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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Unit 1

A Triumph of Surgery Class 10

Unit 1 A Triumph of Surgery Exercise Answers & Summary

Read and find out : Solutions of Questions on Page Number : 1 Q1 :

Why is Mrs Pumphrey worried about Tricki?

Answer :

Mrs Pumphrey was worried and distraught because Tricki would not eat anything. It even refused its favourite dishes. It had bouts of vomiting. It spent all its time lying on the rug and panting. It did not want to go for walks or do anything.

Q2 :

What does she do to help him? Is she wise in this?

Answer :

She called the doctor to help Tricki. Yes, her decision was wise. The doctor suggested that Tricki should be hospitalised. She swooned and wailed, but let the dog go with the doctor. Ultimately, the doctor was successful in curing Tricki.

Q3 :

Who does 'I' refer to in this story?

Answer :

In this story, 'I' refers to theveterinary surgeon, Mr Herriot.


Q4 :

Is the narrator as rich as Tricki's mistress?

Answer :

Though not clearly stated, there are instances in the story which suggest that the narrator is not as rich as Tricki's mistress, Mrs Pumphrey.

While the narrator is able to provide Tricki with a warm loose box as a bed, at Mrs Pumphrey's house, Tricki has a day bed, a night bed, cushions, toys, rubber rings, a breakfast bowl, a lunch bowl, a supper bowl, a whole wardrobe of tweed coats and perhaps many more things.

When he arrives to take the dog with him, Mrs Pumphrey has her entire staff at her disposal to transfer all of Tricki's belongings to the doctor's car.

On hearing from the doctor about Tricki's gradual recovery, Mrs Pumphrey sends along two dozen eggs at a time, along with bottles of wine and brandy - all in order to help in Tricki's speedy recovery.

Finally, when she calls upon the narrator to take her recovered dog back home, she comes in a chauffer-driven “thirty feet of gleaming black metal” (an obvious reference to a limousine).

All these instances point to the fact that Mrs Pumphrey lived a luxurious life.

Q5 :

How does he treat the dog?

Answer :

The doctor gave Tricki no food, but plenty of water for two days. Slowly, the dog started showing interest in his surroundings and began mixing with the other dogs at the surgery. On the third day, the doctor saw Tricki licking the empty supper bowls of the other dogs. Next day, a separate bowl was kept for it and the doctor was pleased to note that Tricki had run to eat its food with enthusiasm. From that day onwards, its progress was rapid. It did not require medicinal treatment of any kind and recovered quite well at the end.

Q6 :

Why is he tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest?


Answer :

Mrs Pumphrey had started bringing around eggs to build Tricki's strength. Later, even bottles of wine and brandy began to arrive. The narrator and his partners started enjoying the eggs, wine and brandy meant for Tricki. According to the narrator, they were days of deep content for them - starting with the extra egg in the morning, then the midday wine, and finally finishing the day with brandy. This was the reason why the narrator was tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest.

Q7 :

Why does Mrs Pumphrey think the dog's recovery is "a triumph of surgery"?

Answer :

Mrs Pumphrey thought that the dog's recovery was “a triumph of surgery” because in two weeks, Tricki had recovered completely and had been transformed into a hard-muscled animal. When Tricki saw her, it leaped into her lap and licked her face. She was so excited that tears started rolling out of her eyes. She declared Tricki's recovery as a triumph of surgery to express her happiness and gratitude towards the doctor.

Think about it : Solutions of Questions on Page Number : 6 Q1 :

What kind of a person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense?

Answer :

The narrator is full of common sense. He was very concerned for Tricki when he saw its appearance. He immediately told Mrs Pumphrey to stop giving it food and sweets, and to take it out for daily walks. When she called him to describe Tricki's deteriorating condition, he immediately took the dog with him to the surgery. He took good care of it all the while and helped it recover completely.

He could be called tactful as he enjoyed the eggs, wine and brandy that Mrs Pumphrey had brought for the dog. He was even tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest in order to continue enjoying these luxuries. However, he was a good man. Thus, he called Mrs Pumphrey and told her to take the dog home when it had fully recovered.


