New York Tribune.(New York, NY)...


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D*I¥Ir. I,yell'e IjOCtum»..Our mil, Illustrated and

carefully corrected Reports ol MR.LYRLL'S EIGHT'LEC-TtfRES on Recent Discoveries in Geology will be pub¬lished Thin Morning; in a beautiful Pamphlet Edition..They contain nearly every word of those Lectures, as

reported by Mr. 11. J. Raymond, Assistant Editor of this

ptipcr, with several lucid Engravings expressly for the Tri¬

bune. Sodarge an amoun*. offresh, interesting and valua¬

ble information on Geology cannot be found in any/workyet published.Pner- 2*) cents per,copy, five copies for$l, seventeen for

|S; thirty,copies for $5; any larger number $16 per hun¬

dred. Orders from Newsmen or by Mail (enclosing the,.idi> sr.- respectfully solicited. (2)al2tt

XT' Ricua rd Adams Locke's celebrated Lecture on

Magnetism a id, as reported ior the Tribune,w il be publisl .¦(! in a neat pamphlet, and tor sale at thi-other This Mot ting. Price GJ cents.

MONEY MARKET.Snlrn at the Mtork Exchnu({e, April E *.

lu Del is Hud.t w pnjtlOO L 4925 do. wL 75 Harlem it. jjj

do.s 15 davs 90* 25 Mohawk.IG12 Bank ofAm.'.. 80 25 do. ir''15 do. ^:o; I0O JC Jersey.64\in do..s 60 days 79* 25 do.25 Atlantic Ins.'..!3n 25 Aub. is Sy. R. W>-

25 Bank ot Com full.sJ d 75 5<i Prov i. Ston. |3j100 do. scr.p.s 3 d 8!) 5 <lo.. J-*2'. Am. Ex. Bank..h no 5Ij 25 Canton 18$400 L. Island H. ; davs 49J

si i oM> BOARD.

25 Dei il llnd. ..s30 .lays | 25 Del 1c IIud..bG0d$ 91}

Commercial and iTIoneT Uniterm.Thursday, P. M.

The sales at the Brokers Board to-day were to a moderate

extent and without material chance in rates. The market

wm linu generally. Del. Js Hudson improved 1 per cent.

In State Slocks there was a limited business, but In New-York awl Ohio stocks the tendency was upward. State

sue* -old at-85, an advance of i; and 1000 with interest fromJanuary -aid atBii. Ohio sixes improved 1| per cent. IndianaBonds were firtn, but Illinois fell oft* 11 per cent, selling at

14«. For Kentucky Bonds 70 was offered.1 ,tK.»o New-York Cs, 'Gl. Bfl 5fm Ohio6V.634,0On do. o5 j 2.00« Illinois (Is. '70. 152,1100 N Y 5j "ÜI.78} 4.0«in Indiana 5«. 18s1,000 Ohio '60. 62J| 1,00« do.s3 days 17j

skconu board.

lntRi Illinois. 14$There has bten quite a large amount of Francs sold to-däy

at 5 40) at winch rate good bills are now rather scarce..

Sterling i- selliug to ^om.. extent at 6i a 7j.Inland BilUarenot in active demand, but the rates remain

as before reported.Philadelphia.; a iMontgomery.23 »24Baltimore.t a [Tuscaloosa. 22 a.V irginia.8 u 8MNew-Orlcaus.6] a 7

North Carolina.5J a 6 Nashville.2Ü a.

Charleston.u2 Louisville.t^-i 7

Savannah,_.2j a 2V|St. Louis...,.Ifi R20Augusta.2i a 2; Ciucumati.U a 6{.Monde.gijagJTreasury notes are appearing rather more freely, and the

rate has a tendency upward. We quote i a lj discount.

Moneyed men are beginning to recover confidence; and a

better feeling exists in Wall street than has prevailed duringthe last month.The Bawk of New-York has declared a semi-annual divi¬

dend of four per cent.By the official report ofthe state ofthe Bank of Tennesee,

it appears that the circulation is.42,925Deposited.191,253Due Banks.. 37,015

Immediate liabilities.274,193Due troiu banks.2*?.I8t>Banknotes.15-1,716Treasury note*. 10,000Gold and silver.121,153Immediate liabilities.625,056

Jt is difficult to ascertain ijj examining the rs-porj in its de¬tails what excuse can be offered for continuing jq a state ofsuspension.The following was [lie »tute of the New Orients Banks on

the 2t>tu uIl :.

Total circulation.4,033,102 50Dj Specie.4,033,102 5«

Dm Cash liabilities.10,304,453 ü5Do Cadi asset*.0,lU7,U2 1«'

The Philadelphia United States Gazette says that moneymutters continue lo improve. The street rate is lower andthe bunks not much pressed. The banks held iuur<- »pect«than before resumption, and New-York still owes them six

hundred thousand dollars. ''0"d» were improving,.sale* )iav.«- free« made at 1>K1.The Manufacturers' Insurance Company, Boston, in lieu

of a dividend in money, have voted to create 1000 new sharesfrom the earnings of the Company, giving one new share to

holders of every three old shares.Advices from Mobile represent that the pressure in the

money market was unusuaily severe, in consequence of the

heavy payments which were then falling due. A conven¬

tion of all the banks in the State, except two, assembled at

Mobile oil the 4th instant, with a view to fixing a day for

the resumption of specie payments.."Market*.

^SlfES.Nqtlpng is doing excen.ta parcel of Pots at the

rparkef rate.CO T I'ON.The market is t,uiei.FLOUR.Some small sales Genesee were made at $G 37$;

nut there is little activity. The New-Orleans afloat is in

negotiation.holders asking $5 94 and buyers offering but

$5 87$; about 1100 New-Orleans, an inferior brand,' Page,'sold at $6 00 yesterday. Nothing of importance deing inSouthern.GRAIN.Corn it improving and scarce. Sales 1000

bushels Northern at Gl cts. measure, and 1500 do at C5 cts.

measure, for the East. Rye is scarce, and held, higker at

02$ c\s. About 1300 bushels Illinois Wheat sold for the Prov¬inces at $1 28, and 1000 inferior for milling at $1 20. Oatsare rather tinner. ¦***

LAWYERS! DI.ARY.April 15.Ccurt o» Cömmöm Pleas. Part fctirst.169. 17, nt<, i&i,

185. 52i, 189, m, IS5,197, ,ai). 201, 2*i, 20*.Part Second-lBÜ, |52, i2ti, 112; 243, 202. IG2,206,208.Calendar 01 inr Superior Court; This Day.2, 12,62,

H. 21, 7S, 12. 8:i, M5, «7. 27, 2U, :10. UK to 92. 152, 94 to lün, 83,41,I V<, 105.

O' PARTICULAR NOTICE..Those peisoi* havingfurniture ofany description to dispose of, or wl»o are break¬

ing up bottse-keepingr will find a ready sale l-r any portionor all of their goods, bv sending their address, or callingupon the subscriber. Goods to anv amonnt purchased.

d.SO (2) F. COLTONtit CO., 197 Chad-am t

Konrilinu..a tew gentlemen-can be accommo¬

dated with dav lioard and three or tour with roams in midi-tinn ut No. 12 City Hall Place. The situation is extremelypleasant and accessible, ami no «tfbris will be spared to

give perfect satisfaction. a7 2w*

I. To SttattserW..We would adinse all strangerswho wish to take diome with them prcsants of Shells,Minerals, Binis.Atcto give friend Peate's 'Curiosity Shop'a call You will there fmd the best assortment in the city.Advertisement in another column. His No. ttiJ* Broad¬way. '_ R12T&F

Tj" Saratoga Wntew,s-=iMedicinal Waters of the

ITniqn, Congress, l*avilliqnj and' Iodine Springs, cinsia htlyfit rinnif, irt sh ftorn'the sprjiigs; Fior salt1', wholesale nnd

r^iüil, by David bands k Co.', CheinUi, Ti Ea.»t Broadway;coiiier Market sueet. ml7 2mLs

I*»ni«rii£;ei'8In bark Glolic, from N Orleans. I) S Kugg, P S Collins.In bark Convov, froin Havana.11 B Horton and ladv, A

V 11 Bunnell, J Cole. M Treat.In brig Casper Häuser, from Mntanza*.Mr N an Allen,Mr

Rathbone, Mr t'arier.In brig Win Crocker, itohi Havana.W Kelsev.In brig Most*, from Charleston.C Gager, Mr Lambert,

C Brewer, Messrs Loveland, Mulfred, Schiicdtn, Fittpat-1 iek, Hanson.



Tilt SfN I TIIC MOoN full sc a

Rises 5 26 I Sets _G 34 Sets II 56 f South 4 031 ev. 11 56Latest Dales.

i.osDON.Mar. 3|Havre.Mar. 1

LTycRijoqi.i. Mat. *\ sew^orlea^s.\p'nl 6

CLr.ARr.0 V K RliA V.

