NADERGUL SOCIETY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER ... · DPS Nadergul believes in globalization....


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After the Jubilance and Euphoria of UDBHAV in the last week of August, September quietly slipped into our

misdst bringing in an air of serenity with it. For Zuzu and his friends it was time to get back to serious academics,

complete worksheets and get down for preparations towards their term examinations starting soon. As always

Zuzu enjoys the transition that the school offers him from days of activity, intersperse with academics thus giving

us the much-needed balance in life.


The festival of the Elephant God reiterated the element of being Green and Eco – friendly once again amongst

us.Like every year DPS Nadergul has made an extra effort to reduce the burden of Mother nature and celebrate

the festival in an ecofriendly manner. Children of pre - primary and Grade – 1 made their own idols with the

potter to get the true essence of the concept of eco-friendly Ganesha. Go green being the mantra of Zuzu’s school,

it was made sure that from idol to immersion everything was done in an eco-friendly manner. Celebration

continued for 5 days in a grand scale.

BATHUKAMMA is an embodiment of the spirit of Telangana. It is a colorful floral festival of Telangana and is

celebrated by women folk with exotic flower of the region ‘BATHUKAMMA’ in telugu means to ask goddess to

come alive. This festival indicates the beginning of SharathRuthu.

Zuzu was excited because like every year my school celebrated the imminent festival inviting moms and

grandmothers to make colorful Bathukammas and dancing to the folk beats. The event culminated by honoring

the outstanding Bathukamma and felicitating all grandparents.

India is a country of rich culture and heritage. Zuzu’s

friends are from different parts of India. So the campus of DPS

Nadergul reverberated with the sounds of Dandiya songs when the

tiny tots of DPS Nadergul and their mothers danced to the beat.

Dandiya is a traditional folk dance of Gujarat

and Rajasthan. Where people dance in two circles with sticks in their

hand. Dandiya is performed as a part of merriment during the Navaratri.

In a festive mood Zuzu and his friend bid adieu to each other and set off

for their vacations.

Half Yearly Exam: Revision Schedule

DPS Nadergul believes that examinations are an integral part of student’s life. Half Yearly

examination scheduled in this month hence it is time for Zuzu and his friends to gear up and open

the pages of their books. DPS Nadergul has always been best in its revision plan which leads to an

extensive learning without compulsion. The exam papers being designed in such a way that it

helped the children to exercise reasoning and logical skills. “All is well that ends well” – in this

note. Half-yearly examination wrapped up with few corrective measures for the improvement of

Zuzu and his friends.

In our school examinations or a test of one’s logical application and reasoning skills. Content based

questions and rote learning are least encouraged. Some of the questions for Zuzu were extremely thought

provoking. If you are in the mood to answer a few please click on the link given below.


The international peace day is observed around the world every year on 21st September. It has been declared as a

day devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nation and


Peace day provides globally shared date for all humanity to commit to peace and adore all differences and to

contribute to building a cultural of peace.

DPS Nadergul believes in globalization. Hence pre-primary to grade-3 has designed their assemblies, class

room activities, subject embedded activities, Music and Dance based on the theme peace. Zuzu’s friends

showcased their theme based performances level wise during a week tenure. The significance of dove and olive

branch as an emblem of peace was depicted everywhere around the premises.

Holiday Home Work

Holidays are the most awaited time of the year. We yearn for holidays to take a break from our monotonous

routine. Holidays offer a respite from hectic routine. It is the time to relax and rejuvenate, a time to bond with

family and friends and eat scrumptious food.

Zuzu’s friends bagged exciting interdisciplinary holiday homework which was beyond text

books. The framing and designing of the holiday homework was done child to instigate inquisitiveness and

develop researcher among the buddies.

Please click on the link given below for Holiday Homework (Class wise)

International Education Trip

Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree, it’s about widening your knowledge and

absorbing the truth of life.

DPS has planned an international educational trip to NASA to ignite the curious mind of the child.

Two of Zuzu’s friend from DPS Nadergul joined with the students of the other branches to fly off to NASA to get

the essence of the life of an astronaut.

Inter School Science fair competition ‘– “The greater the scientific advance, the more primitive the fear.”

Zuzu’s friends from preprimary were all set to showcase their scientific talents and compete with other

school. Two tiny tots from preprimary represented DPS Nadergul in the Interschool, Science fair competition and

bagged 2nd position held at Pallavi Model School.

The success was a reflection of the moto of DPS Nadergul. It focuses on the development of scientific inquiry at

an early age so that the exuberant kid shares scientific curiosity with others.

Value Based Curriculum: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value” – Albert Einstein.

DPS Nadergul always believes in new things. A new concept of value based curriculum has been proposed to be

introduced from the month of November.

Value based curriculum creates a strong learning environment that enhances academic attainment and

develops student’s social relationship skills that last throughout their lives.

A value – based approach encourages reflective and aspirational attributes and attitudes. The goal is to

form a strong moral foundation that may empower young people to abhor and resist immoral practices now and

later in their life.

