Nature of Reality


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  • 8/3/2019 Nature of Reality


    I am going to start your E-Course with a little difficult concept to grasp. I know I could have started

    it with something lighter and more interesting such as how to create INSTANT attraction, or how

    you can quickly and easily find your true purpose in life. I know that would have made my life

    easier and you more "comfortable". But the problem is, unless you get this first concept, all the

    others will be somewhat of a bordering impossibility. So please be a little patient, take the time and

    try to go through the whole thing slowly...The world I am going to show you is the world of the unseen. Rules of the physical reality that you

    knew so far, means nothing here. This is the world where anything and everything is possible and

    happening! This may sound a little far out to you right now but believe me when I say this: this is as

    true as the sun rising in the east.

    What you "see" is simply not what is "real". What is "real" has so many level of existence that its

    mind boggling! Now don't freak out on me okay? I know this sounds a little complicated already but

    I am trying my best to keep it simple. And don't worry, the fun stuff is also coming your way on the

    next few lessons, but today just bear with me please.

    So let me start with the very basic first:

    The first thing I need you to totally accept and realize is the fact that reality can be redefined. Anyand ALL of it. I know this can be one of the hardest concepts to accept right now. After all, this is the

    world that has your difficult boss who never changes, requires you working like a dog and getting a

    measly pay, where half the world is struggling not for a better car but just enough food and drinking

    water... These can never change right? So you may be thinking that I'm talking to you about some

    pie in the sky theory about visualization and mind power, right? WRONG.

    Neither am I talking to you about some new age hocus-pocus nor can all those things can not be

    changed. Everything, I repeat, EVERYTHING can be redefined. And I am one of the living proofs of

    that. Now before you dismiss yourself by saying that "yeah maybe he's just some kinda genius /

    maybe he got lucky", I'd like to remind you that I was born in a third world country, in a poor family

    and the first 23 years of my life was pretty much spent trying to make ends meet and struggling.

    If you read my personal story you'll find that I am not a big genius and I certainly did not get lucky,

    well... not in the traditional sense that is. I was extremely lucky however to have met some teachers

    who brought me out of my little eggshell and taught me how to fly. Undoubtedly, without my

    teachers, I would never be able to bring this to you today.

    So the first thing you need to get inside your head is reality can be redefined. It can be redefined

    through a series of easy to use tools, none of which require you to lie down on the ground and count

    the stars. What it does require, however, is that you to accept and open your mind to the possibility

    that what you are learning might be possible.

    Now there is a reason why reality can be redefined. Do you want to know why? As I said in the

    beginning, this was not going to be an easy thing to digest. But here goes... Reality can be redefinedbecause... everything that you see around you has been created by YOU. Everything!

    This may be an entirely alien concept to you or you may have heard of this before, but I can assure

    you (even if you think this is the most wacky theory you ever heard) that this is not some wishful

    thought or everyday self help advice. What I am about to tell you is NOT some un-scientific, cannot

    be proven or measured, realized in a dream idea. This concept is very much part of deep Quantum

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    Physics and have been proven beyond a shadow of doubt through countless scientific experiments

    and research that it is the "human consciousness" that creates material reality.

    The ancients knew this... it is written quite clearly (in the language and examples of the ancients) in

    The Zohar which is the foundation for mystical Judaism (from which comes the cosmology and

    theology of Christianity and Islam); in the ancient texts of Hinduism (Vedas and Upanishads) which

    strongly influenced the birth of Buddhism; and not to mention the secret doctrines of Alchemy,Hermeticism, Freemasonry etc. This knowledge has been around for thousands of years and now

    we are re-discovering it through cutting-edge scientific disciplines like sub-atomic physics.

    Here is the key idea:

    Without YOU there literally is NOTHING out there. Well, at least nothing "material" that is. The

    Universe is a soup of information and energy suspended in a state of infinite possibility that is

    converted into material reality by your consciousness that gives birth to the physical reality you call


    "Hold on Shafin! How is that possible??? Does this mean that I have created the broken leg (ormarriage)? Does this mean I chose to attract failure, poverty, struggle? (or winning the lottery,

    having a great life, making a lot of money?) Does that mean that I am responsible for everything

    that happens to me?"

    Well... I wish I could give you an easy answer but this answer has many levels to it. In short the

    answer is: Yes! It is you who is creating your reality, all of it. It is you who is choosing between the

    possibilities. It is you who is bringing "things" into being. Without "you", literally nothing exists "as

    it is". (Bear in mind this is an oversimplified answer. Truth is far stranger than "you create your

    own reality".)

    Here is what we now know from science:

    The world that we see all around us has many levels of existence. The very first is the one that you

    see, hear, touch and smell. This is the material reality. In the material reality we are all separate

    beings and objects and genders and personalities etc. In this level everything is governed by

    traditional laws of physics, Newton's 3 Laws of Motion which basically says: things are separate and

    don't move or change by themselves unless (with some external force) you heat it, burn it, push it,

    pull it, or give it a nice strong kick. If you are only concerned with this level of reality, then you

    understand that everything has a physical cause and effect, everything is separate individual

    objects, and if you want to make anything happen, you basically got to do it through some form of

    physical labor (or exchange of energy).

    The material reality is the one that has the atoms and molecules and as you may have read or seen

    in the high school science book, it looks like a tiny solar system with electrons circling all aroundand a tiny nucleus at the center. Looks like everything is in order and it makes sense too.

    However, this is not the only level of reality. As you look deeper into the atoms and molecules that

    make you, your dog, your BMW Z4, the mountains and the stars, you see that the model that you

    were taught in high school is not at all correct. There are no little balls of electrons circling the

    nucleus at all! Then what is there? What is there is nothing but a hazy cloud of electrical charge. Oh

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    okay, you say, big deal! So there is a cloud instead of little electrons. So what? Well, the thing is, the

    cloud is not really like a cloud that we see in the sky, but rather a cloud ofPOSSIBILITIES!

    Okay, I hope I didn't get you stumped there because it gets more interesting. What the cloud of

    possibilities mean is that not only there are no electrons in any particular place, it's not anywhere

    and (buckle your seatbelt) its EVERYWHERE. It's a cloud of possibilities that can be anywhere and

    everywhere. And with this we have now entered the realm of Quantum Physics...

    So you get this so far right? And you are probably saying "okay so if the electrons are in a cloud of

    probability, I guess for my car to be a solid object, it's the nucleus in the middle that's the solid thing

    right?" Well not really. First off, the nucleus in the middle is so small you can imagine a baseball in

    the middle of a huge empty stadium, the baseball is the nucleus and the empty stadium is the space

    that surrounds it.

    And what is the nucleus made of? Well traditionally we are taught that the nucleus is made of

    neutron and proton and that's all there is to it. But as you look deeper within you see that even the

    nucleus is made of these sub-atomic particles like bosons, leptons, quarks, etc. However, at the most

    basic level, they are made up of pure energy... Traveling at the speed of of light (186,000 miles persecond) AND flickering "in and out of existence".

    In and out of existence going where? Now that's a million dollar question which upon asking you

    have to leave our known domain of verified science into the dark waters of mysticism. Not all

    questions at this level can be answered by remaining strictly within the confines of laboratory

    science so let us now venture a little further.

