MYNN Co., Harbor - Memorial University of...


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lleligiou Books- from 2o.

Booka .A. & M. from 20o.

~,._. per~ a Cul111h!pment oC

t,;;,~lir. ' •nd Medicine. \

" <$,

•vu:~uu• orderscarefully Yia. the Train or

Coastal steiUDera.

- . Kerosene Oii- U6 ar,d 150 test.

FLOUR-all Grades. Best Barbados Molasses.

Oakum, ~ Nails, Anthracite Ceal.,.. BREAD, PORK, BEEF . .

"' Tea, Sugar, Rice, Butter, &c·

MYNN & Co., Harbor Grace i -.

morrow. None& or QUI:I'tiOl'f.

llr. UoRUIOil-To uk tbo H9n. tba &trvcyor 0l'nrrallr U I• the intenlloo of tbe Ooveromenl &o make any amend· toenle to &be Oro11n LAnll. AcL; rtlat­lnJC 1.o mion and mloerale dunng..1a,. t•n..,.n& eeulon and1 lf .o, to eLAte gen­erally the nr.&ure or tho propoaed am· entlmen11. •

Hno. SUavrroa Oc:otur.-n wu not cooll'rnJ•Iattod &o make n03 m&&erial amen<lmeo&e &o &be Cl-•wo li\nll. AC4; bm it 1r1.1propoeed IX\tzely &o ma ke cu· uln alterallone in wording or .onus or tbu •••ctfooe, and &o MubliJb a ~ieCey In &be Survo•or General'• doparupent or ~n&nla iuul"l! and lranaie!ra or llco .. ea.

Mr. M u&QICIN gavu D.llllce tb11& he would, l>fl t.c>-marrow, aek tbo lion. the Sune)'or Ocueral (1) where &be publio uay otaoe wu IOCAloJ ; (2) the name ol Lhe Public Aaea7er, aDd (8) lr be were now ~1 &o reoeiYe aa~ ol m~ fac anaJJii• free o( ibaygc. AliO ~be -ld uk Lbe Premier &o

11111~run•· • Ja~"oo the table all correepoOdel:loe be&rioc on the queadon t4 tbo ~ *I hdalaUoo &o proride for &he tdal of &be. em• f1ti'S al(ai111t&be Dirfe&ora uf &be UiiiOD and Commerdal Banke; aud alao that bo would uk &be Boo. tbo Colonial Secreury Lo lay on &be uble ~1 or all eorreapoodenoe wUh the 1mpetfal Oo•emiJllllit relating to the problbillon or the uae or cocStup. on the ~lied Puocb Shore or to tbe propoaed Ieaiai&Uon lOr the repeal bl ihe Oorl Trap Aol.

Hoo. Hr. Hoaaap•~t n~• Ulal he would, oa c.o-morrow, uk lea•e to ln­tlodooe a BW to amend &he Election Aotot 1887.

Boo. tbo Paauu ca•e notice tbaL be would, on Tbondaj out, m0.\'1 t.he bOOM into oommlt&ee of the -.bOle oa &he mlef and recuJatlotll made b7 the Fiaheriea Department.

Hr. Xo~K pve notice tba~ be, would, on;~rnorrow, mo•eLha& ao much ot .Rttle <Jl u reqoirea the bonae \o mee& && 4 o'clock p.m. be eaapeodfld for the remainder ot \hie ae~~loD and ~·' the hoiUIO meet al i.80 p.m. f111lud or at 4 p'oloclr. Aod, allo; that be wodld on ~morrow, mo" (1) &haL lODde.a bo .. ked for Lbe pllhlli~ ol tho dar~ tbe' preaeot- on, and (2) Utat teodm be ukod lor lbo !rlnUDJ and blDdfac of &he Joumal of \~ hOIUIO for t.he~\...UOD.

Tiie Hooao t.hen adjourned unUJ to-motrOw a& 4 p.m. \

Toi8DAY1 llaJU 28rd. Hooae opeoed at lour o'clock. Mr. Gaun deaired to •t that

amOOIA tho pe&1tio111 whlcb • p~ eea•ecJ a le~ h7• 1lDce l'rcln Ule • t~ ol Fur:1~ oa &be eubjeet of tbe &h Act, ooo from All-. J. Bl&okJu and o&.ben, ol Mobile, wu omit~ Coo doubt inadve~ololy,) an<f be wtabed a ·note of lu ~entailoo. to bo madeJn .tho reeotd1. WhUe on tbe aubjeet of &he Bail AoL be wunW &lain ••1 Lba&. be had alWAJI been OOOillloDLlJ in favor of l&e culorcement, but not apioa&. Alllerleaua Gt Caaadlana.