Ship Navigator, Kennedy, Antwerp, T F Youngs it Co.Barks Barbara, Hones. Sag Harbor, Slate, Gardner is

llowell: Sovereign (Brb Rogers, Quebec, J H Braine:Swabe (Sw), Braubcry, North ofEurope, Boonnan, Johnston Co.Brigs Noniia, Pratt, Kingston, Ja Nesmith is Leeds!

M 'lurn, Wording. Ponc«, P R. R P Buck : Chipola. Lane,Phife; (.ulnare. Tucker, Seuville, Nesnutk i- Leeds; i; BLarhar, S'ayaauabj Scott At MorreH : Forest, Mckinley, Ha¬vana, Mary. Haydeu, Georgetown, N C ; St Thomas,Brenston, St Thomas, R P Buck.Schrs Alicia; Dakehart, Baltimore ; Iona, Caniey, Thorn,

avion; Me; Compliance, Loveman, Boston; Nile, Curb,Wilirnngto:.. DeL

AhRtYCD i'ESTERDAY.Pack.; ship Albany,' Watson, 14 davs from Havre, with

i che to Wm Wbitlock.Bark Ererson, Mayo, IC days from Ragged Island, salt,

to W Daw»on.Swedish brig Harmony, .S3 days from Stockholm.Brig Sasiut, fettve, It days from Turks Island, salt, to

R P Buck.Brig Casper Haus.-r. Adams 9 dav* from Matanzas, su-

gar, to Spouord, Tileston Js cy.Bri^ William. Crocker, 12days from Havana, molasses,

to F G ThurstwaBng Kosato, Cook, I.r. davs from St Marks, cotton &iC to

Binlger Si Peck^B,n;; Wilson Fuller, Cobb,7 nays from Savannah, cotton,

|0 Scott it Morrell.Brit; .>b>*es, Loyelaqt], 5, days from Charleston! cotton, I*

(» Bulkie.T.BriicCnsco. York, 12 davs from Havana, aiolasses, to J

Xayldr.Sehr Volante, from Portsmoutli, R I. with coal, to Jos

rrijaily Pete'rs"I29 Liberty-street.Sehr Thomas ü Niuicv, Har!, from Washington, N C, na

val stores, to Mitchell is Co.Sehr Richmond, Baxter. Richmond, dour and tobacco, to

Allen & Paxson.Sehr Pluebe Eliza, Osborne, from Baltimore, mdzeiic, tö

StUrges i. ClcarmanSehr Natis.-, Tomltn; from Philadelphia, coal.Sehr Poquwd, Kelley, frwtij Boston, mdze, to S W Lew is.

BELOW-1 ship and 1 brW.


Ramar or thf. Committee chosen bt the Legislatturk ok Rhode Island to examine into the Condition"of the Rhode Isi.sxn Coal Company..Thf Committeeappointed to Dike into consideration the expediency of au¬

thorizing a Loan to the Rhode bland Coal Company, and a

hill iatxoduced for that purpose; respectfully report:That they have personally visited the mine in Portsmouth

and examined the works erected, the excavations made,andparticularly the quality and quantity of the coal accessible,together with the facilities constructed and now employedfor bringing it from us bed. and have made such inqwri*s a-

satisfy them ofthe tollbwlag facts, vizThat the property of the Rhode Island Coal Company

Consists of atMiut 10 acres of land in fee, and include* a

wharf and dwellings to accommodate 50 worknie«, with a

ham, carpenter's and blacksmith's simp, a large and substtn-tial engine-house, with buildings and sbcis attached, ICOf.-et Ion", a steam-engine of t? horse-power, with three boil¬ers 22 feel i>y so inrhes, acd a < ast-irou pnmp 280 feet inlength, 91 inches t»ore, (> feet stroke of the piston, and w«dgh.iu»28,iXlO pounds, being capable of raising 350 gallons ofw ater per minute : with winding;geerrfor raisiagtheicoalfrom the pit: all of which is entirely new. The engine andother machinery was rede by William Burdon, of Brook*Ivn. .\.-.s-York. and )> of suporiur construction and work;manship.The excavation or shaft extends into the none upward of

2RH feet, a: an angle of 38 degrees; and upon it is laid a

double railway. At a distance of 250 feet down this shaft,there are lateral shafts or openings to the riebt and left,each about 130 feet In length, upon which railways are alsolaid. We.h these, and other facilities winch are now nearlycompleted; the agent of this establishment >tai>-s, that a car-load (-ay about 1,800 lbs.).of coal can be delivered at thesurface once in five minutes, which, from experiments |>er-fonned in our presence, we ihink correct. The quantity ofoa! already brought into view by these excavations is'un-nienre: and our impressions are, from our own observation,and information derived from other- experienced in the op¬erations of mining, that thesupply is probably inexhausti¬ble, the qnality improving very much a- the depth is in¬creased.that which i> now mined being much superior tothat formelle obtained; It ignite, readily, and gites out anintense degree of heat. Wiam recently dug from the mine,it burns wiili considerable lame, ami leaves a red ash, likethe best anthracite oi Pennsylvania. Analyses have beenmade of this coal by several distinguished chemists; one,hvOr. Chilton, ol New-York, within a few days; give* ih" fol¬lowing results:

Carbon.&jSilicia,)Alumina, fIron, /'

Manganese and a trace of sulphur, \Waa-r.3

10*And your Committee; from their own experience, and

from information derived from others who !»ave used muchol it. have no hesitation In pronouncing it equal to any coalnow in use for most domestic, and all manufacturing pur¬poses.The value of the real estate belonging to this establish¬

ment for agricultural purposes, independent oj' the mal, issupposed by goodjudges to be ^i.trfwi. It has usually beentaxed at $4.000, when the mines were not worked. Thecost of mining improvements' Ls stated by ihie agent to befrom :>."> to $40,000; und we should judge, from appearances,thai die money bad been well applied and judiciously ex¬

pended; In addition to the 40 ner.-« before mentioned; theCompany own tin- coal under 75 acres more adjoining, withthe privilege of mining the same. It may be proper here tamention, that the depth now attained i- 'from tin to lee i-r\

perpendicular below any point ever before reached at tlifisemines, and the system of mining is altogether superior mthat formerly practised, hem,; the same"practiced at thePennsylvania iiiinea.Regarding, as we do, the great public Importance of this

work, in iis tendency not only to reduce ihr price ofso es

sential an article as fuel, but also to retain money in our

own State instead of paying it to others, and that it is theduty as well as policy of all wise governments to encouragethe development of hidden sources of wealth within its ownlimits, and thereby promote the industry and increase thecomfort and happiness of the connrnnity, your Committeerejmrt the bill referred to th^ir consideration, and recom¬mend the loan proposed. CLARICE CHASE;)

E. W; LAWTOiV, Committee,March31,1842. JOHN HOWE, S

N. B. Oiliceof the Rhode Island Coal Company, 129 Lib¬erty-street . New-York.


CT To TtarelcrN..(Gentlemen visiting this Citv are

respectfully invited to stop at the GRAHAM HOUSE, 63Barclay-street, where a (|uiet home, pleasant rooms, cleanbeds, wholesome food, and an atmosphere nnppisoned byalcohol or tobacco, await their acceptance. Those who be¬lieve it impossible to live on a rigidly temperate and purelyVegetable Dit t without severe priyation are requested to

give it one trial. The house is very convenient to the bind-ties* part »f the City and to all the Steamboat Landings..Terms moderate. Geqtjßtnen visiting Ihr pity with a partof their Families will riud such a hnriievqstly iup,ce agreea¬ble thnu a Hotel. Sjiower-Batjus fr-je. f25

TT Coomb*'* Popular Phrenolojjy..Exhib-itinu, ths- exact phrenological admeasun uienls ni above.fiftydistinguished and extraordinary personages of both sexes,with skubs of the various nations of the world, crrdvellisliedwith above fifty Engravings and Pqeiif-al Descriptions ofBeauiy,Jntellect and PhysiogBomy, withqbserviitiQiis en-phumiorj of the Science. For sale by

DAYTON k NEWMAN.r«24 ft: .v-.«»-....«^^^ comer of Fulion-streeL

TT Dr. A. Doolittlo'* Compound Vegeta¬ble Candy is considered; by those who have used it, thebest remedy Uir coughs; colds, sore throat, and atiectionsof the chest and lungs, now offered to the public. Soldwholesale and retail at the Proprietor's Botanic MedicineStore, 245 Cemre-sireeL (2)a97t

MARRIED :At Bridgewater, Mas*., on the 29th tilt., Mr. John IL

Brow n Franklin Furnaceqf New-Jcr$i y, to Miss Lucy B.jdaughter of S. S- Loyejl. Esqr, of die former place.At Philadelphia, on the 12th instant, Elia*- B: Crane, of

this city, to Catharine B.. daughter öf F. Ü. Priest, of Phil¬adelphia^

-. SMUT- -.--.