    See the Quantum level of reality follows almost none of the laws of traditional physics. In this level,

    EVERYTHING exists in a state of pure potential, in a state of infinite possibilities. What becomes real

    is dependent on "the observer"... "the consciousness"... "you"!

    Who is this consciousness then? And where does it exist? If everything is in a state of pure potential,

    who is the one "collapsing" this potential into reality? Now that brings us to the 3rd level of reality:

    the spiritual reality. And the spiritual reality is the zone of the universal ONE consciousness that

    surrounds, holds, creates, engulfs... and IS everything.

    It is the one consciousness that is beyond time and space, "non-local" and "a-causal", without

    beginning or end, universal and the "source" of all reality (don't be concerned if some of the terms

    are a little confusing at this point). Now when I say universal, it means something very specific. It

    means that this Source is part of everything. That means there is nothing it is not a part of. That

    means YOU are also a part of it.

    If you think all this is way too far out and "woo woo" for you, consider the following quotes:

    "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I

    can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matteroriginates and exists only by virtue of a force ... We must assume behind this force the existence of a

    conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter." Max Planck, Father of

    Quantum Physics, at speech at Florence, Italy, 1944

    "The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human

    consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by

    experiment." ~Bernard d'Espagnat, theoretical physicist.

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    "As observers and creators, we are constantly remaking our world at every instant. Every thought

    we have, every judgement we hold, however unconscious, is having an effect. With every moment

    that it notices, the conscious mind is sending an intention." ~Lynne McTaggart, award winning

    journalist and author.

    Now how does all that help in your personal life? These are all interesting concepts but how do you

    start seeing some results? How do you change your life for the better? Well I got good news and badnews for you. And as it is my promise to you, I will always tell you what is the truth, even if it makes

    you not so happy at first. So here is the good news:

    The good news is, redefining your reality is really one of the easiest things you can learn. It is easy

    because it is in your true nature. It's something you are already designed to do. Your heart knows

    this already. It's not an alien concept that you have to struggle to learn. And if you are willing you

    can learn it anytime you want. But......the bad news is, due to the massive human programming you

    have been exposed to, due to misconceptions and deeply ingrained beliefs and sub-conscious

    patterns of behavior - it will probably take a while before you are able to start using this amazing

    power that is within you all the time. It requires training and it requires pretty substantial amount

    of personal effort and commitment to finally "wake up".So what is the solution? The solution is already at place. You have already started moving forward

    just by reading this letter and becoming aware of the possibilities that you can even have this level

    of power (even if you don't believe it yet). Every book you read concerning this subject moves you

    forward, every day you wonder a little more how to achieve this level of mastery moves you

    forward and certainly this entire course is designed to systematically and rapidly move you


    I know you are going to want to kill me but that is all I can tell you at this point. I wish I could tell

    you more and make it a little easier to understand but this is as far as I can cover on this little letter

    (which has already become not so little anymore). Any further, I'd have to open some topics that

    would take hours of explanation or many pages of a book to really make it understandable.

    If you have found this interesting, you will love the entire first part of my book "Redefine Your

    Reality" and specifically chapters 3-7 which goes much deeper into the topics like the strange

    nature of our physical reality, the mind boggling implications of the relativity of space-time

    continuum, fantastic discoveries of quantum physics (in easy to understand language) and even the

    history of how this precious knowledge became such a closely guarded "secret" in the last two and

    half thousand years. Later in the book, you will learn how to go far beyond known science into the

    mystical world of manifestation magic, and at the end finally graduate from that level as well and

    enter the world of effortless miracles!

    As we go into the information age, more and more people are being liberated everyday all over the

    world as more teachers are available to teach what is the truth. And as more and more individualsare willing to commit themselves to what is the truth, we are all growing, individually and

    collectively. And as we are growing, more and more people are bending what we knew as "physical


    No wonder according to the New York Times bestselling author Professor Paul Zane Pilzer, we are

    going to have 10 million more millionaires in the world in the next 10 years. And many of them are

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    going to be teenagers and young people under 30. This is not the dot com boom or some other new

    technology we are talking about. It's the people around the world who have learnt to see what lies

    beyond. Who understand the great power that lies within them. Who understand that what you can

    do or be, is only a matter of what you can conceive in your mind. And the greatest pleasure I get

    from writing this is from the knowing that many of those 10 million millionaires will begin by

    reading this simple letter...Will you be one of them?

    Day One: Exercise 1: Take about 20 minutes (even if it makes you want to run away) today at the

    privacy of your mind, sit down and just breathe. Breathe slowly through your nose at 2 counts, hold

    it for 4 counts and exhale at 2 counts. Just breathe. And concentrate on the gist of the following:

    "The world that I know of is only real in my own mind. And what is real in my mind is what I have

    been conditioned to see. I now understand (even if I don't realize yet) that our physical universe is

    made up of pure possibilities. In itself, it's full of infinite potentials. I am the one who brings it into a

    specific form or create a specific event. It is my mind that is responsible for creating all that I see all

    around me. I can change it, redefine it and reorganize it whenever I want. I just need to learn how."Day One: Exercise 2: Have you watched the movie Matrix? Even if you have, watch it again. What

    you are about to learn is NOT what they show in the movie. But its good entertainment and it will

    open your mind.

    A nine year old girl and her mother showed up in my office recently. The mother wanted me to see

    the little kid for hypnotherapy sessions. Now the problem is I no longer treat people one on one

    simply because it takes a lot of time and energy on my part. For hypnosis related purposes I

    conduct a workshop once in a while where I can help more people with less time. So my secretary

    told the woman that I no longer see clients personally but the woman refused to go away. She said

    that she is desperate and her little kid needs my help.

    My secretary called me up and asked me what she should do? Well as you can imagine, even in this

    material world where time is money, I still cannot say no to a little kid who needs my help. And

    hearing what her problem was, I could tell traditional forms of therapy probably wouldn't help. I

    gave her the first appointment the next afternoon.

    So here is the story of the girl:

    For the last 2 years her problem is she is absolutely terrified to go to school. The moment she sees

    her school, she gets the feeling that her mum and dad would die! So ever since she has had this

    problem, she couldn't stay in school more than 3-4 hours on the days she does manage to go and on

    most days she's simply too afraid to let go of her mum and therefore cannot go to school. She gets

    so afraid that she actually throws up just at the sight of her school.

    I checked her grade reports and turns out she is one of the best students of her class and all herteachers have very positive comments about her. I asked her mother if they have any idea why this

    might be happening and they had no clue. Her mother also had another stack of papers for me to

    check: her doctor's prescriptions!

    Turns out she has been treated by some very senior psychiatrists and therapists and they have all

    prescribed some medicines for her. And even though her mother gave her some of the medicines

    for a while, she soon figured that a little child like this shouldn't be on medicine and she

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    discontinued (thankfully). The medicines were mostly nerve relaxing sedatives. To cut a long story

    short, one of the teachers of the little girl is also my student and she recommended the mother to

    come and see me.

    In hypnotherapy we have a thing called age regression. What that means is under hypnosis we take

    the client straight back into the time when the problem started. We do it for two reasons, first to

    find out what the source of the problem is (under hypnosis they don't have a conscious choice tohide the real issue, which is always a possibility), and second to prepare the client (who is at a

    regressed state) to face the traumatizing event, whatever it is.

