Narrative in web and video · Pulp Fiction non-linear Chronologically: ! 4, 2, 6, 1, 7, 3, 5. !...


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Narrative in web and video

Narrative in web and video

Andrew Stanton The clues to a great story !!


narrative a spoken or written account of connected events; a story

The relationship of cause and effect within space and time, usually with characters !

– Bruce Sheridan !

What is narrative?

narrative a spoken or written account of connected events; a story

The relationship of cause and effect within space and time, usually with characters !

– Bruce Sheridan !

What is narrative?

Exposition Introducing viewers to characters and setting !

Character A ‘person’ in the story who we learn about through their words and actions !

Setting The place where the story is set !

Problem or conflict The ‘struggle’ in the story

Events The things that happen in the story that are important and lead to the climax and resolution !

Climax The most intense part of the story !

Resolution The conclusion, tying up all the loose ends; how it ends up !


Elements of narrative

Classical narrative in films !

Parts of a story

Beginning !

Middle !

End !

Classical narrative in films !

Parts of a story

Beginning !

Middle !

End !




Time !

Classical narrative in films !

Parts of a story

Beginning !

Middle !

End !




Time !


Inciting incident

Rising action



Falling action


Classical narrative in films !

Parts of a story

Beginning Middle !

End !




Time !

Characters set up

Marty goes back to 1955

Anticipation builds, things happen

Marty almost fades!

Marty goes back

Back home

Sequel set up!

Narrative exists in all films… !

Carving the Future !

Narrative exists in all films… !

Carving the Future !

Alternative narratives !

e.g. TV Series !





TV series’ linking over time !

Rising action A whole series of mini-arcs each episode, with threads building to a series climax


…Series 1 Series 2 Series 3…

Main exposition may be in place from previous series’

Alternative narratives !

e.g. non-linear narrative films

Not just A to B !

Can be non-chronological !

Could be as simple as flashbacks or flash forwards !

Examples include: !

Lost Pulp Fiction Trainspotting !

Alternative narratives !

Pulp Fiction non-linear

As the sequence appears in the film: !




Prologue – The Diner (i)

Prelude to Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace's Wife

Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace's Wife

Prelude to The Gold Watch

The Gold Watch The Bonnie Situation

Epilogue – The Diner (ii)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Alternative narratives !

Pulp Fiction non-linear

Chronologically: !4, 2, 6, 1, 7, 3, 5. !Some overlap between sequences Some parts told by two different characters !



Prologue – The Diner (i)

Prelude to Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace's Wife

Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace's Wife

Prelude to The Gold Watch

The Gold WatchThe Bonnie Situation

Epilogue – The Diner (ii)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Alternative narratives !

e.g. web + video Snowfall !

Snowfall: a non-linear web and video based story !!




Rising action !Stories unpacked: Text with additional video

Incident !Avalanche described: Text with additional video

Exposition !Opening ‘cover’: Video as image with text

Exposition !Information about the site: motion graphic

Rising action !Weather explained: Video/infographic

Chapter 1

Story builds over six chapters

Ends with a call to action: watch the documentary

Gaza/Sderot: a dual narrative web and video based story !!




Alternative narratives !

e.g. web + video Gaza/Sderot !

Dialogue unfolds showing opposite perspectives !

!Homepage explains the premise

But, is there an arc? How do I navigate? Can I fast-forward? !


Where to now? !

Classical narrative rules: apply regardless of medium

Clarity Viewers should not be confused about space, time, events or motivations !

Unity Connections between cause and effect must be complete !

Closure Loose ends should be tied up and questions answered (and for your projects, a clear call to action should be present) !

Planning narrative !

How to Structure a Video Essay



Video !

Storyboarding + shot lists

Web !

Sitemaps and wireframes

Can be complex… !





Web !

Sitemaps and wireframes

But your sites are simple! !





Video !

How will you plan and tell your story?

Now: !

Any discussion about yesterday’s presentations? !

Any questions? !

Next up, back to studio: begin planning your approach to the issue, start storyboarding !

Workshop: shooting video !



