NCL - 7th June 2016



North County Leader - 7th June 2016

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The improvement works at Swords Castle will takea major step forward when the derelict buildings infront of the Castle at North Street are demolished.The demolition of the North Street buildings willfacilitate necessary masonry consolidation works tothe East Wall of the castle and will involve localtraffic management on North Street, includingtemporary closure of the footpath.The contractors, L&M Keating Ltd, have spent thepast few days preparing the buildings for demolitionon 7th June. Scaffolding has been erected at thefront of the buildings on North Street and the inte-riors are being cleared.On Wednesday last, 1st June, County Mayor, CllrDavid O’Connor, Chief Executive, Paul Reid and anumber of councillors visited the site to be briefedon the preparations for demolition and on theprogress so far on the latest phase in the Council’sdevelopment of the Swords Cultural Quarter.Council Executive Architect, Brian O’Connor toldthem that work on the Gatehouse is well underwayand the demolition of the North Street buildings willfacilitate the commencement of consolidation work

on the East Wall of the Castle. Swords Castle is aNational Monument and the works are subject toMinisterial consent and oversight from Department

of Arts Heritage and the Gaeltacht. The works arepartially funded under a grant issued under theEuropean Regional Development Fund for SwordsCultural Quarter and this phase of the project willcost just under €500,000.

By Patrick Finnegan

There was shock in the communityof Rush, with the news thatsuspected fraud has occurred atRush Credit Union. While no solidinformation is available at the timeof going to press, it appears thatsome €700,000 is unaccounted forat the credit union, which alsocovers the town of Lusk. Thesuspected fraud has beenreported to the gardaí.There are approximately 12,000active members of Rush CreditUnion, which has savings of€25m.The fraud is now under investi-gation by the gardaí andaccountants appointed by theboard of Rush Credit Union, onthe advice of the Central Bank.It is understood that externalaccountants, appointed by theboard of Rush Credit Union haveuncovered evidence that fake loanswere created on the accounts ofmembers.It has been widely accepted thatCredit Unions, which were createdfor local people and are manned bylocals, were the last bastion ofhonesty and trust for locals, whoviewed Credit Unions as the place tostore their savings. This has addedto the concerns of residents.The County Leader contactedPatrick Devanney, Manager of RushCredit Union, in an effort to portraythe Credit Union’s side of the story.A statement was issued, which

some members may find a littleshort on information.The statement read, “In February2016, the Board of Rush CreditUnion Limited appointed GrantThornton to carry out an indepen-dent review on behalf of the Board

following the identification by theBoard of a transaction requiringexamination. The external reviewprocess is nearly complete and areport is being prepared for theBoard. The Central Bank and theGarda Síochána were informed ofthe situation some time ago.”“The Credit Union continues tooperate as normal and provide allusual services to its members.There is no implication for thesavings of any of our accountholders,” the statement concluded.It does not indicate if a full explana-tion will be given to its membership.Local Fine Gael senator, JamesReilly, has said that he is concerned

that issues have arisen at Rush-Lusk Credit Union.“These reports are worrying andmust be fully investigated as amatter of urgency.“However, I am reassured to knowthat the savings of the members are

not at risk and that themembers’ savings are fullyguaranteed by the State’sDeposit Guarantee Schemeand by the Irish League ofCredit Unions SavingsProtection Scheme.“Credit Unions are a vital partof every community and I lookforward to seeing Rush-LuskCredit Union continue to serve its members at its two branches in Rush andLusk,” he said.

Local councillor, Barry Martin (PBP),who is a member of the Credit Uniontold the County Leader, “This isshocking news and the initialconcerns must be for the membersand for the future of the CreditUnion itself. As there hasn’t been any conclusive finding as yet,it is difficult to comment properly,”he said.The revelations come as pressuremounts on smaller credit unionsfrom the Central Bank to merge withstronger ones. The controversy hasprompted the Central Bank to insistthat members’ money is safe, whichwill be of some consolation to savers.

Rush Rocked By Scandal

Major Milestone InSwords Castle Project

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Dublin Is First Airport To MapRunway With Google Street ViewDublin Airport hasbecome the first airport inthe world to provide avirtual tour of its runwayand airfield.In partnership withGoogle, Dublin Airport isoffering a 3600 streetlevel virtual tour of itsrunway system andairfield areas.Thousands of imageswere captured byGoogle’s Street View carwhich were compiledtogether to give acomprehensive 360ovirtual tour of the runwayand airfield at DublinAirport.

As it was collectingimagery in a live airfieldenvironment, the Googlevehicle was escorted byDublin Airport personnelat all times to ensureairfield safety require-ments were met.Dublin Airport GoogleStreet View can beaccessed

from any desktop ormobile device by simplytyping ‘Dublin Airport’into the search bar. All75,000 square metres ofterminals 1 and 2 werecaptured previously andare also available to viewin the dedicated gallery ofthe Street View website.The gallery is also acces-sible through the StreetView App.In other Airport news,Turkish Airlines cele-brated 10 years of flyingdirect services betweenDublin Airport andIstanbul at a reception inDublin Airport and DublinAirport hosted an eventcelebrating the 10thanniversary of theEuropean Directive givingspecific rights for passen-gers with reducedmobility at EU airports.Meanwhile DublinAirport, Tourism Irelandand IDA Ireland arecoming together to show-case Ireland’s collabora-tive approach in drivingaviation, tourism and

foreign direct investmentin Ireland to delegatesattending theInternational AirTransport Association(IATA) Annual GeneralMeeting and conferencein Dublin this month.The three-day conferencewill took place in the RDSfrom June 1 and wasattended by more than600 airline delegatesfrom over 100 airlinesglobally. A number ofstrategic partners in theaircraft leasing andfinancing area, as well as

aviation service providers,aircraft manufacturersand maintenance organi-sations also attending.The conference was lasthosted in Dublin in 1962Dublin Airport had itsbusiest year ever in 2015facilitating a record 25million passengers andwelcoming an extra 3.3million passengers.Passenger numbers areup 15 per cent for the firstfour months of the yearwith 7.8 million passen-gers travelling in Januaryto April. The number of

passengers using DublinAirport as a hub toconnect to an onwarddestination is up byalmost 50 per cent in thefirst four months of theyear when compared to2015. Dublin Airport hasdirect flights to over 180destinations in 40 coun-tries on four continents.Dublin Airport is a keyeconomic engine for theIrish economy, as itsupports or facilitates atotal of 97,400 jobs andcontributes €6.9 billion tothe Irish economy.

Pictured at the birthday party celebrating Turkish Airlines 10th anniversary operating atDublin Airport are, In-flight chef, Yakup Mutlu; Hasan Mutlu (General Manager, TurkishAirlines Ireland), Dr. Temel Kotil (CEO Turkish Airlines), Vincent Harrison (ManagingDirector, Dublin Airport) and In-flight chef, Fatma Betul Gencoglu

Small businesses supported by theLocal Enterprise Offices show jobsgrowth in the North County andthroughout the country.A net total of 164 new full and part-time jobs were delivered in 2015 by174 small businesses from Fingal thathave been supported by theLocal Enterprise Office,according to the results ofthe latest LEO annual jobssurvey published byMinister Mary MitchellO’Connor, T.D. The LEOfigures, compiled byEnterprise Ireland, showthat in 2015, 197 new fulland part time jobs were created ingross terms. The numbers employedin LEO supportedsmall businessescurrently stand at723. In welcomingthe publication ofthe 2015 results,Oisin Geoghegan,Head of Enterprise inFingal said: “Thestrength of LocalEnterprise Officeslies in their local knowledge, theirexpertise and their accessibility forsmall businesses throughout theLocal Authorities Network. The

results from the annual employmentsurvey are a great achievement forthe team here in the LEO and reflectthe hard work and commitment toentrepreneurship and job creation.Working in close partnership with theDepartment of Jobs, Enterprise and

Innovation, EnterpriseIreland, the LocalAuthorities and ourcolleagues across otherLEOs, GovernmentDepartments, state agen-cies and bodies, we want toencourage even more start-ups and small businesses toknock on the door of their

Local Enterprise Office.” Speaking onbehalf of Local Authorities, ChiefExecutive and Chair of the CRICommittee on EconomicDevelopment & Enterprise Paul Reidsaid “The LEO jobs performanceunderlines the potential for creatingjobs at local level. It is critical that theinfrastructure and supports are inplace to stimulate local businessdevelopment and encourage localentrepreneurs. Working as part of thewider economic remit of the LocalAuthorities, the LEOs are the launchpad for new enterprises, businessgrowth and job creation in everycounty”.

164 Local Jobs Created By LEO

Oisin Geoghegan

07.06.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0322 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Sixteen-year-old, Amy Campbell fromBalbriggan is a remarkable young girl, whohas overcome blindness to play the UilleannPipes at a concert in the presence ofTaoiseach, Enda Kenny and US Vice-President,Joe Biden at the Kennedy Centre inWashington.

Amy, who is blind from birth has been playingthe uilleann pipes for the past five years,explained how she was chosen to entertainsuch important guests in Washington. She said,“My music teacher rang my mother to tell herthat I had been invited to play at the KennedyCentre. Someone who had heard me playcontacted my piping teacher, Gay McKeownand he was looking for pipers.Amy went on the trip with her teacher who isCEO of Piobaire Uilleann and also Emmet Gill,another piper. Amy said that she wasn’t

nervous at all, but really excited about beingchosen.Taoiseach Enda Kenny shook my hand and hewanted to get a picture with me, but I unfortu-nately didn’t get to meet the Vice-President.The concert included a number of well-knownpeople, like actress, Fiona Shaw, Irish dancer,Colin Dunne as well as a lot of other Irish stars.I was invited to dinner afterwards and got tomeet many people.Amy’s parents, Sarah and John and her familyare as proud as punch of Amy. Sarah said,“We’re so proud of her – it’s great, particularlyas she took up playing the uilleann pipes on awhim five years ago. Na Piobaire Uilleann do anOutreach programme all over the country, justto see if they can get people to take up thepipes, as it’s not a common instrument.Prior to taking up the uilleann pipes, Amy trieda number of different musical instruments andshe just took to the pipes and she is passionateabout them. Amy practices the uilleann pipes

every evening, such is her dedication. Sarahexplained that Amy’s condition, Optic NerveHypoplasia can sometimes lead to people beingmusical.Asked if the uilleann pipes were difficult tomaster, Amy replied, “I found it a bit difficult atfirst, but it became easy as time passed. I go tothe Willie Clancy Summer School in Clare everyyear and I’m looking forward to this year’sevent.,” said Amy who had an exam only lastweek.Amy is no stranger to playing for famous peopleand indeed she already played for theTaoiseach on St Patrick’s Day this year, as wellas for President Michael D Higgins in July lastyear, when he officially opened Gairdin nabPiobaire at the Seamus Ennis Centre in Naul.Amy, who regularly plays at Mass inBalbriggan, hopes to teach the pipes at sometime in the future and we have no doubt thatthis inspirational girl will carve out a glitteringcareer for herself in the not so distant future.

