NDLOVU, Bonginkosi Pios (34), an ANC support e r · NDLOVU, Bonginkosi Pios (34), an ANC support e...


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  • NDLOVU, Bonginkosi Pios (34), an ANC support e r,was shot in the eye and in the shoulder by membersof the KWAZU L U PO L I C E in Swayimane, Table Mountain,near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 16 January 1990. The policeallegedly thought he was going to attend an ANCm e e t i n g .NDLOVU, Bongizwe Petros Bongi (20), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, lost his home in Pieterm a r i t z b u rg in anarson attack by IFP supporters on 28 Febru a ry 1991.NDLOVU, Boniwe Mirriam (36), had her houseinKwaZaba, Port Shepstone, Natal, burnt down bynamed IFP members in March 1991, due to herh u s b a n d ’s political affiliation to the ANC. NDLOVU, Busisiwe (61), lost the contents of her homeand tearoom in an attack by ANC supporters duringpolitical conflict in Empangeni, Natal, on 7 June 1992. NDLOVU, Busisiwe Elca (30), an IFP support e r, hadher house in Woodyglen, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, nearDurban, burnt down by ANC supporters in July 1989.About 1 000 homes were badly damaged or destro y e din political violence in Mpumalanga that year, leavingmany dead and thousands homeless. NDLOVU, Christopher Mandlakayisa (24), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, was shot and killed by a group of IFPs u p p o rters at Ndlovu’s Kraal, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu,near Durban, on 7 March 1992, in ongoing politicalconflict in the area. Eight people died and five werei n j u red in the attack. One perpetrator serving a prisonsentence was refused amnesty (AC/1998/0010).NDLOVU, Daniel , was shot and killed by IFP membersduring political conflict at Hlanganani Hall, Esikhawini,KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, on 23 Febru a ry 1992.One perpetrator was granted amnesty (AC/1999/0332).NDLOVU, David , was shot and killed by IM B O K O B Ovigilantes in Tweefontein, Tvl, on 26 May 1986 duringan attack on his mother’s house. At the time of theincident there was resistance in the area to I N C O R P O-R AT I O N into KwaNdebele.NDLOVU, December Ephraim , an ANC member, wasshot by IFP members during political conflict betweenthe BL A C K CAT S and ANC supporters at Thembisa,E rmelo, Eastern Tvl, on 7 October 1991. Oneperpetrator was granted amnesty (AC/1999/0332). NDLOVU, Delisile Linah (31), was severely beatenand had her house burnt down by ANC supporters inNdwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, during May 1990.Ms Ndlovu was nine months pregnant, and allegedlym i s c a rried as a result of the attack.NDLOVU, Dorcas Ntombizodwa (27), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, had her house in Imbali, Pieterm a r i t z b u rg ,b u rnt down by Inkatha supporters on 30 August 1989.NDLOVU, Doris (15), was shot and severely injured ina p e t rol bomb attack on her home by Inkatha support e r son 10 December 1989, in intensifying conflict betweenIFP and UDF supporters in Ohlange, Inanda, near Kwa-Mashu, Durban. Her father was killed in the attack. NDLOVU, Dumisani Nicholas (18), was severe l yi n j u red on 5 March 1993 when armed IFP support e r sopened fire on the taxi in which he was travelling atNkanyezeni in the Table Mountain area, near

    P i e t e rm a r i t z b u rg, allegedly in a revenge attack for thekilling of 6 IFP-aligned pupils on 2 March 1993. Te npupils were killed and four injured. A further pupil diedl a t e r. Two perpetrators were granted amnesty(AC/1998/0012). See TA B L E MO U N TA I N B U S AT TA C K S.NDLOVU, Dumisani V i c t o r , a former local ANC leaderin Umlazi CC Section, died in May 1992 in Folweni,KwaZulu, near Umlazi, Durban, when he was shot andi n j u red, and then run over by a vehicle. His attackersw e re a group of ANC supporters, including theindividual who had replaced him as leader of the branch.NDLOVU, Dumisani , was shot and severely injure dby a named IFP supporter during political conflict inM u rchison, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 16 July 1992.NDLOVU, Duncan Mosheshi , was shot dead whennamed IFP supporters attacked his home in Umlazi,Durban, on 3 March 1994 in political violence in therun-up to the AP R I L 1994 E L E C T I O N S. The house wasb u rnt down in the attack.NDLOVU, Ellen Myalo (64), was shot dead by IFPs u p p o rters in KwaShozi, Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, nearDurban, on 1 October 1992 in continuing conflictbetween IFP and ANC supporters in the are a .NDLOVU, Elliot Mphilisi (18), an ANC support e r, wasshot dead by Inkatha supporters in Ashdown,KwaZulu, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 21 August 1989.NDLOVU, Emmanuel , was shot and severely injure dby ANC supporters in Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, nearDurban, in 1993, allegedly because his family weresuspected of being IFP support e r s .NDLOVU, Eric Bheki (28), was shot dead by amember of the SAP during political conflict inBhambayi, near KwaMashu, Durban, on 6 March 1994.NDLOVU, Esi Hildegarde (65), an Inkatha support e r,had her house in Chibini, Richmond, Natal, burnt downby ANC supporters in 1990.NDLOVU, Esther Mabatho (20), was badly beatenand injured by members of the SAP in Khutsong,Carletonville, Tvl, in August 1986 at a night vigil duringthe state of emerg e n c y. While the night vigil wasu n d e rw a y, police surrounded the tent, entered andbegan beating the mourn e r s .NDLOVU, Eulogius Trusty (aka ‘George Matlala’) ,an MK member, was shot dead by South Africansecurity forces in Swaziland in 1984. The Commissionwas unable to establish the exact circumstances ofthe incident in which he was killed.NDLOVU, Eunice (46), an Inkatha support e r, lost herhome in an arson attack by UDF supporters in Wo o d y -glen, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 18 Marc h1988. Her sons were shot and injured in the attack.NDLOVU, Evelyn (53), was shot and injured, and hadher house burnt down, in Sowanjane, KwaZulu, nearEshowe, Natal, on 26 September 1993 in continuingconflict between ANC and IFP supporters in the are a .NDLOVU, Fransina Magadebe (40), had her houseb u rnt down in Maboloko, Bophuthatswana, inDecember 1976 during a conflict over chieftainshipbetween the supporters of rival chiefs.

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  • NDLOVU, Fr e d r i c a , an IFP support e r, was shot deadby ANC supporters in Umgababa, KwaZulu, nearDurban, on 14 June 1992. Ms Ndlovu was an IFPo rganiser and her daughter was a member of theKWAZU L U PO L I C E.NDLOVU, George Themba (aka ‘Michael T e t e ’ ) ( 2 9 ) ,an MK operative from Orlando, Soweto, Johannesburg ,was shot dead on 8 December 1981 in an ambush bymembers of the SAP Special Task Force and EasternTransvaal Security Branch, on the border betweenSouth Africa and Swaziland. A fellow MK operativewas also killed in the ambush. The car with the twobodies in it was then set alight. The divisionalcommanders of the Nort h e rn and Eastern Tr a n s v a a lSecurity Branches, the Officer Commanding the SAP’sSpecial Task Force, as well as several Security Branchand Special Task Force members, were grantedamnesty for this operation (AC/2001/186). NDLOVU, Givey Cosmos (12), was killed on 19F e b ru a ry 1994, when four gunmen attacked a housein the rural Mahahle village, near Creighton, Ixopo,Natal, in which he and other ANC youths weresleeping. Fifteen ANC youths were killed in the attack.They had been seen putting up posters announcing avoter education workshop in preparation for the AP R I L1994 E L E C T I O N S. Four prominent IFP leaders wereacquitted on charges relating to the massacre .NDLOVU, Gladwell Thamsanqa (32), had his houseb u rnt down on 27 March 1990 in Ezibomvini, KwaZulu,near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, in the S E V E N-D AY WA R.NDLOVU, Gom Thinabantu Eunice (33), lost herhouse and all her possessions in an attack by ANCs u p p o rters during political conflict in Umbumbulu,KwaZulu, near Durban, in March 1993.NDLOVU, Hamilton Jabulani , an ANC support e r,was shot and killed by a group of IFP supporters atN d l o v u ’s Kraal, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban,on 7 March 1992, in ongoing political conflict in thea rea. Eight people died and five were injured in theattack. One perpetrator serving a prison sentence wasrefused amnesty (AC/1998/0010).NDLOVU, Hamilton Vuma (45), an IFP member, losthis home and all his possessions when they wereb u rnt down in ongoing conflict between ANC and IFPs u p p o rters in Pieterm a r i t z b u rg on 21 November 1991.NDLOVU, Henry (24), was shot dead by members ofthe SAP during political conflict following a re n tboycott in Soweto, Johannesburg, on 27 August 1986.NDLOVU, Hezekiah (63), an ANC support e r, washacked to death by IFP supporters, some of whom arenamed, in Manzimnyama, KwaMbonambi, near Richard sB a y, Natal, on 15 August 1992.NDLOVU, Hlabeyakhe Gcinezakhe , an IFP support e r,was shot and killed in ongoing conflict between ANCand IFP supporters at Madakane, Port Shepstone,Natal, on 27 August 1992.NDLOVU, Hlaleleni Regina (59), an ANC support e r,had her house in Nhlalakahle, Greytown, Natal, petro l -bombed by IFP supporters on 26 November 1990. Herf o u r- y e a r-old grandson was shot and severely injure din the attack.

    NDLOVU, Hlengiwe , was stabbed to death by Inkathas u p p o rters in KwaMafunza, KwaZulu, near Pieterm a r i t z-b u rg, in June 1990 in intensifying political conflictbetween Inkatha and ANC supporters in the area. NDLOVU, Ida (62), had her house burnt down by IFPs u p p o rters in KwaMagoda, Richmond, Natal, incontinuing political conflict in the area in April 1991.Ms Ndlovu’s son, an ANC support e r, was shot dead byIFP supporters that same month.NDLOVU, Itumeleng Benjamin (28), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, was shot and injured by members of theSAP in a D R I V E-B Y S H O O T I N G in Khutsong, Carletonville,Tvl, on 28 March 1990. Two other people were killedin the attack.NDLOVU, Ivy Mathofo (52), had her house burn tdown by UDF supporters in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu,near Durban, in July 1987 in intensifying politicalconflict in the are a .NDLOVU, Jabu (17), was shot dead on January 1987in the KWAMA K H U T H A M A S S A C R E at KwaMakhutha,Amanzimtoti, near Durban. Thirteen people werekilled, including eight children, in an attack carried outby Inkatha supporters. Two former Inkatha membersw e re granted amnesty for their role in planning theattack (AC/1999/0332).NDLOVU, Jabu Florence (42), a NUMSA shopstewardand UDF support e r, was critically injured when namedInkatha supporters and SP E C I A L CO N S TA B L E S of theKwaZulu Police attacked her home in Imbali, Pieter-m a r i t z b u rg, on 21 May 1989. Ms Ndlovu was shot andf o rced back into her burning home as she tried t oescape. She died a few days later. Her husband andtwo daughters were also killed in the attack.NDLOVU, Jabulani Clement (40), was shot deadwhen named Inkatha supporters and members of theKWAZU L U PO L I C E attacked his home in Imbali, Pieter-m a r i t z b u rg, on 21 May 1989. Mr Ndlovu was shot 15times before his house was set alight and his bodyt h rown inside. His wife, a UDF and trade union activistwho defied Inkatha, and one daughter also died as aresult of the attack. The other daughter was badlyb u rnt, but surv i v e d .NDLOVU, Jabulani , an ANC support e r, was abducted,stabbed and shot dead by Inkatha supporters atMaqongqo, Table Mountain, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on5 April 1990. Parents had sent their children to a placeof safety outside the area because of political violence.Seven young people were re t u rning home for a visitwhen they were attacked by Inkatha supporters. Oneyouth survived; the other six were killed in the attack.Police allegedly did not investigate the case.NDLOVU, Jabulani , was one of five young ANCs u p p o rters shot dead by IFP supporters during politicalconflict at Magoda, Richmond, Natal, on 14 July 1991.Residents accused the security forces of involvement,and a top-level police investigation was launched. Thechief of Phatheni was arrested in connection with them a s s a c re .NDLOVU, Jabulile Alice (56), an IFP support e r, losther house in an arson attack by ‘comrades’ in SmallF a rms area, Evaton, Tvl, on 17 August 1990.

