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  • 8/20/2019 NATURAL PERSONS.docx


    ANTONIO GELUZ vs. COURT OF APPEALSG.R. No. L-16439, July !, 1961

    FACTS:Her present husband impregnated Nita Villanueva before they werelegally married. esiring to !on!eal her pregnan!y from the parent"she had herself aborted by petitioner Antonio #elu$. After hermarriage" she again be!ame pregnant. As she was then employed

    in the C%&'('C and her pregnan!y proved to be in!onvenient" shehad herself aborted again by #elu$. (ess than ) years later" Nitain!urred a third abortion of a two*month old fetus" in !onsiderationof the sum of +,-.--. Her husband did not now of" nor !onsentedto the abortion. Hen!e %s!ar (a$o" private respondent" suedpetitioner for damages based on the third and last abortion. The trial !ourt rendered /udgment ordering Antonio #elu$ to pay+0"---.-- as damages" +1--.-- as attorney2s fee and the !ost of the suit. Court of Appeals a3rmed the de!ision.

    4SS5':4s an unborn !hild !overed with personality so that if the unborn

    !hild in!urs in/ury" his parents may re!over damages from the oneswho !aused the damage to the unborn !hild6

    75(4N#:+ersonality begins at !on!eption. This personality is !alledpresumptive personality. 4t is" of !ourse" essential that birth shouldo!!ur later" otherwise the fetus will be !onsidered as never havingpossessed legal personality.Sin!e an a!tion for pe!uniary damages on a!!ount of in/ury ordeath pertains primarily to the one in/ured" it is easy to see that if no a!tion for damages !ould be instituted on behalf of the unborn!hild on a!!ount of in/uries it re!eived" no su!h right of a!tion !ould

    derivatively a!!rue to its parents or heirs. 4n fa!t" even if a !ause of a!tion did a!!rue on behalf of the unborn !hild" the same wase8tinguished by its pre*natal death" sin!e no transmission toanyone !an tae pla!e from one that la!ed /uridi!al personality.4t is no answer to invoe the presumptive personality of a!on!eived !hild under Arti!le 9- of the Civil Code be!ause thatsame arti!le e8pressly limits su!h provisional personality byimposing the !ondition that the !hild should be subseuently bornalive. 4n the present !ase" the !hild was dead when separated fromits mother2s womb. This is not to say that the parents are not entitled to damages.However" su!h damages must be those in;i!ted dire!tly upon

    them" as distinguished from in/ury or violation of the rights of thede!eased !hild.



  • 8/20/2019 NATURAL PERSONS.docx


    be married. Se!ond" !hildren (o)(*+v* o o) during the

    marriage of the parents are legitimate. Hen!e" the unborn !hild

    fetusI is already a legitimate dependent the moment it was

    !on!eived meeting of the sperm and egg !ellI.

    ). No. eath is de>ned as B!essation of life. Certainly" a !hild in

    the womb has life. There is no need to dis!uss whether or not the

    unborn !hild a!uired /uridi!al personality J that is not the issue

    here. @ut nevertheless" life should not be euated to !ivil

    personality. &oreover" while the Civil Code e8pressly provides that

    !ivil personality may be e8tinguished by death" +/ o*s )o/

    *0l+(+/ly s/2/* /2/ o)ly /os* o 2v* 2(5u+* u++(2l

    *so)2l+/y (oul +*. 4n this !ase" Hortillano2s fetus had had life

    inside the womb as eviden!ed by the fa!t that it !lung to life for 0K

    wees before the unfortunate mis!arriage. Thus" death o!!urred on

    a dependent hen!e Hortillano as an employee is entitled to deathbene>t !laims as provided for in their C@A.