'w:r. MoRlt()l( praenled a petition frow J!lmta Burden and otbem, of &I· ••~. on tbft eubjec& of &bo eurorcemeo&. of tho B.liL Act.. 'I be maUer wu en­tirely in tbe banWi of the Oonrnmen•, antllluulol bo auapeoded ot eofoi'OC'd by pruoiAmaUun. .He aJ.o b~ged la•e to l)T .. eent a prtlUon (root GOttr}o Smith


THE BROWN FAMILY. Ti..y.are a StyllJh Lot. ·-The Brown. f'amUr owin~r allegi·

Wtce to the Diamond Dyea are the delfaht ot thousand• ~nr1.where. They are taabionable and becom­Ing eolort tor young and old, a.nd so fat~ and durable are the abadea that soap, wuhin(f- and son will not fade them.

Fast Seal Brown Diamond ·Dye &iYes that very .rich, dark color so mueb adm\,re~, or will p~o~e beautiful Milan and Red Brcnr_..Dt. Ftom Fast ' Dark Brown Diamond D}'e the boJDe dyer gets that mag· nificen~ b~wn tha~ French dyert prize ,eo highly ; an AmbJr Brown, very stylish, can be made from the same dyo. From Faat Brown Dia. moltd .C>ye you may bavo the full, Medium Brown, or Gol<l and Olive Hrowoa.

Ono triAl of Fast Diamond Dye Browns will convince you or their superior qualities and riobneu. Bowl\ro of Imitation dye' ;seo that what you buy are marked "Dia· mon<f·Dyes.'' , *

Qleer up! ~Is hoP: f<J: you If you .viU try tlrat stand-ard prteetioa that hM • been ln ase for more "than 50 years.

Wlstar's Balsam of WUd Cherry.

II fl1ill Qrn y-., Sol4~--~

For aale by Jl011rs •. T. ll'M.W'do & Co., &. J'ohn.'•·


J. 'A. Whitman, eustom Tailor.

-..wru f\l&liUI&ee Fll, Workm&Dehlp • aDd Slyle. ' -

GJatom wore of allldod.e performed ... knrel& ~ aocllri&h deepa&ch. Oatpod ~noebe prompl &UenUoa

Olt~ au alill.


J. W. KENNEDY, Boot and Shoe-Maker.

WATER 87., HA.RBE_I!- GJU.OE, , (oppolite lbe.l!itip.)

.-Evory deeo~n ~r LE.A.THEBW A. BE

made to order and repaired. HaM-&wed Wort o ~


NICHOLAS HARRIS. ~al Blaclrmilll, FaT'I"W.

AU )tloda o! .Worlra In bia line u:eculed with .nea\Qeu, csea~tch and a~

moderate pri*. H orao.boeing •pectally a &tended &o.

HARVEy 8t.R.E!jr W ., ~tJIO!l fiJ~!;§

i'e fadn j~~ ltanb_ar_ -AND-


I• f~~~~t~d~~:U:~"~me:!. ~~~~~·At r • HariJOr Uraeo, b !" liVlfl< .& O&a.

W• do 110~ hold ounoetv ~ll!ODllble tbr the eptnloo• ·~ br oo.r oorr•poad· f)I\C.

8V1111ClllPTINt RJ.rq :-$!.(11) per ADDIUII &JM) rotr bill( t~r I 10 ION liD IDbolorlberllbl "'*wiU~ PbJ.

Con'ei)IODCkoce oo ..,,. lllbleot OII'OlUta l IDIAI"tt\ lllYIIAid. ( t.e.Jn.t Of Dtn trolll aliT ptaoe '11"111 Mt.lh&llklllll7 ,.._l.,.cL



• Her Majesty's·

·-LOYAL letfoldlaJA PIOPLI . .,_ P.aine's Celery Compound will

enable our Women to live QS long as our Queen.



Btckly Canadians can be Made Bale, Hearty

and Happy; and Worthy of'.Nleir


Paine's Celery Compound does the Good Work·

' I Our aplend1d climate i4 unsur~ puMd in Ule world. Our meaan6 women lhould be perfect. u ampl• of b•hb, -rigor and streog,b. Un· fortwaa&el3i::!ave too muoh t iok· Dell and in our land, but. It Ia &he bul& of\be f"Ple, not tbel&Dd &laey inhabiL