    So on our first session, I regressed the little girl and she went straight back to when she was 6 years

    and a few months old and she was on a vacation in Toronto, Canada. Turns out they went to a

    theme park where her father and herself, while going from this ride to that ride, unknowingly got

    up on a roller coaster. Now the little girl had no idea about a roller coaster and she took the first

    ride of her life without even knowing what was going to happen.

    Naturally it was a terrifying event for her with everyone screaming all around and the world going

    upside down and going up on the top and then falling all the way down... The feeling that she got

    was that her father and herself were both going to die. Anyway the ride eventually ended and whilethe little kid was thoroughly shaken, she was not physically harmed or anything. Then something

    else happened...

    On the same day later in the evening, a call from her school headmistress came in. Apparently they

    were late by a couple of weeks and the school had already started (later I found out from her

    mother that the headmistress was a very strict woman and all students were extremely afraid of

    her). Not knowing what happened earlier with the kid (although I doubt even if she knew that

    would make any difference) the headmistress lady screamed on the phone both to the little kid and

    her parents regarding there would be serious consequences for being absent during school time.

    A couple of days later they flew back home and the problem had started. The little kid became

    horrified at the sight of her school ever since.

    Now as a Hypnotherapist, even if I know exactly what went wrong, I did not need to know. One of

    great power of hypnosis as a tool is that once in a trance state, if you follow the simple rules, it

    almost works like magic; you don't need to understand all the why's and how's. Anyway, because

    there is a reason I'm telling you this story, I'll tell you what happened that made her so afraid of

    going to the school ever since.

    Our mind is capable of handling trauma of enormous extent if it is prepared for it. But unprepared,

    even small things can make a deep impact. Now what happened with the little kid is that she was

    not prepared at all for something like a roller coaster at age 6 and I'm sure you'll agree that a

    surprise like that can be pretty terrifying even for adults. So she mistakenly experienced in her

    mind what we call a near death experience (remember what is real in the mind, is real in reality).And she also felt that her dad was going to die as well. Now alone this might have turned into a life

    time of roller coaster or height phobia, but the next event changed things.

    In the same evening she experienced another fearful event of her headmistress screaming on the

    phone and telling that there were going to be "serious consequences". In her little mind, there

    happened a thing that we call compounding and she somehow connected the two events together.

    So now we have her seemingly "unrelated" feeling that her parents are going to die if she goes to

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    Many of us are going through life with many of these similar kinds of unknown triggers that are

    seemingly "unrelated". Have you ever seen someone suddenly blow of his top and walk out of the

    room for something that is not serious at all? Later at the privacy of his mind he asks himself "why

    did I do that?" but he unable to tell. Have you ever gotten angry over something and vented off to

    someone totally innocent and later felt guilty? Have you ever gained weight for just snacking overand over? Were you just helpless at the sight of some food or drink? Have you ever smoked or

    drank just to drown your problem?

    The answer to the questions above is yes most of us have experienced at least some of these "out of

    control" moments. And a lot of us regularly deal with these feelings. Sometimes we go to doctors

    and psychiatrists when these feelings go out of hand and we ask for help. Typically what happens?

    We are given some medicines to take away the feelings or go for many therapy sessions where we

    go and talk about things and sometimes it works. But as we all know most times it doesn't. Take for

    example the little kid in the story above. What would have happened if her mother would have

    given into all those prescriptions of the learned authorities? This kid would have known from this

    very young age that she needs to be on medicines and she needs regular help. How do you thinkthat would have affected her personality?

    The problem is, she is not alone. Everyday all around the world thousands of people are diagnosed

    with "mental problems" such as this and are prescribed medicines. Most of these medicines are

    nerve relaxing agents that de-press the "bad feeling". What we don't stop to ask ourselves is that if

    we have legs to walk with, eyes to see, nose to smell with, why do we have such powerful things

    called feelings that can totally take control of our lives? If you ask one of these diagnosing

    authorities this simple question "why do we have feelings in the first place?", they will give you a

    look that translates as: Are you nuts?

    One of the key things that we are taught when we learn hypnotherapy professionally is that our

    feelings and emotions are neither good nor bad, they are just messages. They are messages for us to

    direct our life in the right way. And there is a reason why they are there. And that reason is to help

    us move in the right direction. Every feeling has a specific message. Anger, sadness, fear, guilt,

    frustration, depression etc are all trying to deliver very specific messages. And because most of our

    doctors and psychologists have absolutely no clue about what these messages are, we are regularly

    given the solution to just "get rid of the feeling" with medicines. This is equivalent of chopping your

    hands off when you have a fractured bone.

    On your journey into the world of the unseen, where you will learn how to redefine your reality, the

    very first step will be to learn about the meanings of all your feelings and emotions. Why you have it

    and what is their purpose. You will learn how to completely free yourself once and for all from all

    the emotional baggage that you may have been carrying for so long. You will be given specific tools

    to deal with each and every emotion and feeling that you have.Once you have mastered dealing with your emotions effectively, you will be taught the next big

    thing and that is how your physical body can affect your mental state and how to bring yourself in

    the state where you can perform optimally. Unfortunately most of us don't even know what an

    optimum state is. What we are really capable of. Have you ever seen some people with boundless

    energy who are just always in a good mood? Well follow what you learn here and you can have that

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    too in no time. And once you are done with this, you will learn many other personality transforming

    concepts such as limits of achievement, the invisible placard etc.

    So back to the beginning! Have you done your exercises from yesterday? If you haven't, and if your

    excuse is that you were too busy, then I would like to remind you that the only reason you have

    subscribed to this E-Course is that you want more power over your life and learn how to redefine

    your reality. The "events" in life like work, business, shopping, watching television are all secondaryto the work we are going to be doing, which deals with the "quality" of your life and how much

    power you have, and not the events that just sucks away your 24 hours in it. So start claiming your

    life back. Start focusing more on the quality of your life and not on the events. Read the last

    sentence again. And read that again until you "get it".

    Day 2: Exercise 1: Consciously notice all the feelings that you experience throughout the day and

    ask yourself why are you having it. What is it trying to tell you? For example, if you feel angry, ask

    yourself why are you feeling angry and what is your mind asking you to do? What is the reason

    behind this feeling you are having? Whenever you have a strong enough feeling, ask yourself these


    Day 2: Exercise 2: Write down on a piece of paper your first mission statement -

    "In the face of difficulty, uncertainty and conflicting sensory information, I recognize more and

    more the magical, infinite, nurturing reality that I live in. I understand now that I am not the events

    of my life. And even if it may feel otherwise, I recognize that I am that which transcends all the

    borders of life and death; I am my consciousness and I have the power to create. I further recognize

    that living within this magical reality, as a Creation among my Creations, is the ultimate adventure.

    And in this loving and magical reality my thoughts create matter, dreams come true and love

    conquers all. Therefore, as I recognize more and more the power that is within me, I pledge to use

    them for love, light and the benefit of all. Finally, I promise to myself to love and be happy, at all

    costs, no matter what, with compassion and kindness for All. So be it."

    Once you have written it down or printed it out, hang it somewhere where you can regularly see it

    and read it twice a day. It doesn't matter if you don't understand the full depth of it or are confused

    on some parts, your subconscious knows what we are talking about and it will act accordingly.

