NBN Co Operations Manual · NBN Co Operations Manual 6 August28 September 2012 This document forms...


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NBN Co Operations Manual

6 August28 September 2012

This document forms part of NBN Co’s Wholesale Broadband Agreement, which is a Standard Form of Access Agreement for the purposes of Part XIC of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.

SFAA – WBA Product Catalogue – NBN Co Operations Manual version 1.6 – 6 August – 28 September 2012 2

NBN Co Limited

NBN Co Operations Manual

6/828/09/2012 Version 1.68

Document Number NBN-NO-MNL-0001


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Copyright © 2012 NBN Co Limited. All rights reserved. Not for general distribution.


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SFAA – WBA Product Catalogue – NBN Co Operations Manual version 1.6 – 6 August – 28 September 2012 3


Module 1: Introduction ........................................................................................................ 11

1 About the NBN Co Operations Manual .......................................................................... 12

1.1 Scope .........................................................................................................................................12

1.2 Structure ....................................................................................................................................12

1.3 Contacts .....................................................................................................................................13

1.4 Definitions .................................................................................................................................13

1.5 Non-binding operational performance targets .........................................................................14

1.6 Circumstances where the non-binding operational performance targets do not apply ...........14

Module 2: On-boarding ........................................................................................................ 15

1 Initial On-boarding ........................................................................................................ 16

1.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................16

1.2 Solution Definition .....................................................................................................................16

1.2.1 Conduct Product briefing and design Customer technical solution ............................16

1.2.2 Operational Workshop ................................................................................................17

1.3 Pre-Certification Testing ............................................................................................................18

1.3.1 Performance of Pre-Certification Testing ....................................................................18

1.3.2 Assessment of results of Pre-Certification Testing ......................................................18

1.4 Interoperability Certification Testing.........................................................................................18

1.4.1 Interoperability Certification Testing Program ...........................................................18

1.4.2 Performance of Interoperability Certification Testing ................................................18

1.4.3 Assessment of results of Interoperability Certification Testing ..................................19

1.5 Customer Account Establishment .............................................................................................20

1.5.1 Creating Customer’s billing account in NBN Co’s billing system .................................20

1.5.2 NBN Co Service Portal details ......................................................................................20

1.6 Operational Accreditation Testing .............................................................................................21

1.6.1 Performance of Operational Accreditation Testing ....................................................21

1.6.2 Assessment of results of Operational Accreditation Testing ......................................22

1.7 Ability to order Products ...........................................................................................................23

1.8 Flexibility in performance of test requirements ........................................................................23

2 Subsequent on-boarding activities ................................................................................ 25

Module 3: Activation ............................................................................................................ 26

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 27

1.1 Activation ...................................................................................................................................27

1.2 Availability of products ..............................................................................................................27

2 Forecasting ................................................................................................................... 28

2.1 NBN Co forecasts .......................................................................................................................28

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2.1.1 3 Year Rollout Plan ......................................................................................................28

2.1.2 1 Year Rollout Plan ......................................................................................................28

2.1.3 Monthly Ready for Service Rollout Plan ......................................................................28

2.1.4 Historical footprint list.................................................................................................29

2.1.5 POI Rollout Plan ...........................................................................................................29

2.1.6 Address inconsistency .................................................................................................29

2.2 First service required date for New Development sites ............................................................30

2.3 Customer forecasts ....................................................................................................................30

3 NBN Co Service Qualification ......................................................................................... 31

3.1 NBN Co Service Qualification System ........................................................................................31

3.2 Weekly address Excel spreadsheets ..........................................................................................31

4 Orders .......................................................................................................................... 32

4.1 Ordering Product Components..................................................................................................32

4.2 Order types ................................................................................................................................32

4.3 Timeframes ................................................................................................................................32

4.4 Non-binding operational performance targets for AVC Modifications .....................................32

4.5 Non-binding operational performance targets for CVC modifications. .....................................33

4.6 Non-binding operational performance targets for Type 2 Connections (In Place Infrastructure and Available Infrastructure) ............................................................................................................33

4.7 Priority Assistance Orders .........................................................................................................34

4.7.1 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre .....................................................................34

4.7.2 End User management ................................................................................................34

4.7.3 Priority Assistance Appointment Timeframes .............................................................35

4.7.4 Rescheduling appointments and New Appointments .................................................35

4.7.5 Access Component not used to supply of Downstream Priority Assistance Services .35

4.7.6 Priority Assistance warranty audits .............................................................................35

4.8 Product order lifecycle ..............................................................................................................36

4.9 Product order interactions ........................................................................................................36

4.10 Product order stages .................................................................................................................37

4.10.1 New order ...................................................................................................................37

4.10.2 Acknowledged order ...................................................................................................40

4.10.3 In Progress order .........................................................................................................40

4.10.4 Completed order .........................................................................................................41

4.10.5 Rejected order .............................................................................................................42

4.10.6 Pending order ..............................................................................................................42

4.10.7 Cancelled order ...........................................................................................................42

4.11 Infrastructure Component Order Information ..........................................................................43

4.11.1 Information required for NBN Co ODF Termination Point orders ...............................43

4.11.2 Information required for NBN Co Co-location orders .................................................43

4.11.3 Information required for Cross Connect orders ..........................................................44

4.12 Connectivity Component Order Information ............................................................................44

4.12.1 Information required for NNI orders ...........................................................................44

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4.13 Access Component Order information ......................................................................................44

4.13.1 Information required for AVC orders ..........................................................................44

4.13.2 Address confirmation ..................................................................................................45

4.13.3 Appointments ..............................................................................................................45

4.13.4 UNI port allocation ......................................................................................................46

4.13.5 Address investigation ..................................................................................................46

4.13.6 AVC bandwidth/traffic change ....................................................................................47

4.13.7 Subsequent UNI-V ordering ........................................................................................47

4.14 Modify orders ............................................................................................................................47

4.14.1 Modify Infrastructure Component orders ...................................................................48

4.14.2 Modify Connectivity Component orders .....................................................................48

4.14.3 Modify Access Component orders ..............................................................................49

4.15 Disconnect orders ......................................................................................................................49

4.16 Amend or cancel orders ............................................................................................................51

4.16.1 Point of No Return.......................................................................................................51

5 Appointment management ........................................................................................... 53

5.1 Rescheduling appointments ......................................................................................................53

5.1.1 Rescheduling by Customer ..........................................................................................53

5.1.2 Rescheduling by NBN Co .............................................................................................54

5.1.3 Late cancellations ........................................................................................................54

5.1.4 Missed appointments ..................................................................................................54

5.1.5 Non-binding operational performance target for appointments met ........................54

5.1.6 Non-binding operational performance target for Type 1 Connection appointment availability ...................................................................................................................55

6 Installations .................................................................................................................. 58

6.1 Presence of adult at the time of installation .............................................................................59

6.2 Terms of use of NBN Co Equipment ..........................................................................................59

6.3 Physical access policy ................................................................................................................60

7 Rearrangement, removal and repair of Connecting Equipment ...................................... 61

7.1 Rearrangement, removal and repair .........................................................................................61

Module 4: Assurance ............................................................................................................ 62

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 63

2 Monitoring and management ....................................................................................... 64

2.1 Ordered Product Data ...............................................................................................................64

3 Fault management ........................................................................................................ 65

3.1 Timeframes ................................................................................................................................65

3.2 Trouble Ticket Stages .................................................................................................................65

3.3 Reporting Faults to NBN Co .......................................................................................................66

3.3.1 Initial diagnosis of Fault by Customer .........................................................................66

3.3.2 Reporting of Faults to NBN Co ....................................................................................67

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3.3.3 Trouble Tickets ............................................................................................................67

3.3.4 Validation of Trouble Ticket by NBN Co ......................................................................68

3.4 Reporting NBN Faults (or other Faults) to Customer ................................................................69

3.4.1 Battery alarms .............................................................................................................70

3.4.2 Escorted Physical Access .............................................................................................70

3.4.3 Scheduling appointments ............................................................................................71

3.4.4 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre .....................................................................72

3.4.5 Rescheduling appointments ........................................................................................73

3.5 Trouble Ticket updates ..............................................................................................................74

3.6 Trouble Ticket queries ...............................................................................................................75

3.7 NBN Faults .................................................................................................................................75

3.7.1 Validating a Reported Fault as an NBN Fault ..............................................................75

3.7.2 Service Affecting Faults ...............................................................................................76

3.7.3 Resolving NBN Faults ...................................................................................................76

3.7.4 Non-binding operational performance targets for rectification of Standard NFAS Faults77

3.8 Closure of a Trouble Ticket ........................................................................................................78

3.8.1 Closure of a Trouble Ticket initiated by NBN Co .........................................................78

3.8.2 Closure of a Trouble Ticket initiated by Customer ......................................................79

3.8.3 NNI Diverse Chassis Failover Reverting .......................................................................80

3.9 Escalation of an unresolved Trouble Ticket ...............................................................................81

3.10 Notification of NBN Maintenance .............................................................................................82

3.10.1 Planned NBN Maintenance .........................................................................................82

3.10.2 Planned NBN Maintenance queries ............................................................................83

3.10.3 Unplanned NBN Maintenance.....................................................................................84

3.10.4 Non-binding operational performance targets for unplanned network outage responses and status updates ......................................................................................................85

3.11 Physical access policy ................................................................................................................86

3.12 Complaints Management ..........................................................................................................86

Module 5: Physical Access .................................................................................................... 88

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 89

1.1 New Physical Access Requests ...................................................................................................90

1.1.1 Site Induction ..............................................................................................................90

1.1.2 Electronic Access Card Request ...................................................................................90

1.1.3 Key Requests ...............................................................................................................91

1.2 Electronic access card and Key maintenance ............................................................................92

1.2.1 Lost / Stolen / Missing electronic access cards and Keys ............................................92

1.2.2 Damaged or Faulty electronic access cards and Keys .................................................92

1.2.3 Transfer electronic access cards and keys ...................................................................93

1.2.4 Update Keys ................................................................................................................93

1.2.5 Electronic access card Renewals .................................................................................93

1.2.6 Electronic access cards and Key Cancellation .............................................................94

1.3 Occupational Health and Safety requirements .........................................................................94

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1.3.1 Hazard and Incident Notification ................................................................................96

1.4 Site Specific Requirements ........................................................................................................96

1.5 Breaches of Physical Access Rules and Policies .........................................................................97

1.5.1 Physical access Refusal or Revocation .........................................................................97

1.5.2 Revocation of Physical Access .....................................................................................97

Module 6: Billing .................................................................................................................. 99

1 Billing and payments................................................................................................... 100

1.1 Billing Period Options ............................................................................................................. 100

1.1.1 Billing Period Options available ................................................................................ 100

1.1.2 Notification of new or changed Billing Period Options ............................................ 100

1.1.3 Selecting and changing Billing Period Options ......................................................... 100

1.2 Invoicing.................................................................................................................................. 100

1.2.1 Forms of Invoices ..................................................................................................... 100

1.2.2 Charge Information .................................................................................................. 103

1.2.3 Issuing forms of invoices .......................................................................................... 103

1.2.4 Late issuing of forms of invoices .............................................................................. 104

1.2.5 Failure to receive a form of invoice .......................................................................... 104

1.3 Process for Claiming Rebates and Credits .............................................................................. 104

1.3.1 Backhaul Rebate ....................................................................................................... 104

1.3.2 CVC Transitional Pricing Credits and CVC Credit ...................................................... 105

1.3.3 Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) Compensation Contribution ............................ 105

1.3.4 NNI Migration Rebate for NBN Co Fibre Access Service .......................................... 105

1.4 Payment .................................................................................................................................. 106

1.4.1 NBN Co’s bank account ............................................................................................ 106

1.4.2 Remittance advices .................................................................................................. 106

1.4.3 Customer to notify NBN Co if Customer cannot pay invoice ................................... 106

1.4.4 Record of payments in next invoice ......................................................................... 107

1.5 Billing Enquiries ...................................................................................................................... 107

1.5.1 Authorised Contacts ................................................................................................. 107

1.5.2 Making a Billing Enquiry ........................................................................................... 107

1.5.3 Escalating Billing Enquiries ....................................................................................... 108

1.6 Billing Disputes ....................................................................................................................... 108

1.6.1 Interaction with Module G of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement ..................... 108

1.6.2 Raising a Billing Dispute ............................................................................................ 108

1.6.3 Acknowledgement of Billing Disputes ...................................................................... 109

1.6.4 Resolving Billing Disputes ......................................................................................... 109

1.6.5 Escalation of a Billing Dispute .................................................................................. 110

1.6.6 Appointment of a Billing Expert ............................................................................... 110

1.6.7 Expert Determination Rules ..................................................................................... 111

1.6.8 Settling of Billing Disputes ........................................................................................ 111

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Module 7: NBN Co Service Portal ........................................................................................ 112

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 113

2 Web browser requirements ........................................................................................ 114

3 Authorised use of NBN Co Service Portal ..................................................................... 115

3.1 Delegated Administrators and Authorised Users ................................................................... 115

3.2 Requesting new Authorised Users.......................................................................................... 116

3.3 Changing or requesting new Delegated Administrators ........................................................ 116

3.4 Maintaining Authorised User accounts .................................................................................. 116

4 Accessing the NBN Co Service Portal............................................................................ 117

4.1 Accessing the NBN Co Service Portal ...................................................................................... 117

4.2 Logging on to NBN Co Service Portal ...................................................................................... 117

4.3 Authentication and security ................................................................................................... 117

4.4 NBN Co Service Portal support ............................................................................................... 118

4.5 Right to restrict or prohibit use of NBN Co Service Portal ...................................................... 118

4.6 Terms of use of NBN Co Service Portal ................................................................................... 118

Module 8: Reporting .......................................................................................................... 119

1 Reporting ................................................................................................................... 120

1.1 Service Level Performance Report ......................................................................................... 120

1.2 Request for ad hoc reports ..................................................................................................... 120

1.3 Governance of operational performance ............................................................................... 121

1.3.1 Governance Processes ............................................................................................. 121

1.3.2 Governance Process Reports.................................................................................... 122

1.3.3 Governance Process Meetings ................................................................................. 122

1.3.4 Governance Process Action Items ............................................................................ 123

Appendix ........................................................................................................................... 124

1 Common identifiers .................................................................................................... 125

1.1 NBN Co Location ID ................................................................................................................. 125

1.1.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 125

1.1.2 Schema ..................................................................................................................... 127

1.1.3 When assigned ......................................................................................................... 127

1.1.4 When used ............................................................................................................... 127

1.1.5 Lifetime..................................................................................................................... 127

1.2 Product Instance ID ................................................................................................................ 127

1.2.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 127

1.2.2 Schema ..................................................................................................................... 127

1.2.3 When assigned ......................................................................................................... 128

1.2.4 When used ............................................................................................................... 128

1.2.5 Lifetime..................................................................................................................... 128

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1.3 Service ID ................................................................................................................................ 128

1.3.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 128

1.3.2 Schema ..................................................................................................................... 128

1.3.3 When assigned ......................................................................................................... 129

1.3.4 When used ............................................................................................................... 129

1.3.5 Lifetime..................................................................................................................... 129

1.4 Appointment ID ...................................................................................................................... 129

1.4.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 129

1.4.2 Schema ..................................................................................................................... 129

1.4.3 When assigned ......................................................................................................... 129

1.4.4 When used ............................................................................................................... 130

1.4.5 Lifetime..................................................................................................................... 130

1.5 Order ID .................................................................................................................................. 130

1.5.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 130

1.5.2 Schema ..................................................................................................................... 130

1.5.3 When assigned ......................................................................................................... 130

1.5.4 When used ............................................................................................................... 130

1.5.5 Lifetime..................................................................................................................... 130

1.6 Trouble Ticket ID ..................................................................................................................... 130

1.6.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 130

1.6.2 Schema ..................................................................................................................... 130

1.6.3 When assigned ......................................................................................................... 131

1.6.4 When used ............................................................................................................... 131

1.6.5 Lifetime..................................................................................................................... 131

2 Interaction Specifications ............................................................................................ 132

2.1 Activation ................................................................................................................................ 132

2.1.1 Product Order Interactions ...................................................................................... 132

2.1.2 Disconnect Orders .................................................................................................... 136

2.1.3 Amend or Cancel Orders .......................................................................................... 137

2.2 Assurance ............................................................................................................................... 138

2.2.1 Raising a Trouble Ticket (Customer Initiated) .......................................................... 138

2.2.2 Raising a Trouble Ticket (NBN Co Initiated) ............................................................. 140

2.2.3 Rescheduling an Appointment ................................................................................. 140

2.2.4 Updating a Trouble Ticket ........................................................................................ 141

2.2.5 Querying a Trouble Ticket ........................................................................................ 142

2.2.6 Resolving a Trouble Ticket ........................................................................................ 144

2.2.7 Closing a Trouble Ticket (NBN Co Initiated) ............................................................. 146

2.2.8 Closing a Trouble Ticket (Customer Initiated) .......................................................... 148

2.2.9 Escalating a Trouble Ticket ....................................................................................... 148

2.2.10 Notifying Planned NBN Maintenance....................................................................... 150

2.2.11 Querying Planned NBN Maintenance ...................................................................... 151

3 Billing ......................................................................................................................... 152

3.1 Invoice Summary .................................................................................................................... 152

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3.1.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 152

3.1.2 Detailed explanation of the Invoice Summary ......................................................... 154

3.2 Invoice Detail .......................................................................................................................... 155

3.2.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 155

3.2.2 Detailed explanation of the Invoice Detail ............................................................... 156

3.3 Statement Summary ............................................................................................................... 157

3.3.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 157

3.3.2 Detailed explanation of the Statement Summary .................................................... 158

3.4 Billing Invoice Files .................................................................................................................. 159

3.4.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 159

3.5 Billing Event Files and Billing Adjustment Files ....................................................................... 159

3.5.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 159

3.5.2 Detailed explanation of BEFs and BAFs .................................................................... 161

Dictionary .......................................................................................................................... 162

Module 1: Introduction ........................................................................................................ 12

1 About the NBN Co Operations Manual .......................................................................... 13

1.1 Scope .........................................................................................................................................13

1.2 Structure ....................................................................................................................................13

1.3 Contacts .....................................................................................................................................14

1.4 Definitions .................................................................................................................................14

1.5 Non-binding operational performance targets .........................................................................15

1.6 Circumstances where the non-binding operational performance targets do not apply ...........15

Module 2: On-boarding ........................................................................................................ 16

1 Initial On-boarding ........................................................................................................ 17

1.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................17

1.2 Solution Definition .....................................................................................................................18

1.2.1 Conduct Product briefing and design Customer technical solution ............................18

1.2.2 Operational Workshop ................................................................................................19

1.3 Pre-Certification Testing ............................................................................................................19

1.3.1 Performance of Pre-Certification Testing ....................................................................19

1.3.2 Assessment of results of Pre-Certification Testing ......................................................20

1.4 Interoperability Certification Testing.........................................................................................20

1.4.1 Interoperability Certification Testing Program ...........................................................20

1.4.2 Performance of Interoperability Certification Testing ................................................20

1.4.3 Assessment of results of Interoperability Certification Testing ..................................21

1.5 Customer Account Establishment .............................................................................................22

1.5.1 Creating Customer’s billing account in NBN Co’s billing system .................................22

1.5.2 NBN Co Service Portal details ......................................................................................22

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1.6 Operational Accreditation Testing .............................................................................................23

1.6.1 Performance of Operational Accreditation Testing ....................................................23

1.6.2 Assessment of results of Operational Accreditation Testing ......................................24

1.7 Ability to order Products ...........................................................................................................25

1.8 Flexibility in performance of test requirements ........................................................................25

2 NWAS On-boarding ....................................................................................................... 26

2.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................26

2.2 Solution Definition .....................................................................................................................26

2.2.1 Conduct briefing and design of Customer technical solution .....................................26

2.3 First Order Assessment ..............................................................................................................27

3 Subsequent on-boarding activities ................................................................................ 29

Module 3: Activation ............................................................................................................ 30

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 31

1.1 Activation ...................................................................................................................................31

1.2 Availability of products ..............................................................................................................31

2 Forecasting ................................................................................................................... 32

2.1 NBN Co forecasts .......................................................................................................................32

2.1.1 3 Year Rollout Plan ......................................................................................................32

2.1.2 1 Year Rollout Plan ......................................................................................................32

2.1.3 Monthly Ready for Service Rollout Plan ......................................................................32

2.1.4 Historical footprint list.................................................................................................33

2.1.5 POI Rollout Plan ...........................................................................................................33

2.1.6 Address inconsistency .................................................................................................33

2.2 First service required date for New Development sites ............................................................34

2.3 Customer forecasts ....................................................................................................................34

3 NBN Co Service Qualification ......................................................................................... 35

3.1 NBN Co Service Qualification System ........................................................................................35

3.2 Weekly address list ....................................................................................................................35

4 Orders .......................................................................................................................... 37

4.1 Ordering Product Components..................................................................................................37

4.2 Order types ................................................................................................................................37

4.3 Timeframes ................................................................................................................................37

4.4 Non-binding operational performance targets for MAVC Activation ........................................37

4.5 Non-binding operational performance targets for AVC Modifications .....................................38

4.6 Non-binding operational performance targets for MAVC modifications ..................................38

4.7 Non-binding operational performance targets for CVC modifications ......................................38

4.8 Non-binding operational performance targets for Multicast Domain modifications ...............39

4.9 Non-binding operational performance targets for CVC activations ..........................................39

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4.10 Non-binding operational performance targets for Multicast Domain activations ....................40

4.11 Non-binding operational performance targets for Type 1 Connections (In Place Infrastructure and Available Infrastructure) ............................................................................................................40

4.12 Non-binding operational performance targets for Type 2 Connections (In Place Infrastructure and Available Infrastructure) ............................................................................................................40

4.13 Non-binding operational performance targets for NWAS Connections (In Place Infrastructure and Available Infrastructure) ............................................................................................................41

4.14 Priority Assistance Orders .........................................................................................................42

4.14.1 Priority assistance service applicability .......................................................................42

4.14.2 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre .....................................................................42

4.14.3 End User management ................................................................................................43

4.14.4 Priority Assistance Appointment Timeframes .............................................................43

4.14.5 Rescheduling Appointments and New Appointments ................................................43

4.14.6 Access Component not used to supply of Downstream Priority Assistance Services .43

4.14.7 Priority Assistance warranty audits .............................................................................43

4.15 Product order lifecycle ..............................................................................................................44

4.16 Product order interactions ........................................................................................................44

4.17 Product order stages .................................................................................................................45

4.17.1 New order ...................................................................................................................46

4.17.2 Acknowledged order ...................................................................................................48

4.17.3 In Progress order .........................................................................................................49

4.17.4 Completed order .........................................................................................................51

4.17.5 Rejected order .............................................................................................................51

4.17.6 Pending order ..............................................................................................................51

4.17.7 Cancelled order ...........................................................................................................52

4.18 Infrastructure Component Order Information ..........................................................................52

4.18.1 Information required for NBN Co ODF Termination Point orders ...............................52

4.18.2 Information required for NBN Co Co-location orders .................................................53

4.18.3 Information required for Cross Connect orders ..........................................................53

4.19 Connectivity Component Order Information ............................................................................54

4.19.1 Information required for NNI orders ...........................................................................54

4.20 Access Component/MAVC Order information ..........................................................................54

4.20.1 Product Component availability ..................................................................................54

4.20.2 Product Component Qualification...............................................................................54

4.20.3 Information required for NFAS AVC orders .................................................................55

4.20.4 Address confirmation ..................................................................................................55

4.20.5 Appointments ..............................................................................................................56

4.20.6 UNI allocation ..............................................................................................................57

4.20.7 Address investigation ..................................................................................................57

4.20.8 AVC and MAVC bandwidth/traffic change ..................................................................57

4.20.9 Subsequent UNI-V ordering ........................................................................................58

4.21 Modify orders ............................................................................................................................58

4.21.1 Modify Infrastructure Component orders ...................................................................58

4.21.2 Modify Connectivity Component orders .....................................................................59

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4.21.3 Modify Access Component and MAVC orders ............................................................60

4.22 Disconnect orders ......................................................................................................................61

4.23 Amend or cancel orders ............................................................................................................62

4.23.1 Point of No Return.......................................................................................................63

5 Appointment management ........................................................................................... 64

5.1 Appointment lifecycle ................................................................................................................64

5.2 Appointment stages ..................................................................................................................64

5.3 Reserving an Appointment by Customer ...................................................................................65

5.3.1 Appointment timeframes ............................................................................................66

5.3.2 Sunset Period for reserved Appointments ..................................................................67

5.3.3 Destruction of Personal Identity Information (PII) ......................................................67

5.4 Query Appointment status ........................................................................................................67

5.5 Booking an Appointment by NBN Co .........................................................................................67

5.6 In Progress Appointment ...........................................................................................................69

5.7 Rescheduling Appointments ......................................................................................................69

5.7.1 Rescheduling by Customer ..........................................................................................69

5.7.2 Rescheduling by NBN Co .............................................................................................70

5.8 Amending an Appointment .......................................................................................................70

5.9 Incomplete Appointment ..........................................................................................................71

5.10 Completing an Appointment .....................................................................................................71

5.10.1 Not in attendance (Missed Appointment by Downstream Customer) .......................72

5.11 Cancelling an Appointment .......................................................................................................72

5.11.1 Cancel Appointment request by Customer .................................................................73

5.11.2 Late cancellations requested by Customer .................................................................73

5.11.3 Cancellation request for Appointment indicating Priority Assistance ........................74

5.11.4 Cancellation of an Appointment by NBN Co ...............................................................74

5.11.5 Non-binding operational performance target for Type 1/Type 2 Appointments met 74

5.11.6 Non-binding operational performance target for Type 1 Connection Appointment availability ...................................................................................................................75

6 Installations .................................................................................................................. 78

6.1 Presence of adult at the time of installation .............................................................................79

6.2 Terms of use of NBN Co Equipment ..........................................................................................79

6.3 Physical access policy ................................................................................................................80

7 Rearrangement, removal and repair of Connecting Equipment ...................................... 81

7.1 Rearrangement, removal and repair .........................................................................................81

Module 4: Assurance ............................................................................................................ 82

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 83

2 Monitoring and management ....................................................................................... 84

2.1 Ordered Product Data ...............................................................................................................84

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3 Fault management (fault investigation) ......................................................................... 85

3.1 Timeframes ................................................................................................................................85

3.2 Trouble Ticket Stages .................................................................................................................85

3.3 Reporting Faults to NBN Co .......................................................................................................86

3.3.1 Initial diagnosis of Fault by Customer .........................................................................86

3.3.2 Reporting of Faults to NBN Co ....................................................................................87

3.3.3 Trouble Tickets ............................................................................................................87

3.3.4 Validation of Trouble Ticket by NBN Co ......................................................................88

3.4 Reporting NBN Faults (or other Faults) to Customer ................................................................89

3.4.1 Battery alarms .............................................................................................................90

3.4.2 Escorted Physical Access .............................................................................................90

3.4.3 Scheduling Appointments ...........................................................................................92

3.4.4 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre .....................................................................92

3.5 Modification of a Multicast Domain following an Exceeded Configured Peak Bandwidth Event93

4 Appointment management ........................................................................................... 94

4.1 Appointment lifecycle ................................................................................................................94

4.2 Appointment stages ..................................................................................................................94

4.3 Reserving an Appointment by Customer ...................................................................................95

4.3.1 Appointment timeframes ............................................................................................96

4.3.2 Sunset Period for reserved Appointments ..................................................................96

4.3.3 Destruction of Personal Identity Information (PII) ......................................................97

4.4 Query Appointment status ........................................................................................................97

4.5 Booking an Appointment by NBN Co .........................................................................................97

4.6 In Progress Appointment ...........................................................................................................98

4.7 Rescheduling Appointments ......................................................................................................98

4.7.1 Rescheduling by Customer ..........................................................................................99

4.8 Amending an Appointment .................................................................................................... 100

4.9 Incomplete Appointment ....................................................................................................... 101

4.10 Completing an Appointment .................................................................................................. 101

4.10.1 Not in attendance (Missed Appointment by Downstream Customer) .................... 102

4.11 Cancelling an Appointment .................................................................................................... 102

4.11.1 Cancel Appointment request by Customer .............................................................. 103

4.11.2 Late cancellations requested by Customer .............................................................. 103

4.11.3 Cancellation request for Appointment indicating Priority Assistance ..................... 103

4.11.4 Cancellation of an Appointment by NBN Co ............................................................ 104

5 Fault Management (fault rectification) ........................................................................ 105

5.1 Trouble Ticket updates ........................................................................................................... 105

5.2 Trouble Ticket queries ............................................................................................................ 106

5.3 NBN Faults .............................................................................................................................. 107

5.3.1 Validating a Reported Fault as an NBN Fault ........................................................... 107

5.3.2 Service Affecting Faults ............................................................................................ 107

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5.3.3 Resolving NBN Faults ................................................................................................ 107

5.3.4 Non-binding operational performance targets for rectification of Standard Faults and Enhanced NFAS Faults .............................................................................................. 109

5.4 Closure of a Trouble Ticket ..................................................................................................... 110

5.4.1 Closure of a Trouble Ticket initiated by NBN Co ...................................................... 110

5.4.2 Closure of a Trouble Ticket initiated by Customer ................................................... 111

5.4.3 NNI Diverse Chassis Failover Reverting .................................................................... 112

5.5 Escalation of an unresolved Trouble Ticket ............................................................................ 113

5.6 Notification of NBN Maintenance .......................................................................................... 114

5.6.1 Planned NBN Maintenance ...................................................................................... 114

5.6.2 Planned NBN Maintenance queries ......................................................................... 115

5.6.3 Unplanned NBN Maintenance.................................................................................. 116

5.6.4 Non-binding operational performance targets for unplanned network outage responses and status updates ................................................................................................... 117

5.7 Physical access policy ............................................................................................................. 118

5.8 Complaints Management ....................................................................................................... 118

Module 5: Physical Access .................................................................................................. 119

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 120

1.1 New Physical Access Requests ................................................................................................ 121

1.1.1 Site Induction ........................................................................................................... 121

1.1.2 Electronic Access Card Request ................................................................................ 121

1.1.3 Key Requests ............................................................................................................ 122

1.2 Electronic access card and Key maintenance ......................................................................... 123

1.2.1 Lost / Stolen / Missing electronic access cards and Keys ......................................... 123

1.2.2 Damaged or Faulty electronic access cards and Keys .............................................. 123

1.2.3 Transfer electronic access cards and keys ................................................................ 124

1.2.4 Update Keys ............................................................................................................. 124

1.2.5 Electronic access card Renewals .............................................................................. 124

1.2.6 Electronic access cards and Key Cancellation .......................................................... 125

1.3 Occupational Health and Safety requirements ...................................................................... 125

1.3.1 Hazard and Incident Notification ............................................................................. 127

1.4 Site Specific Requirements ..................................................................................................... 127

1.5 Breaches of Physical Access Rules and Policies ...................................................................... 128

1.5.1 Physical access Refusal or Revocation ...................................................................... 128

1.5.2 Revocation of Physical Access .................................................................................. 128

Module 6: Billing ................................................................................................................ 130

1 Billing and payments................................................................................................... 131

1.1 Billing Period Options ............................................................................................................. 131

1.1.1 Billing Period Options available ................................................................................ 131

1.1.2 Notification of new or changed Billing Period Options ............................................ 131

1.1.3 Selecting and changing Billing Period Options ......................................................... 131

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1.2 Invoicing.................................................................................................................................. 131

1.2.1 Forms of Invoices ..................................................................................................... 131

1.2.2 Charge Information .................................................................................................. 134

1.2.3 Issuing forms of invoices .......................................................................................... 134

1.2.4 Late issuing of forms of invoices .............................................................................. 135

1.2.5 Failure to receive a form of invoice .......................................................................... 135

1.3 Process for Claiming Rebates and Credits .............................................................................. 135

1.3.1 Backhaul Rebate ....................................................................................................... 135

1.3.2 CVC Transitional Pricing Credits and CVC Credit ...................................................... 136

1.3.3 Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) Compensation Contribution ............................ 136

1.3.4 NNI Migration Rebate .............................................................................................. 136

1.3.5 Service Level Rebate ................................................................................................. 137

1.4 Payment .................................................................................................................................. 137

1.4.1 NBN Co’s bank account ............................................................................................ 137

1.4.2 Remittance advices .................................................................................................. 137

1.4.3 Customer to notify NBN Co if Customer cannot pay invoice ................................... 138

1.4.4 Record of payments in next invoice ......................................................................... 138

1.5 Billing Enquiries ...................................................................................................................... 138

1.5.1 Authorised Contacts ................................................................................................. 138

1.5.2 Making a Billing Enquiry ........................................................................................... 138

1.5.3 Escalating Billing Enquiries ....................................................................................... 139

1.6 Billing Disputes ....................................................................................................................... 139

1.6.1 Interaction with Module G of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement ..................... 139

1.6.2 Raising a Billing Dispute ............................................................................................ 139

1.6.3 Acknowledgement of Billing Disputes ...................................................................... 140

1.6.4 Resolving Billing Disputes ......................................................................................... 140

1.6.5 Escalation of a Billing Dispute .................................................................................. 141

1.6.6 Appointment of a Billing Expert ............................................................................... 141

1.6.7 Expert Determination Rules ..................................................................................... 142

1.6.8 Settling of Billing Disputes ........................................................................................ 142

Module 7: NBN Co Service Portal ........................................................................................ 143

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 144

2 Web browser requirements ........................................................................................ 145

3 Authorised use of NBN Co Service Portal ..................................................................... 146

3.1 Delegated Administrators and Authorised Users ................................................................... 146

3.2 Requesting new Authorised Users.......................................................................................... 147

3.3 Changing or requesting new Delegated Administrators ........................................................ 147

3.4 Maintaining Authorised User accounts .................................................................................. 147

4 Accessing the NBN Co Service Portal............................................................................ 148

4.1 Accessing the NBN Co Service Portal ...................................................................................... 148

4.2 Logging on to NBN Co Service Portal ...................................................................................... 148

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4.3 Authentication and security ................................................................................................... 148

4.4 NBN Co Service Portal support ............................................................................................... 149

4.5 Right to restrict or prohibit use of NBN Co Service Portal ...................................................... 149

4.6 Terms of use of NBN Co Service Portal ................................................................................... 149

Module 8: Reporting .......................................................................................................... 150

1 Reporting ................................................................................................................... 151

1.1 Service Level Performance Report ......................................................................................... 151

1.2 Request for ad hoc reports ..................................................................................................... 151

1.3 Governance of operational performance ............................................................................... 152

1.3.1 Governance Processes ............................................................................................. 152

1.3.2 Governance Process Reports.................................................................................... 153

1.3.3 Governance Process Meetings ................................................................................. 153

1.3.4 Governance Process Action Items ............................................................................ 154

Appendix ........................................................................................................................... 155

1 Common identifiers .................................................................................................... 156

1.1 NBN Co Location ID ................................................................................................................. 156

1.1.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 156

1.1.2 Schema ..................................................................................................................... 158

1.1.3 When assigned ......................................................................................................... 158

1.1.4 When used ............................................................................................................... 158

1.1.5 Lifetime..................................................................................................................... 158

1.2 Product Instance ID ................................................................................................................ 158

1.2.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 158

1.2.2 Schema ..................................................................................................................... 158

1.2.3 When assigned ......................................................................................................... 159

1.2.4 When used ............................................................................................................... 159

1.2.5 Lifetime..................................................................................................................... 159

1.3 Service ID ................................................................................................................................ 159

1.3.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 159

1.3.2 Schema ..................................................................................................................... 159

1.3.3 When assigned ......................................................................................................... 160

1.3.4 When used ............................................................................................................... 160

1.3.5 Lifetime..................................................................................................................... 160

1.4 Appointment ID ...................................................................................................................... 160

1.4.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 160

1.4.2 Schema ..................................................................................................................... 160

1.4.3 When assigned ......................................................................................................... 160

1.4.4 When used ............................................................................................................... 161

1.4.5 Lifetime..................................................................................................................... 161

1.5 Order ID .................................................................................................................................. 161

1.5.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 161

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1.5.2 Schema ..................................................................................................................... 161

1.5.3 When assigned ......................................................................................................... 161

1.5.4 When used ............................................................................................................... 161

1.5.5 Lifetime..................................................................................................................... 161

1.6 Trouble Ticket ID ..................................................................................................................... 161

1.6.1 Description ............................................................................................................... 161

1.6.2 Schema ..................................................................................................................... 161

1.6.3 When assigned ......................................................................................................... 162

1.6.4 When used ............................................................................................................... 162

1.6.5 Lifetime..................................................................................................................... 162

2 Interaction Specifications ............................................................................................ 163

2.1 Activation ................................................................................................................................ 163

2.1.1 Product Order Interactions ...................................................................................... 163

2.1.2 Disconnect Orders .................................................................................................... 166

2.1.3 Amend or Cancel Orders .......................................................................................... 167

2.2 Assurance ............................................................................................................................... 169

2.2.1 Raising a Trouble Ticket (Customer Initiated) .......................................................... 169

2.2.2 Raising a Trouble Ticket (NBN Co Initiated) ............................................................. 170

2.2.3 Rescheduling an Appointment ................................................................................. 170

2.2.4 Updating a Trouble Ticket ........................................................................................ 172

2.2.5 Querying a Trouble Ticket ........................................................................................ 173

2.2.6 Resolving a Trouble Ticket ........................................................................................ 174

2.2.7 Closing a Trouble Ticket (NBN Co Initiated) ............................................................. 176

2.2.8 Closing a Trouble Ticket (Customer Initiated) .......................................................... 178

2.2.9 Escalating a Trouble Ticket ....................................................................................... 179

2.2.10 Notifying Planned NBN Maintenance....................................................................... 180

2.2.11 Querying Planned NBN Maintenance ...................................................................... 181

3 Billing ......................................................................................................................... 183

3.1 Invoice Summary .................................................................................................................... 183

3.1.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 183

3.1.2 Detailed explanation of the Invoice Summary ......................................................... 184

3.2 Invoice Detail .......................................................................................................................... 185

3.2.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 185

3.2.2 Detailed explanation of the Invoice Detail ............................................................... 186

3.3 Statement Summary ............................................................................................................... 187

3.3.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 187

3.3.2 Detailed explanation of the Statement Summary .................................................... 188

3.4 Billing Invoice Files .................................................................................................................. 189

3.4.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 189

3.5 Billing Event Files and Billing Adjustment Files ....................................................................... 189

3.5.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 189

3.5.2 Detailed explanation of BEFs and BAFs .................................................................... 191

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Dictionary .......................................................................................................................... 192

NBN Co Operations Manual

Module 1:1: Introduction

Module 1:1: Introduction

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1 About the NBN Co Operations Manual

1.1 Scope

This document constitutes the NBN Co Operations Manual for the purposes of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement between NBN Co and Customer (Wholesale Broadband Agreement).

This NBN Co Operations Manual forms part of the WBA Product Catalogue and describes the processes and procedures that apply to the operational aspects of the supply of Products by NBN Co to Customer under the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

The consultation between NBN Co and Customer during the on-boarding phase will provide Customer with a greater understanding of NBN Co’s operational processes.

As NBN Co continues to rollout the NBN Co Network, NBN Co will develop further operational processes. NBN Co will introduce the NBN Co Platform, which will become the primary system for ordering and tracking Products, billing, payments, fault reporting and rectification. In turn, NBN Co will make corresponding additions and refinements to this NBN Co Operations Manual. This will result in changes to the format and content over time as NBN Co introduces new capabilities through the NBN Co Platform, and NBN Co and Customer learn how to operate more effectively and efficiently together.

NBN Co intends to engage actively with Customer and otherOther NBN Co Customers in developing these processes. NBN Co may make changes to this NBN Co Operations Manual in accordance with clause F4 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

1.2 Structure

This NBN Co Operations Manual comprises a series of modules. Each module describes a particular function, and specifies how NBN Co and Customer are required to interact with each other when carrying out activities relating to that function.

The following table describes the modules within this NBN Co Operations Manual.

1 Introduction Provides an overview of the structure of this NBN Co Operations Manual and a brief description of the contents of each module.

2 On-boarding Describes the processes and interactions that apply in order for Customer to become accredited to order Products over the NBN Co Network.

3 Activation Describes the processes and interactions that apply to the ordering and provisioning of Products supplied over the NBN Co Network.

4 Assurance Describes the processes and interactions that apply in connection with management and resolution of service-related issues.

5 Physical access

Describes the processes and interaction that apply in connection with Customers accessing NBN Co Type 2 Facilities.

6 Billing Describes the billing processes and interactions that apply in connection with Products that NBN Co supplies to Customer over the NBN Co Network.

Module 1:1: Introduction

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7 NBN Co Service Portal

Describes general features and functions of the NBN Co Service Portal. Other modules of this NBN Co Operations Manual describe how the NBN Co Service Portal is used for a specific function and the related interactions, as specified in those modules.

8 Reporting Describes the types of reporting that NBN Co will make available to Customer and the governance processes that will apply in relation to NBN Co’s operational performance.

Appendix Defines NBN Co common identifiers (including Product Instance IDs and Order IDs), including descriptions and usage.