.Before Retiring._,.,~

take Ayer's Pills, end Y01t will aleep bette:; n,nd wake fn bette% condition for the day's worl:. Ayc:r't Catltartic Pilis have no; equal as a pleasant and ellect­ual remedy for conat~pation, billouaneas, sick headache, and llll Uve.r troubles. They. are sugar~ated, and 110 perfectly prep:ueJf, tltat they cure with. out the annoyancea~ctteed in the use of 110 .,..,. of the pills on t' ~ JQtlJftt. A.Jk your dr:o~i:i't to~ A~r'a Cathartic PlDs. When other pills won't help you, A)'el"'a ia •

Fire and Life Assurance Co'y. 1 ~

llJMlTED I ~:.t

OF LONDON. - ., :' ~JIIClal,lla> O.Prr.u.. ..... ..d,ooo,ooo &g '\'or.t.L J:nunD Ftno:l8 11J'-AwUDI or ......... _ ......... 2.~ti;!>.(<lro S&r. A.mru~.t. INCOlB ww"De o, """•000 Stg. -- ,..

The GUARDIAN being a li 1-clut &lgllah lnauno~ Compan,, nfren all &hoee adnntagM moe~ dedrable to in­eQftlJ, Tis., und~ubted atabllHy, fa•oe:-­able t.erua and promp~ aeulemont to o1aiJN lor loea.

The Underalgned ha'ring been ap­pointed .Agenta loT Nowfouhdllnd are ,-.repared to iaaue Policlea aga.ineL loea by Pire.

T. & M. Wll\'TERJ. St. John'•· C. & E. uODDEN,

Sub-Agent.. Har~or Grace, NOd.


Q~UEEN Insurance Co. LoAtin the .. Great Con~agrotion

the sum

$541,000 and the

QUEEN INSURANCE CO. ~d out to 898 of its patrons, whose policies were involved in the fire, ex&Qtly n similu amount, vit.,

$541,000 JOHN CORMACK.

Agent, St. Jobn'a d. T. DRYSDALE, Aaent, Harbor Gr&Qe.

" ___ , . d th I~-ms -TbecUnbled a&eamer Grand IA.ko .&.IUUCW an 0 ~r .1111:11 • ... bi'OU&ht l&ltlJ to St. John'• 011 Sat..-

w .L-o.- .1..: A..... .. Ul'd&r, &f&.e.r a &edlooe yaango lrom. -~ •-uoar appean.aoe - Bu6or Bret.oo,lu tow o &be Utile to .. ..,. Ponapl OoYe ._.. 1M& WMlt. S.Yeral D •

L 14• were Mcared byl &be people ol &he Jo. • P. IP&rabt.rD.

!r:t=·::~::..C: ::' !.~~ aaJ.Ur. · -&Jdu .. it olLeu preoeded or ac· -~ ~~ -E. aDd ~ llartla (&.Ieben OOUipallied by &n7'*' or Lbo hair. To Buuloy &reel Boboal, llubor G.raoo)1 prevent bO&b b&ldneaa aud pyoeu,

W&J w ... &be tire- belt to ackoowlocl.- oopi• of aeoooo uao RaU't. BiJr Beoower, ao booe.t (~MD WtN. a~ tome to ~[&ion ol PraWie'• Blatory or Now· remody . .. 11te a nee~ or-a mao , nd'--..0 b b ... _,_,_, ....... _ .... _ looldnlt aocl after a Umo be IOU ........ ' rooc ~ ~·-... -The Addnwt in Bepl' to the Speech fouad 1~ be h&l aol.b~ to -R. G. Beid, F.Q.,ooot.act.or N. & N. with whlob &be Admfaiat.ntor opened 1!1 ga~Aet \Vbet • lJI W. Railway IJoe, li upeo&ecl &o urhe Lbe pueeo\ eeaaioo of the };edelaturo Well,~" Ohl&ea," )'OD may beam ahty at St. Jobu'e aboaUhe middle ol &he W&l p~enLod'to Bit E¥oelfmQy oo cu&e mao, aDd a qb\y 1hqnrd mao moath to make uraDpmon&a lor t.he &lotd&y h.&. Bit Ftederick ml'(lo a DO 41oobL you an, ~at I muet .. 1 ,w compJeU~ or tbo Ne~adlaad RaiJ· •bon and 6Uing teply. • ha~e a mtp&y aU&DI"W(i OC ehowio~ wa2:_'Tbo Norw~ Codflahary it ailll "'-A aL.rance wu aeen on JOUf llk.ios. Perhaps " Liaeo" I& on 'he 1........... •-• in&elli&l'""'oe ,_ Raney SLreel ooe nia~Jut week. He ODl)' WAJ )'OU have ot ha'fior a • ~- - ..... .... ware a 1~ dark cluak, aod UgM ren DOke a\ Lbe W&&er ClomJ., O& wbouor'a baud Jlace. lbe cal.ob at abou.~ 402,000 hal which wu draw a· ol01ely" over hie bUilD• I~ Ia, to 11M &haL the ire a1&rma qUe. &a ~DIL 800,000 qUe lor the oor- lace. Some partlee wboeaw l:ilm tpoko are in workiaa order. It iL is, do IL io ~poDding date laa& year. &obim botao&noaoawer. Hiepr&ence a maaiJlf&Y, aoclle& &be iremen aloae, -We bno to a.olmowledce, with il a DJ7•lfry aud a cue for our loct.l beaauee, Kr. "CiliMD," roo llllay aot th,.nu \he reoolpt. ot • oopy ol Lbe An· deloe:)tivee to rerreL out. believe U, buL ue bemen that out.l Report or Lbo Now(ODadlaod. J>e.. -Tho deiLb of • •ea.ter-SolUnn­reel aa eore abooL DOL being u that II~ par&menL of Filheritlllor Ole put year. il reported-namely, an •eldulJ' mao aa JOU do. Meo who bate att.eoded We ahaU endeav'>Ur, in next ilene, tore- named Solliva.n belonging to Harbor tire. uisbL &ad day &1\iJ JaiL lto or view briefty tbo valuable document. Main. He waa ODO of ibc crew or tho,Lhlatweo~eam~ aDd mlod Two (Ormtr"Rubor Grace ca~ B. B. Aurora. Hie death it y'l~~OII~, r ,_0 ct,:eeadae u lately left Sl. JohJl'e-aamoly, CapL to Upcllure, btWI OUt One ot,bt 00 &be

