl,..,..

praaacattoa. A muaam of plrjrstrtaaa aren caltofl ln lo

BlMOd ine dving but tbev refn-d Ifl B«t lt 8

BltaflBd, when tb*. lenrned tbe natiire af UM tam,

tearing that it bbb a bafMem aa*. aafl taaa thev

aaeM tan Ume altatmarfl teeOfjrtag in eeart, '¦"'-

mn.i «,. MBOBg il"' apeetBton at the OaelBfl ou Wtadav nlght und loofe u --e-t in Ihe galMrg. Tm** fl*feii I.-I.-.-P. f.-r wblch, I.e suvs, «n attempl wus raafle

bv ...ther Wi.ll to (JeCt Mm. l-'*l"re beln« liin.-u

into the -H.-4-1 niiiiBBBBB aaa b*o*a_tf etuMMfl. aafl

tben carrtofl tO th.* fltatb Precii.d Statlon ta a -"»>

a,o-e eoaaBMoa «"d locked Bta aftar Ita talarte* bad

been tmt.daged bv un ombulnii'* -urge.-n. *i'-i"rdu>

mornlng (iro-man wns urragnert betiire JuMl.e Pet tor

son. ln the Av.-nue P'.llce Oflflrt He anaanhM

a pitifni apptaaoan iu* tam and baaflj wtn

(ovreod with blnod which lmd flowed fem Ib* aroa -I-

Ig his head. und lt wa* wlth din.i.iItT thnt he aai

able to Maafl before lli" bnr. Wick wns there |*

.uosecnte the prl-nii-i- When Ji.-tl-a shw

tlie oi Oroanaaa h.* Jiuni>«-'1 U> W* led. *-

tiie innii graape-d tba raiiing f.n- m»pon...Thi.- 111:111 I- dving. Huve uu uiubulance uum-

moncd at nnce." I.e crled.Ofttcer Wick gu/.ed nt hls prlsoncr, and then tumlas

to fhe aagtataata -aid:-I ol.Ji'ct I.. thi- man belng sent to a hospltal: he

thrente11.1l fi UIH ine. nnd I BBflt blm MBt to Jail."Surge-i iMBofB, of th.- Ba-tarn Di*trt.-t Hmpiml.

re.slK-.dt-1 IO Ihe 'ull o*M wbon be rep. hed II.OUrt

tbe hnd l.-eti cairlf- to the corrlflor. Wii'-'i UM

surgecm lenrned that the niau hnd been Btteoflefl blanother phvsidi.11 be said he c.mhl do flflthlBg. lt tb -

Pflttotaofl on lenrnlng thta beenme vcrr Indlgnan:, aaflsummfjiit- tlie BarflflOB lH-f"i" the bnr.

.¦ You tuUe thi* iiijin t.i the llirsplUll." .h'.utcd the

BBBgtatmto. Tha *m_eoa nfaaafl ta fltarj ihe 8 !-

and atart**. to lenve tl.e nx.iii.-If the mnn di.-s. vmi wlll be b*M naponMble.

«riu __S ranof that*.'' «M Um JwUn. Olitord >"»"<*nn i-eplv, bnt left tl.e OOBll room.

ja-Bc. i-ettrr*..i. Ihen toM (.roaemaB to ch'.-ne where he wa* o*el*trd bj "averal armpoibltlnir.suectators \fter RrooaBMn had beea luken whijbatlea I'^ter*'.., aold that ln bl* optolon tbe a«uia

?ki.ii wns fneturefl aafl that hi- fleeth wm Bhelvtor.ornr Ot nnv livment. (.ros'man WOfl pul to bed ImniedMitelv after be r.-nd.ed hta oan*. aad falnted-ev-ral tltnoa. Althongh ( 1- reported loln a dving ...n'llti.'n. bo attempt bai bna modr bi a«

pottce 0. tl.e SUth IT.cin.1 t.i place Bfoh ..ndcr urrc-t.

A OXBMAB BOY MIBBIBO.Uata BBtmeaar, ot No. :i_ n-.vdst.. is a-ktam ta

leni-n where hls nephew Is. The nephew Is PHta fl* bflmotin. wi.. left mtabarg, rapiamBflll oa th- Paaa-

sylvanla Rnlli'.ad, two *r«*ka Bflfl to conn* |0 thia rltj.18a boy ha*- taltafl, however, to apanral Mr. » baeler i

baose He hns l.een ln thta eoaatn oalg MgW BKmt_

and .pcahs no BagUah Hc ls i-niall Ifl rtotnr*. n il

more Umb four taet Ma Inrhe* tall. und when loat aeea

v-oro ahort bata, a flarh bat nnd btaeh tAothee. The

1K.T Is tl.e onlv BOfl of 8 wi.l .w. und h'.p.*d tO B*l B

P!.e.; through hls imcle. Perwiia wha bmt chaneefc, ni..*t tb* boy an- r.-.|ncst.-d to dli-.t hlm t. K*.-,)._ Flovd-st., Liooklyn.

NO IU1T.Y TO DK. D1XOV- OBABO-S.The Rev. Dr, k. c. Dtxoo, p**bM ei th. Han- .. Plan

Boptlat Ch-.r.-h. ehareed 00 hunday ln bia patpH BaB UM

e*rl*e law wa- m.t BBforeefl «... Snnrta-.-. Bfl .1 real

day that h" hod Iht e-lOOO** M tru-'" *4_IJ BMO I- **8-uintlaU- tlie amteMOOta, nnd tliat h* "a* * 1*0*08 clil

f.,m. hls Brtoflow ->.. s....d-.v BflOrtflfl 8t toto_hrati.fll, Bl Ili'.thlng wn- done «lth th" luan whi. *eld ti.. lll'. "

II «a« nnt ri-a-bt. h" said. U, l»t ll'i'i'r .1".',. Wbo *r1olal d

HM low eorap* arn-st trhen hurrlnr*' nnd r-.n-\f« wt.