    Now go make the world a little better today.


    PS: If you are wondering what happened to the little girl, a few days later her mother called to tell

    me that she cannot believe this is possible! After two sessions the little girl is going to school andstaying there from beginning to the end. And she also told her mum that she doesn't need to

    accompany her in school anymore! I promised the little girl earlier that I'll give her a free ride on

    my "magic chair" when she starts going to school regularly. The little girl came on the phone next

    and she was laughing and screaming as she said "Hey Magic Doctor, don't forget your promise!" It

    almost brought a tear to my eyes...

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    See sometimes we get ourselves a teacher just to make us feel good. It gives us the feeling that we

    are making some progress. Well, yes while you are definitely making progress just by reading this

    letter, I am not the kind of teacher who is happy with slow progress. If we are to work together, I

    need you to make a definite commitment that you are going to do whatever it takes, no matter what

    - to achieve what you want to achieve. Unless you are prepared for a commitment like that, let's not

    waste each others time.Okay I know I can be pretty strict at times but it's for your own good. After all, it is my promise to

    entirely redefine your reality very soon. And unless I am able to do that, what is the purpose of all

    this? So please follow closely the things that you are learning and do your exercises regularly. It

    doesn't take a lot of time but what it stands for is something very important: the quality of your life

    over the events! You don't want to grow older looking back one day saying life is what passed by

    when you were busy taking care of things. One of the very first things you learn when you learn

    how to redefine your reality is to focus more on the quality of your life rather than the events. So

    make a promise to follow closely.

    (And you thought this was just another one of those promotional newsletters ha! :)

    Okay, housekeeping over! On to today's lesson...I remember I heard a very interesting story somewhere: It was about this eagle that had to lay its

    egg near a chicken community for some reason. Maybe it was in danger or it was injured or

    something. This egg was hatched by the chickens and the eagle baby started growing up in the

    chicken community. Although it looked a little different, everyone thought that it's just a little

    different looking "chicken". And life went on. It would go looking for throwaways and seeds and

    grains everyday with the other chickens and come back home in the evening back to the lair.

    One day while it was as usual searching for food with its "family", the eagle baby suddenly noticed a

    large bird flying high above in the sky with its wings wide open. The baby was awestruck, it asked a

    fellow chicken what that was and the chicken replied "That's an Eagle! The king of all birds." The

    baby asked "Can I fly like that also?" And the reply was "Ofcourse not idiot! We are chickens

    remember? Our wings are not strong enough to fly like that." The eagle baby understood, but

    somehow somewhere deep inside it felt a strong urge to see the world, to fly high above, to soar

    bravely on the eternal winds of change... It felt sad wondering why it had to be born as a "chicken"?

    Why couldn't it be just born like an eagle so it could fly like that? As it wondered all those things,

    the eagle baby sighed deeply and went back to looking for grains.

    Now be honest... Do you ever feel that you are meant to do much more than what you are doing

    right now? Do you feel an enormous urge to be free, to travel around the world, to earn more

    money than any of your friends ever imagined, to change lives of people, to give your family

    something they never dreamt about?

    Do you ever feel that you are underplaying what you are capable of? Does your life lack thatburning passion? Do you remember the last time you felt completely alive, when you loved your life,

    when you really lived? Do you want everyday to be like that? To be filled with abundance, fun,

    laughter, freedom and passion? Do you want to live a life where all your dreams come true?

    Sadly even if you are capable of achieving all of that, your belief system is probably getting in the

    way. But that can change! And I know this for certain because if you were not willing and capable of

    becoming more than what you are right now, you wouldn't be reading this letter today!

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    And that gives me all the resources I need to help you learn to fly!

    Tell me something, when you dream where you want to be or what you want to achieve, what is

    your mental talk? Let me guess. Is it "get real, you have no special qualities" or "you have to be born

    rich to avail a life like that" or "I'm not smart enough" or "reality is different, life is hard" etc... Have

    you ever wondered if that is your belief system, how far would you be able to go anyway?My teacher, the world famous Hypnotherapist, Cal Banyan once told me there are two definitions of

    belief. The first definition is: "To believe is to not know!" Think about it, everything that you believe

    are basically things you do not know if it is true or not. If you knew for certain, you would say "I

    know!" Think about it, EVERYTHING that you "believe" to be true are things that you are not sure if

    they are true or not. Everything!

    And that brings us to the second definition of belief which is: "To think and act like you do know"!

    Interesting isn't it? But that's exactly how our minds are programmed from childhood. First off, we

    learn to believe things we have absolutely no idea about. Then we actually pretend as if we know

    for sure that it's true.

    Now that brings us to a very good news! And that is we get to choose our beliefs! Now I am notasking you to go create a new religion, there are thousands of other self limiting beliefs that we

    have about ourselves that continuously hold us back.

    For example, some people find that being pessimistic is smarter than being optimistic. They say it's

    a kind of safety net; if it doesn't work out, what the hell I wasn't expecting it anyway! I marvel at the

    fact that these people actually succeed "sometimes"! I mean seriously, with that kind of a belief

    system, I wouldn't be surprised if they failed "all the time"!

    Here is what I believe (and I have modeled this from the people who I found enjoys massive

    success), I believe I will ALWAYS succeed! No matter how difficult the circumstances. And when I

    sometimes fail (which is only natural) I tell myself I have learnt my lesson and now I have even

    better chance of succeeding!

    You know what effect this belief system has on me? First off, I'm not afraid to fail, because if I fail

    then I have gathered valuable experience (which means I succeeded in some way!). Secondly, I am

    at my best performing state because I already know I WILL succeed.

    There are times however when I have a nagging belief that I'm not able to sort out by myself. These

    are the times I'll find a teacher who can prove me wrong. If I cannot find a teacher, I'll see a

    Hypnotherapist (and I am not ashamed even if I have a waiting list for my own clients). The point is

    I will do whatever it takes no matter what to debug my mind of all the negative programming that is

    there. After all, it is my most valuable asset. I'll invest all my money if I have to, to keep it

    performing optimally.

    See human minds are like computers. Sometimes we pick up these little virus programs while

    "browsing" through life and we can either slow down or start acting in ways that are not beneficialfor us. So what do we do when we have a virus attack on our new computer? Do we throw it away?

    Of course not, we run an antivirus software to get rid of the viruses. Similarly hypnosis, NLP,

    affirmation, meditation etc are all antivirus programs designed to clean your mind.

    Now the question is whether or not you are going to take some action and get rid of the viruses of

    your mind? Whether or not you will take necessary action until you have brought yourself to the

    point where you are able to truly believe you will ALWAYS succeed!

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    Day 03: Exercise 01: Memorize the following statement and repeat it in your head as many times as

    possible every day --- "I am willing to do whatever it takes, no matter what, to make myself better

    and better, everyday in every way." The more you repeat this silently and aloud, the more your

    mind will open up to the possibilities.

    Day 03: Exercise 02: Make a list of ten things you want to learn or do that you think will stretch

    your limits beyond who you are now. Don't do anything with the list. Just write it down on a pieceof paper, that's it. (If you have already bought Redefine Your Reality, read Chapter 26 now: The

    Billion Dollar Question)

    This is the story of our friend Paul who was very attracted to his co-worker Suzan. In the beginning

    Paul never thought that he would ever be able to take the relation to more than a hi and hello. But it

    was Paul's lucky month. He got assigned to a project where Suzan and he would have to work

    together for a while. He couldn't believe his luck!

