n Wagonst DiscHar Studebakernyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bzk55fw0b/data/0274.pdfA NEW spiral wlro grain tuba...


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TUB boat materials combined withskill and accuracy Insure good

carol tB No other methods aro ovuiI used In our proscription work Penn

Drug Store


Mus O P HUFFMAN Is tjulto elckJ D OWKNS postmaster at Liberty

was hero TuesdayT D NKWLANII JR spent a tow

dnys In LouUvtllu this weekMips MAILS VAUNON hoe returned

from her coal Holds In VhltleyMiss IlALLiK NKVIUB has gone to

visit Mlec Ruby HIco ut Burgln-

MISSBS MAKY PFNNINOTON and vlrKlnla Bourne are with Miss KatherineHall

T A niCE went up to MIddlciboroTuesday to spend a tow days with old


ington hat been the guest of Mrs K

J BrownURV 0 C nORToN of Harrlman

Tcnn Joined hit wlfo at Mr J O fortons Tuesday

TUB Richmond papers ray that MltiMmva Park Phelp and party have re-


from EuropeF L THOMPSON and Dr M Pen

nlnglon of Mt Vernon passed throughto tho fair this morning

Miss GKOUOIA NEVVHUUN hal beenselected by the truslcca to teach theichool near McKlnnoy

GAIT BBS D McGiiAW of the Bluet

Ones Special le spending his vacationI on the Atlantic seacoast

Miss MAn OAUNETT returnedhomo to Cave City after a pleasant visitto her sister Mrs J S Rico

Mas WM HAMILTON loft Wednes ¬

day to be gooo seycral weeks visitingthe mountains and tho seashore

Mos J w JAMES MM A Adamsand Miss Bessie Ilaldetntn were down

from Crab Orchard yesterdayMiss MAOOIB BIIIOUT of Stanford

Is the guest of Miss Mattlo TbomplOnIDan vlllo street Lancaster

Miss MAUY KAY SALLEB of lIarrodsburg arrived Wednesday to bathe

i guest of her cousin Miss Anna Cook


burg and Florence McCorklo of Emi ¬

nonce are guests of Miss Anglo Car ¬

punterMils P G WAIINEH Mrs W K

Warner and Miss LUIlo Warner of

Garrard wero guests of Mr J W

PerrlnDltMOSHS Cools of Nashville ar

rived yesterday to swell tho Huston

vllle fair crowd and rnlcglo with old

friendsMus JULIA OIIASU and Miss Mary

Peyton of Louisville aro at Crab Orchard for tho latters health which Is

very badMils BnHSlK SAUNBHHS and little

laugbttr of LouUvlllo have joined

Mrs and Mr Lord at Miss

Marylilt MCAlooI

Proac wont to Louis

vllloWednesday to look after some

building material for his new house

JUDUB M O SAUKLBY It writing of

Old Time Judges and Lawyers for theWayne County Record and making hi

articles both Intorostlnc and Inntruot

IvcSINCBiiB sympathy U felt by all hht

friend for Editor Ciaronce K Woodof tho Richmond Climax In the lu of

his brother John D Woods who died

at LebanonMiss SUB CozATTof Parktvlllewho

frequently visits here hat gone Beet

where she will san for Europe to visit

the Paris Exposition and other Inter¬

esting placenON JOHN D WHITE of Louisville

Mrs S Wilbur Uager and two tons

of Frankfort and Miss Mahan of Dan

vllle wero the gucsu of their cousin

Mr F K TribbleW 1C JONES of Wayne county fa ¬

mlllarly known as Buffalo Bill was

with his relative James T Jones Ho

made the trip hero on horseback not ¬

withstanding he weighs 300 pound


children leave this afternoon for uvUltto Mrs I N Vaughan at AshlanJ Va

stopping on their return at tho famous

mountain resorts In the Old Dominion

Mil JOE S RICE the best agent be

tween Jolllco and New Orleans spent

a few days horn last week Mrs Rich¬

ard Cobb Sr and Mrs Joo McAllslerof Stanford hare returned homo aftera visit to Mr and Mr Thos PhelpsRichmond Climax

