Name 3 things Nationalists use to define nations language, ethnicity, history, culture


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Name 3 things Nationalists use to define nations

language, ethnicity, history, culture

What kind of people did liberals tend to be?

Wealthy, educated & excluded

Who did liberals want to deny representation to?


lower classes, unfit for rep (nothing special about


What kind of people were usually conservatives?

aristocratic monarchists (people who had power in

the old pre-french rev system)

Name 3 ideals the Liberals took from the


Free press, religious tolerance, equality before

the law, unrestricted economy

Name 2 factors that contributed to the rise of

the proletariat.

wage labor market, end of guilds, no longer

controlled means of production

What was the purpose of the Six Acts?

Make it easier to repress the reform demanders in


Who were the Burchenshaften? What

happened to them?

Student Nationalist groups in Germany banned by Metternich & Carlsbad


Identify the three major ways that workers sought to improve their conditions in

the early 1800’s.

socialism, chartism, labor unions

Who was the pioneer of socialism? Who did he

believe should control the means of production?

Saint Simon, industrial and intellectual elites

Who thought he could successfully build utopias

based on textile manufacturing? Where did

he succeed? Fail?

Owen, Scotland & Indiana

What kind of equality were the Chartists pushing for?

Name 3 parts of the Charter.

political equality; universal suffrage, salaries for

Commons, no prop. req., annual elections, equal


What was Marx’s major work?

Communist Manifesto

What did Marx feel was necessary to reorganize

society? Would this entity be permanent?

Dictatorship of the proletariat, no

What did Marx believe would be the culminating

event of history?

clash between Proletariat & Bourgeoisie, leading to a

society without oppression

What did the anarchists want? Why?

end to ind. & Gov’t, because ind. & gov’t limit freedom in people’s lives

What were 3 general causes of the Revs. of 1848?

Hunger (bad harvests), unemployment, poor

living & working conditions, political


How many separate revolts took place in 1848? Which

was the first major uprising?

Over 50, the February Revolution in France

Where were the four major revolutions of 1848?

France (Nap III), Italy (Roman Republic), Austria

(Magyars & Czechs), Germany (workers and


What group benefited most from the Revolutions of


Liberals (Cons brought them in to hold off poor)

What impact did the Crimean war have on the Great Powers

(Au. Pr., Ru. & GB)?

Ended it (broke up the order of Congress of


What impact did this break up have on Germany & Italy?

Allowed for their unification (since powers couldn’t

unite to stop it like they had in the past)

Who did Cavour secure help from in Piedmont’s fight

against Austria?

Napoleon III (France)

What priorities did Garibaldi demonstrate when he

turned over Southern Italy to Cavour (the monarchist)?

nationalism over republicanism

Bismarck wanted unification by ____ & ____, which symbolized


blood & iron, war & industrial strength

How did Bismarck use war with France to

complete unification?

brought in support from the Southern States

How did Great Britain slowly change in the

1800’s to avoid revolution?

became increasingly democratic (series of

reform bills)

Which Tsar tried to bring modernization and reform to Russia in the 1860’s &

1870’s? What happened to him?

Alexander II, assassinated

How did the realists want to portray life?

as it actually was in order to shock the bourgeoisie

Name three kinds of horrid conditions that the new

urban cities faced.

disease, overcrowding, crime, sanitation,


Name two developments that helped solve these

problems in the late 1800’s.

sewers, electric light, public housing

What school of painters wanted to capture the entire essence of the


the impressionists

How did the middle class try to set themselves apart

from the WC?

buying consumer goods, living in better

neighborhoods, etc.

What did romantic painters like Goya and Turner attempt to portray?

their emotional view of the world

Name two kinds of white collar jobs that were created

by the 2nd Ind Rev.

sales clerks, typists, phone operators, traveling


What was the chief contribution of Louis


germ theory and the birth of modern medical


Who invented the light bulb and developed the concept

of the modern industrial research laboratory?

Thomas Edison
