New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1842-11-30.Authorof'Jack Siif.ppakd,' ' Guv...


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LI_111 [¦¦IT'TT'''''"^^---^^^^ ^ we n~nin ri>: if-our renders that they can have their

nyh»orcoUl»curr«; ave, reailv cured, for one shilling,^fcanle»s they are perfectly satUfied atttr use that Prof,tattrt Coujjh" Candy is oil it i« represented, the money

be returned t» them. Th» se are the terms Mr. Jones ofZfr' ithatn trtft, tiffers the Candy en. Those who bu> the-rtxte wHI find tnafft really cmes cough», cold*, boarae*«s asthma, and any pulmonary complaint It is soi l at 82

rbati-i:ri-»tre»t. Agent». 9 Stall -slrevt, Boston, Third andn ek-jneet*, Phihiuelphia, or next to the American Hotel,Washington, D. C, or 133 Fulton street, Brooklyn. AtV'bioy 3;i Agent wanted. ipply at once.

rj Colleges Extol tut. Virtues ok Jayne's Ex-»ictorant and other reparation*.

r Hamilton, New-York. Oct. 8,1841.juV. J J- Fo#f«.Dear s.r: 1 cheerfully add rny testimo¬

nial to die numerous recommendations ot Dr. Jayne's Medi¬cine* winch have already been given. I have found bigfj^ryninativesucce-sful in my family in cases when allotheraean«hatffalled. 1 have al»o u-ed wrUi decided »>enefitbii Expectorant- I would not be without either of thesejcediriiies in my family for any consideration

I have the gratification of a personal acquaintance withPr. Jayne. He is an exemplary member of society, andsustains a t-igb reputation in Philadelphia as a regular andskilful pl<v»ician J. S. Maownis,froirs-or in tiie Hamilton Literary and Theological Semi-aary.Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne. No. 20 Sou h Third-5L,

fniladelp ta.

Also- sold ;>t wholesale and retail, by A. B. Sauds it Co.Drog£tsts and Chemists, No. 273 Broadway, corner ofCbamber>-<.i'e^r, New-York- Also sold by A. B. it D.Druggists. No.79 and 200 Fulton-st.; David Sands At Co.fio. 77 East Broadway. Price $1 per bottie, six bottlesfor t&


IT Peters' Cathartic, or Health Ixzenges.Theselozenge- will b . found perfectly eföcient, speedy and salela their operation. Composed entirely o* vegetable ingre¬dients, they operate specifically upon 'he liver; thus pte-rentlng, as well as relieving, convestion of that importantorgan. They an- particularly efficacious in liver affections,dyspepsia, sever and a-.-ue, billions lever, jaundice, irregu¬larities ¦!.. females, costiveness, all affections of the stomachor bowels and tor every disease where a purgative medi¬cine is required. No mediclnehas as strong claims for itsgeneral . fR m . aa the Cathartic, or Health Lozenge.Thev purify the system, ptttge the blood of every nox-

jons substance, restore tha (unctions of the whole animalecjaony, and leave the individual with reinvigorated con-ititntion-Uad we root:: we would introduce such prr>ofs of the vir-

tiiesof ihn incomparable Lozenge as would satisfy the mostskeptical and incredulous. As it is we ofler it to the public,strong in the belief that it will be found superior to anykn ivvn remedy. Principal Office, 125 Fulton, corner ofNassan street



A TALE Of EVERY DAY LIFE, by Frederika Bre-Bier^translated frOBa the Swedish, by Mary Howitt, WILLDE PUBLISHED on WKDNESDAY, Nov. 30, in a

DOUBLE EXTRA NEW WORLD.Mary Howitt i- known nnre favorably to American rea.

tiers than almost anv other writer of her sex. Her workshave always been immediately republisbed here, and readwith great avidity. The novel with the above title is a

translation, by her, from lha Stredish, and is a tale of do-mesüclife, of deep and pervading interest, Tha .«cenes, in*cidents,manners and customs, ate entirely new, and theyare depicted with wonderful skill and force. The story isnne which cannot fail to improve and sof;en the heart. It^peculiarly ßlte for puro-nrnded and scrupulous persons,who generally object to the kind of intellectual aliment sup¬plied by wo ki of romance. We therefore hesitate not torecommend it warmly to the lovers of good morals.CT Single copies \?\ cents; to agents, $12 per hundred.

Copies may be bud at the office, SO Ann St., neatly put up inwrappers for the mails. Also, at the Branch office, 459Broadway. (2)n29 2t


will be published TliiS MORNING, Nov. 50th, contain

lug the first ro> plete American Edition (from the LondonBook Edition, revised by the Author,) of


Author of'Jack Siif.ppakd,' ' Guv Fawkes,' ' Tower ofLottos:,' 1 Valentine Vox,' ' Winosor Castle,' itc.This isa Romance of thrilling interest, and is not inferior

to the most popular works of its gifted author. The princi¬pal characters are strongly drawn, and the plot has morereaiity and less of the nielo-dramatic than some of the au¬thor's previous efforts.Thin edition may be sent by mail for newspaper postage

onlv. Price 12} cents, or ten copies for one dollar.WILSON it COMPANY. Publishers,

nGQ 162 Nassau st.

Josiah Richards, Auctioneer.CT Foolscap and Letter Paper, Station¬

ery, &c.THIS EVENING (Wednesday,) atfi o'clock.Bawrs Richards X. Platt, I9G Broadway, will sell 300 reamsof Ani' s's and Hudson's Foolscap and Letter Papers, variousqnalitiea. Also, a consignment of English and AmericanBUnaaery, consisting of Letter Stamps, Drawing Pencil-,Quills, Port Folios, Blank Books, iic. i;c. (2) nSO It

Josiali Richards Auctioneer.37 Etegnnt Bibles* and Prayer Book«,

Standard Works, Kol iday Books,Annual*,Ac.r.ancs, Richards it Platt, 190 Broadway, will self,THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, ut 6 o'clock, no extensivevariety ot New Books consisting of beautifully bound Biblesand Piayet Books, various sizes; fine Library Books; fancybound Books and Annuals, Juveniles, its. Sic, to be sold bytingle copies or in quantities.Catalogues may be had at the store. (2 nSO 1

D" 5f in JSnu, tnnt thou art mindfulof him This is the language of inspiration, equallyapplicable to man in bis physical as well as moral state, andexhibits in concise words the humility that bliould ever ac¬

company the consciousness o| man's inability to help him¬selfwhile laboring under the innumerable mental and bod¬ily evils to which his nature is exposed. Health in its fulland fresh enjoyment is sought alter with a cupidity com*oensurale wkii its necessities; and the question is what can

improve the? constitution::! and physical condition of man.

How many have deceived the public by fictitious preten¬sions, have acquired fortunes by deceptions, and ruinedthousands, by a flagitious course of absolute fraud upjnuieiA credibility!

DU. RUSH'S INFALLIBLE HEALTH PILLSCome authenticated by the practical expeiience of theirtnuusrtal author, by the testimony of many a living monu¬ment to their efficacy, by the universal consent of die dys¬peptic, the rhecmatic, tb« consumptive, the debilitated, iuall sexe-., n-»-s and sizes. Where is the constitution that hasooi been renovated by this bequest to fallen nature.'' and iuwhat case has tue vital spark, glimmering between hopeami desperation, not been renovated i They are the legacyof the in.inwrta: name whose signature alone would be theirvirtaa, did not tbe experience of thousands testify to theirefficacy by practical illustration.ID" Soiil. wholesale ami retail, at the principal office,30

Ann-Street, New-York, by 11. G. (tetail) byWadleg>, No.459 Broadway; 2C7 Broadway ; 16U Bow-try:7> (; ham burs-street; 6i'i Fulton-street, Brooklyn; 4Sianwix Hall, Albany ; 320 Broad-street, Newark. n80

The t rice will be .Sir Dollars a year, which, when tbeü" Parke* ?m & i'o'». second production is an

elegant Nutria Fur llat for Gentlemen's wear. Price $3.Thi» Hat is unsurpassed in any particular by any soldin Broadway, under the rotten system of high rents and ex¬

travagant profits, at any price htlow $4. We make thisassertion as men of veracity, and request any person com¬

petent tojudge of the merits of a fine Hat, to give ours a

close examination. S.i!< s Room corner of Centre-street andCity Hall Place.

^n29 lwis-

IDMiood Konrdand pleasant Rooms can beobtklnedBlNo.26 cliff-stxvet.


