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1002260AF16-XV Question Booklet No.

!I':f-~ ~-.m



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Instructions for Candidates

7. Candidates should note that each question is

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2. This test is of 2 hours and 30 minutes

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1. <.!l' ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ OMR~~ ~



2. <.!l' ~ ~ 2 'Cf~ 30 ~ I ~ ~

IS0~ MCQ~ ~ ~I ~ m'!rn~~ 1 (<.!l<li) I

3. ?f~~c<fiR-6~~~~rnl

4. ~~~~~~~~~

<r<~Cii1ct (~~) ~ ~ ~ I

5. m'!rn ~ ~~ OMR ~~ ~ ~


~ 1Sl<qii1~~ ~ ~ I m'!rn ~ ~~

~ ~ ~ C~ c<fiR-6 15f<q~IC\!l' ~

~ -n ~W1l~ ~ ~ -;n I

6. ~-~ ~ -n ~ ~-~ ~~ ~;fu;"c9f ~ I

7. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~"M~-~ ~~ -6 -n~) ~I ~, ~

~-ilT~ -n ~-~~'l c<fiR-6~ ~

~~ ~ ~tfT ~~ ~,~ ~~m~~~~~'lJ~1

Name of the Candidate (in Capitals) : __ ~ ~ ,...- _


Roll No. : _

c:ma! "'~

Full Signature of the Candidate with date



OMRAnswer Sheet No. _


Sigruiture of the Invigilator with date

f.lffI'I'c'P'!!/ ~ ~

" ....

Direction : Answer the following questions

by selecting the correct option.

1. Which one of the following is not

the characteristics of accounting


(A) Reliability

(B) Relevance

(C) Comparability

(D) None of the above

2. Double-entry system was introduced


(A) America

(B) Japan

(C) Italy

(D) None of the above

3. The accounting standards are

intended to apply only to items

which are

(A) material

(B) insignificant

(C) measured in terms of money

(D) None of the above

4. Accounting principles are generally

based on

(A) practicability

(B) subjectivity

(C) convenience of recording

(D) None of the above

5. Which of the following is

not a fundamental accounting


(A) Going concern

(B) Accrual

(C) Conservatism

(D) None of the above

6. The matching principle results from


(A) periodicity principle

(B) .realisation principle

(C) fmancial transaction principle

(D) None of the above



ffi lfI\S I

1. ~ ~ ~>jl<Bl,*'l ~'<ffit ~ ~ ?

(A) Pl~~C~l~

(B) ~1>jf5t<qS\!)1

(C) ~aHl>jl~

(D) ~~ C<qSH~ ~

2. \!)<fl~1~-~ ~ ~~ Wi. ~C~~aj

(A) \5l1C~~<fllC\!)

(B) 'S1t~

(C) ~'GlfalC\!)

(D) ~~ C<qSH~ ~

3. ~1<l~,*'l ~ ~ Ul~ C<qSHfG~~


(A) ~

(B) <R ~~,,'f'

(C) ~\5f~ ~~'ifJ

(D) ~~ C<flH~ ~

4. ~~'l\? ~1<l~,*'l ~~~ AA ~

(A) <lJ<l~~<fl\!)l

(B) f<l~~~R3<fl


(D) ~~ C<flH~ ~

5. ~ ~ ~>jl<l~,*C'l?t oom ~9T ~ ?


(B) ~9fJ wrn


(D) ~~ C<flH~ ~

6. !)l'1<fl~C'rn ~9T ~ ~ ~ ~


(A) ~~9T

(B) \5l1'T1~<qS~C'rn~9T

(C) ~ C'1"1C'TC"1~~9T

(D) ~~ C<flH~ ~


7. ~>jl<l~""Ccrn ~ ~~ ~

(A) ~~=~+~

(B) ~~=~~~ +~~.

(C) ~~ = ~~ + t?RT

(D) ~~ C<flle>j~ om

8. ~~~~~

(A) .\£l<pf'ij~ '8 \£l"ffi ~ ~ \£l~


(B) \£l<pf'ij~ '8 \£l"ffi ~ ~ \£l~


(C) \£l"ffi ~ cQ '8 \£l"ffi ~


(D) ~~~~M·

9. ~'8~~~~~~~


(A) ~~~

(B) ~~

(C) ~~~~

(D) ~~ C<flle>j~ om

10. ~~ ~ ~ I8flC<I'fl~~'f C'lfU ~

(A) ~~'f~


(C) ~~

(D) ~~ C<flle>j~om

11. "<IT~W 1~'f1~i¥~IC~~.'lC<fl ~


(A) i~I~ll8fl$j~ ~ ~

(B) i~I~ll8fl~~ ~ ~

(C) ~~e>jl8fl~~ ~ ~

(D) ~~ C<flle>j~om


(A) ~ \Sl"i>jlC~ 18f~IR>Pl\§

(B) ~ \Sl"i>jIC~'I8f~nR>Pl\§

(C) ~ \Sl"i>jlC~ ~ ~

(D) ~~ C<flH~ om

7. The basic accounting equation is

(A) Assets = Expenses + Income

(B) Assets = Cash + Capital

(C) Assets = Capital + Liabilities

(D) None of the above

8. A compound journal entry is with

(A) one debit entry and more than

one credit entry

(B) one credit entry and more than

one debit entry

(C) more than one both debit and

credit entries

(D) All of the above

9. ATrial Balance is prepared to locate

(A) errors of principle

(B) errors of omission

(C) compensating errors

(D) None of the above

10. Cashbook is an example of

(A) general journal

(B) special journal

(C) compound journal

(D) None of the above

11. Bad debt recovered during the year

is a

(A) revenue expenditure

(B) revenue receipt

(C) capital receipt

(D) None of the above

12. Debit balance in the· cashbook

means 12.

(A) overdraft as per passbook

(B) overdraft as per. cashbook

(C) credit balance as per passbook

(D) None of the above

/17 3 [ P.T.O.

13. Balances of Personal Account will be'

shown in

(A) Trading Account

(B) Profit and Loss Account

(C) Balance Sheet

(D) None of the above

14. What is the accounting nature of

outstanding expenses?

(A) Nominal Account

(B) Personal Account

(C) Real Account

(D) None of the above

15. Assets are held for the purpose of

(A) earning revenue

(B) resale

(C) conversion into cash

(D) None of the above

16. Depreciation is a process of

(A) valuation of asset

(B) allocation of cost

(C) maintenance of asset

(D) None of the above

17. Diminishing balance method of

depreciation is suitable for

(A) machinery

(B) copyright

(C) leasehold property

(D) None of the above

18. A bill of exchange payable after a

certain period.is known as

(A) trade bill

(B) accommodation bill

(C) time bill

(D) None of the above


13. ~ ~>1IC<t~~~~ ~ ~

(A) ~-~~

(B) a{1i5-~ ~

(C) ~-~

(D) ~~ C<liH~ om

14. ~~~~~~?

(A) ~~


(C) ~~-~~

(D) ~~ C<tlH~-;m

15. ~~~~~~'f~

(A) C~~~~ '6le1c~~ ~

(B) 'f1:RJFC~~ ~

(C) ~'iWf ~~ ~ ~

(D) ~~ C<tlH~ om

16. '6l<tb~C<li~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


(A) ~~~

(B) ~~~

(C) ~~~~'f

(D) ~~ C<tlH~ om

17. JF~>1~I~ ~ ~ ~ c<fiTO\~


(A) ~~

(B) ~

(C) ~I~I~'& ~~

(D) ~~ C<tll~~ -;m

18. ~ ~ ~ ~ Wffi ~


(A) <tJ<t>1IK1<tl~

(B) >11~I~J<tlI~~

(C) >1~~~R3<li ~

(D) ~~ C<tll~~ om


19. While calculating the due date of the

bill, how many days are added to the

period of the bill?

