New York City’s Commitment to Minority and Women...


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New York City’s Commitment to Minority and Women-Owned Businesses

The strength of NYC’s economy is the diversity of our businesses • Prioritizing the growth and stability of

M/WBE’s increases local hiring, strengthens communities and boosts the economy.

• NYC’s network of M/WBE firms provides a unique opportunity to support diverse businesses.

New York City excels in M/WBE commitment and support • New York City offers targeted services to

promote the growth and success of Minority and Women-owned businesses, and constantly works to ensure that the City’s procurement process reflects the great diversity of the City.

The City’s Annual M/WBE Procurement Fair is attended by more than 500 certified M/WBEs and 300 procurement officers from 70 City and State agencies, public authorities and corporations.

On January 7, 2013, Local Law 1 of 2013 was signed to help strengthen the existing Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE) Program and is administered by the Department of Small Business Services (SBS) and the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services (MOCS).

• Expands the reach of the MWBE program to include most industries and contracts regardless of size.

• Establishes an M/WBE Director. • Simplifies the administration of the program. • Provides detailed quarterly reporting on all contracting by ethnicity,

gender, dollar amount and industry.

• Enhances the City’s on-line Directory of certified companies.


Certification • NYC has a robust M/WBE certification program to ensure diverse participation in contracting • The City’s certified list contains over 3,800 companies in all industry categories. • The City has an effective outreach mechanism throughout the five boroughs to increase

participation • NYC maintains a growing On-line Directory of Certified Businesses to advertise and promote

firms across different industries and sectors Capacity Building

• Provide workshops on How to do Business with the City • Developed Compete to Win; a set of capacity building services to help businesses compete

for and win contracts • Created a nine month executive management program for M/WBE firms

Corporate Alliance Program (CAP)

• CAP is designed to connect certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises to contracting and capacity building opportunities in the private sector.

• Corporate partners include Accenture, American Express, BNY/ Mellon, Citibank, Con Edison, Colgate-Palmolive, Columbia University, Goldman Sachs, IBM, and National Grid. These corporations have pledged to work with the City of New York to reduce barriers for M/WBE firms and increase their contracting opportunities.



National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) Commodity Services Code


• NIGP commodity codes are a standardized coding system used commonly by state and local governments to categorize products and services agencies purchase.

• Organizations interested in doing business with state and local governments

enroll in one or more commodity codes in order to receive notifications of relevant contracting opportunities.






NYC Online Certification Portal • Apply for a new Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE),

Locally-Based Enterprise (LBE), and Emerging Business Enterprise (EBE) Certification

• Recertify to maintain an existing M/WBE, LBE and/or EBE Certification

• Follow the status of an application(s)

• Review and update business information which updates the business profile in the NYC Online Directory of Certified Businesses

• Complete the Annual Affirmation to maintain existing M/WBE Certification


Register an Account Online


Businesses interested in registering an account online can access the Certification Portal through the following locations: > Certification > Selling to Government > NYC Online Certification Portal

New Business Customers • After creating an account online, businesses can initiate an application.

Existing Business Customers • Once an online account is created, you will need to connect to their existing

business records by using their 12-digit PIN. • PIN are found in Acknowledgement Letter, Certification Letter, Notice to

Recertify, or can be request through the Certification Portal. • Instructions on how to connect to existing business record using the PIN can be

found on the Certification Portal in the SBS Certification Self Service Portal Quick Guide

Update Business Information Certified businesses* can update their business information at any time through the Certification Portal. Changes to the business address, online contact, and profile and job experience information will be applied to the firm’s business profile on the NYC Online Directory of Certified Businesses. Businesses should go to “Manage My Records” to initiate an update.

*M/WBE certified firms are required to notify SBS within forty-five (45) days of any material change in the information contained in the certification application.


