New Energy Technologies Issue 09


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1. Some Experimental News, A.V. Frolov 2. On the Possibility of Controlling of the Course of Time, V.P. Oleinik, Yu.C. Borimsky, Yu.D. Arepjev 3. Spontaneous Polarization of some Glasses and Inexhaustible Energy Source of Direct Current, L.G.

Sapogin, Yu.A. Ryabov 4. New Fuelless Space Power Engineering, V.D. Dudyshev 5. Electrodynamic Explanation of Ball Lightning, S.B. Alemanov 6. Nature of Torsion Fields, V.V. Uvarov 7. Matter, Space and Time in Conception of Aether Field, A.M. Mishin 8. Patent Experts Now are Between a Rock and a Hard Place, V. Sharov 9. Reidar Finsrud’s Perpetual Mobile in Norway, John Pasley 10. Physical Quantum Vacuum is a Source of Electromagnetic Energy, P.M. Shalyapin 11. What is Instantaneous Electrical Communication, V.I. Korobeynikov 12. Investigation of Single-Wire Electric Power System, D.S. Strebkov, S.V. Avramenko, A.I. Nekrasov, O. A.

Roschin 13. Fuelless Monothermic Engine (Invention by Y. Volodko) 14. On Viktor S. Grebennikov Discoveries. Review 15. Experimental Study of Properties of Time. Review 16. Bedini Generator, David Mason 17. Article Update for An Introduction to Gravity, Lew P. Price 18. The CIP Engine Principle, Robert L. Cook 19. The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman, Michael Williamson 20. What is RQM Technology? Review 21. Experimental Data on Time Control by Acad. A.I. Veinik 22. The Space Power Generator by P. Tewari. Review

2 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Some Experimental Newsresult of interaction with physical vacuum, which is aspecial medium. The example of this theory is themethod, which is described in USA patent # 5280864[1]. The authors of this patent described method tocreate weight (mass) changes, which appears in thecombination of the vibration process and charge-discharge of electric capacitor, as development ofrelativistic approach.

Some other authors describe the methods of obtainingof propulsion force due to transformation of rotation intounidirectional impulse or propulsion force. In the mostof cases authors of inventions generate propulsion forcein mechanical devices due to asymmetry of centrifugal(centripetal) force. At the same time, uncompensatedforce is usually directed radially in the flatness ofrotation in the direction of gradient of centrifugalforce. This gradient can be provided by continuous orregulated change of radius of rotation of solid or liquidmass. For example, in the description of the inventionof Russian patent claim #589150 the method ofuncompensated centrifugal force generation due tochange of radius of rotation of mass, which moves oninternal surface of body, is shown.

In USA patent #4631971 [2] a device with twodiametrically placed masses, is described. Each ofthese masses moves by asymmetrical trajectory, whichdistance to axis of rotation is changed; as a resultasymmetry of centrifugal force in flatness of rotationappears. In USA patent #5427330 [3] a similar deviceis described, which radial bracing of rotating massautomatically becomes longer or shorter at the differentintervals of the trajectory that produces asymmetricalcentrifugal force and creates the movement of the wholesystem. USA patent #5782134 [4] describes propulsiongenerator, where unidirectional propulsion in flatnessof rotation is generated due to regulated disbalance ofcentrifugal force, that allows generate propulsion forcein any arbitrary chosen direction, which also lies in theflatness of rotation of the masses.

Periodical propulsion force directed along axis ofrotation is generated in the device [5], where radius ofrotation of two symmetrically placed solid bodies isperiodically changed.

Using of solid-state rotating masses as eccentrics isnot a best method since it is limited by the breakingpoint of the system. Some other technical ideas areknown, which use liquid as working body [6]. Thecomplexity of this system is powerful magnetic fieldand electric field source for generation of magneto-hydrodynamic effect, and that limits the area of practicalapplication of the patent [6].

The simpler method is described in USA patent#3979961 [7]. In this method rotating liquid is used,which in a certain part of its trajectory comes to a

Alexander V. Frolov

General Director, Faraday Lab LtdPOBox 37, St.Petersburg, 193024, Russia,

Phone/fax 7-812-3806564

In 2002 we have developed several R&D projects.Mainly we have investigated topics related with fuel-less power generation, reaction-less propulsion andlongitudinal wave generation. Discussion with ourreaders on the topics can be useful for us and it is thegoal of this publication.

Vortex Drive

This principle in general is known as method oftransformation of rotational motion of mass (workingbody) into translation motion of the system.Experimental unit was designed in our laboratory. Aftertesting of the system it was confirmed that it is possibleto create unidirectional thrust (propulsion force) bymeans of vortex principle. Our company Faraday LabLtd filled Russian Federation patent claim #2002128658of October 25, 2002. It describes METHOD AND DEVICETO CREATE PROPULSION FORCE BY MEANS OFTRANSFORMATION OF ROTATIONAL MOTION INTOTRANSLATIONAL MOTION. In science and engineeringhistory many different methods and devices forpropulsion force generation were proposed. Thesedevices principally differ from reactive systems sincethey do not require reactive throwing of mass outsideof the body of the device. In 1926 G. Shiferstain receivedRussian Patent #10467 for a method where oscillatingmass was used. In 1934 M. Kolmakov (Russian patentclaim #45781) described transport without cohesionwith road because it moves due to inertial forces. In1961 S. Kuptsov and K. Karpuhin received patent#151574 for self-propelled system, which had eccentricsmaking the centrifugal force to get propulsion.

Sure, the development of these technologies isimpossible without reliable theoretical basis. Therefore,the theoretical basis of these methods continuesnowadays and it requires the analysis of physical senseof the phenomenon of inertia. Development of the notionof inertial mass is presented in modern theories as a

3New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

reflecting device. The interaction with the reflector makethe liquid to change direction and to transmit its impulseto the body of the system.

Dr. Spartak M. Polyakov and his son Oleg S. Polyakovdescribe the method and device for axial propulsionforce generation by change of rotation radius of agyroscope, and they have published their experimentaldata [8]. According to this method working mass(gyroscope) is set in rotational motion, and then radiusof rotation of the gyroscope is changed. This radius ofrotation of gyroscope is the controlled parameter ofworking mass rotation. At the time of decreasing ofradius of rotation of working body impulse ofpropulsion force, which is directed along the axis ofrotation, appears. Obviously, the change of radius ofrotation of working mass in this case has only periodicalcharacter; hence, this generated propulsion force is ofthe short-time impulse type. There is no any thrust inthe period of working mass return to the previous state(maximal radius of rotation).

An already known device, which transforms rotationalmotion into translational motion in one direction, isdescribed in the Certificate of the Russian Federationfor Useful Device #20946 [9] by Khrunitchev’s SpaceResearch Center. This is a transformer of rotationalmotion of liquid (mercury) into unidirectionaltranslational motion. The basic element is designed asa cone-spiral tube which is coaxial to the longitudinalaxis of the whole device. At the time of operation aelectromotor (drive), which is connected with a pump,produces the rotation of the helical-spiral tube withmercury. At the initial period of rotation there is relativevelocity difference between mercury (working mass)and the tube, which forms the cone spiral. Due to thisrelative velocity there is short time impulse ofpropulsion force directed along the axis of rotation.However, this interaction of the liquid mass and thetube body is detected only as short (from some secondsto one minute) impulse of propulsion force, whichdisappears in that exact moment when the speed ofrotation of liquid becomes equal to the speed of rotationof the tube body. Experiments, which were made withsuch a device, are described by V.A. Menshikov, one ofthe authors of the article [10].

We tried to create more advanced system and to getcontinuous propulsion force by means of effectivetransformation of kinetic energy of rotating mass intotranslation motion of the whole system. Since theeffectiveness of such systems directly depends on thespeed of rotation of working mass then application ofliquid or gaseous mass allows greatly increase specificcharacteristics of the device comparably with deviceswhere solid-state rotating masses are used. For that itwas designed special cone body (picture on the coverpage, at upper left) of the vortex drive to providecontinuous relative difference of velocities between theworking mass (water) and the body of the system. Ourmethod also includes permanent change of radius ofrotation.


The cone-shaped rotor, which has a helical spiral doneon its cone surface is important part of the design. Fig.1 demonstrates the design of the experimental device.Basic components were made of aluminum. The rotormaximum diameter was about 80 mm, and in the areaof outlet of liquid from the cavity of the cone-shapedbody the rotor diameter was about 20 mm. A standardelectric motor, which power supply was provided bythe accumulator of 12 Volt value, was used to createrotation. The electric power input was about 50 Watt.The speed of rotation was regulated by means of changeof voltage. Measuring of generated force was made byelectric balance which accuracy was to within 0.1 g.

Obtained results allow make a conclusion aboutefficiency of the proposed method and the possibilityof its practical application. Future design should bemade to use rotation of gaseous mass since energy isthe squared function of velocity and it is more useful toincrease rotation speed than the mass.

High Efficiency Transformators

Many different publications in 2002 were devoted tohigh-efficient resonant transformation of electricenergy. Basis of this research topic is standardtransformator, Fig.2 and cover-page photo, at upperright.

Core of the transformator we have used for researchis made of electrotechnical steel; cross section is50x50 mm. Usually it can be used for 500 Watts –1kWtts load. By means of special design and digitalcontrol unit (under investigation and testing now) weare going to create over-unity mode and then todevelop it for self-running operation with some usefulload. Some electronics is necessary to build the controlunit but it is not expensive and in future the systemsof such type (more compact if it is made of permalloy)can become a good commercial product for newenergy market.

4 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

the load is connected. The design of the firstexperimental unit is very primitive and now we canreport only about preliminary results. Only knownsimilar design is described as USA patent, but it seemsto be very complicated since plasma is proposed asmaterial of the rotor according to this USA patent. Afterour patent application is filled then we will continuediscussion about our results.

Vacuum tube as power generation source

In this R&D project we have investigated possibility toincrease kinetic energy of electrons by means ofpotential field (scalar field), if they were emitted fromheated cathode of a vacuum tube. There are severalmethods to get positive results and we are going toincrease output power from present laboratory level (ofseveral miliwatts if standard vacuum tube GU-74 wasused as basis of the system) up to industry level ofkilowatts power output with the new design.

Longitudinal wave generation and time controlexperiments

The longitudinal wave is considered as wave of energydensity in space that allows to develop productiveaether experimental approach and correspondingtechnical methods for space-time engineering,antigravitation and time control ideas. We have signedContract with Dr. Chernobrov, Moscow, on the topic andother authors are also involved in the project. Specialconference and workshop are planned (April 2003 inMoscow) to discuss this topic. One of the systems is aspherical design, on the body there are placed severalemitters of the longitudinal waves. See Fig.4, Fig.5 andphoto at the foot of the cover-page, right.

Magnet Generator - Alternator

This device was built in our laboratory and it includesceramic Barium permanent magnets, 50x50x10 mm size,block size is 50x50x30, the magnetic field is about1Tesla. Diameter of the rotor is about 400 mm. Theprinciple of operation is general method of alternationof magnetic flux, Fig.3 and photo at the foot of the coverpage, left.


Primary drive is standard electromotor, 12VDC. Originalidea is special design (superposition of elements) thatallows to create decrease of electric input power ifuseful load is connected to generator coils, i.e. the rotoris accelerated by load connection. This method wasproposed by Alexander V. Frolov. In this design the back-electromotive force EMF is the reason of the accelerationeffect. Future development of this principle should beself-running prototype. Theoretically, the motor can beused only for primary start and then it can be used asgenerator after the self-running mode is created and if

Fig. 2

5New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002



Detection of focused longitudinal waves in the centerof the system can be made by means of any radio-electronics element, for example it can be usual resistorof the balanced scheme, transistor or quartz oscillator.The wave should produce changes of its physicalproperties and it can be detected as changes in thefrequency of oscillations. Sure, the element should bescreened to avoid usual electromagnetic effects. Wehave investigated frequencies up to 1MHz. To avoid anyunpredictable medical effects we investigate only thevery fine effects. The system is powered by 12VDC,15 A source. But in future after clarification andconfirmation of the conception we’ll increase power upto any necessary for industry level to get new materialsand useful medical effects by means of this technology.

Also there is supposition about possible application ofthe technology for aerospace as propulsion method butwe still have no reliable experimental confirmation ofconnection between longitudinal wave technology andfact of weigh changes. Design of the longitudinal waveemitter can be made by different ways and discussionof the results is topic of our future publications. We willtry to publish more theory about “time and gravitycontrol” conception but now this experimental work canbe considered as topic of aether wave technologies.

Processing of Radioactivity Wastes

We have started this R&D work in collaboration withprofessionals of atom-smasher laboratory, St.Petersburgand after first tests we cannot report that we havesolution of the problem. Some methods we have testedallow us to conclude that influence of the radioactivitysource is possible and spectrum shift was detected butin general the level of radioactivity was not changedduring the test. We will continue this R&D direction.

Asymmetrical capacitors as electrograviticispropulsion method

Simplest tests were made to confirm calculations of theeffect, which was described by T.T. Brown in his USApatent # 3187206 of 1965. Solid-state dielectric ofgradiental permittivity is the topic of modern R&D work.Production of this special material is the main part ofthe work, which is running with professionals of St.-Petersburg institutes and organizations.


1. Patent of the USA #5280864 of January 25,1994, James F. Woodward, Method fortransiently altering the mass of objects tofacilitate their transport or change theirstationary apparent weights.

2. Patent of the USA #4631971 of December 30,1986, Brandson R. Thornson, Apparatus fordeveloping a propulsion force.

3. Patent of the USA #5427330 of June 27, 1995,Ezra Shimshi, Sphereroll.

4. Patent of the USA #5782134 of July 21, 1998,James D. Booden, Electromagneticallyactivated thrust generator.

5. Patent of the USA #5557988 of September 24,1996, John C. Claxton, Centrpetally impelledvehicle.

6. Patents of the USA #5111087 of May 5, 1992,#5334060 of August 2, 1994, #5410198 of April25, 1995, Kemal Butka, Propulsion system.

7. Patent of the USA #3979961 of September 14,1976, Nicholas Josef Schnur, Method andapparatus for propelling an object by anunbalanced centrifugal force with continuousmotion.

8. S.M. Polyakov, O.M. Polyakov, Introduction toexperimental gravitonics, pp. 58-59, Moscow:Prometey, 1991.

9. Certificates of the Russian Federation for usefulmodels #34 of December 10, 2001, V.A.Menshikov, A.F. Akimov, A.A. Kachekan, V.A.Svetlichny, Device transforming rotationalmotion into translational motion in onedirection, p. 396.

10. V.A. Menshikov, Experimental investigations ofthe principles of gravitational propulsionsystems designing, “Flight” (“Polet”)magazine, #10, 2001, pp. 38-39, Moscow, UDK629.78.

6 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002



Department of General and Theoretical Physics,National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute”, Prospect Pobedy 37, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine;


Yu.D. Arepjev

Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Prospect Nauky 45, Kiev, 03028, Ukraine

Report at the VI International ConferenceMaterial Science and Material Properties for Infrared Optoelectronics

Kiev, Ukraine, May 22-24, 2002


The results of an approach based on the synthesis ofstandard quantum electrodynamics and of the ideas ofself-organization in physical systems are brieflyoutlined. The quantum model of electron as an openself-organizing system is constructed, with the physicalmechanism of self-organization consisting in the backinfluence of the own field created by electron on thesame electron. The own field is considered as aphysical property of electron, intrinsically inherent inelectrically charged matter, which is included in thedefinition of the particle. The own field of electronendows the particle with wave properties andrepresents a carrier of superluminal signals, which canbe used for the creation of qualitatively newcommunication systems. Because of the inseparabilityof space and time, the force in relativistic mechanics isthe cause of change not only of the velocity of particle,but also of the course of time along the particle’strajectory. For this reason the flow of time in some areaof space depends on the character of physicalprocesses, occurring in it, and, therefore, time can becontrolled by slowing down or accelerating of itscourse by means of material processes. Theconclusions of the paper are not in conflict with thespecial theory of relativity (STR); they are a directconsequence of relativistic equations of motion andrepresent an essential development of the generallyaccepted notions about space and time. The physicalmechanism of nuclear reactions at low energies causedby spatial extension of electron is considered. Nuclearreactions of this type represent intra-electronicprocesses, more precisely, the processes occurringinside the area of basic localization of electron.Distinctive characteristics of these processes aredefined by interaction of the own field produced byelectrically charged matter of electron with free nuclei.Because of the existence of simple mechanism ofnuclear reactions at low energies, nuclear reactor turnsout to be an atomic delayed-action bomb, which mayblow up by virtue of casual reasons, as it has taken

place, apparently, in Chernobyl. The use of cold nuclearreactions for production of energy will provide mankindwith cheap, practically inexhaustible, and non-polluting energy sources. At present all the necessaryprerequisites are available, both theoretical andtechnical, for the practical mastering of the own fieldsof particles and of the physical properties of time.


As is known, within almost hundred years superluminalsignals were tabooed in physics and everyone wasconfident that such signals couldn’t exist in nature. Butin the last ten-fifteen years the investigations onsuperluminal communication are carried out in manyresearch centers of the world. Some of these centersare listed below: Israel (Tel Aviv University, WeizmannInstitute of Science, Ben-Gurion University of theNegev) - experiments in parametrically amplifyingmedia, USA (University of California, Berkley, LosAlamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge,Massachusetts) - experiments with photon tunneling,Germany (Institut fur Theoretisch Physik, Universitatzu Koeln) - experiments on the digital signal propagationin glass fiber and waveguides, Italy (Università a stataledi Bergamo and Sezione di Milano of I.N.F.N) – theoryand experiments, India (Indian Institute ofAstrophysicsy, Koramangala, Bangalore, Bose NationalCentre for Basic Sciences, Salt Lake, Calcutta), China(Institute of Quantum Mechanics, Beijing), Brazil(Universidade Federal de Alagoas) - application toelectronics.

A variety of mechanisms is now known to give rise tosuperluminal (faster-than-c) group velocities, whichexpress the peak advancement of electromagneticpulses reshaped by material media [1]:

1. Near-resonant absorption. Anomalousdispersion in the linear regime of an absorbingmedium forms the basis for this superluminalreshaping mechanism.

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2. Reduced transmission or evanescent waveformation (tunneling) in passive dielectricstructures. This reshaping mechanism hasbeen attributed to interference betweenmultiply-reflected propagating pulsecomponents in the structure.

3. Soliton propagation in dissipative nonlinearstructures. Superluminal group velocities canoccur in such systems via nonlinear three-waveexchanges, as in stimulated Brillouinbackscattering in the presence of dissipation.They also occur in a non-linear laser amplifier.

4. Pulse propagation in transparent (non-resonant) amplifying media. Superluminal pulsereshaping in this regime has been attributedto either the dispersion or the boundaryreflections of the amplifying medium.

Taboo is removed, at last, in analytical investigationsas well. According to Drummond and Hathrell [2], inmany cases the effect of vacuum polarization is toinduce a change in the velocity of light to ‘superluminal’speeds, i.e. v > c. Really, in classical electrodynamicscombined with general relativity, light propagatessimply along null geodesics. In quantumelectrodynamics, however, vacuum polarizationchanges the picture and the background gravitationalfield becomes a dispersive medium for the propagationof photons. Now such an approach is intensivelydeveloped by many theorists.

Recent manifestations of apparently faster-than-lighteffects confirmed predictions that the group velocityin transparent optical media can exceed c. Specialrelativity is not violated by these phenomena. Moreover,in the electronic domain, the causality principle doesnot forbid negative group delays of analytic signals inelectronic circuits, in which the peak of an output pulseleaves the exit port of a circuit before the peak of theinput pulse enters the input port. Furthermore, pulsedistortion for these “superluminal” analytic signals canbe negligible in both the optical and electronicdomains. An extension of these ideas to themicroelectronic domain is suggested. The underlyingprinciple is that negative feedback can be used toproduce negative group delays. Such negative groupdelays can be used to cancel out the positive groupdelays due to “transistor latency” (e.g., the finite RCrise time of MOSFETS caused by their intrinsic gatecapacitance), as well as the “propagation delays” dueto the interconnects between transistors. Using thisprinciple, it is possible to speed up computer systems[3].

But all these investigations on superluminal informationtransfer deal with optical signals (packets ofelectromagnetic waves). Radically new approach tosuperluminal information transfer is developed by theresearch group on quantum electrodynamics of self-organizing systems and physical properties of time

( results obtained were partly reported in twoprevious SPIE-conferences [4,5] and are summarized inthe monography [6].

As is evident from the analysis of the newestdevelopment of quantum electrodynamics, at presentwe are on the threshold of revolution in engineering.Already now, when one is at the very beginning of thenew ascension, it is possible to indicate with certaintythe following trends of development in engineering inthe 21st century [7].

Firstly, there will be created the essentially new meansand systems of communication working onsuperluminal signals whose bearers are the own fieldsof material bodies. By their physical characteristics –by the speed and range of information transfer, by thecapacity to penetrate through obstacles, by theirreliability in service - the new communications facilitieswill be much superior to the now existing ones.

Secondly, the physical properties of time, whoseexistence was indicated by N. Kozyrev almost half acentury ago, will be used for practical purposes.

Self-organizing electron, its own field, andsuperluminal signals

The standard formulation of QED proceeds fromthe assumption that electron is a structurelesspoint particle. This assumption results in a seriousdifficulty – the divergence of self-energy of electron. Onemore difficulty of the conventional approach is thatquantum mechanics is unable to explain stability of thepoint-like electron. Really, the wave packets, whichcould have a claim on the role of the wave functionsdescribing the behavior of a free point-like electron,spread out in time, which contradicts the experimentalfact of stability of the particle.

The difficulties mentioned above are very serious.According to Dirac, the difficulties of QED “in view oftheir fundamental character can be eliminated only bythe radical change of the foundations of theory, probably,radical to the same extent as transition from the Bohrorbits theory to modern quantum mechanics” ([8],p.403). “Correct conclusion is that the basic equationsare erroneous. They should be changed in such a waythat divergences do not appear at all”. As an analysisof the problem shows, one should abandon all attemptsat using the notion of point-like electron and should takeinto account that the self-action of electron is the key toconstructing a consistent quantum model of theparticle.

New lines of approach to the problem of electron areproposed in [6,9]. The approach represents a synthesisof conventional quantum electrodynamics and the ideasof the theory of self-organization in physical systems[10]. The physical mechanism of self-organizationconsists in the back action of the own field created by

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charged particle upon the same particle. It is describedby the model of open system with the wave functionbelonging to indefinite metric space.

The essence of the approach developed is that the ownfield of electron is considered as a physical propertyintrinsically inherent in the particle and, whenformulating the theory, the own field is included in thedefinition of electron from the very beginning. Thismeans that we adopt as zero approximation not a “bare”electron, but an electron capable to create the own fieldand to “feel” its back influence.

Mathematically, taking into account the back action ofthe own field created by particle upon the same particleresults in the non-linearity of dynamical equationdescribing the behavior of electron. Thus, electronbecomes a self-organizing system, whose physicalproperties, geometrical shape, and linear dimensionsmay be determined in a self-consistent way fromsolutions of the basic dynamical equation. Electron is aquantum (elementary excitation) of the field of chargedmatter localized in a bounded region of space andsubject to the Coulomb self-action.

Since electron represents a clot of electrically chargedmatter, creating the long-range Coulomb forces insurroundings, its environment turns into a medium,which can have a determining influence on physicalproperties of the particle. In view of the long-rangecharacter of the Coulomb field, electron becomes anopen system inseparably bound with the environment.In a sense the whole universe takes part in the formationof electron as a physical system.

Obviously, to describe electron as an open system oneshould introduce into quantum mechanics a radicallynew point, namely: one should replace the model ofisolated system described by harmonic oscillator, whichis at the heart of modern physics, with the model ofopen system. It is pertinent to note here that thequantum particle theory based on the use of the modelsof isolated system is, strictly speaking, physicallymeaningless. Really, any observation conducted on asystem represents a process of interaction of the systemwith the means of observation. In the case ofmicroparticles (quantum particles) this interaction is notweak, and consequently it is inadmissible to neglect it,i.e. microparticles should be necessarily considered asopen systems.

As open system has the richer physical contents incomparison with isolated system, the essentially newmathematical ideas are needed for such a system to bedescribed. To take into account that real electron, beingconsidered as an open system, is inseparably linkedwith surrounding medium, we should first of all increasethe number of dynamical variables describing it. Really,real electron can be imagined as a system consisting oftwo components: one of them should correspond, in asense, to the particle alone (to the “bare” particle) andthe other to the surrounding medium, in which the

particle moves. Therefore, in the simplest model of opensystem one should double the number of dynamicalvariables. To each dynamical variable of the “bare”particle there should correspond two dynamicalvariables, which should be considered as componentsof the wave function describing the quantum state ofparticle. Besides, the system under study should besubordinated to a condition for openness expressingthe fact that real electron is indissolubly bound toenvironment and its interaction with environmentcannot be weak. The condition for openness can beformulated as follows: the open system should makesense only in the event that there are simultaneouslyboth components – the particle alone and theenvironment, and these components should beequivalent.

From the action principle, the basic dynamical equationis derived taking into account the relativity principleand describing the self-acting electron as an open self-organizing system [6,11]. By its appearance thisequation coincides with the usual Dirac equation for acharged particle in an external field described by 4-potential. However, in reality, it differs essentially fromDirac’s equation. The distinction consists in that theequation derived is non-linear and non-local, with thenon-locality being of spatial and temporal character.

As a detailed analysis shows, solutions to the basicdynamical equation of electron describe the clots of self-acting electrically charged matter, localized in space,i.e. electron is a soliton. The self-acting electron can bein different quantum states characterized by internalenergy, dimensions, and geometric shape. The internalenergy spectrum of electron is discrete with an infinitelylarge number of levels. To each value of internal energythere correspond certain linear dimensions andgeometric shape of the region of localization of electron’scharge. Dimensions and the number of extreme of wavefunction increase with increasing the value of internalenergy.

The distribution of electric charge of electron in theground state consists of the range of basic localizationwith the linear dimensions of the order of Bohr radius

)m~a(a 1000 10− and of the tail stretching up to

infinity. Owing to the non-linearity of the dynamicalequation of electron, the wave function does not obeythe superposition principle. In virtue of this electronacquires the properties of absolutely rigid body: theperturbation acting on electron at an instant t in therange of basic localization becomes known at the next

instant )(t 0+→+ εε at any distance from it [12].

According to the generally accepted point of view, thevelocity of light in vacuum is the greatest possiblevelocity of transfer of a signal existing in nature. Thisconclusion was formulated by A. Einstein as aconsequence of the special theory of relativity (STR) asfollows: “... There is no way of sending the signals whichwould propagate faster than light in vacuum “ (see [13],

9New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

p. 157). At the same time the astronomical observationsconducted by N.A. Kozyrev and others [14-16] haveshown that there exists in nature some mechanism ofaction-at-a-distance of one body on the other resultingin the superluminal transfer of signal.

An attempt to find in electrodynamics the physicalmechanism of superluminal transfer of information isundertaken in [4,12]. It is noted here that the physicalbearer of superluminal signals is the own field ofelectrically charged particle. This field is of a dualnature: on the one hand, the own field is governed bythe Maxwell equations and consequently it is anelectromagnetic field and, on the other, it is created bya charged particle and cannot exist when the particleis absent, i.e. it represents in some sense a constituentpart of the particle. It is not surprising that the ownfield of particle considerably differs by its physicalproperties from the field of electromagnetic waves: it isof a purely classical character and cannot be reducedto the set of photons. The own field seems to beresponsible for the wave properties of particle, whichare manifested in experiments on diffraction of electrons.The function of the own field of a charged particle is totransform the environmental space to a physicalmedium with the properties of an absolutely solid body.One of the physical properties of this medium is that itis capable of transferring a signal, connected with aperturbation occurring at some point of space,instantaneously to arbitrarily large distances.

According to [4,12], the transverse vortexelectromagnetic field consists of two componentssignificantly different from each other by their physicalcharacteristics - the electromagnetic waves and theown field of charged particles. To these componentsof electromagnetic field there correspond twomechanisms of transferring a signal (information): (1)the instantaneous transfer of a signal via the own fieldof charged particles, representing the standing wavesof matter rigidly linked with particles and going fromthem to infinity or to other particles, the own field beingcapable of transferring a perturbation both with thespeed of light and instantaneously; and (2) the transferof a signal with the speed of light by means ofelectromagnetic waves, which are emitted by particleswhen they move with acceleration and then separatefrom the particles. It should be stressed that bothmechanisms of transferring information mentionedabove work simultaneously as though duplicating eachother.

The existence of instantaneous signals necessarilyfollows from both the laws of electrodynamics and themost general considerations. As the own field of electronis inseparable from the particle, electron and its ownfield should be considered as a single physical system.In view of the long-range character of the own field,this system fills in the whole space. In order for such asystem to be stable, a physical mechanism should existcombining its parts into a unit. The instantaneoustransfer of information via the potential and vortex

components of the own field of electron is, apparently,such a mechanism. In other words, the instantaneoussignals are indissolubly related to the processes of self-organization, resulting in formation of the internalstructure of charged particles.

To specify the physical mechanism of superluminaltransfer of information, let us turn to the quantum theorytaking into account self-action. According to it, electronrepresents a soliton - a clot of electrically charged matterhaving the physical properties of absolutely solid body(because of the violation of superposition principle). Itis a complicated dynamical system consisting of aregion of basic localization, with the sizes being of theorder of Bohr radius for the ground state of particle, of atail, extending up to infinity, and of the own field. Thepresence of the tail manifests itself in that the chargedensity of the self-acting electron proves to be distinctfrom zero (though rather small in magnitude) far outsidethe region of basic localization of particle. Theoscillations of the charge density, occurring in thisregion, are instantaneously transferred along the tailvia the own field of particle to any distances and excitethe oscillations of electric and magnetic fields at eachpoint of space. This process ensures that informationabout a physical event occurring at some point of spacecan be gained immediately from a measurementconducted at any place of the universe. It should benoted that the effect is absent for a point-like particle.

As is known, the presence of an environment capableof transferring an oscillation from one point of space tothe other is a necessary condition for the existence ofwaves. For electromagnetic waves, such anenvironment is, apparently, the own field of particle.The latter is similar to the elastic strings that bindelectric charges to the environmental medium andendow it with properties of an absolutely solid body.These strings are inseparable from the charged particle,they are not of photon structure and consequently theycannot be destroyed without destroying the particle,with which they are connected. When a charged particlemoves with acceleration, a photon field is split out ofits own field, the vortex own field of the particle beingdeformed and losing its axial symmetry.

Generally, the own field of particle contains fourcomponents according to the four now known types ofinteraction - electromagnetic, weak, strong, andgravitational. Each of these components is a classicalfield linking the particle to the surrounding world viasuperluminal signals [7].

The inference about the possibility of superluminaltransfer of a signal with the help of self-field of chargedparticles is in the obvious contradiction with thestandard point of view, which for the first time wasformulated by A. Einstein as a consequence of thespecial theory of relativity [13]. A detailed analysis ofthe problem shows, however, that our conclusion is inagreement with STR. The standard point of view is trueonly at first sight; it cannot be proved within the

10 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

framework of STR. As is obvious from the analysis ofthe superluminal excitation transfer through the ownfield of particle [6], the statement that the transfer ofsignals with faster-than-light speed is impossible is inessence an additional postulate contradictingMaxwell’s equations.

The generally accepted standard evidence thatsuperluminal signals cannot exist in nature is erroneous.The fallacy of the evidence consists in that the causalrelationship between two events is analyzed within theframework of kinematics without using the equationsof motion. The causality problem is, however, a problemof dynamics, because the case in point is the transferof interaction from one event to the other. Hence, it canbe solved only by the analysis of solutions of dynamicalequations subordinated to proper boundary conditions.Remaining in the framework of kinematics, it isimpossible in principle to solve the causality problem.In the generally accepted reasoning relating tosuperluminal signals, dynamics is not considered at alland consequently the conclusion about impossibilityof superluminal signals is not justified.

The change of the course of time in external fields

In Newtonian mechanics time is of an absolutecharacter, it does not change as one passes from oneinertial reference frame to another and representsmerely a parameter, whose change, at the will ofexplorer, results in the change of state of a mechanicalsystem in accordance with the equation of motion.

In relativistic mechanics time remains a parameterdescribing the development of system. But now timeand space are intimately linked with each other to forma single whole – the 4-dimensional space-time. In goingfrom one inertial frame of reference to another time getsentangled with spatial coordinates, so that time in onereference frame represents a “mixture” of time andcoordinates in the other. Time ceases to be universal,the same in all inertial reference frames; it takes on arelative character.

The indissoluble association of time and space takeson special importance in the light of the concept ofphysical field, which was called by Einstein the mostimportant discovery in physics after the times ofNewton. According to this concept, the occurrence inspace of a force field means that space turns into aphysical environment, which is capable to interactdirectly with other bodies and gains, thus, physicalproperties, becoming an active participant of physicalprocesses. In view of the fact that space and time areindissolubly related to each other, the presence of a forcefield in some area of space must necessarily result inthe appearance of physical properties of time causedby the motion of body in this area.

Thus, from the synthesis of the notion of space-time andof the idea of physical field it follows with necessitythat the course of time in a given region of space should

depend on physical processes in this region, i.e. time,as well as space, should have physical properties[5,7,17].

It should be emphasized that in STR time and spatialcoordinates are independent and formally equal in rightsquantities, which determine the position of elementaryevents in space-time. On the other hand, time standsout in relation to spatial coordinates. The special role oftime is due, from the viewpoint of geometry, to thepseudoeuclidity of geometry of the 4-dimensional space.From the physical point of view, it is associated withthe dynamical principle (causality principle), accordingto which the state of motion of a physical system at aninstant of time t uniquely defines its behavior at thenext instant of time 0+t . The significance of dynamicalprinciple lies in the fact that it relates the temporalevolution of system to the physical processes causedby force fields and in doing so it allows one to determinethe course of time in the system, its possibledependence upon the character of physical processes,and not just the sequence of events and their duration.

The idea about the existence of the physical propertiesof time belongs to N. Kozyrev [14]. By introducing intomechanics an additional parameter taking into accountthe directivity of the course of time, Kozyrev hasformulated causal (asymmetrical) mechanics fromwhich it follows that time has physical properties.According to the results of theoretical and experimentalinvestigations conducted by Kozyrev and his followers[14-16], events can proceed not only in time, but alsowith the help of time, information being transmitted notthrough force fields, but via a temporal channel, andthe transfer of information happens instantaneously.According to [5,7,17], the conclusion that physicalproperties of time exist follows strictly from relativisticmechanics, without introducing any additionalhypotheses. The physical properties of time are of purelydynamical nature: their existence results from dynamicalprinciple. The availability of physical properties of timeis manifested in that time has a local inhomogeneity:its course along the trajectory of motion of a pointparticle in a force field is continuously changed, andthis change in the course of time is a result of the actionupon the particle of a force field in the inertial referenceframe, in which the motion is considered.