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  • NDLOVU, Jabulile , a UDF support e r, had her houselooted and set alight on 6 April 1990 when a group ofInkatha supporters attacked UDF supporters andresidents at Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, inspite of a heavy police and military presence. Fourt e e npeople were killed and at least 120 homes burnt down.One former IFP member was granted amnesty( A C / 1 9 9 9 / 0 3 3 2 ) .NDLOVU, Jabulisile Khombisile (36), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, had his house destroyed in an arson attackby IFP supporters at Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu,near Durban, on 16 March 1994. See SO N K O M B O A R S O NAT TA C K S.NDLOVU, James Mshiyeni (46), was shot and injure dby Inkatha supporters during political conflict inSweetwaters, KwaZulu, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 14October 1988.NDLOVU, James Nkosinathi , a UDF support e r, diedafter being stabbed 33 times by a named IFP support e rat Mpophomeni, KwaZulu, near Howick, Natal, on 14August 1992.NDLOVU, Jameson Felokwakhe (43), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, was shot dead by IFP supporters inB runtville, near Mooi River, Natal, on 4 March 1991.NDLOVU, Japhet V e l a p h i , a UDF support e r, had hishouse looted and set alight on 6 April 1990 when ag roup of Inkatha supporters attacked UDF support e r sand residents at Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban,in spite of a heavy police and military pre s e n c e .F o u rteen people were killed and at least 120 homesb u rnt down. One former IFP member was grantedamnesty (AC/1999/0332).NDLOVU, Jerome Dingizwe , a local chief andmember of the KwaZulu Legislative Assembly, wasshot dead by unidentified gunmen in Ixopo, Natal, on16 August 1991 in continuing conflict between ANCand IFP supporters in the area. His daughter was killedin the same attack.NDLOVU, Jethro Fanlakhe (48), a FAWU member, hadhis house in Inadi, KwaZulu, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg ,b u rnt down by named Inkatha supporters in June1987, allegedly because he had joined a strike. Severalstriking workers who were perceived to be UDF orC O S ATU supporters were targeted for attack. NDLOVU, Johan , an IFP support e r, was shot deadwhen members of an ANC self-defence unit (SDU)opened fire on IFP supporters on their way to ameeting at the Tokoza stadium on the East Rand, Tvl,on 8 September 1991. Sixteen people were killed andten were injured in the attack. One SDU member wasgranted amnesty for the attack (AC/1999/00225). SeeTO K O Z A AT TA C K S.NDLOVU, Johannes (4), was assaulted by IFPs u p p o rters who attacked his family home in Wo o d f o rd,B e rgville, Natal, in continuing political conflict on 27F e b ru a ry 1994. The home was burnt down in the attack.NDLOVU, Johannes Tani Magebhula (41), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, had his house burnt down by IFP support e r sat Ramsgate, Natal, on 10 April 1994, in the run-up tothe AP R I L 1994 E L E C T I O N S.

    NDLOVU, Joseph Mduduzi (14), was stabbed todeath in Katlehong, Tvl, on 6 March 1990 duringpolitical conflict on the East Rand.NDLOVU, Joshua Hlabashana , a UDF support e r, hadhis house and car damaged by Inkatha support e r sduring political violence at Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, nearDurban, on 22 October 1987. One perpetrator wasgranted amnesty (AC/1999/0332).NDLOVU, Jotham Mbongeni (40), an IFP support e r,was killed by fellow IFP supporters, one of whom isnamed, in Gingindlovu, Natal, on 29 Febru a ry 1992. Hewas re p o rtedly killed because he worked for Alusaf atR i c h a rds Bay, and workers there were believed to beANC support e r s .NDLOVU, Jotham Zakhele (31), an ANC support e r,was beaten to death by IFP supporters at Mpophomeni,KwaZulu, near Howick, Natal, on 31 August 1990.NDLOVU, Justice , was shot and killed by membersof the SAP in Orlando West, Soweto, Johannesburg ,on 16 June 1976 during the SO W E T O U P R I S I N G. D u r i n gthe uprising 575 people were killed and 2 380 othersw e re injured in clashes between protesters andmembers of the SAP and the riot unit. Most of thep rotesters were schoolchildre n .NDLOVU, Kgotlaetsile Joel (47), was arrested on 2November 1990 in Utlwanang, Christiana, Tvl, during aconsumer boycott. Mr Ndlovu was actively involved ino rganising protests against the Christiana town council.NDLOVU, Khanyisani Ian (8), was severely injure dwhen his family home was petrol-bombed by IFPs u p p o rters during political conflict in Port Shepstone,Natal, in March 1991.NDLOVU, Khili Alpheus (43), an ANC support e r, wasshot at Ezakheni, KwaZulu, near Ladysmith, Natal, inongoing conflict between ANC and IFP supporters inDecember 1992.NDLOVU, Khombaphi Beatrice (66), was shot bymembers of the SAP during political protests inLamontville, Durban, on 3 October 1986. Ms Ndlovuwas not an active participant in the protests that wereo c c u rring at the time.NDLOVU, Khumbuzile , was shot dead by namedInkatha supporters as she tried to escape from herb u rning home in Imbali, Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 21 May1989. The attackers had shot her father dead and setf i re to the house. Her mother, a UDF and trade unionactivist, also died as a result of the attack, and hersister was badly burn t .NDLOVU, Koboza (18), an ANC support e r, was shotand stabbed to death by members of the SAP duringpolitical conflict in Richmond, Natal, on 10 November1 9 9 1 .NDLOVU, Koshosho Amon (52), an ANC support e r,was stabbed and severely injured by a named IFPmember in Mvutshini, near Port Shepstone, Natal, in1 9 9 3 .NDLOVU, Kwazi W i s e m a n , a UDF support e r, wasstabbed to death by Inkatha supporters at Sweetwaters,KwaZulu, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 16 December 1988.

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  • NDLOVU, Lephina (62), had her house in Bhambayi,near KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down in 1993 at atime of intense political conflict between the ‘ RE D’ A N D‘ GR E E N’ FA C T I O N S. NDLOVU, Linda Benedict (22), a UDF support e r, wasshot dead by Inkatha supporters in Imbali, Pieterm a r i t z-b u rg, on 10 Febru a ry 1990, allegedly while taking partin an attack to avenge the killing of his parents and theb u rning of his home.NDLOVU, Lourencia Nhlanhla (16), was shot deadwhen members of the SAP and IFP supporters attackedthe house where she was visiting in Alexandra,J o h a n n e s b u rg, on 5 August 1992. Ms Ndlovu was amember of the Emmanuel choir and had gone to thehouse to comfort the family who had lost their twosons. Several other members of the choir were injure d .NDLOVU, Lucas Themba (20), was shot by IM B O K O D Ovigilantes in Marble Hall, Tvl, on 31 July 1986 duringconflict over the killing of Chief Minister Piet Ntuli.NDLOVU, Lucas , an Inkatha support e r, was shot deadduring intensifying conflict between UDF and Inkathas u p p o rters in Pieterm a r i t z b u rg on 18 Febru a ry 1989.NDLOVU, Lungile Fikelephi (33), an ANC support e r,had her house destroyed in an arson attack by IFPs u p p o rters at Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, nearDurban, on 16 March 1994. See SO N K O M B O A R S O NAT TA C K S.NDLOVU, Makhendlana , was abducted and killed bynamed Inkatha supporters during political conflict atKwaMashu, Durban, on 16 March 1987. Several otherpeople were killed in this attack.NDLOVU, Mako Mbuyiselo , an ANC operative, waskilled in an ambush on 15 May 1988 while in exile inA n g o l a .NDLOVU, Makoti Primrose (40), had her house inBhambayi, near KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down by IFPs u p p o rters in June 1993 at a time of intense politicalconflict between the ‘ RE D’ A N D ‘ GR E E N’ FA C T I O N S.NDLOVU, Malusi (31), was shot and injured in ongoingconflict between ANC and IFP supporters at Empangeni,Natal, on 16 Febru a ry 1992.NDLOVU, Mandla , an ANC support e r, was stabbed andshot dead by named IFP supporters in KwaDandala, nearP o rt Shepstone, Natal, on 2 September 1990. Thre eother ANC supporters were also killed in the incident.NDLOVU, Mandlenkosi (26), an ANC support e r, wasabducted, stabbed and shot dead by Inkatha support e r sat Maqongqo, Table Mountain, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg ,on 5 April 1990. Parents had sent their children to aplace of safety outside the area because of politicalviolence. Seven young people were re t u rning home fora visit when they were attacked by Inkatha support e r s .One youth survived; the other six were killed in theattack. Police allegedly did not investigate the case.NDLOVU, Maphola Collin (32), an ANC support e r,was hacked to death in a bus by IFP supporters atGamalakhe, KwaZulu, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on10 July 1991.NDLOVU, Mar g a r et Sizakele , was shot dead byInkatha supporters at her home in Imbali, Pieterm a r i t z -

    b u rg on 30 July 1989, allegedly because her sonsw e re UDF support e r s .NDLOVU, Masilitso Mallita (25), was severely beatenin Leslie, Tvl, in 1985. Ms Ndlovu was travelling toDelmas with her husband and bro t h e r-in-law whenmembers of the SAP assaulted them. They wereharassed by members of the SAP as well as Inkathabecause Ms Ndlovu’s bro t h e r-in-law was a UDFs u p p o rt e r. At the time of the incident, Ms Ndlovu was32 weeks pre g n a n t .NDLOVU, Masolokohlo Mzonjani (26), was shotdead by IFP supporters during intense political conflictat Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on16 March 1994. See SO N K O M B O A R S O N AT TA C K S.NDLOVU, Matata (75), an ANC support e r, was killed byIFP supporters at Pieterm a r i t z b u rg on 28 Febru a ry 1991.NDLOVU, Mathombi Gladys (39), was stabbed todeath during intensifying conflict between Inkatha andUDF supporters in Pieterm a r i t z b u rg on 3 June 1989.NDLOVU, Mavis Bagcinile (21), was injured whenmembers of the SAP opened fire to disperse a cro w dwho had arrested and assaulted a woman accused ofwitchcraft in Simile, Sabie, Tvl, in 1993.NDLOVU, Maxwell Malusi , was assaulted withstones and sticks and then shot dead by Inkathas u p p o rters during political conflict at Inanda, nearKwaMashu, Durban, on 10 December 1989.NDLOVU, Mbekeni Augustine (50), was shot andkilled in Zola, Soweto, Johannesburg, on 22 November1989 in a D R I V E-B Y S H O O T I N G during political conflict inthe area. This was the fore runner of the wave of D R I V E-B YS H O O T I N G S that took place on the Rand in the early 1990s.NDLOVU, Mbongeni J , was shot and wounded whenANC security guards opened fire from the ANCh e a d q u a rters at Shell House, Johannesburg, on a cro w dof IFP marchers, on 28 March 1994. At least ninem a rchers were killed and around 100 injured. Ten ANCsecurity guards were granted amnesty (AC/2000/142).NDLOVU, Mbongiseni , an ANC support e r, was shotdead by other named ANC supporters during ani n t e rnal feud in Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 29 June 1990.NDLOVU, Mdunyiswa (30), an ANC support e r, wasshot in the leg by IFP supporters at Folweni, KwaZulu,near Umlazi, Durban, in 1992.NDLOVU, Mfanelo Landford (15), an IFP support e r,was stabbed to death by ANC supporters in Murc h i s o n,near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 16 September 1990.NDLOVU, Mfanyana Adrius (49), had his home inElufafa, Ixopo, Natal, burnt down by ANC supporters inMay 1992 in continuing conflict between ANC and IFPs u p p o rters in the are a .NDLOVU, Michael (60), an Inkatha support e r, wasstabbed to death by UDF supporters in Ngqeza, nearPinetown, Natal, on 8 August 1988. He was an Inkathas u p p o rter living in a UDF stro n g h o l d .NDLOVU, Mkhishwa David (62), had his house burn tdown by AM A S I N Y O R A and IFP members during politicalconflict in KwaMashu, Durban, in 1991.NDLOVU, Mncane Simeon (49), lost his house in anarson attack by IFP supporters during political conflict

