Nct newark winter 2014 web



NCT Newark & Southwell branch Newsletter Winter 2014. Includes a birth story, branch news, and details about future branch events.

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NCT Newark and Southwell 1

Newark & Southwell

Winter 2014

©NCT, Alexandra House, Oldham Terrace London W3 6NH, Registered charity no. 801395

Branch news and events

Nearly New Sale dates

Birth Story

Baby First Aid Course

Please don’t throw me away, pass me on to a friend today



About this issue and branch news About this issue and branch news


to our winter 2014 newsletter. This will be our last winter newsletter for now. From 2015 we will only send out 3 newsletters per year in February, May and September. In this newsletter I am sharing the birth story of my daughter Lara who was born in July this year. The pictures on the front cover are me and my family on the day Lara was born. If you have photos or stories to share, please send them to me for one of our future newsletters! Your contribution will be much appreciated and you do not have to be a member to share your story :) We will run regular Baby First Aid Courses now. The first one will be on the 2nd February 2015 in Bingham (see page 3 for more details). We continue to run our popular Nearly New Sales (dates, see below), coffee and play on Mondays and Thursdays (p.7 &12) as well as social evenings (p.12). We could not run any of these events or produce this newsletter without our great

volunteers. Thank you everyone! If you would like to join us, please get in touch! Have a great festive season and new year!

Tina x Newsletter Editor and Branch Co-ordinator

National Childbirth Trust

This publication costs £2.00 to produce and is sent for free to our members. Donations to support our work are welcome.

The information in this newsletter is for the benefit of NCT (National Childbirth Trust) members and

beneficiaries. It may be used only in connection with NCT activities and may not be used for any commercial purposes. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of NCT. The information contained in this newsletter should not be reproduced without the editor's

consent in writing. The appearance of an advertisement in this newsletter does not imply endorsement of the company or its products by NCT, nor does it constitute a recommendation. However, it is always worth men-tioning when replying to an advertisement that you saw it in an NCT newsletter. NCT cannot be held

liable for loss, damage or injury arising out of goods sold through any advertisements in this newslet-ter. Any discount offered to NCT members by any advertisement is done so entirely at the discretion of the advertiser. Our branch is run by volunteers. We are mostly parents with young children working

from home which means we are not always available. Please be considerate of meal/bed times if you telephone us, and allow a few days for us to respond to emails. This includes our agents such as bra fitters, valley cushion and pump agents, and also our breastfeeding counsellors and peer supporters.

Our next Nearly New Sales are on 14th March 2015 13th June 2015 10th Oct 2015

NCT Newark and Southwell 3

Welcome .................................................................................................................. 2 Breast Pump Hire ..................................................................................................... 3 Birth Story - Lara’s birth ............................................................................................ 4 New Arrivals - Birth Announcements ......................................................................... 4 Advertising in this newsletter ..................................................................................... 5 NCT Shop ................................................................................................................ 6 Diary Dates & Branch News ..................................................................................... 7 Branch Contacts ....................................................................................................... 10 Coffee and Play dates ............................................................................................... 12

In this issue

Tina Gibbs

01949 876203

Baby First Aid Course 2nd February 2015

We are running our first Baby First Aid Course on

2nd February 2015, 7pm-9:30pm The Old Church House, East Street, Bingham,

NG138DR. £25 per person or £45 per couple (or two friends). To book, please go to our website and select Baby First Aid Course from the menu on the right.


After having had a homebirth with my second child, I was planning a homebirth again. The first part of the pregnancy, we were living in Gloucestershire, where my other children were born. Just after the Easter holidays, we moved in with my mother-in-law in Nottinghamshire because of some delay on our house sale & purchase. Our oldest had been offered a place in school which we wanted to accept.

The more the move got delayed, the more nervous I got about my homebirth. I did not like the thought of giving birth at my mother-in-law’s house or hospital… Luckily, about 4 weeks before my due date we finally got to move into our new home. Phew! Pregnancy was going well and local midwives were very supportive of a homebirth.

My due date came and went and I felt nervous again fearing an induction. My midwife booked me in for an induction for 12 days after my due date.

On the 23rd July (40weeks+8 days) I had a show at 3:30am. Hopeful, that I may not have to be induced and could have my homebirth, I went back to bed. Contractions started and at 4:30am, I woke up my hubby to attach the TENS machine for me. At 5:30am my little boys (5 and 3) came into our bedroom to say good morning. They were well excited when we told them that their little sister is finally on her way into this world :)

We went downstairs and my boys watched me inflating the birthing pool. Hubby called his mum to ask whether she could look after the boys today. I called the midwives around 8am and we agreed that I wait until after 9am when the community midwives start their shift. Around 9:45am the midwives and a student midwife arrived. When I was finally ready to go into the pool, hubby got the tv ready and put on Bridget Jones. Hubby and the midwives were eating brownies I made earlier - I did not fancy anything to eat. I was focussing on my contractions and Bridget, feeling safe, warm and relaxed in the pool. One of the midwives had recently completed an aromatherapy training and was offering aromatherapy. The smell of clary sage and lavender was very relaxing and is supposed to stimulate contractions.

Around lunchtime, I decided that I should eat something. Hubby made me some toast but when that was ready, I said ’Sorry, but I have to push!’ About 30 minutes later, Lara was born at 12:15. Mum and baby exhausted but well :)

The birth of the placenta happened on dry land when our post woman came to pass our mail through the window. She must have noticed what was going on as we had a card from her in our post-box the next day.

Pictures for this story are on the front cover.