The elucidation of the physical nature of time is one ofthe most important problems of theoretical physics. Thepurpose of research on the problem of time is to studythe physical properties of time, i.e. to ascertain thepossible interrelation between time and materialprocesses. In particular, it is of interest to find out

• whether the flow of time depends upon physicalprocesses and whether the back influenceexists of the change of the course of time onphysical processes,

• what mechanisms of the change of the courseof time exist,

11New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

• what factors are capable to speed up or toslow down the flow of time.

In our papers on the basis of Lorentz transformationsrelating to coordinates of points, lying on the trajectoryof motion of particle in a force field, the phenomenon oflocal dynamical inhomogeneity of time is predicted. Themain result consists in the proof that material processesoccurring in a physical system under the action of aforce field necessarily influence the course of time alongthe trajectory of motion of particle. The case in point isthe change of the course of time along particle’strajectory in one inertial reference frame as comparedwith that in the other. Also the relationship is obtainedwhich relates the course of time on one path section ofa particle when moving in a force field to that on theother path section in the same inertial reference frame[17]. The main idea underlying the approach developedresults from the analysis of Lorentz transformations andconsists in that the course of time of a particle movingby inertia, i.e. not subject to the influence of a force,should be uniform.

As is well known, the existence of the dependence ofthe course of time on gravitational field, for example, issubstantiated in the general theory of relativity (GTR).In this connection the question arises: What is new inthe approach being developed?

First of all, it is pertinent to make here a quotation from[18] (see p. 303): “Already in the special theory ofrelativity the flow of true time is different for the clocksmoving relative to each other. In the general theory ofrelativity (GTR) the true time flows in different waysalso at different points of space in the same referenceframe. This means that the interval of proper timebetween two events occurring at some point of spaceand the interval of time between the events taking placesimultaneously with them at the other point of space,generally speaking, are different from each other”. As“the gravitational field is nothing but the change of thespace-time metrics”([18], p. 313), one can assert,apparently, that the change of the course of time is due,from the point of view of the GTR, to the change of the4-dimensional space metrics.

In the approach being developed, the gravitational fieldis considered as an ordinary force field and the motionof particle is assumed to occur in the pseudo-Euclideanspace-time. The formulas received describe the changeof the course of time in an arbitrary force field at differentpoints of space in the same inertial reference frame.According to the results received, the change in thecourse of time in a force field is by no means connectedwith the change of the space-time metrics. It is causedby the action of the force field on particle in inertialreference frame and follows directly from the dynamicalprinciple underlying relativistic mechanics.

It is known, also, that the GTR predicts the red shift ofspectral lines in gravitational field. As is seen from ourresults, the shift of spectral lines in gravitational field

is connected not with the change of the space-timemetrics, but with that the gravitational field is a forcefield. According to our approach, force is the reason ofthe change in the course of time and, hence, the reasonof the shift of spectral lines of atoms (the case in pointis merely that part of the shift which has a bearing onthe change in the course of time).

It should be emphasized that, from the point of view ofquantum electrodynamics, the shift of spectral lines ofatoms is caused by interaction of atoms with force fields.This interaction results in the occurrence of the energylevel shifts of atoms and, hence, is the reason of theshift of spectral lines. Evidently, the energy level shiftscontain a component connected with the change of thecourse of time, and its magnitude can be calculated byour formulas.

If the force field is gravitational, the picture shouldremain the same: the shift of a spectral line of atom,caused by the gravitational field, should consist of twocomponents - one of them is connected with the changeof the course of time in gravitational field and the otherhas no bearing on this change.

The basic result of our research on the problem of timeis that the strict proof is given of the Kozyrev hypothesisabout the existence of physical properties of time, anda general relationship is received connecting the courseof time on one path section of a particle moving in aforce field with the course of time on the other in thesame inertial reference frame. Briefly, basic conclusionmay be formulated as follows [17]: in relativisticmechanics, the force acting on a particle in an inertialreference frame is the reason of change of the courseof time along the particle’s trajectory.


According to [6,7] the own field of electrically chargedparticles belongs among the physical fields, which arecapable to transfer signals with superluminal speed.The inevitability of existence of superluminal signals isevident from quantum theory of electron treated as anopen self-organizing system [6]. In conformity with thistheory, taking into account the self-action of electroncauses it to become a spatially extended dynamicalsystem, namely: it consists of a region of the basiclocalization of electric charge, with the sizes being ofthe order of Bohr radius, (~10-10 m), of a tail of thedistribution of electric charge extending up to infinity,and of the long-range own field. Apparently, in orderthat such a dynamical system can be stable, a physicalmechanism should exist combining its parts into a unit.Superluminal signals are such a mechanism, making,thus, an important element of structural organizationof matter that provides stability of real physical systems.

From the synthesis of the idea of unified space-timeunderlying special theory of relativity (STR) and theconcept of physical (force) field, it follows with necessitythat time, like space, has physical properties [5,17]. This

12 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

means that the course of time in some region of spacedepends on physical processes occurring in this region.The change in the course of time, in turn, influencesphysical processes. The results obtained areunambiguously indicative of the capability, on the onehand, to control the course of time in some region ofspace with the help of electronic processes and, on theother, to influence the behaviour of physical system bymeans of physical properties of time. The ability tochange the course of time in the process of motion,which can be referred to as “the feeling of time”,represents one of the most fundamental physicalproperties of any form of matter internally inherent in itby the very nature of things.

The existence of superluminal signals does notcontradict STR. The conclusion that superluminalsignals do not exist in nature, formulated at thebeginning of the twentieth century as a consequenceof STR, was drawn from purely kinematical reasoning,while the transfer of signal is a dynamical process,which can be correctly described only on the basis ofthe solution of dynamical equations.

The inferences obtained point to the possibility ofcreating qualitatively new means of communication,based on the use of superluminal signals, which by theirphysical characteristics (the velocity and distance ofinformation transfer, the ability of penetrating obstacles)will be much superior to the existing ones.

Note that quantum theory of electron as an open self-organizing system is indicative of the existence of thefollowing mechanism of nuclear reactions at lowenergies [19].

If there occur in the region of basic localization of freeelectron, whose linear sizes in the ground state of theparticle are several times as large as those for hydrogenatom, two or the greater number of nuclei, each of themattracts on itself the adjoining areas of electronic cloud,resulting in compression of the electronic cloud as awhole. As a result, there appears automatically anattraction of the nuclei, which proved to be “inside”electron, on each other.

Calculation shows that the Coulomb barrier aroundnuclei is deformed, its height decreases and theprobability of penetration through the barrieraccordingly increases due to tunnel transition. Undercertain conditions this process may result in fusion ofnuclei. Obviously, the process in question can occur onlyat small energies of translational motion of the centersof mass of electron and nuclei: nuclei should be “inside”electron long enough for them to have time to comenearer to each other as a result of electron-nuclearinteraction. This mechanism of nuclear fusion is of auniversal character. In order for it to be realized, it isnecessary to have only a stream of free electronsintensive enough, i.e. heavy electric current, and as longas sufficiently great number of free nuclei.

If heavy nuclei appear “inside” free electron, owing totheir interaction with the electronic cloud there occurspolarization of nuclei. Because the own field of electroninteracts with protons more strongly than with neutrons,nuclei are deformed (become extended), and thisprocess may result in the decomposition of nuclei tofragments (in nuclear fission).

As is noted in [20], the official version of the reasons forChernobyl accident contains serious contradictions, anumber of facts concerning the accident has noconvincing explanations, and this circumstance forcesto search for the true reasons for the happening, since“not having understood the mechanism of the onetragedy, we sooner or later shall become witnesses ofthe other”. The authors hypothesize that the reason ofthe accident was penetration into the nuclear reactorof magnetic monopoles, which have caused the decayof nuclei 238U, and this has resulted in production ofdelayed neutrons, growth of power output of the reactorand explosion.

In our opinion, to account for the reasons for Chernobylaccident, there is no need to involve magneticmonopoles. The scenario of development of eventsduring the accident, described in [20], seems to be quiteplausible if only to understand by initiators of nuclearfission not hypothetical monopoles but free electrons,whose powerful pulse might arise as a result of electricdischarge in the region of turbo-generators.

The existence of simple physical mechanism of nuclearreactions at low energies, indicated in this paper,implies that nuclear reactors are, in effect, nucleardelayed-action bombs which will blow up from time totime. Explosion of nuclear reactor may take placebecause of casual short circuit at an electric subcircuit,owing to which there appears an intensive stream offree electrons. This stream, having got for any reasonsin nuclear reactor, may initiate explosion of the reactor.It follows from here that though nuclear stations mayprovide mankind with cheep energy, atomic energeticsrepresents a very dangerous way of producing energy(as well as the energetics using controlledthermonuclear fusion). The only acceptable way ofresolving the energetic problem consists in the use ofnuclear reactions at low energies.


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4. Oleinik V.P. Superluminal Transfer of Information inElectrodynamics. /SPIE Material Science andMaterial Properties for Infrared Optoelectronics,3890, 321-328 (1998) ( /).

5. Oleinik V.P., Borimsky Ju.C., Arepjev Ju.D. NewIdeas in Electrodynamics: Physical Properties ofTime. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics& Optoelectronics, 3, #4, 558-565 (2000).

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6. Oleinik V.P. The Problem of Electron andSuperluminal Signals. (Contemporary FundamentalPhysics) (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Huntington,New York, 2001), 229 p.

7. Oleinik V.P. The Problem of Electron and PhysicalProperties of Time: To the Electron Technologies ofthe 21st Century. New Energy Technologies, 1 (4),60-66, (2002).

8. Dirac P.A.M. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics.(Nauka, Moscow, 1979) (in Russ.).

9. Arepjev Yu.D., Buts A.Yu., Oleinik V.P. To the Problemof Internal Structure of Electrically ChargedParticles. Spectra of Internal Energy and ChargeDistribution for the Free Electron and HydrogenAtom. Preprint of the Inst. of Semiconductors ofUkraine, N8-91 (Kiev, 1991) 36p. (in Russ.).

10. Nicolis G., Prigogine I. Self-Organization in Non-Equilibrium Systems. (Wiley-Interscience, 1977).

11. Oleinik V.P. Quantum Theory of Self-OrganizingElectrically Charged Particles. Soliton Model ofElectron. Proceedings of the NATO-ASI “Electrontheory and quantum electrodynamics. 100 yearslater.” (Plenum Press, N.-Y., London, Washington,D.C., Boston, 1997), p. 261-278.

12. Oleinik V.P. Faster-than-light Transfer of a Signal inElectrodynamics. “Instantaneous Action-at-a-Distance in Modern Physics” (Nova SciencePublishers, Inc., New York, 1999), p.261-281.

13. Einstein A. Relativity Principle and itsConsequences in Modern Physics. Collection ofScientific Works, V.1. (Nauka, Moscow, 1965) (inRuss.).

14. Kozyrev N.A. Selected Transactions (LeningradUniversity Press, Leningrad, 1991) (in Russ.).

15. Lavrent’ev M.M., Eganova I.A., Medvedev V.G.,Olejnik V.K., and Fominykh S.F. On Scanning ofCelestial Sphere by Kozyrev’s Sensor. Doklady ANSSSR, 323 (4), p.649-652 (1992) (in Russ.).

16. Akimov A.E., Kovaltchuk G.U., Medvedev B.P.,Oleinik V.K., Pugatch A.F. Preliminary Results ofAstronomic Observations of the Sky by the KozyrevProcedure. Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, CentralAstronomic Observatory. Preprint CAO-92-5P, 1992,p.16 (in Russ.).

17. Oleinik V.P. The Change of the Course of Time in aForce Field and Imponderability. Physics ofConsciousness and Life, Cosmology andAstrophysics, 2, 20-37 (2001) (in Russ.).

18. Landau L.D. and Lifshits E.M. The Classical Theoryof Field (Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1985).

19. Oleinik V.P. and Arep’ev Yu.D. To the Theory ofNuclear Reactions at Low Energies: the PhysicalMechanism of Reactions. Physics of Consciencesand Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, #4, c.60-70(2002).

20. Urutskoev L.I., Geras’ko V.N. On the PossibleMechanism of Chernobyl Accident.

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14 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

At the beginning of the last century Mary Sklodowska-Curie discovered a spontaneous temperature increaseof the radioactive samples in comparison with theenvironment. Scientific Community met that fact withthe greatest distrust, as it seemed breaking the SupremeEnergy Conservation Law. But for that moment the lattersurvived. However, some recently discovered andabsolutely unexpected facts hardly let it withstand thistime.

Imagine semi-conductor (transistor) approximated inthe width of its inhibited zone to the dielectric (non-conductor). Within that inhibited zone there could bearisen some traps, which at the producing of materialwere orientet by the strong external electric field. Theenergy (potential) of such traps can be sphericallyunsymmetrical and looks (1-Dimentional case) like oneshown for example at Fig.1.

Fig. 1

The electrons’ behavior in that potential well trap willbear a strong resemblance to the process inside theCorrea reactor described in [1] and in accordance withUnitary Quantum Theory is submitted to somedifferential equation (see [2-12]). When electrons fall insuch traps there the solution called “Maternity home”

L.G. Sapogin

Department of Physics, Technical University (MADI)Leningradsky pr. 64, A-319, 125829, Moscow, Russia


can be realized. Electrons according to that solutionacquire power after series of oscillations inside the trapand they leave the trap moving in one direction (to theright), in essence spontaneously, creating so directcurrent without any additional outside efforts. The ideaof using such effect to create the energy sourcesnormally arises from the Unitary Quantum Theory. Theauthor’s comprehended it far ago but worried even tospeak about because of its suddenness andimprobability. But today there are considerable proofsof the existence of that effect studied and utilized byProf. Valery M. Sobolev and his group with the use ofespecially prepared glasses. To our regret we do notknow strict scientific publications or reports of thatgroup, but the entire fact of the creation of theinexhaustible energy source by that group is widelydiscussed in mass media (Editorial: see the review onValerian Sobolev’s Discovery in “NET”, #5(8) 2002, p.70).

Let us treat these ideas in details.

Fig.2a Fig.2b

Usual crystal lattice contains the formations, whichbreak its periodicity. Here electrons’ localization(capture) can occur from the conductivity zone or holesout of valency zone. Exactly these formations serve aswells (traps). They can differ by their origin: for example,alien (admixed) atoms in the lattice points or ininterstitial space, vacant lattice points (Schottky

Spontaneous Polarization of some Glasses andInexhaustible Energy Source of Direct Current

0 2

5 U(x)





4 6 8 10x


Conductivity Zone Conductivity Zone




Valency Zone


b d

Valency Zone

Yu.A. Ryabov

Department of Mathematics, Technical University (MADI)Leningradsky pr. 64, A-319, 125829, Moscow, Russia


15New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

defects), atoms displaced from equilibrium positions(Frenckel defects), dislocations, micro-crystals’ bounds.According to zone theory of solid state such crystallattice irregularity are entailed with discrete levels inforbidden zones of the electronic state power spectrum(Fig. 2a). In the quantum states corresponding thesediscrete levels electrons are localized in the traps.Electron localization arises at its transition from theconductivity zone to the discrete level a Fig. 2a.Electrons transition from the discrete level b to thevalency zone may be considered as capture of the holeby the trap (adhesion). The reverse transfer c and d –are the effects of delocalization of the electron and holes(liberation, throwing out).

The simplest model of the trap is hydrogen-like atom.If the crystal dielectric coefficient is high enough

(for such glass it is 10≈ε ), the influence of thecrystal lattice electric field can be described by meansof crystal polarization. In this case the binding energyof the electron inside the trap equals to




2 εh

emE 0.1- 0.05 eV, where m* is efficiency mass,

the Bohr orbital radius of the localized electron in

primary state is ≈= ∗ 2



εh5A. Thus geometrical

section of such trap equals about 25·10-16 cm2, as forthe examining capture cross-sections their dimensions

are limited within 10-12 - 10-22 cm2. After the capture bythe trap electron has two possibilities either to bethrown into the conductivity zone again or pass to thevalency zone. If the possibility of electrons thermalthrowing into the conductivity zone prevails, the trapis an adhesive center. In the case of predomination ofthe electron transmission into the valency zone, i.e. inthe case when the hole capture is right after the captureof the electron, the trap serves as a center of abundantelectrons and holes recombination. Similarly the trapmay be the center of the holes adhesion, as it is shownat Fig. 2b. In that case the hole captured from thevalency zone returns to that zone again.

The character and the properties of the trap aredetermined by the position of its power level or levels,if the trap is polyvalent, as well as by the effectiveelectron or trap capture cross-sections or by theelectrons and holes densities in the zones. The latterdepends on the Fermi level or quasi-levels of thematerial. The trap may serves as donor or acceptor,center of adhesion or recombination, luminescenceactivator or extinguisher. Unfortunately in solid-statephysics the questions dealing with these phenomena –are the mostly complicated and do not have anyconventional technical terms. The energy increasing ofall electrons or of their majority inside the traps andtheir flying out mainly in one direction requires thestrong deformation of the spherically symmetrical fieldof the trap, as well as their definite orientation withrespect to some selected direction.

Such a result may be achieved if one use as a material aspecial glass exposed at the stage of fusion to strongelectric field. The exposition is to be stopped after totalcooling only. The non-stoichiometric character of theglass (quite general situation for all glasses) resultsunsymmetrical character of the traps due to the differentnatures of the neighbor charges (atoms) surroundingthe trap.

The glass as a material combines vitreous and crystalphases in either one or other proportion. It can beobtained in the process of metals’ oxides and naturalmaterials agglomeration. And in the cases of the glassespartial crystallization there are rather promisingmaterials like glass-ceramic and glasses studied by Prof.Valery M. Sobolev group. For example, the well-knownastro-glassceramic has vanishingly small linearexpansion factor within quite wide range oftemperatures. That means that the atoms belonging tothe astro-glass-ceramics structure are positioning insidepotential wells with strictly parabolic shape. It is quiteastonishing fact.

We have no idea about Sobolev’s glasses’ technologies.From the reporters and eyewitnesses who attended atthe materials production and measurements of theirparameters, we know that the result mostly looked liketransparent pieces resembling blue quartz (might bebecause of the cobalt or ferrous oxide admixture). Buton the assumption of the above mentioned the saidglass in the process of melting should be obligatorypositioned inside the strong electric field and has to becut off after total chilling only. It should be done for thenonequilibrium state freezing. Only then the materialwill contain the electron traps with stronglyasymmetrical field which are oriented by electric field(like dipoles of dielectrics do while its polarization). Theentire material by its nature will be similar to the well-known electrets. If positioning that material betweencondenser’s segments (in the experiments of Prof.Sobolev the tension arose has the value up to 1500 Vwithin 100 cubic cm of glass) it could be dischargedgiving useful load. The condenser will be dischargedby delivering its power, but after some time (about 3-4hours) its charge will be restored to the initial valueand the process can be reproduced again and again, inprincipal unlimitedly.

The operational principle of that glass is the following:electrons in the traps (adhesive centers) start oscillatingdue to heat fluctuations and if the initial phase isappropriate for the “Maternity Home” solution, thenthese electrons having conducted some energy will flyout of the traps moving mainly in one direction. Thenegative charge at one side of the sample increases untilthe electric field arose begins to brake the electronsflying out of the trap and totally stops the process. Afterthe condenser discharging that surplus negative chargedisappears and the process can be repeated once again:after 3-4 hours electrons will be accumulated at oneside of the sample and so on and so on. The orderedspontaneous motion of the electrons creates magnetic

16 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

field that was also fixed during the experiments. In factif take quite a big sheet of such a glass with the sprayedcapacitor plates there will be always direct voltage onthem creating the direct current within the unlimitedperiod of time.

We should underline that according to our point of viewthe energy does not appear from the outside(gravitational, electric or magnetic fields, heat energy ofthe fluctuations) but is generated inside the traps fromnothing [4-6,15,16]. These are the laws of motions forthe single quantum micro-particle.

The theorists of the Sobolev’s group do not have anyclear explanations of the exposed facts and intend tocreate in future “some theoretical model of the orderedstructure on the basis of the theory of magneto electriceffect, i.e. generation of the magnetization induced bythe electric field, arising inside the dielectric crystal.The theoretical model may be created basing on theLandau thermodynamic theory of the 2nd type phasetransitions, i.e. by generalization in case of theappearence of magnetization of dielectric matrix of themelt by the electric field of the charge, that is an internalparameter of the melt and belongs to the structuralelement of the melt”. However we should note thatcontemporary theoretical science is based entirely onconservation laws and every logically correctcorresponding analyses does not allow to obtain theresults exceeding the limits of these laws. The newphysical theory, the new picture of the world is requiredonly for explanation of Sobolev’s results. We proposeUnitary Quantum Theory [7-14].

Let us note that standard view point terms can notexplain the work of any inexhaustible energy sourcealso by using the ideas of energy transformationadopted from the surroundings because of meetingprincipal obstacle once again (theorems of Carnot andcirculation).

Below there is some theoretical illustration of electrons’behavior in such traps, that due to the data lack doesnot relate any concrete glass model.

For the illustration let us examine the motion of theelectric charge inside the potential well, determinedby the potential:

),arctan(5.2)arctan()( 2xxxU +−= (1)

corresponding to the diagram at the Fig. 1. The motionequation of such a particle looks in accordance withour theory like (non-autonomous variant):






1( 22



+= xxxt



xx &&&& (2)

where the particle’s mass and charge as well as thePlanck’s constant for simplicity are considered equalto the unity. The very essential role here belongs to so

called initial phase θ, as the solution character x(t)mostly depends on its value.

Let us examine the graph x(t) as the function of time t,obtained by numerical integration (we hardly canexpect the construction analytical solution) of that

equation for initial data 1.0)0(,0)0( == xx & (Fig.3)

and initial phase θ =0.6.

We can see that the particle leaves the potential well(trap) after approximately t=70 units of time and aftera series of the monotone increasing oscillations. We can

see from the corresponding graph )(tx& that after

sufficiently complicated oscillations before flying outthe trap the particle velocity gains the value exceeding

initial velocity 1.00 =v nearly 5.5 times. The chargeoscillations remain in full measure that is seen from the

analysis of the value |)||2

1cos(| 2 θ+− xxxt && as t

function. That behavior of the particle is typical for theother values of the phase θ, except some interval aroundthe value θ = π/2 (that value is critical in a some sense).

Fig. 3

If the particle motion is considered in the case of thepotential

)arctan(5.2)arctan(2.0)( 2xxxU +−= , (3)

(the left arm of the potential for −∞→x is higher thenits right arm for ∞→x merely at 0,6, that is essentiallyless in comparison with the arms potential (1)), i.e. the

pattern of the motion is more complicated. Viz. )(tx at

the initial velocity 1.00 =v and phase θ within the

intervals from 0 to 1.2 and from 2.0 to 3.0 continuouslyoscillates, at the phase θ = 1.4 electron flies out the

trap after the time t = 250 with the velocity 05.2 vv ≈ .

At the phase θ = 1.41 we get the reverse flying out,at the phase θ = 1.42 the result is the flying out with

the velocity 0vv ≈ , at 46.1=ϑ , i.e. flying out with









17New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

the velocity 0→v without initial oscillation and so

on. But if the initial velocity is 5.00 =v , then for the

most part of the phases θ lying out of the critical rangearound π/2 the particle flys out of the trap with thevelocity exceeding 1.2 – 1.3 times of its initial velocity

0v with velocity nearly equal to 0v , at the phases

θ = 0.2, θ = 2.6 we get the reverse flying out and so onand so forth.

In the cases when the initial velocities are between 0.1and 0.5 we can see an intermediate patterns. Thus wecan assert that the computations confirm the generaltendency of the particles to fly out the potential well inone direction mainly (to the right) with increasedvelocity for the potential types (1), (3) and initialvelocities lying in the proper intervals.

Meanwhile we are not going to comment the othernumerous and highly interesting phenomena, examinedwith the use of these glasses.

Authors thank very much professor A.S. Bogomolov fortaking part in discussion.


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13. Sapogin L.G. and Boichenko V.A., On theSolution of One Non-linear Equation. NuovoCimento, vol.102B, No 4, p.433, 1988.

14. Sapogin L.G. and Boichenko V.A., On theCharge and Mass of Particles in UnitaryQuantum Theory. Nuovo Cimento, vol.104A,No 10, p.1483.

15. Sapogin L.G.,Ryabov Yu.A.,Graboshnikov V.V.,New Source of Energy from the Point of Viewof Unitary Quantum Theory, Journal of NewEnergy Technologies, published by FaradayLaboratories Ltd, issue #3(6), 2002.

16. Sapogin L.G.,Ryabov Yu.A.,Graboshnikov V.V.,New Source of Energy from the Point of Viewof Unitary Quantum Theory, Journal of NewEnergy, vol.6, #2,2001.

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Technical questions

18 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

New Fuelless Space Power EngineeringValeriy D. Dudyshev

Russian Ecological Academy,The Technical University, Samara, Russia



Nowadays civilization cannot effectively obtain andtransform energy. The imperfection of technologies andtechnics causes the progressing pollution of theenvironment, and, moreover, impending globalecocatastrophe. Power engineering and transport(partially cosmonautics) produce the most ecologicaldamage to the planet. There is a limited amount of fuelon the planet; however, for energy generation more andmore fuel is required. Since that the power engineeringand transport are low-effective then the amount ofpoison toxic matters increases.

The only way out of the energy and ecological crisislies in the research and creation of new pollution-freepower engineering and qualitatively new pollution-freenonwaste technologies for obtaining and transformationof energy. The Nature is the best teacher for thecivilization since it is ecologically and energy-wiseperfect. In point of fact, the humanity always learnsfrom the Nature. As first we learnt to obtain fire so nowwe learn to obtain pollution-free energy and electricity.This will be repeated forever. The deeper we penetrateinto the essence of the Nature of our planet, the morepossibilities to create better energy sources are opened.In particular, many possibilities to create new energysources for cosmonautics appear.

Natural Electricity of Planet

The investigations made by some scientists, and inparticular by the author of this article, helped to disclosethe secrets of natural electricity and some other naturalphenomena. It is clear that super-power naturalgenerators of electric energy and engines have beeneffectively working in the near-planet space and on thesurface of the planet for millions of years. Naturalelectricity comes to our planet from the Sun throughgeomagnetic polar cusps. (The cusps are intersectionpoints of magnetic force lines, which are located at 30-40 kilometers height above the poles of the planet). Thenatural plasma is caught by geomagnetic force lines,and then supplied in the ionosphere and radiation beltsof the planet. Since the flow of solar wind interacts withthe geomagnetosphere of the Earth then a near-planetmagnetogasdynamic generator continuously worksaround the planet. This generator has huge power,which is inconceivable for a human mind. It generatespowerful electric currents in all conductive spheresaround the Earth and inside the planet. These currentsinteract with the geomagnetic field and generate

electromechanical rotation force of the planet and itsmovable mediums, for example, oceanic currents,molten magma motion inside the Earth. Therefore, ourplanet is not only a huge electrically charged cosmicsphere or a huge magnet but a cosmic ecologicallyperfect natural electric transformer (engine-generator)of solar energy. All the processes which occur on theplanet and around it, i.e. northern lights, seasonschange, the continuous round of all the naturalphenomena, and even the rotation of the planet, are intheir essence the continuous, cyclic processes oftransformation of the solar power into theelectromechanical and heat types of energy of naturalphenomena. This mechanism of our planet is viewed inthe article [1], and the physical base of fuellesscosmonautics is represented in [2].

Physical Base, Methodology, and Prerequisites ofGeneration of Fuelless Space Power Engineering

and Cosmonautics

Let us learn from the Nature to competently obtain andtransform energy. The author of the article proposes newnonwaste pollution-free power engineering. In otherwords, the energy and ecological problem of thecivilization is proposed to solve by means of rationaltechnical using of a small part of the energy of naturalelectricity and magnetism, i.e. we should learn toconnect our load units to these natural generators. Thisis the basic idea of the new fuelless power engineeringand cosmonautics. The simplest ways of realization ofthis idea into practice are viewed in this article.Technical realization of nontraditional transformers offree electric energy of the near-Earth space aboardorbital apparatus is quite possible in the nearest years.It is not Utopia but the quite near reality. This newcosmonautics and new space power engineering arefirst proposed in Russia. The essence of this newscientific-technical branch lies in the working out andinvestigation of new methods and devices for using ofthe renewed energy of the near-Earth space (naturalplasma of the ionosphere, electric and magnetic fieldsof the planet) to obtain propulsion force and electricenergy aboard fuelless orbital space apparatus. Theauthor of this article has already made the basicscientific-technical investigations in this area ofcosmonautics. This article is devoted to the technicalpossibility and prospects of future applying of renewedenergy of the near-Earth space for creation of theperspective fuelless orbital cosmonautics in XXIcentury.

19New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Basic Engineering Solutions of Fuelless PowerEngineering

The constructions of nontraditional airbornetransformers of the energy of near-Earth space differfrom each other due to their types. The types dependon the types of the applied renewed energy and theaim of its applying. In this article the basicnontraditional methods and devices for obtaining ofenergy from the near-planet natural electricity andmagnetism are enumerated and clarified by numerousfigures and illustrations (See Fig. 1-5, and Fig. A-F onthe cover page).

Fig. A (see the cover page) shows the reductive generalstructure of the energy bands of the near-planet cosmicspace (view from the outer space). The ionosphere toroidlocated around the planet is in blue color, and thegeomagnetosphere is shown as geomagnetic force lines(yellow lines). The flow of charged particles of naturalsolar and cosmic plasma continuously comes to themagnetosphere of the planet. It is reductively shownas light cones situated above the magnetic poles of theplanet. Against this background some devices offuelless orbital cosmonautics are shown to be aroundour planet, i.e. in its ionosphere and magnetosphere. Inthe same Fig. A the basic devices of the fuelless orbitalcosmonautics are demonstrated. Up to the left from theplanet a hollow magnetogasdynamical transformer ofthe natural plasma is shown in the ionosphere of theplanet. Up to the right a conductive circuit isdemonstrated in the magnetosphere of the planet, and,at last, down to the right airborne solenoid isrepresented. All these and other devices of the fuellessorbital cosmonautics are demonstrated in details in theindividual figures (see Fig. 1-5 and the cover page).

The construction of a fuelless cable energetic system isreductively demonstrated in Fig. 1. The basic elementsof this system are an outside insulating cable (4) ofnecessary length, chargecombining inflatableelectrodes (6, 7), a board source of electric energy, forexample, a solar battery (1) and/or an electric load unit(5). Position (8) is a transformer of parameters of electricenergy, (9) is a satellite body, and (10) is a sphere ofrecombination of electric charges.

Fig.1Orbital Cable Electromechanical System

In Fig. 2 the simplest device of magnetogasdynamictype is shown. It works on the near-planet naturalplasma of the ionosphere of the planet. This devicetransforms the plasma into propulsion force and electricenergy aboard an orbital satellite. The basic elementsof this nontraditional energetic system are a solarbattery (1), a hollow chamber with magnets (5), whichare located at the input of the chamber in the same flatwith the chamber as well as chargecombining plates(6), (7), placed in the same quadrature with magneticforce lines. Cleats (4) join electric load unit. There arealso a solenoid (3), which is a concentrator of the naturalplasma, a system of orientation of the hollow chamberalong geomagnetic lines (it is not shown), and the verynear-planet plasma (8).

Fig.2Magnetogasdynamic Transformer of Energy

A board solenoid, which works on the energy ofgeomagnetic field of the Earth, is shown in Fig. 3. Itcontains a solar battery (1), a transformer of parametersof electric energy (2), a solenoid coil (3), and a magneticcircuit (4). A new fuelless magnetic generator-propulsoris shown in Fig. 4. Its simplest variant is a load closedconductive circuit, which is insulated from outside. Itcan be designed, for example, as a metal ring (1), whichis serially connected with electric load unit (2).Moreover, the device includes stiffening ribs of theconstruction (3) and the very orbital satellite (4). Thisis the simplest device for transformation of the energyof the Earth geomagnetic field into electric energy and(or) into propulsion force of a space apparatus in thenear-Earth space.

Fig.3Airborne Solenoid in Magnetosphere of the Earth

20 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Fig.4Closed Ring Current Circuit

In Fig. 5 it is shown a device, which uses electricdischarge, current of a natural near-planet capacitor“ionosphere-The Earth” for electric energy generationfrom the ionosphere of the planet. The device, i.e. itsland variant, includes an ionizer (6), which is placed onan electric isolator (7). Chargecombining toroidalelectrodes (4) are located above it. They are connectedto an electric load unit (3) and a grounding electrode(5), which is recessed into moist ground (2). Theionosphere is represented by the position (1). The coneof discharge of the ionosphere current at the load unit(3) is represented by the position (8). This land-ionosphere device is demonstrated in real conditionson the spot (see Fig. D, E at the cover page). In thesefigures separate working elements of the device canbe seen in the real conditions of uninhabited highlands.(i.e. the ionizer, the load system as electric light, a powerline designed for electricity transmission to remoteconsumers, the relative position of these elements, anddischarge current which is generated by the ionosphere,and acts upon the electrodes and the load unit; at thesame time the ionosphere is curved above the ionizer).

Fig.5The Device of Discharging of Natural Capasitor

“ionosphere-the Earth”

1. ionosphere (upper plate of the capacitor)2. lower plate of the capacitor3. useful electric load unit4. ring electrode

5. grounding electrode6. device, which generates ionizing emanation7. insulator8. band of discharge current of the natural

ionosphere capacitor

In Fig. D (see the cover page) it is demonstrated theconstruction of a land-ionosphere electric energystation, which has one ionizer. Fig. E shows theconstruction of a land-ionosphere electric energystation, which has two ionizers. The general notes forFig. D, E are given below:

1. The ionosphere of the planet represented inthe band of its electric discharge;

2. The beam of the ionizer;3. The band of electric discharge of the

ionosphere capacitor, which runs by the beamof the ionizer into the conducting envelopesof the planet;

4. Ring electrodes made of high-temperaturealloys;

5. The ionizer (xaser);6. The insulating plate designed for fastening of

the construction (i.e. the electrodes (4) and theionizer (5));

7. The high-tension transformer, which is atension distributor;

8. The insulator of the transmission line;9. The electric cable designed for connecting of

the electrode (4) to the electric load unit;10. The mast of the high-tension transmission line;11. The high-tension transmission line (i.e. high-

tension wires);12. The device designed for regulation of

parameters of the ionizer (5) (of the incidenceand power of the ionizing beam (2) of theionizer (5));

13. The remote mast of the high-tensiontransmission line;

14. The insulating rods designed for fastening theelectrode (4) to the basement (6);

15. The electric load unit placed in the zone of theelectric energy station (for example it is shownas a system of electric lighting).