MR MOSES COLLIER of Lancasterwith his Improve ¬

la so well plciwod

mont under the treatment of DM Sla-

In 1 Phillips that he advises all hi

suffering friends to try oatcopathlats

and Tuesday brought with him Mr

Nick Perkins to be treated


NEW Disc plow ut Hlggln McKlnnoys

SADDLES good and P Geo H

FarrU teCoRms

FRESH Cakes Candles c at War-

ren ShankeItBUCQIES1barncsbM ii9 el cheap

at Neuron Bros

FIVE bushels of chicken feed for 81

J U Baugbraun > Co

WANTEDT0 exchange coal for haySims Phono

corn and oats Higgins



TUB L N wilt run on excursionSunday morning to Cln

over tbo K C

clnmitl at 8160 for the round trip


Tnt our Veal Loaf Biggest bar ¬

gain of the day Warren ft Shanks

A NEW spiral wlro grain tuba atUlgglns McKinney Fits anydrill

YOUR account Is paet duo and woneed tho money Please settle Hillft Book

IT was BO dark at 8 oclook this mor ¬

ning that tho forms had to be made npby lamplight

TllOBi indebted tomu will pleasecall era settle I Jiuet have tho monuyMiss Annie IJhllips

Y wag the dullest day seenIn Stanford for a long time Everybodywho could get there wont to the Hustonvllle fair

THE weather has boon perfect fortho Huatonvlllo fair but tho loweringcloud this morning betoken showerswhich are already falllng-

examinationAKTRlt on lasting untilTuesday afternoon Arthur Hockorwashold in 200 bond to tho clroult courtfor killing George Garnott

W U BttAstore In the MyersHouse la cow filled with nice now gro ¬

codes fruits candles c und hitfriends arc Invited to call and leo him

THE city council edan order lastnight reducing the town boundary tothe limits heretofore adopted and reconsidered The oxacFIIno will appearIn next Issue

I WILL address tbo domocrcy ofLincoln Monday August 13th countycourt day on the exigency of a specialsession of tho Legislature to enact anonpartisan election law R C War

renIIATSAgentleman tells us that

Mr J T Hackloy caught 71 rate In onetrap the other night Ho cleaned oathis corn crib and had a trap set at tboonly hole Four other rats wore killedmaking 75 In all

AttornoyGanGa BrackInrldgo will speak hero county courtday at 1 oclock and at Bedford Trim ¬

ble county on tho 17th Full announce ¬

moots will be made by tho campaigncommittee later onµ

TUB announcement of James TJones candidate for tho democraticnomination for jailer appear In an ¬

other column Mr Jones It a gooddemocrat alway ready to work or hisparty and would till the oRlco admir ¬


THE fair dally Issued from this officethis week by Messrs E C Walton andJ M Alvcrton has boon the occasionof many complltnenU which are thor ¬

OUjtblp deserved They worked nightand day to get It out in good shape andIn tlmo

TllK democrats Bowyle raIsinga olub to promote the In to rears of theirparty and ticket Each will contributeat least e1 a month and they expect toratio fully 15000 In that way Tho boysare wide awake down there and eaythey Intend to carry the county againstthe republicans

KILti JKILooConstnbloJ-ohn Bryant shot and Instantly killedPeter Perkins at Jellloo whom ho wastrying to arrest for drunkenness Per-kins restated and draw a pistol Bryanttook It away from him and shot himthree dines Ha surrendered Immedi ¬

atelyELOIJUIRTDonVictor Ballou

eon of Eld Joseph Ballou surprisedhis friends by taking Mies Rachel tbobeautiful daughter of J Frank Kollcyof Danvlllo to Jeffursonvlllo and mak ¬

lag her his wife A telegram yostertordny that the knot had had been socurely tied by an Indiana official wasthe first news many friends had of hisIntention The groom le a big heart-ed clover follow and will doubtlessprove a worthy scion of a sturdy stockWo heartily congratulate him and hisbonnIe brIde