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  • at Mgulugulu Wa rd in Port Shepstone, Natal, on 15November 1992.NDLOVU, Mninimuzi Phillip (59), was shot dead bymembers of the IFP Youth Brigade during politicalconflict in Imbali, Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 9 September1 9 9 0 .NDLOVU, Mnyamezeni Upington (60), an ANC stre e tcommittee member, was beaten and subjected toelectric shock tort u re by members of the SAP inF e b ru a ry 1990 while in detention for three months inJ o h a n n e s b u rg. Police wanted information about stre e tcommittee meetings and they were allegedly aidingthe RA S TA V I G I L A N T E G A N G who were harassing thecommunity at the time.NDLOVU, Molwana (50), an ANC support e r, wasstabbed and shot dead by named IFP supporters inKwaDandala, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 2September 1990. Three other ANC supporters werealso killed in the incident.NDLOVU, Mpikayipheli (54), an IFP support e r, wasstabbed and burnt to death by ANC supporters atWembezi, KwaZulu, near Estcourt, Natal, on 5 October1 9 9 2 .NDLOVU, Mr (first name not given), was shot ands e v e rely injured by Inkatha supporters in Imbali,P i e t e rm a r i t z b u rg, on 1 April 1990, during the S E V E N-D AYWA R. One person was killed, three injured, and thehouse destroyed by fire in the attack. NDLOVU, Ms (first name not given), had her houseb u rnt down by Inkatha supporters in Imbali, Pieterm a r i t z-b u rg, on 1 April 1990, during the S E V E N-D AY WA R. Oneperson was killed and three injured in the attack. NDLOVU, Muzikayise Charles (16), an ANC support e r,was stabbed and severely beaten by members of theAM A S I N Y O R A gang in KwaMashu, Durban, in 1991. Hewas presumed to be an ANC supporter because hewas in KwaMashu.NDLOVU, Muziwendoda , an ANC support e r, wasshot and stabbed to death by a named Inkathas u p p o rters and others at Imbali, Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 7 October 1989.NDLOVU, Mxolisi Bheki (21), a UDF support e r, was shotand severely injured by members of the SAP duringpolitical confict in Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 5 April 1988.NDLOVU, Mzingelwa Elija (37), was shot dead by ANCs u p p o rters during political conflict at Umbumbulu,KwaZulu, near Durban, on 21 March 1993.NDLOVU, Ndlanhla , was shot dead in Umlazi, Durban,on 17 January 1990, when members of the KWAZU L UPO L I C E opened fire a student protest march in the area. NDLOVU, Nester (64), an ANC support e r, had herhome in Umlazi, Durban, burnt down by named IFPs u p p o rters on 3 March 1994. The attack was allegedlyd i rected against her sons, who were ANC support e r s .One son was shot dead in the attack.NDLOVU, Nhlanhla John , an MK operative, died inLuanda, Angola, in October 1987, allegedly after ana rmy truck fell on him.NDLOVU, Ningi Bella (68), an ANC support e r, wass e v e rely beaten by IFP supporters in KwaNdebele, on17 December 1991.

    NDLOVU, Nkanyiso Reginald (46), was shot dead byANC supporters in Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal,on 23 March 1994, in political conflict in the run-up tothe AP R I L 1994 E L E C T I O N S. NDLOVU, Nkosenye Ephraim (40), was shot ands e v e rely injured by a named Inkatha supporter duringpolitical conflict in Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, Natal, on 27November 1988.NDLOVU, Nobuhle Pride , was badly burnt as shetried to escape from her burning home in Imbali,P i e t e rm a r i t z b u rg, on 21 May 1989. The attackers,named Inkatha supporters and members of theKWAZU L U PO L I C E, had shot her father dead and set fireto the house. Her mother, a UDF and trade unionactivist, and sister also died as a result of the attack.NDLOVU, Nomagesi Ivy (42), was shot and injure don 8 March 1993 when the bus in which she wastravelling was ambused by armed IFP supporters inMaqongqo, Table Mountain, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg. Thebus was taking 80 ANC supporters to Pieterm a r i t z b u rgto attend the court appearance of three menimplicated in the ambush of a vehicle carrying IFPs u p p o rters on 5 March 1993. Three men and a womanw e re killed and at least 16 people were injure d .NDLOVU, Nomakhaya Mabel (37), had her homep e t rol-bombed by Inkatha supporters in Inanda, nearKwaMashu, Durban, on 10 December 1989. Herhusband was killed in the attack. Ms Ndlovu wasp regnant at the time and accused by the perpetratorsof carrying "a UDF".NDLOVU, Nomakhosi Nohlanhla (39), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, had her house burnt down by IFP support e r sin Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on16 March 1994. See SO N K O M B O A R S O N AT TA C K S.NDLOVU, Nombukiso Resina (56), an ANC support e r,lost her house in an arson attack by IFP supporters atFolweni, KwaZulu, near Umlazi, Durban, in 1992.NDLOVU, Nombulelo Florence (26), had her houseb u rnt down on 16 Febru a ry 1993 in a dawn attack onthe ANC stronghold of Bhambayi, near KwaMashu,Durban, allegedly in the course of conflict over accessto re s o u rces. Ten people were killed and 35 housesw e re burnt down in the attack.NDLOVU, Nompumelelo Pellegrine (27), lost herhouse in an arson attack by named members of theKWAZU L U PO L I C E on 25 November 1989 in Umlazi,Durban. NDLOVU, Nomsa Grace (36), had her house nearH i l l c rest, Natal, burnt down by UDF supporters inpolitical conflict on 12 June 1988.NDLOVU, Norman Hlalabelwa (23), was injured in ap e t rol bomb attack by ANC supporters while attendinga wedding at the home of a well-known IFP leader inUmbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, in October 1991.A limpet mine was detonated at the wedding cere m o n y,killing six people. NDLOVU, Nor m a n , was killed during ongoing conflictbetween ANC and IFP supporters at Ntuzuma, nearDurban, on 3 June 1992.NDLOVU, Nozimukuthu Nokuthula (35), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, was almost killed when members of the

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  • SAP fired shots at her house in Richmond, Natal, on10 November 1991.NDLOVU, Noziphiwo Catherine (26), was stabbed andi n j u red by IFP supporters in Soweto, Johannesburg ,on 29 October 1990. An IFP supporter had been killedin a clash with local residents during an IFP rally atJabulani stadium the previous day. In retaliation, IFPs u p p o rters randomly attacked local residents, killingand injuring them.NDLOVU, Nqobile Mildred (19), a member of the IFPYouth Brigade, was shot dead at the home of ap rominent IFP leader at Nyangwini, Port Shepstone,Natal, on 4 September 1992, allegedly by ANCmembers. See NYA N G W I N I AT TA C K.NDLOVU, Ntokozo Aubrey (20), an ANC support e r,was stabbed and shot dead by Inkatha supporters inP i e t e rm a r i t z b u rg on 25 April 1986.NDLOVU, Ntombikayise (57), an Inkatha support e r,lost her home in an arson attack by UDF supporters inMpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 21 September1 9 8 8 .NDLOVU, Nyawozabantu , was stabbed to death andhis body burnt by ANC supporters in Ixopo, Natal, inintense political conflict in the area on 1 May 1990.NDLOVU, Pambuyise (56), had his house andpossessions burnt in an arson attack by Inkathas u p p o rters during political conflict in Mpophomeni,KwaZulu, near Howick, Natal, in June 1990. His twosons were prominent ANC members.NDLOVU, Patrick (24), was shot dead by members ofthe SAP in Soweto, Johannesburg, on 27 August 1986during conflict sparked by a rent boycott in the are a .NDLOVU, Paul (39), had his home burnt down by IFPs u p p o rters in Bhambayi, near KwaMashu, Durban, on23 Febru a ry 1993 in continuing conflict between IFPand ANC supporters in the area. About 35 housesw e re re p o rtedly burnt down in Bhambayi that month.NDLOVU, Pelele Sibengile , an ANC support e r, had herhome at Esimozomeni, Richmond, Natal, destroyed inan arson attack by Inkatha supporters in 1989.NDLOVU, Petros Mbongeni , was shot, stabbed,beaten and burnt to death in ongoing political conflictbetween ANC and Inkatha supporters in Mpumalanga,KwaZulu, near Durban, on 4 Febru a ry 1990.NDLOVU, Phikinkani Bongani , an ANC support e r,was shot dead and his body mutilated by a group ofIFP supporters in May 1992 in Folweni, KwaZulu, nearUmlazi, Durban.NDLOVU, Philisiwe Alzina (41), an ANC support e r,had her house and possessions destroyed in an arsonattack by members of the AM A S I N Y O R A gang inKwaMashu, Durban, in 1991.NDLOVU, Phumelele (22), was shot dead on January1987 in the KWAMA K H U T H A M A S S A C R E at KwaMakhutha,Amanzimtoti, near Durban. Thirteen people werekilled, including eight children, in an attack carried outby Inkatha supporters. Two former Inkatha membersw e re granted amnesty for their role in planning theattack (AC/1999/0332).NDLOVU, Phuthunywa (34), had her home burn tdown in Ezimbokodweni, Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, near

