New lines of GFP transgenic rats relevant for regenerative ......Abstract Adoptive cell transfer...


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New lines of GFP transgenic rats relevant for regenerativemedicine and gene therapy

S. Remy • L. Tesson • C. Usal • S. Menoret • V. Bonnamain •

V. Nerriere-Daguin • J. Rossignol • C. Boyer • T. H. Nguyen •

P. Naveilhan • L. Lescaudron • I. Anegon

Received: 24 June 2009 / Accepted: 8 December 2009 / Published online: 22 January 2010

� Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

Abstract Adoptive cell transfer studies in regener-

ative research and identification of genetically mod-

ified cells after gene therapy in vivo require

unequivocally identifying and tracking the donor cells

in the host tissues, ideally over several days or for up

to several months. The use of reporter genes allows

identifying the transferred cells but unfortunately

most are immunogenic to wild-type hosts and thus

trigger rejection in few days. The availability of

transgenic animals from the same strain that would

express either high levels of the transgene to identify

the cells or low levels but that would be tolerant to the

transgene would allow performing long-term analysis

of labelled cells. Herein, using lentiviral vectors we

develop two new lines of GFP-expressing transgenic

rats displaying different levels and patterns of GFP-

expression. The ‘‘high-expresser’’ line (GFPhigh) dis-

played high expression in most tissues, including

adult neurons and neural precursors, mesenchymal

stem cells and in all leukocytes subtypes analysed,

including myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells,

cells that have not or only poorly characterized in

previous GFP-transgenic rats. These GFPhigh-trans-

genic rats could be useful for transplantation and

immunological studies using GFP-positive cells/tis-

sue. The ‘‘low-expresser’’ line expressed very low

levels of GFP only in the liver and in less than 5% of

lymphoid cells. We demonstrate these animals did not

develop detectable humoral and cellular immune

responses against both transferred GFP-positive

splenocytes and lentivirus-mediated GFP gene trans-

fer. Thus, these GFP-transgenic rats represent useful

tools for regenerative medicine and gene therapy.

Keywords Transgenic rats � Lentiviral vectors �Dendritic cells � Neural stem/progenitor cells �Immune tolerance

S. Remy (&) � L. Tesson � C. Usal � S. Menoret �V. Bonnamain � V. Nerriere-Daguin �J. Rossignol � C. Boyer � P. Naveilhan �L. Lescaudron � I. Anegon (&)

INSERM, U643, 30 Bd Jean Monnet,

44093 Nantes cedex 01, Nantes, France


I. Anegon


S. Remy � L. Tesson � C. Usal � S. Menoret �V. Bonnamain � V. Nerriere-Daguin �J. Rossignol � C. Boyer � P. Naveilhan �L. Lescaudron � I. Anegon

CHU Nantes, Institut de Transplantation et de Recherche

en Transplantation, ITERT, 44093 Nantes, France

S. Remy � L. Tesson � C. Usal � S. Menoret �V. Bonnamain � V. Nerriere-Daguin �J. Rossignol � C. Boyer � P. Naveilhan �L. Lescaudron � I. Anegon

Faculte de Medecine, Universite de Nantes,

44093 Nantes, France

T. H. Nguyen

INSERM, U948, 44093 Nantes, France

T. H. Nguyen

CHU Nantes, Nantes, France


Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763

DOI 10.1007/s11248-009-9352-2


Adoptive cell transfer studies or cell trafficking

analysis in regenerative and transplantation research

requires unequivocally identifying and tracking the

donor cells in the host tissue over a given time period.

In this context, the development of appropriate

animal models is increasingly required. Thus, trans-

genic animals stably expressing at high levels and in

different cell types is an attractive and useful

approach. Nevertheless, it has become increasingly

clear that the transfer of cells expressing a reporter

molecule into immunocompetent hosts triggers an

immune response directed against the labelled cells

(Stripecke et al. 1999; Gambotto et al. 2000; Rosen-

zweig et al. 2001). This problem considerably

hampers the use of cells labelled with any immuno-

genic marker, especially in cell-therapy models

requiring long-term analysis of the fate of the

transferred cells. Thus, the availability of animals

that are tolerant to a given marker protein would be

extremely useful.

The rat is a model of choice in several experi-

mental settings (Aitman et al. 2008) and recent

advances in genetic engineering have resulted in the

development of transgenic rats expressing reporter

proteins such as b-galactosidase (Menoret et al. 2002;

Takahashi et al. 2003) or enhanced-green fluorescent

protein (eGFP) (Hakamata et al. 2001; Ito et al. 2001;

Sawamoto et al. 2001; Lois et al. 2002; van den

Brandt et al. 2004; Cronkhite et al. 2005; Inoue et al.

2005; Itakura et al. 2007; Michalkiewicz et al. 2007).

EGFP, a fluorescent protein derived from the jellyfish

Aequorea Victoria (Prasher et al. 1992), is an ideal

marker for labelling cells, since its expression is

stable in mammalian cells and its visualization in situ

is easy, quantitative and non-invasive (Chalfie et al.

1994). Several previous groups have generated GFP-

transgenic rat strains as tool for organ transplantation

research, adoptive cell transfer experiments or devel-

opment studies. Nevertheless, depending on the

promoter and likely genome integration locus, dif-

ferent pattern and level of GFP expression are

observed. In many GFP-transgenic rat lines, the

expression of the reporter molecule was only assessed

by a macroscopic analysis of various organs/tissues

(Hakamata et al. 2001; Inoue et al. 2005; Mich-

alkiewicz et al. 2007). Other teams have generated

GFP-transgenic rats by using lentiviral vectors to

demonstrate the feasibility and the efficiency of this

method but, information concerning phenotypic

characteristics of these animals is scarce (Lois et al.

2002; Hamra et al. 2002; van den Brandt et al. 2004).

Other lines have been described to express GFP in

specific cell types, such as male and female germline

(Cronkhite et al. 2005), mesencephalic precursor cells

(Sawamoto et al. 2001) or pituitary folliculo-stellate

cells (Itakura et al. 2007), restricting their utility to

specific studies.

In the present study, we have generated new lines

of GFP-transgenic rats displaying different expres-

sion patterns and levels of the reporter molecule, and

so might be useful for different experimental settings.