Q2 :

Do you think Tricki was happy to go home? What do you think will happen now?

Answer :

Yes, Tricki was very happy to go home. It jumped out of the narrator's arms and leaped into Mrs Pumphrey's lap as soon as it saw her. It licked her and barked. After this, if Mrs Pumphrey takes good care of the dog and does not feed it a lot, it will be as healthy as it is at the end of the story.

Q3 :

Do you think this is a real-life episode, or mere fiction? Or is it a mixture of both?

Answer :

This story could be a mixture of both: real life episode and a mere fiction. The spoiling of the dog's health by a rich mistress is believable and could also be a real life incident. The doctor's advises also depict real life situation. However, the extremely speedy recovery of the dog could be fictitious. Also, the enjoyment of the luxuries (eggs, wine and brandy) by the narrator could be termed as a real life episode as there are people who would do so. The giving up of these luxuries because the owner of the dog would be getting worried is another episode that could be both real life and fiction. At the end, the happiness of Mrs. Pumphrey on seeing her dog healthy seems to be a real life happening. Therefore, the story is a mixture of both real life and fiction.


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Unit 2

The Thief's Story Class 10

Unit 2 The Thief's Story Exercise Answers & Summary

Read and find out : Solutions of Questions on Page Number : 8 Q1 :

Who does 'I' refer to in this story?

Answer :

In this story, 'I' refers to the thief.

Q2 :

What is he "a fairly successful hand" at?

Answer :

He was "a fairly successful hand" at stealing and robbing people.

Q3 :

What does he get from Anil in return for his work?

Answer :

When Hari asked Anil if he could work for him, Anil said that he could not pay him. Finally, the agreement was that if he would cook, then Anil would feed him. However, Anil soon found out that he did not know how to cook. Therefore, he taught him how to cook and later, how to write his name. He promised he would teach him how to write whole sentences and how to add numbers. Apart from this, when Hari went out to buy the day's supplies, he would make a profit of a rupee a day.


Q4 :

How does the thief think Anil will react to the theft?

Answer :

The thief thought that on discovering the theft, Anil's face would show a touch of sadness. The sadness would not be for the loss of money, but for the loss of trust.

Q5 :

What does he say about the different reactions of people when they are robbed?

Answer :

In his short career as a thief, he had made a study of men's faces when they lost their goods. He said that the greedy men showed fear; the rich men showed anger and the poor men showed acceptance.

Q6 :

Does Anil realize that he has been robbed?

Answer :

Yes, Anil had realized that he had been robbed. He knew this probably because all the notes were wet and damp from the rain. However, he did not say anything to the thief and behaved normally.

Think about it : Solutions of Questions on Page Number : 13 Q1 :

What are Hari Singh's reactions to the prospect of receiving an education? Do they change over time? (Hint: compare, for example, the thought: "I knew that once I could write like an educated man there would be no limit to what I could achieve" with these later thoughts: 'Whole sentences, I knew, cloud one day bring me more than a few hundred rupees. It was a simple matter to steal - and sometimes just as simple to be caught. But to be a really big man, a clever and respected man, was something else.") What makes him return to Anil?


Answer :

Initially, when Anil offered to educate him, he thought of it as a bright prospect for himself. He knew that once he could write such as an educated man, there would be no limit to what he could achieve in his field. For him, the motivation behind getting educated was robbing people. However, later, when he had stolen Anil's money and then missed his train in which he would have escaped, he realized that he had completely forgotten about the whole sentences that Anil had promised to teach him to write. He thought about getting educated in a different light. He thought that it was a simple matter to steal and be caught, but to be a really big, clever and respected man was something else. He was inspired by the trusting and simple nature of Anil. This motivation to earn someone's trust and be respectable made him return to Anil.

Q2 :

Why does not Anil hand the thief over to the police? Do you think most people would have done so? In what ways is Anil different from such employers?

