Neighbourhood Development Plans The Local Authorities Role Celia Dring and Claire Courtois Planning...


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Neighbourhood Development Plans

The Local Authorities Role

Celia Dring and Claire Courtois

Planning Policy Team

North Somerset Council

Duty to assist• Designating a neighbourhood area

• Advising and assisting in the plan preparation

• Checking a submitted plan meets the legal requirements

• Arranging an examination

• Organising a referendum

• Bringing a plan into force

Statutory Duties

Designating an area

• North Somerset is a parished authority.

• NDP area is submitted to North Somerset Council

• NSC advertise boundary for 4/6 weeks

• NSC need to formally agree boundary within 8/13 weeks of advertisement

Advising and assisting in plan preparation

Will you plan add value?

Initial meeting:

Is a NDP the right tool for you?

Advising and assisting in plan preparation



Information sharing

Checking a submitted plan

• When the Parish Council is happy with their plan they must submit it to the LPA

• Parish need to include

• Map

• Plan

• Consultation Statement

• Basic Condition Statement

• SEA/HRA reports where necessary

• LPA will then publicise the plan for 6 weeks

Arranging an examination• LPA appoints an independent examiner with the

consent of the qualifying body.

• The majority of NDP examinations are dealt with as written representations

• Discretion of the examiner as to whether a hearing is needed.

Financial/Resource Limitations

• parish funding/direct support currently available through locality:


• RTPI Planning Aid

• NSC expenses reimbursed through DCLG

• anticipating demand – Officer time/capacity.