One of them, identified as the ‘‘high-expresser’’

line (GFPhigh), strongly expressed eGFP in multiple

tissues and in important cell types, especially in

mature neurons and in leukocytes subtypes including

myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cell (DCs),

populations never characterised in existing GFP-

transgenic rat lines. We also demonstrated a strong

accumulation of GFP in stem cells of neural or

mesenchymal origin. Such animals could potentially

be used as a source of GFP-positive cells in

regenerative medicine or immunological studies.

The other line, identified as the ‘‘low-expresser’’

line (GFPlow), expressed only very low levels of

eGFP in the liver and in cells from peripheral blood

or lymphoid organs. Nevertheless, we demonstrated

that GFPlow-animals did not develop any humoral and

cellular immune responses against both transferred

GFP-positive splenocytes from GFPhigh-animals and

lentivirus-mediated GFP gene transfer. GFPlow-ani-

mals could thus be used as recipients of GFPhigh- cells

or tissues as well as in gene therapy studies, allowing

for the long-term analysis of the outcome of GFP-

labelled cells. Such transgenic rats tolerant toward

GFP have never reported in the literature.

Materials and methods

Generation of eGFP-transgenic rats using

lentiviral vectors and analysis of DNA integration

A lentiviral vector expressing eGFP driven by the

ubiquitous PGK promoter (kindly provided by

D. Trono, Lausanne, Switzerland) was used to gen-

erate the eGFP transgenic rats (Fig. 1a). This vector

746 Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763


contained self-inactivating long terminal repeats

(SIN-LTR), a rev responsive element (RRE), a central

polypurine tract (cPPT), the PGK promoter, the eGFP

cDNA and a woodchuck hepatitis virus posttranscrip-

tional regulatory element (WPRE) (pRRL.SIN-


Single-cell embryos from Sprague–Dawley (SD)

rats (Charles River) were injected with 1.8 9 1010

infectious units/ml in the perivitelline space (sub-

zonal microinjection), then immediately implanted in

the oviduct of pseudo-pregnant females and allowed

to develop to full term in order to provide the founder

transgenic rats (F0). Offspring were obtained by

crossing founders with wild-type rats.

Transgenic animals were identified by PCR anal-

ysis of genomic DNA isolated from tail biopsies. PCR

amplification was performed using the primer pair


and hGFP-Rev 50-GCAGCGGTCACAAACTCCA-30.The PCR was performed under the following condi-

tions: 5 min at 94�C followed by 35 cycles of 30 s at

55�C, 30 s at 72�C, 30 s at 94�C and a final extension

at 72�C for 3 min.

The lentiviral transgene copy number in the

founders and their progeny was determined by

Southern blot. DNA was digested with BamHI

(New England Biolabs), which cuts the transgene at

a unique site between the PGK promoter and the

eGFP cDNA. After digestion, the DNA was sepa-

rated, transferred to a nylon membrane (Hybond N?,

GE Healthcare), hybridised to a 3.7 kb SphI-KpnI

fragment of the pRRL.SINcPPT.PGK/GFP WPRE

plasmid, labelled with a32P-dCTP, washed and

subjected to autoradiography.

The insertion sites of the transgene into the

genome were identified by linker-mediated PCR

(LM-PCR) adapted from the BD GenomeWalker kit

(BD Biosciences Clontech). Briefly, 2.5 lg of trans-

genic rat’s genomic DNA was digested by blunt-

ended restriction enzyme (EcoRV, PvuII, SspI). Each

batch of digested genomic DNA was linked to an

adaptor, created by annealing two oligonucleotides to

built separate libraries. After that, the protocol

consists of two PCR amplifications using long-

distance proofreading Taq DNA polymerase (Platinum

Taq DNA polymerase high fidelity, Invitrogen).

Fig. 1 Southern blot and

LM-PCR analysis of the

genomic DNA of GFPhigh

and GFPlow-transgenic rats.

a Schematic representation

of the lentiviral vector used

to generate the transgenic

rats. Note the BamHI

restriction site used to digest

the genomic DNA and the

HIV-GFP probe from the

construct used to analyse the

DNA. b Southern blot

analysis of both lines

showing only two bands for

each line corresponding to

the hybridisation of the

HIV-GFP probe to both parts

of the transgene linked to

upstream and downstream

genomic DNA cut by the

closest BamHI restriction

sites. c Definition by

LM-PCR of the

chromosome, genomic

region and nucleotide

sequence of transgene

integration into the genome

Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763 747


The major PCR product were then cloned using

pCRII TOPO plasmid (TOPO TA cloning, Invitro-

gen), sequenced using M13 forward and M13 reverse,

and further analysed on BLAST Rat Sequences


Flow cytometry analysis

Leukocytes were isolated from whole blood, spleen,

thymus, lymph nodes and bone marrow of GFP-

transgenic or wild-type SD rats and analysed using a

FACSCalibur flow cytometer and CellQuest software

(Becton–Dickinson, Pont de Claix, France). EGFP-

expressing cells were directly identified in the FL-1

channel. The level of GFP expression in each specific

leukocyte subset was determined by staining with

PE-conjugated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) spe-

cific for CD11b/c-positive monocytes/macrophages

(OX42), NK cells (3.2.3), CD45R-positive B cells

(His24), T cell receptor (TCR)? ab cells (R7.3),

CD4? cells (OX35) and CD8? cells (OX8) (all

antibodies from BD Pharmingen).

Bone marrow-derived DCs were analysed by

staining cells with PE-conjugated mAbs specific for

MHC class II (OX6), CD80 (B7.1) and CD86 (B7.2)

(all antibodies from BD Pharmingen).

Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells

(MSCs) were analysed with PE-conjugated mAbs

specific for CD90 (OX7), MHC class I (OX18),

CD106 (MR106), CD73 (5F/B9), CD44 (OX49),

MHC class II, CD45 (OX1 ? OX30), CD11b (WT.5)

and CD31 (TLD-3A12) (all antibodies from BD


PE-labelled mouse anti-IgG1 (Immunotech) anti-

body was used as a negative control.

Isolation of splenic myeloid DCs (mDCs)

and plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs)

Spleen fragments were digested in 2 mg/ml collage-

nase D (Roche Diagnostics, Meylan, France) for

30 min at 37�C followed by addition of EDTA at

10 mM for 5 min. Cells were separated into high-

density cells (containing most of the pDCs) and low-

density cells (containing most of the myeloid OX62?

