Mystic Words of Mighty Power - Walter DeVoe



Philosophical treatise about man and god.

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    Containing potent truths that have enabled many to enter

    the promised land of peace and plenty and rejoice in the

    fullness of health and happiness.

    O Thou, who in wondrous Glory shineth,

    In every atom Thy beauty gleams;

    O Thou, who in Glory forever dwelleth,

    In every atom Thine Essence beams:

    Shone Thou not forth in Light Celestial,

    This World would still in darkness dwell.



    CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (1905), REVISED (1990 and 2007)

  • 2TRUTH

    The Truth in shining brightness stands serene,

    Fair as the promise in some heaven scene,

    Listening so silently to every sob or moan

    Coming from earths recesses in low-breathed monotone.

    She stands in mighty majesty in the sunshines rain of gold,

    And ever around the plane of earth, Her matchless robe doth fold.

    And to Her hearts deep throbbing millions of hearts keep time,

    As through all mystic spheres around doth sound the golden chime.

    Thus forever and forever shall She stand, serene in state,

    So near earths shining island or close to Heavens gate.

    And through all human channels where Gods life stream courses deep,

    She casteth forth the pearls of truth for human hearts to reap.


    THIS book was compiled by the author to place before a larger number of students of Mind

    Culture those articles, treatments and words of advice that have proved helpful to a few. It does not

    pretend to be a polished production of scholarly art. The articles were written at various times to

    satisfy definite needs. The reader must use his judgment in selecting to practice those things fitted

    to his temperament and aspirations. I have made no special effort to cast my thought into a

    systematic form of expression. The surge of the influx of ideas demanded that I use the first words

    that responded to the thought and I have hesitated to recast sentences from the intellectual

    standpoint as they might not then convey the same fervor of spiritual meaning.

    Chicago, Illinois


  • 4Table of Contents

    MYSTIC WORDS OF MIGHTY POWER ......................................................................................... 1

    TRUTH............................................................................................................................................. 2

    PREFACE........................................................................................................................................ 3

    FOURFOLD NATURE OF MAN ...................................................................................................... 7

    MIND CULTURE ............................................................................................................................. 8

    OMNIPOTENCE REIGNS ............................................................................................................... 8

    "YE ARE THE TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD".............................................................................. 9

    WHAT GOD HAS SOWN, THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP............................................................ 11

    THE INVISIBLE POWER ............................................................................................................... 14

    STATEMENT OF BEING............................................................................................................... 15

    THE IMMORTAL MIND.................................................................................................................. 16

    THE POWER OF THOUGHT ........................................................................................................ 18

    FAITH FORMULATES GOOD OR EVIL ........................................................................................ 20

    A PATH TO POWER ..................................................................................................................... 22

    THIS MOMENT IS DIVINE ............................................................................................................ 24

    RECOGNITION ............................................................................................................................. 22

    THE DOMINION OF MIND ............................................................................................................ 26

    MYSTIC WORDS .......................................................................................................................... 29

    THE LAW OF POLARITY .............................................................................................................. 30

    AFFIRMATIONS OF RECOGITION............................................................................................... 34

    EVOLUTION OF MIND.................................................................................................................. 35

    ATTAINING TO THE ABSOLUTE ................................................................................................. 36

    REALIZE YOUR POWER.............................................................................................................. 37

    THE LAW OF ATTRACTION ......................................................................................................... 39

    COMPARISONS............................................................................................................................ 39

    OUR POINT OF VIEW................................................................................................................... 40

    ATTRACTION INDIVIDUALIZED................................................................................................... 41


    THERE IS LIFE, SENSATION AND INTELLIGENCE IN MATTER ............................................... 44

    MATTER PRODUCES THOUGHT AND CONSCIOUSNESS ....................................................... 47

    TRUTH IS MIGHTY AND WILL PREVAIL ..................................................................................... 48

    THE WHOLE TRUTH .................................................................................................................... 51

    THE MUSIC OF THE FUTURE ..................................................................................................... 55

    HEALTH THROUGH MUSIC ......................................................................................................... 58

    POSSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................. 59

    OPPULENCE................................................................................................................................. 61

    ENTER INTO THE SPIRIT OF PROSPERITY .............................................................................. 62

  • 5AFFIRMATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 62

    DENY MORTAL, AFFIRM DIVINE HEREDITY.............................................................................. 63

    DENIALS ....................................................................................................................................... 63

    AFFIRMATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 63

    OUTGROWING NEGATIVE BELIEFS........................................................................................... 66

    THE POWER OF THE I AM........................................................................................................... 69

    HEALTH CULTURE ...................................................................................................................... 71

    THE SPIRIT OF HEALTH.............................................................................................................. 72

    GERMS AND MENTAL ATTITUDE ............................................................................................... 73

    MASTERY OF GERM DISEASES................................................................................................. 73

    HEALTH RAYS.............................................................................................................................. 75

    BATHE IN THE SUNSHINE........................................................................................................... 76

    GOD'S GLORY IS VISIBLE ........................................................................................................... 77

    WORDS OF PRA 18K ................................................................................................................... 77

    INCARNATE THOUGHT ............................................................................................................... 78

    HEALING THOUGHTS.................................................................................................................. 80

    AFFIRM ......................................................................................................................................... 80

    I AM UNLIMITED ........................................................................................................................... 80

    TREATMENT FOR DEAFNESS .................................................................................................... 80

    ROARING IN THE EAR................................................................................................................. 81


    STUTTERING................................................................................................................................ 82

    RHEUMATISM............................................................................................................................... 82

    TREATMENT................................................................................................................................. 84

    LOST IN THOUGHT. ..................................................................................................................... 85

    ADVICE TO AN INEBRIATE.......................................................................................................... 86

    AFFIRMATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 88

    PRESENT WITH THE LORD......................................................................................................... 87

    THE SEA OF BLISS ...................................................................................................................... 88

    I AM BATHED IN BLISS ................................................................................................................ 91

    BLISSFUL FREEDOM FROM COLDS .......................................................................................... 91

    CONQUERING PAIN..................................................................................................................... 91

    PAIN IS LOST IN BLISS................................................................................................................ 92

    THE POWER TO HEAL................................................................................................................. 93

    TRAINING THE IMAGINATION..................................................................................................... 93

    CONTROL OF EMOTIONS ........................................................................................................... 94

    LIVING ON AIR.............................................................................................................................. 95

    AROUSE THE INNER INTELLIGENCE......................................................................................... 96

    AFFIRMATIONS FOR THE BEAUTY ............................................................................................ 97

    THE SECRET SPRING OF HEALTH ............................................................................................ 98

  • 6INVOCATION ................................................................................................................................ 99


    THE OIL OF GLADNESS ............................................................................................................ 101

    THE REWARD OF EFFORT IS GROWTH.................................................................................. 102

    THE LIVING TRUTH.................................................................................................................... 102

    SILENT INFLUENCE................................................................................................................... 102


    ALL GOOD IS YOURS ................................................................................................................ 104

    SUSTAIN THE TONE OF HEALTH. ............................................................................................ 105

    POTENT WORDS ....................................................................................................................... 105

    STRENGTH FROM RESISTANCE.............................................................................................. 106

    THE WORD IS NIGH THEE, EVEN IN THY MOUTH AND HEART ............................................ 107

    LAYING ON OF HANDS.............................................................................................................. 109

    THE WONDER-WORKING QUALITY ......................................................................................... 110

    SOUL CULTURE......................................................................................................................... 112

    THE VICTORY OF FAITH ........................................................................................................... 111

    GOD SPEAKS THROUGH THE SOUL ....................................................................................... 113

    THE WORD IS GOD.................................................................................................................... 113

    THE RIVER OF LIFE ................................................................................................................... 114

    SOUL MANIFESTATION............................................................................................................. 114

    SOUL INSPIRATION ................................................................................................................... 115

    SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS WITH PERFECTED THOUGHT ....................................................... 117

    THE VOICE OF AUTHORITY...................................................................................................... 117

    THE SOUL IS EVERLASTING LIFE............................................................................................ 117

    WE GROW LIKE OUR IDEALS................................................................................................... 117

    JEHOVIH ..................................................................................................................................... 118

    CHANT OF THE SOUL................................................................................................................ 121

    THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ............................................................................................ 121

    PRAYER OF PRAISE.................................................................................................................. 121

    THE DIVINE PERSONALITY....................................................................................................... 122

    GOD IS YOUR HOPE OF GLORY .............................................................................................. 124

    MEDITATION............................................................................................................................... 126

    ENDOWMENT OF THE SPIRIT .................................................................................................. 127

    APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................. 130

    A MEDICAL ESTIMATE OF PRAYER......................................................................................... 130


    The terms under each heading have the same meaning.