!nra>rturcH of the New-York HistoricalSocit iy.. the LectureCommittee oi theNew \ort» H.s-torical Socii b Stave the pjeasure of announcing to the pnb-He, especially to residents in the upper part of the city,ttiht arrangements have been made-lor the .^ixth AnnualCoarse <>! I,.-. !ur-s under the auspices of tbe Society, to bedelivered :.t the Chapel of the New-York University,onWa.bnii;t.,n Sounre.a- reeably to the tollow ing Program«e:Nov. 30th, (Wednesday,) an Introductory Lecture,by the

R-v. Francis L. Hawks, D. D. Subject.Sir 3d.5tb,9lh, 12th, 16th and 19th.a series of S x Lee-

fares. b> Rev. Charles WkstworTH I'pham.tbe aCCOtnp-luhed and vl. quent biographerof Sir Henry Vane. TheseLectures have already been delivered in another citv w ithdistinguish"-.! success, and are characterised as brilliant instyle, and full of novelty and interest in reference to theirsubjects. They consist of two Lectures on the career otSir George Downing, (an American clergyman, and subss-quemU bassador of Cromwell aud Charles II.;) two onRoger Williams; one on Hugh Peter»; and one on the lateCol. Timothy PickeringDec. 23d and 26it>.two Lectures by 1 ton. Gabriel Fcr-

hakvox* the New-York Senate. Subject.The prinutivebtbabitantsof America, in connection w-Ith the remains ofancient clues *nd other marks of early civilization fouuJ inMexico. Ccn'.r.-.l America, iic.Dec. 30;h.a Lecture t>v Charles F. Hoffman, Etq., au¬

thor oi the tomance of Grevstaeri Jtc. Subject.The trea¬son of Governor Leisler of New-York.Jan. be hereafter annonnced.flrre wiii t>e two U-ctun's in eacJt week except Iba iast

until the course U completed; the first w»t-k on Wednesdayand Saturday evenings, and afterwards on Monday andFriday eveetogs, commencing at ^\ o'clock.Xerins.Gont,eman,s ticket io the course,$2; Ladv's do.,

%\i singi.- evening tickets,5t"*cents.Tickets for sale at tbe Library, and !«y the following

t>nok*.Ml-r>:.Ctuvill it Co., Broadway, corner of Pine-st.;Wiley ii Putnam, tGl Broadway: Bartlett it Welford,22»Broadway, under the American Hotel; and T. J. Crowen,63S Broadway, a few (toor* below Bleecker-street ; ana atthedooron the Lecture evenings.


CYRUj» MASON, Lectures,o^eedttfe ABSALOM PETERS, J

atTFnU Style of «entlemen,o Hatis..BIRDcomer of Pine and Nassau-streets, has now ready for in

spection and »ale the Pall Standard Pattern for Gentle-moo's Hats. o8FSM*W

MONEY MARKET.Halen at Ihc ftiock Z.rcbange, ."Vor. 29.

tSjOOO Ohio Sixes, I860 . 7!« 25 do. 82"-*3,w»0 do.b.0d 71* 25Moba*kR-.3S,$2,oix> K'ky Sixes.77 100 Paterren R.48$1,000 do.75:; 25 do.b60d 434.$1,000 do.76^250 Harlem.16$3,000 Slate7s.J849.102i,i50 do.* 10d 16$1,090 State 6s, I8ö.>_94 100 do.s60d 15f60 Bk of Cora.full 82i;lu0 do.151

second board.25 Mohawk R.30*1 33} 25 do.hSod 33*

CcTstracrciaä and liioncy .""latter*.Tuesday, P. M.

The -al?satt!.e Board to-day were to fairexu nt but most¬

ly confined 10 Road ami .Si-it- Sto-ks. Mohawk improved; Harlem f< 11 orT* per cent. State Slocks did not riuctuaie

materially. S talc Sevens iruproved 4 ; Ohio Sixes ^; Ken-tacky fHlorTLThere is a fair business doing in Exchanges. Sterling is

firm at 6J a 6$ ; Francs 5 42$ a 5 10.Alabama is in gf>od demand to-day at 13] discount and not

plenty. A sal* of $1,200 r.n New-Orleani was made at 1 perceat premium at the Board. Central has sold at 35.Tbe Baltimore Gas Light Company has declared a half-

yearly dividend of three per cent.From BickneJPs (Philadelphia) Reporter «f to-day.

Our banks continue to discount all good short paper..Money out of rloors ranges from C to 9 per rent, pt-r annumSpec :e is abundant. The circulation in Philadelphia con-si-ts wIihIIv of specie anri Uie notesof specie-paying banksof;tbe ei.y'and acrlgbborhood; Good conntry relief notesabout tbe same, that is to say at a discount of from 11 to 12per cent. In short there ha- h.?en no co sideralde change in<>ar money market for the last five months. We have a ru-.o.or thai Governor Porter will recommend to the Legisla¬ture the issue by the banks of small notws redeemable iasoecie, and as a sub.titute Tor th~ present relief notes. TheFebruary interest on the State Debt will, we fear, not hepaid, as tbe funds that may be in the Treasury at that limewill be absorbed in tbe payment of the domestic creditors,to whom an instalment, if we remember alight, will thenhe due.The Savannah Banks are all drawing at J per cent. The

agency of the St. Mary's Bank draws at } per cent.James Hose, Esq. has been elected President of the South

Western Railroad Dank, Charleston, and CoL James Gad-sen, President of the Louisville, Cincinnati and CharlestonRailroad Company.At a numerous meeting of the Stockholders of the Dux-

bury Bank, (Mass.) on Monday las', it was unaninrouslvvoted to wind up its affairs, and a committee was chosen tocarry the vote into effect.A decree of forfeiture of the charter ol the Consolidated

Association ol the Planters' B^nk of Louisiana has been is-saed by the District Court.Since tbe 1st of September, as we Irarn from Couk L

Youngs New-Orleans Price Current, no less than $3.046,967in specie have been received at that city.At Augusta, checks on New-York are abundant at 3 per

cent: Charleston J percent; Central Bank notes dull at 2">a 28 discount.The Committee appointed to investigate the atTairs and

condition o! tbe State Bank ot Missouri is underaood, recommend ibatjeave be given to the Bank to issue95 notes as necessary 10 furnishing a wholesome paper cir¬culation.

Market«. Carefully reported for The Tribune.Tuesday, Nov. 28.

ASHES.There has been rather more doing to-day in;bis article, and Pots nre pretty firm at $5 37L We knowol mine to be had less. The demand is moderate. ForPearls there is only one order of aiiy consequence in mar¬ket. Holders are Steady at $5 8?i. The sales to-day are

about ISObbis Pots, and 100 hbls Pearls. There are no newdills out to-day, and the receipts are only about 40 hbls.CO TTON.The sales to-day have been lig.'it, but there

¦ire several considerable lots under negotiation lor export.Holders are anxious to sell at current rate:, and consequent¬ly tbe market is not yet firm. We quote fair Upland 7j a

7J ; lair New-Orleans and Mobile a. There are now veryfew lots that will bring 8J.FLOUR.Holders are firm to-day at $5 00 for Genesee,

ana §4 87$ a 500 lor Ohio and Michigan, and are enabled toobtain ii tor small lots, Ironi tbo-e who are in immediatewant of supplies. We beard ofsales ol some 1000 or 15ouhbls at lhal rate, some ol it out ol slo:e. Some of the largereceivers will not sell any large quantity ai $5 00, and prob¬ably if buyers should come into market freely, which u>ydo not do, the price would a^ain advance. Three or (ourHundred obis Troy sold out ol store at $5 CO. The receiptsare quite limited. In New-Orleans we hear of no salts, butlor a parcel ol 2000 bids to arrive, $4 75 was otl'ered and re-lused yesterday. Southern is more active since Westerniias gone above it in pnee. Georgetown is to-day held ui$4 874, and Brandy wine at 5 CO, with sales of 31« bids of tbeiatter. We notice sales about 900 bids Baltimore City and

County, and Petersburg, at $4 75, for shipment; RichmondCity is nominally $5 75 a 6 to. The receipts of Rye Flourcontinue small, nnd 150 hbls sold, out of store, at $3 25..Meal ts extremely dsll at $2 n'2j a 2 G9 for Jersey ; Brandy-wine §275 a 2 8IJ; hbds $12 71 a 13 25. At New-Orleans,19lh, ibe rale for Flour v. as $3 75, holders inclined to de¬mand more. The stork was li^lu hut large supplies were

expected. Buckwheat $2 75 a S 00; prime $3 25. The NOrleans Bee says: In the article of "buck-wheat cakes,"\-w-Orleans is getting to be completely Yankee. One finalsthem in almost every family in the winter, and the Cre<-destwho so seldom use any thing peculiar to the North, havefallen into the habit and desire to '* have them hot from thegriddle." The consequent importation ufbuck-wheat Flourh s come to be very great.ten kegs to one being now in¬troduced compared with the import two years ago.GRAIN.There were several samples ofWheat in mar-

kel'aud 95cwas offered but w<- believe no sales were til", cted.At New.Orleans, good lots would readily command 58 aCOc

per bushel of60 lbs. Corn is not actwe. We notice20C.O bushels new North River nt 44, measure; 1200 old dont54, measure; 100O do at 5S, weight; and 1000 do Virginiant 47, measure. Tbe lot of Barley noticed yesterday, IfcOObush< is, sold to a city brewer at 50c The market, we lie.