DCs) using a 14.5% Nycodenz (Nycomed, Oslo,

Norway) gradient centrifugation as previously described

(Voisine et al. 2002).

Low-density cells were stained with TCRab-biot

followed by streptavidin-PerCpCy5.5, CD4-PE, and

CD103-Alexa Fluor 647 (OX62) mAbs. OX62high

CD4- and OX62lowCD4? cells were then analysed

on a FACS LSRII (Becton–Dickinson) after excluding

TCR? cells.

pDCs were isolated from high-density spleen cells

after removal of red blood cells. T and partial B cell

depletions were performed by incubating cells with

anti-TCRab and TCRcd(V65), CD45RA (OX33),

OX12 and OX8 mAbs, followed by a mixture of anti-

mouse coated magnetic beads (Dynal Biotech, Oslo,

Norway) as previously described (Hubert et al. 2004).

Cells were then stained with TCRab-biot followed by

streptavidin-PerCpCy5.5, CD45R-PE and CD4-Alexa

Fluor 647 mAbs. CD45R?CD4high were analysed on

a FACS LSRII after excluding TCR? cells.

Isolation and expansion of bone marrow-derived


BMDCs were obtained as previously described

(Peche et al. 2005). Briefly, bone marrow cells

isolated from tibias and femurs of GFPhigh-transgenic

or wild-type rats were cultured for 8 days in medium

supplemented with rat IL4 or murine granulocyte–

macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF).

Medium plus cytokines were renewed on days 3

and 6. At day 8, adherent immature BMDCs were

harvested and matured by a 48 h treatment with

0.5 lg/ml LPS (E. coli 0111:B4 strain; Invitrogen,

San Diego, CA). Non adherent mature BMDCs were

collected for analysis.

Isolation and enrichment of bone marrow-derived


MSCs were obtained as previously described (Azizi

et al. 1998). Briefly, bone marrow cells were

collected by flushing the femurs and tibias of

GFPhigh-transgenic or wild-type rats. These cells

were cultured in a-MEM medium supplemented with

20% fetal calf serum (FCS, Invitrogen). After 24 h,

the nonadherent cells were removed and fresh

medium was added to the adherent cells. The cells

were further propagated for 4 passages. The pheno-

type of GFP-positive or wild-type MSCs was char-

acterized after 4 passages. Osteogenic differentiation

was achieved by addition of phosphate derivates

748 Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763


(10 mM) and dexamethasone (10-8 M) to the culture

medium. After 14 days, differentiation into osteo-

cytes was confirmed by alkaline phosphatase


Isolation and culture of neural stem/progenitor

cells (NSCs)

Primary cultures of neural stem cells (NSCs) were

established from the whole brain of 15-day-old

GFPhigh transgenic rat foetuses as previously

described (Sergent-Tanguy et al. 2006). Briefly,

tissues freed of meninges were incubated with

0.05% trypsin for 15 min at 37�C. Following addition

of 10% FCS, tissues were exposed to 100 lg/ml of

DNase I prior to mechanical trituration. Cells were

plated in medium composed of Dulbecco’s modified

Eagle medium (DMEM)/Ham’s F12 (1/1, v/v),

supplemented with 10% FCS, 33 mM glucose,

5 mM HEPES (pH 7.2), 100 lg/ml streptomycin

and 100 U/ml penicillin. The next day, the floating

cells were harvested, washed, plated in uncoated

dishes and expanded as neurospheres for 10 days in a

serum-free medium supplemented with N2 (Invitro-

gen, Cergy Pontoise, France) in the presence of

25 ng/ml fibroblast growth factor-2. Neurospheres

were then collected, enzymatically dissociated and

either transplanted or differentiated in vitro.

In vitro differentiation of GFP-positive NSCs

GFP-positive neurospheres were plated at a concen-

tration of 2 9 105 cells/cm2 onto poly-L-ornithine-

coated coverslips in serum-supplemented medium.

The next day, the medium was changed and the cells

were grown for 3 days in N2-supplemented medium.

Cells were then fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde

(PFA) for 10 min, washed in PBS and kept in PBS

containing 0.1% sodium azide at 4�C until processed

for immunocytochemistry.

In vivo differentiation of GFP-positive NSCs

The transplantation was performed as previously

described (Remy et al. 2001). Deeply anesthetized

male SD rats were placed in a stereotaxic frame

(Stoelting, Wood Dale, IL, USA) and 2 ll of

dissociated GFP-positive NSCs (2 9 105 cells/ll)

were transplanted unilaterally into the striatum (AP,

?0.7; L -2.8; V -5.4 and -5.8 mm) at a rate of

0.8 ll/min using a 10-ll Hamilton syringe The

needle was left in place for 4 min and then slowly

withdrawn to avoid aspiration of the transplanted

cells. Transplanted rats did not receive any form of

immunosuppressive treatment. Hundred twenty days

after transplantation, animals were transcardially

perfused with cold 4% PFA in 0.1 M phosphate

buffer (PB). Brains were then removed from the skull

and cryoprotected in two successive solutions of 15

and 30% sucrose in 0.1 M PB, then embedded in

cryomount (Tissue-Tek, Elkhart, IN) and serially

sectioned into 16 lm sections on Superfrost slides.

Slides were stored at -80�C until processed for


Analysis of GFP expression in transgenic rat


The GFP-transgenic rats were sacrificed at 8–

12 weeks of age. Animals were anaesthetized and

transcardially perfused with 4% PFA in 0.1 M PB.

Tissues were cryoprotected successively in 15 and

30% sucrose in 0.1 M PB, then embedded in cryo-

mount and cryosectioned into 10–14 lm sections on

Superfrost slides. Slides were stored at -80�C until

ready to be viewed and then thawed at room

temperature. Upon thawing sections were rehydrated

with PBS buffer. Fluorescent tissues were examined

using a Zeiss microscope (Thomwood, NY), and

images were captured with a digital camera (Axio-

CamHRC, Zeiss) driven by AxioVision Release 4.2



For immunostaining, tissues or cells were incubated in

PBS containing 10% (v/v) normal goat serum (NGS)

and 0.3% (v/v) Triton X-100 for 1 h at room temper-

ature. Sections or cells were then incubated overnight

at 4�C with one of the following primary antibodies:

rabbit anti-GFP (Molecular Probes), monoclonal

anti-NeuN (Chemicon), monoclonal anti-DARPP32

(Chemicon), monoclonal HuC/D (Molecular Probes),

mouse anti-GFAP (Sigma–Aldrich), mouse anti-

Nestin (rat 401; Developmental Studies Hybridoma

Bank (DHSB), Iowa City, IA), mouse anti-b-tubulin

isotype III (Tuj-1; Sigma–Aldrich), or mouse anti-RIP

(DHSB). After washing with PBS, sections or cells

Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763 749


were incubated in Alexa488-conjugated anti-rabbit

secondary antibody or Alexa568-conjugated anti-

mouse secondary antibody (Jackson Immunoresearch,

Cambridgeshire, UK) for 1 h at room temperature.

