NAVAL CHAKRA · Work with the stones, foods, herbs, spices, incense, Go through the correspondences...


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NAVAL CHAKRA A poem by Daisy Lu

Looking in the mirror

I see Freckled skin, heart shaped nose two blue eyes, a pair of full lips pulled into a crooked smile,

bed hair waiting to be brushed no distortion, I see myself clear this is who I am today how the goddess wants me.

Before succumbing to the monkey mind, my eyes wanting to scan for imperfections

--it's too early for that—

I contentedly stare at myself

my eyes becoming two pools of water I am suddenly staring at a clear blue ocean,

can feel the sand beneath my toes

looking out at the horizon all I hear is the sound of the waves crashing to the shore

an overwhelming peace washes over me and I am free to start my day sans self-doubt

I am just as I was made to be perfect in my own way

I give my thanks to the goddess for giving me the gift to see myself for exactly as I am.

Exactly as she made me.


Checklist for the Week

Read through the entire chapter about this chakra.

Determine your deficiencies and excesses in this chakra. What needs healing?

Wear the color or keep it prominent.

Work with your Chakra guardian.

Meditate on your original Mandala.

Make a new Mandala after working with the Chakra for a while.

Work with the affirmation.

Work with the stones, foods, herbs, spices, incense,

Go through the correspondences and work with the items that resonate with you.

Work with your Tarot cards or Runes.

Record Ronald’s meditation in your own voice to listen to at least daily.

Chant the Mantra using the Mudras,


Journal your thoughts and emotions.

Keep a dream journal.

Perform the exercises and practices given in each Chakra section.

Check the website.

Check in on the Facebook page.


Other Suggestions and Thoughts on Working with the Chakras This Week


CHAKRA THREE SYMBOLS AND CORRESPONDENCES Sanskrit Name: Manipura Meaning: Lustrous gem Location: Navel to solar plexus Element: Fire Outer Form: Plasma Psychological Function: Will, power, assertiveness Emotions: Purpose, Sunshine Inner State: Laughter, joy, anger Rights: To Act Identity: Ego Identity Orientation to Self: Self-Definition Demon: Shame Developmental Stage: 18-42 months Mantra: OM MANGALAYA NAMAHA Vedic Astrological Association: Aries (Ram) and Virgo (A virgin in a boat with grains in one hand and a light in the other). Vedic God Association: Brahma and Lakshmi Affirmation: “I use my warrior energy to help myself and others in a just manner.” Basic Movement/Exercises: Dance (hoola hoop, belly dancing) Archangel: Archangel Michael: Courage, Strength, Protection Essential Oils: peppermint, juniper, rosemary, frankincense, rose, myrrh, melissa, neroli, elemi, rosewood, sandalwood, chamomile,geranium, bergamot and cinnamon, rosemary ginger, tea tree, petitgrain, ylang ylang, lemon, lemongrass, carrot, cade, cedarwood, melissa, black pepper, marjoram, oregano, all thymes, vetiver, cardamom, citronella, valerian and spikenard. Herbs/Spices: Mint, Chamomile, Turmeric, Cumin, Fennel, Ginger Flowers: Ranunculus Lingua Stones: Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Topaz, Amber or Yellow Calcite Foods: Carbohydrates (complex), fiber, whole grains, legumes, yellow-colored foods (yellow sweet peppers, yellow lentils, corn, etc.) Tarot Major Arcana: Chariot, Sun (also Tower) Tarot Suit: Wands Rune: Mannaz


CHAKRA THREE SYMBOLS AND CORRESPONDENCES Glands: Pancreas, adrenals Associated Body Parts: Digestion, Liver, Stomach, Diaphragm, Nervous System, Pancreas Metabolism, Small Intestines, Muscles Physical Dysfunction: Ulcers, Diabetes, Hepatitis, Hypoglycemia, Blood Sugar Disorders, Constipation, Nervousness, Timidity, Addictions to Stimulants, Parasites & Worms, Toxicity, Jaundice, Poor Memory Color: Yellow Seed Sound: Ram Vowel Sound: Ah as in “father” Petals: Ten Sephira: Hod, Netzach Planets: Mars; also the Sun Metal: Iron Foods: Starches Corresponding Verb: I can Herbs for Incense: Dragon’s blood, sandalwood, saffron, musk, cinnamon, ginger Animals: Ram Sense: Sight Lotus Symbols: Ten petals of blue, downward triangle with Hindu solar crosses (svastikas). At the base is a running ram. Hindu Deities: Agni, Surya, Rudra, Lakini Other Pantheons: Brigit, Athene, Helios, Apollo, Amaterasu, Belenos, Apis, Ra Chief Operating Force: Combustion



