Neural Network Kalman filtering for 3D object tracking from


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Neural Network Kalman filtering for 3D objecttracking from linear array ultrasound data

Arttu Arjas, Erwin J. Alles, Efthymios Maneas, Simon Arridge, Adrien Desjardins, Mikko J. Sillanpaa, andAndreas Hauptmann, Member, IEEE

Abstract— Many interventional surgical procedures relyon medical imaging to visualise and track instruments.Such imaging methods not only need to be real-time ca-pable, but also provide accurate and robust positional in-formation. In ultrasound applications, typically only two-dimensional data from a linear array are available, andas such obtaining accurate positional estimation in threedimensions is non-trivial. In this work, we first train a neuralnetwork, using realistic synthetic training data, to estimatethe out-of-plane offset of an object with the associatedaxial aberration in the reconstructed ultrasound image. Theobtained estimate is then combined with a Kalman filteringapproach that utilises positioning estimates obtained inprevious time-frames to improve localisation robustnessand reduce the impact of measurement noise. The accuracyof the proposed method is evaluated using simulations, andits practical applicability is demonstrated on experimentaldata obtained using a novel optical ultrasound imagingsetup. Accurate and robust positional information is pro-vided in real-time. Axial and lateral coordinates for out-of-plane objects are estimated with a mean error of 0.1mm forsimulated data and a mean error of 0.2mm for experimentaldata. Three-dimensional localisation is most accurate forelevational distances larger than 1mm, with a maximumdistance of 5mm considered for a 25mm aperture.

Index Terms— Kalman filtering, neural networks, objecttracking, out-of-plane artefacts, optical ultrasound


Tracking and localisation of point-like objects is crucialfor a large variety of medical applications in ultrasound(US) imaging, such as tracking of microbubbles for super-resolution US imaging [1], [2] or US-guided placement offiducial markers for radiotherapy [3]. Additionally, tracking

Submitted for review on xyz. This work was supported by Academyof Finland Projects 336796, 326291, and 338408, the CMIC-EPSRCplatform grant (EP/M020533/1), the Wellcome Trust (203145Z/16/Z),the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)(NS/A000050/1), and the Rosetrees Trust (PGS19-2/10006)

MS and AH contributed equally to this workA. Arjas and M. Sillanpaa are with the Research Unit of Mathematical

Sciences, University of Oulu, Finland.E. Alles, E. Maneas and A Desjardins are with the Department of

Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, University College London,UK and with the Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgi-cal Sciences, University College London, UK.

S. Arridge is with Department of Computer Science, University Col-lege London, UK.

A. Hauptmann is with the Research Unit of Mathematical Sciences,University of Oulu, Finland and with the Department of ComputerScience, University College London, UK.

of surgical tools (such as needles and catheters) is essentialduring minimally invasive procedures [4]–[6], as when placedinaccurately, these devices may cause trauma by damagingtissue or deliver ineffective treatment to the wrong location[6], [7]. As such, US is frequently used for guidance throughimaging but accurate localisation in a three-dimensional targetdomain remains challenging. This is primarily caused by thenature of data acquisition using linear arrays, which assumesthat all signals originate from within the image plane andthus only a two-dimensional B-mode image of the imageplane is formed. We refer to this obtained 2D image as theUS image and assume it consists of the reconstructed point,or point-like, source corresponding to the object we aim totrack accurately. But, if this point source is located out-of-plane it will primarily show as aberration in the reconstructedimage domain; additionally one may misinterpret features,such as a needle shaft as the tip [8]. Thus, the problem toprovide an accurate positional estimate in 3D from only 2D USimages is consequently a notoriously difficult task without anyauxiliary information [9] and is a field of active research [10],[11]. Early approaches used speckle information to estimateout-of-plane displacements [12], [13]. Another possibility forinstrumented US tracking of needles was proposed by Xia etal. [14], [15], who designed a custom-made imaging probeconsisting of a central array for conventional imaging andtwo side arrays for 3D tracking [15]. Alternatively, one mayapproach the needle tracking problem in full 3D to obtainaccurate positional estimates [16].

In this work, we propose an alternative, real-time capable,method of performing 3D tracking without the need forcustom-made probes and using a single set of measurementsper time-step from a linear array. In the following we assumea point source model for the tracked object. For the estimationof lateral and axial positions, we examine high intensitypixels in the reconstructed 2D US image, similar to [16],where tracking was performed in full 3D. For the estimationof the elevational direction, or out-of-plane distance of thepoint source to the image plane, we use a machine learningapproach. In particular, significant markers are extracted fromthe measured time series and a neural network is trained usingsynthetic data modelled for a prototype optical ultrasound(OpUS) imaging setup [17] to predict out-of-plane distanceand associated aberration in axial position in the reconstructed2D US image. The markers used for the neural network aresummary statistics extracted from the measurement data and








P] 1

8 N

ov 2



Fig. 1: Illustration of the measurement geometry. If the point source object is located out-of-plane (right side), then the objectappears distorted in the reconstructed US image, i.e. too low by δ in the axial direction. This is why the axial position needsto be corrected.

correlated with the offset to establish a nonlinear mappingbetween the two.