""DOW, • m_. a, Jaeb\1& Pib&Dd ~~lbe one ioe,awey !1om lbe eblp. wbo :SC: &o be_~ ID lire- 'lube aolu.lue, \~if~ Lbe ecbr. -U ia oleaalac to know lb&\ llr. ma'l otl•, baa be &llelldlaae .u.ena. Bo&h an boaa4 c.o tbe W•t Barr.1 Bela, wbo a ebon ll~ aco pro­of \he Polloe lhelaallhreeor fouo!J'-.ra Ia~n.. 'l'beir arrival will be looked oeeded to J'lorida 011 a boal&b crobe, .. um. ot are.' B.u he DCIU lbal fonrard to wi&b lu*-'- baa quite recovered from hie Wneu . . lt it qui&e a job" Um• for lhellremen -~lor· o-•'ooe to tho ~·in- He aalled laa& week for Ertoland, &o at· to reL aJk&iloh or Bolo in or ool ot a .-- .. bouli &lill 111 00 fl~aite a job, hay, aide a& pnaenL bela& puna with tend to tho buildinr ohbo oow a Leamer ror a fireman to dQ bia d~, he&weeo much=. O'fu one lbou&&Dd men aoonto be Jllaced oo tho NewfouocUand· polloo 011 &be ooe hanclllDCI ooteldeza 00 are therelD. Good wor,k it Sydney route. &he'.olhor. LeL,. Oltl&ea" lake a cruiao bel~ by the oren of M•n R. G. -The (amoca JubU~o Siorm, who c.o eome ol the 1up ohl• where police Reid; lho Glenwood Lumbu ())., and viaited .-e ())looy a rew yeU. ago, ar, are polioe, and ftrimen &re llremeo,aad G. L. l"biUp_e. • .Beeid• th~l mn_ch valu· expecUd down oo a vWt io &be couno wba& will bo eee? Be wW .. firemen ~le help in Lhe aame <UreOUOD 'baa of a abQI\ time. Tho Kanager Mr. llahllor ire aad polloe bell'lDf Lbem beeo oxteudod by Ur. G. 0. J~u. or Humrord,-lefl. Halllu for 8&. Iobn'a by keep(~oullidm bact &Dd mrdlDc ~~·e tte&mu Uluodl len ~00 on Tuceday,_ &9 ro.alto tbe neeeuary ar-PlOPO ... "· ow,jun whit-•," UseD," , B J .,_ ....... ,_ Bb ran•emenll. · did n·;~ ICrike )'OU u ~able \baL ~or t., oha'1 00 .,........,.,., ... t. 0 "' lo tbo near future lbe n.-.vemment 1rill bo due about Tueed&r. fin~ Amour -TbeSleaLe.r St_DdicaLe, ooaalaUng of