DIED iIn this city, on the of the 14th Instant, Hannah

McDonnell, Sen., aged d\ years.Her remains will be taken to Westchester Co. N. Y. for

interment.In Philadelphia, on the I3Ü1 instaut, David McClure, Esq.,

Professor of Mathematics, L\ S. Navy, in the 55th year ofbis age.


near Nassau street, are now receiving an entire new stockof Silks and Fancy Dry Goods from auction and recent im¬portations, which they will sell at a small advance ou theextremely low prices at which they have been purchasedwith casti. :p I "us

CHEAP QOOpS^Ge«. g.CarvtfcOo.195, Pearl street, (up stairs.) have u full assortment of

goods in their line, via:Shell, Horn, and Ivor}' Combs of even' kind.Bone, Pearl, Metal, and Lasting Buttons.Cloth, Hair. Teeth; and other Brushes.Pocket Books, .Money Purses, Beads.Needles, Pins, Knives, Scissors, and Razors.Spu-I Cotton, Ball Cord; COrset and Bout Laces.Colored Pictures, two hundred different kinds.

The above; ami other goods on hand, will be sold bypackage or dozen, at the lowest ju ices. Country merchantswill do Well to call.N. B..20,000 Cattle Bones, 3000 lbs. Rattan ; also, a quan

tity of.dressed^Rattan, for chair-makers, for sale,m28 linissr

V«k. W. Shirley.; Auctioneer.

T11LS DAY. Friday, April Loth, at 10o'clock, at the sales room. No. 92 Broadway, near

Wall street, a very extensive assortment of city made, new

and excellentsecontUiand Furniture from families embrac¬ing almost every artii le used in housekeeping, and to besold w ithout reserve for cash. Also, line sets of Cutlery! 51pieces; elegant Tea-Trays; silver plated Castors. Candle¬sticks; Cake Baskets1; Dinner. 'Pea, Cofleenrid Toilets Set-;50 Lookmg Glasses; two Piano Fortes; y Counting-houseDesks; rich AMrals; Bed-, Waitresses, Jo\ Tie room is 19»feet long, which wi^l enabje purchasers, to examine the ar¬

ticles, a 15 If

MILLINERIJSHMAX. W\1Broadwao, ha< reiuovcd to ftl3 Broadway, opjiosiui

the Gothic 1 inil, and having! received t[>c latest ParisFAshions, will be pleated tosee her customers and those whofeel disposed to patronize her. al5 SlWFJtM* ItW '

SMITH, the enterprising proprietor ot'theHartford and Springfield Express, has made arrange¬

ments I"0' running daily between New-York and the aboveplaces. 'Phose who have not availed themselves of this me¬dium for transacting businessCHiinot be prompt¬ness and despatch with which all business entrusted to ihecare of Mr. Smith is executed. By untiring industry and

honesty he has secured a large share of the business on hisroute, and h is jiroved himself worthv the confidence and

patronage ol the business community. a 15

KEEP & CJIÜGER, Manufacturersand Jobbers of Uumbrellas and Parasols, over A.

Tappan ii Co.. 122 Pearl-street.1.7'W. Cruger, formerly with Thus. Jarner. Jr. al InnlScw

SLATES.-Just received. fiS cases ofSlates, of superior nualitj', comprising

School, hard, from u i it o> n x i", and Toysdo soft, from a \ I> to 9 x 13 dci

Log, from 7 x 11 to 9 x 13Countlng-Hoase, from 3 x 12 to p x 13

For sale at wholesale and retail, at lowprices; byDAVID FELT 4; Co., Stationers' Hall.

.I I245 Pearl-St and 3-t WaJl-5t.

N AGREEABLE KECREATIUN..A visit to the extensive grounds at I loboken, the beau¬

ties of which have been v> highly extolled and which art so

liberally thrown open to the public, will prove as pleasantan excursion as can be made fr-ni the city at this seasou..

Thewalks are new in good order, and tiie grounds are

decked -.\ ilL all the luxuriant freshness of an eatly s;.r ng..Nothing cm be more gratifying ':. the mind than the con¬

templation of io (.harming a seem-. aI3 lmfs'

WATCHES AND JEWELRY venlow..The subscriber is selling all descriptions ol

gold and silver lever, anchor, escapement; lepine and verg*Watches; Diamond Riags, Pins, Gold PencJU, Keys, ice. ai

retnil, lower than at any other piace in the city. GoldWaches es low as 30 to 4D liollars each- Watches aad Jew¬elry exchanged a- bought

All watcbes warranted to keep good time or the moneyreturned. ü. C. ALLEN.Importer of Watches ajid Jewelry, wholesale and retail. 3f

Wall »treeL up «tMir». iiü» istf

T.NSCRAXCE A(;AIXST FIRE..TheA Manhattan Fire Insurance Co. No. 5*> Wall street,

with a capital of 250,000 dollars, well secured <>'i real estate,continue* to insure buildings, furniture, mercbaintlise; iiC1c. acainst lois or damage by nre. Losses promptly ad¬justed. SA.ML. F. MOTT. President.T. Btt.L, Jr., Secretary.__a'-~w_'i"

CHINA, GLASS and Earthenware at

verylow prices..MERRITT V PACE. 100 Bowery-have fust opened a large variety of new and handsome j>at-terns, which, with their Ibrnierextensivestock, fenderstneirassortment as complete as can be found in the city. Pur.chasers will find it an object to give them n call._a7 2wis*

TTK.) "HATTERS..The "subscriberha*I constantly on band a full assortment of Silk Plush

which be otTers at very low prices.18 Sutu


THOS. P. CL'MMINGS.72 Puc PeurU i

wWANTED.By a smart girl, at No. 24

Christopher-street, a place as Chambermaid orNur«-. Gocv.1 ref»T<-n< .-s. .al4 2r

ANTED.A place as Seamstresi orNurse by a verv capable young woman, at No. 133

ti!T*t._:_al} 2c

717"ANTED.By an experienced fanner,' v a situation in ihe vicmity ol New-York, writli good

rs. I'lease apply City <>&r-. 7r. Canal-st alo 3t"

ANTED.Ar 266 Bowery Familiesaod others to supply with good servants well re-

commended. Employers wanting laborer*- or nien in anycapacity, supplied gratis. ai4 lwr

TT/^ANTED.American and colored Ser-t * vants, with good references, at No.-173 Broad-

way and 103 Bow-en.-. Also, young wen for all situaoons.House- and apartments ieL i lö tf

ANTED Dry Goods and Carpetingin payment for hoard in Leonard-st. near Broad¬

way. (;»-iite< v'cund stbry rooms to leu Address Lat tins'true. ai'tt"

RANTED.By a middle-aged man. asituation as Porter, or Clerk anil Porter, in a store.

Unexceptionable references can lie giren. A letter ad¬dressed to B. p at this office will be attended in. a'3 3t-

"VITA N'T ED.At 5D East Broadway, sit-T ? nation', for very nice on-! tidy Girls with the best of

ity reference from last places. The most particular fami¬lies caanot fail of getting suited this .lay with Cooks, Cham¬bermaids, i.e. a 13 3C

WANTED..The citizens of Kef-Voik w ho may have Houses to renC; an«! Uio-e

rjuiring the like, are very respectfully soliciied to eat! at

City Office^ 75.Canalstreet, and have their business enteredoh ihe Registry " free of charge." all Inr

ANTED to purchase, a general as¬sortmentof Dry Goods and Groceries to the value

of3 or$IOOG lor Michigan State Securities, consisting of Au¬ditor General's Warrants, State S< rip and Delinquent TaxScrip. Per-.ns having goodsand wishing to exchange themfor the aliov.curitie' may lind a customer by addressingColemah, office ol Ntrw-Tbrk Tribune. aT.-if

WANT I'll)..Kamilii-s and ail employ¬ers furnished with good help for good places, and

fair wages.'and.vice versa, and no mistake at 456 Broadway.Motto^lfbnesty,. correct principles, and a living. Cooks,housemaids', nurses, seamstresses, laundresses, farmers; gar-denerv, coachmen, waiters, porters, clerks, .tu i.e. Goodreferences. Term.-cash, hut low. Please call,«31 bar A. W. BLAKESLF.Y._

"IT?" ANTED.A Partner witli from .*1H00TT to .*3<X»0 to make advanceson Goods with a first

das« Auctioneer. Income w ill he from Sl300 to.$1500 clearto each Partner. Abo, a Partner worth ibi"'1 in a SoapManufactory-1 also, one vvitb>3i(n in a Land Agency, andCommission Office. This business will aiTard a handsomeincome. Also, one with §60fl fora Calico Factory. Toexchnnge-=$8Ö00 in Dry tfoools for Mortgages; $90(10 inHardware for Mortgage*. A loi ol gonteel second handClothing to sell at a bargain. Apply tö D. PALMER, .Ir.,aloIt* 18 Dutch-street, corner of Fulton.

WANTED..A Teacheraiming and Fancy Work, four

hours a day. and a Teacher to take charge of a Junior De¬partment in the City: also, a Teacher for a Ladies' School,pleasantly situated hear New-York.

Also, a Lady to sew and to take charge of SewingClasses. Arrangements must be permanent. Apply be¬tween the hours o| .3 ami 0 o'clock, P. M. inn 15 lit" DIL HOLT«».,. 11 Amity-sifwet

TEACH Eli..A Young .Man who hasha I much experience in teaching, and who ran give

unquesiionab'e testimonials of his character and skill as an

ihstriiiitorj is desirous to obtain a situation hi the city or itsvicinity. Address IL II. J. Park post office. al4 2t?

ROOMS with Board, can !..e uhiaiiteO bygentlemen at iii '»»est Broadw'ny on moderate terms.

Apply at-VJl Broadway. all fir

I)O LLÄII S..Wanted topurchase for Bond and Mortgage in*

Pioductive Property in Massachusetts Fifteun ThousandD'dlap. worth ol Goods suitahlp mr ihe. Western .\iarL-1.-

I" ;d .{-' Pine-;. sS.-.v York.' a!.'

rpEACHEK \VAJL of Music, drawing, Pa


mOQMS.One or two single gentlemenaccßmmmlatcd with pleasant roqmij \\'ithpnj

board, after the rir-t of" May, in Frankiin-street; near Hud¬son. 'Phc house [q he occupied hy a -mall private family.Apply al a,l?U*

B^DA-UMNO^A (,'entTema»7 mid idsladvj or two or three tingle gendemen, can he accom¬

modated vt' ti 11 pleasant rooms anVl board,from the l»t of .Maynext, at igo Orchard-street. Inquire at 118 same sireeL.Reference* exchanged. m-'.l InC

I 3 y -rv;»«.x..=T gentleman aim no R iic\jf and two .ingle gentlemen an accommodated withpleasant ro uns and boa id from the l-l of May. Apply al

S3 Cliti street. Also, two or three day hoarders can he ac¬commodated. al i lw*

BOARD..Two iarjtte. desirable Rooms,on tlie:;pcond tloor, willi other small Rooms, to behad

at 385 Fourth-street. For a gentleman and lady wishingpleasant apartments för the summer, airy am'l in a, goodneighborhood, theije Boom- cannot he surpajs^Rd. Sjinglggentlemen, for breakfast and tea, ran also have good accom¬modations at rej{$hna<h,le rates. a!3 \\\*

ÜÄRDEftS WANTED.In a privateJ3 family.A gentiuman anil his wife, and two or threeingle gentlemen, can.obuiin pleasant rooms in a newly

built house, will! hoard, on reasbnahle terms, at Na 2fiProsjVect-street, Brooklyn, only three or four minutes w alkfrom the Fulton Ferry.' *_. a!2tl

JOHN McCABE >Sd GO.'S IntelligenceOffice,99Nassau-st. RKrrtRENCES.Hon. M. H. Orin-

nell, H. Brevori, Esq. W. Irving, Prof.Renwkk. as if

UTSON'S Intelligence Office, Number56.'^ Prnrl-streeL _f» tfis

TO LET.The dwelling part pf the«. l°''gr House No. Ill}Cl\athqm street.well calcula¬

ted n*ru Uoaidiniphmi.e. Enquire Q", the preniisf's. a |5 ir

TO LET.IMeaeaut Koomü and Of-iices\'o. 1 Wall-aiieci. eoruer Broadway; Apply lo

j'. M. ELY. Fulton street.

ENCHÄNOE Office to~~Ut.In aM^'",. very business part of the City, and mow doing a

gooii business. Apply iw; Washington-st, corner of Vesey-St. »h'>3t-

TO LET.A part of the desirablelwelling house No. 190 Allen-street.consisting »»f

the secoiul story it basement, and half of the sub-cellar.Rent $180. Inquire upon the premises. a9 fitis'

T< i LET a Store an^ a. very ,.c»uven-iehi Dwelling ltet\vecu Fburih am) Fii'th.treets,

inabe Bowery., suiiaWetlor any-fancy business Enquire ot'al4 2w' WM." II. IM VKN'KY. 37!» Bow ery, J story.

TO LET.The elegant House No.3;i Lafayette Place, with the stable in the rear..

Also, tlie tw..» large three story Hoii-rs Nos. W and 9." Uhi-versity Place. Als», Uie ihreeistorj* Hol.».- No. 329, Ninth«tieet. For particulärs inquire at 4[»8 Broadway, al-. lw*

T<J LET.The ^apdspinew;ell-fin|sh-three story;--D \vplling House, No. 7g Duane-st.

ar Brou.iwav. suitable ;or the residence of a privat;- la-tiiily or Boarding House. Apple in

a 14 ifE. iy KI.V,i:.\I.L. Wall street.

MTO LET-~The lowor part of the newinociernhuiitWouse No. Doininick str«-et, con*

I ustiu; of two parlors with folding ioors, Russia iron grates,Inn bed idoni», basement, counter cellar, i.e. rent moderateTo let, one room ami two large bed rooms ;u the thirdstory to a small family. Inquire 207 Hudsou-SL alo .31*

TO LET.The itory brick HouseNo. 309 Easi Broadway, from 1st May next It is

pleasantly, situated at the junction of Grand streeL It willIn- put in good order, ami rimted low. For terms, apply to

F. TRACY, No. 121 Pearbsirectall if or to .1. It. TRACY.No. :.l Na-sau-si. g.| thwir.

MlTRNISIIED IIOI'SE Warned..Wanted, by a small family, for oue year from the

first of May next, a small bouse furnished complete, in adesirable must lie moderate. The best ofcare taken of the furniture. Anv one having a house t*rent oflhe above description will please address >(. S. M. atthe office oi this paper. al5 2t*

MTO LE'I1..']tyl\c dwellmg part pfjHouse STh. i',. sjpriug, corner of Qreeu,' two

I line-parlars v,äih pantries between, ami large bedrcom on

j the second iloor. i2 goosl bedrooms in tiie attic and largeopen ailic : large kitchen an«l washroom, ami vault, all ingood order; Would be let in part. Inquire 2"-\> Woster-st.m the morning. all lw-"*

MTn LET..To a small family with¬out children, the second story of the modern three

story-brick House 212 Ea«t Broadway, consisting of frontand rear parlors with bedrooms adjoining, good pantriesand clothes presses also rear basement witli cellar under¬neath.

A'«>. the House 53 Olivet street, saitaVje tor two .smallfamilies. t,i5 jw."

^» PASSAIC IK > I'LL To LET..ThisJiciilL old and well-established stand will be let or leasedtor a Public House or Boarding School. It is pleasantlysitjatril on the banks ol the river, about three-quarters ol a

mil* from Pas«ai< Falls; Inquire ofC. M. GODW IN, > v v i )RUSSELLSTEBBINS, i *nrk* > Executors.A. GODWIN,- Paterson, s

or of SAMUEL MI NN. Agent,62 Wall,corner Pearl-st.Paterson; March 25th. IMi m25 lmLs

TO LET.-Three handsome new_ ._brick dwelling Houses, new finishing : tbev w ill belurnubed w ith Show Windows and Sloves on the first door,with other alterations if required bv the tehahts. They ar-

pleasandv situated No. 13 and 15 First Ayenue, nearHoustonstreeL The rents w iil cr.ries;.,n,! with the limes. Appli¬cants.are requestetPto examine the buildings as the workprogresses and as early as convenient. Also to leU posses^sion first of May. the excellent dwelling House No. 74 Firststreet.ionier of the First avenue, n desirable residence tora gente-1 small family; The Rent will be .ft-T/S per annum.

Apply No. 7.Y7 Broadway; .«r at No. 37 Waiex-»t. al5 w-od*

EOR"SATE.AYanti.Iituäled at Ear____ Rockaway, 1^1. within a -horl .list nice of the MarinePavUion, and fronting on the bay and ocean. It contains100 acres. "0 acres of wbidi is ;ir-t rate tillable Land : theresidue goo.f grass or meadow land, and some woodland.On the premises is a heal Farm H-.tise. Barn and other out

baildings. Of easy access, to the city Uoth by Und and wa¬ter. It can be divided into farms'ot different quantites..Apply to Sam; IL B. Norton on ihe premises or to A. Sin-gart. No. :> Broad-st.

Also; other properly üir sale similarly situated. Apply.asbefore stated.

* aLri 2w'-

AMUSEMENTS.r. braham'S Grand Concert at theSociety Library, ibis evening, April 15th; assisted by

Mr. Ch«rle» Braham and Mi-»* Angosta Brown; Mr. Ilra-bani will, fir die tirst time In Ww-tork, ling the Cberail rrNenkomme's celebrated scene. " Napoleon's Midnight Re¬view." and Loder'» new Song of " Molly: Barns." Mr. CbasBrabant, Box's Sorg. "'There's a charm in Spnng." and.'MvS mci Dear," from Masaniello and with hi- Fatherthe Du<-ti» of" Ail's Well" andy' Rest Wearv Traveler,'? f>r»itime. Concert to commence at 3 o'clock. Tickets 81.Children h-ilf price. ala

AfcEWEL L CÖNC ERT.r-The R nieers;ha**e the honor to announce that they will give

their Farewell Concert on Saturday Evening;April 16; (842;at the Society Library. w hen tliev will »mg ail their mostpopular Alpine Melodies over again. Ticket» 30 cents, to hehad at the Music Stores, and at the door. Concert to com-mence at S o'clock. a la 2t

G"lppDCÖ\Cert an7f E x h i h i t hhi.¦ i This evening ito commence at 8 o'clock, precisely.)

and every succeeding evening throughout the week. J.CLARK.will present a; Ids Gallery ot Fine Ans, No. 281Broadway, opposite Washington 11*11. the additionalattraction' of Vocal and Instrumental ('oncer:-, for whichpurpose -ich alteratinn» have been made as will givethe aodie -- a full and uninterrupted view of the splendidPa inting» and of the performers at die same time, thus c< m-btningthe novel and delightful attraction tsi a Gallery ofFine Art-» and a Concert; bbili oi the highest ability and ex¬cellence; Among the professors engaged is Signoreßmi. theunrivalled Guitarist and singer, who will mak« hi-rir-t pub-l:c appearance on Ulis occasion, and -iug some of his-mostfavorite Italian airs. New music every evening.Admission-50 cents. Ticket- to he u;u\ at the principal

:ni>.!c störe» and at the Gallery.H. B..The seat» heing numbered, they will be reserved

for the corresponding ones on the tickets, which it i» there-fnr- advisable to procure early. aa

ÄIER1CAN Museiim.Every Day andEv.-n ng this week.Mr and Miss Coad; 'he vocal¬

ists, I... Petite Celeste the dancer; Animal Magnetism on ai. three years old, Indian Games and Italian Fantoccini;

'I'^eriimS'GipseyiGirl.can be consulted day or'eve-(ling. From 10 to 12. and Irooi I to 5. -he can be consultedprivately asranbracle or foreteller.of future events, free ofcharge. Day vlsiters admitted in taV evening free. Fallsof 500,000 curiosities.Admittance to the whole 25 cent*, children half price, a!.

T>GALE'S New-York MF<EFM.-X Mr; DKL \RI'K. the great Mimic, will introduce hisextraordinary Delineations; French.Stories and Yankee Ec¬centricities. He will also introduce vanou» imitations ofmany celeluMiefl ,\< tors, and an imitation oi* Daniel O'Cbn-nelL" .Mr. I'. MORRIS; the Original Vocal American ComicSinger, will introduce a varietv of Iii» Comic s>oags.Splendid DAY PERFORMANCE every Wednesday ami

Saturday; at ti o'clock P. MThe largest and rarest collection in the world ofOrigmal

Portraii-of distinguished American Worthies.DAGUERREOTYPE LIKENESSES taken in the most

scientific mahnor/andatmoderate-prices. Admittance to thewhole 2A cents ; children half price. all

ELEMENTARY Music School for La-_J dies..Mr. J. F. WARNE It. the Translator of We¬

ber's Music Teacher, Kubier'» Elements, etc. etc., willcommence a term of instruction for a cht.-» of Ladies in theElements of Vocal Music; on Tuesday next, April 19th, a:o'clock. P. M., in the left hand loom on the second tloor ofNo. I45J Fultoe-sfreet. Tuition fee very low,Mr. WARNER'will also commence a ie.rta'-of jO lessons

for Gentlemen in the Science of Harmony, Thorough-Bass and Composition; on tuw c,ew system of i Ibdfrcy We¬ber, on Saturday Fve;;;i,g, *hc vii inst., at 8 o'clock, in thesame place. _»_I5 jt*A'E\V FAIR FIELD Boarding School".i. x conducted lr JESSE PECK, successor to C. Jones,formerly Principal .; the Quaker Hill School i- situatednear llawlevsviile depot on the Housatonic Patiroici cm

Bridgeport, from whence the Principal w >. 1 furnish ».vey-anceto his.School. The plan ,.f Instruction comprises a

thorough practical *;^ur»e in the sciences generally, Latinmi.I ''-Cfc languages. Oreat attention will be given totheir moral and physical as well as intellectual education,Mr. Peck wdl accompany his scholars from tl;p atty on

Thurylay the 21st.of April in the steambo.«** Airfield, footof Cnihcrhu -si. at 7 o'< lock; A; M. T^rms #1"" per annum,payable quarterly in 8:V«V<c*v Str. Peck will call on thosewishing to p',r,..e scholars under his cure by leaving their bVI-d.v-c» with tie- following gentlemen, to whom l.c >>ouhirefer th« m for further particulars:

Jo.un Xow'NSEJfp,Jr. Ii Aveiiuc CT. Eh canIs. >'r.e'..i ->;.U. N i'i:, ... IdV* f; (fboKci. Peck,2po Mulberry-si,

Having closed the Quaker Ifil] Boarding-School, Mr.Jones highly iccomiiuml. li.:- School to bis former patrons;;n Mr. Peek they will find an abb- teacher,


i ArSÄPXrTLLA Syrup and Sarsapa-liila Pills, as prepared by otto Rotten, M D. for »ub-

by the agent, JOHN DOYLE; Bookseller,"n7 Itrris- 169 Broadway.TVTe \Vt0N D A Rl *'' d5 v>\*r niss.

aumizeh Corn, 100.doz Plain G,rass, 100 doz DoubleRibbed Gras», and 25 d.u, Scythes for snkhv

W5d3U WIGHT .m CO; 100;Jolin-st;a? liais Sole Agen* in New 'fork.

§7.50, P E r C11A L D UON.A su perinr l»?t ofSidney Coal, imported expressly

för family use, stilling m lut.» to suit purchasers. Apply tomltliMt J. R. CLARK. -41 Water*.

ALT, äaltT.70 touo Marshall's StovedS Salt, factory filled, nn"hoar«l ship Independence; forsale by QRINNELL; MlNTIJRN.fc Cö..78 5oiiüi su .

OOTS & SHOES FOR CASH ONLY.The subscribers have on hand, and are constantly re¬

ceiving from the manufacturers a good assortment of Bootsand Shoes to be sold very low for cash.

tr.sX Inile C' CLARK Jt Co., G Liberty street.

SUPERIOR Daguerreotype Portrait Ap¬paratus, fortakiug likenesses, f.vr sale cheap, and war¬

ranted first-rate; by the mnnußicturar, V3y Nassau street,fourth story. Instruction given iu the an at a very moderateprice. faUlw)_ _A. PltnSCH.

NÖTLC^..Tq MercHantj and Lawyers..To let, the first |\onr and cellar of stores *i2 and 3G

Liberty-^reet. Also, t8 law nlbces. Tbev will be let orleased on the «-.o»t reaaonable terms. The offices werebuilt eipdoi&liy for lawyers, each two communicating. In-,iiiiie of N. if. Kortright, 3-t Llbcrty-st. al-t 3t-

P1ANO FORTE..A fine; toned Pianoin good order, for lure at a lew rate, at 408 Washing¬

ton-street. ».M Hi*STATIONER'S HALL Card Press

against the world..Cards printed at s\l per lö00. Or¬ders received at 2-fj Pearl-t. ami 3-t »yäV-st, a15

THE NEW ENQLAND Screw Co..Brass ami i|ron Wood Screws, a full assortment, con¬

stantly or, hanoaud tu tl.uir vyarehbuse, 112 .lohn-»'.These Screws ^re warranted superior to any importeil ormauufm ture.i bv «nv other establishment in this country;ala "_NATIL wrniKRELL. Jr. Agent.

LEONARD, Reed & liarton's ceieV.rait;ilBritannia Metal (iood- (made from liieir best refined

rolled metal,i lor sale bv their sola Rü«-iit,al5NATU. W.tTHKRELL. Jr. 112 John-st.

\CKS.225 boxes light weight Tucksasserted from 2s to 24 oz. for saie by"N. wri'IlERELL, Jr. II2J ilm-st

ANTED.-in a retail Dry Goods

TWT T Store, a young man to act as .salesman. On" thathas:; thorough knowledge of the business, and can give sat¬isfactory references can apply at 405j Broadway, from 8 to

11 A. M. _.ilr> It*

jjjT7> .COAL! COAL! !.Price Reduc-tC\|» ed..Red Ash Peach Orchard Coal, of the first

(|ualtty.Nut, large »17.1-, $fl no; Broken and Egg $7 00 perton; delivered from the yard free of cartage. Apply at theyard corner of Houston and Molt,or at the yard corner ofHammond and Greenwich st-.