    Human Heredity

    Negative Law of Cause and Effect

    Divine Heredity

    Positive Law of Cause and Effect


    Senses Mind Soul Father-Mother Creator

    Flesh body Mind body Divine Image Essence

    Natural body Spiritual body Divinity Personified Divinity

    Undeveloped Mind


    Spirit The Word Spirit

    Conscious and


    Degrees of mind Supra-conscious Mind Consciousness

    Negative mind Positive mind I AM I AM THAT I AM

    Instrument Personality Individuality Impersonal Being

    Surface mind Lower soul Higher Self Over Soul

    Human form Human character Light within Universal Intelligence

    Organized energy

    of space

    Organized thought


    Organized faculties of


    Organized Love,

    Wisdom and Will



    In the manifested Word of Omnipotence, which is the visible universe, are written the laws of

    God. His laws are unchangeable and cannot be broken by any mortal will, but they may be

    transgressed, and pain and sorrow are the result of transgression.

    Gods laws work with invariable certainty; perfectly impartial in all their operations, therefore it

    is written that God is no respecter of persons.

    When the laws of Gods nature are fulfilled they bring peace and happiness, but when they

    are disobeyed even unwittingly, they bring pain and discord. The fault is not in the law, for it is good

    and perfect in its operation; the fault lies in the one Who from lack of wisdom has placed himself in

    an inharmonious relation to the law.

    No one can succeed who does not work in conformity with the laws of Omnipotence. The

    laws of Omnipotence are the operation of an infinite Intelligence; they are adapted perfectly to the

    uses which they subserve; they are the very best method of operating that could be devised; and,

    as all these laws are working for a good and wise purpose, and this omnipotent purpose cannot be

    frustrated or hindered, we are obliged to affirm that All is Good. The laws of God, which are the Will

    of God manifesting, reign supreme throughout His universe.

    In the statement that All is Good we recognize and glorify the omnipotent Intelligence whose

    presence is the life of His own vast Body, the universe.

    As mans mind evolves to the comprehension of the marvelous laws of Gods nature, he

    discovers more and more the laws of life, and this knowledge is called Science.

    The laws of the material universe are discovered through the senses in combination with the

    reasoning mind, but the laws of the moral or spiritual universe are realized from the revelations

    which God gives to the soul of man, which come before his reasoning mind through soul intuition.

    Jesus (Joshu) perceived the laws of Gods nature through the illumination of his soul by the

    Spirit of Wisdom, and he also saw that all the sin and misery of the world was caused from a lack of

    understanding of these laws, and a consequent disobedience of them, and pitying but not

    condemning their ignorance he proclaimed "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you



    This statement from the Bible proclaims a living truth of so great an import that if its meaning

    were realized by humanity at large there would no longer be suffering, sorrow, disease, or the

    belief in death and everlasting damnation, nor any poverty or injustice in the world. The depth of

    meaning contained in this sentence has very seldom been sounded by the human mind. When the

    spirit of this one truth is realized it brings, to pass a wonderful transformation his character. The

    one who realizes this truth no longer believes himself to be a limited mortal, bound by earths

    negatives, and compelled to suffer for all his mistakes and the error of his forefathers. He rises into

    the perception of his inherent divinity and power as a son of the living God.

    Jesus (Joshu) realized that he was the temple of the living God; He realized that the Spirit of

    God dwelt within Him, and he made this truth so manifest in His life that the world saw and is

    seeing still that God was manifest in the flesh. Jesus revealed a few of the divine possibilities

    stored within the soul of man. Few since have even approached His realization of and faith in the

    Fathers Presence and Power, and so the world has not seen the wonderful demonstrations which

    spring from so mighty a faith.

    We are the manifestations of God. What does this mean? Our nature is the visibility of a

    power and intelligence that is not separate from Omnipotence. Within our nature is a spring of life

    bubbling forth from the ocean of infinite life, limited only by our capacity to receive of its invigorating

    energy. Within each one of us there slumbers an immortal soul, which, may be attuned to feel and

    sense through all its being the impulses of divine love that flow from the very heart of God. Our soul

    is an individualized atom of His grand Soul. All that we as mortals are conscious of are but the

    sensations and intelligence of the body. The next step in our development is the realization of His

    blissful love and wisdom within our souls; the realization that He is the soul to us the body. Where

    shall we look for God? In His beloved in mankind, as human parents see themselves represented

    in their children and love them because they are parts of their own nature, so the divine Parents

    the Father-Mother God behold their positive and negative attributes manifested in all that has life

    and being, and thus they love their image in all beings.

    Verily God is eternal man. God is the life of man, the intelligence of Man. Man is external God,

    or the intelligence and life of God manifesting. Man is God appearing in limited form. Man is limited,

    but it is only because of his ignorance of the unlimited power within him. He is not a fallen creature.

    He is in a process of evolution coming from the more limited condition of the animal mind to the

    freer and more powerful intelligence that partakes of the wisdom of God.

    We cannot separate ourselves in thought from God without robbing ourselves of the faith

    which gives us greatest power to outgrow negative conditions of body or mind. We need to live in

    the constant realization of his unlimited Vitality as the strength and health of our life; we need to

    become more and more conscious of His guiding wisdom as the light of our intelligence and .the

    glory of our souls, in order to develop the wonderful talents and traits through which we manifest


  • 10

    How beautiful all life becomes when we recognize the truth that it is all one substance; that all

    matter, all substance, all force, all intelligence is the very nature of the one omnipotent Being that

    we call God. There is no distinction in his nature of good and bad; it is all his own evolving

    substance; it is all God. We do not judge rightly, because we are misled by appearances. We look

    at the slime and mud with repugnance; but God is there. We take a minute portion of the slime and

    examine it under a microscope, and we see the most beautiful vegetation and myriads of tiny

    creatures active with life and intelligence; we can even see their hearts palpitating, and locate the

    centers of intelligence in their microscopic forms. The mud reveals diatoms and crystals of so rare

    a beauty that if enlarged they would be fit jewels for a queen. Can we say that this is not the life

    and substance of God? It is all intelligence in negative and undeveloped degree. It is the universal

    intelligence. Who can say that this substance of life is unreal, that it is unsubstantial, without saying

    that the nature and life of God are unreal? All is real; not one atom of cosmic substance can be

    annihilated. It may be transformed, but its nature as substance of some kind will forever be. All is

    perpetual. We may try to limit by name and form this universal substance, but its transitional nature

    defies all analysis; nevertheless its perpetual power is, and this perpetual power and presence, this

    unsearchable mystery of life, we call by the name of God.

    This broader idea of universal intelligence, which reveals as brightest truth, that God is

    omnipresent and omnipotent, seems at the first glance to do away with the idea, held by many, of

    an exalted Deity of a nature so pure and holy and sublime that in it the imperfections of the animal

    nature have no place.