Iteve, is now clear. Rye is held firmly by most holders at

70c. but distillers are only offering 60 a G2k. A sale for theEast of 1000 bushels, in the slip, was made at abaut G'c.There iscomdderable offering. Oats are no plenty and firm.A sale of 10.0 0 bushels Canal was made to-day at 50c; am!there are tew good to be had less. A cargo of Southern is

orTeriug. About 1000 bushels Ship Stuffs afloat sold nt 1HAY.There is a pretty large steck, hut the rale is firm

at 45 a 43c for bundle; loose 62$. Straw $2 50 per 100 bdlsTALLOW.A sale of about 40,000 lbs was made ol 8, and

10,000 lbs head Tallow at Gt. to arrive.PROVISIONS.A sale.Of 300 hbls obi prime Pork was

made at $> 47. On Monday a lot of 1000 bblsXower Coun¬ty was sold at *ti 00 There is a good demand to-day at fallrates. Some very inferior Ohl-> Butler sol i at 5Jc,SUGAR.Tbe market is very quiet. An arrival at Charles

inn from Havana, brings the following account: "Thereis now but one opinion as regards tbe coming Sutrnr crop,it will he very short jno doubt one third, or 250,000 l>oxes

this side of tbe Island ; many estimate one half. This fact,with low prices, gives miserable prospects to our plat ters.

LEAD.We notice sales of one or two thousand Pigs at a

decline on previous sales. The price did not transpir». Thedemand was active in New-Orleans, and $3 fo conld l>e ob¬

tained.LAC-DYE.At auction to day 4*> cases s >l l al 7c.

WHISKY.Drudge is beldnt 2Ic.and hbls tt 22, withvery limited sales. There are a few lots offering but thestock is small.OIL.No sales Whale vet. hut S5 is freely offered.

ITT The December Nnuiber of the Ameri¬can Laborer wiil be rendv for delivery on Thursdaymorning: CONTENTS.

1. Brief Editorials; 2. The Effect of the Tariff. (Edito¬rial); 3. Distress in Great Britain, (Editorial); 4th, Union oltbe Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, *c; 5th, Effect of tbeTariff*, Hemp, American Sheet Iron, fcc; Gtb, Protectionthe Cause of Enlightened Philanthropy, by H. Greeley,(in reply to Hon. Gerrit Smith); 7. Speech of Mr. Hudson,of Ma^s on the Policy of Prolectioh; 8, An Argument f. r

Free Trade, by S. G. Arnold ; 9. Remarks on 1 Kiee Trade'(A Reply to the foregoing,) by H. Greeley ; 10, The Dotyon Wool, by Hon. II. Everett; II, The Sucar Culture: 12,Steam Navigation, Hints to Farmers; IS, llousehoia Pro¬ducts; 14. Commercial Inlercour-e with Great Britain; 15,Antiquity of the Earth: 10, Six Hostile Tariffs in TenMonths.Tbe American Laborer is devoted exclusively to the ad¬

vocacy and illustration of the Protection of Home Industry.Iiis designed to present in a compact, cheap, readable form,and in a laniiliar and practical manner, the most direct andconvincing facts and arguments in support of the policy ofProtecting the Industry ofour c'^rn Petrple. To 1 Iiis end ilembodies ibe ai>ie-t Speeches, Report-, Statistics and otherdocuments on lite suhject.XT The whole work is 10 comprise a large octavo voiunse

of near 400 pages, and is published in parts every month..

Nine numbers are already out and ready for delivery..Price for the whole twelve numbers only 75 cents, being the

cheapest publication of the kind ever published iu theUnited States.ID" Nine i umbers of this work are now published..

Price 6i cents per number. Back numbers ran be sup¬plied. GREELEY is McELRATH,

u2y Tribune Buildings, 16U Nassau-Street.

"CT A Lady who has bad much experience in TeachingMusic, ai d proffers unexcepti«nable references, wishes l<>

engage « few pupil.- on the Piano, who wtU be waitet. on

Mthetr residences, i: preferred. Please «Wf«**wMi» F. or ohlige her bv calling personally at Öd> Barclay su

beiwcen 10 and 12 A. M._ .9 b:

LD"To I,ndie«.~Mi! PARNHAM design* repeatingher coarse of L,»ciur--s on thv position, condition and dntie*at 3 P. M. atroduciory..

of Woman;comnM>ncios on Fridav, Dec. 2d.Concert Hair, 106 Uma.lway. with'a free UliTickets lor tte course of eieht lectures. $1, to be bad at tbedoor ; single leciutes, £5 eei.t«. 3i

"CT Public attention :s particularly called to tbe extraordinary case of cure from die use or that inestimable remedyPtaa's Lira Pills. 07 Ira

Bnnkrnpta-IVorember 39.IHenry Butler, cummesioa merchant, N. Y.

James B. H .ban, d-ercba-t. N. Y.Ab'ra B. Vanderpoel, farmer, Stny versant, Columbia Co.William Cnaber, merchant, N. Y.Elijah F. Brown, merchant, N. Y.WiUhrm £. H*att, butchtr, N. Y:

CITY INTELLIGENCE.Lawyers' Diart..This Dav. November 30 .Common Pleas .Part 1 .Nos. 49,81,31, 37 «3.37,89.

93. S 15, 9.11.23, 57, 69 .Part 2 at 10 o'clock..Nos. 4c,48, c&, 58, 62, 06, 70, 72,71. 2, 10, 60, 6*.

Tcejoav, November 29.

U. S. Circcit Court..Before Judge Thomp¬son.The following gentlemen were empannelled as Grand

Jurors, and after a charge from the Court retired to theirroom :

J >::...- Lee, J. Berrien, Wes'ey Bu«id. Jehn Coraody.Miles Chambers, John Culver, Edward Ferris, Wm. Gee-

ry, William Gage, James Jarvi», T;. ler W. Lafet-a. James

Piiyfe, Cornelius Keed. John T. Smith. A. M. Valentine,Tin*. Wm-hip, S. G. Wandeil, Amos Butler, A. Van Cleef,John Myer, John L. GiQeland, Tmos. Jackson, Jacob Ack¬er, Waldron B. PosLThe first three cases on the Calendar were the United

States vs. Jesse Hoyt..Oa motion of Mr. Seiden they were

v-rdered to lie over ml next term.The same as to the United States vs. William Hogav,

adm'r., tc.John Niederer vs. Andrevo Barbejf..Action to recover on

three bilis ot exchange for 18,000 francs. The deftnceiitha. tbe bills were drawn lor the accommodation ol a gen¬tleman i.amed T. LuaziPr, who promised to place defend¬ant in funds in a few (lays, but on his failing to do so. thelatter wrote to the drawee in France not to boi^ir the bills,and, in consequence, they were not paid. The Court de¬cided that protest by the .' Hcssier" or Marshall of theCourt at Metz was not sun",' i-iu protest utider our law, stillno case iike the present, where the defendant himselfcaused the bilis to be dishonored, was necessary, nor wasit requisite to prove value lor the bilis. Verdict for plain¬tiff, ^44it)3 64, subject to the opinion ol the Court.Alei. Qonlm. el al, vs. Jesse Uoyt, CoUeClOI..Relative

to return duties. Verdict for plaintiffs, $2,487 15.Judge Thompson Siaieu ;hat tbe Calendar was heavy,

and required great application. The C«urt will thereioresit every day till 4 o'clock} or longer if lound to be neces¬

sary.Common Pleas..Juhr. McSorley vs. Henry

Johnson..Action of replevin against pn officer for levyingupon groceries at 91 Alleii-»ireet on ai, execution againstJarnos McSorley. Verdict lor defendant.Julius Graner, et al. vs Jacob S. Platt..Replevin, to re¬

cover the amount al a lar^e lot oftoys on which the defend¬ant had made advances to the original assignee. [The case

was triad a few weeks ago,when the Jury could no; agree.]The trial will be continued to-morrow- forenoon.ßlrMillan vs. Hart..'Chit case was alluded to it: our la»t.