(A) 3 days

(B) 4 days

(C) 5 days

(0) None of the above

20. Receipts and Payments Account is a

(A) Personal Account

(B) Real Account

(C) Nominal Account

(0) None of the above

21. Income and Expenditure Account

records transaction of

(A) revenue nature only

(B) capital nature only

(C) both capital and revenue natures

(0) None of the above

22. An ordinary partnership firm can


(A) not more than 20 partners

(B) not more than 50 partners

(C) any number of partners

(0) None of the above

.23. A and B are sharing profits and

losses in the ratio of 3 : 2. They

admit a new partner C with ith

share in profit of the firm. The new

profit-sharing ratio between the

partners will be

(A) 10: 8 : 5

(B) 8: 12 : 5

(C) 7: 5 : 3

(0) None of the above


19. ~~ mr ~ ~ fiR 'if'Rrn ~

~~ C~~IC'Tiq~ ~ ~ ~'if ~


(A) 3 fiR

(B) 4 fiR

(C) 5 fiR

(D) ~~ C<fil~~ om

20. ";{~~-~ ~ ~ ~

(A) ~~

(B) ~~-~~

(C) ~~

(0) ~~ C<fiH~ om

21. '!l\m-~ ~ ~ ~~~


(A) ~~ ~~I~I'8fI~~


(B) ~~ ~~~'8fI~I~

(C) ~~ '8 ~ '@~~'8fI~~

(0) -~~ C<fiH~ om

22. ~~ ~~'l ~~~ m \5I~ifl'TICiqiq~~~

(A) 20 ~ c<li'ftom

(B) 50 ~ c<li'ftom

(C) ~~~~

(0) ~~ C<fil~~ om

23. A ~~~B 3 : 2 ~9ffC\5 aws-C61I<fi>tI~~~


~ ~~ifl'TIM1C'1 ~'l ~ I ~~ifl'TliqCqiq

~~ ~ Ufi5JT~ ~~ ~~ ~

(A) 10: 8 : 5

(B) 8: 12 : 5

(C) 7: 5 : 3

(0) ~~ C<fiH~ om

5 [ P.T.O.

24. In the event -of death of a partner,

the accumulated profits and losses

are shared by the partners'

(A) old profit-sharing ratio

(B) new profit-sharing ratio

(C) capital ratio

(D) None of the above

25. Unrecorded liability when paid on

dissolution of a firm is debited to

(A) Partners' Capital Account

(B) Liability Account

(C) Realization Account

(D) None of the above

26. The Consignment Account is made

on the basis of

(A) cash basis

(B) realization basis

(C) accrual basis

(D) None of the above

27. Goods costing ~ 1,80,000 sent out

to consignee to show a profit of 20%

on invoice price. The invoice price of

the goods will be

(A) ~ 2,16,000

(B) ~ 2,25,000

(C) ~ 2,40,000

(D) None of the above

28. Joint Venture Account is a

(A) Nominal Account

(B) Personal Account

(C) Real Account

(D) None of the above

29. A, B and C are co-venturers. The

relative profit-sharing ratio between

A and B is 3 : 2 and between B and

C is also 3: 2. The profit-sharing

ratio between A, B and C is

(A) 3: 1 : 1

(B) 9: 6 : 4

(C) 5: 3 : 2

(D) None of the above


24. ~ '!i1~"tIC1l1l ~ ~ ~

~-Ci11P:p>iH '!i1~'fI1l1l1 ~ ~~ <f~


(A) ~ ~~"lCf <f~ ~~

(B) ~ ~~ <f~ ~~

(C) ~~~~

(D) ~~ C<fiIOl~ o:m

25. ~ C'Ml '!i1~ ~ '6l<1>iHICOl1l



(A) '!i1~'fI1lC"t1l ~~ ~

(B) ~~

(C) '6l1"tHI<fi1lGf~

(D) ~~ C<fiH~ o:m

26. ~~~~~AA~(A) 'Ol'i'f"fAA(B) '6l1"tHI<fi1lGfAA(C) !ll9fJWffl ~

(D) ~~ C<fiH~ o:m

27. WfR !ll9f<fiC<p 1,80,000 tr<fiT ~ -rn

~~WfR~~~ 20%~

~ I 9f'fJ~~ WfR ~ ~

(A) 2,16,000 tr:Pr

(B) 2,25,000 WPT

(C) 2,40,000 tr:Pr

(D) ~~ C<fiH~ o:m

28. ~~~'if~~~

(A) ~~


(C) ~~-~~

(D) ~~ C<fiH~ o:m

29. A, B ~<f~ C ~ ~~ ~~ I A '8 B-

~~ ~~ ~i110l1~ii1<fi~~ <f~ *~3 : 2 ~<f~ B '8 C-~~ ~~'8 3 : 2. A, B

~~ C-~~ ~~ ~~ <f~ ~~ ~

(A) 3: 1 : 1

(B) 9: 6 : 4

(C) 5: 3 : 2

(D) ~~ (.""'<fi=IOlm~~o:m


30. The capital at the beginning of

the accounting year in case of

single-entry system is determined by


(A) Opening Balance Sheet

(B) Cash Account

(C) Opening Statement of Affairs

(D) None of the above

31. Which of the following capitals is

not shown in the company's Balance


(A) Authorized capital

(B) Issued and subscribed capital

(C) Reserve capital

(D) None of the above

32. Share having preferential right as

to dividend and repayment of capital

is termed as

(A) equity share

(B) preference share

(C) right share

(D) None of the above

33. Share Application Account is a

(A) Nominal Account

(B) Personal Account

(C) Real Account

(D) None of the above

34. The portion of the authorized capital

which can be called up only on the

liquidation of the company is called

(A) issued capital

(B) called-up capital

(C) reserve capital

(D) None of the above

35. The minimum share application

money is

(A) ~ 1 per share

(B) 5% of the face value of shares

(C) 25% of the nominal value of


(D) None of the above


30. I!l~-~ ~ ~ ~~

~~ ~'l f.t~c:rn ~ ~ ~~~~~

(A) ~~-~

(B) "l'iN~

(C) ~~~~~

(D) ~~ C~H~-;m

31. ~ ~~~ ~~~- ~


(A) \5liC~lfq~ ~~

(B) ~'ifJ '8 €<lMM~1"'""'~~~

(C) ~~~~

(D) ~~ C~H~-;m

32 .. ~~ <fCfM '8 (;1'1~IC~~ ~ ~~ ~

9ft~ ~ ~ cxmrn ~ C~ ~


(A) ~~'l cxmrn(B) ~cxmrn(C) ~~I~~\§ cxmrn(D) ~~ C~I"'1~ -;m

33. cxmrn \5lIC<q'T"'1~ ~ I!l~

(A) ~~


(C) ~~-~~

(D) ~~ C~H~ -;m

34. \5liC~lfq~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~

~~ \5l<q>jI~C"'1~ ~ ~ ~ ~


(A) MM1~~~(B) ~~~

(C) ~~~~

(D) ~~ C~I"'1~ -;m

35. cxmrn \5lIC<q'TC"'1~'§foU ~ ~~ ~'l


(A) cxmrn ~ 1 ~

(B) (O"1~IC~~ ~ ~ 5%

(C) (O"1~IC~~ ~~'l ~ 25%

(D) ~~ C~I"'1~ -;m

7 [ P.T.O.

