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Game To Resume Trap Shooting

Mevhanlcville — Resumption of the t rap shooting; program which was interrupted by the war was discussed by the Tenandaho Fish and Game Club in the Elk* Hall last night.

New (rounds have been obtained not far from the clubs original Site on P r u y n s Hill Everything is in readiness for the sport as soon 83 the weather permits. A commit­tee to overhaul the equipment ar supervise its installation will be named shortly by Fred Payne, president.

Ernest J. Lefner S r . chairman of the annual banquet committee, reported on the affair, expressing his appreciation of the support of club members in making the af­fair a suocetj A report on the progress of the c lubs rifle shoot­ing program was given by H. E. Rishe!, \.ho invited all members to attend the regular weekly shoot to be conducted in the Pendei i Block ba.-ement range Tuesday nisht at 7:^». 4*

Three motion pictures, depicting deep sea fishmj,. bird dog training and Florida wild life, featured the entertainment program with Regi­nald H. Mac Kmley at the pro- (

jeetor. ; Refreshments were served uui- j

inc informal discussion. John H Maloney Pre3ided in U-J absence of President Payne.

Schools Post Honor Roll

Burnt Hill*—The following is the honor roll of Balaton Lake-Burnt Hills Central School and Glenville District 8 for the second quarter: C f it* I I V I I I * ' xJ H»l»- -•--••


COUPLE ARRIVING AT SYRACUSE U. TRAIL- In Syracuse University's trailer camp for married ER CAMP—Frank Majan*. >6, and his wife, Anna. veteians and their wives. The Mayans became one *£, wade through mud to reach their new home of two families living in the camp, which as yet

had no water or electricity.



Second Grade—Suzanne Archer. Audrey D'Orazia. Roger Franklin, Joanne Myers. Barbara Nordmann.

Third Grade—Janet Scrafford. Richard Miller. ... ,. ,.... ...

Fourth Grade—Fred 'Lathwood. Charles Leeser, Randall Smethurst.

Fifth Grade—June Frankland, Davtd Holder, Carol Meloer. B.H.-B.L.

First Grade—Andrea Ashdown, Clifford Circe. Lucille Curtis, Paul D'Orazio, Diana Dunlop, Patricia Freeman, Virginia Headley. Au­drey Lowe, Donald Paquin. Nancy Rowledge, Lois Ann Smith, Wil­liam Stine, Richard Voorhees, Ber-nice Wyer.

Second Grade—William Cruik-shank, Aithur Freitag, Arnold Hyde, Marge Johnson, Lydia Mc-Intyre, Diane Nichells, Eileen Shuey, Michel Thibodeau.

Third Grade—D u a n e Parker , Marjorie Parskocim, Phyllis Stev­ens, Sylvia Struble, Barbara Warm, Ronald Wetsel.

Four th Grade—Patricia Bates, Muriel Cunningham, Patr icia Hart-man, Michael Jones, James Shorey, Frances Stewart, Judith Stewart, Ruth Wiley.

Fifth Grade—Grete Bucke, Carol D'Orazio, Allan Jacobsen, Barbara Sue Maichele, Barbara Ann Park­er, Marilyn Phillips, Mary Lou Townley.

Sixth Grade—Girls: Jane Ann Davis, Telo Falconer, Carl L Hodg­son, Mary Ann Mackey, Janet Mason, Virginia Thomas, Beverly Vincent, Marilyn Wait.

Sixth Grade—Boys: R o b e r t Campbell, Roy Elliott, Louis Fis-ler, Richard Gode, Ronald King, Wilbur Rue, Leslie Van Vorst, Her­man Voelke. ___

Junior High SchooI-^Vifginia Bateholts. Shirley Brandt. Elinor Cunningham, Edward Freeman, Beverly Greene, Betsy Hodgman, Martin Jones, Marilyn LaVenture, William Lyall, Doris MacArthur, Kathleen Mooney.

James Morrissey, Dorothy Pal-mateer, Claire Petrie, Anna Smith, Eileen Snyder^ Jane t Stewart, Diane Struble. Lawrence Townley, Beverly Vance, James Van Vorst, Pamela Warner, Barbara Wheeler.