    As the days went by Paul became more and more attracted towards her. And as they spent more

    and more time together, that attraction turned into more of a deep obsession. Her laughter drove

    him crazy, the smell of her hair intoxicated him and her perfume made him want to be close to herall day and night.

    However, as he grew more and more feelings towards her, his confidence decreased in tandem as

    he couldn't tell what her real feelings for him were.

    She genuinely seemed to like him and enjoyed his company. She also hugged him at times to say

    goodbye. She sometimes brought him coffee in the morning, did not refuse when he paid for her

    food at the take away restaurant. Although she did mention to him once or twice that she wasn't

    really "relationship material" and the most important thing in her life was work right now. All this

    only confused him more.

    He talked to some of his buddies over beer and they were no help either, most of them said she

    definitely loved him, but something told Paul that something was off in the whole story. After all

    Suzan never asked him to come to her house and she never accepted his invitation for dinner, or

    she did not pick up his calls once or twice when he called at late hours. Paul figured she must be an

    early sleeper. He didn't mind as most of the working hours they were together so it was ok.

    As the days passed by, Paul's feelings grew unbearable and eventually he decided to confess his

    feelings to Suzan. He decided that when he told her how he felt, she would feel the same way too.

    He prepared for the big day for almost one week gathering up courage. His pulse ran fast, he lost his

    appetite and he felt feverish. Finally after a lot of planning and rehearsing, he made his move. He

    told Suzan that he fell in love with her, that he wanted to be with her, that he needed her as she

    needed him, to fill the void in each others hearts.

    Suzan sincerely thanked him and told him that she never saw him more than a friend and a co-

    worker and she would not do anything to screw up the "beautiful" relationship they have right now.She said that he was a wonderful man, but she really didn't see him in any other way than a friend.

    Paul was devastated for a while but his beer buddies supported him through this. They told him not

    to give up because that's what women always say before they give in. And Paul decided that's

    exactly what he would do. He wouldn't give up.

    By this time it was Christmas holidays and their project had also ended. He hadn't seen Suzan for

    over a week, so he wrote an enormous letter explaining how much he loves Suzan and sent it to her

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    with a dozen red roses. And he waited hoping this time it would change her mind. But nothing! She

    didn't call and she didn't reply. After Paul called her like a dozen times, she picked up the phone but

    she sounded distracted. She told him that she was really busy and she would get back to him later.

    That never happened.

    To cut a long story short, our friend Paul's dreams never came true as a few weeks later Suzan quit

    her job and went for a better offer and Paul never heard from her again.Hmm... Nice story eh? It's a true story also. I have seen and heard so many versions of this story

    over and over that now I can tell what is going to happen after listening to the first few sentences.

    Some how, men typically repeat this pattern over and over and still fail to learn.

    However there is a reason I am telling you this story today. And that reason is that this story is a

    perfect example of what DOESN'T work. And I need you to remember this. So here is what doesn't


    What doesn't work is trying to "win" a woman's heart by doing her favors, buying her things,

    sucking up to her etc. What also doesn't work is trying hard to make her change her mind to feel

    attracted towards you. In fact, when you try to make her "change" her mind to feel attractedtowards you, it works in reverse. Ergo: she feels more repulsed by you than before.

    And once you have entered that repulsion zone, let me assure you, it's very difficult to come out. So

    before you wonder how to turn back this impossible situation around, I need you to understand

    that attraction is not a logically thought out phenomenon. If it happens, it happens automatically

    and instantly. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen.

    The trick is, however, to learn how to create attraction immediately and instantly and never enter

    the "friend zone" or worse the "repulsion zone" in the first place. And how do you learn that?

    Well, one way is to wonder forever and go through trial and error, crash and burn and maybe come

    to a workable understanding eventually.

    It contains all that you need to know about rules of attraction, how to maintain relationships once

    you have them, who to stay away from, and more! It's instantly downloadable and you can have it

    right away.

    If you have already bought the book along with huge list of great bonus material included with it,

    you can re-read the chapters 11-15 and 21 in Part 4: Attraction Redefined

    Day 04: Exercise 01: Consciously remember all the women that you have had crushes on or messed

    up just like our friend Paul. Be honest and identify how many of the mistakes you made that were

    mentioned in the story above. Try to figure out what would you have done if you knew then what

    you know now.Day 04: Exercise 02: Start noticing people around you who seem to have only one strategy for

    winning the women of fancy, BUY THEIR ATTENTION. Make a mental note whenever you see them

    that these guys are going DOWN... FAST. And tell yourself, even if all your social/cultural

    programming tells you to do the same, you will NEVER EVER be like one of them.

    Today we have mostly talked about the guy's side of the story, tomorrow we will cover the ladies

    side. Tomorrow you will learn how even the most beautiful women lose their power over the men

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    who practically worshipped them once. And how they lose their men to other women (who are not

    necessarily better looking or more charming)!

    Now go out and have some fun. You are going upwards and onwards!

    What I am about to tell you today may not be very easy to digest. But it is for your own good. I don't

    know your relationship status right now but it's definitely either of the three: single, in a

    relationship, or married. I understand that you could also be somewhere in between those threephases and that would make today's lesson even harder to digest. For example, if you are in a

    marriage with your husband living with some other woman, you are definitely not going to like

    what I am about to say.

    Anyway, so without further ado, let us go on to Deadly Mistakes We Make Part II. As promised,

    today I'll cover the much less hyped about, much overlooked, the ladies side of the story!

    Here is a typical scenario: guy meets girl, guy falls in love, girl doesn't. Guy starts chasing girl and

    girl enjoys the process. Guy offers girl the sun and the moon, gets her flowers and tells her he would

    do anything for her and he was ready to give up everything, if only she would agree to go out with

    him. All their common friends tell her to give him a chance, tells her that he is a great guy, a bit

    wussy, but a great guy.Girl reluctantly gives in. Guy goes bananas in happiness and can't stop smiling. The next 6 months

    fly on the wings of a white dove. But girl plays it safe. She doesn't give too much too early (whatever

    that means in your situation) and that keeps the guy in check. Everyday he falls deeper and deeper

    in love and can't get enough of her. He feels that she is the ultimate destination, his soul mate, what

    he's been waiting for all his life etc. Eventually he proposes to her. And she refuses the first time.

    She says it's too early, he doesn't know what he wants and she is flattered but she needs time to

    think. And the guy goes even more crazy. A couple of months pass by and this time he proposes to

    her in the most romantic way any one has ever heard of (use your imagination). This time the girl

    says yes! They get married a month later in a huge ceremony. Both the families are happy, their

    friends are happy, and they lived happily ever after...

    Ermm... Sorry folks. Unfortunately that's not how the story ends in reality...

    A couple of years pass by and the newly weds are the celebrated couple in town. They are one good

    looking, well to do and happy couple. In their family life, they can't get enough of each other and

    even after two years they make love everyday twice. Girl, whose name is Jessie, is very happy with

    guy, whose name is Paul! Until Suzan came in the story!