b "'~" f h her paMeQgll'l are Jolm Pateraon Eeq., aioo abarebolden,bave told th~lr boma· woold haYe t e maaapmeol o ' o ot thia town. A1ao llr. Aoder.oa (eon ~ troo olalm, ruooiog U. mUee from ~ and fire apparalel to &hie &own, or tbe late Dr. Ana~) wbo baa re- rthem .B&y to Bed llead, :&y do u Ul8J haYel&l~&.Joba'e. Tbepolloe oolved tbe~pow&meot {o bil f&Lbor'e rdo, Cor &be baudaome aom ot ~· wlU UieD be Lbe ftremeD, aocl &bey wiU _, .... olm cal pi'MIIa.atiODer (or UleA. oro •tr· Tbo plll'Cbuen wele Meu.n.H. expect. to be paid lor h. I euppaee, ...., . ..., s & 0o w '-'--·- ~laud Mr." Clllaeol' Ooaeaable .Power lJi rina· A. T. Co. at Bun'• ltD~ pencer ·• or ............ , ~. · w &be t.lum ac&ed u ~le W&lan -Oao Wb<ila name baa beeo lo~ &Del -The a teamer Vizainla Lake, with

~ .!~ ~~~ ~":.'t ~~dmaa~~':,. ~~\f.M!:~~: ~~ ::i.~r.:e: 8~b~-!!~: hie euperior olfioer. IC Oonatable .E.q. General Superio&eaden& of Ule Her tnt.U. ror Harbor' Grace aud other PUwu (tW. be mlcbl baYe &tvoo ua &n,lo-Americail Telegraph ())mpanJ- place. fo the Bay are nat ezpeo\ed. be· ~ ol ~- ... plen~y.A>f it celebraltd bb 68rd b1rthd&7 ODe day lore to•monow. &beft._bo&hofbellaad man, aud,for my lat& week. Bia mao7 trieodl oait.ed in Son: BYlcL-C&pt.Joba Benue»:r't pad, ~ caa~ ... wW beuer wa7 he wiahlog him many happy retuma of &be aohoooer Nimrod

1 CapC. Glt.'rioe, whfch

Ooa1cl do 1111 dal)' chao br &larmws day. left btre laat wee&, bOund to Barbt.doee &he totna. "atiMD " •1• &be pollee -The aeaUnr ~tamer eweepetake with titb e&l'JO, came to oler oo Wed­deMrTe I'M* cradlL Tbe·wbolo couo- buainoae or 811' anballouerr il be11J1 aeeday af\eriioon. by tt.rildng a pao oC &ry,U lt OalY·aew &he b...Wpe coo· ruo lu &. Job..-'1 oa pu~ aoladflo toe olfOapo ~roylo &be pre•ioua aight. IMicucl willi &be aue, would •1 Lbe Ua-. By lbe IJa&em, U k Po-U!le ror Tho captain aod cnw landed Lbtre, aDd ...._ J01& &hlDk, for oolJ •wo watoh· & ~ Wi&b a oeo&· &o wiD a pzke ol reoelvcid onry alleotloo at tho haada me lD &bill 1arp IoWa to dlloover a IUIOO. Tb ... ao.&edee or eweepetallee of the ldud·bulted people. The acbr. Jlre iD auah aa OD~f·Lhe-waJ place, are aa&(\olterated pmbli111, aDd, being waa not inaurtd aod ooly pt.r&ial inaur­&Dd 10 hard to 1ft a&, &ad lbo weary ooowur to law, tbeyehoold be preteD~ anoe '"'effected OD Lbe carao. m11el &h~ hacf' to 10 lor help. Kr. eel.- Efta &heemt.ll•ttweepe\&ke it io • -LocaL Nna.-Mr. Gecqo a, ~om. "Ohlsen,' &he &Olloa 1'&1 meritariOUI nolalloa of &be Ac~ baa reo ted tbo hODie laUly occupied by aDd )'OU OUib\ to keep Oil IWI&&Uoc h - n it at all llmee a pleuing tllk Mn. Jam•, and &be adjoining lbroa.h &he Prill uoUl Lhoee men cet for tho local jooruaJia~ to recold aoy ODe. He it now harinc the boUdiui re...aoct wbb aomelbloc more tub- new depar&ure •ll8daUy in connecUou tbi~::: &ad iot.eolia to uae ODe aa a atao&ial t.haa arecllr.. "' with tboata_plo llli.IDI&:ry. Mean Jam• dw bOUle, a.nd the GUier aa a uU· Ah, "~lilea.'' "OU.iaea, n baYe a care, AoreJ ct 00., or &. John e, ~o&end, we lof&. ·

.lad }laDle before JOU meddle are &old, to baUd '~ comlq aummer Two ICboooen bave beeu oa lhe ali\) WJ&b b\11DeD ~ haYe ..msJMerecJ ror Jam• llyau, ..... or Booade~ up to d&~e Pem_bioa and Wa~