Additionally, we assume regularity in the temporal evo-lution of the object location to improve robustness and re-duce uncertainty in the estimation compared to independentlyanalysing subsequent images. The regularity assumption mim-ics conditions encountered in clinical practice, where theobjects, such as needle tips and microbubbles, are expectedto follow a smooth trajectory without rapid jumps or jitterduring insertions into soft tissue. This can be incorporated,while retaining computational efficiency, by a Kalman filter[18], [19] which is a flexible method for estimating the state(position, velocity, etc.) of a dynamic system. It has beenclassically utilised in engineering applications such as targettracking and navigation, but has been also extensively usedin inverse problems and medical imaging [15], [19]–[23]. Theunderlying idea of Kalman filtering is to update the estimate ofthe state at time step k+1 each time new data become availableas opposed to smoothing, where the whole trajectory from timestep 1 to k are updated as well. It has the appealing property,as opposed to estimating the full posterior of all states, that theproblem does not become intractable as the number of datapoints increases.

We note, that Kalman filtering has earlier been utilised for aneedle tracking problem in 3D [16] as well as for microbubbletracking in 2D [24]. In [25], the authors track a wire tip usingKalman filter and perform an elevational position estimationfrom geometric markers. In this work we approach the problemin 3D with only a single set of measurements (per time point)from a linear array and combine it with a neural network inorder to obtain reliable estimates on the elevation to correctthe axial position in the 2D US image x. We evaluate theproposed method by tracking a point-source for simulatedOpUS data and object trajectories with changing elevation.Robustness is evaluated with respect to increased noise inthe measurement data and accuracy compared to positionalestimation using only the pixel with maximum intensity in the

OpUS image. Finally, we evaluate the method on experimentalOpUS measurements.


A. Image formation and object tracking

In the following we specifically consider a custom setupand simulation framework for a freehand optical ultrasoundimaging system. That is, the US signal generation is modelledas pulse-echo imaging, where each source along the linearaperture emits a pressure wave, which reflects off the pointscatterer and is detected by a single fibre-optic detector placedright next to the imaging aperture [17]. We note that thetracking framework here can be generalised to any linear USarray, where every source element also acts as a detector.Moreover, we consider in the following the tracking problemin a 3D space, that is we aim to determine the 3D coordinatex of the point-source. Given the recorded radiofrequency (RF)time series p, reconstruction of the 2D in-plane US image x isperformed using a basic delay-and-sum algorithm (equivalentto dynamic focussing) [26].

When the location of the point-source is in-plane, thenthe reconstructed image x can be directly used to estimatethe location x reliably. On the other hand, if x is out-of-plane then the 2D reconstruction will lead to a distortedimage, in the sense that the reconstructed axial position islocated deeper in the target than the correct position [27]. Theaberration occurs because the time of flight is larger fromobjects that are positioned out-of-plane due to the imaginggeometry (see Fig. 1). Thus, this axial aberration needs to bedetected and processed to simultaneously provide an estimateof the elevational distance between the point target and theimage plane, and the corresponding coordinates projected ontothe image plane.


B. Object tracking for in-plane objectsMost tracking applications primarily assume that the object

of interest is in-plane and features extracted from the recon-structed image x are good indicators of the actual positionx. Thus, the majority of tracking algorithms are based onintensity values in the B-mode images for point marker track-ing [28], [29] in combination with various image registrationapproaches [30]–[32]. More recent developments make useof deep learning techniques to estimate the coordinates ofobjects directly from the measured time series p [33]–[35].Nevertheless, there is no clear gold-standard to perform objecttracking, as the particular approach depends heavily on theapplication and practical need [9].

In this study we are concentrating on single object trackingand use the maximum intensity (MI) estimate for comparisonand reference, since it provides highly efficient and accurateestimates under ideal assumptions, i.e., high signal-to-noiseratio without any elevation. Consequently, we will also designour tracking model in the following by using the pixels in theUS image with highest intensity for the estimation of axialand lateral positions in the filtering process.

C. Kalman filteringKalman filtering, a class of Bayesian filtering, is especially

effective in situations where data stream in over time and onemust update the state given the new data and the history ofthe system; as such it is ideally suited to robustly perform theobject tracking considered in this study. Specifically, Kalmanfiltering [18] consists of closed-form update formulas for alinear Gaussian filtering problem, which will be discussednext. The estimation of axial and lateral coordinates is similarto the approaches suggested by [16], [24], we will thencontinue to extend our model to incorporate elevation and acorrection of estimated axial coordinates.

