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Candid – Otvoren , iskren Commendable - доверлив

Frequently - za~esteno Fidgeted - nemiren

Longed - kopnee Abruptly - naglo

Hitherto - dosega Assume – zema za gotovo

Deference - po~it Hereditary - nasleden

Disdainful - prezitelen Deign - udostojuva

To boot – da podigne Rubbing - bri{e

Confounded - zbrkan Fortnight – dve nedeli

Uncommonly - nevoobi~aeno Considerable - zna~itelen

Heir - naslednik Alacrity- a`urnost

Syllable – slog Nostrils - nozdri

Courteously - u~tivo Sacrilege – izvalka, eres, skvernavewe

Scarecrow - Stra{ilo sloped off – magla fativ

Seedy - propadnat Rile – drazni, naluti

Triumphantly - triumfalno Impertinent - bezobrazen

Aggravate – vlo{i, ote`ne Reproach - prekori

Frowning - namurti Blaze- vrie

Gloomily – mra~no, pesimisti~ki Tinker - an act of attempting to repair something.

Wink - trepka, namiga Seldom - retko

loan bonds – vrski za zajmica Abominably – grozno, odvratno

Thaw - zatopluvawe Scraping – grebewe, stru`ewe

struck me – zasegne, pogodi Miser - skr`avec

Affluent – Bogat, ima{en rose and stretched – zgolemen i zategnat

Muttered - promrmori Gazing - zjapaj}i

Indispensable - neophoden Sagacious - dosetliv

Conceal - prikrie Stake - vlog

Sturdy – otporen, `ilav Flourishing – procutuva, prosperira

Consist – sostoi, sovpa|a Escapade - ludorija

Accomplish - dostignuva Stock - akcii

Descent - poteklo Accomplished – ve{t, vospitan, obrazovan

Attaining - postignuvawe Forenoon - predpladne

Haughty - gordeliv Glance – pogled, blesok

Affluent – Bogat, ima{en rose and stretched – zgolemen i zategnat

Antechamber - predsobje Alongside - pokraj

Inquire - raspra{a Refrain - vozdr`uva

Disdainful - preziliv Blink - trepka

Adjourn - odlo`uva Cognizance – beleg, soznanie

artless and confiding – ednostaven i poverliv Impostor - izmamnik

Slightest - najmal Neat - done with or demonstrating skill or efficiency ( ureden )

Muster – zbira Revealing - otkrivawe

Accustomed – naviknati Stoves - pe~ka

Heat - intensity of feeling of anger or excitement Scruples - a feeling of doubt or hesitation

Flunkey - Lakej Frame - ramka

Conclusive – zaklu~ni, ubedlivi springs out (off) - to jump out of something

Dreadful – stra{en, u`asen Convulsions - gr~evi

Endure - istrajuva Outrage – voznemiri, {okira

Tinge - nijansa Suffuse - oblie

Rack - subject to extreme stress - zaka~alka Immeasurably - neizmerno

Reprieved – privremen spas Anguish- bolka

Increased - zgolemena Conciliate - pomiri

Amiability- dru{tvenost Footman- sluga

Hastened- zabrzan Attentively - vnimatelno

Gaze – sjapa Ingenuous - innocent and unsuspecting person

Trifle - a thing of little value or importance Inquisitive - curious or inquiring