To beP &bll towD f:ram ~bJe. (wbaee Doptlall1 by Uie ":!it were aa· Wlod. Tbe flthio& fteet ba~o to co oa, Jl!_e, baYe ~ &o do &heir heal, 1100aoecl i.Q JaiL 111ue) a a e&.eamer, and a buay epriur le looted fonnrd to

TD kup &Ilia Iowa bam bonaiDK, wbiob will be Died in oooaecdoa with hy Mr. Warren. Aad. .W do iL tc»o, aDd &hu 1011ltaow, tho ulellaive 1\aherr buai~~e~~ ol Lba~ Tbt~ Iceiand't were weirbed off

U 'b - tr.;._,_ 1 J)laoe-la wbal wai iL Ia DO\ aald. on Mood&y. Ber ca&ch waa-22 OU •Y·- • ........, waru Df·' En-one will wlab &heent--'·inr ftrm yoonc aud 84 old b~ croae welch' PirabaDce, wbeo "Ohlsen '1 read• tb•e •J ........ 01\ 1 ud 1 ~ ot 11aea, abondaot au~. ...,... ow&a. qlr. a • arew

~ Lbe wriLe.r he'll_ be ODqolrln', -Sumro RAa.-Tbe coated laa~ 912_will j~~[O about'"-... , __ 11

,_.. • Dear Mr. Editor roo may-~· nigbL at Carlton Rlak between Mr. J. go 'fer& '"""000~~'~ are ......... &..,., ou.

l · Bob d u H Cor coaailil2 t.ntlo-eomo to 10 to St. Bo:e a aleepy·oeaded lUXJJI. Keuoa, ot Baf erie. ao ... r. aney Jobo'a rir~rDi' away for ap-" .. ft ---'· for• u ch •t 1...,. Palloaa of Lh11 town, waa a.n exoi&Ins r~-• "-~·. .._ • ., • -· • one. K'eoaa pro•ed! tbo bet&er ~ .... -;,. 81 d J X 1 d

QABBOQAR liO'l'IS. eb.&er, wio.aiog tho 8-aillo race bi two .w..eun. u . rapp au · eony ol.(nl lape, &h.ulead be oould have made great.· boldior a ball l..Q Lbo Maoeoio llall oa

Tbo aohoooan Deaai'- W.illlama and er, aa h W¥ Jllaln to be aeen that be Eaatu Tueed>~y evening. Bopb1a arrived lrom &. Jobll'• OD Tuea- waa neYer ~~bit b•t. . Paraon~ehowed Minard 'I IJolmeot fa the beeL da7 utah&. , himaeU a plucky altaLe.r, and ab.Led -l'lls SUJ. :Fll!mutv.-A tel~pbio

Two oow caa• ol aoarleUo.a are re- well. ..7-'lul &bree mUee took 78 Jape er dee patch from Boa& viet& on saturday PGded tbia week, and ooe du&b, Kr. round&:.-.tho Rink. Genenl akaUuc Ia at brougb& io&elligonce tbe rev me of \V. Pl'b laalnc hie 9j 7ear-old daocbLer waa had .CLe.r tho r&C6-lbe ice wtog pleaain~ or n&W'acto!'Y. It .,... to the OD 1\leeclay night ia cood oondiUon. Thia ol01ee Lbe Rlnt effect tbat tbo altamer Hope had tied

Tbe GoYemmen&, it bavior tbo m&ln for Lbo aeaaoo-wblch baa been ~og ob to the Cape on Friday ulgbl, •o com· liDe or road cleared or aoow. ODe. Time (or s mll•-lB mw. • p&Df with tlio V~ard, B&ncer, Leo-

Jrell aaleepk oo Satord&J, aL G p.mad -R1r0JtT' or nm Uuro~ ln1: a paro_and Labrador. Tbo ~o~ landed

:=~itn~o!!'No~e!b~= ~k· 1896.-Tbe contilloOOtJ . m~illcent Tb~c~:.:b!Y~~ .ae:u~:!du:a.::!: eo at Umee with doloo' paioe fo Lho gtOW&b of Tbe Mu&ual .ufo liiauraooe Sbo elraok a patch 80 miJee B. ~ of ~mach. Be 111'&1 forced to cin up OompaJli or New York bu for many Cape Bonadeta aod •leered N. \V. 60 work Lbe fint of February, aud we.o' ~~ boeo a aouroe or pride &o i&a mil• before aeelog aool.ber patch. Bioce ­under Lbo uut::benL of Dr. Boyle£ aod ~~ ~loy·~dm ·and ol wonder then abo aLruok twooty different JOlog to St. Jo n'• for fur&hor reat..- ~roucboul ~0¥ J-riJ:tial =~mlJ! patcbee, but oould not go& 20 ae&ia. Bbo men& Lbe laaL or Pebrut!J. A wee