Oir**t.d for la« br'akli.2. Mav.,r R0..I1 d" BaOd to *av at.T-

thing v'-sUrdav r'.ordl.ig the 1-0*1** BMfla lv ItI. DU*0 00

Sunday. tliat th" credlt for rroi.tlnc nn BOW Hceo**4thi* yar wa* not due to U.e Mav..., but t. ih. W_.0* ,f

aboloMlfl ii(|..'.r flealera, tatooiB and paUUeaMi oao«a.ited t n.(.kr ninr-> mi.i.ev and not M h.-tw

hii-liie*is rtilned br th" ini-r<.«e of Bqoo* flbop*. PoSuperlnt. nd-nt C*n.|ib"ll '*ld that tbe IKOrflfl tt 01*0*1and fllBliiibaiitia ao Banflaji oaaarefl that the .-ity ma*

pOBBSBbta and w,-ll ord Mfl.

OATHBBBO ABOUT TIIK. TOIVN.In the Bllti of iln- f.atliei ..f l.enri i,rf.«sn.:.n 1f. re-

BOa~M BB.OOO from I'llo Mvll ii- (liiinage.s for ilie h.s-of h:s diiugl.ter's -eivbes ..wlr.g lo her b.-traval bvr-t.ill, » verdlct nwardiiig the full nmoniit un* gl\e:iin tl.e Clty Court .vestei-rtnv.

The safe la the fiirnitiire *tore of Retijamlii lli.t.-liMs-. ot Allunilc nnd Willliiins B***., wn« found ... li .v.-

ban iiowii open i.v bargtan rnterday moiiiiii., aafl8188 nnd ihIuhM" papera ure mls-ing.

«>n Moiiduy of taat w.-ek 78_taB,14a gi' ofwnter weii" u-<-. U.e lnrg^-t amoiint ever dniwn lnone dav ta Ihe .itv. An nvemge ..f 70,i)fK),0tK> -ptilofl*a dav araa u-. .1 laal week.

.Incnb Wanz, of No. .VI-> PIllBhlBgan., WB* founddn.w.ied ul lia\ lil'lge ave. .-.nd N.-w York Bay, Be*t'trcchi. ye*t.-i(lav ufK-rnoou l.v I'ollce Jasttae < hui. !..of N.-w t'tif'lit. He "a- l.-i-t .-.'"ii nt u lal.T unioii

BtaeBag, Bo. :;¦"> nroVave., Kew-YorB, afl Jaae 13.He lefl there nt 10 p m. Th* poBee bnre been to*blng tot hlm fnr- M-vriiil dav-.

The aiatiaicnl made bv the BraoBljn Baaltai^LMHPM that iho -cwaa.-. fi-(..n the tin fa.-tory of flOBMr*Brothara rtows Into the Baaanaa Canal is denled i.vtbe lirm. whn «a,v a speilal -.-wer BXtCBdM h*Hfltho fi.' ior.v ta ihe Foartb-va. Bawer, aafl aU Ihe,-e-vngc of Ih" pl.i'-- flows iii It.

Mi.ioi- lloodi d.lili*- thnt li.ii-lin'.iiy Miis ibOWB lnratting down Ihe BpproprtaUoc lor the Board ..f K..I..raBoo from .¦?i.!'.'i.''.oiaj ta 81,7a&^K)0, Thi* aai anIBWMBMS "i BBflajflOO over Ihe iirimiilit of la-i \.-..r,

at.d will mect, bo -ny-, nll the deiminds f..r teaehei-in the n.-w srhool bnildlngs u.- b.-t ii- tl.ey are readyim aa*.


PBIfS BBCLABAnXEBt Ot TBE CUT COlLEBf.Tlio annual ptta* flcrlBBMttan ut Ihe Ca..11"_<* nf tl."

C'ltT of Ne**-York dirw 8 large and re a.i'llBnre last entataf t»> ChkBattai Hall. flaaenl Ala*ander 9, Wehb. president of Ihe rollege, piv-lded.Three stndent* from each of three iipit*er BtaBOOfl r*mpctexJ. Itaaa the aaatar eiats the aaafllaaai were B,....Idriiarh. (.. 31. Schula and J. BoaaBg*r*tgi from IheJunior clnss, s. H. Welnhondler. E. J. BflBMr and K.Appleinn. The -iphomore rlass wa- repr.-srnted hiF. F. Xewman. P. I). Neugher and M. R. \V'*bi. aammmaafl th.* aaaam of tiie judge- ofthe <onte*t to be Wllliam II. Silb.-i. Father Aaartas, ofthe Ifl -*s.lle Inttitute. and the If.v. Dr. Tiler. Ti.ename of tlie wlnner wlll not be made public until lharommencement e-erclse* on Thursdav.Among those present were John I.. X. Hunt. in-.-.i

dajil of the Hoonl ..f Edu.atlon; sdiool Coinmls-n..,,..Clmrle* L. lloli. nnd Mrs. Clara IVIlIlyms, of UM Collego lioard ol Truslee*.

UBBfiWw OF XKTHODIST MtBtBTEBt,A lnrgely artmided meetlng of Methodist preacher*

*».s held at Xo. 150 Plfth-ave. .rosterdnjr. On themotion of l)r. Roach a commttti* waa appoliued tadraw up approprlate reaoliitlon* on the denih of In-.J BT. .Mendenhall. Edltor of "The McthodUt Qttar-terly Re\*1ew," who dled on Snturday. Dr. A. .1.Palmer. Dr. J. M. Buckley, Edltor of "The OhHottaaAdvocate." and Vr. J. 0. Peck made nddt-sses BBthe worhlngs of the Omaha Cooferenc. ond the con-clutlons to b* drawn fTom lt.Among other things Dr. Backlej aaM ho con

man* U aMaaaf aa BapeMe*»a « tha p^p}^'^^^-^^^^''^rrfJr^^ Aatmatn durti.S

thclr stey. ___,_.-,



l!:T^N.v'nn, avknu:-.