Determine who is buying what you sell


• Research your target agencies:

• > Selling to Government

• > Annual Procurement Indicators Report

• > NYC Record Publication

• > Agency Procurement Plans

Market your business & get noticed


• Tools Capability Statements Networking/matchmaking pitch Brochures Business Cards

• Forums Conferences Networking events Matchmaking events Workshops Associations Social events Cold Calls Email campaigns

Compatibility Statement


• Core Competencies Main strength or strategic advantages Knowledge, expertise & technical capacity

• Past Performance List of past customers Be specific when you can

• Differentiators What makes you different from your competitors How this benefits the buyer

• Company Data Contact Information Geographical coverage Small business certifications Credit & Purchase Cards Industry licenses Security clearances DUNS# / Cage Code NIGP or NAICS codes

Sample Compatibility



Upcoming Course Offerings


• Attend Selling to Government Courses 2nd Tuesday of every month 10am – 12Noon

• Sustainable Practices: Corporate Alliance Program Workshop

July 29, 2015 • How to Market Your Business to Government Workshop

June 17, 2015 for Construction related businesses June 24, 2015 for Professional Services and Goods

• Further assistance?

NYC SBS Procurement Technical Assistance Center 212-513-6444 or

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A Division of Empire State Development

Overview of the State Purchasing Priorities • Order of Purchasing Priorities • Agency Contracting– including discretionary spending

o NYS Contract Reporter

How to Leverage the Value of your Certification • Maintain up to date information • Represent core capabilities

Business Development – Helping your Business Grow • Programs & Initiatives • Business Development as your Resource Partner • Strategies in Marketing to New York State


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A Division of Empire State Development

• ESD provides procurement guidance, information, and referral to resources to help businesses understand the procurement process and access government procurement opportunities. ESD understands that:


• ESD is responsible for publishing the New York State Contract Reporter -

• ESD has statutory responsibilities under the Omnibus Procurement Act to promote New York business participation in state contracting opportunities as prime contractors, subcontractors and suppliers.

Empire State Development (ESD)

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• Bidder must be responsive to bid requirements. • Bidder must be a responsible bidder meeting.

o FLIP requirements Financial & Organizational Capacity Legal Authority Integrity Past Performance

Comptroller’s Vendor Responsibility information:

State Finance Law Bidder Requirements

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• IFB – Invitation For Bid - used in procurement of commodities, awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder on the basis of lowest price.

• RFP – Request for Proposals – used for procurements when factors in addition to cost are weighed and awarded to the responsive and responsible proposer offering the best value.

For a glossary of commonly used procurement terms, refer to the

procurement guidelines:

Know the Vocabulary of Procurement

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• First – Agency uses Preferred Sources*

• Second – Agency uses Centralized (State) Contracts for commodities, services and technology*

• Third – Agency-Established Contracts

• Fourth – Agency conducts its own procurement, including Discretionary Spending

* Must meet Agency’s form, function and utility

Review the Procurement Council Guidelines:

Agency Purchasing Requirements (Order of Purchasing Priority)

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A Division of Empire State Development

• The NYSCR is New York’s official publication of procurement activity for New York State agencies, public authorities and public benefit corporations (other than notifications from the Office of General Services).

• State agencies must advertise procurements of $50,000 or more (including

discretionary purchases) when they solicit bids from the business community for goods, services and construction projects in the NYSCR.

New York State Contract Reporter (NYSCR)

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• Discretionary purchases are procurements made below statutorily established dollar amounts and at the discretion of the agency, without the need for a formal competitive procurement process. Use of discretionary purchasing streamlines the procurement process.

• Discretionary Purchasing Guidelines:

Agency Discretionary Purchasing Authority

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• They fall into two categories: A. Purchases Under $15,000.00 B. Purchases from $15,000.00 to $50,000.00

• Agencies must justify to support both vendor selection and reasonableness of the price.

• Agencies are NOT required to Advertise these procurements on the Contract Reporter.

NOTE: Discretionary Purchases cannot be construction related products or services.

What are Discretionary Purchases?

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C. Purchases from $50,000.00 to $200,000.00

MWBE Discretionary Authority

Example: “HRPT intends to procure Fire Alarm Systems monitoring, inspection, repair and maintenance services pursuant to its discretionary purchasing authority under State Finance Law 163(6). This procurement opportunity is for businesses certified pursuant to Article 15-A of the New York State Executive Law (Minority and Women Business Enterprises) and New York State small businesses.”

NOTE: The way the language is written includes small businesses. It narrows the playing field to just MWBEs and small businesses. Some agencies use this language to make MWBE specific procurements.

Benefit of being a Certified MWBE & Discretionary Purchases?