In Fig. F (see the cover page) a prospective system ofglobal wire-free Internet is represented, which operateson cheap fuelless orbital satellites. This line of wire-free connection works at about 10-20 GHz frequenciesand directs electromagnetic radiation between tworemote personal computers. In a similar way a globaltelephone connection between two satellite telephonesmay be organized.

Energy Parameters and Methodology of NaturalElectricity Using

Concrete data about the natural electricity (i.e. aboutthe concentration and intensity of the natural plasma,about intensity values of the electric and magnetic fieldsin the near-Earth magnetosphere of the planet,










++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++







Ionosphere of the planet

Zone of action of ionizator

Direction of electric current

Surface of the planet

21New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

depending on a season, time of day and some otherfactors) are collected and generalized by scientists andcan be found in either Russian or foreign referencebooks, for example, [3], [4]. Panoramic vision of theessence of this mechanism was required. Nowadaysthis new comprehension of the processes of functioningof the natural electricity has appeared. The naturalplasma should be used for energy obtaining. The naturalnear-Earth plasma has not been used in orbital fuellesscosmonautics until now. On the contrary, spaceapparatus have been prevented from it. Paradox offuelless cosmonautics development lies in the fact thatthe natural near-Earth plasma has until now stood inthe way of orbital cosmonautics. Nevertheless, theprogressing of energy and ecological crisis, the sameway as the listed shortcomings of the known orbitalspace engines, which are based on plasmatechnologies, confirm that the new ways of the plasmaapplying are expedient and necessary. Using of thenatural near-Earth plasma as a working body in jetspace propulsors would be most effective. The plasmacan be most beneficially used in the near-Earthionosphere and in the radiation belts of the planet. Forexample, the nearest maxima of electrons concentrationare at a height of 300-1000 km. Using of the natural near-Earth plasma in space thrusters and in some other spaceelectric technologies is prospective since it isecologically harmless. Here are some causes why thetechnologies are harmless.

• The resource of the natural plasma energy and itsconcentration in the near-Earth space are so greatthat using of one thousandth of a percent of itspower would meet the electric energy demands ofthe humanity for thousand years (1020 J/year). Atthe same time the plasma envelope of the Earth isstable even if its 10% are perturbed as at the timeof magnetic storms which are caused by solar flares[4].

• The natural near-Earth plasma is continuouslyrenewed with charged cosmic particles (mainly ofsolar wind), which are entrapped by the magneticfield of the Earth mainly through polar cusps(chaps). Then the plasma is speeded up to

75 1010 ± m/sec by natural space accelerators.

Let us consider the basic devices of the future fuellesspower engineering, which are designed for beneficialusing of the renewed energy of the near-Earth space.


It is known that cosmonautics is quite necessary forthe civilization; however, it demands great expendituresand is an ecologically dangerous branch of technics.There is low resource of work of near-Earth orbitalsatellites; therefore, it is often needed to launch carrierrockets again and again. Since that moderncosmonautics make great damage to the nature, inparticular, it damages the atmosphere and ionosphereof the planet, provokes hurricanes appearance, and

wastes the near-planet space with numerous out-of-work devices and their fragments. How is it possible toincrease technical and ecological effectiveness of orbitalcosmonautics? How is it possible to solve the problemsof cosmonautics and the energetic problem of thecivilization by means of the near-planet space? Thistopic is discussed below.

Orbital Cable Electromechanical System

Orbital cable electromechanical system (Fig.1 and Fig.B at the cover page) is placed into the ionosphere ofthe planet. It is directed by the radius to the Earth andlocated on the Earth orbit. The system containsconcentrators of the natural plasma made in the formof open-worked inflatable conducting spheres (6, 7) andconducting cable (4), which has an electric load (5)(generator mode) or an external airborne electric energysource (a solar battery (1)). The essence and theprinciple of operating of this cable energy system arebased on the effects of the natural electricity generationand the laws of electrotechnology, i.e. on Ohm’s law. Itis known that in the near-Earth space an ionosphereplasma magnetogasdynamic generator continuouslyworks on the solar plasma. Its operating is based onHall Effect, i.e. force interaction of the solar plasma,which flows around the magnetosphere of the planet,with the geomagnetic field. As a result, oppositecharges are divided in all the near-planet spheres andhuge natural capacitors appear. This very mechanismproduces the great natural difference of electricpotentials above the planet. This intensity is very highand comes to 300-500 kilovolts at 50-100 kilometerheight above the surface of our planet. The electricintensity of the natural electricity decreases dependingon height increase. Nevertheless, it can still be observedin the ionosphere of the planet. Therefore electric energycan be obtained by the following way. A cable, whichis conducting inside and insulting outside, can be drawnbeyond an orbital satellite. Then it should be directed(centered) mainly by the radius to the planet. At thesame time the difference of electric potentials, which isalready existent in ionosphere or in radiation plasma ofnear-Earth space, would be extracted at the ends ofthe cable.

Generator Mode of Cable System Operating

Electric energy obtaining becomes possible if anelectric load unit (5) is connected to the gap of thisoutside insulting cable (4). Electric current of theparticles of the natural plasma runs in this circuitthrough the chargecombining electrodes (6, 7),which concentrate plasma, and through the cable(4), which has the load unit (5). This current runsdue to the extracted difference of the electricpotentials of the near-Earth natural electricity andto high conductivity of the cable and the ionosphereplasma. In its essence the cable system (Fig. 1) isa concentrator and a “pass” for the natural plasma.The essential of obtaining of the maximal usefuleffect lie in the co-ordination of the plasmaresistance and the cable resistance. In Fig.1 arrows

22 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

indicate the direction, which the current runs inthe cable.

Moving Mode of Cable System Operating

If instead of the load such an electric energy sourceas a solar battery is connected to the gap of theoutside insulting cable (4) then it will becomepossible to change the direction and strength ofthe current by means of the cable (4). According toelectromechanics, current strength appears whencurrent runs in a conductor, which is placed intostatic magnetic field. At the same time theconductor with electric current begins to move inthe magnetic field in such a way as to stand parallelto the force lines of the magnetic field. Thereforethis cable can be used to produceelectromechanical propulsion force. Incosmonautics it is often necessary to maintain theorbit of a satellite at maneuvering. It is veryprospective to fasten this cable hardly to a spaceapparatus for obtaining of electromechanicalpropulsion force of an orbital satellite. To achievethis aim it is necessary to connect airborne fuellesssource of electric energy to the gap of the cable.For example, if the potentials of a solar battery areconnected to the gap of the cable thenelectromechanical propulsion force can be obtainedaboard the orbital satellite by means of this cable(Ampere force).

It is quite possible in the ionosphere of the planetsince the great resource of the natural plasma existsin the ionosphere, and, moreover, there is thedifference of electric potentials in the plasma.

Calculations and Experiments Made on CableSystem

The made calculations of the orbital cableelectromechanical system and the experiments, whichwere made on working models, prove the possibility ofgeneration of electromechanical propulsion force of thecable that is caused by the interaction of the currentconductor with the Earth geomagnetic field. Thepossible length of the cable is from tens of meters to 2-4 kilometers. The intensity of the Earth geomagneticfield is enough to compensate frictional force and togreatly accelerate the orbital fuelless apparatus, whichis located at the height of from 200 to 3000 kilometers.Operating at the generator mode this cable system canensure electric energy generation aboard an artificialEarth satellite (AES). If the several-kilometer cable isplaced at the shadow side of the orbit, which is situatedat about 300-500 kilometers above the Earth surface,then the generated energy may come to 30-50 kWt. Theparticular advantage of this nontraditional orbital cableengine-generator is its relative simplicity andcheapness. In the start state the cable and the inflatableelectrodes are compactly rolled up and placed in thecapsule of the orbital space satellite. It is quite easyand handy to unroll the cable at the orbit if a device for

its unrolling (i.e. the device should be like a fixed-spoolreel) and inflatable constructions of chargecombiningelectrodes are available aboard the satellite. Moreover,the materials having rod memory should be used toproduce the cable.

Hollow Magnetogasdynamic Transformer ofEnergy of Near-Planet Natural Plasma

The invention of this method of the fuellesscosmonautics is based on using of the near-Earthnatural plasma as a working body in hollowmagnetogasdynamic (MGD) transformers of energy.Methods of using of artificial plasma in orbitalcosmonautics are known for a long time. It is used toobtain low jet thrust aboard a satellite by means ofaccelerating of the artificial plasma, which is producedof primary row materials (see the analogous examplein [5]). However, fuel supply is limited aboard a satellite.In the case of using of the ionosphere plasma such anengine-generator would work without time limitation.The magnetogasdynamic transformer of energy of therenewed natural plasma of the ionosphere is reductivelydemonstrated in Fig.2 and Fig. C (see the cover page).The device operates in the following way.

Generator Mode of Operating ofMagnetogasdynamic Transformer of Energy

First the hollow chamber of this nontraditionaltransformer of energy of natural plasma should beplaced in the ionosphere of the planet and directedalong force geomagnetic lines. Permanent magnets(5), which are placed at the input of the hollowchamber, would assort the particles of the plasmaaccording to their charge, i.e. they divert theopposite electric charges of the flow of the naturalplasma (8). Then the charges deposit on theopposite chargecombining plates (6, 7). The electricload unit (it is not shown) is connected to the platesby cleats (4). As a result, the natural electricity isaccumulated on the plates (6, 7), and the differenceof potentials appears between them. At connectingof these plates (6, 7) to the electric load unitcontinuous current of these charges recombinationoccurs. As a result a new effective type of airbornefuelless source of energy will be obtained. Airborneelectromagnet (3) will provide the hollow chamberfor the concentration of the natural plasma (8). Thissource (Fig. 2) can be especially useful for obtainingof energy in the shady side of orbits of the Earthsatellites.

Moving Mode of Operating ofMagnetogasdynamic Transformer of Energy

In this variant of applying of the device electricpotentials of an independent source are connectedto the cleats (4). For example, these potentials canbelong to a solar battery (1). Electric current runsbetween the plates (6, 7) and magnet force lineswhich are generated by the magnets (5), and passes

23New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

through the flow of the natural plasma to the hollowchamber. At the time of this process Lorentz-Ampereforce appears and accelerates this plasma in thechamber. The strength and direction of thisacceleration of the plasma depends on the strengthand direction of this current. As a result the hollowchamber obtains the required impulse of propulsionforce. The value of this impulse of propulsion forceis variable and depends on the current strength,parameters of the natural plasma and the magnetfield.

In prospects the applying of this system will allowcosmonautics solve the energy and ecological problemsand precipitate the creation of mobile fuelless spaceorbital transport.

This hollow MGD-system was tested by means ofworking physical and mathematical models of realoperating of the system. The tests were made atdifferent height points in the ionosphere of the near-Earth space. There were made calculations ofconcentration and intensity of the ionosphere naturalplasma as well as parameters of such a compactairborne MGD-transformer. Laboratory experimentswere made on working models. All these demonstrateworking capacity of the device. Moreover, it appears tobe possible to compensate frictional force of an orbitalapparatus by using of the ionosphere natural plasma inthe wide interval of altitudes of orbital space apparatus(i.e. in the interval from 200 km up to 36000 km abovethe planet where there is the geostationary orbit of theapparatus). At generator mode it is possible to obtainelectric energy aboard a fuelless satellite. The amountof this obtained electric energy can come to the intervalfrom some watts to many tens and hundreds ofkilowatts. It depends on the design parameters of thedevice and presence of concentrators of the naturalplasma.


As it has been already proved, the planet geomagneticfield, i.e. the magnetosphere of the planet, extends inthe outer space for the distance, which is more than 10radiuses of the Earth. The density of this field energyon the busiest routs of the near-planet space is quiteenough for beneficial using of the energy.Electromechanical propulsion force and electric energycan be obtained by an electromechanical methodaboard such fuelless electromagnetic orbital satellites.Two basic methods for using of great energy of themagnetosphere of the planet by the fuelless orbitalcosmonautics are clarified below.

Airborne Solenoid in Magnetosphere of the Earth

There are proposed new methods and device for fuellessmaintaining and change of the mechanical trajectoryof an AES, which is located at the near-polar near-Earthorbits. The method lies in force interaction between

airborne electromagnet and the geomagnetic field ofthe planet (Fig.3). The device contains the airborneelectromagnet (3, 4), a fuelless source of electric energy,for example, a board solar battery (1), and a switch-regulator (2) of electric current which runs through thewinding of this electromagnet. A system of orientationof the satellite in the Earth geomagnetic field is alsonecessary for effective control of the trajectory of thissatellite. The essence of the effective force interactionbetween the orbital airborne electromagnet and themagnetic poles of the planet lies in heterogeneity ofthe geomagnetic field by latitude and longitude roundthe planet. The main point of the invention is theproducing of cyclic electromagnetic force interaction ofthis AES with the Earth geomagnetic field. Thisinteraction is obtained by means of cyclic switching ofpolarity and by change of current strength in thewindings of the airborne electromagnet, which ispowered by aircraft solar photo battery.

The advantage of this device consists in designing of anew fuelless near-polar space propulsor by means ofusing of the renewed energy of the Sun and theelectromagnetic energy of the geomagnetic field of theplanet that generates the impulse of propulsion forceof the orbital satellite. This electromagnetic energy ofthe geomagnetic field of the Earth is enough tocompensate the frictional force of the AES on this orbit.It is also enough to continuously maintain this AES onthe polar orbit and other orbits, which are close to thisone. The device can also be used either to do a fuellessmaneuver of the AES on the polar orbits of our planet(as well as near other planets, which have their ownmagnetic fields) or to be an accelerating propulsor forinterplanetary apparatus.

It is possible to maintain the trajectory of such anontraditional orbital AES and regulate it in relativelywide limits due to using of the renewed electromagneticenergy of the geomagnetic field and solar energy. Inthis case the process will not demand any consumedfuel or electric energy of aircraft storage battery.

Such a fuelless orbital propulsor will allow realize inpractice the cyclic electromagnetic force interaction ofthis airborne magnet, i.e. electromagnet (solenoid), withthe geomagnetic field of the planet. As a result itbecomes possible to design a long living “perpetualpolar Earth satellite” which polar orbit height can bechanged. The solenoid could be powered with electricenergy by different nontraditional ways, for example,with free electricity generated by a solar battery. Sincecurrent direction is cyclically changed in the solenoidthen it is possible to ensure the acceleration of theorbital satellite on its primary orbit, i.e. to realize inpractice a fuelless maneuver in the outer space. Itbecomes possible since airborne solenoid generatesmonodirected electromagnetic force, which is directedin turn to each of the magnetic fields of the planet. Thepower of the electromagnet should be switched offwhen the satellite passes through the band of the planetpoles. Then it should be switched on again after some

24 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

period of time or at the period when the satellite makesangular motion on the orbit.

This device allows accelerate the orbital speed andchange the polar orbit of the satellite. Thus it can bepossible to overcome the Earth’s attraction and go tothe outer space. Basically, such a solenoidal propulsorcan be used at men-tended landing of a space apparatusin the zone of the magnetic fields and magneticanomalies of the planet. In these conditions it will workas a device for electromagnetic deceleration of speedof the space apparatus. Calculations made accordingto mathematical models of such devices and laboratorytests of working models prove that this technicalproposal is realizable and prospective in almost everypart of the near-Earth geomagnetosphere.

Closed Ring Current Circuit in Magnetosphere ofPlanet

The closed ring current circuit is reductively shown inFig. 4. The device is rather simple and consists of aclosed wire circuit (1), which has an electric load unit(2). Some elements of the construction are demonstratedin Fig 4, in particular, stiffening ribs (3) and a transformerof electric energy (4). The principle of operating of thedevice is based on using of the renewed energy of thegeomagnetic field within the limits of themagnetosphere of the planet. The movable circuitshould be placed within the limits of the magnetosphereof the planet and fastened aboard a fuelless orbitalpropulsor. This simplest device operates as a reversibleelectromechanical transformer of magnetic energy of theplanet into electric energy or even into break rod thatdepends on its purpose. When the circuit crossesgeomagnetic force lines electromagnetic inductionappears inside it and causes electric current appearanceinside the circuit. This circuit also allows realize movingmode, which can be used, for example, for fuellesscorrection of the space apparatus position. Moreover,electric energy can be obtained by the interaction ofthis current circuit with the magnetic field of the planet.If the circuit is superconductive then the generatedcurrent may be rather strong and run for a long time.This current circuit may be most beneficially used toobtain electric energy in the shady side of the orbit offuelless space AES.



It should be noted that if these above-listed devicesare rationally combined, i.e. some of them are used atmoving mode and the others are used at generatormode, then cosmonautics can be maneuverable withoutany fuel aboard. It is in future prospects to refuseexpensive bulky and unreliable solar batteries. It isexpedient to combine these above-listed methods anddevices in real fuelless orbital propulsors. For example,it is expedient to use airborne solenoid for obtaining ofthe impulse of propulsion force; at the same time it is

expedient to use MGD-transformer of energy of theNear-Earth natural plasma.

It is quite advisable to combine these devices in theother way for making an accelerated and (or) large-scalemaneuver from one orbit to the other one, and for quickorientation of a fuelless orbital space station. Forexample, it is quite useful if the airborne solenoid, thecable and the hollow MGD-propulsor running on thenatural plasma, would be combined and simultaneouslyoperate aboard a space apparatus. In this case theairborne solenoid and the hollow MGD-transformer ofnatural plasma will work as engines that are poweredby the cable energy device, at the time of a maneuver.At the same time the cable and the solenoid can beused as propulsors, and the MGD-transformer can beused as a generator of electric energy. In this case thelife ability and maneuverability of a satellite increase.

Using of Great Renewed Energy of Natural Near-Earth Electric Capacitors in Orbital Cosmonautics

There are two near-Earth capacitors near the planet.The first one is located between the ionosphere andthe surface of the planet, and the other one is betweenthe radiation belts of the planet.

Method of using of the energy of the naturalelectrocapacitors between the plates of the

radiation belts of the planet

The aim of the proposal is beneficial using of a smallpart of the great discharge electric energy of this near-planet capacitor, which is aboard a fuelless orbitalsatellite. The satellite is placed at the height of abouttens of thousands of kilometers above the planet. Thisaim can be achieved by the following way:

• First it should be made the circuit of electricdischarge of the capacitor plates. Unlike chargesof current of discharge of the capacitor plates runby an ionizing ray, which comes from the ionosphereand the electronosphere of the Earth radiation belts(ERB). These charges concentrate current ofdischarge by means of directed irradiation of theseplates. The irradiation is generated by airborneionizer, which is placed aboard a space powerstation (SPS) located inside the ERB. The ionizer ispowered by solar batteries;

• The electric circuit of concentrated charges of theionosphere and electronosphere of the ERB shouldbe closed by conductive ray of the ionizer on theairborne load unit, for example, on ohmic resistance;

• The difference of potentials of this natural capacitor,is transformed on special electrodes into, forexample, electromagnetic waves of requiredfrequency and phase by means of anelectromagnetic oscillator, an ionizing xaser, andmicrowave generator;

• Electromagnetic waves of the mentioned intervalsare directly emanated by transmission devices onto

25New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

certain objects, for example, land receivingantennas.

• Then on the Earth this energy of electromagneticemanation of the outer space is transformed intoelectric energy of required parameters;

• The electric energy of the ERB discharge istransmitted as a directed electromagneticemanation onto space and other objects, which arelocated out of the direct electromagnetic connectionwith SPS. For example, the energy can betransmitted by means of three geostationary energyretransmitters, which provide covering of almost100% of the Earth surface.

In conditions of generation of electric energy aboardan orbital AES it is rational to supplement thisdevice with a transmitting antenna, which isdesigned for transformation of the difference ofpotentials extracted on the mentioned electrodesinto electric energy of continuous and alternatingcurrent of required parameters. It can be realizedaboard the SPS by means of a low-frequencyinverter (i.e. a sort of electromagnetic oscillator) andtransforming-rectifying device. The concentrationof electric charges in the zones of the ERBdischarging can be additionally realized in practiceby airborne magnetic traps. (It is shown in Fig.2)

Powerful Space Energetic Complexes

Since the concentration of energy obtained aboard SPSis limited by the size of the constructions then theabove-listed fuelless space power stations do not allowdesign powerful energy complexes, which would beable to meet electric energy demands of the civilizationon the Earth. It is quite another matter if land-ionosphere energy complexes are designed. In this casea fuelless power station can be of great size, and theconcentration of energy removal from the ionosphere tothe Earth that is realized by means of the ionospheredischarging by an ionizing ray, can come to thousandsof megawatt. This project is viewed in more detailsbelow.

Method of Using of Energy Generated byIonosphere Capacitor

A great natural “reservoir” of natural electricity existsin the near-Earth space. It is produced around the planetas a powerful electric capacitor with plates of“ionosphere-Earth surface”. This near-Earth capacitoris naturally powered by solar plasma. A natural MGD-generator running on natural plasma operates in thisspace and recharges the plates of the capacitor. Thepower of this generator is huge and many times exceedsthe total power of all the power stations in the world.Paradox lies in the fact that sometimes this natural near-planet electric capacitor is simultaneously dischargedat the time of anomalous natural phenomena, whichoccur in different parts of the planet, for example, atnumerous thunderstorms, cyclones, hurricanes, and

earthquakes. This discharging is useless and sometimeseven dangerous. Nevertheless, it turned out that thisgreat renewed energy can be used more beneficial.Simple and effective methods of its discharge by a usefulload are proposed. Electric energy can be generatedeither on the Earth or in the outer space by thesemethods. It is necessary to organize a regulateddischarge of the plates of this capacitor by a usefulelectric load to achieve this aim. The proposed methodof using of the renewed energy of this generator to meetthe demands of world power engineering is based onthe simplest principles of electrical engineering andelectrical power engineering. These are the principlesof connecting of parallel load units to a source of electricenergy. The partial regulated discharge of thisionosphere capacitor is ecologically safe since itconstantly occurs in real nature. Since that a part of thedischarge energy of this natural capacitor can be usedto obtain electric energy in a land load unit.

Powerful Fuelless Land-Ionosphere Power Station

New energy sources of this type, which are proposedby the author of this article, are reductivelydemonstrated in Fig. 5 and Fig. D, E on the cover page.The land-ionosphere variant of the device (Fig.5)contains an ionizer (6), which is placed on an electricalinsulator (7). Tore-shaped chargecombining electrodes(4) are placed above the ionizer. They are connected toan electric load unit (3) and a grounding electrode (5),which is recessed into moist ground (2). The ionosphereis represented by a position (1). The cone of currentdischarge of the ionosphere at the load unit (3) isrepresented by the position (8). It is expedient to use axaser as a source of ionizing emanation.

To realize such a powerful fuelless land-ionosphere EPS(Fig. 5, D, E) in practice on the Earth it is necessary toconnect one end of a useful electric load to theionosphere by an ionizing ray and safely ground theother end of the load or place it into a natural electrolyte,for example, into the World Ocean. At the same timethe ionosphere is positively charged relatively to theplanet surface. The ionizing ray is either directed fromthe Earth surface to the ionosphere or, quite thecontrary, from the outer space to the Earth.

Let us describe this device operating according to thereductive scheme (Fig.5), i.e. its land-space variant. Firstthe directed ionization of the atmosphere is generatedby the ionizer (6) from the Earth surface. The atmosphereis ionized up to its upper stratums and ionosphereperiphery (i.e. about 20-30 kilometers above the planetsurface). The intensity value of these natural plates (1)of the ionosphere capacitor is huge relatively to theintensity value of the planet surface (i.e. about 300-400kilovolts). Since that the process of ionization of theatmosphere is finished soon by a still glow or coronadischarge of the ionosphere potential, which runs tothe electrodes (4) and to the grounding electrode (5) bythe ionizing ray. The ionization source may be switchedoff after a reliable electric breakdown of the ionosphere

26 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

onto the load unit and after generating of the cone (8)of current discharge of the ionosphere onto the Earth.Then, depending on the increase of the dischargecurrent of the ionosphere capacitor, the electric load unit(3) should be connected in parallel to the electrodes(4). The required load current is gradually extracted dueto regulating of the load parameters. At the same timethe load unit has maximal resistance. Thus, the ionizingray generated by the ionizer (6) produces a conductingcanal (8) of the ionosphere (1) discharge, which leadsto the conducting stratums of the Earth (2). Theconducting canal passes through the groundingelectrode (5), the electrode (4) and the useful electricload unit (3). It is possible to create such a nontraditionalpower station due to the great resource of electricenergy of the natural near-Earth capacitor, which iscontinuously naturally renewed by the naturalionosphere plasma and the solar wind.

This method and device can provide with electric powera separate power consumer (of hundreds of megawattspower). Power removing can be regulated by regulableload unit. The whole civilization can be also suppliedwith electric power on condition that these deviceswould be placed in deserted uninhabited places anddo no damage to the environment. The intensity ofelectric power, which is removed from the ionosphere,is maximal in winter since the flow of solar winddirected to our planet is maximal in this period.

Methods of Using of Ionosphere Natural Electricity

It is most expedient to transform current dischargeenergy into heat by electrical heating of waterreservoirs. Super-power steam generators should beused as load units to obtain heat energy of steam fromdischarge energy of the ionosphere capacitor (Fig. 5, D,E). Powerful currents of the ionosphere discharge arepassed through these steam generators. The obtainedsteam can be used according to a certain purpose, i.e.for heat supply of cities, for obtaining of electric powerby means of traditional steam turbines and heat powerstations. The more rational method is to transformelectric energy, which is at a load unit, into electricenergy of standard parameters. It can be realized, forexample, by means of powerful high-voltage frequencytransformers (inverters); however this method istechnically more complicated.

The method and devices have yet been examined onlyin laboratory environment. This type of devices of usefuldischarge of the capacitor has already been investigatedby the author of this article on working andmathematical models. The calculations and experimentsshow that this method of electric energy obtaining fromthe natural electricity is ecologically appropriate andcan be an alternative to the existent methods oftraditional electric energy obtaining. Moreover, inprospects this method can be effectively used to controlthe weather and the climate of the planet.

Weather and Natural Phenomena Control

It is useful to revise the physical essence of anomalousnatural phenomena to understand the way, which canbe used by the new nontraditional power engineeringto control these natural phenomena [1].

Earlier it was investigated and proved that the physicalessence of many anomalous natural phenomena lies inelectromechanical transformation of energy excess ofnatural electricity into mechanical or heat energy ofcyclones, hurricanes and earthquakes [1]. Theionosphere of the planet is arranged in such a way thatit can hold just a certain amount of charged particles ofthe natural plasma. Therefore, it disposes of energyexcess through the atmosphere and (or) transmits itselectric and electromagnetic energy into the Earth atthe time of magnetic storms. Thus, the excess of thenatural electricity is a starter of these anomalous naturalphenomena and, at the same time, it serves as an energysource for them. Underground capacitors becomeexcessively pumped with natural electricity; and itcauses earthquake. It occurs at the moment of anelectric breakdown of plates of natural undergroundcapacitors that is accompanied with huge energyrelease as an electrohydraulic underground shock. Apowerful and wide breakdown of the ionospheredirected to the Area of water of the World Ocean causeshurricane. The breakdown causes the strong vortex ofionized air and ionized sea-water which, according tothe laws of electromechanics, is produced by Ampereforce. Therefore the aim of the new power engineeringlies in the necessity to usefully remove the energyexcess of the near-Earth space into a useful load unit.The process must occur under human control. Forexample, according to the scheme of the device (Fig.5,D, E), by using a part of energy of the natural electricityand magnetism, especially the excess of this energy, itis possible to control the weather of the planet in orderto achieve beneficial aims rather than destructive ones.It is needed to artificially provoke the breakdowns ofthe ionosphere for the appearance of cyclones andprecipitations in certain points of the World Ocean ofthe planet. The climate of the planet can be regulatedand many anomalous phenomena can be prevented bythis method [2]. For example, magnetic storms,earthquakes, hurricanes and other anomalousphenomena can be prevented.

In brief, it would be enough for natural phenomenacontrol to stabilize the strength and value of the resourceof the natural energy in the Earth magnetosphere, whichis continuously renewed by the Sun. This aim can beachieved by means of transmission of the energy excessof natural geoelectricity and geomagnetism of the near-planet space to the Earth. This energy can betransmitted as directed electromagnetic emanation bythe described above special energy systems. Forexample, the climate control can be realized in practiceby means of transmission of electric energy of thenatural near-planet generator from special space

27New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

transmitting antennas of satellites-transformers (Fig. 1-5, Fig. D, E) directly to receiving antennas of the Earth.

Basic Areas of Applying and Advantages of NewSpace Energy Systems

1. Fuelless cosmonautics and familiarization of theouter space. It is ascertained that the greatrenewed electric energy of the moving chargedparticles of the natural plasma is concentrated inthe magnetosphere of many planets, i.e. Mars,Saturn, Jupiter, Io, and renewed by the Sun. Thisenergy has not been used until now. Since that itis really possible to use the devices, which aredescribed above, in the ionospheres of otherplanets and the ionosphere of their satellites. Thisnew power engineering is quite realizable; and thisfuelless manned orbital cosmonautics wouldgreatly reduce the expenditures for thefamiliarization of the outer space.

2. Solution of Global ecological problems . Applyingof renewed energy of the natural electricity andmagnetism to meet the demands of cosmonauticsand power engineering would greatly amend theglobal ecology of the Earth. Since it is not necessaryto often launch rockets and to burn rough materials

and fuel on the planet then the harmful effect ofcosmonautics and the whole planetary powerengineering will be decreased.

3. Cheap and fast-acting world-wide spacecommunication. The fuelless orbital cosmonauticsallows greatly reduce expenditures for all thesystems of space communication andtelecommunications and increase fast-acting of thesystems. For example, the simplest wire-less fast-acting system of communication, which can berealized in practice by two or more fuelless orbitalsatellites, is demonstrated in Fig. F (see the coverpage). It is possible to produce wire-less two-wayInternet, which can operate without telephonecables, and satellite telephone connection. Suchcommunication has direct access for customers andis realized due to the “perpetual” Earth satellites.

4. Weather and many natural planetaryphenomena control. It is possible to eliminate ordecrease strength of many planetary naturalphenomena. (See the part of the article citedabove).

It becomes possible and prospective to create the newpollution-free fuelless power engineering and thefuelless orbital cosmonautics due to beneficial using ofsmall part of energy of the natural sources of electricenergy of the near-Earth space, which is renewed bythe Sun. As a result the ecology of the Earth would beamended. Basing on this space power engineering andfuelless cosmonautics a revolution will occur in all thesystems of information transmission. The systems willbecome wire-less and cheap to use. In other words,using of these systems will become cheaper, and theirfast-acting and carrying capacity will increase.Nowadays just telephone lines impede the progress ofdevelopment of the systems of communication. Thefuelless space power engineering will allow preventmany anomalous natural phenomena and cataclysms.Thus, the new space power engineering and fuellesscosmonautics clear new ways for the humanityprogress.


1. V.D. Dudyshev. Earth is Electric Machine.“Technics of Youth” (“Tehnika Molodezhi”).1984, #11.

2. V.D. Dudyshev. Course of Global Ecology orElectromechanics of Living Nature. “Ecologyand Industry of Russia” (“Ecologia IPromyshlennost Rossii”). 1999, #11.

3. Space technics engineering reference-book.Moscow, 1977.

4. Space Physics reference-book. Moscow, 1986.

5. Alekseev. Direct Transformation of Differenttypes of Energy into Electric and MechanicalEnergy. Moscow-Leningrad, 1963.

About the author

Valeriy D. Dudyshev wasgraduated from Samara TechnicalUniversity in 1974, where hestudied electromechanics. Hesuccessfully finished post-graduate course, defended histhesis for Doctor’s degree on thesubject of nontraditional powerengineering. Nowadays ValeriyD. Dudyshev is a Professor ofSamara Technical University and

a Corresponding Member of Russian Academy ofScience (Ecology).

He has already published more than 300 articles andreports. He is the author of a great number of interestinginventions of different spheres of technics; about 200 ofthem are registered (i.e. he has copyrights and patents).

Valeriy D. Dudyshev is the founder of new scientificbranches in Global Ecology. It is a new theory, whichexplains all the natural phenomena by means ofelectromagnetism and natural electromechanics.Moreover, the interrelation of these phenomena hasbeen discovered. The methods of natural phenomenacontrol (in particular, of prevent of hurricanes,earthquakes, volcanic eruptions), new ways incosmonautics (fuelless orbital cosmonautics) areproposed. A new electric fiery technology of pollution-free burning of matters in blame, methods of burningcontrol and contactless extinguishing of flame areworked out.

28 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

currents are always self-closed, and can produce airluminescence (prebreakdown processes).

“Current strength value in the basic discharge oflightning reaches tens and hundreds thousand ofAmperes.” [2].

“…energy content enclosed in the ball lightning of anaverage size, probably, comes to 20-50 kJ.” [1].

For example, if the radius of self-closed cyclicdisplacement current is 10 cm, and the current strengthis 50 kA, then the magnetic energy of current is about30 kJ.

“…some canals were crossed in the point of branching.After the discharge was stopped a luminescent sphereremained in this place, …” [1].

“…a sphere, which glows as excited nitrogenatoms do.” [1].

“Seemingly, rain drops which fell onto the lightning,evaporated, because a steam was going up from it. Itwas heard hissing which resembled sounds of electricwelding. Then the sound became higher; the lightningwas exploded with loud flap and disappeared. At thatit fell to cascade of small sparks.” [1].

After the ball lightning stopped, air was graduallyheated due to polarization current, and the electricbreakdown occurred. Self-closed alternatingdisplacement current changed into conduction current.This phenomenon can be observed at contact withconducting objects. Ball lightning representingdisplacement current can come through the soliddielectrics of small thickness, for example, through thinglass. If lightning is not exploded, i.e. the electricbreakdown does not occur, then displacement currentgradually becomes decaying. At the same time theexcitation and ionization of air atoms decrease, effectof waveguide for self-closed longitudinalelectromagnetic wave disappears, and displacementcurrent is dispersed in the space.