Inspirational Amy Wows Them In Washington

By Patrick Finnegan

Pictured is Amy Campbell as she practises the UileannPipes at her home in Balbriggan

Swords Men’s Sheds are set tohave a new base on the site ofthe new Aldi Supermarket onSeatown Road in the town.The new location will be signif-icantly larger and more effec-tive than their present base atthe Riasc Centre in Kinsealyand it’s all down to the extra-ordinary generosity of thedevelopers of the site.Michael Quinn, Treasurer ofSwords Men’s Sheds told theCounty Leader about how thisvery welcome, albeit unusualnew location was acquired. Hesaid, “The developer of thesite here is RhonellenDevelopments and theowners, Anthony and PaulDunne came to us about ayear ago and told us that theywould like to put a structureon the site for Swords Men’sSheds.“We were absolutely shockedinitially and one of our membersremarked after the meeting thathe had stopped believing in Santayears ago. As discussions wenton, we discovered that thesepeople were very genuine andtheir philosophy was very simple.Anthony said that they wanted toleave something behind for thecommunity. They believed thatbecause we were stuck for spaceand that they believed in the

Men’s Sheds idea and how gooda place it is for retired and unem-ployed men. They decided theywould build a structure here,provided they got planningpermission. The first attempt wasunsuccessful, due in the main to

this being a heritage site, butthey eventually succeeded ingetting permission. It ishoped that the new Men’sShed should be ready aboutnext Easter, thanks to thegenerosity of Anthony andPaul Dunne. “Funding will benecessary to fit out the newpremises anda concert isplanned totake place inDecember atthe RiascCentre. Thiswill completely transform theSwords Men’s Shed, as it willallow us to open for longerhours,” said Michael.The new site will comprise

1400 square feet floor space withscope for a mezzanine floorwhich would gives us another800 square feet of space. Therewill also be three car parkingspaces to the west end of thebuilding.

Generous Act Ensures FutureOf Swords Men’s Shed

Treasurer of Swords Men's Shed, Michael Quinnis pictured at the site of the new Swords Men'sShed, which will be located beside the new AldiSupermarket at Seatown Road, Swords

Estuary Clean Up In SwordsKen Duffy, Chairperson of Swords Tidy Towns is very pleased with the reaction to the recent riverclean up in Swords and is planning another one.He said, “After the overwhelming turn out and success of our River Clean Up last Saturday week, Iam pleased to inform you that on next Saturday, 11th June there will be a Swords Estuary Clean Up.Kick off is at 10.30am. Hans Vissor, Conservation Officer with Fingal County Council will be takingthe lead on this one with the support of Swords Tidy Towns. We would love to see as manysupporters as possible turn up on the day to maximise the clean up effort,” he said.

“Rush GardaStation Should Be Considered For Pilot”Responding to a response to a parliamentaryquestion from the Minister for Justice,Sinn Féin TD for the North County,Louise O’Reilly, has said that theMinister for Justice needs to ensureobjective criteria should be used for thepilot scheme on reopening Gardastations and that she would besupporting Rush Garda station underthis process.Speaking to the County Leader, DeputyO’Reilly said: “The programme for PartnershipGovernment made a firm commitment to launch apilot scheme to reopen 6 Garda stations.

However, following a question to the Minister itseems there is scant detail on the basis upon

which stations will be chosen for the pilot.Indeed, while the Minister advises that theGarda Commissioner and the PolicingAuthority have responsibility for this area,

she does say that she will have a role inthis.”

“It is important that we have transparency in thisprocess, and that all areas are considered equally

on their merit and their need forincreased Garda presence in the commu-nity,” she added.“It is disappointing that we have noclarity on this and the people of Rush areparticularly eager that their station bereopened. I am very adamant that thisstation be strongly considered and I willcontinue to push for this. The Ministershould ensure that objective criteria are

used and I will be making representations forRush Garda given its importance to the localcommunity,” concluded Deputy O’Reilly

Louise O’Reilly TD

Donabate Bridge Beginners Lessons There are beginners Bridge lessons every Wednesday in the DonabateCommunity Centre from 7.30pm. There will be mentored games with abrief introduction. Suitable for those who have completed a basic coursewishing to improve and gain confidence. For more information contactMaureen 087 9456113.

Swords Dance School WinsNationwide Movie CompetitionA top gong has gone to a five-strong dancetroupe from the House of Swag Dance School,from Swords, for their winning entry in theLovin’ Our Lungs Movie Awards. An initiative of the Irish Lung Health Alliance, acoalition of 17 charities, in partnership withForóige, the awards sought to build awarenessof the importance of lung health for a full andactive life among teenagers by having themdirect their own original 90-second movies.In particular, the aim was to highlight theimportance of three steps in keeping lungsstrong and healthy—by not smoking, by exer-cising for 30 minutes most days, and by eatinga healthy diet.

The winning mini-movie by House of SwagDance School really caught the imagination ofjudges in bringing the Lovin’ our Lungs themeto life through its high energy fusion of fitnessmoves and dance grooves. The movie features an impressive array of acro-batics, breakdancing, and hip hop, set againsta funky music soundtrack, and concluding withthe salutary message “Take care of your lungs,or they won’t take care of you”. In addition to scooping a Lovin’ Our Lungs stat-uette, the winning entry is being broadcast onRTÉ Two’s Two Tube while the winners will alsoget to take part in a ‘breathtaking’ adventureexperience with Ecoadventure Ireland.

RTE Two's 'Two Tube' presenter Blaithnaid Treacy and Dr Ronnie Delany, Olympic Gold Medallist and Lovin' OurLungs Ambassador are pictured with House of Swag Dance School, Swords, starring Jacob Keogh, Bryana Cavanagh,Jessica Mongey, Nathan Brogan and Nikoletta Szauter winners of the Lovin' our Lungs Movie Awards

04 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 07.06.2016


Swords Men In Running For Nissan AmbassadorTwo of the 20 finalistsin this year’s NissanG e n e r a t i o n N e x ta m b a s s a d o rprogramme are fromSwords. The two are StephenCluskey and ShaneCarthy. Thirty-two yearold Stephen Cluskeyfrom Leas Cross inSwords was paralysedfrom the neck downwhen he fell from a haybale in 2002, but hassince become an advo-cate and voice forchange across a rangeof disability issues.His paralysis hasbecome the drivingforce behind a series ofnational initiatives toimprove transport andtravel for the disabledand is on track tobecome a NissanGeneration Nextambassador.Stephen’s decision touse his own experienceof being disabled totackle mobility issueshas resulted in signifi-cant change to improvetransport and travel forpeople with disabilityand the Swords man

has set himself a busyagenda for the future.“The accident took medown a road which Inever envisaged. Isucceeded in changingregulations to improvethe taxi industry,secured more than €1.7million in grant aidfrom the Minister forTransport anddesigned and devel-oped a national TVshow to change thepublic consciousnesswhen it comes toaccess – all while paral-ysed from the neckdown,” said Stephen.Dublin football star,Shane Carthy fromKinsealy in Swords hasalso been namedalongside Stephen asone of the 20 finalists.Shane was born inDublin but moved toNew York with hisfamily when he wasthree years old. Hegrew up playing icehockey, soccer andAmerican football. Hediscovered GAA aged14 and left New Yorkand his family fiveyears later after turning

down a soccer scholar-ship in the U.S. tofollow his dream ofwinning an All-Irelandwith Dublin.He has won two DublinSenior Club

Championships, twoLeinster titles and oneAll-Ireland club titleand is a key figure onthe Dublin team whoare aiming to retaintheir All-Ireland

Championship crownthis year. Those inter-ested in voting forStephen and Shane cando so online by visitingwww.nissangenera-

The Parents Committee of Balrothery NationalSchool hosted a golf classic at Balbriggan GolfClub on Friday the 20th of May. Despite the bestefforts of the weather, spirits were not dampenedand all teams turned out for what was a verysuccessful event. The school would like to thankall the participants who, on the day battledthrough the rain, raising over €4,500 for the newschool building project. It also received hugesupport from the local business community andthey would like to thank them on behalf of theparents committee and the wider school commu-

Balrothery GolfClassic

nity. Congratulations to BM Stair Lifts who wonfirst prize, Peter & Hugh Dolan, Denis Mehiganand Jim Butterly who won second prize and RayNugent, Wayne Lamb, Shane Maguire and TonyRogers who won third prize. Unfortunately, therewas no winner of the Mazda 3 for a “hole in one”on the 6th hole, which was sponsored by BrianReynolds Car Sales, Drogheda.

Community Alert Donabate Parish have introduced a FingalCommunity Alert in conjunction with Departmentof Environment, Community and LocalGovernment. Have you ever felt vulnerable,alone or at risk, even in your own home? FreeAlarm to Senior Citizens over 65 years of age.For further information contact Frank Fleming

The Parent & ToddlerGroup meets everyTuesday at 11am inDonabate Library. Withthe Baby Book Clubbeing part of the groupon the the lastTuesday of the monthat 11.30am. There is noregistration requiredand all are encouragedand welcome to come along.

Parent &ToddlerGroup

The DonabatePortrane Library willbe screening a familyfriendly film for chil-dren in the Junior Areaat 6pm on June 29th.There is no registra-tion required for thisevent and all arewelcome to come along.


Bíonn Ciorcal Comhrá ar siúl gach Deardaoin i Leabharlann Bhaile Brigín ó7.00 a chlog. Fáilte roimh gach leibhéal! All levels welcome – especiallybeginners! This group meet every Thursday evening from 7.00pm – 8.00pmin the Balbgriggan Library. Come along for a sociable chat as Gaeilge.

Ciorcal Comhrá/Irish Conversation Group

Crafting Circle In Donabate LibraryIf you are interested in arts and crafts, why not pop along to theDonabate/Portrane Library. The Crafting Circle meets every Thursday morning inDonabate Library. All Welcome! Bring along whatever you are working on for afriendly chat.

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3rd – 8th July – Healing & Spirituality RetreatSunday to Friday

Facilitator: Denis Gleeson cfc Cost €450 Residential or €320 Non-Residential

The Local Authority and the Institute ofTechnology Blanchardstown (ITB) aredelighted to have been awarded a Silver GiltMedal in the Medium Garden Category for theBremore Medieval Garden design at Ireland’slargest gardening, food and family event‘Bloom in the Park’ 2016.The garden’s medieval theme takes inspira-tion from the history of Bremore Castle inBalbriggan, the area’s association with StMologa, a Seventh Century Irish saint longrenowned for beekeeping, and highlights theskills (in particular aspects of wood carvingand stone building) which are the focus of theLocal Training Initiative based here. Thedesign includes the use of recycled stonefrom the Bremore Castle site, local willowfrom Skerries for edges of raised beds, and

Irish handmade grass bee hives (skeps). Speaking to the County Leader , ChiefExecutive Fingal County Council, Paul Reidsaid: “I am delighted for all involved with thisproject and congratulate all the staff on afantastic achievement winning Silver Giltmedal at Bloom. Our successful partnershipwith ITB shows the talent that abounds withinFingal and this garden showcases that strongcreativity to Bloom visitors.”County Mayor David O’Connor said: “I’mthrilled that our Bremore Medieval Gardenhas won Silver Gilt at Bloom. Huge credit isdue to the staff of the County Council and ITBlanchardstown on this collaborative projectand I’m looking forward to seeing the gardenrecreated back in Bremore Castle for all futurevisitors to see.”

Council Wins Medal At Bloom

Pictured at the re-constructed medieval garden from Bremore Castle in Balbriggan that took home a Silver-Giltaward at last week’s Bloom Festival in the Phoenix Park are Paul Reid (Chief Executive Fingal County Council),County Mayor, Cllr David O’Connor, Jane McCorkell (Horticulture lecturer, Institute of Technology Blanchardstown)and Mary Meaney, (President Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, ITB). The project is a collaborationprojected between Fingal County Council and the lecturers and students of the Institute of TechnologyBlanchardstown (ITB).