    One who had held fast and faithful to his idea of God as a Being far removed from His

    creation, with no purpose now that his work of creation was finished but the condemnation of the

    wicked to everlasting torments, listened while a teacher expounded the beauty and goodness of

    the omnipresent Intelligence and was so thoroughly convinced that God was present in all, that he

    thought there could be no God in a personal sense, and almost frantic over his imaginary loss, he

    walked the street crying within himself "I have lost my God! I have lost my God!"

  • 11

    A right understanding of the truth does not take from us the true God of love and wisdom, the

    living Father made manifest in every person. It does not cloud our vision to the immortal Spirit living

    in the bosom of the Fathers love, and revealing the wisdom of His love, as the supreme Image and

    Word of God. The truth reveals that as souls, we are one with the Wisdom and Love whom is

    called Father. The truth frees us from our limiting bonds by showing that, we are related to

    Omnipotence, that we are the "only begotten" that is, rightly translated, of like nature with the

    Father. This truth saves us from sin and the consequences of sin, by lifting our minds from the

    plane of our animal nature to the consciousness of our God nature, which has dominion over all

    things. This glorious truth makes more vivid the God in us by calling us to see the God in every

    man. We see that the soul of man is God. Because we know that ignorance of this truth causes sin

    and crime, we lose all feelings of condemnation and in compassion for the struggling souls of

    mortals we proclaim the inherent wisdom and goodness of man as the son of God. Our love

    resurrects the God in our neighbor, in our brother, and soul with soul communes in the harmony of

    divine fellowship, and Gods Kingdom is made manifest in earth.

    Thus we comprehend that the universal substance, the universal Mind or Intelligence and the

    Soul of God, are the one infinite and eternal presence, power and consciousness of God as they

    express through these three degrees of being from the all-conscious within, to the unconscious

    without, from the fully expanded consciousness of the soul state to the undeveloped mind in



    Each grain of corn contains the possibility of a great number of grains. There is a divine

    impulse within each living thing, to increase and multiply, and manifest the purpose of God lying

    latent within, but there, are many steps in growth before the inherent intention and use of things is

    evolved. The grain of corn does not produce corn immediately.

    The intelligence locked within goes to work in an orderly manner, first to produce the roots,

    stalk and leaves, and then after it has drawn from the earth and air and sun all the elements

    required, and formed them into a proper body, it evolves the fruit which it intended to produce from

    the beginning.

    This method of procedure is carried out wherever the life of God comes into manifestation.

    God is unchangeable and his laws are unchangeable; therefore the laws of the great Mind operate

    in the same orderly fashion in the growth of a seed as in the growth of the solar system; and a race,

    in its evolution from animal hood to divinity, will develop to perfect fruitage in the same manner as,

    a single soul or a grain of corn.

  • 12

    Scientific research has exploded the belief, held until a few years ago, that the world was

    created 5,000 years ago during a period of six days, for ancient records have been discovered,

    which show a line of kings dating back to 90,000 BC. And any schoolboy who studies geology

    knows that it took tens of thousands of years for the accumulation of the various strata of rock, clay

    and sand that make up the earths crust.

    And from the fossil remains found imbedded in the different strata, scientists can tell exactly

    the kind of animals that lived in the world at different periods of time.

    It is now generally understood that since the planet consolidated from the nebulous fire-mist,

    ages of time have been taken up by the development of, first, the mineral kingdom, second, the

    vegetable kingdom, third, the animal kingdom, and last, the kingdom of man. So we see that it has

    taken what seems to us a very long time for the purpose of God, latent in the original fire-mist, to

    evolve into a race of beings, but the Eternal One does not take time into consideration. He has all

    time in which to carry out His mighty plans, and as He is the only, Power, there is nothing that can

    frustrate His wise plans, or bring about any failure in His good purpose.

    God has, through this great evolution occupying eons of time evolved man, but the race of

    mankind has only reached that degree of development where it may be compared to corn in the


    The divine intention of the Mighty Mind at work is to evolve mankind into the image and

    likeness of God; a race of beings expressing the Divine attributes of love, purity, wisdom, joy and


    This will be the ultimate attainment of each individual and the race as a whole; and when the

    planet has come to its fruitage time, as the vineyard of the Lord God, we shall have the Kingdom of

    harmony on earth, with all Gods laws understood and practiced universally.

    Nothing can stay this glorious result, for it is the purpose of Omnipotence a purpose

    potential within the nature of all life. The same force that works so silently in the seed to produce a

    perfect fruitage is as silently but surely working in the Mind of this planet for a divine fruitage of

    individuals, each one of them a god.

    Every soul is an individual form of that Original Force of Light and Love which we term God.

    Each soul is a spoken word of Divine Intelligence, sent into the world for the experience that will

    develop its individuality.

    The body and mind are the field in which this seed of God is sown, and from this field God will

    reap a spiritual individual.

    The hereditary tendencies, and all the qualities partaking of the earth, are not lasting; the soul

    will ultimately grow through them and use all the forces of the mortal nature in the development of

    its own immortality. "The eternal years of God are hers", and everything of time must serve this

    divine end.

  • 13

    In the words of Paul, the soul "is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in

    dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body;

    it is raised a spiritual body."

    When we compare the barbarous condition of the race a thousand years ago with the present

    degree of civilization, we see that a mysterious Power has been at work, lifting mankind many

    steps above the savage, and this inherent impetus toward progressive development which is

    nothing less than God working through the soul of man has overcome mighty difficulties, and

    gained many victories over the gross animal nature with which the race was at first endowed.

    This process of successive refinement is a law of nature, visible throughout the Universal

    Mind in the development of the mineral into vegetable forms, and the transmutation of mineral and

    vegetable substances into the higher animal forms, and still finer attenuation of these elements in

    the organism of man. As there is no assignable limit to the expansion and purification of the

    elements of existence, we can comprehend how the chemical elements of the human nature are

    still further refined into subtle thought forces, evolved into the invisible and spiritual nature, which is

    everlasting in the heavens, although still capable of infinite progression.

    When the aeronaut desires his balloon to ascend to the rarefied atmosphere of space, he fills

    it with a gas having an affinity for the more refined levels, and the balloon is attracted upwards. In

    like manner, every individual soul is attracted to the positive and most intelligent heights of the

    Divine Mind, for God has filled each soul with Himself, and as like attracts like, mortals will forever

    feel an affinity for the nobler and more spiritual states of Mind, and will be attracted into sublimest

    paths of divine unfoldment in their efforts to realize and manifest God.

    You are immortal! You are divine! No matter how many ages of ignorance press you down

    and condemn you as a sinner, or as an ignoble "worm of the dust", in the sight of God you are His

    own undeveloped substance. The mighty truth shall free you from all sin and every impurity, for its

    power is within you; the abiding presence of everlasting Love enfolds you in its saving Grace, and

    forever beholds you as the image and likeness of itself.

  • 14


    You have probably handled a horseshoe magnet and watched it pick up pins and bits of steel.

