NCLB/ESSA Title I Comparability Webinar Presentation ...result in Title I funding being frozen until...


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Comparability Requirements LEAs must use state and local funds to

provide services that are comparable to services being provided in schools that are not receiving Title I funds.

If the LEA uses Title I funding in all of its schools, the LEA must use state and local funds to provide services that are substantially comparable in each project area.

Comparability Requirements LEAs must exclude any federal funding

from their calculations. Salaries paid from federal funds must

be excluded. Vacant positions can not be used in the

analysis. Salaries can not include longevity.

To submit the analysis all schools must be comparable.

Comparability Requirements Due date is November 30th. Prior to this date: Non-comparable schools must be corrected using

your written procedures. Failure to submit the analysis by the due date will

result in Title I funding being frozen until corrections are made.

Should a district fail to demonstrate a comparable level of expenditures throughout the district, future allocations of Title I funding will be in question, and a process to retrieve the Title I funding disbursed to affected schools will be employed.

Comparability Requirements A district is exempt if: They have only one attendance center in the district. All the attendance centers are unique grade spans (K-5,

6-8) The same grade span has enrollments twice the size of

the other. (250 versus 600) The attendance centers have enrollment of less than

100. A district is not exempt if: They have multiple schools with similar grade spans

and similar student enrollments. This includes districts with less than 1000 students.

Comparability Requirements Non-Comparable Schools

Correct the imbalance immediately.

Submit corrected forms to ISBE by Nov. 30th

Non-compliance: Funds Frozen December 1st

Funds will be withheld and/or repaid to ISBE for



Salary Schedule FY16 – FY17 Step BA MA MA+32 1 40,845 44,062 48,531 2 41,900 45,371 50,120 3 43,035 46,771 51,814 4 44,204 48,222 53,572 5 45,419 49,669 55,340

TXT. file

CSV. file

(2017) click here to create it.

2017 – Title I Comparability

Document Status Descriptions: Doc Author – application has been created at the lowest IWAS user level and is waiting to be completed and submitted to the RCDT Admin for review. Admin – application has been created at the RCDT Admin level or is awaiting the superintendent’s review and submittal to ISBE. ISBE Review – application has been submitted to ISBE but is waiting for review/approval. Returned for Changes – ISBE has sent the application back to the district for changes. ISBE Approved – application has been reviewed and tentatively approved by ISBE.

Sample Timelines January – April Engage in district-level budget (State and local funds) discussions

concerning staff, distribution of equipment and materials to ensure compliance with Title I comparability for the upcoming school year.

May – July Conduct meetings with appropriate LEA representatives to discuss the

requirements for completing the annual comparability calculations. Establish participant roles and responsibilities. Establish specific timelines for completion of the calculations. Decide which methodology to use and develop specific written procedures

including procedures for making corrections. August Obtain preliminary information from appropriate LEA staff. Identify Title I and non-Title I schools, grade span groupings, enrollments,

FTEs, “zero or first-step” salaries, expenditures by building…

Sample Timelines September Identify date and collection methodologies for gathering data needed

to complete calculations. October Collect data… including number of Special Ed/ELL FTEs per building. Meet with appropriate staff and calculate comparability. Make corrections to Title I schools shown not to be comparable. November Reconvene appropriate LEA staff to address any outstanding issues. Maintain all required documentation supporting the comparability

calculations and any corrections made to ensure that all Title I schools are comparable.

Due November 30th

Questions Federal and State Monitoring

ISBE 217-782-7970 or