The Jury will return a sealed verdict on the opening oftheCourt to morrow.Police Office..Charge of Falsf. Pre¬

tence..A man named Solomon Lauier.berg was arrestedby officer W.H. Stepbens, charged with having, on the 30thApril, 1C10, obtained £iöo worth ol goods trom Messrs.FonldS, Sluba li Co , No. 79 Maiden-lane, by false and frau¬dulent representations and pretences. He stated that hehad purchased the »leck in trade of John Montage, No. 7ior 78J Chatham-street, and was going to carry on the busi-ne.vsti.ert biiusell; thai be would assume a uebt of$391 duetrom M jran^e to the above fitm, and succeeded in this waylit obtaining the credit of §26j worth ol" goods. The Store.a Chatham-street was loutrd closed the next day, all thegoods removed,and Luuzcuberg no where to tie found, lie¦vasheld to bail in£700 to answer.Stealing a Barrel or Liquor..A colored man, named

James Hudson, was committed for stealing a barrel ot liquortrom the store ofNathaniel C. Ely, corner ol Front and L»e-

peysttr-itreets.Coroner's Office..Accidental Drowning.

.The Coroner held an inquest to-day at No. 4U South iL,on the body ol Daniel Colcinan. a native of Ireland, age('about 30 years. 'i he deceased was a laboring man, work'nig along the wharve-, and on Monday afternoon was see t

about 4 o'clock, near tbe foot of Old-slip, looking tor a jo;of work. This morning his brother, who was looking tor

him, found the body in the water of the East River, nearlyopposite where he vus last :.een. Verdict, accidentallydrowned.

'XT The following Works are for sale at the Otfice ofTHE TRIBUNE, No. 160 Nassau street, opposite th* CityHall:THE WHIG ALMANAC AND UNITED STATES

REGISTER for 1543. Price 12J cents, $1 per dozen, or $7per hundred.DOCTOR LARDNER'S LECTURES on Astronomy,

Electricity, Steam Engine, i.e. Price 25 cents.

THE AMERICAN LABORER: a work devoted to theit.terests of tue Mechanics of the United Suites, to be com¬

pleted in twelve numbers, eight of which are already pub¬lished. Pi ice 61 cents a number.TKM PERANCK SPEECHES..The celebrated Tem-

peranci Speeches dt livexed at the Broadway Tabernacle,

by Thomas F. Marshall. Price 61 cents, or 50 cents perdozen.SPEECH KS OF HENRY CLAY, delivered al die great

Lexington Festival: also, his Farewell Speech on retiringfrom the United Mates Senate. Price 6i cents, or 30 cents


completed in twenty numbers, twelve of which are alreadypublished. Price per No. 12J cents.

LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, alsoLoibig's Animal Chemistry, each 25 rents.DICKKNS'S NEW WORK ON AMERICA, best edi¬

tions. Ptice 121 c(-i:ts.


dOZI :i 50 cents.

THE DAILY TRIBUNE, perfect files lor one year.Vol. I. Neatly bound. Price $5 00. A lew copies still for

sale.THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Vol. II. complete. Neatly

bound. Price $3 00. A few copies only on hand.THE NEW-YORKER. Vols. X and XL Pricefor both

volumes neatly bound in one, $4 oo.TUE LOG CABIN, complete, both series, bound. Price

$2 50,Discounts to Agents, Peddlers r.r.d others on all the above.

!E7* American Eclectic and ^luseitm ofForeign "Literature, Science »n«» Art.-Theproprietors and cdi or of the American Eclectic aiv 1 sppi'to inform their subscribers and other*, that an arrangementha-. Iieen effected by which ' Littell's Museum' will b? uni¬ted with the Eclectic, ander the above title, and the newwark commence with the January number, lf;4J.

It will be printed on good type ami good paper, in largeoctavo form, double column, ami will tie issued in monthlynumbers of 114 pages each, (simultaneously in New-Yorkand Philadelphia,) affording to readers nearly f.>ur timr\as much matter as i; now furnished in the Eclectic. Thiswill « nable us to publish all tbe matter of the four British(luarttrlies that is valuable, bt-s-drs a variety of interestingselections from the best Magazines, ami an occasion?.! arti¬

cle translated from tliL* Continental Journals, together withsuch notices of foreign b >oks and lists of recent publica¬tions as have beer, usual in the Eclectic. iWith the present Editorial control of the Eclertic and the

lar^e experience of E. Liüell, Esq. in the conduct of sucha wrk, it is confidently expected that it w ill make one ot

the be-t family periodicals of the day, presenting such a va

riety of choice matter as will be adapted to the differenttaste*.amount of reading furnished i- considered, most place itamongst tbe cheapest of our Pet indicate Inquire at theOffice ot the Eclectic, No. 3-3 Park Row, N. Y..27<* Cbt:t-

nui street, Philadelphia. (2)u29 2» jXT The Adventurvtf of Uapt. John Sniitii.

Just published, Ti.e Adventures of Captain John Smith,the Founder of the Colony of Virginia, by tbe author ot theL fc and Adventure? of Henry Hudson, etc. etc. 1 vol 18mo,with a portrait. 37} cents.This voiume forms the second of a series under tbe gi-u-

eral tide of A Library for My Young Coantr> mjn. Tiiedesign of the editoi is to present to bis young lellowcitiieasbooks of a ligher vaiue tr.a'i those osoally offered them..Instead ol tal-s and stories, the series will embrace volumesof Siographv, Ili?i :ry, Travels, i.e.

D. APPLETON ii C>. Publishers. 200 Broadway.The previous volume ol tins series is entitled, Tb«r Adven-

ventnres of Henr>' Hud on.The -ucceetling volumr w ill be, The Dawain?.' of G-n-

ius,«r Early Lives of Eminent Men, by Anne PratL n30

XT New-York uni "Lectures..Lectureon Wednesday Evening. 30th lust, at 71- O'clock, at UieBroadway Tabernacle, by Hon. Levi Woodburv, U.S. jSenator rom New Hampshire. Snt«j«-ct, " Th- Uncertain- ities ot Histyry, their Evds and iheir Causes.

Ticket- admitting a Lady nnd Genilemin 59 cents, to behad at the d«or. [i»29 2tb}' L. G. FORMAN, Ree Sec. iXT 15 Campfaitir Buraen in good order, form-

eriy usr.t in the Composing Room oi The Tribune, for saleat this ciTice al halfprice. They are laid aside on accountof the introduction of Oa- into the office. l30 U

23* BrondwnT WaMbtingtoa TemperanceSoc:ety..The meeting of this >-»'.;ety tnis (Vvednesday) jevruing at Concert 11-tii, 4*'£ Broadway, will be nnnstOJlrjiotere-Jtinr. Mr. Parker of" Boston. Mr. Grer-n of UnitmCollege,Mr. Haywrjotl of Peun«y!vaoia. Mr. Bowne ol lheSociety 6f Letters, and oih*rs. will addre>s the meeting.Tbe Equitable Volnntears No CG will a'so be present

nS-JIt* LEBBEUS GHAPMAN,Secretary.XT The Completion of Handy Andy, by

Samuel Lover..D. APPLETON it CO. No iOOBroaow-ay.will publish immediately on the arrival of Uie steamer ol.die 4th Oeceml>er, tue complete work.a very cheap edi¬tion ; also an edition with all the plates.XT Agents and Booksellers generally are requested to

forward their orders. n30

XTanaher, E»q., Atto uey at Law, N».7 Nas reqntsted to call at No. 3 Market-«. n24


_MINUTCRE ALMA.NAC.THIS DATtbs scw tms mio» ttll «k~ä

Raes > tO Sets 4 40,Rises. 5 27 Mors 10 21 Eva 7 16Latest Dates.

lospcx .....N«-t. 3;ha»«.N'ov. 1Lrvsttpcoi..Sor. 4 ^ew-ohl-ams.Not. i9- ¦¦ '

cleared.Ships Memphis, Krugher, New-Orlean«, E K Cnllins k

Co: Tallahassee. Osboru. Savannah. Tavlor k Men-ffl :Bowditcb. Croweii. New Orleans: Sutton, GallowavChsr.eston. G Satton.Bark La (inr,.w, Port*r. Savannah. John O^-den.Brig van'aiia. WsJLJJ Orleans, J Elwell Sl Co.Sehr Factor, Cary, PbUadelpbia, A B Coolev k Co.Sloop Ocean, Roberts, Mobile,

ABAITBD.Sehr Tosrarora. Sack, from Richmond, with sour, to

Allen k Paxson.Lehr Nassau, Davis, from Richaiond, with flour, io Ailen

k Paxson.Sehr Rochester, Wise, from Baltimore, with flour to J k

N Bngirs.Scbr President, Pesfield. from Baltimore, with dour. kc.

jO Srnrges k Clearman.disasters,

Sehr El:xa k Susan, Shepard, from Celine for Boston,returned to C. 22d inst, having heen run in:o on tLe nightof the 20ih in-t. off" Georges l»:and. bv a s-hr unknown, car-med away mainmast aud rigging attached and tore sailsbarfly.Revenue culler Aler.. Capt. Whitcorab, from a cruise of

20 days. arnve-i at Eai.port af-out20th,bavitig on board thecrew ol sehr Catharine of East Macbias ^before repor;edlost near Seguin.) In the gale of 13th last miny lightcoasters were innre or ls<, injured Sc.'ir Marv Ann, Rams-dell, went ashore io S E harbor, Detr Isle. A s tir, nameunknown, drove ashore at Bass Harbor, and would proba¬bly he got off. Sehr Lydia, of Deer Ide, was got ofl. SehrPilgrim, of Addison, drove upon me mcks in a dangeroussituation, with only two men on bo,ird. A party from theCutter -aved her. contrarv io expectation.

