Mys Trip To Mexico



Crystal\'s Pre-K theme this week was traveling to Mexico. So, Crystal did a visual report on her vacation to grandma\'s house in Mexico. Enjoy!

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Mys TripTo Mexico


I took my sister Alison too.

This is my

Grandma Rivera’s House.

They live in a city called


It means, “Hot Water”.

There are little markets outside in the

streets.My Grandpa and dad are buying me

some sugarcane to

suck on.

The market has so many fruits and vegetables.

Do you recognize any from this picture?

There are some foods

there that we don’t normally

eat here.They have

many different chiles and

spices at this store.

My Grandma bought me

some yummy


She made icecream

with them.

It was my birthday so I

asked my mom if I could be Cinderella.

My Uncle bought me a

Cinderella Pinata.

It didn’t come with candy so I

had to put some in.

We had fun hitting the pinata and collecting the candy!

Some of my cousins helped me celebrate my birthday.

We all had fun!

We went to walk in the Plaza,

and we saw a

marimba. It looks like a

wooden xylophone.

Then we went to a big candy

store. They make

candy out of real

fruits and vegetables


They make a lot of fresh cheese and some people even like to eat those fried crickets- yuk!

My sister got too heavy to carry, so we tried to put

her in a rolling basket.

Then we took a trip to this island of Mexican indians.

The statue on top is General Morelos.He’s kind of like a Christopher Columbus.

We had to ride on a boat to get there.

I wore my hat because it was pretty sunny out.

These ladies were making tortillas with

purple corn and they would mix the dough with that rock table

called a “matate”.

They caught fish in the lake and cooked them for people

to eat.

My cousin Esteban and I took a break for juice and a Mexican

dounut called “churro”.

It was late getting back, but when we saw a man

making pancakes we stopped to have a bite.

It was a great vacation to Mexico.

I am so glad I went.