Pictured is Stephen Cluskey, Go Accessible 365 and Shane Carthy, Footballer two of thetwenty finalists put forward to the public vote phase of the Nissan Generation Nextambassador programme 2016.

07.06.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0522 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

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For Advice on Litigation

We’ve taken a peek at the future andit’s looking bright. Almost 700 studentsin the North County Dublin area partici-pated in this year’s Junior EntrepreneurProgramme (JEP) whereupon theytested and honed their entrepreneurialskills.The Programme, which was founded byJerry Kennelly of and devel-oped by the Institute of Technology inTralee, Mary Immaculate CollegeLimerick and Shannon Development,brings entrepreneurship into primaryschools. It helps students developexisting skills such as literacy andnumeracy but also new skills such asproblem solving, technology, communi-cation, team building, confidence andcreative thinking.The Programme is sponsored by estab-lished entrepreneurs and their busi-nesses nationally, with One4All, head-

quartered in Swords providingsupport and project manage-ment time for North CountyDublin schools.This year’s participating classescelebrated their completion ofthe programme at the CountyShowcase Day on May 11th.Jerry Kennelly said the standardof products and projects, alongwith the skills of the studentsinvolved continues to amazeeach year “These 11 and 12 yearold business people are just asenthusiastic and capable as moreseasoned business people and I’d bevery confident for Ireland’s future undertheir watch”.Laura Deniffe from St. Brendan’sNational School in Loughshinny wasone of the teachers whose 5th Classpupils participated in this year’s

Programme. She said, ”The kidsabsolutely loved the whole experienceand the showcase day at the schoolwas a huge success, parents andteachers were all so supportive, itcreated a great atmosphere in theschool. The children loved it all,” shesaid.

Local JuniorEntrepreneursShowcase Their Talents

Pictured at the Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP) County Showcase Day 2016 onWednesday 11th May last are 6th Class pupils Ailbhe Beggs and Mona Gorman from St.Brendan's N.S., Loughshinny, with Michael Dawson, Group C.E.O. of One4all

Remember Us Charity Cycle106 cyclists took part in the 3rd Annual Remember Us Charity Cycle recently. The eventhad a massive turn out and it was sponsored by Mid Knight Electrical. DHL staff members were there, volunteering at the different points around the route andraffle prizes were given by the local Gardai and the Red Cross. Remember Us would also like to thank Mary and staff from PJ’s play centre for all theirhelp and support, Platinum Gym for the use of toilet facilities and Mat Kelly and MickBreen, who organised the very professional event. All proceeds will go towards the Fit Out of Remember Us’ new Base of operations.Pictured are members of Remember Us with the Cyclists at the Remember Us AnnualCharity Cycle

Local CompanyAmong NationalEnterprise AwardFinalistsThere was great news recently for local small busi-ness Invizbox Ltd. from Skerries when the Ministerfor Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary MitchellO’ Connor T.D., announced that they have reachedthe National Enterprise Awards Final on June 9th.Thousands of small businesses from across thecountry were supported by Local Enterprise Officesin the Local Authorities Network last year and 32 ofthose businesses havenow reached theNational Final. Thenominee for LocalEnterprise Office Fingalis Skerries company InvizBox Ltd. Established justlast year, Invizbox Ltd. specialise in secure digitalservices and have developed innovative “plug andplay” devices which allow you to secure yourprivacy on the internet by simply connecting anyof your personal devices to the InvizBox over WiFi.They remove the complexity of trying to secureyourself and your data.The competition has a prize fund of €40,000 andwas set up two decades ago to celebrate Ireland’ssmall businesses and micro-enterprises.Representatives from Local Enterprise Office Fingaland Fingal County Council will be supporting thelocal finalists at the Aviva Stadium in June, and thecompany is headed up by Paul Canavan.Oisin Geoghegan, Head of Enterprise in Fingalpaid tribute to the local small business commu-nity, saying: “Small businesses, sole traders andstart-ups are becoming the heroes of theeconomic recovery here locally and we want tocelebrate their successes and talents. The LocalEnterprise Offices, through the Local AuthoritiesNetwork, support thousands of small businessesin the community every year and the NationalEnterprise Awards recognise their remarkableachievements.”Twelve awards will be presented on the nightincluding eight new regional trophies and theoverall winner will receive €10,000 to invest in theirbusiness.Paul Reid Chief Executive Fingal County Councilcommenting on the nomination said: “I amdelighted that Invizbox has been nominated for theNational Enterprise Awards Final. As Chair of theLocal Government Economic, Enterprise andTourism Committee, I recognise that start-ups arethe life blood of the economy and essential to jobcreation and I am very pleased that they get thisrecognition. I wish Invizbox and Paul Canavan thevery best of luck at the National Enterprise AwardsFinal on June 9th.”

Baby Book Club InSwordsIf you would like to get your children interestedin ready from an early age, why not bring themalong to the Swords Library. The Baby bookclub meet every Tuesday and there is no regis-tration required. All are welcome to come alongfor storytelling and fun activities for pre-schoolers. Contact the library for further details

Rising To The ChallengeOn Tuesday 14th June at 8pm the SkerriesHistorical Society presents a lecture by MorganLlywelyn. Morgan Llywelyn has written morethan 20 internationally published novels. Lion ofIreland in 1980 was her first best seller andestablished her reputation. In 1993 she wasnamed as Ireland’s nominee for the Nobel Prizefor Literature. Published in 1998 her novel 1916was the first of a five volume series on Ireland inthe 20th Century.

06 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 07.06.2016

Friday 13th May last was far from unlucky for the pupils fromScoil Phadraic na Cailini, Donabate, as they gathered at StPatrick’s Church in Donabate to celebrate the sacrament ofConfirmation. It was a wonderful day, with beautiful weatheradding to the great occasion. The lovely ceremony wasconducted by Monsignor Dan O’Connor. who was ablyassisted by Father Joe Connolly, Parish Priest of Donabate.The choir provided the music and they performed excellentsinging which was enjoyed by all present. Fr Joe thanked theparents, teachers and Parish Council for the great work theyput in, ensuring that everything went like clockwork. He alsothanked the principal of the school and all the teachers andparents for preparing the children for this unforgettable dayin their lives. The gorgeous singing of the choir and the

music all added to the solemnity of the occasion.Monsignor Dan also offered to pose for photographsafterwards, which was much appreciated by all.

Caitlin O'Reilly is pictured with Mark, Teagan, Kathleen and Sharon O'Reilly

Grace Hanafin made her Confirmation at St Patrick's Church,Donabate. She is pictured here with Mary Hanafin and Agnes Tuohy

Kailey Berrigan is pictured with Brian Berrigan, Anne-Marie Kellyand Monsignor Dan O'Connor after making her Confirmation at StPatrick's Church, Donabate

Shannon Wade and Caitlin Pepper are pictured after makingtheir Confirmation at St Patrick's Church, Donabate Pictured after making her Confirmation at St Patrick's Church, Donabate is Caila Crosbie, with Jenny

Crosbie, Mark Crosbie and Monsignor Dan O'Connor

Robyn Lawlor who made her Confirmation is pictured with Irene,Kerri, Ava and Olivia Lawlor

Isobel Sutton, who made her Confirmation is pictured here with DeclanSutton, Niamh Quinn and Ailbhe Sutton

Lucy O'Brien who made her Confirmation at St Patrick's Church,Donabate is pictured with Lisa O'Brien and Monsignor Dan O'Connor

Isabelle Price made her Confirmation at St Patrick's Church, Donabate. She is pictured herewith Brendan, Maria and Chris Place

Aoife Farley who her Confirmation is pictured with Brendan and Lillian Farley and Pauline Byrne

Pictured are Caitlin Pepper (2nd left) and Taylor Gilroy (3rd left) after making theirConfirmation, with Janet Pepper and Avril Gilroy

Zikora Okafor who made her Confirmation is picturedhere with Vincent Okafor Pictured after making her Confirmation is Ava Barry (4th left), with Cathal, Jane, Jack,

Elaina, and Emma Jane Barry, Bridget Fahey and Monsignor Dan O'Connor

Pictured is Sorcha Higgins after her Confirmation at St Patrick's Church, Donabate,with Olive McMahon, Harry McMahon, Margaret Higgins and Brendan Higgins

07.06.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0722 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

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A play about suicide, which was dedicated tothe memory of a Swords man, was held atRiver Valley Community Centre lastWednesday.‘Bring Me Home Alive’ is a play about aware-ness of suicide and it played to good sizedaudience, which included representatives ofsuicide awareness groups from aroundSwords.The play was written by Patricia McCann andis all about raising awareness of suicide andwas dedicated to the memory of StephenMurray, a 30 year-old man from River Valley,who tragically lost his life to suicide last year.

Locals, Brian McWeeney, Des Foley. DonnaMcDonald and Patrick Carroll put in extraor-dinary work to make sure that the play wasstaged in River Valley and were delighted tosee their hard work coming to fruition.Patrick Carroll told the County Leader, “I wason the Comino de Santiago walk and I metPatricia on the walk. We got talking aboutthings and the subject of suicide came up. Iwas telling her about my friend, Stephen whocommitted suicide last year and that hisanniversary was coming up.”Patricia said that she had written a playabout suicide and that I asked her if she

would bring the play to Swords and dedicateit to Stephen. A few friends got on board. Thisplay has been all around Ireland and hasbeen very well received by all. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions, with sadness tingedwith humour,” said Patrick.Stephen’s family attended the performanceand his mother, Karen told the CountyLeader, “I know it’s going to be a veryemotional night and from what I’ve heard it’sa wonderful play. I spoke to Patricia whowrote the play and she said it was a veryhealing play, which is a great source ofconsolation for the whole family,” she said.

Poignant Play Staged In River Valley

Pictured at the play, 'Bring Me Home Alive' which was performed at River ValleyCommunity Centre, Swords, are Rachel Murray, Graham Murray, Karen Murray and DavidMurray, who are the family of Stephen Murray, who tragically died by suicide last yearand to whom the play was dedicated

Pictured are local business people and stakeholders at the Purple Flag meeting that was held at Swords Castle on Thursday last. The attendeesincluded, Gillian Naughton (Carnegie Court Hotel), Allen Harrington (Carnegie Court Hotel), Darren Crampton (Movies@Swords), Sean Fitzmaurice (NorthCounty Leader), Ian Hunter (Pavilions Shopping Centre), Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber), Toni Hogan (Fingal County Council), Sgt TerriFerguson (Swords Gardai), Brian Geoghegan (Applegreen, Swords), Brian Cooney (Directions Research Group), Claire Kelly (Directions Research Group),Coilin O'Reilly (Fingal County Council), Cllr Joe Newman, Cllr Paul Mulville, Michelle Albericci (Movies@Swords)

Balbriggan School In ‘Irish Aid Awards’ FinalPrimary school pupilsfrom Balbriggan EducateTogether N.S, Moylaraghwere among pupils from10 other schools, who willtake part in the nationalfinal of the Our World IrishAid Awards 2016 in ThePrintworks, Dublin Castle,on Tuesday, 14th June.

