New age




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2 A b a h a n d S o n ’ s C o .

8 T h e S u m b s C a f e

1 3 F o r e s t R e a s e a c h I n s t i t u t e o f M a l a y s i a

1 8 C a n a p o y W a l k

2 4 P e r a h C a m p

2 8 L o c a l H a n d M a d e

3 4 V e s p a E m p i r e

4 0 C o l o u r C e n t u r y A u t o





Anwar Z ik r i B in Amin Mah i ranwarz ik r i69@gmai l . com14 Oc tobe r 1992Seremban , Neger i Sembi l anfacebook .com/anwar. z ik r itw i t t e r. com/anwar_z ik r iin s t ag ik r i

Mohamad NorHaz iq B in Hazemanhaz iqhazeman@gmai l . com1 Janua ry 1991Segamat , Johorfacebook .com/haz iqhazemanins t ag iqhazeman

Mohamad Ikmal B in Mohamad Nas i rmohamad ikmalnas i r92@gmai l . com22 Apr i l 1992Kua la Kangsa r, Pe rakfacebook .com/mohamad . ikma l3ins t ag ikmal92

New Age 1

“You don’t need a silver fork to eat a good food”

- Paul Prudhomme

“You don’t need to find your place in life, it’s everywhere”

- Chris Smither

“Happy people do’t have the best of everything, they made the best of

everything”- Eric E Thomas

New Age 2


Chancing across this adorable looking place online, we made a point to drive all the way to Sg Besi last night to give this place a try. Abah & Sons. Co Motocafe is a lovely cafe cum gallery that will delight both automotive enthusiasts and foodie fans alike.

Located at The Trillium in Sungai Besi, the cafe i s the newes t venture by motorcycle custom builders Abah & Sons Co. Motorworks with local skate hero Pa’din Musa at the helm alongside his wife Mia and their friends. You can’t help but be fascinated by all the vintage motorcycle memorabilia all around you, it really is quite an experience to just sit there surrounded by Vespas and Lambrettas.

Decorated from floor to ceiling, there are even photos, trophies and personal items on display and it’s when you come to realize that motorcycles aren’t just some off duty “hobby” for the people of Abah & Sons, it is their way of life.

And there is something just so intimate and personal about being in this space as you take it all in. It’s almost as if they are giving you a sneak peek into their personal lives. We’ve heard rave reviews from friends about their food so we were really glad that we saved our appetite for the visit because their Salmon Rosti was delicious!

End your meal with a cup of coffee and a cake (supplied by Souka in TTDI) and you’re guaranteed to find yourself on your way to a food coma. Pay Abah & Sons a visit, it is quite an experience and someone told us once that Friday nights is when motorcycle enthusiasts will congregate at Abah & Sons, and that’s when you will see the most beautiful bikes around and meet the most interesting characters.

We aren’t too sure of the validity of it, but I guess it means there’s only one way to find out and that’s by seeing it for ourselves next time!

T h e M o t o C a f eWrit ten by Mohamad NorHaziq Photography by Anwar Zikr i

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A B A H & S O N S C O

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Poached Eggs with Smoked Salmon

The Motocafe Stuffed Chicken

This is supposed to be Poached Eggs with Smoked Salmon (RM16): english muffin topped with smoked

salmon and avocado.

The Motocafe Stuffed Chicken (RM22) fared slightly better as the mushroom-stuffed chicken

breast is quite juicy

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The operation hours start at 12pm until 11pm

everyday and it closed on Friday. It is

Located at Block 7 Persiaran Alami Sek 13,

Shah Alam, Selangor near to Pusat Zakat

Selangor. It also offered catering services,

events and F&B Trending. The owner of

the cafe is the famous singer, Dato’ Fazley


The cute, cozy corner lot cafe suitable for

those who wants to chill with friends and

want to have the light and casual dinner, this

place is the right choice.

With the simple and modern decoration, The

Sumbs offered lots of categories of food such

Appetizer & Snack Delights, Soup of the

Day, Pasta Delights, Sandwich Delights,

Calzone, Western Delights, Local Delights

and Dessert Delights. It also offered Sumbs

Meal Hour, the Local Delights that comes

with carbonated drink at 12 pm to 3 pm and

6 pm to 9 pm

This cafe also promoting and selling

signature desserts the Suka Sucré by Faz ley

Yaakob , a s i s means to love suga r.

Se lec t ions of various French Macarons,

Kekonut, Panna Cotta, Tiramisu, Cakes and

more. It also offered for catering orders.

Not to forget the other dishes offering here

like Chicken Cordon Bleu, Bruchetta, Fish

and Chips, Chicken Hunter and The Sumbs


As for this cafe not used any glass, clay

plates, all the dishes been served in the

recycled paper boxes and bowls. When think

of it, it easily to clean up the table and if the

customer can’t finished the dish, then they

just close the box and take it it with them. It

is very simple.