£7" The foüowtn- Pubiicationx tire for saleat the office of The Tribune, Nassau-street, opposite theCity Hail:FR tNKLlN EVXNS, or the Inebriate. Price .. I2| cents.LIEBIG'S AMI.MAL CHEMISTRY.25 «



PAULINE, n Tale ol Norniar.die.12* "

WESTERN CAPTIVE, or Times of Tecnmseh.ISi -

UNITED IRISHMEN. Their Live and Time*...25 "



PHANTOM NHIP, orTalesof the Sea, by Marry-att.*..12J "

THE BACHELOR AND OTHER TALES, bythe late Samuel L. Knapp.25 «'

WING AND VYING, (Cooper'- last).50 "

XT Sponces*announces to gentlemen that bts arrange-ments are now completed for supply iusr according to pre¬vious ir.timation, a fins Fob Hat ai a price (S3 S£3)which shall render ii emphatically Lie cheapest as veil as

io.vest priced Gentlemen's Fur Hat ever on sale in this

city. It is prepared in tbe same style which characterizesnur finest article, and like that article is offered at a pnee at

which ii cannot be continued without an unusually rapidsale. The undersigned with all confidence atfinns it to lie

ior ibe gentleman anil economist the most de.-iraMe FutHat yetoffered. (o20tf) SPENCER, 245Broadway.TT Orlando Fish, Fashionable Untier, 157 Broad

way, wouid inform the gentlemen of New-York that bisFall and Wiuler style of Hau is now ready for their inspec¬tion and critical judgement. Claiming the distinction o!having been the first to project and abide by a strictlyAmerican style of Hals, instead of servilely copying theFashions of Europe, which are often unsnited to our cli¬mate and manners . hr rejoices to perceive that others haveseen fit to follow his lead, and that now the following ot

European Fashions in Hats is almost entirely abandoned bythe leading manufacturer?.

II? offers a Winter style oi Gentlemen's Nutria Hals at

$3 50, and warrants tuem equal in material, finish, fasbtenand durability to any Ha; sold as low as $4 in the city.But he wishes it distinctly understood that his best Hats arc

not sold at this price, but at $4 50. The>e be recommendsas equal to any hat sold iu New-York at S5 or under, andchallenges for them a comparison with any other.Gentlemen visiting our city are respectfully invited to

call and examine bis new stock of Winter hats and judge o;

their quality. He is confident that, whether the cheapest or

the best Hat is desired, the inquirer will here be satisfied.Try him. (s20tf)_O. FISH, 1.77 Broadway.TT One Price Hat Store..BROWN k CO., 173

Chatham Square, comer of Mutt-Street, wh-re Fashion,Benuty, Durability and Economy are combined in the loimot a beautiful and neat v finished Hat for ibe small sumol $3. n23 lm

XT Pictorial Worten nt Reduced Prices.D. APPLE rON k Co. 200 Bioadway, offer at GreatlyReduced Prices, the follow ing illustrated work?,suitable forUilis at the approaching season :

Pictorial edition ot the Life and Adventures of RobinsonCrusoe, the only complete American edition. Withdluurations, reduced tnnu $2 5(> to 1 75.

Pictorial edition of the Vicar of Wakefield, bv OliverGoldsmith, the hand-cm*»! of all ihe editions. Nearly 2 0illustrations, reduci'd from 1 75 to J 25.

Pictorial edition of ihe Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, tran-lateu from the French.a very popular Life.illustrated by500 Kpiriivd platrs 2 v. Is. elegant. Reduced from S5 00to $ > 00.A Gift from Fairy Land, by J. K. Paulding, E»q..

Elegantly Illustrated by Chapman. R-duced from $2 5o to$1 50.The Juvenile Naturalist, or waiks in the Country In Au¬

tumn, Winter, Spring and Summer, illustrated with manyplates, 2 vols. Either sold separately. Reduced from Tr>cents each to 5 > cents.ETTtie nsu.d discount allowed the trade. ri30

83" Particalar Notice..Those persons bavic;furniture ol any description tw tlii pose of, or who are brealn - np hocsc-keeplng, will fin:t ready sale lerany portiior ail of their goods, by sending dieir address, or. callii jUJ-,...;' »sslisci :"-r- Qoods to any amount pnrctaased.

j.-2v tf p. r,-»f Tovt c<«.. r«7 ChatVam-dDo you barn Oil ?

[NANTUCKET OIL STORE.]XT The subscriber ha; been appointed Agent fnr the sale

>ii Oil for an extensive Oil Company at Nantucket, and i.-

prepared to supply consumers at hi* store or Irom his wag¬

ons, daily or otherwise, a; less than the u<ual market priceshy the cask.Sperm Candles, superi&r quality, a: 27 cents per lb. by

ibe box.N. B..Families who purchase ~> gallons will he charged

the wholesale price.Manufactnrei s, -.wners ofsteamboats, and any large con¬

sumers of Od will be dealt with on very liberal ten;.-.

OH delivered in any part of the city fre»ol expense.nl5 Im .1 AMES M. ALIS PER, trio Divuion-sLXT An old Phynjcistu, who has seen forty years'

practice, twenty-nine of Uiem a- surgeon in the best Conti¬nental Armies of Europe, heing now in reduced circuin.stances, solicits employment in any Medical Institution, Di«

pensary, or Drug Store. As a compounder a-a dispenserof Medicine, experience ha* been extensive, and heproffers the m eonclas ve t^-:i onials to hi-, rapacity, in-

tegrity.and stri.-tly temp-rate habits. nativ« languageis the German, hut be spf aks readily French, Ital an, Ib>!-

landic, n"nd English. His expectations of present compen¬sation are very moderate. Please address F. B. at this of¬fice.


i:26 tf

D" A Front Parlor to L,et, with Board, on thefirst floor, suitahle for a Gentleman nnd Lady or two Gen¬tlemen. Also, several apartment- f>r Single Gentlemen

Location within one mmute's walk j;" the Po-t-Office or thePark. Appiy at No. 12 CITY Hall Placz. n4 tf

XT PoMUOaice/NesT-VoruT^v r5-1342..MailAaBAJieEMEJtX l'hc Mail matter for the Northern Coun¬ties in Ohi" and Pennsylvania, ti e State <>f Michigan, tli-

Northem Parts o; Illinois and Indiana, and the Terrirori^-W:»c nsin and I iwa. ar" forwarded by the way of Phil

delp..ia and Pittsburgh, (instead of Buffalo,) Mails for whichare closed at 3} o clock P. M daily, except Sundays, on

which days all Mails are made vp and the Ojjlce closed at I]o'clock P. M. (a2B:it) JOH» LolUVEit GRAHAM, P. M.

XT Health, <$uiet and Comfort..The Gra¬ham House, Ü3 Barclay sl New-York, proffers advantage,to Strangers stopping a few days or weeks in the city, -uma- are rarely offered. It is eligibly located on a clean andairv Street, very n^ar the business part of tbe city, and iothe immediate vicinity of the pnnc.pal steamb wt landings.Its apartment* sre convenient ^sid neaL while lu table .s

supplied with the best Vegetables and Fruits that can be

procured, excluding entirely Amm.iI Food and Stimulantsof all kinds. Charges mculerate, and every etlort mad* to

render Boarders comfortable. ->bo-.ver BaUis !ree. Re¬member G3 Barclay-si.

MARRIED:At 36, on Monday evenin-.', Nov. 28, 1342.

by Rev. Samuel D. Barsbaird, So'omon B. Wilson, E-q., ofY'-wk, Maine, ui Mtss-Elaa Colwell, ol thi- city.

God bless the bond that links two hearts,And may it never be riven

Till Death tie silken t xiure par.«.Contrived and knit in heaver.

Nov. 23, by Rev Mr. Balch. Robert S. Hone IO Elba H-,daughter of 'Ctiarles H. Russell, E>cNov. 21, bv Rev. Mr. Everts, Wiih'ara ilason to >csanca

Cook. .!At Newbury, Mass., Nov. 25, Nehem iah Ciev^lan<!r ol

Brook;yr., to Cattarice A Means.