The awards seek to helpchildren in Ireland under-stand global developmentissues. The Our WorldIrish Aid Awards invitedpupils across Ireland tocreate projects, in anymedium, about the livesof children in developingcountries. The projects

highlighted the chal-lenges facing these chil-dren and their familiesand the progress which isbeing achieved by Irelandand other countriesthrough the global effortto fight poverty. Allschools competing in thenational final will be

presented with a trophyrecognising theiroutstanding efforts, withone school beingannounced as overallwinners, taking home theoverall ‘Our World IrishAid Awards’ trophy.The ‘One World, OneFuture’ theme of the 2016

awards asks pupils toimagine how they wouldlike their world to look in2030, and to learn aboutthe new United NationsGlobal Goals forSustainable Developmentwhich seek to address theroot causes of povertyand environmentaldamage worldwide. At thenational final, 5th classpupils from BalbrigganEducate Together N.Salong with their teacherCecelia Gavigan willexhibit their project ‘TheGlobal Goals Game’.Over 1,000 primaryschools throughoutIreland have been partici-pating in the Our WorldIrish Aid Awards in 2016.

Reinstate GuidanceCounsellors In SchoolsThe National Student Executive of theIrish Second-Level Students’ Union(ISSU) expresses their concern followingreports that in over half of second-levelschools nationwide, 1 in 6 are usingunqualified guidance counsellors. Particularly of concern is the drop inguidance counselling hours beingoffered in public schools versus theslight increase in fee-paying schoolssince 2012. Guidance counselling is anessential service for all students and

should not be limited or withheld due tostudents’ socio-economic background ortheir ability to pay for such a service.However, the National Student Executivealso welcomes the pledge from thenewly formed government to reinstateguidance counselling hours to allschools. It is vital that teachers assignedto these posts have the relevant experi-ence and qualifications to fulfill theirroles so that students receive theadequate support and advice they need.They are advocating for the re-introduc-tion of guidance counsellors to allsecond-level schools.

Under new legislation any member of the public,fishing for lobster and crab can only fish from 1stMay to 30th September and are limited in thenumber of pots they can fish.The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA), theindependent statutory body responsible forenforcing the State’s sea-fisheries and seafoodsafety laws, is prioritising the implementation ofthe new regulations during its seasonalprogramme of in-shore patrols, which began thismonth. The new regulations were introduced toprotect the licensed fishing industry which hasfaced increasing competition in recent years fromunlicensed or unregistered vessels that were oper-ating on a commercial or semi-commercial basis.Under the new regulations, recreational or privatefishers can fish up to six pots, and can retain fivecrabs and one lobster daily. Furthermore they maynot store crabs or lobsters at sea or sell or offer forsale any of their catches. Previously there was nolimit on the number of pots recreational or privatefishers could fish or the times of the year whenlobster or crab fishing could take place. Speaking to the County Leader, Susan Steele,Chair, Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority said:“Fishing for lobster and crab is especially popularin the summer months. Members of the public can

continue to enjoy their own catch as the regula-tions provide a daily allowance that is sufficient forpersonal consumption. The new regulations aredesigned to restrict commercial fishing to licensedoperators. This will help to ensure the viability ofthe industry and also guarantee the traceability ofthe product, which is vitally important from a foodsafety and public health perspective.”She added; “Working in conjunction with theNaval Service, our seasonal inshore patrols willcover all inshore coastal areas including smalllocal piers and harbours to detect and deter illegalfishing and illegal operators. We are committed tosupporting the safe and sustainable managementof these fisheries to help safeguard their future forthe coastal communities who rely on them for theirlivelihood.”The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority’s inshorepatrols will continue until November. They arebeing undertaken with the support of the NavalService, Air Corps and Inland Fisheries Ireland. Inaddition to targeting unregistered or unlicensedvessels fishing on a commercial basis, they willalso monitor and inspect licensed operators toensure their compliance with gear and catch sizeregulations and their management and handling ofv-notched lobsters.

New LawsFor LobsterAnd CrabFishing

New LawsFor LobsterAnd CrabFishing

New LawsFor LobsterAnd CrabFishing

New LawsFor LobsterAnd CrabFishing

New LawsFor LobsterAnd CrabFishing

Purple Flag Meeting In Swords Castle

08 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 07.06.2016

Carharrt, Work In Progress’summer 2016 collection iscurrently available in most goodstockists and is a range that isperfect for the Irish summerweather. Lightweight jackets,funky shorts, trendy jeans andfashionable tees and shirts allmake this collection a summermust have for those amongst uswho want to stay stylish butwant to stay comfortable. Theirunique brand of urban skaterchic is on trend this season and

is sure to please mosteveryone this summer time.Funky collections for both

men and women with durabletextiles and comfortable fits arethe key points of the summercollection from Carharrt. Addingto their attractiveness as abrand, Carharrt are an ethicalclothing brand which meansthat all of the materials thatthey use are ethically sourcedand the work that they doadheres to EU ethical regula-tions. Synonymous with bothBMX and skating Carharrtspecialise in comfortable, highquality and durable clothingthat is constantly at the cuttingedge of Urban Style.

Packing for a holiday or break away is never easy, especiallywhen all you have is a carry on bag! Ensuring your skin careregime doesn’t suffer has been made easier thanks to Dr. Hauschka’snew travel size range, featuring all your skin care essentials. Priced atjust €8.95 each these handy 30ml travel size products fit perfectly intoyour handbag. The Limited Edition travel size range features range favouritesincluding Dr. Hauschka’s soothing Cleansing Milk, Dr. Hauschka‘s Facial Toner,Dr. Hauschka’s Lemon Lemongrass Vitalising Body Oil and the Dr. Hauschka’sLemon Lemongrass Vitalising Body Milk. Dr. Hauschka’s Soothing CleansingMilk gently removes dirt and make-up. Also available in the travel size rangeis the very popular Dr. Hauschka Facial Toner. This helps to minimise theappearance of pores, balances moisture and oil content and leavesskin looking and feeling healthy. The Lemon LemongrassVitalising Body Oil is also available in the travel size rangeas is the Lemon Lemongrass Vitalising Body Milk.


Travel Ready

BEACH INSPIRED BEAUTYMake waves this summer with Artistrylimited edition Pacific Lights Collectionexclusively sold by Amway. The collectionincludes a Sun kissed 3D Face Powder, aneye-catching Sunrise Eye shadow Quad and

Light Up Lip Gloss which comes in five summer ready shades.The collection, which is inspired by the natural beauty of thebeach and fronted by Global Makeup Artist Rick DiCecca is alimited edition. Artistry 3D face powder (RRP€28.80) consistsof five Sun kissed summer shades which can be used separatelyor blended together to obtain a tanned summer glow. Artistrysignature colour eye shadow quad (RRP €40.90) is your stand-out eye shadow palette this summer. Including four summerdesigned Sunrise shades, these colours will allow you to achieve

your beachy chic look. Artistry lip glosses(RRP €21.00) are the final piece to yoursummer chic look. Available in five beachinspired colours, they will add a splash ofcolour and shimmer to your lips.


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Road To Equality Leads To SwordsThe Road To Equality Exhibition is coming to CountyHall Swords this week as part of their national exhi-bition tour. The exhibition will be showing from 9am- 5pm from Monday, June 8th to Friday, June 12thand is a free event.

The exhibition aims to remember and celebrate the40 years of LGBT activism that helped reshapeIreland and culminated in last year’s MarriageEquality referendum when Ireland became the firstcountry in the world to vote in Marriage Equality bypopular public vote. Speaking to the County Leader, Noelle Moore, oneof the organisers of the exhibition said; “It was agroup of us who got together and many of us havedone stuff with LGBT activism before. We werethinking that post referendum, one year on, weshould do something to mark it. But we didn’t wantto just talk about marriage because for a lot of us itwasn’t just about marriage it was much bigger thanthat.”“I have a history background myself and we have athing called the Irish Queer Archives which is storedin boxes in the National Library, but nothing was

being done with them. You can go in and look at theboxes but they are not properly referenced oranything. So basically it is just loads of material rele-vant to our community just sitting in boxes. So whatwe decided to do was take some of the pictures fromover the last 40 years andmake a small exhibition,which we called the RoadTo Equality, and thatwould be a taster really ofwhat is in the archives,”said Noelle. She went onto say; “The exhibition willgo around the country andat each county they canadd a stand, so each areacan add their own county’s history of LGBT. Thereare 12 pull-ups or stands at the moment and wehope to add to that. There are pull-ups on variousthings like Lesbian history, and Trans rights andother things that maybe everyone wouldn’t be fullyfamiliar with.” She concluded by saying; “The tagline of the exhibition is ‘Its our history, share it’. Wereally want as many people to come along and see itas is possible. So if you come along and see it, tellyour friends, share it on social media etc.”

By Aoife Read

Pictured at the unveiling of the Fingal Community College Transition Year Mosaics are Kay O Brien NAPD, Kerrie Anne O’Connell King, Dave West Artist, Rachel O'Hara Wilde and Siobhan Lynch Art Teacher

Swords Company To Supply ‘Garden Grá’ Range Aldi further strength-ened its I r ish rootslast week as i tannounced thatUniplumo Ireland of

Swords are one ofseven Irish nurseriessupplying i ts new‘Garden Grá’ range ofIr ish grown garden

plants. Sourcedexclusively fromseven Bord Biaquality-assured Irishnurseries, Aldi ’s

‘Garden Grá’ range ofIr ish garden plantswill be available withdif ferent local lygrown plants on saleeach week. ‘GardenGrá’ has directly ledto the creation of 29jobs across the sevenIrish suppliers.

In the Swords Library onWednesday 8th June at10am there are smartphone workshops.Phone or Email to booka place. These classes inhow to use theSmartphone will be runby an expert fromVodaphone. Beginnersand experienced usersare invited to attend, todiscover all the variousfunctions and possibili-ties of the Smartphone.


This month’s book is TheSilver Linings Playbookby Matthew Quick. Pickup a copy at the adultdesk in BalbrigganLibrary. Movie screeningtakes place on Saturday25th June at 2pm.

Film & BookClub

07.06.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0922 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

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Jessica Bastow made her Holy Communion at St Cronan's Church, Brackenstown. She ispictured with Alec, Dylan, Florence and Cara Bastow

Fingal County Council’s “UnfoldingNews Story” App has won a presti-gious competition held by ESRIIreland. The App, available on GooglePlay and the AppStore, is all aboutconnecting with customers to updatethem on all of the latest news in rela-tion to Water Disruptions, RoadClosures, Severe Weather, Floods,Latest Planning Applications andCommunity Events.This service is accessible to customerson the Council website and on mobiledevices. It is also presented in theinteractive digital Atrium of CountyHall in Swords on large multipletouchscreens. At any time, the contentis relevant for the current week.The team in Fingal worked withPinPoint Alerts to create an applica-tion using ESRI cloud technology,ArcGIS Online, StoryMaps andAppStudio for ArcGIS.Speaking to the County Leader. PaulReid, Chief Executive, Fingal CountyCouncil said: “This is a tremendousachievement by our ProjectManagement Team and one we arevery proud of because it is an excel-lent example of how we at FingalCounty Council are utilising tech-nology for the benefit of the citizens ofFingal.”County Mayor, David O’Connor said:

“I would like to congratulate theProject Management Team on behalfof all the Council members on theirsuccess. It is well deserved becausewe have seen at first-hand how usefulthis App is and how it can help thepeople of Fingal.”Claire McIntyre of the ProjectManagement Team said: “This wasteam effort from myself, Hazel Farleyand Brendan Cunningham of PinpointAlerts and we are delighted to havewon this prestigious competition. TheApp is one of several we have devel-oped and all have been devised tomake things easier for people tointeract with Fingal County Council.”The local authority. have been invitedto attend the International ESRI UserConference in San Diego, California inJune, where the Fingal UnfoldingNews App will be showcased in frontof 16,000 international delegates.There has been lots of excitementgenerated around the highly innova-tive use of this App and its power asan engaging communication tool forbusinesses and for the Citizen.Commenting on the entry, EamonnDoyle, CTO, ESRI Ireland noted “thisdynamic element really interested meas is quite a contrast to the staticcontent one normally sees in StoryMaps. This approach is really innova-tive and has a lot of potential for otherorganisations where news and eventsare geographically distributed”. The team are currently consideringother uses of the App, particularly itsuse as a tool in the area of tourismpromotion in Fingal, highlighting thecounty as a fantastic place to visit.