    Did you ever stop to think that the influence which the magnet exerted was invisible? You could not

    see it, yet you knew there was a magnetic power which attracted the pieces of steel, not only in the

    magnet but all around it, to a certain distance. You have heard, no doubt, that spiritual and mental

    forces are more powerful than physical elements, but you have thought, "How can there be

    anything which I cannot see or feel, and how can such things have any power?" Now this silent and

    invisible power around the magnet illustrates the truth that the mental and spiritual part of

    existence is the most powerful. It also illustrates that, there is a positive and negative side to

    everything. The form of the magnet is the negative part, while the force that acts through it is the

    positive aspect of the magnet. You only see and sense the negative side of existing things; the

    positive side, which is the cause is invisible. But you can reason that it exists from the effect which

    is seen; just as you know from the way it influences steel that there is an invisible side to the


    The trees and grasses, and even the rocks have an invisible positive influence in and around

    them, which is holding them in organized form and causing them to grow. It will help you to

    understand this to think of the positive part as the mind of things. Existence becomes more

    interesting when you think of everything having a mind of its own. The mind of the tree or of the

    grass is not so highly developed as the mind of the animal, and the animal mind is not so

    conscious as the mind of man, yet everything is subject to the great law of mental growth and

    progression. How wonderfully the mind of the acorn appropriates the warmth of the sun and the

    moisture of the earth, unfolding its dormant powers, sending roots downward for strength and

    sustenance and then sprouting upward into the light and air until it stands a majestic oak that

    produces acorns, each one of which contains the power to create an image and likeness of its

    parent. Yet the mind of the animal is more wonderful than that of the acorn because it has a

    conscious instinct which the tree does not possess. But far superior to all is man, the lord of

    creation, with the Godlike power of thinking and reasoning.

    I wish you to realize that mind is the most actual thing in existence, although intangible to the

    senses; that in and around each form there is a sphere of positive force, which is the life and

    organizing power of the form. In and around you is the sphere of your mind, which is holding your

    flesh in form, pumping the blood through your heart day and night, forcing you to breathe and

    carrying on all the involuntary operations of your physical organism. This is the positive pole of you,

    your mind body, or what the Scriptures refer to as the spiritual body. "There is a natural body and

    there is a spiritual body." 1 Cor 1:44. You are living within a sphere of mental forces which you are

    adding to and qualifying by your thoughts; and these thought forces which your mind generates

    influence every part of your body and act on other minds to influence them also.

    A French scientist has succeeded in producing photographs of the sphere which encircles the

    human form and the pictures show radiations proceeding from the sphere like the radiations of the

    suns corona which are seen and photographed during an eclipse:

  • 15

    You will understand from this how it is that you feel repelled by some people and attracted

    toward others; you feel the vibrations from their mental sphere, and they make you sad or joyful

    according to their quality. Your mind-body has its main center in the brain but it has other centers in

    various parts of the physical body. This mind body is your real and immortal body, which cannot be

    destroyed even though your flesh be burned to ashes. It feels and sees and acts through its

    negative and obedient instrument, but it also thinks and feels and sees in the dream state, when

    the body and brain are asleep, for it is superior to the flesh-body and will continue to live and think

    and use its senses in the spiritual realms, or in what might properly be called the realms of Mind,

    when the flesh has turned to dust.

    You are superior to the body and should begin to cultivate the knowledge of your Real Self

    and of the potent power of thought. Many diseased conditions are caused by being too negative,

    subject to every mental and disturbing influence that comes along. You need to cultivate a positive

    state of mind, and you can do this by affirming over and over: "I am, I know I am." This simple

    statement constantly repeated will give you mental backbone, increasing your thought power and

    the ability to concentrate your mind; and it will also infuse your body with positive mental energy,

    which will increase your vitality and strength, helping you to resist and overcome all diseased



    God the changeless, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent Love is the life principle, the

    inexhaustible source of health, strength, peace, wisdom and knowledge. He is impersonal Love,

    pure Spirit, divine Mind. I in my being am the created of God. As a soul I am not subject to any

    inheritance of the flesh, for One is my Father, even God.

    By recognizing my God-derived being, and speaking the words of appropriation that declare

    my divine birth right, I become powerful to rise above all conditions of mortal sense.

    I will remember that I am spiritual, not material.

    Health cannot depart from me nor strength forsake me while I keep my eye single to and fixed

    on the inexhaustible life and love of God.

    Strength is just as much a mental energy as faith, hope or any of the attributes of mentality.

    I think into existence the glory of, God. I am the embodiment of all my realizations.

    I am the Limitless One.

  • 16


    Exact science has commenced to delve into the mysteries of the immaterial and unseen

    world. After having made wonderful discoveries through experiment with material elements it now

    turns its attention to the realm of finer or more spiritual forces, and after many years of patient

    research leading scientists and religionists as well, have been convinced that knowledge, may be

    received from intelligent beings who no longer wear the garb of flesh.

    The belief in immortality has been part of the religious teaching of the world, but now that it is

    becoming known as a demonstrated fact by scientific investigation, much of the fear and terror of

    death will be removed from human minds, and the knowledge of eternal life to every human being

    as an unalterable fact, will make life more real and worth the while.

    Everything has a positive mind-body and a negative material body. Now close your eyes to

    the material forms of things and imagine that you see into the realm of mind form, into the positive

    spiritual side of existence which surrounds all material things. You see that even the planet is the

    visible body of a great mind, and that the solar system and all those great suns, which we call stars,

    are every one held in the embrace of the mighty Mind of God. This makes clear the meaning of this

    passage of Scripture: "God is not far from every one of us; for in Him we live, and move, and have

    our being. For we are also His offspring." Acts 17:27-28. The mind that rules all things is in

    everything that it controls as the very life and mind of each and every form. This vast universe that

    fills boundless space is the visible body of God, and His infinite mind pervades the whole, giving

    life and intelligence to everything in creation; and each individual mind is being formed from the

    universal mind of God, which Paul calls the Spirit. "There is one, body and one Spirit. One God and

    Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." Eph. 4:6. Your individual mind lives

    in the universal mind, and cannot die, because it is a part of the everlasting mind of God. You have

    drawn all the life and intelligence you manifest from this Divine Mind, and you can learn to draw

    consciously on this inexhaustible source for all that you need.

    Although the negative constantly decreases as the positive increases, there will always be

    negative and positive in the human magnet. This is the process of growth through eternity.

    . The visible body of man is the negative pole. Much more wonderful than even this complex

    instrument is his real self, the invisible, positive pole of his being.

    When the physical form is laid aside the thought form or mind-body which surrounds the soul

    is the negative part.

    Every mind that ever existed still lives in the bosom of the infinite Mind, and your mind-body

    or spiritual body is in this spiritual realm this instant. Even when the physical body is laid away this

    mind body continues to live in the great ocean of Mind, and is free to float off to any part of the

    spiritual worlds to which it may be attracted; and is able to receive the knowledge of divine things

    from any wise mind that has lived on earth.

  • 17

    The present duty of each one is to learn to make the most of life while on the earth, for the

    universe is a great school Gods school and it is a general rule that no one can attain to a high

    spiritual estate except through the cultivation of his mind, for the mind, is the spiritual part of the

    person, and in proportion as it gains knowledge from experience it becomes wise and loving and

    strong in the power of a perfect character. The overshadowing Mind of God is in you, and around

    you, holding you in its everlasting love, and in its vast embrace. It also holds all the loved ones who

    have passed from your sight. Nothing ever really dies in the Mind of God for in His merciful

    goodness everyone enjoys everlasting life and constantly progresses in intelligence. The all wise,

    all loving Mind is ever pouring out the living benediction of its presence upon all of its beloved

    humanity. It surrounds and blesses the wise and the unwise, the evil and the good alike with its life

    and intelligence, knowing that through this giving of itself to all, all will gradually grow in

    individuality, and sometime, somewhere, each and every mind will recognize from whence comes

    its life and power, and conform to the divine image that lies latent within.

    As you recognize that your mind is sustained by the unlimited life and strength of the

    God-mind, you will feel more of life and strength, for it is the recognition of the omnipresence of

    God that establishes the faith which saves from disease and pain. You have believed that your life

    was limited, that the healing power of God was something far away in the sky, and by these beliefs

    you closed your mind to the mighty healing life, in you and all around you, which was able to build

    your nature strong and perfect with its living energy.

    Recognize the truth that the mighty forces of the God-mind, which produce health, happiness

    and prosperity, and cleanse from all sin and sickness, are focused upon you, and strengthen your

    faith by affirming over and over:

    I am Life.