M n-.k-r,.K. B Wlscon.rn OILBBY CMfdMe. .

.!;, \____VSL7Splr m -4 :-;;:,;.;-S-aSS-ST'" '"

** ' ',",, AV1 M'I'-II ¦'

i;-, :. t *«&£££...-oe>. of BartfeiaT. ,

WHAT IS GOING OW TO-DAY.RrP.M!ran ctah B»ea.a*eette_g. KeeB HbB. 9 P- m.

JSa» R peMleaa dab. BegaW aa EoV_9l_m.uTuunTEoptim Attntatm, Pf» WhahB.«JBa.A,B*r diTBira nat, Bag 'mr Ceert,Boarri r-r AMeraam, :rr llall. 1 P- m.

i oncy letaad J* kag (lab ra.--. gaaegahead Bay. - .jo

p. n.po'lce and Tllot CeBMBlaaleBerV tnrcllnea.

Koi^s ,.<_,.. no. B2. <i. a- r- Pi'-inc BraahlagtaB PaiB.

evenlng.Uwa <¦ -n Mt. Borrll Parh, 8 p. m-

x:ll i..l.,;vi)..,,ii;lf.^.»n«ii,N« »AeaaaeI i'- .¦¦.

__. __.

BEW-YOBK CITY.Chtd laapartar Hear, V. Maera, ¦( '!..- -**£?«*

SeVartmenl reataraay, after II bad been approred M

toiit.olle. M.ver>. .lohn < und OaOTgl Voahae

wrrr th" lafattBB, '

roniml-l'iner Ilronnr.n haa BBBRted U< men out of

,he nuintrr aaaaal »< ahyaleally eaaaMB ot i*- ftarai

lDI th, work of itroet-tweepen t.v lha iBealleal ex

SnS. wltb whaai he b« reorgaalaai Ire al tha

lower str-i-t rimnlnc ilatrieta aadar lhe aea law.

rhov wlll begta worh ln Ibeae dWrteb- lo-day. The

aStoroa preaerlbed for lhe Battaaar forea wlU not be

rc.'iv for .-iiH'iii ,i tartalght.rnr awmbera nf the nokmr* Exehaaaa taasd gai

trrdiiv n. the q.ii'"-. ot eloalng thr eaehan* ao tte

tatnrday before Jnl» 4. OaH etgbl mmtbonoi tta

exrhange roted agalnai the propoatlBm, whlle oa,i lo eloaa lt. TWa Beeaaa lhal the etehaaga wlU

not Ix- apea ou M.tunl.v. Julv -.

.ioi.,. Byan, who waa laperlad ta Tootaroar* gapenM tta baahaad al IMaa Bagjta nine. haa aJBl a Wtarto tta greaa ta whleh be ieabja lhe aOegatlOB.

Ti,r aaaaawi Baw-table of the New-York, Oatarla.nd Weatern BaUroad goaa lata aSecl oa ganatay. iwmo

.'.-, The Sntnrdiiv hnlf holiduv trnlii MaBea iis nrsr

;,m aa Eatartlar. the Sfttb, taartog rool ..i Wdal Tbtr*

teenthst. at 1*30 P- m. aad Weal Fw*tj-aaeoad-at. ali :r, p. in., runnliiR ttroagh b> BoeWaod. B. v

The motion of U.e * HachMgrry" Ballroad aaoptafor ..... order lo iraaUb tte Ifeelebeetar Towa Board

for eonteaipi of eoarl ta oraarlag ihr arr..-; ... aom

,,f ihe lomp.-mv's vv uiunni. allar thej bad baaa >n

jolned Iron Inteiferlag wllh tl.aigBBj ln IB worh

,,f laying tiweha. wae adjoarned jreeteidaj l,v .lu-il-o

Aadnwa m tba BapreaM Coart, Chambera, aaUl Thai

d..y.The bodv of BdwaH w. OeaM, the brobar who waa

hllli-d at the gelfOraaiB e of an nini.trur Wil.l Weat'

-Now at Btalaa lalaad an Satardajr, ««>- lahra t«. ln

former hon.r m Bowpon yeannay aftaraaoa. Btatean -nernben ... Uaa Btalaa lataM-d AthteUe .'lur-- ata

of them aetlag a* gaB-baaiara, eatortod the bod) Itoaachrtat Cbareb. Bew*Brlfhtaa, ab. Iba raaeral >e.

vlcaa were held, b. ihe Fall att*ar boat,

UX. MEOE TFAtn IB yon tVXTKE VBADT.Tll.. Rev. '; i* Btiaa, B-. Bee Bpaaled by Bla

Mnaaal. Coloari ahaey, aeat I Jeffei larhet l'allca,-,,,,. .,:.¦. rratentay BwralBg, and aalted foi JuaUce

lirady le wmi Ifl and glv« Mi deelalea aa Calonal

. ;,.-.;.,-t ti,- n.ln.-' : BflUli

U o'rlock and thea bearlag thal faei ¦¦

lt >i Btephcn'a Char, b tt¦, -aoota ago, fi-. "

1; i -, |. ivlng Mr. DlBea *»id 'hat II J"-'- '.'-'1 -

iMti oum ,.f his taaaael, hr aaaM n..t ga ¦

ai« h.s Meaea, bal aaaM aalai larthet aaaaMaaUaaand Civr ball r.,r U.e liranl An-.y.

BbarUy altei Mr. DUaa *nd hia aaaaaal Ml Bha.. i,,... i li ..iv aaaai ta, imt lefaaed l .