F o r F o o d i e B y F o o d i eWrit ten by Mohamad Ikmal Photography by Anwar Zikr i

New Age 10

The Sumbs’ Gourmet Pasta

The Sumbs’ gourmet pasta comes with a slice of baby seven-star grouper fillet, lots of veggies, olives & capers

Chicken “The Sumbs”

Chicken “The Sumbs” is made with deepfried boneless chicken chop coated with egg in tomato sauce & french


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New Age 13


Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) is one of the leading institutions in tropical forestry research in the world. Founded in 1929, the former Forest Research Institute became a fully-fledged statutory body, governed by the Malaysian Forestry Research and Development Board (MFRDB) under the Ministry of Primary Industries, in 1985.

Presently, both FRIM and MFRDB are under the purview of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The Institute sits on a 545-ha site adjacent to the Bukit Lagong Forest Reserve in the Kepong municipality, 16 km northwest of Kuala Lumpur. FRIM was awarded the MS ISO 9001:2000 certification in December 2007.

I t was gazetted as a ‘Natural Heritage Site’ on 10 February 2009 under the National Heritage Act 2005, and officially declared as a National Heritage on 10 May 2012. The Insti tute is helmed by Dato’ Dr Abd Latif Mohmod as i ts Director General since May 2008.

Award-Winning Research.FRIM researchers have acquired a sound track record over the years winning innumerable awards for their work. The awards included those for research on rubber wood utilisation at the International Cologne Furniture Fair (1995) and for its oil palm fibre extractor at the 25th Geneva International Invention Exhibition (1997) the International Union of Forestry Research Organisations (IUFRO)

Scientific Achievement Award (1995, 2000 & 2010) Toray International Science Award (1999) Petronas Inventor’s Awards (1992, 1994) National Inventor’s Award (1995 & 1997) MINDEX/INNOTEX Award (1993, 1995) Langkawi

Award (1991)Public Services Department Award (1996) National Science Award (1993) and Japanese International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers (2009 & 2013).

In 2009, FRIM received the Nikkei Asia Award for its contribution to environmental protection in the region and the Mahathir Science Award in recognition of its contribution to the research and development of the country’s rubberwood industry.

Among others , FRIM also won the Nat ional Book Award (2010 & 2012) for the best technical book category; the BrandLaureate Awards 2010-2011 & 2012 for the Best Brand in Forestry–Environment Conservat ion the Internat ional Socrates Award for Best Enterpr ise (Applied Research & Scient i f ic Achievements) Award 2011

Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Science and Technology Prize 2012; and the International Diamond Prize 2012 for excellence in quality. Recently, FRIM clinched the National Innovation Award 2013 for its High Temperature Drying (HTD) System for lumber treatment.

FRIM is one of the top eco-tourism destinations in Malaysia, offering visitors various attractions and activit ies such as nature trails , waterfalls , nature education centre, camping and picnic si tes, botanic gardens and arboreta. One of i ts main attractions is i ts Canopy Walkway, spanning 150m and suspended 30m above the ground.

Writ ten by Mohamad NorHaziq Photography by Anwar Zikr i

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Located at Bukit Lagong Forest Reserve at about 300 meter at sea level, this famous attraction walkway was constructed in 1992 for the purpose of scientific study of flora and fauna. This walkway system spans for 150 meter and is suspended between trees at approximately 30 meter above ground level.

This walkway system and platforms are vantage points to experience a panoramic view of the forest and Kuala Lumpur area from a distance. The canopy walkway is opened to the public from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm last registration is at 1.30 pm. It is closed on Mondays and Fridays. Advance booking and purchase of tickets should be made at FRIM One Stop Centre.

T h e H a n g i n g B r i d g eWrit ten by Anwar ZIkri Photography by Mohamad Ikmal

New Age 19

For the sustainability of the walkway system, FRIM allows up to 250 persons (200 through booking and 50 walk-ins only) to go on the hanging bridge per day. Therefore, early booking is encouraged to avoid disappointment.

For group(s) of 10 pax and above, reservation via email to is needed and you are also required to hire a nature guide (for RM120.00/group) for safety reasons. For a party of less than 10 pax, you may go on your own guided by a FRIM map provided by the One Stop Centre. Please ensure state your name, number of pax, date of visit and time of arrival in your email booking.

Operating hours are subject to weather conditions (the canopy walkway will be closed when it rains and re-opened within 2 hours after the rain has subsided and when the weather is clear.

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Perah Camp S i t e i s one o f t he popu la r a r eas in FRIM to pe r fo rm g roup ac t iv i t i e s ; e spec ia l ly na tu re r e l a t ed env i ronmen ta l ac t iv i t i e s . Es t ab l i shed in an a rea o f 300M th i s s i t e can accommoda te 60 -80 peop le a t a t ime .