Council AppWins NationalCompetition

Rising School Costs Should Be A PrioritySinn Fein Cllr MalachyQuinn has expressedconcern at the rising costof living endured byNorth County families inrecent years and theimpact it is having onfamilies with children ofschool going age.Speaking to the CountyLeader, Cllr Quinn said;“Ireland’s cost of livinghas increased at anastounding rate in recentyears and a survey fromthe EuropeanCommission in December2015 found that the costof living in Ireland is thesixth-highest in Europe.Although everyone isaffected, families withchildren of school goingage are feeling the pinch,particularly in relation toschool tours and examfees.”He went on to say; “As afather of 3 children under8 , two of which are

attending primaryschool, I am well awareof the challenges facingfamilies all year round,but now there is anadded financial pressure.School tours are a bril-liant treat for the chil-dren, and usually a mix ofeducation and funhowever the stark realityis that there is a largenumber of families facedwith the decision ofpaying the average €20per child for the schooltour, or putting food onthe table.”“The cost of the LeavingCertificate (includingLeaving CertificateApplied) is €116,whereas the JuniorCertificate is €109, withthe average cost ofgrinds being €30 perhour. For a family withone child sitting theJunior Certificate and onesitting the Leaving that is

a foundation cost of€225, before grinds areeven taken into consider-ation, not to mention thecost of daily lunches andschool buses etc,” headded. Cllr Quinnconcluded by saying;“Recently I raised theissue of the rising cost ofmotor insurance with mycolleague Deputy LouiseO’Reilly , which again is acontributing factor to thepressures felt by familiesand all sections of societyalike. This is somethingthe Irish Government; inparticular the newMinister for Educationand Skills, must tackle asa matter of priority. It willbe a very short timebefore schools willreturn, which will bringthe additional pres-sures associated withnew uniforms, SchoolBooks and schoolcontributions.”

In the excitement ofgoing on hol idays,homeowners oftenoverlook basic secu-rity arrangements tokeep their home safewhile they are awayfrom home.PhoneWatch offersome timely hints aswe enter the summerholiday season.Do not leave keyshidden outside.

Burglars know everypotential hidingplace yet despitethis, 35 per cent ofhomeowners haveleft a key hidden inthe garden.It sounds obvious butlock your doors!Over 50 per cent ofattempted burglariesare through the frontand back doors.Make sure that al ldoors are locked and

double check beforeyou go. Don’t leave a“top window” openfor fresh air . I t ’sinviting an agile andopportunist thief toenter your home.Make sure windowsare locked and checkbefore you go. Installa secondary lockingsystem to al lwindows and doors.Ask your neighbour

Keep Your Home Safe This Summerto keep an eye onyour home and totake in your postwhile you’re away. Atell-tale sign that ahome is unoccupiedis post piled up onthe door mat.Putl ights on t imerswitches to give theimpression of peopleat home as duskfalls. Cut the grassbefore you go.Nothing says ‘I’m on

holidays’ more thanan uncut lawn. Ask aneighbour to putyour bins out forcol lect ion and putthem back in againwhile you’re away.Don’t update yoursocial media accountwith informationabout when you areleaving and whenyou wil l return.Social media is agreat source of infor-mation for burglars,keep your plansprivate.

10 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 07.06.2016

85 Channel Road, Rush, Co. DublinMobile: 085-2298201 • Email:


Most projects I have lobbied for such as the Rush Sewage Network, theCoastal cycle/walk path, new sports facilities, new playgrounds forBalbriggan, Naul, Rush, Lusk, bus transport network in the Rural villages,Rush Garda Station are all at various stages. I continue to battle for varied projects throughout the Balbriggan Ward be itparking issues in Balbriggan, Rush or Naul to road resurfacing in Lusk,Rush or Garristown, I have raised and looked for resolutions to issues onbehalf of constituents. The high points of being on the Council are without doubt seeing issuesraised being rectified by the Council subsequent to me raising them. The low points are the rapid growth in the homeless numbers and the rapidly growing housingneeds list as well as the awful situation of the restricted bathing notices slapped on the RushBeach’s last Summer.To those who have to date supported me I sincerely thank them and I look forward to working forand with them during the remaining three years.

Home: 17 Highfield Close, Swords Mobile: 087 95 95 378 Email:

Cllr. Darragh BUTLERCllr. Darragh

As a party we remain committed to doing all that we can at Dáil Éireann and at Council level to tacklethe homeless crises. With regard to Dublin Airport, whilst delighted to support increased job opportu-nities for Fingal, we are working with communities impacted by the new North Runway. Locally it isgreat to see such fantastic progress being made with Swords Castle, a long time objective of mine. Aspart of a proposed Master Plan for the Ward River Valley Park, we will support the provision ofincreased sporting and recreational facilities on both sides of the valley. Great recreational andtourism projects are underway all across North County Dublin including a public park and walk-ways(and incredible views) at Balleally, the proposed Donabate to Malahide railway estuary crossing andincreased cycle and walk-ways. As always, we will keep up the fight for Metro North and improvedtransport solutions and improved rural broadband. Thank you for your continued support.Don’t miss out on any local news or events. Please help me keep you up to dateby signing up at: or email me at:

Working with Darragh O'Brien T.D. (Dublin Fingal), Councillors AdrianHenchy (Donabate), Brian Dennehy (Rush) and Eoghan O'Brien (Malahide).

It’s just over two years since 40 CountyCouncil lors were elected to the newlyexpanded County Council in the local elec-tions. A total of 25 councillors were electedto the three Local Electoral Areas in theNorth County, namely, Balbriggan, Swordsand Howth/Malahide.The local election generated great excite-ment at the time and signalled a change inthe local government agenda. It alsoresulted in a group of imaginative, creativeand interesting people, in the main working

on your behalf. It was the first time thatBalbriggan had no town councillors, due toits abolition by then Environment Minister,Phil Hogan.The County Leader decided to check in thethe present crop of councillors to find outhow they are progressing, what they haveachieved in the past two years, and whattheir aspirations are for the remainder oftheir term in office. The results are inter-esting and the electorate can now have abirds’ eye of their progress.

Pictured at the presentation of new jerseys to Scoil Chormaic CNS, Balbriggan, are Harry Tuite (4th left, back row) fromHarry Hire, Balbriggan, who sponsored the jerseys, Tara Thieses (4th from right back row, parent) Donal McElligott (3rdright back row, teacher and team manager) and Deirdre Corcoran (principal back row on right), with team players

There are some importantdevelopments taking place atthe Ir ish HeartFoundation’s NationalHeart & Stroke Helpline. Firstly, the number forthe service ischanging and the Helpline will also now befree of charge from land linesor mobiles, anywhere in thecountry. The new number isFreephone 1800 25 25 50.Secondly, the service wil lhave extended daily openinghours and evening opening,

with the Help line now openMonday to Friday from 9am to

5pm, and on Thursdayevenings until 7pm. Thirdly, they will beproviding additionalavenues to communi-cate with the Helpline, with a new dedi-cated direct access

email helpline@irishheart.ieand they also intend tolaunch an online Nurse LiveChat service later in the year. The helpl ine is staffed byspecia l is t nurses and soreaders can be assured of

expert one-to-one advice andsupport, in full confidence. Itis important to recognisethat these developmentswould not be possiblewithout the generousbacking of Li fe Pharmacy,and this support is gratefullyacknowledged. Every day, approximately 300new cases of heart diseaseand stroke are diagnosed inIreland. Sadly, on average,27 people lose their lives. Almost two thirds of middleaged and older adults havetwo of the b ig three r iskfactors for heart disease andstroke—high blood pressure,high cholesterol and obesity.Almost all have at least one.

Important Changes For Irish HeartFoundation’s National Help line

Pictured at the Primary Schools football blitz at Skerries Harps GAA Club on Monday, 23rd May are, Back row: NiamhCotter, Caitlin McManus, Hannah O'Sullivan, Anna Lambkin, Rebecca Walsh, Ciara Prior, Laura Geran and Kate Tolan.Front row: Aisling O'Reilly, Tai Abiru, Kehinde Abiru and Clare Fanning

A Greater Focus On Mental HealthDeputy Alan Farrellcalled for a greaterfocus on mental healthin terms of frontlineand infrastructuralsupport, educationand the promotion ofenhanced awarenessin every community inthe North County, andacross the country.Speaking in DáilÉireann, Deputy Farrellcalled for the stigma,which is unfortunatelystill associated withmental health, to beaddressed urgently.Farrell stated “If weare overweight, we

exercise and if weneed to improve ourknowledge, we study.However, when itcomes to the mostimportant muscle inour body, we do notexercise it. We do notspeak about it and weare not really given theopportunity to beheard and yet that canoften be the antidoteto depression.” “It is important for usto recognise theimportance of beingable to talk and beheard and to ensurethat the State provides

a service which cancater to all of those inneed of support,whether throughresources and physicalbuildings or thepersonnel to supportthe general public.”continued Farrell. He concluded bysaying; “Educationhas a part icularly

important role isdisassociating mentalhealth and depressionfrom the taboo statuswhich it has had fortoo long in oursociety. However, thism u s t b e c o m p l e -mented by actions toincrease the aware-ness of mental healthi n e v e r y l o c a lcommunity in DublinF i n g a l , a n d a c r o s sthe country.”

Mother And Toddler GroupIf you are the mother of a young child and wouldlike to get out and meet other mums, why notbring yourself and baby along to the MalahideParish Centre to the St Nicholas Room. EveryFriday the Mother Toddler Group meet from 10-12pm all welcome.

Your Elected RepresentativesProud To Have Served You For 2 Years and

Continuing To Be Your Voice On Fingal County Council

Special Report

07.06.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 1122 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

SMITHCllr. Duncan @duncanesmith duncansmithswords

To promote a Public Bike Scheme for Swords Public Bike Scheme is now an objective in the Draft Development Plan 2017 - 2022To protect Budgets for Housing The Labour Group has promoted an increase in housing Budgets to tackle the crisisTo protect our commitment to Dublin Fire Brigade I continue to support Dublin Fire Brigade budget in the Annual Council Budget To restoring Swords Main St & Castle Has supported Council Budgets dedicating over €3m per year to Swords Castle To tackle parking around our primary schools A new working group is being set up to tackle this matter following my initiativeTo tackle Dog fouling New pilot dog fouling scheme has been launched on my initiativeTo not disappear between elections Two weekly Swords Advice clinics every Saturday in Rivervalley (10am) & BASE (11am)

2014 Campaign priorities 2016 Progress report

I’m always available to assist on any matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me

“Coming up to almost 2 and a half years since first being elected to representthe people of Balbriggan, Skerries, Rush, Lusk, Garristown & Rural NorthFingal, on an election promise of working for a Fairer Fingal, myself & myparty colleagues have reduced the Local Property Tax by the 15% allowed by legislation, lead the campaign in the abolishment of water charges as well aschampioned investment in local amenities like Playgrounds, a Skateboard Park & community facilities.Still the biggest challenge facing myself is finding solutions to the housing & homelessness crisis, aspart of the Housing SPC on Fingal County Council, I am continuously working to provide solutions. Thecurrent permissions granted for over 200 Council homes and with over 9,000 people on the housing listmeans that there is a lot more work to be done.As a Father of three children under 8 years old, I understand the challenges met by families in Fingal ona daily basis & will continue to work for a Fairer Fingal.”