“The sphere changed its colour from scarlet to garnet,then a dark stain appeared in its centre and, at last, itdisappeared.” [1].

“If non-linear dielectric or plasma are irradiated withpowerful electromagnet waves then self-sustainingdielectric waveguides can be generated inside thesemediums, …” [4]

The author of this article demonstrates that balllightning is self-closed longitudinal electromagneticwaves. Ball lightning is considered as self-closedalternating displacement current, which produces airluminescence (electroluminescence).

“These facts bring out clearly that ball lightning cangenerate electric currents. … Ball lightning explosionmakes the impression of electric discharge upon manypeople, especially upon competent observers. …Physiological action of ball lightning as usual lies inelectric trauma.” [1].

Thus, all facts prove that ball lightning as well as streaklightning is electric current, i.e. ball lightning is self-closed alternating displacement current (according toelectrodynamics, current is always self-closed).

“For some seconds it was quiet then from the receiverthere was heard some growing rustle gradually turninginto boom. The receiver had to be turned off, but hissingand acute crackle was already heard from the directionof the river. Looked out the tent Dmitriev saw a balllightning which was slowly moving above the river inthe direction of the tent.” [1].

Appearance of radio-interference is the realconfirmation that ball lightning is electric currentbecause chemical reactions cannot produce suchinterference.

The properties of both streak lightning and balllightning are well-known, therefore basing onelectrodynamics it is possible to imagineelectromagnetic processes proceeding inside them.

In Nature self-closed alternating displacement currents(self-closed longitudinal electromagnetic waves) canbe observed as luminescent spherical formations atthunderstorm. Great alternating (high-frequency)displacement current gradually heats up ambient air,generating luminescence of the ambient air. This canlead to such electric breakdown as an explosion (flap).These self-closed displacement currents can putelectrical appliances out of operating; in addition,contacting with these appliances a human can berushed with electric current. At thunderstormprebreakdown displacement current flows beforestreak lightning. It is polarization current which isinvisible before the moment of breakdown. Thisdisplacement current value is comparable with thevalue of current inside lightning. If the lightningchanges its direction, for example, branches out, then“gaped” displacement currents close themselves, as

Electrodynamic Explanation of Ball LightningSergey B. Alemanov

e-mail: alemanov@bk.ru

29New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Displacement currents have magnetic energy, i.e. self-closed alternating displacement current has alternatingmagnetic field, and therefore attraction can appear. Itfollows from observations that this character ofattraction can be produced only by electromagneticinteraction.

“Maxwell attributed to displacement current just theability to produce magnetic field in ambient space.” [3].

“Then the ball lightning was attracted to a centralheating radiator and disappeared with acute hissinghaving fused cross the 3-4-milimeter thikness metall ofthe radiator.” [1].

“Suddenly the sphere was abruptly attracted to an oakwhich was in several meters from observers. A metalhook fixed on a long wooden handle was leaned againstthe oak. Having raised the sphere struck the hook. Ablinding flash appeared, and something like the canal ofaverage lightning was generated between the hook andground. The extensive cascade of sparks fell, and thesphere disappeared. … the hook was much fused, somestreaks of as-fused metal appeared on it, the edge wasfused at all and turned into a shapeless cone.” [1].

“These fusions take place only in the case of directcontact with ball lightning, and are the evidence that atthis contact the great amount of energy can begenerated. They do not prove that lightning matter hashigh temperature value. The proof of this is the fact thatin many cases when metallic parts of an object weremuch fused, non-metallic parts were remaineduntouched.” [1]

Thus only if displacement currents are changed intoconduction currents that can occur in a conductingobject then the object is fused, since displacementcurrent, in contrast to conduction current, is notaccompanied with heat generation but only producesmagnetic field.

Displacement electric current as well as conductioncurrent can be direct or alternating. For example, ifbound charges of a dielectric displace to one side andthen to another side then it is alternating displacementcurrent. If displacing like-sign bound charges are incircular motion then it is direct cycle displacementelectric current. Electric currents are always self-closed,i.e. if conduction current is broken then it is closed withdisplacement current, and vice versa, if displacementcurrent is broken it is closed with conduction current.Conduction current is always accompanied with certaindisplacement current; therefore net current is equal tothe sum of conduction current and displacementcurrent. Displacement current, in its part, can existwithout conduction current, for example, as vortexelectric field.

“Net current, which is equal to the sum ofdisplacement current and conduction current, isalways self-closed.” [5].

Thus net current is self-closed even if there is onlydisplacement current (without conduction current), forexample, as vortex electric field. Displacement currentwas observed in free state (without conduction current)in many experiments. All known experimental resultsprove that in free state displacement current is alwaysself-closed, i.e. run in closed cycle. For example, if self-closed displacement electric current runs in transverse

electric wave then its effective radius is πλ 2/=rif λ is the value of electromagnetic wave length, i.e.the orbit is equal to wavelength.

It is useful to remember that displacement current(invisible before the moment of breakdown) as well asconduction current participates in the generation of anylightning. This displacement current may becomeapparent as ball lightning. All properties of balllightning are explained by the properties ofprebreakdown self-closed alternating displacementcurrent. Streak lightning is conduction current, balllightning is displacement current. In streak lightningcurrent runs straightly, in ball lightning it circles. Balllightning is the visible proof of the fact thatdisplacement currents exist in nature along withconduction currents. According to the laws ofelectrodynamics, these displacement currents in freestate are always self-closed. In other words, naturalelectric phenomena (celestial electricity) could beexplained by electrodynamics and there are no causesto consider them, because from the point of view ofelectrodynamics it is an average electric phenomenonas well as streak lightning. The uncommonness of thephenomenon lies in the great strength of displacementcurrent that generates air luminescence(electroluminescence). Thus, it is possible to defendagainst ball lightning action by means of metal screens.Contacting with a conductor, displacement currentchanges into conduction current, and ball lightningdisappears. Ball lightning has energy and is a ratherstable field form of matter. As all energy (mass) of balllightning is field one then it practically does not haveweight value.

“It emits light as a heated body, but at the same time itpractically does not radiate heat. Its movement almostis not connected with gravity, which usually determinesthe movement of bodies which surround us.” [1].

Longitudinal electromagnetic waves (as alternatingdisplacement currents) are applied only for energytransfer in waveguides as yet. The mechanism ofproducing and keeping of longitudinal electromagneticwaves is known. Therefore, the familiarization with self-closed longitudinal electromagnetic waves can lead to,for example, to production of “vacuum storage(accumulator) of energy” designed for energyaccumulating in the form of the excited state of vacuum(field). In this case even the great amount ofaccumulated energy will have very minute weight,

according to the expression of 2mcW = . Vacuum is an“ideal conductor” for displacement current. If the whole

30 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

The Foundations of Physchemistry of MicroworldPhilipp M. Kanarev

Kuban State Agrarian University, Department of Theoretical MechanicsKalinin St. 13, 350044 Krasnodar, Russia


The new axiomatic of natural sciences is given in the book; on its basis, quantum physics and quantum chemistry have beenreturned to the classical way of development. The first steps are made on this way, which have led to discovery of the structureof the photon, the electron, and the principle of the formation of the atomic nuclei, the atoms and the molecules.

The Planck’s Law of radiation of perfect blackbody is given on the basis of classical concepts, and the connection of quantumphenomena with the laws of classical physics is proved. The application of the new theoretical results to the solution of practicalenergy tasks on the basis of plasma electrolysis of water is shown. Due to this electrolysis, additional heat energy generated aswell as hydrogen and oxygen are the energy containing gases. Cold Nuclear Transmutation of the atomic nuclei of alkaline metalsand the atomic nuclei of the cathode material takes place during plasma electrolysis of water.

The book is intended for physicists, chemists and other specialists who are seeking the new directions for understanding thefoundations of the microworld and the new energy sources.

lengths of waves are confined to orbits (in-phase wavemovement is Bohr’s orbits) then emanation does notoccur. For example, if it is possible to accumulate andemanate “bunches” of electric energy as impulses thenit will be possible to fuse or weld conducting objectsfrom great distance. Displacement electric current doesnot radiate heat before changing into conductioncurrent.

“Displacement current, in contrast to conductioncurrent, is not accompanied with heat generation.” [2]

The properties of longitudinal electromagnetic waves areviewed at the author’s website


1. I.P. Stahanov. Physical Nature of Ball Lightning.Moscow: “Scientific World” (“Nauchny Mir”). 1996p.106, p.88, p. 90, p.38, p.47, p. 85, p. 43, p.38, p.96,p.87, p.23

2. A.A. Detlaf, B.M. Yavorskiy. Course of physics.Moscow: “the Higher School” (“Vysshaya Shkola”),2000, p.263, p.350

3. T.I. Trofimova. Course of physics. Moscow: “theHigher School” (“Vysshaya Shkola”).1998 p. 250

4. Physical encyclopedia / edited by A.M. Prohorov.Moscow: “Soviet Enciclopedia”. 1988 p.306

5. Physical enciclopaedia / edited by A.M. Prohorov.Moscow: “Soviet Enciclopedia”. 1983 v.1, p.390


Mysteries of Electromagnetism and Free energyGennady V. Nikolaev

General manager of Scientific and Technical Center of Nontraditional Electrodynamics.Kuleva st. 25-25, Tomsk, Russia, 634034, Tel./fax. 41-87-95, 48-15-53,


In the new book written in an easily understood, popular manner, there is the review of the serious crisis of modern fundamentalphysics. This very crisis of fundamental physics, and especially of our knowledge about electromagnetism laws of the environment,has caused the situation when the most of electromagnetism phenomena of our reality seem to be strange.The limited nature of our knowledge about the reality becomes obvious when we face with so-called anomalous phenomena.Moreover, some representatives of the official science declared this field of knowledge about anomalous phenomena to be a pseudo-science.To make this actual problem clear, the second part of the book is devoted to such things as free energy generators, perpetualmotion machines, antigravitation, and the official academic science attitude to the problem.

The author makes an attempt to give the theoretic explanation of the phenomena and prove the baselessness of the conclusionmade by modern science about the impossibility of the already existent free energy generators, antigravitation systems, perpetualmotion machines and other similar things. All these and similar to them energy systems and generators, as well as anomalousphenomena and UFO, have all rights to exist both from the philosophy and science points of view.

To show the possibility to realize these still fantastic for the mankind projects, the author offers vivid descriptions of just the smallpart of all existent devices (in the review there are devices and designs of nearly 70 authors and inventors from all over the world!).Actually the number of the devices is much more. Authors and inventors of different ages and professions continue to make newexperiments contrary to the official academic science prohibition in order to penetrate into the unexplored mysteries of theenvironment.

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31New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Nature ofTorsion Fields

V.V. Uvarov

It is the greatest truth that compiled and disembodiedfacts come to harmony if a hypothesis is put on them

after Herbert Spenser

It can be undoubtedly affirmed that every well-known physicalphenomenon originates from the deapth of matter; therefore we

should look for the causes and laws of phenomena neither onmatter nor among matter but in the most inaccessible for our

perception areas of matter...

A. Chizhevskiy “Problem of Matter”

Torsion Field and Its Spin

Nowadays torsion fields are widely discussed. On theirbasis the newest scientific theories are composed; bytheir means diseases are treated; metals with unusualqualities are produced. Experimental science hasaccumulated rather extensive information about thedisplay of these fields. Nevertheless, there is still norational explanation of their nature.

One of the first attempts to give the only explanation oftorsion field was made in “Physical Theory of Vacuum”.The creators of this theory offered to consider the torsionfield as generated by spin, that is some quantum-mechanical magnitude. According to quantummechanics, every elementary particle has a spinwhether it is an electron or atom. If the spins ofelements, which constitute one or another material form,have some primary direction then it can be said thatthe subject is spin-polarized. Such a spin-polarized formcreates Torsion, Axion or Spinor field (the name isdepended on individual preferences). Nevertheless, inthe present time nobody knows exactly what spin is.There is an opinion that spin is connected with theangular moment of particles, i.e. with their rotation.However, this idea is contrary to such postulates oftheoretical physics as the postulate that matter cannotmove at super-light speed. Let us illustrate thepostulate. In physics atoms and other material particlesare accepted to be shown as little sphere bodies, i.e.bodies, which have real mass and volume. (Probably,there is some sense in the heart of this idea). Thesebodies rotate on their axis. The angular velocity ofrotation of the bodies increases as their geometric sizedecreases. The angular velocity of rotation of someatoms and elementary particles is equal to the lightspeed. This is where a contradiction is revealed. Thereis no problem in the fact that angular velocity of rotationis equal to the light speed because it is just the speed

of 360-degree turn of an imaginary axis. However, ifgiven particle has no imaginary but real size then everypoint of its volume will have linear speed, which valuewill exceed light speed value that depends on thedistance of the point from the axis of rotation. The morethe distance is the more the speed. This very notion iscontrary to the basic postulate of theoretical physics,viz matter cannot move at super-light speed. To avoidthis contradiction quantum mechanics considered spinas just quantum-mechanical magnitude without goingto the heart of its nature.

It turns out that the offer to consider spin to be a torsionfield source does not clarify the essence of thephenomenon. On the contrary, it makes the essencemuch more incomprehensible. Thus it should beadmitted that the attempt to explain the nature ofmysterious torsion field by the more mysterious spinwas obviously unsuccessful. There can be objectionscaused by the fact that electric field generated by someunknown charge is considered to exist. It is the truthbut in this situation the intermediary, the charge carrier,i.e. electron, is known. Thanks to this intermediaryelectricity exists. As for spin, its intermediary isunknown to the science. There is no particle, which isthe support of unit spin. Spin is just mechanical turningmoment veiled by quantum mechanics. This magnitudeis just the evidence that Something must rotate togenerate a torsion field.

About Sphericity of the Earth and Something More

Indeed, the Earth has sphere shape. This is a well-known fact. What is the cause of torsion field? What isthat Something the rotation of which generates thisfield? The exact answers for these questions do notexist. However, there are some doubts in the modernscience ability to answer these questions. Of course, itmust be something that can help to untangle theproblem.

When material matter moves a peculiar gravitationalfield is generated alongside with the appearance of thecommon gravitational field. This special kind of field isgenerated only by moving bodies and interrelates onlywith moving bodies. This field can be used as thatsomething, which can help to untangle the problem oftorsion fields. By analogy with generation and structureof similarity with gravitational one this field was namedgravimagnetic. The other name of the field isgravidynamic, i.e. gravity field generated by motion.This name was given to the field by Soviet physicistand mathematician, Academician A.F. Mitkevich, whodescribed this type of fields by combined equations,which are similar to Maxwell’s equations ofelectromagnetic dynamics [1]. However, AcademicianMitkevich was not the first to begin to speak aboutgravimagnetic fields. In 1912 A. Einstein published abrief article named “Does Gravitational InfluenceAnalogical to Electromagnetic Inductance Exist?” [13].In this article he derived an affirmative reply for thequestion.

32 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Further the idea of gravitation magnetism wasdeveloped in Thirring and Lense’s works. They provedthat if any gravitational mass is rotated then along withgravitational static field the other field of vortex type(gravimagnetic) is also observed. This field is similar tothe magnetic field of a charged sphere [2], [3], [12]. Lateron this phenomenon was called Tirring-Lense’s effect.Only after the publication of AcademicianA.F. Mitkevich’s works gravidynamic fields have got theofficial status. They were recognized but soon forgottenbecause according to the opinion of the most ofscientists these fields could not be practically applied.

Some time later torsion fields became to be discussedin science. Spin theory failed. Probably, there has cometime to appeal to Academician A.F. Mitkevich’s works.Especially since private solution of his equationsdemonstrates that his gravidynamic fields are similarto so-called torsion fields by their properties andcharacteristics of interactions with the other field ormatter. So-called “reduced equations” are especiallyconvincing. In these equations the Academician usesenergy flow instead of mass flow, as Maxwell useddisplacement current in his equations. These equationsallow cover the whole spectrum of phenomenaconnected with torsion fields. Moreover, they allowaffirm that any energy flow (or the system of flows),which cubic density satisfies the conditions ofcontinuity, and generates gravidynamic (or torsion) fieldin the ambient space. The value and direction of thefield depends on the value and direction of this flow.

Thus, gravidynamic theory based on AcademicianA.F. Mitkevich’s equations, regards objective and reallyexistent energy flow as the main source or cause oftorsion field appearance in contrast to quantum-mechanical magnitude of spin. However, gravidynamictheory does not refuse spin as a magnitude of fieldsource. It offers to extend this notion and regard spinas summarized gravidynamic moment. This momentconsists in the gravidynamic moment of rotation andgravidynamic moment, which is obtained due to theenergy exchange between a particle and medium.

Causes and Consequences

In gravidynamic theory an elementary particle, eitherelectron or atom or molecule, is endowed withgravidynamic moment. It is considered that torsion fieldactively interacts with substantial matter. Thisinteraction becomes apparent in the phenomenon ofmatter polarization. Physically phenomenon ofpolarization means that under the action of externalgravidynamic (torsion) field molecules, in a matteratoms or free electrons obtain strict orientation towardthe field, which acts upon them. This ordering of thestructure of matter outwardly becomes apparent indifferent effects, for example, in ponderomotive effector Myshkin’s effect at which the freely pendulous bodyacquires the moment of rotation. Partly the so-called“zero drift” effect caused by the use of high-precisiondial measuring instruments is connected with this

effect. For the first time this effect was noticed andpartly investigated by Russian professor V.P. Myshkinin the beginning of the last century. Basing on thephenomenon discovered by him there was designed ameasuring instrument of the type of torsion balance.This instrument was designed to measure the intensityof torsion field, which is generated by the beam of light[5].

The other effect is the changing of matter cubicresistance to continuous current. This changing occursdue to the re-orientation of free electrons in metal orsemi-conductor (the so-called Kozyrev’s effect). Thisphenomenon was discovered and firstly used by Sovietastronomer N.A. Kozyrev in his sensor designed for theregistration of plant bio-fields and stars locus [6].

In addition, it is indicated in gravidynamic theory thatsince the direction of magnetic moment vector coincideswith the direction of gravidynamic moment vector thenstable magnetic fields can be used as gage fields forsensitivity enhancement of registration devices.

However, the most interesting consequence, whichfollows the gravidynamic theory of torsion field, is thestatement that torsion fields are generated during theprocess of chemical reaction. The intensity of thesefields is proportionate to the energy, which is generatedor absorbed in the process of those chemical reactions,and to the intensity of this power exchange. Moreover,generated torsion fields have well-defined polarization,which depends on the type of chemical reaction. Thereactions can be exothermal or endothermal, i.e. theycan proceed along with generation or absorption ofenergy. Basing on this field asymmetry it can besupposed that if some value of interacting chemicalmatters is placed to external torsion field then thechange of speed of this chemical reaction can beobserved. If the direction of one field coincides withthe direction of the other one then the speed of chemicalreaction will increase; if the directions are opposite thenthe speed of the reaction will decrease [8].

This ability of chemical reaction to be the source oftorsion field allows affirm that so-called bio-field of livingobjects is the superposition of torsion fields. Bio-chemical processes, which proceed in the cells of anorganism, are sources of torsion field [8].

In conclusion it should be noticed that since in realityenergy flows are variable value then torsion fieldsgenerated by them would be variable as well. Thismeans that analyzing the character of the interactionof a matter with a torsion field many factors should betaken account. It is not only the intensity of acting fieldshould be considered but also the frequencycharacteristics of the own torsion field of an investigatedmatter and the frequency characteristics of the fieldacting upon this matter. The intensity of gravidynamicfields is lower than the intensity of electromagneticfields. However, this point of view allows explain whythe gravidynamic fields make visible effects, which by

33New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

their force are comparable with the effects byelectromagnetic fields. Sometimes the effects ofgravidynamic fields even excel them. For example,Myshkin’s effect, Kozyrev’s effect can be mentioned.Kozyrev made experiments with fast-rotatinggyroscope. In these experiments to demonstrate theweight decrease of the gyroscope it was required totune the system of the gyroscope balance in appointedoscillation frequency value by an external oscillator.According to Kozyrev’s remark it was necessary to meetthis condition. Only in rare cases, if as a result ofdegradation in gyroscope bearings there were appearedmechanical beatings, then weight defect could beregistered without the oscillator use [6]. It can beexplained from the point of view of gravidynamic theory.According to this theory all known physical effectsconnected with the interaction of torsion field withmatter, are resonant phenomena. For their appearancethe basic oscillation frequency of acting field does notneed to coincide with the basic oscillation frequency ofthe field of matter. It is enough if the harmonicconstituents of these oscillations will coincide.

Final Reflection

In conclusion it is worth to cite the words of AlexanderChizhevsky: “Ability to generalize, find the similarity ofdifferent by appearance subjects and phenomena is oneof the basic and remarkable qualities of our mind and,therefore, of Nature itself because our brain is itscoordinated part. Thus, our mind establishes similarity,generalizes natural phenomena; and this verygeneralization is a scientific fact, which later on anexactly and briefly formulated law is derived from.

Since it can be said that the method of analogies, whichhas in its base series of features inherent to differentphenomena, is one of those methods which helpdifferent areas of knowledge to unite together andapproach us to the comprehension of those routs wherethe grandiose genealogical tree of physical laws or,probably, of physical unified law grows from!”

These words were said in 1920; nevertheless, they arestill present-day and very actual for this work, sinceelectromagnetic and gravimagnetic oscillations are thedifferent branches of the same genealogical tree. Thisis evident from the fact that all basic equations ofelectromagnetic and gravimagnetic theories aresymmetrical. This quantitative symmetry means a lot.It shows that if we prolong electromagnetic spectrumto the direction of oscillation frequency increase thenwe can find out that in some interval electromagneticwaves change into gravimagnetic or torsion waves.

This conclusion is based on the similar nature of theseoscillations. Both types of the oscillations are generatedby the same multitude, i.e. by energy flow, which,according to an ancient sage’s words, is “impulseessence”. There is the question what the cause of theimpulse is. Nowadays we just can consider it to be theresult of some unknown processes, which proceed in

the heart of matter. These processes will come to lightwhen we are able to understand the essence of aether.Therefore electromagnetic spectrum is worth to benamed vacuum or aether oscillation spectrum. The typeof the spectrum will not be just linear. Two differentbranches can be superposed only by equal bottom-upspiral where one turn is electromagnetic oscillations;the other one is gravidynamic oscillations. It is thequestion for future science to answer of how many turnsthe whole spectrum has. It is clear that the spectrumcan be built either upward or downward.

Let us analyze the obtained tree of aether oscillationsthen we can come to interesting conclusions. This pointof view shows that the spiral frequency scale must havethree gangings. One of them is a frequency value. Andwhat do the other two mean?

Our objective world is material. Even a child knows thisbasic truth. We are surrounded with different forms ofmatter. Ancient sages named matter “waters” becausethey associated space with the notion of ‘ocean’. Spaceis filled with matter. Matter represents the notion ofSpace like waters represent the notion of ‘ocean’.

Thus the other ganging will be materiality. This termmeans the refinement of matter from its coarse forms,such as solid bodies, to liquid and gaseous state, andmoreover, to the fine state of plasma, and unknownrefined vacuum-aether. Each of these mediums or levelsof materiality corresponds to some branch of aetheroscillation spectrum.

The last ganging will be the speed of propagation ofaether oscillation. It is logically based on the statementthat the speed value of the longitudinal oscillations ofmedium depends on the fineness value of this medium.The finer the medium is the higher the speed. The lastfact allows build the tree of the spiral using the standardphysical equation. In this equation wavelength valueis equal to the quotient of frequency value by the valueof speed of oscillation propagation in the medium. Sincethe higher speed on the new level of materiality everytime gives us back to the beginning of the spectrum.At the beginning of the spectrum all the qualities ofthese oscillations are approximately the same, i.e. all ofthem are just oscillation essence. At the other end ofthe branch all the oscillations obtain ability to generateparticles. Probably, it occurs as the result of the processduring which in medium harsh high-frequencyoscillations produce vortices. These vortices can beobserved as independent objects or particles. Thespontaneous generation of the pair of electron andpositron can be mentioned. Since, according to the lawof cyclicity, gravidynamic oscillations have the sameinterval. What matter will be generated by theseoscillations?

It can be used the principle of analogies to answer thisquestion. If harsh electromagnetic oscillations generatematter, which particles are, connected with each otherby electromagnetic fields, then harsh gravidynamic

34 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Russia Instituted Annual Competition in Power Engineering SciencesThe award is financial equivalent of the Nobel Prize

In Russia an international prize of “Global Energy” has been instituted. This is the first prize of the worldfundamental and applied science, which will be awarded for proposals of outstanding projects in the field ofenergy and power engineering. Group of well-known Russian scientists headed by Zhores Alferov, the NobelPrize laureate, proposed the idea of new international prize in the area of alternative energy technologies. Theprize should provide more development of theoretical and mainly the practical applied scientific projects inthe area of power engineering. It is considered to raise interest of the leading experts from different countriesand international scientific societies in solving of the most important problems of power engineering.

The prize is instituted this year and will be awarded annually since 2003. It is interesting that the prize fundis formed at the expense of sponsor contributions of the greatest Russian companies, which are involved inpower engineering and oil business: “Gasprom” and “United Energy Systems of Russia” Corporations and“YUKOS” Oil Company.

Some time ago all new energy topics in Russia were in secret, i.e. they were hidden from open scientificsociety and there were no any serious publications. But history of Russian science has many bright examplesof experimental success in this area. In 1888 Prof. Latchinov, who had patented first hydrogen electrolysissystem, also claimed possibility to get high efficient hydrogen production and he explained that extra-energyis result of the environmental heat conversion. Also Prof. Yablotchkov, who is Russian inventor of electriclamp, claimed 200% efficiency and described his method of “amplification of electricity” by means of opensurface capacitors, French patent #115793 of November 30, 1876. In 1948-1950 N.D. Papaleksi developedtopic of parametrical generation of electroenergy and in the case of capacitance parametrical resonance itwas claimed that it is possible to create “a very high efficiency”.

Modern political and economical situation in Russia is not so good to believe in quick development of the newenergy technologies market. Russia is exporter of oil and official plans are to increase the export (also in USA)to get more profit for Russian budget. It is clear that simple and profitable business topic always is moreimportant than risk scientific projects. So, I can assume that innovations in Russian new energy systemsmarket cannot be global in 2003-2005. But today in this scientific area Russia is ready to become one of themost advanced countries of the World. Sure, at the first stage a notion of alternative energy is somethingrelated with hydrogen, wind power, solar panels and other classical approaches but I hope that in future anyinvention of fuel-less energy system can be nominated to this prize. Perhaps in nearest future we’ll get possibilityto put in the market some real “perpetual mobile”!

Alexander V. Frolov

oscillations must generate matter which particles areconnected with each other by gravimagnetic fields. Inshort, in nature both the atoms of electromagnetic originand the atoms of gravimagnetic origin must exist.Taking into account the stable principle of nature thatevery subject can interact only with similar one, theconclusion can be made that either atoms or moleculeswill gather to matter forms according to their nature.Thus, at least two types of matter will exist in the world.Paying attention to the size of molecules, atoms, andtheir particles, and correlating them with interatomicdistance and weak interaction of electromagnetic andgravimagnetic fields, it can be affirmed that theexistence of two types of matter in the same value ofspace is possible.

Moreover, nothing prohibits us to affirm the existenceof the whole world in our value of space.


1. N.V. Mitskevich. Physical Fields in General Relativity.Moscow: “Science” (“Nauka”).1969;

2. Yu.S. Vladimirov, N.V. Mitskevich. Space, Time,Gravitation. Moscow: “Science” (“Nauka”). 1969;

3. V.G. Braginskiy, A.G. Polnarev. Amazing Gravitation.Moscow: “Science” (“Nauka”). 1985

4. I.A. Umov. Selected works. Moscow. 1990;5. V.P. Myshkin Moving of Body which is in Radiant Energy

Flow. Magazine of Russian Physical-Chemical Society.1906. volume 43

6. N.A. Kozyrev. Selected works. Moscow. 1990;7. G.I. Shipov. Theory of Physical Vacuum8. V.V. Uvarov. Nature of Bio-field/D2992/.//”Science and

Technics” (“Nauka I Tehnika”) #7.1990;9. V.V. Uvarov. Baron Munchausen’s Secret.//”Chemistry and

Life” (“Himiya I Zhizn”) #9.1991;10. V.V. Uvarov. Top on Table. // “Light” (“Svet”), #12. 1991;11. V.V. Uvarov. Word of With. // “Banner of World” (“Znamya

Mira”). #10. 199612. H. Thirring, J. Lense. Phys. Z. 1918. Bd19. S.156;13. A. Einstein. Vietelj Schrift Cer. Medizin. 1912. Bd44. S.37

(volume 1, p.223)

35New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Matter, Space and Time inConception of Aether

FieldAlexander M. Mishin

Planernaya st., 79/208, St.-Petersburg, 197373, Russiae-mail:

The aether concept of matter, space and time andthe problem of parallel worlds are viewed basing onoriginal empirical material. Many-year-longobservations and experiments made onnontraditional methodology [1-5] show that everyexistence of our world represents some form ofmotion of some universal primary matter. Dekart’sassertion that there is nothing in the Universe exceptaether and its vortices, was right. The properties ofthis mysterious many-sided aether must be greatlyunusual for its dynamic three-dimensional structuresto create all the physical objects and naturalphenomena including different kinds of living matter.The physical aspects of natural science fundamentalcategories and the problem of parallel worlds areviewed in the framework of the concept of aether.

All the kinds of World aether demonstrate specialquantum superfluid properties. Therefore, it is logicallyto consider that matter generation is connected withthe whole Universe rotation that is an establishedscientific fact. Since the matter world should besupposed to be a stable forceful corpuscular vortex-wave structure of a certain space spectrum, which hasa single-valued momentum of aether “spiral” motion.Naturally, the parameters of an apparent matter dependon the properties of primary aether and characteristicsof the rotational translational motion of the Universe.At the same time, as the newest experiments confirm,corpuscular-wave or vortex-wave dualism appears asan absolute principle of the Universe. In the Universethere is no object, which does not have wave properties.

By the space it should be named conditionally “solid”crystalline liquid vortex-wave structures of three-dimensional superfluid aether. Such structures havezero net angular momentum. From the point of view ofstereodynamics and topology, real space is many-dimensional, i.e. it is represented by great number ofdifferent vortex lattices, i.e. subspaces. Fine-structureNewton’s space or energy “bottom” of the Universe ismore primary. The other subspaces are created bymatter (mass) and represent certain material objects,which the modern physics names as gravitation fields.Gravitation is merely an aether phenomenon. It realizesthe principle of the slightest disturbance ofinhomogeneous subspaces during their interaction. Theenergy of these subspaces is proportional to the massof physical bodies. In general case, the finer thestructure of a subspace is, the more its energy.

This is to say that the Universe is a rotating liquidcrystal, which interacts with a more fine-structure and,therefore, more power-consuming interuniversal space.Hence, the interuniversal energy “bottom” is deeperthan the energy “bottom” of our Universe and exists inthe condition of plasma (“fire”). Nowadays the numberof apparent matter worlds is unknown. Once appearedmatter creates secondary vortex-wave structures,which, according to the number of right-handed andleft-handed vortices, are symmetrical as analogues ofparticles and antiparticles. The statistical variant ofsuch structures corresponds to the subspaces, i.e.gravitation fields; and the dynamic variant agrees witha particular vortex-wave emanation or parallel worldsas a quasimatter. These parallel worlds can be namedas topological harmonics (subharmonics) of matter.They appear as a result of the interaction of bodies withthe other subspaces. Quasimatter objects are observedin our world as flicker-effects.

Electromagnetism also has the vortex-wave nature andoccupies a strictly appointed place in the space-timespectrum of the aether motion. There is no non-rotationalmotion in the aether. Electromagnetic phenomena, justas mechanical and other ones, have their topologicalharmonics, i.e., from the point of view ofaetherdynamics, all the natural phenomena andprocesses are many-dimensional. This causes thevitality of esoteric and occult ideas which are valid inthe framework of the post-modern physics.

The notion of time, which is now accepted in thescience, is a very relative category, which is subjectivelysubconsciously connected with the course of humanlife. From the point of view of physics, time shouldcorrespond to the speed of transmission of vortexinteraction and to the angular velocity of rotation ofaether vortices, which are located in the viewedstructure of space or matter (quasimatter). Since everysubspace has the particular course of time then thereis many-dimensional time in a stereodynamically andtopologically many-dimensional space. Physical timedemonstrates its material properties in the process ofvast space transformation of aether vortex-wavestructures. In his theory Professor N.A. Kozyrev meantvery physical time, which controls cosmic energyprocesses.

The category of time is closely connected with theproblem of interaction of physical worlds. By theseworlds different vortex-wave structures of the aetherare meant. The structures create matter andquasimatter. An energy informational barrier hindersin this interaction. The barrier is caused, on one hand,by superfluid properties of the aether, and, on the otherhand, by the peculiarities of the transmission of spaceand physical time into the other scale. The material(energy) transmission from one subspace into the otherone is possible due to “bifurcation”, i.e. thefragmentation or enlargement of elementary vorticesas an approximate analogue of the classical reactionsof nuclear disintegration and nuclear fusion. At the same

36 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

time the process of fragmentation is accompanied bythe acceleration of physical time, mass increase andadditional energy consumptions. The enlargement ofthe aether vortex is characterized by the inverseprocess. These very natural phenomena, which werereproduced in the laboratory conditions [6], clarify andvalidate N.A. Kozyrev’s interpretation of time.

There is an all-important scientific notion, viz the aethervortices of spiral structure have matter propertiesindependently of their size. Nevertheless, the majorityof the aether structures, which accompany densephysical bodies, are virtual, i.e. it includes the equalnumber of matter and non-matter formations. Theseformations correspond to the existences “yin” and“yang” of the ancient Chinese philosophy. Even if theaether body of the “yin” or “yang” type is managed tocreate then the value of the interaction of suchstructures with common bodies decrease in time by the“exponential curve”. This also has been proved byexperiments.

This fact explains why the little-known world of“flickering” physics, i.e. metaphysics, exists side by sidewith us. It is astonishing that all the living systems areable to control the energy informational barrier.

All the potential worlds of the Universe along with theirsubspaces and time property can be placed on an axisdue to the size of their elementary vortices. Observingtheir placement on the axis it is possible to estimatethe change of their main physical characteristics. Newexperimental data allow affirm the fact that the speedof transmission of interaction and the speed of rotationof such vortices as the course of time, density andenergy (temperature) of the aether have inverserelationship with the size of the vortices. For example,the speed of spreading of many-dimensionalelectromagnetic disturbance tends to infinity at thebeginning of the axis, is equal to the light speed in themicroscale, and comes to zero in the megaworlds.