Dictionary Defines terms and abbreviations used within this NBN Co Operations Manual. Other terms have the meaning given to them in the Dictionary of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement or the WBA Product Catalogue.

1.3 Contacts

NBN Co will provide a Contact Matrix to Customer at the Operational Workshop during the on-boarding process.

The Contact Matrix will set out contact details for the NBN Co Personnel who can be contacted in relation to the matters described in this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Customer must complete the Contact Matrix for the Customer personnel who can be contacted in relation to the matters specified in this NBN Co Operations Manual and provide the completed Contact Matrix to NBN Co, as specified in section of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Unless otherwise specified, any communication from a party to the other party in relation to this NBN Co Operations Manual may be given:

by email;

by letter;

by communication through the NBN Co Service Portal (but not by communication through B2B Access); or

by any other form of communication as may be notified by NBN Co to Customer from time to time,

to the other party’s relevant contact as set out in the Contract Matrix, or as otherwise provided in this NBN Co Operations Manual.

The parties may access and use the Contact Matrix through the NBN Co Service Portal.

1.4 Definitions

A capitalised term used in this NBN Co Operations Manual has the meaning given to that term in:

the Dictionary of this NBN Co Operations Manual;

the Dictionary of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement; or

the WBA Product Catalogue.

Module 1:1: Introduction

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A common identifier that is used in this NBN Co Operations Manual is defined in the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

1.5 Non-binding operational performance targets

This NBN Co Operations Manual sets out various performance targets that are referred to as “non-binding operational performance targets”.

The parties agree that:

all non-binding operational performance targets set out in this NBN Co Operations Manual only apply in respect of the NBN Co Fibre Access Servicespecific Products to which they relate and do not apply in respect of any other Products generally; and

all non-binding operational performance targets apply in addition to the Service Levels set out in the Service Levels Schedule.

1.6 Circumstances where the non-binding operational performance targets do not apply

NBN Co is not required to meet any non-binding operational performance targets set out in this NBN Co Operations Manual to the extent that NBN Co’s failure to meet a non-binding operational performance target is contributed to by any matter, thing, event or circumstance for which NBN Co is not legally responsible under the Wholesale Broadband Agreement or is not within NBN Co’s reasonable control and which NBN Co reasonably considers does, will, or is likely to, unreasonably adversely impact on the ability of NBN Co to meet that non-binding operational performance target, including:

extreme weather conditions;

work in respect of non-typical premises, such as heritage buildings or buildings that are difficult to access;

failures or delays in obtaining approvals or consents from relevant persons or entities, such as local councils, building managers and landlords; and

inability to gain access to the Premises or other relevant location to perform works in connection with the fulfilment of that non-binding operational performance target, such as refusal of entry and lock-outs.

NBN Co Operations Manual

Module 2:2: On-boarding

Module 2:2: On-boarding

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1 Initial On-boarding

1.1 Introduction

The purpose of the on-boarding process described in this module is to prepare Customer, in an operational sense, for interacting with NBN Co in connection with supply of Products. In addition, the on-boarding process ensures that Customer’s systems, products and services are aligned and compatible with NBN Co’s systems, products and services.

The testing requirements set out in this module ensure that Customer has sufficient technical, operational and organisational capabilities to successfully interoperate with the NBN Co Network.

The on-boarding process applies in relation to each Product Component and Product Feature that Customer wishes to order.

However, to the extent that NBN Co determines that:

Customer has successfully completed on-boarding for a Product, Product Component or Product Feature;

consequently, Customer does not need to conduct some part of the on-boarding process for another Product, Product Component or Product Feature; and

none of the none of the matters in section 3 of this module apply,

NBN Co will waive Customer’s obligation to undertake the relevant elements of on-boarding for the subsequent Product, Product Component or Product Feature (as applicable).

In respect of NBN Co carriage products, Customer must complete on-boarding as follows:

NFAS only in accordance with this section 1 (with NWAS optionally completed subsequently in accordance with section 2 of this module 2); or

NFAS and NWAS together in accordance with this section 1 and section 2 of this module 2.

The diagram below provides an overview of the elements of the initial on-boarding process.

Module 2:2: On-boarding

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Figure 11 – Overview of initial on-boarding

1.2 Solution Definition

1.2.1 Conduct Product briefing and design Customer technical solution

As the first step in the Solution Definition, NBN Co will conduct a Product briefing session on a date agreed with Customer. The Product briefing session will explain the Products, Product Components and Product Features set out in the WBA Product Catalogue.

Subsequent Solution Definition meetings between NBN Co and Customer may be held as reasonably required by NBN Co.

Customer must ensure that a reasonable number of staff, who are knowledgeable about Customer’s business and technical integration requirements, attend the Product briefing session and any subsequent Solution Definition meetings.

During the Product briefing session and subsequent Solution Definition meetings (if any) between NBN Co and Customer:

NBN Co will provide Customer with a draft solution brief, being a high level document containing information regarding Customer architecture, Product requirements and Interoperability Certification Testing requirements (Solution Brief). NBN Co and Customer must finalise the Solution Brief before Interoperability Certification Testing;

NBN Co will provide Customer with a Product template document that specifies the configuration attributes that Customer has indicated it intends to order from the WBA Product Catalogue (Product Template);

Customer may customise the Product Template by choosing the attributes that Customer wishes to be displayed on the Connect and Modify Order pages when using the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable);

Customer must confirm that the Product Template is accurate, or inform NBN Co of the required changes to the Product Template. NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to make any reasonable changes notified by Customer to the Product Template; and

Module 2:2: On-boarding

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NBN Co will provide Customer with a test plan relating to the pre-certification tests to be performed and completed by Customer, in respect of each Product, Product Component or Product Feature set out in the Product Template (Pre-Certification Test Plan).

1.2.2 Operational Workshop

NBN Co will conduct an Operational Workshop on a date agreed with Customer. Such Operational Workshop may be scheduled in conjunction with the Product briefing provided in the solution definition meetings, or as a separate meeting.

During the Operational Workshop, NBN Co will provide a Contact Matrix document to Customer (Contact Matrix). The Contact Matrix will set out contact details for the NBN Co Personnel who can be contacted in relation to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Customer must complete the Contact Matrix for the Customer Personnel who can be contacted in relation to this NBN Co Operations Manual and provide the completed Contact Matrix to NBN Co within 10 Business Days of the Operational Workshop.

Each party must ensure that the Contact Matrix contains up-to-date details for each relevant contact person. Each party must advise the other party in writing of any changes to the Personnel or contact details in respect of that party set out in the Contact Matrix.

The Operational Workshop will introduce Customer to this NBN Co Operations Manual, and explain how specific interoperability processes between NBN Co and Customer will occur.

The Operational Workshop will cover topics including:

roles and responsibilities for NBN Co and Customer under this NBN Co Operations Manual;

incident reporting and resolution;

planned outage notification;

ordering Products (e.g. Infrastructure Components, Connectivity Components and, Access Components and Multicast Components);

appointmentAppointment management; and


NBN Co will provide a Diagnostic Checklist relating to Faults during the Operational Workshop.

Customer must ensure that a reasonable number of its staff who are knowledgeable with Customer operations and provisioning attend any workshops or training provided.

NBN Co may, in its discretion, provide training sessions for Customer to enable Customer to train Customer Personnel (e.g. Customer contact centre and service desk staff who will be involved in the day to day transactions between NBN Co and Customer).

1.3 Pre-Certification Testing

1.3.1 Performance of Pre-Certification Testing

Customer must perform and complete Pre-Certification Testing in accordance with the requirements of the Pre-Certification Test Plan for the relevant Product Testing Module as notified by NBN Co to Customer.

Module 2:2: On-boarding

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1.3.2 Assessment of results of Pre-Certification Testing

If NBN Co, acting reasonably, considers that Customer has successfully completed the requirements of Pre-Certification Testing, then NBN Co will issue a written notice to Customer to that effect and Customer may proceed to the Interoperability Certification Testing stage of the relevant Product Testing Module, in which case section 1.41.4 will apply.

If Customer has not successfully completed the requirements of Pre-Certification Testing, then:

NBN Co will notify Customer accordingly, providing details of and reasons for the failure; and

Customer will, in accordance with section 1.3.1,1.3.1, re-perform those requirements of Pre-Certification Testing that NBN Co reasonably considered were not successfully completed.

Sections 1.3.1 and and 1.3.2 continue to apply until Customer has successfully completed the requirements of Pre-Certification Testing in accordance with this section.

1.4 Interoperability Certification Testing

1.4.1 Interoperability Certification Testing Program

NBN Co will develop with Customer the Interoperability Certification Testing Program (ICT Program) for the relevant Product Testing Module.

Following notification by NBN Co to Customer that Customer has successfully completed Pre-Certification Testing, NBN Co will:

notify Customer of the period during which the National Test Facility will be made available for NBN Co to conduct Interoperability Certification Testing in respect of Customer; and

notify Customer of the Access Timetable in accordance with which NBN Co will conduct Interoperability Certification Testing in respect of Customer.

1.4.2 Performance of Interoperability Certification Testing

Customer must participate in Interoperability Certification Testing conducted by NBN Co, as requested by NBN Co from time to time.

Customer must:

provide all backhaul, equipment and other requirements, including all consents and approvals that NBN Co considers necessary for NBN Co to use such backhaul, equipment and other requirements, as set out in the ICT Program;

provide connectivity between the Customer Platform and the NBN Co Network through the use of interfaces developed by Customer, including all consents and approvals that NBN Co considers necessary for NBN Co to use that connectivity and those interfaces, as set out in the ICT Program;

permit NBN Co to use any Customer Equipment specified in the ICT Program to enable NBN Co to conduct Interoperability Certification Testing; and

Module 2:2: On-boarding

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provide any assistance that is reasonably required by NBN Co to enable NBN Co to conduct such Interoperability Certification Testing, including making available all Customer technical Personnel reasonably requested by NBN Co onsite at the National Test Facility,

to the extent necessary for NBN Co to conduct Interoperability Certification Testing in respect of Customer.

For the purposes of allowing NBN Co to proceed with other test activities, at the end of the period specified in a relevant Access Timetable, unless otherwise directed by NBN Co, Customer must immediately remove all Customer Equipment from the National Test Facility and vacate the National Test Facility regardless of whether NBN Co has completed Interoperability Certification Testing.

Within a reasonable period after the end of the period specified in a relevant Access Timetable, NBN Co will:

prepare all of the documentation required by the relevant ICT Program in accordance with that ICT Program (the ICT Documentation); and

provide a copy of that ICT Documentation to Customer.

1.4.3 Assessment of results of Interoperability Certification Testing

Following preparation by NBN Co of the ICT Documentation, NBN Co will, acting reasonably, consider whether the requirements of Interoperability Certification Testing have been successfully completed in respect of Customer.

If NBN Co considers that the requirements of Interoperability Certification Testing have been successfully completed in respect of Customer, then NBN Co will issue a written notice to Customer to that effect, in which case sections 1.5 and 1.61.5 and 1.6 will apply.

If the requirements of Interoperability Certification Testing have not been successfully completed in respect of Customer, then:

NBN Co will notify Customer accordingly, providing details of and reasons for the failure; and

NBN Co will notify Customer of a revised Access Timetable during which NBN Co will re-conduct those requirements of Interoperability Certification Testing that NBN Co considered were not successfully completed.

If the requirements of Interoperability Certification Testing have not been successfully completed in respect of Customer within the relevant revised Access Timetable, then:

NBN Co will consult with Customer as to whether there are reasonable prospects of successfully completing the requirements of Interoperability Certification Testing;

if, following such consultation, NBN Co is not satisfied there are reasonable prospects of successfully completing the requirements of Interoperability Certification Testing in respect of Customer, NBN Co may (without limitation):

notify Customer of the steps or activities that Customer must take or perform for NBN Co to be satisfied that there are reasonable prospects of successfully completing the requirements of Interoperability Certification Testing in respect of Customer; and

Module 2:2: On-boarding

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suspend the re-performance of Interoperability Certification Testing in respect of Customer (and Customer must immediately remove all Customer Equipment from the National Test Facility and vacate the National Test Facility for the duration of such suspension); and

after Customer notifies NBN Co that it has taken those steps and performed those activities in accordance with NBN Co’s notice and NBN Co is reasonably satisfied that Customer has taken such steps and performed such activities notified by NBN Co:

NBN Co will cease that suspension, and notify Customer of that cessation, as soon as is reasonably practicable; and

Customer will only be re-admitted access to the National Test Facility pursuant to the revised Access Timetable notified by NBN Co to Customer.

Sections 1.4.2 and and 1.4.3 continue to apply until the requirements of Interoperability Certification Testing have been successfully completed in respect of Customer in accordance with this section

1.5 Customer Account Establishment

1.5.1 Creating Customer’s billing account in NBN Co’s billing system

Prior to the commencement of the Operational Accreditation Testing phase of the on-boarding process, NBN Co will provide Customer with a Billing Account Request Form (Billing Account Request Form).

Before Customer is able to place an order for a Product from NBN Co, Customer must:

provide NBN Co with all the information requested in the Billing Account Request Form, in order to allow NBN Co to establish Customer’s billing account; and

specify in the Contact Matrix the contact person/s that are authorised to request a Billing Enquiry and/or Billing Dispute on behalf of Customer (Authorised Contact).

Customer must send the completed Billing Account Request Form to its NBN Co Relationship Point of Contact.

As soon as possible after NBN Co has created Customer’s billing account in the NBN Co billing system, the NBN Co Relationship Point of Contact will notify Customer that Customer’s billing account has been created.

1.5.2 NBN Co Service Portal details

Prior to the commencement of the Operational Accreditation Testing phase of the on-boarding process, Customer must provide NBN Co with:

the names of either one, or two, senior employee(s) of Customer to become Delegated Administrator(s) of the NBN Co Service Portal on behalf on Customer; and

the names of all the employees of Customer that will, or are likely to, become Authorised Users of the NBN Co Service Portal on behalf of Customer.

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1.6 Operational Accreditation Testing

1.6.1 Performance of Operational Accreditation Testing

Providing Customer has met the requirements set out in section 1.5,1.5, within 4 weeks following notification by NBN Co to Customer that Customer has successfully completed the requirements of Interoperability Certification Testing in accordance with section 1.4.3,1.4.3, NBN Co will:

provide Customer with the OAT Plan for the relevant Product Testing Module;

ensure that the OAT Plan for the relevant Product Testing Module specifies the location(s) at which Operational Accreditation Testing will be performed, which may be:

the National Test Facility;

between the offices of NBN Co and Customer; or

at both the National Test Facility and between the offices of NBN Co and Customer;

(if applicable) notify Customer of the period during which the National Test Facility will be made available for Customer to perform those parts of Operational Accreditation Testing that are to be performed at the National Test Facility; and

(if applicable) notify Customer of the Access Timetable in accordance with which Customer must perform and successfully complete those parts of Operational Accreditation Testing that are to be performed at the National Test Facility.

Customer agrees:

to perform and complete each requirement of the Operational Accreditation Testing during the period specified in the Access Timetable (if applicable) in accordance with the OAT Plan for the relevant Product Testing Module and this On-boarding module;

to perform and complete Operational Accreditation Testing in the presence of NBN Co or its duly appointed agents (or, if permitted by the OAT Program, during periods where NBN Co or its duly appointed agents are in contact with Customer’s Personnel via video conference, telephone or email, and by those means, are reasonably able to monitor the performance of Operational Accreditation Testing).

NBN Co or its duly appointed agents may also participate in Customer’s performance of any element of Operational Accreditation Testing, though they are not obliged to do so. Any participation by NBN Co or its duly appointed agents will not affect Customer’s obligation to perform and complete Operational Accreditation Testing in accordance with this section

If Operational Accreditation Testing is performed in whole or in part at the National Test Facility, then for the purposes of allowing NBN Co to proceed with other test activities, at the end of the period specified in a relevant Access Timetable, unless otherwise directed by NBN Co, Customer must immediately remove all Customer Equipment from the National Test Facility and vacate the National Test Facility regardless of whether Customer has completed those requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing that are to be performed at the National Test Facility.

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If Operational Accreditation Testing is performed in whole between the offices of NBN Co and Customer, then the parties will agree on a timetable of the dates and times that each party may access and use the other party’s office for Operational Accreditation Testing. At the end of such dates and times specified in such timetable, each party must immediately remove all its equipment from the other party’s office and vacate that other party’s office, regardless of whether the requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing have been successfully performed.

Within a reasonable period after the period specified in a relevant Access Timetable (if applicable), and after completion of the Operational Accreditation Testing, Customer must provide to NBN Co all of the documentation required by the relevant OAT Plan (the OAT Documentation).

1.6.2 Assessment of results of Operational Accreditation Testing

Following receipt by NBN Co of all of the OAT Documentation, NBN Co will reasonably consider whether Customer has successfully completed the requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing.

If NBN Co considers that Customer has successfully completed the requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing for the relevant Product Testing Module, then NBN Co will issue a written notice to Customer to that effect and Customer will be permitted to order the relevant Product.

If Customer has not successfully completed the requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing, then:

NBN Co will notify Customer accordingly, providing details of and reasons for the failure;

Customer must re-perform those requirements of Operational Accreditations Testing that NBN Co considered were not successfully completed; and

NBN Co will notify Customer of a revised Access Timetable (if applicable) during which Customer must re-perform those requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing that are to be performed at the National Test Facility and which NBN Co considered were not successfully completed.

If Customer fails to successfully complete the requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing that are to be performed at the National Test Facility within the relevant revised Access Timetable (if applicable), then:

NBN Co will consult with Customer as to whether Customer has reasonable prospects of successfully completing the requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing that are to be performed at the National Test Facility;

if, following such consultation, NBN Co is not satisfied that Customer has reasonable prospects of successfully completing the requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing that are to be performed at the National Test Facility, NBN Co may:

notify Customer of the steps or activities that Customer must take or perform in order for NBN Co to be satisfied that Customer has reasonable prospects of successfully completing the requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing that are to be performed at the National Test Facility; and

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suspend the performance of those requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing in respect of Customer that are to be performed at the National Test Facility (and Customer must immediately remove all Customer Equipment from the National Test Facility and vacate the National Test Facility for the duration of such suspension); and

after Customer notifies NBN Co that it has taken those steps and performed those activities in accordance with NBN Co’s notice, and NBN Co is reasonably satisfied that Customer has taken such steps and performed such activities notified by NBN Co:

NBN Co will cease that suspension, and notify Customer of that cessation, as soon as is reasonably practicable; and

Customer will only be re-admitted access to the National Test Facility pursuant to the revised Access Timetable as notified by NBN Co to Customer.

Sections 1.6.1 and and 1.6.2 will continue to apply until Customer has successfully completed all the requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing in accordance with this section.

1.7 Ability to order Products

After Customer has successfully completed the requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing, NBN Co will provide Customer with the URL address through which Customer’s Authorised Users can access the NBN Co Service Portal.

Use by Customer and its Authorised Users of the NBN Co Service Portal is governed by the terms of the NBN Co Service Portal module.

The URL address for the NBN Co Service Portal will display the NBN Co Service Portal login page, which prompts the Authorised User to provide their username and password.

Authorised Users who have been specified by Customer to have Activation Rights will be able to place a Product Order Form through the NBN Co Service Portal.

NBN Co will only accept a Product order from Customer for Products, Product Components or Product Features for which Interoperability Certification Testing and Operational Accreditation Testing has been successfully completed.

Customer may, at any time, notify NBN Co if it wishes to order Products, Product Components or Product Features for which Interoperability Certification Testing and Operational Accreditation Testing has not been successfully completed. The provisions set out in sections 1.21.2 to 1.41.4 and 1.61.6 will then apply to any such Product, Product Components or Product Features.

1.8 Flexibility in performance of test requirements

If NBN Co waives any requirement for Customer to perform, participate in or complete any test activities in respect of a Product under this On-boarding module:

NBN Co may require Customer to perform, participate in or complete any or all of those waived test requirements for that Product at a later date; and

Customer must then successfully complete those waived test requirements for that Product.

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2 NWAS On-boarding

2.1 Introduction

The purpose of the on-boarding process described in this section 2 is to prepare Customer, in an operational sense, for interacting with NBN Co in connection with NWAS. As set out in section 1.1, Customer must successful complete initial on-boarding for NFAS in accordance with section 1 before Customer may request on-boarding for NWAS under this section 2.

The two phases of on-boarding for NWAS are:

1. Solution Definition, which includes:

a. combined product & operational briefing;

b. Product Template design; and

2. First Order Assessment:

a. validation of first Access Component Order.

2.2 Solution Definition

2.2.1 Conduct briefing and design of Customer technical solution

As the first step in the Solution Definition, NBN Co will conduct a briefing session on a date agreed with Customer. The briefing session will:

explain NWAS, its Product Components and Product Features as set out in the WBA Product Catalogue;

provide information regarding the interoperability processes between NBN Co and Customer, which are specific to NWAS.

Subsequent Solution Definition meetings between NBN Co and Customer may be held as reasonably required by NBN Co.

Customer must ensure that a reasonable number of staff, who are knowledgeable about Customer’s business and technical integration requirements, and Customer operations & provisioning, attend the briefing session and any subsequent Solution Definition meetings.

During the briefing session and subsequent Solution Definition meetings (if any) between NBN Co and Customer:

NBN Co will provide Customer with a draft Solution Brief for NWAS. NBN Co and Customer must finalise the Solution Brief before the First Order Assessment;

NBN Co will provide Customer with a Product Template for NWAS;

Customer may customise the Product Template by choosing the attributes that Customer wishes to be displayed on the Connect and Modify Order pages when using the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable);

Customer must confirm that the Product Template is accurate, or inform NBN Co of the required changes to the Product Template. NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to make any reasonable changes notified by Customer to the Product Template; and

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The briefing will also provide information regarding the interoperability processes between NBN Co and Customer, which are specific to NWAS. That is, the briefing will focus on information which is additional to the information provided in the Operational Workshop provided in initial on-boarding for NFAS (refer section 1.2.2).

The briefing will cover topics including:

incident reporting and resolution; and

ordering Products (e.g. Infrastructure Components, Connectivity Components and Access Components where the process differs from that for NFAS).

NBN Co will provide a Diagnostic Checklist relating to NWAS-specific Faults during the briefing.

NBN Co will also communicate updates required to the Contact Matrix in relation to the supply of NWAS. The updated Contact Matrix will set out contact details for the NBN Co Personnel who can be contacted in relation NWAS matters pursuant to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Customer must complete the Contact Matrix for the Customer Personnel who can be contacted in relation to this NBN Co Operations Manual in relation to NWAS and provide the completed Contact Matrix to NBN Co within 10 Business Days of the briefing.

Each party must ensure that the Contact Matrix contains up-to-date details for each relevant contact person. Each party must advise the other party in writing of any changes to the Personnel or contact details in respect of that party set out in the Contact Matrix.

2.3 First Order Assessment

NBN Co will notify the Customer once the following criteria have been met:

the NWAS is available to Customer in the NBN Co Service Portal and via B2B Access (if applicable); and

Customer is permitted to raise the first NWAS Access Components Order following successful completion of Solution Definition (refer section 2.2).

NBN Co will then perform an assessment of the first NWAS Access Components order placed by Customer (First Order Assessment). Customer must successfully complete the First Order Assessment before Customer may place any further order for any NWAS Access Component.

The First Order Assessment will be successfully completed if NBN Co determines that either one of the following criteria is met:

Customer places its first order for an NWAS Access Component correctly without assistance from NBN Co; or

if NBN Co is required to assist Customer, and Customer has demonstrated to NBN Co’s satisfaction, acting reasonably, that Customer will be able to correctly place future orders for NWAS Access Components without further assistance from NBN Co.

If NBN Co assists Customer with raising the first order placed by Customer for an NWAS Access Component, NBN Co may conduct a review meeting with Customer if NBN Co considers the meeting necessary or desirable to assist Customer to place subsequent orders for NWAS Access Components.

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If NBN Co considers that Customer has successfully completed the requirements of the First Order Assessment, then NBN Co will issue a written notice to Customer to that effect, and Customer will be permitted to raise subsequent orders for the NWAS.

If NBN Co identifies issues which are preventing Customer from successfully completing First Order Assessment, then NBN Co will notify Customer of those issues, and provide subsequent notifications to Customer if and when the status of those issues changes.

This section 2.3 will continue to apply until Customer has successfully completed all of the requirements of the First Order Assessment for NWAS in accordance with this section 2.3.

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23 Subsequent on-boarding activities

If required by NBN Co, Customer must undertake such subsequent on-boarding activities in response to any significant change within the NBN Co Network that NBN Co reasonably considers necessary, including but not limited to the activities described in section 11 of this On-boarding module. Examples of such a change include:

if NBN Co introduces new Products or variations and enhancements to existing Products;

if NBN Co introduces new systems and/or new processes or updates its systems or processes; and

if NBN Co wishes to implement a Major NBN Upgrade.

For each such change that NBN Co reasonably considers to be significant, NBN Co will follow the steps outlined in the diagram below to assess whether Customer will need to complete subsequent on-boarding activities. Where the term “Change Notification” is used in the diagram below, NBN Co will give notice as required under the provisions of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement and comply with the other provisions of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement as may apply to the relevant change.

Figure 22 – Significant change process overview

If NBN Co requires Customer to complete subsequent on-boarding activities in relation to a Product or Product Feature affected by the change:

NBN Co may notify Customer that it must comply with any or all of the provisions set out in sections 1.21.2 to 1.41.4 and 1.61.6 in relation to the Product, Product Component or Product Feature; and

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to minimise the required on-boarding activities by Customer by bundling multiple changes within a single release if such changes occur at the same time.






changes in


system or process

Change review

Impact Analysis

Analysis on

Change Impact

Change Plan


Scoping of on-





Communication of

change to

internal and

external parties


Activities for

the Change

Conducting on-



associated with

the change

NBN Co Operations Manual

Module 3:3: Activation

Module 3:3: Activation

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1 Introduction

1.1 Activation

The processes for ordering, connection and activation of Product Components are specified in this module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

This module covers the following:



appointmentAppointment management;

installations; and

rearrangement, removal and repair of Connecting Equipment.

For details of the interactions between NBN Co and Customer specified in this module of this NBN Co Operations Manual, see section 2.12.1 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

1.2 Availability of products

NBN Co may, from time to time, notify Customer of further information regarding the availability of:

the NBN Co Fibre Access Service;

the NBN Co Wireless Access Service;

the Facilities Access Service;

the NBN Co Platform Interfacing Service;

the Sandpit; and/or


Such notifications will be in line with the timeframes and notice periods set out in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

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2 Forecasting

Customer forecasts are required for NBN Co to plan Customer’s volume of orders for connection and activation of Products in advance, to enable NBN Co to manage resources to meet Customer requirements.

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to manage NBN Co resources to meet Customer requirements based on Customer forecasts.

2.1 NBN Co forecasts

NBN Co will identify Rollout Regions in accordance with clause D4 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement. A Rollout Region will generally be, but will not always be, a Fibre Serving Area Module (FSAM), Wireless Serving Area (WSA) or New Development site.

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours, where practicable, to make available to Customer via the NBN Co Website the following information relating to the NBN Co Fibre Network and NBN Co Wireless Network rollout (latest information is available at http://www.nbnco.com.au/getting-connected/service-providers/network-rollout.html):http://www.nbnco.com.au/getting-connected/service-providers/network-rollout.html).

2.1.1 3 Year Rollout Plan

On or before 31 March of each year during the rollout of the NBN Co Fibre Network, NBN Co will publish a 3 Year Rollout Plan that sets out at least the following information:

a high level description of the geographic area within which NBN Co plans to deploy the NBN Co Fibre Network in the 36 months commencing from 1 July following release of the 3 Year Rollout Plan;

the expected date on which NBN Co expects to commence work on the NBN Co Fibre Network in that geographic area; and

the estimated number of Premises within that geographic area.

2.1.2 1 Year Rollout Plan

On or before October 2011 and continuing onOn a quarterly basis during the rollout of the NBN Co Fibre Network, NBN Co will publish in January, April, July and October a 1 Year Rollout Plan that sets out at least the following information:

a high level graphical depiction of the geographic area within which NBN Co plans to deploy the NBN Co Fibre Network in the next 12 month period;

the expected dates on which NBN Co expects to commence work on the NBN Co Fibre Network in that geographic area; and

the estimated number of Premises within that geographic area.

2.1.3 Monthly Ready for Service Rollout Plan

On or before October 2011 and continuing onOn a monthly basis, NBN Co will publish a Ready for Service Rollout Plan within 10 business days from the start of the month that sets out at least the following information:

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the boundaries of the geographic areas of the NBN Co Fibre NetworkFSAM and each WSA that havehas entered the design and construction phase;

the expected date of ready for service for that geographic area;

the estimated number of Premises within that geographic area; and

the Premises that are within the relevant geographic areas that will be ready for service within the next six month period (Proposed Fibre Footprint List).

Customer should use the address listings in the Proposed Fibre Footprint List to update Customer’s internal records to ensure that Customer’s address records for Premises are consistent with NBN Co’s address records.

2.1.4 Historical footprint list

On a weekly basis, NBN Co will publish a list that sets out the Premises within geographic areas covered by the NBN Co Fibre Network and NBN Co Wireless Network that are Readyready for Serviceservice.

2.1.5 POI Rollout Plan

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours, where practicable, to make available to Customer via the NBN Co website the following information relating to the POI Rollout Plan (latest information is available at http://www.nbnco.com.au/getting-connected/service-providers/network-rollout.html):http://www.nbnco.com.au/getting-connected/service-providers/network-rollout.html).

On a quarterly basis, NBN Co will publish updates to the status of the Initial POIs (POI Rollout Plan).

The POI Rollout Plan will include (in part):

POI name;


CSA name;


approximate number of Premises to be served by CSA (on completion);

forecast date for ODF availability (i.e. when Customers can first start to install equipment to interconnect at POIs);

forecast date for commissioning of the POI; and

forecast ready for service date for the first region served by the POI (i.e. when NBN Co expects the first commercial services to be available to end-usersCSAs served by that POI).

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2.1.6 Address inconsistency

Within 20 Business Days after provision by NBN Co of the Proposed Fibre Footprint ofList for a Rollout Region, if Customer, having undertaken all reasonable enquiries available to it, reasonably considers that there is an inconsistency between NBN Co’s address for a premises and Customer’s address for that premises, Customer may notify NBN Co of the inconsistency via the relevant NBN Co contact person in the Contact Matrix, providing all information relating to the inconsistency, and request that NBN Co investigate the inconsistency between addresses.

NBN Co will investigate Customer’s request in respect of the specified addresses by reviewing NBN Co’s source data, undertaking reasonable enquiries and considering the information provided by Customer to NBN Co. NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to respond to Customer in respect of the investigation of the specified address within 20 Business Days from receipt of Customer’s request.

If NBN Co determines that Customer’s reported inconsistency in respect of an address is valid, NBN Co will correct or amend the record relating to that address in the Proposed Fibre Footprint List. NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to notify CustomersCustomer of its determination within 20 Business Days after receipt of Customer's request to investigate an inconsistency.

2.2 First service required date for New Development sites

For the purposes of section 4.67 of the Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service, NBN Co will provide data reports to Customer as part of the monthly network readiness snapshot reports, which include connection information for New Development sites.

The NBN Co Relationship Point of Contact will provide these reports to the relevant Customer contact person, as specified in the Contact Matrix, via email.

2.3 Customer forecasts

Within 20 Business Days of receipt by Customer of each NBN Co forecast information specified under section 2.12.1 Customer will use reasonable endeavours, via the Customer Relationship Point of Contact, to provide forecasts for each of the following:

12-month connection and activation plan; and

3-month connection and activation plan,

each of which will contain expected weekly connection and activation order volumes in respect of the Access Components (and in relation to the NFAS, volumes in respect of Multicast Access Virtual Circuits – MAVCs) for the Premises within each Rollout Region, as specified in each NBN Co Rollout Plan.

Customer must provide all Customer forecasts to NBN Co:

in accordance with the requirements set out in this section, and any other requirements as may be notified to Customer by NBN Co from time to time; and

through the NBN Co Relationship Point of Contact or the relevant NBN Co contact person specified in the Contact Matrix.

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3 NBN Co Service Qualification

3.1 NBN Co Service Qualification System

As NBN Co progresses the rollout of the NBN Co Fibre Network and NBN Co Wireless Network, NBN Co will introduce new addresses into the NBN Co Service Qualification System. Customer can access the NBN Co Service Qualification System through the NBN Co Service Portal and B2B Access (as applicable). The NBN Co Service Qualification System will enable a Customer to determine whether a particular address is identified by NBN Co as NBN Serviceable (at a given point in time).

NBN Co will also provide Customer with a weekly address listWeekly Address List to enable Customer to determine whether a particular address is identified by NBN Co as NBN Serviceable (at a given point in time).


the NBN Co Service Qualification System identifies a Premises as being within a Wireless Serving Area and NBN Serviceable; and

Customer places an order for NBN Co to supply the NWAS to Customer in respect of that Premises,

NBN Co’s acceptance of that order is conditional upon NBN Co verifying that the relevant Premises is serviceable by the NBN Wireless Network, by NBN Co conducting a site survey during an Appointment for Installation made in accordance with this module.

If, following a site survey, NBN Co determines that a Premises is not NBN Serviceable, NBN Co will:

reject Customer’s order for NBN Co to supply the NWAS to Customer in respect of that Premises; and

update the NBN Co Service Qualification System and the Weekly Address List to indicate that the Premises is not NBN Serviceable.

3.2 Weekly address Excel spreadsheets list

Each week NBN Co will provide Customer with ana weekly address list in the form of a spreadsheet in Excel format (the Weekly Address List) that provides Customer with details on the Rollout Regions, including the address information and the Service Class (as described in section 4.13.2)4.20.4) in respect of each Premises listed in that address list.

The weekly address listWeekly Address List will include the following address information for each PremisePremises:

Field Comment

NBN Co Location Identifier

The identifier for the address as identified by NBN Co.

GNAF Persistent Identifier (PID)

The identifier for the address as defined by the PSMA’s GNAF Service. (This is an optional field. When no PID is provided then a full NBN Co address for that PremisePremises will be provided.)

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Field Comment

CSA Identifier The NBN Co unique Identifier for a Connectivity Serving Area.

FSAM Identifier The NBN Co unique Identifier for a Fibre Serving Area Module.

WSA Identifier The NBN Co unique Identifier for a Wireless Serving Area.

Locality Name The name of the town, suburb or locality.

State Territory Code

The Australian State.

Service Class The Service Class in numeric form, which describes the state of the Premises as defined in section

Service Class Description

The Service Class in full textual form.

NBN Co will provide this address list to the relevant Customer contact person, as specified in the Contact Matrix. Customer may only use the address list for business purposes related to the acquisition by Customer of Products from NBN Co and the marketing or supply of Customer Products by Customer.

Each Weekly address lists that areAddress List issued by NBN Co to Customer areis the Confidential Information of NBN Co. Customer must ensure that the confidentiality of these address lists is preserved and maintained in accordance with the terms of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

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4 Orders

4.1 Ordering Product Components

Customer must place all orders for an Infrastructure Component, Connectivity Component, and an Access Component and a Multicast Component through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (where this module specifies that such orders can be placed by Customer through B2B Access).

Customer must place orders for Product Components in the following order:

1. NBN Co ODF Termination Point and/or NBN Co Co-location;

2. NNIs;

3. Cross Connects;

4. CVCs; and

5. Multicast Domains; and

5.6. the Access Components/MAVCs.

4.2 Order types

The NBN Co Service Portal and B2B Access (where this module specifies that such orders can be placed by Customer through B2B Access) enable Customer to place the following order types:

Connect orders;

Modify orders; and

Disconnect orders.

Customer may cancel or amend an In Flight order at any time prior to the Point of No Return defined for theeach order type defined in section 4.164.23 of this module.

4.3 Timeframes

The timeframes applicable to the end-to-end process from receipt of a Product Order Form to completion of that order are set out in the WBA Product Catalogue.

For clarity, any provisions regarding Downstream Priority Assistance Service in this module 3 (Activations) do not apply in respect of the TTAS Product or the NWAS Product, each of which is described in more detail in the WBA Product Catalogue.

4.4 Non-binding operational performance targets for MAVC Activation

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the total number of “MAVC Activations” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers:

before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of all “MAVC Activations” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises will be completed within 2 Business Days after the day on which “Order Receipt” occurs; and

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on and from 1 December 2012, 90% of the total number of all “MAVC Activations” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises will be completed within 2 Business Days after the day on which “Order Receipt” occurs.

In respect of this section 4.4, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule.

4.44.5 Non-binding operational performance targets for AVC Modifications

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the timeframes within which NBN Co will successfully complete an “AVC Modification”:

for “AVC Modifications” other than in respect of speed changes that are logical only:

before 30 November 20132012, within 2 Business Days after the day on which “Order Receipt” occurs; and

on and from 1 December 20132012, within 1 Business Day after the day on which “Order Receipt” occurs; and

for “AVC Modifications” in respect of speed changes that are logical only, within 1 Business Day after the day on which “Order Receipt” occurs.

In respect of the above paragraphthis section 4.5, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule.

4.6 Non-binding operational performance targets for MAVC modifications

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the total number of “MAVC Modifications” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers:

before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of all “MAVC Modifications ” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises will be completed within 2 Business Days after the day on which “Order Receipt” occurs; and

on and from 1 December 2012, 90% of the total number of all “MAVC Modifications ” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises will be completed within 2 Business Days after the day on which “Order Receipt” occurs.

In respect of this section 4.6, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule.

4.54.7 Non-binding operational performance targets for CVC modifications.

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance target in relation to the timeframe within which NBN Co will successfully complete a “CVC Modification” for ‘urgent’ speed changes only:

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within 3 Business Days after the day on which “Order Receipt” occurs, provided that the total number of orders for “CVC Modifications” in respect of ‘urgent’ speed changes is less than 5 orders in the 3 month period immediately preceding the day on which NBN Co receives that order.

For the purposes of this non-binding operational performance target, a “CVC Modification” will only be considered to be ‘urgent’ if the “CVC Modification” is necessary to implement within the 3 Business Day period to ensure continued reliability of service and the need for the “CVC Modification” was not reasonably foreseeable by the Customer.

In respect of this section 4.54.7 capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule.

4.8 Non-binding operational performance targets for Multicast Domain modifications

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the total number of “Multicast Domain Modifications” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers:

before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of all “Multicast Domain Modifications ” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises will be completed within the relevant “Multicast Domain Modification Service Levels”; and

on and from 1 December 2012, 90% of the total number of all “Multicast Domain Modifications ” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises will be completed within the relevant “Multicast Domain Modification Service Levels”.

In respect of this section 4.8, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule.

4.9 Non-binding operational performance targets for CVC activations

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the total number of “CVC Activations” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers:

before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of all “CVC Activations” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises will be completed within the “CVC Activation Service Level”; and

on and from 1 December 2012, 90% of the total number of all “CVC Activations” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises will be completed within the “CVC Activation Service Level”.

In respect of this section 4.9, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule.

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4.10 Non-binding operational performance targets for Multicast Domain activations

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the total number of “Multicast Domain Activations” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers:

before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of all “Multicast Domain Activations” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises will be completed within the “Multicast Domain Activation Service Level”; and

on and from 1 December 2012, 90% of the total number of all “Multicast Domain Activations” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises will be completed within the “Multicast Domain Activation Service Level”.

In respect of this section 4.10, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule.

4.11 Non-binding operational performance targets for Type 1 Connections (In Place Infrastructure and Available Infrastructure)

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the total number of “Type 1 Connections” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers:

before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of all “Type 1 Connections” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises that have “In Place Infrastructure” or “Available Infrastructure” will be completed within the relevant “Type 1 Connection Service Levels”; and

on and from 1 December 2012, 90% of the total number of all “Type 1 Connections” ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises that have “In Place Infrastructure” or “Available Infrastructure” will be completed within the relevant “Type 1 Connection Service Levels”.

In respect of this section 4.11, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule.

4.64.12Non-binding operational performance targets for Type 2 Connections (In Place Infrastructure and Available Infrastructure)

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the total number of “Type 2 Connections” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers:

before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of all “Type 2 Connections” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises that have “In Place Infrastructure” or “Available Infrastructure” will be completed within the relevant “Type 2 Connection Service Levels”; and

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on and from 1 December 2012, 90% of the total number of all “Type 2 Connections” ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises that have “In Place Infrastructure” or “Available Infrastructure” will be completed within the relevant “Type 2 Connection Service Levels”.

In respect of this section 4.6,4.12, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule.

4.13 Non-binding operational performance targets for NWAS Connections (In Place Infrastructure and Available Infrastructure)

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the total number of “NWAS Connections” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers:

before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of all “NWAS Connections” that are ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises that have “In Place Infrastructure” or “Available Infrastructure” will be completed within the relevant “NWAS Connection Service Levels”; and

on and from 1 December 2012, 90% of the total number of all “NWAS Connections” ordered by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in each “Quarter” in respect of Premises that have “In Place Infrastructure” or “Available Infrastructure” will be completed within the relevant “NWAS Connection Service Levels”.