    Oh! What you say? Is this the same Paul from the last story? Yeah! I didn't tell you he was married

    last time? Oh silly me! Ok... update here: Paul was very much married when he got assigned in the

    project with Suzan. How did I forget this huge chunk of information? Well I'm sorry. Didn't think

    you'd be interested. Anyway bygones, let's go forward...

    When Suzan came in the story, Paul slowly started to change. He'd come back home later than

    usual, looked bored during the time he was at home and frequently got irritated with Jessie for noreason. At first Jessie thought it was his work pressure. But even during the Christmas break, Paul

    seemed awfully preoccupied with something. He was always thinking about something else. And

    this pissed Jessie off. She would fight with him at times just to feel his attention back to her. After

    all, "something" is better than nothing. Sometimes she cried and fought, sometimes she screamed,

    sometimes she hurt herself and things just got worse.

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    Long story short, Paul never got anywhere with Suzan but he did manage to have an affair with a

    Eleven clerk called Ellen. Ellen wasn't particularly good looking in the traditional sense but she was

    challenging. The equation was simple: if Paul failed to keep her happy with gifts or expensive

    dinners or cocktail parties, there was no sex. Paul couldn't get enough of her. She was sexy,

    demanding, sensual and unpredictable. In bed she was like a sex crazed kitten. She would tie him

    up, pour hot wax on him, blindfold him etc...When he got back home, Jessie would scream and shout over him having an affair. She did not know

    for certain whom it was, but it couldn't have been more apparent. He often came home drunk, with

    bite marks on his body, he lost all interest in bed and the story continued...

    Okay! Back to reality... I hope you know a version of this story personally because if you don't you'll

    probably not "get this" and therefore would require to mess it up a few times yourself before

    understanding what I am about to say.

    See the typical response to this story when women hear it is: Men are just dicks, all they understand

    is sex, you should never trust a guy, how can you do that to your wife etc. (I get so many replies to

    today's lesson from my female students, its not even funny anymore.) While those are all very

    pertinent observations, they don't help a damn thing. Men are men and women are women, andsome women know how to keep their man interested and some women don't. Just like some men

    know how to keep their women interested and some men don't. So instead of blaming it on

    someone else, it's about time you looked deeper within.

    See the story that you just read is not a set of random events. What happened was the result of

    some very predictable mistakes. To keep it short and sweet, I'll give you the most obvious ones:

    1. Always remember, the true essence of masculine energy (whether it's dominant in a man or

    woman) is in the purpose of his life, his gift that he is here in this world to give. And this one is

    going to hurt a bit, a man's priority is never his woman! His priority is his true purpose, his

    unchanging sense of destination, his gift he to the universe. And a man who is willing to "give

    everything" to a woman to woo her, is a weak man. That man will give up his woman to some other

    woman; it's only a matter of time and opportunity.

    2. A man who is unsure of his true purpose, his masculinity, will always be a big sucker for drama

    and challenge. It makes him feel like a man. So all he needs is a woman telling him that he can have

    "some of it", but not "all of it"... and he will start chasing her. Remember in the story the more Jessie

    refused Paul, the more he got interested. The more Suzan told Paul he cannot have it, the more he

    got obsessed. The more Ellen challenged him with reward and punishment, the more he became out

    of control. As you can see, if you want to keep a weak man in your life, you will always have to be

    the most challenging of them all, which is often not so easy.

    3. But then it's not about the men only. While a man might not know his purpose and drift from this

    woman and that woman trying to find meaning, he often does that out of boredom of predictability

    and routine also...A lot of times women do all the right things before marriage or getting in the relationship and then

    totally change their ways and start doing all the wrong things. They forget the basic understanding

    of attraction that got her man interested in the first place.

    Remember human beings are NOT attracted to anything that is predictably available. Even if it is

    valuable. Think about the air without which we will die in 2 minutes, do we think about it, fantasize

    about it? How about water? Or basic food to survive? Same goes with the woman who is just

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    "always there". It's just not interesting anymore. No matter how pretty you are. Beauty, as it is very

    accurately told, is only skin deep.

    So what to do? Do you have to struggle all your life to keep the man interested? Well yes and no. Yes

    you have to change the way you do things to keep him interested. And no you don't have to struggle.

    Once you "get" how the masculine mind works, how to keep attraction alive from the beginning to

    the end, how not to make the mistakes everyone else is making, and finally how to stay away fromthe types that are more difficult to handle, there is no struggle only knowledge of what produces

    results and what doesn't. costs less than few cups of decent coffee with friends and you can download it in the next 5

    minutes. Read it as many times as necessary before you finally "get it". Most people are too

    ashamed to admit what they don't know, or learn about their own mistakes. Don't be one of them.

    In your quest to live beyond your dreams, there is no space for insecurity or complacency.

    (If you have already bought the book along with huge list of great bonus ebooks, audio, video

    included with it, you can re-read the chapters 13, 15 and 21 in Part 4: Attraction Redefined.)

    Day 05: Exercise 01: Notice all the couples who are close to you. Notice what goes beyond their

    social lovey dovey persona. Notice what makes the attraction fade, what keeps them together.

    When you hear someone cheating on someone, try to hear their story with compassion, how many

    mistakes did they make that you learnt above?

    Day 05: Exercise 02: Look around and see all the hundreds and thousands of men and women in

    marriages who have become more friends than lovers. Notice the terminal boredom in their eyes.

    Notice how they have become a slave to the responsibilities, to their routine, to their own social

    obligations and correctness and formalities. Notice how, to all these people, marriage is just a

    neutral zone where two people just share the same bed and share their responsibilities. Notice the

    appalling lack of passion. And as you notice all of this, promise to yourself that you will never never

    never never become like one of them!

    Now smile and live!

    Question From A Reader


    Dear Shafin,

    My name is Shazia. I am 33 years old. I have been reading lots of articles on Law of Attraction.

    Amongst all the articles i have read, your articles seem to be one of the best. Thanks for providing

    this free 7 day E-course.

    Shafin, I used to be working for a travel agency. However i quit the job because i really could not

    take the work load. I have no idea as to how i have to move forward. My mind is blank. There usedto be lots of interests before but nothing seems to interest me anymore like the way people call it

    burning desire. Once upon a time i used to be interested in Drama, Music, etc. I loved to entertain

    my friends and make them laugh. Now, I have to support my family as my husband does not earn

    well and i am like wasting lot of time. The only thing i do is to find out if anyone is offering free

    lessons on law of attraction and read them.

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    Shafin, i dont know why i felt like opening up to you. I understand that you help lot of people and

    bring a better change in their lifes. Can you please change mine too?? I intend to lead a beautiful and

    a successful life. Please advise me Shafin and share your knowledge with me in order to redefine my

    life. I shall remain grateful to you for ever.

    Please take time out to read my mail and reply.

    Thanking you in advance.Regards


    Answer from Shafin

    Hi Shazia,

    First of all, I want to congratulate you for doing two things:

    1. Taking the time to look deeper inside, educate yourself and trying to find a solution within

    yourself, rather than distracting yourself with all sorts of things like TV, food, relationships,children etc.

    2. Reaching out to me and asking for advice with honesty and openness. I know how difficult it can

    be to open yourself up and asking for help.

    So before I tell you how to change anything let me assure you: you are on the right track!