Senior High School—Beverly-Bates, Carol Brown. Evelyn Dadez, LeRoy Dare, Jeanine DeGroat, Joan Falconer, Betty Gocha. Helen Grabo. Clifford Greene, Marion Gregoire, Katherine Hatlee, Henry Hedor.

Frank Jankowski, Glenn Kinns. Carolyn Lubka, Floyd Lundy, Myr-na Lundy, Patricia MacFarland, Charles Mason. Helen Nessle, Janet Owen. Edith Paquin, Lucelda Pa­quin, Carol Parent.

Wilbur Perkins, David Pierce. J ean Ramsay, Eleanor Setzer, Her­bert Smith. Florence Stewart. Hel­en Stewart, Donald Stine. Roger Travis, Joyce Vance, Lois Wiley, Allison Williams.

Miss Colson Becomes Bride

Corinth — Miss Marjorie Colson. daughter of Mrs. Mildred Colson of Corinth, became the bride of LaVern Ashline. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ashline of Plattaturg, Feb, 7, in Rockville. Md.

Mrs. Ashline is employed by the Cluett-Peabody Company, and Mr Ashline is in the Army. He served overseas and recently reentltted. After a 60-day furlough he will go to Fort Hancock, N. Y. Mrs, Ash­line will accompany him.

Grange Holds Dance Tonight

Schuylerville - A dance for to­night, of which M. and Mrs. James Burke will have harge. was plan­ned by Saratoga Grange at its meeting Wednesday night.

Mrs. Ruth Pechette was rein­stated. Miss Phoebe Haas was re­ceived by application. The Ray Stevens Juvenile committee re­ported on the reorganization of the Juvenile Grange. The Master named I permanent committee of Mr. and Mrs. James Burke, Mrs. Helen Robbins, Mrs. Dorothy Dodd and Mrs. Mabel DeGarmo.

The Master and Lecturer will at­tend the regional conference at the Ten Eyck Hotel, Albany, Feb. 27. The officers' Grange school will be conducted at Malta Grange hall Feb. 21 at 8:30 p.m.

Miss Haze! Dodd was granted her demit.

The Grange voted to go on rec­ord to be opposed to employment insurance.

A food sale will be held Feb. 23. The committee will be Mrs Ever­ett Woolley. Mrs. Schuyler Peck, Mrs. Dorothy Dodd and Mrs. Mabel DeGarmo.

The new pass word was given out by the Master.

Fayette Thomas was reported ill in the Saratoga hospital.

The followiag literary program was presented: America. My Fa­vorite Story of Abraham Lincoln: reading, Three Way Split, Mrs. Delberta Wilson; reading, Fa rmers Are Unwilling to Be the Goat, Mrs. Agnes Burke: square dancing, John Bodner furnishing music and Dona Periard calling off.

Twenty-six attended the meeting. Refreshments were served by

Mrs. Hattie Wood and Mrs. Del­berta Wilson.

The refreshment committee for the next meeting will be Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hathaway and Miss Mary Hathaway.

CDA Court

Miss Folmsbee Becomes Bride Of Paul Tinney

Mechanicville — Miss A r 1 e n e Folmsbee, daughter of Mrs. Hazel Folwisbee, S. Second Ave., and Paul Tinney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tinney, S. Second Ave., were mar­ried Friday, Feb. 8, at 8 p.m. at the b r ides home. The Rev. Ear l D. Wooddell, pastor of the Me­morial Baptist Church, performed the ceremony by candlelight.

Mrs. Leroy Talmadge, Stillwater, was matron of honor, and Everett

Clifton Park " School Posts Honor Roll

Clifton Pa rk — Results of the mid-year examinations in District School 2 are listed below:

Grades 1 to 4, inclusive, B. R. Hatlee, teacher. High honor, 90 percent or above, Francis Thiele 96. Merwin Hatlee 90, Myrtle Hat­lee 95, John Sitterly 95, Mary Lou Charbonneau 94, Raymond Hatlee 94, Richard Burwash 94, Kenneth Hatlee 94, Richard Lee 93, Ray­mond Clayton 93, Floyd Martin 93,


HALLEN MOTOR CO. Phone l t3 Mechanicvlllo

Folmsbee, brother of the bride, was ; Larine Davis 92, Shirley Bessette best man.