In respect of this section 4.13, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule.

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4.74.14Priority Assistance Orders

4.14.1 Priority assistance service applicability

The NFAS supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of a Premises may be used as an input to a Downstream Priority Assistance Service in accordance with the Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service. This section 4.14 only applies in relation to such Ordered Products.

As set out in the Product Description for the NBN Co Wireless Access Service, the NWAS supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of a Premises must not be used as an input to a Downstream Priority Assistance Service. This section 4.14 does not apply in relation to such Ordered Products. Priority Assistance Contact Centre

If Customer wishes to order an NFAS Access Component that is to be used to supply a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must first:

check the NBN Co Service Portal to determine valid Priority Assistance appointment timeframesAppointment Timeframes at which NBN Co (or an Installer) can perform the Installation Works;

communicate with the Downstream Customer who is an End User to determine a suitable time (within the valid Priority Assistance appointment timeframesAppointment Timeframes indicated through the NBN Co Service Portal) at which the Downstream Customer who is an End User is available, to enable NBN Co (or an Installer) to access the Premises to perform the Installation works; and

select an appointmentAppointment time that is available within the Priority Assistance appointment timeframesAppointment Timeframes and at which the Downstream Customer who is an End User is available.

After Customer selects an available Priority Assistance appointment timeAppointment Timeframe, NBN Co will allocate a unique Appointment ID to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal. When placing the order for the NFAS Access Component that is to be used to supply a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must provide the allocated unique Appointment ID through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access.

After Customer places an order for an NFAS Access Component that is to be used to supply a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must then contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre via telephone, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix. NBN Co will then validate that the order for the NFAS Access Component (and the associated appointmentAppointment) has been received and that Customer’s intended use of the NFAS Access Component to supply a Downstream Priority Assistance Service has been accurately recorded.

If NBN Co, acting reasonably, considers that an order for an NFAS Access Component may have been incorrectly identified as relating to the supply of a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, NBN Co will notify Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal and request that Customer provide further information to confirm that the ordered NFAS Access Component is to be used as an input to supply a Downstream Priority Assistance Service.

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When an order has been flagged as relating to Customer’s supply of a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, NBN Co will monitor and provide regular updates to the order in the NBN Co Service Portal. If the order is likely to not be completed within the required Service Level for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, then NBN Co will update the order to advise Customer as soon as this is apparent.

If Customer wishes to contact NBN Co to confirm the status of any order for an NFAS Access Component to be supplied as an input to the supply of a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer may contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix. User management

Customer must keep each Downstream Customer who is an End User at the Premises informed about appointmentsAppointments allocated through the NBN Co Service Portal and validated through the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre. Assistance Appointment Timeframes

If Customer selects an appointmentAppointment time that is outside the Priority Assistance appointment timeframesAppointment Timeframes, the Priority Assist Connection Service Levels in section 3.3 of the Service Levels Schedule will no longer apply. appointmentsAppointments and New Appointments

Customer or NBN Co (or an Installer) may reschedule or request a new appointmentAppointment in accordance with section Component not used to supply of Downstream Priority Assistance Services

If Customer has previously notified NBN Co that an NFAS Access Component is to be used as an input to the supply of Downstream Priority Assistance Service, but that NFAS Access Component is not or is no longer being used as an input to the supply of Customer Products or Downstream Products that are Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must notify NBN Co by:

in respect of an In Flight order, adding a comment within the comments field in the NBN Co Service Portal and contacting the 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre; and

in respect of a Completed order, Customer must place a modify order, indicating the NFAS Access Component will not be used as input to supply a Downstream Priority Assistance service.

For clarity, Customer must notify NBN Co in accordance with the timeframes specified in section 3.7(c) of the NFAS Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service. Assistance warranty audits


Customer gives warranties under section 3.7(a) of the Product Description offor the NBN Co Fibre Access Service (each, a Priority Assistance Warranty); and

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NBN Co reasonably suspects that an unreasonable proportion of NBN Co Fibre Access ServicesOrdered Products in respect of which Priority Assistance Warranties are given are not being used as input to the supply of Downstream Priority Assistance Services,

then, if requested to do so by NBN Co, Customer must:

audit its records to confirm that, as far as reasonably practicable, Customer is only giving Priority Assistance Warranties in respect of NBN Co Fibre Access ServicesOrdered Products that are being used as an input to the supply of Downstream Priority Assistance Services; and

report back to NBN Co in relation to the results of that audit through the Governance Processes.

NBN Co and Customer agree that the Governance Processes will apply in relation to the identification of any actions that Customer needs to take to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that Customer is only giving Priority Assistance Warranties in respect of NBN Co Fibre Access ServicesOrdered Products that are being used as an input to the supply of Downstream Priority Assistance Services.

4.84.15Product order lifecycle

For Infrastructure Component, Connectivity Component, and Access Component and Multicast Component orders, Figure 3Figure 3 provides an indicative overview of the order stages:

Figure 33 – Order stages




Order Request (New Connect,

Disconnect, Modify)

Order Acceptance

Order Complete


Keep Customer


Update Status


Customer cancellation, or

NBN Co auto cancellation








In Progress






Customer cancellation, or

NBN Co auto cancellation

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4.94.16Product order interactions

For Infrastructure Component, Connectivity Component, and Access Component and Multicast Component orders, the following diagram provides an indicative overview of NBN Co and Customer interactions during order stages. For details of the interactions, see section 2.12.1 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Figure 44 – Product Order Interactions

4.104.17Product order stages

For Infrastructure Component, Connectivity Component, and Access Component and Multicast Component orders, the following table provides a high level explanation of each order stage:

The Order Status Description

“New (Auto)” Customer has placed a new order.

The order is awaiting validation.

NBN Co will allocate a unique Order ID (Order Receipt).

“Acknowledged” NBN Co has received an order.

“In Progress” Order is valid and has been accepted by NBN Co. NBN Co is undertaking necessary network activation and installation of any of the Connecting Equipment.

“Completed” The end stage of an order that has successfully completed.

The order is now active and Charges will commence.

“Pending” NBN Co is awaiting further confirmation on details of an order before NBN Co can progress the order. An example is where clarification of appointmentAppointment information is required.











Create Order





Perform Feasibility

and Design


Update order to In




Provide Further


Update order to



Further information required

“Acknowledged Pending”


Update order to

AcknowledgedValid Order

Update order to


Invalid order


Receive Rejection


Update Order


No NBN issues

Receive In

Progress Order



NBN issue






Order Invalid

Update Order


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The Order Status Description

“Rejected” NBN Co has received and rejected an order because the order:

is not submitted in accordance with this module

fails NBN Co’s feasibility and design and/or configuration phase

provides invalid information in the order

fails to meet the Business Rules in respect of the Product as defined in the WBA which Customer is ordering

is otherwise defective

“Cancelled” Customer or NBN Co has successfully cancelled an order during the “Acknowledged” or “In Progress” stages.

Table 11 – Order stages order

This section describes the processes for the completion of activation orders for the following Infrastructure Components, Connectivity Components, and Access Components and Multicast Components:

NBN Co ODF Termination Point;

NBN Co Co-location;


Cross Connects;


Multicast Domain;

AVC; and

AVCMAVC. NBN Co ODF Termination Point orders

If Customer wishes to place an order for an NBN Co ODF Termination Point, Customer must complete a Product Order Form through the NBN Co Service Portal. Upon receipt of a Product Order Form for an NBN Co ODF Termination Point, NBN Co will then provide Customer with an Order Acknowledgementorder acknowledgement.

NBN Co will perform an initial validation in respect of the Product Order Form for an NBN ODF Termination Point and validate that order if the Product Order Form:

is submitted in accordance with this module; and

Includesincludes all the information required by all the fields in the NBN Co Service Portal in respect of that Product Order Form. NBN Co Co-location orders

If Customer wishes to place an order for aan NBN Co Co-location, Customer must complete a Product Order Form through the NBN Co Service Portal. Upon receipt of a Product Order Form for aan NBN Co Co-location, NBN Co will then provide Customer with an Order Acknowledgementorder acknowledgement.

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Where Customer places an order for more than one lockable full height equipment rack or lockable half height equipment rack NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to provision a second Customer adjacent Rack Space however this provisioning is subject to availability of racks and the requirements in the NBN CoProduct Description for the Facilities Access Service Product Description.

Where adjacent racks cannot be supplied Customer may be required to place additional Cross Connect orders between racks.

NBN Co will perform an initial validation in respect of the Product Order Form for a NBN Co Co-location and validate that order if the Product Order Form:

is submitted in accordance with this module; and

includes all the information required by all the fields in the NBN Co Service Portal in respect of that Product Order Form. Cross Connect Orders

If Customer wishes to place an order for a Cross Connect, Customer must complete a Product Order Form through the NBN Co Service Portal. Upon receipt of a Product Order Form for a Cross Connect, NBN Co will then provide Customer with an Order Acknowledgementorder acknowledgement.

NBN Co will perform an initial validation in respect of the Product Order Form for a Cross Connect and validate that order if the Product Order Form:

is submitted in accordance with this module; and

includes all the information required by all the fields in the NBN Co Service Portal in respect of that Product Order Form. NNI orders

If Customer wishes to place an order for a NNI, Customer must complete a Product Order Form through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access. Customer must specify the redundancy mode (single or diverse chassis) in respect of the NNI/s. Upon receipt of a Product Order Form for an NNI, NBN Co will then provide Customer with an Order Acknowledgementorder acknowledgement.

NBN Co will perform an initial validation in respect of the Product Order Form for an NNI and validate that order if the Product Order Form:

is submitted in accordance with this module; and

includes all the information required by the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable) in respect of that Product Order Form. CVC orders

If Customer wishes to order a new CVC, Customer must have an active NNI in place for the relevant CSA.

If Customer wishes to place an order for CVC, Customer must complete a Product Order Form through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access. Upon receipt of a Product Order Form for a CVC, NBN Co will then provide Customer with an Order Acknowledgementorder acknowledgement.

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NBN Co will receive a Product Order Form for a CVC and validate that order if the Product Order Form:

is submitted in accordance with this module; and

includes all the information required by the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable) in respect of that Product Order Form. New Multicast Domain orders

If Customer wishes to order a new Multicast Domain, Customer must have an active NNI in place for the relevant CSA and an active CVC in place within the relevant CSA.

If Customer wishes to place an order for Multicast Domain, Customer must complete a Product Order Form through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access. Upon receipt of a Product Order Form for a Multicast Domain, NBN Co will provide Customer with an order acknowledgement.

NBN Co will receive a Product Order Form for a Multicast Domain and validate that order if the Product Order Form:

is submitted in accordance with this module; and

includes all the information required by the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable) in respect of that Product Order Form. Access Component orders

Before placing an order for an Access Component, Customer must have an active CVC for the relevant CSA.

If Customer wishes to place an order for an Access Component, Customer must complete a Product Order Form through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access in respect of the relevant Premises. Upon receipt of an order for an Access Component, NBN Co will then provide Customer with an Oorder Receiptacknowledgement.

NBN Co will perform an initial validation in respect of the Product Order Form for the Access Component and validate that order if the Product Order Form:

is submitted in accordance with this module; and

includes all the information required by the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable) in respect of that Product Order Form.

At the time of ordering the Access Component(s),Components, Customer must place the order for an AVC and UNI in respect of the same Premises.

Section 4.124.20 provides further information in respect of the ordering of Access Components. New MAVC orders

Before placing an order for an MAVC, Customer must have an active Multicast Domain for the relevant CSA.

At the time of ordering the MAVC for supply by NBN Co in respect of a Premises, Customer must either have in place, or at the same time place the order for, NFAS Access Components in respect of the same Premises.

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Customer may place an order for NBN Co to supply an MAVC to Customer in respect of a Premises, by placing a modification order for the associated NFAS Access Components pursuant to section 4.21.3. order

For Infrastructure Component, Connectivity Component, and Access Component and Multicast Component orders, if NBN Co validates an order in accordance with its order requirements, NBN Co will update the order status to “Acknowledged” and send an “Acknowledged” notification to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable).

After NBN Co has “Acknowledged” an order, NBN Co will perform the feasibility and design phase in respect of the order.

Where NBN Co considers that insufficient information is provided in respect of an order, order processing will be temporarily delayed whilst awaiting Customer action to progress and NBN Co will update the order status to “Pending” and send a “Pending notification” as further described in Section

If there is a delay to an order that NBN Co has action to progress, NBN Co will update the order comments advising the order has been “Held” and send a notification to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable). NBN Co will further update the order comments and send a notification to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable) once NBN Co action has completed. Progress order

For Infrastructure Component, Connectivity Component, and Access Component and Multicast Component orders, if, during the feasibility and design phase, NBN Co determines that there is no NBN Co issue that must be resolved, NBN Co will update the order status to “In Progress” to accept the order and send an “Order Accepted” notification to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable), notifying Customer that the order is “In Progress” and providing Customer with the following details in respect of the order:

For NBN Co ODF Termination Point orders:

Order ID;

Product Instance ID;

Service ID (where multiple trays are ordered a Service ID will be allocated for each tray);

Tray ID/s; and

Port ID/s.

For NBN Co Co-location orders:

Order ID;

Product Instance ID;

Service ID (where multiple racks are ordered a Service ID will be allocated for each rack);

Rackrack ID/s;

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Rackrack details (floor, suite and rack number); and

Tray ID/s.

For Cross Connect orders:

Order ID;

Product Instance ID; and

Service ID/s (a Service ID perwill be allocated for each Cross Connect within the order will be allocated).

For NNI orders:

Order ID;

Product Instance ID;

NNI Group ID;

NNI bearer ID/s; and

ODF allocation/s.

For CVC orders:

Order ID;

Product Instance ID;

CVC ID; and

S-TAG value confirmation and/or assignment.

For Multicast Domain orders:

Order ID;

Product Instance ID;

Multicast Domain ID (MCD ID);

NNI Group ID assignment;

S-TAG value confirmation and/or assignment;

Multicast Domain bandwidth profile confirmation;

Media Stream name(s);

Media Stream peak bandwidth value(s);

IGMP Report Source Address.

For Access Component / MAVC orders:

Order ID;

UNI ID(s);

CVC ID – for AVC orders only;

Multicast Domain ID - for MAVC orders only;

Product Instance ID(s);

Service ID(s);

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NTD ID(s);

C-Tag value confirmation or assignment; and

Port ID.

Where NBN Co considers that insufficient information is provided in respect of an order, order processing will be temporarily delayed whilst awaiting Customer action to progress and NBN Co will update the order status to “Pending” and send a “Pending notification” as further described in Section

If there is a delay to an order that NBN Co has action to progress, NBN Co will update the order comments advising the order has been “Held” and send a notification to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable). NBN Co will further update the order comments and send a notification to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable) once the NBN Co action has been completed. order

For Infrastructure Component and, Connectivity Component and Multicast Domain orders, NBN Co will connect and activate the Infrastructure Component or, Connectivity Component, respectively, or Multicast Domain (as applicable), and send a “Completed” notification to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable). If there is an NBN Co issue that must be resolved before connecting and activating the Infrastructure Component or, Connectivity Component, or Multicast Domain (as applicable), NBN Co will resolve that issue, and then connect and activate the Infrastructure Component or, Connectivity Component, or Multicast Domain (as applicable), and send a “Completed” notification to Customer in accordance with this section.

For Access Component orders, after NBN Co has completed the Installation at the Premises in accordance with section 6,6, NBN Co will connect and activate the Access Component(s) and send a “Completed” notification to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable).

For MAVC orders, NBN Co will activate the MAVC and send a “Completed” notification to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable). order

For Infrastructure Components, Connectivity Components, and Access Component and Multicast Component orders, if NBN Co determines that an order is invalid in accordance with its order requirements or any other reason provided for in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement, NBN Co will update the order status to “Rejected” and send a “Rejected” notification to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable). NBN Co will provide Customer with reasons for rejecting the order within the order comments. order

For Infrastructure Components, Connectivity Components, and Access Component and Multicast Component orders, if NBN Co considers that insufficient information is provided in respect of an order, NBN Co will update the order status to “Pending” and send a “Pending” notification and specify the information that Customer must provide for NBN Co to validate the order.

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Customer must provide the required information within 20 Business Days of receipt of a “Pending” notification. During this time, Customer may add comments to the Pending order through the NBN Co Service Portal.

The order will remain in a “Pending” stage until NBN Co reasonably considers that Customer has provided the required information. The measurement of the Service Levels in the Service Levels Schedule will not applybe suspended for the period that the order is in the “Pending” stage and measurement will recommence when the order is no longer in the “Pending” stage.

If Customer submitted an order via B2B Access, NBN Co will send a reminder notification to Customer via B2B Access, configured to remind every 30 days, when the order remains in a “Pending” stage.

If within 1830 Business Days of receipt of a “Pending” notification, Customer having taken all necessary steps to ascertain the required information, reasonably considers that it cannot provide the information within the above timeframe, Customer may request a time extension to provide the information. NBN Co may grant a maximum of 530 Business Days extension from the date of receipt of request for an extension for Customer to provide the requested information in respect of the “Pending” order. During this time extension, Customer may add comments to the Pending order through the NBN Co Service Portal.

If Customer requests a time extension, NBN Co will hold the order in a “Pending” stage until NBN Co reasonably considers that Customer has provided the requested information.

If Customer does not request a time extension, NBN Co will cancel the Pending order.

Customer can request a time extension up to 12 times for a Pending order, each request providing the Customer with an additional 30 Business Days to provide NBN Co the required information for the order from the date on which Customer requests the time extension.

NBN Co will cancel the Pending order following the first to occur of:

a Pending order has remained Pending for 12 months; or

Customer has requested a time extension 12 times and 30 Business Days has been reached at the end of the 12th request. order

For Infrastructure Component, Connectivity Component, and Access Component and Multicast Component orders:

if Customer fails to provide the requested information within the initial 20 Business Day timeframe or the extended timeframe (as the case may be) after a “Pending” notification has been sent to Customer, NBN Co canmay update the order status to “Cancelled” and send a “Cancelled” notification to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable).); and

if Customer submits a cancel order request in respect to an In Flight order that has not passed the Point of No Return NBN Co will update the order status to “Cancelled” and send a “Cancelled” notification to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable).

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4.114.18Infrastructure Component Order Information required for NBN Co ODF Termination Point orders

At the time of order submission for NBN Co ODF Termination Point, Customer must provide details relating to required connection of fibres to the NBN Co ODF Termination Point within the comments field of the Product Order Form.

This includes:

Thethe number of fibres to be terminated to the NBN Co ODF;

Terminationtermination type;

Thethe order of the fibres to be terminated;

Whetherwhether Customer will utilise less than the 24 pre-cabled and pre-terminated single mode fibre tie cables; and

Whetherwhether Customer is requesting NBN Co to augment the 24 pre-cabled and pre-terminated single mode fibre cables up to a maximum of 72 fibres (in accordance with the NBN Co Facilities Access Service Product Technical Specification for the Facilities Access Service).

If Customer fails to provide the requested information, NBN Co will update the order status to “Pending” and request Customer to provide thisthe required information before progressing the order.

If Customer wishes to waive theirits right to inspection of the terminated cable Customer must specify this requestits waiver within the comments field of the NBN Co ODF Termination Point order at the time of placing the order.

NBN Co will contact the Customer contact listed within the order to arrange an appropriate time for joint inspection once NBN Co has completed termination of fibres. required for NBN Co Co-location orders

At the time of order submission for NBN Co Co-location, Customer must provide the following information within the comments field of the Product Order Form:

the make and model of the Customer Active Equipment which Customer proposes to install in the Rack Space; and

the laser class of thateach new type of Customer Active Equipment as per the AS/NZS 2211.1 or IEC 60825.1 standard; and

any request to install camera equipment within the NBN Co co-location rack (if required by Customer) provided Customer meets the requirements of paragraphsection 5.10 (b) of the Product Description for the Facilities Access Service.

If Customer fails to provide the requested information, NBN Co will update the order status to “Pending” and request Customer to provide thisthe required information before progressing the order.

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At the time of order submission for Cross Connect, Customer must provide NBN Co with completed Cross Connect Authorisation Forms for each Cross Connect requested within the order where the Cross Connect is to or from a designated point on the NBN Co ODF of any Other NBN Co Customer.

Customer must include the same internal reference ID captured in the Cross Connect order and the Cross Connect Authorisation form.

Customer must email completed Cross Connect Authorisation Forms to the appropriate NBN Co contact person listed within the Contact Matrix.

If Customer fails to provide the requested information, NBN Co will update the order status to “Pending” and request Customer provide thisthe required information before progressing the order.

4.124.19Connectivity Component Order Information required for NNI orders

At the time of order submission for NNI, Customer must specify the redundancy mode (single or diverse chassis) of the NNI/s.

Customer must specify the interface type required for each NNI within the Product Order Form. Customer may order up to 8 NNI bearers within a single NNI Product Order Form.

In the case of Diverse Chassisdiverse chassis configuration, Customers will have tomust add the NNI bearers in pairs.

Where Customer has an existing single chassis NNI and wishes to havereplace it with a diverse chassis NNI at the same POI, Customer must place a new order for the diverse chassis NNI through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access. Customer must then order requiredeach associated CVC and/or any associated Multicast Domain which Customer requires for the diverse chassis NNI. And at the completion of this order, Customer may commence migration activities relating to AVCs from the existing CVCs and/or MAVCs from the Multicast Domain presented at the single chassis NNI to the CVC and/or Multicast Domain presented by NBN Co at the newly activated diverse chassis NNI by placing modify order for each AVC and/or MAVC.

Upon completion of the AVC modify orders, Customer can choose to place a disconnect order for the CVC and single chassis NNI and any associated CVCs and/or any associated Multicast Domain in accordance with section

4.134.20Access Component/MAVC Order information

4.20.1 Product Component availability

As set out in the WBA Product Catalogue:

Customer may use the NFAS supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of a Premises as an input to a Downstream Priority Assistance Service;

Customer must not use the NWAS supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of a Premises as an input to a Downstream Priority Assistance Service;

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the MAVC is a Product Component of the NFAS only, and NBN Co does not currently offer specific multicast functionality in relation to the NWAS; and

Customer must configure the UNI-V supplied by NBN Co to Customer as a Product Component of the NFAS supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of a Premises using:

the FTP method of configuration; or

the TR-069 method of configuration,

as described in the Product Technical Specification for the NBN Co Ethernet Bitstream Service.

4.20.2 Product Component Qualification

Before Customer may place a Product Order Form for an Access Component or MAVC, Customer must determine available Product Components for relevant Premises by making a Product Qualification (PQ) enquiry through NBN Co’s Website.

By way of example, a PQ for a Premises within the NBN Co Fibre Network footprint may confirm the following Product Components and related Product Features for the relevant Premises:

For UNI-V, the TR-069 method of configuration is applicable;

For UNI-D, an AVC and MAVC are available.

Where Customer requests a Product Component or Product Feature in a Product Order Form, and that Product Component or Product Feature (as applicable) is not available in respect of the relevant Premises, the Product Order Form will be deemed invalid by NBN Co. In that circumstance, Customer may request NBN Co to investigate the specified address if the PQ spreadsheet available from NBN Co’s Website specifies that a Product Component or Product Feature (as applicable) is available in respect of that Premises. required for NFAS AVC orders

At the time of order submission for an NFAS Access Component, Customer must specify what type of connection applies at the address in respect of which Customer wishes to order an AVCNFAS Access Component:

a Type 1 Connection or a Type 2 Connection; and/or

a Downstream Priority Assistance Service. confirmation

Before Customer can place a Product Order Form for an AVC or MAVC, Customer must determine whether a Premises in respect of which Customer wishes to order anthat AVC or MAVC (as applicable) is NBN Serviceable by making a Service Qualification Enquiry through the NBN Co Service Portal or, B2B Access or, in the interim, by checking the weekly Excel address spreadsheets described in section 3.2.Weekly Address List.

If the Premises is NBN Serviceable, the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable) will populate the field with the NBN Co Location ID, or the NBN Co Location IDs will be specified in the weekly Excel address spreadsheets described in section 3.2.Weekly Address List.

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If the Premises cannot be identified when making a Service Qualification Enquiry through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access or, in the interim, when checking the weekly Excel address spreadsheets described in section 3.2Weekly Address List, the Product Order Form will be deemed invalid and Customer may request NBN Co to investigate the specified address in accordance with section

If the Premises is NBN Serviceable, the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access will return a result in respect of the Service Class that applies in respect of that Premises, or the address will be listed in the weekly Excel address spreadsheets described in section 3.2.Weekly Address List.

The following table 2 describes the different Service Classes that can be identified through the NBN Co Service Portal, B2B Access, or the weekly Excel address spreadsheets described in section 3.2Weekly Address List (as the case may be).

Service Class Description Appointment requirement

0 The Premises is currently not NBN Serviceable.


(Customer currently unable to order Product for Service Class 0 Premises).

1 The Premises is NBN Serviceable.

No Drop Fibre has been installed.

No NTD has been installed.

Customer needs to make an appointmentAppointment in the calendar for NBN Co to attend the Premises to install the relevant Connecting Equipment unless a planned NTD installation has been advised and Customer has determined suitable UNI(s) are available.

2 The Premises is NBN Serviceable.

A Drop Fibre has been installed.

No NTD has been installed.

3 The Premises is NBN Serviceable.

A Drop Fibre has been installed.

An NTD has been installed.


No Appointment is required when UNI(s) are available.

4 The Premises is currently not NBN Serviceable by a Wireless Product.


(Customer currently unable to order Wireless Product for Service Class 4 Premises).

5 The Premises is NBN Serviceable by a Wireless Product.

No NTD has been installed.

Customer needs to make an Appointment in the calendar for NBN Co to attend the Premises to install the relevant Connecting Equipment unless a planned NTD installation has been advised and Customer has determined suitable UNI(s) are available.

6 The Premises is NBN Serviceable by a Wireless Product.

An NTD has been installed.


No Appointment is required when UNI(s) are available.

Table 2:2: Service Classes

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If the address confirmation process confirms that a Service Class 1 , Service Class 2 or Service Class 25 applies in respect of a Premises, Customer must make an appointmentAppointment in accordance with section 5 for NBN Co (or an Installer) to attend the Premises to perform an Installation in accordance with section 5..

During the initial stages of the NBN Co Fibre Network and NBN Co Wireless Network rollout, the number of Premises in respect of which appointmentsAppointments for Installation is required will be high.

NBN Co sets the minimum appointmentAppointment duration based on the location and the Service Class for the Premises. This varies from 2 hours to full day appointmentsAppointments.

Customer must schedule an appointmentAppointment within the available appointmentAppointment timeframes indicated through the NBN Co Service Portal. After Customer schedules an appointmentAppointment time, NBN Co will allocate a unique Appointment ID to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal. Customer must provide the unique Appointment ID through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access when placing an order for any Access Component.

Before Customer schedules an appointmentAppointment, Customer must communicate with the Downstream Customer who is an End User in respect of the available appointmentAppointment times (as determined by Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal) to determine a suitable time to ensure that Downstream Customer who is an End User is available at that date and time to enable NBN Co (or an Installer) to access the Premises to perform the Installation works.

IfIf Customer requests an Appointment in respect of an NFAS Access Component and the Downstream Customer who is an End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must communicate and, organise an appropriate appointmentAppointment time, with the End Userthat Downstream Customer, in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance ServiceServices. port allocation

After Customer has completed scheduling an appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal, NBN Co will allocate to Customer a unique Appointment ID in respect of that appointment. Appointments cannot be scheduled through B2B Access.

As part of the completion of the Product Order Form after Customer has scheduled an appointment (if applicable),, Customer must provide the required configuration of the UNI for the NTD to enable NBN Co to determine the UNI requirements for that NTD in respect of the relevant Premises.

If Customer wishes to order an MAVC in respect of a Premises, Customer must specify the details of the UNI-D that has also been ordered by Customer in respect of the same Premises or is being supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of the same Premises.

NBN Co will accept orders for UNIs having regard to the availability of portsrequested UNI and Product Features and the amount of available capacity at the NTD at the Premises.

NBN Co will allocate the first available UNI port at the relevant Premises to Customer.

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Where no UNI portsUNIs are available at the NTD, NBN Co willmay install a subsequent NTD at the End User’s Premises within the scheduled time of the appointmentAppointment and allocate Customer with the first available UNI on this NTD. investigation

If Customer wishes NBN Co to investigate an address that has not been found in the initial search of the address by Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal, B2B Access, or, in the interim, the weekly Excel address spreadsheets described in section 3.2,Weekly Address List, Customer may request NBN Co to investigate that address to determine whether it is a valid and/or NBN Serviceable address by contacting the relevant NBN Co contact person specified in the Contact Matrix.

As soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of request to investigate a specified address, NBN Co will perform the investigation and determine whether:

the specified address is invalid and Customer cannot place an order for an AVC or (in respect of a Premises which is serviceable by the NBN Fibre Network) an MAVC in respect of that premises;

the specified address is valid and NBN Serviceable, in which case NBN Co will notify Customer of a valid NBN Co Location ID and the Service Class in respect of that Premises; or

Customer’s requested address is not NBN Serviceable and a Service Class 0 or 4 applies to that address, in which case NBN Co will notify Customer by contacting the relevant Customer contact person in the Contact Matrix. and MAVC bandwidth/traffic change

If Customer wishes to amend the bandwidth and/or traffic class in respect of an AVC or MAVC, Customer must place an “amend” order in respect of that AVC or MAVC in accordance with section 4.16,4.23, or place a modify order in respect of that AVC or MAVC in accordance with section 4.144.21 (as the case may be) through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access. UNI-V ordering

IfIf, in relation to the NFAS being supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of a Premises, Customer wishes to place a subsequent order for a UNI-V at the NTD in respect of which it has already placed an order for the UNI-D and associated AVC, (or at which NBN Co is already supplying to Customer the UNI-D and associated AVC), to avoid potential disruptions to End User service, Customer should place the subsequent order for a UNI-V in accordance with the following sequence:

If Customer is adding UNI-V and changing the NFAS product template:

a new connect order for the Access Components (including a UNI-D and UNI-V) and (if applicable) the MAVC at that NTD; and

a disconnect order in respect of the AVC )and (if necessary) the MAVC and the original UNI-D at the relevant NTD.

If Customer is adding UNI-V and not changing the NFAS product template:

as a modify order in accordance with section

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NBN Co will accept any subsequent orders for a UNI-V having regard to the availability of UNI-V portsVs at the NTD at the Premises.

4.144.21Modify orders

Customer may place a modify order in respect of an Infrastructure Component, Connectivity Component, or Access Component or Multicast Component by providing a valid Product Instance ID through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable).

Customer must ensure that the modify order:

is submitted in accordance with this module; and

Includesincludes all the information required by the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable).

After NBN Co has validated a modify order, NBN Co will process the modify order in accordance with section

The Service Levels specified in the Service Levels Schedule will apply in respect of valid modify orders. Infrastructure Component orders NBN Co ODF Termination Point order

No modifications are available in respect to an NBN Co ODF Termination Point. If Customer wishes to order an additional NBN Co ODF Termination Point, then Customer must place a new NBN Co ODF Termination Point order via the NBN Co Service Portal in accordance with section 4.104.17 of this Activation Module. NBN Co Co-location order

No modifications are available in respect to a NBN Co Co-location. If Customer wishes to order an additional NBN Co Co-location rack, then subject to section 4.7 of the NBN CoProduct Description for the Facilities Access Service Product Description. Customer must place a new NBN Co Co-location order via the NBN Service Portal. Cross Connect order

If Customer wishes to modify a Cross Connect, Customer may place a modify order to modify the following:

For each Cross Connect:

The Fromthe “from” position of the Cross Connect; and

The Tothe “to” position of the Cross Connect.

Customer must provide a separate Cross Connect Authorisation Form for each Cross Connect within the modify order where the “from” or “to” position is a designated point on the NBN Co ODF of any to Other NBN Co Customer.

Customer must submit completed Cross Connect Authorisation Forms via email to the email address as specified in the Contact Matrix.

Customer must include theirits Reference ID in both the Cross Connect order placed through the NBN Co Service Portal and within the Cross Connect Authorisation formForm.

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If Customer wishes to modify an NNI, Customer may place a modify order to modify the following specifications:

Tagtag Protocol Identifier (TPID).);

Interfaceinterface type (optics).);

Additionaddition of NNI bearers.; and

Removalremoval of NNI bearers.

Modification of an NNI may require Planned NBN Maintenance. Where Planned NBN Maintenance is required NBN Co will notify Customer in accordance with the procedures set out in section 3.10.1 of Module 4 of this Operations Manual.

Customer may submit an order to modify an NNI to NBN Co at anytime, however, a modify NNI order may disrupt services that are provided using the affected NNIs. If NBN Co determines that a disruption is likely, NBN Co will fulfil the modify NNI order during the following hours:

Thursday 24:00 hours (midnight) to Friday 06:00 hours (6am);

Friday 24:00 hours (midnight) to Saturday 06:00 hours (6am); or

Saturday 24:00 hours (midnight) to Sunday 06:00 hours (6am).

Customer ismust not ableattempt to place a modify NNI order to change an existing single chassis NNI to a diverse chassis NNI. This is not supported. WhereNBN Co will reject any such order. If Customer wishes to obtainreplace a single chassis NNI with a diverse chassis NNI, Customer must place a new order for diverse chassis NNI and follow the migration process as described in Section 4.12.1 of this module.

Modification of an NNI may require planned coordination between Customer and NBN Co’s Service Activation team. NBN Co will notify Customer if coordination is required and will develop a plan to coordinate the modification which is consistent with this section CVC order

If Customer wishes to modify a CVC, Customer maymust place a modify order through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access to modify the following in respect of the following specifications:

the CVC Bandwidth Profile. Modify Multicast Domain order

If Customer wishes to modify a Multicast Domain, Customer must place a modify order through the NBN Co Service Portal to modify any one or more of the following specifications:

the Multicast Domain Bandwidth Profile;

addition/deletion of a Media Stream;

Media Stream IP Address;

Media Stream configured peak bandwidth value;

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S-TAG; and

IGMP Report Source Address.

Multicast Domain modifications will be conducted between 1:00am and 5:00am. Access Component and MAVC orders

IfNBN Co’s supply of Access Components and the MAVC is subject to the limitations set out in section 4.20.1 of this module. Subject to those limitations, if Customer wishes to modify an Access Component, Customer may place a modify order through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access to modify the following specifications in respect of the following specifications:Access Components or the MAVC (as applicable):

whether or not thean NFAS Access Component will be used as an input to supply a Downstream Priority Assistance service;

Connection type (whether thean NFAS Access Component relates to a Type 1 Connection or Type 2 Connection);

a subsequent UNI-V where Customer is using a default mapped product template; and in respect of the NFAS supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of a Premises;

for UNI- V:

ftp username

ftp password

ftp filename

for a UNI-V which is a component of the NFAS supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of a Premises, such configuration details as may be set out in the Product Technical Specification for the NBN Co Ethernet Bitstream Service for the configuration type of that UNI-V, which will be either:

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or

DSLForum Technical Report 069 (TR-069) protocol,

as notified by NBN Co; and

for a UNI-D and AVC supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of a Premises as part of the NFAS, the:

addition or removal of an associated MAVC;

modification of the AVC and/or an associated MAVC bandwidth profile (as applicable);

through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access.

Customer must place a modify order in relation to NFAS Access Components when Customer becomes aware that the Customer Product or the Downstream Product to which those NFAS Access Components are an input has ceased to be used for a Downstream CSG Service or a Downstream Priority Assistance Service (as the case may be).

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4.154.22Disconnect orders

Figure 5Figure 5 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co for disconnect orders. For details of the interactions, see section 2.12.1 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.










Create Disconnect

Order Request





OrderUpdate order to










Services and


Update order to


Invalid order


Receive Rejection











Create Disconnect

Order Request





OrderUpdate order to










Services and


Update order to


Invalid order


Receive Rejection


Figure 55 – Disconnect Orders

If Customer wishes to place a disconnect order in respect of an active service, Customer must place a disconnect order by providing a valid Product Instance ID through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable)..

Customer must ensure that the disconnect order:

is submitted in accordance with this module; and

includes all the information required by the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable).

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For clarity, NBN Co will not accept a disconnect order:

for an NBN Co ODF Termination Point until NBN Co has received a valid disconnect order, and completed the disconnect order, for all associated NNI(s) in accordance with this section 4.15;4.22;

for an NNI until NBN Co has received a valid disconnect order, and completed the disconnect order for all associated CVC(s) and for all associated AVC(s),) and, where applicable, for all Multicast Domains and all associated MAVCS, in accordance with this section 4.15; and4.22;

for a CVC until NBN Co has received a valid disconnect order, and completed the disconnect order for all associated AVC(s), in accordance with this section; and

for a Multicast Domain until NBN Co has received a valid disconnect order, and completed the disconnect order for all associated MAVC(s), in accordance with this section 4.22.

After NBN Co has validated a disconnect order, NBN Co will process the disconnect order in accordance with the order stages of section

The date on which NBN Co updates the disconnect order status to “Completed” will be the Deemed Disconnection Date.

For NBN Co Co-location disconnect orders Customer must remove Customer Equipment from the Rack Space post the Deemed Disconnection Date. This obligation is a Customer Disconnection Obligation for the purpose of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

4.164.23Amend or cancel orders

Figure 6Figure 6 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co for amend or cancel orders. For details of the interactions, see section 2.12.1 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

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Figure 66 – Amend or Cancel Orders

Customer can amend or cancel an In- Flight order at any time before the “Point of No Return”, as defined in section by:

submitting a cancel request order or amend appointmentAppointment request for the specific Order ID or Appointment ID through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable).. Customer must quote the relevant Order ID when placing the cancel request order or quote the relevant Appointment ID when amending an appointmentAppointment request order. or

contacting the relevant NBN Co contact person, as specified in the Contact Matrix,.

NBN Co will reject a request to cancel or amend an In- Flight order if the cancel or amend order is submitted after the “Point of No Return”. of No Return

The “Point of No Return” in respect of a request to cancel an In Flight order is:

Forfor Infrastructure Component orders, before the status of the order is “In Progress” (when order is accepted) to cancel an order.; and

Forfor Connectivity andComponent, Access Component and Multicast Component orders, before the status of the order is “Completed”.

Please refer to section 5.1.1 for the processes that apply to the amendment of appointmentsAppointments.








amendment to in-

flight order


Reject Amend/

Cancel – Past


Reject Change

Accept Change Update Order



Order update



amendment in




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5 Appointment management

5.1 Rescheduling appointments

5.1 Customer orAppointment lifecycle

For Access Component orders, Figure 7 provides an indicative overview of the Appointment stages:

Figure 7 – Appointment stages

5.2 Appointment stages

For Access Component Appointments, the following table provides a high level explanation of each Appointment stage:

The Appointment Status Description

“Reserved” Customer has reserved an Appointment.

NBN Co allocates a unique Appointment ID.

On receipt of an Appointment ID, Customer must include the Appointment ID in its order.

Customer is awaiting Appointment validation.

“Booked” A “Reserved” Appointment will become a “Booked” Appointment if validated successfully by NBN Co.

“In Progress” NBN Co is undertaking necessary fieldwork for the Appointment.

“Completed” The end stage of an Appointment that has completed.

“Incomplete” NBN Co notifies Customer that an Appointment could not commence and/or could not be completed as scheduled.

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The Appointment Status Description

“Cancelled” Customer or NBN Co has cancelled an Appointment.

5.3 Reserving an Appointment by Customer

Customer may reserve an Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal for an Access Component order for a Premises if:

in accordance with section 4.13.2 of this module, the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access returns a result to Customer in respect of a Service Qualification for the Premises with:

o Service Class 1, Service Class 2 or Service Class 5, and:

no NTD installation has been planned for the Premises; or

an NTD installation is planned for the Premises but no suitable UNI will be available for Customer’s order; or

o Service Class 3 or Service Class 6 and determine no suitable UNI will be available for Customer’s order.

To reserve an Appointment for an Access Component order, Customer must:

find available Appointments on the NBN Co Service Portal during which NBN Co (or an Installer) may reschedule can perform the Installation works. Based upon the Appointment criteria selected by Customer, the NBN Co Service Portal may provide up to 25 available Appointments:

o from the first available Appointment; or

o from the preferred date requested including any request for a morning or afternoon Appointment;

communicate with the Downstream Customer who is an End User to determine a suitable Appointment (as indicated through the NBN Co Service Portal) at which time the Downstream Customer who is an End User is available, to enable NBN Co (or an Installer) to access the Premises to perform the Installation works;

select an Appointment that is available (as indicated through the NBN Co Service Portal) at which the Downstream Customer who is an End User is available, to enable NBN Co (or an Installer) to access the Premises to perform the Installation works. If there is no available Appointment within the applicable Service Level timeframe within which NBN Co must attempt to connect the Access Components under the Service Levels Schedule, then section 5.3.1 of this module will apply;

enter the Personal Identity Information (PII) of the Downstream Customer who is an End User and/or a person nominated by that Downstream Customer, who will provide NBN Co (or an Installer) access to the Premises to perform the Installation work. Customer must enter a minimum of 1 person’s PII and up to 3 persons’ PII for the Appointment, each of whom has the right to enable NBN Co (or an Installer) to access the Premises to perform the Installation works; and

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enter additional comments regarding the Appointment site if the additional comments may assist NBN Co (or the Installer) with the performance of the Installation works or any ancillary matter (for example: “Caution – beware of dog. Contact End User on their mobile on arrival”).