Cllr. Malachy Quinn

Cllr Malachy Quinn


CLLR. JOE NEWMAN“I have enjoyed working for the local community, where Ihave a very good working relationship with the ChiefExecutive and his officials, to achieve what I promised thepeople who voted for me. I have been to the forefront ofthe rejuvenation of Swords Castle and Main Street. Thiswas one of the main issues of residents during my electioncampaign and I will support and hope to see this projectcompleted by the end of this term. I have been very activein calling for facilities to be put in place for disabledpeople and those with special needs. Another project thatis close to my heart is the delivery of a theatre to Swords,Keeping Property Tax as low as possible is also one of myaims and providing positive outcomes for our residents.”

Tel: 087 245 7729 Email:

Cllr. TONY MURPHYI have worked very hard creating as much opportunity for local economic and socialimprovement in the area. The first thing I did upon being elected was to set up a directline of communication with the County Council, since the dissolution of the Town Council. Iencouraged the County Council to set up a liaison committee that is made up of peoplefrom community organisations and businesses alike, to discuss the challenges that areimpacting on Balbriggan. I also set up the Tourism committee as this would lead to achange in the economic environment, leading Balbriggan to becoming a tourism destination over the long term. I was also instrumental in postponing modular housingfrom going ahead in Balbriggan. I support amenities like playgrounds, Skate parks, andfunding for clubs and organisations i.e. Rugby club, cricket club, Brass and Reed band andMen’s shed. Also 7 companies setting up business on serviced sites in StephentownBalbriggan.

Tel: 086 277 2030 Email:


Since the local elections, Cllr Eugene Coppinger has been active in the antiwater charges movement and set up the “Swords We Won’t Pay Campaign”.He has also organised public meetings on the cuts to lone parent allowancesand on the housing crisis. Eugene supported local residents in their fightagainst savage rent increases and has campaigned for real rent controls.Eugene is also a supporter of animal rights and has campaigned against theuse of animals for entertainment and against the export of Irish greyhoundsto China. Cllr Coppinger has also been critical of the lack of school places forchildren starting school and has called for the Council to be more critical whengranting planning permission for houses when there are insufficient services.Last year, Cllr Coppinger was active in the Yes to Marriage Equality Campaignand will be using his efforts going forward to campaign for Repealing the 8thAmendment.

Telephone: 087 232

Anti Austerity AllianceCllr Eugene Coppinger

Your Elected RepresentativesProud To Have Served You For 2 Years and Continuing To Be Your Voice On Fingal County Council

I CURRENTLY:- Work on many boards of statutory agencies providing opportunities to raiseawareness of many community issues

- Work with community groups to address needs and help secure funding- Support Tidy Towns encouraging community involvement and new ideas- Work with local authorities to attract job opportunities to the area

I HAVE:- Overseen the development of a new gym for Balbriggan Community College- Secured permission for two community playgrounds and a skate park- Secured the commencement of construction on Castlemill Link Road

I WILL:- Work with Local Authorities to resolve the housing crisis and plan a sustainable housing strategy- Try to ensure the development of a community college- Provide a tourism plan for the town to promote local amenities and encourage investment in our main street and coastline

- Ensure that we have access to the best health, community, arts and sporting facilities available and demand full consultation on all community issues

T: 087 943 6650 • E:

Cllr Grainne Maguire

Special Report

12 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 07.06.2016

North County Leader Newspaper, Leader House, North Street, SwordsTel: 8•400•200 email:

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130,000of your potential customers

US AmbassadorCriticises Hogan The EU and Mexico willcommence trade negotiationsin the next few weeks. This ispart of the EU’s ongoingengagement with worldmarkets designed to liberaliseinternational markets. Ofcourse such an accommoda-tion is a two way street. Concessions are expectedfrom the EU by the other partyto these trade agree-ments. Currently thenegotiators of CETAthe trade dealwith Canada havecompleted theirwork and theagreement awaitsthe formalapproval of the EUParliament. The bigone and the most contro-versial is TTIP the agreementwith the EU and the US. Thereare suggestions that thisagreement will be concludedby the end of the year. The issues are complex and itseems that both sets of nego-tiators are running short ontolerance. An end of yearconclusion seems to be

extremely optimistic. The StopTTIP campaign is growing andthat growth is partly fuelledby the level of secrecydemanded it seems by theAmerican side. Extremelimited access is permitted toour elected representatives tothe relevant papers and suchsecrecy only serves to fuel thenegative lobby.

National leaders havebegun to express

doubts as to theacceptability of theTTIP deal ascurrently under-stood. This alongwith calls not to

rush the processseem certain to

ensure that no deal willbe signed within the term of

the current AmericanPresident. The fear on bothsides is that the whole basisof the deal may alterdepending on the outcome ofthe US Presidential election,if agreement is not concludedduring Obama’s term.Phil Hogan has come in forcriticism by the US

Ambassadorwho it seemshas claimedthat Hoganhas made a“series of misleading state-ments”. The Ambassador alsocomplains over lack ofprogress in the negotiations.The Commission has hit backclaiming that the EU has notseen substantial progress inimportant areas such as agri-culture. Commission insiderssuggest that currently the USapproach seems to be all oneway. The Stop TTIP movementwill see this as total justifica-tion of their position andencourage them in increasingtheir efforts to stop the ratifi-cation of CETA and then haltthe TTIP negotiations.Juncker is expected to haveTTIP on the agenda at the nextHeads of Government Summit.He will press for a restatementof a united approach to allowhis team to push for an earlypositive conclusion of thenegotiations before theprocess becomes unmanage-able.

By Cathal Boland

The Fingal Enterprising Women’sNetwork summer social will takeplace on Thursday 16th June inThe Wright Venue in Swords andall are welcome to attend.The Event Schedule is as follows:6pm, Registration opens –Prosecco Reception andNetworking, 6.30pm, BBQ andlots more networking, 7pm“Knowing Me, Knowing You”followed by Rock n’ Roll Bingoand, you guessed it, even morenetworking until 8.30pm when theevent will end. “Knowing Me, Knowing You” is agreat opportunity to tell otherwomen in the network about yourbusiness. You get one minute tostand up and tell others aboutwho you are and what you do andthen you nominate someone elsein the audience to tell about theirbusiness. They will have approxi-mately 15 minutes of the 1 minutespeaking opportunities as part ofthe event so come prepared to tellall about your business.

The event will be fun and relaxedbut, as with al l of the FingalEnterprising Women Events,there is a heavy emphasis onmixing, mingling and getting toknow other women in thenetwork.The Fingal Enterprising WomenNetwork is run by the LocalEnterprise Off ice Fingal andprovides networking and learningopportunit ies for women in business and enterprise in Fingal. Membership of thenetwork is free.If you know of other women inbusiness and enterprise in TheNorth County who could benefitfrom being part of the networkplease do invite them to thisevent – the more the merrier.The cost of attending is €10.00including BBQ and Proseccoreception. Places are strictlylimited and are available on afirst come, first served basis.Early booking is recommended toavoid disappointment.

Women’s Networking Summer BBQ

Skerries Junior Badminton ClubTwo boys teams (U13 and U19) from Skerries Junior Badminton Clubreached the finals of the Dublin & District Badminton League after a verysuccessful league campaign, sponsored by Adventure Bounce. Thematches were played in Baldoyle Badminton Centre recently. Both teamsrose to the challenge and were narrowly beaten.Skerries Junior Badminton Club would like to extend our congratulationsto the Teams and a special thank you to our coaches and managers.The Club will reopen again in September and new members are welcome,from ages 9 years to 18 years. Club play takes place on Saturday morningsfrom 10 am to 1 pm, please contact Skerries Community Centre for details.

Heritage Porjects in North County The Heritage Council has recently announced funding for a number ofheritage projects in Dublin under its 2016 Community-based HeritageGrants Scheme. A total of 171 heritage projects nationwide have been awarded fundingunder the scheme, which supports the continuing conservation and devel-opment of Irish heritage through local community based groups. An example of the projects that have received funding in Dublin include:Conservation of the Ardgillan Castle Collection. Amount awarded: €1,500.Survey of Dungriffin Promontory Fort and Howth. Amount awarded:€3,000.

Sarah Kane, who made her Holy Communion is pictured with John Haslett, Moira Haslett,Michael Kane, Siobhan Kane and Cathy Kane

Arts & Crafts For ChildrenEvery Thursday there are Arts & Crafts for children age 8to 11yrs in the Donabate/Portrane Library. Contactlibrary branch to book for this event ph 01-8905609

Knitting & Crochet GroupThe Balbriggan Knitting & Crochet Group meetsin the library every Tuesday evening 7pm-8pm.Bring your needles/hooks and wool or getadvice on what to buy. All adults are welcome.

Donabate Senior CitizensThe Donabate / Portrane Senior Citizens Social Club andDay Centre is open to all people of the parish over theage of 50. They open every Wednesday and Friday from10 AM – 1 PM in the Parish Hall and regularly holdevents and have at least one outing a month. All arewelcome. If you need transport to the Day Centre,please phone Mary on : 087 230 0496.

Scrabble ClubIf you are interested in playing srabble why nothead on over to the Balbriggan library.On Monday 13th June from 11am there is aScrabble club for adults. All are welcome,scrabble boards supplied.

Project Fashion MalahideIn the Malahide Parish Centre in the St Ita Room everyWednesday, project Fashion takes place for childrenfrom 8 years: classes are from, 5-6.30pm andadults classes from 7-9pm contact 087- 7470643

Adult Yoga MalahideIf you are interested in Yoga why not come alongto the St Nicholas Room of the St SylvestersParish Centre on a Mondays. There is adultsYoga from 10.15 – 11.15, and Over 55’s yoga11.30-12.30, contact Ruth on 087-2054282.

Senior Citizens Bingo Every Thursday in the Malahide Parish Centre,from 10.30 am - 12.00 pm there is Senior CitizensBingo. All are welcome to join in. Just show upand play.

Life Drawing Every Monday in the StFrancis Room of theMalahide Parish Centrethere is a Life DrawingClass. Nor booking isrequired and all are free tocome along.