    Durban, on 5 November 1985 in continuing conflictbetween Inkatha and UDF supporters following thekilling of UDF leader Victoria Mxenge in neighbouringUmlazi in August 1985.NDLOVU, Pita Julius (73), an ANC support e r, had hishouse burnt down and his cattle stolen by IFPs u p p o rters at Nkwezela, Bulwer, Natal, on 13 June1 9 9 2 .NDLOVU, Qondeni Beauty , a UDF support e r, had herhouse looted and set alight on 6 April 1990 when ag roup of Inkatha supporters attacked UDF support e r sand residents at Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban,in spite of a heavy police and military pre s e n c e .F o u rteen people were killed and at least 120 homesb u rnt down. One former IFP member was grantedamnesty (AC/1999/0332).NDLOVU, Raphael , was stabbed and severely injure dby named perpetrators during intensifying conflictbetween Inkatha and UDF supporters at Edendale,KwaZulu, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 19 September 1987.NDLOVU, Rash Annaclete (39), had her house inUmkomaas, near Durban, burnt down by IFPs u p p o rters during political conflict in September 1990.NDLOVU, Richard Fana (36), a NUM member, diedon 7 April 1992 in detention at Ogies, Tvl. Police claimhe hanged himself but the family believes that policew e re involved in his death.NDLOVU, Richard Mzomuhle (42), an Inkathas u p p o rt e r, had his business premises in Umlazi, Durban,b u rnt down by UDF supporters on 9 August 1985 inpolitical conflict following the killing of UDF leaderVictoria Mxenge. In March 1992, Mr Ndlovu lost hishome when it was occupied by a named ANC support e r.NDLOVU, Robert Dinkebo (35), an IFP support e r,was stabbed to death by named ANC members atUmkomaas, near Durban, on 10 September 1990.NDLOVU, S’thembele (6), was shot dead on January1987 in the KWAMA K H U T H A M A S S A C R E at KwaMakhutha,Amanzimtoti, near Durban. Thirteen people werekilled, including eight children, in an attack carried outby Inkatha supporters. Two former Inkatha membersw e re granted amnesty for their role in planning theattack (AC/1999/0332).NDLOVU, Sabelo Meshack (22), was shot dead byIFP supporters during political conflict in Estcourt ,Natal, on 6 June 1993. Mr Ndlovu was allegedlysuspected of being an ANC member.NDLOVU, Sarah Obeline (37), an ANC support e r, hadhis home in Bhambayi, near KwaMashu, Durban, burn tdown by IFP supporters on 23 Febru a ry 1993. About35 houses were re p o rtedly burnt down in Bhambayithat month.NDLOVU, Selby (24), was shot and seriously injure dby a named Inkatha supporter during political conflictnear Hammarsdale, Natal, in July 1986. It is allegedthat Mr Ndlovu was shot because did not take part inInkatha activities and was there f o re perceived to be aUDF support e r.NDLOVU, Setha Simon , an Inkatha support e r, wasstoned and fatally injured when ANC support e r sattacked a local chief’s house in Elufafa, Ixopo, Natal, on

    V O L U M E 7 Vic tim findings: Summaries P A G E 6 0 6

  • 1 May 1990. Mr Ndlovu, who was visiting the chief atthe time, was taken to hospital, but died on 9 May 1990.NDLOVU, Sibongile (30), was shot and severe l yi n j u red by Inkatha supporters in Imbali, Pieterm a r i t z b u rg,on 1 April 1990, during the S E V E N-D AY WA R.NDLOVU, Sibusiso (17), an ANC support e r, wasstabbed to death by IFP supporters in Bruntville, nearMooi River, Natal, on 4 December 1991. SeeBR U N T V I L L E AT TA C K S.NDLOVU, Sibusiso (21), an ANC support e r, wasabducted, stabbed and shot dead by Inkatha support e rsat Maqongqo, Table Mountain, near Pieter- m a r i t z b u rg ,on 5 April 1990. Parents had sent their children to aplace of safety outside the area because of politicalviolence. Seven young people were re t u rning home fora visit when they were attacked by Inkatha support e r s .One youth survived; the other six were killed in theattack. Police allegedly did not investigate the case.NDLOVU, Sibusiso Joseph , an ANC support e r, wasshot and injured in Eziqhazeni, Nqutu, near Vry h e i d ,Natal, on 3 March 1993. Mr Ndlovu was at the homeof ANC-aligned Chief Molefe when he was shot byunidentified IFP supporters re t u rning from a funeral.NDLOVU, Sibusiso Pius , an MK operative, and twoothers were abducted in Phoenix, Durban, on 18November 1988 by Port Natal Security Branchoperatives. The three were taken to a railway line inPhoenix, told to kneel down and shot dead. Their handsw e re placed on a limpet mine, which was thendetonated to create the impression that they hadblown themselves up. Five Port Natal Security Branchoperatives, including the divisional commander, weregranted amnesty (AC/2001/112).NDLOVU, Sifiso Ephraim , an ANC support e r, was shotand injured by a group of IFP supporters at Ndlovu’sKraal, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 7 Marc h1992, in ongoing political conflict in the area. Eightpeople died and five were injured in the attack. Oneperpetrator serving a prison sentence was re f u s e damnesty (AC/1998/0010).NDLOVU, Sifiso , an ANC support e r, was attacked andi n j u red by IFP supporters in Ekwandeni, Mpumalanga,KwaZulu, near Durban, on 9 March 1992. NDLOVU, Sihlangu Mbula , was shot and woundedwhen ANC security guards opened fire from the ANCh e a d q u a rters at Shell House, Johannesburg, on ac rowd of IFP marchers, on 28 March 1994. At leastnine marchers were killed and around 100 injured. Te nANC security guards were granted amnesty( A C / 2 0 0 0 / 1 4 2 ) .NDLOVU, Sindisiwe Hlengiwe (15), was killed on 5M a rch 1993 when armed IFP supporters opened fireon the taxi in which she was travelling at Nkanyezeniin the Table Mountain area, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg ,allegedly in a revenge attack for the killing of 6 IFP-aligned pupils on 2 March 1993. Ten pupils were killedand four injured. A further pupil died later. Tw operpetrators were granted amnesty (AC/1998/0012). See TA B L E MO U N TA I N B U S AT TA C K S.NDLOVU, Siphiwe (26), was stabbed and injured by IFPmembers in Soweto, Johannesburg, on 29 October

    1990. The day before, an IFP member had been killedin clashes with local residents following an Inkathar a l l y. In retaliation, IFP members allegedly randomlyattacked local residents, causing deaths and injuries.NDLOVU, Sipho Bonginkosi (42), an ANC support e r,had his belongings stolen by named IFP supporters inUmbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, in September 1990.NDLOVU, Sipho Elijah (50), an SAYCO member, wasdetained and tort u red by members of the SAP inSteadville, Ladysmith, Natal, in August 1992.NDLOVU, Sipho Ellias (56), an IFP support e r, wasstoned to death by named ANC supporters inM u rchison, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 4 Febru a ry1 9 9 4 .NDLOVU, Sipho Samuel (26), was on his way homef rom work on 18 June 1983 when he was shot andi n j u red by SADF members patrolling the township ofLamontville, Durban. NDLOVU, Siyabonga Sabelo (15), an ANC support e r,was shot and stabbed to death by a named Inkathas u p p o rter and others at Imbali, Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 7 October 1989.NDLOVU, Siyabonga Zamokwakhe (19), a UDFs u p p o rt e r, was stabbed to death by Inkatha support e r sin Sweetwaters, KwaZulu, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 2 October 1987.NDLOVU, Sizeni (32), an ANC support e r, was shotand injured by a group of IFP supporters at Ndlovu’sKraal, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 7 Marc h1992, in ongoing political conflict in the area. Eightpeople died and five were injured in the attack. Oneperpetrator serving a prison sentence was re f u s e damnesty (AC/1998/0010).NDLOVU, Skhumbuzo Errol (27), a SACCAW Uo rg a n i s e r, was arrested and detained by a namedmember of the SAP in Durban in 1989. Policeallegedly wanted him to act as an informer for them.NDLOVU, Sphiwe (6), was shot dead in Tokoza, Tvl,on 17 December 1993, allegedly by IFP support e r s ,during intense political conflict in the area. Sphiwe’sb u rnt body was discovered with those of his mother,his aunt and another woman in an open field.NDLOVU, Suprise (49), had his house burnt down byUDF supporters during political conflict near Hammars-dale, Natal, in 1986.NDLOVU, Suzan Sisinyane (63), lost her house andall her possessions in an arson attack by a named ANCmember in Bloemfontein on 31 August 1990. MsNdlovu was suspected of being a ‘spy’ for a C O U N C I L L O R.Councillors and their associates were frequent targ e t sfor attack during this period.NDLOVU, Tenjiwe Mirriam (58), an Inkatha support e r,had her house in KwaMakhutha, Amanzimtoti, nearDurban, burnt down by fellow Inkatha supporters on11 Febru a ry 1989, after they had accused her grandsonof sympathising with the UDF and ANC.NDLOVU, Thandazile , was shot dead by named ANCs u p p o rters in Sokhulu, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal,on 4 August 1992 in continuing conflict between A N Cand IFP supporters in the area. Three other persons,believed to be IFP supporters, also died in the attack.

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  • NDLOVU, Thandiwe Minah (34), an ANC support e r,lost her home in an arson attack by IFP supporters atEsimozomeni, Richmond, Natal, in April 1991.NDLOVU, Thathe Letty (56), had her house burn tdown by members of the ‘Amakati’ vigilante group inMpophomeni, KwaZulu, near Howick, Natal, inOctober 1985. Her husband was working at Sarm c o lat the time, and was not participating in the strike. SeeSA R M C O L S T R I K E.NDLOVU, Themba Andrews (48), an ANC member,was shot dead by members of a conflicting ANCfaction in Mpophomeni, KwaZulu, near Howick, Natal,on 6 July 1991. NDLOVU, Thembekile Flora (62), an ANC support e r,had her house destroyed in an arson attack by IFPs u p p o rters at Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, nearDurban, on 16 March 1994. See SO N K O M B O A R S O NAT TA C K S.NDLOVU, Thembi Cathreen (40), an ANC support e r,had her house burnt down by Inkatha supporters on28 March 1990 in KwaMnyandu, KwaZulu, nearP i e t e rm a r i t z b u rg, during the S E V E N-D AY WA R.NDLOVU, Thembinkosi Charles , was killed inongoing conflict between IFP and ANC supporters atNtuzuma, near Durban, on 3 June 1992.NDLOVU, Thembinkosi Patrick (22), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, was severely beaten, stoned and left fordead by named IFP members at Mpolweni, nearWa rt b u rg, Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 5 November 1992.NDLOVU, Thenguni M (63), an ANC support e r, losther house in an arson attack by IFP supporters atMvutshini, near Hluhluwe, Natal, on 21 March 1994, inpolitical conflict in the run-up to the AP R I L 1994 E L E C T I O N S.NDLOVU, Thoko (25), was shot and severely injure dby Inkatha supporters in Imbali, Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 1 April 1990, during the S E V E N-D AY WA R.NDLOVU, Thoko Norah (39), an ANC support e r, losther house when it was attacked by a large group ofunidentified men during ongoing conflict betweenANC and IFP supporters at Entshawini, KwaZulu, nearS t a n g e r, Natal, in 1992. The Ndlovu family had beenw a rned of the attack, and fled the house before theattackers arrived. They did not re t u rn to the are a .NDLOVU, Thokozani Goodman (23), was shot deadduring ongoing conflict between IFP and ANCs u p p o rters in Empangeni, Natal, in 1991.NDLOVU, Thomas , was shot dead in Katlehong, Tvl,in May 1993, allegedly by IFP supporters, duringongoing political conflict in the are a .NDLOVU, Thulani Fano (43), an ANC support e r, hadhis house destroyed in an arson attack by IFP support e r sat Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on16 March 1994. See SO N K O M B O A R S O N AT TA C K S.NDLOVU, Tobias Joseph (43), an IFP support e r, hadhis house in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, burn tdown on 13 July 1990 in intense conflict betweenANC and IFP supporters in the are a .NDLOVU, Tshengisile Eunice (37), an IFP support e r,had her house in Inanda, near KwaMashu, Durban,b u rnt down by ANC supporters in March 1991.