Nuclear staining was performed with DAPI for 5 min.

Slides or glass coverslips were mounted in Dabco-

mounting medium (Fluka).

Adoptive transfer studies

Spleens were removed from adult GFPhigh-transgenic

rats and mechanically disrupted by passage through a

wire mesh. Single-cell suspensions were depleted of

erythrocytes and the remaining leukocytes were

washed and resuspended in HBSS. One hundred

million splenocytes were injected into the lateral tail

vein of adult GFPhigh, GFPlow-transgenic or wild-type

rats. Serum samples and spleens from recipient rats

were collected 14 days after transfer.

Detection of anti-GFP antibodies

Serum samples were analysed for the presence of

antibodies to GFP by an indirect ELISA. Briefly,

microtiter plates were coated with 2 lg/ml of

recombinant GFP (rGFP; Upstate, Temecula, CA)

in PBS for 1 h at 37�C. Plates were washed three

times in PBS/0.05% Tween 20 (PBST) and blocked

with 1% BSA in PBS for 1 h at 37�C. Serum samples

serially diluted in PBST were then added for 2 h at

room temperature. After washing with PBST, plates

were incubated with peroxidase-conjugated donkey

anti-rat IgG (Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories,

Inc) for 1 h at room temperature. After three washes,

TMB substrate reagent (Becton–Dickinson) was

added, and the reaction was stopped after 10 min

by the addition of 1 M H3PO4. Absorbance was read

at 490 nm.

Spleen lymphocyte proliferation studies

Spleens were removed from adult recipient rats and

mechanically disrupted by passage through a wire

mesh. After depletion of erythrocytes, the remaining

leukocytes were cultured in medium supplemented

with 40 lg/ml rGFP and proliferation was deter-

mined 3 days later by uptake of 3H-thymidine

(0.5 lCi/well; Amersham, Orsay, France) during the

last 8 h of culture.

Lentiviral transduction of GFPlow-transgenic rats


High-titer GFP-lentiviral vector stocks (pRRL.SIN-

cPPT.PGK/GFP WPRE) were generated as previ-

ously described by transient transfection of three

plasmids: the transfer GFP vector plasmid, the

packaging plasmid psPAX2encoding virus proteins

and the VSVG envelope protein-coding plasmid

pMD.G (Nguyen et al. 2005).

Transduction of hepatocytes of wild-type or

GFPlow-transgenic rats (8 weeks of age) was achieved

by portal vein injection of 0.5 9 107 infectious units

of virus/gram. Animals were sacrificed 65 days after

gene transfer and GFP expression was analysed in the

liver (as described above). In wild-type rats, this

protocol of gene transfer results in an anti-GFP

immune response leading to the clearance of GFP?

liver transduced cells.

Statistical analysis

Statistical significance was assessed using a one-way

ANOVA test (Newman-Keuls Multiple Comparison

Test). Differences were considered significant for p

values \ 0.05.


Generation of eGFP-transgenic rat lines

eGFP-transgenic rat lines were generated by perivi-

telline injection of a recombinant lentiviral vector

(Fig. 1a) into 109 fertilized rat eggs. Of the 10 pups

born, PCR analysis showed that 6 were transgenic

founders. FACS analysis revealed that 4 founders

expressed low-to-high levels of GFP in peripheral

blood leukocytes. No fluorescence was detected in

the 2 others. The founder with the highest levels of

fluorescence (referred to as GFPhigh-transgenic) in

peripheral blood cells was selected and its GFP

expression pattern characterized more extensively.

The founder with low expression (referred to as

750 Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763


GFPlow-transgenic) was chosen to assess the immune

response towards GFP.

The Southern blot analysis of the GFPhigh and

GFPlow-transgenic lines showed that each of them

harboured only one copy of the transgene (Fig. 1b)

and the precise definition of the transgene insertion

into the genome was obtained using LM-PCR method

(Fig. 1c).

F1 and following generations resulted from

respective crossing of male founders or F1–F2-

transgenic animals with wild-type female rats. The

level and pattern of eGFP expression were evaluated

over three generations.

GFP is highly expressed in multiple leukocyte


The level of GFP expression in total leukocytes derived

from peripheral blood, spleen, lymph nodes, thymus

and bone marrow of GFPhigh-transgenic rats was

analysed by flow cytometry (Fig. 2a). High levels of

fluorescence (85–99%) were detected in these animals.

Moreover, as exemplified for the spleen, cells of almost

all lineages analysed, including macrophages, NK, B

and T cells, expressed GFP (Fig. 2b). The relative and

absolute numbers (data not shown) of these various cell

types did not differ between wild-type and transgenic

Fig. 2 GFP expression in the leukocyte subtypes of GFPhigh-

transgenic rats. a Flow cytometry analysis of GFP expression

in leukocytes derived from peripheral blood, spleen, lymph

nodes, thymus and bone marrow in GFPhigh-transgenic rats.

Data indicate the percentage of GFP-positive cells. b Single

cell suspensions were prepared from the spleen of GFPhigh-

transgenic or wild-type rats, stained with PE-conjugated

monoclonal antibodies specific for CD11b/c-positive mono-

cytes/macrophages (OX42), NK cells (3.2.3), B cells (His24),

TCRab-positive cells (R7.3), T CD4? cells (OX35) or T CD8?

cells (OX8) and analysed by flow cytometry. The percentage of

GFP? lineage? and GFP- lineage? cells in transgenic rats and

the percentage of lineage? cells in wild-type rats are indicated

in the corresponding quadrant

Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763 751


752 Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763


rats, indicating that expression of GFP in these cells did

not affect cell development.