07.06.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 1322 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Dignity Through Care • Respect Through Partnership • Quality Through Commitment

Activities for the weekMonday 13th: Family Fun Sports DayTuesday 14th: Musical Bingo with Star PrizesWednesday 15th: Fit for Life Exercise & GamesThursday 16th: Afternoon Tea with music by DeclanFriday 17th: Sports day DVD / Cocktails Shamrock Bar

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Nursing Home Week2016

Nursing Home WeekNursing Home WeekNursing Home WeekNursing Home Week2016201620162016

Over the past number ofyears, the ‘Nursing Home’model has changed expo-nentially. Gone are thedays of hospital likeestablishments with regi-mented rules and regula-tions administered to resi-dents. These days,nursing homes are morelike hotels where seniorsenjoy much of the privacyand choice they wouldexperience if they werestill living in their ownhomes. Residents’ needsand preferences comefirst; facilities operations’are shaped by this aware-ness. To this end, nursinghome residents are givengreater control over theirdaily lives. For instance, interms of meal times orbed times, and front-lineworkers, the nursingaides responsible for day-to-day care are givengreater autonomy to carefor residents. In addition,the physical and organisa-tional structure of facili-ties is made less institu-tional. Large, hospital likeunits with long, widecorridors are transformedinto smaller facilitieswhere small groups ofresidents are cared for bya consistent team. We

have progressed beyondmany of the old nursinghomes stereotypes thatwere widely held bymembers of the public.Now they are bright,comfortable friendlyplaces to live, and arecloser to assisted livingfacilities, than the tradi-

tional idea of a nursinghome. As many of the resi-dents in a nursing homewill have critical injuries,serious illnesses orrequire after care fromsurgeries, most nursinghomes will have skillednurses and aides on hand24 hours a day. If you arelooking for a nursinghome, you can ask yourdoctor’s office or any carestaff for some recommen-dations. Once you know

what choices you have,it’s a good idea toconsider what is impor-tant to you, nursing care,meals, physical therapy, areligious connection,hospice care, or SpecialCare Units for dementiapatients. Do you want aplace close to family and

friends so they can easilyvisit? Check with health-care providers aboutwhich nursing homes theyfeel provide good care.Use their suggestions tomake a list of homes thatoffer the types of servicesyou want. Get in touchwith each place on yourlist. Ask questions abouthow many people livethere and what it costs.Find out about waitinglists. Make plans to meet

with the director and thenursing director. MostNursing Homes will bemore than happy toaccommodate visits andwill welcome any ques-tions and queries youmight have, so don’t beafraid to ask questions. The issue of residentchoice is of fundamentalimportance in respect ofnursing home care and isenshrined within FairDeal. Persons assessed asrequiring nursing homecare have the right tochoose where they canavail of the dedicatedhealth and social care thatnursing homes provide. The decision to move to anursing home is a lifechanging decision and ahugely positive one. Staffin nursing homes areconscious of the signifi-cance of such a decisionand will guide and assistyou as you/your rela-tive/your friend will goabout making this signifi-cant decision. Next weekis National NursingHomes Week fromMonday 13th June toSunday 19th June 2016and it aims to celebratethe positivity of nursinghome care.

Advertising Feature

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14 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 07.06.2016

Sean Darcy who made his Confirmation is pictured with Marian Darcy, Dave Darcy andMichelle Bradley

Pictured is Luke Gaffney after making his Confirmation at St Patrick's Church, Donabate.He is pictured with Eimear Gaffney, Maeve Heaphy and John Gaffney

Pictured after making his Confirmation at St Patrick's Church, Donabate is AaronDignam, with Matthew, Sonya, Geraldine, Jason and Keighleigh Dignam

Pictured after making his Confirmation at St Patrick's Church,is Andrew Jouravlev, with Irina Jouravleva and Paul Mooney

Sean Collins who made his Confirmation is pictured with David Collins, Madeline Collins, AmyCollins, Lilly Behan and Geraldine Collins

Pictured after making his Confirmation at StPatrick's Church, Donabate is Louis Corcoran,

with Zach Corcoran

Pictured after making his Confirmation at St Patrick's Church,Donabate is Ryan Close from St Patricks Boys' National School.Also pictured are Garreth, Keane and Max Cooke

Padraic McGill is pictured with Anne Linders,Nicola McGill, Caoimhe McGill and Kevin McGill

Pictured is Dylan Carr from St PatricksBoys' National School. Also picturedare Dara, Maria, Joe and Kevin Carr

Pictured aftermaking his

Confirmation isCormac Burke,

with Shannon andKevin Burke

Oisin McGillicuddy is picturedwith Bill and Mary McGillicuddy

Pictured after making his Confirmation at St Patrick's Church,Donabate is Dean Kelly, with Ronan, Tracey and Anthony Kelly

Pictured after making his Confirmation is Jack McGarry, with Brian,Noreen and Charlie McGarry

Pupils from St Patrick’s Boys National School, Donabategathered at St Patrick’s Church in Donabate to celebratethe sacrament of Confirmation on Friday, 20th Maymaking their Confirmation. The lovely ceremony wasconducted by Bishop Ray Field, who was ably assistedby Father Joe Connolly, Parish Priest of Donabate. Thechoir provided the music and they performed excellentsinging which was enjoyed by all present. Fr Joethanked the parents, teachers and Parish Council for thegreat work they put in, ensuring that everything wentlike clockwork. He also thanked the principal of theschool and all the teachers and parents for preparingthe children for this unforgettable day in their lives. Thechildren then posed for photographs in the beautifulwarm sunshine, with their families and friends, beforeheading off to enjoy this momentous day.

Adam Rafferty, who made his Confirmation at St Patrick's Church, Donabate is pictured with his family

07.06.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 1522 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

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Advertising Feature

With the gorgeous warmsummer weather we areexperiencing, withtemperatures well intothe 20s, everyone’sspirits have been lifted.The smell of barbequesin the evening air iseverywhere, as peopleare out enjoying theglorious weather. Withthe warm evenings, andthe days even warmer,you may be in the moodfor some major recon-struction, or possibly justwant to make the housemore summer friendly. Itis possible to change thelook of your home on theoutside and inside, justa small budget.Businesses here in theNorth County have somegreat summer offers onto give you the bestbargains, and achieveyour summer home on asmall budget. Keep aneye out for some greatbargains to make yourhome and garden into aplace that reflects ourfavourite season.


The living room is themost frequented area inthe house, where we chillout and listen to music,watch TV or entertain ourfriends. It should be themost vibrant, lively roomin the house. Decorate itwith colourful ornamentsadding a summery pop ofcolour. Candles are keyto making houses feellike a home. Buy orreplace some candleswith some subtly sweetones, similar to summerfruits. There’s nothingmore relaxing andhomely, than a candlelitroom and subtle lighting.Colourful candles are invogue at the momentand they are a great wayto add colour, andcomfort also. However,be sure to balance outthe colour carefully, withthe theme of your house.If it is prominently tradi-tional, pastel colouredcandles and ornaments

will suit better, Ifhowever, your livingroom has a minimalistlook, sticking to mainlyshaded colours, you mayget away with bright,bold colours which addcharacter and dimensionto your house thissummer.


We all underestimate thepower of painting andthe transformation it canmake to our homes. Alick of paint can give yourhouse a whole new, freshlook. Perhaps you justwant to add another coatto the current colour, orgo for a new look andchange it completely.Now that the summershere, it’s all about thelight colours. Maybe anice versatile colour forall seasons would suit,like pastel colours.


A well kept gardenreflects just how wellyour house is tended.After all, the garden isthe first thing visitorssee when they come toyour home. Gardens arehigh maintenance at thistime of year, so we needto get them summerfriendly. Freshen it up bysimply pulling out a fewweeds from the pavingand flower beds.Gardening is a goodexcuse to spend sometime out in the sun.

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16 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 07.06.2016

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McCartan's Pharmacy, Castlemills Shopping Centre, Balbriggan were shortlisted in two categories for the Irish PharmacyAwards, which were held in The Hilton Doubletree Hotel, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin on 21st May.Technician, Tunde Adejumo was shortlisted for Pharmacy Technician of the Year, due to his long term and consistentdedication to his profession. The team were shortlisted for Baby Health Pharmacy of the Year for their high standard ofservice within the children and baby health sector.Pictured at the awards ceremony are, Roisin Tobin, Teresa McAllister (MPSI), Beckie McGrath, Ronan Quinn (MPSI),Lorcan Gormley (MPSI), Tunde Adejumo (Pharmacy Technician), Caroline McGrath, Laura McIntyre (MPSI), Toni Garrigan(Pharmacy Technician) and Laura McConnell.

Delays And NewRequirements InPassport ApplicationsDeputy DarraghO’Brien is advisingpeople who are dueto travel abroad onhol idays over thesummer to checktheir passports as it’scurrently taking up to6 weeks to processnew applications. Healso warned newappl icants to beaware that they needa public services card

to obtain a passport.Speaking to theCounty Leader O’Briensaid; “I raised theseissues with MinisterFlanagan in the Dáilthis week, telling himabout the anxiety thatcan be caused topeople who have spentsignificant money ontravelling abroad whothen find that theycannot travel.”

“I’ve been informedthat the PassportOffice is currentlyexperiencing extraordi-nary demand for itsservices. There is ahigh number of Irishpeople that areexpected to travel toEuro 2016 in France,the Olympics in Rioand this is coupledwith an increase indemand for travelabroad,” said DeputyO’Brien.Deputy O’Brien madethe comments afterthe Department ofForeign Affairs and

Trade confirmed that68,281 passport appli-cations are beingprocessed by thePassport Office, this isup over 13 per cent onlast year and nearly 14per cent of all applica-tions are currentlybehind schedule.“It would be terriblefor any fans that spentgreat sums of moneyon travelling to Franceto support the boys ingreen in Euro 2016 tobe unable to attendthe tournament due tohaving an expiredpassport,” he said.

Fine Gael TD for theNorth County, AlanFarrell , is remindingfamilies that the Backto School Clothing andFootwear Allowancewill be made availableagain this year, andurged families who arenot automatically enti-tled to make an appli-cation before theAugust deadline. Thesupport providedthrough the Back toSchool Clothing andFootwear Allowancehelps parents to helpwith the cost of thenew school year. TheDepartment of SocialProtection has al lo-cated €38.8 million forthe payments this year.Alan Farrell TDreminded families whodo not automaticallyreceive the allowancethat they can still makean application beforethe August deadline. In2015 over 153,000families with 281,000children benefited fromthe payments. Thepayment rate is €100for each child aged 4 to11 and €200 for chil-dren aged 12 to 22. Asin previous years, alarge proportion ofBack to School Clothingand FootwearAllowance paymentswill be fully automatedand no application formwill be required.

Letters will issue in theweek ending 10th Juneinforming families oftheir entitlement andnotifying them of theexpected paymentwhich wil l be made

Farrell Commends Back ToSchool Allowance

during the week ending15th July. Further payments willbe made for applica-tions submitted to theDepartment of SocialProtection.

07.06.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 1722 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin


PRINT ADVERTISEMENTWith over 105,000 readers and a weekly distribution of 30,000newspapers, North County Leader is still the No.1 and most costefficient way to reach your customers.

With, by far the greatest readership of any media in North CountyDublin, it just doesn’t make sense to place your advertisementanywhere else.

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18 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 07.06.2016

GRAHAM, Patrick Joseph (P.J.) - June 2, 2016,(Greenwood, Cloghran, Co. Dublin) - June 2,2016 (peacefully) at Tara Winthrop privateclinic, late of St. Anne's golf society; sadlymissed by his loving wife Margaret, son John,daughters Miriam and Ann-Marie, sons-in-law,grandchildren, relatives and friends. Rest InPeace

CLANCY, (Portmarnock, Co. Dublin) - June 1st,2016, (peacefully) at home, while surroundedby his loving family, William (Bill), (formerly ofWood Printcraft), beloved husband of Kay (neeDaly) and much loved father of David, Siobhan,Ciaran and Aishling. Deeply regretted and sadlymissed by his loving family, sisters Betty(Swift) and Margaret (McNally), brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law Joe and John,daughters-in-law Aveen and Niamh, nephews,nieces, his adored grandchildren Conor, Katie,Cian, Ella, Liam, Lauren, Karl, Sean, Alanna,Ava, Alayna, relatives, neighbours and friends.May he rest in peace.

