Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Psychological Type Assessment Instrument Thanks to Dr. Don Parker...


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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Psychological Type



Thanks to Dr. Don ParkerRevised 9/26/02

MBTI Background Information Based on Jung’s Theory of

Psychological Type People differ in fundamental ways People differ in systematic and orderly

ways People differ because of the way they

use perception and judgment

To think about Not about intelligence or pathologies Not exhaustive Provides information on some key

preferences, tendencies and traits but You decide how accurate it is Way to better know own behaviors to

increase flexibility Way to appreciate and build complementary

work teams

Two basic mental activities Perception

Process by which we become aware

Judgment Process for coming

to conclusions about awareness

Sensing intuition Thinking feeling

How one gets energy

Extraversion Introversion

Directed Outward Directed Inward

Applying MBTI Information

MBTI data have proven useful for assisting people with:

Career choice Organizational relationships Intimate relationships Communication Problem solving Improved learning strategies

Four scales - continuum Extraversion----------------Introversion




Dimensions summarized E-I: Where One Prefers to Focus; What Energizes

her/him. Environment or ideas.

S-N: Type Of Preferred Information. How to think about things

T-F: Basis For Decisions. Objective vs. subjective data

J-P: How Person Prefers To Cope With Demands Of Outer World. Closure or defer for new info

Focus Of Attention: Extraversion

E People:

Focus on outer world of people and activity.

Receive energy from interacting with people and taking action

Extravert Characteristics

Typical E Characteristics: Prefer to communicate by talking Work out ideas, learn by talking

things over. Sociable and expressive Take initiative in work and

relationships. May act quickly, w/o thinking.

Focus Of Attention: Introversion

I People Prefer To:

Focus on their own inner world of ideas and experiences.

Direct their energy inward. Receive energy from reflection, thought,

and memories.

Introvert Characteristics: Drawn to personal inner world. Prefer to communicate in writing. Work out ideas through reflection. Learn best through mental “practice.” Private and contained. Take initiative only when issue is

personally important.


S People Prefer Information To Be:

Real and tangible.

Reflective of what is actually happening.

Specific and measurable.

Sensor Characteristics Oriented to present realities. Factual and concrete. Focus on the “real and actual.” Observe and remember specifics. Build carefully toward conclusions. Comprehend ideas/theories through practical

application. Trust own experience.


Favor “Big Picture” information. Focus on relationships and connections

between and among facts. Seek to discover/grasp patterns. Especially attuned to recognizing new


Intuitor Characteristics Oriented to future possibilities. Imaginative and verbally creative. Focus on patterns and meanings In data. Move quickly to conclusions; follow hunches. Trust own inspiration. Seek to clarify ideas before applying them.

Decision-Making StyleThinking

T People: Look for logical consequences of a choice

or action. Place themselves personally at a distance

from decisions. Examine pros and cons objectively. Are energized by identifying what’s wrong

so they can “solve the problem.”

Thinker Characteristics Analytical. Use cause-and-effect reasoning. Solve problems logically. Strive for objective standard of truth. Reasonable. Tough-Minded. Fair; seek equity.

Decision-Making StyleFeeling

F People: Prefer to use feelings in decision-making. Consider what is important to self and others

involved. Identify with those affected. Base decisions on personal values about honoring

people. Like to praise others. Seek to create harmony and to treat each person

as unique.

Feeler Characteristics Empathetic. Guided by personal values. Assess effects of decisions on people. Strive for harmony and positive Interactions. Compassionate. “Tenderhearted.” Want everyone treated As unique individual.

Dealing With Outer WorldJudging

J People: Prefer to live in planned, orderly way. Seek to regulate and manage own lives. Want to make decision, achieve closure,

move on. J’s lives tend to be organized, structured,

Settled. Plans and schedules are important. Energized by getting things done.

Judging Characteristics Typical J :

Scheduled. Organized. Systematic. Methodical. Make Short/Long Term Plans. Want Issues Settled/Decided. Avoid Last-Minute Stress.

Dealing With Outer WorldPerceiving

P People: Prefer flexible, spontaneous way of life. Prefer to experience and understand life rather

than attempting to control It. Feel confined by detailed plans. Uncomfortable with decisions; prefer to remain

open to new information & last-minute options. Energized by own resourcefulness In adapting

to demands of the last moment.

Perceiving Characteristics Spontaneous. Flexible. Casual. Open-ended. Adaptable; willing to change course. Keep things loose and open to change. Feel energized by last-minute pressure.

NF,NT,SJ,SP Another way to group clusters 4 variations – rather than 16 so easier

to grasp NT, NF = each 12% of population SJ,SP = each 38% of population

Characteristics of preferred jobs

NT Creative Logical Analytic Building new

systems Powerful Big picture

NF Problem solving Being appreciated Personal/friendly Get good feedback Work with integrity flexible

Ideal job…SP

Create as they go High action Variety Unknown energizes Spontaneous Playful Use humor Don’t practice

SJ Well defined

rules/practices Loyalty Stable Security Accuracy valued Regular evaluations

Cautionary NoteMeanings Are Unique To MBTI

Extraverts Are Not All Outgoing Or Talkative. Introverts Are Not All Shy. Feeling Does Not Mean Emotional. Judging Does Not Mean Judgmental. Perceiving Does Not Mean Perceptive. Pay Careful Attention To Magnitude Of

Scores As Well As Direction. Do Your Scores “Feel” Right????

MBTI Type MatrixSensing Intuitive





Group Problem Solving Sensing (facts)

Face facts, be realistic, find out what the situation is; avoid wishful thinking or sentiment

Intuition (possibilities) Discover all the possibilities; put aside idea

that current way is right way

Group Problem solving Thinking (consequences)

Impersonally analyze cause and effect, consequences, costs, misgivings

Feeling (human values) Weigh how deeply you care about what

might be gained or lost. Consider other’s feelings, reasonable and unreasonable

Group Exercise Questions Do Members Of Your Group Prefer:

To work problems out alone or talk them through with others?

To have information that is real and measurable or to seek patterns and relationships within the data?

To base decisions on careful thought or to Include broader concerns about how these decisions affect others?

To live in a careful, well-planned world or to take life “as it happens?”

Other dominant characteristics???

Resources Gifts Differing, Isabel Briggs-Myers

(with Peter Myers, consulting Psychologist Press, 1990.

Type Talk, Otto Kroeger & Janet M thuesen, Bantam Doubleday, 1988.