It is necessary to take into account that the aethervortices fill up the space capacity of real physicalsystems from the zero point to the size of the verysystem. Moreover, the active spectrum of the systemspreads towards the less scale as the size of the systemincreases, i.e. the energy “bottom” of the systembecomes deeper. Thus, a galactic vortex contains a fine-structure subspace which is responsible for the inertiaphenomenon. This provides the system with a newproperty. In particular, it is known the fact that Newton’slaws are broken in the mechanics of galaxies. Vortexspectrum energy cascades, i.e. the “red” and “violet”cascades, are most important in space powerengineering.

Up to this point, the matter and quasimatter worlds havebeen considered. They have significant energy of thevortex motion of the aether. If the other civilizationsexisted in the parallel subspaces as vortex-wave formsthen it would have been possible for us to communicate

with them in spite of the difference of values of thefundamental physical constants. Since such acommunication is not observed then it is logically toconsider that there are principally different forms of lifein those worlds.

Nowadays it has been proved the fact that solidsubspaces have little-studied holographic andproperties, i.e. the ability to collect and store the greatamount of information. Though the physical mechanismof this storage is not clear yet, however, it may besupposed that the new abilities of stable vortex-wavestructures or the matrices of the aether as gravitationfields explain the existence way of the worlds whichare, in the common sense, immaterial but animate. Atthe same time it is revealed the hierarchy of the otherworlds, which is known from esoteric sources, i.e.terrestrial hierarchy, solar hierarchy. It is too difficultfor such a civilization to communicate with our denseworld since they have less energy than computerviruses have.

The last comparison is quite important and shows aprimitive analogue of specific sense, i.e. the apparatusof “phase” informatics, which is an immaterial structure.Moreover, the virus form of homeopathic and computernature shows the search direction of the way ofcommunication with the immaterial existences, whichlive side by side with us. In addition it is necessary topoint out the possibility of informational control of theenergy and matter processes, which occur in our world.The real prototype of such control is the known reliablefacts of mind action upon the matter.

In conclusion let us notice that the primary fine structureof the aether is an undisclosed mystery. The introductionto the theory of hypothetic particles such asAtsyukovsky’s amers, Baurov’s buons, Akimov’s fitonsand tens of others, does not allow us approach the truth.Newton and Lomonosov objected to the appearance ofthe huge amount of hypotheses because the hugeamount of semi-reliable mathematical models is harmfulfor physics. It is early to frame hypotheses since themacroscopic visible properties of the aether have notbeen studied yet. Forming the theory of a universal fieldit is necessary to return to the historically confirmedconcept of the aether and the topologically many-dimensional space-time.


1. A.M. Mishin The aether model as result of the new empiricalconception. New ideas in natural science. (On materials ofInternational Conference) Part I. St.-Petersburg: RAS, 1996.

2. A.M. Mishin The physical system of artificial biofield. “NewEnergy Technologies”, SPb: Faraday Lab Ltd, 2001,#1

3. A.M. Mishin The main principle of aetherodynamics. “NewEnergy Technologies”, SPb: Faraday Lab Ltd, 2001,#2

4. A.M. Mishin Fundamental properties of aether. “New EnergyTechnologies”, SPb: Faraday Lab Ltd, 2001,#3 (6)

5. A.M. Mishin Longitudinal thermomagnetic effect. “New EnergyTechnologies”, SPb: Faraday Lab Ltd, 2001,#2 (5)

6. A.M. Mishin Antigravitation and new energy processes. “NewEnergy Technologies”, SPb: Faraday Lab Ltd, 2001,#2

37New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Patent Experts Noware Between a Rockand a Hard Place

V. Sharov

Member of Commission of power-accumulating systems inmechanical engineering, mechanics, power engineering, and

ecology of Russian Academy of Science


“If a wire is being moved in scalar magnetic field S thencurrent, which is induced inside it, will not decelerate the

conductor movement but help its movement. Therefore,having “Siberian Kolya” magnet, by means of scalar magnetic

field it is possible to design perpetual motion machines”.

From the preface by StefanMarinov to the book by G. Nikolaev [1].

There can appear a question: who Stefan Marinov andKolya are? How is it possible to design a perpetualmotion machine, if, as we know from school, it isprincipally impossible?

One and a half of ten years ago Paul Bauman, anunassuming Swiss physicist, invented a strange engine.The engine reminds of an electrostatic machine withLeyden jars. Two acrylic discs with 36 narrow sectorsof thin aluminum, which are stuck on the discs, rotatein different directions. Common gramophone recordswere used as the discs in the first pre-productionmodels. The engine was started up with pushing thediscs into different directions. Speed of the discs rotationlied in the interval from 50 to 70 rpm. After starting,the discs were able to rotate without any assistance ortime limitation. At the same time direct voltage valuein electric circuit is approximately 300-350 V at currentstrength value of up to 30 Amperes. The examinationand practical application of the new engine wererealized in the town of Linden nearby Bern, where about250 people live. The town meets its power demand bymeans of Bauman’s engines. It is not connected up toany external power supply system.

Stefan Marinov, a famous physicist, the head of Instituteof Fundamental Physics of Graz city (Austria), wasinterested in this unusual engine. The scientist visitedLinden several times, where he made his investigations.In Graz he worked with Bauman’s engine, which hadbeen presented him by the author of the device. Therotation energy value of the engine discs wasapproximately equal to 100 milliwatt. This value wasmany thousands times less than the output of theengine. Therefore, the engine should be called“generator”. The system of 10 kWt output had plasticdiscs of about two-meter diameter.

Marinov represented the results of his observations inthe series of publications. However, the scientist hadno time to finish his fundamental work. On 15 of July of1997 an unknown murderer threw the professor StefanMarinov out of a window of a university library, whichis located in the centre of Graz. The criminal was notfound, and the case was closed. Such a situation hadhappened more than once before, when there wereattempts upon lives of those inventors who dealt withnonorthodox scientific ideas. We can mention, forexample, Rudolf Diesel, the creator of Diesel internal-combustion engine, who disappeared without a trace,when he shipped to the USA. J. Marsol, who in 50s ofthe XX century patented a molecular internal-combustion engine working on water, zinc, andantimony, shared his fate. After the publication of thepatent application Marsol perished along with his familyand collaborators of his laboratory. In the last case ithas been ascertained that the work on the inventor’sengine was stopped under the pressure of transnationaloil monopolies. They would have lost prosperousbusiness and huge benefits if car engines could run onwater instead of oil.

The case with Bauman’s engine has appeared to bemore successful. Different releases about it have beenpublished in the scientific and technical magazines indifferent countries. However, nobody can explain thephysical principle of engine operation.

Marinov mentioned a certain Kolya in the preface to thebook named in the epigraph to this article. There is thequestion of who is Kolya. Kolya is G.V. Nikolaev, aphysicist from Tomsk, Doctor of Physico-MathematicalScience. He is the head of Scientific and TechnicalCentre of Non-traditional Electrodynamics. Nikolaev isvery famous abroad for his works not only amongphysicists. His foreign colleagues name him SiberianKolya. In Russia he is little known. On the 3d of April of2002 at the conference of Commission of Power-Accumulating Systems of Russian Academy of ScienceNikolaev gave a very interesting scientific report onScalar Magnetic Field. In this report the possibility ofthe existence of perpetual motion machine wastheoretically proved.

Let us mention the attitude of some representatives oftraditional science to the works by Marinov, Nikolaev,and many other researchers, whose research results arecontrary to the traditional knowledge.

In an article which has been recently published in “IS.Industrial Property” [2], its authors T. Lakomkina andR. Polischuk write: “new fallacious works have beenrecently appearing. They deal with “miraculous”methods of energy generation and other sensations ofthis kind.” Moreover, the huge amount of new proposalsin the area of non-traditional power-accumulatingsystems has been lately making.

It should however be noticed that, at least according tothe theory of probability, all these works cannot be

38 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

fallacious. Probably, this amount of the proposals andworks are caused by the fact that the time ofcorresponding technical determinations has come.There is nothing casual in life.

It is reasonable that numerous works on designing ofnon-traditional energy sources has been appearing forthe last years. Since natural energy resources soon willbe depleted, and the environment is greatly polluted,humanity is anxious for the possibility to obtain energydirectly from matter. Matter gives the energy by twoways, i.e. there are two ways of change of someparticles into another that is accompanied with energygeneration.

The first way is the making of extreme conditions (i.e.highest temperature and pressure, in the presence ofwhich nuclear fusion occurs, and the great amount ofenergy is generated). However, this way may cause thetotal environment pollution and even the absolutedestruction of the environment.

The second way, which has been already chosen bymany inventors, is the making of such conditions at thatnature gives its energy without experience of anyviolence. For example, the sensational experiments inthe area of nuclear fusion made by Fleishman - Pons(the USA, 1989) are known. According to theseexperiments there was observed nuclear fusion at theelectrolytic deuteration of the crystal lattice of titaniumand palladium. To tell the truth, E.P. Kruglyakov notices[3] that many laboratories all over the world have madeattempts to confirm the results of Fleishman – Pons’sexperiments, but all the attempts were unsuccessful.Nevertheless, it should be noticed that an inventormight obtain such results, which cannot be obtainedby examiners.

It is interesting to notice that sometimes authoritativescientific magazines use to publish releases about themethods of “cold nuclear fusion”. (One of the latestreleases is devoted to Paterson’s method of waterhydrolysis by fusion with lithium electrolyte and nickel-palladium catalyst. This method was patented in theUSA). Nevertheless, none of the works was realized inpractice. Obviously, some powerful forces, which canlose their profit, influence and do not allow the worksto be realized even at the stage of experimental models.

There is another cause, why the new methods of energygeneration are omitted. For a scientist, who has learnedsince his school days that such technologies are verydifficult and expensive, and sometimes need hugetemperature and pressure action it is difficult to believethat such a process can proceed in common cookingbattery at room temperature and atmosphere pressure.It is known that the cost for a thermonuclear reactordesigning has already come to $100 billion. However,scientists from different countries still have to work atthe reactors. As it is forecasted, first industrialthermonuclear reactors can appear only in 2030. It isincomprehensible, why it is impossible to follow parallelpaths to reach the aim of huge energy resourcesacquirement.

Respectable American scientific magazine of “Science”describes a model, which is tested now in the nationallaboratory of the USA in Ockridge. A glass of deuteratedacetone is placed nearby an ultrasound source, neutrongenerator and neutron counter. Blebs appear in theacetone under the action of ultrasound. Appeared blebsburst at once, and their covers begin to move veryquickly to the center of the glass. In other words, a shockwave comes off the wall of the glass and then moves tothe centre where it focuses. As measuring has shown,temperature value in the focus reaches 50 million Kelvin.In these conditions the fusion of tritium and heliumoccurs. However, the reaction proceeds too slowly. Nowone of the leading experts of this scientific branch,Academician of Russian Academy of ScienceR.I. Nigmatulin and other scientists are working at theacceleration of the reaction [4].

There is a declaration in the article [2]: “it is possible tochoose principally unscientific branches, in whichscience has already proved the impossibility of the aimrealization. The all types of perpetual motion machinesbelong to such unscientific branches.” The declarationseems to be too categorical. Declaring such things theseauthors work for those forces (which have been alreadymentioned), which are not interested in the practicalrealization of the greatest projects.

The following example shows that it is erroneous toconsider these problems as unscientific.

Sometimes ago, according to some well-knownAcademicians’ declarations, there was an opinion thatbeing a diamagnetic, water is indifferent to magneticfield action. The president of Academy of Science ofUSSR A.P. Alexandrov jestingly said that watermagnetization is as impossible as the ImmaculateConception. The experts of Russian Patent Office couldnot but know about it. Since that they declined theapplications for water activation by means of magneticfield. The experts of Inspectional Council urged thedeclarants to refuse of their “pseudo-scientific”proposals.

Having no doubts in the possibility of watermagnetization, I proposed the principally new methodof its magnetic processing. It was approved by famousSoviet physicist I.L. Gerlovinov (by the way,Academician L. Landau considered him to be histeacher). My proposal was as following. The knownconditions of the magnetic processing of water makethe water to be deuterated by electrons, which comefrom ambient space [5] (as it turns out now, fromphysical vacuum). This was evident from Landau’sdiamagnetism of free electrons. This method of themagnetic processing of water systems was not contraryto the existent physical ideas and allowed to interpretthe numerous anomalies of magnetized water.

However, such an alternative scientific branch as theelectrochemical electrolysis processing of water hadbeing already developed. The main advantage of thismethod was the stable repetition of results whereas

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the effect of magnetic processing depended on theelectric charge of atmosphere and other factors. Thisway water magnetization sank into oblivion, while therehas been given lots of patents for electrolyzers.Obviously, life puts everything to its own place, andthere is no need to compose the list of anti-scientificthemes.

After the publication in “Inventor and Rationalyzer”(“Izobretatel I Ratsionalizator”) magazine of“Output>1?” article written by me and S. Sinelnikov Ireceived a lot of benevolent responses from readers.They sent many confirmations of the existence ofdevices, which used uncontrollable environmentalenergy. This ensured output to be more than input.However, there were unkind letters, which say that ifoutput is more than 1 then we deal with a perpetualmotion machine, which existence is principallyimpossible. In my opinion, this is not a forcibleargument.

For example, a perpetual motion machine, which wasdesigned in Russia in the XVIII century, should bementioned. This is a fountain built into Kulibin’s clock[7], which he presented to the empress Catherine II.I repeatedly observed the clock operation in NationalMuseum (Havana), when I was working in Cuba. (I wasnot able to learn how the museum had got the clock).The principle of the fountain operation is following.There are two chambers where partial pressure isgenerated in such a way that the partial pressure inthe lower chamber is greater than the pressure of theupper one. The partial pressure generated in the lowerchamber makes water run from the lower chamber tothe upper chamber. This pressure is generated becauseof the action of ambient space energy emanation anddifferent evaporating areas in the lower and upperchambers. No special energy is applied here.Nevertheless, the fountain in this clock has beencontinuously flowing without any repair or maintenancefor 300 years. This is eternity, isn’t it?

The commission of experts of Russian Patent Officeacted wittily and, on my mind, absolutely right, whenV.I. Likhachev, one of the authors of the working modelof the fountain, submitted an application for theinvention. They opposed to him a reference to a device[8], which had a built-in heat source. Since the declaredproposal differed from that device only by the absenceof this source, the commission refused to grant thepatent to Likhachev because of so-called negativenovelty, i.e. the removal of any element from alreadyknown device couldn’t be an invention. Novelty lies onlyin adding of new elements.

An expert cannot know all the peculiarities of capillarypartition, which is a “hydraulic lock”, and thus he canhave doubts of the workability of the declared proposal.If those experts had not found that reference they couldjust find the confirmation of the declared effect intechnical literature. By the way, there are the workingmodels of such devices in institutions, which work at

porous ceramics. These devices are discussed atscientific and technical conferences; the reports of suchconferences are published. Thus, it can be seen thatthe difficulties of the experts, which were mentionedin the article [2], are exaggerated.

Mostly, the expert doesn’t face the problem of practicalusage, because an application always has a prototypewhich reliability is doubtless for the expert. For example,a magnetic engine [9] has a prototype [10] on theapplication submitted 30 years before.

In the article [2] there is the example of impossibility toobtain energy gain by such a way as the hit of a metalconstruction against a solid surface. I propose tosimplify the problem and instead of the metalconstruction examine an electron, which is used forbombarding of a mark. As it is known, one interestingfact is revealed at the procedure. When an electron hitsthe mark it generates energy photon; at the same timeit does not disappear but stays at the mark saving asmuch energy as it had before the hit.

In such a situation experts cannot “base their decisionsonly on official fundamental science”. Fundamentalscience principally is behind of practice because it candraw generalizations only after the thorough researchand analysis of facts. However, when an inventorobtains a new technical result he grants in anapplication for an invent, even if science does not knowthe principle of its operation. In such a situation anexpert has to make a decision independently. As it isseen, the statement that science must give the list of“pseudo-scientific” themes and works is objectless.

In this connection let me draw the reader’s attention tothe title of the article [2], viz “Patent Examination ofApplications that are not Based on ScientificKnowledge”. According to the cause mentioned above,this title does not contain logic. Experts have got usedto the notion that a reference is the source of scientificand technical information. There is the problem ofreference reliability. It is not by chance thatE.P. Kruglyakov [3] operates with the notion of“information, which is represented in a reviewedmagazine”. However, it is incomprehensible how it ispossible to guarantee the high competence, broadoutlook and impartiality of reviewers.

Is the information about Bauman’s engine based onscientific knowledge? Of course, many reviewedscientific and technical magazines in all over the worldcould not but write about it. However, thesepublications are contrary to scientific knowledgeexpressed in common laws and postulates.

Before passing on to technical determinations, it isuseful to touch on the problem of torsion fields. Theauthors of the article [2] write: “these fields areprincipally impossible as perpetual motion machine is”.Nevertheless, there are lots of announcements abouttorsion field generators (for example, Shpilman’s

40 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

generator) and other devices which input is very little.Even if 1% of these announcements represent the factsthen it can be said that the humanity is on the thresholdof a break to real perpetual motion machine. We canconsider G.I. Shilov and A.E. Akimov’s works [13] oftorsion fields to be fallacious. However, it is very difficultto conceal or distort something in our time of informationtechnologies because everything can be controlled, sothe results of such works as Shpilman’s one can beeasily verified.

Having read in the magazine that there are no torsionfields, I came to Shpilman’s Internet site,,

and obtained the information about torsion fields and aproposal to buy a generator, which work is based ontorsion field effect. It costs $330. Russian scientistsdesigned such simple torsion field generators 10 yearsago. In this situation the known aphorism may soundlike this: “Those people, who do not recognize the owninventors, will have to feed strangers”.

From another point of view, we could agree with theauthors of the article [2] that perpetual motion machinesand torsion field generators were not based on scientificknowledge if they had said that such devices were notbased on orthodox or traditional scientific knowledge.It is incorrectly to affirm that there is no science herebecause according to [3] our country has expendedabout $ 0.5 billion on the investigations of torsion fields.

I should say that I was not successful in understandingof 46 mathematic equations, which were cited byR. Polischuk as an example in [2]. I was not able tounderstand which of them disprove torsion fieldexistence.

My assurance in torsion field existence is based on thefollowing statements:

1. It is a well-known fact that everything thatmoves can generate fields (acoustic,electromagnetic and other fields like these).Electrons and other elementary particles, andeven such complicated bodies as the Earth orthe Sun rotate with giant speeds. Every causehas its consequence, so it may be supposedthat torsion fields must accompany theirrotation. Even if we know nothing about thesefields then it does not mean that they do notexist.

2. Recently there was the exhibition of inventions“Archimed-2002” in Sokolniki (Moscow), wherethe working pre-production model ofV.P. Kotelnikov’s heat-generator wasdemonstrated [11]. A pump tangentiallydelivers water through a one-meter jet closeto its chocked butt. An adapter connects thetube of the other butt with radiators. Deliveredwater is of room temperature value. Rotatingin the jet the water heats up to 50-55°C.Rotating in two-meter tube the water continues

to heat approximately up to 65°C. The devicedoes not have other elements, such as by-passes and braking devices, like in famousPotapov’s heat-generator (by the way, it is stillinsoluble puzzle of the XX century). Hence, theprobability of heating water by cavitation ortribo- or some other effects is insignificant.Moreover, if water is delivered to the jet byusual longitudinal way, even if the speed ofdelivery is very high, the effect is not obtainedin any ways of outflow. In Kotelnikov’s plant,which was demonstrated on the exhibition, thewater temperature value was measured beforeprocessing in the heat-generator, and then afterprocessing in the jet and in the tube,whereupon energy balance was calculated.Relating the obtained energy value to theengine power value, it was revealed that theoutput of the device was 1.5. Official sciencecannot explain where the extra energy isgenerated. Sometimes as a possible cause it isnamed a cavitation effect, which can beobserved only in liquid mediums. However, itseems to be false as it is evident from afollowing example. Candidate of TechnicalScience Yu.A. Tuyukin, who recently was thechief technologist of “Vetroen” factory,designed a fan, which warmed all theproduction area. The power value of the fanwas 5kWt, and it was of 1.5-meter diameterand 0.6-meter width. In spite of its small sizethe fan warmed the 400-square-meterproduction area. Air was rotated by the fan,heated and came to tubes, which girdled thewhole premise. In the fan air heatedapproximately up to 60-70° C. In other words,either liquids or gasses generate energy byrotating.

3. Since 1992, when Rospatent granted the firstpatent for torsion technologies, manysuccessful experiments in this area have beenmade. Numerous experiments by A.E. Akimov,which have been made in Central ScientificResearch Institution of Material Authority (St.-Petersburg) and Institution of Problems ofMaterial Authority of Ukrainian Academy ofScience (Kiev), demonstrated that when themetals were exposed by torsion field in theprocess of fusion their macro- andmicrostructure were changed. This led to theessential quality changes of the metals.Russian scientists demonstrated effectiveaction of torsion field in the process of siluminfusion to a South-Korean company, which gavecertificates for all kinds of new technologiesaccording to very strict metrology.

It is useful to return to the article [2]. Its authors affirmthat according to point 1 of the paragraph 4 of PatentLaw of the Russian Federation, as perpetual motionmachines principally cannot exist so they can not beused in industry, agriculture, health protection and other

41New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

areas. Hence, perpetual motion machine cannotcorrespond to the criterion of industrial usage. Theauthors has made the following conclusion: “expertsmust be informed about which areas, from the scientificpoint of view, are considered to be principally pseudo-scientific and which well-known hypotheses do notbelong to the area of scientific knowledge as notconfirmed by realistic physical facts”. According to thisstatement an expert may turn down a proposal justhaving read the title and compared it with those, whichare included in the list of pseudo-scientific themes anddevices.

To tell the truth, the same situation has alreadyhappened. Some time ago such sciences asbioenergetics and cybernetics were faced with the sameattitude, which was very harmful for these sciences. Itseems to be strange that some experts want to followauthorities’ opinion. By the way, in the article there aremany references to Academician E.P. Kruglyakov [3] asan indisputable authority. It is interesting to notice thatthe Academician is the head of Commission of pseudo-science of Russian Academy of Science but his opinioncannot be considered to be the Academy of Science’sopinion. When the president of the Academy of ScienceYu.S. Osipov founded this commission he at the sametime founded the Commission of alternative energysources. I am a representative of this Commission.

The most interesting fact that, in spite of perpetualmotion machines are considered to be impossible todesign, in the interrelation patent classification thesemachines are represented by four types, i.e. the devicesof F 03 G 7/00 type are mechanic, of B17/041 type arehydraulic, of H 02 K 53/00 type are electro hydraulic,and of H 02 N 11/00 are magnetic and electric. Sincethe Patent Law of the Russian Federation exists about100 such inventions have been registered. It is clear,that all of them use some natural forces. Nevertheless,in such devices great driving force is not observedbecause of that the elements of thermodynamics andother laws objectively act. Since that I began this articlefrom the reference to the principal necessity ofdeveloping the new methods of energy obtaining fromthe environment. This aim is impossible to achievewithout serious scientific researches.

The first perpetual motion machines have been hardlyable to rotate themselves. They have just tried tooutwit the acting laws of mechanics. However, nowthe scientific world experiences the transitionalmoment when “weak” perpetual motion machinesgive way to devices designed on the base of thenewest scientific achievements. These new deviceswill connect the human with more and morecognizable outer world which has unlimited energycontents.

At all times people want to make powerful natural forceswork for them. Fairy tales about the magic carpet orseven-league boots originate from this desire. At all theexhibitions of inventions “Archimed”, beginning from

the first one which took place in 2000 at All-RussianExhibition Centre, many perpetual motion machineshave been demonstrated. They were thundering,sparkling, rotating and jumping without visible externalapplication of force. It should be said for revising, thatin its essence perpetual motion machine is a device,which uses the energy of ambient space for its ownwork. It is worth to view the space attentively.

According to J. Willer Planck, density value of the energyof physical vacuum, where the human exists, is1095 g/cm3, whereas density value of nuclear matter is1014 g/cm3. The higher values of vacuum fluctuationenergy are known. In other words, we live in theimmense ocean of energy, which will be used withperpetual motion machines. Thus the devices areworthy of better attitude than it was shown in thearticle [2].

Nowadays the humanity is on the threshold of a newscientific and technical revolution. In this situation theexamination of the inventions, which were discussedin this article, is threatened by two dangers, which arelike a rock and a hard place. The first danger is to granta patent for a device, which will not be demanded byindustry. The second one is to throw away a technicalproposal, which can give very useful effect, make thehuman’s life better. In the first case nothing will be lostbecause a declarant pays all expenditures as a duty. Inthe second case everything will be lost.

I am sure that, contrary to the authors of [2]’s fear, thecompetent experts, who make the majority in RPTO,will always choose the first case.


1. G.V. Nikolaev. Scientific Vacuum. Crisis in ExperimentalPhysics. Does the way out exist?. Tomsk. 1999

2. T. Lakomkina, R. Polischuk. Patent Examination ofApplications, Which are not Based on ScientificKnowledge II IS. Industrial Property (IS. PromyshlennayaSobstvennost). 2002. Ns 3. p.40

3. E.P. Kruglyakov. “Scientists” from Thoroughfare. Moscow.Science (Nauka). 2001. p. 320

4. A. Torgashev. Bomb in Glass I/ Big City. 2002. Ns 3. p. 9

5. V.V. Sharov Elimination of Scale Formation Using Water,which Has Been Processed by Magnetic Field. IndustrialPower Engineering (Promyshlennaya Energetika). 1985.Ns 8. p. 19-21

6. V. Sinelnikov, V. Sharov. Output >1.7. IR.2002. #2. p.20

7. V.V. Sharov Kulibin’s Secret. IR. 2002. Ns. 11. p.7

8. Copyright of USSR Ns 1437573 1978

9. Patent of the Russian Federation Ne 2146411 1998

10. French Application #2211795 A 1974

11. Patent of the Russian Federation Ne 2161299 2000

12. Patent of the Russian Federation Ns 2045715 1993

13. A.E. Akimov, G.I. Shipov. Torsion Fields and TheirExperimental Visualizations. Consciousness and PhysicalReality. 1996. Ns 3. p. 28-43

4 2 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November�December 2002

Reidar Finsrud’s Perpetual Mobilein Norway

Original story and photos are submitted by John Pasley at

Fig.1Perpetual Mobile by Reidar Finsrud

Moving Parts

Let me describe the movement in the machine, the mostobvious yet least important movement of the machineis in the three regulatory pendulums, these are pivotedby a right angle of metal used as a hook to each of threearms coming from the main internal pendulum that goesdown the central column of the machine. The swing ofthe regulatory pendulum is always at the same placewith respect to the ball going around the track (twobicycle wheel rims).

The regulatory pendulum swings in the oppositedirection to the ball as the ball approaches. On the topof the pendulum, above the pivot is a horseshoe magnet,this is attracted to the ball as it approaches. As the ballpasses the horseshoe magnet the magnet is closest tothe ball and at its lowest point, the pendulum belowthe pivot is therefore at the furthest point of its swingaway from the ball. This is the position each time theball passes. I should also point out that this is a normalnot chaotic pendulum.

To ensure the pendulum continues to swing requiresenergy, this is given to it via a plastic encased wire

Reidar keeps his ‘Perpetuum mobile’ in his strongroomin his basement with a couple of other pieces of hishighly prized artworks. He happily showed us to thisroom while talking engagingly about the machine. Onentering the strongroom the machine is directly in frontenclosed in a glass cabinet, it stands about a meterand a half tall, the ball is on a gently moving track andit goes round and does not stop, there are no motors. Aball would normally only go around a few circuits butthis does not, additional energy is coming fromsomewhere and the scientific understanding of physicsfalls flat on its face with each circuit of the ball. Themachine is well built, there are no ends of bolts stickingout and Allen key style nuts are used in most places.There are no apparent rough edges or bits that arebroken. It is not perfect however, as the ball rolls aroundthere are two places roughly opposite where track noisecan be heard and the ball audibly vibrates; that said, itis really quite smooth. The ball does make a noise as itgoes around, this is just like a ball bearing on a track,like a roulette ball. I also noticed what appears to be aputty of some kind in just a couple of places, I thinkthis has been used to balance the machine; finger printsclearly mark the putty.

4 3New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November�December 2002

which is attached near the pivot of the pendulum,the other end is not attached to anything butcomes up through the track. The ball goes over itpushing it down and imparting just enoughenergy to keep the pendulum swinging. Themagnet is not there to take energy from the ballbut to ensure the pendulum is always at itsfurthest swing when the ball is next to themagnet, the wire is used to get the energy. (Thewire looks suspiciously like a wire coat hangerwith a clear plastic tube over it!)

These pendulums are attached to the arms of thecentral internal pendulum. The track is fixedrigidly to the arms and the arms are fixed rigidlyto the central pendulum. This central pendulumhas a circular movement, which is thereforepassed on to the track. It is the circular movementof the track, which moves the ball. (If you were toput a marble on a dinner plate and make a circularmovement it also would go around. The track doesnot rotate, the high point on the track movesaround in a wavelike fashion so the ball is alwayson a slope.) It is this part that gives the machineits movement but it is the top part, the‘vibrationary assembly’ which powers the centralpendulum and therefore it is this part where theextra energy is coming from.

The Vibrationary Assembly

The machine is supported by a central columnwithin which the central pendulum swings in itscircular motion. The central column is secured atthe bottom by a large copper flange to ensure themachine does not topple over. This central columnrises to just before the arms to the track start. Atthis point, three aluminum bars are attached whichpass through the track arms and support themachine by attaching to a triangular arrangementof metal lengths upon which the machine iseventually hung. Separating these metal lengthsand the central pendulum is a whole system ofvibrating springs and further metal lengths, poweris generated here. This system is designed so it isalways reverberating, as an input from one areadies down so another input starts, this part of thesystem is designed to never allow stability andso causes the perpetual motion.

The area where vibration is most clear is the inputto the system from the ball itself. There are threeround magnets on the end of metal lengthspositioned in a triangle so that they are just overthe ball as it passes them on its journey aroundthe track. (There are small metal spikes below themetal lengths near to the magnet, these stop themagnet from getting too close to the ball and areprobably only of use during the machine start up.)The lengths are like metal rulers, like the ruler avibration can be set up in them. This happenswhen the ball comes around under the magnet,

pulling it towards the ball, once the ball passes it theattraction on the magnet is released and a vibrationimparted on the metal length.

The lengths are balanced in the middle, supported frombelow also with a spring assembly above them, I believethis is to enable the strip to be supported but not to dampenthe vibration.


Close up to the business end of things At the opposite end to the magnet the metal length feedsthe vibration up to a smaller triangular array of metal lengths.The attachment is by a medium weighted bolt, I believe theweight helps conserve vibration. This further triangle oflengths is about five centimeters above the middle triangle;they are attached at their center points to the suspensionpoint of the central pendulum. The other end of the lengthson the higher triangle is balanced with a knuckle shapedsprung bracket assembly. I don’t know if the function is justa balance to the weight on the other end but it appears toalso help with the vibration.

At the center of the metal lengths of the higher triangle isthe attachment to the pendulum. The central pendulum ishung off a copper bowl, this only contains the attachment.The heavy 40kg pendulum swings in a circular motion inthe central column. Further support for the weight is via aspring which is supported by the central column.

The design of the vibrating assembly is interesting whenviewed from above, the lower triangle supporting theassembly is the smallest, its points would touch the midpoints of the highest triangle, the higher triangle’s pointswould touch the mid points of the middle triangle formedbetween the three magnets overhanging the track.

So what makes this machine run. I don’t think I am able toanswer this, the vibration assembly certainly keepsmovement going longer than otherwise but I keep comingback to the movement of the central pendulum. There is a

4 4 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November�December 2002

subtlety and pureness to the movement that has a logicto it, I can only describe this as being like Pythagorastheory, when the solution is presented there is anaturalness which does not require a proof, it simply‘feels right’.


Reidar says the machine does stop on occasions butthat this is not on a daily basis. To start the machinethe pendulums are swung by hand, this puts anexternal input energy into the system, given that themachine does stop this means it is not over 100%efficient.

Without any motion in the pendulums the ball wouldtravel only twice around the circuit, with only theregulatory pendulums it would go around about fifteentimes (due to the external energy created by swingingthe pendulums by hand) but the ball soon stops aspendulums themselves do not continue for long. Unlikea clock there is no spring mechanism to increase thetime they swing. With the central pendulum movingand the triangular arrangement working together it goeson for days at least. Clearly the forces of friction, airresistance and gravity, which should stop the machine,are to an extent being overcome by the introduction ofadditional energy into the system.

In trying to arrive at ball park figures I will assume it isunlikely for any mechanical device to be more than 90%efficient, the ‘Perpetuum mobile’ at 99.999% (estimate)efficiency is therefore receiving about 10% of its energyfrom unknown sources. My personal view is that themachine remains 90% efficient, but has an additionalenergy input, the total of which is zero but is in fact anextra 10% positive energy and a 10% negative energy.The 10% negative energy should show up as a reductionin air temperature around the machine of a reduction inthe machine weight. I did not measure the temperatureof the air near the machine or weight stopped and thenmoving (the later being somewhat impractical).

As an aside Reidar was amused that a visiting scientistclaimed the noise of the ball around the trackrepresented 10 Watts of energy. The noise is similar butless than a mosquito, Reidar wondered how these littleflies went around with 10 Watts of energy withoutexploding. (But don’t you wish they would sometimes!)

I asked about the rough areas of the track where theball can be heard to ‘rattle’, apparently oil has beentried and it stops the machine like treacle because itincreases the touching surfaces between ball and track.When parts other than the track are oiled a very thinoil like clock oil is used.

Start Up

When a start up is required this takes about 15 minutes,this is due to the difficulty involved in getting all theparts moving in harmony.

The Central Vibrationary Unit

The unit is based on the chaos pendulum though themachine does not actually use these at any point. Reidarfirst became interested in the chaos pendulum. This issimply a metal or magnetic pendulum, typically on along piece of string (at least a meter), a little distancebelow the pendulum is a random array of magnets (ifusing a magnetic pendulum it is probably best to makethe magnets in opposition). What happens when thependulum is swung over the magnets is that it will firstbecome attracted/repelled to one then another magnet.The movement is not entirely random but the pendulumtakes an erratic path eventually becoming static in aposition that is not vertical. This represents a potentialenergy in the pendulum.