1) Lateral and axial coordinates: Estimation of lateraland axial coordinates and corresponding velocities xk =(xlk xak vlk vak)T at time step k is based on the locations ofhighest absolute intensity pixels in the image. We assume thatthese locations are spread around the location of the object.While the velocity of the object is not the main interest, it isintroduced as an auxiliary variable to help in predicting themotion, as will be described below. We denote by ylk ∈ Rnthe n lateral and by yak ∈ Rn the n axial highest intensitylocations and let yk = (yT

lk yTak)T. We then build a model

yk = Hxk + rk, (1)

where the matrix

H =

1 0 0 0...



1 0...


0 1...



...0 1 0 0

∈ R2n×4 (2)

associates given high intensity locations in yk with the actualcoordinates of the object in xk.

Furthermore, we assume that the noise in the observedlocations is normally distributed rk ∼ N (0,Rk), where

Rk =

(s2lkIn×n 0

0 s2akIn×n


with s2lk being the sample variance of ylk and s2ak the samplevariance of yak. This way uncertainty is naturally incorporatedinto the model as how spread out the high intensity locationsare.

We model the motion of the object with a constant velocitymodel [36]

xk = Axk−1 + Gck, (4)

where ck ∼ N (0, diag(σ2l , σ

2a)) is assumed to be a random

acceleration component and σ2l and σ2

a are lateral and axialprocess noise variances, respectively. The matrices A and Gare defined as [19]

A =

1 0 ∆t 00 1 0 ∆t0 0 1 00 0 0 1

, (5)

G =

12∆t2 0

0 12∆t2

∆t 00 ∆t

, (6)

where ∆t is the time between subsequent observations.The velocity and acceleration of the object at time step k−1

is used to give an accurate prediction of the position at timestep k. Writing Eq. (4) explicitly for the positional variablesonly, we obtain

xlk = xl(k−1) + ∆tvl(k−1) +1


xak = xa(k−1) + ∆tva(k−1) +1



This means that we assume the position at time step k to beclose to the position at time step k − 1 plus the displacementgiven by the time between subsequent observations, velocityand acceleration.

2) Out-of-plane offset and axial aberration: In case there isan offset between the imaging plane and the object, we observeaberration in the reconstructed axial coordinate due to thegeometry of the imaging problem (see Fig. 1). In this case,location estimation based on only the high intensity pixelswould result in a biased estimate of the axial coordinate.Instead, we use information in the measurement data p toestimate the offset and axial aberration and use the knowledgeto correct the estimate of the axial coordinate. To do this,we train a neural network with training data obtained froman OpUS simulator. Details on the neural network will beprovided in following Section II-D.1 and on the simulatorin III-B. We note that instead of a neural network, othersufficiently expressive nonlinear prediction models could beused.

The filtering model is then extended to include the unfilteredout-of-plane offset and axial aberration, denoted as yek andyδk, that are received as output from the neural network.


Fig. 2: Flowchart for the Neural Network Kalman (NNK) filtered tracking. We extract mean value µ from the highest amplitudeentries in the measured time series p and use highest intensity pixels in the 2D US image. A previously trained (orange arrow)neural network estimator then uses the last state estimates of lateral xlk and axial xak coordinates together with µ to estimateoffset and axial aberration. The next state is then updated via Kalman filtering to provide robust positional estimation.

We can then define y∗k = (yT

k yek yδk)T. Filtered out-of-plane offset and axial aberration and their velocities, denotedas xek, δk, vek and vδk are included in the state vectorx∗k = (xT

k xek δk vek vδk)T, The extended model is

y∗k = H∗x∗

k + r∗k,

x∗k = A∗x∗

k−1 + G∗c∗k,(8)

where r∗k ∼ N (0,R∗k), c∗k ∼ N (0, diag(σ2

l , σ2a, σ

2e , σ

2δ )),

H∗ =

(H 0

0 H

), (9)


H =

(1 0 0 00 1 0 0

), (10)

A∗ =

(A 00 A

), (11)

G∗ =

(G 00 G

), (12)

and σ2e and σ2

δ are the process noise variances of the out-of-plane offset and axial aberration components, respectively.Finally, we let

R∗k =

(Rk 0

0 Rk



Rk = max(s2lk, s2ak)I2×2. (14)

3) State estimation: As stated earlier, a major benefit arisingfrom linearity and Gaussianity of the filtering models are theclosed-form update formulas for mean mk and covarianceP k of the state. At k = 0 we assume x∗

0 ∼ N (m0,P 0),where m0 = 0 and P 0 = 15I to serve as an uninformativeprior. Note, that the mean mk corresponds to the estimatedcoordinates for x∗

k and P k is the corresponding covariancematrix. At every round, the prior predictions for mean andcovariance are updated recursively as

mprk = A∗mk−1,

P prk = A∗P k−1A

∗T + Q∗,(15)

where Q∗ = G∗diag(σ2l , σ

2a, σ

2e , σ

2δ )G∗T. We then evaluate

the neural network as described in the following section toprovide the estimates of offset and axial aberration in y∗

k, thenthe Kalman update can be performed by

uk = y∗k −H∗mpr

k , (Prediction residual)