    I am Intelligence.

    I am alive with the healing life of God.

    I am created in the perfect image and likeness of God and all the beneficent influence of the

    Divine Mind is working for my happiness and prosperity.

    Recognize only the good, for that is the dominant power in the universe, and the more you

    believe in the power of good, the stronger it becomes in your life and affairs. "According to your

    faith be it unto you."

  • 18


    A human being is a wonderful battery of forces. The electric dynamo draws from space only

    one kind of force, namely, electricity, but the physical body generates electricity and also

    magnetism, while the mind appropriates the universal thought-power to enable it to hold in

    organization all lesser forces of its nature. All power in the universe exists for the good of humanity.

    All the apparent evil that man experiences comes from his mistakes, or from the misuse of the

    forces within and around him.

    There is no limit to the power of thought. Thought is the power that God uses to guide the

    destiny of His great universe, and man can use the same power from the omnipotent Mind to mold

    his life and destiny as he will.

    The act of thinking generates forces as actual as electricity, and more powerful, because

    endowed with intelligence. Thoughts are living things, and spoken words give to thoughts a body of

    physical vibrations which makes them still stronger.

    As is well known, people have prayed intensely for some merciful favor, like the healing of

    some apparently incurable disease, or the lifting of the burden of poverty, and the prayer has been

    answered. What happened to bring about the result? The mind in the intensity of its devotion to the

    one desire of the prayer, came in touch with the mighty thought currents that circulate through the

    Divine Mind and generated a force which brought the desire into manifestation.

    Many a mother, in the ardor of her love for her child, has generated thought forces by prayer

    that have surrounded the object of her affection with a mantle of protection or renewed the life that

    was fast ebbing away.

    Mortals do not know or believe that their thoughts and words bring about many of their

    conditions, because the results usually do not become apparent for some time after they have

    been conceived in the mind. For instance, a man will become very angry and curse his horse, thus

    creating a strong mental force which acts on the mind of the horse, and long after he has forgotten

    about it that same influence will suddenly exert its power, and the horse will be seized with a wild

    impulse to break from all restraint and "run away". The curse was a mental seed sown in the mind

    of the horse, and in time it grew to be so powerful that it swayed his whole nature. Persons who

    curse an animal need not be surprised to see it sicken and die, for they are ignorantly using a

    divine force to cause injury. Paul understanding this law said: "Bless, and curse not."

    It was because Jesus understood the power of mind that he said: "Every idle word that men

    shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."Matt. 12:36. The "day of

    judgment" is the day when the thought bears its fruit of good or ill. It may be the same day, or it

    may be after many days.

  • 19

    Human beings, through their ignorance of the laws of Mind, are constantly placing many

    heavy burdens upon themselves, sowing thoughts of poverty and sickness and ill luck through

    thinking and talking about evil conditions and expecting the same, and through their faith in some

    evil influence or belief in the power of evil.

    The truth that makes free from such false mental conditions is the knowledge that every force

    and power in the universe is a part of the Mind of God the All Good. That all the power of the

    all-present Mind is love, which is continually striving to heal and bless and prosper all mankind.

    That there is no evil power or devil in the universe working against the good of anyone, because all

    power is an expression of God, the Almighty Good. It is contrary to the truth of His goodness to

    believe that His freeing spirit places any bondage or burdens of sickness or pain on His beloved


    Much of the misery of mortals is created by their own minds, through the false belief and fear

    of a vengeful, fault finding Deity, who they imagine waiting for an opportunity to punish them for

    some little mistake they have made in solving lifes problems, whereas "He is kind unto the

    unthankful and to the evil." Luke 6:35.

    Every mans word shall be his burden." Jer 23:36.

    There is no "score" against anyone but the words and thoughts that have been thought or

    spoken against him either by self or others, and these can all be overcome by the knowledge and

    affirmation of the truth that All is Good. "By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou

    shalt be condemned." Matt. 12:37. Remember that you are encompassed by the Mind of God with

    all its potent forces working for your good, and place your mind in unity with this mighty Goodness

    by affirming over and over: "God the Good is my protection, and the protection of every created

    thing. God is my support and the support of the whole universe. God is my life and protection and

    the health of the whole race."

    Remember to be merciful with your thoughts, "as your Father also is merciful" and to

    "condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned"; to "forgive, and ye shall be forgiven"; thus fulfilling

    the law of the Divine Mind, which will make you radiant with its mighty healing love and good will

    toward all mankind.

    In the center of each atom, within the heart of all beings, and interpenetrating every energy, is

    Love, the God of all, the wisest and most powerful force in the universe. The universal love of God

    for all beings is the vital impulse at the root of all creation, and those who will polarize love by

    thinking and feeling love for insects, birds or man, will develop such a harmonious healing

    character as will make for them and all who come into their life a heaven on earth.

  • 20

    Why call upon God for mercy when you have closed your mind to mercy and compassion for

    humanity? The merciful love of God is not withdrawn from your mind, but you will not feel it until

    you exercise that quality towards others, for thus is the Divine circulation started into action, which

    will bless you as you become a blessing to others. "Love is the fulfilling of the law" of the

    omnipresent Mind, whereby the individual attains the greatest growth and progresses into the

    divinest powers, and becomes a god among men, as was illustrated by the man who walked and

    talked in Galilee.


    Like a thief in the night of Time has come the fulfillment of the prophecy of the ageswe now

    behold the golden glory of the dawn preceding the rising of the Sun of Wisdom, which shall

    dissolve the clouds of ignorance and superstition, and illuminate the mind .of the world with the

    joyous knowledge of the omnipotent Goodness that pervades all life.

    The man-made beliefs of the dark ages the deification of the devil as a being more active

    and prevalent than God; the worship of a vengeful, vindictive Being who would cast innocent babes

    into endless torment, because they were not baptized; the faith in evil and sin, and fear of disease

    and deathhave made a grievous load for humanity to bear. But now the Sun of Wisdom is

    pouring its merciful rays over the world and revealing the new faith, which the angels proclaimed

    would bring peace on earth and good will to men.

    The churches that have taught the death and damnation of the soul are finding empty pews

    where they had fearful listeners: The blind faith of the past in a far away God of Goodness and an

    ever present Evil is evolving into a rational faith founded on the scientific knowledge of the exact

    and unerring laws of Mind. The glad tidings of great joy are revealing the truth that the soul of man

    is immortal, and subject only to the law of everlasting growth and progression.

    The beneficent forces of the universal Mind that forever focus on the individual are turned and

    directed by the individual mind for good or ill, according to its faith, for faith is the most potent

    mental force generated by man, and when it is founded on the Reality, and formulated from the

    knowledge of the All Good, it can become the most positive healing and redeeming power in the

    world, embodying the mercy of omnipotent Truth.

  • 21

    Earnest religionists have failed to overcome the apparent evils of existence because of their

    faith in the power of evil; to their minds evil was more real and powerful than Good. They saw the

    devil running loose among mankind, while God was afar off in the sky. They believed so earnestly

    in the innate degeneracy of mankind that they threw the whole mental force of their faith toward

    perpetuating the evils they were trying to overcome. By the manifesting power of faith they have

    turned the healing intelligence of mind to creating sin, sickness and pain, and then claimed that

    Infinite Love had stooped to chasten the human atoms floating in its boundless mercy, in order to

    show its love. The aggregate faith of all their minds was a power so tremendous as to cover the

    whole race with a mantle of darkness and fear that during the dark ages hid the light of truth and

    hindered all progress:

    But the soul of man is waking to the light of true faith, and mankind are beginning to see, and

    understand that all life and intelligence and all power are manifestations of the universal Good

    called God. They are thinking so much and so devotedly of the power of good that their faith is

    becoming a mighty regenerative force in the world. They are fixing their minds so persistently on

    the healing, soothing power of life that disease and pain are overcome by their thought power, and

    even death is stayed by the victory of true faith. Recognizing only the purity and goodness of the

    soul of the so-called sinner, their faith is stimulating and reviving that positive reality so that the

    senses no longer sway the nature. And standing in the realization that there is no lack nor want of

    any good thing in the all-bountiful Goodness, they are fulfilling the law of attraction, which draws to

    them the prosperity that satisfies all their needs. Thus proving that faith in the truth that All is Good

    is the key to heaven on earth.