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A Division of Empire State Development

• $50,000 for most State agencies

Discretionary levels increase to: • $200,000 for purchases from a New York Small Business or New York Certified

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE)

• $200,000 for commodities or technology that are recycled or remanufactured new $200,000 for commodities that are food, including milk or milk products, grown, produced, or harvested in New York State.

Discretionary Purchasing Authority Thresholds

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• A New York State Small Business is defined as: o Resident to New York State o Independently owned and operated o 100 or fewer employees o Not dominant in its field o There is no certification process for “New York State Small Business”

• A Minority/Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) o must be certified by NYS Empire State Development

For information on the certification process, contact Empire State Development: or visit our website:

New York State Small Business & M/WBE

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• Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC) – funded by the United States Department of Defense - seven PTAC locations in New York

• Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) – administered by State University of New York and funded by the Small Business Administration, New York State, and host campuses for SBDC locations

• Entrepreneurial Assistance Centers (EAP) – funded in part by ESD, these centers help individuals with their new and startup businesses. For information and locations:

• Look for procurement “how to” workshops, conferences, and other events

Free Technical Assistance

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What’s New in New York State &

The Role of Business Development

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A Division of Empire State Development

What’s New in New York State?

“New York’s strength lies in the diversity, innovation and entrepreneurship of all its residents. By breaking down barriers to growth for MWBEs, we are putting that strength to work for all New Yorkers, building a more diverse and competitive

business climate.” Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor, State of New York

The Mission • Promote equality of economic opportunities for MWBEs. • Eliminate barriers to their participation in state contracts. • Provide information and resources that increase access to opportunities for

MWBEs throughout the State. • Promotes & Assists MWBEs through outreach, training, technical assistance and


NY State Works for MWBEs

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A Division of Empire State Development

What’s New in New York State?

KEY Services:

• MWBE Certification & Directory o Largest public databases of certified MWBE firms in the nation.

• Agency Services Utilization Support

o Monitors and assists state agencies/authorities. • Business Development

o New Initiatives: more robust set of services, more coordination with the Certification to better Monthly outreach to certified MWBEs - procurement opportunities & training.

NY State Works for MWBEs

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A Division of Empire State Development

What’s New in New York State?

Why Certify? • NY is Open for Business • NY Works for MWBEs

What are the Benefits of Certification? • Access to State Contract and Procurement Opportunities • Access to Technical Assistance • Access to Business Development Advice • Listed in NYS MWBE Directory of Certified Firms • Access to Lending and Bonding Programs • Access to Statewide Network of Services, Workshops, Webinars, Classes


NY State Works for MWBEs

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Leveraging Your Certification Profile

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Login Now at:

Don’t have a username and password?

If you are certified, you have been Pre-registered to access the NYS Contract System.

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• Why is the directory important to you? • Is your certification profile incomplete, inaccurate and outdated? • Are you marketing your core strength? • Are you fully leveraging your certification? • Do you have a username and password to access the NYS Contract

System? • Do you know how to submit updates and changes?

What you need to know to Leverage Your Certification Profile?

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• Industry Code Classifications o Core Strengths o Expanding Capabilities o Classifications matching agency contracts


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Gross Sales • Review your gross sales activity • Identify the gross sales range for your firm • Submit a request to update your gross sales capacity


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Market Areas • When considering Market Areas you should identify exactly how your firm will

provide these services or distribute goods in each area.

Ask yourself these questions: 1. How can my firm provide goods or services in each Market Area? 2. Agencies verify all information before awarding contracts. If you cannot

deliver as you have indicated they will not contact your again. Is this the right time for my firm to expand into new Market Areas?


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Accurate Business Profile is the Key to being found!

Maintaining the Profile: Contact information, address, legal business

name and contact person

Industry Code Classifications • Core Strengths • Expanding Capabilities • Classifications matching agency contracts

Gross Sales and Market Area

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Contact Us…

MWBE Certification Helpline Hotline: (212) 803-2414

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• Works with firms to help them expand their footprint with New York State.

• Make introductions to other MWBE’s for partnering opportunities.

• Hosts/participates matchmakers in support of NYS entities that have MWBE utilization goals.

Business Development Unit

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Contact Us… MWBE Certification Helpline Hotline:

(212) 803-2414

Brian Ansari – Business Development Specialist

MWBE Resource Hotline: 1 855 ESD- 4MWB / 1 855 373-4692