    NDLOVU, Vamhle Lina (52), lost her house in an arsonattack by a named IM B O K O D O vigilante in Tw e e f o n t e i n ,KwaNdebele, on 26 May 1986 during conflict over theI N C O R P O R AT I O N O F MO U T S E into KwaNdebele.NDLOVU, Velaphi Elman (43), an ANC support e r, wasstabbed and shot dead by IFP supporters in Mgwagwa,KwaZulu, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 13 September 1990.NDLOVU, Velaphi Ntombazane (41), an IFP support e r,had her house burnt down by ANC supporters atMagabheni, Umgababa, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 22September 1993.NDLOVU, Velaphi W i l l i a m , was shot and woundedwhen ANC security guards opened fire from the ANCh e a d q u a rters at Shell House, Johannesburg, on ac rowd of IFP marchers, on 28 March 1994. At leastnine marchers were killed and around 100 injured. Te nANC security guards were granted amnesty( A C / 2 0 0 0 / 1 4 2 ) .NDLOVU, Velile Andr e a s, a UDF support e r, was shotand killed on 6 April 1990 when a group of Inkathas u p p o rters attacked UDF supporters and residents atMpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, in spite of a heavypolice and military presence. Fourteen people werekilled and at least 120 homes burnt down. One form e rIFP member was granted amnesty (AC/1999/0332).NDLOVU, V i n c e n t , an ANC support e r, was shot dead byIFP supporters in Empangeni, Natal, on 8 Febru a ry 1992.NDLOVU, Vusumuzi (45), lost his house in an arsonattack by IFP supporters during political conflict atNdwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 25 May 1993.NDLOVU, Vusumuzi Eugene (19), an ANC support e r,was severely beaten and stabbed by IFP supporters inEzakheni, KwaZulu, near Ladysmith, Natal, on 10 July1993. About 11 people were killed in political conflictin the area that day.NDLOVU, Vusumuzi W i l l i a m , a SARHWU member,was severely beaten and tort u red with electric shocksby members of the SAP after he was arrested inE rmelo, Tvl, in 1985 during school boycotts.NDLOVU, W i s e m a n , a UDF support e r, was shot andkillied on 6 April 1990 when a group of Inkathas u p p o rters attacked UDF supporters and residents atMpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, in spite of a heavypolice and military presence. Fourteen people werekilled and at least 120 homes burnt down. One form e rIFP member was granted amnesty (AC/1999/0332).NDLOVU, Zakithi Mbongeni Michael , an ANCs u p p o rt e r, was shot dead by IFP supporters inSwayimane, Table Mountain, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on25 December 1992.NDLOVU, Zamandlovu (38), was shot and severe l yi n j u red by a named member of the SAP in Ohlange,Inanda, near KwaMashu, Durban, on 22 September1985 at a time of political tension and conflict in thea rea. Ms Ndlovu was hit by a bullet that entered herhouse through a window. She is permanently paralysedas a result of her injuries. NDLOVU, Zandile , an ANC support e r, was attacked andi n j u red by IFP supporters in Ekwandeni, Mpumalanga,KwaZulu, near Durban, on 9 March 1992.

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  • NDLOVU, Zanele Mayvis (36), had her housed e s t royed in ongoing conflict between ANC and IFPs u p p o rters in Adams Mission, near Durban, during 1992. NDLOVU, Zapo Michael (49), an ANC support e r, washacked to death by IFP supporters in Gamalakhe,KwaZulu, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 10 July 1991.NDLOVU, Zenzele (21), an ANC support e r, wasabducted, stabbed and shot dead by Inkatha support e rsat Maqongqo, Table Mountain, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg ,on 5 April 1990. Parents had sent their children to aplace of safety outside the area because of politicalviolence. Seven young people were re t u rning home fora visit when they were attacked by Inkatha support e r s .One youth survived; the other six were killed in theattack. Police allegedly did not investigate the case.NDLOVU, Zinhle Cecilia (36), lost her houses in anarson attack during ongoing conflict between IFP andANC supporters at KwaDlangezwa, KwaZulu, nearEmpangeni, Natal, in December 1992.NDLOVU, Zinhle Eugenia , an ANC support e r, was shotand injured by a named Inkatha supporter in Imbali,P i e t e rm a r i t z b u rg, on 25 December 1983. In September1988, the family home was burnt down by Inkathas u p p o rters, seriously injuring Ms Ndlovu’s sister andone other person.NDLOVU, Zinhle Nomusa (20), an ANC support e r,had her house burnt down by IFP supporters inSonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 16M a rch 1994. See SO N K O M B O A R S O N AT TA C K S.NDLOVU, Zwelakhe Mazwe (19), a South AfricanYouth Congress (SAYCO) member, was severe l ybeaten by IFP-aligned TO A S T E R G A N G members inTembisa, Tvl, in July 1990 while discussing crimep revention at a SAYCO meeting. NDLOZI, Samuel , an employee of Rand Wa t e r, wasshot and injured by members of an ANC self-defenceunit (SDU) while he was travelling in a taxi past thei n f o rmal settlement of Phola Park in Tokoza, Tvl, on 26F e b ru a ry 1992. Four people died and eight werei n j u red in the attack. One SDU member was grantedamnesty for the attack on the taxi (AC/1999/0225).NDO, Abraham Walter Magama , survived a shootingincident in which a member of an ANC self-defenceunit (SDU) opened fire on Mr Ndo and his friend inVo s l o o rus, Tvl, on 2 Febru a ry 1993. Mr Ndo’s friendwas shot dead by the SDU member, who believed hewas under attack when he opened fire. One SDUmember was granted amnesty (AC/2001/140).NDOBE, Lucas Johannes (31), was shot dead bymembers of the Bophuthatswana Police in Soshanguve,P retoria, in 1986 when police opened fire on ameeting at the stadium.NDOBE, Mukhacani Samson , was injured in a handg renade explosion in Soweto, Johannesburg, on 31July 1992. An ANC self-defence unit (SDU) membert h rew the grenade while in a confrontation with police.One SDU member was granted amnesty (AC/1998/090).NDOBE, Nomthandazo Magdaline (65), had herhouse burnt down by ANC supporters in Sonkombo,ND W E D W E, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 12 Febru a ry 1990in ongoing political conflict in the area.

    NDOKWENI, Anthony Sakhelipe (60), was shot deadby Inkatha supporters at New Hanover, nearP i e t e rm a r i t z b u rg, on 24 April 1990 in intense conflictbetween Inkatha and ANC supporters in the are a .NDOKWENI, Ms (first name not given), was forced byInkatha supporters to leave her home at Mapumulo Stairs,New Hanover, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 24 April 1990,allegedly because her father was an ANC support e r.NDOMILE, Siphiwo David (12), was injured when adevice given to him by SADF soldiers exploded in hishands in Colesberg, Cape, on 15 June 1979.NDONDO, Batandwa (22), a former student activist,was abducted, shot and killed by a member of theTranskei Security Branch and a group of V l a k p l a a sa s k a r i s at Cala, Transkei, on 24 September 1985. Thecommander of V l a k p l a a s and an a s k a r i w e re grantedamnesty for the incident, while the Transkei SecurityBranch member was refused amnesty (AC/2000/057).NDONDO, Mbulelo (7), was shot dead by a namedmember of the SAP in Stutterheim, Cape, on 11November 1985 when police fired shots at random todisperse a group of demonstrators. Mbulelo waswalking with a friend nearby when he was shot.NDONGENI, Paulina Nolungile (45), a UDF support e rand women’s activist, was detained and severe l ybeaten by named vigilantes, together with police, inR o b e rtson, Cape, on 15 June 1986. She was heldunder emergency regulations for several months. SeeP O L I C E B R U TA L I T Y.NDONGENI, Siphiwe , was injured on 29 July 1986when an MK unit attacked the Madeira police station,in Umtata, Transkei. At least eight people were killedin the attack, including policemen, civilians and one ofthe MK operatives. One MK operative applied for andwas granted amnesty (AC/2000/240).NDONGENI, Sipho Bowden (60), had his house burn tdown on 26 July 1992 when armed IFP support e r sattacked several homes in Folweni, KwaZulu, nearUmlazi, Durban. See FO LW E N I M A S S A C R E.NDONGENI, Vukile ‘Pikoko’ (61), an ANC support e r,was arrested and severely beaten by named vigilantes,together with police, in Robertson, Cape, on 15 June1986. He was then detained under emerg e n c yregulations for three months. See P O L I C E B R U TA L I T Y.NDONI, Buyisile (15), was charged with publicviolence after being accused of setting alight a schoolin Cradock, Cape, on 24 April 1985. He was sentencedto five years’ imprisonment. On 16 October 1985, hewas stabbed to death by named fellow prisoners.NDONI, Nontobeko Edith (50), an ANC support e r,was detained by named members of the SAP in May1986 in Jansenville, Cape, allegedly because theywanted information about her daughter, an activist,and about people who burnt houses in the are a .N D O T S H AYISA, Melvin Nkwenkwe , was shot deadin Soweto, Port Elizabeth, on 24 September 1985 byMunicipal Police looking for ‘the boys’.N D O T S H AYISA, Norita Regina (24), was severe l ybeaten by members of the MU N I C I PA L PO L I C E d u r i n gp rotests in Soweto, Port Elizabeth, on 24 September1 9 8 5 .

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  • NDOU, Fanyisani , was burnt to death and her houseset alight by a group of community residents in Venda on10 March 1990. Nine people were killed and 11 housesb u rnt down in attacks on people accused of practisingwitchcraft to impede the community’s campaign forre-incorporation of the homeland into South Africa. Tw oANC supporters were refused amnesty (AC/2000/094).NDOU, Makuvhile Andries Budeli , was burnt todeath and his house set alight by a group of communityresidents in Venda on 10 March 1990. Nine peoplew e re killed and 11 houses burnt down in attacks onpeople accused of practising witchcraft to impede thec o m m u n i t y ’s campaign for re-incorporation of thehomeland into South Africa. Two ANC support e r sw e re refused amnesty (AC/2000/094).NDOU, Ratshivhanda Samson (30), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, was arrested and severely tort u red indetention by named members of the Security Branchin Pretoria, in May 1969 and from December 1981 toJ a n u a ry 1982 for his involvement in ANC underg ro u n dactivities during this period.NDOVELA, Gladness Bongi (40), an ANC support e r, wasshot dead at KwaXolo, near Ramsgate, Natal, on 6 Marc h1994 during political conflict between ANC and IFPs u p p o rters in the run-up to the AP R I L 1994 E L E C T I O N S.NDOVELA, Nkosinathi Emmanuel (16), was shotand severely injured at KwaXolo, near Ramsgate,Natal, on 6 April 1994, during political conflict in therun-up to the AP R I L 1994 E L E C T I O N S.NDOVELA, Owen Zanini (28), an ANC support e r, wasshot and severely injured by IFP supporters inUmkomaas, near Durban, on 15 August 1992.NDOVELA, Samuel Njabulo (20), an IFP support e r,was shot dead by a named IFP supporter in PortShepstone, Natal, on 24 April 1993.NDOVELA, Sibodade (40), lost her home and all herpossessions in an arson attack by ANC supporters inP o rt Shepstone, Natal, on 2 April 1994, during politicalconflict in the run-up to the AP R I L 1994 E L E C T I O N S.NDOVELA, Simphiwe Cent (29), an ANC support e r,was shot and severely injured by named IFP support e r sin Port Shepstone, Natal, on 22 September 1992,allegedly because he refused to take part in an IFPself-defence training camp.NDUDULA, Jeremiah Kolekile (21), a COSAS member,was severely beaten by members of the Ciskei Policein 1984 in Zwelitsha, Ciskei, because of hisinvolvement in student activities. At the time, studentsw e re protesting against the tri-nation Parliament inCiskei, and demanding the establishment an SRC toreplace the prefect system.NDUDULA, Mongezi Martin (28), an ANC support e r,was shot by ADM supporters during political conflict inDimbaza, Ciskei, on 23 December 1993.NDUKU, Jonginkomo (51), a PAC member, wasa rrested in 1963 after the Poqo attacks and policeshootings in Paarl, Cape, and sentenced to thre eyears’ imprisonment on Robben Island, Cape To w n ,for membership of a banned organisation. While serv i n ghis sentence, he was assaulted by prison ward e r s .