The PII data required for an Appointment per person is:

given (first) name;

family (last) name;

contact telephone or mobile number; and

the relationship which that person has with the Downstream Customer who is an End User (including, if applicable, that the person is the Downstream Customer who is an End User).

NBN Co will validate the Appointment reservation request and either:

accept the reservation request and confirm:

o the Appointment status is “Reserved”; and

o a unique Appointment ID, which Customer must include in the associated Access Component order when submitting the order to NBN Co through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access; or

decline the reservation request and provide the reason through the NBN Co Service Portal. If declined, Customer may repeat this process to reserve an Appointment after making any necessary changes.

For each Appointment requested in relation to an NFAS Access Component order, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the End User of the scheduled Appointment times in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Services and/or Downstream CSG Services.

For each Appointment requested in relation to an NFAS Access Component order, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must then contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre by telephone, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix. NBN Co will confirm that the Appointment submitted by Customer flagged as a Downstream Priority Assistance Service has been scheduled.

5.3.1 Appointment timeframes

The Kept Appointment Service Levels set out in clause 5.1 of the Service Level Schedule is calculated based upon the date and time each Appointment is requested in respect of an order, not from when the associated order is made. If Customer delays submitting an order to NBN Co, this may affect:

the reporting of the Kept Appointment Service Level for the order and Appointment; and/or

the reserved Appointment, which may expire in accordance with section 5.3.2 of this module.

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An Appointment will specify a window for site attendance including a start time and end time, which means an Appointment arrival window between the start time specified and the end time specified through the NBN Co Service Portal.

If Customer selects an Appointment within the Kept Appointment Service Levels timeframes, the Kept Appointment Service Levels in clause 5.1 of the Service Levels Schedule will apply.

If Customer selects an Appointment outside the Kept Appointment Service Levels timeframes, the Kept Appointment Service Levels in clause 5.1 of the Service Levels Schedule will not apply in respect of that Appointment.

If Customer finds there are no available Appointments within the timeframe specified in the Kept Appointment Service Levels, Customer may contact the NSOC by telephone to make an enquiry regarding the availability of Appointments within the applicable timeframe.

5.3.2 Sunset Period for reserved Appointments

Each Appointment reservation request will expire 2 hours after the Appointed is “Reserved” in accordance with this section 5.3 unless NBN Co agrees to a longer time period during which the Appointment will retain its “Reserved” status (the Sunset Period).

Customer must submit to NBN Co, through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access, each Access Component order related to an Appointment during the Sunset Period for that Appointment. Customer must include the unique Appointment ID for the reserved Appointment in the Access Component order. NBN Co will attempt to validate the Appointment ID provided by Customer in the Access Component order in accordance with section 5.5 of this module.

When the Sunset Period for an Appointment ends, if the Appointment status is “Reserved”, NBN Co will:

cancel the Appointment; and

update the Appointment status to “Cancelled” and section 5.11 of this module will apply.

5.3.3 Destruction of Personal Identity Information (PII)

Once the Appointment is completed or cancelled, NBN Co destroys all PII provided by Customer in respect of that Appointment.

5.4 Query Appointment status

If Customer wishes to make an enquiry regarding the status of an Appointment, Customer may make a request through the NBN Co Service Portal by using the Appointment ID to search for the Appointment. The relevant Appointment status, as described in sections 5.1 and 5.2, will be displayed upon successful search of the Appointment ID.


Downstream Customer who is an End User (or their nominated representative) contacts Customer and informs Customer that NBN Co (or the Installer) has not arrived to the Premises by the end of the Appointment timeframe; and

the Appointment status is “Booked” or “In Progress”,

Customer may contact the NSOC by telephone to make an enquiry regarding the Appointment.

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5.5 Booking an Appointment by NBN Co

NBN Co will update a reserved Appointment to “Booked” status if NBN Co successfully validates the Appointment ID in the associated Access Component order in accordance with section 5.3. Validation will be successful if NBN Co determines, in accordance with the Wholesale Broadband Agreement, that:

NBN Co will supply the ordered Access Components;

the status of the Appointment is “Reserved”;

the Appointment has been reserved by Customer;

the Appointment ID of the reserved Appointment matches the Appointment ID provided by Customer in the Access Component order;

the “Connection Type” value for the Appointment matches the “Connection Type” value in the Access Component order;

in relation to any NFAS Access Component order, the “Priority Assist” value for the Appointment matches the “Priority Assist” value in the NFAS Access Component order; and

the NBN Co location ID for the reserved Appointment matches the NBN Co location ID in the Access Component order.

After the Appointment has been Booked, NBN Co (or the Installer) may contact any authorised person for whom Customer has provided PII pursuant to section 5.3 of this module to do any one or more of the following:

confirm Installation work requirements for the Premises prior to the scheduled Appointment date; and

confirm that the Downstream Customer who is the End User (or their nominated representative) will be in attendance for the Appointment prior to arriving to the Premises.

If NBN Co cannot validate an Appointment ID in an associated Access Component order under this section 5.5, for example, because:

the Appointment ID provided relates to an appointment booked by an Other NBN Co Customer;

the Appointment ID relates to a different order;

the Appointment ID provided cannot be found; or

the Appointment status is “In-progress”, “Incomplete”, “Completed” or “Cancelled”,

NBN Co will place the order into a “Pending” state and add comments into the order for Customer, which:

state that the Appointment ID is invalid, in which case section 4.17.6 of this module (regarding Pending orders) will apply;

request that Customer reserve a new Appointment, in which case section 5.3 of this module (regarding Appointment reservations) will apply; or

request that Customer amend the order to include the correct Appointment ID, in which case section 4.23 of this module (regarding amend (or cancel) orders) will apply.

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Customer may:

reschedule a “Booked” Appointment in accordance with, and subject to, section 5.7 of this module; or

cancel a “Booked” Appointment, in accordance with, and subject to, section 5.11 of this module.

5.6 In Progress Appointment

An Appointment that has an “In Progress” status means NBN Co (or the Installer) is undertaking necessary fieldwork for the Appointment.

Customer will not be able to reschedule or amend an Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal when an Appointment status is “In Progress”. Customer may:

reschedule an “In Progress” Appointment in accordance with, and subject to, section 5.7 of this module; or

cancel an “In Progress” Appointment in accordance with, and subject to, section 5.11 of this module.

5.7 Rescheduling Appointments

Customer or NBN Co (or an Installer) may reschedule an Appointment made under section through the NBN Co Service Portal in circumstances including, but not limited to the following:

the Downstream Customer who is an End User informinghas informed Customer that they wish to change an appointment;

the Installer determines, on attendance at the Premises, that a second appointment is necessary because the Downstream Customer who is an End User (or their authorised representative) is not in attendance; wishes to reschedule the Appointment;

the Installer determines, on attendance at the Premises, that a second appointment is necessary because the Installer cannot complete the Installation within a single appointment;

NBN Co (or an Installer) reasonably considers that it would be dangerous to the health or safety of any person or property for NBN Co (or an Installer) to attend the scheduled appointmentAppointment and/or complete the Installation within the appointmentAppointment timeframe; or

NBN Co (or an Installer) reasonably considers that weather conditions prevent NBN Co (or an Installer) from being able to attend the scheduled appointmentAppointment and/or complete the Installation within the appointmentAppointment timeframe.

Customer agrees, irrespective of whether NBN Co or Customer wishes to reschedule an appointmentAppointment, that:

Customer is responsible for communicating with the End User in respect of rescheduling appointmentAppointment times, including if a Non-Standard Installation is required in accordance with section 6;6 of this module; and

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for an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component order, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the End User of the rescheduled appointmentAppointment times in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance ServiceServices and/or Downstream CSG Service.Services; and

for an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component order, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre by telephone, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix. NBN Co will validate that the Appointment submitted by Customer flagged as a Downstream Priority Assistance Service has been rescheduled. by Customer

If Customer wishes to change an appointment time via the NBN Co Service Portalreschedule an Appointment, Customer must provide the relevant Order ID and Appointment ID when requesting to that the Appointment be rescheduled. If the Appointment status is:

“Reserved” or “Booked”, Customer may reschedule an appointment.Appointment:

o through the NBN Co Service Portal if the request is made at least one Business Day prior to the scheduled Appointment; or

o by contacting the NSOC via telephone if the request is made within one Business Day of the scheduled Appointment;

“In Progress”, “Cancelled” or “Completed”, Customer will not be able to reschedule the Appointment; or

“Incomplete”, Customer may reschedule the Appointment if the Appointment has no hazard, mass service disruption or network shortfall preventing the Appointment from being completed.

If Customer reschedules an Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal, Customer must request and select and request an alternative timedate and/or time for an Appointment from the available times in the calendarAppointments provided through the NBN Co Service Portal.

To change an appointment,When Customer must use reasonable endeavours to provide one Business Day’s notice prior toreschedules an Appointment, the scheduled appointment time.

Customer may only change an appointment if the relevant appointment order has an “Acknowledged”, “In Progress” or “Pending” status. Customer may change an appointment by clicking the Amend link that is available on the Orders page of the NBN Co Service Portal. NBN Co will notify Customer by email as to whether a change of an appointment has been accepted or rejected by NBN Co. The Appointment ID may remainremains the same when an appointment is rescheduled.

Customer is responsible for communicating with End Users in respect of alternative appointmentAppointment times.

Customer may only reschedule an Appointment up to three times. If Customer wishes to reschedule the Appointment when the limit is reached, Customer must:

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cancel the Appointment by contacting the NSOC by telephone; and

reserve a new Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal in accordance with section 5.3 of this module. by NBN Co

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance target:

less than 5% of the total number of confirmed “Type 1 Connection” appointmentsAppointments and/or confirmed “Type 2 Connection” appointmentsAppointments made by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers may be rescheduled by NBN Co in each “Quarter”.”; and

less than 5% of the total number of confirmed “NWAS Connection” Appointments made by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers may be rescheduled by NBN Co in each “Quarter”.

In this section 5.1.2,5.7.2, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Level Schedule.

5.1.3 Late cancellations

5.8 Amending an Appointment

If Customer requests a cancellation of the appointment by giving less thanwishes to amend PII details which it has provided in relation to an Appointment and/or the comments regarding the Appointment site, Customer must provide NBN Co with the relevant Appointment ID when requesting to amend that Appointment. If the Appointment status is:

“Reserved” or “Booked”, Customer may amend the Appointment:

o through the NBN Co Service Portal if the request is made at least one Business Day’s noticeDay prior to the scheduled appointment time and NBN Co accepts thatAppointment; or

o by contacting NSOC via telephone if the request, NBN Co may charge is made within one Business Day of the scheduled Appointment;

“In Progress”, Customer must contact the NSOC via telephone;

“Cancelled” or “Completed”, Customer will not be able to amend the Appointment; or

“Incomplete”, Customer may amend the Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal if the Appointment has no hazard, mass service disruption or network shortfall preventing the Appointment from being completed.

If Customer amends an Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal, Customer must submit all details relating to the:

Personal Identity Information (PII) of the Downstream Customer who is an End User and/or a Late Cancellation Charge, person nominated by the End User; and/or

additional comments regarding the Appointment site,

as the previously stored information will be replaced by the details submitted by Customer in its amendment request.

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When Customer amends an Appointment, the Appointment ID remains the same.

5.9 Incomplete Appointment

NBN Co (or an Installer) will update the Appointment status to “Incomplete” through the NBN Co Service Portal in circumstances including, but not limited to where NBN Co reasonably considers that:

weather conditions, a hazard or a network event prevents NBN Co (or an Installer) from being able to attend the scheduled Appointment and/or complete the Installation within the Appointment timeframe; or

a next day visit is required where the Installer will complete the Appointment in the first job of the following morning.

Customer may reschedule an “Incomplete” Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal if the Appointment is not prevented from being completed. For example, if an Appointment cannot be completed due to a network event, the Customer must not reschedule the Appointment until the network event no longer prevents the Appointment from being completed. Customer must only reschedule an “Incomplete” Appointment in accordance with section 5.7 of this module.

Customer may cancel an “Incomplete” Appointment in accordance with section 5.11 of this module.

5.10 Completing an Appointment

NBN Co (or an Installer) will update an Appointment status to “Completed” when the Appointment has completed. Some examples of a completed Appointment are as follows:

the Installer has left the site due to successful Installation of a service;

the Installer has left the site, unable to complete the Installation works within a single Appointment and is unable to complete the Installation works by the following morning; or

the Downstream Customer who is an End User is not in attendance when the Installer attends the Premises (“NIA”).

Customer may reserve a new Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal in circumstances including, but not limited to, the following:

the Installer determines, on attendance at the Premises, that a new Appointment is necessary because the Installer cannot complete the Installation within a single Appointment; or

the Installer determines, on attendance at the Premises, that a new Appointment is necessary because the Downstream Customer who is an End User (or their authorised representative) is not in attendance (“NIA”).

Customer agrees, irrespective of whether NBN Co or Customer wishes to reserve a new Appointment, that:

Customer is responsible for communicating with End Users in respect of scheduling new Appointment times;

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for an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the End User of the scheduled Appointment times in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Services and/or Downstream CSG Services; and

for an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre by telephone, details of which are specified in the Price ListContact Matrix. NBN Co will validate that the Appointment submitted by Customer flagged as a Downstream Priority Assistance Service has been scheduled.

5.1.4 Missed appointments

5.10.1 IfNot in attendance (Missed Appointment by Downstream Customer)

If a Downstream Customer who is an End User (or their authorised representative) is not available at the Premises atduring the scheduled appointment timeAppointment to allow NBN Co (or an Installer) to access the Premises to perform the Installationworks to be carried out pursuant to the Appointment, then:

only the Kept Appointment Service Levels in the Service Levels Schedule will not apply to that missed appointment; andAppointment;

NBN Co will charge Customer a MissedNot In Attendance Appointment Fee, as specified in the Price List.;

NBN Co will update the status of the Appointment to “Completed” ; and

Customer will be required to make another appointmentmust reserve a new Appointment for NBN Co (or Installer) to attend the Premises to complete the InstallationAppointment.

5.11 Cancelling an Appointment

Customer or NBN Co may cancel an Appointment. When an Appointment is cancelled, NBN Co will update the Appointment status to “Cancelled” through the NBN Co Service Portal.

Customer agrees, irrespective of whether NBN Co or Customer wishes to cancel an Appointment, that:

Customer is responsible for communicating with the Downstream User who is an End User (or their authorised representative) in respect of a cancelled Appointment; and

for an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the Downstream Customer who is an End User of the cancelled Appointment in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Services and/or Downstream CSG Services.

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5.11.1 Cancel Appointment request by Customer

If Customer wishes to cancel an Appointment one or more Business Days prior to the scheduled Appointment date, Customer must contact the NSOC by telephone and request an Appointment, referenced by the Appointment ID, be cancelled.

NBN Co will confirm cancellation of the Appointment to Customer, and Customer will confirm which of the following Customer intends to do:

request a new Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal, in which case Customer must update the associated Access Component order with the new Appointment ID through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access; or

cancel the Access Component order that was associated with the Appointment ID, by sending a cancel order request to NBN Co through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access.

5.11.2 Late cancellations requested by Customer

Subject to the remainder of this section 5.11.2, if Customer wishes to request a late cancellation of an Appointment, Customer must contact the NSOC by telephone and request the Appointment, referenced by the Appointment ID, be cancelled.

If the status of the Appointment is:

“Booked”, "Incomplete" or “In Progress”, NBN Co will accept the request and NBN Co may charge Customer a Late Cancellation Charge, as specified in the Price List, or

"Cancelled" or “Completed”, NBN Co will decline the request.

For an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component:

if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the End User of the cancelled Appointment in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Services and/or Downstream CSG Services; and

if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix, by telephone. NBN Co will validate that the Appointment submitted by Customer flagged as a Downstream Priority Assistance Service has been cancelled.

5.11.3 Cancellation request for Appointment indicating Priority Assistance

For an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the:

Downstream Customer who is an End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the End User of the cancelled Appointment in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Services and/or Downstream CSG Services; or

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Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must then contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre by telephone, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix. NBN Co will validate that the Appointment submitted by Customer flagged as a Downstream Priority Assistance Service has been cancelled.

5.11.4 Cancellation of an Appointment by NBN Co

NBN Co (or the Installer) will cancel an Appointment if the:

“Reserved” Appointment has reached the end of the Sunset Period; or

the order is cancelled by Customer or NBN Co.

Customer agrees, irrespective of whether NBN Co or Customer wishes to cancel an Appointment, that:

Customer is responsible for communicating with the End User in respect of the cancellation of an Appointment; and

for an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the End User of the cancelled Appointment in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Services and/or Downstream CSG Services. operational performance target for appointmentsType 1/Type 2 Appointments met

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the total number of confirmed “Type 1 Connection” appointmentsAppointments and confirmed “Type 2 Connection” appointmentsAppointments for NFAS Access Components that are made by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers:

before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of confirmed “Type 1 Connection” appointmentsAppointments and confirmed “Type 2 Connection” appointmentsAppointments made by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in respect of any Quarter will be met by NBN Co (excluding appointmentsAppointments that have been rescheduled by Customer, Downstream Customer or a Downstream Customer (who is an End User or are not met by NBN Co due to a failure or inability of the Downstream Customer (who is an End User) to be present at the time of the appointmentAppointment);

before 30 November 2012, 90% of the total number of second confirmed “Type 1 Connection” appointmentsAppointments and second confirmed “Type 2 Connection” appointmentsAppointments made by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in respect of any Quarter will be met by NBN Co (for the purposes of this non-binding operational performance target, a second confirmed “Type 1 Connection” appointmentAppointment or second confirmed “Type 2 Connection” appoint occurs when NBN Co has rescheduled the initial confirmed “Type 1 Connection” appointmentAppointment or initial confirmed “Type 2 Connection” appointmentAppointment due to a failure or inability of NBN Co to attend the initial confirmed appointmentAppointment);

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on and from 1 December 2012, 90% of the total number of confirmed “Type 1 Connection” appointmentsAppointments and confirmed “Type 2 Connection” appointmentsAppointments made by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in respect of any Quarter will be met by NBN Co (excluding appointmentsAppointments that have been rescheduled by Customer, Downstream Customer or a Downstream Customer (who is an End User or are not met by NBN Co due to a failure or inability of the Downstream Customer (who is an End User) to be present at the time of the appointmentAppointment); and

on and from 1 December 2012, 95% of the total number of second confirmed “Type 1 Connection” appointmentsAppointments and second confirmed “Type 2 Connection” appointmentsAppointments made by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers in respect of any Quarter will be met by NBN Co (for the purposes of this non-binding operational performance target, a second confirmed “Type 1 Connection” appointmentAppointment or second confirmed “Type 2 Connection” appoint occurs when NBN Co has rescheduled the initial confirmed “Type 1 Connection” appointmentAppointment or initial confirmed “Type 2 Connection” appointmentAppointment due to a failure or inability of NBN Co to attend the initial confirmed appointmentAppointment).

For clarity, the above non-binding operational performance targets only apply in respect of NBN Co attending the relevant confirmed “Type 1 Connection” appointmentAppointment and/or confirmed “Type 2 Connection” appointment.Appointment in relation to NFAS Access Component orders. They do not apply in relation to NBN Co successfully completing the required work during such appointmentsAppointments or in relation to Appointments that relate to NWAS Access Component orders.

In respect of this section 5.1.5,5.11.5, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule. operational performance target for Type 1 Connection appointmentAppointment availability

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the lead times for “Type 1 Connection” appointmentAppointment availability for NFAS Access Component orders in respect of each FSAM (averaged over periods of 6 months, the first period of which will commence on the date the FSAM is declared by NBN Co to be ready for service):

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The “Type 1 Connection” appointmentAppointment availability targets in this section 5.11.6 are made on the basis of the following assumptions:

the average FSAM is comprisedcomprises of approximately 2800 Premises;

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the number of appointmentAppointment bookings for “Type 1 Connections” that will be made by Customerin relation to NFAS Access Component orders will not exceed the following:

in the aggregate, Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers will not make appointment bookingsAppointments in respect of more than 8% of all of the Premises within a FSAM in the first month after the relevant FSAM is declared by NBN Co to be ready for service;

in the aggregate, Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers will not make appointment bookingsAppointments in respect of more than 7% of all of the Premises within a FSAM in each of months 2 to 6 after the relevant FSAM is declared by NBN Co to be ready for service; and

in the aggregate, Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers will not make appointment bookingsAppointments in respect of more than 4% of all of the Premises within a FSAM in each of months 7 to 18 after the relevant FSAM is declared by NBN Co to be ready for service; and

appointment bookingsAppointments will be made available to Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers on a ‘first come-first served’ basis.

NBN Co intends to make available sufficient resources and capacity to enable NBN Co to meet thesethe “Type 1 Connection” appointmentAppointment availability targets. in this section 5.11.6. However, if the assumptions underpinning thesethe “Type 1 Connection” appointmentAppointment availability targets in this section 5.11.6 are inaccurate (for example due to high volumes of demand or faster take up rates), then Customer agrees that NBN Co will be not be able to meet these targets.

For clarity, the above non-binding operational performance targets only apply in respect of the lead times for “Type 1 Connection” appointmentAppointment availability. in relation to Appointments for NFAS Access Component orders. They do not apply to NBN Co attending the relevant “Type 1 Connection” appointmentAppointment or to NBN Co successfully completing the required work during such appointmentAppointment or in relation to Appointments that relate to NWAS Access Component orders.

In respect of this section 5.1.6,5.11.6, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule.

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6 Installations

Before NBN Co can connect and activate the Access Components in respect of a Premises for which a Service Class 1 , Service Class 2 or Service Class 25 has been identified through the NBN Co Service Portal, B2B Access or the weekly Excel address spreadsheets described in section 3.2,Weekly Address List, NBN Co (or the Installer) must complete the Installation works (as may be required by the Service Class in respect of that Premises) in accordance with the Fibre Demand Installation Guide. – Fibre or the Wireless Network Termination Device (WNTD) Installation Manual (as applicable).

NBN Co will provide a copy of the Installation Guide - Fibre Demand Installation Guide to Customer during the on-boarding process. for the NFAS, and a copy of the WNTD Installation Manual to Customer during the on-boarding process for the NWAS. Customer must comply with the Fibre Demand Installation Guide – Fibre and WNTD Installation Manual (as applicable) as notified by NBN Co to Customer from time to time.

Customer must provide all necessary information relating to the Installation works to the Downstream Customer who is the End User, including the date and time of the Installation, application of Late Cancellation Charges and Missed Appointment Fees set out in the Price List and any other matters associated with the Installation. NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to assist Customer to provide information at a community level on telecommunications services provided to Downstream Customers who are End Users, for instance in relation to migration of services and continuity of services.

Either before or at the time NBN Co (or an Installer) attends a relevant Premises, NBN Co (or the Installer) will identify whether or not an Installation is an Initial Standard Installation, an Initial Non-Standard Installation, or a Subsequent Installation.

If the Installation is an Initial Non-Standard Installation or a Subsequent Installation, NBN Co (or an Installer) will:

inform the Downstream Customer (who is an End User) that the Installation is an Initial Non-Standard Installation or a Subsequent Installation (as applicable);

determine the charges for the Initial Non-Standard Installation or Subsequent Installation (as applicable);

provide Downstream Customer (who is an End User) with a quotation for the charges for the Initial Non-Standard Installation or Subsequent Installation (as applicable) and advise that Downstream Customer (who is the End User) that Customer may bill them for such charges;

if the Installation is an Initial Non-Standard Installation, advise the Downstream Customer (who is the End User) that the consent of the Downstream Customer (who is the End User) or that Downstream Customer’s authorised representative is required in relation to the details of the quotation before the Initial Non-Standard Installation can be performed; and

if the Installation is a Subsequent Installation, advise the Downstream Customer (who is the End User) that the consent of that Downstream Customer is required in relation to the details of the quotation before the Subsequent Installation can be performed.

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If the consent of Downstream Customer (who is the End User) or (where applicable) that Downstream Customer’s authorised representative is not given to the details of the quotation, then NBN Co will not be required to connect and activate the Access Components for the Premises during the appointmentAppointment and the Service Levels in the Service Levels Schedule will not apply. NBN Co’s quotation for any Initial Non-Standard Installations andInstallation or Subsequent InstallationsInstallation will remain valid for 10 Business Days after they arethe quotation is given.

Where an Initial Non-Standard Installation or Subsequent Installation is performed NBN Co will provide the relevant quotation to Customer, after the generation of the bill containing these Charges.

At the time of the Installation, NBN Co (or an Installer) will provide the End User with a power supply unit information sheet to provide Customer with information regarding power supply and, in relation to the NFAS, battery units, including the various battery alarms.

At the time of the Installation, if NBN Co (or an Installer) identifies a NBN Fault with the Connecting Equipment, which prevents NBN Co (or an Installer) from completing the Installation process, NBN Co (or an Installer) will remain at the Premises and resolve the NBN Fault, except in the following circumstances:

the Installation requires additional equipment, which NBN Co (or an Installer) is not in possession of at that point in time;

Inin NBN Co’s Co (or the Installer’s viewInstaller) considers that the NBN Fault cannot be resolved within the appointmentAppointment time;

it would be dangerous to the health or safety of any person or property for NBN Co (or an Installer) to continue installing and testing the Connecting Equipment;

where NBN Co (or anthe Installer) installs a temporary cable in respect of a Premises; or

any other circumstance exists that would prevent a competent contractor from being able to complete activities required to complete the Installation.

At the completion of the Installation, NBN Co (or anthe Installer) will require the Downstream Customer who is the End User (or their authorised representative) to sign the work order for the Installation.

6.1 Presence of adult at the time of installation

Customer must use reasonable endeavours to ensure that, at, and for the duration of, the scheduled appointment time ofAppointment for the Installation, the Downstream Customer who is the End User (or their authorised representative) is present.

TheThe Downstream Customer who is the End User (or their authorised representative) who is present at the time of the Installation must be 18 years or above.

Customer agrees that NBN Co (or the Installer) is not required to complete the Installation if the above requirement isrequirements are not satisfied.

6.2 Terms of use of NBN Co Equipment

The following terms of use apply for the purposes of clause C7.2(a) of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement. NBN Co Equipment installed in connection with NBN Co’s supply of an Ordered Product in respect of a Premises must:

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not operatebe operated or store the NBN Co Equipmentstored outside the limits of the following environmental conditions:

temperature range of 0 – 40°C;

relative Humidityhumidity range of 0 – 95%; and

protected from moisture and dampness;

not power the NBN Co Equipmentpowered other than in the form specified in the relevant Product Technical Specification;

not configure the NBN Co Equipmentconfigured other than as successfully on-boarded specified through NBN Co’s on-boarding process;

not use anyonly be used to the extent that specific features of the NBN Co Equipment that are not supported by NBN Co as specified in the relevant Product Technical Specification;

installhave cabling associated with NBN Co Equipment installed in accordance with the relevant Product Technical Specification and the relevant Australian Standards;

not damage, or coverbe damaged, covered (e.g. by paint), encloseenclosed, or preventhave air circulation around it prevented (e.g. by placement in a box), move, relocate, rearrange or removebe moved, relocated, rearranged or removed;

not labelbe labelled (e.g. with Customer trade-names or marks) or have any existing labels removed or tampered with associated with the NBN Co Equipment;

not disposebe disposed of illegally or in an unauthorised manner (i.e.g. thrown away in general waste) of the NBN Co Equipment;);

disconnect not be disconnected from any equipment or NBN Co Equipment from other NBN Co Equipment (e.g. through the removal or disconnection of the optical connector from the NBN Co Equipment, or the power cable from the NBN Co Equipment, other than as instructed by NBN Co in writing;); and

dismantlenot dismantled or have un-authorisedunauthorised maintenance performed.

In using the NBN Co Equipment, Customer agrees that:

NBN Co is not responsible for the operation of any equipment or applications connected to NBN Co Equipment that any party other than NBN Co supplies to Customer; and

NBN Co Equipment does not support extensions to buildings which are outside the Premises in which the NBN Co Equipment has been installed.

NBN Co may notify Customer of additional terms of use of the NBN Co Equipment from time to time.

6.3 Physical access policy

When visiting Customer sites and premises, NBN Co will comply with Customer policies in accordance with clause C11 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

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7 Rearrangement, removal and repair of Connecting Equipment

7.1 Rearrangement, removal and repair

If Customer requests NBN Co to rearrange, modify or remove any Connecting Equipment after NBN Co has connected and activated the Access Components at the Premises, Customer must contact the relevant NBN Co contact person, as specified in the Contact Matrix.

NBN Co and Customer will use reasonable endeavours to cooperate to agree on a plan in respect of the way in which NBN Co will perform any rearrangement, modification or removal of the Connecting Equipment at the Premises.

Customer is responsible for communicating with the Downstream Customer who is the End User in respect of any plan as agreed between NBN Co and Customer in connection with the rearrangement, modification or removal of the Connecting Equipment from the Premises.

Customer must:

use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Downstream Customer who is the End User notifies Customer promptly if it is aware of any material damage to Connecting Equipment, which requires repair; and

promptly notify NBN Co if it is aware of any material damage to Connecting Equipment.

At the time of rearrangement, modification or removal, NBN Co (or an Installer) will:

inform the Downstream Customer (who is an End User) of the requirement for a quote;

determine the charges that will apply in connection with the rearrangement, removal or repair, and pass these charges onto the End User;

provide Downstream Customer (who is an End User) with a quotation for the charges for the rearrangement, removal or repair (and advise the Downstream Customer (who is the End User) that Customer may bill them for these Charges); and

obtain Downstream Customer's (who is an End User) acknowledgement consent before commencing the rearrangement, removal or repair that Downstream Customer will pay Customer the Charges for the rearrangement, removal or repair levied by Customer and NBN Co will charge Customer for the rearrangement, removal or repair in accordance with the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

If such consent is not provided for an appointment, and given to the details of the quotation for a rearrangement, removal or repair is required at the Premises, then NBN Co will not be required to complete the rearrangement, removal or repair and the Service Levels in the Service Levels Schedule will not apply (NBN Co quotation for the works will remain valid for 10 Business Days).

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1 Introduction

The processes for:

diagnosis, reporting, investigation and repair of Faults; and

notifying Customer of, scheduling and performing NBN Maintenance,

are specified in this module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

For details of the interactions between NBN Co and Customer specified in this module of this NBN Co Operations Manual, see section 2.22.2 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

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2 Monitoring and management

2.1 Ordered Product Data

To assist with the diagnosis, reporting, investigation and repair of Faults, NBN Co will hold the following information in respect of all Ordered Products by Customer:

Product Instance ID;

Service ID;

Location ID;

hardware and software details; and

Product configuration.

(together, the Ordered Product Data).

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3 Fault management (fault investigation)

3.1 Timeframes

The timeframes applicable to the end-to-end process from receipt of a Fault report to completion of investigation and rectification of that Fault report are set out in the WBA Product Catalogue.

The obligations regarding Downstream Priority Assistance Service in this module of this NBN Co Operations Manual do not apply in respect of supply of the TTAS or the NWAS.

Where Service Levels specific to a single transaction (which are a component of the end to end process) are defined they will be noted, those Service Levels are set out in the relevant section of this Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

3.2 Trouble Ticket Stages

A Trouble Ticket can be raised in accordance with section 3.33.3 (Customer initiated) or section 3.43.4 (NBN Co initiated).

The following table provides a high level explanation of the Trouble Ticket stages, as shown through the NBN Co Service Portal:

The Trouble Ticket Status


“New (Auto)”” Customer has raised a Trouble Ticket.

The Trouble Ticket is awaiting validation.

NBN Co will allocate a unique Trouble Ticket ID.

“Accepted” NBN Co has received and validated the Trouble Ticket

“HoldAcknowledged” NBN Co is awaiting the resolution of a related Fault before completing a Trouble Ticket. An example of this may be where a Trouble Ticket raised for an End User Premise is found to relate to a Network Fault (such as a fibre break), which requires resolution prior to the End User Trouble Ticket NBN Co has received the Trouble Ticket and has allocated a unique Trouble Ticket ID.

“Pending” NBN Co is awaiting further confirmation on details of a Fault before NBN Co can progress the Fault

“Waiting Appointment” “In Progress”

Customer and/or NBN Co are awaiting a scheduled appointment for ahas validated the Trouble Ticket to occurand is progressing diagnosis.

“Resolved” NBN Co has resolved the Fault indicated in the Trouble Ticket and is awaiting Customer acknowledgement.

“Closed” NBN Co has received acknowledgement of a Resolved Trouble Ticket from a Customer or the timeframe for acknowledgement has passed without response from Customer.

“Rejected” NBN Co has received and rejected a Trouble Ticket because it:

is not submitted in accordance with this module;

provides invalid information;

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fails to meet the Business Rules in respect of the relevant Product as defined in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement; or

is otherwise defective.

“Pending” NBN Co is awaiting further confirmation on details of a Fault before NBN Co can progress the Fault. An example is where Appointment information is required.

“Held” NBN Co is confirming further details before completing a Trouble Ticket. An example is where a Trouble Ticket is raised for a Service Request which included an address enquiry.

3.3 Reporting Faults to NBN Co

Figure 7Figure 8 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co when Customer raises a Trouble Ticket. For details of the interactions, see section 2.22.2 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Figure 78 – Raising a Trouble Ticket (Customer Initiated)

3.3.1 Initial diagnosis of Fault by Customer


Customer receives a fault report from a Downstream Customer in connection with a Customer Product; or

Customer detects a Fault in connection with an Ordered Product; or

Customer considers that its services and/or products have been adversely affected by any NBN Maintenance,; or

Customer considers that its services and/or products have been affected by any planned or unplanned maintenance of the Underlying Facility Provider for Type 2 Facilities.,






r Run initial


Trouble Ticket

created with










Appointment not required




Appointment required



Incident identified as

a result of Planned


Incident identified

by Customer

Incident identified

by End UserRaise Trouble

Ticket & request


Incident not in



Evaluate incident

reported in

Trouble Ticket


Trouble Ticket


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then Customer must perform an initial diagnosis of the Fault to ascertain whether it should be reported to NBN Co and to determine who it believes should be responsible for restoration.

Customer must perform each of the steps in the initial diagnosis checklist that NBN Co provides to Customer at the Operational Workshop during the on-boarding process (the Diagnostic Checklist) in respect of each reported or detected Fault.

Customer agrees that NBN Co may change the Diagnostic Checklist from time to time, in which case NBN Co will make an updated Diagnostic Checklist available to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal. (Note that diagnostic checklists cannot be provided through B2B Access.) NBN Co will send an email notification to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal advising that an updated Diagnostic Checklist is available on the NBN Co Service Portal.

Customer must promptly determine the nature of the Fault by:

performing the initial diagnosis in accordance with the latest version of the Diagnostic Checklist; and

performing further investigation in respect of the Fault, including analysing Downstream Customer records and inquiries of the Downstream Customer in respect of the Fault.

3.3.2 Reporting of Faults to NBN Co

If Customer, after performing the required initial diagnosis and further investigation in respect of a Fault, determines that the Fault is within any part of any NBN-Related Networks (including the NBN Co Equipment), then Customer must promptly report the Fault to NBN Co (the Reportable Fault).) to NBN Co.

Customer must submit a Trouble Ticket in respect of aeach Reportable Fault through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access to request NBN Co’s assistance to resolve the Fault. Customer must, when creating the Trouble Ticket, reserve an appointmentAppointment where required. NBN Co will provide Customer with a unique Appointment ID.

Customer must indicate in the Trouble Ticket if the Fault relates to a Downstream Priority Assistance Service. Refer to section 3.4.3 in accordance with sections 3.3.3 and 3.4.4 of this module.

Customer must indicate in the Trouble Ticket if the Fault relates to an Ordered Product in relation to which an Enhanced NFAS Fault Rectification Service Level applies in accordance with section 3.3.3.

Customer must raise no more than one Trouble Ticket per Fault, unless a previously resolved fault reoccurs.

If Customer uses any other method to report a Fault, or delays or fails to report a Fault, then the Service Levels in the Service Levels Schedule will apply from the time NBN Co has issued a Trouble Ticket ID for the Fault.

If the NBN Co Service Portal and B2B Access (as applicable) is unavailable, Customer must submit Fault reports by contacting the NSOC using the contact details specified in the Contact Matrix.

Customer must report any Reportable Fault in connection with the NBN Co Facilities Access Service to NBN Co and must not contact the Underlying Facility Provider in relation to that Fault.

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3.3.3 Trouble Tickets

Customer must include the following information in a Trouble Ticket:

confirmation that the initial diagnosis of the Fault has been completed in accordance with the Diagnostic Checklist;

results of the initial diagnosis of the Fault;

the services and/or products affected by the Fault;

the Service IDs and/or Product Instance IDs associated with the affected services and/or products;

Rackrack location including the floor, suite and rack number (where the fault relates to NBN Co Co-location));

description and type of the Fault;

steps and tests undertaken by Customer to resolve the Fault;

details of equipment connected to the affected services and/or products;

Customer contact details (e.g. person responsible for the fault management within Customer’s organisation);

related Faults (if any);

time and date of Fault occurrence;

address and contact details of the Premises to which the Fault relates (if applicable);

Downstream Customer Service ID for the service and/or product that is experiencing the Fault (if applicable);

whether the Fault is a Standard Fault, Enhanced NFAS Fault or a Priority Assist NFAS Fault (if applicable);

if Customer believes that the Fault is within any NBN Co Equipment at a Premises, then the Appointment ID of a reserved appointmentAppointment to attend the relevant Premises which Customer has organised through the NBN Co Service Portal, in accordance with section of this module; and

any other relevant information.

As set out in the Service Levels Schedule, the default Fault rectification service level that will apply in relation to:

an NBN Fault which relates to the NWAS supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of a Premises will be the Standard Fault Rectification Service Level;

an NBN Fault which relates to the NFAS supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of a Premises will be the Standard Fault Rectification Service Level.

If Customer raises the Trouble Ticket through the NBN Co Service Portal in respect of an Ordered Product to which either the Priority Assist NFAS Fault Rectification Service Level or the Enhanced NFAS Fault Rectification Service Level applies, the relevant Fault Rectification Service Level will be indicated in the Trouble Ticket.

3.3.4 Validation of Trouble Ticket by NBN Co

A Trouble Ticket will be valid if:

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the Fault has been reported in accordance with this module of this NBN Co Operations Manual;

the Trouble Ticket includes all the information in the fields required in respect of the Fault and is promptly submitted by Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal; or B2B Access (as applicable); and

the information provided by Customer within the required fields is consistent with Customer’s Ordered Product Data.

NBN Co will perform a validation check of each Trouble Ticket that it receives through the NBN Co Service Portal. or B2B Access. A validation check will determine whether the Trouble Ticket complies with the above requirements and whether an appointmentAppointment to attend at a Premises is required.

NBN Co will issue a unique Trouble Ticket ID in respect of the relevant Trouble Ticket to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal. or B2B Access (as applicable). NBN Co will confirm the appointmentAppointment is booked or cancel the reserved appointmentAppointment to attend at a Premises in accordance with section of this module.

NBN Co will provide Customer with an initial response to a Trouble Ticket within 30 minutes of the issuance oftimeframe outlined in the unique Trouble Ticket ID.applicable fault rectification service level in the Service Levels Schedule.

NBN Co will update the Trouble Ticket at a minimum of every 4 Business Hours until the resolution of the Trouble Ticket or as agreed between the parties.

NBN Co may investigate and repair Faultsa Fault (but is not obliged to) when they areeven if the Fault has not been validly reported to NBN Co, in accordance with the processes set out in this module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

NBN Co may also issue a unique Trouble Ticket ID in respect of a relevant Trouble Ticket :

in relation to Faultsa Fault which areis not an NBN Faults, or Fault;

if Customer has raised a Trouble Ticket in respect of an Outage, which has not been restored; or,

Customer services and/or products Products are being adversely affected, following completion of an Unplanned NBN Maintenance or Planned NBN Maintenance.

If NBN Co does not issue a Trouble Ticket ID, then the relevant Trouble Ticket will not be validated and will be cancelled.

3.4 Reporting NBN Faults (or other Faults) to Customer

Figure 8Figure 9 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co when NBN Co raises a Trouble Ticket. For details of the interactions, see section 2.22.2 of the Appendix of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

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Figure 89 – Raising a Trouble Ticket (NBN Co Initiated)

If NBN Co identifies a Fault, then it will perform an initial analysis in respect of that Fault to determine whether it is a NBN Fault. NBN Co will undertake the steps required in the Diagnostic Checklist when analysing a Fault.

If NBN Co determines that the Fault is a NBN Fault, NBN Co will issue a Trouble Ticket with a unique Trouble Ticket ID to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal when itNBN Co suspects that the Fault may have an adverse impact on Customer services.