    "If ye lay bound upon the wheel of change,

    And no way were of breaking from the chain,

    The Heart of boundless Being is a curse,

    The Soul of Things fell Pain.

    Ye are not bound! The Soul of Things is sweet,

    The Heart of Being is celestial rest;

    Stronger than woe is will: that which was Good

    Doth pass to Better Best.

    Before beginning, and without an end,

    As space eternal and as surety sure,

    Is fixed a Power divine which moves to good,

  • 22

    Only its laws endure."

    Light of Asia.


    The innovative entrepreneurs who have shown the greatest impact on the business world by

    their own efforts are all men of strong and powerful minds. The positive pole of the body the

    brainhas polarized great mental force, so that their minds dominate and control, to a large

    degree, the minds with whom they have dealings. It has been so with all who have swayed the

    destiny of the race. They were all powerful minds. It is not always the king or acknowledged ruler

    who is guiding the ship of state, but very often a power behind the throne in a character of great

    mental force and energy. Mind rules. To be a leader one must have a mind more positive and

    intelligent than those who are led.

    It is said the planets rule, but it will be noticed that the individual who seems to be favored by

    the stars, and who is led into a high position, is one whose brain shows a very decided

    development of that mental quality which the stars represent.

    These examples demonstrate that it is the polarization of mental force that enables one to

    control so many less developed minds, and the lack of this intelligence that holds the other in his

    lowly state. The same mental, astrological and soul forces impinge upon both; their ability to

    polarize these forces to their use determines their place in evolution. If the soul of such a leader

    were awakened to the expression of a God Mind, it would have more power in expression than the

    soul of the laboring man. One would be a mightier than the other, because one has a more forceful

    mental magnet than the other. The soul deals with the material side of the law of attraction through

    an instrument composed of the elements pertaining to this plane. Therefore mental science strives

    to educate minds to the most positive degree of faith in the Good, that they may be more powerful

    magnets for Good. And this positive faith in the power of Goodness organizes that Goodness into a

    spiritual body through which the soul can express the fullness of its grace and perfection.

    If you are one of those negative characters who seem to be always on the negative side of life,

    whether in matters of health or prosperity, or in the realization of any ideal, do not be discouraged

    but begin to cultivate a positive, intelligent mind, and as you gradually polarize mental force you will

    see that you are gaining dominion over your negative characteristics, which have caused you to be

    a down-trodden wretch or a sickly sinner.

    Your soul is a potential germ from the bosom of Almighty Intelligence, capable of endless

    growth and development and containing the essentials for the building of a God-like character, with

    dominion over every living thing.

  • 23

    You are in the position you now occupy, not because you are a sinner upon whom God has

    frowned, nor because some one is holding you down, but simply because you have not polarized

    sufficient intelligence and character to warrant your being elsewhere. But the supply is equal to the

    demand. "Ask, and it shall be given to you." when you understand that your mind is not separate or

    apart from the universal Mind of Jehovih.

    You must understand that you are a mental magnet to your positive pole you can draw or

    polarize intelligence, and around your negative pole you can accumulate vitality. The relative

    positions of beings in life are in accordance with the strength or weakness of their character,

    "Character is destiny." The tree, the bird, the dog and the man have each polarized that degree of

    intelligence which gives them their form and their place in evolution. But man has attained to a

    position where he can progress consciously through the appropriation of the thought and will

    power of the God-Mind. He can outgrow all negative conditions by lifting his mind to a more

    positive degree of development. The universal Mind contains infinite possibilities. There is every

    possible quality of mind imaginable to be appropriated, from the undeveloped state called matter,

    to the developed quality of omniscience, and every being, from atom to archangel, is an

    individualized form of the universal Mind, perpetually progressing toward the positive pole of

    intelligence and life the great I AM through cultivation of his own I AM, which is the rock of

    ages the soul power that never dies.

    While a person may polarize and build the character of any mental quality he pleases, yet it is

    easily understood that the highest qualities of the universal Mind are the most powerful and most

    conducive to the progression of the individual.

    You have been living in the negative states of mind.

    Now lift your mind to the positive state by thinking daily the following thoughts, and you will

    come in touch with the angelic powers of the spiritual universe that are the mighty causes of

    spiritual and physical harmony, health and perfection. Think as the angels think, if you would feel

    the divine harmony in which they live, move and have their being:

    In all thy ways acknowledge Him,

    And He shall direct thy paths. Prov.3:6.

    Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, And not a God afar off?

    Can any hide himself in secret places That I shall not see him?

    Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord. Jer 23 :23, 24.

    I know I am one unbroken stream of vital force, of Godlike vitality. This vitality is

    overmastering and will put out of my nature every particle of error and discord.

    I am a vibrating vital force. I am not a victim of negation. I am not held in bondage by any

    negative thoughts or by ignorant minds.

  • 24

    I am unlimited freedom, because I am created in the image of Omnipotence. I am in

    recognition of the infinite power of Good. Every atom of my nature vibrates to the vital tone of God.

    All power frees. I have the freedom of God now. All power and dominion are given unto me

    through the love of God. I have found in God my refuge, my joy, my love and my freedom. God is

    my protection and sustaining strength now and forever.

    I am in the stillness of the secret place of the Most High. I am under the shadow of His wing,

    and I praise Him for His mercies.

    Praises! Praises! To God the Eternal, Ruler of spirits and Master of angels

    Forever and ever. Amen.


    I realize the full measure of Divinity that the present moment holds for me.

    I realize the good that God offers me this moment.

    I live in the now, poised, in the realization of my eternal nature.

    This moment is overflowing with unlimited life.

    This moment holds inexhaustible strength for me.

    God is this moment blessing me with His fullness of love, wisdom and power.

    I hold my mind poised this moment in the realization of the eternal truth that all the goodness

    and power of God are NOW mine. Thus I open the way this moment for the entrance of the Spirit of

    Truth. These moments of realization are precious. In them the mind grasps more and more of the

    GREAT REALITY, the fadeless light of eternity. My mind is stilled in the contemplation of the

    Presence and Power that is always here, and bows to receive the blessing of the merciful, peaceful

    Spirit of Truth.


    It has taken ages for us to round out and build up our present, strong individuality.

    Individuality is the first grand step in the evolutionary process from atom to man. Even after we had

    gained the faculty of thinking, which graduated us from the animal to the human species, there

    remained many, paths of experience for us to traverse ere we became of such intensity of

    character and mental texture as would cause us to aspire to a knowledge of the ideal realm above

    and beyond the plane of mere animal sensation.

  • 25

    That was an immortal and intelligent Force in us which pushed on unceasingly through all

    these grades of growth and enabled us to retain our individuality through all the vicissitudes of

    many lives and many seeming deaths.

    It was the Immortal Mind of God that became individualized and organized form after form in

    order to express its intelligence and become conscious of itself or self-conscious.

    Even though when in human form beings seem more animal than man, and do wrong instead

    of right in their pursuit of happiness, there should be no condemnation, for the divine intelligence in

    them, will sooner or later awaken to the fact that happiness lies in another direction. Ultimately

    there will come the realization that happiness comes from living the divine life, which is the growth

    and expression of all the finer, nobler attributes of intelligence.

