NATURAMIN · Importance of Trace Minerals in Poultry Diets Trace Minerals are essential in animal...


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Technical Brief_02152016v4

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NATURAMIN® Importance of Trace Minerals in Poultry Diets

Trace Minerals are essential in animal nutrition and provide essential elements for bodily functions like energy metabolism, oxygen transport and many en-zyme based reactions.

Supplementation of higher quality and more bioa-vailable trace minerals has led to increased growth and weight gain, reproduction and improved feed efficiency.

Naturamin® is a blend of high quality minerals provid-ing high bioavailability to provide birds with the essen-tial mineral elements needed for profitable growth, development and overall health.

Customers will also see improved skeletal, egg shell and hatchability improvements compared to low cost and low quality mineral premixes.

Defciencies related to low quality products include perosis, chondrodystrophy, retarded growth, poor feathering, exudative diathesis, anemia, ataxia, spastic paralysis, thin shelled eggs and poor hatchability.

Trace mineral deficiencies in livestock are often divided into two distinct categories:

1. Deficiencies resulting from inadequate intake of minerals or from low quality mineral sources with low bioavailability.

2. Deficiencies produced from an antagonism by another mineral or ingredient rendering the mineral inca-pable of proper adsorption.

Naturamin® provides the highest quality trace mineral premix to customers

Benefits of Naturamin™ Trace Mineral Premix

Preferred forms of minerals

High mineral bioavailability

Homogeneous mixture of minerals

Less animal health problems

Contributes to food and feed safety

Custom blending to meet client needs

Economical and effective results

Technical Brief_02152016v4

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Expensive “Organic” Trace Mineral can be Reduced or Removed

Producers have incorporated “organic” forms of trace

minerals into diets due to low quality minerals used in

the feed industry.

Research and shown that “organic” sources of trace

minerals are more bioavailable than poor quality inor-

ganic sources but only slightly more available than a

highly available trace mineral like Naturamin™.

Organic mineral can be reduced or even removed when

high quality Naturamin™ is used because more of the

essential mineral element is adsorbed by the bird re-

ducing the need for the high priced organic product.