Sk = H∗P prk H∗T + R∗

k, (Measurement covariance update)

Kk = P prk H∗TS−1

k , (Gain update)mk = mpr

k + Kkuk, (State update)

P k = P prk −KkSkK

Tk . (State covariance update)


Estimates of all coordinates are then given by mk. Theirvariances can be found in the diagonal of P k and could beused for uncertainty quantification of the Kalman updates.The estimated axial aberration is then subtracted from theestimated axial coordinate to yield an estimate for the actualaxial coordinate as

m∗ak = mak −mδk. (17)


Fig. 3: RF time series (left) showing the decay in amplitude as the distance from imaging plane increases. The decay is alsoshown on the right for different axial depths. In general, the rate of decay decreases with increased depth. The lateral coordinatexl was set to 0 in these tests.

D. Application to object tracking

We apply the Kalman filtering method to the task ofobject tracking modelled from OpUS image reconstructionsand measurement data. After generating suitable training dataand training the neural network, tracking can be performed asoutlined in the following.

1) Neural network: training data and architecture: We use anOpUS simulator [37], [38] to generate training data for theneural network. First, we define a uniform 20× 20× 20 gridof coordinates. The grid has bounds ±12 mm in lateral, 0.5– 14.5 mm in axial and ±6 mm in elevational direction. Twoadditional grid points were placed in-plane (zero in elevationaldirection). In each grid point we simulate measurement datawith coordinate values equal to the grid point.

To obtain a marker for the offset estimation, we note thatultrasound source elements typically emit near-omnidirectionalpressure fields within the image plane, but are usually designedto emit highly directional fields in the out-of-plane direction.This is achieved through a combination of eccentric elementgeometries and acoustic lenses [27]. As a result, the amplitudeof pulse-echo signals from point objects depend strongly onthe elevational (out-of-plane) position, and generally reduceswith increasing elevational offset. The shape of the decay alsodepends on the position of the object. In short, the out-of-plane amplitude decay decreases as the axial depth increases,as illustrated in Fig. 3. This is why both the lateral and axialcoordinates are used as inputs for the neural network. Thus, thepulse-echo signal strength across the aperture can be used as aneffective marker of the elevational position. To exploit this, weuse the RF time series p to compute the mean absolute valueµ of those time series samples belonging to either highest orlowest 1% of a Gaussian defined by the mean and varianceof p. This way most of the purely noisy part of the data isignored. We also compute the distance between the mean ofapparent (reconstructed) axial coordinates of n = 15 highest

intensity pixels and the real axial coordinate used to simulatethe data. This distance reflects the axial aberration that needsto be corrected for.

A neural network Λθ with parameters θ is then trained tomap lateral and axial coordinates, and mean absolute valueof high amplitude entries in measured time series, denoted asu = (xa xl µ)T, to a prediction of unfiltered out-of-planeoffset and axial aberration w = (ye yδ)

T. Since the simulatoroutput is almost symmetric with positive and negative offsets,we train the network with absolute offset values ≥ 0. Thismeans that we can only estimate magnitude of the offset, notthe direction. The network chosen is a standard multilayerperceptron [39] with two hidden layers and 20 nodes in eachlayer. Each hidden layer has a sigmoid activation functionwhereas for the output layer the activation function is linear.The network is trained by finding a set of parameters θ∗ suchthat mean squared error between neural network output andthe ground truth is minimised, i.e.,

θ∗ = argminθ


‖Λθ(ui)−wi‖22, (18)

where M is the size and i is an index over the training data.We used default settings for neural network hyperparametersincluding the learning rate.

2) Tracking: We track the point-source from a sequenceof optical ultrasound image reconstructions. At k = 1, weset m1 = 0 and P 1 = 15I . We find the coordinates ofn = 15 highest intensity pixels and use the neural network toestimate the unfiltered out-of-plane offset and axial aberration.Since the neural network input contains the lateral and axialposition of the point-source, we use the estimate from theprevious time step. If the motion of the object is somewhatregular, this does not have a big impact on the estimationaccuracy. The coordinate estimates are then updated withKalman filter update formulas Eq. (16). An estimate of the true


axial coordinate of the object is then obtained by subtractingthe axial aberration estimate from the apparent axial coordinateobtained directly from the 2D US image. An illustration of thefull tracking workflow is shown in Figure 2 and summarisedas pseudo code in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1 NNK: Neural Network Kalman filtered tracking