1 It mt.DJ ~ ........ Tho "'u•--• Lite

1, __ .. _ repone Lbe Jl&ngor wltb &wenty·6ve

W&l apent a& &. JobD'I bllt DOth or •""r'"'".. ... .... IU ........ b!l_ ... _.... Nep•~-e 6000 . Lab-"or could bo dooo Cor him, be~olld wha' alone &a to i&a poeiUoo. Tbere it no&b· "'"""AI ....., ~· • ._ '

.. ,~, lor Uke i• I•- Annoal Be~ or buai· l,OOO; laerfoe" 2,~· Dl.aDa, 1.000: Dr. Boyle bad beeodoiog. ormu~t ... .. Paolhu. 1,000; J.AO .40() aDd Vau· put hie etamaoh..bad not been able to noae for &be year eudior 81118V6, auard, 600 boodl. e ~maus ba retain &Df rood. Mr. 1\loker ... boro &be lull detaUa of whloh are DOW lD Lbo Lnln hundred. The Aurora aud New· lD DtvOillblre, Eagla.od, 1o 1858. He banlia or tho New York Bl&&e IOiu~ roundl&ad wno oQt. ••~ • S&w the oamo to &hie country, a mere lad, in .~par&ment, ~oWl tba' Lhe Oom~J Greenland, bot p aa re~ tzom. bu. 1872, aud fODntl omploymea~ witb tho POII1~•, DOtTba.~lnOomc ,. Sloce &he above date the Nimrod,Capt linn ol Meaua. J. i\ R. fM.dock, aod 744. -.o.4.. e IEiOt Ole p&Df Bpr&oklln, urived at 8&. Jobn'•• ~ worked (or lha~ fl.rm ap t0 lbe lime of tfndlcaLe, aooordiDJ to ltl OWII e&&Ddard &be G•tr, On llood&)' afternoon, with tho bDiweu lte~ takeo oYer bylhe 'be PQ!loy vt.luatioo, a much 1upr eom 18,000 aet.ia. She atruok tho pa&ch on IICIIII. J. & J. MaddOGk tho pteiODL thau tthaL, bot &bit rear tbe report it March 17, e&at of St. Paul'•· n waa Ibm, ezceptiur a row 1ean when be madCJ in oooformlt)' with ~~ reqo~ &be aamo patch that tbo IC4laad ami wu with Tucker .t Cameron. Par aov· metU.a of the Bta&e Dopar&meat, w~lati Bulaw took tbelr laade from. Fivo errJ year~ be worked to Harbor Grace exclud• &IIC!Ia tha~ are not reahsed achoooera "'ore alabt.ed (rom &be Nim· when be made muylrieodl. Be 111'&1 upon, bot which are proper: to reaard &a '!'0<1 t.aldog aealt io the ncno vlciuhy on well·knowu &ad re.pec:Lod bJae'eryo ultimaLely &ood aud available. The March 17&h. Tbe7 owldenU.y cUd·well. clul of people. He 111'&1 a member Uahlllllee on tho riak.l io (Ol'CO amouol Capt. Bpracklin repone tpeakwg tbe or Lbe <>ranee Ordu, aod a1eo ot Lbe to ti!U6,010,638.72. • leavlnr " aurplua .ebooncr Eoterpriae on SatUrday luL off Temperauce flociet.Y, and in 'heeo fund or 129,783,614.70. Tbia abowa an Cape Ray, elean. Bbo lefL Ohauoel on olace. h41 "ill be mtee«L Tho tncreue In admltt.ed aaaela during 1896, March 20th aud wbUe Ia Bay St.. luowal &Ook place oo Wedneeday aocordlo_,1 to the Now York State eland· GCOI'IfO latt :.reek apolio &be S. S. Ha.· at&emooo, aDd notblor further coo Ia &rd, of '16;o-&0,006..22. and an lDOteUO UB', wbiob eLe&mu waa jt.mmed. Tbo ahow bow he , .. rupee~ (baa lbo io aurplua oft'J,85S.4&7.00. latLe.r bad no aeala. Capt.&Jo Spracklin DUmber ol people .bat aLUDclod-aboul 'l"be &.ol&l lnco!!'o or ~he Compt.ny ror lt.)'l the ralo or Wedne.da.y, 24th, qiUI~ iOO beloi p,Ment. 'tho nrrice waa tbtt~ar~fi9.t02•~.2'f. Tbeamo~n~ haYe!~ber aa tho heavy Jt.m wu performed ti1 Rey,l(-re. He,fteld and pal to pohor·boldc" •iiffP&ed f2li( broken pp She baa ctrlainly mlued Durrant. The. deoee~ lea~• a ·,fife, 48?, .50. Bloce &he daLe or lt~an • tbe young' aeala but her obt.ocu of e­tbree ohlldreni a raLhu. 'lro bro&ben aauon, in 1848, Tba Mutual Lil o ln· ourtilca load orboocia are rood. (ooe o( whom lYe. In Oarboa~a ) and aoraoce 0o_'!lJ)A0 Y baa 1>11ld \0 living La(o neWI from Obanool au lee that NVeral lia&el'l, aU of wbom YO iu Ulembe.n f'l68,959,461..68, and to tho t._ho aohoooer Kay Queto batl arrh•cd .EoglaDd. Hie mo&bu died a t two benefloaariee or deoeaaed mecnbera then~ with equt.l to tbo wetrht of 2000. moal.h. IJO· tl78,::~48.78, maklur • to&&l of t43'7,· lbo ~gle A. with 2,!100, aud &be Wolf D·r by ... y Ae voice at.lth, "come, ~,1 • Tho Company ht.1 1~18u 000 with SOObooc!A aod bt.rpe.