DIED:On Monday mnrnina, after t long and severe ihness, Ma¬

ria E. Ogdeu, wife of Israel Port, iiged 40 years.The n-iatives and friends of the lamily are invited to nt- j

tend h«r funeral on Wednesday afiern on. the 30th iristan!,at 3 o'clock, frrira h*r nrntbvt'i resideace, 150 Hester-si.un i nesdav morntPC, 2Sih Nov.. Anna Linnar- , m.ant

dau:bter of Tbornas H. M ghee.Nov.23, James Hume, ildestsbn o! the late CapL Jamts

Borne, ofScotland, arged 5LNov. 23. Isabella, wire ot Joseph A. Curotti. aged 2"s

N«*v. i?, Jofaa H Moore, a^ed 23.Nov. 27, Tuomas Cook. ageil31.Nov. 27, Mrs. Mary McDonald .aged 73.Nov 29, Harriet, wire ol John Mills, Jr.At Coxsackie, Nov. 27, Minor Hnbbell, aged $4, father of

Hon. Peter Hubbeli of Greene Co-At Newark, N. J., Nov. 27, Robert O. Robinson, aged 40.


TT Rev. Cbas. CJ. Finney, of OVerlin, Ohio, willdeliver a course 01 Lecture* on Trie Holine** 01" Christian«in tie Present Life, on Tuesday, Wedoesiay. Friday andSunday Evenings of each wet k (un;il the Coarse :"« com¬pleted) commencing This Evening at 7* o'clock at th- Kp-eCongregational Church !3 Niblo's Broadway Saloon SeatsFr^e. s*3 5cs*


XTriLSON G. HUNT & CO. have nowTT on band a large assortment of the above Goods,

consisting ofthe most desirable stvies. for sale in quantitiesto sun purchasers at 464 Pearl-street, corner of i iiatbam-

streeu «I Im 1st ad*

MERICAN MUSEÜM.Marble build-ing. Broadway, opposite St. Pan1.'* Church..Day

vistiers admitted the same evening" Free.TT This immense establishment consists of Six SpaciousHalls: each over 100 feet in length, asd containing more

wondertai works of nature und art than any rive museumsin America: FOURTEEN UN EQUALLED PER¬FORMERS ar- engaged.Performances Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, at

S_n*clock. and every evening at halt' past 7 o'clock. Dayvisiters admitted tree in the evening. Admission to the¦»hob-, 2.s cents; children half price.

SPLENDID NOVELTIES I-.EntireChange of Perfonnance'.!.N 8 W YORK MUSEUM

and PICTURE GALLERT, Broadway, opposite the CityHail..Mr. H. Bennett. Manaeer. with plea-sur that be has effected a shortengagementwith S16NOHBLITZ, the wonderful Magician, VeutriJoqoIst and PlateDancer: Miss CLEMENC& willrepealhermuch admiredDtnce>; Miss BRUCE, the sweet Songstress. Mr. G. Z.BROW ER. the celebrated Comic Singer, and Mr. DELA-RUE. the inimitable Mimic , MUSEUM, MERMAID, liveAL15l.NO DEER; HALF A MILLION of CURIOSITIES, GLASS-SLOWING, PICTURE GALLERY", amiPERFORMANCES, to be seen for 0 »'E SHILLING.A Day Entertainment on Wednesday and Saturday, at

3 o'clock. ii2SR.r MAX BOHRER'S Fourth andlast CONCERT..Mr. MAX respecu'nlly informs

the public that he will give bis last Concert p> »tous to hisdeparture for the Sonth)« n t bursday I vening, December1st; at the Tabernacle,assisted by Mrs. EDWARD LODERami Mr. TIMM. Mr. BOHRER will perform, lor the histtime, three of his Utest Compositions.Tickets $1 each, to be had at the principal Music Stores

and at the door. Concert to commence »I S o'clock. nS9 St

MK. BRA HAM'S CONCERT..MXBRAHAM has the honor to announce that he wiü

give a Concert at the Society Library on Thursday Ev--ning, Dec. Jsl, assisted by his Sou and Pupil. Mr. CBrahain.Tickets $1 t-ach; children half price.To tee bad at Al

will's 11 twill's and Dubois' Music Stores.Concert to commence a t 8 o'cloct. n3:i 2:

ANTED..A place by a nice steadyGirl, with good references, for housework, Stc

Apply at 13 Jacoh-sL uSO If

ANTKi).A t-ituatiou lor hausewurkby a Protestant Girl. Good recommendations..

Apply at 194 Cbrystie-SL n80 It"" A Principle mad- practicable is a Principle incite use ÜL"TVTEW-YORK CASH TAILORINGJL 1 ESTABLISHMENT, 149 Fulton-st., New-YorkThe undersigned, in announcing to their patrons thelrde-

lerminalion to adhere strictly to tke principle of cash deal,ing in their busine*«, would take occasion to say that theyiiave become well satisfied of toe practicability and useful-nessof such a the uniform success which basal-tended it* operation In their bouse from the commencement*The advantage! derived by the customer from the adop¬

tion of this system.thereby realizing a gain of so percentupon credit prices.they conceive perfect!* obvious, andtherefore need no comment. Of the merits of their bouseand the facilities with which they are invested of furnishinga cheap a»d rich garment, they will not dilate.folly as.Mired as they are that this simple fact is too well knowntheir celebrity loo wvll established, to require further r<-

mark. And in calling the attention of the gentlemen of theUnited Stales and New York in particular, to their assort¬ment of choice goods, ibey will merely observe that undo-vialing punctuality and dispatch in answering the commandsof their friends is as much a partot' their system as cashpayments. nSO istf .'. bokth it co

M( iAYLORD, Agent ot the H ome.> League Cash Tailoring Establishment, ha»

Removed from No. 11 to No. i) John-Street, and has on ban-'a handsoirr assortment of Fashionable Winter Goods, purchased at the lowc-st cash prices.consisting of French nr..

English Beavers, French and English Cloths, French Elastic and American PREMIUM CasMmers, Cashmeres, Fig.Velvet and Satin Vestings-all of which w ill be made up to

order in fashionable style at short notice. Particu'ar atten¬

tion paid to Cutting, Makiuir and Trimminp Garments, andall work warranted io fit. Terms, Cash on delivery.Novembern, 1842

_ _n3n 2wisAuction Notice.

ORTGAGE SALE OF FURNI-I TURK.THIS DAY, at 10o'clock, nt 73 BowervJ

i;r order of ihe Mortgagee.the furniture contained Insaiilhouse, comprising 2 French sofas, marble top centre tnbltea und dininu tables, time p'ecos, beds, beding, bedrteads,room an I bedroom carpets, damask curtains, blind*, shade-,looking-glasses, crockery. a'"i glass-ware, kitchen furniture,ic. Lc. If JN'O. SNIFFF.N. Auctioneer.

ILED SILKS manufncturedatTG ctB.per yard, equal to anv sold in this city. Call at O

W. Gown. 12.*3 Maiden Lute, w ho will receive orders for us.and see sarnpl.s of our manufacture.

J. it R. WARD.Manufacturers ol patent ienlher, Jappaned Linen, Mus¬lin, iic. Essex st.jNewark, N. J. _Ii«! 2wit»

W-"ÖOD SCE^V^.^Jm^rosTrTpY,-England Screw- Co.'s refined lira-sand Iron Wood

Screw», comprising every variety;ef Lock. Piano Forte;Machinery, Gun Screws, 4ic. assorted from j in. to 3 inchi sNo. Co, warranted superior to any other manufacture in tt.i-¦.ountry or England. Dealer, v.-ij: be furnished « ::!> th<-.'crews at lower prices than a good article can be import, 'dEvery description of Bra*sor Iron Screws will be nude i.

order at -hor: not,re. Forsaleby the mann actarer*-'ngeiitf.MITCHELL i: V. ITHERELL, 04 John -t.

N. b. Wilson's Screws, Ames' Shov* i- ai d Sportes, I!launia Ware, together with a general assortment cf Dt>n><iic Hardware, for-nie as above

PROTON WATK R.Messrs. Whitscjk .Ifnkin«. Plumbers, No. > John siren, would m

respectfully inf rni the public that they are preparedexecute ill orders in the.r line of businesi in a durableworkmanlike manner. Their Work Is warranted to giv<entire satisfaction, and their pipes are so laid as n t iofin e'ie in water. The public are re.spertl'ully invited tcall and examine their materials. The Croton Water n

trodneed without takii ur up the side-walks.The following Certificate, with other-, can be seen a;

the shop:Mr. Francis J WHITSEY having been employed at 111

Girant College, in the:capacity nf Plumber, it affordspleasure to say that from ihe opportunity 1 there bailjudge of his merits in the line of his business, ( doasider blmworthy the confidence of the puidie.