Ua deelalea aaUl Caleael Abaef aad Ml Dlaaa were

|,i> . nl.__



Saiirlar. I '-'4 Het. 7 30 M'.on r..»« '-' M a ra M.ona .*' PdIII 'i II WAI B R

. i, Baaariri d-dd Oae.laTd.. .iot it-ll a -

?.jr-sanu> lla.. 4 bo '.w. laTaV. 6 ll BaB **¦... , .u


V(««n rmm BafladUaau .I.iv.-ri-N.l. .rnn.-10.BThtlaHtaf

m ,!.¦ <.t Nevada UI»»««" Juna tu.Allafl Suiai-allfornla .Hamliir* Jmu ? ...Baaab-Amef

I , ,,. .Koii. i'1-.ui.... Ji.i.<- s ...ii. v ¦-

Clti rd tli v.n.'tria Ilavaim.J Ifl. lh .M > v. iBav.,MIit ,,.,,(,., ,.Juaa 10 .\i.,imr1 ii, s aii.i ".......'.... .Aiitwrj. Jnnei: Brd Biai,.,:..,.......t'.i'.n Jnaeli.PaehM m.ui ...:>.. 12

ntrofratla.. I.ivrrpool.Juna }.'.._f.'*f____liiav..l .Br.iiirn Jun- 11..M, U'.vdMratocii.....iiavana.Jaae IB.BTaOaBa

naaapAT. jtsk 'j:i

M:.aa-l.uii.R,.lt.r.l..m .Jun. 11.Nrth Au.rr


Malla Vr««rlTaaaaL Uaa. Em

,.ataaa aaiia.

'I ... N'fi I.loj'.l. Hrciiu-livi.i si,,nt!:'iil.>u ID ^ in 1 , IU

WKD*.r.sii*T. JL'M. 21.

MMeetK gTbitaBtar. Utaraael.I3i3ftga * palruv ,.i In.-.-ii.".. Ii.ra.iii. I.iv.ri.,,,.1. r.'.-.u p m 3 :t0 p m1,1,1,1,.Main N.-lfi Ain-r. It'.ttrr.U.ii- l ptfl -t 3o , mNixiiitiaurt. 11. ,1 Mai. Antw.-ni . 1 .10 p in 3 .-.O p u.

Mn] t'.- .v Braiu iti.. Jaiirtn..IB m '- l> ml-niia'ldi,l,i:i. It.-'l I". l.axu.,yra. .1. .... 1 a ni 1 BWAlUa Ali.i". hiin.-sl.ui. Ar.ll ani i p mV,.:. i,, l.i. NY A¦< ul -.i, lliiviin.i i || iu I Ki"

raoaaoar. jora -:i

CMaaabta, Hamh-A-ner, Banthnra. l aai 4 pa.Ji.Ii.iii.i.-s 11.ii.i. Il.ih.iiiu s~ ,,. Niissui... i rm A |, .,


A Ilill¦taaaaerClreaaala |Brl, Badderwleh, ..iM-n--r«- JaaeB, Mo

vi'llr 10 "ith ni.I»<- ana v*»".'"K-is lo ll-n.i. r.,,i, Ur,.< Alrtn ,1 ,,i Ibe Bai a. VI 6S p ft,'

sn, am, i.n.lii:. i.'-ii. knlia. Ilamtiiirg Mav 00, . la Boatoo,, iL'ls^ .<¦ II .1 "rt,- Airiv-i, ,.l lln- Bai at 1 .... a ln.

M.-aii;. Km« '--I''l' lii-'ii'ii .luur 11. >i,nll,,iin|,t,,ii12, wiih ni.i*r and I'.i-s. am r- ... u-lm lis a Ci. Arnv.-.lil,,' Bill al -'.-ii p in

>i.-i,,,.-r Bclfenlaad ili.-lari, Benee, Antwrrp Jun.-¦». «ithni'l. nn.i i<m-s. npis iu Im-i luiiu.ii.u Bar .... Ainredal lhaBai .,i lu a in.aieamei Ualtoo ,iin. Bartan. Munfi ideo Maa ld, RloJan.

,,,,,.:. «ii|,.s. .. Hn-k A .1, v,,n« Ainv.' lha .. 00a ni

--. nn.-r Piiniaore Hr,. < mniiir li. rsaaua .'. -lav-s. M li, angario i'.n.u.- a w.-.iii -,,.i to j h wm. iii-st. a co ili- Ha] ¦!'¦ '. u in

- n,,ri V'akraria. Miii.i. Ilarana 4 daya, wltb nulae andpamennrrato JaaEWardACa. Arrivni a. .... llar ... UU

.stianiii iin,'" \-r Ki.-.i.ik. Olbara 1 Baya, wllh frni. la11 Inn,inisA <. Arnv-.l ,.i tli- Baral ."> a lu.

~t..,n,. r. ui'ihr, .Hr). Haeknifbl, Ilir.-u na ""l.ivs. will, nmiln II |ii,,,,.il> A ii Ainvr.l .il 11,. n,. .il .' iu ;, ni.

Hi, ,run Ui" i,i.iu.I-. Ferdandlna ¦.¦i Brnnaarlck,Ua alth BHlaraud paaerugrra loC II MalUttyA tos.... Hali il-ii. -. ..i-. Ii.i in-li. will. Inn, Ih-i 1" s, ui ii, Mr-,..U.

hi! .-...-. mill ..

', l.v nt Atlantfl, I'i'lr, Weal Pullll. \.\, vrllli paiMH llt'-l- l'l llil Ili'llilllU'll Ms c-

Su-ainn vi.m, ..-*..", BnlUtnore, v.iin n.ds.-II ( I (,-l-r.

Hi.ik i.inn.r v. iii'ui. i,.i,li..,iuiu-. Anekland. N/. BBdajra,.vnii nnl. t" Arnuld, ll.v .,.