Reidar timed the length of swing of a normal pendulum,then a chaos pendulum, the times were similar butReidar noted that the chaos pendulum still kept somepotential energy. In order to release this energy he hungfurther chaos pendulums near the first, he attached thependulums together using a length of line. Now, whenthe pendulums came near rest it would occasionally bepulled by another pendulum and release that potentialand start to move again. When timed this system ofchaos pendulums was found to take longer than justone chaos pendulum before it came to rest.

Many different combinations of pendulum numbers andtypes were tried, eventually the idea of continuingvibration being used to keep the system in motionbecame the vibrationary unit at the top of the machine.The triangular array was finally achieved after manytried and failed attempts to get this part to continueindefinitely. This unit is the powerhouse for the machine,without which it does not work.

Reidar Finsrud

Reidar has many things to occupy his time, his galleryis on three floors and he is setting up another largergallery in another location. He teaches and has 120students, his subjects are the human body as a scienceas well as art. Additionally he has commitments tolecture on other subjects (usually the machine), thiswork allows him freedom to pursue his other interests.His gallery is full of his own work, observations ofsubtleties of human nature and form as well aswoodland scenes. Animals are entirely missing from hisart and this surprised me.

Reidar has deeply held convictions on greed. He feelsthe economic system that we have fuels greed toencourage people to get things others don’t have. Wetend to go along with this and by doing so simply linethe pockets of the heads of corporations. The paradoxis that if they lived their lives in balance they wouldn’tneed the money and wouldn’t encourage people to buyso many material goods, which they don’t need either.We don’t need wardrobes full of clothes nor more thanone car. We don’t need to keep changing the goods in

4 5New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November�December 2002

our houses or our car, what people should realize is thatif it works it doesn’t need changing.

Unfortunately while the economic system fuels itself inone way it does not in others, it needs to take from theenvironment all the time, however the environment onlyhas so much that can be taken.

Reidar questions why a fast motorbike doesn’t comewith a health warning while cigarettes do. It comesdown to profits again, because manufacturers are notforced to put on health warnings they don’t, yes peopleknow these things are dangerous but manufacturerswould rather not encourage us to think about thesedangers, they really want us to buy, it helps their bottomline.

Things such as branding and other methods of productdifferentiation just cause duplication of very similarproducts. This is inefficient but helps the bottom line inmore companies so it is done.

To save energy, houses in cold areas could be builtunderground. Reidar does not need to heat his basementalthough there was snow outside, perhaps more peoplecould do this (he didn’t talk too much about his top twofloors though!).

Reidar does not believe an over unity machine isrequired to solve our energy crisis just a change ofattitude among people. He has a vision of peoplebecoming less materialistic, the greed basedcompetitive economic system sinking and peopleworking together ‘like ants’.

Present Projects

Reidar is collaborating with an industrial company totry and produce a machine based on his perpetualmobile but which produces an excess of energy, this isongoing. He is also making other energy producingdevices using solar power and wave power. Todemonstrate solar power he has made a six footdiameter solar windmill (like the ones that come in aslight vacuum in glass shaped like a light bulb). Thisworks by having black and reflective silver areas, theblack areas are heated by the sun warming and soexpanding the air behind it held in a chamber, theexpanding air is forced out through a hole causing thewindmill to turn.

Where Now?

I hope I have done justice to Reidar Finsruds ideas andhis machine, I would encourage people to visit hisgallery if not too far away, you may well enjoy visitingNorway into the bargain. I shall not be attempting toreplicate this machine. It is clear to me that the centralpendulum could be supported by an oscillator at thebottom, that the track could be kept in place by magnetsin opposition to magnets on an external ring and thatunits like this could be stacked three high and that the

vibrationary unit could be replaced by destabilizationmagnets. Additionally an energy collector in the formof aluminum cones and a steel shell should be used. Iguess you see what that leaves me with!


The sign reads ‘Perpetuum mobile - Reidar Finsrud1994’. This is seven years ago and it has not beensuccessfully replicated, this is appalling, everyoneshould have one of these in their house, their schoolsand museums. If our time is running out on Earth I canimagine a fitting epitaph for humanity - ‘Could havedone better’. This mustn’t happen, keep up the goodwork.

John Pasley

Raum&Zeit EhlersVerlag GmbH, Geltinger Str.

14e, 82515 Wolfratshausen Telefon: 08171/41 84-76, 08171/41 84-66Internet:

Institut für Raum-Energie-Forschung(IREF) i.m. Leonard Euler

Global Scaling Theory

Gravitation theory

Mathematic Biology

Gravitation energetics


Information technologiesTelecommunicationtechnologies

Transport technologies

46 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Physical QuantumVacuum is a Source of

Electromagnetic Energy

Peter M. Shalyapin

2 th Schelkovsky pas. 5-2-44, Mytischi, Moscow Region,Russia, 141007

Tel. +7 (095) 586-45-26.

One of the most important achievements of quantumelectrodynamics is the discovery of electromagneticfield, which exists in vacuum. It was experimentallyproved in 40s of the XX century. Quantumelectrodynamics maintains the fact that theelectromagnetic field is not equal to zero even if thereare no photons (i.e. in vacuum). In spite of the averagedensity values E and B are equal to zero, however, thereare so-called “zero-point oscillations” (fluctuations) ofthe electromagnetic field. This material-field-structuredfield fills up the infinite cosmic space capacity of thephysical quantum vacuum and forms its Medium.

Energy character of this field shows that it is not onlythe source of energy, which serves for appearance, andexistence of the objects of the real physical mass of themicroworld of elementary particles and for the objectsof the macroworld of the whole Universe. If there isorganized the process of the local disturbance of thestructure of this field by a matter, which executes thework at the field, then this electromagnetic field can beused as a source of the electromagnetic energy.

More precisely, the Medium of the physical quantumvacuum has been used by the mankind (and not onlyby it) as a source of energy. Umov-Pointing’s theoryproves this statement. The idea of the theory lies in thefact that for the electromagnetic field there should bethe density of energy u and a flow S, which depend onthe field of electric intensity E and the field of magneticintensity B.

For the conductor, in which current runs (Fig. 1), thevector of electric density E is directed along thisconductor in the direction of current flow. The vector ofmagnetic density B is directed perpendicularly to the

vector E at a tangent to the conductor. Therefore, Umov-Pointing vector, which belongs to the energy flow S, isperpendicular to the vectors E and B and directedradially inside the conductor.

According to this theory, electrons obtain energy fromthe flow of the energy of the outside field which isdirected inside a wire. This energy is consumed byelectrons to generate heat, execute work, andovercome resistance. It seems that the electronreplenishes the energy due to “pressure”, which propelsthe electron along the conductor; therefore, the energyshould flow down or up at the wire. Nevertheless, thetheory confirms that in fact the electron replenishes itsenergy consumed to generate heat, from outsideelectromagnetic field. This field fills up the infinitecapacity of the space round the conductor. This is theenergy of Medium of the space of the physical quantumvacuum. We have not realized yet the fact that the rotorof any generator executes the work at the energy fieldof Medium of the space of the physical quantumvacuum (PQV).


Producing resistance to this work, the energy field ofthe PQV increases the magnetic intensity of the rotor,and produces the effect of deceleration. The amount ofenergy, which is involved in this process, can beexpressed by the increase of the mass of the rotor at

m∆ or of the kinetic energy of the rotor at T∆ . It occurscorresponding to the relativistic formulas:







= , whence it follows

that 0








mmmm v −

=−=∆ ,

and 2mcT ∆=∆ .

The magnitude of m∆ should be observed as therelativistic rest mass, which energy equivalent is

calculated by the formula of 2mcE ∆= .

Pointing’s vector S is directedinside a charged capacitor,which locates close to it.

Pointing’s vector S is closeto a conductor in whichcurrent runs.







47New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Therefore, the increase of the mass (i.e. energy) of therotor is considered to be the appearance and increaseof the potential of electric intensity at its outputcontacts. The circuit of a switched load unit determinesthe energy flow of Medium of the electromagnetic fieldof the PQV, which tends to neutralize an appeared localdefect of the field structure of the PQV. As a resultelectric current appears. Overcoming the resistance ofthe circuit the current provides us with heat, mechanicaland the other kinds of energy, which are necessary forour everyday life. The replenishment and maintainingof the intensity potential occur due to the accession ofthe energy of the electromagnetic field of the PQVMedium.

The simplest evaluation of m∆ magnitude (for examplefor the hydrotreater of Bratskaya hydroelectric power

station, which power is equal to 225=∆=t


thousands of kilowatts) demonstrates that the value ofthe appearing relativistic mass comes to


102 −⋅≈∆=∆c

Tm gram/sec. Since the total weight

of the turbine is equal to 800 tons then this value cannotbe measured by nowadays-existent instruments.However, these micrograms determine our totalexistence in the medium of the infinite space of the PQV.

Umov-Pointing’s theory claims to be accepted as atheory, which explains the nature of the PQV. Accordingto the theory, the physical quantum vacuum is a time-and-space infinite universal all-penetratingfundamental energy field which has the lowest levelof state. Actually, the infinite capacity of the cosmicspace of the PQV represents a structure, which consistsof electric charges q and magnetic fields, which tendto their lowest (“zero”) level of state. A cell of thisstructure is represented in Fig. 2. The electric fields Eand the magnetic fields B of this structure act as animpulse and coordinates. According to the principle ofuncertainty, they cannot simultaneously turn into zero.Certainly, the average values of E and B are equal tozero; however, the density of energy is expressed by

the squares ofπ8

22 BE +.

Fig. 2

The charge and the magnet produce Umov-Pointing vector of theenergy flow S, which circulates in a closed loop.







The theory asserts that the fields can be separated intoparticular electromagnetic waves. According to thelinear theory, these waves are independent of eachother, and every wave behaves as an oscillator, i.e. as aparticle which is held in balance state by a squarepotential. The motion of such a particle is oscillation atcertain frequency, i.e. “zero” oscillations at the minimaldensity of the energy. According to the classical theory,the minimum of the energy corresponds to a particle,which is rests on the lowest point. This minimum isequal to zero.

However, according to the quantum theory, thespectrum of possible states of a particle is expressed

by the formula of )


1( +


n hE . The lowest “zero” state

of the energy corresponds to 0=n , 2

0 vhE = . Only this

lowest state is compatible with the quantum theory andthe principle of indetermining. Proceeding from therevealed fact that the basic energy level of the atom ofhydrogen is displaced, i.e. 1062=∆v MHz, it ispossible to calculate this lowest state of the energy. It

is equal to eVerghE v618


0 1035.01055.0 −− ⋅≈⋅≈= .

Let us return to Fig. 2, which represents the cell of thestructure of the physical quantum vacuum as a pointdischarge, which is located close to the centre of amagnetic bar. Since everything is at rest then the energyis not changed in time; E and B are constant. However,Umov-Pointing vector shows that there is the energyflow as the vector product of the cell BE × is not equalto zero. The energy flow circulates round this system.Nevertheless, the energy is not changed, since everyinput is equal to the output. This phenomenon may becompared with the circular flow of incompressiblewater. Thus, in this case, which seems to be static, thereis the energy flow, which has the lowest possible level

of state eVE 60 1035.0 −⋅≈ . Certainly, these very

elementary flows of the particular cells determine thestate of the physical quantum vacuum, which is a time-and-space infinite universal all-penetrating fundamentalenergy field, which has the lowest level of state. Thisirremovable field is the primary inexhaustible source ofthe energy, which is used by the microworld ofelementary particles and the macroworld of all thephysical objects of the whole Universe. The primary taskof the mankind is to learn to use this unlimited andimmeasurable ocean of energy.


1. R. Feinman, R. Leiton. Feinman’s lectures on physics.Moscow: World (Mir), 1977

2. P.M. Shalyapin. Mysteries of Universe on the Thresholdof Third Millennium. Messenger of RIA News (Vestnik RIANovosti). #2, 2001

3. A.S. Enohovich Abridged Reference Book on Physics.Moscow: Higher School (Vysshaya Shkola), 1969

48 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

On Instantaneous ElectricalCommunication

Vladimir I. Korobeynikov

Almost a half of a year has passed since the article of“Nicola Tesla and Instantaneous ElectricalCommunication” was published [1]. This publicationaroused rather wild readers’ reaction. There waseverything: astonishment, distrust, and accusation ofincompetence in the basic clauses of electrophysics.Thus, the most of readers’ opinions on the problem cameto the notion that it is impossible to transmit a signal(information) at super-light speed, i.e. it is“pseudoscientific”. There is the question what wasincomprehensible in that article for the readers whoinsist on the “right” scientific positions. Evidently,comprehension is a very difficult process. The“pseudoscientific” instantaneous radio communicationis in opposition to the “right” common one. This causedthe problems in the readers’ acceptation of the idea ofsuch instantaneous communication. Therefore, it isuseful to give a popular excurse to the area of theinstantaneous electrical communication. Those basicpoints, which were the most difficult for readers’comprehension, will be stressed in this article. Let ustry to approach the comprehension of the“pseudoscientific” principle of the instantaneouselectrical communication by another way.

Since their school days the readers have knownM. Faraday’s experiments which were made onelectromagnetic inductance. Let us revise only one,which is useful in our case. There is a conductor (i.e. acoil) in the magnetic field of a permanent magnet. Agalvanometer is connected to the ends of the conductor.If the conductor (i.e. the coil) or the magnet is movedthen the galvanometer needle is deviated that showsthe occurrence of induced current. It is a well-knownand clear fact. Let us change the experiment. If thedistance from the conductor (the coil) to the magnet isincreased and the magnet is moved then the practicallysame result is obtained. There are some importantdistinctions, which appear when the distance isincreased. Nevertheless, they will be observed below.Is it possible in principle to transmit a signal(information) by movement of the permanent magnetfield? Certainly, it is necessary for such a magnetcommunication line to operate at some appointedresonance frequency to increase the efficiency of itsoperation. This is the very point where the oppositionof the “right” approach and the “pseudoscientific”approach appears. The author will try to overcome thisbarrier in the readers’ mind by the end of the observationof the issue.

Above all, let us revise what the very principle of theexistent radio communication is based on. Data

(information) transmission is the change of something(in our case it is the electromagnetic field) that mustcause the corresponding change at a receiver. It is theonly way of transmission. The receiver, which getselectromagnetic signals, must receive the change of theelectric or the magnetic field (or both these fields) tocreate the induced current (i.e. voltage) in the receivingcircuit and to reproduce the information. Since thequestion has concerned the magnetic field then forinformation transmission the magnetic flow (field) must

be changed in value on time, i.e. 0≠Φ dtd . The

practice proves that the speed of this process can notexceed the light speed. This is the essence of that“right”, which does not allow accept the opposite ideathat it is unnecessary to change the value of themagnetic flow (field) in relation to time for a signal

transmission, i.e. at 0=Φ dtd . This is the starting

point of the instantaneous radio communication,which underlies the “pseudoscience”; it is that verybarrier in conscious which the author tries to break.

Let us modify M. Faraday’s experiment made on themovement of the magnet. A round or ring magnet, whichis usually applied in the loudspeakers of acousticsystems, is placed on the axis, which coincides withthe axis of the poles. A common flywheel-rotor, whichis possible to rotate on the axis in both directions, willbe obtained. There is a magnetic field round this fly-wheel. A galvanometer is connected to the ends of aconducting frame. The frame is placed close to the fly-wheel (Fig. 1).

Fig.1The wire frame, which is located in the magnetic field of the fly-


The magnetic field of the fly-wheel varies dependingon the state of the device, i.e. it is rotating or stopped.First the stopped fly-wheel is observed.

d /dt=0Φω

Axis of rotation

Round permanent magnet (fly-wheel)

Magnetic field B

Wire Frame


49New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

If the fly-wheel is stopped then the magnetic field,which runs through the frame, is static. The magneticfield of the frame is homogeneous since it has radial-beam symmetry. The field of every point of the frame,which is equidistant from the rotation axis of the fly-wheel, has the constant value of the magneticinductance B. Since the field is static then it is stationary,and that means 0=Φ dtd . Nothing occurs, and dataof the device is 0. What will occur if the fly-wheel isset in rotational motion?

The magnetic field of the rotating fly-wheel runs throughthe circuit. It rotates as well as the fly-wheel does. Thedata of the galvanometer, which is connected to thecircuit, will again be equal to 0! Indeed, thehomogeneity of the magnetic field, which has radial-beam symmetry, is not broken, and the value of themagnetic inductance B is not changed. It should benoted that the homogeneity of the magnetic field risesas the distance from the magnet to the conductor isincreased. If the distance is great then the homogeneityof the field is independent of the magnet form (Fig.2).

Fig. 2The left end of the long thin coil with continuous current runninginside and approximate radial-symmetrical lines of magnetic field

which emanate from the current

This causes the intensification of the effect, viz the valueof magnetic inductance B is not changed in any pointof the circuit, which is equidistant from the rotation axisof the magnet. At the same time the value of themagnetic flow is not changed in time on the plane ofthe frame, i.e. 0=Φ dtd (stationarity). Thus, there isnothing but information (i.e. if the magnet rotates ornot, what the direction of the rotation is, what the speedof the rotation is), whereas the galvanometer, which isconnected to the frame, does not show anything sincethere is 0=Φ dtd in any case. Commonly the framereacts to the dynamics, which is represented by theequation of 0≠Φ dtd , and gives the signal to thegalvanometer. This is the principle of operation of anyinput circuit (antenna) of a modern “right” receiver. Thisis the very cause why such receivers are not able to getthe signal which is transmitted by a “pseudoscientific”instantaneous dynamic method, where 0=Φ dtd .Some clarity should be introduced into the issue.

Nevertheless, there something occurs in the frame,which is placed in the dynamic field of 0=Φ dtd . It iswell-known fact that there division of electric chargesoccurs in the frame at the motion of the magnetic field

of 0=Φ dtd . In Fig.3 it is demonstrated by theexample of a frame and a copper plate, which move ina homogeneous magnetic field. There is the division ofcharges, and there is no current (the data ofgalvanometer is 0). The readers should not mix up thiscase with the motion of a copper pendulum betweenthe poles of a magnet or with magnetic decrement (i.e.oscillations damping). The pendulum is soon stoppedsince very great Fuco’s whirling currents appear insideit. The readers have learnt these phenomena since theschool days. It should be remembered that thesecurrents appear only if 0≠Φ dtd .

Surface density of separated charges

Fig. 3Both the frame and the metal plate motion in a homogeneous

magnetic field

In the Photo 1 there are two similar receivers and atransmitter, which is placed forward of the receivers.These are operating devices. The left receiver is acommon “right” one. No detail has been recast in it.The right receiver is “pseudoscientific”, i.e. its inputcircuit (“antenna”) transmits a signal to the receiverwhen the dynamics of the field is 0=Φ dtd . Surely,the dynamics of 0≠Φ dtd influences on this unusual“antenna” as well. Nevertheless, in this case the dataof input of the receiver is 0. The “antenna” can be seenbehind the “pseudoscientific” receiver. The readersthemselves are able to invent the constructions of suchantennas, which react upon the division of charges andin this case transmit a signal to the input of the receiver.Apparently, the receiver does not have a commonantenna as there is no need in it. The static magneticfield, which is generated by the receiver, acts as theantenna. According to information, this field is set inmotion by the energy of the transmitter. This workingmodel is tuned to work in broadcasting range of VHF(FM). Power capability of the receiver corresponds tothe capability of a common radio microphone, which isused by entertainers performing in a concert hall. Atthe first testing there was an interesting effect. All threedevices were tuned in the same frequency. Thetransmitter was placed at about 10-meter distance fromthe receivers, which were placed side by side. The“right” receiver reproduced music. The“pseudoscientific” one sounded as a ringing buzzer of1000 Hz, which was a signal relayed by the“pseudoscientific” transmitter. This is a very uncommonfact that two kinds of radio communication, which aredifferent in principle, can not operate together in spiteof they are tuned in the same frequency. There are manyother unusual facts, i.e. huge antenna-tower systemsare not necessary, static magnetic field has highpenetration capability, and many other facts like these.


d /dt=0Φ







++++++ +


+ + +

____ _ __

_ _

d /dt=0Φ

σ ε Β= 0v


50 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

In Fig.4 magnetic field distribution is demonstrated inthe case if the magnet is covered with a screen made ofa magnetic (para-diamagnetic) material. The magneticfield B is abruptly decreased. However, it cannot betotally compensated.

Fig.4The magnetic field of forward current at the presence of a


Surely, this working model is not completed and,therefore, it operates rather badly. It is natural, thereforenow the attitude to this working model should be thesame as to Popov and Marconi’s storm indicator(receiver). In spite of the fact that it operates accordingto the same principle of 0≠Φ dtd , any modern simplereceiver excels the storm indicator in all parameters.

A rather interesting situation concerned with themodern radio electronic companies has appeared. Inspite of some obvious advantages of the“pseudoscientific” systems of radio communication inrelation to the “right” ones, no company produces suchsystems. Such systems are required, and there is nocompetition in the market. The production of thesystems can be very profitable. However, the barrier inmind must be broken before. In any case, if the marketof the radio communication electrical equipment isdeveloped then the work will be started from thedevelopment of the existent “pseudoscientific” workingmodel of the new kind of radio communication.

In Fig. 1 the magnetic field of the fly-wheel tends toinfinity. If the fly-wheel is set in rotational motion orstopped then the whole its magnetic field is set in thecorresponding motion. If the receiver is situated withinthe magnetic field of the fly-wheel then a signalimmediately appears in it independently of the distancefrom the fly-wheel to the receiver (from several metersto light years). At that the receiver reacts upon themotion of the homogeneous magnetic field by divisionof charges. This fact is very difficult to be realized. Onceagain it should be noted that the energy changingdynamics of 0≠Φ dtd obeys the theory of relativity,and, hence, cannot occur at super-light speed.Meanwhile, the opposite energy unchanging dynamicsof 0=Φ dtd can immediately change its state at thestatic energy. These two processes are opposite to eachother. According to mathematics, this phenomenon canbe explained. These two dynamics can be observed asthe parts of the complex number of ziba =+ , where

1−=i . The theory of relativity, where processescannot proceed at super-light speed, is the one part ofthis complex number, and the dynamic, which allowsprocesses run at super-light speed, is the other part ofthe number. Everything sorts itself out. Since in theNature everything is interrelated then the observeddynamics are interrelated by the absolute value andthe argument just as parts of any complex number are.In this case we should appeal to complex physics.According to the complex approach, even immediatechange of state of two very remote particles is placedin different light in quantum physics. The most obviousway to represent a complex number is graphic one, is shown by two points, which are situated onmutually perpendicular lines. Scientists look for thepossibility of existence of parallel worlds. It is expedientto find them in the perpendicular direction; however,the barrier in mind does not allow follow this path.

In the first publication there was mentioned Hz vector,which mathematical designation does not contain thelight speed. Moreover, the vector of magneticinductance is dual (complex). Its one part obeys thelight speed, and the other part does not do it, in spite ofthe common point of attack of the both parts. This isderived from the structure of the electromagnetic fieldof the dynamic electron wave (mass-charge).

The common radio communication within the SolarSystem has time delay which is evaluated in minutes.This fact is proved by the communication with theremote space apparatus. These minutes give troublebut are quite acceptable. At transmission of informationthrough the distance, which many times exceeds thevalue of the Solar system, the time delay comes to lightyears. It is unacceptable; therefore it is necessary toturn to the instantaneous radio communication. Forachieving this aim it is possible to use the Earthmagnetic field. It has very high homogeneity at a greatdistance. Then the field should be set in motion by anelectric signal, which runs by a very long capacitorplaced on the Earth surface. That is to say we cannotchange the electric charge of the Earth, which is about600000 coulombs; hence, we cannot change the valueof its magnetic field. Thus, only one variant of dynamicsis acceptable, viz 0=Φ dtd . It is interesting whatfrequencies can be used for the communication in thiscase. Since the charge and the capacity of the Earthtaken as a capacitor, are less than 1Farad then thefrequency is nearly impossible to be more than tens ofhertz. Thus, only low frequencies could be used. It isrequired a 6000-kilometer capacitor to set in motion theEarth magnetic field at the frequency of 50 hertz. Thisis the exact thing to have been done. (The 6000-kilometer distance is the length of the Chinese Wall wecan assume that it was a part of some global telecomsystem). Egyptian pyramids were the receiving part ofthe instantaneous space communication. Manyscientists have realized this fact. The numerousinvestigations of the pyramids were unsuccessful.Therefore, the investigations were made in the view of

0≠Φ dtd .

d /dt=0ΦH




B= Hµµ0wire


51New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

the removing of gravitation as one of the basic conceptsof physics. Therefore, this notion will be useless incomplex physics. However, nowadays the complexphysics itself is just the “greatest pseudoscience”. Letus conclude the article looking at the Photo 1, whichrepresents my working model of the instantaneouselectric communication.

However, it is mistaken because they operate on theprinciple of 0=Φ dtd . There is great charge divisioninside them at the motion of the homogeneous magneticfield of the Space.

The researchers of the pyramids detected powerfulelectric processes, which occur inside the pyramids.However, the essence of the processes was unknown.The subsequent investigations should be made basedon other positions. In this case it will be clear that thepyramids cannot be placed at any part of the Earth.The pyramids interact with the charge of the Earth. Theorientation on the homogeneous magnetic field of theSpace due to the Earth magnetic field is important. Itwill appear that the moving homogeneous magneticfield of the Space has value of 1210086.2 ⋅ tesla. Thishuge value can be easily calculated by any physicist.Nowadays the scientists are satisfied by the notion ofcosmic “vacuum”. However, it is the known fact thatthe energetic capability of the “vacuum” is huge. Thatis proved by the reduced value of the magneticinductance of the so-called vacuum. The dynamics ofcelestial bodies will be observed in a different way, interaction of moving electrically charged masses(mass-charge-electromagnetic field), which are dividedjust as the charges in the moving homogeneousmagnetic field of the Space are done. This will cause

Update News from LUTEC, AUSTRALIA1st November 2002

The switch is still causing us problems. We are able to run the generator up to a certain speed, any faster and thetransistors fail. Even at this relatively slow speed the generator is able to supply electricity, not enough to support allthe electric requirements of a home, but it would probably supply sufficient for the lighting. We could say “that’s closeenough” and go ahead and produce what we have, but we are determined and strongly committed to not go tomarket until we have a machine that works efficiently and is therefore as close to breakdown-proof as possible. Wealso believe we are close to finding the solution to our challenge. The work therefore continues - we have intensifiedour efforts significantly in order to bring the solid-state switch to a standard acceptable to our purposes. We havenow approached five separate individuals from different universities in Australia and the United States, and haveasked them to take a look at the problem on a consultancy basis and see if they can rectify it. At the same time wehave asked three separate electrical engineers to design and build or suggest various circuits that we could introduceto fix the problem. Meantime we are continuing our own efforts to solve this vexing issue. In all we have elevenseparate groups working on this problem, it is only a matter of time before we find the answer.


Patent has now been granted in all the OAPI nations of Africa. These are the French speaking nations of Africa. Thedeed of patent will arrive in due course but protection is now available. Processing is continuing elsewhere.


Please note there are NO rebates available for the LUTEC 1000 in Australia …yet. That is because there is no Lutec1000 available for public purchase…yet. The EPA (Queensland) has contacted us pointing out some discrepancies onour website in this regard. We will correct any mistakes in the text and apologise for any inconvenience this may havecaused. Following a visit to us over a year ago by two senior Qld EPA officers, we received correspondence whereinthey stated that IF we are able to satisfy certain requirements, (we have no doubt we can comply) it would follow thatrebates of fifty percent of the purchase price of a LUTEC 1000 unit would be made available. We will see if they are asgood as their word when the time comes. John and Lou.


Photo 1

5 2 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November�December 2002

Investigation of 20 kW, 6,8 kV, 80 mkmSingle-Wire Electric Power System

Prof. Dmitry S. Strebkov, Eng. Stanislav V. Avramenko,Dr. Aleksey I. Nekrasov, Eng. Oleg A. Roschin

The All - Russian Institute for Electrification of AgricultureAddress VIESH: 1-st Veshnyakovsky proezd, 2, Moscow l09456, Russia

Phone: 7 (095) 171-1920 Fax: 7 (095) 170-5101E-mail: viesh@dol ru


20 kW, 6.8 kV, diameter 80 mkm, 6 m long electric powertransmission line was tested. There was demonstratedappearance of specific current density 600 A/mm2 andspecific electric power density 4 MW/mm2 withoutoverheating of copper single-wire line of 80 mkmdiameter.

The electric technique of 20 kW single-wire electricpower system (SWEPS) with two Tesla transformers [1]is developed (see Fig. 1). Results of 10 kW SWEPStesting are given in [2]. For increase of transmittedcapacity more powerful condensers in resonant circuitswere installed and parameters of a low-voltage windingof the step – down transformer (Table 1) are changed.On Fig. 2 and on the cover page there are shown photosof SWEPS and the high-frequency transformers madein VIESH.

On Fig. 3 results of measurements of volt-currentcharacteristics of step-down transformer are submitted.The measurement has been made in the period fromOctober 27 till November 1, 2002. Measurements weremade at wire with diameter of 1 mm, 100 microns (thearea of section, S=7.85·10-3 mm2) and at wire withdiameter of 80 microns, S=5.024·10-3 mm2. It have beenshown, that parameters did not depend on diameter ofa wire. Voltage internal resistance of a low-voltagewinding of the step-down transformer was equal to1.34 Ohm at U = 6 kV. At measuring the inclination volt-current characteristics was applied to an axis.

For wires with diameter of 80 - 100 microns intensivemechanical movement of wires was observed in a crossdirection (“dancing” of wires). In some cases thisresulted in a mechanical separation of an 80 micronswire. It was also a result of the presence of repeatedbend in a place of fastening of a wire at isolator.

The frequency converter operates on the secondharmonic and conditions of a resonance correspond toa line voltage of 6 – 7 kV. Experimental values of voltage360 V and 406 V were measured at 8 Ohm load. Linevoltage was equal to 6 kV and 6.8 kV. Using theseexperimental values, there were determined factors Aand n in the equation P = A·Vn, which describes

dependence of transmitted capacity P (kW) on a linevoltage V (kV):

A = 0.54113, n=1,896 P=0.54113 V 1.896 (1)

On Fig. 4 dependence P=f (U) according to (1) ina graphic kind is submitted. Experimental datapractically coincide with results of calculation forvoltage 5– 6.8 kV (Table 2). Small difference ofcalculation and experiment for V=3.2 - 4 kV is connectedwith deviations of frequency from resonant value.Results of SWEPS tests are submitted in tables 3 and 4.It follows from the equation (1) and Fig 4, that electriccapacity of 50 kW may be transmitted at a voltage11 kV using existing Tesla transformers and thefrequency converter of the increased capacity. As aresult of tests it is shown, that the copper wire with adiameter of 80 microns and cross section of5.024·10-3 mm2 at a voltage of 6.8 kV is not overheatedup to 20.52 kW of transmitted electric power density.At room temperature effective specific transmittedelectric power is 4 MW/mm2 and specific current densityis 600 A/mm2. SWEPS electric parameters in twohundred times exceed parameters of a usual two-phaseor three- phase ac line or dc line and may be achievedfor existing methods of electric energy transmission onlyat use of special materials in a mode of low temperaturesuperconductivity.

Thus, property of a single-wire line to transfer activepower without essential losses on line resistance isexperimentally confirmed. High-frequency transformerTesla at the beginning of a line is operating as theeffective powerful electrostatic charges generator.These charges are flown down under action of agradient of concentration along a line to a resonantcircuit of step-down Tesla transformer and through therectifier they are removed to loading. The resonant modeand high good quality of the system (Q = 105)determines low losses in circuits. The electrostaticnature of charges transfer with a displacement currentin the space, which surrounds a line, is not effected byJoule Law for the description of losses in a line.Irradiation losses at low frequency 3.4 kHz are small.In single-wire power system the 80 microns wire playsa role of directing system for an electromagnetic energyflow, which runs from the generator to the load.

5 3New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November�December 2002

Table 1Parameters of windings of the transformer and resonant circuit of 20 kW SWEPS

Parameters Step-up transformer Step-down transformer

Internal diameter, mm 590 590Length of a winding, mm 400 400Number of turns of a high-voltage winding 952 952Number of turns of a low-voltage winding 19 27Capacity, µF 14 12Resonant frequency, kHz 1.852 1.852

Table 2Dependence of SWEPS electric capacity on a line voltage, R=8 Ohm

Ul, kV 3.2 4 5 6 6.8 8 10 11

P, kW, calculation 4.91 7.49 11.45 16.17 20.506 27.9 42.6 51

P, kW, experiment 5.565 8.8 11.25 16.2 20.503 - - -

Table 3Results of tests of an electric equipment of 20 kW SWEPS

Parameters of a network Parameters of the Parameters of a Parameters of loading onon an input of the rectifier of the single-wire line an output of the bridgefrequency converter frequency converter rectifier

If = 52.6 A I = 62 A L = 6md = 0.08 mm IH = 54 A

Vf = 214 In V = 490 V V = 6.8 kV VH= 380 V

Pa = 32.83 kW L1kHz = 8.1 µH

R1kHz = 14.29 Ohm PH = 20.52 kW

Q = 2.137 kVAp

f = 49.9 Hz fl = 3.4 kHz

ϕ = 3.60

Table 4Results of tests of 20 kW single-wire power system

1. Electric capacity on loading 20.52 kWCurrent 54 AVoltage 380 V

2. Voltage of a line 6.8 kV3. Frequency of a line 3.4 kHz4. Diameter of a wire of a line 80 microns5. Effective current density on unit of the area of cross section of a conductor 600 A/mm2

6. Specific electric capacity 4 MW/mm2

2 4 5

3 1 6 8 7

Fig. 1 Electric circuit of SWEPS (explanations in the text)

5 4 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November�December 2002

Fig. 2 Frequency converter and a resonant circuit of step-up high-frequency transformer


1. Tesla N. Apparatus for transmission ofelectrical energy. US Pat N 349621, 15.05.1900

2. D.S. Strebkov, S.V. Avramenko, A.I. Nekrasov,O. A. Roshchin. New Results of Developmentand Testing of Single-Wire Electric PowerSystem. New Energy Technologies, 2002, N 5 p.17-19

Fig. 3 Experimental volt-current characteristics of the step-down transformer and load

Fig. 4 Dependence of SWEPS electric power ona voltage of a line

55New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Electric Energy Generated from Heat Dispersed in AtmosphereFUELLESS MONOTHERMIC ENGINE

Invention by Yuriy Volodko

Submitted at

NET Review

(except for the power consumed to move the rotor ofthe turbo-supercharger).