    Whatever your situation maybe, however desperate, right now you are moving forward, going

    deeper, asking why, finding answers, seeking help, attracting teachers, learning lessons, getting

    better, becoming more aware... And that in itself is reason enough to be grateful for all that has ever

    happened to you so far. What has happened has brought you here. Be grateful for that.

    But then, that is not what you want to hear from me, do you? :-)

    So here is a little background and then I'll tell you what to do to go forward.

    See one of the most difficult obstacles to cross when it comes to spiritual enlightenment (and

    freedom from financial struggles for that matter) is our attachment to the known. Now as I keep

    saying to my students: like it or not, your life is probably working better than 90% of the world out

    there. And it very well applies to you too. How do I know? Well, simply from the fact that you have

    enough money and education to afford a working Internet connection, enough food in your stomach

    to think straight, enough intelligence to write a letter like what you have written, and enough

    stability in life to think about the higher level needs in life like happiness and fulfillment. Anyone

    with all these things working in their lives is living a better life than about 90% of the world out

    there. And that, unfortunately, CAN BE one of the biggest obstacles towards going forward in life.

    The reason it can be one of the biggest obstacles is because consciously you may not be happy at themoment but your sub-conscious mind knows that what you have right now is "working". Whatever

    you have done so far has put you in the upper 10% category in this intensely competitive world

    right now. And while you are willing to do whatever is necessary to bring about a change, change is

    something your sub-conscious mind is quite afraid of... especially if it means letting go of old

    patterns of behavior and belief systems.

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    Purely from a biological perspective (and not considering other factors), there are two things your

    sub-conscious mind or your animal side is concerned with:

    a. Survival

    b. Replication

    It is not concerned with spiritual development, law of attraction, building Eiffel Tower, conquering

    the Himalayas or becoming the world champion in hop-step-jump! It is concerned primarily withsurvival and secondarily with replication. That's it! And so far you seem to be managing both quite

    successfully. But then that is not what makes you a human being does it?

    So there are other things you are concerned with. There are other needs you have. Other parts of

    you that dream of things that no human has ever laid eyes upon, that imagine things that exist

    beyond time and space, that wants to reach for the stars so far away that even its light will never

    reach earth... So there is the spiritual part of you, which keeps you awake night and day.

    The reason I mention these two sides is to show you that there is a conflict of interest between

    different parts within you. Remember that to understand what follows.

    In a small little nutshell, here are the 6 universal Human needs that drives all our behaviors. These

    are not mere wants or desires but deep driving needs that makes us what we are. These needs arenot found in other animals, not in this specific way at least:

    1. Certainty: That you will be alive in the next hour, that you will be loved, that you will have enough

    food to eat tomorrow etc.

    2. Uncertainty: If everything was always how you predicted it to be, you would get bored and die.

    3. Significance: That you are worthy of love and affection and success.

    4. Love and Connection: From other human beings. Love from a goldfish is not a substitute.

    5. Growth: Constant growth is a deep human need. When you stop growing, you start dying.

    6. Contribution: To be able to help humans and all other beings in their own journey.

    Every time you fulfill one or more of your needs you will feel happy. Conversely, when you are not

    fulfilling your human needs in life, you will be unhappy. In a nutshell, that is how your emotions

    guide you through life. Happy = needs met. Unhappy = needs unmet. And life goes on. Got it?

    Now understand this: every choice people make in life is to fulfill one or more of their needs, EVERY

    CHOICE. And remember this: if one of your behaviors is able to consistently fulfill 3 or more of your

    needs, you will get addicted to that behavior!

    Now coming back to your problem, which happens to be a very common problem, the structure is

    very simple:

    You begin life, you make choices that presently fulfill your needs, if you are able to successfully keep

    3 or more of your needs fulfilled, you get hooked to that "modus operandi" or strategy for life. And

    life moves on until one day you find that you are deeply unhappy with what you got, surrounded byresponsibilities that are not so much fun!

    So what went wrong? See there is a basic problem with this formula. The problem is the formula is

    not based upon following your deepest desires or what is your true hearts calling, but mostly based

    upon what others told you to do. What others "approved" of. What others told you was the "right"

    thing to do. Who are these "others"?

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    Prepare for some hard honestly here: the others are your family, your friends, the school teachers,

    the books you read when you were growing up, the movies you watched etc. Now take an honest

    accounting of all those factors right now and see if you can find how successful, balanced and happy

    these "others" are in their life. Chances are, as you will find out, they are no better off than you are.

    And the movies (that taught you the meaning of love and shaped your idea of relationships) with

    the actors within them, and directors who directed them, along with writers who wrote the storiesthe movies were based upon, are some of the unhappiest individuals on the planet, trying to drown

    themselves in the most destructive ways known to mankind with drugs and alcohol (of course this

    is a generalization but I'm sure you get the point).

    Unfortunately, that is the model you probably followed directly or indirectly. And now you find that

    it's no longer enough to just get their approval, its no longer okay to just follow the norms, it's no

    longer acceptable to allow the "others" tell you how to live your life. Life has become a mess and it

    needs to be fixed now!

    Which brings us back to where we started from which is: having said everything, where you are, is a

    good place. It is a place where you have, probably for the first time in life, started asking the right

    questions and that is the most important requirement to find the right answers.So what is the bottom line? The bottom line is there is no quick fix to this. And more importantly,

    something that may not be very agreeable to you right now, there is nothing that needs to be fixed

    either! It is perfect where you are. It is better to have messed up in one lifetime and awaken, than

    live a thousand lifetimes of dull miserable unawareness. You have all the basic ingredients

    necessary to make a leap right now, but will you???

    So here are the next steps you could take to chart brand new game plan:

    1. Take note of the major decisions in life that has brought you where you are today. Write down

    the top 5 things decisions you are not so happy with. Then knowing what you know now, analyze

    yourself with what needs were met having taken those decisions. If you are to go forward, you need

    to learn from history.

    2. Take note of your life right now and write down, which of the 6 human needs are being met or

    unmet right now. Find out ways to fulfill them. Not knowing what to do is not an excuse. The

    answers you don't have will be given if you know how to ask the questions. Most of us have no idea

    even how to ask the right questions. Here are some right questions to begin with:

    a. Am I with the right man? Is he performing his duties as a man? What are his real duties as a man?

    (Hmmm) Am "I" the man in the relationship? Am I too afraid to even ask this question? (Hmmm)

    How can I invite him to be that Man so I can be the Woman that he can truly love and worship

    (without threatening him or attacking him)?

    b. What is it that makes me truly happy doing? If money wasn't an issue what would I do with my

    time in life? What is it that I was born in this world to do?

    c. What do I really feel? What is my deepest fear? What is it really that I want in my life? Money,fame, success and power has time and again failed to make human beings truly happy. Then what is

    it "really" that I am looking for?

    3. Study like a mad woman! Buy books and tapes and videos and audios like you have never done

    before. DON'T BORROW! If you don't have money to buy a book this week, sell your toaster or

    something. But buy a book and read it. It doesn't matter what you read. The answers will be given

    as you take the step forward. You will be guided.

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    If you want to learn from me, go take a look at the Redefine Your Reality package. We just added

    over a HUNDRED hours of audio/video on everything to do with success, abundance, law of

    attraction, business, metaphysics, spiritual knowledge and many more topics! This promotional

    package is here for a limited time.