BIASEAnTo hwith your civil liberty wo want tohang the assassins Such wero thewords of a communication received yes-


by Chairman Barnett of tho re-publican State central committee os ¬

tensibly from G W Pulliam of Shel ¬

by City Tho communication it a veryunique one and of which Mr Pulliammay likely hear later LouUvlllo Com ¬

mercial 2d Mr Pulliam had boon re¬

ceiving literature from tho republicancommittee and took this means of ex ¬

pressing his Indtgnatlo

B G Russell and Miss Bottle L Hillwore married at John M Hilts yester ¬

dayThocensus bureau gives out the in

formation that tho population of Louis ¬

ville Is 204731Judgo Uazolrlgg has finally announc ¬

ed that ho is not a candidate for reelection to the court of appeals

Nino sheep came to my place July 25

Owner can get by paying for theirkeep and this notice J H DaltonGilberts Creek

Stove Sharpe oxdemocrat said horaised a posse to protect Taylor fromthe mob that ho feared and which kepthim In mortal terror

Tho democratic State central com ¬

mittee has ordered a primary electionIn the seventh congressional district tosettle the contest between Moody and

TrlmbloAnwas made to burn tbo

town of Faison N C and the demo ¬

crate charge It was a fusion scheme tonullify the election in that democratic

strongholdIfwould pay Dick Knott

elo or e15 ho might change his tuneand his politics but no democrat teemdisposed to do so Wo think Dtokey leworking to got a part of that 8100000

reward fund Frankfort Democrat

1 N t


Better And More Liberally Pat ¬

ronized Than Ever

The TIuBtonvlllo Fair started off In-

n blare of glory the first days receiptsexceeding last years first duy by SCO

A groat many handsome matrons andbeautiful young women accepted theassociations Invitation tocomo withoutinnnoy und without price The exhibI-

tion was u good ono nearly all of therings being hotly contested The dal-

ly Issued from this oflloe has gone overthe ground so fully that wo have tocontent ourselves by glvlpg a synopsisof tho doings und the Hat of premiumsFollowing are tho awards for


Southdown buck any agoI 600011 Irvlno Doyle premium WG

Cowan Lincoln certificate 4 entriesEwo any agoa 6 00

0 IL Irvine Bolo prom W nMcKinney Casey cert 3 entriestuck lame under 1 year 6 00

W FI McKlnnoy Casey premC 11 Irvine tort 3 entriesEwe lamb under 1 year 5 00

W II McKInney Casey prom UFl Irvlno cert 2 entriesHorse coltM 10 00

I S Tevlt Lincoln prem E PCarpenter Casey cert 5 entriesMare colt to 00

II 0 Woods Lincoln prem JoeNapier Casey cert 6 entriesMare and colt 10 00

Joo Napier Casey prom U BWoods cert C entriesSaddle gelding any age 10 00

Robert Moreland Lexington pramDodd it Skinner Lincoln cert 2 en-


Saddle mare any RgOM 15 00C T Sandldgo Doyle prem Doc

Dryo Lincoln cert 4 entriesSuckling colt either MX by any

sire season for 1001 to nedLeRfMM 25 00R D Woods prem Joe Kapler

cert 5 entriesJack under 2 10anM 10 00

J L Johnson Boyle prem GeorgeTarklngton cert 4 entriesJack 2 years and under 3M 10 00

Henry Baughman Lincoln premGeo Tarklngton DavIe cert4 entriesJack any age 10 00

George Tarklngtoo prom B BKing Lincoln cert 0 entriesJennet under 1 yelrM 10 00

Henry Baughnmn prem Wm Stlgall tort 3 entriesJennet any age 10 00

Wm Sllgall prom Smith PowellLincoln cert fl entriesSuckling colt either sox by Oalton 15 00