    N D U K WANE, Te rry , an ANC support e r, was shot andi n j u red by gunmen in a red minibus in Alexandra,J o h a n n e s b u rg, on 3 May 1992 during political conflictbetween IFP-supporting hostel-dwellers and ANC-s u p p o rting re s i d e n t s .NDULI, Nomusa (56), an ANC support e r, had her houseb u rnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe,KwaZulu, near Durban, on 16 March 1994. SeeSO N K O M B O A R S O N AT TA C K S.NDULI, Nsimangwana Khipheni (39), was shot deadand her house was burnt down by ANC support e r sduring intense political conflict at Sonkombo,Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 16 March 1994.See SO N K O M B O A R S O N AT TA C K S.NDULI, Ntani , was assaulted by Wi t w a t e r s r a n dSecurity Branch operatives on an unspecified datebetween 1989 and 1992 at the Alexandra Securirt yBranch offices, Johannesburg (AC/2001/249).NDULI, Ntombiyesizwe (58), an ANC support e r, hadher house burnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo,Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 16 March 1994.See SO N K O M B O A R S O N AT TA C K S.NDULINI, Thembakuphi (30), was shot and killed inMpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 8 September1992 in ongoing conflict between IFP and ANCs u p p o rters in the are a .NDULULA, Vuyo Disco (24), a UDF activist, wass e v e rely assaulted by named members of the SAPwhile detained at Signorama police station, AliwalN o rth, Cape, in May 1986.NDUMBA, Hester Nongaith , was shot dead bymembers of the SAP in Bekkkersdal, near We s t o n a r i a ,Tvl, on 5 May 1991. Bekkersdal was embroiled inintense conflict between ANC, IFP and Azapos u p p o rters at the time.NDUMO, Dingindawo (71), was shot dead duringintensifying conflict between Inkatha and UDFs u p p o rters near Hammarsdale, Natal, on 12 May 1989.He was singled out and killed while travelling on a busf rom work.NDUMO, Doris , an ANC support e r, was stabbed todeath by named IFP supporters in Bruntville, nearMooi River, Natal, on 3 December 1993.NDUMO, Evelyn , was shot dead by members of theIFP-aligned ‘KH E T I S I KH E S WA’ G A N G on 12 January 1991in Sebokeng, Tvl, at the night vigil of an ANCYLmember killed by the gang. Gang members threw handg renades and fired at the mourners, killing a numberof people and injuring several others. Police arrived onthe scene but provided no protection, allegedly ignoringboth the attackers and the injured. See NA N G A L E M B EN I G H T V I G I L M A S S A C R E.NDUMO, Martha Hapile (20), was killed by membersof an ANC self-defence unit (SDU) near Small Farm s ,Tvl, on 15 August 1993. Another woman was killed inthe same incident. The two were believed to havebeen IFP collaborators. Two SDU members weregranted amnesty (AC/1999/0346). NDUMO, Sipho Wellington (36), an IFP support e r,was stoned by ANC supporters on 15 January 1992

    V O L U M E 7 Vic tim findings: Summaries P A G E 6 1 0

  • during a violent labour dispute in Ratanda, nearH e i d e l b e rg, Tvl, between members of COSAT U -aligned FAWU and IFP-aligned UWUSA.NDUMO, Tobi Mar t h a (63), an IFP support e r, lost herhouse in an arson attack by ANC supporters atNkwezela, Bulwer, Natal, in April 1994, in the run-up tothe AP R I L 1994 E L E C T I O N S.NDUNA, Bongani Wilson (16), was shot and severe l yi n j u red by members of the SAP in Sebokeng, Tvl, in1990 after he re t u rned from a meeting at the Boipatongfootball gro u n d .NDUNA, Sifanele Kenneth (38), was shot dead bymembers of the SAP on 11 August 1976 in Langa,Cape Town, during the SO W E T O U P R I S I N G. Over 20people were shot dead that day.NDUNAKAZI, Khaladi Elsie (63), an IFP support e r, hadher house in Shakaville, Natal, looted and destroyed byfellow IFP supporters in 1993, because she wasthought to have sympathies with the ANC.NDUNAMVULA, Nelson , an ANC member, was killedon 30 January 1981 in a raid by SADF Special Forc e soperatives on three houses in the Matola suburb ofMaputo, Mozambique. Fifteen other South Africans,including several senior MK operatives, were killed inthe attack. Three of the attackers (all ex-Rhodesiansecurity force members) and a Portuguese citizenw e re also killed.NDUNGA, Jabu Roda (38), had her house in Bhambayi,near KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down in 1993 inintense political conflict between the ‘ RE D’ A N D ‘ GR E E N’FA C T I O N S.NDUNGANE, Joe Lungile , a UDF support e r, washacked to death and his mutilated body was found inthe mort u a ry on 9 July 1986 in Port Elizabeth. Policeharassed mourners present at his night vigil.NDUTI, David , was seriously burnt near Cro s s ro a d s ,Cape Town, on 28 April 1986, and died a week later.He and a colleague, both employees of an electricalf i rm, were driving back to their office when theirvehicle was stoned and petrol-bombed by pro t e s t i n gyouths. His colleague also died in the attack.N D WALANA, Sishosanke Gilbert (70), an Inkathas u p p o rt e r, was killed by ANC supporters in PortShepstone, Natal, on 31 March 1990. His son wasalso killed in the attack, and his home was bunt down.N D WALANE, Christopher Fanile (21), an IFPs u p p o rt e r, was shot and stabbed to death by ANCs u p p o rters in Port Shepstone, Natal, in December 1990.N D WALANE, Irene Love , had her house in PortShepstone, Natal, burnt down by ANC supporters on25 December 1990 in continuing conflict betweenANC and IFP support e r s .N D WALANE, Ivy Goko , was shot dead by named IFPs u p p o rters during political conflict in Mbayimbayi, nearP o rt Shepstone, Natal, on 14 January 1991. She wasre p o rtedly killed because she was not attending IFPmeetings and because her sons were ANC support e r s .N D WALANE, Linda Edward (36), was shot dead onJ a n u a ry 1987 in the KWAMA K H U T H A M A S S A C R E a tKwaMakhutha, Amanzimtoti, near Durban. Thirt e e n

    people were killed, including eight children, in anattack carried out by Inkatha supporters. Two form e rInkatha members were granted amnesty for their ro l ein planning the attack (AC/1999/0332).N D WALANE, Liwa Sivyon (48), an IFP support e r,was shot and stabbed to death by ANC supporters atP o rt Shepstone, Natal, on 3 July 1991. Mr Ndwalane,known to be an IFP member, was travelling in an ANCno-go are a .N D WALANE, Momo W i l t o n , an IFP supporter andi n d u n a, was shot dead by unidentified ANC support e r sin Port Shepstone, Natal, on 22 December 1991,allegedly because of his political affiliation and position.N D WALANE, Moto , an IFP support e r, was shot deadby named ANC supporters in Murchison, near PortShepstone, Natal, on 20 July 1992.N D WALANE, Namusa (34), was shot dead on January1987 in the KWAMA K H U T H A M A S S A C R E at KwaMakhutha,Amanzimtoti, near Durban. Thirteen people werekilled, including eight children, in an attack carried outby Inkatha supporters. Two former Inkatha membersw e re granted amnesty for their role in planning theattack (AC/1999/0332).N D WALANE, Newone (58), an IFP support e r, wasshot and stabbed to death by ANC supporters in theMbotsha area near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 27December 1990.N D WALANE, Nkomazana (64), lost her husband, sonand home in an attack by ANC supporters duringpolitical conflict in Port Shepstone, Natal, on 31 Marc h1990. The perpetrators burnt her home after killing herhusband, an Inkatha support e r, and her son.N D WALANE, Patrick Wasazi (25), an ANC support e r,was stabbed to death by fellow ANC supporters duringi n t e rnal political conflict in Port Shepstone, Natal, on17 November 1990.N D WALANE, Richard (52), an IFP support e r, wasstabbed to death by ANC supporters in the Mgagaa rea, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 8 November 1992.N D WALANE, Salukazi Patricia (43), an IFP support e r,had her house at Bethany Mission, near Port Shepstone,Natal, burnt down on 11 March 1991 in ongoingconflict between ANC and IFP supporters in the are a .N D WALANE, Thandazile Gretta (34), an IFPs u p p o rt e r, had her house in Marina Beach, Natal, burn tdown by ANC supporters on 30 August 1992.N D WANDWE, Beatrice , lost her house andpossessions in an arson attack in Nyanini, KwaZulu,near Eshowe, Natal, in early 1994 in political conflictbetween ANC and IFP supporters during the run-up tothe AP R I L 1994 E L E C T I O N S.N D WANDWE, Elphas , was killed during an attack bya rmed ANC members on the house of a schoolprincipal in Phola township, Ogies, Tvl, on 13 October1991. The principal was re g a rded as an IFPsympathiser because IFP supporters often visited himat home. One ANC member was granted amnesty forhis role in the attack (AC/2000/091). N D WANDWE, Fikile Betty (34), lost her home in anarson attack by named and other ANC support e r s

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  • during political conflict in Umlazi, Durban, in November1989. She was allegedly attacked because her son andgrandson refused to join the ANC.N D WANDWE, Fundakwezakhe , an employee ofRand Wa t e r, was shot and injured by members of anANC self-defence unit (SDU) while he was travelling ina taxi past the informal settlement of Phola Park inTokoza, Tvl, on 26 Febru a ry 1992. Four people diedand eight were injured. One SDU member was grantedamnesty for the attack on the taxi (AC/1999/0225).N D WANDWE, Mkhonzeni Anthony (30), a tradeunionist, was shot and seriously injured when membersof the KWAZU L U PO L I C E ambushed his car in Eshowe,Natal, on 4 May 1991. The bullet is still lodged in hisback. Mr Ndwandwe had been visiting relatives inhospital following an IFP arson attack on the familyhome. The car driver was killed and another passengerwas seriously injured. N D WANDWE, Mzikayifani , an employee of RandWa t e r, was shot dead by members of an ANC self-defence unit (SDU) while he was travelling in a taxipast the informal settlement of Phola Park in To k o z a ,Tvl, on 26 Febru a ry 1992. Four people died and eightw e re injured. One SDU member was granted amnestyfor the attack on the taxi (AC/1999/0225).N D WANDWE, Mzuthini Obed , was killed whenmembers of the O rde Boere v o l k opened fire withautomatic weapons on a passenger bus in Durban on9 October 1990. Seven people were killed and 27i n j u red in the attack. See PU T C O B U S AT TA C K. Amnestywas granted to two of the three applicants andrefused to the leader of the unit (AC/1997/0053). N D WANDWE, Phila Portia (aka ‘Zandile’ or ‘Zandi’)(23), acting head of MK’s Natal military machinery inSwaziland, was abducted from Manzini, Swaziland, inOctober 1988 by members of the Port Natal and NatalSecurity Branches. She was taken first to Onverw a c h t ,Tvl, then to the Elandskop farm, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg ,and interrogated at both places. After refusing tobecome an a s k a r i, Ms Ndwandwe was shot in thehead and buried in an unmarked grave on the farm .Her fate remained unknown until amnesty applicationsw e re filed by Port Natal Security Branch operatives.Her body was exhumed by the Commission andreburied by her family. Five Security Branch operativesw e re granted amnesty for the abduction and killing( A C / 2 0 0 1 / 1 1 2 ) .N D WANDWE, Sibusiso Khonzise , had his homed e s t royed in an arson attack during ongoing conflictbetween ANC and IFP supporters in Mandini, Natal, on24 April 1991. His mother and grandfather were killedin the attack. Ten days later Mr Ndwandwe was shotand seriously injured when members of the KWAZU L UPO L I C E ambushed his car in Eshowe as he was re t u rn i n gf rom visiting family members in hospital following thearson attack. The car driver was killed and anotherpassenger was seriously injured in the attack.N D WANDWE, Simon Thamsanqa (31), a member ofthe SAP, was shot and wounded when MK operativesattacked the police station at Osizweni, KwaZulu, near

