Nanotechnology in Manufacturing



Nanotechnology in Manufacturing. Nanotechnology; The History, The Development, The Associated Science and Skepticism Presented by : Gathon Kellum. History of Nanotechnology. *Desire to Push forward. *Difference engine. *Analytical Engine. *Early physicists. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nanotechnology in Manufacturing

Nanotechnology; The History, The Development,

The Associated Science and SkepticismPresented by:

Gathon Kellum

History of Nanotechnology

*Desire to Push forward

*Early physicists

*Difference engine

*Analytical Engine

Introduction of Nanotechnology

*Manipulation of Molecules

*fifty Nano meters

* Size of the tip of a human hair

*constantly evolving

Skeptical view

*Dangers of Nanotechnology

*spontaneous release of energy

*self-replicating nanobots

*Risk of the unknown

Explanation of associated science

*over 800 members

*a professional organization of scientists and scholars

* The Society of Scientific Exploration

*watches over everything that is written or invented

Economic and Environment considerations Presented by

Bradley Maynard

Current Advances

*Carbon nanotubes

*protective gear for soldiers

*nanofluids being used as heat transfer fluids

*coated aluminum being used in electronic devices

The Bulletproof Suit

*suits for the financial elite

*strongest fibers in the world

*Lighter than Kevlar stronger than steel

Whats left to come?

*development of new medicines

*manipulate viruses and proteins

*obtain and store solar energy better

*advancements in alternative energies

The environment

*cleaner alternative energies

*more efficient

*more affordable

*environmentally friendly

Nanotechnology: The Political, Legal,

Ethical and Moral issuesPresented by:

Erik Mack

*Dictates speed of development

*Improving standard of living

*Countries racing to be “first”

Political Issues:

Legal Issues:

*No clear definition

*Vague laws with many loopholes

*Need for proper regulations

Ethical Issues:

* Nano-enhanced foods

*Genetic Pollution


*Rich and Poor country gaps

*Less human jobs

Moral Issues

*Too “God-Like”

*Nanotechnology as weapons

*Nanotechnology uncontrollable

Psychological Considerations,

Sociological effects, Media Influence and

Current Context Presented by

Roy Banks

Nanotechnology and the Media

*Magazines engage youth

*Youtube videos teaching Nano

*Mainstream media lacking in coverage.

*Higher Education Pushing for Nanotechnology

Current context of Nanotechnology

*Cleaner fuel

*Molecular disease detection

*New Drugs

*Smaller Faster Computers

Psychological considerations

*Fear of Unknown

*Lack of Education

*Hollywood feeds Fears

*Cloning Debates and Fears

Sociological Effects

*Public Advisory Boards

*Unknowable Long Term Effects

*Improved Regulatory Controls

Advancing What is Needed and Profitable


GRANT, A. (2014). Matter & energy: Laser tweezers manipulate objects just 50 nanometers wide: Technique could allow scientists to move proteins and viruses. Science News, 185(7), 10-11. doi:10.1002/scin.5591850709

industry news: NANOTECHNOLOGY. (2014). Advanced Materials & Processes, 172(5), 20.

Nguyen, M. (2014, July 1). Unwrapped: The Bulletproof Suit. Canadian Business, 87, 22.

References Cont.

Nikkam, N., Saleemi, M., Haghighi, E. B., Ghanbarpour, M., Khodabandeh, R., Muhammed, M., & ... Toprak, M. S. (2014). Fabrication, Characterization and Thermo- physical Property Evaluation of SiC Nanofluids for Heat Transfer Applications. Nano-Micro Letters, 6(2), 178-189. doi:10.5101/nml.v6i2.p178-189

Pugno, N. (2014, April 1). The "Egg of Columbus" for Making the World's Toughest Febres.. PLoS ONE, 9, 1-6.,cookie,ip,uid&db=a9h&AN=95817962&site=ehost-live&scope=site

References Cont.

UK-INDIA R&D TEAMS STUDY NANOTECH FOR ENERGY. (2014). Engineering & Technology (17509637), 9(4), 24.

Collier, B., MacLachlan, J., Charles Babbage and the Engine of Perfection Oxford University PressThe invention of the two Engines the calculating machine that can calculate numbers.  Fanfair, D., Desai, S., Keity, C. The Early History of Nanotechnology Retrieved from http//: www.

References Cont.

Hagler, G., M.B.A., Salem Press Encyclopedia of Science, January, 2013. Retrieved from Jones, Richard, Nature Nanotechnology, Feynman’s unfinished business, Dec. 2009 Vol. 4 Issue, 2, p.785-785 DOI:10.1038/nnano.2009.358. Retrieved from

Jotterand, F., (ed.) Emerging Conceptual, Ethical and Policy Collier, B., MacLachlan, J., Charles Babbage and the Engine of Perfection Oxford University Press