E. F. i. II. A. MAYNARD.N. B..Nut Coal, very large size, superiorqua ity. al5 1m

IANÖ FORTES"!.Six Piano Fortesof suiierior tone and workmanship, iVir sale low to

close a consignment. Apply 57 C«dar-.-t. up Stairs. al5 3w*

SUSPENDED Safety .Fiüid ami RedO Rack1 Notes of this State boaght at reducetl rates; by

al.s tfK. P. JAM ES. tie W,,l!-i.

TJNCTl-\\tlENT Monov Disconntcd atV--' the current market rate», bv


P. P. JAMES,alt. Gt flo Wall st

DENTISTRY.Wiu. Thorn. DentTst,», the atlentioj) of those who wear Artificial

Teetb. and.-those who may require them, to ins method p|supplying the maxillary fähiiiy; viz_ the teethe Kno« ngthat there is a disagreeable taste in ihe mouth of those whoinilulge'ih aciils,*resulting from the action ot the acid'onthe go.ld plate, in all casts that admit of it, he m»eits teeth,from one to a complete »et, w ithout u»ing cjm- particle ofmetal of anv description.


BY order of" Ashley Sampson. Esq.firstJudge of the Monroe County Courts, Notice i« hereby

published of an order requiring all the creditors of Theo¬dore Chupin, of the city ot Rochester, ah insolvent debtor;to show cause, if any they have, before the -aid Judge, athis office in said county, on the twenty-uinth day of Junenext, at I<> O'clock in the forenoon of that day, why an asssignmentof the said insolvent'- esiute should-not he made,and he be discharged from ins debts according to the pro¬visions of the statute concerning "voluntary assignmentsmade pur*oanl to the application of an insolvent and hiscrt-iiiors." Dated this 12th day of April, IJ12. a)5 lawlnw

^BUFFALO and Green Bay.The .-team packet-ship COLUM¬

BUS, Capt John Shook?, will i~a*e ButTalo !'>r Green Bayas follows

Wednesday, Xfny 4lh \ Wednesday, Julv 27thWednesday, "'lath Wednesday, Aug. 10thWednesday; June 1st Wednesday, ¦. 24thWednesday, " 15th Wednesday, Sept, 7thWednesday, " 29ih Wednesday, " 21stWednesday; July I3tn Wednesday; Oct; *di

Returning, »he will leave Green Bay. every other « ednes-dav. For freight or passage; apply to die Captain on board°r l° P0GR\\DIN L C°' i K'3 B-^"'1 street- X- V"

0. M. TOMLINSON t CO. < 59 Q AlbaflVH. NILES k CO. 5 ^

A. R. COBB ir-CO. J Bunalo N YP. L. PARSONS is CO. < D^na10' al5_6m_

ÜCTIÖN Sale..By Fk't-r ev Connor._ Store No. 277 Spring street. elegant Furniture.

Wednesday; 2eth, at 10 o'cleek, at No. 210 lludwn-street, avaluabi*-a»v>rtint.-iit of Ifciuieboid Pnraittire consisting ofBru»vLs and Ingrain Carpets. Rug*. French MabogainxChairs. Egyptian taar'nle uip Centre Table, Work Table-.2 large Pier Wnss»-s. I08 inc. plated Branch Candlesticks,Mahogany Tablv*. Oil Cloth, Beds, Bedding. Bedstead-.i.e. Also", a quantity bl Kitchen Furniture, with which the-ale will commence. The goods will he ready for inspec¬tion the day previous to sajf. Side positive. a!5 jt,*

DRY GOODS.DTRAW GOODS. Millinery Articles,yij tc.Paris ?:raw HaLs. Leghorn do.

Straw Trimmings, Chip FlatsArtificial Flowers.Bonnet and Cap Riblions.White and black Crape*.Filet Gloves and Mitts, i.e. ice. i.e. i.e.

For-ale at the lowed Cash prices hy¬alin- A. K. TJIOMTSON; CS B-aver-sireet.

VEW DRY G00 D^.Spring; Trade".11 .BROWN 4c URO.UHART, 2i>i Grand-street, Inteiy occupied by W. V'ann, arc daily receiving largequautiüesoi Goods from the best Market», with AuctionGoods in great abundance. They have an entirely new andbeautiful collection of Goods a: present cash prices, whichwill b- found from 25 to 3d per .em. low er than the ordi¬

nary run of stocks in this cityThe following, among their extonsive assortment, will be

found decidedly cheap and very drsirabie.Calii oes.American Prints, 5d, 6d and 7d.Sood Styles, :«<( and IOd.

Superior do.. Is per yard.English Print» Is and 1» 6-1; same as formerly sohl at 2s

and 2s gd, beautiful new patterns.French Calicoes.Is Cd, and liest Goods 2s.PRfVTFp Mcslins..Several lots of new style printed

Muslins, Is p.-r yard.Wry fine printed muslins, Is rid and 2s: being leas.than

half the price same qualities sold for last season.Mocssrline de Laincs.Commencing at 1« per yard.Gio.I Styles. Is Gd.Beautiful new styles and very fine, only 2s..50 pi,, es good patterns Mourning de Lames is.50 " best styles,; I* 6d and 2sper yard.Plain lie l.aiues, all colors, from 2s 6d to ;is Gd per yard.Scotch Ginghams.Best goods 1» Gd an.l 2s per yard.Linens-.A very extensive assortment of superior labru

Irish Linens, just opened at prices from 2» Gd to Rs perynnhParticularly worthy the notice of Families and SouthernDealers.

Also, Table Linens, Linen Sheetings. Huckabuck, TowClotIts, Crash, and every other description of Linen goodsextremely cheap.

Blankets, Comfortables Quilts and Counterpanes,.a veryheavy stock ol these goods at present ruinous prices.Embroideries ami Lack.An extensiv«! stock of diese

goods wholesale ami retail. Dealers will rind it greatly to

their.advantage to inspect them: the variety will be foundequal, :t not superior, to that of any II liise in the city : andbeiny entirely new Goods; prices will be found surprisinglylow. Edgings,'borderings,tnrleton laces and fancy lacesofentirely new styles!RltiuoNS.Great Bargains L.Cup Ribbons 4.1 ami 6d,good

styles. A great variety of new Hat Ribbons, all from auc¬

tion, and remarkably cheap. JD .Milliners who wish to

purchase their Spring Ribbons, will do well to lake a lookat our assortment!1 r Artificial dowers, new styles, received almost every

dav.Hosiery and Glowes.White Cotton Hose, 9d and I0d.

Very tine. Is per pair.Brown Cotton Hose, same prices.Black do. I Oil, Is and Is Gd.Fine Ribbed Hose, Is 6.1 and ds per pair.Mixed and Slate Hose; Cashmere, Vigonia and raw Silk

Hose in. i»»vai variety and very cheap.Domestics.Brown Sheetings, yard wide, at 5.1, 6*1, 7d,

and 3d.Five-quarter wide do.Long Cloth.. 7(1, 8d and 10.1. Finest quality Is per yard..I.; and vl Heavy Sheetings.Tickings, (. Mariners' Shirtings, Checks, Twilled

Muslin, Drillings, i.e. Jtc.SHAWLS.

A splondld assortment of Silk, Satin. Damask, Broche.and Cashmere Shawls of every style and texture. A d<*-

scription cannot convey any idea ot" the beauty and varietyofour present stock of these Gotvis. Chine ami Velvet Man¬tillas and Long Shawls of the richest description very cheapand not a day passes w ithout our lidding something new to

'air present assortment.SILKS;

Black and blue-black, plain and figured. Figured and

t:\wry silk-, new styles, very rich, at äs öd p.-r yard. Poulide Soie, Grode Su'isse, Rep Silks, fcc. ic. all received withintin last few days. BROWN A s/RQtJHART,

a9 IwisGrand-street, (formerly Vann's.}

SPRING GOODS, .Spring Goods..Theundersigned is prepared with Ins usual extensive as¬

sortment of Seasonable Goods to execute orders for Gar-men:, in a style which will comport with any house in theTrade, at prices which must offer inducements to those pay¬ing ready money.Attentipass solicited to the stylt of Pantaloons furnished

at this establishment, as particular care is directed to thisdepartment with the view of giving entire satisfaction.Those who have experienced any difficulty in getting

suited are assure, that a superior lit can always be realized.French and Ei lishCassimeres in a great variety of new

patterns just rec- yed. The assortment of VestingS:whichgave sn much ; i 'faction through the last Spring and Sum¬mer seasons will rkept up.French and E lish .Cloths of super and medium quali¬

ties for Dress a, Frock Coats always on hand,

j Fancy dress articles, including Silk and Salin Scarfs, Cra¬vat-, Hdkts., Glo/es, Hosiery, Suspenders, Shirts, Collars,i.e. at usual moderafe prices. WM. T. JENNINGS,

Late Lynde li Jennings, 229 Broadway,m24 I mis American Hotel.

BROWN "& URQUiTART have" justreceived from Auction.

3 cases English Calicoes2 " Mousseline de Laines, new styles .