Answer :

Anil does not hand over the thief to the police because he realized that Hari had learnt his lesson and had changed for the better. Otherwise, he would never have come back and kept the money at the same place from where he had stolen it. Anil even knew how Hari cheated him of a rupee a day while buying the day's supplies. But he never said anything to him. This is such a case where most people would have handed him over to the police. Anil was different from such employers because he was a modest and trusting man. He had offered to teach Hari how to cook and also to educate him. When he found out that Hari had stolen the money, but had kept it back, he knew that it was Hari's conscience that had made him do so. Hari could have easily run off with the money, but he did not. This made Anil give him another chance and build him into a better person that he could already see him becoming.


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Unit 3

The Midnight Visitor Class 10

Unit 3 The Midnight Visitor Exercise Answers & Summary

Read and find out : Solutions of Questions on Page Number : 14 Q1 :

How is Ausable different from other secret agents?

Answer :

Ausable was different from other secret agents in more ways than one. He had a small room in the musty corridor of a gloomy French hotel. It was on the sixth and top floor and it was scarcely the setting for a romantic adventure. He was extremely fat. Inspite of living in Paris for over twenty years, he spoke French and German only passably and had an American accent. Instead of getting messages slipped into his hands by dark-eyed beauties, he got only a telephone call making an appointment. In these ways, he was different from the conventional notion of a spy.

Q2 :

Who is Fowler and what is his first authentic thrill of the day?

Answer :

Fowler was a writer and he had come to meet Ausable.

Fowler's first authentic thrill of the day came when he sawa man in Ausable's room pointing a pistol towards Ausable and himself.

Q3 :

How has Max got in?

Answer :

Max had got into the room with a passkey or a master key.


Q4 :

How does Ausable say he got in?

Answer :

Ausable said that he thought Max had got into the room through the balcony. He said that it was the second time in a month that somebody had got into his room this way.

Think about it : Solutions of Questions on Page Number : 18 Q1 :

“Ausable did not fit any description of a secret agent Fowler hand ever read.” What do secret agents in books and films look like, in your opinion? Discuss in groups or in class some stories or movies featuring spies, detectives and secret agents, and compare their appearance with that of Ausable in this story. (You may mention characters from fiction in languages other than English. In English fiction you may have come across Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, or Miss Marple. Hove you watched any movies featuring James Bond?)

Answer :

This question requires you to use your own perspective as well as your analytical skills. The answer to the question would vary from one person to another. It is suggested that you read the text carefully and try attempting it on your own.

Q2 :

How does Ausable manage to make Max believe that there is a balcony attached to his room? Look back at his detailed description of it. What makes it a convincing story?

Answer :

Ausable created a convincing story about the presence of a balcony. He said that twice in a month somebody had entered his room through the balcony. On being questioned by Max about the balcony, he replied with extreme irritation that it was not his balcony. This reaction, which looked natural, played a part in convincing Max. He further told Max explanatorily that his room was earlier a part of a larger unit and the adjoining room


was the one which had the balcony. He said that it extended under his window. His manner of description and speaking convinced Max that there was indeed a balcony under his window.

Q3 :

Looking back at the story, when do you think Ausable thought up his plan for getting rid of Max? Do you think he had worked out his plan in detail right from the beginning? Or did he make up a plan taking advantage of events as they happened?

Answer :

It seems that Ausable had worked out the plan right from the beginning. He did not take any time to let Max know about the presence of a balcony. His story seemed pretty much thought out and he was convincing in his narration. The timing of the knock on the door was perfect because he had already asked the waiter, Henry, to bring him a bottle of drink and two glasses after he returned. Therefore, he was expecting his knock on the door and accordingly, he told Max that it was the police whom he had asked to check in to make sure everything was alright. At the end, the calm with which he told Fowler, who was terrified, that there was no police and that he had expected the waiter to come in with his order shows that he was not surprised by the sudden turn of events and Max's turning up at his room. Such a detailed and well-knit plan gives the impression that it was pre-planned and that he was prepared for it.


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Unit 4

A Question of Trust Class 10

Unit 4 A Question of Trust Exercise Answers & Summary

Read and find out : Solutions of Questions on Page Number : 20 Q1 :

What does Horace Danby like to collect?