36. Public Limited Company cannot


(A) equity share

(B) deferred share

(C) preference share

(D) None of the above

37. Premium on issue of shares can be

used for

(A) issue of bonus shares

(B) distribution of profit

(C) transferring to general reserve

(D) None of the above

38. Subject to the permission allowed by

the Central Government, the

maximum allowable discount on

equity shares is

(A) 5%

(B) 8%

(C) 10%

(D) None of the above

39. Preference shareholders are

(A) creditors of the company

(B) owners of the company

(C) debtors of the company

(D) None of the above

40. If a share of ~ 10 on which ~ 6 has

been paid, is forfeited, it can be

reissued at the minimum price of

(A) ~ 4 per share

(B) ~ 6 per share

(C) ~ 8 per share

(D) None of the above

41. A company cannot issue redeemable

preference shares for a period


(A) 6 years

(B) 8 years

(C) 10 years

(D) None of the above


36. ~ ~~cij~ c<W'9fRt ~ c-mrn ~~ ~ ;n \5l"WIT

(A) ~~'1 cxrnm(B) Riij~ cxrnm

(C) ~cxrnm(D) ~~ C<tiH~ om

37. ~ R~1~ C-1~ICi;H1~ ~~ ~


(A) ~ c-mrn~ fl

(B) aj\5Jl~ ~ <t~ fl

(C) ~~'1 ~ ~ fl

(D) ~~ C<tlH~ om

38. ~ >j~<tilC~~ \5l'iC~I'f"i <n&l~ ~~'1

C-1~IC~~~ ~ <nm ~'1 ~

(A) 5%

(B) 8%

(C) 10%

(D) ~~ C<tiH~ om

39. ~ C-1~IC~iq~'if'1 ~

(A) ~'1T~


(C) c<W'~~

(D) ~~ C<tlH~ om

40. 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ C'11ffilT

~, \5l~ ~~ fl~, ~ ~

~~\5l 'fl~~fl~?

(A) cxrnm ~ 4 ~

(B) cxrnm ~ 6 ~

(C) cxrnm ~ 8 ~

(D) ~~ C<tiH~ om

41. ~ ~ cxrnm ~~'ffl


(A) 6~

(B) 8~

(C) 10 ~

(D) ~~ C<tll"i~ om


42. - Which of the following can be

utilized for the redemption of

preference shares of a company

out of profit?

(A) Share Forfeited Account

(B) Employee's Accident Fund

(C) Dividend Equalization Fund

(D) None of the above

43. Loss on issue of debenture is

treated as

(A) intangible asset

(B) current asset

(C) miscellaneous expenses

(D) None of the above

44. If debentures of nominal value of

~ 1,00,000 are issued at a discount 44.

of 10% for net assets worth of

~ 80,000, the balance of ~ 10,000

will be debited to

(A) Goodwill Account

(B) Capital Reserve Account

(C) Profit and Loss Account

(D) None of the above

45. The balance of debenture sinking

fund after redemption of debentures 45.

is transferred to

(A) Profit and Loss Account

(B) General Reserve Account

(C) Debenture Account

(D) None of the above

46. The medium which provides a

snapshot of the financial condition 46.

of a firm at a particular point of

time is

. (A) the Balance Sheet

(B) the income statement

(C) the statement of cash flow

(D) None of the above

/17 9

42. c<men ~ ~ ~~~'rn ~~~~~~~~~0'If&~~~?

(A) cxmm ~~~ ~


(C) ~~->1~~~<litm ~

(D) ~~ C<liH~ ~

43. ~~~ ~ ~~ CO'II<li>1HC<li~ ~~

~ ~'11<!Sm~ ~ ~

(A) ~~~~


(C) AA~~

(D) ~~ C<lil~~ ~

~ 10% '6l<l~C~ 1,00,000 lJr<Isrn ~tffii~

~ ~~~ 80,000 lJr<Isrn ~ ~~ ~ <!Sm~, ~ ~ 10,000 tr<IiT


(A) ~~

(B) ~~~erl~~ ~ ~

(C) ~-CO'II<li>1I~ ~

(D) ~~ C<lil~~ ~

~~~ ~~'rn ~ ~~~ ~~'4'

~~J~CO'I~ ~ ~ <!Sm~

. (A) ~-CO'II<li>1H ~

(B) ~tffii~ ~ ~

(C) ~~~~

(D) ~~ C<lil~~ ~

c<men ~<Iif&*~~~~~~<Iif&~~~~~~

(A) ~-~

(B) ~~~

(C) ~~~~~

(D) ~~ C<lil~~ ~

[ P.T.O.

47. Trends of which sector of business

are highlighted by comparison of

fmancial statements?

(A) Activity

(B) Financial position

(C) Financial transactions

(D) None of the above

48. A fmancial statement that shows

both rupees and percentage in

the report is referred to as a

(A) Balance Sheet

(B) common-size statement

(C) realtime statement of equity

(D) None of the above

49. Common-size fmancial statement

makes it easier to compare firms

(A) of different sizes

(B) in different industries

(C) with different degrees of leverage

(D) None of the above

50.. A technique uses in comparative

analysis of fmancial statement is

(A) graphical analysis

(B) preference analysis

(C) common-size analysis

(D) None of the above

51. Debt-equity ratio is a/an

(A) solvency ratio

(B) turnover ratio

(C) efficiency ratio

(D) None of the above

52. The best ratio to evaluate short-term

liquidity is

(A) current ratio

(B) working capital ratio

(C) debt-equity ratio

(D) None of the above


47. ~~$ft~~~~~~~

~ ~~Ff ~~ ~WIT

(A) <PliSf<P(



(D) ~~ C<PH1'&\~

48. ~ ~ ~~ ~R>'<I'tC~ tm ~~~ ~, ~ ~ f.Wfxt '<ijC<p\?TWIT


(A) ~-~

(B) ~~Cf-\5l11R>~ ~$ft

(C) .->t~~~~<P ~ ~~

(D) ~~ C<PH1'&\~

49. ~~Cf-\5l11R>~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~


(A) ~ \5l11R>~~

(B) ~~'iiR~

(C) faI~I'~CiSf~~ ~

(D) ~~ C<Pl~1'&\~

50. ~ ~~ ~~ ~Qij~I~iij<P 9j(jCQijlb~1

~"ISfc;n ~ ~ ~ WIT

(A) ~-~~ 9j(j,Qijlb~1

(B) ~ 9j(j,Qijlb~1

(C) ~~Cf-\5l11R>~ 9j(j,Qijlb~1

(D) ~~ C<PH1'&\~

51. CtRl-~lfal<Pl~1~~ WIT ~

(A) ~~~

(B) ~~~

(C) ~~~

(D) ~~ C<Pl~1'&\~

52. 1$1<Pl~~ ~ ~~ ~ >t<lCb'~


(A) ~~~

(B) <Pl(<P~~~ ~~

(C) CtRl-~lfal<Pl~1~~

(D) ~~ C<PH1'&\~


53. Current ratio is 3 : 1 and quick ratio

is 1·5: 1. What is the value of

closing stock if current liabilities

are ~ 1,80,000?

(A) ~ 2,40,000

(B) ~ 2,50,000

(C) ~ 2,70,000

(D) None of the above

54. Which of the following is a source

of fund?

(A) Issue of bonus share

(B) Issue of shares against

purchase of fixed assets

(C) Conversion of debentures into


(D) None of the above

55. Increase in stock at the end of the

year results in the

(A) application of fund

(B) source of fund

(C) No flow of fund

(D) None of the above

56. Sale of long-term investments


(A) source of fund

(B) application of fund

(C) change in current assets

(D) None of the above

57. Cash flow statement is based on

(A) cash basis of accounting

(B) accrual basis of accounting

(C) credit basis of accounting

(D) None of the above

58. Which of the following is not

application of funds?

(A) Payment of dividend on share


(B) Payment of tax

(C) Increase in working capital

(D) None of the above


53. ~ ~~ ~ 3 : 1 ~~ ~ ~~

~ 1·5: 1. ~ ~ ~ M'l1,80,000 ~ ~, ~ ~ ~~'trn


(A) 2,40,000 ~

(B) 2,50,000 ~

(C) 2,70,000 ~

(D) ~~ C<tSI"'l~ o:m

54. ~ C<tSI"'lfGC<tS~~Ci71~ ~~~ ~ ~'1J~


(A) ~~~


(C) ~'l~~~~

(D) ~~ C<tSI"'l~ o:m

55. ~ ~ ~ ~'trn ~~ ~~~Ci71 ~ ~ ~~~

(A) ~~Ci71~ ~

(B) ~~Ci71~ ~~~

(C) ~~Ci71~ c<mon ~ o:m

(D) ~~ C<tSI"'l~ o:m

56. ~~<PI~"'l cmt~ ~ ~~ ~ M~~~

(A) ~~J<lCi71~~~~

(B) ~~Ci71~ ~


(D) ~~ C<tSI"'l~ o:m

57. ~"ifOf~~~AA~

(A) ~"ifOf~~C~ ~'1I<1~~'l

(B) W9fJ Wffl ~~C~ ~'1I<1~~'l

(C) ~ ~~C~ ~I<l~~'l

(D) ~~ C<PI"'l~ o:m

58. ~ C<tS1;$ ~~Ci71~ ~ ~ ~'1J~


(A) ~~ ~~ Qi'j'i5JT~~

(B) ~~

(C) <tS14<p~~~ ~

(D) ~~ C<PI"'l~ o:m

11 [ P.T.C.

59. Cash from operation =

(A) Net profit + Increase m

outstanding expenses

(B) Net profit + Increase in debtors

(C) Net profit + Increase in stock

(D) None of the above

60. Increase in the amount of bills

payable results in

(A) increase in cash

(B) decrease in cash

(C) no change in cash

(D) None of the above

61. Cost accounting concepts include all

of the following, except

(A) planning

(B) profit sharing

(C) controlling

(D) None of the above

62. The main purpose of cost

accounting is to

(A) maximize profit

(B) aid in fixing selling price

(C) provide information to

management for decision

(D) None of the above

63. Costs which are ascertained after

they have been incurred are known


(A) imputed cost

(B) sunk cost

(C) historical cost

(D) None of the above

64. The three major elements of product

cost are all, except

(A) direct materials

(B) indirect labour cost

(C) factory overhead

(D) None of the above


59. <Wl<flii1I9fC~ ~ ~'if>f \5f'<f =

(A) ~arrs+~~.cr~

(B) ~ arrs + C'T"'lI'TIC~~~'f ~

(C) ~ arrs + ~ 9fCCfrn.'f ~

(D) ~~ C<PI"'l~-m

60. Wffi~~~.'f~~

(A) ~'if>f '5fC~ ~'f ~ ~

(B) ~'if>f '5fC~ ~'f ~ ~

(C) ~'if>f '5fC~ ~'f \5f9f~<qf\b~ ~

(D) ~~ C<PI"'l~ -m

61. ~ c<!iA'ft ~ ~J1I<q~~C'rn ~'lrn

\*jj~i& -m?

(A) 9f~<p$1"'l1

(B) ~~~

(C) ~'f

(D) ~~ C<PI"'l~ -m

62. ~ ~J1I<q~~C'rn~ ~ ~

(A) ~~~'f

(B) ~ ~ f.l~'f ~ ~

(C) ~~ ~ ~'rn ~ ~QlJ


(D) ~~ C<PI"'l~ -m

63. Pl~c~~~ ~~ ~9f~~~~

(A) ~~~

(B) Pl~~~~

(C) ~f\iJ~~<p ~

(D) ~~ C<PI"'l~ -m

64. ~ C<PI"'lfGC<p~~9fT'M ~ ~ ~


(A) ~ <Plbl~lii1

(B) ~~

(C) ~~~~

(D) ~~ C<PI"'l~ -m


65. Period costs are

(A) variable costs

(B) fixed costs

(C) overhead costs

(D) None of the above

65. >j~{l~~<li ~ ~

(A) '1rn;q0"liflG1 ~

(B) ~~

(C) ~~<mT

(D) ~~ C<liH~ ~

66. ~ <mT '8 '1rn;Q0"liflat ~~ <rrcml


(A) ~~9fTlM <mT

(B) ~<mT

(C) ~<mT

(D) ~~ C<liH~ ~

66. Prime cost plus variable overhead is

known as

(A) production cost

(B) total cost

(C).marginal cost

(D) None of the above

67. Direct labour cost forms the part of

(A) prime cost

" (B) factory overhead

(C) administrative overhead

(D) None of the above

67. ~ ~ ~ '1rn;QJC{l~~ ~ ~

(A) ~~

(B) ~~~<mT

(C) ~~~<mT

(D) ~~ C<PI"l~ ~

~~~ ~'l 1tl>j1~~ ~ ~~ ~

~ <rrcml ~1>j1~ ~ ~ ~

(A) ~ <mT

(B) '1rn;Q0"liftaf <mT

(C) ~~-'1rn;Q0"liflG1 <mT

(D) ~~ C<lil"l~ ~

. 68.

69. ~~~~


1B) ~1"l;QI~~blG1IC"lI~.~

(C) ~'1I\!)ICG1~ <liIS!<liC~

(D) ~~ C<lil"l~ ~

~ '1rn;QJC{l~~ ~ ~ ~ ~


(A) '6l~I~IR<li ~

(B) ~1~IR<li ~

(C) ~~

(D) ~~ C<PI"l~ ~

68. A cost per unit which increases or

decreases when volume of output

decreases or increases is known as

(A) fixed cost

(B) variable cost

(C) semi-variable cost

(D) None of the above

69. Process costing is applied in

(A) collieries

(B) transport operations

(C) hospital works

(D) None of the above


13 [ P.T.C.