If NBN Co determines that the Fault is not a NBN Fault, NBN Co may also issue a Trouble Ticket with a unique Trouble Ticket ID to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal.

NBN Co will provide the following information to Customer in theeach Trouble Ticket:

the services and/or products affected by the NBN Fault or Fault (as the case may be);

the Service IDs and/or Product Instance IDs associated with the affected services and/or products;

description and type of the NBN Fault or Fault (as the case may be);

the steps and tests NBN Co is performing to restore the NBN Fault or Fault (as the case may be);

related NBN Faults or other Faults (if any);

time and date of the NBN Fault or Fault (as the case may be) occurrence;

address of the Premises to which the NBN Fault or Fault (as the case may be) relates; (where applicable);

the unique Trouble Ticket ID;

whether an appointmentAppointment to attend at thea Premises to which the NBN Fault or Fault (as the case may be) relates will be required; and

any other relevant information.

NBN Co will provide Customer with an initial response to a Trouble Ticket within 30 minutes of the issuance of the unique Trouble Ticket ID.

NBN Co will update the Trouble Ticket at a minimum of every 4 Business Hours until the resolution of the Trouble Ticket or as agreed between the parties.


















Incident IdentifiedTrouble Ticket


Trouble Ticket


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3.4.1 Battery alarms

This section 3.4.1 only applies in respect of NTDs provided by NBN Co in connection with NBN Co’s supply of the NFAS to Customer in respect of a Premises. Battery back-up is not supplied in relation to NTDs provided by NBN Co in connection with the NBN Co’s supply of the NWAS to Customer in respect of a Premises.

If Customer is the Designated Customer (as that term is defined in the Dictionary of the NFAS Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service) in respect of an NTD, NBN Co will notify Customer if that NTD is generating a “battery missing” or “battery needs replacing” alarm as soon as possible after NBN Co becomes aware of that fact by raising a Trouble Ticket to Customer in respect of that NTD through the NBN Co Service Portal.

Information regarding “battery missing” and “battery needs replacing” and other battery-related alarms is set out in the Power Supply Unitpower supply unit information sheet provided by NBN Co (or an Installer) to the Downstream Customer who is an End User (or their authorised representative) at the time of Installation.

Customer may submit a First Battery Backup Warranty Claim to its NBN Co Relationship Point of Contact as specified in the Customer Contact Matrix. Any claim must be submitted within 2 years of the battery install date.

3.4.2 Escorted Physical Access

This section applies where NBN Co is supplying Customer with NBN Co ODF Termination Point or NBN Co Co-location in accordance with the NBN CoProduct Description for the Facilities Access Service Product Description.

When Customer requires access to Customer Equipment in an Aggregation Node Site for a Permitted Purpose (as defined in the Product Description for the Facilities Access Service Product Description), Customer:

must comply at all times with the access obligations and processes under the Physical Access module of this NBN Co Operations Manual; and

will require Escorted Physical Access in accordance with the NBN CoProduct Description for the Facilities Access Service Product Description.

If Customer requires access to Type 2 Facilities for a Permitted Purpose, Customer must allow NBN Co and up to three Personnel of the Underlying Facility Provider to accompany Customer and its Authorised Persons and must comply with, and ensure its Authorised Persons comply with, any requirements of the Underlying Facility Provider and NBN Co for Escorted Physical Access.

Customer must raise a Trouble Ticket with the type of “Service Request” within the NBN Co Service Portal and provide the following:

Reasonthe reason for which Escorted Physical Access is required (Planned Access or Emergency Access);

Typethe type of work to be completed;

Rackrack location including the floor, suite and rack number;

Customer field staff contact details;

Customer field staff electronic access card number ;

POIthe Aggregation Node Site to which Customer is requesting access;

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Requestedrequested start and end time for access; and

Appointment details.

When Escorted Physical Access is required for the purpose of Planned Access activities, Customer shallmust use reasonable endeavours to provide NBN Co with 5 Business Day’sDays’ prior notice of requested Escorted Physical Access.

When NBN Co is able to provide Escorted Physical Access for the purpose of Planned Access activities at Customer’s requested time, NBN Co will contact Customer field staff contact as specified in the Trouble Ticket to confirm the time and to update the Trouble Ticket with the confirmed timestime.

When NBN Co is unable to provide Escorted Physical Access for the purpose of Planned Access at CustomerCustomer’s requested time, NBN Co will contact Customer field staff contact as specified in the Trouble Ticket to arrange and agree a suitable time for Customer and NBN Co and update the Trouble Ticket with the agreed timestime.

The Underlying Facilities Provider may attend certain works as set out in this section and in the Physical Access module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Where Escorted Physical Access is required for the purpose of Emergency Access, Customer must raise a Trouble Ticket with athe type of “Service Request” and provide the required information as defined in this section NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to provide Escorted Access within a timely manner. NBN Co staff will contact Customer field staff contact as defined in the Trouble Ticket to arrange and agree a suitable time for Customer and NBN Co.

3.4.3 Scheduling appointmentsAppointments

Customer must monitor the appointment timeframes indicated as available to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal.

If Customer wishes to make an appointmentAppointment to attend at a Premises in respect of a Trouble Ticket, then itCustomer must obtain from each affected Downstream Customer who is an End User at the Premises a suitable time that each affected End User will be available, within the valid appointmentAppointment timeframes indicated through the NBN Co Service Portal, as described in section 4.3 of this module.

Customer must refer tocomply with section of this module when an appointmentAppointment is required forin relation to an NBN Fault affecting a Downstream Priority Assistance Service.

After Customer requests and accepts a proposed appointment or selects a valid appointment timeAppointment, NBN Co will allocate a unique Appointment ID to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal.

Customer must then quote the unique Appointment ID when Customer submits its Trouble Ticket through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access.

If an appointmentAppointment time has been selected by Customer whichin respect of the Trouble Ticket and the Appointment is, or becomes, unavailable, then NBN Co may request that Customer reschedule a different appointment timethe Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal in respect of the Trouble Ticket.

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If a Trouble Ticket indicates that Customer has not reserved an appointmentAppointment to attend at a Premises to which a Fault relates, then NBN Co will request Customer to reserve an appointmentAppointment if required as part of the Trouble Ticket validation process in section of this module.

If NBN Co confirms that an appointmentAppointment is required or otherwise determines that an appointmentAppointment to attend at a Premises is necessary to resolve an NBN Fault, then NBN Co will confirm thatwhen the reserved appointmentAppointment is booked, through the NBN Co Service Portal pursuant to section 4.5 of this module.

If NBN Co confirms that an appointmenta reserved Appointment is not required or otherwise determines that an appointmenta reserved Appointment to attend at a Premises is not necessary to resolve an NBN Fault, then NBN Co will cancel the reserved appointmentAppointment through the NBN Co Service Portal pursuant to section 4.11.4 of this module.

Customer is responsible for communicating with each affected End User at the Premises, to arrange a corresponding appointment timearrangements to facilitate the Appointment.

If an , in relation to NBN Co’s supply of the NFAS to Customer in respect of a Premises, the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Downstream Product is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, then Customer must inform the Downstream Customer who is the End User of any appointment timeAppointment in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance ServiceServices or the Downstream CSG ServiceServices (as the case may be).

3.4.4 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre

If Customer wishes to indicate in a Trouble Ticket a , that the Fault reported Fault on an in the Trouble Ticket relates to an NFAS Access Component that has been placed in respect of the supply of NFAS, where the NFAS is being suppliedused as an input to the supply of Downstream Priority Assistance Service, then Customer must, when comply with this section. When creating the Trouble Ticket, Customer must obtain from eachthe Downstream Customer who is the End User at the Premises a suitable time that eachthe Downstream Customer who is the End User will be available,. That time must be within the valid priority assistance appointment timeframesPriority Assistance Appointment Timeframes indicated through the NBN Co Service Portal.

After Customer accepts a proposed priority assistance appointmentAppointment in respect of an NBN Fault affecting a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or selects another Appointment within a valid priority assistance appointment timePriority Assistance Appointment Timeframe, NBN Co will allocate a unique Appointment ID to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal.

Customer must quoteprovide the unique Appointment ID when Customer submits its Trouble Ticket through the NBN Co Service Portal for the assurance of theor B2B Access in relation to the NFAS Access Component that has been placed in respect of the supply of NFAS where the NFASwhich is being suppliedused as an input to the supply of a Downstream Priority Assistance Service.

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After Customer has submitted a Trouble Ticket for assurance of in relation to an NFAS Access Component that is being used as an input to the supply of a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre via telephone, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix. NBN Co will validate the Trouble Ticket and appointmentAppointment submitted by Customer to ensure that the Trouble Ticket has been flagged as a Downstream Priority Assistance Service.

If NBN Co, acting reasonably, considers that a Trouble Ticket for assurance ofin relation to an NFAS Access Component may have been incorrectly identified as relating to the supply of a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, NBN Co will notify Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal and request that Customer provide further information to confirm whether the NFAS Access Component is to being used, or will be used, as an input to the supply of a Downstream Priority Assistance Service.

If Customer accepts they could not indicate in a that the Trouble Ticket a reported Fault on which Customer has previously notified NBN Co relates to an NFAS Access Component that have been placed in respect of the supply of NFAS where the NFAS is being suppliedused as an input to the supply of a Downstream Priority Assistance Service when it should have been indicateddoes not in fact relate to such an NFAS Access Component, Customer must advise this topromptly notify NBN Co when they contactby contacting the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre viaby telephone, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix. NBN Co will validate the Trouble Ticket and appointmentAppointment submitted by Customer to ensure that the Trouble Ticket is updated to indicate athat the NBN Fault to which it relates does not affect any Downstream Priority Assistance Service.

WhenIf a Trouble Ticket has been flagged as relating to a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, NBN Co will monitor and provide regular updates on the reported Fault in the NBN Co Service Portal. If the Trouble Ticket is likely to not be completed within the required Service Level for an NBN Fault which is affecting a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, then NBN Co will update the Trouble Ticket to advise Customer as soon as this is apparent.

If Customer wishes to contact NBN Co to confirm the status of Trouble Ticket for any NFAS Access Component that have been placed in respect of the supply of NFAS where the NFAS is being suppliedused as an input to the supply of a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer may contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix.

3.5 Modification of a Multicast Domain following an Exceeded Configured Peak Bandwidth Event

If Customer wishes to have a Multicast Domain (including any of the Media Streams within that Multicast Domain) modified after NBN Co provides an Exceeded Bandwidth Notification, Customer must request one or more modifications to the Multicast Domain in accordance with section in the Activations’ module.

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4 Appointment management

4.1 Appointment lifecycle

Figure 10 provides an indicative overview of the Appointment stages for a Trouble Ticket:

Figure 10 – Appointment stages

4.2 Appointment stages

The following table provides a high level explanation of each Appointment stage:

The Appointment Status Description

“Reserved” Customer has reserved an Appointment.

NBN Co has allocated a unique Appointment ID which Customer must include in the associated Trouble Ticket.

Customer is awaiting Appointment validation.

“Booked” A “Reserved” Appointment has become a “Booked” Appointment after NBN Co has successfully validated the Appointment.

“In Progress” NBN Co is undertaking necessary fieldwork for the Appointment.

“Completed” The end stage of an Appointment that has completed.

“Incomplete” NBN Co has notified Customer that an Appointment could not be performed as scheduled.

“Cancelled” Customer or NBN Co has cancelled an Appointment.

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4.3 Reserving an Appointment by Customer

Customer must reserve an Appointment for a Trouble Ticket through the NBN Co Service Portal. To reserve an Appointment for a Trouble Ticket, Customer must:

find available Appointments on the NBN Co Service Portal during which NBN Co (or a Technician) can perform the fault investigation and/or fault restoration works. Based upon the Appointment criteria selected by Customer, the NBN Co Service Portal may provide up to 25 available Appointments:

o from the first available Appointment, or

o from the preferred date requested including any request for a morning or afternoon Appointment;

communicate with the Downstream Customer who is an End User to determine a suitable Appointment (as indicated through the NBN Co Service Portal) at which the Downstream Customer who is an End User is available, to enable NBN Co (or a Technician) to access the Premises to perform the fault investigation and/or fault restoration works;

select an Appointment that is available (as indicated through the NBN Co Service Portal) at which the Downstream Customer who is an End User is available, to enable NBN Co (or a Technician) to access the Premises to perform the fault investigation and/or fault rectification works. If there is no available Appointment within the applicable Service Levels timeframe within which NBN Co must attempt to rectify the affected Ordered Products under the Service Levels Schedule, section 4.3.1 of this module will apply;

enter the Personal Identity Information (PII) of the Downstream Customer who is an End User and/or a person nominated by that Downstream Customer, who will provide NBN Co (or a Technician) access to the Premises to perform the fault investigation and/or fault rectification work. Customer must enter a minimum of 1 person’s PII and up to 3 persons’ PII for the Appointment, each of whom has the right to enable NBN Co (or a Technician) to access the Premises to perform fault investigation and/or fault rectification works; and

enter any additional comments regarding the Appointment site, if the additional comments may assist NBN Co (or a Technician) with the commencement and/or completion of the fault investigation and/or fault restoration works. For example “Caution – beware of dog. Contact End User on their mobile on arrival.”

The PII data required for an Appointment per person is:

given (first) name;

family (last) name;

contact telephone or mobile number; and

the relationship which that person has with the Downstream Customer who is an End User (including, if applicable, that the person is the Downstream Customer who is an End User).

NBN Co will validate the reservation Appointment request and either:

accept the reservation request and confirm:

o the Appointment status is “Reserved”; and

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o a unique Appointment ID, which Customer must include in the associated Trouble Ticket when submitting the Trouble Ticket to NBN Co through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access; or

decline the reservation request and provide the reason through the NBN Co Service Portal. If declined, Customer may follow the advice provided in the reason or repeat the process in this section 4.3 to reserve an Appointment.

For each Appointment requested in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the End User of the scheduled Appointment times in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Services and/or Downstream CSG Services.

For each Appointment requested in relation to an NFAS Access Component order, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must then contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre by telephone, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix. NBN Co will confirm that the Appointment submitted by Customer flagged as a Downstream Priority Assistance Service has been scheduled.

4.3.1 Appointment timeframes

The Kept Appointment Service Levels set out in clause 5.1 of the Service Levels Schedule is calculated based upon the date and time each Appointment is requested in relation to a Trouble Ticket, not from when the associated Trouble Ticket is raised. If Customer delays submitting a Trouble Ticket to NBN Co, this may affect:

the reporting of the Kept Appointment Service Level for the Trouble Ticket and Appointment; and/or

the reserved Appointment, which may expire in accordance with section 4.3.2 of this module.

An Appointment will specify a window for site attendance including a start time and end time, which means an Appointment arrival window between the start time specified and the end time specified through the NBN Co Service Portal.

If Customer selects an Appointment within the Kept Appointment Service Levels timeframes, the Kept Appointment Service Levels in clause 5.1 of the Service Levels Schedule will apply.

If Customer selects an Appointment outside the Kept Appointment Service Levels timeframes, the Kept Appointment Service Levels in clause 5.1 of the Service Levels Schedule will not apply in respect of that Appointment.

If Customer finds there are no available Appointments within the Kept Appointment Service Levels timeframes, Customer may contact the NSOC by telephone to make an enquiry regarding availability of Appointments within the applicable timeframe.

4.3.2 Sunset Period for reserved Appointments

Each Appointment reservation request will expire 2 hours after the Appointed is “Reserved” in accordance with this section 4.3 unless NBN Co agrees to a longer time period during which the Appointment will retain its “Reserved” status (the Sunset Period).

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Customer must submit to NBN Co, through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access, each Trouble Ticket related to an Appointment during the Sunset Period for that Appointment . Customer must include the unique Appointment ID for the reserved Appointment in the Trouble Ticket. NBN Co will attempt to validate the Appointment ID provided by Customer in the Trouble Ticket in accordance with section 4.5 of this module.

When the Sunset Period for an Appointment ends, if the Appointment status is “Reserved”, NBN Co will:

cancel the Appointment, and

update the Appointment status to “Cancelled” and section 4.11 of this module will apply.

4.3.3 Destruction of Personal Identity Information (PII)

Once the Appointment is completed or cancelled, NBN Co destroys all PII provided by Customer in respect of that Appointment.

4.4 Query Appointment status

If Customer wishes to make an enquiry regarding the status of an Appointment, Customer may make a request through the NBN Co Service Portal by using the Appointment ID to search for the Appointment. The relevant Appointment status, as described in sections 4.1 and 4.2 of this module, will be displayed upon successful search of the Appointment ID.


Downstream Customer who is an End User contacts Customer and informs Customer that NBN Co (or a Technician) has not arrived to the Premises by the end of the Appointment timeframe; and

the Appointment status is “Booked” or “In Progress”,

Customer may contact the NSOC by telephone to make an enquiry regarding the Appointment.

4.5 Booking an Appointment by NBN Co

NBN Co will update a reserved Appointment to “Booked” status if NBN Co successfully validates the Appointment ID in the associated Trouble Ticket in accordance with section 4.3. Validation will be successful if NBN Co determines, in accordance with the Wholesale Broadband Agreement, that:

NBN Co will address the Trouble Ticket;

the status of the Appointment is “Reserved”;

the Appointment has been reserved by Customer;

the Appointment ID of the reserved Appointment matches the Appointment ID provided by Customer in the Trouble Ticket;

in relation to any Trouble Ticket relating to any NFAS Access Component, the “Priority Assist” value for the Appointment matches the “Priority Assist” value in the Trouble Ticket; and

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the NBN Co location ID for the reserved Appointment matches the NBN Co location ID in the Trouble Ticket.

After the Appointment has been Booked, NBN Co (or the Technician) may contact any authorised person for whom Customer has provided PII pursuant to section 4.3 of this module to do any one or more of the following:

confirm fault investigation and/or fault resolution work requirements for the Premises prior to the scheduled Appointment; and

confirm that the Downstream Customer who is the End User (or their nominated representative) will be in attendance for the Appointment prior to arriving to the Premises.

Customer may:

reschedule a “Booked” Appointment in accordance with, and subject to, section 4.7 of this module; or

cancel a “Booked” Appointment in accordance with, and subject to, section 4.11 of this module.

4.6 In Progress Appointment

An Appointment that has an “In Progress” status means NBN Co (or a Technician) is undertaking necessary fieldwork for the Appointment.

Customer will not be able to reschedule or amend an Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal when an Appointment status is “In Progress”. Customer may:

reschedule an “In Progress” Appointment in accordance with, and subject to, section 4.7 of this module;

amend an “In Progress” Appointment in accordance with, and subject to, section 4.8 of this module; or

cancel an “In Progress” Appointment in accordance with, and subject to, section 4.11 of this module.

3.54.7 Rescheduling appointmentsAppointments

Figure 9Customer or NBN Co (or a Technician) may reschedule an Appointment made under section 4.3 through the NBN Co Service Portal in circumstances including, but not limited to, the following:

the Downstream Customer who is an End User has informed Customer that the Downstream Customer wishes to reschedule the Appointment;

NBN Co (or a Technician) reasonably considers that it would be dangerous to the health or safety of any person or property for NBN Co (or a Technician) to attend the scheduled Appointment and/or complete the fault investigation and/or fault restoration works within the Appointment timeframe; or

NBN Co (or a Technician) reasonably considers that weather conditions prevent NBN Co (or a Technician) from being able to attend the scheduled Appointment and/or complete the fault investigation and/or fault restoration works within the Appointment timeframe.

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Customer agrees, irrespective of whether NBN Co or Customer wishes to reschedule an Appointment, that:

Customer is responsible for communicating with the Downstream Customer who is the End User in respect of rescheduling Appointment times;

for an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the Downstream Customer who is the End User of the rescheduled Appointment times in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Services and/or Downstream CSG Services; and

for an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must then contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre by telephone, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix. NBN Co will validate the Appointment submitted by Customer flagged as a Downstream Priority Assistance Service has been rescheduled.

4.7.1 Rescheduling by Customer

Figure 11 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co when Customer reschedules an appointmentAppointment. For details of the interactions, see section 2.22.2 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Figure 911 – Rescheduling an Appointment

If Customer wishes to reschedule an Appointment, Customer must provide NBN Co with the relevant Appointment ID when requesting that the Appointment be rescheduled. If the Appointment status is:

“Reserved” or “Booked”, Customer may reschedule an appointment in respect of a Trouble Ticket by giving NBN Co at least one Business Day’s notice of the change through the NBN Co Service Portal.Appointment:













Reject Reschedule

– Invalid

Appointment ID

Invalid ID

Valid ID











Reschedule Rejected



Reschedule Confirmed



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NBN Co will notify Customer of whether it accepts or rejects the request to reschedule an appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal. The Appointment ID may remain the same when an appointment is rescheduled.

NBN Co may reject a request to reschedule an appointment if the request is provided outside this timeframe or an invalid Appointment ID is provided.

If NBN Co accepts Customer’s request for rescheduling an appointment, NBN Co will confirm through the NBN Co Service Portal.

o Customer may request an appointment be rescheduled or cancelled withinmade at least one Business Day ofprior to the scheduled appointment date Appointment; or

o by contacting the NSOC. If NBN Co accepts a request to cancel or reschedule an appointment via telephone if the request is made within one Business Day of the scheduled appointment date, Late Cancellation Charges, as specified in Price List, may apply.Appointment;

“In Progress”, “Cancelled” or “Completed”, Customer will not be able to reschedule the Appointment; or

“Incomplete”, Customer may reschedule the Appointment if the Appointment has no hazard, mass service disruption or network shortfall preventing the Appointment from being completed.

If Customer reschedules an Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal, Customer must request and select an alternative date and/or time for an Appointment from the available Appointments provided through the NBN Co Service Portal.

When Customer reschedules an Appointment, the Appointment ID remains the same.

Customer is responsible for communicating with End Users in respect of alternative Appointment times.

Customer may only reschedule an appointmentAppointment up to three times. If Customer wishes to reschedule the appointmentAppointment when the limit is reached, then Customer must :

cancel the appointmentAppointment by contacting the NSOC and request a new appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal.by telephone; and

reserve a new Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal in accordance with section 4.3 of this module.

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance target:

less than 5% of the total number of confirmed “Fault” Appointments made by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers may be rescheduled by NBN Co in each “Quarter”.

4.8 Amending an Appointment

If Customer wishes to amend PII details which it has provided in relation to an Appointment and/or the comments regarding the Appointment site, Customer must provide NBN Co with the relevant Appointment ID when requesting to amend that Appointment. If the Appointment status is:

“Reserved” or “Booked”, Customer may amend the Appointment:

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o through the NBN Co Service Portal if the request is made at least one Business Day prior to the scheduled Appointment; or

o by contacting NSOC via telephone if the request is made within one Business Day of the scheduled Appointment;

“In Progress”, Customer must contact the NSOC via telephone;

“Cancelled” or “Completed”, Customer will not be able to amend the Appointment; or

“Incomplete”, Customer may amend the Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal if the Appointment has no hazard, mass service disruption or network shortfall preventing the Appointment from being completed.

If Customer amends an Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal, Customer must submit all details relating to the:

Personal Identity Information (PII) of the Downstream Customer who is an End User and/or a person nominated by the End User; and/or

additional comments regarding the Appointment site;

as the previously stored information will be replaced by the details submitted by Customer in its amendment request.

When Customer amends an Appointment, the Appointment ID remains the same.

4.9 Incomplete Appointment

NBN Co (or an Technician) will update the Appointment status to “Incomplete” through the NBN Co Service Portal in circumstances including, but not limited to where NBN Co reasonably considers that:

weather conditions, a hazard or a network event prevents NBN Co (or a Technician) from being able to attend the scheduled Appointment and/or complete the Installation within the Appointment timeframe; or

a next day visit is required (where the Technician will complete the Appointment in the first job of the following morning.

Customer may reschedule an “Incomplete” Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal if the Appointment is not prevented from being completed. For example, if an Appointment cannot be completed due to a network event, the Customer must not reschedule the Appointment until the network event no longer prevents the Appointment from being completed. Customer must only reschedule an “Incomplete” Appointment in accordance with section 4.7 of this module.

Customer may cancel an “Incomplete” Appointment in accordance with section 4.11 of this module.

4.10 Completing an Appointment

NBN Co (or a Technician) will update an Appointment status to “Completed” when the Appointment has completed. Some examples of a completed Appointment are as follows:

the Technician has left site due to successful restoration of a service;

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the Technician has left site and unable to complete the restoration of a service within a single Appointment and is unable to complete the restoration by the following morning; or

the Downstream Customer who is an End User is not in attendance at the Premises at the Appointment time (“NIA”).

Customer may reserve a new Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal in circumstances including, but not limited to, the following:

the Technician determines, on attendance at the Premises, that a new Appointment is necessary because the Technician cannot complete the fault investigation and/or fault restoration works within a single Appointment; or

the Technician determines, on attendance at the Premises, that a new Appointment is necessary because the Downstream Customer who is an End User (or their authorised representative) is not in attendance (“NIA”).

Customer agrees, irrespective of whether NBN Co or Customer wishes to reserve a new Appointment, that:

Customer is responsible for communicating with End Users in respect of scheduling new Appointment times;

for an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the DownstreamCustomer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, then Customer must inform the End User of anythe rescheduled appointment timeor new Appointment times in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Service Services and/or the Downstream CSG Service (as the case may be).Services; and

for an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre by telephone, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix. NBN Co will validate that the Appointment submitted by Customer flagged as a Downstream Priority Assistance Service has been rescheduled.

4.10.1 Not in attendance (Missed Appointment by Downstream Customer)

If a Downstream Customer who is an End User (or their authorised representative) is not available at the Premises during the scheduled Appointment to allow NBN Co (or a Technician) to access the Premises to perform the fault investigation and/or fault restoration to be carried out pursuant to the Appointment, then:

only the Kept Appointment Service Levels in the Service Levels Schedule will apply to that Appointment;

NBN Co will charge Customer a Non In Attendance Appointment Fee, as specified in the Price List; and

NBN Co will update the status of the Appointment to “Completed” ; and

Customer must reserve a new Appointment for NBN Co (or Technician) to attend the Premises to complete the fault investigation and/or fault restoration pursuant to the Trouble Ticket.

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4.11 Cancelling an Appointment

Customer or NBN Co may cancel an Appointment made under section 4.3.2 or 4.11.4. When an Appointment is cancelled, NBN Co will update the Appointment status to “Cancelled” through the NBN Co Service Portal.

Customer agrees, irrespective of whether NBN Co or Customer wishes to cancel an Appointment, that:

Customer is responsible for communicating with the Downstream User who is an End User (or their authorised representative) in respect of cancelling an Appointment; and

for an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the Downstream Customer who is an End User of the cancelled Appointment in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Services and/or Downstream CSG Services.

4.11.1 Cancel Appointment request by Customer

If Customer wishes to cancel an Appointment at least one Business Day prior to the scheduled Appointment date, Customer must contact the NSOC by telephone and request an Appointment, referenced by the Appointment ID be cancelled.

NBN Co will confirm cancellation of the Appointment to Customer, and Customer will confirm which of the following Customer intends to do:

request a new Appointment through the NBN Co Service Portal, in which case Customer must update the associated Trouble Ticket with the new Appointment ID through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access; or

provide an update regarding the Trouble Ticket through the NBN Co Service Portal, which could include a request that NBN Co close the Trouble Ticket in accordance with section 5.4.2 of this module.

4.11.2 Late cancellations requested by Customer

Subject to the remainder of this section 4.11.2, if Customer wishes to request a late cancellation of an Appointment, Customer must contact the NSOC by telephone and request the Appointment, referenced by the Appointment ID, be cancelled.

NBN Co will query the Appointment, and if the status of the Appointment is:

“Booked”, "Incomplete" or “In Progress”, NBN Co will accept the request and NBN Co may charge Customer a Late Cancellation Charge, as specified in the Price List, or

"Cancelled" or “Completed”, NBN Co will decline the request.

For an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component:

if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the Downstream Customer who is the End User of the cancelled Appointment in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Services and/or Downstream CSG Services;

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if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix, by telephone. NBN Co will validate that the Appointment submitted by Customer flagged as a Downstream Priority Assistance Service has been cancelled.

4.11.3 Cancellation request for Appointment indicating Priority Assistance

For an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the:

Downstream Customer who is an End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the End User of the cancelled Appointment in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Services and/or Downstream CSG Services; and

Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, Customer must then contact the NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre by telephone, details of which are specified in the Contact Matrix. NBN Co will validate that the Appointment submitted by Customer flagged as a Downstream Priority Assistance Service has been cancelled.

4.11.4 Cancellation of an Appointment by NBN Co

NBN Co (or a Technician) will cancel an Appointment if the:

“Reserved” Appointment has reached the end of the Sunset Period; or

NBN Co (or a Technician) determines an Appointment is not required for the Trouble Ticket.

Customer agrees, irrespective of whether NBN Co or Customer wishes to cancel an Appointment, that:

Customer is responsible for communicating with the Downstream Customer who is the End User in respect of the cancellation of an Appointment; and

for an Appointment in relation to an NFAS Access Component, if the Downstream Customer who is the End User is eligible for a Downstream Priority Assistance Service or the Customer Product or the Downstream Product (as the case may be) is considered to be a Downstream CSG Service, Customer must inform the Downstream Customer who is the End User of the cancelled Appointment in accordance with Customer’s obligations in relation to Downstream Priority Assistance Services and/or Downstream CSG Services.

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5 Fault Management (fault rectification)

3.65.1 Trouble Ticket updates

Figure 10NBN Co will provide continuous periodic feedback to Customer regarding changes to the status of each Trouble Ticket until resolved, within the applicable timeframes set out in the Service Levels Schedule.

Figure 12 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co when updating a Trouble Ticket. For details of the interactions, see 2.22.2 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Figure 1012 – Updating a Trouble Ticket

Each party may update a Trouble Ticket using the NBN Co Service Portal to notify the other party of any change in the status of a Fault through the comments field in respect of the relevant Trouble Ticket.

The Trouble Ticket ID is to be used in all communications regarding the Trouble Ticket including updates notified through the NBN Co Service Portal. If a Trouble Ticket ID has not been provided (i.e. in the case of a new Trouble Ticket), the affected Service ID(s) or Product ID(s) and/or the Customer’s own reference number may be used as notified by NBN Co, acting reasonably.

If a change is required in relation to an appointmentAppointment, Customer must contact the NSOC in relation to that changecomply with section 4.7 of this module.







Updates required on

Trouble Ticket by Customer


Trouble Ticket


Contact NSOC




Trouble Ticket




Updates required on

Trouble Ticket by NBN Co


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AEach party must notify the other party through the NBN Co Service Portal in respect of any update to a Trouble Ticket. When a Trouble Ticket in relation to the NFAS supplied by NBN Co to Customer in respect of a Premises has been flagged as relating to a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, NBN Co will monitor and provide regular updates to the Trouble Ticket through the NBN Co Service Portal. If the Trouble Ticket is likely to not be resolved in accordance with the applicable Service Level forthat applied in relation to a Downstream Priority Assistance Service, then NBN Co will update the Trouble Ticket to advise Customer as soon as this is apparent.

3.75.2 Trouble Ticket queries

Figure 11Figure 13 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co when Customer queries a Trouble Ticket. For details of the interactions, see section 2.22.2 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.






r Request





Invalid request




Monitor progressUpdate


Validate if Trouble

Ticket ID exists

Not resolved




Valid requestUpdate



Escalation of an

unresolved Trouble


Service Level met

Service Level not met



Figure 1113 – Querying a Trouble Ticket






er Request






Validate if

Trouble Ticket

ID exists



















SLA Not Breached




QRY-2 Escalation of an

unresolved Trouble


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Customer may monitor the progress of a Trouble Ticket by querying the status of a Trouble Ticket through the NBN Co Service Portal (note that this transaction cannot be performed through B2B Access)..

The Trouble Ticket ID is to be used in all communications regarding queries through the NBN Co Service Portal. If a Trouble Ticket ID has not been provided (i.e. in the case of a new Trouble Ticket), the affected Service ID(s) or Product ID(s) and/or the Customer’s own reference number may be used as notified by NBN Co, acting reasonably.

If NBN Co considers that the Trouble Ticket ID in respect of a queried Trouble Ticket is not a valid Trouble Ticket ID, NBN Co will send an email notification to Customer requesting further information from Customer to determine the relevant Trouble Ticket in respect of which Customer has submitted a query.

After Customer provides the requested information and/or a valid Trouble Ticket ID and any further information requested by NBN Co, NBN Co will provide the relevant information in respect of the relevant Trouble Ticket to Customer and update that Trouble Ticket through the NBN Co Service Portal.

3.85.3 NBN Faults a Reported Fault as an NBN Fault

If NBN Co receives a valid Trouble Ticket in accordance with section 3.33.3 of this module, then NBN Co will investigate the relevant Fault to confirm whether it is an NBN Fault.

If NBN Co determines that a reported Fault is an NBN Fault, then NBN Co will investigate and repair the NBN Fault having regard to the following principles:

NBN Faults that present danger to persons will receive priority;

at NBN Co’s discretion, the Non-Discrimination Obligation; and

the Service Levels defined for the Fault.

If NBN Co determines, acting reasonably, that a Fault is not an NBN Fault, and:

where NBN Co Personnel have not attended the suspected location of the suspected cause of that alleged NBN Fault for the purposes of investigating and/or rectifying that alleged NBN Fault, NBN Co may charge Customer the No Fault Found (No Truck Roll Required) Charges, as specified in the Price List; or

where NBN Co Personnel have attended the suspected location of the suspected cause of that alleged NBN Fault for the purposes of investigating and/or rectifying that alleged NBN Fault, NBN Co may charge Customer the No Fault Found (Truck Roll Required) Charges, as specified in the Price List.; and

no Service Level will be measured or apply in relation to the Trouble Ticket or any associated Appointment.

If NBN Co determines (acting reasonably) that the reported fault is not an NBN Fault or that NBN Co will not be able to successfully rectify the NBN Fault in accordance with the applicable fault rectification service level, NBN Co will inform Customer of that determination as soon as reasonably practicable after making that determination.

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If NBN Co determines that a NBN Fault is a Service Affecting Fault that requires NBN Co (or a third party) to perform Unplanned NBN Maintenance to resolve, then NBN Co will provide Customer with an Unplanned NBN Maintenance Notice in accordance with section of this module. NBN Faults

Figure 12NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to rectify each NBN Fault as soon as reasonably practicable after Trouble Ticket Receipt occurs.

Figure 14 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co when resolving a Trouble Ticket. For details of the interactions, see section 2.22.2 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

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Figure 1214 – Resolving a Trouble Ticket

NBN Co will investigate and repair NBN Faults in accordance with any applicable Service Levels set out in the Service Levels Schedule.

If NBN Co (or an Installera Technician) requires access to the Premises to perform restorationrectification works in respect of the NBN Fault, any Service Levels specified in the Service Levels Schedule will be subject to access to the Premises in accordance with clause C10.1(a) of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

If NBN Co (or an Installera Technician) is unable to access the Premises due to the affected Downstream Customer who is an End User (or their authorised representative) not being in attendance at the scheduled appointmentAppointment time, NBN Co may charge Customer a Missed Appointment Charge, as specified in the Price List.








& Diagnose







Send Notification on

Trouble Ticket Progress



Trouble Ticket


Trouble Ticket

Closure Rejected






with End user



Request New


Wait For


Confirmation Receive







Appointment Not Required or Appointment Already Booked










Assistance Not Required



Escalation of

an Unresolved

Trouble Ticket

Closure of a

Trouble Ticket







Investigate &



Assistance /





Send Notification

on Trouble Ticket




Trouble Ticket

closure rejected

Trouble Ticket


Escalation of an


Trouble Ticket

Closure of

Trouble Ticket





Request New




with End




with NBN Co

Wait for





Assistance /










Appointment Not Required or Already Booked

Not resolvedAssistance

not required

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After an appointmentAppointment has been scheduled and confirmed, NBN Co may request further information and/or assistance from Customer in respect of the restorationrectification of the NBN Fault by updating comments in the Trouble Ticket, through the NBN Co Service Portal, including physically resetting an NTD.

Customer must, as soon as reasonably practicable from the date of receipt of NBN Co’s request for further information and/or assistance, provide the requested information and/or assistance to NBN Co to assist with the restorationrectification of the NBN Fault. The measurement of the applicable Service Level will be paused until such time as the requested information or assistance is provided. If Customer fails to provide the requested information and/or assistance, the Service Levels in the Service Levels Schedule will not apply.

After NBN Co has restored the NBN Fault, NBN Co will update the relatedrelevant Trouble Ticket status to “Resolved”. NBN Co will send a “Resolved” email notification to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal. or (if Customer submitted the Trouble Ticket through B2B Access) B2B Access. NBN Co will then close the Trouble Ticket in accordance with the timeline set out in section 3.85.4 of this module.

If the NBN Fault is not resolved, NBN Co will send an email notification of the unresolved status of the Trouble Ticket to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal. If NBN Co deems the NBN Fault is impacting the network infrastructure causing a network OutageNBN Faults in respect of other Ordered Products and/or products ordered by Other NBN Co Customers, NBN Co may also contact Customer via phone. operational performance targets for rectification of Standard Faults and Enhanced NFAS Faults

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the total number of “Standard Faults and Enhanced NFAS Faults” that are validly reported by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers to NBN Co:

for “Standard Faults and Enhanced NFAS Faults” which can be rectified without external or internal plant work or NBN Co attending the affected Premises or where the “Standard Fault and/or Enhanced NFAS Fault” is caused by NBN Co disconnecting the NFAS as a result of an administrative error that does not involve damage to a facility:

before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of such “Standard Faults and Enhanced NFAS Faults” that are validly reported by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers to NBN Co in respect of each “Quarter” will be successfully rectified by NBN Co within the relevant “Standard Fault Rectification Service Levels or Enhanced NFAS Fault Rectification Service Levels”; (as the case may be); and

on and from 1 December 2012, 95% of the total number of such “Standard Faults and Enhanced NFAS Faults” that are validly reported by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers to NBN Co in respect of each “Quarter” will be successfully rectified by NBN Co within the relevant “Standard Faults Rectification Service Levels or Enhanced NFAS Fault Rectification Service Levels”; (as the case may be);

for “Standard NFAS Faults” and Enhanced NFAS Faults in respect of a Premises in an “Urban Area”, that are not “Standard Faults or Enhanced NFAS Faults” described in bullet point 1 above:

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before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of such “Standard Faults and Enhanced NFAS Faults” that are validly reported by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers to NBN Co in respect of each “Quarter” will be successfully rectified by NBN Co within the relevant “Standard Fault Rectification Service Levels or Enhanced NFAS Fault Rectification Service Levels”; (as the case may be); and

on and from 1 December 2012, 95% of the total number of such “Standard Faults and Enhanced NFAS Faults” that are validly reported by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers to NBN Co in respect of each “Quarter” will be successfully rectified by NBN Co within the relevant “Standard Fault Rectification Service Levels or Enhanced NFAS Fault Rectification Service Levels”; (as the case may be);

for “Standard NFAS Faults” and Enhanced NFAS Faults in respect of a Premises in a “Rural Area”, that are not “Standard Faults or Enhanced NFAS Faults” described in bullet point 1 above:

before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of such “Standard Faults and Enhanced NFAS Faults” that are validly reported by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers to NBN Co in respect of each “Quarter” will be successfully rectified by NBN Co within the relevant “Standard Fault Rectification Service Levels or Enhanced NFAS Fault Rectification Service Levels”; (as the case may be); and

on and from 1 December 2012, 95% of the total number of such “Standard Faults and Enhanced NFAS Faults” that are validly reported by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers to NBN Co in respect of each “Quarter” will be successfully rectified by NBN Co within the relevant “Standard Fault Rectification Service Levels or Enhanced NFAS Fault Rectification Service Levels”; (as the case may be); and

for “Standard NFAS Faults” and Enhanced NFAS Faults in respect of a Premises in a “Remote Area”, that are not “Standard Faults or Enhanced NFAS Faults” described in bullet point 1 above:

before 30 November 2012, 80% of the total number of such “Standard Faults and Enhanced NFAS Faults” that are validly reported by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers to NBN Co in respect of each “Quarter” will be successfully rectified by NBN Co within the relevant “Standard Fault Rectification Service Levels or Enhanced NFAS Fault Rectification Service Levels”; (as the case may be); and

on and from 1 December 2012, 95% of the total number of such “Standard Faults and Enhanced NFAS Faults” that are validly reported by Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers to NBN Co in respect of each “Quarter” will be successfully rectified by NBN Co within the relevant “Standard Fault Rectification Service Levels or Enhanced NFAS Fault Rectification Service Levels”. (as the case may be).

In respect of this section 3.7.4,5.3.4, capitalised words in inverted commas have the meaning given to those terms in the Service Levels Schedule.

