Nervous and Endocrine System REVIEW. Neuron CNS Structure(s) Functions 1 2 3


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Nervous and Endocrine System REVIEW



• Structure(s)

• Functions





Sensory division

Association neuron

Motor division

What does that mean?

• Resting potential• Polarized• Threshold potential• Action potential• Na+• K+• Synapse• Acetycholine


Which gland controls…

• Metabolism

• Female sexual development

• Glucose

• Stress

• Growth

• Kidneys

• Sleep cycles

What’s the connection?

Clear your desk, one sheet of paper , #1-10

Numbers 1 and 2

1. the PNS is made up of _?_

a. Spinal cord b. Nerves c. effectors

2. Motor neurons control

a. Muscles b. Glands c . Both a and b

Numbers 3 and 4

• 3. The ion on the outside of neuron’s membrane

• a. Sodium b. Potassium c. Calcium

• 4. The link between the NS and the endocrine system

• a. Thalamus b. Hypothalams c. pineal

Numbers 5 and 6

• 5. The gland that controls metabolism

a. Adrenal b. Thymus c. Thyroid

• 6. The gland that controls glucose in blood

a parathyroid b. Pancreas c. adrenals

Numbers 7 and 8

• 7. The gland that controls sleep cycles

• a pineal b. Pituitary c. Thyroid

• 8. Sensory nerves are

• a. afferent b. efferent

Numbers 9 and 10

• 9. The division of the nervous system that controls voluntary skeletal muscles

a. Autonomic b. Sympathetic c. Somatic

10.A chemical messengera. Hormone b. Action potential c. synapse