GFP is highly expressed in immature mDCs,

pDCs and BMDCs as well as mature BMDCs

DCs in lymphoid organs comprise two cell popula-

tions with different functions, mDCs and pDCs

(Voisine et al. 2002; Hubert et al. 2004). Rat mDCs

are OX62? and are divided in two subtypes,

OX62lowCD4? and OX62highCD4-, with different

functions. GFP expression was analysed in splenic

freshly isolated mDCs and pDCs (Fig. 3a). We

observed that over 95% of both OX62lowCD4? and

OX62highCD4- mDCs expressed GFP. Similarly,

more than 95% of pDCs, defined as CD4?CD45R?,

expressed GFP.

Lymphoid organs DCs are scarce cells and studies

requiring large number of cells for in vitro or in vivo

studies largely rely in the use of expanded BMDCs. In

order to determine whether BMDCs from GFPhigh-

transgenic rats retain their fluorescence after differ-

entiation and maturation in vitro, we derived DCs

from bone marrow by culturing them for 8 days in the

presence of GM-CSF and IL-4, and then assessed their

fluorescence after 2 days in the absence or presence of

LPS to induce their maturation. Flow cytometry

analysis showed that LPS-induced DC maturation

had no effect on GFP expression (Fig. 3b). Moreover,

the cell surface phenotype of these cells did not differ

significantly between immature GFP?-BMDCs and

wild-type cells (Fig. 3b, upper histogram), suggesting

that differentiation of these cells is not affected by

GFP expression. In addition, no statistical difference

in phenotypic maturation was observed between GFP-

expressing BMDCs and wild-type upon LPS activa-

tion (Fig. 3b, bottom histogram). These data suggest

that GFP expression does not affect DC maturation.

Characterization of GFP-positive bone marrow-

derived MSCs

MSCs were isolated from bone marrow of GFPhigh-

transgenic rats and expanded over a period of 21 days

(four passages). Flow cytometry analysis showed that

nearly 80% of MSCs were GFP-positive (Fig. 4a). We

further characterized these cells by analysing the

expression of different cell-surface markers, known

to be expressed or not by in vitro expanded MSCs.

More than 90% of cells expressed CD90 (Thy-1),

suggesting that they were in an undifferentiated state.

These cells also expressed CD106 (VCAM-1), MHC

class I and CD73 (SH3), but not CD11b, MHC class II

or CD44. Finally, GFP?-MSCs were negative for

hematopoietic and endothelial markers such as CD45

and CD31 (PECAM-1) (Fig. 4a). These GFP-positive

cells presented similar phenotypic characteristics to

those derived from wild-type rats. We also showed that

GFP-positive MSCs exhibited a spindle-shaped fibro-

blastic morphology following expansion (Fig. 4b, left

panel) and maintained their potential to undergo

osteogenic lineage differentiation under appropriate

conditions, as indicated by alkaline phosphatase

staining (Fig. 4b, right panel).

These data suggest that GFP expression does not

affect the morphology, phenotype or differentiation

potential of MSCs.

GFP expression in adult non-neural tissues

Tissue sections obtained from the non-neural organs

of adult GFPhigh-transgenic rats were examined for

native GFP expression with direct fluorescence under

a 488-nm excitation light (data are summarized in

Table 1).

In the heart, diffuse expression of GFP was

detected in cardiomyocytes, and high levels were

observed in parenchyma-isolated cells with leuko-

cyte-like morphology (Fig. 5a). The kidney also

expressed high levels of GFP in tubules, whereas no

fluorescence was detected in glomeruli (Fig. 5b). In

pancreatic tissue, strong expression was observed in

islets of Langherans with lower expression in exocrine

acini (Fig. 5c). The testis showed strong expression of

GFP in the seminiferous tubules (Fig. 5d). The gut

and stomach also expressed moderate levels of GFP,

whereas a weak expression was observed in the liver

Fig. 3 GFP expression in splenic mDCs and pDCs and in

bone marrow-derived DCs. a Flow cytometry analysis showing

GFP expression in OX62highCD4- mDCs (upper left histo-gram) and OX62lowCD4? mDCs (upper right histogram), and

in CD45R?CD4? pDCs (bottom histogram), derived from the

spleen of GFPhigh-transgenic rats. b Flow cytometry analysis

showing the expression levels of GFP and various cell surface

markers (MHC class II, CD80 and CD86) in immature (upperhistograms) and LPS-matured (bottom histograms) BMDCs

derived from the bone marrow of GFPhigh-transgenic or wild-

type rats. The numbers within the graph indicate the percentage

of positive cells


Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763 753


and skin (Table 1). No fluorescence was detected in

skeletal muscle (Table 1).

GFP expression in adult CNS tissues and in neural


Sections obtained from the neural tissues of GFPhigh-

transgenic adult rats were examined for native GFP

expression with direct fluorescence under a 488-nm

excitation light (data are summarized in Table 2).

In the olfactory system, GFP was strongly

expressed in the granular cell layer of the accessory

olfactory bulb (Fig. 6a) and also in the internal

granular layer (data not shown) but in no other

structures (data not shown). In the cortex, numerous

neurons expressed GFP (Fig. 6b). Analysis of the

hippocampus also revealed high levels of GFP

expression in most cells of the granular layer of the

dentate gyrus (Fig. 6c) and in the pyramidal layer of

the CA1-3 fields of the Ammon’s Horn (Fig. 6d and

data not shown). Interestingly, NeuN immunostaining

showed an almost total coexpression of GFP positive

cells with cell bodies of neurons from the dentate

gyrus (Fig. 6g–i) and with cell bodies and axonal

Fig. 4 Characterization of GFP-positive bone marrow-derived

MSCs. a Passage 4 GFP-positive or wild-type MSCs were

analysed by FACS. Nearly 80% of cells expressed GFP. The

phenotype of GFP-positive or wild-type MSCs was assessed by

staining cells with PE-conjugated control isotype IgG or anti-

rat monoclonal antibodies directed against the following cell

surface markers: CD90, CD106, MHC class I, CD73, CD44,

MHC class II, CD11b, CD45 and CD31. b Morphology of

GFP?-MSCs during proliferation (left panel) and during

differentiation (right panel). After 4 passages in proliferative

conditions, MSCs exhibited a spindle-shaped fibroblastic

morphology. Upon culture for 3 weeks in the appropriate

differentiation medium containing phosphate derivates

(10 mM), GFP?-MSC differentiated into nodules of osteo-

blasts expressing alkaline phosphatase (red staining)

754 Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763


processes from CA3 neurons (Fig. 6j–l). GFP was

also widely expressed in the caudate/putamen area

(Fig. 6e) with a restricted expression to the neuronal

population, in particular GABAergic neurons revealed

by DARPP32 immunostaining (Fig. 6m–o). In the

cerebellum, only the granular layer was GFP-positive.

No expression was detected in the Purkinje cell layer

or in the molecular layer (Fig. 6f). We also analysed

GFP expression in several other brain regions and in

the spinal cord (Table 2). Double labelling experi-

ments with GFP and anti-GFAP or anti-RIP antibod-

ies, to detect astrocytes and oligodendrocytes,

respectively, revealed no GFP expression by these

glial cells (data not shown).

We analysed GFP expression in neural stem/

progenitor cells (NSCs) derived from embryonic

whole brain. In culture, NSCs grow in suspension in

defined medium supplemented with mitogens where

they form spherical aggregates called neurospheres

(Gritti et al. 1996). Neurospheres consist mainly of

progenitor cells with a restricted proliferative and

phenotypic potential, and also of a small number of

multipotent neural stem cells.

After 5 days of culture, floating aggregates shown

in Fig. 7a displayed neurosphere-like morphology as

expected, and most of them strongly expressed GFP

(Fig. 7b). FACS analysis of a single-cell suspension

after dissociation of the neurospheres revealed that

nearly 80% were GFP-positive (Fig. 7c). GFP-

positive neurospheres expressed nestin (Fig. 7g),

which is a marker of neural stem/progenitor cells in

the central nervous system (Lendahl et al. 1990).

When GFP-expressing neurospheres were dissociated

and plated onto an adherent substrate in appropriate

culture conditions, a fraction of the cells differenti-

ated into oligodendrocytes (Fig. 7h), astrocytes

(Fig. 7l) and neurons (Fig. 7p), as identified with

cell-type-specific antibodies. Dual immunostaining

revealed that all oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and

neurons expressed GFP (Fig. 7k, o, s, respectively).

Thus, although only neurons expressed GFP in the

CNS, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes as well as

neurons derived from neurospheres expressed GFP.

To investigate the in vivo differentiation potential

of GFP-positive NSCs, we transplanted single cell

suspension of dissociated NSCs generated from E15

Fig. 5 GFP expression patterns in non-neural tissues in adult

GFPhigh-transgenic rats. GFP expression was visualized by direct

fluorescence in a the heart, b kidney, c pancreas and d testis of

GFPhigh-transgenic rats. Each inset depicts the corresponding

background signal of wild-type tissue. Magnification = 940.

Abbreviations: G glomeruli; I islets of Langherans

Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763 755


GFPhigh-transgenic rats into the striatum of wild-type

SD rats. Four months after transplantation, GFP-

positive cells were differentiated in Hu-positive

neurons (Fig. 8). No GFP-positive/GFAP, OX42 or

RIP—positive cells were observed in transplanted


These data suggest that NSCs derived from these

GFPhigh-transgenic rats could be a useful tool for

studying the development and fate of transplanted

neural cells in replacement strategies.

Low-expresser GFP-transgenic rats are tolerant

to GFP

It is well documented that when cells expressing a

reporter molecule such as GFP are transferred into

immunocompetent hosts, they are often eliminated,

even in syngeneic combinations, as a result of GFP

immunogenicity (Stripecke et al. 1999; Gambotto

et al. 2000; Rosenzweig et al. 2001). Thus, the

availability of marker protein tolerant animals would

be very useful for the long-term analysis of labelled

cells or tissues, in particular in transplantation and

immunological studies.

Table 1 GFP expression in non-neural tissues in adult

GFPhigh-transgenic rats

Tissues and cell types Fluorescence intensity


Cardiomyocytes ?

Isolated parenchymal cells ???


Tubules ???


Islets of langerhans ???

Exocrine acini ?


Seminiferous tubules ???

Ovary ??

Stomach ??

Gut ?

Liver ?

Skin ?

Skeletal muscle Undetectable

GFP expression was examined by direct fluorescence in PFA-

perfused non-neural tissues in adult (8–12 weeks old) GFPhigh-

transgenic rats. Plus signs (?) indicate the degree of relative

fluorescence intensity: ?, weak expression; ??, moderate

expression; ???, strong expression

Table 2 GFP expression in neural tissues in adult GFPhigh-

transgenic rats

Neural tissues Fluorescence intensity

Olfactory bulb

Granular cell layer of the AOB ???

Internal granular layer of the OB ???

Cortex ??


CA1-3 regions ???

Dentate gyrus ???

Corpus callosum Undetectable

Caudate/putamen ???


Lateral septal nucleus ??

Amygdala ??

Substantia nigra (pars compacta) Undetectable


Granular layer ???

Purkinje cells Undetectable

Molecular layer Undetectable

Spinal cord ?

GFP expression was examined by direct fluorescence in PFA-

perfused non-neural tissues in adult (8–12 weeks old) GFPhigh-

transgenic rats. Plus signs (?) indicate degree of relative

fluorescence intensity: ?, weak expression; ??, moderate

expression; ???, strong expression

AOB accessory olfactory bulb; OB olfactory bulb

cFig. 6 GFP expression in the central nervous system of adult

GFPhigh-transgenic rats. a–f GFP expression was visualized by

direct fluorescence in a the accessory olfactory bulb, b cortex,

c dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, d the CA3 field of the

Ammon’s Horn of the hippocampus, e the caudate/putamen

and f the cerebellum of GFPhigh-transgenic rats. Magnifica-

tion = 910 (a, c, e, f) and 9 20 (b, d). g–l Dual GFP/NeuN

(neuronal marker) immunostaining was performed to demon-

strate GFP (green) and NeuN (red) coexpression (merged) in

(g–i) the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus and in (j–l) the CA3

field of the hippocampus. Magnification = 940. (m–o) Dual

GFP/DARPP32 (specific marker of GABAergic neurons)

immunostaining was performed to demonstrate GFP (green)

and DARPP32 (red) coexpression (merged) in the caudate/

putamen. Magnification = 940. Abbreviations: AOB, acces-

sory olfactory bulb; GrA, granular cell layer of the AOB; Cx,

cortex; DG, dentate gyrus; CA, cornu amonis; CPu, caudate

putamen; cc, corpus callosum; Cb, cerebellum; Gr, granular

layer; Mol, molecular layer

756 Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763


Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763 757


Fig. 7 Neural Stem/progenitor cells cultured as neurospheres

from the whole brain of 15-day-old GFPhigh-transgenic rat

fetuses. a Phase image of neurospheres after 5 days of culture.