The bride wore a white wool Jersey suit, light blue flowered hat and navy blue accessories and a corsage of white roses.

The matron of honor wore a

91. Millard Burbridge 91, Mary Butler 90, Keith MacFarren 90.

Honor, 85-90: Jane t Martin 88, Maud Hatlee 89, Sally Bessette 89, Ronald Martin 89, Judi th Cassidy 88, Frederick Davis 88, Sharlynne

black suit t r immed with gold and McCune 88, Richard Philo 87, Ray a black hat and accessories. Her mond Lee 87, Carol Bromley 86, corsage was pink roses. | Clarita Davis 85, Donald Martin

A reception was held following 85. Barbara Biette 85. the ceremony, after which Mr. and Senior room. Miss Earles, Mrs. Tinney left on a wedding t r i p ! teacher. Barbara Mart in 96, Ar-of unannounced destination. They lene Tessier 96, Robert Clayton will reside at 225 S. Second Ave. 95. Joan Fawthrop 95, Darlene

Mr. Tinney is a graduate of the j Wallace 96, Alma Thiele 94, Jo-local High School and is employed seph Hatlee 94, Pauline Charbon-as conductor on the newly organ- neau 94, Charles Travis 94. Gloria ized road.

Sa ratoga-Schuylervili

' F IRST FAMILY' AT HOME IN TRAILER—Mr. and Mrs. Kelthe Langdon settle down to routine In a t rai ler as the "first family" of Syracuse Uni­

versity's t rai ler colony for married veterans . The night after the Langdons arrived, ano ther couple came to the camp.

X, Corinth Social * Activities

Grange Confers Two Degrees

Ketchums Corners — Irwin R. Hale was obligated in the first and second degree by Assistant Steward Lawrence Ferris, at Still­water Grange meeting in the hall Tuesda}' night. Worthy Master Oscar Sundquist presided.

The committee, Mrs. Robert Mc-Omber, Mrs. Carleton Abel and Miss Hazel Brown, reported the service men's party and dance, given in the hall Saturday, was a success. Music for dancing was furnished with Tracy Purcell of Greenfield calling for the square dances. There was a grand march of the service men, with their wives or friends. Each service man announced over the loud speaker his name and how long he had been in the service. Refreshments were served by the committee.

Master Sundquist announced that a rehearsal for the second de­gree will t ake place at the next Grange meeting Feb. 26.

Deputy Eugene Chatfleld will make his official visit to Stillwater Grange Mar. 26. - I t was voted to send Mr. Sund­quist and Mrs. Emory Boucher, lecturer, to the Masters ' and Lec­turers* conference in Albany Feb. JT. _ ' ~

The refreshments committee lor the Grange meeting Feb. 26 will be Miss Ru th Putman, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner.

The committee for the card party Feb. 22 will be the Browns, Davises and Ferrises.

The literary program, in charge of Mrs. Henry Robens, secretary, and Mrs. Elon Myers, t reasurer, with Mrs. Myers announcing was as follows:

Song, Loves Old Sweet Song; reading on the ground hog by Law­rence Ferr is ; poem, Ma and Her Check Book, Mrs. Elon Myers; rec­reational number, Heart Drawing, in charge of Mrs. Harry Wood, won by Mrs. Lawrence Ferr is ; agri­cultural number. The Farm Out­look, Henry Robens; humorous reading, Mrs. Robert McOmber; poem, Mortality, Mrs Lawrence Ferris; matching Valentines for supper partners by Brown, song. Tenting on the Old Camp Ground.

Refreshments were served by the I Members sewed on f i lUs committee, the Robens and Sund-1 The next meeting will be held,

. 1 u l f t i - » Feb. 27, the place to be announced.

