Natural Liver Supplements Review By Ayurveda Expert



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Livoxil capsules, natural liver supplements, have

been designed to provide suitable reply to the

disease of the liver, the major filter of the body.

The liver is the largest gland of the body,

weighing 1200 to 1600 gram and situated in the

upper right portion of the abdomen.

Natural Liver Supplements

The liver is the only human organ that has the

remarkable property of self-regeneration. Natural

liver supplements are in high demand due to

proven efficacy and cost-effectiveness. Livoxil

capsules, natural liver supplements are ideal for

curing and preventing liver ailments.

Natural Liver Supplements

The liver is responsible for important functions,

including: Bile production and excretion.

Excretion of bilirubin (bile pigment), cholesterol (a

form of fat), hormones, and medicines.

Metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Enzyme activation.

Bile Production

Storage of glycogen (stored form of glucose),

vitamins, and minerals Synthesis of plasma proteins,

such as albumin and globulin, and clotting factors.

Blood detoxification and purification. Jaundice is the

commonest of the liver diseases.

Storage Of Glycogen

It means yellow discoloration of the skin, mucus

membrane (covering below the skin), and sclera

(covering of eye) due to elevation of bilirubin (bile

pigment; it is responsible for colour of stools and

urine) level in the blood. It is further of three types:

Bile Pigment

Viral hepatitis A and B, injury to liver due to

medicines, cirrhosis, malaria and sometimes

hereditary disorders like thalassemia and sickle

cell anemia) are cause of jaundice. Proven

natural liver supplements, Livoxil capsules are

well known hepato-protective supplement.

Natural Liver Supplements

According to the ayurvedic concept, wrong diet

and Pitta aggravating factors are the major causes

of hepatitis. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver.

'Hepa' refers to liver and 'itis' refers to

inflammation, hence hepatitis. Viral hepatitis is of

three types: Hepatitis A. Hepatitis B.

Ayurvedic Concept

The incidence of viral hepatitis B is more.

Ingredients in Livoxil capsules are typical

composition of natural liver supplements and are

effective in all type of viral hepatitis. Alcohol and

medicines are known to cause injury to the liver.

Natural Liver Supplements

Livoxil capsules are cost-effective and natural aid

for treating liver diseases. Among natural liver

supplements, these capsules are reputed name.

Natural liver supplement (Livoxil capsules) is safe

supplement and no side effects have been

observed in clinical use.

Natural Liver Supplements

Livoxil capsules should be used for 6 months for

significant results. Natural liver supplements

have typical mode of action for obtaining optimal

results. Regular use of these capsules is

recommended with suggested diet in case of


Natural Liver Supplements

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