1: Intialisations: m0 = 0, P 0 = 15I2: function NNK(Inputs: process noise variances σ2

l , σ2a, σ2


and σ2δ )

3: k ← 14: while new data acquired do5: Update mean mpr

k and covariance P prk by Eq. (15)

6: Compute marker µk and high intensity pixel loca-tions ylk and yak

7: u ← (ml(k−1),m∗a(k−1), µk)

8: (yek, ydk) ← Λθ(u)9: Perform Kalman update with (16)

10: Perform axial aberration correction with (17)11: Display image overlaid with coordinate estimates12: k ← k + 113: end while14: end function


A. Experimental setup

Experimental validation of the method was performed usinga custom OpUS imaging system comprising a handheld imag-ing probe. We have chosen the OpUS imaging system for thisstudy due to three main advantages: it offers direct accessto the RF data, it was previously accurately characterised in-house, and the system can be accurately and highly efficientlymodelled numerically – thus making it an ideal fit for thisstudy. This system, which was described in full in [17], usesscanning optics to couple excitation light sequentially intothe proximal ends of 64 optical fibres arranged in a lineararray. This light is delivered to an optically absorbing coatingdeposited at the distal ends, where it is converted into divergentultrasound waves via the photoacoustic effect [40]. Thus, anOpUS source aperture is rapidly scanned to enable video-rate and real-time imaging in a 2D imaging plane. Back-scattered ultrasound waves are detected using a single fibre-optic ultrasound detector comprising an optically resonantplano-concave Fabry-Perot cavity [41], with lateral extent of25mm.

B. Simulated data

A highly efficient and accurate simulator of the OpUSimaging setup, as previously described in [37], [38] and basedon the FOCUS ultrasound simulator [42], [43], was used toevaluate the performance of our method with synthetic dataexamples produced with the OpUS simulator. In total, foursynthetic data sets were generated to test different properties ofthe tracking method. Noise amplitude was computed such thatSNR for in-plane locations was 6.5 dB and decreasing SNR

with elevational distance, due to decreasing signal strength.The first data set (Exp.1) comprises 101 time points anda smooth, curved object trajectory with linear motion atconstant velocity in the elevational direction to test the overallperformance, see Figure 4. We remind that our proposedmethod extends the MI estimation with Kalman filteringand incorporation of elevational offset estimation and axialaberration correction. Thus, Exp. 1 shows the importance ofthe aberration correction. We then examine other factors, suchas noise in the second data set (Exp. 2), which is the same asthe first one, but with tenfold noise in every tenth measuredtime series to investigate the robustness of the method. Thethird data set (Exp. 3) follows also the same axial-lateraltrajectory as Exp. 1, but the object is positioned in-plane forall frames. The fourth data set (Exp. 4) has stationary lateraland axial coordinates with a constant change in elevation, andis meant to test the accuracy of offset estimation.

1) Reference methods for comparison: In addition to theproposed combination of neural network tracking with Kalmanfiltering (NNK), we test two other reduced models: plain Gaus-sian random walk (NNK-RW) and independent subsequentstates (NNK-I). Mathematically they differ with respect to thedynamic model: NNK-RW assumes that xk = xk−1 + ck andNNK-I that xk = ck (compare to Eq. (4)). We compared ourmethod to MI tracking which estimates the object locationas the pixel with highest intensity and thus only outputs a2D location. To evaluate the performance of all consideredmethods, we computed the mean 2D Euclidean distance fromthe estimated axial and lateral coordinates to the ground truthusing synthetic data. We additionally evaluate accuracy of thethree-dimensional positional estimate with Exp. 4. Finally, weexamined the localisation accuracy of NNK as a function ofdepth (axial coordinate) and out-of-plane offset with an axialline trajectory simulated with different values for out-of-planeoffsets. This evaluation was done using 3D Euclidean distance.

C. Experimental dataTo test the out-of-plane tracking abilities of the method we

performed physical experiments closely matching those of thesimulated Exp. 4. The tip of a metal pushpin (tip diameter: 50µm) was used to emulate a point object and was submergedin water as a homogeneous background medium. This pinwas placed centrally within the imaging aperture at an axialdistance of 7.5 mm, and was attached to a manual translationstage (PT1/M, Thorlabs, Germany) to allow for controlledmotion orthogonal to the image plane (i.e., “out-of-plane”)and provide ground-truth positions for quantitative evaluation.The tip of this pin was placed at out-of-plane positions rangingbetween -3 mm to +5 mm at a regular step size of 100 µm,and at each position a 2D OpUS image was acquired. SNRfor the experimental data is estimated to be around 4 dB.