70. A process loss that does not affect

the cost per unit is

(A) abnormal loss

(B) normal loss

(C) standard loss

(D) None of the above


71. Contribution margin is also known


(A) gross profit

(B) net profit

(C) marginal income

(D) None of the above

72. Profit/volume ratio is an indicator of

(A) the volume of sales

(B) the volume of profit

(C) profitability

(D)·None of the above

73. When P/V ratio is 40% and sales

value is ~ 10,000, the variable cost

will be

(A) ~ 4,000

(B) ~ 6,000

(C) ~ 8,000

(D) None of the above

74. When fixed cost is ~ 10,000 and P/V

ratio is 50%, the breakeven point

(BEP)will be

(A) r 20,000

(B) r 40,000

(C) ~ 50,000

(D) None of the above

75. If net profit is 10% and P/V ratio

is 50%, the margin of safety will be

(A) 10%

(B) 20%

(C) 50%

(D) None of the above


71. ~~\5foU~~~~~~

(A) ooU.atTi5

(B) ~ atTi5

(C) ~~

(D) ~~ C<PH~ ~

72. atTi5-~ '!if.i~ ~ f.1cffi ~ 'if'tJ


(A) ~Jl'c~~_'1

(B) ~_'1

(C) ~-'ll~l~l~

(D) ~~ C<Pl~~ ~

73. ~ atTi5-~ '!if.i~ ~ 40% ~~~

~Jl'c~~ ~ ~ 10,000 ~, ~

9j~:q-,£~ifti71<ml ~

(A) 4,000 ~

(B) 6,000 m-r(C) 8,000~

(D) ~~ C<Pl~~ ~

74. ~ ~ <ml ~ 10,000 ~ ~~

atTi5-~ '!if.i~ ~ 50%, ~ >1~I:q~I~


(A) 20,000 ~

(B) 40,000 ~

(C) 50,000 ~

(D) ~~ C<Pl~~ ~

75. ~ ~ ~ ~ 10% ~~ atTi5-~

'!if.i~ ~ 50%, ~ m~ ~~~

(A) 10%

(B) 20%

(C) 50%

(D) ~~ C<Pl~~ ~


76. The term 'audit' originated from the 76. 'Audit' ~ \;~~ ~ (A ~ C~

word ~~

(A) adhere (A) adhere

(B) audire (B) audire

(C) addition (C) addition

(D) None of the above (D) \;9fUrn C<pJO'{~-;m

77. Audit is a fact-finding process that 77. ~ ~ ~~ ~~-\5I"i>1t!l1~ ~ ~compares actual results with m~ ~i7jl~i7jC<p~ <ro:l

(A) specified standards and plans(A) m (Al~ '8 9jffi<PtHl~~

(B) expected result(B) ~ ~i7jl~,i7j~ ~

(C) preliminary result(C) ~~ ~i7jlqCi7j~~

(D) None of the above(D) \;9fUrn C<pJO'{~-;m

78. The audit which is compulsory by~ \5I"i>11C~(A ~ ~~U~l~at<P ~ ~law is known as 78.

(A) \5I&4~<pl~~ ~(A) interim audit

(B) internal audit (B) \5I~J&~'1~

(C) statutory audit (C)~~

(D) None of the above (D) \;9fUrn C<pJO'{~-;m

79. The main object of an audit 79. ~~1~~~

(A) is expression of opinion (A) ~~~

(B) is detection and prevention of(B) ~ '8 ~ \;'t'41U~ '8 cm~~

fraud and errors

(C) depends on the type of audit(C) AA <ro:l ~~1~ ~ \;~

(D) None of the above(D) \;9fUrn C<Pl~~ -;m

80. \5I~J&'m'l~ ~80. Internal audit is

(A) internal control (A) \5I~J~'l ~'l

(B) annual audit (B)~~#

(C) statutory audit (C)~~

None of the above (D) \;9fUrn C<Pl~~ -;m(D)

/17 15 [ P.T.O.

81. Internal checks usually operate

(A) before the processing of a


(B) as a part of the processing of a


(C) after the processing of a


(0) None of the above

82. Test checking implies

(A) checking only a few items in


(B) checking each and every item

(C) checking a representative

sample of items

(0) None of the above

83. Before the commencement of audit

work, the auditor plans out the

whole of audit work is called as

(A) audit programme

(B) audit notebook

(C) audit plan

(0) None of the above ..

84. A number of checks and control

exercise in a business to ensure its

efficient working is known as

(A) internal control

(B)·internal audit

(C) interim audit

(0) None of the above

85. The essence of auditing is

(A) internal control system

(B) investigation

(C) vouching

(0) None of the above


81. '¢l~R!I~c:r f.t<mrc:r~ ~~~ ~ ~


(A) Cii1"'lC'f"'l~ ~HR ~'i1

(B) Cii1"'lC'f"'l~ ~~ ~

(C) Cii1"'lC'f"'l~ ~~~ ~

(D) ~~ C<P1"'l~ o:m

82. ~ ~ f.W;M ~

(A) ~ f.roT M<gIH1~~IC<l ~ ~ ~

(B) ~ f.roT ~ ~ i§RJ

(C) ~ ~ caRN-i ~ ~


(0) ~~ C<PH~ o:m

83: ~ 'O~ ~'i1 Pml~C<P~ ~ ~

~~ Pml~C<P~ 9JH1<P$l"'lIC<P~ ~

(A) Pml~l~~

(B) ~~l~~

(C) ~~l~ 9JH1<P$l"'l1

(0) ~~ C<P1"'l~ o:m

&4. ~ ~ ~ <Plet<P~ ~~ f.T"1)W~1

~ ~ ~~ ~ \S ~tfRC<li


(A) '¢l~J~~c:r ~c:r

(B) '¢l~J~~c:r ~

(C) '¢l~4$i<pl;n"'l f.!h

(0) ~~ C<Pl"'l~ o:m

85. ~~l~~~

(A) '¢l~J~W1c:r~c:r ~

(B) ~

(C) ~ ~161\<P~c:r

(0) ~~ C<Pl"'l~ o:m


86. The case history of Kingston Cotton

Mills Company Ltd. is associated

with the auditor's duty regarding

(A) valuation of goodwill

(B) valuation of stock

(C) valuation of plant and


(D) None of the above

87. Cost audit means

(A) audit of cost accountant

(B) audit of cost of production

(C) audit of cost accounts

(D) None of the above

88. What does management audit


(A) Complete audit

(B) Interim audit

(C) Efficiency audit

(D) None of the above

89. The audit which refers to the

evaluation of company's performance

against planned goals in the areas of

social responsibility is

(A) cost audit

(B) social audit

(C) environment audit

(D) Norie of the above

86. Kingston Cotton Mills Company

Ltd.-~~ ~n~Wllro f.ffll~C<fi~ C<fiq <fi~C<U~


(A) 'l~IC~~ ~

(B) ~ 9fC'Irn~

(C) ~~ '8 <fii71<fi~I~~

(D) ~~ C<fiI"'1~ ~

87. ~ f.ffll~I~ ~~~

(A) ~ ~"1I<l~~C<fi~ ~

(B) ~~9fw.l ~ ~

(C) ~ ~IC<l~ ~

(D) ~~ C<PH~ ~

88. ~~~~f.Wfxt~~~

(A) ~'f~

(B) \SI~4$i<fiI~"'1 ~


(D) ~~ C<PI"'1~ ~

89. >11~1~<fi ~ ~<f1~iq ~ C<fiF~

9f~<P~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \5f ~

f.ffll~Hl ~ ~ ~ ~

(A) ~~

(B) >11~1~<p ~


(D) ~~ C<PI"'1~ ~

90. f.ffll~C<fi~ ~'1T \SI"i~~, ~ ~ .

~~C<l'T"'1~~ ~ ~ • ~<T~

"'1JI~>15f~ ~Qij ~ ~ on, ~ f.m1~<P

~ ~ f.Wfxt ~ \5f ~

(A) C"'1~<lII5<p~

(B) f.t:~~

(C) ~9f"lfi ~

(D) ~~ C<PI"'1~ ~

.90. When in the auditor's opinion the

statements do not present a true

and fair view of the financial

position, the auditor will express

(A) an adverse opinion

(B) a qualified opinion

(C) an unqualified opinion

(D) one of the above

/17 17 [ P.T.O.