    Day 6: Exercise 01: Follow your heart right now! You don't need to know all the answers today. Butif you follow your heart right now, it will guide to the places that has some of the answers. The way

    will unfold slowly. It has been a long time of not listening to that faint voice. Listen to it today.

    How do you listen? Sit down everyday for minimum 15 minutes (an hour if you can manage it

    without going crazy) and focus on your breathing. Slowly you will find guidance from here. Listen to

    it. I know it's damn scary at times. I know it's saying all kinds of things that you know will lead you

    into trouble. But that is YOUR truth. Follow your truth. Take some action. What have you got to lose


    In the end... smile! It's all okay. You are being guided. You are loved beyond comprehension. You are

    being taken care of all the time and you always will be. Sometimes we come too far off from whatwas our chosen way and life becomes a mess. But it doesn't take a long time to go back to the way

    once again. It's all about making a choice... and as I said right in the beginning: you are already on

    the right way!

    Now make the world a little better today.

    So my friend, what is a meaningful life after all? Is it earning millions of dollars? Is it having three super model

    girl friends? Is it getting married to someone everyone else wanted? Or is it sacrificing your life for a noble

    cause? What is it after all? Well, I cannot tell you what will bring meaning to you because I don't know you

    personally yet, but I can tell you what is meaningful to me.

    A meaningful life to me is being able to do whatever I want, when I want, and how I want. It is coming back

    home at the end of the day and having the feeling that I have gotten one step closer to my ultimate

    destination. It is knowing that even one person has breathed just a little easier because I have lived. It isearning as much money as I need, doing what I truly love to do. It is making each person's lives a little better

    when they come to know me. It is being able to truly feel happy knowing that YOU have been successful. It is

    leaving the world even just a little better than when I came here. It is knowing that I have done everything in

    my capacity to help my fellow mates live a little better lives. And finally in the process of all of this, it is

    enjoying every moment of the day with as much love, passion and happiness as I can manage. To me that is

    living a meaningful life. And when I finally pass over, I would like to smile and say: This I have done.

    So what is a meaningful life to you? What would you say when it is time to move on to another beginning?

    Would you look at it and wonder "what have I done with my life, where have all the years gone? Did I just

    spend a life time working in a job that I didn't like, giving away the most valuable thing: time? Did I just spend

    a life time in a relationship with someone that I did not love? Did I sacrifice daily happiness for the promise of

    a great future that never arrived? It makes no sense!" or will you say "I have lived a life with love,

    appreciation, freedom and complete joy! I have followed my dreams and I have offered my gift. I have earned

    as much as I could and given as much as I could and I am still left with some more! I have taken risks, lived

    passionately, loved achingly, sometimes won and sometimes lost. And today its all so worth it!" What will you

    say my friend when its time to return to God?

    Remember your life is a gift from the Source, the Great Spirit, from God, to all of us. God doesn't want to know

    if you have visited a special building once every week, God wants to know if you are ready to give the gift that

    you were sent to give! God wants to know if you will follow the truth in your heart or are you going to follow

    the crowd? Are you going to go where everyone else is going or are you going to dare?

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    If you dare, then we will all go one step closer to our common destination: to become one with the Source. If

    you don't, then we will go one step back.

    As you read this today, we are experiencing a world wide increase of people who are willing to commit

    themselves to what is the truth, whatever it maybe. And as more and more people commit to the truth, we are

    moving faster towards enlightenment, towards understanding our common purpose, towards true freedom,

    towards love.

    And if you would like to become one those people, I suggest you start fast. Time is of essence my friend. In a

    world where millions are killed for oil, countries are crippled for gas, and planes crash into buildings, our

    planet needs more people like you who are willing to see beyond this material insanity. You, as a being of

    light, are not here to spend your life in the little maze running like rats. You are much more than that...

    You are here to teach. You are here to help others realize what they are capable of. You are here to love. You

    are here to manifest miracles. You are here to create. You have a purpose. And that purpose is calling you

    from deep within. That's what makes you restless. Makes you uncomfortable. Makes you ask for more. Dream

    of the impossible. Want to reach for the stars. Change the world!

    Are you going to listen to that call? Are you going to dare? Are you going to open your eyes and see? Are you

    going to remember... who you are truly are?

    You have a responsibility, dear child of God, you have a mission, you are powerful beyond measure, yourmediocre living benefits nobody. It is time to wake up now. Will you listen...?

    Unfortunately, I realize all that I am saying may not make a lot of sense right now. As I said in the beginning of

    this E-Course, we rarely realize what an infinitely magical universe we are living in. The truth is not only

    stranger than you think, it is stranger than you CAN think!

    Anyway, as the ancient Chinese saying goes "the journey of a thousand miles begin with the first few steps."

    Let's take the first steps first. I had begun one day a few years back and I didn't know where to go. I went from

    teacher to teacher, spent the last few thousand of dollars that I had, crashed and burnt, made mistakes, made

    it big, lost it all, broke my heart, got featured on newspapers and television, almost got killed and in the end

    learnt what I needed to learn. I learnt what the true purpose of my life is and why I am here. And I learnt that

    just like the Wizard of Oz didn't give anything to the Tin Man that he already didn't have, all that I was looking

    for outside was always right here in me. I just needed to learn how to look So before we finish this last day of the E-Course, as I promised you in the beginning, here is a way you can

    take your journey to the next level and get on a brand new adventure...

    The nature of this journey is such that the more important lessons can never be taught but you will have to

    experience and become. Read the last sentence one more time to understand what it means. The deeper

    secrets of the universe are not something that you can read in a book or even learn from a teacher but

    experience as a personal transformation. But then teachers are important - because they help you in

    removing the obstacles that prevent you from making the journey that teaches you the deeper secrets. These

    are things that cannot be communicated over this 2 dimensional media like a webpage but has to be given

    directly from the teacher to the student. There is no one size fit all solution - this is the true journey within.

    Day 07: Exercise 01: For the next 7 days, take at least 30 minutes a day to meditate and ground yourself.

    While it may not make a lot of sense at this point, this practice is at the heart of any "real" breakthrough. If 30

    minutes is too much for you, quit watching TV for the next 7 days. Amazing but true, you will find that your

    life still goes on even if you don't watch TV for the next one year. I personally don't watch TV, period!

    Believe it or not, this practice alone will begin a process that is so powerful that it will probably be

    unfathomable for you right now. So trust the process and do it regularly, the questions that will surface will

    lead you to the answers you will need.

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    Day 07: Exercise 02: Follow what your heart truly desires. Follow the dreams within you, for you have them

    for a reason. If you go no further and never learn anything else from me, learn this: anything you desire in

    the deepest parts of your heart, you already have the capacity to materialize it. You may not realize it

    yet but that is the truth!

    Day 07: Exercise 03: Give it forward. If you have benefited from this free eCourse, tell your friends, family,

    co-workers and loved ones about it. You never know whose life you will end up changing. We are all in this

    together and one of the greatest realizations of the spiritual journey is that we are all inextricably connected

    to everyone else through all eternity. All our brothers and sisters are connected to us and we are going

    nowhere without them. So do your part in spreading the message. Tell as many people as you can about this

    eCourse so they too can open their eyes and change yet many others still. Here is the link to send:
