Narrative Techniques



narrative techniques

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Narrative techniques





the act or process of telling a story, especially in a novel, a film/movie or a play (oxford dictionary)

Narration is the act of telling a story, usually in some kind of chronological order. Making up a scary ghost story and relating it around a camp fire is an act of narration.(

Narration means any kind of explaining or telling of something. It is usually used in reference to storytelling. If you've ever watched a television show, where one character's voice talks directly to the audience, then you've heard narration.


Narrative techniques are the methods and devices writers use to tell stories, whether in works of literature, film, theater or even oral stories. Many techniques work upon specific uses of phrases, punctuation or exaggerations of description, but nearly every storyteller, regardless of genre or style employs a few foundational techniques.(

Every story is told by a narrator, who is created by the author and usually different from the author's voice. The narrator controls the story by talking from a particular point of view

The methods involved in telling a story; the procedures used by a writer of stories or accounts. Narrative technique is a general term (like "devices," or "resources of language") that asks you to discuss the procedures used in the telling of a story. Examples of the techniques you might use are point of view, manipulation of time, dialogue, or interior monologue.(


1.First- Person Narrator: The story is told from the point of view 'I', as in Charles Boxter's "Gryphon". The I- narrator may be part of the action or an observer. As readers, we cannot know or witness anything the narrator does not tell us. We therefore share all the limitations of the narrator. This technique has

the advantage of a sharp and precise focus. Moreover, you feel part of the story because the narrator's 'I' echoes the 'I' already in your own mind.

2.Second –Person Narrator: This narrator speaks directly to the reader: "you walk in the room and what do you see? It's Mullins again, and you say, Out. I’ve done with him. This point of view is rare primarily because it is artificial and self- conscious. It seems to invent identification on the part of the reader with the narrator , but it often fails.

3.Third- Person Narrator: This is most common narrative style, illustrated by John Cheever's " The Swimmer" : " His life was not confining and the delight he took in this observation could not be explained by its suggestion of escape"( Cheever 2044). Third- Person narration permits the author to be omniscient( all-knowing) when necessary but also to bring the focus tightly on the central character by limiting observation only to what that character could possible witness or recall. One emotional effect of the technique is the acceptance of the authority of the narrator. In essence, the narrator sounds like the author.


1.Showing the character's appearance

2.Displaying the character's action

3.Revealing the character's thoughts

4.letting the characters speak, and

5.Getting the reactions of others.


Examples of Narratives in Literature

Example #1

“Animal Farm” by George Orwell is a modern narrative example that aim at extending a

writer’s political views. It is a form of narrative known as a political satire. It uses animals on

a farm to describe the overthrow of the last of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II and the

Communist Revolution of Russia before WW II. The actions of the animals on the farm are

used to expose the greed and corruption of the Revolution. It also describes how powerful

people can change the ideology of a society.

Example #2

Poetry written in the style of a narrative is known as narrative verse. “Faerie Queen” by

Edmund Spenser is an example of such poetry. It narrates the adventures of “The Red-

Cross Knight” to help “Lady Una” rescue her parents from the evil “Dagon”. On a symbolic

level it narrates the mission of the Holiness is to help the Truth, fight Evil, and thus regain its

rightful place in human hearts.

Example #3

Charlotte Macleod’s “The Withdrawing Room” is an example of a thriller or suspense

narrative. Augustus Quiffen, a lodger at Sarah’s Brownstone home, is killed by falling under

the train. It seems to be an accident until “Mary Smith” tells “Sarah” that it is a murder but

she is not sure of the identity of the murderer. “Sarah” and “Max Bittersohn” investigate the

matter and find that the killer has planned the death beforehand.

Example #4

“Don Quixote” by Cervantes is a parody of Romance narratives that dealt with the

adventures of a valiant knight. Unlike serious Romances, in “Don Quixote” the narrative

takes a comical turn. . We laugh at how the Quixote was bestowed a knighthood in his

battle with the giants [windmills]. We enjoy how the knight helps the Christian king against

the army of a Moorish monarch [herd of sheep]. These and the rest of the incidents of

the novel are written in the style of Spanish romances of the 16th century to mock the

idealism of knights in the contemporary romances.

Function of Narrative

Storytelling and listening to stories are part of human instincts. Therefore, writers employ

narrative techniques in their works to attract readership. The readers are not only entertained

but also learn some underlying message from the narratives.

Moreover, a narrative is set in specific cultural contexts. Readers can get a deep insight of

that culture and develop an understanding toward it. Thus, narratives can act as a binding

force in uniting humanity.


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