In the third chakra, excess and deficiency are determined by the way our system handles the energy of fire and its related attributes: metabolism, vitality, self-esteem, and will. Take a look at the following characteristics and see where you fall on the continuum between too much and too little. You may have some characteristics of both excesses and deficiency, but each of these needs to be brought toward the center in order to create true balance in the third chakra. While none of us may want to admit to these characteristics, be honest with yourself and double check your assessment with someone who knows you well!

Excessive Characteristics:








Driven (compulsively focused towards


Attracted to sedatives

Deficient Characteristics:


Lack of energy

Poor digestion

Tendency to be cold

Tendency toward submission


Low self-esteem, lack of confidence

Weak will, poor self-discipline

Use of stimulants

Balanced Characteristics:

Resonant, full voice

Clear communication with others

Good communication with self

Good listener

Good sense of timing and rhythm

Lives life creatively


Open the Navel Chakra

Put your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at the tops, with all pointing away from you. Cross the thumbs. It is important to straighten the fingers.

Balancing this chakra will send energy and balance to the other chakras both below and above it. Using this mudra to heal your sacral chakra will provide emotional balance and stability. Your sensitivities to others and yourself will sharpen and you will notice a much higher capacity in yourself for empathy.

Concentrate on the Navel chakra located on the spine, a bit above the level of the navel.

Chant the sound RAM.


Mantra Chanting


Mars – Times to do chants for week of Jan 29 – Feb 5, 2013 Chant the Mantra 108 times each day, preferably at one of the times listed below for the most powerful Chakra activation. These are the times of the day when Mars, ruler of the third chakra is also ruler of that hour. Third Chakra THURSDAY Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 8:06 a.m. Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 3:06 p.m. Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 10:06 p.m. FRIDAY Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 12:06 p.m. Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 7:06 p.m. SATURDAY Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 9:06 a.m. Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 4:06 p.m. Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 06:06 p.m. SUNDAY Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 1:06 p.m. Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 8:06 p.m. MONDAY Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 10:06 a.m. Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 5:06 p.m. TUESDAY Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 7:06 a.m. Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 2:06 p.m. Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 9:06 p.m. WEDNESDAY Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 06:06 a.m. Chevaai (Mars) horai (hour) starts at 6:06 p.m.



Third Chakra Self Recorded Meditation By Ronald Williams

This meditation should be recorded in your own voice and listened to on a daily basis for the week we are working on this Chakra. In the future, whenever you feel a need to work with the third Chakra, spend time listening to it to help balance this


Get comfortable. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, letting go of all the tensions from the outside world.

Think about the chakra that is being worked on today. Summon the guardian for that chakra. Know that they will keep this journey totally safe for you and guide you, helping you learn what lessons the chakra has for you.

Say hello to yellow.

A very mellow warm yellow, like a daisy center.

Allow your body to find its center by relaxing your legs and arms and neck and forehead.

Pretend for a few that you are totally stoned.

Totally mellow.

Totally at peace dude.

Let your mind find your guide and share with them this wonderful relaxed feeling.

Arms would just flop back down if you raise them so why bother.

Legs have no will to do anything, but just be.

Even my face is droopy.

Feeling just great and comfortable

I feel very safe.

I am the center of my being.

My being is the center of my world.

My world is the center of my cosmos.

Yellow is such a great color.

Like warm sunlight.

And cool fall leaves.

At my very center I have a yellow flower.

My guide helps me understand it is the root of my will.

It is where the animal in me finds union with the spirit in me.

My Navel chakra is about asserting myself in a group.

About feeling in control of me.

Not letting others walk all over me.

But knowing I have even more to offer if I am not a doormat.

It is the sun center that emits optimism and confidence.

Man I just know. I am confident in me. I think more clearly.

Seeing what is really real.


Letting go of the garbage that can get in the way.