Bidding - ordering or requesting Hastily- nabrzina

Affable - friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to, dopadliv

Deliberately - in a careful way, namerno

Mutual - vzaemen Imperceptibly - nezabele`livo

Quarters - ~etvrt Contrary - sprotivno

Merrily - veselo Cordial - srde~en

Undertake - prevzema Persuade – ubedi

Undergo - experience or be subjected to something unpleasant , se podlo`i

Virtue - doblest

Expense – tro{ok, rashod Malady - bolest

Astonished – iznenaden, zaprepasten to quiver – zatreperi

Undertake - prevzema Persuade – ubedi

Dispatch - ispra}a Nuisance – neprijaten, dosaden

Intently - stremitelno Cheek - obraz

Fits- odgovara Establishment - vospostavuvawe

Sulks - murti Shrugging - ignorirawe

Comparative – sporedben to meddle – se me{a

Storm - bura Settled – vkorenet, preselen

Foregoing - predhodnonavedeniot Labour - Work, especially physical work

Attentively - vnimatelno Plainly – o~igledno, bez zaobikoluvawe

Engrossed – obzemen, zadlabo~en vo misli Humbug - izmama

Merchant - trgovec to indulge - zanese

Recreation – razonoda, rekreacija. Aforesaid - gorespomenatoto

Dowry - miraz Vastly – ogromen, prostran

Accomplish – dostigne Loathing – gadewe, odvratnost

to fetch – da donese Contempt – prezir, podcenuvawe

Exaggerated - preterani Counsel – branitel, sovetnik

Bewilder – zbrkan, zbunet Wretched – o~aen, miseren

Mortgage – hipoteka, zadol`uvawe Grasp – (verb) zgrap~i

Estate - imot Current – sega{en, tekoven

Deliberately – namerno, smisleno Hindrance - prepreka

Crept(creep) - lazi Gentry - blagorodni{tvo

Infatuated – zaluden, zaslepen Disagreeable – konflikten

Grinning - smeewe Strike – pogodi, napadne {trajk

Presume - predpostavuva Rowdy – grubo, nasilni~ki

Advantage – prednost, korist Chief – {ef, voda~

Envenomed - zatruen Curling – kadrav, vitkan

to conceal – prikrie, zasolni Snare - zamka

Lowering - namaluvawe Relapsed - suffer deterioration after a period of improvement, povrati, vlo{i

District - oblast Ease - lesnotija

abbots and bishops - Igumeni i biskopi Diligence - трудољубивост

Fairly - прилично Flourishes – cveta, bui

Exquisite - isklu~itelno Downstrokes – dvi`ewe nadole

Fairly - прилично Flourishes – cveta, bui

Incomparable - nesporedliv Refinements – pre~istuvwe, prefinetost

Accurate - precizen Lodgers - `iteli, stanari

Esteem - Respect and admiration Acquaint - zapoznae

Amply – rasko{no, obilno Sufficient - dovolno

Expenditure - potro{uva~ka Anticipate – predvini

Fortnight – dve nedeli Encourages – ohrabruva

Paternally – tatkovsko Broach - na~ne

Endeavour - nastojuvawe Lit up - osvetlena

Uneventful - not marked by interesting or exciting events

Uttered – iznar~e

Length - dol`ina Bribed - podmiti

Cunning – lukav, ve{t Chains - okovi

Pebble - kam~e Affection – nakolonetost, (afekt?)

Withered – zbr~kan, isu{en, seknat Grades – zvawe, odel, nivo, raspredeluva.

ill- bred – lo{o odgledan Witty – dosetliv, duhovit

money- lender – pozajmuva~ na pari Risen – zgolemi, podigne, voskresna

Boast – poseduva, gord sopstvenik Remorse – gri`a na sovest, kaewe

Ineradicable – nepopravliv, neiskorenliv Eloquent – elokventen

Exactitude – preciznost Rigmarole – besmisleno

Imaginative – imaginativen Proficiency – vladeewe, znaewe

Humble – beden, neugleden Firmness – cvrstina, izdr`livost, otpornost

Persuade – nagovri, ubedi Indemnification – obes{tetuvawe

Agitated – voznemiren Maliciously - zlonamerno

Conquest - osvojuvawe Prominently – istaknato

Infliction - nanesuvawe wrath and quarrelling – lutina i raspravii

Oppose – protivewe to afloat – vo dvi`ewe, plovej}i

Equanimity - mental calmness, composure, and evenness of

temper . ladnokrvnostGreedy - al~en

Keen - having or showing enthusiasm to approach - pristapi

Divided – otcepen pluck up – sobira ( pluck up courage)