If the power consumption of one standard nine-storeyeight-entranced house is approximately calculated (i.e.power consumption for heating, providing with hotwater, lightening, elevators, household appliance etc.)then one might come to the conclusion that two or threethese devices located side by side would be enoughnot to install electricity, gas and hot water from theoutside. However, it would have to build up seweragesystem to discharge the cooled air. Though, a part ofthis air may be used for a built-in system of householdrefrigerators and for air conditioning of apartments.Probably, it would be necessary to discharge the cooledair to wide, open for sun parts of land or water surface,where the cooled air would be heated due to the solarradiation. At the same time since every consumer isable to have their own source of energy then it wouldbe almost unnecessary to build power lines.

Yuriy Volodko made experiments on laminar flow ofpressure air to the atmosphere, at that the propulsionforce and power consumption in different nozzles weremeasured. The experiments were made with the nozzle,which had about 50-100mkm gap, and at relatively lowspeed, which did not exceed 130 m/sec. The authorsucceeded in finding out the fact that the availablemechanical energy of the elapsing current streamappears at little compressing indexes (up to 1.5-1.6).This energy is twice or more times more than themechanical energy, which is necessary to press air. Lateron this result was repeated many times. Theexperimental data were received at 45 flat-slottednozzles of different size, which include more than 2000experimental points, and at the nozzles of other forms.

In these experiments the mechanical energy excess canbe obtained only from the ambient space, i.e. from theatmosphere air. However, in the air there is no energyin the form of the mechanical one. It is represented asdispersed heat energy. A so-called “grab” of the heatenergy, which is dispersed in the atmosphere, occurs.Thus, the laminar current stream of pressure air is adirect transformer of internal heat energy of theatmosphere air into the mechanical energy. The onlyone level of air temperature, which is independent ofoperation of the transformer, is necessary for suchconversion.

Basing on the mentioned data the calculation of afuelless monothermic engine has been made. Thisfuelless monothermic engine is a hypothetic energeticdevice, which has been designed to obtain mechanical(and electric) energy without any fuel consumption. Theprocess occurs due to 50°C cooling of the atmosphereair. This air has come through the device. It is a knownfact that such cooling occurs at outflow of the pressureair to the atmosphere (at moderate compressingindexes). The only way for this hypothetic energeticdevice to influence upon the environment is the outputof the cooled air. A minute thermodynamic analysis ofthe fuelless monothermic engine was made. The engineshould be a device, which contains an axial (orcentrifugal) turbo-supercharger and a slotted turbo-expander (i.e. a pneumomotor), which have a commonaxis. Moreover, an electric engine-generator with amechanical reducer should be placed on the same axis.These devices can set in initial motion the rotors of thesupercharger and the expander. They also generateelectric power after ending of the spinup. Thecalculations demonstrate that such a device of overallsize of 1300×××××757×××××750mm (by the supercharger and theexpander) allows obtain 800 kWt output at an axle

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57New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

ON VIKTOR S. GREBENNIKOV DISCOVERIESCavity Structures Effect and The Natural Antigravitation

NET Review

of the field was removed then its phantom scent as wellas the influence on the ambient space was kept forabout a month. In the zone of this field influencemechanical and electronic watches were wrong, and amicrocalculator malfunctioned.

Grebennikov published an article about his astonishingobservations [2]. Unfortunately, this work passedunnoticed, in spite of the fact that it was the right timeto start studying of CSE. Therefore the entomologist hadto continue his work by himself. Soon the scientist foundout an uncommon rhythmic CSE-structure of chitinousshells of many insects. The ordered cellular compositionwas unnecessary for aerodynamics, or for solidity ofbutterfly and beetle wings, or for decoration.

The nature of the phenomenon was found outunexpectedly. Grebennikov put a chitinous shell of abeetle under 800-power microscope, and then hewanted to put another shell over that one. However, hedid not succeed in it. The second shell broke out fromtweezers, hovered above the shell that laid on themicroscopic stage, turned anticlockwise, swung andabruptly fell down. Then Grebennikov bound severalchitinous shells with a wire. He succeeded in it onlyplaced them vertically. Some kind of a multiply block ofchitinous shells was produced. He put it on a table. Avery interesting effect was obtained. Nothing, even sucha relatively heavy one as a big thumbtack, could fall onthis block. Something pushed it up and away. Makingnext experiments the entomologist forced to attach thethumbtack over the block and it became invisible, i.e.disappeared for a moment.

Having been investigating cavity structures for manyyears Grebennikov knew about their different propertiesof different insects. Nevertheless, he did not expect thatcavity structures of some species could generateantigravitation fields and make subjects invisible. Thescientist decided to try designing of fly apparatus ofgravitoplan basing on bioantigravitation effect.

In his book [3] the entomologist tells about flights, whichhe realized in practice aboard a noiseless flying device.Flying aboard the apparatus Grebennikov found outnew properties of CSE and the designed device. Itappeared that it was almost invisible from the Earthsurface, i.e. it did not cast a shadow even at a hedge-hopping flight. People, who observed the motion of thegravitoplan, saw a light sphere, or a disc, or an obliquecloud with keen edges.

Soon the inventor made an attempt to take photo cameraaboard the flying apparatus. However, since the gap ofthe camera could not be closed and the films appeared

NET has already acquainted the readers with aremarkable discovery made by V.S. Grebennikov andV.F. Zolotarev “Phenomenon of the interaction ofmany cavity structures with the living systems”(Russian priority reference on the discovery is #32-OT-11170 from 03.09.1985) [1]. Viktor S. Grebennikov,Russian naturalist and a professional entomologist isknown to many as the discoverer of the CavityStructures Effect (CSE), but very few people are familiarwith his other discovery, the one that also borrows fromNature and its innermost secrets. He has discoveredantigravitational effects of the chitin shell of certaininsects back in 1988, but the most impressiveconcomitant phenomenon he has discovered at thesame time was that of complete or partial invisibilityand/or distorted perception of material objects enteringthe zone of compensated gravity. Based on thisdiscovery, Victor Grebennikov used bionic principles todesign and build an antigravitational platform forcontrolled flights at the speeds of up to 25 km/min. Since1991-92 he has used this device for his own fasttransportation.

The interest to Grebennikov works even after hisdeath in 2001 is still rather high and in spite of theskeptical attitude of many scientists, some progressbegins to be shown in the study and recognition ofthe discovery.

Cavity Structures Effect was unexpectedly discoveredby the scientist in the beginning of 80s while hisstudying of wild bees. The clay cellular habitations ofthese insects are strictly ordered. Therefore it appearedthat such a structure of the nest generates a force fieldof unknown nature, which was registered by neitherelectrometers, nor thermometers, nor magnetometers,nor radiometers. Human hands feel this unknown field.Human palms placed above bee’s nest felt heat, or coolwind. Some people felt their hand to become heavier;others felt that something pushed their hands up. Somehave cramp in their forearm muscle, fingers grew numband giddy was felt.

The entomologist decided to subject some livingorganisms (i.e. soil saprophytic bacteria, yeast funguses,wheat sprouts, bee larvae, white mice) to the influenceof CSE. The results were interesting, viz in the zone ofthe mysterious field influence the reproduction ofmicroorganisms decreased, the grains grew worse, beelarvae began to glow, grown-up bees finishedfertilization season two weeks earlier than unirradiatedindividuals did.

There was a more astonishing fact that even a thicklayer of metal could not screen this field. If the source

58 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

to be spoiled then he did not succeed in taking pictures.Except the camera the entomologist’s watch waswrong, viz sometimes it was fast, sometimes it wasslow. In spite of this fact it had become right by the endof the flight. Grebennikov worried that if in thisphenomenon time is involved as well as gravitationforce, then the flight could be dangerous for a pilot andfor people around him. This conclusion was proved bythe incidents concerned insects placed into test-tubeswhich were taken with him during the flights. Theydisappeared without a trace! Once a test-tube wasbroken into small pieces in his pocket, at that there wasno part of the insects left. Another time an oval holewith brown chitinous edges was produced in the glassof the tube.

After this case the entomologist realized that the “real”science should investigate CSE, and filled patent claimfor the invention. His application was declined since itwas recognized as pointless. Nobody tried to penetrateto the essence of the invention. The entomologist wasnot surprised by such attitude of patent commission.He was sure that even if he had demonstrated his deviceand flown up to a ceiling in their presence then he wouldhave been chucked out as a juggler. The scientistproposed different scientific research institutions toinvestigate CSE. However, the result was the same.

Editorial: Faraday Lab is working on the topic.


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1. Calculation on the effect of many-cavity structures by Prof.Valery F. Zolotarev// “New Energy Technologies”, #1,2001.

2. Siberian Bulletin of agricultural science, #8, 1984.3. V.S. Grebennikov, My World. Novosibirsk, “Soviet Siberia”


Fig. 1

Grebennikov’s flying system (photo from his book “My World”)

59New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Experimental Study ofProperties of TimeReview of Nikolay A. Kozyrev’s articles

by Alexander V. Frolov

Editorial: Since Time is the most important andmysterious property of Nature, it is always a veryimportant research topic. Below there is a review ofKozyrev’s articles, which are devoted to this problem.

Time brings us to the most profound and completelyunknown properties of the World that hardly ever canforesee a bravest flight of human idea. Kozyrev assertsthat the causality is the most important property of thereal World. The concept of causality is the basis ofnatural science, while the exact sciences deny existenceof any other properties of time besides of “duration” ortime intervals, which can be measured by clock [1].

There is an idea to introduce the principles of naturalsciences into the exact sciences. In other words, thetendency is to attempt introducing the principle ofcausality into the theoretical mechanics and determinethe direction of time. Kozyrev named such sort ofmechanics as “causal” or “asymmetrical” mechanics.It is quite natural that in statistical mechanics, basedon the conventional mechanics of the point, the directionof time does not appear as a property of time itself butit is just a property of the state of the system. In thecase of objective direction of time and other objectivepossible properties of time, they should be included inthe system of elementary mechanics of unity processes.The statistical generalization of such mechanics canlead to a conclusion on the impossibility of theequilibrium conditions. Really, the direction of timemeans a continuous existent course of time, which isacting on the material system and prevents itstransition in the equilibrium state. By thisconsideration, the events should occur not only in timebut by means of time as well. Time becomes an activeparticipant of the Universe that eliminates thepossibility of its “thermal death”. Then, we canunderstand harmony of life and death that we perceiveas the essence of our World. Basing on thesepossibilities only, one should carefully examine thequestion on introduction of the time direction conceptor time course concept into mechanics of elementaryprocesses.

Kozyrev represents the mechanics in the simplest formof the classical mechanics of point or the mechanics ofa material points system. In tireless quests for causes,the naturalist is guided rather by his own intuition thanby certain procedures. It was stated by Kozyrev thatthe causality is related with the properties of time bythe closest way, in particular with the difference inprinciples between the future and the past. Therefore,Kozyrev formulated the following postulates:

I) Time has special property, which create a differencebetween causes and effects that can be named as the

direction of the time course. This property determinesthe difference between the past and the future.

Kozyrev asserts that the necessity in this postulate isindicated by the difficulties associated with thedevelopment of the Leibnitz’s idea on definition of thedirection of time by means of the causal relationships.The studies by H Reichenbach [2] and G. Whitrow [3]indicated that one could never develop this idea strictly,i.e. without tautology. Just causality provides us witha concept of the existence of direction of time and itconcerns the certain properties of this direction, but atthe same time, it is not the essence of this phenomenon,but it is its result only.

Utilizing the simplest properties of causality thescientist provides a quantitative expression of thePostulate 1. Basing on the following states, i.e. 1) causeis always outside of the body where is the realizationof the effect and 2) the effect is coming after the cause,we can formulate the next two axioms:

II) Causes and effects are always separated by space.So, there is an arbitrarily small, but non-zero spatialdifference xδ between them.

III) Causes and effects are different in time. Therefore,between their appearances there exists an arbitrarilysmall, but non-zero time difference tδ of some certainsign.

Axiom II is the basis of classical Newtonian mechanics.It is contained in the third law, according to which achange in a momentum cannot occur under any actionof inner forces. In other words, an external force cannotappear in the body without the participation of anotherbody. Hence, based on the impenetrability of matter,

xδ 0≠ . Due to the complete reversibility of time, theaxiom III is absent in the Newtonian mechanics: 0=tδ .

In atomic mechanics, just the opposite one takes place.The principle of impenetrability of matter loses its valuein atomic mechanics, and due to the possibility of thesuperposition of fields, it is assumed obviously that

0=xδ . However, in atomic mechanics there is theirreversibility of time that does not exist in theNewtonian mechanics. The influence upon the systemof a macroscopic body (the equipment) introduces adifference between the future and the past, becausethe future is proved to be predictable, while the past isconsidered not to be predictable. So, there is 0≠tδ inthe temporal environs of the experiment, although it canbe an arbitrarily small. By this way, the classicalmechanics and the atomic mechanics are included intoour axiomatics as two marginal systems. This factbecomes especially clear if the ratio is introduced byKozyrev:


x =δδ


In the real World is most likely a finite value. However,in classical mechanics 0≠xδ and 0=tδ and hence

60 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

∞=2c . In atomic mechanics, 0=xδ and 0≠tδ andso 02 =c .

In the case of the critical approach the condition of non-superimposition is determined as the symbols xδ and

tδ . So, these symbols mean the limit of theinfinitesimals under the condition if they never equal tozero. These symbols determine the point distances ordimensions of an “empty” point, situated between thematerial points of the causes and effects. In thecalculation of entire cause-effect chain intervals, theyshould be considered to be equal to zero with anydegree of accuracy. If they are infinitesimal of one order,their ratio 2c can be a finite value and it canqualitatively express a physical property of the cause-effect connection. This physical property is the courseof time, formulated qualitatively by the postulate I.

Really, the value 2c has the dimensionality of velocityand means a value of speed of the transition from thecause to the effect. This transition is accomplishedthrough the “empty” point, where there are no materialbodies but space and time only. Hence, the value 2ccan be associated only with the properties of timeand space, not with the properties of bodies. Therefore,

2c should be a universal constant, which describes thecourse of time in our World. The transformation of thecause into the effect requires the overcoming of the“empty” point in space. This point is the abyss and thetransition through it can be realized by means of thecourse of time only. It results from this that it followsdirectly the active participation of time in materialsystems process by Kozyrev.

The basic theorem of causal mechanics follows fromthe pseudo-scalar property of the time course, i.e. aWorld of an opposite time course is equivalent to ourWorld, which is reflected in a mirror.

Let us clarify this Kozyrev’s idea. In a reflected, mirrorWorld the causality is completely remains as the same.Therefore, in a World of opposite time course the eventsshould be developing just as regularly as in our World.This is not to say that if we run a movie film of our Worldin a reverse direction, we would obtain a pattern of theWorld of an opposite time direction. It is impossible tochange the sign of the time intervals formally. This leadsto violation of causality, i.e. to an absurdity, to a World,which cannot exist. If the direction of time is changed,there should also be changed the influences, which thetime course produce in the material systems.

We can say that changes of time course velocityphysically is the change of the matter existenceconditions, i.e. its physical properties. The mirror Worldalso should be different from our World in its physicalproperties. However, classical mechanics state theidentity of these Worlds. Up until recent times thisidentity has also been assumed in atomic mechanics.It was named as the law of the parity conservation.However, Kozyrev wrote that the studies by Lie andYoung on nuclear processes for the weak interactionsled to the experiments, which demonstrated the

erroneous of the law. This result is quite natural foractual existence of the time direction that is confirmedby the direct experiments described below. At the sametime, it is impossible to make an opposite conclusion.Numerous researches on the observed phenomena ofnonconservation of the parity have demonstrated thepossibility of other interpretations. Moreover, we canremember the experiments of Professor Hayasaka’s,Japan.

The difference between the World and mirror reflectionWorld is graphically demonstrated by a certain way inthe biology. Kozyrev noted the morphology of animalsand plants provides many examples of asymmetry,distinguishing right from left, independently of whathemisphere of the Earth the organism is living in.Asymmetry of organisms is demonstrated not only intheir morphology. The chemical asymmetry ofprotoplasm discovered by Louis Pasteur demonstratesthat the asymmetry is the basic property of life. Thetenacious heritable asymmetry of organisms cannot bean occasional fact. This asymmetry can not be only apassive result of the laws of nature, which reflect thetime direction. Most likely, certain inner structuralasymmetry, which is corresponding to the given timecourse in our Universe, provides the biological organismwith additional viability, i.e. the organism can use thereal phenomenon of time course for the reinforcementof the vital processes. In addition to this Kozyrev’s ideait can be said that any element of matter, for examplean elementary particle, exists in space time as someprocess, i.e. it is senseless to consider that any elementof matter can exist without its oscillation parameters.Moreover we can add that in biology the mostremarkable example is DNA molecule structure, whichis double helical spiral. The matter element as aresonance process was described in details [4].

Then Kozyrev derives from the fundamental theoremthat in a World of the opposite time course, the heart ofthe vertebrates would be located on the right side, theshells of mollusks would be mainly turned leftward, andin protoplasm there would be observed an oppositequalitative inequality between the right and leftmolecules. Perhaps, if the life really use the time courseas an additional source of energy then it can be directlyproved by specially organized biological experiments.

According to the researcher, for causal connection ofthe spinning top (gyroscope) it can be expected theappearance of additional forces, which will act alongaxis of rotation of the top. It was experimentally provedby Kozyrev that the forces are really generated by axialaction and depend on a direction of the rotation. It wasfound out that the course of time in our World is positivein a levorotary coordinate system, so by this way it ispossible to determinate left and right by the objectivemethod, i.e. the left-hand system of coordinates issystem of positive time course, while the right-handsystem is system of negative time course. By this way,the course of time in our Universe is the materialconnection between all bodies in the Universe, evenduring their isolation. Physically this means that one

61New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

four-dimensional state of the Universe includes allexistent three-dimensional objects. It allows developinstantaneous telecommunication technologies,teleportation, antigravitation and other technologies.

Kozyrev explains the appearance of the additional forcesby the following way. The time inflows into the systemthrough the cause to the effect. The rotation changesthe possibility of this inflow, and, as a result, the timecourse can produce additional mechanical stresses inthe system. The additional stresses change potentialand full energy of the system. These changes areproduced by the time course. So, it follows from thisthat the time has energy. Since the additional forcesare equal and oppositely directed then the momentumof the system is unchanged. So, the time has nomomentum, although it has the energy.

According to Kozyrev’s calculations the additional forcesare disappearing, as it should be occurring in thismechanics. Naturally, the infinite course of time cannotbe violated by any way. Therefore, time seems to be afate of unconquerable power. The real time has a finitevalue of the course and, in principle it can be reversed.It should be demonstrated sometime by experimentsstudying the properties of time how it is possible torealize these phenomena in reality.

The properties of time must be discovered graduallyby the physical experiments, and Kozyrev proves thatit is possible to experimentally study the properties.

The experiments were made in the laboratory of PulkovoObservatory, St.-Petersburg, Russia. During the time ofthese researches, it was accumulated numerous andmanifold information, which allow make a number ofconclusions concerning the properties of time.

The theoretical considerations indicate that theexperiments on causal connections and the course oftime may be organized with the rotating bodies, i.e. thegyroscopes. The first experiments were made in orderto verify that the law of the momentum conservation isalways true, and it is independent of conditions ofrotation of the bodies. These experiments were madeon the beam balance. At a deceleration of the gyroscope,which is rotating by inertia, its moment of rotationshould be transferred to the balance, causing aninevitable torsion of the suspensions. In order to excludethe difficulties, the rotation of the gyroscope should beheld with constant velocity. So, Kozyrev used aviationautomation gyroscopes with rotation velocity, whichwas controlled by a variable 3-phase current offrequency about 500 Hz. The gyroscope’s rotor had thesame frequency. It appeared possible to supply currentto the suspended gyroscope by means of three very thinnaked wires without significant decrease of thesuspension precision. During the suspension of thegyroscope was placed in a hermetically sealed box thatcompletely excluded the air flows effect. The accuracyof this suspension was of the order of 0.1 - 0.2 mg. Thereadings of the balance with a vertical arrangement ofthe axis and various rotation velocities remained

unchanged. For example, proceeding from the data ofone of the gyroscopes (average diameter D of rotor isequal to 4.2 cm, rotor weight Q is equal to 250 g),Kozyrev concluded that with a linear rotational velocityu = 70 m/sec, the force, which is acting upon thebalance will remain unchanged with a precision higherthan sixth accuracy character. In these experiments, itwas introduced the following interesting theoreticalcomplication. The box with the gyroscope wassuspended from an iron plate, which attracted theelectromagnets connected together with a great massbody. This entire system was suspended on the balanceby means of an elastic rubber. The electric current wassupplied to the electromagnets by two very thin wires.The system of the current breaking was establishedseparately from the balance. When the electric circuitwas disconnected, the box with the gyroscope fell downup to a limit stop connected with the electromagnets.The amplitude of these subsequent motion of drops andrisings could reach 2 mm. The experiments on weightingwas organized for various directions of suspension androtation velocities of the gyroscope, at differentamplitudes, and at an oscillation frequency ranging fromunits to hundreds Hz. According to Kozyrev’spublications, for the rotating gyroscope the readings ofthe balance remained unchanged as well as for animmovable one.

In the process of the experimenting it was noted thattransmission of the vibrations from the gyroscope tothe support of the balance there are variations in thereadings of the balance, and it depends on the velocityand direction of the gyroscopes rotation. Strictly tosay, when there are the vibrations of the balance, thebox with the gyroscope is not a closed system. However,the balance can break the equilibrium state if theadditional effect of the gyroscope (resulting from therotation) is transferred from the frame of the gyroscopeto the balance support. From these observations, aseries of experiments with these gyroscopes wasdeveloped by Kozyrev.

In the first variant, the vibrations were produced dueto the energy of the rotor and its vibrations in thebearings, depending on its clearance. Surely, thevibrations prevent the accurate weighing process.Therefore, it was necessary to decline the precisionanalytical type balance and to work with engineeringbalance, which has ribs of the prisms in contact withplatforms having the shape of wings. Nevertheless, inthis version the accuracy of the order of 1 mg in thedifferential measurements was obtained. A gyroscopesuspended on a rigid support can transmit its vibrationsto the balance support through the beam. Somevibration type produces a considerable decrease inaction of the gyroscope to the balance, when it wasrotating in a counter-clockwise direction (lookingfrom above). For clock-wise rotation under the sameconditions the readings of the balance remainedpractically unchanged. Kozyrev’s measurements withgyroscopes of different weight and rotor radius, atdifferent angular velocities, demonstrated that areduction in the weight really is proportional to the

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weight and to the linear velocity of rotation. Forexample, at a rotation of the gyroscope (D = 4.6 cm,Q = 90 g, u = 25 m/sec), it was obtained the weightdecrease Q∆ = -8 mg. With rotation in a clockwisedirection, it always turned out that Q∆ = 0. However,with a horizontal arrangement of the axis, in anyazimuth, it was found the average value Q∆ = - 4 mg.Kozyrev concluded from this that any rotating andvibrating body under the conditions of theseexperiments should demonstrate a reduction in weight.

The experiments with vibrations of a gyroscope on thebalance also yield a new basic result. It appeared thatthe additional force of action and reaction are situatedin different points of the system, i.e. on the support ofthe balance and on the gyroscope. So, there is the pairof forces rotating the balance arm. Hence, after theseexperimental results Kozyrev came to the followingconclusion: time has not only the energy but also it hasa rotation momentum, which it can transfer to thesystem. The development of modern antigravitationtechnologies is related with the conclusion. For example,Faraday Lab Ltd has filled the Russian Federation PatentClaim # 2002128658 of October 25, 2002, whichdescribes method and device for generation ofpropulsion force by means of transformation of rotationalmotion into translational motion. It declared that it ispossible to generate thrust without any reactive massflow. Experiments demonstrated that it is impossibleto obtain unidirectional linear motion only. However,both translational motion and rotational motion appearin the system that is related with Kozyrev’s notion ofpossibility to use rotational momentum of time course.Technically it is not a problem to compensate therotation by application of two systems which counter-directly rotate and generate co-directed linear thrust.

Basing on the analysis of known astrophysicalinformation Kozyrev demonstrated that the energyexpense decreases as well as the density increases, andformation of energy increases as well as the density ofstars does. He concluded that the assumption aboutthe existence of energy sources inside of stars does notcorrespond to the reality. So there are no special sourcesinside the stars and the stars emit energy according toHelmgoltz – Kelvin mechanism, i.e. they are graduallycooling and compressing. Nevertheless, if the age ofthe stars is significantly more than the duration of thecooling, we should admit that there is a process, whichcompensates this waste of energy. There is Kosyrev’sconclusion that the star is the machine, whichproduces energy by means of transformation of sometype of energy into heat.

From the point of view of the theory of star structurethe received conclusions are very strange andunexpected. However, they prove our main thesis thatin the World there are constantly acting causes, whichprevent the transfer to the equilibrium state.

Kozyrev demonstrated that the stars energy is producedin result of some electrodynamic processes. Howeverthe principle that the closed system can produce energy

should be so deep to contain simple laws of mechanics.That is why Kozyrev formulated the following issues:how the closed mechanical system can produceenergy and what is the source of this excess energy,i.e. at the first time it was made an attempt to groundan energy source of mechanical and other perpetuummobiles.

The asymmetry of the mechanic laws introduced byKozyrev means the only thing that the time has someasymmetric feature, which is connected with theinequality of real World and its mirror image. Thisproperty of time was called as the direction or timecourse. Since this direction the time can make thework and produce the energy. Thus, the star is onlyapparent perpetuum mobile, it is an energytransformer: the star derives its energy from the timecourse. According to analogous physical phenomena,for example plasma oscillations, we know about thetransformation of longitudinal waves into transversewaves, i.e. into heat electromagnetic radiation [5], [6].Thus, according to Alexander V. Frolov, the considerationof physical properties of time becomes investigation oflongitudinal wave processes in aether.

Possibility to use the course of time, i.e. the unequallyof the past and the future to produce the work is aninteresting, but it is not the most principal effect of thecausal mechanics by Kozyrev. As we could see it fromthe experiments on vibrations of gyros, very smallvibrational actions in the system of rotating bodies canestablish the additional cause-effect connection, whichcan produce the noticeable mechanical effects. Thispossibility to interfere into existing cause-effectconnections means that it is possible to control thecourse of time to amplify the processes, which actagainst the entropy increase, i.e. to amplify the vitalprocesses in biosystems or to increase entropy in anymaterial system. The phenomena described by Kozyrev[7], when he studied the wave of time density, which isgenerated by any irreversible process, for example,melting of crystallization, fading or growing of plants,dissociation etc. If we consider this wave as oscillationsof energy density in space then the longitudinal-wavenature of time phenomenon is obvious, and we can startmaking experiments on the real control of time.


1. Kozyrev N.A. On Possibility of Experimental Studyof Properties of Time

2. Reichenbach H., “The Direction of Time”, Berkeley;Los Angeles, 1956 280, XII p.

3. Whitrow G. J., “The Natural Philosophy of Time”,London, Edinburgh, 1961, 324 XI p.

4. A.V. Frolov. Matter as a Resonance LongitudinalWave Process // New Energy Technologies #3, 2002.

5. A.V. Frolov. Physical Principles of Time Machine //New Energy Technologies #3, 2002

6. G.I. Shipov Theory of physical vacuum. Newparadigm. Moscow, 1993.

7. Kozyrev N.A. On the possibility of experimentalinvestigation of the properties of time. // Time inScience and Philosophy. Prague, 1971.

63New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Fig. 1Bedini Generator MK1

John’s original idea is quite a simple idea. Normally amotor cannot turn a generator, which runs its ownmotor. But if you cheat by using a flywheel and switchthe motor off every second or so, then the weight ofthe flywheel continues to spin the generator when themotors giving it off little bit extra and charges thebattery, which powers its own motor.

I tried a simple design. I used a simple 555 timer toswitch a relay, which turns the motor on and off, but inmy design the generator is always connected.


For my first try I used a wooden flywheel and small DCmotor. Please ignore the timing switch that was anearlier idea.

BEDINI GENERATOR Information and Photos are submitted by David Mason



After some testing I decided that it would work betterwith a heavier flywheel, so I stopped this one and wenton to the MKII.

Fig.4Bedini Generator MKII

In this version I have used a 10 lb weight from a barbellset. The rest uses the same principles as the MK1 (seeFig.2).

Obviously the small motor is nowhere near powerenough to turn the heavy weight at any reasonablespeed, and soon over heats. I have had to put thisproject on hold until I can obtain a powerful DC motor.


Motor SupportTiming switch

1mm Gap

Coil (500 Turns 0.9mm)

Shaft Seat


12 Krpm DC Motor

Fly Wheel


64 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002


The Mark 3 Generator works on the same principle asthe previous model. It is a cylinder, which contains amotor and shaft. Attached to the shaft is a disc with 4magnets attached to the lower side. There a four coilsunder the disc, so as the disc spins the magnets passover the coils with around a 1-2mm air gap.

Fig.6The Mark 3 Generator

This is a very high-speed motor. The flywheel at thetop weights 145 grams/5oz. This serves two purposes.The first is to smooth out the vibrations, which occurat high-speed rotation. Its second function is to keepthe generator spinning when the motor is shut off. A555 timer and transistor are used to switch the motoron and off every 1 second. So the motor kicks in againbefore the flywheels inertia starts to slow down.

I used several coil designs in the generator and severaltypes of magnets, including NIB magnets. Thesehowever were so strong that they kept the disc stillover the coils to the point that the DC motor, whichspins the disc, would burn out.

After several attempts I could not get 12V out of withthe required current. 12V was easily achievable, butthe current was so weak that the free-running period,i.e. when the flywheel was spinning the generatorwithout the assistance of the motor, I would have tospin much longer than it could on its own. So a heavierflywheel could be used to increase the self-run period,but then more current is taken by the DC motor to spinthe unit. So as you increase one thing everything elseincreases to cancel out your efforts. My research in thistype of design has come to a close since I no longerbelieve it can work.

Editorial: Perhaps, the problem is a wrong idea aboutthe real design? Any extra power in magnetization-demagnetization is a function of mass and physicalproperties of the core.

An Introduction to Gravity

Lew Paxton Price

(Editorial: in NET #2(5), 2002 photo of Mart Gibson, waspublished instead of Lew P. Price photo).

In New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 (5) 2002, therewas an article called “An Introduction to Gravity”. Inthat article, I stated that the neutrinos are “bits of

rotating aether”. I no longer believe this to be true andan explanation follows which must include somethingregarding the nature of light if it is to be understood.

As was mentioned in the article, the electron is not aparticle, but a vortex with aether (ether) moving into itjust as air moves into a tornado or water moves into awhirlpool. A vortex of ether within a universe of etherextends as far as the universe exists. When such avortex moves, it creates a disturbance within the ethersurrounding it (the whole universe). This disturbanceis a wave of ether acceleration, which moves outwardfrom the vortex center in a plane, which isperpendicular to the direction of vortex motion. If thevortex reverses its direction another wave is producedbut with opposite ether acceleration. Together, thesetwo waves form what we call a wave of light, so thateach actual wave of accelerating ether is what we calla half-wave of electromagnetic energy.

If the production of a single half-wave could be likenedto a stone being dropped into a pond of water, thedimension of polarization of the ensuing wave wouldbe the vertical dimension of the falling stone, anelectromagnetic half-wave moving outward at thespeed of light would be similar to the circular ripple of


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water moving outward in the plane of the pond surface,and the acceleration produced in the electromagnetichalf-wave would be acting parallel to and along thecircumference of the expanding circle.

When an electron moves in any particular direction, ahalf-wave of light is produced, but this half-wave aloneis only a small fraction of a photon and we cannot detectit as light. When this same vortex reverses direction,the half-wave produced is the second half of a full waveof light. But this is still a very small fraction of a photonand we cannot detect it as light. For light to bedetected, the electron must vibrate consistentlynumerous times along the same path. The half-wavesproduced must find an electron which is located in aposition where its rate of vibration when disturbed willmatch the frequency of the incoming series of half-waves (the photon). The first half-wave will begin tomove the receiving electron, the next will move it back,the third will move a bit farther in the same directionas did the first, and so on until enough half-waves havearrived to cause the receiver to vibrate to its fullest.This is possible because the receiver is “resonant” tothe incoming photon.

So light as we perceive it, is caused by a “package” ofhalf-waves which we call a photon. These we candetect. But there are many half-waves which are toofew to qualify as a photon. Most of these are singlehalf-waves, each caused by a “charged particle”(vortex) moving in a particular direction and then failingto go backward along the same path. These ubiquitoushalf-waves move at the speed of light. They have no“mass” because “mass” is equal to ether “Mass” takeninto a vortex within a certain period of time. They aresimply expanding rings of transverse ether accelerationwithout charge, micro-gravity (or any other form ofgravity), and without sufficient electromagnetic energyto make themselves known except by direct collision.Each is composed of the rotational energy of a vortexas this energy moves outward from the source.

Neutrinos have been theorized as bits of rotationalenergy that are necessary to balance certain equations.These travel at the speed of light, are very numerous(ubiquitous), without mass, without charge, and arevirtually undetectable except by direct collision. Myconclusion is that electron neutrinos are merely half-waves of light, and other neutrinos are half-wavescaused by reactions of vortices (“charged particles”)other than electrons.

For those of you who are well versed in the concepts ofcontemporary physics, this all may seem to bepreposterous. However, there are several concepts incontemporary physics, which are either confusing orcompletely erroneous. Once they are clarified, this willseem more reasonable. The first, of course, is theconcept that ether cannot exist. There are too manyarguments to the contrary to place them all here.

The second is the concept of kinetic energy being equalto the product of mass and velocity squared dividedby two (Ek = mv2/2). Although this equation is a

convenient mathematical shortcut, it is misleading.Actually, Ek = Fd where “F” is “force” and “d” is“distance through which the force acts”. F = mawhere “m” is “mass” and “a” is its “acceleration”.So: Ek = Fd = mad (Editorial (the joke): Really mad?).This can be expressed in terms of velocity, but velocityis a constant state and acceleration is the cause ofchange. An object in motion has a velocity, but toconvert this velocity to energy, acceleration(deceleration in non-scientific terms) for a particulardistance must be exerted. In the case of rocket launch,the final energy of the rocket can be expressed in termsof velocity, but this velocity is achieved by accelerationover a distance. This information will be understoodas pertinent after we look at Compton’s work.