    Newcastle, Natal, on 10 October 1986. Two MKoperatives were granted amnesty (AC/2000/068).N D WANDWE, Stanley Sandile , was severely injure dwhen members of the O rde Boere v o l k opened firewith automatic weapons on a passenger bus in Durbanon 9 October 1990. Seven people were killed and 27i n j u red in the attack. See PU T C O B U S AT TA C K. Amnestywas granted to two of the three applicants andrefused to the leader of the unit (AC/1997/0053). N D WA N YA, Lungile Sydwel (19), was shot andi n j u red by named members of the Ciskei Police inMdantsane, Ciskei, on 16 December 1986, whenpolice attacked him and three other people on their wayto church. One person was killed. The perpetratorsw e re charged and one was convicted and sentencedto 28 years’ imprisonment. The other turned statew i t n e s s .N D WAWONDE, Ghini Khanyisile Daphney (27), wasraped and stabbed to death during intensifying conflictbetween UDF and Inkatha supporters in Mpumalanga,KwaZulu, near Durban, on 26 July 1987.N D YA LVAN, Mandiso Macdonald (22), a UDFs u p p o rt e r, was arrested, taken to a church with severalother youths and severely assaulted by members ofthe SAP in Hofmeyr, Cape, on 14 Febru a ry 1989. Hewas accused of being involved in the killing of SamSani, who was burnt to death. He was charged withm u rder and held without bail for five months, afterwhich the charges were withdrawn.N D YAMARA, Themba , a UDF support e r, was shotdead by a named member of the SAP during politicalconflict in Cookhouse, Cape, on 16 July 1987. Beforethe attack, he had been detained at Cookhouse policestation and Rooihell prison, Somerset East, because ofhis political activism.NDYEBI, Andile Witbooi (20), was assaulted withrifle-butts by members of the security forces whoa rrested him on 3 August 1985 in Ndubane, Adelaide,Cape. He died on his way to hospital.NDZABA, Thandi (19), an ANC support e r, was shot inthe thigh in KwaNobuhle, Uitenhage, Cape, in April1993 when members of the SAP opened fire on t o y i -t o y i n g youths protesting against the killing of SACPl e a d e r, Chris Hani.N D Z A K A YI, James Mzimkulu , was shot and injured inJune 1986 in Nyanga, Cape Town, during the attackson UDF-supporting squatter camps by WI T D O E K Evigilantes, acting with the tacit approval and aid of thesecurity forces. Over 60 people were killed in theattacks and 20 000 homes destro y e d .NDZAMA, Joyce (9), was shot dead outside herhome in Daveyton, Tvl, by members of the SADF whow e re passing the house.NDZAMELA, Ian Ndibulele (24), an MK operative, wasdetained and tort u red by members of the Tr a n s k e iSecurity Branch in Umtata, Transkei, in 1987. OneTranskei Security Branch operative was grantedamnesty (AC/2000/076).NDZANDZE, Loyiso (21), a COSAS activist, wasdetained following a demonstration during a student

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  • boycott at King Wi l l i a m ’s Town, Cape, in August 1985.While in detention, he was severely beaten andt o rt u red by members of the SAP. He was taken tohospital with severe head injuries. He fell into a comaand died three days later.NDZEKU, Freddy (14), was shot dead when policef i red on a student protest march in Vi l j o e n s k ro o n ,OFS, on 19 April 1990. Four other protesters werekilled and seven were injured in the shooting.NDZILANE, Ndodana Mlungisi Har o l d (27), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, was shot by members of the CDF in Bisho,Ciskei, on 7 September 1992 during an ANC pro t e s tm a rch to demand free political activity in Ciskei. Thirt ypeople were killed and 200 people injured in the eventwhich became known as the BI S H O M A S S A C R E. Tw omembers of the former CDF were refused amnestyfor the shooting (AC/2000/122).NDZIMA, Douglas Mawethu (24), was shot dead bymembers of the SAP in Zweletemba, Wo rc e s t e r, Cape,on 13 October 1985, several hours after a man wasstoned to death by a crowd. There was extensive unre s tin the township at the time, including S C H O O L B O Y C O T T S,attacks on perceived collaborators and police shootings.NDZIMELA, Naniwe Zofonia , an ANC activist, wasdetained for three years in Bizana, Transkei, andt o rt u red for his involvement in the NO N Q U LWA N A i n c i d e n t.Mr Ndzimela suff e red severe ill-health for the rest ofhis life. See PO N D O L A N D R E V O LT.NDZIMELA, Saul Ngxamile , an ANC support e r, wasa rrested and beaten while in detention in Bizana,Transkei, in June 1960, because of his involvement inthe PO N D O L A N D R E V O LT.NDZIMELA, Sithembiso Robert , was assaulted andhad his pro p e rty destroyed in an attack by support e r sof Chief Jack Mahlangu in July 1975 at Goedere d e ,near Dennilton, KwaNdebele, during conflict over thea re a ’s I N C O R P O R AT I O N into Lebowa. Chief Mahlangus u p p o rted the incorporation of Goederede intoLebowa because it would grant him chief rule butmany residents resisted incorporation. NDZISHE, Rennick , was shot dead on 19 May 1986near Cro s s roads, Cape Town, during the massd e s t ruction of UDF-supporting squatter camps byWI T D O E K E vigilantes, acting with the tacit approval andaid of the security forces. Over 60 people were killedand 20 000 homes destroyed in the attacks.NDZIWENI, Mthuthuzeli (37), a sergeant in theMU N I C I PA L PO L I C E, was stabbed and stoned to death bya named perpetrator during political conflict inAdelaide, Cape, on 27 July 1986.NDZOBELE, Colbert Thamsanqa , was severe l yi n j u red in a limpet mine explosion at the Botha SigcauBuilding, Umtata, Transkei, on 17 April 1986. He laterdied of his injuries. One MK operative applied for andwas granted amnesty (AC/2000/240).N D Z O N G W ANE, Kolase David , (21), an ANCs u p p o rt e r, was beaten to death by members of theSAP on 10 November 1986 in Aliwal North, Cape.N D Z O Y I YANA, Madodana , disappeared in 1961 inBizana, Transkei, during the PO N D O L A N D R E V O LT. He hasnever been seen again.

    NDZUBE, Jackson (34), was detained with fourothers under emergency regulations in SomersetWest, Cape Town, in April 1960, during the anti-PassLaw campaign. He then served six months of a one-year sentence before winning an appeal.NDZUBE, Ntombi Monica (17), was shot and injure dby members of the SADF while on her way homef rom school in Port Elizabeth on 21 July 1986 duringthe state of emerg e n c y.NDZULE, Wellington Mxolisi (23), a PAC support e rand Rastafarian, was severely tort u red by SAPmembers while in detention in Goodwood and BishopLavis police stations, Cape Town, on 3 March 1986.The police thought he had information about theGU G U L E T U SE V E N. He was charged, but the case waslater dismissed.NDZUMO, Kolisile Saul , a former Transkei cabinetm i n i s t e r, died of excessive bleeding after he wasdetained by the Transkei Police in 1980 in Idutywa,Tr a n s k e i .NDZUNGA, Tembisa (2), was stabbed and injured bymigrant workers from the hostels in Nyanga, CapeTown, on 26 December 1976, in political conflictbetween Nyanga residents and hostel-dwellers duringthe Christmas 1976 period. Twenty-nine people died inthe clashes and many more were injure d .NDZUNGU, Elvis Ngajuse (29), disappeared fro mNtshongweni, KwaZulu, near Hammarsdale, Natal, inM a rch 1988, during intensifying conflict between UDFand Inkatha support e r s .NDZUZO, Lulamile Dani (17), was abducted and shotdead by a member of the SAP in Stutterheim, Cape, on28 August 1988 during the state of emerg e n c y. Policeclaimed that Mr Ndzuzo had been trying to escapef rom the charge office when he was shot. See P O L I C EB R U TA L I T Y.NEBE, Wandile (20), an ANC support e r, was shot bymembers of the CDF in Bisho, Ciskei, on 7 September1992 during an ANC protest march to demand fre epolitical activity in Ciskei. See BI S H O M A S S A C R E. Tw omembers of the former CDF were refused amnestyfor the shooting (AC/2000/122).NEDE, Phillemon Nqaba (75), was severely beatenby a named farmer in March 1990 in Elliot, Cape,allegedly because he attended an ANC march toregister grievances and demands at the magistrate’so ffice. He later died of the injuries sustained duringthe beating.NEELS, Hendrik (19) was arrested with ten otherfriends in Carn a rvon, Cape, on 16 June 1986, forwearing black ties commemorating those who died inthe SO W E T O U P R I S I N G. He was repeatedly beaten bynamed members of the SAP at the police station anddetained for 72 days under emergency regulations atC a rn a rvon and then at Victor Verster prison, Paarl,Cape. See P O L I C E B R U TA L I T Y.NEELS, Phillip Peter (17), was arrested with ten otherfriends in Carn a rvon, Cape, on 16 June 1986, forwearing black ties commemorating those who died inthe SO W E T O U P R I S I N G. He was repeatedly beaten bynamed members of the SAP at the police station and