2 " Mourning de Laims, Is and Is Gd per yard,goodpatterns

G " Canton Silk ShawlsSeveral sen. ttroc-he ShawlsAlso, a good assortment real Cashmere Shawls, all wool.Also, a complete new assortment of Lace Goods,compris¬

ing fancy Capsk Cap Laces, Tarleton Laces, Bordering*,Edgings, Lace Veils, fcc BROWN t I'RQl'HAKT,

«I t2is291 Grand-street, formerly Vaun's.

4 LARGE and well selected assortmentA of fashionable SPRING GOODS just received at theNEW-YORK CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT,

112 Fulton-street, near Broadway,Comprising a great variety of super West of England amiFrench black and fancy colored Cloths: French ElasticDoeskins arid other Cassimeres; rich patterns ol fancy Silksand Chally Vestings, making a very desirable assortment lor

gentlemen lo select theirSpring and Summer Clothing from.Our purchases are made exclusively for cash at the presentextremely low prices, which enables us to supply our ru-

toiners oh such terms as cannot fail to meet the views of themost economical. We have in ouremploy the best of cuttersand will guaranty our garments to be equal in quality,style and elegance to any house in the trade.

Full suiLs furnished at twenty-four hours' notice.Punctuality strictly observed in filling orders.Terms.Cash on delivery, am) no abatement in prices.m26 If _J. C. BOOTH, AgenL

G< REAT BARGAINS to Housekeepers,r W. it J. JAMESON, 255and 255J Greenwich-street,one door above Murray-street, are receiving dally a largeassortment of Kitchen Furniture, in all their varieties, ofthe best manufacture, comprising

Hard Ware, Wood Wa.e,Tin Ware end Hollow Ware,Hru.he,,

Which they offeriativtsry reduced prices for cslsIi. Thosewho are about furnishing ibis spring will find it greatly totheir advantage by calling and examining their stock belot*purchasing elsewhere, as great inducements will be offered,Goods delivered in any part of the city free of ex¬

pense, a 12 Inns

iMPOKTA NT INTE L LIG ENC E.(Particularly to the Ladies.).The largest asso'tment ol

Mouseline de Laiues in dils city, consisting of plain, plaid,chine, anil figured, of all prices/for Is 4d, Is Cd, Is Oil, 2s. 2s6d, 2» 9d; .'>«, tis 6d, 4-, 4> rid, and 5- per yard.all of whichhavejustheeri purchased for cash.French, English and American Prints of the latest designs

atai; prices from -id peryard up to sup.-r French for 2s Gd.Brown Merinos, for 6d, 8, 9d, H)d, and Is per yard. 4-4, 5-4,

and 6-4 w ide.White Muslins,iof all prices and w idths, from 4-4 to 12-4

wide.Linens. Shirting, Damask. Diaper, Cambric, etc. etc.Furniture Cliints, which formerly sold for 2s, now selling

Ibr Is and ls.' assortment unsurpassed, iroir. 10.1 p»-r pair up.Togeüier with an entire assortment of ail goods usually

found in respectable dry good, .tores,all Iwi._ E. H. KENT, 247 Centres;.

ACES.Laces. Kihhons..Cap Lace3 cents; Cap Ribbons 6 cents; Bonnet Bibbons J shil-Lac- Mtisltos: Quillings; Inset-lings; Collars; Hat

Silks, itc Milliners and. Petllars siipplieiJ »;LEEPER'S, corner Grand .md Christie streets,

a4 ;mjs and 239 Grand-sL


BUFFALO, Clinton county, and all theSafetv Fund Bank-: al»o, James, olean,St. Lawrence

and all'the ire.-or red hack ijanks, taken without any dis¬count (brcloih;cassimeres; yestings,flannels Sic; ai the lowestcash price; at 4<d Greenwich stre.-t, near CanaLBenningtoH money taken at a small discpunt. m30 lniis

T^RENCH & GERMAN Eaney Goods",JL very low for cash..A complete assortment of Combs,Brushes, "Perfumery. Joseph Glllott'sand other Steel Pens,Cutlery, Hooks awl Eyes, Pin». Needles, Accordioas, Pock-' t-Books, Silk and Leather Purses,Beads and Bead Bagsand Purse-. Spectacles, AiC. logether^wiLh a general as.»ort-ment of all articles in the above line o, business; Countrymerchants are respectfully invited to call when vi»;tincr Unscitv, and exan.ine the slock, as il i» believed tha. ai._sualinducements are offered, ai C. II. DARLING'S,

oi4 3m 74 Maiden Lane and 5 Liliertv-streeL

TVfEW CARPET STORE..The sub-J. l senbers beg leave to inlonn iheir friend* and the pub¬lic generally that they have just received a new and fresh-rock of Goods, consisting of Carpeting, Oil-Cloths, Rugs.Matting. DruggeltS; Baues, StC., with every other articleconnei ted w ith the tnide, which they offer tq the public at

the lowest ca-h prices, without pretending lo sell 15 p»-rcent, cheaper liian any *me else, but will guarantee to selln.« low a- any one for cash. Those w Utting to purchase willdo well to call and examine our stock, where ihey will findthe most choue patterns and the best of color-. |

WEBB t MANNING, /u2 linis 4.5J Pearl-si, 3d Carpet Store from Chaxbam.


Store >} William-street, corner of Pine-strvet.SATURDAY. April J6.

At 10 o'clock at the Ati< lion Room,i iths xsu Cssm.meres from theshelves,-forCash.

- .' " .**" l.res w.-r or" England Clot!-., and Cum-*: In.mlcd, ninrUiiig wool dyed blacks; browns;

nvijinic green,.ol v«*,ar>d font v colors; Londonbrown»i Kus-.»..II green, woaded olivr. citron green, claret; dahlia, iceAbo, 100 pieces Cassimeresol various pattern* at;d de-

scripttons.Also, an assortment of coat Cord«, Bra;.!*, and Finding*!or merchant tailors.

AlsO, -lock (öx njs.SALE (>K FRENCH GOODS.FOR C\*sH

THURSD.W April 21,At Id o'clock, ai the Auction Rix>m.

FitBNCH Goods.100 com^ of French Drv Goods jus tImported pe; lastest arrivals, comp*.Ising a tnöst'destrabl« as-sortment of fashionable aod ^av.nnble goods.Catalogues and nunples on morning of sale.

W. C. Ilagvertv. Auctioneer.BY JOHN HAGGERTY & SON'S.

Store 169 Pearl-street.KKID \ V. Apr;! I.s.

At 10 o'clock, at No. 51 Beaver street,L.vrck Sale'of Si'k:n,; French Goons --Spring Fancy

and St.iple Goo\\ K. Draper will otter at auction atbisStoreSI Beaver bis ciiti'-e balance <>: coasign-meni«:of\Gcods, calculated lor Spring sates, received i»ydu Baltimore. Utica and other late arrivals, comprising alarge variety of Fancy and Staple Goods.. cases newest style printeU foulard »ilks, rieb ebene

silks, gros de Naplessage heavy high lustered poult de »oie;22, 2-1 and 2d inch super jet and t.[Ue hlk gros Je Sw s« llgblcolors: poult d.e. lilch gloves and mit* of assorte« qual¬ities, iio points, a large assortment ol fancv heck hdkts al¬so, striped, shaded and figured with borders: and fringesnewest style ..-ji:« and cravat.*] 8-4 blk shawls, S-» embroid¬ered do, 10-1 silk broche do; r;¦ r11 ottoman scarfs coloredand blu«';blk bonnet silks ami studs ol costly fabric; cordedIks colored, lawns a splendid assortment of bonnet nt»-

uohs in pieces arid garniture; also, No-. 1,6 and 7 richbroche riblions; blk silk cravats, assorted sizes; black stocksatins fancy-silk vestings; vest buttons; colored gros de At-rtque: rich sniinstnped Pekin's poult de-soie; super plan.>t and blue tuk reps blkembrd cleanlilly lace veils; als*..zli cases gros odierRoman a. Co printedjaconets half mourn-

» do; 20 cases satin striped printed muslins; ¦> cases bMsplei dnl caslimereslinwLs; braid and cord; tine to superfinebombazines plain mous de laines; assorted colors ''u. Alsoari invoice ol cases of printed lawns and printed mous delaines-just received per Cambridge.

Also b ..-.'s new style leather tans.Josi.ih Richards, Auctioneer.

BY BANGS, RICHARDS & PLATT,Store \9t Broadway.

Win. W. Shirley. Auctioneer.BY W 1LI.I AM U SHIRLEY.

Sales Kisim No. 64 and 66 Nnssnu-sl.; near Maideis-lune, lorPublic and Private sales qf Furniture and

Mi rcliandise generally.N. B..Out-door Sales personally attended to at moderate


0\V PRICES and Good Work..TK. SIJTTON respectfully informs his friends and lb*

Pubitc that he i- now prepared, with i>.-w mid fashionable*Type, to execute to order JOB PRINTING oi every tiesscription, at the lowest prices, at bis new stand, No; 4 Lit¬tle Green-street, (between Maulen Lane and Liberty-street,New-Yoi k.)