3.95.4 Closure of a Trouble Ticket of a Trouble Ticket initiated by NBN Co

Figure 13Figure 15 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co when NBN Co initiates closing a Trouble Ticket. For details of the interactions, see section 2.22.2 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

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Customer to

confirm Trouble

Ticket closure

Trouble Ticket


Resolving a

Trouble TicketClose






Reject Closure Request





Contact End

User for


Test and





Accept Closure Request

Response from


No response

from Customer


Complete closure

request & send

Closure Notification

Figure 1315 – Closing a Trouble Ticket (NBN Co Initiated)

After a Trouble Ticket has been “Resolved”, NBN Co will send a Trouble Ticket closure request (Closure Request) to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal or B2B Access (as applicable) to enable NBN Co to close that Trouble Ticket.

If NBN Co (or an Installera Technician) has already completed any work related to the Fault and could not identify any NBN Fault, NBN Co may advisecharge Customer of AncillaryNo Fault Found (No Truck Roll Required) Charges for the serviceor No Fault Found (Truck Roll Required) Charges (as applicable) in accordance with the Price List.

On receipt of the Closure Request, Customer must investigate and verify that the NBN Fault has been resolved by:

testing the affected service and/or product; and

performing testing and/or investigation to confirm that the NBN Fault has been rectified and no longer impacts Customer and/or affected Downstream Customer.

Within 2 Business Days of receipt of a Closure Request, Customer must accept or reject the Closure Request.

If Customer confirms that the NBN Fault is properly resolved, Customer must complete the Closure Request and send a closure notification (Closure Notification) to NBN Co through the NBN Co Service Portal to request closure notification within 2 Business Days of receipt of a Closure Request.










Contact End

User for






Trouble TicketSend






Contact to

Confirm Trouble

Ticket Closure


Test and



ConfirmedResponse from


No Response







Trouble Ticket







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After NBN Co has received the Closure Notification from Customer, NBN Co will close that Trouble Ticket. NBN Co will send a “Closed” email notification to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal.

If Customer has not notified NBN Co that it accepts or rejects a Closure Request within 2 Business Day of receipt of a Closure Request, then Customer is deemed to have sent Closure Notification and NBN Co will close the Trouble Ticket and send a “Closed” notification to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal.

If Customer confirmsconsiders that the NBN Fault is not properly resolved, then Customer may reject the Closure Request within 2 Business Days of receiving athe Closure Request. NBN Co will hold the Trouble Ticket open within the NBN Co Service Portal. NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to perform further testing and investigation to resolve that NBN Fault.

If after performing further testing and investigation, NBN Co considers that the NBN Fault:

is resolved, NBN Co will reissue a Closure Request to Customer in respect of that NBN Fault through the NBN Co Service Portal; or

is a Service Affecting Fault that requires NBN Co to perform Unplanned NBN Maintenance to resolve the NBN Fault, provide Customer with an Unplanned NBN Maintenance Notice.

If Customer rejects the resubmitted Closure Request, Customer may escalate the NBN Fault in accordance with section3.9 5.5 of this module.

Customer may raise a request for further information relating to a closed Service Affecting Fault to the NBN Co Operational Point of Contact. of a Trouble Ticket initiated by Customer

Figure 14Figure 16 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co when Customer initiates closing a Trouble Ticket. For details of the interactions, see section 2.22.2 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

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Close associated

Trouble Ticket(s)

NBN Fault


Receive close

Trouble Ticket





Identify Trouble

Ticket is no

longer required

Test and








closure of

Trouble Ticket





No associated

Trouble Tickets


Trouble Tickets

Figure 1416 – Closing a Trouble Ticket (Customer Initiated)

If Customer considers that a Trouble Ticket has been resolved without intervention bybefore NBN Co provides a Closure Request under section 5.4.1, Customer must, immediately upon becoming aware of the resolution, notify NBN Co through the NBN Co Service Portal (note that this transaction cannot be performed through B2B Access)..

On receipt of the notice, NBN Co will investigate and verify whether the relevant NBN Fault has been properly resolved.

If NBN Co determines that the NBN Fault has been resolved and, an appointmentAppointment has been scheduled in respect of that NBN Fault, NBN Co will cancel the appointmentAppointment through the NBN Co Service Portal.

If NBN Co has already started field work pursuant to support the booked appointmentAppointment, NBN Co may advisecharge Customer of AncillaryNo Fault Found (No Truck Roll Required) Charges for the serviceor No Fault Found (Truck Roll Required) Charges (as applicable) in accordance with the Price List.












Identify Trouble

Ticket is no

longer required






Close Associated

Trouble Ticket(s)

Test Service








AppointmentNo Associated





Cancel Appointment

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If NBN Co verifies that the NBN Fault has been properly resolved, as reported to it by Customer, NBN Co will close the relevant Trouble Ticket, including any associated Trouble Ticket(s) and send a “Closed” email notification to Customer. Diverse Chassis Failover Reverting

Where Customer experiences a fault on the primary link of aan NNI diverse chassis pair and traffic has been re-routed automatically to the secondary link, Customer is able tomay request that traffic to be reverted back to the primary link after the closure of the fault by raising a Trouble Ticket ofwith the type “Service Request” through the NBN Co Service Portal.

Customer will experience a service disruption while the work to revert traffic back to the primary link is being completed.

Customer must raise a Trouble Ticket with the type of “Service Request” within the NBN Co Service Portal and provide the following:

PRI the Product Instance ID of diverse chassis NNI;

Descriptiona description of work required;

Primarythe primary NNI bearer details (including NNI Bearer ID and ODF Port ID);

Secondarythe secondary NNI bearer details (including NNI Bearer ID and ODF Port ID); and

Requestedthe requested time and date for work to occur.

3.105.5Escalation of an unresolved Trouble Ticket

Figure 15Figure 17 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co when Customer escalates a Trouble Ticket. For details of the interactions, see section 2.22.2 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Figure 1517 – Escalating a Trouble Ticket







Escalate Trouble


Provide plan

of action

Agree plan

of action




Trouble Ticket















Trouble Ticket

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Customer wishes to escalate an unresolved Trouble Ticket; or

Customer does not consider that a Trouble Ticket should have been closed in accordance with section 3.85.4 of this module,

Customer must give NBN Co a written notice setting out:

the reasons why it does not agree that the NBN Fault has been resolved properly;

the steps that Customer has undertaken to investigate and verify whether the NBN Fault has been properly resolved;

the specific services and/or products still affected by the NBN Fault;

the Service IDs and/or Product Instance IDs associated with the affected services and/or products; and

a request for escalation of the Trouble Ticket,

(an Escalation Notice).

An Escalation Notice must be provided to the NBN Co Operational Point of Contact who will discuss how best to resolve the Trouble Ticket with the Customer Operational Point of Contact.

The NBN Co Operational Point of Contact will use reasonable endeavours to agree on a plan of action with the Customer Operational Point of Contact to address the Escalation Notice.

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to perform further works in respect of the Escalation Notice in accordance with the agreed plan of action to resolve the NBN Fault.

3.115.6Notification of NBN Maintenance NBN Maintenance

Figure 16Figure 18 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co when NBN Co sends a notification for Planned NBN Maintenance. For details of the interactions, see section 2.22.2 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Figure 1618 – Notifying Planned NBN Maintenance







Send Notification

for Planned NBN


Send Planned



Start Notification

NBN Planned



Send NBN



Finish Notification




Lead Time


NBN Maintenance










Raise a

Trouble Ticket

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NBN Co will provide Customer with a minimum of 10 Business Days’ notice of Planned NBN Maintenance (unless maintenance relates to Underlying Facility Provider maintenance at a Type 2 facility in which case as much notice as practicable will be given), and include the following information within the notice:

a unique reference number;

start and end date and time for the scheduled works;

if the implementation of the Planned NBN Maintenance will, or is likely to, cause an Outage;

the geographic area, including where possible, the Premises affected by the Planned NBN Maintenance;

if an Outage is expected, details and timeframes of the services and/or products that will, or are likely to be, affected; and

the expected timeframe (typically between 11pm and 6am unless advised otherwise) for the implementation of the Planned NBN Maintenance,

(a Planned NBN Maintenance Notice).

The Planned NBN Maintenance Notice will be sent by email to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal in relation to each Planned NBN Maintenance.

Customer may raise suggestions to embargo periods during which no Planned NBN Maintenance can be performed by NBN Co (e.g. New Year, Easter, Mothers Day, etc) within 2 Business Days of the issuance of the Planned NBN Maintenance Notice. The suggestion must be provided in writing to NBN Co. NBN Co will review and respond to the Customer suggestion within 2 Business Days viain writing.

NBN Co will perform Planned NBN Maintenance in accordance with the timeframes set out in a Planned NBN Maintenance Notice.

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to perform Planned NBN Maintenance on Monday – Thursday (between 11:00pm to 6:00am) and Friday to Sunday (between 1:00am and 6:00am) in the location of the Premises that are impacted by the expected Outage associated with the Planned NBN Maintenance, except where NBN Co needs to perform Planned NBN Maintenance during the day for occupational health and safety reasons or a Planned NBN Maintenance embargo period applies and except in relation to planned maintenance by the Underlying Facilities Provider for Type 2 Facilities.

If any Planned NBN Maintenance has caused an expected Outage, NBN Co will restore the services and/or products affected by the Planned NBN Maintenance to perform in accordance with the relevant Product Description or Product Technical Specification within the timeframes set out in the relevant Planned NBN Maintenance Notice.

NBN Co will notify Customer of completion of Planned NBN Maintenance by sending an email through the NBN Co Service Portal (Planned NBN Maintenance Completion Notice).

If, on receipt of the Planned NBN Maintenance Completion Notice, Customer reasonably considers that:

an Outage has not been restored; and/or

Customer’s services and/or Products have been adversely affected by the Planned NBN Maintenance,

Customer may submit a Trouble Ticket in accordance with section 3.13.3 of this module.

Module 4:4: Assurance

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Figure 17Figure 19 shows interactions between Customer and NBN Co when Customer queries Planned NBN Maintenance. For details of the interactions, see section 2.22.2 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Figure 1719 – Querying Planned NBN Maintenance

Customer may monitor the progress of a Planned NBN Maintenance Notice by querying the status of the Planned NBN Maintenance Notice through the NBN Co Service Portal or by contacting the NSOC.







Request NBN



Status Information

Provide NBN




Receive NBN




Initial Diagnosis



Update information












Provide Planned

NBN Maintenance




Invalid request


Request Planned

NBN Maintenance

status information



Valid request



Receive Planned

NBN Maintenance



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NBN Co will validate the query and provide the requested information in respect of the Planned NBN Maintenance Notice by sending Customer an email through the NBN Co Service Portal.

If NBN Co considers that it requires further information in respect of a query, NBN Co will notify Customer and request the further information by sending an email through the NBN Co Service Portal.

Customer must update the query within the NBN Co Service Portal to include the requested information. Customer must resubmit the updated query to NBN Co through the NBN Co Service Portal.

After Customer has submitted the updateupdated query, NBN Co will perform the validation in respect of that query and provide the requested information in respect of the Planned NBN Maintenance Notice by sending Customer an email through the NBN Co Service Portal.

Information regarding Type 2 Facilities will be restricted to the information made available to NBN Co by the Underlying Facility Provider. NBN Maintenance

In the event of:

a Fault requiring the performance of Unplanned NBN Maintenance, as specified in sections 3.7.2 or or 5.4.1 of this module; or

an Emergency,

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to notify Customer as soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of the event by, either:

sending an email notification to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal; or

contacting the relevant Customer contact person via phone or email or any other form of communication, as specified by Customer in the Contact Matrix.

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to provide Customer with the following information in respect of the Unplanned NBN Maintenance:

Customer’s services and/or Products that will, or are likely to be, affected by the works; and

the expected timeframes for the implementation of the Unplanned NBN Maintenance,

(Unplanned NBN Maintenance Notice). operational performance targets for unplanned network outage responses and status updates

NBN Co will endeavour to meet the following non-binding operational performance targets in relation to the timeframes within which NBN Co will report the occurrence of unplanned network outages to Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers and how frequently NBN Co will communicate with Customer and all Other NBN Co Customers regarding the status of the rectification of unplanned network outages:

before NBN Co introduces fully automated OSS/BSS systems and processes:

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Priority of unplanned network


Response time Frequency of status updates

Critical 30 minutes after NBN Co becomes aware of the unplanned network outage

Every hour (unless otherwise agreed)

High 60 minutes after NBN Co becomes aware of the unplanned network outage

Every 2 hours (unless otherwise agreed)

Medium 2 hours after NBN Co becomes aware of the unplanned network outage

Every 4 hours (unless otherwise agreed)

Low 4 Business Hours after NBN Co becomes aware of the unplanned network outage

Every 6 Business Hours (unless otherwise agreed)

Afterafter NBN Co introduces fully automated OSS/BSS systems and processes:

Priority of unplanned network


Response time Frequency of status updates

Critical 15 minutes after NBN Co becomes aware of the unplanned network outage

Every hour (unless otherwise agreed)

High 30 minutes after NBN Co becomes aware of the unplanned network outage

Every 2 hours (unless otherwise agreed)

Medium 60 minutes after NBN Co becomes aware of the unplanned network outage

Every 4 hours (unless otherwise agreed)

Low 2 Business Hours after NBN Co becomes aware of the unplanned network outage

Every 6 Business Hours (unless otherwise agreed)

For the purposes of this section3.10.4: 5.6.4:

“Business Hours” means 8:00am to 5:00pm on a Business Day in the location at which NBN Co first becomes aware of the occurrence of the unplanned network outage; and

“Critical”, “High”, “Medium” and “Low” are defined with reference to the following matrix:

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3.125.7Physical access policy

When visiting Customer sites and Premises to perform NBN Maintenance, NBN Co will comply with Customer policies in accordance with clause C11 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

3.135.8Complaints Management

Customer shouldmust raise Operational Issues with NBN Co via their respective Operational PointPoints of Contact.

NBN Co shallwill acknowledge all complaints received and respond in writing to all complaints received from Customer within 20 Business Days.

Module 5:5: Physical Access

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NBN Co Operations Manual

Module 5:5: Physical Access

Module 5:5: Physical Access

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1 Introduction

This module contains the processes, rights, and obligations for gaining Physical Access to Type 2 Facilities where NBN Co is supplying Customer with NBN Co ODF Termination Point or NBN Co Co-location in accordance with the NBN CoProduct Description for the Facilities Access Service Product Description .

This module covers the following:

Site induction;

Electronic Access Cards lifecycle;

Keys lifecycle;

Occupational health and safety requirements;

Site specific requirements; and

Breaches of Physical Access rules and procedures.

Module 5:5: Physical Access

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1.1 New Physical Access Requests

In accordance with clausesection 1.4of4 of the NBN CoProduct Description for the Facilities Access Service Product Description, Customer is responsible for obtaining and maintaining Building Entry Rights for access by Customer and its Authorised Persons to NBN Co Type 2 Facilities.

NBN Co will outline and notify to Customer processes and procedure relating to Physical Access during Customer On-boarding and also provide Customer with contact details (within the Contact Matrix) relating to Physical Access requests.

NBN Co will provision Physical Access to Type 2 Facilities at a State. Where Customer requires access for Authorised Persons across multiple states this can be provisioned under a single electronic access card.

NBN Co may charge Customer for Physical Access requests as set out in the Price List.

1.1.1 Site Induction

NBN Co will provide Customer with details (including associated cost and online induction location) of Site Induction Courses during Operational Workshop.

Customer is liable for any costs incurred in completion of the Site Induction Courses by Customer and any of its Personnel.

Site Induction Courses are valid for 3 years from the date of completion. Customer must ensure that Authorised Persons renew their Site Induction Courses as required. After an Authorised Person successfully completes a Site Induction Course the Authorised Person will be given a unique reference number. This reference number is unique to the individual who completed the Site Induction Course.

Customer must include the unique reference number provided following successful completion of a Site Induction Course in subsequent applications for Physical Access including for electronic access cards or keys required for the purpose of Physical Access.

NBN Co may require Customer Authorised Persons to complete a Site Induction Course at first attendance at some Type 2 Facilities. Customer Authorised Persons must comply with requests to complete any specific Site Induction Course (where required) before entrance to a Type 2 Facility will be granted.

1.1.2 Electronic Access Card Request

Customer may request electronic access cards for the purpose of Physical Access to Type 2 Facilities where NBN Co is supplying Customer with NBN Co Co-location. Each electronic access cards will authorise a Customer Authorised Person to access all Type 2 Facilities within a particular state (note ACT access will be granted under the NSW state).

Customer must ensure that electronic access card requests are only submitted for Authorised Persons.

Where required, Customer may request electronic access cards for more than one state for an individual Authorised Person. If eligible for the electronic access cards, Customer will be issued a single electronic access card for that Authorised Person which will be provisioned for all states requested.

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Customer must complete the Physical Access order form provided by NBN Co at the time of Onboardingon-boarding and submit the completed form to the relevant contact contained in the Contact Matrix. Customer must list on the Physical Access order form each of its Authorised Persons who will be at any time accessing the relevant Type 2 Facility and will be issued with an electronic access card.

Customer may request multiple electronic access cards through a Physical Access order form.

Customer must submit all requests for electronic access card through the email address Customer has provided in the Contact Matrix during On-boarding. Where requests are received from any other email address NBN Co may reject the electronic access card request back to the submitter stating the reason for rejection.

NBN Co will validate submitted Physical Access order forms to ensure that all mandatory fields are completed. NBN Co will reject Physical Access order forms back to the requestor when mandatory fields are incorrect or incomplete.

NBN Co will inform Customer of dispatch of electronic access cards.

Electronic access cards will be delivered to Customer via post to the address provided in the Physical Access order. Electronic access cards will be delivered in an active state and do not require further activation for use.

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to provide Customer electronic access cards within 25 Business Days of ordering provided Customer gives all information required on the Physical Access order form and subject to NBN Co receiving the electronic access cards from the Underlying Facility Provider.

Customer may contact NBN Co using the details provided in the Contact Matrix for issues relating to electronic access cards requests.

1.1.3 Key Requests

Some Type 2 Facilities will require Customer to have keys (in addition to an electronic access card) to access the Type 2 Facility where the facility:

Does not have an electronic access card reader; or

Has an additional physical security measure (for example a padlocked gate).

During Onboardingon-boarding, NBN Co will provide Customer a list of Type 2 Facilities that require keys.

Customer may request keys for the purpose of Physical Access to Type 2 Facilities where NBN Co is supplying Customer with NBN Co Co-location.

Customer must ensure that key requests are only submitted for Authorised Persons.

When required, Customer may request keys to more than one Type 2 Facility for an individual Authorised Person. Customer will be issued keys for each Type 2 Facility requested.

Customer must complete the Physical Access order form provided by NBN Co at the time of On-boarding and submit the completed form to the relevant contact contained in the Contact Matrix. Customer must list on the Physical Access order form, each of its Authorised Persons who will be at any time accessing the relevant Type 2 Facility and will be issued with a key.

Customer may request multiple keys through a single Physical Access order form.

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Customer must submit all requests for keys through the email address Customer has provided in the Contact Matrix during Onboardingon-boarding. Where requests are received from any other email address NBN Co will reject the key request back to the submitter stating the reason for rejection.

NBN Co will validate submitted Physical Access order forms to ensure that all mandatory fields are completed. NBN Co will reject Physical Access order forms back to the requestor when mandatory fields are incorrect or incomplete.

Keys will be delivered to Customer via post to the address provided in the Physical Access order form.

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to provide Customer keys within 25 Business Days of validating a Physical Access order form.

Customer may contact NBN Co using the details provided in the Contact Matrix for issues relating to key requests.

1.2 Electronic access card and Key maintenance

Customer and its Authorised Persons must in the use and safekeeping of keys or electronic access cards:

adopt effective security measures to prevent loss, damage and unauthorised use or access;

ensure there is no unauthorised copying of keys and electronic access cards;

provide assistance as requested by NBN Co in ensuring adequate security and safety in Type 2 Facilities to which Customer has keys and electronic access cards; and

return any keys or electronic access cards when Customer or its Authorised Persons are no longer required or entitled to access a Type 2 Facility.

1.2.1 Lost / Stolen / Missing electronic access cards and Keys

When notifying NBN Co of lost/stolen or missing electronic access cards or keys in accordance with clause 5.16 of the NBN Co Product Description for the Facilities Access Service Product Description, Customer must contact NBN Co using the contact details available in the Contact Matrix and provide the following information:

Access Card number; and/or

Key code and serial number; and

Circumstances surrounding the lost/stolen or missing card(s) and/or keys.

Customer is required to complete a new electronic access cards or key request where a replacement electronic access cards or key is required. Charges for replacement electronic access cards are set out in the Price List.

1.2.2 Damaged or Faulty electronic access cards and Keys

Customer must notify NBN Co where Customer finds electronic access cards or keys are faulty using the contact details specified in the Contact Matrix.

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Customer must return the faulty electronic access cards or keys to NBN Co and NBN Co will request the Underlying Facility Provider rectify and faults in the electronic access cards or keys. Where the fault with the electronic access cards or keys cannot be rectified NBN Co will inform Customer. Customer must complete a request for a replacement electronic access card or keys using the process outlined in section or section of this module.

If NBN Co is able to resolve the fault with electronic access cards or keys NBN Co will inform Customer of fault resolution using the contact details contained in the Contact Matrix.

1.2.3 Transfer electronic access cards and keys

Where Customer wishes to transfer use of electronic access cards and/or keys between Authorised Persons, Customer must complete the Physical Access order form and include the electronic access card number (located on the electronic access card) and/or the key serial number, together with details of the Authorised Persons that the electronic access cards or keys are being transferred from and to and submit the form to NBN Co using the contact details provided in the Contact Matrix.

Customer must ensure that transfer requests for electronic access cards and/or keys are only submitted for transfers between Authorised Persons. NBN Co will inform Customer of the successful transfer of electronic access cards or keys by contacting Customer using the details contained in the Contact Matrix.

1.2.4 Update Keys

When NBN Co or the Underlying Facility Provider reconfigure locks in Type 2 Facilities, NBN Co will inform Customer of the update using the contact details contained in the Contact Matrix and will provide Customer with updated keys.

1.2.5 Electronic access card Renewals

Physical Access to Type 2 Facilities via electronic access cards are provided with a rolling 12 month expiry period.

Customer must manage electronic access card expiry and submit requests for renewal as required by Customer using the Physical Access order form.

Customer verifies as part of the submission of the Physical Access order form that:

Each Authorised Person is currently working for Customer;

Electronic access card are still required; and

Electronic access cards are still in Customer’s possession.

NBN Co will validate submitted Physical Access order forms to ensure that all mandatory fields are completed. NBN Co may reject Physical Access order forms back to the requestor when mandatory fields are incorrect or incomplete.

NBN Co will inform Customer of successful renewal of electronic access cards.

If Customer does not wish to renew electronic access cards, Customer must cancel and return electronic access cards using the process set out in section of this module.

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1.2.6 Electronic access cards and Key Cancellation

Customer must inform NBN Co of requests to cancel electronic access cards and/or keys for Type 2 Facilities by submitting a Physical Access order form.

NBN Co will validate submitted Physical Access order forms to ensure that all mandatory fields are completed. NBN Co may reject Physical Access order forms back to the requestor when mandatory fields are incorrect or incomplete.

NBN Co will inform Customer of successful cancellation of electronic access cards and/or keys.

Customer must return electronic access cards and/or keys after cancellation to NBN Co by mailing them to the address provided in the Contact Matrix.

1.3 Occupational Health and Safety requirements

Customer must attend any briefing on safe work practices, environmental workplace and occupational health and safety in relation to Aggregation Node Sites as required by NBN Co from time to time.

Customer must contact NBN Co prior to and at the completion of any visit by Customer Authorised Persons to a Type 2 Facility using the contact details within the Contact Matrix.

Customer must ensure that Site Attendance Logbooks are signed on entry and exit to a Type 2 Facility.

Customer must ensure that Authorised Persons display a Customer Identification Card while on site at a Type 2 Facility at all times.

Customer must ensure Authorised Persons ensure they are familiar with emergency procedures relating to a particular Type 2 Facility and obey direction given in accordance with the emergency plan and by emergency management personnel.

Customer must ensure its Authorised Persons keep the Type 2 Facility in a neat and tidy state during Physical Access including:

Promptly removing all waste, fibre filings and dust to appropriate receptacles;

Promptly removing any excess equipment of the Customer or its Authorised Persons; and

Keeping exits and paths clear of obstructions and trip hazards.

Customer must conform to the HS&E and security framework defined in the OMM provided to Customer during Onboardingon-boarding.

NBN Co will supply Customer with the iSafe application during Onboardingon-boarding as well as Customer login details. The iSafe application must be used by Customer to capture all occupational health and safety incidents and hazards that occur within Type 2 Facilities.

Where NBN Co is required under law to provide a Government Agency with information relating to occupational health and safety incidents (or is required to obtain that same information under contract) then, if requested to do so by NBN Co, Customer must:

Allow NBN Co to audit its occupational health and safety documentation records to confirm that, as far as reasonably practicable, Customer is compliant with relevant occupational health and safety documentation relating to its continued Physical Access to Type 2 Facilities and

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Report back to the Government Agency in relation to the results of that audit.

Customer must comply with the Access Seeker Undertaking regarding occupational health and safety obligations, including complying with any directions of the Underlying Facility Provider.

Without limiting any other obligation in this section 1.3.

Customer and its Authorised Persons must not, in carrying out any activities in Type 2 Facilities:

endanger the health and safety of Personnel of the Underlying Facility Provider or any other party;

cause a nuisance in or while accessing the Type 2 Facility ; or

interfere with, prejudice the integrity of or cause damage to any network, communications within a network, infrastructure or other property or facilities of the Underlying Facility Provider or any other party.

Customer must:

comply with all laws relating to use of the Type 2 Facility including work/and or occupational health and safety laws;

undertake a general hazard identification and risk assessment and provides controls in relation to the proposed Physical access;

undertake a job specific hazard identification and risk assessment at each Type 2 Facility where proposed Physical Access will be performed to check for hazards;

notify NBN Co of any inspection, record, finding or notice of a Government Agency that relates to Customer’s use of the Type 2 Facility (including providing a copy of any documentation exchanged with the Government Agency); and

identify and manage according to the applicable law all relevant risks to health and safety arising from or in relation to works and activities undertaken when accessing the Type 2 Facility.

In addition:

Customer and its Authorised Persons must not store any goods or substances at Type 2 Facilities except on a temporary basis, unless agreed by NBN Co in writing.

Customer must notify NBN Co if it reasonably considers that an action of another person in the Type 2 Facility will threaten the immediate safety of Customer or its Authorised Person.

If actions of the Customer or its Authorised Person threaten the immediate safety of persons or plant in a Type 2 Facility, Customer and its Authorised Persons must follow NBN Co’s directions in relation to such actions.

Customer must notify NBN Co of any breach by Customer or its Authorised Persons of any requirement in this section 1.3 as soon as possible and in any case within 1 Business Day of becoming aware of the breach.

Customer and its Authorised Persons when using any Type 2 Facility must:

not cause or contribute to an environmental hazard, including by way of handling storing or use Hazardous Materials in a manner likely to give rise to an Environmental Hazard; or

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not dump Hazardous Materials or cause Hazardous Materials to emanate from the Type 2 Facility.

1.3.1 Hazard and Incident Notification

Customer must immediately report hazards, hazardous material and contamination, and incidents using the iSafe application provided to the Customer during On-boarding and report the incident to the NBN Co occupational health and safety contact provided in the Contact Matrix.

Customer must provide all required details when submitting the hazard or incident form required in the iSafe submission form.

NBN Co will investigate and work with Customer to resolve all hazards, Hazardous Material and contamination, and incidents in Type 2 Facilities.

Customer must obtain consent from NBN Co to store any Hazardous Materials at a Type 2 Facility and must follow all directions of NBN Co as to notices required in relation to Hazardous Materials where Customer has obtained consent to store them at the Type 2 Facility.

1.4 Site Specific Requirements

Customer and it’s Authorised Persons (where applicable) must:

physically enter a Type 2 Facility only by way of any entry point identified in the Site Induction Course;

ensure that only Authorised Persons nominated on the Physical Access order form gain access to Type 2 Facilities;

exercise Physical Access only to that part of the Type 2 Facility as is permitted by the NBN Co Facilities Access Service; and

Follow any standard procedures of the Underlying Facility Provider in respect of a notice of departure from Type 2 Facilities.

Customer and its Personnel must, in connection with its Physical Access to a Type 2 Facility:

not erect, install or display any advertising, promotional or similar signage on or in any Type 2 Facility without the prior written agreement of NBN Co and the Underlying Facility Provider.

keep the Type 2 Facility free from any unnecessary obstruction and promptly clear away any rubbish, excess equipment, fibre filings or dust; and

remove any construction plant and equipment no longer required by Customer.

If any person makes a delivery at a Type 2 Facility on behalf of Customer, that person can access the Type 2 Facility for the purpose of making the delivery without prior notification to NBN Co or the Underlying Facility Provider only if the person is under the supervision of Customer Authorised Persons at all times during the delivery.

Customer and it’s Authorised Persons (where applicable) must:

ensure all applicable security arrangements in place prior to Physical Access being exercised in a Type 2 Facility are in place prior to leaving the Type 2 Facility and, where practical and under the control of an Authorised Person, remain in place while they are at the Type 2 Facility; and

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use due care and attention regarding security of the infrastructure and equipment in or forming part of Type 2 Facilities.

co-operate with the Underlying Facility Provider its Authorised Persons and customers to the extent Customer and its Authorised Persons are accessing Type 2 Facilities at the same time;

remove its Authorised Persons from any Type 2 Facility to the extent necessary to enable the Underlying Facility Provider to remedy significant faults in its services or address an emergency: and

not damage, disturb or destroy any heritage items in or on Type 2 Facilities or act in a way which is contrary to any applicable laws relating to any Heritage Items

1.5 Breaches of Physical Access Rules and Policies

NBN Co will work with Customer during Onboardingon-boarding to ensure that Customer is provided with rules and policies relating to Physical Access in Type 2 Facilities.

When NBN Co deems that Customer and/or its Personnel has breached these rules and/or policies or the Access Seeker Undertaking, NBN Co may immediately refuse Customer access to site or revoke Customers ongoing Physical Access.

1.5.1 Physical access Refusal or Revocation

NBN Co or the Underlying Facility Provider may at any time refuse Physical access to, or request Customer Authorised Persons to cease work and/or leave the Type 2 Facility immediately if:

on the grounds set out in 5.3 ofaccordance with the Product Description for the Facilities Access Service;

Ifif it determines Customer is in breach of this Operations Manual or Physical Access rules and/or policies as provided to Customer ; or

Ifif the Authorised Person has not been notified to NBN Co or the Underlying Facility Provider or does not produce acceptable photographic identification (driver's licence or similar) if requested to do so; If the person has not completed any relevant Site Induction Course or other relevant course or the eligibility period for the Site Induction Course or other relevant course has expired; or.

in accordance with the NBN Co Facilities Access Service Product Description.

NBN Co will provide Customer with a notification of Physical Access refusal when immediate Physical Access refusal occurs that outlines the reasoning for the Physical Access refusal.

Customer and its Authorised Persons must immediately comply with any direction given by NBN Co or the Underlying Facility Provider regarding cessation of work or leaving the Type 2 Facility, including any direction given pursuant to an Access Seeker Undertaking.

NBN Co will work with Customer to resolve issues relating to immediate Physical Access refusal to ensure reinstatement of Physical Access occur when required.

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1.5.2 Revocation of Physical Access

If NBN Co refuses Physical Access to a Type 2 Facility for a Customer or Authorised Person in accordance with the Wholesale Broadband Agreement, NBN Co may provide Customer with the reasons for the refusal.

If NBN Co provides Customer with reasons for the Physical Access refusal, NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to with Customer to resolve issues relating to proposed Physical Access refusal where required.

NBN Co Operations Manual

Module 6:6: Billing

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1 Billing and payments

This module describes the billing processes and interactions that apply to NBN Co and Customer in connection with the supply of Products under the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

1.1 Billing Period Options

1.1.1 Billing Period Options available

NBN Co will make available the following Billing Period Options:

Name of Billing Period Start of Billing Period (Time/Day of Calendar Month)

End of Billing Period (Time/Day of Calendar Month)

4 00:00:00/4th 23:59:59/3rd

10 00:00:00/10th 23:59:59/9th

20 00:00:00/20th 23:59:59/19th

1.1.2 Notification of new or changed Billing Period Options

From time to time, NBN Co may make available new Billing Period Options, or change any of the then-current Billing Period Options, by providing 30 Business Days prior notice to Customer.

Customer may also request that NBN Co notify Customer of the current Billing Period Options by submitting a Billing Enquiry in accordance with section 1.51.5 of this module (and NBN Co will respond to such Billing Enquiries in accordance with that section 1.5).1.5).

1.1.3 Selecting and changing Billing Period Options

If more than one Billing Period Option is available:

Customer may select one of those Billing Period Options by notifying NBN Co of that selection during the creation of Customer’s billing account during Account Establishment or at any other time by providing 60 Business Days prior notice to NBN Co; or

if Customer does not select a Billing Period Option by the end of Account Establishment, NBN Co will select a Billing Period Option for Customer in accordance with clause B2.2 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement and will notify Customer of that selection.

1.2 Invoicing

1.2.1 Forms of Invoices

In respect of each Billing Period, NBN Co will make available the following forms of invoices to Customer:

Summary Invoice

Billing Invoice File (BIF)

Billing Event File (BEF)

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Billing Adjustment File (BAF)

as further described in sections to of this module and in section 33 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

From time to time NBN Co may change the format, layout, presentation and data contained within the different forms of invoices by providing at least 30 Business Days prior notice to Customer. Summary Invoice

A Summary Invoice is the monthly tax invoice issued by NBN Co that summarises the Charges incurred by Customer in respect of the relevant Billing Period.

NBN Co will provide Summary Invoices in PDF format.

NBN Co will make Summary Invoices available for retrieval by Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or the B2B Access on a monthly basis. NBN Co will notify Customer by email when a Summary Invoice is available for retrieval by Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal.

NBN Co will ensure that each Summary Invoice includes the following information to the extent relevant:

NBN Co company information;

Total amount due and GST payable;

Payment due date and payment options;

Customer address information;

Summary of spend by Product;

Payments processed since last invoice;

Account-level adjustments processed since last invoice;

Billing Event Files distributed since last invoice;

Service-level adjustments included in a Billing Adjustment File distributed since last invoice.

An example of the Summary Invoice is set out in section 33 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual. Billing Invoice File (BIF)

A BIF is a machine-readable version of a Summary Invoice and contains a summary of the Charges incurred by Customer in respect of the relevant Billing Period.

NBN Co will provide BIFs in XML format.

NBN Co will make BIFs available for retrieval by Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or the B2B Access on a monthly basis. NBN Co will notify Customer by email when a BIF is available for retrieval.

NBN Co will ensure that each BIF contains the following information to the extent relevant:

NBN Co company information;

Total amount due and GST payable;

Payment due date and payment options;

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Customer address information;

Summary of spend by Product;

Billing Event Files distributed since last invoice;

Other charges and credits

Further information in relation to BIFs is set out in the B2B Developer’s Guide - Billing, a copy of which can be obtained by Customer by making a Billing Enquiry pursuant to section 1.51.5 of this module. Billing Event File (BEF)

A BEF is a machine readable file that contains an itemised list of Charges incurred by Customer in respect of the relevant Billing Period.

NBN Co will provide BEFs in XML format.

NBN Co will make available BEFs on a daily or monthly basis (referred to as “BEF file frequency”). Customer may select the BEF file frequency during the creation of Customer’s billing account in NBN Co’s billing system during Customer Account Establishment phase of On-boarding, or at any other time by submitting a Billing Enquiry in accordance with section 1.51.5 of this module at least 5 Business Days prior to the date on which Customer requires that the change take effect.

If Customer does not select a BEF file frequency, BEF file frequency will be monthly.

NBN Co will make BEFs available for retrieval by Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal or the B2B Access on a monthly or daily basis. If Customer has selected a daily BEF file frequency, NBN Co will make available the BEF by 11am on each Business Day in Sydney, New South Wales.

NBN Co will ensure that each BEF contains the following information:

Service level charges for each Product acquired by Customer in accordance with the Price List. This includes monthly recurring charges for NNI, CVC, AVC, UNI-D and UNI-V. NBN Co will ensure that all service level charges are categorised by Product Instance ID.;

Service level ancillary charges incurred by Customer in accordance with the Price List. This includes Charges for service installation, service modification and service management.;

Service level adjustments that are processed and applied in the current Billing Period. This may include settlements of disputes raised in accordance with section 1.61.6 of this module.;

Any service-level rebates, discounts or credits provided in accordance with section 1.31.3 of this module.; and

Pro-rated charges for activation, modification or disconnection of a Product based on the number of days the Product was supplied by NBN Co to Customer during the applicable Billing Period.

Further information in relation to BEFs is set out in the B2B Developer’s Guide - Billing, a copy of which can be obtained by Customer by making a Billing Enquiry pursuant to section 1.51.5 of this module.

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A BAF is a machine readable file that contains service level adjustments for Charges relating to a previously issued invoice.

NBN Co will provide BAFs in XML format.

NBN Co will only make BAFs available to Customer when an adjustment or settlement is performed on a service level Charge event invoiced in a previous Billing Period via the NBN Co Service Portal or the B2B Access.

If Customer has elected to receive daily BEF files, BAF files will be issued daily whenever a relevant transaction has been generated by NBN Co on the relevant day.

If Customer has elected to receive monthly BEF files, BAF files will be issued monthly whenever a relevant transaction has been generated by NBN Co during the Billing Period and will include all relevant transactions performed during the Billing Period.

NBN Co will not produce a BAF if that BAF does not contain any records.

Further information in relation to BAFs is set out in the B2B Developer’s Guide - Billing, a copy of which can be obtained by Customer by making a Billing Enquiry pursuant to section 1.51.5 of this module.

1.2.2 Charge Information

Each form of invoice will set out Charge records and, in respect of each Charge, a corresponding description of the Product purchased by Customer in respect of which that Charge relates.

Customer may request that NBN Co provide to Customer a list of all descriptions that may be set out in a form of invoice in respect of each Charge that applies in respect of each Product that Customer may acquire under the Wholesale Broadband Agreement by submitting a Billing Enquiry in accordance with section 1.51.5 of this module (and NBN Co will respond in accordance with that section 1.5).1.5).

From time to time NBN Co may change any of the descriptions that are used by NBN Co to describe the Charges set out in a form of invoice. NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to communicate those changes to Customer within 5 Business Days after those changes take effect.

1.2.3 Issuing forms of invoices

NBN Co will, in its discretion, issues each form of invoice to Customer by making the forms of invoices available to retrieve via:

the NBN Co Service Portal, together with an email notification (which will be sent via unencrypted email to the email address specified by Customer in the Contact Matrix) when the form of invoice is available; or

the B2B Access.

Customer may change the email address to which NBN Co sends notifications, by submitting a Billing Enquiry in accordance with section 1.51.5 of this module notifying NBN Co of the change no later than 10 Business Days before the change is requested to take effect (and NBN Co will acknowledge receipt in accordance with that section 1.5).1.5).

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If Customer encounters technical problems with retrieving forms of invoices via the NBN Co Service Portal or the B2B Access, Customer must notify NBN Co immediately by submitting a Billing Enquiry in accordance with section 1.51.5 of this module.

1.2.4 Late issuing of forms of invoices

If NBN Co is unable to issue a form of invoice within the time specified in clause B2.3 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement, NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to notify Customer by email of the delay and the revised date by which NBN Co will issue that form of invoice to Customer.

Any delay will not affect Customer’s obligation to pay the invoice in accordance with the terms of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement and this module.

1.2.5 Failure to receive a form of invoice

If Customer does not receive the form of invoice:

within 10 calendar days after the start of the Billing Period; or

on or before the revised date if NBN Co has notified Customer of a delay in issuing the form of invoice,.

Customer must notify NBN Co within 15 Business Days of the relevant date set out above, by submitting a Billing Enquiry stating that it has not received the form of invoice in accordance with section of this module (and NBN Co will acknowledge receipt of such Billing Enquiry in accordance with that section 1.5.2).1.5.2).

1.3 Process for Claiming Rebates and Credits

1.3.1 Backhaul Rebate

Where Customer is entitled to claim the Backhaul Rebate in accordance with the Product Description for the Tasmania Tri-Area Service, Customer must:

lodge its claim for the Backhaul Rebate with NBN Co in the form of a Billing Dispute in accordance with section 1.61.6 of this module;

in addition to the information required by section 1.61.6 of this module, provide to NBN Co the supplementary materials referred to in the Product Description for the Tasmania Tri-Area Service; and

specify the NBN Co invoice number for the NBN Co invoice (being an invoice which has an outstanding balance) against which Customer wishes the Backhaul Rebate to be applied (or, where there are no invoices that have an outstanding balance against which the Backhaul Rebate can be applied, Customer’s nominated bank account details).

Where NBN Co is obliged to provide the Backhaul Rebate to Customer and there is an NBN Co invoice with an outstanding balance against which the Backhaul Rebate can be applied, NBN Co will provide the Backhaul Rebate to Customer by setting off the Backhaul Rebate against the amount payable by Customer under the NBN Co invoice specified by Customer.