II irk Ai,',,i:i. io- l.r,. M.,u,», i» llanptoo Boada,arllfl i.iti.ii. ol aoda t" ..M-r; i,»« la Oi .iiuui. II ltr..sbl'NsK! Wu... nt Ii^lil. W rlmi'ly .ilul l.i/y.Aicii> lalaad Ught, \v, elaar.

CLKAHLD.Is.rarn.i Nnmadi.- Hr), .'larke, I.ivrr|KK)l- II Maiilaii.l k.a

¦sn-ainri Koleino (Hr,, F.nltti. N'rwrasll.- Sain.riv>n * Snn.mrawtl **' Hunai,< iHr,, CamplM-ll, I.-irnr- Mfiip.s.'L. Sprn.-r

a- TaaaaM.-a.n.-r l/T(. (Hr). i'in,*-, M Prtrralmra Hari.rrA '(...aiaaaaai rawtliaag. iHn, i: n,c. li-.::. .¦.,n,,, gaach, Kdyr

A ...»..sjir.-iir.ri i.'nlomhia. M,!,, kf'.rt. '..Inn rarlti. Mail £» Oa--I, nn r-i I'.udiul Oaadal iBBafl),' arnu.iia. BflTaaa and Mm

ran lM.ila J M I'rtnlloaA »>

fnaaaiai Baaaaa Oljr. fteber. Baraaaaa.BLWalhar.Mramer Ayniestry (Br), CrBH> Branfnrt V.-rnnn ll llruwii

a- Oa,Mr.inirr Kirlinionil, j.-nnfy, Weat Poiflt Va Oln Doniiulon

,ss ,- .>..s.ra.ii'rM.inha.laii Br.-igi. f'..r.lan,l lioratm Halt,Hblp Fah ,».liiir«t Iin. H. nnd., Ilangin.n v, rrnu.i II Hrovrn

*Oa.-snip Arabia. DwhaaaBBk s-*n i naeM.« Fl.nt A Co.

6A1L£I>aaaaaaata cuomtia. i«r f-.,iun. t. Oaadav ii.v jn_ Tai;aiia«

.t,.. BaraaaaBMup K.ivai.1. fur BlfleBhBha

Also aailrd-VIa i...... 1 Kound.Mramar Maiiliainm, fi.r I'linlaud.


QVKF.*««tows. Jnn« 10 ArriTnl, alramrr Anrnua (Hr).Br.H.ka. fron. Xea Yi.rk nn hrr way to U*ei*Beljunr IB.Amrad, alaaairra Caanepalltaa (Bn. OBraer, an.i

Ed w.i. (llr.. Malthrwa. from Nr»Y.»'> lunr .o ArrirM. Klr* Klrri. Vou

r,iM»srl. trom Nrw.York on lirr way lo BrrmrnM"Viu.r.. Jun. 10 -Arnvr.l. utramrr Kuraraaia (Hr). Har

rl« fr.uii N>w York oB lirr u,,y tu (Maaaow.I.r.iTt. June 'lo Arrivi-.i. to-anirr Mar.-.a Hr). Tati. from

Haa V",kI_oaaoa JaaeK-Amra-i,a«aBaaarlt-Braea mn. Tnt, irom

Hew York.Hki.-tol. Jun- l» -Atrived. ateamer I.lanilaft inv (Bri.

I'm from Baw-Tark.Ooranuaaa, Juno W-tJalled. at-aui.r ialau (Dan>,,MrBaW'TaMb

am ... i.-.l lllOOMI IUiyiia"'1 ibelgi.urrwaar. Juaa to -.*,...». ¦..

^:;i(.'-^;T*.c"a,er1V.,..,.n.1(Portn Orant, fr New-

V'::,r,s.,M,.l..e--'0-Arr,Tt.l..i«nierH..n.l.*-r,Br, Ne« -Ort

PjmtJmolB-Atttem. mm.r Mmat tan 8ma

New Vork- _________________________

__nc ..-:.:. -ll"*.

t,_\v.v .,..:. ml. real* Btjatatd: oaawi c.*e us

I.TCaaT-.-B rroat .*.»'. "¦,>'"..'¦¦-¦"ISfl-SS "

I .... po-d r. bul .-¦- -."I'D-Ni-.-*-

\ 4;re.-.t Offer bv Roebuck to aappjy *" ho_22S_*

... -a ......- n ."ii i.- -it bi.'...... rM ol

,,;: u¦'-. , l-alioa-8, i tom maiaf Broadway. r_

Bro-a'a Camphorato'l *EH^J_JS!?BffoTEi-A. E. & W.


B_xriT A. DANir-r-i. M. D.pO WEST S»Tlt-£T.

ni.f_"w of th' Nervc-j. Sv'ta-m. Oenltn-_*«**. OllI_p_5ne7an_ -_rllltr. Hour*. 8 to L 8 to 8.

Mnnv BC-e* BBd paiBB yiel 1 promptly I> Park-ER'S (llXOER TONIC. Try lt

IIIXDER. "I:n- the he.t euw for eoroa. Ifl eta.

TM* trafla m..rk I* BlBMgafl on every pair of

_kr\f & _\eKAllD.. Korrect shapc"

Bttno_ _¦_ i, a nai ib( " M aeeBenee '»

.^.'!;;r:,i:^-^l.^n-'.,'i,,t'We make apeelolty ol extr n," wld'h*.

y,,, menVi . ooi oew BTBAMBB andy.\. iii -m \ n - SHOE.



To be on salc, in llio Basemcnl,this week, forty piects. l.6*DOviinlH.genulne EngHsh 8erge, allwool wlth ftnlsh, In a haml-somd Bhade of dark blue. at oOconlspi-r vard. Uarely can miicIigoodfl be soltl at this low price.A A M E S M c C R E E ST & CO.,

Broadway and 11th St.