New Arrivals

Zara Imogen Harbottle was born at King's Mill hospital on the 12th Sep-tember at 10.34 am weighing 6lbs 14 oz to Anne-Marie and Gareth Harbottle.

Congratulations! We’d love to hear about your new baby so if you’d like us to include you in the next issue of the news-

letter please email details to Tina at

Lara’s Birth By Tina Gibbs

NCT Newark and Southwell 5

Issue Publication date

Spring 1st February 2015

Summer 1st May 2015

Autumn 15th September 2015

Advertising with the NCT

Newark and Southwell Why not advertise in our next newslet-ter? Advertising rates start at £35 for a year and we reach many parents across our area. To advertise or for more information please email Tina:


5% off for

you and 5% for our

branch; quote BRNCT634

NCT Newark and Southwell 7


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Coffee and Play

Each Monday afternoon & Thursday morning, we get together for a couple of hours. All parents (members and non members) are welcome. A list of venues is on page 12. If you’d like to come along, please telephone the host on the day to check it is still running and to give them an idea of numbers. Please don’t assume that it is cancelled if you don’t get a reply; it may be that they are doing the school or nursery run! On the second Monday of each month we meet at the Hawtonville Children’s Centre on Bowbridge Road in Newark. On the last Monday of each month we meet in Bingham at Tina’s house. If you’d like to host a group or have any queries please contact Melinda:; 01636 651870

Nearly New Sales Our next NNSs are on the 14th March 2015, 13th June 2015 and 10th

October 2015.

Winter 2014 - News We had a really successful and enjoyable first aid course in Newark. We

will organise more first aid courses for next year. Please subscribe to our email newsletter to receive an invite.

There will be no Christmas party this year as we don’t have enough volunteers to organise it :( If you would like to get involved, please contact us

We will decorate a Christmas tree at the Newark Christmas Tree Festival . Come and see our tree!

Baby First Aid Course - 2nd February 2015 We are running our first Baby First Aid Course on

2nd February 2015, 7pm-9:30pm The Old Church House, East Street, Bingham, NG138DR.

£25 per person or £45 per couple (or two friends). To book, please go to our website and select

Baby First Aid Course from the menu on the right.

Nights out Every 2nd Monday of the month, 8pm at Pizza Express Newark.

If you fancy coming along to one of our nights out (and do feel free to bring a friend) and want to know more or arrange to share a lift or walk with someone, please get in touch with Tina on; 01949 876203


NCT Newark and Southwell 9


What do breastfeeding counsellors do? Breastfeeding counsellors are trained to help a mother have a rewarding experience of breastfeeding. We understand how difficult and distressing breastfeeding can be when it doesn’t go well/ We also understand the feelings a mother may experience when she decides she wants to change to formula feeding, and we can ease the transition to formula if this is what a mither decides she wants to do. Sometimes, a mother wants to use formula alongside maintaining some breastfeeding. A breastfeeding counsellor would share information with her, explain what the impact on breastfeeding might be and also explain ways of using formula which had the least impact on her choice to breastfeed.

Branch Contacts

Branch Coordinator / Chair Tina Gibbs

Treasurer Louise Harris 07876772994

Membership Coordinator Melinda Dixon 01636 651870

Parent Support Coordinator Helen Mison 07855 370358

Secretary Anne-Marie Harbottle 01636 643883

Publicity Officer Eleanor

NNS Coordinator Debbie Mann

Coffee Coordinator Melinda Dixon 01636 651870

Branch Newsletter Team

Editor Tina Gibbs

Advertising Tina Gibbs

NCT courses booking and information

Booking & Information Local admin 0208 752 9129

Antenatal Teacher Jeanette Dennison

Antenatal Teacher Tina Gibbs; 07807098059


National breastfeeding helpline 0300 330 0700

Breast-pump hire agent Tina Gibbs 01949 876203

Homebirth Support

Tina & Nick Gibbs 01949 876203

Get in touch and get involved The NCT Newark & Southwell branch is run by volunteers who give up a few hours of

their time every now and again. We’re always looking for new volunteers. If you’d like to get involved simply contact us!

Our branch is run by volunteers. We are mostly parents with young children, some of us work full or part-time. We are volunteering from home which means we are not always available. Please allow a few days for us to respond to emails. This includes our agents such as bra fitters,

valley cushion and pump agents, and also our breastfeeding counsellors and peer supporters.

NCT Newark and Southwell 11



Monday 1st Anne-Marie Harbottle 13.30-15.30 Newark

Thursday 4th Melinda Dixon 9.30-11.30 Balderton

Monday 8th Children’s Centre 13.00 – 15.00 Newark

Thursday 11th Debbie Mann 9.30-11.30 Newark

Monday 15th Marion Fox Goddard 12.30 – 2.30 Newark

Thursday 18th

Monday 22nd

Monday 29th Tina Gibbs 12:30-2:30pm Bingham


Monday 5th Melinda Dixon 13.15-14.45 Balderton

Thursday 8th

Monday 12th Children’s Centre 13.00 – 15.00 Newark

Thursday 15th Debbie Mann 9.30-11.30 Newark

Monday 19th Marion Fox Goddard 12.30 – 2.30 Newark

Thursday 22nd

Monday 26th Tina Gibbs 12:30-2:30pm Bingham

Thursday 29th


Monday 2nd Marion Fox Goddard 12.30 – 2.30 Newark

Thursday 5th

Monday 9th Children’s Centre 13.00 – 15.00 Newark C


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Members and non-members welcome

Baby First Aid Course 2nd February 2015

We are running our first Baby First Aid Course

on 2nd February 2015, 7pm-9:30pm

The Old Church House, East Street, Bingham, NG138DR.

See page 3 for more details.
