Nervous System Carries messages to and from the brain and spinal cord and all other parts of the...



The Nervous System Consists of the: Brain, Spinal Cord & Branching Nerves

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Nervous SystemNervous SystemCarries messages to and from the brain and spinal cord and all other parts of the body.

The Nervous System Consists

of the:Brain, Spinal Cord

& Branching Nerves

The Nervous System is divided into two systems:

Central Nervous System

& Peripheral Nervous


The Central Nervous System

The Central Nervous System consists of


& Spinal Cord

The Brain is a mass ofNerve Tissue

3 Parts of the Brain are:

1. Cerebrum2. Cerebellum3. Brain Stem

The Cerebrum Controls:

Ability to Memorize, Think,


The Cerebellum Controls:

Coordination of muscle activity.

The Brain StemIncludes the

Medulla -and controls Involuntary


The Spinal CordThe Spinal CordIs a thick band of nerve cells that extends through the backbone.

There are 31 pair of spinal nerves branching from it.

The Peripheral Nervous System

The Peripheral Nervous system

consists of Cranial Nerves

& Spinal Nerves

There are: 12 Pair of CRANIAL NERVES

There are: 31 Pair of


Cranial NervescontrolSenses

&Motor Activity

Spinal Nerves TRANSMIT

informationTo & From All

Parts of the Body

Neurons Are NERVE Cells. There are 2 types of Neurons:


Motor Neurons

Sensory Neurons:Sensory Neurons:Carry messages FROM sense organs

TO the brain.

Motor Neurons:Motor Neurons:Carries message FROM THE BRAINTO MUSCLES & GLANDS

Controls ability to memorize, think, learn

Controls coordination ofMuscle activity

Contains the medulla whichcontrols involuntary actionssuch as heart rate andbreathing
