Mycological Bulletin No. 20


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Mycological Society of America

Mycological Bulletin No. 20Author(s): W. A. KellermanSource: Mycological Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 20 (Aug. 25, 1904), pp. 77-80Published by: Mycological Society of AmericaStable URL: .

Accessed: 22/05/2014 17:38

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Mycological Bulletin No. 20 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio. Autgust 25, 1904

BACK NUMBERS OF THE BULLETIN.-Single odd Nos. will be furnished gratis to subscribers when needed to complete sets, but .No. 2 is entirely exhausted. Will all those who have an extra copy of this .No. kindly return same to the Editor who then can accommodate others. Unfortunately only a very few complete sets of Vol. 1 are left but the price will remiain as before noted, namely, 50 cents; for bound copies, 75 cents.

ACKNOWLEDGENMENT.-We take pleasure in thauking Dr. Wui. Trelease for the use of the beautifuil cut of Lepiota on the last page of this No., originally published in the Annual Report ot the Missouri Botanical Garden. Another from the saimie source will follow.

DESCRIPTIONS.-At the risk of seemning technical, sug-estions and diree tions are given on the inside pages of this No. for critical study ot Mlushlroomus. Really very many ought to lay hold of this matter seriously, ergo profitably, -particularly teachers of Nature Study and ot Botany. The two pages will be reprinted on a single narrow leaf for convenience of the strenuouis. Additional suggestions to appear on page 81.

Fig70. CLI-TOC'-Y-BK IN-FUIN-IDIB-F-LI-FORW-MIS. FUNNEL CLI-TOC'-Y-BE. A neat little toad stool collected in wood1s niear Sandusky, Oliio.

IJniversity Btilletini. Series S. No. 30. Entered as Second Class Mlaltter, IPost-office at Columbus, 0.

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78 Mycological Bulletin No. 20 [Vol II




Field study is necessary in case of Mushrooms with. soft

fleshy texture. They cannot be prepared for the herbarium in any way that will fully retain the characters of the fresh plant.

But dried specimens are not useless-prepared with care they serve to interpret the descriptions that are drawn up from the fresh specimens.

Abundant specimens should be dried quickly by fire-heat in

a wire rack placed over a stove or lamp. They should then be stored in pasteboard boxes-not moistened and pressed flat as is sometimes advised.

To kill larvae or infesting insects: Put the specimens in a small box with tight-fitting lid and with them place a little

Carbon Bisulphide (in a small dish, or satuLrate a wad of cotton); this volatile substance will prove effectual in an hour or in

several hours if specimens are large. The vapor of the Carbon Bisulphide is highly inflamminable-do not use it at night or near a stove. It is well to keep moth balls in the boxes with the specimens.

The blank on the reverse side and the ideas above are com piled for the miiost part from Prof. Earle's article in Torreya. He also adds the pertinent suggestion that the discriptions be sup plemented by photographs and water-color sketches.

It is scarcely necessary to add that an ample quantity of complete specimens should be at hand when making out the descriptions; the plants should be dsug up or a portion of the

matrix removed-never broken off and leaving the basal part. All stages in development should be illustrated. Particularly the change of colors should be noted. Gills, for example, as well as spores when inmmature miay be pure white, but take on a char

acteristic color with age. It is suggested that Prang's nomen clature of colors be used. ("The Prang Standard of Color," Popular Edition, No. 1, One Dollar; Louis Prang, Boston, Mass.)

For package of these descriptive blanks, send five cents to

W. A. KELLERrIAN, Columbus, Ohio

1 A l2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100 Millimeters 10 Centimeters 1 Decimeter

"Lines" (twelfths) 1 2 3 Inches 4

lIl illE llw ll 1111 !iI I iiIi i i [lL Ii i11 lii11

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25 Aug. 1904] Mycological Bulletin No. 20 79





Date . _ --__


F Width

; Shape

; Color.

j Surface


F Attachment

| Number

Shi ape

: Color

F Siores



Length and Thiickniess

S Shape


0 Color

L Substance .-- --

Volva _



Consistency (inel. Juice)

LT| Taste

L Odor


Described by

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80 Mycological Bulletin No. 20 [Vol. II

FIG 71. LEP-1-O'-TA NA.U-CI'-NA. SM~OOTH LEP-1-0'-TA. EDIBLIE. Taken fromi the Annual Report of the M'~issouri Botanical Garden, by permtission of

Dr. Wai Trelease. F urthe r explanation in next Numnber.


D. S.' Hardinig, Susquehanna, Pa. Dr. William Hterbst. Trexlertowin, Pla. Edwalrd T. lHatrer, Chicago. Ill. Plrof. W. B. liernms, Germnan Wallacee College. It. A. Ilarp)er, WiTiivermitv of Wisconisin. Mkrs. WN. B. lierniis. Bereat, Oliio.

Mrs. Carolyn WN. Harris, Brooklyni, N. Y. MAism E. E. Hersey, hairvaird, Matss. l)r..J. W. fBarshherger. University of Pa. Miss Mtary L. Herseye. Chielsea, Mass.

Nathanti A. Harvey, (Chicago, Ill. Prof. Palti A. hierr, Lincolmi Memoriatl Univ. Jlmio. (4. Hathawayv.~ (Chillicothe. Ohiio. Rev. Ihermani Herzer, Marietta, Ohio.

Miss R. A. Ilatherell. Sp)ring Green. Wisc. Mliss Alice W. Hesqs, Bradley Instituite. Miss M. R. Haughwiont. AN-ilson College, l'si. Miss Mairv A. Hickmiani. G;reencastle. Intd. G. U. Hayv. St.J.holi, N. B. Et. J. Higgrins. Tiffin, 0111(o. Prin. Seth Hayes. Lancaster. Ohiio. Wini. Ker-r Higley, Editor of Birds aind Nature. D)r. G4. C. Ha,vs. Willianisport, Ohlio. Alhert J. 1H11l. New Westminster, B. C. G. G. He-dgcock. Mlissouiri Botanical Grarden. E. J1. Hill. Gull.Ontatrio. Wni. T. Ieilinan, (anal Wimicliester, Ohiio. Martha E. Iliuckley, Gvreenwichi. Ohiio. Supt. E. C. Hiedrick. Bloomingburg, Oliio. Ilrof. N. C. lfirschiy. Bluifftoni, ohio. D)r. H. D. hliemenway, tlartford, Coiiui. Miss IhelenaL M. 11ochi, Moravian Seiniinatry, P1a.


The Mycological Bulletin is Issued from time to time and sent to all members of the Mycological Club. All eligible to membership who are Interested In Nature or the Bulletin. Fee, io cents. A few copies of Vol. I remain; price 50 cents each.

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