W£_#If vou could dii"*** in ;i cloud thia

Sumuier. yon'd wish you had xephyr.VVeaell ahirts called nphyi--suggest-ive of that etherealcomfoii that Kew-Vorkers canM always have in Sumrner.

sl for chevioti.not zephyr.ln-crediblj ^<»...l for 111«- price; I1J50aliirta, flner, jual aa strong aa tho dollar>liiit>. ln l)'»ili ;. variety <>i patternaliui.lh ever aeen before. *-epbyr_ and.M;;is ;il $2 :iml $2.30 BW I'mmt flttlfttithan ili«' chet iot, daintier colors. Alloi'.-in ut ll made froin the dollar **liirtn|i. and will make li«'i a/eather .!** toler-able ;i> possible.

Cheviol Imiu.s and atring ties, 15cents; tieaof other Sumnier atuffa, 23and 50 centa.

Bi int- in watrr »¦. oo laofl i? jroa hav* « "N- ptun«i.e ... - ii thaa Ubbti 1 ith -. ill t"'t i-

inrth tho difl I I i ovor. ". '¦



BROADU AT J Wa no,BTOHER. ) a'-'il **¦

CARPETS.Great Clearing Saie.

The Aeiiiiiiiilntl.'.. at 11 .*eii..ui'. Hn.ine.. HrokrnIni. nll llie m .'. Inhiii. .

At Remnant Priees.".< ne ll.l.e lll.nie ......

OP VARIOI N St/.P-i W 1 IT M.M'.ST ANYROOM si rr vi-.i.i. ton HOTEL8, COT«T \'.l.- AXD Bl MM IK REBtDI n. >.

Al hn I. II Al.! lll It A. TOAL V.M.IK.

MATTINCS.'.... ... a ln,|M.rt_tl.,'. I., ... a,.1 .1 >|«....... 81.a* BO*

comnleu \i imi.- tn- ohll* and ira aeeh anfl aome

KROH a.voii PBB HOU..A lir..- llne ,f lolnUnM Chlna and Mainleaa Jap-irji.i

M..iOH -47..-.II I'I lt ItlU.I. Ol 10 111(11-4.


OUTING GOODSol eiert <le«. i l|.r.on.

Kodaks and Filmstl.l, BIBBB.

HULBERT BROS. & CO.,«>¦>!>- -'Mll I.e. II,..,1. Jli W...I -.'il.l .*!.

HUMPHREYSllumphn jrs- Wit.-h llt/,-1 OllCure. BatCTOOl PB. -,

Cnre. Internid l'll. s,

( nr.« Illlnd Tlie.,Cure* BlBOfllOB l'lle*.Carai .ii.nroa PB< *.

Cuaa if-htnu ri'._i,<"nr'** Anal Tutnor.*,on . I -«.ir'**,

Cure* Fl.tula*.e, f.0 enl*. Trial alta, .5 crnfai.

Iso'.d by Drneelsl*. or n-nt on reci"l|il of price.

Huniphr-ys' M-rf '"o.. 111 _nd llfl Wllliam-*t,, N. Y.


RADWAY'SREADY BELIEF.A ta..ia>ponf.iI ln h»lf a l.unl,l-r ...' «at.r aill. ln i lew

nilniit***. ur Criui'is, BtBOIBrh, ..KASII KNK*» N.>'AI'a_A. to.HiTiM.. Kcrvnuaoaoa, BJoonieaaaaoa,Blck Hea-a-ha. ¦*t.-*i|KH COMPLAIBT, ui.rrhoe*-,D>->w,urv, Caae, Wotalaaey and all i,... ._,*! i_in.

l-'lli/ Cenia per Bottle. MoU by oll Bruul.ia.

H E A R N88, AA. AO 8B» 30 WEST PoHiataBBfBl STBBET.

Sylvester-Bell Sale.wJ_ i....___, -,-, ,u...t n-ivKt'Tv enartl



The Beechinor Ilealy,The Lyon,The Allen's Succcssors,The Bevan,The Palais Royal,

And The Htitchinson


The Bates,The Hurd-Waite,The aHiller,The Lindner,The Hecht,




Messrs. Sylvester, Bell & Co.,HOIT THE INTTED STATES AS ONE OP THE Pl






BOW Ba-BI* OlvB.

Extiaordlnnry Vnlue* ln

Ladies' Wraps and Dresses.beginnlnu with flve hundri.

New and Styltsh Blazer Dresses.f aii-wout I'

AT TWO NTNF.TY-EIiaiTiThre.i Hundred

worth 80-00

Serqe and Cloth Blazer Dresses,i.ray. Ian. Black aad Navy,


rma Coatom** Blaa *nd Craaai ¦*._.¦1 meal Frenoh '.inchatn.I r-. ii I'l.allie-plaln and rlhbon trim,

blna -118 -llfl-l :",(1 ¦*¦-*¦«I-iirll-.ii Tweed lailor -0*8,Importefl Ckaek Boit*.All UttraVy


trorlh $10 00


lO.Ortll.Bfl11 aa14. Bfl

Jlaif Yalne.

DO'ible-nre-a-ted Ja.-Ker,t

Poocy BMtarai »pe Bt***"*-*BOO*Clotli Oop**

Bt 188; really worth 6 00at 08; really worth 4.00

tt B88i IQoBj worth 11.00

at 3 9S; really worth 10 0O

Oln.ham Wt.pivr*wi. t* Laara BfnppanChalBe WnaperaI'reneh Challl


ronnd r*_8toea y "kob. e trimrll.hon or lace

_._..'... waiata-atrtpe* aafl rom.. dot*

i-,L".r.d _a*raCombHe Bhlrt Wouto1 b I'''' f.a«nWhlta*. Lawn

An1 on

bB 8* *

licht :.nd darkrol'd amb'r raflMflne li.-e or emt.'y

aat98.-.8 0r46.75BflC.tae.

e ttocB of

F.leaani In.t.oried T. n.l'own*.

a _.-,K v ik H> 1'.l ord -.nd llen l "'.

