Network Marketing Tips: How To Not Eliminate Your own Friends Although Constructing a Company


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Network Marketing Online: Making The Most Out Of Your Opportunity

Network marketing online is an incredible way to grow a network marketing business. Why? If you want to grow a business it’s going to take finding new leads and putting your opportunity in front of lots of people. And there’s literally no better way to reach massive amounts of folks than the interenet. So if you could get a tiny, tiny percentage of these people looking at your MLM business every single day- do you think it would mean a difference ? Of course it would !

Even better- what if these people weren’t just random folks but laser targeted people who already believed in network marketing? Do you think you might start climbing your company charts? Do you think you might finally start making more money from home? HECK YEA!

This is exactly how I’ve built my network marketing business, through network marketing online. It has been a very long journey and I’ve wasted a lot of time and money, but it has ALL been worth it. Keep on reading, because I’m going to shave off months of learning and headaches, and save you at least a few thousand dollars as well with the top 5 secrets to network marketing online…

4 Secrets To Success With Network Marketing Online

#4 – Secret To Network Marketing Online

You absolutely MUST understand attraction marketing. If you just have no clue what attraction marketing is, then you need to take some time to understand this concept.

Attraction marketing involves understanding that people want to work with those they know, like and trust- and this weighs more heavily than joining any particular company. People want to find success, and will work with those they believe can help them get there. Attraction marketing means giving VALUE first, in order to become a leader in your niche. When this begins to happen, people will begin jumping over each other to come to you and see what you have to offer. Ask yourself which sounds better: having people tripping over each other to come to you- or chasing people, setting up hotel meetings, and getting an endless string of voicemails when you call people?

You Also Need to Understand your target market in network marketing online . If you’re going to have any success with network marketing online –or any kind of online marketing for that matter- you need to establish a target market. Going after anyone that is breathing is NOT a viable strategy and I GUARANTEE you that you will fail with network marketing online with such a broad target market. A shotgun approach not only doesn’t work but can backfire in a painful way.

Now, the easiest, simplest and most effective target market to go after is other network marketers. Why ? Because most people in network marketing don’t ever find the success they wanted and aren’t happy with their company, usually because they never received proper training in the first place.

So these people already believe in the concept of network marketing (no more “pyramid scheme” arguments !), it just comes down to can you help them solve some of their problems. So would you rather pitch Uncle Bob who knows nothing about network marketing except that he thinks it’s a pyramid scheme, or have an experienced network marketer come to YOU who just needs a leader and some direction?

#3 – Secret To Network Marketing Online

A marketing funnel and funded proposal are a must. The best kept secret to network marketing online in my opinion. You will constantly hear people talk about generating leads online in this industry but it can be extremely difficult to generate any if you don’t know what you’re doing . So why do some people struggle to generate even one lead using the internet while other end up with 30, 50, or even 100 a day ? A marketing funnel !

That funnel should give people valuable training, and then offer them a lower priced item on the front end for them to procure that is valuable to your target market. You want your lead generating efforts to quickly pay for themselves and thus the lower priced items help you do so while still meeting needs for others. It’s simple math that no matter how good you are, most

people will end up saying no to your opportunity first- but with this tactic you will make money even when you get the “no’s”.

By the way are you totally confused yet with network marketing online? If so, don’t worry, I have an easy button for you! :-) You can go ahead and hit the easy button for network marketing online now by clicking here, or you can keep on reading and hit it at the end of this post.

#2 – Secret To Network Marketing Online

ALWAYS stay ahead of the curve. Learning new strategies and techniques to network marketing online. The Internet is changing at a crazy fast pace. Just think about Facebook or Goolge Plus and how often they are making changes there. A network marketing online strategy that is effective today may not be an effective network marketing online strategy next year or even 6 months from now. You want to be fluid enough to adapt should one strategy sudden;y cease to be effective . Network marketing online doesn’t sound so easy now does it? Don’t worry, as I mentioned earlier I have an “easy button” for you that will literally shave months and months off of the learning curve with network marketing online.

#1 – Secret To Network Marketing Online

You need to learn and FOCUS on 1 marketing strategy. The next step to success with network marketing online is to get…traffic. Contrary to popular belief, just setting up a website and putting your name on it is not enough. Strategies are what really drive people into your marketing funnel and if you don’t have one you don’t have a chance in you-know -what. To do that you need to pick one marketing strategy and focus on it –make it work until you are generating at least 5 to 10 leads per day. Only after you’ve done this should you begin thinking about another means of generating traffic.

The EASIEST Track To Success For Network Marketing Online

Look , trying to sum up all the secrets to network marketing online in one small article in clearly impossible but the one thing that will put you ahead of 99% of other network marketers out there is to utilize a lead generation system that puts everything together for you and saves you time and money.

THIS is the easy button . Click the following link now to go inside of the lead generation system that I personally use that has taken me from a network marketer newbie who was struggling to sponsor even 1 rep, to signing up as many as 12 people a month in my business , learning to become a leader, and developing a long-term plan to run my business from anywhere in the world.

==>The EASY Button To Network Marketing Online Success<==

I will see YOU on the inside! Remember to take ACTION!

Ryan Shaffer

P.S. If you’d like to learn how to generate 50+ leads per day from 100% free online marketing, put your email in the form above.