Or better yet, using it like mulch or fertilizer.

Turning dirty things into wonderful growth.

The solar plexus chakra even sounds like it should be sun yellow.

I can think more and more clearly thanks to its help.

And it is part of me.

It is the smack dab center of me.

I totally get that this chakra stuff helps me.

It is kind of like divide and conquer your enemies.

But your enemies are the different trash we all put up with.

So one center handles some stuff and the others handle or filter theirs.

So I can be strong and be glad to be me.

All of me.

Man this is good stuff this yellow chakra center flower thing.

I am strong at my center.

From my center.

And I can be and am proud of that.

I feel the chair beneath me.

I feel my body resting in it.

And ready to face the world

I open my eyes.


Practices for the Solar Plexus Chakra - Activities to Increase the Fire in Your Life

Imagine your third chakra as a fireplace, and the fire itself as your excitement, power, or potential. In order to have a good fire, you need fuel, air, and space.

What fuels your fire? Does it have room to breathe? Where does your fire get crowded or snuffed out?

Risk Taking

There is nothing safe about claiming your power. Power is like a muscle: it doesn’t develop unless it is exercised. You will not develop your power by having others take risks for you, or by making sure the outcome of a venture is guaranteed before you begin. Power is only developed when you take risks, move beyond your comfort level, and push yourself into new territory. And when you move beyond your comfort level, you will make mistakes and feel clumsy and perhaps self-conscious. Perfectionism is symptomatic of attaching too much importance to “looking good,” and can only make it difficult for you to move forward. Give yourself room to explore, to flounder, and to learn.

Do you take risks in your life? What happens when you do?

Do you allow yourself to make mistakes as part of the learning process?

Find someplace where you can push yourself out of your comfort zone to reach for a new behavior or goal.

Activities to Decrease Fire in Your Life

If the fire element is excessive in your life, you may wish to diminish it by softening contrasts, smoothing out triangles, or increasing the water element, as discussed in the previous session on the second chakra. Too much fire can undermine tranquility and stability. It can also make it difficult to concentrate, to sit still, or to focus your will.

Too much digestive fire can create ulcers or an acid stomach. To decrease fire, avoid spicy foods and caffeine or other stimulants, and take time to relax, meditate, breathe deeply (remember to fully exhale), and take time off.

You can begin to disarm the problems associated with constant activity by reflecting on the following questions:

Do you feel anxious when you sit still?

What happens when you aren’t doing something?

Take time to notice the feelings that arise in a moment of quiet.

In Your Body

What happens to your third chakra when you sit? Does it collapse into your belly, rounding your shoulders, compacting your stomach? Make a point of sitting up straight, getting your first chakra underneath your torso, drawing your shoulders back, and opening your chest. Your third chakra will then have more room for your fire.

Notice how you stand. Does your third chakra collapse or does it lift out of the pelvis, supporting an open chest? Anytime you find yourself standing—in line at the grocery store, pumping gas, waiting for a movie to begin, talking on the phone—you can practice good posture (and basic grounding, too!).

When you feel tired, where do you feel it most?

Is it hard to sit upright or to take a deep breath?

What do you do when you’re tired?

Do you take the time to adequately rest and refresh yourself, or do you reach for an artificial stimulant like coffee, alcohol, a cigarette, a pill, something sweet, or a caffeinated soft drink to keep going?

Pushing your energy system in these ways will deplete it over time.


Practices to Strengthen the Will

Set a reasonable intention at the beginning of each day, and exercise your will to accomplish it. Make a list of daily goals and cross out each one as you accomplish it. Set your will toward completing a specific practice each day for a week or a month, and stick to it! All of these various exercises strengthen the will.

Make a list of your current goals and prioritize them.

Give them a rating in terms of importance and time (as in a one-month goal, a one-year goal, or a five- or ten-year goal).

Then develop this into a master plan, breaking down the goals into projects, the projects into tasks, and the tasks into steps. Breaking goals down in this way clarifies what you need to do and makes them much easier to accomplish.

Pick a discipline—such as meditating, working out, or keeping your kitchen clean—and set a reasonable and realistic goal (working out at a gym three days a week for one month, meditating twenty minutes a day five days a week for one month, and so forth) and stick to it!