C C Carpenter prem Jim YowollLincoln ccrt 3 entriesColt either sex by Dignity Dare

season 20 2nd pro cash 110M 30 00Ben Robinson Casey prem E P

Carpenter cert 4 entriesDraft stallion mare or gelding 10 00

Dodd Skinner prom T L Car ¬

penter corti 4 anti leaBoy ridoi under 16 M IS 00

Lucian Dunn Lincoln prom SamBogloman Harris Lincoln cert 0 enStriesGoat or pair of goats driven 5 00

Miss hose Sandldge prem MUsKate Culbertson accompanied by Par ¬

ker Swopo cert 2 entriesMoro and mule colt either sox 10 00

Col Underwood prem TL Car ¬

penter tort 7 entriesMule mare 10 00

S T Harris pram T L Carpentercert 7 entriesMule colt either sex 10 00

Col Underwood prom T L Carponlor cert U entriesMare mulo colt 10 00

T L Carpenter prom Col Under¬

wood cert 0 entriesMule 1 year and under 2 M 10 00

Jones Baughmon prom J KBaughman cert 2 entriesMule 2 years und overM 10 00

C T Bohoo prom W C Myerscert 3 entriesMule colt by Balaam season 10 00

T L Carpenter prem and cert 1

entryHandsomest boy under lyenrM 5 00

Mr and MM C L Prultta prettybaby was tho only entry and they de ¬

clined to show without compotltlpnDouble team speed style 0M 40 00

L C James Mercer prem Cun-


Si Aahby Mercer curt 3 en ¬

triesAvery largo crowd was present yes-

terday and with a flrstclass exhibitionand hotly contested rings the Interestwas not allowed to hug Saxtons music Is a big figure ani a drawing cardA great many of tho good housekeep ¬

era of the vicinity spread sumptuousdinners and too guests wore all hand ¬

somely taken caro of Appended arotbo awards for the



Dull calf under 1 year 10 00Winter Wright prem T L Car ¬

pouter cert 2 entriesDull calf 1 year and under 10 00

T L Carpenter prom Hall Ander ¬

son curt 2 entriesDull 2 years and over 10 00

T L Carpenter prem and certDull any age 25 00

T L Carpenter prem WinterWright cert 4 entriesHeifer calf under 1 yearMM 10 00

T L Carpenter prom Henry Baugh ¬

man cert 2 entriesHeifer 1 year and under 2M 10

T L Carpenter prem G C nitrocert 2 entriesHeifer 2 years and over 10

T L Carpenter prom and certCow any age 15

T L Carpenter prem and cert 6

entriesNow York addle mare or gelding 15

Doc Dryo prem Dodd Skinnercert 3 entriesPair mares or gelding 20

JT Crenpbaw prem C T Sandidge cert 3 entriesRoadster mtre or gelding 30

No other aid so great to the housewifeno other agent so useful and certain inmaking delicious pure and wholesomefoods has ever been devised

jW1WififJIhI1Therebypoisonousdrug ¬


Cunningham Ashby prem I CJames cert 5 entriesGirl baby under 1 yr from Casey 10

Roberta Tucker daughter of Geo ATucker prem Virginia Dlnwlddiedaughter of J B Dlnwlddie cert 2 en-


Stallion orgeldfng 1 yr under 2 10

Wm Brown prom Chas Sandldgecert 7 entriesMare 2 years and under 3 10

R E Goddard prom J T Crenshaw cert 3 entriesMare 3 years and under 4 10

R E Goddard prem Carroll Batley cert 3 entriesMare 4 years and over 15

Dodd Si Skinner prem J T Crenhaw cert 3 entriesGelding 4 years and over 15

J T Crcnsbaw pram C T San ¬

dldge cart 5 entriesStallion or gelding 2 yrs under 3 10

Goddard ft Uuster prem J T Crenecaw tort 3 entriesStallion 3 years und under 410-

J T Crenshaw prom Mack Hughescert 3 entries

4 years and over 20C T Sandldge prom Goddard ft

Buster cert 2 entriesSaddlcttallion mare or gell1Ing150

C T Sandtdgc prem Mack Hughescert J T Creushaw 3d 5 entriesRoadster mare or gelding any age 50

