National Alliance




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National Alliance

Committed to change

Creating Jobs

Being active residents of Lakeside we have noticed many complaints from the civilians of this great land that we have limited ways to produce an honest income. Our top priority is Jobs and growth. As you all know, we are a thriving and rapidly growing community. We must have and implement plans to support the growth of the city and the growth of the community.

From lack of available SAFE work sites many members have resorted to petty crime in order to make repayments and purchase food for their families. We pledge that we will work with local and international mining companies to expand their scope. This will bring more jobs to the residents of Lakeside and its surrounding areas. We also will be working with environmentalist to complete risk analysis prior to any mining approvals.

The National Alliance also will ensure safety measures for workers while mining by initializing “Operation Green Zone” which will be a single treaty developed at a single mine which the hard working people of lakeside and surrounding areas can complete their work safely, without fear from rebels and pirates.

Cut Spending.

Under many other political parties’ tax is the only way. We are committed to keep living expenses down. The National Alliance will stop taking advantage of the hard working men and women by disregarding the implementation of extraordinary high taxes. Yes, tax is a necessity but we refuse to exploit the hard working members of society with elevated taxes to privately fund personal expenses such as military grade weapons and luxury vehicle caches. We also are against the ‘donations’ made to known criminals or providing funds to private military units.

Tax revenue will be put back into the community by building a better town and opening more activity centres. We will also put revenue back into the community by investing in our support services and infrastructure. This will be done by upgrading medical facilities and support vehicles.

Murphy’s Law Health Care Initiative.Anything that can go wrong, Will go wrong.

We are committed to make health care available to everyone. We will subsidise the cost of ALL medical supplies currently available.

The Emergency Medical services are constantly harassed for bandages due to the strict laws regarding possession basic medical supplies. We will directly work with the emergency services to complete a risk analysis and expand the range of treatments publically available to the general community.

Speaking with a number of servicemen and women we pledge that basic medical treatments such as bandages and first aid kits will be subsidised by the government.

This government’s initiative will free up medical staff to classify cases of urgency during natural disasters and mass casualties.

We also pledge to improve medical facilities. With the installation of basic needs such as lights in and around the hospital, we believe in creating a safe and secure work environment.

Medical staff will also be able to purchase food and beverages at their local department with the installation of food vendors allowing them to be more proficient.

We are committed to work with the service men and women of this great community.

The voice of the peopleWe have always listened. Now it’s time to act.

The National Alliance believes in the basics. Civil liberties

This is the fundamental right of ALL members in our great community no matter the badge, title, income or status. We respect that everyone is different and people are free to express their belief. This includes not being profiled for wearing “non-civilian” clothing.

Masks and head apparel which prevents peace officers from visually identifying community members may be asked to remove headwear/concealing masks. Detainment and physical removal will be allowable.

Civil rights

We will take all civil liberty and civil right violations seriously. The National Alliance will implement an independent assessor for all violations. This will be done with the upmost integrity and transparency.

Hate crimes will be taken seriously and dealt with accordingly. The National Alliance has ZERO tolerance for ANY crimes of hate committed due to Age, Race, Sex, National Origin, Religion, Disability, Pregnancy, Medical Condition, Marital Status or Sexual Orientation.

These basic human rights are to be upheld by ALL. It is our duty as the greater community to act, report and respond accordingly.

Gun Laws

The National Alliance supports the right to conceal carry firearms.We will, however try to make a change for the number of full automatic rifles. We are firm believers that weapons and attachments that were designed for our soldiers don't belong on our streets.

This does not affect the police service in any way. It is solely for civilian.

Police and National Service

The National Alliance is committed to advancing the welfare of the Lakeside enforcement officers through legislative advocacy, education and action.

We acknowledge that the service men and women deserve to be rewarded so we pledge to increase their salary. This will be issued to officers based on an individual’s hierarchical rank.

Officers on lower ranks will be forced to ‘ride-a-long’ with more senior officers in order to establish good work ethic and morals. This will benefit the recruit and the people of lakeside greatly.