The third is caused by the experiments performed byArthur Holly Compton which led to two equations:e = hf where “e” is the “energy” of a photon, “h” isPlanck’s constant, and “f” is the “frequency” of thephoton; and w = hf/c where “w” is the “momentum” ofa photon, and “c” is the speed of light. These equationsare correct in magnitude, but incorrect in theirdimensions. Compton and those who may have helpedhim to arrive at the equations logically decided that“c” in these equations is the velocity of light(dimensionally d/t where “t” is one second). However,c/t has the same magnitude and is an acceleration.When c/t is substituted for c, the equations make perfectsense. Planck’s constant becomes the energy in onelight wave, so h = M(c/t)d where “M” is the Mass ofether moving through the expanding ring ofacceleration, “c/t” is the acceleration along the ring,and “d” is the distance along which this accelerationoccurs.

The fourth is the idea of the photon as a natural packageof light. The energy of a photon is based upon thenumber of waves produced in one second. This is amanmade definition. Nature’s photons do not producewaves for precisely one second. So the actual energy innatural photon is the energy produced by the numberof waves passing during the time period that the sourceelectron chooses to vibrate. Therefore, the photonenergy of one second is a relative measure based uponan arbitrary time and is not the true energy of the naturalphoton. This has often led to confusion in thinking onthe part of contemporary physicists.

The circular nature of the outward-moving ring, whichconstitutes a half-wave, is the key to the validity of theEPR experiments. The removal at one point of the half-waves in a photon from a distant star will prevent thatphoton from reaching a point more distant from the star.This principle in concert with those of polarization andpulse code modulation should lead to nearlyinstantaneous communication between inhabitants ofdifferent solar systems.

For more details, the reader may wish to view mywebsite which is currently found or use searchon the Internet with Lew Paxton Price as the subject incase the website has been moved.

66 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

The CIP Engine PrincipleRobert L. Cook

Information and figures are submitted at

Cook Inertial Propulsion (CIP) - engine convertscentrifugal force (angular momentum) into a linear ortranslational force. Perfecting prototype. (US Patent#4238968).

The CIP engine converts centrifugal force (angularmomentum) into a linear or translational force. In otherwords it converts J=Iωωωωω to P=MV.

When John Wallis wrote the laws of the conservationof angular momentum (which Sir Isaac Newtonplagiarized) he plainly stated that angular momentumcould not be converted to a translational force becauseit had none to give!

The way he reasoned was: because the constants Iand ωωωωω had to remain constant (or the same) for 360° ofspin, the net result had to be forces in equilibrium,which could only create bounded motion. This wouldtie into Newton’s 3rd law of action and reaction.Keep in mind that:

2mrI = and g

Wm =

r² is equal to the radius squared. ωωωωω = angular velocityin radians per second.

How the CIP Circumvents Wallis’ Law

1. The CIP engine mechanically splits the mass(represented by I in the equation) after 180° ofspin. One half of the equally split mass reversesdirection and therefore the ωωωωω part of the equation

must now show a positive ωωωωω (counter clockwisedirection) and a negative ωωωωω (clockwise direction).

2. Because the evenly divided masses move at thesame angular velocity, they create forces inequilibrium for only 180° of the complete cycle. The split mass is then made complete and becomesone mass which creates an unbalanced centrifugalforce for 180° which can be used to propel. Thesplitting and recombining of the mass causes nonegative impulses at all!

This fact was demonstrated at Boeing Field, Seattle,Washington on November 29th and 30th 1999. At thespeed the mass was rotating, engineers at Boeingcalculated that a 90 pound negative impulse shouldhave registered each time the mass split or wasrecombined. But there was absolutely NO reactionforce detected by the instruments recording impulsesin the x, y and z axes.

On the other hand a 5 pound second impulse (whichcould be viewed as a unidirectional force) was recordedby the load cell/computer.

Where Newton and Wallis Erred

They never considered that the mass (I) in the equationcould ever be split mechanically. When this possibilityis considered, most scientists assume that the splittingand recombining of the mass will result in two negativeimpulses being created that will cancel the one positiveunbalanced centrifugal force created by the fullyrecombined or whole mass.

It’s as simple as that as far as the principle goes butthe mechanics and the other things involved are anightmare to fully explain and no attempt to explainthe mechanics of the system will be made here.

A) The upper rotors(designated from now onas the A rotors) are a tthe mass pickup pointwhile lower rotors (Brotors) are at the massdrop off point. There isno shock during theweight transfer.

B) Masses on the A rotorsare beginning theircentrifugal forceimbalance phase whilethe free masses arebeing recycled via aconveyor powered bythe same electric motorthat rotates the armsand rotors.

C) The A rotors have nowreached their point ofmaximum centrifugalimbalance. The forceat this point would bepulling the device tothe left.

D) As the A rotors nearthe completion of thiscycle, the B rotors aresoon to begin it.

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Now I will “correct” or “refine” the above statement:

Actually, mass is never “converted” to energy. Why?Because “mass” and “energy” are not only equivalentbut such terminology represents two macroscopicmanifestations of the same phenomena thus the term“mass-energy” or, simplified, “massergy”. But theimportant operational aspect of these «massergies» istheir universal gyroscopic natures.

The fundamental unit of the universe is the gyroscopicmassergy. All atoms and all subatomic particles arecomposed of combinations of gyroscopic massergies.The gyroscopic massergy “perpetually” spins at “c”(the speed of light) and moves in some direction at “c”.Thus, the gyroscopic massergy is the mechanicalequivalent of Einstein’s equation of e = mc2. However,the gyroscopic massergy is not “mass” one instant andthen “energy” the next instant. The gyroscopicmassergy is simply what it is: it is something that issimultaneously both mass and energy! It is how weperceive it at different times that we choose to describeit as either “energy” or “mass”. But, from the gyroscopicmassergy’s perspective it is what it is and neverchanges its mechanical behavior.

It is therefore correct to say that gyroscopic massergiesare physically transferred (not “converted”) from onedomain or location in the universe to another. When theyare operating in one location (as within the atomicdomains of the copper conductor), we choose to callthem “mass”. When they are physically transferred toanother location (as moving down the length of thecopper conductor), we choose to call them “energy”.But they, themselves, are unchanging in theirfundamental mechanical behavior (gyroscopic) and canbe neither created nor destroyed.

Thus, Joseph Newman does not subscribe to the “ZPE”concept that the “energy” produced by his Motor/Generator comes from the “aether”. The source of thegyroscopic masserges is the atomic domains of thecopper conductor Joseph Newman has discovered amethod of extracting those gyroscopic massergiesthrough a pulsing of the conductor coil in a particularmechanical fashion. It is for the very reason that somepeople blindly presume that the “energy can somehowbe fed back into the machine” that others have beenincapable of innovating this revolutionary technology.As Joseph Newman describes in his fundamental book,if one attempts to “feed the output back as input” thena braking effect will occur that will negate the results.That is because the timing of the release of energy fromthe system is critical to its proper functioning.

Joseph Newman seeks to commercialize the technology,but it takes capital to produce commercial versions ofthe technology that are constructed within close-tolerances and can operate at very high rpms. JosephNewman is one human being he is not a well-fundedmulti-national corporation or a large university and hehas never applied for nor sought a “federal grant” at

The Energy Machine ofJoseph Newman

Michael Williamson

Joseph Newman Publishing Company11445 East Via Linda, No. 416 Scottsdale, Arizona 85259

Background Information (Introductory)

As background regarding the technology for those withwhom you may communicate, Joseph Newman hasdescribed it as “producing greater external energyoutput than external energy input.” [EEO>EEI]

That occurs in accordance with the concept that“energy cannot be created or destroyed only convertedfrom one form to another.” It is precisely for that reasonthat he originally began his pioneering research in themid-1960’s. And, since his technology does indeedproduce greater external energy output than externalenergy input, it represents a fundamental corroborationof the First Law of Thermodynamics and extends theconcept into the electromagnetic “conversion” of massto energy.

Actually, in a very fundamental sense, it is incorrect toclaim that mass is “converted” into energy.Operationally speaking, the fundamental units aretransferred from one domain in the universe to another.Such fundamental units are simultaneously “mass” and“energy”.

Joseph Newman has never called his pioneeringtechnology either “free-energy” or “zero-point-energy”.The term “free-energy” is actually scientificallyinappropriate: the technology is neither “free” in aneconomic sense nor in a scientific sense. Why? Because1) it does cost some amount of resources/money to builda unit and 2) the energy output does have to come fromsomewhere in this case from the atomic domains of thecopper conductor.

In a very fundamental sense, the correct way to viewthe technology is that Joseph Newman is transferringgyroscopic massergies (originally termed gyroscopicparticles by Joseph Newman) from one location in theuniverse to another.

I will make the following statement and then I will“correct it”:

The Newman Motor/Generator “converts mass toenergy electromagnetically rather than through nuclearfission or fusion.”

The above statement will enable someone not familiarwith the technology to better understand what ishappening.

68 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

the expense of the taxpayer. All he has sought is theequal opportunity to protect his invention in theAmerican marketplace via the patent system createdby our Founding Fathers. Ironically, it would not costthe American a single penny to issue Joseph Newmana patent for his invention, yet the federal bureaucratshave spent millions of dollars of taxpayer moniesfighting against the technology.

As you might imagine, the uses/applications of thetechnology are virtually unlimited and would enable allof us to become energy independent.

And here’s the latest news:

A German electrical engineer (who purchased NewmanEnergy Machine collectible unit #4) has conductedextensive testing of the unit in Germany. His conclusion:the unit is 200% efficient. An Associate Professor witha research laboratory associated with a major universityreviewed the results of the German EE and concludedthat the unit’s mechanical efficiency alone (not includingthe electrical output) was 129% efficient. Additionally,a distinguished Professor of Mathematics at ArizonaState University has recently endorsed JosephNewman’s work. Joseph Newman is now engaged inthe testing of his most advanced unit to date. (See thewebsite for additionalinformation recently posted).

General Information about the Energy Machine ofJoseph Newman

Joseph Newman’s technology does not “create” energy.What his technology accomplishes (as verified by morethan 30 scientists and engineers) is the transformationof energy from one state into another, totally inaccordance with the First Law of Thermodynamics. Thatis also accomplished in accordance with Einstein’sequation of E = mc2 [which was originally stated byEinstein as EL (Electricity) = mc2.]

Ironically, when Joseph Newman originally began hisresearch over 35 years ago, it was precisely becausehe DOES so strongly believe in the First Law ofThermodynamics that he believed that it was possibleto innovate his technology. As a result, his successfullyoperational technology fully works in accordance withthe First Law of Thermodynamics and represents averification of same.

In keeping with the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, onecannot simply create “energy” from nothing. Allgeneration of energy consists of energy transfers/transformations that operate in strict accordance withthe 1st Law.

That is precisely what occurs with respect to JosephNewman’s technology.

With respect to the technology itself, there are no realsize constraints. There are two methods of increasing

the power input: increase the amount of copper and/orincrease the rpms of the commutator. The latter can bedone by increasing the applied voltage (not the currentwhich is what costs money) up to the maximum atomicalignment of the domains in the copper conductor. And,if you want to align more atomic domains, use morecopper. Once the atomic domains of the copperconductor are aligned, the copper becomes magneticand thereby releases energy (electro) magnetically inaccordance with e = mc2.

Joseph Newman’s technology operates on high voltageand low current directly opposite to all conventionalmotors. Consequently, it runs cool. All conventionalmotors have been constructed over the past 160+ yearswith a built-in inefficiency, based upon a 180-year-oldmisconception.

If you visit the website of youwill note that a distinguished professor of mathematicsfor over 30 years at Arizona State University has seenthe proof for himself and has recently publicly endorsedJoseph Newman’s life work.

The following is from a Letter to the Editor of the MobilePress Register:

“Never having met, talked with, nor had financialdealings with Joseph Newman, I read his book, TheEnergy Machine of Joseph Newman. After 30 years inthe electrical profession I felt eminently qualified todebunk his claim to a device that generated more energythan it consumes. In the second chapter, I sat up in bedand shouted, ‘He’s got it!’” - Patrick McLain, EE, Mobile,Alabama

We don’t wish to dampen Mr. McLain’s enthusiasm forthis technology and, although his comments are well-intentioned, Mr. McLain is laboring under the superficialconclusion that Joseph Newman’s motor “generatesmore energy than it consumes.” This is simply not thecase. In fact, the motor does generate greater externalenergy output than external energy input [EEO>EEI].This technology does not violate the Law ofConservation of Mass and Energy. On the contrary thistechnology further corroborates the Laws ofThermodynamics, i.e., the only way one will achievethe internal production of energy within the system isby supplying the system with high voltage (and lowcurrent) to align the atomic domains of the copper atomsin the coil.

Joseph Newman supplies an external electricalstimulus to his coil (and special commutator system)that generates the magnetic field containing thegyroscopic particles (matter in motion). This externalelectrical stimulus takes the form of high voltage andthe higher the better until maximum atom alignment ofthe coil is achieved. At the same time the current iskept as low as possible to minimize resistance; therebythe Newman motor always runs “cool.” The externally

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applied high voltage is not “consumed” by the systemit operates in the same manner as the hydraulic systemin an automobile. The reservoir of brake fluid is not“used up” but supplies a continual hydraulic pressureto the automobile’s brake system. In a similar fashionthe high input voltage (and low current) acts as anelectrical ‘hydraulic’ pressure to continually realign theatoms within the motor’s copper coil. The continualcollapse and expansion of the copper coil’s magneticfield creates the mechanical torque of the motor. (Thespecial commutator system achieves this continualcollapse and expansion of the magnetic field.)

The net increase of external electrical energy from thesystem directly comes from the energy producedinternally within the copper coil. This net output isgreater than the small amount of current originallyinputted into the system along with the high voltage.In the final analysis where is the excess energy comingfrom? Answer: from the atom domains of the coppercoil within the motor/generator.

Dr. Roger Hastings, a physicist who has workedextensively with Joseph Newman over a number ofyears, has calculated that this system is so conversionefficient that it may take decades (or far longer) to beable to measure any appreciable mass loss in the coil.

This brings us to a discussion of efficiency. If JosephNewman’s motor/generator system is viewed as awhole considering both external energy and internalenergy then the total energy output for the system isequal to the total external and internal energy inputcombined.

Such a process is fully in accordance with the First Lawof Thermodynamics! When the system is viewed as awhole, it is imprecise to say that the Newman motor/generator simply “produces more than it consumes.”However, it is correct to say that “the external energyoutput is greater than the external energy input” anexternal energy input considered independently of thelarge internal energy produced by the Newman motor/generator.

In other words, the revolutionary nature of this systemis the fact that Joseph Newman has discovered a newelectromagnetic principle of nature and has innovateda technology capable of converting mass (copper coil)into energy (in accordance with E=mc^2) via a highlyefficient electromagnetic reaction rather than aninefficient fission reaction.

Those who state that “one can never build a devicewhich exceeds 100% efficiency” do not understand thenature of the phenomenal efficiencies (in excess of 800%)produced by the Newman motor/generator.

Such a statement demonstrates an inability todistinguish between conversion efficiency andproduction efficiency. To state that Joseph Newman’smotor/generator is 8.2 production efficient, i.e., that it

produces over eight times as much external energyoutput as external energy input, is different from statingthat the invention approaches 100% conversionefficiency, i.e., that it converts the internal mass of thecopper coil into energy in accordance with E=mc2. Theformer process involves production efficiency and thelatter process involves conversion efficiency. These twodifferent types of efficiencies should not be confused.

In his motor/generator system, the electromagneticconversion (of matter to energy) efficiency approaches100% [rather than the less than 1% conversion (of matterto energy) efficiency of a typical nuclear fission reaction.]The production efficiency of the Newman energymachine has been found to be in excess of 800%, i.e.,over eight times as much external energy output asexternal energy input.

Consider the following crude analogy of a nuclear fissionreactor to Joseph Newman’s motor/generator: a typicalnuclear reactor consists of a small amount of externalelectrical energy being inputted into the reactor stationto turn on lights, activate control panels, startmachinery, etc. The large external energy produced bythe reactor, however, is the result of the nuclear fissionprocess which internally occurs within the system.

As a result of such an internal fission process, externalelectrical energy is produced in the system. If, however,one ignores the internal energy and only considers theinitial, small external energy input, then one could saythat the net external electrical energy output producedby a nuclear reactor is greater than the externalelectrical energy input.

The important distinction, however, between aconventional nuclear reactor and Joseph Newman’smotor/generator is that the former is less than 1%conversion efficient and the latter approaches 100%conversion efficiency.

It was the phenomenon of Fleming’s Rule coupled withan understanding of Faraday’s generator that ledJoseph Newman 35 years ago on the path to betterunderstand (electro) magnetism. Once thisunderstanding was achieved, it then became apparentto Joseph Newman that for nearly 150 years we haveaccepted a fallacy regarding (electro) magnetism: thatfallacy being that the (copper) conductor “sits dormantlike a water pipe carrying water” and does notparticipate in the resultant mechanical behavior of thesystem (motor/generator).

By analogy, Joseph Newman has discovered a meansto harness a pre-existing “river of magnetic energy” thathas been ignored as a result of a fundamental error madein the 19th century.

In essence, then, Joseph Newman iselectromagnetically converting mass to energy inaccordance with E = mc2. Actually, this is aconventional, but crude way of stating what is

70 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

happening. More precisely, the system is ‘transferring’that is the equivalent (in a macroscopic sense) of massand energy from one locale in the universe to anotherlocale.

The gyroscopic spin of these “massergies” (descriptiveterminology for the spinning fundamentals which arethe equivalent of both mass and energy) is the importantaspect of their physical behavior.

Through a particular system of pulsing accommodatedby the use of specially designed commutators, JosephNewman has innovated a means of properly harnessingthe back-emf of his system and thereby continuallyextracting energy from the system. Fully in accord withthe First Law of Thermodynamics, the result is that thesystem produces greater external energy output thanexternal energy input. The difference occurs as a resultof the energy produced internally.

By analogy, this is no different in principle from aconventional nuclear fission reactor, except the‘conversion’ of mass to energy occurselectromagnetically rather than via fission.

There, as a brief synopsis, is a description of the processinvolved with this technology. But it could not haveoccurred with a more fundamental understanding of(electro) magnetism.

It is such an understanding which many consider morerevolutionary, in a scientific sense, than the resultanttechnology itself.

Essentially, Joseph Newman’s Motor/Generators havegenerally been designed with the optimal purpose of“achieving the least amount of current inputted to havethe greatest amount of atom alignment in the conductormaterial (which causes the greatest magnetic field).”It is Joseph Newman’s position that because of afundamental misunderstanding of the nature ofelectromagnetism, all conventional motors have beendesigned with built-in inefficiencies.

To restate:

The “official” description of Joseph Newman’selectromagnetic aspect of his Theory of the GyroscopicMassergy is: “the Newman Motor/Generator produces‘greater external energy output than external energyinput.’” This is, in principle, no different from aconventional nuclear fission reactor. Joseph Newman’swork represents a total confirmation and corroborationof the First Law of Thermodynamics. This technologyhas profound social/political implications with respectto our country’s future since it would replace allconventional energy sources and enable Americans tobecome truly energy independent.

Joseph Newman’s book, which represents his Theoryof the Gyroscopic Massergy, also presents the first

explicit mechanical explanation for Fleming’s Rule andMagnetic Attraction/Repulsion in scientific history, aswell as a mechanical unification of the fields. Hopefully,someone such as Professor A. Swimmer, PhD, [Professorof Mathematics for over 30 years] who has endorsedJoseph Newman’s fundamental work, will use JosephNewman’s mechanical unification to formulate amathematical field unification.

In conclusion:

What the technical process involved does do is extendthe Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy into anew domain, i.e., the equivalence of matter/energy viaE=mc2 is extended to the electromagnetic domain. Suchextensions of natural law into new domains havecertainly been typical of the history of the progress ofscience.

Essentially, what Joseph Newman has innovated is theintegration of the 19th Century work of Michael Faraday(upon which much of our conventional electromagnetictheory is based) with the 20th Century work of AlbertEinstein to produce a revolutionary newelectromagnetic technology for the 21st Century.

An Interesting Demonstration

One of the more interesting demonstrations of JosephNewman’s energy machine technology was thatconducted by engineers from WWL-TV (CBS-affiliate)in New Orleans. This test was broadcast (withappropriate graphs) on television and later featured onvideo.

The following is a paraphrase from the originalbroadcast:

“Eight, slightly-used penlight batteries were connected(in series) to a conventional electric motor. Theconventional motor operated for 1 minute and 15seconds before stopping.

“These same penlight batteries were then connectedto a portable model of Joseph Newman’s Motor/Generator. This Motor/Generator proceeded to run anda 90-pound magnet continuously rotated for 1 hour and15 minutes, at which time the WWL-TV engineersdisconnected the batteries because of a lack of time ofthe part of the film crew which had to return to the TVstation to produce the evening broadcast.

“Then, the above-described penlight batteries werethen reconnected to the original conventional electricmotor and operated this motor for two minutes and 28seconds before the conventional motor stopped. Thisis nearly twice as long as the first time (above) usingbatteries that are not supposed to be rechargeable!”

72 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

What is RQM TWhat is RQM TWhat is RQM TWhat is RQM TWhat is RQM Technology?echnology?echnology?echnology?echnology?NET Review

Information and photos are submitted at

RQM technology uses a new electromagnetic processto convert energy present in nature (space quantummanipulation). This energy is very similar to the betterknown gravitational energy. The technology uses aprocess that converts this energy directly into electricalpower.

The central component of the RQM technology isprotected by a patent known as “A device and processfor the generation of electromagnetic pulses” (PatentNo. CH 687 428 A5) filed on November 29, 1996. Sincethen (and within the prescribed priority period) thepatent has been submitted for registration in 94countries. The process consists of the continuousconversion of natural energy into electrical power - asis the case for solar power - but is available 24 hours aday without significant fluctuations in availability.

View of the interior of the patented RQM centralcomponent

The RQM process produces a space quantum currentwhich affects the free electrons in the patented RQMcentral component, thereby creating a potentialdifference (voltage drop), which in turn produces a non-polluting electrical current. RQM’s goal is “research,development, production and marketing of energy-efficient, clean, renewable and cost-effective energysources”.

Worldwide RQM Applications

On a worldwide basis, the consumption of electricalpower increases every year. This should come as nosurprise, as average size single-family homes - with amaximum peak time use of 15-20 kW - consume between70% and 80% of this energy for heating/cooling and hotwater. We obviously need alternatives to our traditionalpower sources. RQM offers energy-efficient solutionsthat are equally suitable for demand in highly developedindustrial nations as in Third World developingcountries.

RQM offers a clean, off-the-grid, cost-effective powersource which comes in both stationary and mobile units.The application depends on whether you need, forexample, an emergency power source on a ship or acentral power unit for a single-family home. The modularconstruction of the RQM unit makes installation andmaintenance simple and quick. There are no on-siterepairs needed, as defective modules are simplyreplaced on the drawer-type assembly. This cuts downon repair and maintenance costs and significantlyreduces down time.

References: 1 Control unit / 2 Output electronics / 3Inverter / 4 RQM unit / 5 Starter batteries

Energy-efficient RQM power units can be usedanywhere: as a “power generating station” in asingle-family home or as an emergency or secureadditional power supply for individual applications.They provide clean, off-the-grid and cost-effectiveenergy.

An RQM electronic control unit monitors the energyrequirements and regulates the power supply, whichranges from stand-by to a maximum of 25kW. The unit’sability to regulate the power supply significantlylengthens its life, which is at least 20 years.Replacement modules are guaranteed for the sameperiod. All materials have a five-year warranty (subjectto change without notice).

RQM25 - Technical Specifications

A basic RQM unit consists of the following modules:acontrol unit, an output electronics unit, an RQM unitand starter batteries.

Operating output power 0 - 25kW net

Output voltage 24 - 400V DC115/240/380V AC

73New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

3-phase AC 380V ACAC frequency 50/60Hz

InputStart-up (max.30 seconds) 24 - 48V DC / 10 - 20AOperating input 0.1 - 2.5kW

External power source Central oscillatorOutput produced by veryhigh-frequency shockwavespresent in space 0 - 38kW

Dimensionswith housing 56x60x130cm

Volumewith housing 0.44m3without housing 0.35m3

Total weightwith housing 230kg

Specifications may not be exact.They are subject tochange without notice.

All RQM units (G, W and N) are set at the factory togenerate the nominal output indicated for each type inkW.

First By-Product of RQF/SQR-Research:Smart, adaptive converter (DC to AC) with patented

RQM (SQM)-Impulse Technology

by Dr. sc. nat. Hans Weber and HanspeterKohlbrenner

Techn. Document 87-02-3, March 30, 2002

As already reported at the beginning of January 2002,our research work on the solution of the RQM-Energysuddenly and surprisingly led to a by-product whichcan be used for all types of energy generation and canbe applied in a variety of output ranges.This is thesmart, adaptive converter (DC to AC).

Electrical energy from renewabale sources such asphotovoltaics, wind energy or hydrogen energy from fuelcells is usually obtained as direct current (DC) energy,and as such is stored in batteries or hydrogen tanks.For domestic and industrial use it is then converted toalternating (AC) current. Two functions are required forthis: optimal output in converting the electrical energyfrom the source (i.e. solar panels or fuel cells) and, ifpossible, low loss conversion of this energy intoalternating current for the consumer. The differencebetween output and consumption is automaticallyregulated by a storage device.

In conventional equipment these two functions arecarried out by separate devices. The first function isperformed by the charge regulator and the second oneby the DC-AC converter. The RQM-(SQM) Impulse -Technology uses the RQM-core piece to accomplish bothfunctions.This is governed by a smart impulse generatorthrough power electronics. The impulse generator isprogrammed at all times to find the optimum point ofthe power requirement for consumption independentof the state of charge of the storage device. This assuresan optimal adapting to the source as well as theconsumer. Only when all storage devices are either filledor empty, its task can not be carried out any longer andan alarm will report this. In a later model using standardAC supply lines this problem takes care of itself andthe device will function as a power generator as wellas an emergency stand-by, using no fuel and creatingno noise or polluting smells.

The RQM-Solution is, from beginning to end, pure RQM-Impulse Technology , and is protected by patents. Allfunctions are contained in an RQM-Core Piece, whichis connected by the power electronics to a smartimpulse generator. The RQM-Solar-Option presentedtoday is using purely digital energy technology. Detail-Information.

The RQM-Impulse-Technology seems to haveunexpected applications and is the counterpart inenergy technology to the digital CommunicationsTechnology. Just as the digital communicationstechnology has brought unexpected solutions in thiscomputer age, thus also will the RQM-Impulse-Technology fruitfully influence the energy technology.We are happy to be able today to demonstrate for you afunctional model of our first RQM-Product.

Advantages of a smart, adaptable Converter(DC to AC) using SQM- Impulse-Technology

The patented RQM- (or SQR-) Impulse-Technology,allows in a simple manner, using the smart control of amicroprocessor, to generate one or more power sinecurves. Thus it is possible to achieve an optimumadaptability to changeable voltage sources. In this casewe are dealing with an entirely new convertertechnology (DC to AC) which will have a markedusefullness for customers.

74 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Technical RQM ConventionalSpecifications: Converter: Converter:

Input voltage range from 5 volt up, flexible limited range with(MPP V DC) 5 - 800 V DC high response barrier

Technical design few parts many parts

Efficiency > 92% 85 - 96%

Isolation not required requiredtransformer

Impulse yes notechnology

Life expectancy very high high

Production costs lower high for large output(fewer parts)

Applications numerous, flexible depends on technicaldata

Preferred all renewable energy only specific,Applications technologies offering (custom designs )

greatly variable poweroutputs(photovoltaic, etc.)

EAVCF / Euro-American Venture CapitalFederation, Inc.

Office 1: 15862 S.W. Redclover Lane, Sherwood,Oregon 97140 (USA)

Branch Office for Asia / South America / Africa / Far East:1110 Brickell Avenue, Suite 430, Miami, Florida 33131 USAPhone 001 + (305) 377 - 2887 Fax 001 + (305) 358 - 9615

Office in Europe:Hummelwaldstr. 40, CH-8645 JONA/Rapperswil (Switzerland)

Phone ++41 +55 214 23 50 Fax ++41 +55 212 52 0

Share - Offer(valid 04.10.2002 - 12.31.2002)

Not available for U.S.-Residents, but available forU.S.-Companies

Preferred stocks of the Euro-American VentureCapital Federation, Inc. This corporation isparticipating world-wide in the following future-oriented and above average, promising, high-tech fields,which allows controlled promotion: Renewable energytechnologies for generating electricity for world-widemobile and stationary application. Environmentaltechnologies (for air, water and earth). Transmutationtechnologies for producing new materials (change ofmaterial characteristics, and for reduction of radioactiveradiation of waste products from medicine andresearch). New drive technologies for aviation and spacetravel by using newly discovered energy sources forcontinuous energy conversion on site in the field. Newcommunication technologies. New software programs.

Share sales are first offered world-wide to privateinvestors, institutional investors (banks, insurancecompanies, pension funds, investment funds etc.) Theadmission to the American high-tech and newconcept stock market NASDAQ is planned and in

preparation. The application procedure usually takesabout 9 - 12 months.

Stock option for joint inventors and former RQMinvestors

On November 15, 2001, voting shareholders in thecompany EAVCF Inc. unanimously resolved to in theevent of success (technical success with theexperimental plants or the successful stock marketfloatation of EAVCF Inc.) to distribute a total of 3.25million preferred shares (10 % of the approved preferredstock) to the participating joint inventors (with 5 %) asa bonus, and to the former RQM investors (with 5 %) inthe form of a pro rata settlement. Those companies andprivate individuals whose activities and behaviordamaged and led to the bankruptcy of the formercompany RQM Raum-Quanten-Motoren AG in the year1999, in accordance with legally valid court judgements,shall be excluded from the settlement.

Preferred stock of the Euro-American Venture CapitalFederation, Inc. (Preferred stocks or shares have priorityfor dividend payments, but no voting rights) Nominalvalue US $ 10 per share.

Approved capital US $ 650 million, of which 32.5 millionare preferred shares.

You can find more info about the company at


• “Zentraler Oszillator und Raum-Quanten-Medium” [Centraloscillators and the space quantum medium] by Oliver Crane,J.M. Lehner and Chris Monstein. Revised second edition, inpaperback. (Available as of the end of 1997.)ISBN-No. 3-9520261-0-7. DM39.50/CHF 31.50.Universal Experten Verlag, CH-8640 Rapperswil. [Onlyavailable in German.]

• “RQF Magnetik Magazine”, Special Issue, December 1997.ISBN-No. 3-9521259-0-3. DM18.00/CHF 15.00.Universal Experten Verlag, CH-8640 Rapperswil. [Onlyavailable in German.

Infinite Energy Magazine

∗ Cold Fusion ∗ New Energy

∗ New Science ∗ New Technology

Subscriptions, 6 Issues Per Year$29.95 North America

$49.95 ForeignSingle Sample Copy

$5.95 North America, $10.00 ForeignInfinite Energy Magazine

P.O. Box 2816-FVConcord, NH 03302-2816

Phone: 603-228-4516 Fax: 603-224-5975

7 5New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November�December 2002

Experimental Data on Time Controlby Acad. A. I. Veinik

Editorial: It is our answer to readers’ request about some simplest experiments on the Time Control.Do it now!

The principle of work of the device is based on operations with chronal matter, which first is obtained fromthe ambient space, then accumulated (concentrated), and radiated. The plates (1) of 350 × 70 × 21 mm sizeare placed into grooves of pasteboard supports (4), which are installed on the textolite disc (5) of 735 mmdiameter. The ring (2) of 70 mm exterior diameter, 7 mm thickness, and 14 mm height is fixed on the 2.66meter suspension (3). There were used 70 plates, directed at a tangent to the middle of the ring (2) thickness.


1. A.I. Veinik. Thermodynamics of real processes. Minsk: “Science and Engineering”1991, p.576., ISBN 5-343-00837

76 New Energy Technologies Issue #6 November-December 2002

Development of Faraday Unipolar Generator in India

The Space Power Generator (SPG) by Paramahamsa Tewari

The Review is prepared according to web source


Paramahamsa Tewari observing SPG test and measurementverifications

Paramahamsa Tewari, an Indian scientist, has made abreakthrough in a method of electrical powergeneration. He has been granted an Indian Patent(Application number 397/Bom/94) for an increasedefficiency homopolar generator.

Paramahamsa Tewari was born on January 6, 1937, andgraduated in Electrical Engineering in 1958 fromBanaras Engineering College, India, and heldresponsible positions in large engineering constructionorganizations, mostly in Nuclear Projects of theDepartment of Atomic Energy, India. He was alsodeputed abroad for a year at Douglas Point NuclearProject, Canada. He retired in 1997 from his position asExecutive Nuclear Director, Nuclear Power Corporation,Department of Atomic Energy, India, and is the formerProject Director of the Kaiga Atomic Power Project.

For the practical demonstration of generation ofelectrical power from the medium of space, Tewari hasbuilt Space Power Generators that operate at over-unityefficiency, thereby showing that space medium indeedis the source of generation of basic forms of energy.

Experiments conducted during the last 10 years haveindicated that his Space Power Generator (SPG) isoperating at over-unity efficiency. Many researchers

have performed experiments with these devices, alsocalled homopolar generators or unipolar dynamos. Thedevices usually consist of a rotating magnetic diskcalled a Faraday homopolar generator in whichelectrical current is passed from the center of the diskto its edge.

The Space Power Generator is able to produce lowvoltage ac or dc power at about 2.5 times themechanical power applied at its shaft. Furtherimprovement in the construction of the SPG producingdc power has raised its efficiency to about three timesthe mechanical power applied.

Fig. 2

Alternating current power SPG with step up transformer

The next generation SPG will use electrical output forfeeding a Faraday motor mounted on the same shaft toachieve self-sustaining operation. Certain specificconfigurations of magnetic fields from rotatingelectromagnets and electrical conductors have made itpossible to construct an SPG that produces ac powerpresently in the same range as the SPG producing dcpower with an efficiency of about 250 percent.

Tewari’s machine is as usual measuring overunity. 9 KW electrical energy in and 9 KW electrical energy outplus 3 - 4 KW heat out.

The SPG is proven technology that produces 200-300 percent over-unity energy. The SPGtheory has been tested and proven. It is time, now, to build a prototype system and to

work on improving the concept to develop a product that can be used in every household.