H.s CARD Presses do not work by steam or horse power,but be flatters himself that be can, bv the aid of Man alone,furnish his customers with neatly printer! Cards, at remark¬ably jow jirices ; at any rat», he solicits one tria'. winch, hethinks, will prove to the Public that his 'New-York CardPresses' are equal to n'nv thing now in use.

T. K. SUTTON'Job Printer; t Little Green-st.,allot* (between Maiden Lane and Liberty-tit.

WRITING and Merchants' Account*..The umlersigned continues to give instruction in

Writing. Book-keepine and Comm. rcial Arithmetic dotingthe day or evening. The lessens may be received entirely inprivate ijZdeaircd.The terms are the same as charred hy the advertiser dur¬

ing the last year-, viz : $15 for either branch singly untilthe requisite proficieucy is attained.

'I'o obviate further annoyance from useless applications,the advertiser.begs to -rue that be neither professes to teachwriting in a fixed number of lessons, nor to provide situa¬tions for his students: and as regards his mode of instruc¬tions he deems it sufficient to stale, for the information ofstrangers, what may be easily-tested by enquiring amongmerchant-, viz: that there are hundreds of young men ful-liliiug the duties of responsible ami lucrative situations inthis city who ow e their advancement to the advertiser's in¬struction. THOMAS .ION ES. 183 Broadway.For sale at the rooms Jones's BOOK-KEEPING just pub¬

lish, d and already adopted in the leading Academic nistiluiioiis in this city. Price $1 50. al'tl

HARDWARE, Cutlery & Fancy Good,n: No. 10 Old Slip. N.Vork, three doors east of Pearl

street.EDWARD CORNING k CO. are receiving by;latearrivals from England a large and wel-selected assortmentof Hardware and Cutlery, which together with purchasesat auction make their stock well worthy of the atlentiou.ilthose who are purchasing forensh or citv acceptances Thepries are much lower than Usual. In addition to iheirsinek of Hardware they oiler a large assortment of SwedenIron Cut Nails, and English Kose and Clasp hand-wroughtNads, with the u-ual assortment of heavy Hardware Goods;Purchasers will do well to cull and examine their goods be-l«*rc purchasing. ni26 lmis

do( )k-k kkpTnyl^^1j Rooms ofc. ÜB Jirsili, H3 Cedar street, c<inlinu»-ppeh from 9 A. M. n.;» p. M. in order that merchants andother- may avail themselves ofa course of instruction that is

truly practical; one that embraces a complete routine oicommercial transactions and mercantile calculations ; nunone m which the student actually keepsa set of hooks iiSj"counting house. To these whoare unacquainted vsiih the-advertiser's reputation; he desires to say, that bis principalwork on book-keeping has passed into ten editions ; mat itreceives the;preference In the New-York Public Schools,ami other large institutions; and that be himself has the ho¬nor of being re-appointed teacher ol book-koeping for the" Murc.uitile Library Association'* of this city. rro«pect-uses, with terms, may be had at the counting rooms as

above. tn25 lmis


LLLINERY GOODS.STEVFNS& GRUMAN, 93 Beaverstreet, two doors from Pearl

street, New-York, would respectfully invite merchants andmilliners visiting the city, to call and examine their stock ofMilliner}' and Silk Goods. Their stock is entirely NEWand has been selected with the utmost care. Having enteredthe market early, they have had the benefit of FIRST SE¬LECTIONS from the importers and auctions, and havingbought their goods liir casli, they believe they can ofler, notonly th. cheapest but die best selected assortment of goodsin their line to be found in the city. It is their intention to

keep bund goods ol the most fashionable kinds,and to do business «n the CASH SYSTEM, believing theycan make it an object to those wanting goods in their hue,to patronize them instead of the i red it houses. They relyentirely on the cheapnessof their goods for patronage. Theyattend the auction sai.-s regularly and do get some «realbargains which they will .sell :<i a trilling advance from cost,Call and-ee. STEVENS i. GRUMAN.

L. M. Stevens, )S. E. Grx'Man. 5_ all tesis

PILLS, PILES..Dr. E. Humphrey'sVegetable Ointment, for the Piles; Fissures,'lie., Jin

unfailing remedy-; also, for cracks In tne skin or mueounmembrane, ulceis of long standing, bruised f.r iiicisedwounds, burns and scalds. We are infbimed that it neveihas tailed to cure the piles, when regularly applied. Nu¬merous certificates can lie seen by. calling on Mr. Covert,.-..|e agent for New-York city, 131 Nassau-sL We publishone of the many we have <jn hand :

" To the Public: This may certify, that I have been af-tlicted wiib piles lor more than ten years past, and had paida great deal of money for medicines, liniments and oint¬ments, for its cure, without benefit.until, recently, 1 haveu»ed Dri Humphrey's Vegetable Ointment, which has af¬forded me complete relief; ami 1 have no hesitation instating it a« my belief that it will infallibly cure thai dis¬tressing malody. CHARLES KLDRED, Merchant."Auburn, Feb. 18, 1842."J. (.'overt, 131 Nassau-street, sole agent for tl e city at'New

York; also for sale bv A. B. Je D. Sands. 7.1 Fulton-street;Alfred Hill, 203 Greenwich:*!; E. M. Guion; 127 Bowery ;Marens Hurd. 196 Washington-street ; W H Milnor, I9gBroadway; John Svme, fid Bowery; L. II. Church, I mPearl-si; Samuel J. Stewart.75 FultOh-st, Brooklyn; Dr. E.Humphreys, proprietor; Auburn. a2 2wis

EESiIS ! LE EC HES .*.'.Cönsiäuit-lyon hand, received iresh every new arrival, a large

upply of _'ood size, healthy Swedishjarid German Leethes,that will bite quick. For sale by the thousand; hundred. <>r

dozen, anil put up in turfso as to be transported with safetyto any part of the country.

*." Leeches applied bv a competent person at anv times.DAVID SANDS v CO.

Whole.-ale ami retail Druggistsand Chemists,a52miri 77 East Broadway, corner Market-sl.

ARPFJi'S (Jouich Remedy..Thomas_ W. Harper's celebrated medicine of ten year's stand¬

ing for the i ure ofCoughs, Colds, Shortness of Breatli, Ditb-enltv of Breathing, Asthma, Whooping Cough, and« of Lung Complaints; has been pronoun* <-d not onlyby those who have been benefited by iu use, but by a

large number of our most eminent physician*, as the bestmedicine extant for the relief and cur« of thosedistresringcomplaints A tea spoon full w ill giye relief to the most s<*-

vere cough, and one hottle is sufficient in most case- to ef¬fect a cur.". For vile, price one shilling, by Mrs. A. HAR¬PER ö~>[ Bowery, at the drug store tiü Böwervi cm ner ofWalker »t., and by the diSerent agents throughout the city.ni23 lmis

1841,1 was severely attacked with an indammationof my right lung, and was confined from businexs.O months.Since that tune I havesutlered much pain in that lung attend:ed with difficulty Ol breathing and very sewre coughing,during which time I raised a great deal of putried matter. Ibelieve 1 w as oil the liprder of the Connumption. I was at¬

tended by diiTerent physicians;but all to no j.urpose. AWout'six week- ago I got a bottle 01 your Balm of Lib-, and I am

nappy to say that my pains have snbskledl I am entirelyrelieved of my cough, and with the exception of weakness,I fe.-l about as well as I ever did. I have great confidencein your medicine for diseases of the lungs. Yon are at lib-ertv to do with this letter as you see proper.

M. DERBEV,No. 29 Spring-»LNew-York, April J.f, 1«42For sale by J. Covert, Poo Nassau slre*t; also, lor sale at

142 Water st; 11" Broadway; 10 Astor House; £6 Willhvn-«treei: ~'l n n< 1 IW Fulton-street; 77 East Broadway, 64J, and771 Broadway; 63; J40j and 183 Bowery; 8a Dirlsion-st

a 2 2wis _

THE WAY they Go..The way Dr.F.'s Worm Candy goes Is a caoti»n to all the vermm

thai inhabit children and adults. The way Ins Dmrrhcea Can-lv goes u a token of it- efficacy m all towel complaints..The way his Dinner Candy goes is a comfort to all dyspep¬tics, and'the way bis Cathartic Candy goes is a caution to

ill pill-makers. .._,,_,.

For sale wholesale and retallat 13.? Najsau-st. under Clin¬ton Hall. _a22w"JOVF L. Iittt true..They say ihe way

j. N Dr. F.'s Medicated Camlies destroy Worms in blhf-rr-n, cnr<- Diarrliaa ai^i all bowel Complaints, give comfon.a Dyspeptics and Physic all who want piiysicing, is a emo¬

tion t Vail Quacks. To be bad at VS-i Nassau -treet. uiafejClinlouHalL *2 2»*