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  • detained under the emergency regulations for 72 daysat Carn a rvon and then at Victor Verster prison, Paarl,Cape. See P O L I C E B R U TA L I T Y.NEER, Dennis Sehloho , an ANC supporter and tradeunion leader, was detained and severely tort u red by thehelicopter method, beating and attempted suff o c a t i o nby named members of the Security Police at Louis leGrange Square police station, Port Elizabeth, in August1985 during the partial state of emerg e n c y. See P O L I C EB R U TA L I T Y.NEFOLOVHODWE, W i l d re d , lost his home in an arsonattack by a group of community residents in Venda on10 March 1990. Nine people were killed and 11 housesb u rnt down in attacks on people accused of practisingwitchcraft to impede the community’s campaign forre-incorporation of the homeland into South Africa. Tw oANC supporters were refused amnesty (AC/2000/094).NEL, Anton , a corporal in the South African Air Forc e(SAAF), was killed when MK operatives detonated anexplosive in a car outside the SAAF headquarters inC h u rch Street, Pretoria, on 20 May 1983. Tw e n t y - o n epeople were killed and 217 injured. The overallcommander of MK’s Special Operations Unit and twoMK operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/003 andAC/2001/023). See CH U R C H ST R E E T B O M B I N G, PR E T O R I A.NEL, GJ , was injured when MK operatives detonatedan explosive in a car outside the South African AirF o rce (SAAF) headquarters in Church Street, Pre t o r i a ,on 20 May 1983. Twenty-one people were killed and217 injured. The overall commander of MK’s SpecialOperations Unit and two MK operatives were grantedamnesty (AC/2001/003 and AC/2001/023). See CH U R C HST R E E T B O M B I N G, PR E T O R I A.NEL, Jan Johannes , suff e red severe trauma on 23M a rch 1993 when APLA operatives, armed withautomatic weapons and hand grenades, stormed theYellowwoods Hotel, in Fort Beaufort, Cape, and openedf i re on staff and patrons. One person was shot dead inthe attack. See APLA AT TA C K S. Three perpetrators weregranted amnesty (AC/2000/225).NEL, Jeanne Y o l e t t e , an employee of the NationalPeace Secretariat, suff e red extensive shrapnel andbrain injuries in a hand grenade explosion on 25 May1993 in Kimberley, Cape, during an ANC protest marc hto the Bophuthatswana consulate. Two MK operativest h rew a hand grenade at the building which bouncedback into the crowd, killing one person and injuring 41others. Two ANC members were wrongly convicted ofthe killing. Four MK operatives and ANC members,two of whom denied guilt, were refused amnesty(AC/2000/053 and AC/2000/241).NEL, Joachim Mar t i n u s , a member of the SAP, wasshot dead by a captured MK operative being transport e din the back of a police vehicle in Messina, Tvl, on 26December 1986. A colleague was shot dead in theincident. The MK operative escaped, was re c a p t u re dand sentenced to death, but was later released as apolitical prisoner. The MK operative was grantedamnesty for the incident (AC/2001/093).NEL, Mhlabeni Jacob (44), an ANC support e r, wass e v e rely beaten by AM A S O L O M Z I vigilantes and

    members of the SAP as they searched for hisdaughter on 4 April 1986 in Zolani, Ashton, Cape.NEL, N , was injured when MK operatives detonatedan explosive in a car outside the South African AirF o rce (SAAF) headquarters in Church Street, Pre t o r i a ,on 20 May 1983. Twenty-one people were killed and217 injured. The overall commander of MK’s SpecialOperations Unit and two MK operatives were grantedamnesty (AC/2001/003 and AC/2001/023). See CH U R C HST R E E T B O M B I N G, PR E T O R I A.NEL, Nomvula Mar g a r et (36), was severely beatenby AM A S O L O M Z I vigilantes and members of the SAP asthey searched for her daughter on 4 April 1986 inZolani, Ashton, Cape.NEL, VA , was injured when members of MK’s SpecialOperations Unit detonated an explosive in a car outsidethe SADF Witwatersrand Command headquarters inJ o h a n n e s b u rg on 30 July 1987. At least 68 peoplew e re injured. Three MK operatives and one UDFs u p p o rter linked to MK were granted amnesty for theirroles in this attack (AC/2001/0003 and AC/2000/248).NEL, WA , and other SAP members, survived anexplosion when the arm o u red vehicle in which theyw e re travelling detonated a landmine in Mamelodi,P retoria, on 16 Febru a ry 1986. One MK operative wasgranted amnesty for his part in causing the explosion(AC/2000/195). See ANC L A N D M I N E C A M PA I G N.NEL, WP, a civilian, was shot at when armed MKoperatives attacked the Wo n d e r b o o m p o o rt policestation, Pretoria, on 26 December 1981. One MKoperative was granted amnesty (AC/2000/195).NELANI, Mzwanele Melton (21), was shot in thehead in Alexandra, Johannesburg, on 9 June 1986 by anamed member of the SAP who fired pellets at peopleattending a mass funeral. In a court case afterw a rd s ,police accused Mr Nelani of burning the house of thep e r p e t r a t o r. He was sentenced to five years’ impris-onment, with two years suspended.NELANI, Simon (23), an ANC support e r, was detainedunder emergency regulations in Febru a ry 1987 atKirkwood, Cape, and held for six months during whichhe was severely beaten and tort u red by members ofthe SAP who allegedly wanted to know thew h e reabouts of his bro t h e r, also an activist. He wasdetained twice during this period.NELANI, Zoyisile William (21), an ANC member, wasdetained and tort u red in 1960 and 1963 in the Tr a n s k e ia rea, Cape. In 1971 he was again detained and tort u re din John Vorster Square police station, Johannesburgby named Security Policemen. In 1976 and 1977 hewas detained in the Transkei, each time for six months,during anti-independence protests. After beingdetained in 1979 in Umtata, Cape, he was severe l yt o rt u red in an East London police station. He wasc h a rged with treason, convicted, and served fiveyears’ imprisonment on Robben Island.NELUSHI, Matodzi Alphonso (27), was detained bymembers of the Venda police in Vuwani, Venda, on 7August 1989, allegedly because they believed him tobe in possession of ANC literature. He was held indetention for 90 days, during which he was tort u re d .

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  • NELUSI, Mulala Edward (25), a member of the SAP,was severely injured by APLA supporters in an attackon a police vehicle at Diepkloof, Soweto, Johannesburg,on 28 May 1993. Another police member was killed inthe attack. See APLA AT TA C K S. One APLA member wasgranted amnesty (AC/1998/0050).N E M AVHOLA, Aifheli Mecro (36), was present whena limpet mine, planted by MK operatives, explodedduring lunchtime at the Wimpy restaurant in Benoni,Tvl, on 30 July 1988. One woman was killed and atleast 66 people were injured. Four MK operativesw e re granted amnesty for the planning and executionof the attack (AC/1999/0294).NEMBIDZANI, Khantshi Willie (30), was detainedand tort u red in Alexandra, Johannesburg, in April 1993during conflict between IFP-aligned hostel-dwellersand ANC-supporting re s i d e n t s .NEMBULA, Eugene Senzo (20), an ANC support e r,was shot in the heart by an IFP supporter inKwaMakhutha, Amanzimtoti, near Durban, on 12November 1992. The incident followed the killing of apolice off i c e r.NEMBULA, Thiyabantu (57), an ANC support e r, wasshot dead by an IFP supporter in KwaMakhutha,Amanzimtoti, near Durban, on 9 December 1992.NENE, Andries (29), an ANC support e r, had his homeset set alight by IFP supporters in Matshaheni, nearImbali, Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 14 December 1990. MrNene escaped with burn wounds, but his twin bro t h e rwas burnt to death inside the house.NENE, Bekinkosi Selby Norman (20), a COSASm e m b e r, was severely beaten, tied to a chair andb u rnt with cigarettes while in detention in Newcastle,Natal, in August 1986. Mr Nene played a pro m i n e n trole in the organisation of political meetings andboycotts during the state of emerg e n c y.NENE, Bongani Ewert , was shot dead by namedmembers of the Chesterv i l l e A - TE A M during politicalconflict in Chesterville, Durban, on 30 December 1986.NENE, Clemencia B (63), was abducted and stabbedto death by Inkatha supporters in Elufafa, Ixopo, Natal,on 18 June 1990, allegedly during an attack targ e t i n gher daughter, who was an ANC support e r. Her housewas burnt down in the same incident.NENE, Cliff Siboniso (22), was stabbed, beaten andstoned to death by Inkatha supporters during politicalconflict in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 15June 1987.NENE, December Anthony , an IFP support e r, wasshot dead by ANC supporters in Bhekezulu, Estcourt ,Natal, on 11 January 1994, in the run-up to the AP R I L1994 E L E C T I O N S. NENE, Elizabeth Nobuhle (42), an ANC support e r,had her home at Ekuthuleni, Umlazi, Durban, burn tdown by IFP supporters on 2 Febru a ry 1992. Eightpeople were killed and more than 120 homes wereb u rnt down. See EK U T H U L E N I AT TA C K S.NENE, Florence Fisani (34), an ANC support e r, had herhouse in Elufafa, Ixopo, Natal, burnt down by namedInkatha supporters on 18 June 1990. Her mother wasabducted and stabbed to death in the attack.

    NENE, Henry Wilson Mduduzi (29), an ANC support e r,was shot and hacked to death by Inkatha support e r snear Hammarsdale, Natal, on 20 October 1989.NENE, Jabulile Mildred (42), had her house burn tdown in KwaMthethwa, KwaZulu, near Empangeni,Natal, on 11 November 1992 in ongoing conflictbetween IFP and ANC support e r s .NENE, Johan Ntandoyenkosi (30), an ANC support e r,was stoned, stabbed and beaten to death by a namedAZAPO supporter during conflict between the twoo rganisations in KwaNdengezi, KwaZulu, nearPinetown, Natal, on 6 April 1990.NENE, Mandla Abednigo (42), was severely injure dwhen members of the O rde Boere v o l k opened firewith automatic weapons on a passenger bus inDurban on 9 October 1990. Seven people were killedand 27 injured in the attack. See PU T C O B U S AT TA C K.Amnesty was granted to two of the three applicantsand refused to the leader of the unit (AC/1997/0053).NENE, Mathombi Norah (27), had her house inNdwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, destroyed in anarson attack by IFP supporters during ongoing politicalconflict in 1991.NENE, Michael Sipho (33), a UDF support e r, wasshot dead by a UDF breakaway group known as the‘Msimango Boys’ and members of the AM AVA R AVA R Aduring political conflict in KwaNdengezi, KwaZulu, nearPinetown, Natal, 3 March 1990. Seven other peoplew e re killed in the attack.NENE, Mqanjelwa Mathews (38) an ANC support e r,had his house in Pieterm a r i t z b u rg set alight on 1 Marc h1990 during intense conflict between ANC and IFPs u p p o rt e r s .NENE, Musawenkosi Frank , was shot and woundedwhen ANC security guards opened fire from the ANCh e a d q u a rters at Shell House, Johannesburg, on a cro w dof IFP marchers, on 28 March 1994. At least ninem a rchers were killed and around 100 injured. Ten ANCsecurity guards were granted amnesty (AC/2000/142).NENE, Nelisiwe (43), had her furn i t u re stolen and herhouse petrol-bombed by IFP supporters during politicalconflict in Eshowe, Natal, in 1993.NENE, Ngenbeni Minah Makhanyile (63), had herhouse destroyed in an arson attack by IFP support e r sduring political conflict at Matshaheni, near Imbali,P i e t e rm a r i t z b u rg, on 14 December 1990. One of hersons, an ANC support e r, was burnt to death inside thehouse while the other managed to escape with burni n j u r i e s .NENE, Nomusa Rebecca (23), was stabbed to deathby Special Constables during political conflict inMpumalanga, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 26 December1989. She was allegedly targeted because she had arelationship with an ANC support e r.NENE, Pius (29), an ANC support e r, was burnt to deathwhen his home was set alight by IFP supporters inMatshaheni, near Imbali, Pieterm a r i t z b u rg, on 14December 1990. His twin brother managed to escapewith burn injuries.NENE, Sibusiso Kenneth (21), a UDF activist, was shotdead by named member of the KWAZU L U PO L I C E d u r i n g

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  • political conflict in Umlazi, Durban, on 2 October 1990.Two other UDF supporters were also shot and killed inthe same incident.NENE, Sipho (34), an ANC support e r, was shot dead inMpophomeni, KwaZulu, near Howick, Natal, on 14 April1993 in ongoing conflict between IFP and ANCs u p p o rters in the area. Seven people were killed in thef i g h t i n g .NENE, Siphumelele (9), was shot in the leg by Inkathas u p p o rters at Caluza, KwaZulu, near Pieterm a r i t z b u rg ,on 28 March 1990 during the S E V E N-D AY WA R. Hergrandfather was fatally injured in the attack.NENE, Steven (72), sustained severe head injurieswhen he was beaten by members of the Ciskei Policeat Tamara police station, King Wi l l i a m ’s Town, Cape,during November 1990. The