91. The two broad categories of business

activities are

(A) trade and commerce

(B) trade and industry

(C) industry and commerce

(D) None of the above

92. The oldest form of business

organization is

(A) sole proprietorship

(B) partnership

(C) joint-stock company

(D) None of the above

93. Which of the following does not

characteristic of business activity?

(A) Production of goods and


(B) Sale and exchange of goods and


(C) Recurrence of transactions

(D) None of the above

94. Commerce is related to

(A) production of goods

(B) exchange of goods

(C) providing services

(D) None of the above

95. Which of the following cannot

be classified as an objective of


(A) Investment

(B) Productivity

(C) Profit earning

(D) None of the above


91. <fil~<lrnl ~14<PiiI1C~ ~ ~~ ~'if ~

(A) ~'8~

(B) ~'8m

(C) m'8~(D) ~~ C<fil"'1~ -;m

92. >j<lCbC~ ~ ~ Jf~~ ~ ~

(A) ~<fi~lfa1<fi1"'11

(B) ~~

(C) ~Qf-~~~

(D) ~~ C<fi1"'1~ -;m

93. ~ C<fiRiU <filMrnl <p14<Pi111C~ ~


(A) 9f9J '8 ~ ~~9frR

(B) 9f9J '8 ~ ~ ~~~ ~

(C) Ci11"'1C'TC"'1~~~"C~

(D) ~~ C<fil"'1~ -;m

94. ~~~~~~~~

(A) 9f9J ~~9frR

(B) 9f9J~

(C) ~~

(D) ~~ C<fil"'1~ -;m

95. ~ C<fil"'1fflc<p <pliq<llC~iq ~ ~


(A) ~'if

(B) ~~9fl'T"'1ifti11\!)l

(C) ~~

(D) ~~ C<fi1"'1~ -;m


96. Business risk is not likely to arise

due to

(A) change in government policy

(B) good management

(C) dishonesty of employee

(D) None of the above

97. Which of the following cannot be

classified as an auxiliary to trade?

(A) Warehousing

(B) Transport

(C) Insurance

(D) None of the above

98. The legal business entity that is

separate from its owners and

managers is

(A) sole proprietorship

(B) general partnership

(C) limited liability company

(D) None of the above

99. Which of the

not a constrain


following is

of business

(A) Capital

(B) Unskilled management

(C) Lack of technical knowledge

(D) None of the above

100. Which of the following is not a

financial instrument?

(A) Treasury bill

(B Real estate

[C ortgage loan

•'0 e of the above


96. ~~~ ~l~<llC~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ;n ~"WIT

(A) >j~~~~~

(B) ~~~

(C) ~(b~~ 1Sl>j\!)\!)1

(D) ~~ C<PH~ ~

97. ~ C~HroC~ ~ ~ ~ ~~


(A) ~"fl~l8fl\!)~~~

(B) ~

(C) ~

(D) ~~C~H~~

98. ~ 1Sl1\~>j't\!) ~l~<I~ ~OO ~ ~ \S


(A) ~~~lFa!<Pl~l

(B) ~~~~~

(C) ~ "fl~Pl~ ~

(D) ~~C~H~~

99. ~ ~ ~l~<I~ ~ ~ ~


(A) ~~

(B) ~~~

(C) ~~Pl"fjl~ ~

(D) ~~C~H~~

100. ~~~~~?

(A) ~W!


(C) I8fl~~I{'S' ~~

(D) ~~ C~l~~ ~

19 [ P.T.D.

101. Financial instruments with

maturities of less than one year are

traded in the

(A) money market

(B) capital market

(C) equity market

(D) None of the above

102. Which of the following is a money

market instrument?

(A) Equity share

(B) Debenture

(C) Commercial paper

(D) None of the above :

103. Which one is not the component of

capital market?

(A) Equity market

(B) Debt market

(C) Derivative market

(D) None of the above

104. Capital market is regulated by which

of the following organizations?




(D) None of the above

105. SENSEX is an index of


(B) BSE.


(D) None of the above


101. ~ ~ (A~~ 00Wf ~ ~ ~~

~ ~ C'f-aM Cii1~C'T~~


(B) ~~~


(D) ~~ C"H~ -;m

102. ~ ~ ~ ~1'8fIC~~~ ~

'if'tJ ~?

(A) ~ cxmrn

(B) ~~

(C) ~<IiT~

(D) ~~ C"I~~ -;m

103. ~ ~ ~tR ~1'8fIC~~~9frfR -;m?


(B) ~'T~

(C) ~~

(D) ~~ C<PI~~ -;m

104. ~tR ~ (A'~OO ~ ~ ~ ~





(D) ~~ C"H~ -;m

105. SENSEX (A ~1'8fIC~~~ ~ ~




(D) ~~ C"I~~ -;m


106. Who is called the father of scientific


(A) Elton Mayo

(B) Henry Fayol

(C) Frederick W. Taylor

(D) None of them

is110. ~~~~~

(A) F. W. Taylor

(B) Henry Fayol

(C) Max Weber

(D) ~~~~

107. Luther Gullik and Lyndall Urwick

classified the function of

management as

106. (.qQIf.:)~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~?

(A) Elton Mayo

(B) Henry Fayol

(C) Frederick W. Taylor

(D) ~~~~

107. Luther Gullik ur~~Lyndall Urwick

~~~ ~ ~ ~~~'if

~C~C~~ ~~




(D) ~~ C~I~~ ~

108. Henry Fayol ~~ <f$ ~ f.W:M~C~?

(A) 12m~

(B) 14m~

(C) 15 m~(D) ~~C~H~~

109. ~c<fif.\~~~~~?

(A) 9jffi~$HI

(B) ~m'if


(D) ~~ C~H~~

21 [ P.T.D.




(D) None of the above

108. How many principles of management

have been propagated by Henry


(A) 12 principles

(B) 14 principles

(C) 15 principles

(D) None of the above

109. Which one of the following is not the

function of management?

(A) Planning

(B) Staffing

(C) Co-operating

(D) None of the above

110. Human relations

propagated by

F. W. Taylor

Henry Fayol

~ ax Weber


- e of them

. /17

111. Which of the following functions is

regarded as the essence of


(A) Planning

(B) Organizing

(C) Co-ordination

(0) None of the above

112. Which is the major issue faced while

doing manpower planning?

(A) Type of informations used in

making forecasts

(B) Types of people to be hired

(C) Multiple positions to be filled

(0) None of the above

113. The area not covered in industrial

relation is

(A) economic development

(B) role of management, trade

union and Government

(C) collective bargaining

(0) None of the above

111. ~ ~ <Pll§flUc<p~~ ~ ~


(A) '1fii1<Pt1~1

(B) ~~~

(C) >j~~Wll~

(0) ~~ C<PI~~ -;m

112. ~H;q>j""~ '1fii1<Pt1~I~~ ~ ~ M~~fG~~~~?

(A) ~ ~ ~ ~ I:lQij~farn


(B) ~ ~ <p~C'f~ M'if ~ W1

(C) ~~~M'il~W1

(0) ~~ C<PH~ -;m

113. ~ ~ ~ fi'm ~~ ~~~;n?

(A) ~~~

(B) ~~ ~, ~ ~~~ \S


(C) ~~ 'f~<P~I<P~

(0) ~~ C<PI~~ -;m

114. The objectives of trade union do not' 114.


(A) employee's compensation

(B) working condition

(C) recognition and participation

(0) None of the above

~ ~~~ tr;Cl1tC"lrn ~~ ~ ~

\5l~~~ -;m ~ ~

(A) <p~bffll~ ~~'t


(C) ~~'t \S ~1R>'f1~

(0) ~~ C<PH~ -;m

115. Modem marketing is

(A) priceoriented

(B) product oriented

(C) consumer oriented

(0) None of the above


115. ~~~'1'R~

(A) ~~

(B) 9f'lJ ~

(C) ~~

(0) ~~ C<PH~ -;m


116. Good marketing is no accident, but

a result of careful planning and

(A) selling

(B) execution

(C) strategies

(0) None of the above

117. The promotion of 'P' of marketing is

also known as

(A) product differentiation

(B) distribution

(C) marketing communication

(0) None of the above

118. From buyer's point of view, product

is considered as

(A) customer's cost

(B) customer's solution

(C) customer's communication

(0) None of the above

119. In marketing theory, every

contribution from the supply chain


(A) value

(B) cost

(C) ingredient

(0) None of the above

120. According to four 'P' of marketing,

credit term can be classified as

( ) place

) product

C price


116. ~ ~9f~ ~ '5Il<P~<P Won ~ ~~~~ ~ 9jffi<P$l~l15

(A) PlJl>~~ ~


(C) ~Cii1~ ~

(0) ~~ C<Pl~~ ~


117. ~9f~ ~ ~'rn 'P' c<1i\5R1 ~


(A) 9fC'lrn AA~

(B) '1~<l?l1~

(C) ~9f~ ~'ilWn'if

(0) ~~ C<PH~ ~

118. ~ 'tm~f5tc~9f'lJC<pPlC<ltHl~ ~

(A) ~~~

(B) ~~~~

(C) ~ ~'ilWn'if ~

(0) ~~ C<PH~ ~

119. ~9f~ ~ '5I1:>ilC~, ~9f¥t ~ ~~~~~'if~~~

(A) ~

(B) ~

(C) ~~~

(0) ~~ C<Pl~~ ~

120. ~9f~ ~ _ 'P' '5I1:>i1C?l, ~'rn


(A) Wl~

(B) 9f'1J~

(C) ~~

(0) ~'l~.

23 [ P.T.O.

121. Which of the following is a quadratic


(A) x2 +2x + 1 = (4 - x)

2 + 3

(B) -2x2 = (5 - x)(2x - ~)

(C) x3 - x2 = (x _1)3

(D) None of the above

122. A sum of money at simple interest

amounts to ~ 2,240 in 2 years and

~ 2,600 in 5 years. The principal

amount is

(A) ~ 1,500

(B) ~ 2,000

(C) ~ 2,500

(D) None of the above

123. The compound interest on ~ 7,500

at 4% p.a. for 2 years computed

annually is

(A) ~ 610

(B) ~612

(C) ~ 614

(D) None of the above

124. 15% of 34 is

(A) 5'10

(B) 4·10

(C) 3·10

(D) None of the above

125. How many terms are there in

20, 25, 30, ... , 140?

(A) 22

(B) 24

(C) 23

(D) None of the above


121. ~~~~'f?

(A) x2 +2x + 1 = (4 - x)

2 + 3

(B) _2x2 = (5-X)(2X-~)

(C) x3-x2=(x-1)3

(D) ~9fm C<Pl"'l~ ~

122. ~ tm ~ ~ 2 ~ 2,240 tm ~<t~

5 ~ 2,600 tm ~ 1SIJ>IC~iil .'f~

(A) 1,500 tm

(B) 2,000 tm .

(C) 2,500 tm

(D) ~9fm C<pl~~ ~

123. 7,500 ~ ~ 4% ~ 2 ~

~"'rf~(A) 610 tm

(B) 612 tm

(C) 614 tm

(D) ~9fm C<Pl"'l~ ~

124. 34-~ 15%~.

(A) 5·10

(B) 4'10

(C) 3'10

(D) ~9fm C<Pl"'ltb\ ~

125. 20, 25, 30, ... , 140 ~ ~~ ~


(A) 221U

(B) 241U

(C) 231U

(D) ~9fm C<Pl~~ ~


126. Find the value of k for which the

quadratic equation 2x 3 - kx + k = 0

has equal root.

(A) 5, 0

(B) 10, 0

(C) 0, 8

(D) None of the above

127. T4e mode of the numbers

4, 10, 7, 15, 7, 3, 5, 3, 7


(A) 3

(B) 7

(C) 15

(D) None of the above

128. Which is the range of salary of

10 persons given below?

24, 18, 25, 16, 20, 28, 22, 17, 21, 27

(A) 12

(B) 6

(C) 8

(D) None of the above

129. Assumption in calculating annuity

is that every payment is

(A) casual

(B) different

(C) nominal

(D) None of the above

130. Series of payments

periodically is classified as

(A) effective payment

(B) annuity

(C) marginal payment

(D) .one of the above


126. k-~~ c<Iif.\ ~ ~ ~ ~'f


(A) 5, 0

(B) 10, 0

(C) 0, 8

(D) ~~ C<W'1~ om


127. 4, 10, 7, 15, 7, 3, 5, 3, 7 ~~ .

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~

(A) 3

(B) 7

(C) 15

(D) ~~ C<PH~ om

128. ~ 10 ~ ~ C:q~C~*I ~ ~'f


24, 18, 25, 16, 20, 28, 22, 17, 21, 27

(A) 12

(B) 6

(C) "8

(D) ~~ C<PI~~ om

129. ~ ~ '5f~ ~ ~ ~ ~


(A) \5(1<p~<p

(B) ~

(C) f.)~~~I~<p

(D) ~~ C<pl~~ om

130. ~1*l1:q1~<p~IC:q ~ ~ ~ 9j~~Jl'C~

c<fi'R '5f~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

(A) ~~~

(B) ~~~

(C) ~~~

(D) ~~ C<pl~~ om

25 [ P.T.D.

131. Index for base 'period is always

taken for

(A) 100

(B) 500

(C) 1000

(0) None of the above

132. The weighted mean for 2, 5, 9, 11

with respective weights 8, 7, 3, 2 is

(A) 7

(B) 8

(C) 5

(D) None of the above

133. The value of 28% of 450+ 45% of

280 is

(A) 262

(B) 252

(C) 242

(0) None of the above

134. The median of the numbers 33, 86,

68, 32, 80, 48, 70 ~

(A) 96

(B) 68

(C) 32

(D) None of the above

131. ~ ~~C<P ~ ~ CQ(C<Ii~ ~ ~


(A) 100

(B) 500

. (C) 1000

(D) ~~ C<pH~ -;m

132.' ~ ~~M 2, 5, 9: 11 Ul<1~~9f

~~M~~8, 7, 3, 2~~


(A) 7

(B) 8

(C) 5

(D) ~~ C<PH~ -;m

133. 450-Ul~ 28% + 280-Ul~ 45%-Ul~ ~


(A) 262

(B) 252

(C) 242

(0) ~~ C<PH~-;m