I C James prem Goddard L Bus ¬

ter cert 0 entries rWorst TurnoutM 20

Tbo four entries were all so goodthat the premium was equally divided


Squiro L B Adtuns is improvingslowly

Kelly Boone bf Somerset is one ofthe beiuix nt the fair

Mrs Lofvi Rosdoll is quito sick intho Ioyton Well section A

John Steele Carpenter is too ill toattend the fuir his frionds aro sorryto know

Carroll Bailey cud Doc Dryc aretwo of tho most popular honemcn ontho grounds

T L Carpenter sold to Joo Snowa marc mulo colt by J C Reid s Ba¬

now for 85C G Carpenter will go to Cobra ¬

do next week He will feed cattle inKatiNis this winter

Warren Shelby hRs gone to Jeancrcttc La to see his brother AlfShelby who has fever

Lyon Iluun bought in Caseymid Lincoln three broke mules at8100 and sold to Lutes it Co 214owes at 365

Misses Cyrena Dunn of DanvilleCatherine and Sarah Baughman ofStanford aro with Misses Catherinenud Edna Baughman

Six splendid roadsters faced thoflag in the mare or gelding roadsterring yesterday afternoon and excite-ment ran high until tho tics wereplaced It took the judges nearly nhalf hour to decide but Bud JamesReally won with his splendid BillGoebel Goddard Buster got thered with Tony fitly

The worst turnout ring attractedgreat deal of attention The four rigsbrought out were all so bad that thejudges decided to divide the premiumgiving onefourth to each Tho entries were Tones Baughmau and JohnDinwiddie J P Florence JackPinkerton and Howard Camuitz andB K Sauce The first named drovea cow tho next two jcnncU and thelust tho remains of a horse

The following young folks form amerry house party at Miss Ada Cun¬

ninghams and fire at the fair dnilMisses Pratt Hcddcn Mt SterlingReed Haggard WinchesterGreen Mt Sterling Mary Law¬

rence Claxon Now Liberty Sue Offutt Georgetown Eugene and Maneye Ware Mclviuney cud W PStuart Lexington Juchard ScudderRichmond Brcck Glass GeorgetownHenry Browning Falmouth

C T Sandidgo won the 150 saddie stake with Preston Mack Hughesgot second with a threeyear old browumare and J T Crenshaw third witha sorrel stallion Doc Drye rode E

manythoughtbaybindFARM FOR SALEContains 1C acres nnd U Inn splendU

tale of cultivation On the mack pltieSHmile from Hustonvllle and IX from Moreland Ilaiontta dwelling Cf live roomand good tenant house besides necessaryoutbuildings Splendid orchard good weltand two springs Terms eay

W IIwltlOtlTllmtonvtlle Ky

NOTICEOn the 13th Auger est nt S f M sharp

tho farm I now live on will bo sold on thepremises nt auction terns made known on-

day of sale It contains about T5 acreswell Improved and n ono homo In every reupect One mllo from Dau vlllo ou Shakertown AuctoneerI Ky

BANK SrO K AND REAL ESTATE IIAT AUCTIONIpublicI will soil auction to the highest

bidder o-

n11Ioiiday Sept loth 1900Oounty Court day In Stanford 30 or 10

of Lincoln County National flankStock my 0Itoom Ko In ItowlnndKv with good bnru and other outbuildingsarid a Store House In Rowland Ky SSxfiC94 feet hlch and two stories A splendid lo ¬

cation 101 sis lon given at once Itvon wish to see tho properly or write If you ldesire a fuller description

TERMS Onethird costa balance In onoand two years


Public Sale ofTown Lots

In Stanford Ky

On Saturday August 18 1900-On the premises at 1 oclock r M I will of ¬

fer for sale

Seven Town Lob Of Ten Acres Each

With a street running through 30 feet widefrom the to tho tract of land ofcutolfllikeJ S are two lots I facingon the Somerset pike tho other ono on thecutoff pike and are desirable IotA to buildon or for pasture The land Is Rood forgrass or anything that grows out of land