THOSU WALTER, Architect (iirard C »liege,Philadelphia FtU. 3, IR42 i MHf

Aill COLORING..Jacob IVlabjwould inform his old customers, aad ill those who

[vTsb to have a bfDUliful heail of hair, that he matiufacluie-aml has for sale at :r>2« st. his celebrate«! EssenerTyre, which having !::t-ly Improved, he guarantees will epfiVctnal in peroianenÜV-colöringredorgTay hair to a beau¬tiful brown or black. Persons ari ba*e it applied at his or:i.e,r residence, and if not satisfied their money will he re¬

turned._n3fl if

CHEAPEST, best and most, fashionablein New-York. Hats, Caps, Muff-, fancy Pars,,Fur

Trimming, old Furs attended m. at,3/>l..- MON ARCH'ES. 224 Bowery.

THANKSGIVING DAY..The 8th ofDecember is the d-<y app/>inted for this annual ie-':-

vr.l, and as a handsome Dinner Service is indispensible ?o a

handsome dinner, bousekeeperi are respectfully mviteo incall at the c-lebralert rheap Crockery Slore, No 7Sx'iiAv nnc. (oppcuiie Amity itreet.) wher- lh--v can be sup-

plied vitn ever> article in the trade at prices to -uiMt.etimi/s. Dot.'I forget the number._',2* 6f

FINE Dl«»it.AR.

WOOLSEY & WOOLSEY continueto sell their ' Standard Qaaitty' Double Refined

Sugar a', their lowest reduced Cash prices, without charIo; packages,naniely:Loaves in t-ox . of :jrv> pounds. Ten Cents per pound.Crushed in barrel- of 2»o d->. Ter. Cent.« p* r pound.Powdered mlürreisof 250do. Ten and a naifCeentsprdo.When less than 5 packages are purchased, half a cent per

pound additionalOrders out of ihe Citv most be :!cron)Daoi»»,t bv a remit¬

tance, addre-sed to WOOLSEY it WOOLSEY,Mew-York Patent -atrar Refinery,

cor. South Montgomery-*!*or applv at the office. 85 Walt-sveet._rßS ff

IMPORTANT TO MECHAN«CS nn«lothers.-Warranted cast ste.i e«g-» Tool* may be bad

at ihe snnscribir'.* old e-tJWiishmen". 33 Attorney-!!., or atGeorge Bti«gs it Co.'s, U5 Ma;den-lane, N*w--\o-k, at re-

d.acetl price* to suit the times, 10 per c«it» %a\»rr.n233m* JOHi> LU.>or..v.^

ROCKWELL'S VATEJirC V^VffTt IRHTS-so useful to exclude wet, da« and frost,

and ai tie same time admit lnht, ereatly unproved lorstrength and darahluty.for sab- at No. 9 Astor Iloa**. en¬trance In Barclay-st._cZ9 lw*

SPERM OIL..1,000 gallons WinterSperm .0>'f 1^ rfo hleach^i do. do. Abo a good

airmen* of SDerm Candle*, for sj.> bynZSr F. F. EDDY. 24 Oh! Slip.

By F. C»lu>n & Co..Wednesoay, NovemberWT'HLIC ADMINISTRATOR'SSTA1 B.GE.xteel FfRMTvaE.At 10 tfciockj at No.

Amity-street, the furniture contained in the, house, ror.» :.

ing of mahogany and curled maple chain, maLogany table,,sofas, brus'.els ar.d ingrain caroets, silver ware, pier glass* .

mantel da, beds and l>edsietds, decks, stoves, divans, otto-mar.*.loiiether with the kitcheir furniture. Also, severaltons ot coal_nr8 3i*

NOTICE: is hereby °;ivec, that the an¬nual ehctiosj of Directors of ' Th- Howard In-.rr-

ance Cor» pan? ¦ will b«* he'd at the orJicv of t.-i? Company,No. 54 V» all slteet. on Monday, Decemlvr 5. r.ext, corii-mencing at 1 o'clock and clorlne at 2 o'clock P. M.

LEWIS PHILLIPS, Secretary.New-York. November 8,1842. r>9 Imis

MTO BE LET.The lower part ofHouse 131 Varick-street.very convenient/or a »raaü

jamiiy. oSS 6t-

_AUCJloJjÄIr KZI.Jüab llicaam». Abcomim r

OY BANGS, RICHARDS & PLATil3 S'erc W Srca.UbernJessS advances tnide «vs c^nsjp-.nvr:, f>r acidca-aies.

WEDNESDAY EVF.X1NO, Nov. Seth.At 6$ o'clock at lite Auction Roooy.Extrsmtb sale of StaXDard and HYliuay B<xsa«.>ev-rat Uri^c «o,, rateable cvc* g-'rurn's et ano trran

-. cons«tIOft c, äat. Library B.-cks. an extens.rv »»-.-.:yornneB,Ijl«ar>-: Pray-r B/x)k-. :ij rich rUi bind l«!*cl» C tSNcml Books; Av-nr i-rve ate. choice as'*-nmetttni Juveniles »odtincy bonnd hooks; elegmn »,i....i::..-!..! >K>Lv,<v-, ^i.e/at v-to be >o;d bv »lolfi-coptes or in quantities. ¦" a

Am00« the cufection 3r,-_7s. ri-gam Epi-copa! Prav«-rBooks, nmoo*sour»and mbiy u>uu-.; *u Bibies, lodod-ag splendid tolto and quarto t$i&.>s .. tlJe t,m.t>r»,,iarge variety or pocket, chuicb, school ami tamiiv Biblestnosuy oeauinu; giit m bnidinc*; to Friend-hip's Of-tering 1S45; 10 Odd Fe lows Offering HMj; 15Token 1 to-Con's poetical works, oct: 10 Moon's do ; '¦ Barm's v.

10 Gcliisrr.ith'.- do: 12 L>rd Byron's works beaut.rj:.\'round ; SO >b«s>r--c»r»''"i wok*, finely boui d in gü| moroe-co; 75 Crsmer's Piano Porte instructor; £0 ftibiaet ofCnri.>-.: 1'» r-.'-ri: 'OO * . It,Watt*»and Rippen*.- Hymn*; 300 r.ew and popular Jove,

ies, plain and rJoWed; 10 Walker's DicAlönar* t po.irrtiu's ProgTe-s; 10 Canning's Speech- . Bvo; 2 Z-'tiopjjo«3.o: 10 Landou's Poetical work.*; 10 Dick'- complete«orks oct; 4 Malte Bran'? Geography, 6 «pI»;2S PoltodrtCourse oi 'tiinr: 50 NdyeV Pen,.inn-hip: '.'5 Slarryatd*->rk-oc:; 5 Addison*., Spectator, ö vo|»; 5 D.ckenV works,>v»; 2American Oun v ; 6 Mihurd's oc:; 10Scotdsn Chiefs; 23 \ n-ar of wakeneid, Ctailntie Temple,VO ;xvket T.rtaiiem.., S.O W dha.u Wallace, S"0 VvtihamMl, Jrx. tic.Abo, 9CAses40 reams ef Ames' and Hudson's FoolscapAlso a bane« variety ol Stationery, including English Poet

and Letter Paper*FRID VV EVENING, Dev. 2.

At t-j o'clock at the Anette« Room.Valuable Privat« LIBRARY.- \ valuable private Libra¬

ry of choice books h standard English bterature-, mostlyEngttsb edition*, in tine bin« mgv.M'('era's Pacata ILberma. J vs Svo; Md-ere's works,eiegaotcopy- Mtitoa's Paradise Lost, splendid illustrated copy; ForceUml Latoi Lexicon,2 vos; JobnsonNdictionary, S v» c.u-.iM; T mA CUron. >:<-,»ioal lliito:i»D,2 *oi- 8 vo; t?.ip:«>:j Rock iw London, quano ; ünums onWar am! Peace, tolio: Ganii>b '- Holy Uourt,folio; Arrert-can Rur-«i Sports, qu irt" -. Mi. did n » works * vs qutrto;Bu<hby Lucreiiu»,quarto; Dupin's Ecclesiastical writers,3 vs ("oJkj ; Johnson's works, 12 »s; j, >y, r-01 ¦. work-, 1 \.

die works ofSl Crysostoo), 5 vs folio; Valsetchi's Pounda-uons of Religion, 3 \>; Helvetia* on Man, S vois-; Raylev*^L ie of Cooper; <Jvo: Bwwell's L ie o Johnson, 4 vo]«;Sheridan's works ol Swift, lit vols; Popt's works, 9 volsjYoung's works,3 vols 8vo; Cowley's worts,4 to; Church-!>'.- work-. 2 vt»'s } to: Cougieve's v 01 k» 3 vois |j vo . Pa,-y's worts Sv,.|«; L^i.o.,l'> lre,and, 4 \ Sharks'- Wi |.;i.vj< of Wastdnutini. 12 vol*. Ice 'V>-.WEDNRSDAvJtTHI USt AY KVKXlNtts.D c. 7 11Valcarlu Privatj. Libraby..Thetesnainhsg portion 1 I

the valuable library of the late S. D. Langtree, Ssq.Particulars hereafter.Y ft. DitAFtlK, Jr..Sioro d4 WilHantrStretL corner 01 I'lne-strw

THURSDAY, Dec lit.At 10 o'clock, at toe Auction Rwm.