134. 33, 86, 68, 32, 80, 48, 70 ~~~-


(A) 96

(B) 68

(C) 32

(D) ~~ C<PH~ -;m

135. The addition and multiplication

of roots of the quadratic equation 135.

3x2 -4x+5 = 0 are

(A)4 5


(B)3 3


(C)9 7


(D) None of the above


~ ~'f 3x2_4x+5=0-~

~iS!~C{l~ ~~ -s ~~ ~

4 5(A) 3' 3

3 3(B) 4' 5

9 7(C) 8' 8

(0) ~~ C<Pl~~ -;m

26 •

136. The law of demand is applicable to

(A) Giffen goods

(B) inferior goods

(C) normal goods

(D) None of the above

137. Price elasticity of demand of product

will be more inelastic if

(A) it has no substitute

(B) it has number of substitutes

(C) it is life-saving product

(D) None of the above

136. ~ ~ ~ 9fC~ ~ ~ ~


(A) ~ 9f'lJ

(B) ~ 9f'lJ

(C) ~~'f 9f'lJ

(D) 1:S~ C<PH~;m

138. When average revenue remains

fIxed, then

(A) AR > MR

(B) AR < MR

(C) AR = MR

(D) None of the above

139. Which of the following is not a factor

of production?

(A) Land

(B) Bank loan

(C) Capital

(D) None of the above

140. Diminishing marginal returns imply

(A) decreasing average variable cost

(B) decreasing marginal cost

(C) increasing marginal cost

(D) None of the above'


137. ~ 9fC~ ~ ~~ ~~

~ ~ '6l~~~1~ ~ ~~

(A) ~ ~ 9f'lJ -;n ~

(B) ~~ f.f<m 9f'lJ ~

(C) 9f'lJ ~;q~'fl~<p ~

(D) 1:S~ C<PH~ ;m

138. ~ ~ C~~~~ (AR) m~, ~(A) AR > MR

(B) AR < MR

(C) AR = MR

(D) 1:S~ C<Pl~~ ;m

139. ~ c;:py;$ 1:S~~ 1:S9fT'f'A';m ?

(A) ~

(B) <m~ ~'f

(C) ~~

(D) 1:S~ C<Pl~~ ;m

140. l1i'~pl~H~ ~f.Wfxr~

(A) ~ '1IT:1;q~~iftaj<mT ~

(B) ~<mT~

(C) ~<mT~

(D) 1:S~ C<PH~ ;m

27 [ P.T.D.

141. At break-even point

(A) Total expenses = Total revenue

(B) Total expenses < Total revenue

(C) Total expenses > Total revenue

(D) None of the above

142. Which of the following IS a

characteristic of perfectly

competitive market?

(A) Firms are price setters

(B) There are few sellers in the


(C) Firms can exit and enter the

market freely

(D) None of the above

143. If a few firms dominate an industry,

the market is known as

(A) monopolistic competition

(B) oligopoly

(C) duopoly

(D) None of the above

144. In the short-run, when the output

of a firm increases, its average

fixed cost

(A) remains constant

(B) decreases

(C) mcreases

(D) None of the above

145. In classical theory, interest is

explained as a

(A) reward for saving

(B) reward for inconvenience

(C) reward for risk bearing

(D) None of the above


141. '1~I<l~I~ ~

(A) M~=M~

(B) ~~<~~

(C) ~~>~~

(D) ~~ C<PH~ om

142. ~ C<fil;$ ~cf ~ <lliSfIC?-1?-1


(A) ~~"COiT 9fC9Rl 'TN f.t~cr ~

(B) ~ '51Wf~~ RCJl'~l ~

(C) ~~"COiT ~ C<fiTCOTf ~ ~ ~


(D) ~~ C<PH~ om

143. ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ C<fiTCOTf ~ ~

Ul~9f\5J~~, ~~<MT~

(A) Ul<PCbt&~1~~

(B) ~'i1T9fM

(C) ~9fM

(D) ~~ C<PI~~ om

144. ":tt1<PI~~ ~ ~~ C<fiTCOTf ~ 9fC9Rl

~~'1T'M~ ~, ~ 'if\P~ <ml

(A) ~9j~<l~~ ~

(B) ~ 9fm

(C) ~ 9fm

(D) ~~ C<PH~ om

145. $fiJlf$!<PJlaj ~ ~ ~ <m~ <Pm


(A) ~~~~



(D) ~~ C<PI~~ om


146. Which of the following is not, by

defmition, equal to national income?

(A) National wealth

(B) National output

(C) National expenditure

(D) None of the above

147. The difference between GNP and

GDP is

(A) gross domestic income

(B) total investment

(C) net income from abroad

(D) None of the above

148. Which of the following equations is

not true?

(A) APC + APS = 1

(B) MPC + MPS = 1

(C) APC + MPC =1

(D) None of the above

146. ~~ '¢Ii~ffil ~ ~ ~ ~~om?

(A) ~~

(B) ~~~~

(C) ~~

(D) ~~ C<PJO'l~ om

149~ Which of the following is not an


(A) Construction of factory building

(B) Issue of new shares

(C) Increase in inventories

(D) None of the above

147. GNP '8 GDP-~ ~lfJ 9fl~ ~

(A) ~~~

(B) ~~

(C) :nT; ~<qC"ff4<p~

(D) ~~ C<PJO'l~ om

148. ~ C<tSf.{ ~'11t ~ om?

(A) APC + APS = 1

(B) MPC + MPS = 1

(C) APC + MPC =1

(D) ~~ C<Pl~~ om

149. ~~~om?

(A) ~~~~'l

(B) ~ cxmrn~

(C) ~ 9fC'lrn ~

(D) ~~ C<PJO'l~ om

150. ~~~~~

(A) '1~<q~~ij)6j ~~ '1~<q~C~~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~~~ '1~<qf\;\!l ~

(B) ~ ~ '1~<q~C~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~ '1~<qf\;\!l ~

(C) ~ ~ '1~<q~C~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~ '1~<qf\;\!l ~

(D) ~~ C<PJO'l~ om

29 [ P.T.C.

150. Marginal product is :

(A) Rate of which total production

changes with change in variable


(B) Rate of which total production

changes with change in total


(C) Rate of which total production

changes with change in fixed


(D) None of the above



/17 30


MtlM~ MC~I;qGfi~~ ~ :

1. Out of the four alternatives for each question, only one circle for the correct answer is to be darkenedcompletely with Black Ballpoint Pen on the OMR Answer Sheet. The answer once marked is not liableto be changed.

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4. The candidates will write the correct Question Booklet Number and the OMR Answer Sheet Number inthe Attendance Sheet.

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7. No candidate, without special permission of the Centre Superintendent or Invigilator, should leavehis/her seat.

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8. Candidates will have to sign twice in the Attendance Sheet presented by the Invigilator on duty; firstafter taking their seats in the Examination Hall/Room and second at the time of handing over theirOMR Answer Sheet to the Invigilator.

~~~ '"iR>~Ciif'GCiiliil ~lSm \5jllC'Gc<S"i~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~orn 9fiil 1!l<I,

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~ ~ on I ~ c<liA1S~~ \5jllC'GC~"i~-I!l ~ ~ on ~ ~ AA ~ OMR~~ ~ ~ ~ 'S!'IJ

~ 1!l<I,~ ~ <fiTIf ~ ~ ~ I

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11. The candidates are governed by all rules and regulations of the Board with regard to their conduct inthe Examination Hall/Room. All cases of unfair means will be dealt with as per rules and regulationsof the Board.

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~~~~I· -

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13. On completion of the test the candidate must hand over the OMR Answer Sheet to the Invigilator inthe Hall/Room. The candidates are allowed to take away this Question Booklet with them.

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/17 32 KK6-60