Nature-based solutions Water in the context of research...


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Nature-based solutions Water in the context of research funding 2016-2017

European Commission

DG Research and Innovation

Marco Fritz

Panagiotis Balabanis

All (c) belong to the authors of the used material.

Meeting of the Strategic Co-ordination Group SCG for the WFD CIS

Brussels, 9 November 2015

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New research agenda for nature-based solutions with strong water context

One product of research agenda are the Horizon 2020 calls for research funding with the water topic mainstreamed throughout the work plan:

• Water-related calls on nature-based solutions

• Water-related calls in wider circular economy topic

• SME calls with Seal of Excellence

Water in the context of Horizon 2020

WP 2016-2017 mainstreamed across the

entire Horizon 2020 WP 2016-2017

Within the concept of the systemic approach of SC5, water is addressed in the areas of circular economy, sustainable cities, climate services, territorial resilience, nature-based solutions, etc.

harnessing strong potential for European industry to become global market leader

continuity with 2014-2015 Focus Area call on ‘Water Innovation: Boosting its value for Europe’

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Nature-based solutions

Towards a research agenda for nature-based solutions

Nature-based solutions are understood as living solutions that are inspired or supported by nature, which are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience. This includes water services such as flood prevention and mitigation, or drinking water supply.

To position the EU as leader in nature-based

innovation for sustainable and resilient societies

Using GI, NWRM, EBA in a systemic approach.

History • Towards better environmental options and flood management (2009)

• Water blueprint & natural water retention measures (2012)

• The EU Adaptation Strategy (2013)

• The EU Green Infrastructure Strategy (2013)

• Policy document on NWRM (2014)

• Towards a research agenda for Nature-based solutions (2014)

• Sendai framework for DRR (2015)

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DG Research and Innovation

Results of funding should:

• - Provide evidence about cost-effectiveness of innovative NBS and longer-term social, economic, cultural and ecological benefits;

• - Contribute to creation of a global market for these solutions (supporting both supply and demand) - position Europe as world leader in innovation through nature-based solutions;

• - Mobilise and leverage new investments to open up new business opportunities;

• - Develop, test, demonstrate and upscale functionality of NBS;

• - Use a twinning approach: frontrunner and follower cities > community of practice with different stage of experiences.

Horizon 2020 calls on Nature-based solutions (!now open!)

• Demonstrating innovative nature- based solutions in cities: NBS for climate and water resilience in cities (SCC-02-2016-2017)

• New governance, business, financing models and economic impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with nature-based solutions (urban re-naturing) (SCC-03-2016)

• Operationalising insurance value of ecosystems (SC5-09-2016)

• Multi-stakeholder dialogue platform to promote innovation with nature to address societal challenges (SC5-10-2016)

• Large-scale demonstrators on nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk reduction (SC5-08-2017)

Further info on (pg. 110 sqq) (pg 21 sqq)

Research and Innovation

Water A critical element of the Circular Economy

as a Productive


as a Waste Stream

as a Resource

In the EU, on average, of the total water abstraction: • 44 % is used for agriculture • 40 % is used for industry and energy

production (cooling in power plants), and • 15 % is used for public water supply

Water and circular economy topics

Cross-cutting call: 'Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy' CIRC-2-2016: Demonstrating the potential of efficient nutrient

recovery from water (IA – deadline 8 March 2016 for stage 1 & 6 September 2016 for stage 2)

• Total indicative budget for these topics in 2016: € 20M Recommended EU contribution/project: 6-8 M€

CIRC-2-2017: Towards the next generation of water systems and

services – large scale demonstration projects (IA – deadline 7 March 2017 for stage 1 & 5 September 2017 for stage 2)

• Total indicative budget for these topics in 2017: € 30M Recommended EU contribution/project: 10 M€

Water: 2016 topics

Call 'Greening the economy':

SC5-11-2016: Supporting international cooperation

activities on water (CSA – deadline 8 March 2016)

SC5-12:2016: Food systems and water resources for the development of inclusive, sustainable and health Euro-Mediterranean societies (CSA – deadline 26 January 2016) • Total indicative budget for these topics in 2016: €4M

Other SC5 topics with relevance to water:

SC5-01-2016-2017: Exploring the added value of climate services

SC5-02-2017: Integrated European regional modelling

and climate prediction system

SC5-03-2016: Climate services market research LCE-26-2016: Cross-thematic ERA-NET on Applied


Water-related topics in other calls of Horizon 2020 WP 2016-2017 (some examples):

SPIRE-01-2016: Systematic approaches for resource-efficient water management systems in process industries

SFS-1-2016: Dealing with multiple and combined stresses: approaches to improve water and nutrient use efficiency in crop production

SFS-47-2017: Management of soil water resources in the EU and China and its impact on agro-ecosystem functions

RUR – 04-2016: WATER FARMS – Improving farming and supply of drinking water

LCE 27 – 2017: Measuring, monitoring and controlling the risks of CCS, EGS and unconventional hydrocarbons in the subsurface

See also SME and Fast Track to Innovation instruments Full Horizon 2020 program on

Action: DG Research and Innovation

SME instrument SMEinst-12-2016-2017: Boosting the potential of small businesses in the areas and priorities of Societal Challenge 5

• helps high-potential SMEs to develop ground-breaking innovative ideas for products, services or processes that are ready to face global market competition

• grants for feasibility assessment EUR 50,000 lump sum (70% of the project);

• grants for innovation development & demonstration purposes EUR 500,000 - 2,5 million (70% of the project);

• Free-of-charge business coaching to enhance the firm’s innovation capacity and help align the project to strategic business needs;

• Access to a wide range of innovation support services and facilitated access to risk finance

Seal of excellence