• - WI in force amounting to ovu - , ,. 11a&er Lhiue eterot.l hebe ;" 000 Aikins no& u we O&D apue . 'l'b1l clear aool f& aommoDI Lbere. BY AtmJoJmY.-RII E.toelleno1 tbe Had Be aak'd ue, weU we know Adminlalretor baa been adwiler!, by lh.o W boald 11 0 ..... re ,._,_ blow•" RJ..I.& Honorable tbo Secretary ol &.te

e I orr' •..- ... . ro:ihe Colonie., tbat&bo ModDI 'Vheod.l 1!'11 !hb atreamfnc f:.,. •boold ;ray, baa boen renewed ror tbia rear. lA'dr P!' loye blm, b!m atay. Bit E.ueUonaJ tbo Admlolat.ntor lu Jrtdp»rone'l~~p~y,"'"~'iata ncl h ~ t ~ tQ ~P9io•

wu Uie lau4·r.U ol Oa!X>'J ,..._ to be ~e~ I ftad~k,n ,l~~~~~~ ltoooked IDto a '' eaoaea J)at,l' bi a memblll of the f:iiiu of mem'* o{ .. Olltala Joole&y, Tbia Bond or ~uoatlon for ~ • paUemaa &hie week aid d1&i Ce.lboo- in place or 4. B. Setmout, ..-~ ear lllaod Wll Lbe la.nd-r~, aad od 1 ue~~n. Wt.lter hPIUiell ( oe PAW• broacbl rorU~ .ome ~t&r&UIIf'1>0tnla to ,. -v B d £F ) ... I •bow the oorreaoe.e ot hie -'oWL How- Arm), ,... s:J. 1 e 010: • k\ uw add •

., tional membets of 0 OblllCh or EoJr-ever, .. be lo&endl china • 110\ure OD l•od Board of Edocatlon for F"""". blr. the eubjecl to memb( n or &be Bocfety Lt&Jf ard ('"- 1 , Oo~.,..) be r .. &he ....... lu• .. -, .. ut lew of hit ldea. • Alfred a 1 ..... w ey • te • to ;.~- _.. .. " a member or \he Met.hOdiiL BOard or

Eduoatloa fat BoDne ~.-ou.&k. • .l prllll&, UII'T.

9taJ.TPORD, 4Lb Ao~., 18')3. Mana. 0. O.Rlcu .. uula • co.

GU'D.&DN,-Kr nolabbor'• boy/our Je&n oldl reu loto a ~ub or boiling, &DCl &Qtacalded fearfu lly. A few da11 l&lu bit lege aweiJed to tbreo Lime, tbefr nal.urel ai!G &J1d broke oui ib 'runnto1 ·~· Hi• pa~Lt could ie~ oo&~J.n~ &o tlele_ ~!D till l reeommend, ed tq.NA~D'S WNlMENTwhicb,al'ler olin& two botLiet, oomple&ely ourcd him, a.qd lltnow oC aneral other caaea arouocl here alm01t ae remukably cured by lbe nmo LiolUieot, aod I can tmly taJl never handled a medicine wblcb baa bad aasood a rt.lo orpveaucb uni· venal n&Uiaetloo.

)I. ~!mae, GnetallUrohanL •