Where NBN Co is obliged to provide the Backhaul Rebate to Customer and there are no NBN Co invoices that have an outstanding balance against which the Backhaul Rebate can be applied, NBN Co will provide the Backhaul Rebate to Customer by paying the Backhaul Rebate to Customer by electronic funds transfer to Customer’s nominated bank account.

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NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to provide the Backhaul Rebate within 30 days after receipt of the above information in respect of that Backhaul Rebate.

1.3.2 CVC Transitional Pricing Credits and CVC Credit

Where a Customer is entitled to receive a “CVC Transitional Pricing Credit” under a CVC transitional pricing credit letter issued by NBN Co, NBN Co will provide that credit to Customer in accordance with the terms of that CVC transitional pricing credit letter.

Where a Customer is entitled to receive a “CVC credit” (as that term is defined in the WBA Product Catalogue), NBN Co will automatically apply this credit to the NBN Co invoice for the respective CVC charge item.

1.3.3 Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) Compensation Contribution

Where Customer is entitled to receive a CSG Compensation Contribution in accordance with the Service Levels Schedule, Customer must:

lodge the claim for a CSG Compensation Contribution as Billing Dispute in accordance with section 1.61.6 of this module; and

provide the following additional information with that Billing Dispute Notice:

a list of all orders, Trouble Tickets or appointmentAppointment bookings in respect of which Customer believes CSG Compensation Contributions apply;

reasons supporting its claim in respect of each order, Trouble Ticket or appointmentAppointment booking in respect of which Customer believes CSG Compensation Contributions apply;

whether, in respect of each order, Trouble Ticket or appointmentAppointment booking, Customer believes Customer is entitled to a full or partial CSG Compensation Contribution; and

where, in respect of each order, Trouble Ticket or appointmentAppointment booking, Customer believes that Customer is entitled to a partial CSG Compensation Contribution, the proportion that Customer believes that NBN Co’s failure to meet the relevant Service Level has contributed to Customer’s obligation to pay primary damages.

NBN Co will investigate and resolve Customer’s claim in accordance with the Billing Disputes process and timing outlined in section 1.61.6 of this module.

The availability of rebates and the circumstances in which rebates may be payable to Customer are set out in the Service Levels Schedule.

1.3.4 NNI Migration Rebate for NBN Co Fibre Access Service

Where Customer is entitled to claim the NNI Migration Rebate in accordance with the Price List for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service, Customer must:

lodge its claim for the NNI Migration Rebate with NBN Co in the form of a Billing Dispute in accordance with section 1.6.2 of this module by submitting its claim to the NBN Co Billing Team using the email address set out in the Contact Matrix; and

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specify the NBN Co invoice number for the NBN Co invoice (being an invoice which has an outstanding balance) against which Customer wishes the NNI Migration Rebate to be applied (or, where there are no invoices that have an outstanding balance against which the NNI Migration Rebate can be applied, Customer’s nominated bank account details).

NBN Co will treat a claim for the NNI Migration Rebate as a rebate claim.

Where NBN Co is obliged to provide the NNI Migration Rebate to Customer and there is an NBN Co invoice with an outstanding balance against which the NNI Migration Rebate can be applied, NBN Co will provide the NNI Migration Rebate to Customer by setting off the NNI Migration Rebate against the amount payable by Customer under the NBN Co invoice specified by Customer.

Where NBN Co is obliged to provide the NNI Migration Rebate to Customer and there are no NBN Co invoices that have an outstanding balance against which the NNI Migration Rebate can be applied, NBN Co will provide the NNI Migration Rebate to Customer by paying the NNI Migration Rebate to Customer by electronic funds transfer to Customer’s nominated bank account.

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to provide the NNI Migration Rebate within 30 days after receipt of the above information in respect of that NNI Migration Rebate.

1.3.5 Service Level Rebate

Where Customer is entitled to receive a Service Level Rebate other than a CSG Compensation Contribution in accordance with the Service Levels Schedule, Customer must:

lodge its claim for a Service Level Rebate with NBN Co in the form of a Billing Dispute in accordance with section 1.6 of this module; and

in addition to the information required by section 1.6 of this module, provide to NBN Co the following additional information with a Billing Dispute Notice:

a list of all orders, Trouble Tickets or Appointment bookings in respect of which the Service Level Rebate applies; and

the reasons supporting its claim in respect of each order, Trouble Ticket or Appointment booking (as the case may be) in respect of which Customer believes a Service Level Rebate applies.

NBN Co will investigate and resolve Customer’s claim in accordance with the Billing Disputes process and timing outlined in section 1.6 of this module.

The availability of Service Level Rebates and the circumstances in which a Service Level Rebate may be payable to Customer are set out in the Service Levels Schedule.

1.4 Payment

1.4.1 NBN Co’s bank account

NBN Co will ensure that each invoice specifies the details of NBN Co’s nominated bank account to which payments must be made.

From time to time NBN Co may change its nominated bank account by providing at least 5 Business Days’ prior notice to Customer.

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1.4.2 Remittance advices

Each payment of an invoice by Customer must be accompanied by a remittance advice in accordance with clause B3.2(b) of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

The remittance advice must, as a minimum, include:

the invoice number to which the payment relates;

the value of the payment;

if applicable, the value of any disputed amount withheld in accordance with the Wholesale Broadband Agreement;

the date of the payment;

the funds transfer reference number assigned by the financial institution; and

the financial institution undertaking the transfer.

Each remittance advice must be sent by Customer to the email address specified by NBN Co in the invoice.

1.4.3 Customer to notify NBN Co if Customer cannot pay invoice

Customer must immediately notify NBN Co in writing if Customer anticipates that it will not be able to pay NBN Co any undisputed amount set out in an invoice on or before the relevant Due Date.

1.4.4 Record of payments in next invoice

When NBN Co treats an invoice payment as being received in accordance with clause B3.2 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement, NBN Co will ensure that, subject to an allowance of 2 Business Days for the processing of payments, the invoice next issued by NBN Co to Customer after the receipt of the payment includes a record of that received payment.

If Customer considers that a prior payment has not been properly recorded in the next invoice, Customer may notify NBN Co by submitting a Billing Enquiry to NBN Co in accordance with section 1.51.5 of this module, (and NBN Co will acknowledge receipt, in accordance with that section 1.5).1.5).

1.5 Billing Enquiries

1.5.1 Authorised Contacts

Only the contact person/s that are specified as authorised to raise a Billing Enquiry on behalf of Customer (each an Authorised Contact) during Account Establishment may do so on Customer’s behalf.

Customer may change its Authorised Contacts, by submitting a Billing Enquiry notifying NBN Co of the change no later than 10 Business Days before the change takes effect in accordance with section 1.51.5 of this module (and NBN Co will acknowledge receipt in accordance with that section 1.5).1.5).

1.5.2 Making a Billing Enquiry

Customer may raise a Billing Enquiry through an Authorised Contact in order to:

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raise simple or general enquiries about invoices, billing or Charges;

request notification of new or changed Billing Period Options;

change the email address or postal address to which NBN Co sends invoices;

request invoice detail records;

notify NBN Co of a failure to receive an invoice; and

raise a query about a prior payment that has not been properly recorded in the next invoice.

Any enquiry that may result in an adjustment to an invoice must be raised as a Billing Dispute in accordance with section 1.61.6 of this module.

An Authorised Contact may at any time raise a Billing Enquiry by:

submitting an email to the NBN Co Billing Contact as specified in the Contact Matrix; or

calling the NBN Co Customer Solutions Centre, in accordance with the contact details specified in the Contact Matrix.

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to acknowledge receipt of the Billing Enquiry by notifying the person specified as Customer’s nominated contact person in the Billing Enquiry, within 2 Business Days of receipt of a Billing Enquiry.

The contact details for the NBN Co Billing Team are specified in the Contact Matrix, unless otherwise advised by NBN Co.

The contact details for the NBN Co Customer Solutions Centre are specified in the Contact Matrix, unless otherwise advised by NBN Co. The NBN Co Customer Solutions Centre is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time or Australian Eastern Daylight Time as the case may be) during Business Days

The NBN Co Billing Team or the NBN Co Customer Solutions Centre (as the case may be) must use reasonable endeavours to respond to the Billing Enquiry within 10 Business Days of Customer raising the Billing Enquiry.

If the NBN Co Billing Team or the NBN Co Customer Solutions Centre (as the case may be) considers that it will not be able to respond to a Billing Enquiry within 10 Business Days of receipt of the Billing Enquiry, it will use reasonable endeavours to notify Customer of a revised timeframe for response.

1.5.3 Escalating Billing Enquiries

If Customer is not reasonably satisfied with the resolution of a Billing Enquiry, an Authorised Contact may contact the NBN Co Relationship Point of Contact to seek to resolve the issue giving rise to the Billing Enquiry.

1.6 Billing Disputes

1.6.1 Interaction with Module G of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement

Where a reference is made to clause G15 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement, the term Dispute in that clause shall be read to mean a Billing Dispute and the term “expert” shall be read to mean the Billing Expert.

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1.6.2 Raising a Billing Dispute

Customer can raise a Billing Dispute by completing and submitting a billing dispute notice (Billing Dispute Notice) to NBN Co. Customer can request a Billing Dispute Notice by submitting a Billing Enquiry in accordance with section 1.51.5 of this module.

Customer must complete all fields of the Billing Dispute Notice and provide all of the information required.

Without limiting the information that the form of the Billing Dispute Notice itself requires Customer to provide, Customer must provide, include the following information in relation to the Billing Dispute Notice (as applicable):

type of Billing Dispute (e.g. standard Billing Dispute, CSG Compensation Contribution claim, Backhaul Rebate claim);

Customer account number;

invoice number (in respect of which Customer is raising a Billing Dispute);

amount (exclusive of GST) of dispute or claim, including a list of the disputed items – and an indication of whether a part or all of the amount is in dispute;

reason(s) for the Billing Dispute (e.g. a brief description of the disputed matter);

supplementary information or evidence that supports the Billing Dispute (this may include additional documentation, or reference numbers of any issues notified to NBN Co);

contact details for Customer’s nominated representative with whom NBN Co may communicate regarding the Billing Dispute; and

any other information that Customer reasonably considers necessary for resolution of the Billing Dispute by NBN Co.

After Customer has completed the form of the Billing Dispute Notice, Customer must send the Billing Dispute Notice to the NBN Co Billing Team using the email address set out in the Contact Matrix.

1.6.3 Acknowledgement of Billing Disputes

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to acknowledge receipt of the Billing Dispute Notice by notifying the person specified as Customer’s nominated contact person in the Billing Dispute Notice, within 2 Business Days of receipt of a Billing Dispute Notice.

NBN Co will not acknowledge receipt of the Billing Dispute Notice (and is deemed not to have received the Billing Dispute Notice) if the Billing Dispute Notice does not contain the information referred to in section of this module.

If after receiving a Billing Dispute Notice or at any time in the course of the dispute resolution procedures set out in this module, NBN Co, acting reasonably, forms the view that the matters in dispute raised by the Billing Dispute Notice do not constitute a Billing Dispute (except where this module specifies that a matter which is not a Billing Dispute should be raised as a Billing Dispute), NBN Co will notify Customer as soon as practicable, in which event this section ceases to apply. In these circumstances, Customer may raise the matter raised in the Billing Dispute Notice as a Dispute in accordance with Module G of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

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1.6.4 Resolving Billing Disputes

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to investigate and resolve a Billing Dispute as soon as reasonably practicable. In any event, NBN Co shall within 30 Business Days from the date of receipt of the Billing Dispute Notice (or such longer period as is agreed by the parties), notify Customer in writing of its proposed resolution of a Billing Dispute (Billing Dispute Resolution Notice). The Billing Dispute Resolution Notice will explain NBN Co’s proposed resolution and any action to be taken to settle the Billing Dispute by:

NBN Co (e.g. withdrawal, adjustment or refund of the disputed amount); or

Customer (e.g. payment of the disputed amount).


NBN Co has not provided Customer with the Billing Dispute Resolution Notice within the timeframe set out above; or

Customer is not satisfied with the NBN Co’s proposed resolution as set out in the Billing Dispute Resolution Notice

Customer may escalate the Billing Dispute under section of this module.

If Customer does not escalate a Billing Dispute within 30 Business Days of receiving the Billing Dispute Resolution Notice (or such longer period as is agreed by the parties), Customer will be deemed to have accepted NBN Co’s proposed resolution and section of this module will apply.

1.6.5 Escalation of a Billing Dispute

If Customer wishes to escalate a Billing Dispute, Customer must give NBN Co’s Relationship Point of Contact a written notice (Billing Dispute Escalation Notice):

stating why it does not agree with NBN Co’s Billing Dispute Resolution Notice; and

seeking escalation of the Billing Dispute.

NBN Co’s Relationship Point of Contact will seek to resolve the Billing Dispute with Customer’s Relationship Point of Contact.

If the matter cannot be resolved between the parties Relationship Points of Contact within 5 Business Days of the Billing Dispute Escalation Notice being received by NBN Co:

either party may provide a written proposal to the other party for the appointmentAppointment of a mediator to assist in resolving the Billing Dispute. Mediation will be conducted in accordance with the Mediation and Conciliation Rules of the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia, and concluded within three calendar months of the proposal (or such longer timeframe as the parties agree); or

if the parties either do not agree to proceed to mediation or are unable to resolve the entire Billing Dispute by mediation in accordance with the timeframe specified in the paragraph above, either party may by notice to the other refer the Billing Dispute to expert determination, the conduct and determination of which will be governed by sections 1.6.6 and and 1.6.7 of this module.

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1.6.6 Appointment of a Billing Expert

Within 10 Business Days of receipt of the Billing Dispute Escalation Notice, NBN Co and Customer must endeavour to agree a person to be appointed as an expert to resolve the Billing Dispute (a Billing Expert).

Failing agreement by the parties on the appointmentAppointment of a Billing Expert, either party may request the President of the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (or his or her nominee) to appoint as a Billing Expert an auditor who is qualified under Australian law, who accepts that appointmentAppointment and is from one of the following firms:

PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia;

Ernst & Young Australia;

KPMG Australia;

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Australia;

any successor firm of any of the firms listed in the paragraphs above ; or

if all of the firms in the paragraphs above refuse to act, another audit firm that, in the reasonable opinion of the President of the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (or his or her nominee) has sufficient experience and expertise to resolve that Billing Dispute, but who is not engaged by, or whose firm is not engaged by, NBN Co, Customer or any of their Related Bodies Corporate (unless Customer and NBN Co agree otherwise).

The parties must appoint the Billing Expert on terms that require the Billing Expert to comply with the obligations of an expert set out in clause G15 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

A party may only commence court proceedings in relation to a Billing Dispute in accordance with clause G9.1 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

If the Billing Dispute relates to a tax or the proportion of a tax associated with an invoice, NBN Co will, on reasonable notice from Customer (or the Billing Expert) provide information and/or assistance, as may be reasonably required by the Billing Expert, to determine the Billing Dispute.

1.6.7 Expert Determination Rules

An expert determination of a Billing Dispute must be conducted in accordance with clause G15.2 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

The Billing Expert must provide a determination in accordance with clause G15.3 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

A party can only appeal the decision of a Billing Expert in accordance with clause G15.4 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement. Any reference in clause G15.4 to the Resolution Advisor shall be ignored.

A party must comply with clause G15.5 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement in relation to the costs of the expert determination of a Billing Dispute.

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1.6.8 Settling of Billing Disputes

The parties will settle Billing Disputes in accordance clause B5.5 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

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Module 7:7: NBN Co Service Portal

Module 7:7: NBN Co Service Portal

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1 Introduction

The NBN Co Service Portal is the primary means of NBN Co and Customer communicating with each other in respect of all ordering transactions and assurance transactions.

The NBN Co Service Portal allows Customer to log onto a secure web-based portal for the purpose of performing the following functions. Additional functions may be added to the NBN Co Service Portal by NBN Co from time to time.

Function Action by Customer

Action by NBN Co


Ordering (including connect, modify and disconnect) of Access Components, Connectivity Components and Infrastructure Components and Multicast Components

Yes No

Viewing and scheduling appointmentsAppointments for Installations

Yes Yes

Viewing, searching, filtering and exporting submitted orders Yes Yes

Amending orders Yes Yes

Adding comments to orders Yes Yes

Changing the order status No Yes

Adding Service IDs No Yes


Submitting Trouble Tickets Yes Yes

Viewing and scheduling appointmentsAppointments Yes Yes

Viewing, searching, filtering, and exporting Trouble Tickets Yes Yes

Editing Trouble Tickets No Yes

Adding comments to Trouble Tickets Yes Yes

Changing Trouble Ticket status No Yes


Creating Planned Change events No Yes

Updating Planned Change events No Yes

Viewing change NBN Co change activities Yes Yes


Download Summary Invoice PDF files Yes Yes

Download BIF, BEF, and BAF XML files Yes Yes

Table 33 Key functions that can be performed through the NBN Co Service Portal

This module describes:

the general features and functions of the NBN Co Service Portal; and

the information Customer requires to use the NBN Co Service Portal.

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2 Web browser requirements

Customer will require a web browser to access the NBN Co Service Portal.

Subject to the functionalities associated with the particular web browser, NBN Co will ensure that that the NBN Co Service Portal will support the following Customer web browsers:

Internet Explorer 7 and 8;

Firefox 3.5 and ,3.5.11and 3.6;

Chrome 10.x; and

Safari 5.04 (Macintosh only).

For all browsers, JavaScript should be turned ‘on’, to use the Service Portal.

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3 Authorised use of NBN Co Service Portal

3.1 Delegated Administrators and Authorised Users

During the on-boarding process, Customer must nominate:

either one, or two, senior employees of Customer to become the delegated administrators of the NBN Co Service Portal on behalf of Customer (each a Delegated Administrator); and

the employees of Customer who will become the Authorised Users of the NBN Co Service Portal on behalf of Customer;

For each nominated Delegated Administrator and Authorised User, Customer must specify the relevant employee’s:

first and last names;

job title;

fixed and mobile phone numbers;

fax number;

email address;

work postal address; and

in relation to each Authorised User, whether that employee should have:

Activation Rights: that is the right to use the functionalities associated with activation of orders, as set out in Table 44 above, and more fully described in the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual (Activation);

Assurance Rights: that is the right to use the functionalities associated with fault diagnosis, reporting, investigation and repair, as set out in Table 55 above, and more fully described in the Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual (Assurance);

Change Rights: that is the right to use functionalities associated with viewing NBN Co Planned Change activities;

Billing Rights: that is the right to use functionalities associated with viewing and downloading Customer invoices and billing data; or

some combination of Activation Rights, Assurance Rights, Change Rights and Billing Rights

As soon as reasonably practicable after Customer’s nomination of the Delegated Administrators and Authorised Users, NBN Co will create new Authorised User accounts for each nominated employee and, email each Delegated Administrator the user name and password for each Authorised User.

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3.2 Requesting new Authorised Users

If a Delegated Administrator wishes to nominate additional employees of Customer as Authorised Users who have not been nominated during the on-boarding process, in accordance with section 3.13.1 of this module, the Delegated Administrator must submit a Trouble Ticket in respect of that request through the NBN Co Service Portal and label that request “Portal Access”, specifying the details of the relevant employee, as specified in section 3.13.1 of this module, within the comments field through the NBN Co Service Portal (Additional Authorised User Account Request).

As soon as reasonably practicable after the receipt of the Additional Authorised User Account Request, NBN Co will create a new Authorised User account for the requested employee and, email each Delegated Administrator the user name and password for the requested employee by sending an email to the Delegated Administrator.

3.3 Changing or requesting new Delegated Administrators

Customer may, at any time, amend the list of existing Delegated Administrators, or request additional senior employees to become Delegated Administrators.

If Customer wishes to amend the list of existing Delegated Administrators or request additional senior employees to become Delegated Administrators, a Customer Relationship Point of Contact, a Customer Operational Point of Contact or the relevant contact person specified by Customer in the Contact Matrix must contact the NBN Co Operational Point of Contact to notify them of the change to existing Delegated Administrators, or request for additional Delegated Administrators.

Customer must, in respect of each request for an additional Delegated Administrator, specify for the relevant employee:

first and last names;

job title;

fixed and mobile phone numbers;

fax number;

email address; and

work postal address.

As soon as reasonably practicable after Customer’s nomination of additional Delegated Administrators, NBN Co will create new Delegated Administrator accounts for each nominated employee and, email the Customer’s contact point that submitted the request for additional Delegated Administrators the user name and password for each additional Delegated Administrator.

3.4 Maintaining Authorised User accounts

The Delegated Administrator is responsible for performing tasks associated with maintaining Authorised User accounts through the NBN Co Service Portal, including:

amending Authorised User details;

deleting, disabling or resetting Authorised User accounts; and

ensuring that accurate Authorised User accounts are maintained.

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4 Accessing the NBN Co Service Portal

4.1 Accessing the NBN Co Service Portal

After Customer has successfully completed the requirements of Operational Accreditation Testing, NBN Co will provide Customer with the URL address through which Customer’s Authorised Users can access the NBN Co Service Portal.

The URL address for the NBN Co Service Portal will display the NBN Co Service Portal login page, which prompts the Authorised User to provide their username and password.

4.2 Logging on to NBN Co Service Portal

An Authorised User must access the NBN Co Service Portal by entering valid user name and password details via the URL address that NBN Co provides to Customer.

The NBN Co Service Portal will automatically log out the Authorised User after a period of inactivity in the NBN Co Service Portal.

4.3 Authentication and security

Customers will be required to provide IP address ranges for Authorised Users and Delegated Administrators who require access to the NBN Co Service Portal. NBN Co will only permit access to the NBN Co Service Portal from these IP address ranges.

If a Delegated Administrator wishes to nominate additional IP addresses or ranges that have not been nominated during the on-boarding process, in accordance with section 3.13.1 of this module, the Delegated Administrator must submit a Trouble Ticket in respect of that request through the NBN Co Service Portal and label that request “IP Address Range Modification”, specifying the details of the IP address range changes required.

As soon as reasonably practicable after the receipt of the IP Address Range Modification request, NBN Co will update its security rules to allow/disallow the IP addresses supplied by Customer to access the NBN Co Service Portal.

When an Authorised User or Delegated Administrator logs on to the NBN Co Service Portal, the information that is displayed in the NBN Co Service Portal will be unique to that individual (for example, in relation to an Authorised User, whether that individual has Activation Rights or Assurance Rights or both).

The username and password provided to an Authorised User or Delegated Administrator is individual to that NBN Co Service Portal user and used to ensure secure access to the NBN Co Service Portal by that NBN Co Service Portal user. Customer must ensure that such NBN Co Service Portal user does not share his or her personal login details with any other person.

NBN Co will ensure that the NBN Co Service Portal uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) to provide encrypted communication and secure identification (through the username and password provided to each Authorised User and Delegated Administrator) through the NBN Co Service Portal.

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4.4 NBN Co Service Portal support

If an Authorised User requires assistance for any issues associated with the NBN Co Service Portal, the Authorised User must contact the NSOC via the contact details specified in the Contact Matrix.

Planned Outages for the NBN Co Service Portal will follow the Planned Change Notification process outlined in section 3.95.5 of the Assurance module. Customer will receive an email notification via the NBN Co Service Portal of the Planned Change.

Unplanned outages for the NBN Co Service Portal will be communicated by NBN Co to the person nominated by Customer in the Contact Matrix during the on-boarding process.

During NBN Co Service Portal Outages, Customer may contact the NSOC for updates on the Outages as well as Trouble Ticket updates. During Outages Customer will be unable to lodge new orders.

4.5 Right to restrict or prohibit use of NBN Co Service Portal

NBN Co reserves the right to restrict or prohibit access to, and use of, the NBN Co Service Portal if in its reasonable opinion any Delegated Administrator or Authorised User:

engages in any act that damages or may potentially damage the NBN Co Service Portal;

uses the NBN Co Service Portal in an unauthorised manner; or

uses the NBN Co Service Portal in such a way that causes or may cause material performance issues,

provided that NBN Co may only restrict or prohibit access to the minimum extent practicable to protect the NBN Co Service Portal and any related system.

NBN Co will use reasonable endeavours to provide Customer with reasonable notice prior to such restrictions or prohibitions. Where this is not practicable in the circumstances, NBN Co will give Customer notice of the restriction or prohibition as soon as practicable after the event.

4.6 Terms of use of NBN Co Service Portal

Use of the NBN Co Service Portal is subject to NBN Co Service Portal Terms and Conditions. Customer must ensure that each Delegated Administrator and each Authorised User agrees to, and complies with, the NBN Co Service Portal Terms and Conditions, which may be updated by NBN Co from time to time.

A Delegated Administrator must also ensure that that each Authorised User is provided with a copy of the NBN Co Service Portal Terms and Conditions prior to the first time that they log in to the NBN Co Service Portal.

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Module 8: Reporting

Module 8: Reporting

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1 Reporting

1.1 Service Level Performance Report

NBN Co will provide a Service Level Performance Report to Customer in accordance with clause A2.9 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Each Service Level Performance Report will be sent electronically to the designated email address nominated by Customer in the Contact Matrix during the on-boarding process.

Subject to availability, the Service Level Performance Report will contain information regarding:

NBN Co’s performance against the Access Component connection-related Service Levels, broken down by:

type of Access Component connection (i.e. Type 1 Connections, Type 2 Connections, Priority Assist Connections);, NWAS Connections);

where applicable, infrastructure type (i.e. In Place Infrastructure, Available Infrastructure, No Available Infrastructure); and

where applicable, geographic location (i.e. Urban, Major Rural, Minor Rural, Remote);

NBN Co’s performance against NFAS Faultfault rectification-related Service Levels broken down by:

type of NFAS Faultfault rectification (i.e. Standard Fault, Enhanced NFAS Fault Rectification, Priority Assist NFAS Fault Rectification)

where applicable, infrastructure type (i.e. In Place Infrastructure, Available Infrastructure, No Available Infrastructure); and

where applicable, geographic location (i.e. Urban, Major Rural, Minor Rural, Remote);

NBN Co’s performance against Appointment-related Service Levels, broken down by:

type of Appointment-related Service Level (i.e. Kept Appointments, Type 1 Type 1/Type 2 Connection Appointments Met, Type 1/Type 2 Connection Appointments Rescheduled);, NWAS Connection Appointments Met, NWAS Connection Appointments Rescheduled);

NBN Co’s performance against other activation and modification related Service Levels, broken down by:

type of activation (MAVC, CVC, Multicast Domain, NNI Bearerbearer); and

type of modification (i.e. AVC, MAVC, CVC, Multicast Domain, NNI Bearerbearer);

NBN Co’s performance against the NBN Co Platform Availability Service Level; and

onsite maintenance callout events.

NBN Co will conduct Operational Report Reviews with Customer to review both NBN Co and Customer performance.

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1.2 Request for ad hoc reports

Customer may request that NBN Co provide ad hoc reports.

Requests for ad hoc reports must be emailed to Customer’s Operational Point of Contact, and must include details of the requested report including:

the information and data requested, including the start and end dates for such information and data;

the date the additional report is requested by; and

any other information that is necessary to allow NBN Co to understand the parameters of the report being requested.

NBN Co will assess each request for ad-hoc reports on a case by case basis and may, but is not required to, provide such requested report to Customer. In its assessment, NBN Co will consider the capability and availability of the NBN Co systems and resources.

1.3 Governance of operational performance

1.3.1 Governance Processes

NBN Co and Customer agree to:

prepare and exchange reports on NBN Co’s operational performance under the Wholesale Broadband Agreement (Governance Process Reports);

meet to discuss NBN Co’s operational performance under the Wholesale Broadband Agreement (Governance Process Meetings); and

identify action items for the purposes of improving NBN Co’s operational performance under the Wholesale Broadband Agreement during the Term (Governance Process Action Items),

(together, the Governance Processes) in respect of regular periods of the Term that are agreed between NBN Co and Customer (each, a Governance Process Period).

NBN Co and Customer agree that:

the Governance Processes may evolve during the Term to accommodate the learnings and experiences of the parties;

owing to the distinguishing features and characteristics of each of the Products, the Governance Processes may need to take a different form or apply differently in respect of each of the Products, and NBN Co and Customer will work together in good faith to ensure that the Governance Processes are capable of being applied effectively and efficiently in respect of each of the Products; and

the Governance Processes do not apply in respect of the Tasmania Tri-Area Service.

NBN Co and Customer agree that:

billing and payment;

network rollout and network planning;

general network performance that does not have a specific impact on the supply of Products to Customer;


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commercial matters, such as the terms of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement; and

NBN Co’s operational performance in respect of Other NBN Co Customers,

are outside the scope of the Governance Processes.

1.3.2 Governance Process Reports

After the end of a Governance Process Period and at least one week prior to a Governance Process Meeting in respect of that Governance Process Period, NBN Co and Customer will each prepare a Governance Process Report and provide a copy of their Governance Process Report to the other party.

NBN Co and Customer agree that each Governance Process Report must contain relevant information in relation to NBN Co’s operational performance under the Wholesale Broadband Agreement during the relevant Governance Process Period, including in relation to:

NBN Co’s compliance with the Service Levels;

NBN Co’s compliance with the non-binding operational performance targets;

the frequency of the occurrence of No Fault Found (No Truck Roll Required) and No Fault Found (Truck Roll Required);

Non-Standard Installations; and

any other matters that NBN Co and Customer agree to include in a Governance Process Report.

The parties agree that each Governance Process Report must include relevant data and graphs showing trends over the Term of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement, and must not contain lengthy narratives.

Each party must send a copy of their Governance Process Report to the designated email address nominated by the other party in the Contact Matrix.

From time to time, NBN Co and Customer may agree to amend the form of the Governance Process Report.

1.3.3 Governance Process Meetings

After the parties have prepared and exchanged their Governance Process Reports in respect of a Governance Process Period, NBN Co and Customer will meet to review and discuss NBN Co’s operational performance under the Wholesale Broadband Agreement during the relevant Governance Process Period.

NBN Co will host, chair and record minutes of the first Governance Process Meeting. NBN Co and Customer will host, chair and record minutes of Governance Process Meetings on an alternate basis thereafter.

NBN Co and Customer agree that the party hosting a Governance Process Meeting will prepare and circulate a proposed agenda for the meeting, attaching copies of the relevant Governance Process Reports from each party, in advance of the Governance Process Meeting.

Customer agrees that the purpose of a Governance Process Meeting is to enable NBN Co’s and Customer’s representatives to:

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review and discuss each party’s relevant Governance Process Report, including any discrepancies that are apparent between such reports;

review and discuss the status of open Governance Process Action Items that were set or discussed in previous Governance Process Meetings (if any);

set new Governance Process Action Items for the purposes of improving NBN Co’s operational performance during the Term; and

discuss such other Governance Process matters that either NBN Co or Customer wishes to discuss.

NBN Co and Customer will ensure that all of their relevant Authorised Persons (which may include their Relationship Point of Contact and Operational Point of Contact) attend the Governance Process Meetings and are appropriately briefed and prepared to discuss the agenda items for that meeting. NBN Co and Customer will use reasonable endeavours to keep the number of attendees at Governance Process Meetings to a minimum.

NBN Co and Customer agree that, where practicable, Governance Process Meetings should be held in person. Where this is not practicable, the parties agree that meetings may be held by video or telephone conference, provided that all participating representatives of each party can simultaneously hear each other throughout the meeting. NBN Co and Customer will use reasonable endeavours to conduct Governance Process Meetings efficiently.

The party hosting the Governance Process Meeting must record the minutes of the Governance Process Meeting and circulate the minutes as soon as practicable after the meeting.

1.3.4 Governance Process Action Items

At each Governance Process Meeting, NBN Co and Customer will (if necessary) work together in a collaborative manner to identify and set new Governance Process Action Items for the purpose of improving NBN Co’s operational performance during the Term. The parties agree that the Governance Process Action Items may include actions that drive improvements in NBN Co’s operational performance in accordance with any glide paths that may have been established under the non-binding operational performance targets set out in this NBN Co Operations Manual.

In setting Governance Process Action Items, NBN Co and Customer will consider whether the proposed action items are reasonable in the circumstances, including by having regard to the costs and benefits associated with the proposed action items.

NBN Co and Customer will assign responsibility for performance of each Governance Process Action Item to a small performance improvement group, comprising equal number of representatives from each of NBN Co and Customer. These groups will be required to report back at subsequent Governance Process Meetings until the relevant Governance Process Action Item is agreed to be closed by NBN Co and Customer.

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1 Common identifiers

NBN Co and Customer will interact and exchange information in respect of Products that NBN Co supplies to Customer over the NBN Co Network.

For the purpose of these interactions and exchanges, NBN Co will use a number of common identifiers for ease of reference. This Appendix defines these identifiers and their usage.

1.1 NBN Co Location ID

1.1.1 Description

An NBN Co Location is functionally equivalent to the Australian standard AS4819:2003 definition of an ‘Address’ site.

An NBN Co Location is defined as:

a geographical location that occupies a real area within Australia that is either addressable or non-addressable;

has one or more Geocodes within the geospatial boundary of the location;

may have a physical Australian address, either absolute or relative; and

is potentially serviceable by the National Broadband Network, as defined by government policy from time to time.

An NBN Co Location has an ‘absolute’ physical address type when the physical address used accurately describes the location.

An NBN Co Location has a ‘relative’ physical address type when the physical address used is the location of a place relative to the NBN Co Location (e.g. a traffic light or a non-premises location with a relative address). Premises

Premises means each of the following where NBN Serviceable:

an addressable location currently used on an ongoing basis for residential, business (whether profit or not), government, health or educational purposes;

a school as defined by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations;

a location within a new development at an addressable location for which NBN Co is the wholesale provider of last resort;

an addressable location for a standard telephone service;

a payphone which is activated or which is otherwise specified by NBN Co as a premises from time to time; and

a location which NBN Co is directed by the Minister to connect to the NBN Co Network.

Address data for a Premises may be a:

Structured address (Synonym: Standard address): These are structured addresses that conform to the AS4590:2006 and AS4819:2003 address formats using the set of included data elements to describe the address.


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Primary address; and

Complex address (always location within a primary address).

Unstructured address (Synonym: Non-standard address): These addresses do not conform to the address format as described in AS4590:2006 and AS4819:2003 and this cannot be described using the set of known data elements in the standard address format. Four unstructured address line data elements will be made available in the data exchange model. These data elements should not be used except when it is impossible to use other more structured address data elements. E.g. university rooms, wards in a hospital.

Land parcel address (Synonym: Real property descriptor): The format of the land parcel address varies by State and Territory. The land parcel address consists of the land lot number (reference number) and the deposited plan number (if applicable) allocated to a property for sub division administration purposes prior to road numbering. Lot without a deposited plan. Note that some of these addresses actually do have a plan. These sometimes have a property name. Non-premises

A non-premises is a location which NBN Co can, but is not required, to connect (unless directed to do so by the Government). Examples of such non-premises are described below. Additional location types may be defined as agreed by NBN Co with its shareholder Ministers where capable of connection to the NBN Co Network:

traffic lights / traffic light controller / electronic sign / traffic signals, including variable speed signs;

bus stops, tram stops, railway stations;

banking communications (EFTPOS or ATM terminal);

privately operated payphones;

assistance telephones (e.g. elevator or roadside phone);

transformers / kiosks / pad mount substations / pole mount transformers;

links / Link pole LV / MV / HV links / ABC links / dynamic switches / airbrake switches / isolators;

other metering points (any service);

cameras (security / traffic);

bridge controls, swing bridges, traffic control gates;

mobile phone cell towers / radio antennae;

street lighting poles, street light controllers;

band stands, rotundas, other park buildings;

unmanned (council) car parks;

weather monitoring devices;

water (including storm water and sewage management), gas and electricity infrastructure; and

public alarm and security systems.


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1.1.2 Schema

The NBN Co Location ID follows the data schema LOCnnnnnnnnnnnn where:

‘LOC’ is the three letter code representing an NBN Co Location

‘nnnnnnnnnnnn’ is a 12 digit number, the last being a check digit.



1.1.3 When assigned

NBN Co will allocate the NBN Co Location ID during the network planning process, or alternatively as part of resolving unknown addresses with Customer as may arise from time to time. NBN Co will provide the NBN Co Location ID to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal, or B2B Access (as applicable), or as listed in the weekly Excel spreadsheetWeekly Address List.

1.1.4 When used

Customer will use an NBN Co Location ID for any process and interaction with NBN Co that requires specifying the location of a Premises.

Examples include:

address qualification process (as and when available);

service Qualification process (as and when available);

ordering a new Product or service over the NBN Co Network; and

booking appointmentsAppointments (for activation and assurance purposes).

1.1.5 Lifetime

The NBN Co Location ID remains valid and static for a Premises once allocated.

1.2 Product Instance ID

1.2.1 Description

The Product Instance ID uniquely identifies the Product Component that NBN Co has activated for Customer in respect of an Ordered Product.

1.2.2 Schema

The Product Instance ID is defined by PRInnnnnnnnnnnn where:

‘PRI’ is the three letter code representing the Product instance

‘nnnnnnnnnnnn’ is a 12 digit number




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1.2.3 When assigned

NBN Co will provide the Product Instance ID to Customer during the order fulfilment process when NBN Co sends Customer a connect order completion notification. NBN Co will provide the Product Instance ID to Customer when NBN Co updates Customer’s order status from “In Progress” to “Order Accepted”.

A Product Instance ID will remain unchanged during the order processing.

1.2.4 When used

Customer will use the Product Instance ID for:

modifying orders or requesting disconnection orders; and

relating Charges in the billing event file and invoice to the Product instance, which Customer has ordered.

1.2.5 Lifetime

The Product Instance ID remains valid until NBN Co accepts a cancellation request in respect of an In Flight order or NBN Co has completed a disconnect order.

1.3 Service ID

1.3.1 Description

Different Product Components make up the Products that NBN Co will supply to Customer over the NBN Co Network. Examples of these Product Components include the AVC and the CVC.

The Service ID uniquely identifies a service associated with a Product Component. NBN Co will allocate a unique Service ID in respect of each service associated with the Product Component.

1.3.2 Schema

The Service ID follows the data schema SSSnnnnnnnnnnnn where:

‘SSS’ is a three letter code representing the service type

‘CVC’ represents a Connectivity Virtual Circuit

‘AVC’ represents an Access Virtual Circuit

‘nnnnnnnnnnnn’ is a 12 digit number





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1.3.3 When assigned

NBN Co will provide a Service ID to Customer during the order fulfilment process when NBN Co sends Customer a connect or modify order completion notification. NBN Co will provide the Service ID to Customer when NBN Co updates Customer’s order status from “In Progress” to “Order Accepted”.

1.3.4 When used

Customer will use the Service ID for:

modifying orders or requesting disconnection orders; and

requesting Service Level Performance Report or submitting a Trouble Ticket.

NBN Co will use the Service ID to notify Customer of any unplanned outages or notifying Customer of an unplanned outage. NBN Co will issue a Service ID to Customer to notify Customer of any impacted Products and services.

1.3.5 Lifetime

The Service IDs remain valid as long as the service is active in the NBN Co Network. NBN Co may need to change the Service ID during the feasibility and design stage in respect of an amendment or modification order.

1.4 Appointment ID

1.4.1 Description

The Appointment ID uniquely identifies an appointmentAppointment timeslot assigned to Customer for organising to attend an End User Premises.

1.4.2 Schema

The Appointment ID follows the data schema APTnnnnnnnnnnnn where:

‘APT’ is a three letter code representing the fact that this is an appointmentAppointment

‘nnnnnnnnnnnn’ is a 12 digit number



1.4.3 When assigned

NBN Co will assign an Appointment ID during the order creation process if Customer selects a valid and available appointmentAppointment timeslot.

NBN Co may also allocate an Appointment ID during the life of a Trouble Ticket if and when NBN Co determines that it may need to attend the End User Premises to carry out maintenance.


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1.4.4 When used

Customer will use the Appointment ID in relation to any enquiry regarding an appointmentAppointment, or any change to or cancel an appointmentAppointment.

1.4.5 Lifetime

The Appointment ID remains valid and static once allocated.

1.5 Order ID

1.5.1 Description

The Order ID uniquely identifies an order that has been placed with NBN Co.

1.5.2 Schema

The Order ID follows the data schema ORDnnnnnnnnnnnn where:

‘ORD’ is a three letter code representing an Order

‘nnnnnnnnnnnn’ is a 12 digit number



1.5.3 When assigned

NBN Co will provide an Order ID to Customer in the Acknowledged notification.

1.5.4 When used

Customer will use the Order ID to:

amend or cancel orders;

query status of an Ordered Product.

1.5.5 Lifetime

The Order ID remains valid until 30 days following the date of the Completed notification.

1.6 Trouble Ticket ID

1.6.1 Description

A Trouble Ticket ID uniquely identifies a ticket associated with Faults, Unplanned NBN Maintenance or Planned NBN Maintenance.

1.6.2 Schema

The Trouble Ticket ID follows the data schema TTTnnnnnnnnnnnn where:

‘TTT’ is a three letter code representing the ticket type.


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‘INC’ represents an incident such as a Fault or Unplanned NBN Maintenance.