Answer :

Horace Danby liked to collect rare and expensive books.

Q2 :

Why does he steal every year?

Answer :

He stole every year so that he could buy the rare and expensive books that he loved to collect. Each year, he planned carefully, stole enough to last twelve months, and secretly bought the books, through an agent.

Q3 :

Who is speaking to Horace Danby?

Answer :

A lady standing in the doorway was speaking to Horace Danby. She was young and pretty, and was dressed in red. She said she had come just in time, or else her family would have been robbed by Horace. She, thus, pretended to be one of the members of the family living at Shotover Grange.


Q4 :

Who is the real culprit in the story?

Answer :

The real culprit was the woman who pretended to be a member of the family living at Shotover Grange. She tricked Horace into believing her, and cleverly took away all the jewels that were kept in the safe.

Think about it : Solutions of Questions on Page Number : 25 Q1 :

Did you begin to suspect, before the end of the story, that the lady was not the person Horace Danby took her to be? If so, at what point did you realize this, and how?

Answer :

Yes, one does begin to suspect before the end of the story that the lady was not the person Horace Danby took her to be. She was unusually calm on seeing Horace. This seemed strange enough. When she did not call the police, and instead asked Horace to take out all the jewels from the safe, even if it meant breaking it open, it seemed suspicious. Moreover, it also seemed unlikely that she would forget the numbers to open the safe. Therefore, it was evident, before the story ended, that the lady was not the person Horace had taken her to be.

Q2 :

What are the subtle ways in which the lady manages to deceive Horace Danby into thinking she is the lady of the house? Why doesn't Horace suspect that something is wrong?

Answer :

The lady managed to deceive Horace Danby into thinking that she was the lady of the house with her subtle ways. She was dressed up pretty well, just like the lady of the house would be dressed. Also, her manner of talking calmly, the way in which she petted the dog, and her going to the fireplace to straighten the ornaments there showed


her familiarity with the place. She regulated her tone and voice according to the situation. Sometimes, she talked in a kind voice. At other times, she spoke in a serious manner. She would laugh occasionally, and then, suddenly, her voice would become sharp. She spoke about how society should be protected from men like Horace. Because of all these things, Horace could not suspect that she was not the lady of the house. He was nervous himself, and was scared of getting caught. The moment he saw that she would let him go, he quickly broke open the safe for her, and promised not to rob again. According to the narrator, he was a 'good, honest citizen'. This was why Horace could not suspect anything.

Q3 :

"Horace Danby was good and respectable - but not completely honest". Why do you think this description is apt for Horace? Why can't he be categorized as a typical thief?

Answer :

"Horace Danby was good and respectable - but not completely honest". This description is apt for Horace. He was about fifty years old. He robbed only from rich people, and his purpose was to buy rare and expensive books with the money. He stole only once a year. The intention of buying books was good. However, the fact that he stole to achieve this end showed that he was not completely honest. He cannot be categorized as a typical thief because he did not steal to eat or drink. He had a house. He made locks, had two people to help him, and was successful in his business. He only stole enough money to buy the books. For a couple of days, he even kept his promise to the lady he met at Shotover Grange by not stealing or planning any robbery.

Q4 :

Horace Danby was a meticulous planner but still he faltered. Where did he go wrong and why?

Answer :

Horace Danby was a meticulous planner, but still he faltered. He used to plan his robberies very well. He knew all the details of the Shotover Grange. He knew the time when there would be no one at the house. He even knew the name of the dog in the house. However, he was completely deceived by the lady he met at the house. He was outdone by her. He was taken in by her subtle ways, and did not realize that she herself could have been a thief. On seeing her, he got scared and started begging her to let him go. When she asked him to take out the jewels for her, he readily agreed. He did not feel any oddity in her leaving him, and not getting him arrested. He was only too happy


and thankful that he could go. In his hurry, he even overlooked the fact that his fingerprints were left all over the safe. He blindly believed the lady, and thus, in spite of his meticulous planning, he faltered.

NCERT Solutions For Class 10Footprints Without Feet

Publisher : Faculty Notes Author : Panel Of Experts

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