Physical Exercises

Stomach Crunches

Since the third chakra has only soft tissue in front of it, it is crucially important for your belly to have good muscle tone. This supports your posture and your lower back, and contributes to a sense of power and purpose.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, your feet parallel, hip-width apart. Cradle the back of your head with your palms. Keep your eyes focused on the ceiling throughout this movement and you will not pull your neck and spine out of alignment. Now press your lower back down, slightly tilting the pelvis upward. Using your belly muscles, lift your shoulders up from the floor, pausing at the point of contraction, and hold the position as long as it is comfortable. Then slowly lower your torso back down, without allowing your shoulders to rest on the floor, maintaining tension in the muscles throughout the move. Exhale as you lift; inhale on the way down. Repeat until you feel the burn!

Plank Pose

Lying face down on a carpet or mat, bring your hands alongside your shoulders, legs straight behind you. Pushing down into the heels of your hands, raise your body to a plank position as illustrated. You can do this by first raising your upper body into a cobra stretch, and then lifting your hips. For greater strength enhancement in your arms, do it as a push-up. If you find this too difficult at first, you can slightly bend your knees in what is often called a “female” push-up.

Once in the plank position, focus on making your body rigid throughout, a straight line from the top of your head to your feet, with your arms straight and elbows locked. Focus especially on tightening your abdominal and stomach muscles. Hold this position as long as it is comfortable, or until you feel heat rising up through your belly. As your strength builds, you will be able to hold this position longer. This pose is also featured during the third-chakra sun salutation in the morning practice.


Belly Rolls

This exercise is a fun way to gain control over your belly muscles, and it also stimulates the rise of the Kundalini energy. Sit in a cross-legged position with your spine erect. Imagine that you are sitting in a barrel and try to expand the front, sides, and back of your third chakra until they can touch the inside of the barrel as illustrated.

Then on the in-breath, bring your belly forward, slightly arching your back. As you exhale, move your middle section around to the right, and then to the back as you finish exhaling. Then, as you inhale again, continue moving to the left until you can return to your beginning posture, with your belly forward and a full expansion of your in-breath. Practice this exercise until you can make a complete cycle in one smooth movement, keeping your shoulders stationary. Continue until you can do ten complete rotations in one direction, and then ten in the opposite direction.



Final Assessment and Plan for Balancing Your Third Chakra

Bringing about healing, balance, and transformation in your chakras takes time. Doing an exercise once may bring about an experience, but doing it repeatedly over time can bring about a permanent shift.

Before leaving this section, take some time to make a plan for how you want to work on your third chakra.

My strengths in this chakra are:

My weaknesses are:

My goals are:

The best tools or exercises for this are:

I make a commitment to:


Mandala Artwork

At some point during the week, preferably in the first day or two, either after doing your guided meditation or doing chanting work or dancing, you will need to draw a mandala representing your emotions you experienced.

A circle has been pre-drawn on the next page of this workbook to get you started. You will also need some colored crayons. The mandala art exercise is a way of anchoring our experiences back into our conscious world.

Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means, “magic circle.” It is a symbol of life and wholeness. Mandalas have appeared throughout history in many cultures and religions and Jung often painted mandalas as an expression of his psyche. As an art form, they work as symbolic expressions of our inner being, and hold a psychic energy and healing power.

This is not about creating a beautiful artwork. Many people immediately say “but I can’t draw!”

It really isn’t about what it looks like, it’s what your mandala represents that is important. Just as your dance or meditation unfolds organically and without force, so too, your mandala art is a spontaneous expression of your symbolic representation of the energy of your chakras. The images may be literal or you may find a color or a shape to represent the feelings you while working with each Chakra. This is playful ritual. Just let it unfold.


Mandala Artwork for Chakra Three.



Reflections on Your Mandala Artwork

After you have finished doing the mandala, please review the following questions:

Title – Give your mandala a title. Let this title come through spontaneously. It is best to go with the first

name that comes to you.

Feelings – What are the dominant feelings or emotional energy surfacing from your mandala?

Question – What question is your mandala asking of you? Of what is it trying to help you become more


Throughout this week, take time to meditate on your mandala, reviewing your question and responses.

Evaluate how it might help to give meaning and direction to your life.