‘CRQ’ represents Planned NBN Maintenance

‘nnnnnnnnnnnn’ is a 12 digit number




1.6.3 When assigned

If NBN Co determines that a Reported Fault is a validly reported NBN Fault, then NBN Co will issue a unique Trouble Ticket ID in respect of the relevant Trouble Ticket to Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal. or B2B Access (as applicable). NBN Co may also issue a unique Trouble Ticket ID in respect of a relevant Trouble Ticket in relation to Faults which are not NBN Faults.

A Trouble Ticket ID can also be assigned in relation to Planned NBN Maintenance and Unplanned NBN Maintenance.

1.6.4 When used

The Trouble Ticket ID is to be used in all communications regarding updates through the NBN Co Service Portal.

Customer can use the Trouble Ticket ID to track progress, provide additional details, or request a status update. Additionally, the Trouble Ticket ID is used when Customer is accepting or rejecting closure of Customer raised Trouble Tickets.

1.6.5 Lifetime

The Trouble Ticket ID remains valid and static once allocated.


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2 Interaction Specifications

2.1 Activation

2.1.1 Product Order Interactions


Transaction Product Order Interactions

Initiator Customer

Purpose Customer will submit aan order for new Connectivity Component or, Access Component or Multicast Component

Precondition/s Customer has been on-boarded

Customer has the required prerequisites for Access Component (NNIs and CVCs) or MAVC (Multicast Domain, Access Components)


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Data Specification NNI orders

Customer reference ID


NNI interface type


Technical contact details

Given name

Family name

Contact number

CVC orders

Customer reference ID



NNI Group ID


Traffic Class 1

Traffic Class 4

CVC type

AVCAccess Component/MAVC orders

Customer reference ID


Downstream Priority Assistance Service (for Access Components only)

Connection type (for Access Components only)

Appointment ID (for Access Components only)

Given name

Family name

Contact number

Appointment site information

Alternate contact details


Acknowledgement Order ID

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access

Phone call



Transaction Product Order Interactions


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Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To inform Customer of acknowledgement of order

Precondition/s Customer has placed a Connectivity orComponent, Access Component or Multicast Component order

The order is in a status of “New“

Data Specification Order Status updated to “Acknowledged”

Acknowledgement None

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access

NBN Co Service Portal email.


Transaction Product Order Interactions

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To inform Customer of rejected order

Precondition/s Customer has placed an order for a Connectivity Component or, Access Component or Multicast Component

Data Specification Order Status updated to “Rejected”

Acknowledgement None

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access

NBN Co Service Portal email.


Transaction Product Order Interactions

Initiator Customer

Purpose To provide additional required information on a submitted order

Precondition/s Customer has placed an order for a Connectivity Component or, Access Component or Multicast Component

The order is in a status of “Pending“

Data Specification Order details are updated or further information is provided as a comment on an order

Acknowledgement None

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access


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Transaction Product Order Interactions

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To inform Customer of requirement for further information on an order

Precondition/s Customer has placed an order for a Connectivity Component or, Access Component or Multicast Component

The order is in the status of “Acknowledged”

Data Specification Order Status updated to “Pending”

Acknowledgement None

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access

NBN Co Service Portal email.


Transaction Product Order Interactions

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To inform Customer of change of status of an order to “In Progress”

Precondition/s Customer has placed an order for a Connectivity Component or, Access Component or Multicast Component

The order is in the status of “Acknowledged”

Data Specification Order Status updated to “In Progress”

Acknowledgement None

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access

NBN Co Service Portal email.


Transaction Product Order Interactions

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To inform Customer of change of status of an order to “Completed”

Precondition/s Customer has placed an order for a Connectivity Component or, Access Component or Multicast Component

The order is in the status of “In Progress”

Data Specification Order Status updated to “Completed”


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Acknowledgement None

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access

NBN Co Service Portal email.

2.1.2 Disconnect Orders


Transaction Disconnect Order

Initiator Customer

Purpose Customer will raise a disconnect order for a Connectivity Component or, Access Components or Multicast Component

Precondition/s Connectivity Component and/or, Access Component and/or Multicast Component is activated

Data Specification Reference ID

Confirm disconnection tick box

Acknowledgement Order ID

Timing As required


NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access


Transaction Disconnect Order

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To inform Customer of acknowledgement of a disconnect order

Precondition/s Customer has placed an order for a Connectivity Component or, Access Component or Multicast Component

The order is in a status of “New“

Data Specification Order Status updated to “Acknowledged”

Acknowledgement None

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access

NBN Co Service Portal Email.


Transaction Disconnect Order


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Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To inform Customer of rejected Product order

Precondition/s Customer has placed an order for a Connectivity Component or, Access Component or Multicast Component

Data Specification Order status updated to “Rejected”

Acknowledgement None

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access

NBN Co Service Portal email.


Transaction Disconnect Order

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To inform Customer of change of status or a disconnect Order to Completed

Precondition/s Customer has placed a disconnect order for a Connectivity Component or, Access Component or Multicast Component

The order is in the status of “In Progress”

Data Specification Order status updated to “Completed”

Acknowledgement None

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access

Service Portal Email.

2.1.3 Amend or Cancel Orders


Transaction Amend or Cancel order

Initiator Customer

Purpose Customer will submit a request to amend or cancel an order for a Connectivity Component or, Access Component or Multicast Component

Precondition/s The Connectivity Component or, Access Component or Multicast Component has been ordered (for new services) or is active (for existing services)


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Data Specification N/A – Customer will make request to amend by adding a comment noting the amendment or request to cancel the order within NBN Co Service Portal on that order instance

Acknowledgement None

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access


Transaction Reject Amend or Cancel order

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To advise Customer that the requested amendment or cancellation of an order has been rejected

Precondition/s Customer has requested an amendment or cancellation of an order

Data Specification N/A – NBN Co will reject the request for amendment or cancelation by placing a comment on the order within the NBN Co Service Portal

Acknowledgement None

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access


Transaction Reject Amend or Cancel order

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To advise Customer that the requested amendment or cancellation of an order has been accepted

Precondition/s Customer has requested an amendment or cancellation of an order

Data Specification N/A – NBN Co will update the order and note the change by placing a comment on the order within the NBN Co Service Portal

Acknowledgement None

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

B2B Access

2.2 Assurance

2.2.1 Raising a Trouble Ticket (Customer Initiated)


Transaction Raise Trouble Ticket and Request Appointment


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Initiator Customer

Purpose Customer will raise a Trouble Ticket and reserve an appointmentAppointment through the NBN Co Service Portal

Precondition/s Customer has first identified the cause of the Fault is not related to the End User equipment or Customer’s equipment and cannot be resolved at the first level of support

Test results are provided.

Data Specification Trouble Ticket request

Test Results

Appointment ID

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As required

Channel B2B Access

NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Cancel Appointment

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To inform Customer that the appointmentAppointment is not required.

Precondition/s Customer has raised a Trouble Ticket request and reserved an appointmentAppointment through the NBN Co Service Portal.

Data Specification Cancel appointmentAppointment message, with the reason within the comments section of the Trouble Ticket

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Confirm Appointment

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose NBN Co notifies Customer that the Trouble Ticket request has had the appointmentAppointment booking confirmed.

Precondition/s Valid Trouble Ticket request lodged

Appointment booking confirmed


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Data Specification Trouble ticket lodgement notification

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As per agreed Service Levels

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call


2.2.2 Raising a Trouble Ticket (NBN Co Initiated)


Transaction Raise Trouble Ticket – Initiated by NBN Co

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Raise Trouble Ticket

Precondition/s Trouble Ticket identified through alarm management systems.

Data Specification Trouble Ticket lodgement notification

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing N/A

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call


2.2.3 Rescheduling an Appointment


Transaction Request Appointment Reschedule

Initiator Customer (on behalf of the End User)

Purpose Customer requests the rescheduling of an existing appointmentAppointment.

Precondition/s Customer has:

A reserved or booked appointmentAppointment to be rescheduled.

Selected a new, available and valid appointmentAppointment.

Submitted their request through the NBN Co Service Portal.

Data Specification Appointment ID

Acknowledgement The appointmentAppointment reschedule request will be acknowledged via the NBN Co Service Portal.

Timing Ad hoc


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NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call


Transaction Reject Appointment Reschedule – Invalid Appointment ID

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Notify Customer that the Appointment ID is invalid.

Precondition/s Customer has:

A reserved or booked appointmentAppointment to be rescheduled.

Submitted an Appointment ID which is invalid.

Data Specification Initial Appointment ID.

A new (rescheduled) invalid Appointment ID.

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing Ad hoc

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call


Transaction Notify Customer of New Appointment Reject Appointment Reschedule – Within one business day of the scheduled Appointment date

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Notify Customer that the request to reschedule an appointment has beenrequest is rejected because the request was made within one business day of the scheduled Appointment date. Note a late cancel request can be made instead.

Precondition/s Customer has:

Scheduled an appointment.

Requested An Appointment that is scheduled within one business day at the appointment betime when the rescheduled request is being made.

Submitted an Appointment ID which is invalid.

Data Specification Initial Appointment ID.

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing Ad hoc

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call


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Transaction Publish Calendar View

Transaction Confirm Appointment Rescheduled

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose The appointment calendar will be updated with decremented appointments. The updated calendar will be published and made available to Customer via the NBN Co Service Portal. This calendar will contain the most up to date appointment slots available.

Precondition/s Decremented / updated calendar appointment slots.

Data Specification An updated and published calendar.

Purpose Notify Customer that the reschedule request is confirmed, which the Appointment ID will remain the same unique Appointment ID.

Precondition/s Customer has:

An Appointment that is scheduled at least one business day ahead of the time when the reschedule request is being made.

Submitted an Appointment ID which is valid.

Data Specification Appointment ID

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing Ad hoc

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

2.2.4 Updating a Trouble Ticket


Transaction Contact NSOC

Initiator Customer

Purpose Contact NSOC to inform updates on the Trouble Ticket.

Precondition/s Trouble Ticket exists in NBN Co Service Portal

Data Specification Trouble Ticket comments

Acknowledgement NBN Co acknowledge contact from Customer

Timing Ad hoc

Channel Phone call


Transaction Update Trouble Ticket Comments

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Update comments in the NBN Co Service Portal Trouble Ticket

Precondition/s Trouble Ticket exists in NBN Co Service Portal

Data Specification Trouble Ticket comments


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Acknowledgement NBN Co Service Portal email

Timing As per agreed Service Levels

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call


Transaction Update Trouble Ticket Comments

Initiator Customer

Purpose Update comments in the NBN Co Service Portal Trouble Ticket

Precondition/s Trouble Ticket exists in NBN Co Service Portal

Data Specification Trouble Ticket comments

Acknowledgement NBN Co Service Portal email

Timing Ad hoc

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call

2.2.5 Querying a Trouble Ticket


Transaction Request Status Information

Initiator Customer

Purpose To provide Trouble Ticket information for an existing Fault

Precondition/s Trouble Ticket ID from Customer (Customer Trouble Ticket, which has been raised with the End User)

Data Specification Trouble Ticket history/details

Acknowledgement NBN Co receive query

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Request Clarification

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To inform Customer that more information/clarification is required

Precondition/s The Trouble Ticket is invalid

Data Specification Clarification message, with the reason

Acknowledgement Customer receives the request for clarification message


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Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Provide Status information

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Send Customer the requested Trouble Ticket history/details

Precondition/s Existing Trouble Ticket

Data Specification History/details sent

Acknowledgement Customer receives history/details

Timing As per agreed Service Levels

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Inform Ticket Resolution

Initiator Customer

Purpose Customer informs that the Trouble Ticket has been resolved

Precondition/s Monitor Trouble Ticket Progress

Data Specification Trouble ticket resolved

Acknowledgement NBN Co receives information

Timing As applicable

Channel B2B Access

NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call


2.2.6 Resolving a Trouble Ticket


Transaction Propose Appointment Booking

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Propose appointmentAppointment booking for a field visit to the End User in order to resolve a Fault where no appointmentAppointment is currently scheduled


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Precondition/s Existing Trouble Ticket

Data Specification Appointment booking

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Confirm Appointment Reservation

Initiator Customer

Purpose Send confirmation of appointmentAppointment reservation.

Precondition/s NBN Co has contacted Customer with proposed appointmentAppointment availability

Data Specification Appointment reservation

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As requested

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Request New Appointment Reservation

Initiator Customer

Purpose Request new appointmentAppointment reservation

Precondition/s NBN Co has contacted Customer with proposed appointmentAppointment availability

Data Specification New appointmentAppointment reservation request

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Seek Assistance/Clarification


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Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Request clarification, additional information or test results from Customer

Precondition/s More clarity required on Trouble Ticket details

Data Specification Clarification request

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Provide Assistance/Clarification

Initiator Customer

Purpose Provide assistance or clarification on a Trouble Ticket

Precondition/s Existing Trouble Ticket

Data Specification Assistance or clarification provided

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Send Notification on Trouble Ticket Progress

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Notify Customer of Trouble Ticket progress

Precondition/s Existing Trouble Ticket

Data Specification Notification

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



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2.2.7 Closing a Trouble Ticket (NBN Co Initiated)


Transaction Send Trouble Ticket Clear Request

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Contact Customer to close the Trouble Ticket

Precondition/s The Trouble Ticket is in resolved status in the NBN Co Service Portal.

Data Specification Clear request sent

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As required

Channel B2B Access

NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Contact After to Confirm Closure

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Contact Customer to confirm closure of the Trouble Ticket

Precondition/s No contact received from Customer to close the Trouble Ticket after 1 business dayBusiness Day of the Trouble Ticket being cleared

Data Specification N/A

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing 1 Business Day after clearance request if no contact received from Customer

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Send Accept Notification

Initiator Customer

Purpose To inform NBN Co the acceptance to close a Trouble Ticket

Precondition/s Confirmation from Customer that the End User service is restored

Data Specification Closure acceptance notification sent

Trouble Ticket Closed.

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As requested


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Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Send Closure Notification

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To inform Customer that a Trouble Ticket has been closed

Precondition/s Customer confirmed with the End User that the service has been restored

Data Specification Closure notification sent

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing After receiving notification from Customer of acceptance of closure or 2 Business Days after clearance request sent if no Customer contact received

Channel B2B Access

NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Send Reject Notification

Initiator Customer

Purpose To inform NBN Co that a Trouble Ticket closure is rejected

Precondition/s End User service failed test

Data Specification Reject notification sent

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call


2.2.8 Closing a Trouble Ticket (Customer Initiated)


Transaction Request Cancellation

Initiator Customer

Purpose To cancel a Trouble Ticket that is no longer required

Precondition/s Valid Trouble Ticket exists


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Data Specification Cancellation request from Customer using Comments field within Trouble Ticket

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Close Trouble Ticket (with cancellation code)

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To close a Trouble Ticket (with cancellation code) that is no longer required

Precondition/s Valid Trouble Ticket exists

Data Specification Trouble Ticket closed

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel B2B Access

NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call


2.2.9 Escalating a Trouble Ticket


Transaction Request Escalation

Initiator Customer

Purpose Customer requests escalation of a specific Trouble Ticket

Precondition/s Existing and still open Trouble Ticket

Data Specification Escalate Trouble Ticket interaction flow

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Advise Customer of Invalid Escalation Request

Initiator NBN Co


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Purpose Advise Customer of invalid escalation request

Precondition/s Escalation request received for an existing and still open Trouble Ticket

Data Specification Notification to inform invalid escalation request

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Provide Plan of Action

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Provide a plan of action for an escalated Trouble Ticket

Precondition/s Prioritised Trouble Ticket

Request from Customer to escalate a specific Trouble Ticket.

Data Specification N/A

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



Transaction Agree Plan of Action

Initiator Customer

Purpose Agreement on NBN Co plan of action

Precondition/s Prioritised Trouble Ticket

Request from Customer to escalate a specific Trouble Ticket.

Data Specification N/A

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call



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2.2.10 Notifying Planned NBN Maintenance


Transaction Notify Planned NBN Maintenance

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Notification of Planned NBN Maintenances

Precondition/s N/A

Data Specification Customers has been notified of Planned NBN Maintenance

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel NBN Co Service Portal


Transaction Notify Planned NBN Maintenance Start

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Notification of Planned NBN Maintenance start

Precondition/s Customer has been notified of Planned NBN Maintenance

Data Specification Customers have been notified of the start of a Planned NBN Maintenance

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel NBN Co Service Portal


Transaction Notify Planned NBN Maintenance Completion

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Notification of a Planned NBN Maintenance completion

Precondition/s Customer has been notified of Planned NBN Maintenance start

Data Specification Customers has been notified of the completion of a Planned NBN Maintenance

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

2.2.11 Querying Planned NBN Maintenance


Transaction Request Status Information


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Initiator Customer

Purpose Seek information on Planned NBN Maintenance prior to implementation date

Precondition/s Customers have been notified of a Planned NBN Maintenance

Data Specification Send request for information

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone Callcall


Transaction Request Clarification

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose Seek additional information or clarify original request

Precondition/s Customer has sent a request for information

Data Specification NBN Co has responded seeking clarification

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As required

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call.


Transaction Provide Planned NBN Maintenance Information

Initiator NBN Co

Purpose To provide additional information about the Planned NBN Maintenance to Customer prior to implementation

Precondition/s Customer has requested additional information

Data Specification Response provided to Customer

Acknowledgement N/A

Timing As applicable

Channel NBN Co Service Portal

Phone call.


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3 Billing

3.1 Invoice Summary

3.1.1 Introduction

The Invoice Summary section provides information regarding NBN Co’s account and invoice details to Customer. It includes a summary of the Charges, and the Due Date for payment. The Charges are categorised into a summary of Charges by Product, and the applicable Billing Period. It further provides information on how to pay the NBN Co invoice.


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3.1.2 Detailed explanation of the Invoice Summary

1. NBN Co Information

This section provides NBN Co company and contact information to Customer for the purpose of lodging a Billing Enquiry in respect of the invoice.

2. Customer Information

This section provides the billing address information of Customer.

3. Account and Invoice Information

This section provides the billing account details, invoice number and issue date of the invoice. Customer may provide a reference number for NBN Co to display in the ‘Your Reference’ field by lodging a Billing Enquiry.

4. Summary of Charges

This section provides the total amount of the invoice and the date the payment is due.

5. Invoice Summary

This section provides a summary of the Charges categorised by the relevant Products. Each Product is categorised by the Billing Period to which the Charge relates, and the applicability of any GST.

6. Billing Event Adjustments

This section provides the total amount of any service-level adjustments and/or dispute settlements that were provided in a BEF file during the Billing Period. Any service-level adjustments and/or dispute settlements for previous Billing Periods are included in a Billing Adjustment File and are not included in this section.

7. Other Charges and Credits

This section provides the total amount of charges listed in the Other Charges and Credits section. This may include account-level adjustments and/or discounts provided during the Billing Period.

8. GST

All charges displayed on the NBN Co invoice are exclusive of GST, unless otherwise stated. The GST calculated on this invoice does not include any GST totals in the Statement Summary section, including sub-sections Adjustment Notes and/or Billing Adjustment Files. Customers should refer to these sections for any GST adjustments in relation to invoices for prior billing periods.

9. Payment Information

This section provides the payment details for Customers to make payments to NBN Co. It also provides the remittance information details required once payments are made to NBN Co’s nominated bank account.

Refer to the Payment Information on your invoice for NBN Co’s current bank details.


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3.2 Invoice Detail

3.2.1 Introduction

The Invoice Detail section provides a list of Billing Event Files (BEF) issued to Customer during the Billing Period. It may also include the Other Charges and Credits section that provides a list of any account-level adjustments and account-level dispute settlements processed during the Billing Period.


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3.2.2 Detailed explanation of the Invoice Detail

10. Billing Event Files (BEF)

This section provides a list of BEFs made available by NBN Co to Customer during the Billing Period. All BEFs issued during the Billing Period will be listed on the invoice.

11. Other Charges and Credits

The Other Charges and Credits section provides a list of any account level adjustments and/or dispute settlements processed within the Billing Period.

Any account-level adjustments that have been processed to a previous Billing Period, will be shown in the Statement Summary section and not included in this section.


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3.3 Statement Summary

3.3.1 Introduction

The Statement Summary section provides a list of any payments, adjustment notes and Billing Adjustment Files in respect of previous Billing Periods that have been processed since the last invoice was issued by NBN Co. It also provides a current list of any outstanding balances in the Outstanding Invoice Summary.


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3.3.2 Detailed explanation of the Statement Summary

12. Billing Adjustment Files - Prior Period Adjustments (BAF)

This section provides a list of any BAFs made available by NBN Co to Customer during the Billing Period. BAFs include any service level adjustments processed to Charges for previous Billing Period invoices.

BAFs will adjust the outstanding balance of the original invoice that the Charges were generated against. The BAF will contain the individual invoice number that the service level adjustment was processed against.

All BAF amounts shown in this section do not alter the total amount payable of the current invoice, and are provided in the Statement Summary section for informational purposes only.

Please note that Customer should consider the totals of any GST listed here for accounting purposes.

13. Adjustment Notes – Prior Period Adjustments

This section provides details of any account level adjustments that have been processed to a previous Billing Period invoice. Note that adjustments in this section do not contribute to the current invoice total. Any account level adjustments applied to the current invoice will be displayed under the “Other Charges and Credits” heading in the Invoice Detail section. Adjustments will be shown on the invoice issued after the adjustment has been processed by NBN Co.

Allocation values at the time the invoice was issued will be identified under the ‘Invoice Number’ heading are as follows:

Invoice Number – Lists the invoice number the adjustment was allocated to in full

Multiple Allocations - Indicates that the adjustment was allocated to multiple invoices

Partially Allocated - Indicates that the adjustment was partially allocated to an invoice

Unallocated - Indicates that the payment has not yet been allocated to an invoice

If a Customer requires any additional information regarding the allocation rules above, Customer may lodge a Billing Enquiry in accordance with section 1.51.5 of the Billing module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

14. Payments Received

This section provides a list of all payments processed by NBN Co since the last invoice was issued, and the invoice to which the payment was allocated. Payments are usually processed by NBN Co within 2 Business Days of the payment being received by NBN Co.

Payments are allocated as per the allocation instructions given by Customer with a payment remittance. The types of allocations listed under the Invoice Number column are as follows:

Invoice Number – Lists the invoice number the payment was allocated to in full

Partially Allocated – Indicates that the payment was partially allocated to an invoice

Multiple Allocations – Indicates that the payment was allocated to multiple invoices

Unallocated – Indicates that the payment has not yet been allocated to an invoice

Any subsequent allocation activity completed by NBN Co after the invoice has been issued will not be shown on the next issued invoice.


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If a Customer requires any additional information regarding the allocation rules above, Customer may lodge a Billing Enquiry in accordance with section 1.51.5 of the Billing module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

15. Outstanding Invoice Summary – Prior Periods

This section provides Customer with a breakdown of remaining balances for previously issued invoices after any payments and adjustments have been processed. Customer must pay any outstanding invoices in accordance with the terms of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

3.4 Billing Invoice Files

3.4.1 Introduction

As described in section of the Billing module of this NBN Co Operations Manual, the BIF is a machine-readable version of the Summary Invoice. The BIF does not include any information set out within the Statement Summary section.

The B2B Gateway Developers Guide – Billing provides a detailed description and examination of NBN Co’s XML messaging structures for BIF files.

3.5 Billing Event Files and Billing Adjustment Files

3.5.1 Introduction

The BEF and BAF files have the same XML structure and are based on the ETIS industry standard format. The B2B Gateway Developers Guide – Billing provides a detailed description and examination of NBN Co’s XML messaging structures for invoice, BEF and BAF files.

Customer can request a copy of the B2B Gateway Developers Guide - Billing by lodging a Billing Enquiry in accordance with section 1.51.5 of the Billing module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

BEF/BAF files are comprised ofeach comprise three main sections:

Header – containing global values and organisation details.

Detail – containing records that represent individual billing events.

Summary – the sum of all the charges listed in the file.


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The diagram below shows the structure of the Details section, which is where individual billing event details are provided.


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3.5.2 Detailed explanation of BEFs and BAFs

Billing Event Files

The Billing Event File (BEF) is a detailed invoice containing an itemised list of service level Charges. There are two types of Charges:

Recurring - a charge that occurs repeatedly after a given time period, usually a month.

Once off - a charge that occurs only once.

New charges, adjustments and settlements for the current invoice will be written into the BEF. Each BEF will contain all the billing events created since the previous BEF file was issued to Customer. The BEF created as part of the bill run process will also contain the month in advance charges generated as part of the bill run process.

BEF files can be issued to the Customer on a daily or monthly basis.

Billing Adjustment Files

The BAF provides details of any service level adjustments and dispute settlements processed to a previous Billing Period invoice.

Any service level adjustments that were processed for the current billing period will be included in a BEF issued for that Billing Period and will not be included in a BAF.

BAFs have the same XML structure as the BEF with the addition of the Billing Period invoice number to which the adjustment was applied.

A BAF is only generated when a service level adjustment is applied to a previous invoice. BAFs are not provided unless NBN Co has processed this type of adjustment. Accordingly, BAFs are not issued regularly, nor generated with files that contain zero records.

NBN Co Operations Manual



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Term Definition

1 Year Rollout Plan Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Service

Has the meaning given to that term in the Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service.

3 Year Rollout Plan Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Access Components Means each of the AVC and UNI Product Components comprising the NBN Co Fibre Access Service or NBN Co Wireless Access Service. The AVC and UNI are defined by the combination of configuration attributes contained in the Configuration Template and the service attributes selected at the time of ordering. The Product Technical Specification infor the WBA Product CatalogueNBN Co Ethernet Bitstream Service contains further details on service and configuration attributes.

Access Timetable Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Access Virtual Circuit or AVC

Has the meaning given to that term in the Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service. or the Product Description for the NBN Co Wireless Access Service (as the context requires).

Account Establishment Means the processes set out in section 1.51.5 of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Activation Rights Has the meaning given to that term in section 3.13.1 of the NBN Co Service Portal module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Additional Authorised User Account Request

Has the meaning given to that term in section 3.23.2 of the NBN Co Service Portal module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Appointment Mean the time period whenduring which an installerInstaller or technicianTechnician will arrive toat the End User’s Premises, and in accordance with the Service Level Schedule.

Appointment ID Has the meaning given to that term in section 1.41.4 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

ARPANSA Means the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

Assurance Rights Has the meaning given to that term in section 3.13.1 of the NBN Co Service Portal module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Australian Standards Means the AS/ACIF S009:2006 - Installation requirements for customer cabling (Wiring rules) published by the CommsAlliance.

Authorised Contact Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Billing module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Authorised User Has the meaning given to that term in section of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.


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Term Definition

Authorised User Account Request

Has the meaning given to that term in section 3.23.2 of the NBN Co Service Portal module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Available Infrastructure Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

AVC Modification Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

B2B Access Has the meaning given to that term in the Product Description for the NBN Co Platform Interfacing Service.

Backhaul Rebate Has the meaning given to that term in the WBA Product Catalogue.

Billing Account Request Form

Means the document entitled “Billing Account Request Form” (as amended from time to time) that is provided to Customer under section of the Billing module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Billing Adjustment File Means a file containing an itemised listing of settlement and adjustment transactions processed on previous invoices.

Billing Dispute Has the meaning given to that term in clause B5.2 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Billing Dispute Escalation Notice

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Billing module in this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Billing Dispute Notice Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Billing module in this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Billing Dispute Resolution Notice

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Billing module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Billing Enquiry Has the meaning given to that term in clause B5.1 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Billing Event File Means a detailed invoice file containing an itemised list of charges that is provided as an XML data feed.

Billing Expert Has the meaning given to that term in section 1.6.6 of the Billing module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Billing Period Option Has the meaning given to that term in clause B2.2 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Billing Rights Has the meaning given to that term in section 3.13.1 of the NBN Co Service Portal module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Business Day Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Change Rights Has the meaning given to that term in section 3.13.1 of the NBN Co Service Portal module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Charges Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Closure Notification Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Closure Request Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.


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Term Definition

Connecting Equipment Has the meaning given to that term in the Price List.

Connection Means the connection of an End User Premises to the NBN Co Network at the UNI to enable a Premises to be supplied with a Customer Product.

Connected, Connect and Connecting have a corresponding meaning.

Connecting Equipment Has the meaning given to that term in the Price List.

Connectivity Component Means each of the NNI and CVC Product Components comprising the NBN Co Fibre Access Service or NBN Co Wireless Access Service (as the context requires).

Connectivity Virtual Circuit or CVC

Has the meaning given to that term in of the Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service or the Product Description for the NBN Co Wireless Access Service (as the context requires).

Contact Matrix Has the meaning given to that term in section 1.2.2 of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

CSA Means Connectivity Service Area.

CSG Compensation Contribution

Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

C-TAG Means Customer VLAN Tag.

Customer Has the meaning given to that term in the "Parties" provision of the Agreement Execution Document that forms part of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Customer Equipment Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Customer Event Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

CVC Transitional Pricing Credit

Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Deemed Disconnection Date

Has the meaning given to that term in section 4.1322 of the Activation module.

Delegated Administrator Has the meaning given to that term in section 3.13.1 of the NBN Co Service Portal module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Diagnostic Checklist Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Downstream CSG Service Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Downstream Customer Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Downstream Priority Assistance Service

Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Drop Fibre Has the meaning given to that term in the Price List.

Due Date Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.


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Term Definition

EME Means Electromagnetic Radiation

End User Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Enhanced NFAS Fault Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Enhanced NFAS Fault Rectification Service Levels

Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Escalation Notice Has the meaning given to that term in section 3.95.5 of the Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

ETIS The global IT association for telecommunications (http://www.etis.org)(http://www.etis.org) that has established an industry standard for the transfer of electronic billing information between telecommunications providers.

Excluded Event Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Facilities Access Service Means the service with that name and as described in the WBA Product Catalogue.

Fault Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Fibre Access Node Means a facility that houses active equipment to facilitate the supply of Network Services to an NBN Fibre Serving Area.

Fibre Serving Area Means the geographic area served by the NBN Co Fibre Network from a Fibre Access Node.

Fibre Demand Installation Guide

Means the document entitled “Fibre Demand Installation Guide” (as amended from time to time) that NBN provides to Customer during the on-boarding process, under section 6 of the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Fibre Serving Area Module

Means the geographic component of the Fibre Serving Area served by a series of fibre distribution hubs linked in a double closed loop configuration and so described in the NBN Co Network architecture design from time to time.

First Order Assessment Has the meaning given to that term in section 2.3 of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

FSAM Means Fibre Serving Area Module.

Geocodes Means numeric geographical identifier which uses the co-ordinates of latitude and longitude in order to provide a specific site location.

Governance Processes Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Reporting module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Governance Processes Action Items

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Reporting module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.


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Term Definition

Governance Processes Meetings

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Reporting module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Governance Processes Period

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Reporting module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Governance Processes Reports

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Reporting module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Interoperability Certification Testing or ICT

Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

ICT Documentation Has the meaning given to that term in section of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

ICT Program Means the document developed between NBN Co and Customer in relation to the Interoperability Certification Testing Program for the relevant Product Testing Module in accordance with section of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

In Flight Means, in relation to an order, an order that is between the “Acknowledged” and “Completed” stages.

Infrastructure Component

Means each of the NBN Co ODF Termination Point, NBN Co Co-location and Cross Connects Product Components of the NBN Co Facilities Access Service.

In Place Infrastructure Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Infrastructure Component

Means each of the NBN Co ODF Termination Point, NBN Co Co-location and Cross Connects Product Components of the Facilities Access Service.

Installation Has the meaning given to that term in the Price List.

Installation Guide - Fibre Means the document entitled “Installation Guide - Fibre” (as amended from time to time) that NBN provides to Customer during the on-boarding process, under section 6 of the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Installer Has the meaning given to that term in the Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access ServicePrice List.

Interoperability Certification Testing or ICT

Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Late Cancellation Charges

Means any applicable charges associated with a Late Cancellation (Site Visit Required), as set out in the Price List.

Location ID Has the meaning given to that term in section 1.1of1.1of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

MCD ID Has the meaning given to that term in section 4.17.3 of the Activations module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

NNI Migration Rebate Has the meaning given to that term in section 3.5 of the Price List.


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Term Definition

Missed Appointment Fee Means any applicable charges associated with a Missed Appointment, as set out in the Price List.

Monthly Ready for Service Rollout Plan

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Multicast Access Virtual Circuit or MAVC

Has the meaning given to that term in the Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service.

Multicast Component Has the meaning given to that term in the Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service.

Multicast Domain Has the meaning given to that term in of the Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service.

NBN Co 24/7 Priority Assistance Contact Centre

Means the NBN Co operational contact method for priority assistance orders, details of which are set out in the Contact Matrix.

NBN Co Billing Team Means, for the purpose of the Billing module in this NBN Co Operations Manual, the team of NBN Co Personnel who are responsible for the management and resolution of Billing Enquiries and Billing Disputes.

NBN Co Customer Solutions Centre

Means, for the purpose of the Billing module in this NBN Co Operations Manual, the team of NBN Co Personnel who are responsible for customer solutions.

NBN Co Equipment Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

NBN Co Facilities Access Service

Means the service with that name and as described in the WBA Product Catalogue.

NBN Co Fibre Access Service or NFAS

Means the service with that name and as described in the WBA Product Catalogue.

NBN Co Fibre Network Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

NBN Co Location ID Means the unique identifier for a Premise in the NBN Co address database.

NBN Co Network Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

NBN Co Platform Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

NBN Co Relationship Point of Contact

Means the Relationship Point of Contact notified by NBN Co to Customer in accordance with clause F1.1 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

NBN Co Service Portal Means the secure web-based portal described in the NBN Co Service Portal module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

NBN Co Service Portal Terms and Conditions

Means the document entitled “NBN Co Service Portal Terms and Conditions” that is available on the NBN Co Service Portal.


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Term Definition

NBN Co Service Qualification System

Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

NBN Co Wireless Access Service or NWAS

Means the Wireless Product with that name and as described in the Product Catalogue.

NBN Fibre Serving Area Means the geographic area served by the NBN Co Fibre Network from a Fibre Access Node.

NBN Fibre Serving Area Module

Means the geographic component of the NBN Fibre Serving Area served by a series of fibre distribution hubs linked in a double closed loop configuration and so described in the NBN Co network architecture design from time to time.

NBN Fault Means a Fault to the extent that the occurrence of the Fault:

(a) is contributed to by a fault in or failure of the NBN-Related Networks or any other matter or thing for which NBN Co is responsible; and

(b) is not contributed to by an Outage.

NBN Location Has the meaning given to that term in section 1.11.1 of the Appendix.

NBN Serviceable Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

NBN Upgrade Means any upgrade, enhancement, modernisation, reconfiguration, enablement or augmentation of the NBN Co Network, including the removal, rearrangement, replacement or decommissioning of the network elements and associated electronics comprising the NBN Co Network, which will have, or is likely to have, an impact on Customer, but does not include any:

(a) relocation, closure or replacement of Points of Interconnection, or the establishment of new Points of Interconnection;

(b) NBN Maintenance; or

(c) rollout or expansion of the NBN Co Network.

Network-Network Interface or NNI

Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

New Development Has the meaning given to that term in the Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service or the NBN Co Wireless Access Service (as the context requires).

Network-Network Interface or NNI

Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

NNI Migration Rebate Has the meaning given to that term in section 3.5 of the Price List.

NFAS Access Component Means an Access Component of the NBN Co Fibre Access Service Product as further described in the Product Description for the NBN Co Fibre Access Service.

Non-Standard Installation

Has the meaning given to it in the Price List.

NSOC Means the NBN Co Network & Service Operations Centre.


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Term Definition

NWAS Connection Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

OAT Means Operational Accreditation Testing.

OAT Documentation Has the meaning given to that term in section of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

OAT Plan Means the document provided by NBN Co in accordance with section of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Operational Accreditation Testing

Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Operational Issues Means those issues that may arise between the parties that are principally operational or technical in nature

Operational Point of Contact

Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Operational Workshop Means the workshop conducted by NBN Co in accordance with section of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Optical Distribution Frame or ODF

Means a passive device which terminates cables, allowing arbitrary interconnections to be made.

Order ID Has the meaning given to that term in section 1.5 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Order Receipt Means a unique Order ID allocated in respect of a Product Order Form

Ordered Product Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Ordered Product Data Has the meaning given to that term in section 2.12.1 of the Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Other NBN Co Customer Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Outage Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Personal Identity Information or PII

Means the information that Customer must provide in relation to a requested Appointment in accordance with section 5.3 of the Activation module of this this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Planned NBN Maintenance Completion Notice

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Planned NBN Maintenance Notice

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

POI Rollout Plan Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual


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Term Definition

Point of No Return Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

PPE Means Personal Protection Equipment

Pre-Certification Test Plan

Means the document provided by NBN Co in accordance with section 1.3.1 of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Pre-Certification Testing Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Pre-Certification Test Plan

Means the document provided by NBN Co in accordance with section 1.3.1 of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Premises Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Price List Means the document entitled "Price List" (as changed from time to time in accordance with the Wholesale Broadband Agreement) that forms part of the WBA Product Catalogue.

Priority Assist NFAS Fault Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Priority Assistance Appointment Timeframe

Means an Appointment timeframe:

(a) within which Customer may make an Appointment such that NBN Co can perform the Appointment and any associated Installation or NBN Fault rectification in accordance with the applicable Service Level in the Service Levels Schedule; and

(b) which is made available by NBN Co through the NBN Co Service Portal.

Priority Assistance Warranty

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Activation module.

Product Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Product Feature Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Product Instance ID Has the meaning given to that term in section 1.21.2 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Product Order Form Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Product Template Means the document produced in accordance with section of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Product Testing Module Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Proposed Fibre Footprint Means the set of unique addresses determined by NBN Co from time to time which are or will be capable of being Connected to the NBN by Drop Fibre.

Proposed Fibre Footprint List

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.


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Term Definition

RCD Means Residual Current Devices

Ready for Service Date Means the later of the date on which at least 90% of Premises in a Rollout Region are NBN Serviceable and the date on which NBN Co forecast at least 90% of Premises in a Rollout Region would be NBN Serviceable pursuant to the POI Rollout Plan

Relationship Point of Contact

Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Remittance Advice Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Billing module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Remote Area Has the meaning given to that term in Service Level Schedule.

Reportable Fault Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Resolution Adviser Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

RF Means radio frequency.

Rollout Plan Means a 1 Year Rollout Plan or a 3 Year Rollout Plan.

Rollout Region Means the geographic component of the NBN Co Fibre Network generally comprising a NBN Fibre Serving Area Module which NBN Co intends to rollout as a discrete section of the NBN Co Fibre Network.

Rural Area Has the meaning given to that term in Service Level Schedule.

Service Affecting Fault Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Service Class Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Activation Module in this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Service ID Has the meaning given to that term in section 1.31.3 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Service Levels Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Service Level Performance Report

Has the meaning given to that term in clause A2.9 of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Service Level Rebate Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Service Level Schedule Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Service Levels Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Service Portal Has the meaning given to that term in section 1.2 of the WBA Product Catalogue.


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Term Definition

Solution Brief Means the document entitled “Solution Brief” that is provided to Customer under section in the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Solution Definition Means the Solution Definition phase of the on-boarding process as set out in section 1.31.3 of the On-boarding module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Standard Fault Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Standard Fault Rectification Service Levels

Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Standard Installation Has the meaning given to that term in the Price List.

Standard NFAS Fault Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Standard NFAS Fault Rectification Target

Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Subsequent Installation Has the meaning given to that term in the Price List.

Summary Invoice (ETIS01)

Means an XML version of the summary of all the BEF and BEF files which have been included in the current invoice and any tax amounts and non-service level transactions.

Sunset Period Has the meaning given to that term in section 5.3.2 of the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

S-TAG Means Service VLAN tag.

Technician Means the Technician being either an NBN Co employee or third party, contracted to carry out fault investigation and/or fault resolution works and may include an Installer.

Trouble Ticket Means a notification of a Reportable Fault or service request by Customer through the NBN Co Service Portal, containing the information set out in section 03.3.3 of the Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Trouble Ticket ID Has the meaning given to that term in section 1.61.6 of the Appendix to this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Type 1 Connection Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Type 2 Connection Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Type 2 Connection Performance Targets

Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

Unplanned NBN Maintenance Completion Notice

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Unplanned NBN Maintenance Notice

Has the meaning given to that term in section of the Assurance module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.


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Term Definition

User Network Interface or UNI

Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement

Urban Area Has the meaning given to that term in the Service Levels Schedule.

User Network Interface or UNI

Has the meaning given to that term in the Wholesale Broadband Agreement

WBA Product Catalogue Comprises the documents specified in the Agreement Execution Document that forms part of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement.

Weekly Address List Has the meaning given to that term in section 3.2 of the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Wholesale Broadband Agreement or WBA

Means the Wholesale Broadband Agreement between NBN Co and Customer.

Wireless Access Node Means a facility that houses active equipment to facilitate the supply of network services to a Wireless Serving Area.

Wireless BRT Test Plan Means the document with that title provided by NBN Co to Customer.

Wireless Network Termination Device Installation Manual

Means the document entitled “Wireless Network Termination Device Installation Manual” (as amended from time to time) that NBN provides to Customer during the on-boarding process, in accordance with section 6 of the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

Wireless Serving Area or WSA

Has the meaning given to that term in section 2.1 of the Activation module of this NBN Co Operations Manual.

XML eXtensible Markup Language is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.

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