Chlna and sn.-ti **.ia- "

«i»tv.a'..-lv maa*,w.-.. tAI to 150

Poi t: r.i W

Ladies' Fancy Percale WaistsYuli IjO I*'"*71) CBBTBi

D'-at atyl. * *H **l"'»re-tilar price ld8

In Silks we'll sellBlack and Whlte Stripe Surah*. 10c.; worth .SOIl'.acx Chlna *>llks, -1c; worth .80.lap-in Siiiis-Mhitv, black, col'd, 80c; worth allKitii. v IflflMa TH Itjrlsa, 89c.; worth 41Kxtro. F-ner laiMa, 78c.; worth 1.21raarj Strlped W'flsh Sllka in all the delkate aod

NBfld -hade, f,,r WtttBt and 18*8888..4 lnchoa«id.-; 8a*7 Blne ai.d B'.aak Polka DoW j CreomChlna.*-CoIir<- fltrnie*; B:ack Chlnaa-Bl'-e andand I'ink Spot*; 1'laln Bla.-k Chlna- and huiahs24 ln1 h'-t w.fla_worth 75 cent. to $100.49 «tf

I'.xtro flne Fancy JaB*ne*e Wa*. **j|ll_*; FancyJapan Sltk*-whlte gronnrtu. ..3-lneh F.ain whlteShannho!*. '.-S Inche. wide Flne BMlB and Col-or.-d Indiae. wlth li.rce ainl -mall 881*8*8 llRure*;.md Braeafl* BaaaBtoea m B**a_. sha-lf*. worrh8j eeata M fll.1.59 da

Famv s-tripe-1 W.-ish Sllk.-white and ^oor.d. wlthcontra.t-if. color ilnes.f..r oroiota and dre.-**,worth 60 'ent*. 39 Ata

China and Glass. Half Price.Wlne, C.B_BB**__a nnd Clorel (iln.*e«.

Etched. Band.-d and E-flrBrnfl X-*88 (Uaa50 eeata per flaan worth $ioo t/> ti.-K)

41,1.1 I'leree Clln.wwnrr.Su|»ra, Bnttet*, Cn_mera, Si-on and C«lerv Holdtm,

ft oaaOoi worth Iflo. to 25c.

Chli.o ( np. nt.'l Saoeera.Toa and Aft'T-n nner BBM-BflB-BaB and Baad.

Der.-Mted-Ten patterna and *h*p*a.T4c- OOt half doren worth 81 V)

#1.44 |.>r hnif do/,-n wo.-th 300De. ..i-nleil .ln|i.n.e«e Platea.

Thlrty atyl..* 18*.; worth 50c. to 81.00Bafsea. Iloai Plaaafl XBaapoaBa,

h*:r floaaa..M ...74c: w-th ai.flflSOMD BR4SS LAMP*.

Decorar*d Sliade.* D'iplex Bnmera$1.03 wortli 63 00 to $-0fl

llll i*. AND PORCEI.AIN EAMPr*.re:.*ral Draiicht _nd D'iplex-I'.*t.nt>vl*.

s^. <>g wo-th flfljfl te |70l

Fine Damask Pattern Clothsnew and ;._i..'-< ..-..' d>-.*._: .

.jx- yda fl»B8| \alue 82-00xo_, ,d, 1.U9; vai'i* 2 50

_.3 mu; vaine aoo_>8. "v<ls 2.98; valu*. 4.00

SPECIAL OTENTIONA.,rr.U.e.ite,.l. OOtaaflflBM ¦".. .**.« ***-«''-"*1

-,r ree.,.,.,.e....e,l «« U.e rtxArra T THK TRt«

,M'-.,horo..«hly relirtblc. and bu.inet. HB ba

d.-e by n...ll Ihr oMlOflMflfl* frilh perfeet

. ulalf.



lllti) IHU IV41 50TII «T


-riAMDT" W__oo». * irrayt.B ,!..... !____,-*. Col rioleu.Two WiieeUr... Pcyiy QOftO, *e

X .p.oialty ra... ttNATUBAI. WOOD vr*4I9HBRAOLEY & COMPANY,

11 *B_rt-en«lle»el.


l> TIIB uuitl.n:The l.iirue.l C'olle.-iimi ofBet* n nd -e. .....I-liiin.lBooBb lll llie I ll.'.T.e.

1. ii ...i.i Iteil.i.llo.iIrom I'nhli.lier.' |>rici>«!Bo. I O* B r..*-tai lord. nam.liiK any II * ,".<". may flo-¦Ir.', i J we ..all .|Hi-l !¦:

*.|.eiliil Tei-m. .<> I.lhniiie*lluitiiit.iih (ilnloai.e K.ce.

LEGGAT BROS.Sl 4 Itiiinlier. *Mrcel.

3d duer W. -t ..r (Itv ttoH1-jtii NEU VORK

A5H YOUHOr.AlKR FORuUtlU'-ifl.*


1MI"..K KI4-.,IA .lt,i,l..., I....... No. Tork.

COLUMBIAHold llorlif»


POPE M'F'G CO..-.Jl « ol.ii.ili.. l.r. Ito.ianBoW'YonBrOBt-lfl ITarr.nNt

11I1S RKOHIWAY,Nrw-York.

.* Cleanfast"BLACK


¦t luun-gtataaan ai-awa"Tbal 'leualaal lloalerr Ua




1 (Ml

TWISToPI I.l. .»i/.k TIIBRAI*.

Nraaaeal mui Be*ai ln ihr

625 Broadway. N. Y.NaJdMr*a < -.ineiitl*» THB *»TitOM;K».T.

TTtA-T /v*AI»K.