Trims or PALE Onehalt cash the otheronehalf on six months tlmp with 0 per-cent Interest and a lion held on the lots un ¬

til paid Possession given as soon as soonas the corn nn a will do to gatherand 3 or 4 of them possession given at onceAbout onobaUof tbewholo land Is In grassAll the land if about half a mile from thecourthouse D W VANUEVEER

Valuable Real EstateTo bo sold at Executors Saloon

Wednesday Aug 15 1900To the highest and best bidder Sale beginstt 1 11 u In front of thecourthousolmStanford Ky

No I A One blue grass farm of SOD acres3 >J miles West of Stanford on the Hustonvllle pike In a stab of cultivationhaving K rood dwelling a No 1 barn fineorchard fencing firstclass and well water-ed S3 acres now In corn balance In grass

No2 Fine blue grass pasture of 40 acresIn the suburbs of Stanford

No3 Brick storeroom and warehousefronting on Main 28 feet and extendingSouth on Lnncuktnr street 220 feet nestbusiness In Stanford

No 4 Old climcli lot routing on Depotstreet 60 feet and extending back 100 feetwith outlet to Mill street Now used as u

yardNo Monroe Erallh tract of Knobland on Green river near Jumbo of about400 acres valuable for timber and minerals

No 0 About UOO acres of Knob land onthe head waters of Oreen river near UaHsGap all In forest Purchasers will haveDeeding privileges on farm lauds at onceand full possession of all property on thefirst day of January 1001

Terms One third cash ono third tu oneyear and balance In two yearn with Interestat 0 cent annum from date tillpaid and lieu retained to secure unpaidnotesParties desiring to look at the propertybefore day of sale will bo shown same bythe executors or by T M Goodknlgbt InStanford Kv

WIIMUIUHY lJI MURPHY rExecutors of J SMurphy decdi 1

n n

Stanford Female CollegeN-

ext Session will open September 3 I90OMRS NANNIE S SAUFLEY Pres



anford Ky For

The Superior Disc DrillsThe Tiger Disc Plows The Tiger DiscHar

rows The Studebaker WagonstThe Dicks Feed Cutters

The Dain Corn CrushersThe Oliver Plows

Reduced IPrices on Straw Hats




We dont want to carry them over and almost any price takes them

Ladies SlippersGreatly reduced in price We have some nice ones left A beautiful patent Leath-


for 81 50

ALL SUMMER GoaasMust go and its your opportunity

Ho JoM9R 1rnERTt9

miI1S miga Uri

SHOEBARGAINSr Cleaning up time and you are lucky to get n pair of Mens Shoes or

Ladies and Childrens Slippers We are offering Mens

BLACK TANShoes solid good goods at il4S

IVici fine Tan Shoes sold for 295 to 14 at flf 0 andjf2 75 ti r

Slippers at 75c

i Childrens Slippers at 75cLadies oxfords tho

L2 JIDIGHLJITUE 3 MA1DErrChildrens Oxfords the Xsigler

At 145IAll Block

OXFORDS1 At Reduced Prices

rSEVERANCE1I0ulemOpposite Court

JE Jlim 1 a

Plenty Time Yety

For Summer MerchandiseWo are keeping our elcct up on all Summer Lines that are in demand such as

Solid Colored LawnsBlackVelvet RibbonsA-

ll widths Taffeta Ribbons all colors

DROPSTITCH HOSIERYIn Black and Colors Val Laces Summer Neckwear for Ladles and Gents KidvGloves Handkerchief Aot ESTLftdija Low Cut Shoes will continue to go at leasRthan cost price until closed out I

JOHN P JONES Stanfordi

Look Out For Nexl Weeks Ad

J A ALLEN a COOontractors And Builders


Have nOw a complete stock of Rullding Material Yellow Pine plooring Ceiling DoorsSash Illlndi and of Dressed and Rough Lumber and Rooting LoLU r