To support this DPS Nadergul have designed a structured approach to assemblies, curriculum and

activities that teach the values and encourage children to deepen their understanding of what the values mean to


Honesty which is the first chapter in the book of wisdom is the first value to be percolated to the children

through every branches of academics, sports and performing arts.


Sports and games in school encompasses more than just the benefit of physical activity. It increases self-

esteem and mental alertness and also teaches life skills like team work, leadership, patience.

Zuzu’s buddies from all grades have marked a remarkable foot step in varied sections of the sports.

Participation in different competitions and bagging prizes added feathers in the cap of DPS Nadergul.

Chess, Archery, Swimming and Skating are the focused areas where district level prizes raised the flag of

DPS Nadergul high.

Sameera of grade 8-won Silver Medal in 100mts race in CBSE clusters held at Nalla Malla Reddy

Foundation School, on 14th October, 2018.

Pranav of grade 7 won Silver Medal in 100mts District Champion ship held at Gachibowli.

School games Federation SGF – ARCHERY held at DPS Nadergul under the districts of Medchal,

Rangareddy, Vikarabad on 27.09.2018.

Category: Under 14, 17 (Boys & Girls)

DPS Nadergul provided Medals:

Gold – 15 Silver – 12 Bronze – 7

Around 15 Schools participated in the event.

Yuva Raj of grade 5 has been selected for State Level Championship under – 14 Recurve category.


Term – I examination ended with a parent teachers meet which was planned in a different pattern.

Student tracker report is a new concept introduced in the Term-I report this year. The idea behind is to judge or

track a child’s inherent capabilities and to highlight the best out of it. Pen paper test and marks are given less

importance for the academic improvement of a child.

Scholastic and co-scholastic subjects are classified into 4 parameters and a child is graded from high-skilled,

average and needs improvements categories. This helped both the teacher and the parent to identify the power and

weakness of a child which will help to frame the improvement strategy required for the particular child.

Keeping in mind the “Go - Green” mantra DPS Nadergul from this term introduced online report card, the link of

which was sent to the parent’s ID a night before the PTM.

Success and appreciation of this new method poured from the parents as the one who could not attend the PTM

did not miss anything because the online report and student tracker gave a clear picture of the child’s position.

Zuzu is very happy as he is aware of his strengths and can overcome the weakness with proper remedial measure.

Completion of reading:

Reading is one of the fundamental skills vital for a child’s future not just

academically, but in everyday life. Reading helps a child to comprehend

and also articulate thoughts. It improves vocabulary and makes a child

more creative thinker TERM – 1 project in DPS Nadergul was ‘Reading

Challenge’ where 15 books according to different levels were given to

complete within 9th September.

The challenge was taken up seriously by

many students. Almost 140 children completed

and as promised they were awarded with badges

and certificates on the day of PTM. There were many children who completed nearly 10.

They were also rewarded with participation certificate as a token of appreciation.

Zuzu’s friends carried their nudge of honour with great pride which influenced others to

take this challenge next time.

New Prospectus:

DPS Nadergul is going to step in the fourth year slowly with her baby steps. Success and triumphs of DPS

Nadergul in every sector is fetching good response for admissions for the academic session 2019 – 20 which

opened its gateway on the auspicious day of Dusserah. The school designed its new prospectus which is updated

with multiple highlighted areas, achievements and goals. The following link will take you to Zuzu’s new


Result Analysis:

As the exams ended, it was time for my teachers to reflect on the results. Some of my friends did

need support during their term. A thorough helped my teachers to identify the difficulties and narrow the bridge

between the expectations and the results. My school came up with an after school academic support program, five

concept questions in math every day, spell check and dictations in languages to improve writing skills and do with

science activity every day. All these steps I hope will help many of my friends to handle the second term with

much more confidence.

One of the strengthening that my school under took was to initiate a Home room concept in grade – 3 also. This

initiative was taken up as many children last year in grade 3 found difficulties while moving out from a

homeroom to a independent learner. This year the initiative bore fruit as a results of grade -3 with a homeroom

concept was significantly higher in all the subjects. My friends of grade – 3 thank the school for helping them

transit better as they move to grade 4 more confident learners.
















Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) is the country’s premier body for green building certification and allied

services. The impulse of ‘Go – Green’ mantra always indulges DPS Nadergul to be a part of all types of greenery

campaign. Zuzu’s school has registered him to the IGBC – competition. The teachers and students researched and

framed 10 projects to compete.

They are:

Some of them are really very efficient with respect to application. The innovative and creative projects have

gained immense appreciation. As the principle of IB (Intelligence Bureau) states, “Taking action is when learning

is internalized by the students”.

The concept of pencils with seeds worked effective when one of the child planted the pencil with seeds and grew

an OKHRA plant. That’s called true learning!

Pranavi of grade 7E, planted okra seed given on rakshabandhan by school,

it yields a okra

True to the festive spirit of Ganesh and Bathukamma the two most popular eco –

friendly festivals the IGBC competition was one more step that the school under

took in being a true green school.

See you all in NOVEMBER with many more activities and newer initiatives.