Holds Session Schuylerville — Court Stella

Maris, CDA. met in the K. of C. Home last night, and. following the business session, refreshments were served. Pr izes —4or—games were awarded to M,rs. Zoel Na-deau and Mrs. William Haley.

Plans for the meeting Feb. 28, at which time refreshments will be served for the last time until after. Lent, were discussed. Chair­men of the enter tainment commit­tee will be Miss Mary R. Cooney and Miss Alyce Boivin.

The following refreshments com­mittee was appointed for the meet­ing: Mrs. Joseph H. Cheney, Mrs. Philip Brown. Miss Ri ta Roivin, Mrs. James J. Walsh. Mrs. William Haley and Mrs. F rank Hughes.

A white elephant sale was con­ducted last night in charge of Mrs. F. W. Knight and Mrs. Emory Brown.

Corinth—Francis Esmond, Main St., was admitted to Saratoga Hos­pital Tuesday,

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Healy, Oak St., are the parents of a son born Wednesday in Corinth Hos­pital.

Mrs. Thomas Ward and infant son, Hamilton Ave., were dis­charged yesterday from Corinth Hospital.

A surprise Valentine"parTjr was given yesterday in honor of Kris­tin Nelson, at her home in Main St., by Peggy Milligan and Gail Hoffman. The color scheme was red and white. Refreshments were served and Valentines exchanged. Guests were Peggy Milligan, Gail, Lynn and Carol Hoffman, Beverly McDonnel and ^Patricia Walsh,

O B I T U A R Y Corinth—LeRoy Folts died sud­

denly a t 4:30 p.m. yesterday a t his home in Center Street. H e was born June 5, 1890, and was a lifelong resident of Corinth.

He had been janitor of the Main Street school for the last 10 years . He was trustee of the Corinth Methodist Church and a past mas ­ter of Corinth Lodge, F . and A.M.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mabel Fol ts ; one son, Ronald Folts : a brother, Truman Folts , all of Corinth; two sisters, Mrs. F rank Warnock, Philadelphia, and Mrs. C. Fred Fuller, Corinth, and several nieces and nephews.

The body will be taken from the residence Sunday at 1 p.m. to the Methodist Church, where it will lie in state until 2:30. The funeral will be held at t h a t hou r in t he church. The Rev. Rober t F . Fillmore, pastor, will officiate. The body will be placed in the Corinth Rural Cemetery receiving vault, Hadley-Luwrne. Corinth Page 11

SCHCYLERVTLLE Mrs. James P ra t t enter ta ined

the Parish Aid Society of St. , S tephens Episcopal Church Wed-

Miss Hazel nesday afternoon. The annual Easter sale will be

conducted Saturday, Apr. 18.

Methodists Elect Trustees Monday Night

Corinth—On Monday, Feb. 3 ^ at 8 p.m., following election of three trustees, there will be a meet­ing of the board of t rustees of the I board of education of the church Methodist Church in the church ' will meet Wednesday in the church chapel, for organization and busi- ! parlors a t 7:30 p.m. ness. Each trustee of the church '- Report Cards Out i s urged to be present. Report cards for the last five

The election of three t rus tees ; months were given out at the to replace H. B. Andrew, Bar t le t t , local school Wednesday, as an-Ide and LeRoy Folts will t ake ! nounced by the school office, place the same night. The meeting! Auxiliary Meets

Church Boards Meet Wednesday

SchitylerviUe— The official board of the Methodist Church and the

will be open from 6:45 to 7:45 for nominations.

Any member of the Methodist Church who is 21 years of age or more is permitted to vote, and nominations for these three offices will be made from the floor.

Family Holds Reunion Party

Corinth—Mr. and Mrs. E . A. St. Lawrence, Maple St., entertained at a family dinner last night a t their home, the fifth anniversary of the date their son, Robert, en­tered the Army.

I t also celebrated the first St. Valentine's Day in five years that the entire family could be to­gether.