HARRIS (née Kelly), Catherine (Kitty) (Rush, Co.Dublin) Peacefully at Beaumont Hospital.Loving wife of the late John and mother to Johnand Brendan. Sadly missed by her lovingfamily, daughter-in-law Brenda, grandchildrenAisling and Kieran, brothers Billy and Paul,sister Ann, brothers in law, sisters in law,nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours andfriends. May She Rest In Peace

KAVANAGH , Eileen (Swords, Co. Dublin andformerly of Drumcondra, Co. Dublin) - June 2nd,2016 (peacefully) in the loving care of the staffat Tara Winthrop Private Clinic. Sadly missed byher loving sister Pauline, brothers John andSeamus, nephew Conor, relatives and friends.Rest in Peace

MCGUIRE Marie (née Mulvany), (Wyestown,Oldtown, Co. Dublin) At Connolly HospitalBlanchardstown, Peacefully. Predeceased byher beloved husband Paddy, deeply regrettedby her loving sons Robert, Michael, Brendan,Daughters-in-law Sandra, Carmel , Edel, grand-children Dara, Emma, Katie & Tom, sisters,sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces,nephews and a large circle of friends. Rest inPeace

CARLETON, Andrew (Andy) (Mullagh, Co. Cavanand formerly of Malahide, Co. Dublin) 28th May(peacefully) at the Mater Private Hospital.Loving husband of the late Mildred (Millie).Andrew will be sadly missed by his son Paul,brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews,extended family and friends. Rest in Peace

O’SULLIVAN, Charles (Charlie) (Swords, Co.Dublin) - May 27, 2016 (peacefully) atBeaumont Hospital surrounded by his family;sadly missed by his loving wife Eithne,daughter Adele, son Eoin, daughter-in-lawFiona, son-in-law Charles, grandchildren Evanand Anna, sisters Ann and Angela, brothersEamon and Joe, relatives, friends andcolleagues of Aer Lingus. Rest in Peace

DRENNAN, (née Hodson) Dorothea (Skerries,Co. Dublin) - May 28, 2016 (peacefully) at St.Gabriel's Nursing Home, Raheny in her 103rdyear. Predeceased by her husbands AlbertMichael Cronin, Christopher Drennan and son-in-law Bartle. Deeply regretted by her daugh-ters Marina and Evelyn, son-in-law Henry, herten grandchildren and twenty six great-grand-children. Rest in Peace.

COLEMAN Kenny, (London UK and formerly,Skerries, Co. Dublin), on the 23rd May 2016,passed away peacefully at Royal Free Hospital.Much loved husband of Cecile, a hero to Kai

and Will, son of Moss & Alicia, brother of John,Emma and William. Will be sadly missed byfamily and friends. Rest In Peace

McKEEVER, Brendan (Portmarnock, Co. Dublin)- May 27, 2016 (peacefully), at St. FrancisHospice, Raheny, beloved husband of the lateJean; sadly missed by his loving daughterSusan, son Lee, daughter-in-law Erica, son-in-law Kieron, grandchildren Bethany, Ross,Bradlee and Baylee, sister Joan, brothers Brianand Kevin, brother-in-law Paddy, sister-in-lawMaura, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.Rest In Peace.

MCNERNEY (Maria) (née Doyle) (Rush, Co.Dublin and late of Donaghmede and BangorRoad, Crumlin) May 28, 2016 (peacefully) athome Maria loving wife of the late Eddie; sadlymissed by her loving sons, daughters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relativesand a large circle of friends. May Maria Rest InPeace.

BYRNE Timothy (Tim) (Skerries, Co. Dublin)27th May 2016 (peacefully) at home Timothy(Tim), sadly missed by his loving wife Ethel,daughters Carrie and Lucille, son Mark, sister,adored three grandchildren, relatives andfriends. Rest in peace

SINGLETON Archie, (Cloghran, Co. Dublin andformerly of Tyrellspass, Co. Westmeath). 31stMay 2016. (Suddenly) in Beaumont Hospitalsurrounded by his loving family. Belovedhusband of the late Anne Nancy and belovedpartner of the late Kathleen; very sadly missedby his children Declan, Laura, Stephen, Ken,Sean and Derek, daughters-in-law, sisters,brothers, grandchildren, relatives and friends.Rest in peace.

O Great St. Joseph of Cupertino Who by your prayers obtained from God

That you should be asked at yourexamination

The only proposition you knew. Please dear St. Joseph of Cupertino

Obtain for me that I may succeedlike you

In the examination for whichI am preparing.

I promise in return to make to youknown

And to cause you to be invoked.Amen.

Prayer for students toSt. Joseph of Cupertino


Recent published deathsfrom the North County


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O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel,Fruitful Vine, Splendour of Heaven, Blessed

Mother of the Son of God, ImmaculateVirgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of theSea, help me and show me herein you are myMother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Empressof Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech theefrom the bottom of my heart to secure me inthis my necessity. There are none that can

withstand your power, oh show me herein youare my mother. O Mary conceived without sin,

pray for us who have recourse to thee(3 times.)Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your

hands(3 times). Say this prayer for 3consecutive days and request will be grantedon the 3rd day. Prayer should be published.


Miracle PrayerSacred Heart of Jesus

in the past I haveasked you for manyfavours. This time I

ask for a very specialone (mention

request). Take it dearHeart of Jesus andplace it within yourbroken heart whereyour Father sees it.Then in His mercifuleyes it will becomeyour favour and not

mine.Say this prayer for 3

days, promisepublication and favourwill be granted. Never

known to fail.


Novena To TheBlessed Virgin

Miracle PrayerSacred Heart of Jesus

in the past I haveasked you for many

favours.This time I ask for a

very special one(mention request).

Take it dear Heart ofJesus and place it

within your brokenheart where your

Father sees it.Then in His

merciful eyes it willbecome your favour

and not mine.Say this prayer for 3

days, promisepublication andfavour will be

granted. Neverknown to fail.

T. Mc A

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought to construct anew single storey extension to the rear, extendthe utility area into the existing garage, relo-cate the front door to the front building lineinstall a new roof light to the existing garageroof and fit new external insulation and renderto the existing house at 70 Shenick Rd,Skerries for Jim HynesThe planning application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy, at the offices ofFingal County Council, County Hall, Main St,Swords, Co. Dublin, during its public openinghours. A submission or observation in relationto the application may be made in writing to thePlanning Authority on payment of theprescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5weeks beginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of the application, and such submis-sions or observations will be considered by thePlanning Authority in making a decision on theapplication. The Planning Authority may grantpermission subject to or without conditions, ormay refuse to grant permission.

Fingal County CouncilVasos & Jo Vasiliou seek planning permissionfor demolition of existing single storey threebed detached dwelling with garage & allexisting outbuildings, and its replacement withnew part two storey, part dormer three beddetached dwelling and garage with first floorbalconies to the south and east elevations,storage outbuilding, on-site wastewater treat-ment system, landscaping, drainage and ancil-lary site works, accessed as existing via right ofway across Corballis Links Golf Club; all at VillaMaria, Corballis, Donabate, Co. Dublin. ThePlanning Application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy at the offices of thePlanning Authority during its public openinghours and a submission or observation may bemade to the Planning Authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed fee within the periodof 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt bythe authority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilSíle Byrne and Gordon Johnston seek planningpermission for (a) Conversion of existing atticspace to playroom comprising new dormer tothe side (north-east) elevation and 3 no. newrooflights to the rear (south-east) elevation; (b)Conversion of ground floor garage to additionalliving space with new window to front (north-west) elevation, all at 90 Blackberry Rise,Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. The PlanningApplication may be inspected or purchased at afee not exceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of the PlanningAuthority during its public opening hours and asubmission or observation may be made to thePlanning Authority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilRetention planning permission is sought by Desand Caroline Hurley at Balcarrick, Donabate, Co.Dublin for a first floor window to the easternfaçade of dwelling approved under Reg. Ref.F09A/0666, F15A/0330 and F09A/0666/E1. Theplanning application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy at the offices of theplanning authority during its public openinghours and a submission or observation may bemade to the authority in writing on payment ofthe prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5weeks beginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of this application.

Fingal County CouncilPermission for (a) refurbishment, alterationsand extension of existing vernacular cottageand (b) new wastewater treatment system and(c) all associated site works at Milverton,

Skerries, Co. Dublin. Signed: T.Keegan & C. Cunningham. Thisapplication can be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceedingthe reasonable cost of making acopy at the offices of Fingal CountyCouncil, County Hall, Main Street,Swords, Co. Dublin. Mon.-Fri.between 9.30-15.30 (ThroughLunch) and a submission or obser-vation in relation to the applicationmay be made in writing to FingalCounty Council on payment of theprescribed fee within the period of5 weeks beginning on the date ofreceipt by the authority of the appli-cation.

Fingal County CouncilI, Stephen Byrne intend to apply forRetention of Planning Permission atthis site 40 Hilltown Park, Swords,Co. Dublin which is a two storeysemi-detached dwelling. The devel-opment comprises of the retentionof a single storey garage to the sideand the converted attic space &access stairs and a velux rooflightto the front pitched roof.The Planning Application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of thePlanning Authority during its publicopening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to thePlanning Authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed feewithin the period of 5 weeks begin-ning on the date of receipt by theauthority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilApplication for Planning Permissionfor proposed two storey extensionto side and new external render toall facades at Wimbletown,Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin signedClaire McGill. This application maybe inspected/purchased at a feenot exceeding the reasonable costof making a copy between 9.30am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday, at theoffices of Fingal Co. Co., CountyHall, Main St., Swords, Co. Dublin.A submission or observation in rela-tion to the application may be madein writing on payment of theprescribed fee within the period of5 weeks beginning on the date ofreceipt by Fingal Co.Co. of theapplication.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission sought byPaul and Sharon Rice for a singlestorey extension to the front(south elevation) and side (eastelevation) at Palmerstown,Skerries, Co. Dublin. The planningapplication may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceedingthe reasonable cost of making acopy at the offices of the planningauthority during its public openinghours and submission or observa-tion may be made to the authorityin writing on payment of theprescribed fee (20Euros) withinthe period 5 weeks beginning onthe date of receipt by the authorityof this application.

Fingal County CouncilNiamh and Michael Donoghueseek a) Retention planning permis-sion for an existing roof light andb) Planning permission for a newroof light, a single storey sideextension to east elevation, asingle storey extension to side andrear to west / south elevation, newBRE soakpit and new waste watertreatment system at BalbrigganRoad, Barnageera, Skerries, Co.Dublin. The planning applicationmay be inspected or purchased ata fee not exceeding the reasonablecost of making a copy at the officesof the planning authority during itspublic opening hours and submis-sion or observation may be madeto the authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed fee(20Euros) within the period 5weeks beginning on the date ofreceipt by the authority of thisapplication.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is beingsought for extractor fan withducting rising from first floor levelto ridge level to (west) rear eleva-tion, and retractable awning overexisting shop front to Beshoffsunit 2 New Street Mall, Malahide,Co. Dublin. Applicant: Beshoff Bros. The planning application may beinspected, or purchased at a feenot exceeding the reasonable costof making a copy, at the offices ofthe planning authority during itspublic opening hours. A submis-sion or observation in relation tothe application may be made inwriting to the planning authorityon payment of the prescribed fee,€20, within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt bythe authority of the application,and such submissions or observa-tions will be considered by theplanning authority in making adecision on the application. Theplanning authority may grantpermission subject to or withoutconditions, or may refuse to grantpermission.

Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders

Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are

FREENorth County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper

are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas:

Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny,Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy,

Malahide and PortmarnockAdverts must be supplied by email toplanning@northcountyleader.ieor by can also post your advert on a disk toNorth County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin

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07.06.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 1922 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin





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20 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 07.06.2016