New Deal Critics of the ND Dictators $300 $400 $500 WWII $100 $200 $100 Great Depression & Women...


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New Deal

Critics of the ND




$500 $500 $500 $500


$100$100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200


Great Depression & Women of the



List 2 Groups that Social Security provides for.

• Elderly • Disabled

• Unemployed .

List the three R’s of the New Deal

and an Example of Each • Relief

• Recovery • Reform

How is Social Security funded

• Employees and Employer Contributions

The Lasting Impact of the new deal is that it expanded the size


• The Goverment

On March 5, 1933, to prevent further withdrawals, Roosevelt

declared this

• Banking Holiday

Headed the NYA and helped form the Black Cabinet

• Mary Mcleod Bethune

First Woman appointed to the Presidential Cabinet

• Francis Perkins

She fought against racism and for an anti lynching bill

• Eleanor Roosevelt

During this time period, he pushed over a dozen bills

through Congress

• First 100 Days

The Two main reasons the Stock market crashed was

• Buying on Margin • Speculation

Anti Semitic Radio Priest who proposed a nationalized

banking system

• Father Coughlin

He proposed to solve the Great Depression by giving $200 a

month to the elderly

• Dr. Francis Townsend

This New Deal Critic was known as the “ King Fish”

• Huey Long

After losing to Roosevelt in the 1932 Primary, this New Deal

Critic joined the American Liberty League

• Al Smith

He gained enormous popularity with his “share the wealth” club

• Huey Long

An ambitious Industrial plan to rebuild Russia

• The 5 Year Plan

Fascist Leader of Spain

• Francisco Franco

Nick Name for Mussolini

• Il’ Duce

Stalin’s Movement to eliminate Political opposition

• The Purges

Japanese Militaristic Leader/ Prime Minister

• Hediki Tojo

Birthplace of Hitler

• Austria

Union with Austria

• Anschluss

Hitler’s First Violation of the Treaty of Versailles

• Rearming Germany

Hitler occupied this area on the French/ German border

• Rhineland

Name for Hitler’s German empire that was to last 1000


• Third Reich

WWII Begins



$1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

$200$200 $200 $200

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400



Pre War U.S.

Great Depression

WWII New Deal Programs

Hitler invaded this country which started World War II

Year required

• Poland 1939

This agreement created resentment in Germany and contributed toward WWII

• Treaty of Versailles

Giving up principles to pacify an Aggressor

• Appeasement

Germany’s need for living space

• Lebensraum

French Fortification along the German Boarder

• Maginot Line

This American Hero, who made the first flight from New

York to Paris was believed that the US should stay out of

foreign wars

• Charles Lindberg

This Banned the sale of arms or loans to countries at War

• Neutrality Acts

This organization was formed following WWI to prevent

future wars

• League of Nations

Americans opposed to getting involved in foreign



This document large profits made by banks during WWI

•Nye Committee

The day the stock market crashed

• Black Tuesday (10/29/29)

“President Hoover’s belief in one’s ability to Rely on


• Rugged Individualism

Shanytowns consisting of cardboard and wooden shacks

were called these

• Hoovervilles

Angry about benefits not received, In 1932 these WWI veterans marched

on Washington

•Bonus Army

Hoover’s most ambitious economic measure to fuel

the economy• Reconstruction Finance Corporation


Political System based around extreme nationalism


Centralized government that maintains complete control of its


• Totalitarianism

Poland’s fate was sealed after this agreement was


•Nonaggression pact

This deal sent 50 old warships to England for

territories in South American

• Bases for Destroyers

The Battle of Britain was fought between these two forces

• RAF• Luftwaffe

Relief program for farmers to regulate crop prices

• Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

Helped states to provide direct aid (food, clothes, money) to its most

needy citizens

• Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA)

Protected bank deposits up to $5000; instilled confidence in


• Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


This British economist proposed that the

Government spends more than it takes in

• Deficit Spending

• John Maynard Keynes

This program employed teachers, writers,

musicians and artists• Works Progress Administration


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