Complaisance – uslu`livost Infidelitiy – nevernost

Liveliest - `iv, razdvi`en Regain – povra}a, steknuva povtorno

to plead – da izjasni To seek – bara

Fairly - прилично Flourishes – cveta, bui

solemn conclave – sve~en sobir Thumb - palec

Vanity – sueta Unalterable - nepromenliv

Gathering - sobirawe Assembled – sostaven, sobran

Punctually - navreme Bode - pred~ustvo

Owing – se dol`i Inclined – sklon

Diverge – odvojuva, razdeluva Cheaply-bought – eftino kupeno

Despise - prezira Intensified – intenzevira

colossal and unprecedented – ogromen, va`en bez presedan

Disposed – ostranuva

Eminently – zna~ajno Discontent - nezadovolstvo

to soothe and sweeten – da se smiri i ubla`i Perished - zagine

whooping- cough – ka{lica Dwell - `ivee

Scat – bega,bri{e Distant – dale`ina

Display - prika`ano Conduct – obavuvawe, vodewe, odnesuvawe

Extent- stepen, merka, obem, opseg Exceedingly – mo{ne, prekimereno

Reveries – me~ta Insight – uvuduva

Playfulness – {egovitost, razigranost, veselost Annoyance – voznemirenost

Eccentricity – ekscentri~nost Scattered – odvoen, povremen, nepovrzan

Guise – nadvore{en izgled Subordinate – pod~inet, sporeden

Swoop – pikira, se nafrla, Sallow complexion – bled ten

Vaguely – nejasno, bledo Fidget - mrda

to ply – praktikuva, se slu`i Victuals - namirnici

Pace – tempo, ~ekot Astonish – zaprepaste, v~udoneviden

Deed – akt, delo Entertain – nagostuva, prima

Vexation – sekirawe Napkin - salfeta

Brusquely – grubo Sagely – mudro

Edict – naredba, ukaz Fits ??

Seldom - retko Gratified – blagodaren

Scarcely – edvaj Exceedingly – prekumerno, preterano

Sew - {it Fuss – gu`va, vikotnica

Forcible – prisilno Humbug - {mker

Bray - rika Wrathfully – gnevno

Seldom - retko Gratified – blagodaren

Fond – privrzan, sklon Scolding – ukoruvawe

Draw – izvlekuva, vle~e Insinuation - napomena

Retorted - vozvrati Dull – bez`ivoten, dosaden

to instruct – da uka`e, podu~i Feature – karakteristika, funkcija, beleg

Distinctness – vpe~atlivost Scaffold – skele

Riflen – pu{ka , `lebi Interminable – beskraen , bezgrani~en

Portion – del, porcija Farewell – zboguvawe

Bade – prosti Embark – vleguva, po~nuva, prevzema

Spire – {ilec Stubbornly - `ilavo, uporno

Ray – blesok. zrak Amalgamate – soedini

Repugnance – antipatija, odvratnost Ensue – proizleguva

Grudge – zloba, zavist, be resentfully unwilling to give, grant, or allow

Burden – tovar ?

Contemplated - look thoughtfully for a long time at Mocking – podsmeva

boast of – fali, poseduva rasfrla edifying and instructive – pou~en i vospiten

Contending – tvrdej}i Amusing – zabaven, interesen

Temper – volja..... Deduction – izvod, zaklu~ok

Ladder – skalila Feeble – bezpomo{en, iznemo{ten

Wit – dosetlivost, duhovitose Greedily – lakomo, al~no

Hurriedly – nabrgu, so brzawe Mischief – zlodelo, pakost, beqa

Chaff – {ega, sme{ka Peculiar – neobi~en, poseben , karakteristi~en

Reverie - zanesuva Arouse - predizvikuva

Sight – pogled Slightly – malku, nezna~itelno

Faint – bled, papsan, slab Swoon – bezsoznanie, nesvest

Rusty – rgjosan Rasp – pila

Throng - tolpa Deceive - izmami

Confidingly - poverlivo soothe and heal – smiri i izle~i

Wounded - raneti string and thread

Pittance - milostina consumptive

Drag - vle~e Fields – pole, prostranstvo

swollen and sore torn and scratched

shunned Hazy - maglivo

swollen and sore torn and scratched

ignominy Stamping

rush up – se str~a tattered and torn

dishevelled Loathsome

straw in a shed Mud

Pelt Remnants

Parson Infamy

Pin Pedlar

Solely Strove

panting and gasping Clergyman

Trot consumption

Brow large drops

Coughed Flutter


paroxysm -,,insatiable contempt,

throng, deceive, confidingly, soothe and heal, wounded, string and thread, pittance, consumptive; drag, fields, swollen and sore, torn and scratched, shunned, hazy, ignominy, , stamping, greedy, torn, dishevelled, loathsome, straw in a shed, mud, tattered and torn, pelt, remnants, parson, infamy, pin, pedlar; solely, strove, panting and gasping, pelting her and shouting abuse at her. clergyman. trot. consumption. brow inlarge drops. coughed, flutter. restrained. rushed up