French Goods.By catalogue.For a,-proved enilonednotes at 6 month's credit.100 cases French Goods, com-prising a great variety and extensive assoruixul of »tapl»and fancy articlesofrecent importation*.Catalogues and samples on tue morning of sale.Also, 300 dozen woolen gloves

SATURDAY", Dec. 3.At 50 o'clock, »1 the Auction Rocul

Cloths and CasstMERES.-From the shelves.ou a creditof six monttia, i«<r approved enOvrseil notes.200 pKce»supeiior West of England Cioih* atut Cj*»imere» just im-

parted.TL'E-sDAV, Dec. Ö.

At 10 o'clock,at tt>< Auction koom,Cloths and Cassimeres.From the -helves.ou a credit

of>u mooihs, lor [mprovetl endo »eo notes.2»H> pieces »u«

;i<2nor West of England CI0Ü1- and Cassnueivs, just Inj .

¦,H>rted.Catalogues ain' janiples on the morning of sale.

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 14At 10 o'clock,at tbe Auction Room.

Package Sale or Fancy Goods, Tovs, itc. i.e..loora-ea of Frencb ami German CooOs adapted to the codingseason.

AT PRIVATE SALW:.400 pieces 4 4, .5-t and 6-4 red and white Canfs.a Mittin't-

^alba kimllt\L.L.Orhce ^o. 1Broad, c irner of Wa.S streeL

A. K. will give bis attention to the sale of Real Estnl*,Stocks. Furniture and Out-Poor Sale-generally._

ALL GOODS..The undersigned isprepared with his usual extensive assortment ofwa-

.onahle tio-.-ds to execute orders !i:r Girmenis m a »iyl<swhich will coaipori with any bouse iu the Trade, nt priceswhich must offer Inducements to those paying rccdy iuo-nev.Attention is:«licitrd to the style of Pantaloons furnished

n this esublbihment, as partlcolarcare is directed to thlsdo«partment, witk die view of giving entire satisfaction.Those who bavu experienced any dtttkulty In getting

-ailed, are assured that a superior lit can always be realized.French and English Cassimeres In a great variety of new

patterns j ust received. The assortment ol Vastiags whichgave -0 ruucb satisfaction through tbe Spring uuO Sutumetseason*, will be kept up.Krmch and English Cloths of super and medium quail

lies for Drew and Frock C-ats, Pilot and Beaver Clothi forSurtoals, always on hand.Fancy dress articles, Including Silk and Satin Scarfs,

Cravats Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders,Shirts, Collars, ice, at usual moderate prices.

WM. T. JENNINGS,Late Lynde & Jennings, 22.'? Broadway, American HoteL«8tns_

The Anti-Angular System of Writing.C.KKAT R£E>U.TION.from twelve to »i.V. dollars.

jVjj'R. BRiSTOW. of London, reapect-LtJ. fully in onns the Ladies and Gentlemen ol New-York and Brooklyn that his das».s. Ony and Everiif.g, Iihvecommencedfar iK* season, and that he has reduced It'«!«rnMone six Dollars.

academv no. 2*15 broadway, near i'ark place.Gentlemen ot. all ag« - are positively taught in twelve les¬

son. 11 hold, free erpeditinus and finished Bus!>,< ss.hke styleOf Writing, no matter I on bao, ILLEGIBLE, sl iffnr crumpedthe writing may be. See specime ns at tne door, 235 Broad¬way.

and the i. a .*.".\ Deat and handsome, delicate and fashionable runningHand

in twelve easy lesson*.JO VISITORS in New-York can take u cour»e in three

Days!..Mr. B. is to he seen tTOUl 9 to 1 A. M , or front 4 to 3P. M.Even ng (;la--es from 7 to 0.

BOOK-KEEPINGTaught on a superior method, by double and single eutry

-i-imtincally aud practically.

STENOGRAPHY.A new -y-tem of the art of WriUng Short-hand, for taking

town Lectures, Sermons, Trial- .:t Law,kc, lc. taught per-fer.tly by Mr. Bristow, in one course of less«)iis! ut 234Broadway. See a -iiechr.en.N. B. A work of tin auttior is presented to every pupil

for their permanent guiite. nl8 MWitF Iro

\\1 ATCHES lower>than ever..In con-7 V sequence o! the reduction ol tiude* by the late

Mriifthe sulisci er is selling h s -lock of Gold and SilverLevers, Anchor Escapement^ Lepine, and other VVotcbsaof new and splenttid patterns, and Jewelry mv retail »t aconsiderable reduction from lormer jr!""', heing muchlower than they can he trough! for at any other place In:l»e cdy. Gold Watches ns low as *.f> to §2A each..wa: e- and Jewelry exchanged or bought All watcheswarranted to keep good tlmeor tbe money returned..VVatchex and Clocks repaired in tlie best manner, and wir-

ranted, ?.t much than tbe usual price-.G. C ALLEN Importerof Watches and Jewelery^

ol7.. tf Wholesale and retall. I1' Wail-»L, Up rtaura.

C~ap^--clothTi\1T vHTlvet CA ps.A great variety of new nr,d splendid paitrfl adapted10 infanU, children and t>oys of all ages. Also, ladiesRiding Cap* ol very beaotifu' pattern-, r.rd gentleman'^Sponing and Dr'-s Caps. The sntiscriti'-r fiatt<-r» himselfhe ha> the largest and he*' assortment ol Caps In the city,and a f^rthvr recommendatloa is tin* extreme maleratr-prices at which tbe> are ver.iie-l. Wlu»le>a!e irnd retail at

WATSON'S, 154 ChaUiairwareet, and«8 bdf

__lfiri Bowery.

Q URXOUTS, CLOAKS, &c., in a va-O riKy of styles, ready made at the EstabBihnSent, (bf. trmenU ot'tbe first quality- No. 229 Broadway, American(f0,^i WM T. JENNINGS *2 istf.

ACH ORCHARD. Broken COAL,g", .50 per ton..Now discharging, fir-t quality Bro-

C a! at the above low price, if rake . f'nm boat while.v\Rn >¦ BROWNE.

n29~" 4'1 Wxkt)i.'"'t.or,-.trcet, corner of Lileht.unloiibu

Sidney COAL.A small lot freuh«med.coarse Sydney Coal, so.table fur parlor use,

for salr at low prices in louto set' Durcti8»*rs. I>v .

WAKD L ftROWne,n2"> 4' I Wa .'cingbin-street, e -rntr LaignL

DTvTiTl'lND.. J he lioard of Dtrectoraof "The Howard Insurance Company" have de¬

clared a Dividend «f TEN per cenL on the iiew capital,payable on an after Novemher 21, J?42

LEWIS PHILLIPS, Secretary.November 15. VA2. nlS 2mis

VER-COAT81 ÖVER-ÜOA^l \^The cheapest ':nd t>e»t in the rnirket, made «rt short

not ice at No. G Johu-nreer. The puhbc are invited to calltad gamine. (u23 lmu*) Ji. E. LOCKWOOD, 6 John «L

TNDIA RU dBER 8110ES.We are 3el-X ling this article at very low pfices; «ay, per dozen orras*» for Ladieir* plai». SOc; L->d:e»' figured STj--; | therd*-s:riptior.s at price* bi propirtion, quality eq>*' t'»any'mporterJ ibis season. Lined and fur trimmerl alway« 90an Men's sbvs only s*.ld at retail. Wat0.aZj St B. CORjBING la «ON. 14» water sc

SOUTHWORTH'S Parent Lard Lampe,For burning^^e^l\%^^^at an expense one ^X^'TfT\X\^ Cwaery StOTB,

O ACIC SURTOliTS.The style of Sur-r% . , ^..^», in vo >ue are cut In great perfection atSn-ffi^ÄÄSnÄwRT and farßWiedat W, 15.the fcakW^g wm. t. jennings.

-5iULE SPINNERS Wanted imme-

J£F- A^W"^'^°L0CKW0OD.