All i'i .iii'is'. or ai,.iii"l.II aud lA ata. a MAJOR,S82 \Villtan,.st.. N Y Cllv.

thk SLOI'I'""!

../taioo, i ran.

TennlsRacketla a Wlnner.


j-i Proadway. N, *».

1011 lll I.l I WIIATIM4 Cmpa. Vletorla, RoadWagon, Surii-v, t'art, orllroughum bullt for youbv tha

StudebakerHuos. MYV,. Co.riiK> voi miii: BBU.

i'ai rn..-,. BagBBMatg265-267 Canal St.

Ikud fat Caialugua.


.til..-rii,f*nrn» adinil.t-d Inlo Iheae rotantaarr r.< oii.iiirt.rled I* Ihe rendera of TIIR TKIK

l NF na Ihnroi.hl) relinble. nnd bu.inr.. raubsdone bf until ".Oi ihe ad-eruaera witu perfee.tuleiy.

Crouch & FitzgeraldReliable Trunks

and Bags.

101 Hr.nd.i.iT,701 Hrh-ave.

-¦».*'. N. Y.

THE AMERICANCaMialty IiiMiranre


Security Companyor

Rtl.Tlll.lKK, III).C_*H <'APITAI.fll.04X1.000Beeiher. BOO.BMB J. t'o. BaoOgBIB120 Rrua.lwajr. Vw-lork.

INSl'RE**aoaibst Loaa OR DAM.A__ ABIBIBO pbom

Bleoni lli.iler Y.xiil..*l.iii*TOPBOPBBTT ANDUFB

7th »earinAmerica

1A tl'I'KOAlll Uli.B

SINGER CYCLE8F. W. AY.tI.4B,UMT Bedrord Ave.



Fountain Pens.rhaunrey M. Depew aaya

It la ih. brat I'eu mnde.srml for pri.f Ilal la

J. Leach,WBaaaaatk-i x. v.


'! ln-pi-ii.-i-rdlna-. ot lh.- 4a»riiihlT nt I'oriluud Oregoa,rrpnrird by Thr Tribune'* own ape.-lul .-orreapoadealui ihe n I'r .hyterlnii i'lernriimn. »uhataa»iuiii, iu full. To be laawad -d-eeety aBaar 11.«- ctoae elIlu- ts-.-.ilbl t. sslnfll.- i-uplca .<!-_, <i<ull.

APTBgJUBIBBBB BPBkCBBe_,-A h <u,i. >.i'- mbphlei ol "sl paip-s, i-ii.iiiiliiiiiu llic moai rl.iqural aadriuriliiliiina nl.rr. Uinnrr aprrrhe* uud ad«di i uaa al lbr TTtaiar ag im»i-¦.«.«* ln Kawr»YeeB bv Mr. Hrprw. Hr. I'aialiurat,JoaipliJcllrvaoii. <. \-I'i r»l,ln,t . Irirlunrl. Hr Hrlaaa,Mr. Diiiin. .Mr. >l. lirlvtnv Ur, lli-onilry. OaanO-OJBlhlaa, aaetMarg a'aaaaai Hr. ilc»iu, Baabap I',lir. TwrteheB, Oaa, I'onrr. t buri.-a >*». *»miih. Mr.H.-t l-i.c, Hr. 1'onilrri. an.l iiiiiuy othciv 88 eeata

u.-opv._Ilill.I AMI TIIK BBW NAVY.-Preaidenl l-»r«

rla.iu'a a* 011 lhe t'lilllim ullmr. repriiuedIn piiniplilei lonn. loacihcr wllh a cainpleteilcacrlplloii ol llic iiavr Aiiirrl.-un Xnry. A b.r«r uuia-

lirr »l llir iypi.-iil irs.rU nrr ilrarrlbcd al lrua.av.wilhrlulioi ulc plriurea aad plnna. nud full drialla ol .-ro*

¦ iniuuicni, aiic. ri.-., ofritcb. I.iery veeael iu iho ue#

>¦.. iniu.-luiiciiiii iiie iiai. I'riro da»eaaeea.eeee.

WAR NUPB aVB.1 4T ..\M0 4.-Whnt mnt Berxprrtrd oi ihe Ainrrl.-ua Xar», la plu.-k. daunlleeerouriiar and pri iln:i.ii» In a wor wllh I'hlll. *»egrxompliflr.l. Thla uuuibei cou.uin* "Tho JobaaiaWBDlaaairr.'' "American l.lrla Abioad." "Moriee Blllunllna." a.c lulpuar*. lOccui*.

Ol IB rsoi THKItX BBPBBBBBCIBBV-Tto laiiereetI.. E- IJ. ahowlua lhe ureeaaiiy ol Ite. ipro. ur wllhIbe Weal luillu lalanda BE P«tiea. ib rrula a cap,-

MBBWIBBAB FOK PABB-BB**" A handaome pam«i.hlri. l.i:t pnara. wt.ll llluaii nt.-.l. of a< rat l.iteraal.a,Inrairra who niiiai dovelap apr.-lu. b.nn.-hra ol .«.''¦.

ing. Toptcai The Xuiu.imi llorae, *»wloe Halaloa.Kaa lliiuliiiifl. Hui-u luiiuro. rm uiina In Piaace. aad

Uie 'Im-lB lu Ua lo Panuiurf. I'IKO J** *..**

BBOtBBBB raKBTfllK*a-lly The Trlbaae'a e***e la Weat Vlralu.u, Kratacky. LeaUlaua.nuil alhrr *»ialea. J.1 piiaca, lllualiale.l Ji coa.a.

XKW TAKIFP I.AW*. OIJ and aew ralea oaa*a

puicil IU cciiia a .op,.

Par eihar Bxiraa eHTbe Tribune. aend for olroalara.