Th i s camp s i t e was bu i l t i n a s ec luded a rea , comple t e wi th the necessa ry f ac i l i t i e s fo r ou tdoor r ec rea t ion ac t iv i t i e s such a s a k i t chen , ha l l , “A-Hut” c h a l e t s , r e s t r o o m s , b e n c h e s a n d o b s t a c l e r u n . F R I M a l s o o f f e r s v a r i o u s e q u i p m e n t f o r r e n t s u c h a s t e n t s , s l e e p i n g b a g s , b i n o c u l a r s , a n d c o m p a s s a t t h e c a m p s i t e .

Sur rounded by g reen t r ees and the sounds o f fo re s t , t he Pe rah Camp S i t e makes a su i t ab le p l ace fo r t hose who wan t a r ea l j ung le expe r i ence . The camp s i t e , wh ich s t a r t ed ope ra t ions in May 2001 , s t i l l a t t r ac t s m a n y l o c a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l v i s i t o r s t o F R I M t h r o u g h o u t t h e yea r.

Writ ten by Mohamad NorHaziq Photography by Anwar Zikr i

N i g h t i n N a t u r e

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Check out when skills and creativity are combine together to produce a new “Local HandMade product. These two gentlemen had being friend since they were studying togerther at a college located at middle town of Ipoh, Perak.At first they only do for just to fill their bored time. Then, when someone start ask them to custom few product it became a small business.

People nowdays are obsess with buying the online product. This also can make they felt easy to get what they want without getting out from home. From this way, they began to start their business by selling their product in social media. Moreove, the best solution to start the busineess by doing online business because it takes no cost for you rent a shop. All you need is only your smartphones.

“Proudly Made By Us For You”Writ ten Mohamad NorHaziq Photography by Anwar Zikr i

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I n s t a g r a m : L O C A L H A N D M A D E

F a c e b o o k : w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / v i n t a g e x l o c a l

New Age 33

New Age 34

F r o m H o b b y T o B u s i n e s sVESPA EMPIRE

It all began as a hobby and passion for classic Vespa scooter, two young men decided to open a business with a known Vespa Empire. Located in Jalan Gombak, business opened in 2008 it now has a steady clients consists of Vespa owners and supporters generally.

Amer Husaini have partners namely Mohd Haikal Tarin, they both have the same interest about vespa. Thereby, they decided to open a business vespa.

When asked why they chose Vespa scooter, Amer explains: “Vespa motorcycle is different from the other, judging vespa culture itself, it is the spirit of friendship. For example, if the word vespa damaged middle of the road, there will definitely be a help because it united spirit. “

Writ ten by Mohamad Ikmal Photography by Anwar Zikr i

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Taking inspiration from the Vespa output Naza, Amer recognizes the challenges involved in this field still exist, sasuch as competition from other stores. So to fix this, Vespa Empire should look for abnormalities that do not exist on the other competitors.

Vespa Empire also has a branch in Kuala Nerang, Kedah. This branch is open just too popular demand from fans vespa in northern regions.

Vespa has its own target in advance of his vespa business. Between vision and mission Vespa Empire scooter Italy intend to import in the future market Malaysia.Pada Vespa Empire also plans to open a branch in the eastern and southern parts of the coast.

According to Amer Husaini customers are pickier about vespa things, customers are more concerned with the quality of the things to be ranked that high. According to Amer again, scooter repair is easier than with other motorcycle repair for repair vespa not too complicated and easy to maintenance.

Services offered at Empire Vespa is like repairing, painting, body restoration ‘, accessories and merchandise Vespa sales, spare parts and sell LML Vespa. Among the projects that have received Vespa Empire is from Yellow Cab for pizza delivery and also from the program ‘What’s FBI’ which aired on TV9.

“One Vespa, Million Friends”

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This is a young generation car paint shop called Colour Century Auto (CCA) and been conduct by Mohd Nazreen Bin Kadir. He had been born on 22 Jun 1991 at Hospital Segamat Johor. The l ife thought him how to be an independent person.

After SPM he can’t go to further study because he needs to help his family. Sometimes he also goes and helps his uncle at car painting shop to earn some money to help his family. If there is an extra time, he loves to read magazine to get some idea and to learn about car.

Realizing, that he have his own creativity, he hardly trying to save money to open his own shop. After several years, he meets his uncle to discuss about opening his own

shop and to make his uncle become a share partner. Then, his dreams become true and get to open his own shop located at No 53 Jalan Batu Off Jalan Ipoh, 50400 Kuala Lumpur.

However, there a re severa l cha l lenges when opera t ing th i s shop and one of i t h i s shop has f lood for two days . Wi th a l l h i s fami ly and f r iends suppor t , Nazreen s t i l l go on wi th h is bus iness and never g ive up doing what he l ike . Now, he a l ready has four workers to he lp h im a t shop .

Moreover, Colour Century Auto a l so provides o ther se rv ice l ike engine se rv ice , sunroof ins ta l la t ion , door t r im ins ta l la t ion and e tc .

Colour Centur y AutoWrit ten by Anwar Zikr i Photography by Mohamad NorHaziq

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