D. Tuning parameter selectionThe tracking algorithm requires the selection of four process

noise variance parameters that can be used to fine-tune theprocess. Values that are too low (< (10−4 mm)2) may causethe estimated trajectory to be too restricted in case of rapid


Fig. 4: Tracking for synthetic experiment 2 with maximum intensity (MI) and NNK. The axial coordinate is overestimatedwith MI due to the absence of axial aberration correction and the location is severely misestimated in some frames becauseof increased noise.

changes in the position or velocity of the object. With idealdata (high SNR), values that are too high have little effect,but with noisier data robustness suffers. This transition startsto take place at around the value of (0.2 mm)2. Thus, theparameters were chosen empirically as (0.005 mm)2 to allowenough flexibility to recover from sudden changes in theposition and velocity but at the same time provide robustnessagainst noise.

Fig. 5: 3D localisation error (mm) of NNK as a function ofelevational position and axial depth.


A. Results on simulated data

Table I shows the errors for the four tracking experimentsand different varying methods. The proposed NNK methodsperform clearly better than MI with data where the trackedobject is out-of-plane, due to the correction of the axial aber-ration caused by out-of-plane offset: the localisation error forall NNK methods is 0.13 mm, while for MI it is fivefold. For

occasionally noisier data filtering-based NNK and NNK-RWretain their performance and clearly outperform NNK-I and MIthat do not assume dependence between subsequent positions,this indicates that a filtering approach is necessary to providerobustness. This benefit of filtering and axial aberration cor-rection is clearly visible in Fig. 4, where MI overestimates theaxial coordinate and for some noisy images the estimate jumpsoff the trajectory (green spikes). Nevertheless, if we considerno out-of-plane offset without additional noise, all methodsperform comparably well with localisation error around 0.11mm. In terms of worst-case performance, NNK performs thebest with maximum error less than three times the mean errorin every experiment. In experiment 2 with increased noise,this ratio increases to almost five with NNK-RW and to over10 with NNK-I and MI. Videos of tracking results with NNKfor experiments 1 and 4 are presented in the supplementarymaterial (Supplementary Videos 1 and 2).

Fig. 5 shows how the 3D error depends on depth and out-of-plane offset. Interestingly the error is largest (∼1.6 mm) whenoffset is small and depth is large. For bigger offsets the errorgets smaller. This indicates that there are no strong enoughmarkers in the data to reliably estimate all three coordinateswhen the out-of-plane offset is small. However, the reliabilityincreases with higher out-of-plane offsets. We also note, thateven though the out-of-plane offset estimation is not correctfor all instances, the estimated axial aberration and filteringapproach still provides accurate results, as can be seen in Fig.6: lateral/axial trajectory is very close to the ground truth.

B. Results on experimental dataBefore we could apply NNK for tracking, the experimental

data required normalisation to match the amplitude (in arbi-trary units) of synthetic data. While the experimental datais clearly noisier than synthetic data, the tracking methodperforms reasonably well. The axial aberration correctionworks and out-of-plane offset largely follows the expectedtrajectory (see Fig. 7). Out-of-plane offset estimation seemsto be the least accurate when the offset is small, the samepattern that was also present with synthetic data. Nevertheless,


Test data NNK NNK-RW NNK-I MIExp. 1: Regular 0.13 (0.068) [0.32] 0.13 (0.065) [0.36] 0.13 (0.065) [0.40] 0.62 (0.35) [1.14]Exp. 2: Increased noise 0.13 (0.070) [0.31] 0.14 (0.10) [0.66] 0.59 (1.72) [10.20] 0.93 (1.76) [13.48]Exp. 3: No offset 0.12 (0.053) [0.25] 0.11 (0.053) [0.25] 0.11 (0.053) [0.25] 0.10 (0.057) [0.25]Exp. 4: Stationary axial & lateral 0.074 (0.020) [0.11] 0.070 (0.020) [0.12] 0.077 (0.022) [0.14] 0.34 (0.34) [1.30]

TABLE I: 2D errors (axial/lateral) as mean distance (standard deviation) [maximum distance] in millimetres with respectto ground truth of different tracking schemes for the synthetic data experiments: proposed method (NNK), reduced models(NNK-RW, NNK-I) and maximum intensity (MI).

Fig. 6: Tracking for synthetic experiment 4. (Top left) tracked location (green dot) at time step 40 (out-of-plane distance ∼1mm), (top right) tracked location at the last time step (out-of-plane distance 5 mm), (bottom left) 2D and 3D error (Euclideandistance) from the ground truth and (bottom right) out-of-plane offset (elevational distance) and axial aberration over time.

the axial/lateral localisation error is mostly below 0.3 mm andwith mean around 0.2 mm. Most of the 3D error originatesfrom the elevational component. We note, that the estimationaccuracy is worse for the first part with negative elevationaldistance. This indicates that the imaging probe suffers froma source of asymmetry (e.g., acoustic shadowing by an edge,or unexpected source or receiver directivity) that has not beenaccurately accounted for in the numerical model. This effectcan also be observed in the video of this tracking experimentin the supplementary data (Supplementary Video 3).