    We live in this great Intelligent Mind. In fact, It lives in us, and we are It.

    As all physical objects exist in space, and are a modification of space, so we have our

    existence in the Mind of God, which fills all immensity with its great comprehension, and surrounds

    and fills us with a goodness and love and life which we as yet but faintly recognize or grasp with

    our intellectual perception.

    We have now come to the step in our unfoldment called Recognition, through which we gain

    the power to recognize who and what we are. The Jews were not intelligent enough to recognize

    the unlimited possibilities of the Intelligence within them, and so they denied the power of God in

    Jesus and in themselves.

    It takes a god to understand a god. We should recognize the mighty goodness of God forever

    present within us. He works for our benefit according to our faith or recognition of the good instead

    of the evil.

    We can grow more God-like in wisdom and understanding in proportion as we cultivate

    ourselves in the recognition of God, the omnipresent Good, in the same manner as our artistic

    sense expands as we become acquainted with the genius of a Wagner .or a Raphael.

    This knowledge of the Divinity within our nature is inspiring and full of satisfaction.

    When we contemplate the truth that we are linked to the Almighty God; that he desires to

    express more and more of Himself through us forever, we feel the thrill of a new Life, for this

    recognition is the beginning of a new and larger Life wherein we realize our unity with God the

    Father, and enjoy the consciousness of an inherent nobility as the children of the Living God.

    This faith or recognition fertilizes the mind and prepares it for the growth of more intelligent

    thoughts; thoughts that will develop the mind for the reception of that most wonderful degree of

    intelligence called Intuition, whereby the mind realizes its oneness with the all-knowing Mind, and

    draws definite knowledge from this inexhaustible Source.

  • 26

    Through belief in evil, man turns the forces of his mind to work against his good. He actually

    builds mental walls to hinder the divine mental influence from working in his behalf. His ignorance

    breeds a thousand fears, which make him negative and weak, where faith in the omnipresent Good

    would charge him with strength and courage.

    Encouraging fears of sickness and dilating upon the power of disease, he makes himself

    negative to every disturbing influence, and microbes find all entrances open into his system. His

    mind checks the action of the healing potency inherent in all living organisms, and fosters false

    growths and any unnatural condition that happens to locate.

    The mind that is thoroughly imbued with a living recognition of the power of the Life resident

    within can become so positive in the affirmation of this faith that every cell of the body will tingle in

    response to the quickening impulse of the thought power.

    Health is an attribute of Life, and is a positive power which can be claimed and appropriated

    through positive intelligence, while disease is a negative condition, having no power in itself to

    endure for any length of time, unless fed and strengthened by mental belief.

    The children of God will, in time, see the foolishness of their beliefs as they rise to the

    recognition of the goodness and power of all life. They will overcome all evil by the knowledge that

    All is Good; and as all their beliefs are converted to see and affirm the Good, they will become

    positive individualizations of the God Substance, knowing the joy of Life free from all disturbing


    These thoughts of recognition will help to awaken the dormant activities of soul, mind and


    I am an individualization of the Substance of God.

    The substance of my mind and body is radiant with the vitalizing Life and Intelligence of God.

    I recognize that Health, Happiness and Prosperity are the most positive and potent influences

    in my life and affairs.

    I have faith in the inherent goodness of all beings and things, and expect to reap only good in

    all my ways.

    I see the goodness of God expressing in all the world.

  • 27


    The human brain can generate thoughts which will kill or cure. Man stands at the head of

    evolved beings, because in him is vested the creative thought power of the almighty God-Mind. In

    his ignorance of this wonderful power, man has misused it, often causing much suffering to himself

    and others through thinking false thoughts. But he is in the School of Life, and by his mistakes he

    learns which is the wrong method of thinking, and his intelligence pushes him on to find the right


    According to the strength of your mental magnet, or in proportion as you have individualized

    the law of attraction, will you attract persons and things from universal nature. Every thing in

    existence is a center of attraction, a mental magnet, and according to the development of magnets

    and according to their quality do they unceasingly operate the law of attraction to draw the

    necessities of existence to them.

    Your mind has drawn to you the conditions with which you find yourself surrounded. The law

    of attraction Is working unceasingly to bring to you just what your mind attracts to you. "Like

    attracts like." "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." If you think of pain and poverty

    and sorrow, and brood over the dark and evil side of existence, you will surely multiply misery,

    disease and disturbances in your life. If you sow condemnations and evil thoughts for others, you

    will reap of the same sort from other minds. You are living on the negative side of life and blaming

    God and luck for your misfortunes when you have thought the thoughts and spoken the words

    which picture out as false conditions.

    How shall you be saved from your false and ignorant thinking? By the knowledge of the truth.

    What is the truth? It is the truth that your soul is the image and likeness of the living eternal God,

    and cannot sin, or be sick or sorrowful, or suffer any evil; and can never die. It is the very

    substance and life of God, individualized. Your soul is the likeness of God; just like God in essence,

    wisdom and power though less in degree of unfoldment. All the possibilities of the God Mind are

    imaged in your soul, and by knowing the truth of your soul, you can think the thought and speak the

    words which will develop the God-image latent in you, and can rise to such a positive thought

    power as will enable you to overcome every negative condition of mind, body or affairs.

    Your soul is your real, true Self, your eternal I Am. Therefore, when you say I Am, speak the

    truth of your soul, that it may manifest its perfection in God, in this manner:

    I am pure and perfect now. I am the vitality, and health of God. I have the power to keep my

    mind and body in perfect peace and harmony. I am a mighty magnet to draw to myself the

    prosperity and abundant provision of the Fathers goodness.

  • 28

    Such are the thoughts and words of the soul. It judges not from appearances, but judges

    righteous judgment. If one thinks and speaks constantly about being sick, poor, sinful, and

    disturbed, condemning himself and others, he is creating a false faith, and that false condition of

    mind does not accord with the soul life, and consequently there is discord and inharmony in the

    whole, nature. Think thoughts of health, perfection, joy and prosperity, and you will realize the

    everlasting life and happiness of wholeness with the God-Mind, which is all and in all.

    The Jews condemned Jesus for making himself equal with God when He spoke from the truth

    of His soul. Although to appearances they acted like devils toward Him, yet with the clear vision of

    Truth, He beheld the God-soul of each, and quoted to them the inspiring words of David: "Ye are


    Harmony in the body is the result of a number of atoms working in obedience to one center.

    When the atoms are polarized to a center they are in harmony; when that polarity is disturbed and

    the atoms are scattered in their movements discord reigns.

    Many symptoms of disease that manifest at night while the body is negative immediately

    disappear when the mind awakens to conscious activity, because even the natural state of

    consciousness is positive: enough to bring harmony out of discord.

    Very often in treating some part of the body that is out of harmony it is sufficient to feel

    oneself consciously present in that part to restore order and peace.

    The mind is master and must make its presence felt in all parts of the body. Thus the flesh

    becomes infused with life and intelligence and all parts are polarized to the central intelligence of

    the organism.

    The apparent decay and disintegration of the physical proves that the polarizing egothe

    soulcannot hold the atoms of its organism in harmonious unity. Every atom in existence is being

    drawn by the law of attraction toward some center, and disintegration is caused by the atoms

    responding to a new center and leaving the old. When the soul leaves the body there is no longer a

    polarizing center, and the atoms are drawn from their unity toward new centers of attraction. If the

    mind and body were educated to a positive state of knowing and feeling, instead of living in the

    negative condition of mind, they would become glorified with the love and wisdom of the soul. The

    negative intelligence in the atoms will respond to and obey the positive, spiritual will.

    Glory to God for the power of will, and the working of wisdom, whereby mankind will realize

    their God-given dominion over everything of the earth-mind, and exercise their wonderful rights

    and privileges as sons and daughters of the mighty King of life and love.