The corresponding fluorescence signal in b shows native GFP

expression. c Flow cytometry analysis of isolated cells

from dispersed neurospheres. Data indicate the percentage of

GFP-positive cells. d–g GFP-positive neurospheres express

nestin (red), a specific marker of stem/progenitor cells and

DAPI stains the nuclei. h–s Phenotype of NSCs after 3 days of

differentiation, DAPI stains the nuclei. Certain GFP-positive

cells express markers of: (h–k) oligodendrocytes (RIP, red);

l–o astrocytes (GFAP, red); and p–s neurons (Tuj1, red)

758 Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763


We generated a line of transgenic rats that

expressed low levels of GFP in leukocytes derived

from peripheral blood, spleen, lymph nodes and

thymus or from bone marrow cells (Fig. 9a). More-

over, analysis of native GFP expression by direct

fluorescence in organs and tissues revealed a very

weak signal only in the liver (data not shown).

The low levels of GFP detected in lymphoid

organs suggest that these animals could potentially

display GFP-specific immune tolerance. To verify

this hypothesis, we transferred GFP-positive spleno-

cytes isolated from GFPhigh-transgenic rats, into

syngeneic GFPlow-animals, and analysed the immune

response 14 days later. Wild-type animals were used

as control recipient groups. Splenocytes from low-

expresser rats showed a significantly decreased

proliferation against GFP, equivalent to those of

non-immunized animals, as compared to those from

wild-type littermates (Fig. 9b, left graph). Moreover,

GFPlow-transgenic rats did not develop anti-GFP IgG

antibodies whereas the non-transgenic group devel-

oped high levels (Fig. 9b, right graph). As expected,

GFPhigh-transgenic rats adoptively transferred with

splenocytes from GFPhigh-transgenic rats did not

show anti-GFP immune responses (Fig. 9b).

To confirm a long-term absence of anti-GFP

immune responses in GFPlow-transgenic rats, we

analyzed the GFP-expression level in the liver of

these animals after in vivo transduction by using a

GFP-lentiviral vector. Nearly 50% of cells with

features of hepatocytes from GFPlow-transgenic rats

displayed a persistent expression of GFP at 65 days

after gene transfer (Fig. 9c, right panel). In contrast,

no GFP-expression was detected in transduced wild-

type rats (Fig. 9c, left panel) while expression was

high at 14 days after gene transfer (data not shown).

These findings demonstrate immune tolerance

towards GFP in GFPlow-transgenic rats.


In this study, we characterized two transgenic rat

lines carrying an eGFP gene under the control of the

ubiquitous PGK promoter, generated by using the

lentiviral microinjection technique. As reported by

Lois’s group (Lois et al. 2002) and others (Pfeifer

et al. 2002; van den Brandt et al. 2004; Pfeifer 2006),

this method is highly efficient, since we obtained six

founders among the ten pups born.

We found the pattern and intensity of GFP

expression to vary among the lines derived from

each founder (data in this report and data not shown).

This is likely explained by the different chromosomal

location of the different insertion sites that we

identified by the LM-PCR method (data in this report

and data not shown). These results confirm the

description that up to a third of lentiviral individual

transgenes are subject to epigenetic silencing through

hypermethylation in transgenic pigs generated with

the same lentiviral vector used in this study, which

contains the PGK promoter and deletions of LTRs,

which are prone to hypermethylation (Hofmann et al.

2006). Another publication did not find epigenetic

modifications of lentiviral transgenic rats generated

with a lentiviral vector with the CAG promoter and

also mutated LTRs (Michalkiewicz et al. 2007).

Further studies will be needed to define whether

promoter or species differences result in epigenetic

regulation of lentiviral transgenic animals. Trans-

genes derived from plasmid DNA microinjection are

also subject to complete silencing as well as in

changes in the profile of expression of the promoter

(Karpen 1994; Grieshammer et al. 1995). Silencing of

Fig. 8 In vivo differentiation of GFP-positive NSCs trans-

planted into the striatum of wild-type rats. Representative image

of GFP-positive NSCs stained with the Hu-neuronal marker at

120 days post-cell transplantation. Magnification = 940

Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763 759


Fig. 9 Analysis of anti-GFP immune response in low-

expresser transgenic animals. a GFP expression in the leukocyte

subtypes of GFPlow-transgenic rats. Flow cytometry analysis of

GFP expression levels in leukocytes of peripheral blood, spleen,

lymph nodes, thymus and bone marrow in low-expresser GFP-

transgenic (GFPlow-transgenic) rats. Data indicate the percent-

age of GFP-positive cells. b Adoptive transfer experiments. One

hundred million GFP-positive splenocytes were injected into

the tail vein of adult GFPhigh, GFPlow-transgenic or (wild-type)

wt rats. Two weeks later, spleen and sera were collected.

(Left graph) Proliferation of splenocytes from wt (n = 5),

GFPhigh-transgenic (n = 5), GFPlow-transgenic (n = 5), or

naive (did not receive splenocytes; n = 3) rats against 40 lg/ml

of GFP. (Right graph) Anti-GFP antibodies detected in serum

from wt (n = 5), GFPlow-transgenic (n = 5), GFPhigh-transgenic

(n = 5) or naive (non-immunized; n = 3) rats by ELISA.

Statistical significance of the GFPlow and GFPhigh groups

compared to the wild-type group is indicated by a P value. cAnalysis of GFP expression in lentiviral-transduced liver of

GFPlow-transgenic rats. GFP-lentiviral vector was injected in

8 weeks GFPlow-transgenic (n = 3) or wt rats (n = 3). Analysis

of GFP expression in liver sections from GFPlow-transgenic

(right image) or wt (left image) rats at day 65 after gene

transfer. Nearly 50% of cells with features of hepatocytes from

GFPlow-transgenic rats displayed a persistent GFP expression,

whereas no expression was detected in transduced wt rats. The

insets show non-transduced controls in each group of animals

760 Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763


transgene expression depend on the location of

transgene insertion (heterochromatin higher than

euchromatin), the degree of transgene methylation

and genetic background. It is likely that the different

GFP expression levels between cells of the same

organ, as is the case in kidney where tubule epithelial

cells express GFP whereas glomerular cells are

negative, are also explained by epigenetic regulation.