C. Computation times

Performing one iteration of tracking took on average 298ms. The time was split as follows: Reconstructing the image(269 ms), finding high intensity pixels (21 ms), neural networkprediction (6.6 ms), Kalman filtering (0.43 ms), and displayingthe image (83 ms). Hence reconstructing the image is clearlythe most time consuming task and the NNK framework only

adds a small computational overhead.Preliminary tasks include generating training data and train-

ing the neural network. Training data with 8800 rows wasgenerated in about an hour. Training the neural network tookon average only 20 seconds with a median of 17 seconds(over 10 training attempts). Generating the training data andtraining the neural network has to be done only once whichmeans that tracking is essentially performed in real-time.Computations were performed on a workstation with AMDRyzen Threadripper 2950X processor and 32 GB RAM. Thecodes for NNK are written in MATLAB while the OpUSsimulator uses routines compiled from C++ for CPU.


A. Discussion of markersOur experiments show that magnitude of the simulated

measurement data coupled with axial and lateral position iscorrelated with the out-of-plane offset and an axial positional


Fig. 7: Tracking for experimental data matched to synthetic experiment 4. (Top left) tracked location (green dot) at time step40 (out-of-plane distance ∼1 mm), (top right) tracked location at the last time step (out-of-plane distance 5 mm), (bottom left)2D and 3D error (Euclidean distance) from the ground truth and (bottom right) out-of-plane offset (elevational distance) andaxial image aberration over time.

aberration, as illustrated in Fig. 3. This correlation can be ex-ploited with machine learning to find a nonlinear relationshipbetween these quantities. We also found that this correlationholds with experimental data after data normalisation. Nev-ertheless, the tracking with experimental data is less stableand shows reduced accuracy. This can be partly attributed toreduced SNR in the measurement data as well as deviationsfrom the ideal assumptions in the simulation, but the Kalmanfiltering offers a framework to partly mitigate these negativeeffects and is still able to provide a stable estimation of theaxial/lateral coordinate.

In this work we have used an OpUS simulator and computedall markers, offset and axial aberration, from the simulateddata. We note that under the assumption of a homogenousmedium, we can alternatively calculate the axial aberrationanalytically using the point-spread function of the imagingsystem. Nevertheless, we have observed in conducted ex-periments that an analytic calculation can help for smalldistances in the simulated data, but will lead to decreasedaccuracy for the experimental datasets. Thus, computing theaxial aberration from the reconstructed US images for trainingseems to provide more generalisable markers for the estimationprocess. Furthermore, this fully simulated framework can beextended to heterogeneous media.

B. Offset accuracy and range

The quantitative analysis shows that tracking accuracy isworse for small offsets and larger depths. Most of this errorseems to be caused by the out-of-plane offset estimation, whileaxial and lateral components are tracked well. This indicatesthat even though the offset might be incorrectly estimated, theproposed axial aberration correction still works. We attributethe difficulty of estimating small elevations to the shallowslope of the out-of-plane amplitude decay for larger axialdepths, as shown in Figure 3. This decrease in accuracy isalso seen in the error matrix in Figure 5, and worsens withincreasing axial distance. Thus, it is important to provide bothoffset and axial aberration, to provide accurate tracking resultswithin the Kalman filtering. For the simulated data this effectshows symmetrically at roughly out-of-plane distance under1 mm. For the experimental data the threshold distance issimilar, but an asymmetric behaviour can be observed, wherepositive elevational distance is underestimated and negativeoverestimated, as seen in Fig. 7. This indicates that the purelysimulated framework can in principle be transferred to theexperimental case, but small asymmetries in the imaging probewould need to be investigated and accounted for to furtherimprove the results.

The imaging system in this work uses unfocussed, weaklydirectional circular optical ultrasound sources that insonify a


wide elevational range. Consequently, out-of-plane trackingcan be performed over a large elevational range limited bythe SNR of the B-scan; in this work up to 5 mm for positiveelevational distance. However, for imaging probes comprisingdirectional sources, or in the presence of an acoustic lens, thisrange could be different.

C. Clinical applicability

In this study we show that one can successfully usethe correlation between out-of-plane amplitude decay andaxial/lateral positions to estimate 3D locations from lineararray data. Nevertheless, this correlation was observed in asimplified simulated and experimental setting assuming homo-geneous media, i.e., a water bath in the experimental setup. Inorder to move towards clinically realistic scenarios we needto consider various deviations from the ideal case.

1) Speckle: Speckle of low to moderate intensity (comparedto the intensity of the image of the object; for instance inthe case of a highly echogenic needle tip) is not expectedto interfere with the estimation procedure. However, strongspeckle could result in tracking errors if only the amplitude isused as marker µ. In this case, the NN would likely need to beadapted to not only extract amplitude information, but also itsvariation across the imaging aperture – as this spatial variationfor the actual object would differ from that of speckle signal.