  • 29


    Build your mental body on the eternal foundation of God by true thought and your perfect

    structure of thought will endure for all ages.

    My soul is alive with the healing Will of Omnipotence.

    I have faith in the healing power of life. Omnipresence is with me.

    Omniscience is guiding me.

    Omnipotence wills my permanent health and success. My soul is alive with the joyous life and

    wisdom of God.

    All things around me are working for my permanent peace and prosperity.

    Omnipotence is invigorating every nerve and muscle in my body.

    I inbreathe the healing peace of the Holy Spirit. The joyous, freeing peace of the Spirit is

    permeating my being.

    God fills every atom of my flesh with life, strength and power.

    God brightens my heart and my face and my affairs with His smile of everlasting joy.

    The Angel of Prosperity is working to fulfill all my desires.

    My flesh is alive with the life, strength and intelligence of the healing Spirit.

    God is my Vitality. God is my Health.

    God is my Happiness. God is my Prosperity.


  • 30


    God is an eternal Essence that is forever formulating itself into organized forms. God is Love

    and Wisdom, essence and form. The masculine and feminine principles inherent in the very

    essence which is pure Divinity. Polarity, the law of positive and negative, is the unchangeable law

    of the eternal Being.

    An atom of matter is composed of a center of positive electricity, surrounded by a larger or

    smaller number of particles of negative electric force. On a larger scale this is the polarity of the

    solar system. The sun is the positive center; the planets are the negative particles.

    All life is the same from the simple polarity of an atom to the unbounded Soul of God. Polarity

    is the basic law of Being. By His omnipotent action crystals, plants, animals and men become

    organized and evolve in intelligence. Through the operation of polarity solar systems and universes

    are born and evolve. By their polarizing power minds continue to organize spiritual forms after their

    physical forms are cast aside. By the power of polarity spirits rise above the negative law of death

    into more positive realms on high. By this eternal power angels and archangels and gods eternally

    progressing grow mighty in wisdom and love. By the polarizing power of his mighty soul, Jehovih is

    the supreme attraction of love in the heavens of angelic souls. Through this law the deific forms

    souls in the image and likeness of God are perpetually generated from the soul nature of the

    Mother-Father God. Through this wonderfully intelligent law of attraction a perfect law order

    and harmony are maintained throughout the whole vast cosmos. Through this law the eternal

    evolution of God and his negative nature proceeds. Through the operation of polarity the

    essentially perfect nature and essence of God express and manifest in endless growth and

    progression, evolution and revolution, their power and wisdom and love. God is love, the supreme


  • 31

    In contrast to this idea of God which I have received and hold as truth, there is the teaching

    that God is an eternal Isness, indefinable under any name whatsoever, so unchangeably perfect

    and blissful in His eternal serenity that He could not create. So infinitely all is the serene,

    unchangeable Presence that there is no other presence or power to create, and, therefore, no

    creation. How could there be any universe, any sun or world, any God or man, anything at all if

    God is all and unchangeable? There would be no reason for God to create if He or It were

    unchangeable bliss, and there were nothing else beside that bliss. How could there be anything

    else, or any place for anything else to be if such a Being were infinite and eternal? Thus is the

    reasoning of metaphysics brought to its logical conclusion. If he deny the reality of the negative

    pole of the universe, and continue logical, we shall be forced to deny the reality of the positive pole

    of the universe, which is God; of we shall formulate a theory of God and existence inconsistent with

    the facts of the material and spiritual worlds. If we deny matter, we deny spirit. How does this

    teaching account for existence as it appears? You will ask Well, as there was nothing else to

    make existence from but God, and as He would not and could not be used, for "world timber" it,

    was thought best to formulate things from pure nothingness. Of course there was no one with the

    ability to so think or to create, but the doctrine must show cause for existence. I should say it must

    show that there was no use for existence, because these metaphysicians do not believe that

    existence exists, or that there are any uses at all; neither do they believe that they exist as

    individuals only as they have become self-hypnotized to so believe. Even the idea or suggestion

    which brought about the universal hypnotism of existence, evolved from Nothingness, the mother

    of all things.

    This philosophy can be found in the Encyclopedia Britannica under the heading Vedanta.

    This all may seem absurd to the reader, but it would not seem so if you had sat in a simple

    receptive attitude before a teacher of this philosophy whom you knew to be true and sincere, and

    listened to the sparkling .gems of original thought as they dropped from his lips. You would feel the

    sincerity of the teacher, and if you had no previous conceptions of truth, would be uplifted by his

    earnestness, and be persuaded to see things as he saw them; I have given but a naked outline, of

    the fundamental idea he would adorn it with the grace of his imagination, and make it beautiful. In

    its entirety it is a wonderful philosophy. It was evolved by ancient oriental metaphysicians as a way

    to freedom from everlasting transmigration and the terrible beliefs in omnipresent evil. They

    believed existence to be evil, and transmigration an inevitable necessity from the operation of the

    law of cause and effect, and so they declared existence unreal and sought to lose individuality in

    the bosom of the Absolute. We believe all is good, and certain to develop our individuality to the

    most positive degree, because only as we polarize the intelligence and vitality which are all about

    us can we outgrow negative conditions and exercise the free will which comes from knowledge of

    the true laws of Being. That school of thought holds that man is God because, according to the

    philosophy, there is nothing else for him to be. They identify man with the eternal and deny the

    reality of the personality, and also the individuality, saying: "How can there be anything but the

    formless God, if He is unchangeable?"

  • 32

    Another school of thought accepts the facts of existence as they appear, teaching that man

    as a soul is the perfect image of Gods likeness; that God is Spirit, while man is spiritual; that God is

    Life, man is living from that great Life. This is somewhat akin to the philosophy of Swedenborg,

    which teaches that man is generated by God through physical parents as a receptacle of Gods life

    and love, and that man did not exist as a self-conscious soul prior to the birth of his physical form,

    but that he will so exist throughout eternity.

    The ideas of God and man are all good and meet the need of the various types of minds,

    otherwise they would not exist. Each teacher, in an endeavor to understand the great Reality,

    formulates his own conceptions of the truth according to past education. If he is faithful, no matter

    how crude his conception, he will come face to face with all he can realize of the Spirit, and then

    his mortal conceptions will be the vehicles for the carrying of the Spirit that he realizes to his pupils.

    But the pupils may mistake the vehicle for the Reality, the letter for the Spirit, and become lost in

    the mazes of intellectual philosophy. Each one of these philosophies of truth points to a living Spirit

    that is powerful to heal and enlighten, and those who keep their eye single to this Spirit will realize

    its power. Each teacher has his or her favorite way of explaining the mysteries of Godliness,

    leading the pupil to the understanding which will give a perfect faith in Omnipotence.

    I hold as truth that there are infinite degrees of deific life and intelligence; that Gods nature

    extends from the most negative atoms of electricity called matter to the positive atoms of Divine

    consciousness called God, and that the law of polarity in each degree of the infinite life is

    individualizing atoms into the forms called by the various names of cells, crystals, plants, animals,

    men, planets, suns, spirits, souls, angels, archangels, gods, solar systems, universe, God. There is

    but one life, one being, one power. All is God. God is all in all.

    The real man dwelling in this tabernacle of flesh is the God-idea, perfect, pure, divine. This

    soul organization is polarized from the Divine Essence; the physical organization which the soul

    inhabits is polarized from the elements of space.

    How does polarity create? An atom of Jehovih God by the law of attraction draws about it

    other deific atoms, and gradually in the bright glory of Divinity atoms of wisdom, love and power

    become organized into a soul form radiant with the Spirit of God. The individual soul that comes to

    the body at the time of quickening is powerful with the forces that it has individualized in the most