The table was decorated with red candles and a Valentine's cake decorated in red and white. Pres­ent were their three sons, Robert, Donald and William, •all recently discharged from the Army, and their daughter, Betty Lou. ,

Church Sets" Laymen's Day

Corinth—Feb. 24 will be Lay­men's Sunday in the Methodist Church across the nat ion.

I t Is expected tha t four lay peo­ple of the local church will be in charge of the 11 o'clock worship service, and tha t two of these peo­ple will speak briefly to the con­gregation.

V. P . Ticknor is the lay leader of Corinth Methodist Church, and is in charge of the service. Personals

Mrs. Horace Washburn , Maple St., was discharged from Corinth Hospital yesterday.

The Woman's Auxiliary of the American Legion will meet in the Legion rooms tonight. Personals

Mrs. John W. Cummings has returned home after visting her brother, John T. McCarty, For t Edward.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cummings, Schenectady, a re guests of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cummings.

Mr, a n d Mrs. Fred Carlson, Utica. were recent guests of Mrs. Matilda Carlson. Mr. Carlson was recently discharged from the Navy, where he served as a lieu­tenant in the Pacific area. Personal

Victor Gamache was operated on in Albany Hospital Tuesday by Dr. John Heslin. Dr. Melvin Bo-right is his local physician. He is reported to be improving.

10-Year-Old Pianist Gives Recital Sunday

Mechanicville ~Louis Palmer, 10-year-old pianist, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Palmer, Groves St., this city, will give a piano* recital Sunday at 3 p.m. in the High School Auditorium.

Ray Heindorf, former Mechanic-ville boy, and now top arranger for Warner Bros. Studios in Holly­wood, discovered Louis' exception­al musical talent when he spent par t of his vacation here about two years ago. He suggested that Louis study with Roy Vanden-hurgh, Albany,—— —

Mr. Vandenburgh, also an alum­nus of Mechanicville High School, I was graduated from the Troy Con- j servatory and continued his studies in New York, taking up piano-: accordion composition a n d p ips ! organ. He is teaching in Albany, ! where he has resided for the last [ 15 years.

Mr. Vandenburgh Tiresents Louis j Palmer in a program of Bach, two Part Invent ions , . Mozart's Sonata in F. Major, Haydn's Gypsy Rondo with two pianos, Mozart's Sonata in G Major, also with a second piano par t wri t ten by Edward Grieg, which Mr. Vandenburgh will play.

There also, will be a group of pieces by Beethoven, Chopin and others. For encores, Louis has been asked to play some Gersh­win and his own arrangements of some popular tunes.

Tickets may be obtained a t the door and the public is invited. Master Pa lmer recently gave this recital in Albany before a large and enthusiast ic audience, and in response to many requests, has de­cided to repeat it in Mechanicville.

Legion Holds Party At Schuylerville

Schuylerville — Prize winners at the par ty of Old Saratoga Post, American Legion, in the Legion rooms last night were: Mrs. F r a n k Lenty, Miss Mildred Delaverge, Mrs. Ber tha Callaghan, Octave Wood, Samuel Sulli, Mrs. William Archer, Mrs. Rose Almy, Mrs. Jay Conlee and Mrs. Angelo Gentile.

Another par ty will be given next Thursday night. Personals

Mrs. Na than Wlnney is seriously ill at her home.

Rail-1 Whinnery 93, Joyce Burwash 92, Floyd Hatlee 91, Eddie Hatlee 91, Billy Thiele 91, Richard Cassidy 91, Dorothy Johnson 88, John Lee 88, Theresa LeRoux 87, Beverly Bessette 87, Nira Rice 86, Richard Martin 85, Lillie Thiele 85.

SERVICE COUPLE VISIT Schuylerville — Lt. Cmdr. Wat-n Wharton and Mrs. Wharton,

ithfield, N. C , a re guests of MrV Wharton 's mother, Mrs. Ma­tilda Carlson.

Lieutenant Commander Wharton is on terminal leave from the Navy Medical Corps. Upon termination of his leave he plans to resume his medical practice in Smithfield.

Mrs. Wharton, who was a lieu­tenant in the Navy Nurses Corps, received her honorable discharge in November.



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