Despite silencing of some integrated transgenes,

lentiviral vectors compare very favourably with

oncoretroviral vectors which are all uniformly

silenced (Jahner et al. 1982; Pfeifer 2006). A potential

solution to epigenetic silencing could be the use of

sequences that shield the lentiviral transgene, as

recently used in cells in vitro (Zhang et al. 2007).

We thoroughly characterized the GFPhigh-line of

rats that would be useful for regenerative medicine

and transplantation studies because of their high

levels of GFP expression in multiple tissues and

major cell types. Analyses of GFP expression over

three generations in the line described here, revealed

the pattern and intensity of transgene expression to be

stable. Moreover, we observed no significant varia-

tion of fluorescence intensity neither between indi-

vidual rats nor between male and female individuals

(data not shown).

Rats from the GFPhigh-line expressed very high

levels of GFP in all major leukocyte subtypes,

especially in TCRab-positive cells and in both

CD4?CD25? and CD8?CD45RClow regulatory T cell

populations (data not shown). In addition, we observed

similar relative proportions of each cell type between

transgenic animals and wild-type littermates, suggest-

ing that GFP does not affect the development of

the major leukocyte lineages, a finding which is

consistent with the observations of Manfra’s group

(Manfra et al. 2001).

Interestingly, GFP was also expressed by DCs, a

minor subtype of leukocytes with a very important

function in the immune system and never character-

ised in previous transgenic rats. DCs are potent

professional antigen-presenting cells that play a key

role in initiating immune responses or maintaining

self-tolerance and continuously circulate through

lymphoid and non lymphoid tissues in response to a

variety of stimuli. mDCs and pDCs display distinct

anatomical distributions and migration patterns as

well as functions, as exemplified by the predominant

production of IL-12p70 by mDCs and interferon-a by

pDCs (Blanco et al. 2008). Thus, GFPhigh-rats may be

particularly useful for the purification of mDC or

pDC populations, as well as for the expansion of

BMDCs for adoptive cell transfer trafficking studies,

and the analysis of DC-T cells interactions in vivo.

MSCs, most commonly isolated from bone mar-

row, are non-hematopoietic cells with the capacity to

self-renew and to differentiate, depending on the

microenvironment in which they find themselves,

into multiple lineages such as osteoblasts, adipocytes,

chondrocytes, endothelial cells and neural cells

(Barry and Murphy 2004). The growing interest in

the potential use of MSCs in regenerative medicine

supports the broadening field of investigation into the

biology of these cells. In this context, the possibility

of labelling MSCs for their in vivo tracking is a

considerable step forward. Here, we showed that

MSCs derived from the bone marrow of our line of

GFPhigh-transgenic rats, not only expressed high

levels of GFP, but also exhibited the same morpho-

logic, phenotypic and functional properties as wild-

type MSCs. These results suggest that such cells

could be used as donor cells in transplantation

models. MSC-derived from these GFPhigh-transgenic

rats have recently been used in a allotransplantation

model (Rossignol et al. 2009).

A detailed analysis of the organs and tissues of the

GFPhigh-line revealed that almost all of them

expressed GFP, as expected with an ubiquitous

promoter such as PGK, albeit different intensities

could be noted between tissues and between different

cell types within a given tissue, likely as a result of

interactions between the transgene insertion site and

epigenetic regulation. Interestingly, we observed a

strong expression in several cerebral structures, with

the majority of GFP fluorescence observed in certain

subsets of mature neurons, and a relative lack of

native fluorescence in glial cells (data not shown).

These animals have a major advantage compared to

existing lines, in which the majority of neuronal

subtypes of the brain areas analysed were negative for

GFP (Francis et al. 2007). In addition, we showed

that about 80% of neural stem/progenitor cells

isolated from embryonic whole brain and expanded

in vitro expressed GFP and continued to express it

after their differentiation into all CNS cellular types.

When transplanted into the striatum of wild-type rats,

the majority of GFP-positive neural stem/progenitor

cells differentiated into mature neurons. Surprisingly,

Transgenic Res (2010) 19:745–763 761


and in apparent contradiction with the in vitro results,

no GFP expression was detected in astrocytes or

oligodendrocytes, suggesting that the PGK promoter

is inserted in a locus under epigenetic control

resulting in either activation of expression by the in

vitro culture conditions or in suppression of its

expression in vivo. Thus, neural stem/progenitor cells

derived from this GFPhigh-transgenic rats may be very

useful for neuronal replacement strategies, unlike

those obtained from existing lines (Mothe et al. 2005;

Francis et al. 2007) rather interesting for oligoden-

drocytes replacement.

Immune responses to GFP-positive cells and

tissues have been reported in several studies

(Stripecke et al. 1999; Gambotto et al. 2000; Inoue

et al. 2005; Hakamata et al. 2006). This has

considerably hampered the use of GFP-transgenic

rats as a model for long-term cell tracking, both in

adoptive cell transfer and in regenerative and trans-

plantation studies. In this investigation, we developed

a second line of transgenic rats that expressed very

low levels of GFP in lymphoid organs, suggesting that

these animals could potentially display GFP-specific

immune tolerance. Our hypothesis was confirmed by

the absence of both humoral and cellular responses

against both transferred GFP-positive splenocytes and

lentivirus-mediated GFP gene transfer. These findings

demonstrate immune tolerance towards GFP in

GFPlow-transgenic rats. To date, such rat strain has

never been described.

In summary, we have generated two new lines of

GFP-transgenic rats which are of valuable interest to

the scientific community. The ‘‘high-expresser’’ GFP-

transgenic rat line reported in this study might

provide an available source of donor leukocytes, as

well as several other important cell types such as

mesenchymal stem cells, neurons or neural progen-

itor cells, whose traffic and fate could be easily

monitored in vivo. In contrast, the rats of the ‘‘low-

expresser’’ line, described here as being tolerant

towards GFP, could be used as recipients of GFP-

positive cells or tissues for the long-term tracking of

labelled cells in regenerative medicine.

Acknowledgments We wish to thank Dr. Xian Liang Li,

Dr. Laetitia Gautreau and Dr. Thomas Condamine for their

technical assistance (INSERM U643, Nantes, France). This

work was supported by funding from, La Region Pays de la

Loire through the IMBIO program, Biogenouest and Fondation



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