2) Inhomogeneous media: In this work, we have presentedresults for homogeneous media. However, using a NN toestimate the out-of-plane offset means that, in principle, themethod could be trained for inhomogeneous media with spa-tially varying speed of sound. Here approximate synthetictraining data could, for instance, be generated using ensemble-mean speed of sound maps observed over a group of patients.In addition, acoustical attenuation would affect the extractedparameter µ and hence complicate accurate out-of-plane track-ing. For applications to actual tissue, this attenuation shouldbe included in the model used to train the NN.

3) Object geometry: The results presented in this work wereobtained for point-like objects, such as clinically encounteredin the form of microbubbles, fiducial markers, brachytherapyseeds and radio-opaque markers on surgical instruments. Inprinciple, the method could be extended to finite-sized objects,provided their ultrasound response can be accurately modelled.The method is readily extended to finite-sized sphericallysymmetric objects, such as large needle tips or sphericalimplants. However, more complicated object geometries, suchas long needles or asymmetric beads, are complicated due tononlinearities arising from high echogenicity, and ambiguitiesin differentiating between needle tips and shafts or differentobject orientations. Such objects would require further refine-ment in the NN markers and the underlying acoustical modelto make accurate predictions.

4) Tracking range and accuracy: In the experimental resultspresented here, an out-of-plane tracking range of ±5 mm wasdemonstrated. However, this was limited by the experimentaldesign; this range could be extended provided the imagingprobe emits a sufficiently diverging field in the elevationaldirection. The optical ultrasound imaging system considered

here does not apply acoustic focussing in the elevationaldirection, and hence would be an ideal candidate to improve onthe tracking range. Regardless, a range of ±5 mm is clinicallyhighly relevant, as correcting object placement over largerdistances is typically not possible without removal and re-entry of a surgical tool.

5) Experimental setup: Here we used a prototype opticalultrasound imaging setup to perform experimental validationmeasurements. While these were reasonably successful (cf.Fig. 7) due to the availability of a highly accurate and efficientnumerical model, the developmental nature of this systemlimited its practicality. Slow fluctuations were observed in theefficiency of the optical ultrasound sources and the sensitivityof the detector, which resulted in unforeseen variations inthe ultrasound amplitudes. As the NN estimation requires theamplitude to be accurately known, these fluctuations limitedthe range of object trajectories to those that could be traversedquickly. However, in principle any ultrasound imaging systemthat grants access to RF data could be used, even thosegenerating focussed transmissions – although the NN wouldneed to be re-trained for each considered setup.

D. Extensions

The presented framework can be extended to tracking mul-tiple point sources. In that case, a data association task wouldhave to be solved [19], [44]. This means determining whichpixels belong to which target. Furthermore, this would alsorequire a more complicated setup for training data generationand extraction of markers from the measured time series.

In addition, the presented method could be extended to con-ventional electronic ultrasound imaging probes, where trans-ducer elements are typically eccentric and operate in duplex,and further elevational focussing is achieved through acousticlenses. While the neural network and Kalman filtering methodswould still apply, accurately modelling such imaging probeswould require methods capable of incorporating heterogeneousmedia, such as the k-Wave toolbox [45]. Switching to thiscomputationally more expensive toolbox would also allow fortraining of the neural network in arbitrarily heterogeneoustissue structures.

Another interesting avenue to pursue would be the extensionto needle tracking (as opposed to point object tracking) wherethe shaft can be mistaken for the tip, which would require ashape detection instead of a simple tracking. Alternatively, onecan overcome the shaft problem by adjusting our framework todata obtained with an active listening needle [8] that relies onthe reception of ultrasound pulses by a fibre-optic hydrophone(FOH) integrated into the needle.

Finally, due to the limitations mentioned in Section V-Cit might be promising to consider the full RF time series asinput to a convolutional neural network that is also capable ofextracting geometric markers from the data. This informationcan be still paired with manually extracted markers, such asamplitude, to improve the tracking accuracy and robustnessfor future applications.



This work proposes a neural network and Kalman filteringapproach to perform accurate and robust object tracking in3D from linear array data. The essential step is that a neuralnetwork estimates the third dimension and its impact on the 2DUS image, in form of aberration in the axial coordinate. ThenKalman filtering is performed for all coordinates to providea robust estimate with respect to noise. We have shown thatthe framework can provide high accuracy in estimating axialand lateral coordinates for objects that are not in-plane aswell as the corresponding elevational distance. If the point-source is too close to the imaging plane, it remains difficultto provide an accurate estimate on the elevational distance,but the proposed NNK framework is still capable to providea robust and accurate estimate on the lateral/axial coordinate.


We are grateful for the three anonymous reviewers fortheir constructive comments which significantly helped us toimprove the presentation of our work. Codes for NNK will bemade available after peer review.


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